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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

9-26-1908 Albuquerque Citizen, 09-26-1908 Hughes & McCreight

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No. I P- - . No 4 5-- P- - m-N- 710.55 p. m UQU renter, 0' 343-Pa- itlf cloDdf 8 p. m. ROUE 1(311 No. 6.40 an j ..nil Cafn Citizen C30l' 1IU VUIH HUJ. No. 9 1 1.45 P- - "WE GET THE NEWS FIRST" VOLUME i!3. ALBUQUE11QUE. .NEW MEXICO. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 2tf. 1908. NUMliKK 1231

by lis rivals before a single year has get passage soon enough. However, the course he pursued ln Issuing thoe he Informed Mr. Mosquera he permits. TWENTY-FIV- CENT passed its factories idle, its frelgnl G. F. BARSTOW SLATEO HASKELL RESIGNATION All ELECTRIFIED RAIL E PER curs cuiply, its laboieis vsilhuut work. would surely reach Albuquerque by Three Names Omslilored. ts fatmeis w.thout inuikcts. September 18. New York, Sept. 26. The selection But big business also means higher Mosquera Is a dapper of a treasurer to succeed Haskell w 11 Mr. little AM BLOW TO by for STATESMAN CAN'T wages and steadier employment for FOR gentleman, educated at South AWFUL probably not be made Mck KIllS SURVIVORS auor, For example, lauoieis thirty Though only 15 of feeial days. The names of Col. Moses hani, Fa. yeirs C. St. Louis, .of ago tne old lack OI ey Is of larg Wctmore of chairman yeais under age he sole supervisor th the committee; Mayor J. N. urn were not consulted about rates est reclamation project under con- finance OF WRICK RULEPEOPLE of wages or length of employment. OF Adam of Buffalo, and E. P. Goitre cf sideration on the island of Porto St. Louis are under cotis'deratlon. uut today the big business organ. na- Rico. The people of the I nlted agrees with its laOoiiug men on Mack said that he has received a tele- tion States have little conception if the gram from Chicago that a letter con- these things. Compared With tna government's insular possessors, he resignation At- wuges and employment, of thuiy years Vice Is in the City Charges of Attempted Bribing taining Haskell's was vn Eighteen Die In Collision of Bcverlrtge Scores Bryan's President says, Porto Hlco Is ln reality a rich Its way and added that the resigna- ugo those of today are as fixed stars port as Its Spanish name Implies. The compared to skyrockets. Ask ar- - Most Suc- Against National Treas- tion would be accepted when re Two Trains on Berlin Ele- titude to the Trusts the and Predicts exhibit the island will make at the ceived. The nat.onal committeeman li.-u-n whether he preters tne eonstaut International exposition will be com- urer Cause I lim to Quit says that the voluntary retirement of vated Railway This . and Business work and high wages our great con- cessful Session of sugar, and tobacco, cerns loday, or the occa posed of coffee Haskell relieved the committee of a afford him the three richest products of Irriga- very embarrassing s tuatlon, and Generally. sional Job and smiling pay the lutie Delegates. His Position. that Alternoon. concerns aftorded him yesterday. tion and cultivation and mother his action was generally commended. earth. Each product will be shown Mack will leave for the west tonight. Always a certain class of men have style appealed to those of us who are less ln crude and finished and all prosperous our brothers to wrecK BLANCHARD HERE exhibits will be made It '"XL products BRYAN IS PitLPARING BIO DAMage ny FIRR. ONE CAR THROWN OUR PRESENTWORK than Lao, Sept. 26. de- the conditions that have made us both grown on Irrigation lands. Fon Du The prosperous in Uittelent degrees. But Mr. Mosquera said this afternoon struction by fire of the three prin- people inland yet de- ROOSEVELT cipal churches, the automobile gar- BELOW HELP BUSINESS if the opposition's plan is good, let 10 MAKE SPEECH that the of the age, T0STREET ' ID adopt It, Never scare at a name, pended on the crude systems uf Ir JMEjUfl and seven automobiles the resi- never hold to a prejudice. What, rigation established there centuries dence of former Mayor Mahan and a then, ie this new business plan? Bet ago by the Spanish government but large number of roof fires entailed a loss today estimated at $250,000. The us give it a lair hearing and endorse Statistician of Reclamation Ser- a few years will soon bring modern Candidate Confers Short Time Passengers Burled Under Mass of It Is Right to Shackle Dishonest it if it stands the test of reason. methods, as American rule is already fire Is said to have started from an The opposition proposes that ro vice Arrives From Pacific Coast. making Itself felt a'.ong Industrial with Leaders. Including Has explosion ot gasoline In the garage. Wreckage Which Made Rescue Business Men But Not Kight more concern doing business in than lines as well as otherwise. kell, atChlcago-Kefus- es to Difficult-Misplac- ed one state "shall control as much a Prepared to talk About A five million dollar project, which CIEARING IIOUSR BANKS. to Bind Hands ot Honest New Sept 26. The state- 25 per cent ot the product in which of the will reclaim the larger part of the Discuss Keslgnatlon-Treasu- rer York. Switch Caused Accl- - ' Business Men, Declares it out a reuerai un- ment of clearing house banks for the It deals" until takes Bouth side of the Island, is now - license to do business at all, and that Congress. der way. There Is a ranee of moun- Is Dropped. week shows the banks hold 150.039,- dent to Fast Cars. the Senator. thereafter "it shall not control more runlng west across the 850 more than the requirements ot tains east and 25 per reserve than 50 per cent of any commodity." island. The rainfall on the north side the cent rule. Thli This license may be granted or with- president Chicago, Sept. 26. With the ar- Is a decrease of 173.976 ln the pro- Berlin, Sept 26. At least elghtee Sept 28. The presides George E. Barstow, vice averages fifty Inches and on the New York, drawn at any time by any administra- of Sixteenth National Irrigation Inches, making rival ot Bryan this morning and the portionate cash reserve compared persons are dead, eight are serious- City was depends upon cer the south side fourteen with last week. ly Injured and many slightly tlal campaign in New York tion. But business congress, and J. J. Blanchard, chief that part ot the Island almost arid. resignation last night of Haskell as are in night a tainty. re- Jured as the result of a collision be- fnrmslW launched last1 at statistician for the United States The project under consideration la to treasurer of the Democratic national Carnegie hail SuoDose any business man offended department, Washington, on tween two trains on the Berlin ele- great meeting held at or even chief of the clamation build a number of lurge reservoirs committee, Interest In politics today REPUBLICANS FORM the president the D. C, were arrivals last night. ot save Haskell's vated railroad this afternoon. Former Mayor Seth Low presided and bureau which handled this license aye-- the north side the mountains centered ln the selection of The accident was caused by a mis- Beverldge made principal president or offi- At o'clock this morning Mr. Bar the storm waters and transfer them successor, ln his resignation Haskell Senator the tern. Suppose this by tun- placed switch and Instead of passing ti- - stow, ot as is known to the south side means of denied all the charges made against address, his speech being on "Bu cer hould declare that he was "con- Barstow. he CLUB Al BARELAS each other as arranged the two trains trolling more than 25 per cent of tne among irrigauonisui wuv nels through the mountains. lil in, but said that he resigned because nes tfnd the Trusts." in the nature congressesut chang- - to do anyth ng met head on with great force, product in which he dealt" he would tended National Irrigation Mr. Mosquera said that the he did not desire that splintering pas- acknowledged ng money systems ln Porto might Interfere with the election of the cars and hurling of a reply to Bryan's be forced to Btop his business until he for the past few years, was at the of Itlco sengers every So great CoU Spanish money to Bryan. Hall Was Crowded and Speakers En ln direction. attitude toward great business enter got a license. Having got a license, congress headquarters, with first from the was the force with which he Hopewell, delving Into work fall- - orto Hlco money, under a plan of Bryan had a conference with a dorsed Work ot Delegate the train .1 )ik duiu as outlined 'n suppose his enemy would say that the during met that one of the cars was thrown, was doing more business tnan the taw mg into nis ornciai position, the Spanish government to keep all number ot Democratic leaders Andrew. Democratic platform of prevent his brief stay In Chicago, before de- to the street below, a distance of the allowed. In both cases the burden cf Mr. Barstow Is the father ot the the money on the Island, and then forty ing any company from controlling changing to of Uni- parting fur Madison, Wis. Haskell An enthusiastic meeting held by feet. This car was filled with pi oof is on th'i business man. Shall Barstow Irrigation works and the the the coin the passengers greatest mortal- more than Zit per cent of any one ot town of Barstow, has caused a great loss to was among those in the conference. the Republicans of Barelas precinct and the we make another Venezuela out founder ot the ted States re- ity was on car. product. Stales? The franchise county of Ward county, Texas, land owners, per rent was lost Bryan refused to say anything last night terminated In the forma- this comparl the United seat ''en resignation, ex- The car was completely shattered Senator Beveridgo drew a pian would Venezuelaize American he town is a thriving place of 1,000 on the hrst change and when tne garding the Haskell tion of an Andrews Republican club ou between business of tweuty-fi.'- e cept to state that the vacancy would with the following officers: T. F. and the passengers pinned down un- business. A Castro may be good for habitant and the Irrigation works, golden eagle tame, the Porto Kico wreckage, or thirty years ago and the present America. money was only sixty cents probably be tilled by Chairman Mack. Chaves, president; Rafael Apodaca, der a mass of from which use Venezuela but not for A ditch system tributary to the Rio taken at res gnat Ion the.- - were extracted with difficulty. day, contrasting the methods in Take agricultural Implements, in jeeos west Texas, waters 30,000 on the dollar, causing another loss When asked It Haskell's vice president; Augustine Sedillo, necessary now 10 ln been accepted Bryan refused to secretary; The police quickly appeared on then and those which there Is now one concern larg-- 0f jana and supports 1,800 of forty per cent. Durlnir the bad had Donaclano Aragon, the die the great enterprises of the coun any and that concern bought very answer. Bryan said that he Is pre- - scene In force and the work of rescue er than other; thrirty farmers. Barstow took the times American capital to let was begun once, try. While the Democrats are cot1 cheaply on the average ex- - paring an answer Roosevelt's Judge Heacock, a life long Demo at hut the rescuers) selling more flf8t premlum, at the St. Louis heavily ot Porto Klco land so that by masg dealing the increase in the number concerns of which it ap-- ter. crat, mads a rousing speech ln favor were Impeded the great of nt than the various grapes and now Island practically belongs conse-oue- posltlon for European the debris and was some time of government employes and was formed. Probably it does most j exposl- - to large lords. Haskell Is reevhdu ot Senator Andrews, saying that poli it befora they are. in their . and ,ince the st. Louis land all ot dead Injured could b ezDenses. of the agricultural business in the .. v - Mr. MoBquera will remain duriig Governor Haskell left over the San tics should he laid aside In the se the and controlling business, provid- plan . .. delegate; An removed. .. plan for United States; but the franchise fruit. The Barstow the congress and exposition. ta F at o'clock this morning for lection ot a that Mr. .. ing tor an increase greater tnan dur- no probabilities. A fraction whether his drews had fully earned Msny deaths were caused by con- - considers crop comes on six Kjiinms HcJp Pueblo. Guthrie. When asked renominatlon. ing oast ReDubiican administra- any busi- rape the market to tact with the electrified rail, and sev the more than 25 per cent stop? grapes. u'if.a-y- oppinc O regu lation had been accepted that his work" had been ' - week ahead of the Cali;jrnln Evid .i: - U it -- tio... he eaiu. ported tmt th.4 ness unless it takes out a license. How said; and with the many friends that he eral of tho passenger crawlod ott lJ now is not to ; Vlco President Barstow said this that PucMo Is going to tnaae a teeth from wreckage only the work to be done would the government find out those National toenail ght for tho Seventeenth presume so." has In Congress and the political under the t kill business but to help it. lie said big concern morning that the Sixteenth and f "i own meet death toy electrocution. exact facta? Outside this Irrigation congress promises to he Natictu.1 i congies. Accord As to his successor be professed strength from his former state, In Dart many dealers still make agricultural .Kansas iiewupapor toe Kan ignorance. gave him a prestige that no other means 25 i A AO more successful than any previous ant to A 25 uer cent franchise a Ufni nnuurn mant i Li. man could possibly have. Major , ' one. anticipate, an attendance sas delegation Is already secured ami J. Doolin. assistant treasurer. U . per cent business; but this Is a luO "T,!ur ""'".e mi:-- H. Ruppe, Melqulades FORAXER ATTACK yeurs ago .:t. of delegates Th. attendance a majority of tho middle stales have at'llaikell's desk and will attend t Bernard Chaves per cent country. Twelve daily. weekryoT monthVvUlu to ?L00 agreed Pueblo business until Haskell's and other local speakers, laid par 1 money; to me practically to vote fur tne routine it was Bryan and lli to each of the independent companies. i of con appointed. Haskell was tlcular stress upon Senator Andrews' 25 per cent buai go Sacramento.iiiiwas MOO. Five foreign as the next meeting place the successor is CAUSES COMMENT day it is Bryan and examine their books, and then to - gress. asked whether Doolin had also re work and followed the lines as laid ness. No 25 pur cent statesman can ,v, a iramin countries were represented at Sac- thirT 'J City Evening Telegram signed and referred the inquiry io down by Judge Heacock. be nresident of the American people TKnnundi of country blacksmith ramento. Ten will have delegates at lie Garden says: that gentleman. , The latter baa The hall was decorated snd stand- Big business is necessary to the shops still make harrows and plows, the Sixteenth congress. - Senator Issues Statement In Which ' try got irriga- nothing to say. ing room was at a premium. Two people'e pro&purlty. But big business agents be one of Pueblo will to the The srovernment would also Mr. Barstow will the t on convention next year, and Garden Haskell went to his train alou'i. hundred and eighteen voters were He ComU'iuna Roosevelt has also developed evils. That ts have to examine these. It would take central figures of the Sixteenth Na saps the City is not only willing but will help. His hurried departure, he said, was present by actual count and took part and Taft. The poison vine men constantly at work congress Is e, natural. ten thousand ttonal Irrigation and there Perhaps not quite tweuiy-tiv- dui due to the necessity fur his presence :n the meeting. Those who attend- life of the oak; but who would fell to find out whether the big concern pr0m1se he will be president of To kill that nearly that many of Garden! City at the state capltol Monday, when the ed the meeting from other precincts the oak to kill the parasite. actually did control nior tnan ia per tl)Q seventeenth congress. When ask oemg wen meets. Asked no Armljo, Cincinnati, Sept, 26. The state business without killing even the boosters," the brand state tax board it Included Sheriff Perfecto the evils ot cent of the product; and ed thls morning If he was a candl known ln the west, will go to Albu would prosecute those who made Jesus Romero, Thomas Werner. ment that Senator Foraker Issued last business itseu has been the problem report of this army of agents couiu dat(J for the nonors Mr. Barstow Sunday night. charges him, he night caused considerable comment ages is our problem today. were querque in a special car against said: of the only be a guess. And If It evaded the question. However, his They will root and boost and talk ana "Read the law. You will then today. In it Foraker denies that ha Thus we are ending the evils of iig correct today It might be cnangea to- - j8 secretly employed by Stand- frlend9 that he the man slated sing the praises, first of Garden City. know the limit." A FROST TONIGHT waj the business. We aie asserting the grett morrow, lnvestlgat on is gooa wneu posltlon. county, resignation was ard for illegitimate purposes and bit- any business be- f)r thJ second of Finney third ol Haskell's forward principle that when needed harmful when not requneu. v Rinm-har- d mho will elve a lee-- of the to Chairman Mack night. terly assails Roosevelt. He charge so big it all the you kept southwest Kansas, and fourth, ed last It comes tuat aitects What man could live If valley-includi- says: conferring with trust regulated by tha ture and stereoptlcon Illustration of entire Arkansas Pu SAYS WEA1HER MAN Taft with the people it must be probing the wound after the fcjlljt accomplished and "Hon. Norman E. Mack, Chairman magnates as recently as a month ago government of all the people. We de- reclamation work eblo. had been removed? work to be done, and work under "For that Is the nub of It all; this Democratic National Committee, and says that Taft recommended to clare that no power in the nation shall In- no The opposition denounces the way and projected. Is probably the congress must come to the Arkansas New York City. the president the appointment of the be greater than the nal on; that In government officials; but My pursuance Fulr Day Tomorrow, With Slightly peo-p.- e crease most thorough lrrlgatlonlst in the valley next year; to the valley that Dear Sir: In ot leading Standard OH attorney In Ohio corporation created to serve the a people. And thfir plan would create United States. His lecture will be is the Nile of America; tne vaiuy inai Information as to your date for return Ok1t Tonight and Frost, Is as United States Judge. He said shall be above the now Ir- k-- go u hundred where there is one. Shall a feature of the congress. It will is the greatest garden spot, under here, when I went home before, I Prod t Ion. that no self respecting negro would we are making that ueclarauon we ln the upon ad-ati- on put American buiiress 1, according to rigation, ln the world: the valley that assumed I would find you here vote for and claims "sense- in and its execution under the bureaucracyT be given October Taft that fearless, hinds of a Ilusslan present plans, and should be large is getting Into bloom already, and my return. I learn that you will be Slightly cooler tonight and tomor- less policies" of the president had of the most Shall the Amerlenn republic copy the up as the east Tuesday, and beloved of any ly attended. Mr. Blanchard has that will flourish and ODen detained In the until row, a fair day for Sunday and frost closed the factories, stopped railroad - czar's famous "Third Section" and on veara so by. and as I must be home Monday, I construction and resulted In Idle- i tne world Theodore Koos- es- spent the past four months the tonight, Is the prediction the weather the put American business under Its I'acltlc coast studying conditions and "The Kansas-Colorad- o project and leave tomorrow. bureau makes today as a result of the ness ot a million men. pionage T together Gar ., "Since president and his cab- irica's elemental work of set-.- r the advancement of reclamation the Arkansas river bind the cool wave that waved around througa on straight paths, as work. He expressed himself as be den City and Pueblo, and we shall inet have Joined forces with Mr. New Mexico yesterday evening and business fel- brokers 1.? gland, France and Uerniany have ing very much gratified. further add to the good spirit and Hearst and the Wall street last night. Early risers this morning THAW IS DEMED STEAMERS COLLIDE lowship by helping boost this prize to make a personal fight against me, done for their business lung ago, our Mexican Band Is Here. say there was a slight frost, but since re- package into Pueblo's lap next week notwithstanding the president In his the weather man didn't announce It chief danger is nut from the dul The Kleventh Cavalry band of Mex answer to Mr. Bryan com- ctub-lik- e rea- at Albuquerque.' abandoned Is no way to verify the report. TRIAL BY JURY actionary lio caih li s IS ico, by President Diaz as a mil- there ages; SUM sent here Socorro Minerals Arrive. mand of the government to the At any rate the frost won't matter if soning Hie wisdom ot lie but AilE compliment to the board of control mining ot and h.s Wall street from the excited extremist, who ca.. C. T. Brown, a prominent lions Hearst Albuquerque gets fair weather all gospel of the Sixteenth National Irrigation man ot Socorro, Is ln the. city install- allies,, they persist ln vicious, unwar- next week, and the weather bureau Is Justice Mills Ilrfufles to I't Jurors his flashlight philosophy the congress, arrived this morning and county mining exhibit ranted and on me, Withdraws of progress. Crew licscuoxl and Takxn to Iort ing the Socorro untruthful attacks starting the week off with the right Decide Jerome (linn tend at i he oxford hotel. Ttie at the International exposition. Tho personally. I welcome the call and From Case. L. t no one fear the Tories of legis- After Boiler Blows l'l In composed of fifty kind of prediction. move- organization Is Socorro county exhibit weighs about shall meet It with all the vigor at my lation v ho have opposed this Collision. tin; (rack Of Uiii of as grand ducal cabal in both nieces and is band lil.oot) pounds and Is composed command. I shall treat them all White Plains, Sept. 26. Justlc ment. The southern republic. zinc, copper ana private citizens and subject to the parlies is now utile more than an gold, silver, TiFT WILL REPLY Mills today denied the application ot At lill Paso the band was besieged ores, of are extra penalties of the law, which they de- unpleasant meinoiy. And the quus-tio- ii New Pork, Sept. 26. ln the midst iron s'ome which Harry K. Thaw for a Jury trial to to with Invitations to .peiid a day there ordinary spfcimens. Mr. Brown said merit. In this I know I shall have or not Thaw la sane. is, what now do we propose of a dense fog early today the Fall were my termine whither and ohiy, liui us the instruments today that the exhibit shipped fron the aid of neighbors at home for TO SENATOR FORAKER promised to give Thaw a hearing do lor busiiuss. river steamer Commonwealth collided sent tliiouuli in bond no concert ago all proper purposes; but ;ny time We will amend the ancient Sher-ma- n with an unknown vessel off itace the Mogollon mountains a week before himself. Justice Mills. Tha s could he given there. yet he must be freu from other demands law, which changed eondiiio-i- sinking and sus- lrs not reached here and fears dale was left to be fixed by the coun- Hock, the latter To let the board of conttol Knov t lost. However Sonor here. have made injurious and grotesque, it considerable damage to her- - that has been sel. Justice Mills set the hearing of tain were the woithy band i "My Is full hope the t unilidale Wails He Can Obtain to hands of dis- - that they here ro iiiniy will have one of the m3! heart of for I'ntll habeas corpus hearing is right shaekie the self wrljie proceeding on the regular nu n played opening si lei ti n in of Mr. Bryan and Mr. Kern. ttwiiplctc Ooim) of Thaw's lor men; ts outrageous their ."l.e exhib is ill the Palace of election StuKineiit. Monday, October S. honest ousiness it trl unaer her own steam, after a In ad- - j by hon- Albuquerque at the Irrig nion M ;,., Honest government aad rule the to bind the hands of two hours' delay. The crew of the No definite is Important beyond After Mills refused to transfer tha propose o quarters this afternoon people at stuke. La., Sept. 28. In-- 1 county est business men. We unknown steamer was taken aboard program been made for the band any battle at the polls ln the last gen- Waterloo. Taft case to the New York district. has com- - nt unlock the energies of American busi- which answered con- - I nrn,rn inr dlcated today that he would Attorney Jerome announced his w so the steamer Maine tomorrow, but it is certain that a UL KMKtU lASr" eration Is the pending contest. I ness men by amending the law Commonwealth's signals of dis- UMOL one consider on the statement Issued last drawal from the case. He atd that - a the ,ert uill he n'nr tomorrow liiKil!lll ULUillU would not for moment that honest business men ma;- have tress to New Bedford. or the ex- remaining In any way with night by Foraker as soon as he had the financial condition of his oftlee and taken either at the Alvarado at connected sann- free hand In honest busness. This Investigation 1 ten- obtained a full copy of the would not Justify him Incurring the new An later revealed the position grounds. io jury the committee, therefore hereby will open new factories, build fact the steamer sunk was the of Emporia, Kan., mi der my resignation as treasurer ot This will be available when the Taft expense of continuing the case In. new em- that Ulker's orchestra af-- railroads, sink mines and Norwegian steamer Volund. The of- - will be a of the music Democratic national committee. special reaches St. Paul late this any other county than Wis own. ploy thousands of toil- which feaiure the hundreds of of Volund were (,f es-s- , is expect, d contest of my ternoon, If not before. Pending the to bring Beers and crew the the Irrigation congi J ne Cllie 0f the United States that not the slightest ers. But Mr. Bryan refuses by the crew ot the Common- - t evening. The Los An- - charg own could ln sny way be used by the perusal of the statement Taft said up to date. Bet rescued arrive this versus Fred Becker, of Belen, anything TO FLEET this obsolete statute wealth and later brought here. Only y, s and Chicago music ana, who are larceny of a registered president to cloud tho sky and shield that he would refrain from WELCOME every lioiie.-- t business man whose ed with the regarding continued one member of the crew was Injured. lL) t.ik.j part in the singing of "The mall package containing 2.00 was our opponents from discussing the the matter. Taft hands tho Sherman law now ties of the collision the (iolil.n Legend" cantata will be here real Issues and laying bare the his trip through Iowa today speak- that Mr. Bryan would not As a result given to the Jury at f o'clock this HAS BEEN POSTPONED d ing large crowds every stopping boilers of the Volund exploded and y,y M"ii afternoon. The defense nni.-he- Its duplicity to the people. to at only not untie his hands, but also bow "Sincerely yours, place. would manaclo his feet. the vessel sank. The of the l'orto Itloo Delegate Here case at 10 o'clock this morning, and above z. "C. N. HASKELL." We wiil amend the railway rate Commonwearth was stove ln Leonlclo Mosquera, C. E., of Maye-aue- begun the arguments. Each side took Cholera In Manila Makes Procuution line, but damages are to Hitchcock Not Blame. aw to make government regulation th water her Porto Kico, was the first of two hours discuss the evidence. to NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES NevOHMtry to Protect Sailors. more effect. vj. The commission is not considered serious. tho Porto Klco delegation to arrive Thp decision Is awa ted w ith Interest, Washington, Kept. 26. Secretary now swamped with duties. We will in the city. Mr. Mosquera came in The United States grand Jury was Garfield today made a statement con- Manila, Sept. 26. As had been discharged this morning re-h- e cerning Sec- divide Its functions; give to another NO MOU13 11KSIGXATIOXS. Ust night from New York, where after the relations of former New York, Sept. 26. New York previously predicted the formal wel- - law, T. Larrlnaga. turning three true bills. None of the retary with the iBsue of department the execution of the New York, Sept. 26. Chairman was to have met Hitchcock took the first game from Cincinnati come to the battleships of the Am and to the commission the decision of resident commissioner from Porto Indicted persons are In custody and 1. ases authorizing the Prair'e Oil and Hitchcock of the Republican national through today by the following score: erlcan fleet has been postponed on cases arising under it. We will make morning deprecated Kico to the United States, the other tlie contents of the indictments his (las company to lay pipe lines H. .E account of cholera In this city. regu'a-tlo- n committee, this rec-oi- ds R. the the relief. tr remedies, the delegate from the island, who is on not been announced, Indian lands in Oklahoma. The 1 In re- rumors that other resignations, In - New York H Tho committee charge of the speedy grand Jury return- his he declared, Govern- which the law provides, of National Commit his war to New Mexico from Berlin. The terrltor'al of department, 1 ception after a conference with sure. particular that ago one ed bills this morning and show very clearly that Hitchcock slm- - Cincinnati and George R. Sheldon, might where he went some time as four true or-General Smith and a numbea people are to be teem'an ..... - - If the American , . ,, ... ,wn f n DUiioni. vi cigm ucicbqico i .t.ut-n-i uu.,pr.c.i j - 26. Chicago won ol prominent business men. t"day de- by an opposition administra- - petit Jury will be called t.uthorlsing construa.on of plpe-hea- d Brooklyn, Sept. chastised bureau whose to the International Par- territorial the In first game to- cided it would be safest to can- business men, of the speakers - Monday. 12. case t lines and Is not. he declared, a from Brooklyn the that tion, with its distrust ot notary congr, sa. The two dele- October The there day. Score; cel all preparations for the celebra- Its destructive methods of commerce. York, Pecker will be the only cass record or other evidence to how that knowVn'o .ate wer. to have met In New Fret f Hitch-sai- 8 until the fleet returns system, this vast 5 h.rCiu by Jury the president at any time ru ed d Chicago tion from Its antiquated tariff "nor any contem- - but the steamship lines were M tried the United State, petit Brooklyn 0 Japan ln November. Its amazing resources HHchcock ... ., rm - I or was at with him in. country with ,, crowueu .,11, Avail.,, uaKd 1 hi. nt rnnrt. variance lum tuuiu and Its mighty people will be worsted plated. . K TWO. r ALnpQUERQTTK CITIZEN. SATURDAY, SETT. M,

T ; 1 K ALBUQUERQUE CITlZEiN 'UiiLISHKD DAILY AND WEEKLY AROUND NEW MEXICO Bj' fic Citizen MtiNishing Company of Albuquerque, INew Mexico Santa H.ta's nw school house has an ankle crushed so badly that his been complied aim will be dedicated toot may have to be amputated. The WILLIAM F. BROGAr o Gffoss tonight with a big dance. machine stuck, and in attempting Co NlAN Kelly AGING & EDITOR push the hay witn hla root War C'lovU has a building boom and Just slipped and his ankle was caught and now is elated over the solid block of crushed. brick business houses which enter- (Incorporated) a . prising funis are build. ng. - pmr iiy man in amanee , f3 00 The following from the Kara VlBa Oil month by mall 'j j 'M C'.marron is trying to organize a Register indicates that there may ue am mnin D carrier within ett limits 60 historical society to look after the so mo excitement in that town before preservation ot things that are valu- long: Any man who is so lacking In Knwrod an ociit1-cl- n iuhIkt at the IVwtofftce of AJbuqiKrque, N. M. able in a historical way. principle that he will scatter poison Art of Omgiess of Miixt , 187t. promiscuously around town can not One man in the Mesilla valley be a very desirable citizen, and from present we judge The only lllustratm daily novsiwer ln New Mexico and the he ad-- ruiat-- H00 from cantaloupes on one indications would mriuang n turn of the SoutlinCKt. acre of ground this season, and there that If his Identity is niado known ha v:v iitiierd who made nearly la will cither have to vamoose or put up Wholesale 9K.IL iMHOUKKQlE CITIZEN IS! much. a pretty good fight legally and, o doubt, physically. '..ite leadhiK ilully and weekly of IIm- - Sotilhwe Ttw atlvmntp of prtnc'lpli and the "Square" Deal." A eonU'Ht to determine who Is the best conk in Colfax county will be Down In Grant county they are re- ALi.rgiEKoiF. citizfa has. held inun, and it Is expected that the ferring in politics to "mossbacks" and ia l to Grocers The IInom r(jiiiM-- Job tli'pnrtmrnt In Now Mexico. matrimonial business wlil begin "Silurians," and a man who was given Tt late rrports by Associated Pre and Auxiliary News Serrloe. pick up Immediately after. the latter title has hunted up the def- inition. He finds that a silurian Is a "WE tilTr THE NEWS HllST." peming is patting itself on the back division of the Paleozoic era, next because uf the vucceas of the Luna above the Cambrian, soinetimna called STATEHOOD FOR NT-- MEXICO" county fair held here the first of the the era of Invertebrates, characterized W favor the Immellate admission of the territories of New Mexico ana weak. Mtmbres valley products were In the family of menatognathois Vrttnna a separate states In the Union. Republican National Platform. shown in great variety and abun- fishes,' especially those with skin Wool Hide dance. mostly naked, opei-eul- well devel- and Pelt oped and mnvable, gill openings gen- While baling hay on the Kitts erally wide and supramaxlllary bar- ranch, . A. Ward of Silver City had bels at least well developed. Dealers

Save tfie Buildings den beneath the rouge and the tinsel, While all of Albuquerque an.l in fart all of Nw Mexico are very busy and he meant to help her find it. Browning today, making the final preparations for the National irrigation congress DAILY SHORT STORIES was engaged at the time tad the interstate Industrial exhibit, which will be held here next week, to Miss Lanyon and I warned him till It Is well at' this time for us to give thought to the future. when his ardor became too great. But No one who has visited the exhibition grounds can fail to be Impressed it was like warning a stampeded Albuquerque and Las with the fact that the exhibition buildings are among the handsomest mustang. Again and again he went aver seen In the southwest. WANTED A bOVU to the street of the flare and blare, What will become of those buildings after the big event la overt anv! again and again he poured ln my ' Vegas Are they to be torn down ln a crude manner and the materials sold, for (By Stuart B. Stone.) earj the appealing tale of saucy lit- JUL a swig? The other day I taw Browning, tle Inez Arden and the progress of Is her soul's salvation. Finally de- If that done, the salvage will not amount to even a small per cent of the 14th cavalry, leaning against she f the cot and practically no per cent of what those, buildings will be serted the hall of the dance and the iron railing on the Shelby street Browning grew child-lik- e worth to the city and territory for future use. , bridge. in his re The attention of paper to He waa gazing listlessly at cital of her sweet, new Innocence. this has been called the fact that If the city the rushing, muddy current and I at Albuquerque can only arrange to keep the substantial buildings on the And then, one day, Inez, the re- lair grounds, the feared for a moment that he might claimed, skipped future territorial fairs. Industrial exhibits, ea., will be be tempted to rashnes. But he sighed out ran away with held on a much larger scale beoause the quarters for exhibits which have a bartender as big as a bear. And always been badly ready and moved on like a man ln a mel Browning needed here, will be atl for use. ancholy dream. That same evening came to my room and wept The Citizen believes suggestion a good one. Albu-Qrirq- like a the The people ef I beheld the exquisite, ripe beauty of child over her gaudy portrait take the future Into consideration, as they always do and though I told him she had no soul. G2?OSS Co. Miss Lanyon, eOy of a K Beatrice half & this time, a movement preserve at should be started to the exhibition build- dozen places besides Newport. The And last week I talked with a ings for use at territorial fairs, etc. great, fat fellow, who teld me are scarcely any buildings now lever young women of the press have of the There of the en the fair grounds that married her to a regiment of counts, little home he has planned, of his (Incorporated) could not be preserved for small cost and If necessary, people Albu- sweet-face- the of and you would tklnk Mss Lanyon as bonnie. d wife and all his querque could wefl afford to pay the amount of the salvage which the ma- rose-color- dream. And his lady would bring. surplus congress happy as happy can be. But, for terials Should there be a after the and my part, I am sure she Is very sad. came in with another man and exhibit are over, It would seem that It could be wisely expended In was a year ago Browning Jested boisterously with the three of curing buildings by In- It that the ased the various exhibitors and keeping them and I strolled down the gayest, nois us. though all the while her big eyos tact for the use of future events. There are many arguments in favor of spoke of sorrow and Infinite love. My plan none iest thoroughfare in the big town. tls and against it, se far as The Cltlaen can ascertain. glim- friend, the bartender, waa very glee- By all means us see buildings oan It waa Saturday night and the let if the fair not be kept Intact mer and dazzle ot electric lights of ful and bubbled exceedingly. But I WODMEN OF THE WORLD and thereby make the next territorial fair a much larger event at a much shook my own ibald head MEET EVERY FRIDAY mailer eost. every rainbow color made the street for I blaze of light. From every quarter know, as I live, that the lady Is with- Meet Evory Friday Evening came the squeaking of phonographs, out soul. at 8 Sharp. MONTHUMA TRUST CO. tin-pa- FOREST the bark of the blalse spieler, the n IN ELKS' THEATER HiiiiiiiMjwmaijani in Qm tinkle of pianos long out of tune. Sd. F. Confidence erica LADIES AND GENTLKMKN'S E. W. Moore, CO. We had gone two blocks through 'GARMENTS ALBUQUCKQUK . NtTW The St, Lento Times which has been noted for Its conservative policy the blare and the glare and we were CLEAXKD WTTHOfTT D. E. Philllpa, Clerk. MEXICO at all times, now comes out openly with an optimistic editorial which la un- INJTKY TO THE FABRIC BY 4AS West Lead A venae. both rather disgusted. FRENCH doubtedly a true Index to the situation and which would lead one to be- "Come on," said Borwnlng, "let's DllT CLF.AXING PRO- VISITING SOVEREIGN 8 WEL lieve that Americans themselves ass the last to regain confidence ln their CESS. GRAHAM, TAILOR, 110 COME. get Out of this." WEST GOLD. country and their (business institutions. Says the Times: We turned and retraced our steps. Capital asd surplus, moo.coo ' Woodman King, one of the captains of St. Louis Industry, Is home from At the Windsor street crossing an (Europe with the pleasing statement that foreign investors who, not long t ago. unusually powerful talking machine were selling our securities, are now buying them back. Mr. King, as ripped forth into a brass band march, r a close observer of financial affairs the world over, has found that the then cut off suddenly In the midst of : hrewd vnen in European leadership have been aonvlnced that the re-ee- rrt the baritone's long, sliding solo. Three disturbance the United was only passing flurry. has : in States a He short-skirte- d young women came out lcaft-ne- that European confidence ln the solidity of American Institutions Thoroughly and mounted the "barker's" stand. INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS la greater than ever. Now that this confidence has begun to assert Itself "Look!" cried Browning. Indicat- processes be- through the of purchases, we shall' not have long to wait ing the girl in the center. "Isn't that Appetizing fore coming Into a return of the old prosperity. a fresh, sweet face?" For months The Times has contended that the tightened situation QUR LUNCII-COUNTE- R satis. would relax this fall, and now there is every sVgn of the change. This She was slender. graceful, and fies the most critical because newspaper has pointed out the fact that been no real reason for probably IS. Her glorious brown hair Hpttg fell In great teaps upon her rounded it is set with neatness and care a flurry of serious proportions. With a detajll for our surplus manufac- and because we tures with peace at home and abroad, and with good crops, it was appar- pink shoulders, and her big gray eyes offer a menu DR. CMAS. A. FRANK cried, protec- is ent that the panic was mis-name- d, and that, whatever It was, It out for sympathy and which thoroughly appetizing. could not last long. tion. In a reasonably varied acquaint- Physician and Surgeon feminity Old The entire southwest will be reassured upon hearing front such a dis- ance with the of the White tinguished authority as Goodman King, head of the old house of Jaccard. and the New World, I have inot seen House Restaurant ROOMS 4 AND 5 HARNETT BLIH3. that our securities are again ln favor abroad. This growing region knows another such face for purity, Inno- 209 S. First Strati that its development depends upon capital. The Dutch of Amsterdam have cence, asd wistful lo'islng. It made X "'ifMHfttJ Here you Hours 9 to 1 1 A. M. 2 In 5 P.M. one's fairly throb. ' find the best accom- 7H beilt several American railroads and will build others. English and Ger- heart modations. Drop in and see for man Investors have placed much money here, and some Frenchmen have "I'm going to speak to her," said yourself. TELEPHONE 1079. - Invested ln American wourltles. Mr. King brings news excep- Browning. "She's all out of place thus of here." 1 tional value to his own section of the country when he telle us that the ' , tide of inquiry has again set ln to the westward. We wedged In clnso to taw dry ladles of the dance and teBrown it-- v ' c.; . ing address his Inamorata. "OLD itELI A BUS " "Girl," he ?ald. "you don't belong BHTAf LIS ID it Sermons to Order here. Let rue take you to your Lm home." B. In this day of laeor saving laventlons, the following from the New Her great, soulful eyes looked upon PUTNEY York World will probably appeal to the clergy: the man ltke beacons ot sorrow. ECONOMY IN Something Is to be aid in favor of the project to supply clergymen LUMBER ' "Cheese It," she Jeered, in the most ready-mad- e THE WHOLESALE with sermons. musical voice. "What's your game, GROCE Roger CoverVy. It will recalled, held a good sermon Str de be that anyhow, you bloke?" It irakes no difference to us whether our bill of ma- FLOUR, AND ceuld not be preached too often, and he was aeeustoraed to make selections Browning back as If stung, GRAIN PROVIS NS vil- drew tt rial he for a chicken coop or the in from his collection of favorite pulpit discources for repetition In the but he persereved, larg st building lage church. Ministers at various limes have given an Implied assent to we are prepared to furnish esrrtes ths largest and lost LxrJustve Stock of Sta; cr : "No, I have no game. Tou're young te counfy, the same at the iuthw.t the plan. What is proposed by the Nw York publishing house which has and not too bad and I want to lowest prices. Our 'umber is wtll seasored, which the scheme ln hand is to apply the principle on a more extensive scale. save you." re- makes it worth 15 per cent more to the building than A central source of sermon supply for American pulpits would Phe lauched derisively, though her FARM AND duce the dangers of heterodoxy to a minimum. In addition to the econ- eyes looked always like a wounded tlie lumber you have been buy'ng. Try us. FREIGHT WAGON3 25 per promised), omies of production etfected (a rate ot cents seramn is fawn's. "Get out, you cheap Salva- a standardization of topics and of texts eould be accomplished oa linee the tion Army skate. I've got no time SUPERIOR LUMBER AND MILL COMPANY RAILROAD AVENUE. ALBUQUERQUE. N . of railroad and factory equipment. Rural ministers would be relieved for your kind." f the tedium of sermon preparation as country editors now are by the "No soul she has no noul." I FIRST STREET, South of Viaduct, ALBUQl'E QUE, . M. use of "plate matter" of the burden ot ed torial writing. groaned, and pulled young Browning Bearing la mind the saving of time for the broader activities of poll-ti- ne away. and public affairs thus made possible to the editor, It is clear that a But he swore she a soul, hid sermon syndicate arrangement would unshackle the clergyman and enable had Albuquerque Foufldry and Machine Works to give a broadwr scope to ki pastoral duties. no him There would be H ALL, More "blue Mondays" la parsonages. Responsibility for essays In the high- l R.P. ITirKtor. er criticism would be assumed at headquarters. runcys, uraae tiara. tJaooil Metai; columns and iron Fronts for Mendings. But who is the Beecher or Spurgeon to whom the ta,-- k will be In- trusted of disseminating standardized doctrine? The opportunity of im- Iron and Brass Castings; Ore. Coal and Lumber Cars; ShafUara pressing "my religious policies" on the nation Is one which might wcW ap- I and will guararK Repair of Mining and Mill Machinery a Specialty. peal to an am willing to demonstrate Foundry tee your invest- east side of railroad track. Albuciucrque, N. IC fiovernnr Curry end hU taff will he amonj th'J welcome visitors at the Irrigation congress and by that The Clttztn does not Intend to Infer my faith in the Profitable- taeiim tkat there will be any one who will be unweleime. Everybody who visits ment, together Albuquerque will ba welcome not only at this time but at all times. The one thins that li made Albuquerque the metropolis of the southwest above ness of Terrace Lots with interest at Prjvate Ambulance everything els, is that she has always don hei best to entertain her wwpra1 mg..Mti aya fnm : F. H. Strong ;uetf. Hut this occasion w ll outdo all former attempts. Al- Supt. uion the - ' Falrvlew and m r.nnt.s rin- 8 ner w nerS e buquerque Is to entertain th governor bue.none the less pleased to ' J-- v V Santa Barbara entU) the humblest citlzea Ui Nw Meiko. num and taxes, for a period of years, on any Fimcral Dkectar and Embalmer Cemeteries three Office Turn yours X into a committee of one to assist s la the city Lxiy StrR( Block 2nd aid daring the Irrigation congress. Mike every one feel at home and receive property prices on Copper Avenue. Telephaieit your reward is wskehlnR the making of grsater Albuquerque aad the at.present situated either Silver or AtUndant uffict 75, Krsidtiwc IU. In value of everyth nu from property to labor. Central Avenues. Providing: you will allow me- - one The longr Larraaolo talks the bigser Andrews' majority will be. Let ae tie do anything to keep Larrszolo from talking, even If It were possible half the profits during that time above the 8 per cent to stup hlai, which It apparently Is not I. H. CQX, The Plumbe Martin Ryan's rut for delegate to Congress on the Hearst ticket la and taxes. not akely to aualify k m to enter the Derby claw but still he Is no more W a jeke than Larrasole. PLUMBING, HEATING, GAS AN D STEAM FITTING Clim.ix Garden Hosty, Andrews and s'.ateheod form the only isaut la this earapein. Vote CORNER guaranteed the most durabU. fjr one and ywu vote for the ether. Ms Latent tilings in KiKimel lS.tthroom Fixtures. . . . Reports pacts M. front various of tke eeaatry hid ate that Bryan la 3rd and Cold 1020 jofce Iva in F Phcne 401 West Central Ave. even a bigger than ever wa, which soraewhux of a juke. at juntaan. wmp pjuh mbi laramirs ' 8ATVKDAT, 6KTT. , IMS. ALBUQUERQUE CITIZEN. rAGE TimKK.


The Vehicles,, Sad- SOCIETY O'Rielly Drag Co. Harness, ies and Farm Machinery Mr J. E Bmlthers accompanied T. H. Kent, Mrs. Frank Clancy, Mrs. by her children, have been spending R. H. Collier, Mrs. O. N. Marron, H. E. FOX, Secretary and Manager People Ui past week with relatives and Mrs. O. W. Marron, Mra E. Z. Crlenda In Las Vega. Rosa, Mrs. Roy McDonald, Mrs. viw W. W. McDonald, Mrs. B. S. Rodey, Miss Irene Saint of lit Ninth Mrs. W. J. Johnson, Mrs. Simon street, hat returned home after Stern). Mrs. W. S. Hopewell, Mrs. B. And Have the goods to pending the summer month at the Spitz, Mrs. T. T. Maynard, Mrs. B. B. The Quality of Our Drugs r, D. A. home of her sister, Mrs. Harry Mitch-0i-- Booth, Mra W. H. Hahn, Mra show at "right deal for you" of Denver, Colorado. Bittner, Mra J .H. Wroth, Mra Frank Ackurman, Mrs. D. H. Cams,' Mra is of the very highest and their freshness and effectiveness the Rey. FrederkkwT Pratt, of Ard-mor- e, Harry Owen, Mra Charles Roe, Mrs. Indian Territory, who ha been Leon Stern, Mra Summers Burkhart, best. We guard against imperfections in the smallest details guest ot Rev. Fletcher Cook the Mrs. W. O. Hope, Mrs. Charles White, J.KORBER&CO. to Miss Carson, E. R. ' past week, has left for Socorro Mrs. Carson, Mra se take charge of a church. Edgar, Mra. E. L. Washburn, Mra Try us with your next drug want. N. SECOND STREET Washburn, of Tennessee; Mra Hen-eyk- e, 214 Ths Woman's Relief Corps held a of. El Paso; Miss Patton, of Very interesting meeting last Wed- Little Rock, Ark.; Mrs. Hearst, of nesday afternoon In Red Mens' hall. Denver, and Mrs. D. Weinman. Drug Talks Skin Talks pleasant feature of ths meeting See Our Large Store young I was ths social session which followed. Skating Club A number ot is We have a most complete line of Light refreshment were served. men of Albuquerque who have had Our assortment complete. the organization of a skating club Halms, Creams, Lotions and Salves for of South Walter Our stock 19 first quality and everything airs. S. B. Miller, under consideration for some tlms the healing and beautifying of the skin. street, to her home this I returned past, met the early part of the week is fresh. Allow us to week after a pleasant visit with and completed ths formal organlza--. Take good care of your skin bv pro- Montezuma Grocery & Liquor Co. and relative at Williams, friends tion of the society. The club will Supply your wants. tecting it with some of our specialties. Arlsona. Mrs. Miller also spent a I have exclusive use ot ths skating COPPER and THIRD Grand Canyon. ths short time at ths I rink two evenings of each month. - Fink, of Helena, 'The first party will be next Mon- Imported and Domestic Groceries and Liquors Mr. and Mrs. J. general ad-- Arkansas, are In ths city guests at uay evening, and while ths pleasant boms ot Mr. and Mrs. mission will be permitted at the mov- For Any Occasion on Eighth street ing picture show, the remainder of Ask the Doctors Pure Lucca Olive Oil a Specialty, Liquor by the M. I Stern, North to Mr. Is mayor of Helena and the evening will be devoted ths We fill Glass or Gallon, Beer Case, Family Fink ot club and their And they will tell you that O'Riel'y's can completely your orders for ty the Bottle or will remain during ths congress, act- - members ths Trade Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. tog as delegate from Arkansas. friends. Drug Store carries the most reliable, CANDY for any occasion from filling members ot ths club are: The bon bon on Governor George Curry has ap- Messra Charles Benjamin, Oscar highest quality and greatest variety ot the dishes the table to the Call, Phone or Send for Solicitor. Phone 1029 pointed Rev. Fletcher Cook chaplain Blueher, Boatright, R. H. Collier, E. drugs, patent medicines and sick room candy favors to your guests Our stock of ths First Regiment of Infantry Corell, Dalley, Julius Dreyfus Hugh Mew Mexico national guards with the Dutter, Chester Dobson, Tom Dan-ah- y, needs in this town. is the most complete. rank to captain to succeed Father Ed. Flant, W. H. Flynn, Waltsr Pouche, of Las Vegas, who has left Qochenour, Herb Gallia, H. L. Hoff- J. D. Eakln, President G. Gloml, Vice President. the territory. , man, Bob Hopkins, J. A. Hubbs, Chaa. Mellnl, Secretary O. Bachechi, Treasurer. Clark Irwin, Lawrence IIfeld, B. Jao-obso- n, Miss Beulah Stern, of Denver, Frank Kruske, Lawrence Lee, Th e Best Equipped Drug Store in Albuquerque Colorado, a popular society young Charles Lembke, Nye Martin, Nor Consolidated Liquor Compaoy lady of that place and a favorite in man Mayo, Ross Merritt, Arthur Mo You can see for yourself as soon as you get inside the store local social circles, Is ln Albuquerqus ielte A jiandell. Will McMlllln, Mc- - Successors to guest ot Mr. and MraM. L. Stern, connell, McCain, McCrodsn, McHugh, and once you make a purchase and learn our prices MELINI ft KAR1.V, and BACHECHI A GIOMI of North Eighth street. Miss Stern j a Newell, Sam Plckard, C 8. you will say it's the lowest priced. w MOLKBALm DKALKItm IN will remain during the Irrigation Quickel, Jake Robblns, Clarence Rog- - congress. era, Roy Stamm, Will Roberts, Sterl-- 9,T,j . ing, Julius Staab, E. Saflord, Ike Wines, Liquors and Cigars Mr. Lawrence leaves th B(jrt BUnner venlng Cambridge. Massachu- - Bottles In speaking especially about hot water for C. A. Sutton. Charles White, Fred Hot Water W k0p vrythlna la stock t outfit tbo setts, where he will resume his studies most ionldloaa bat eomploto , Wernicke, Harry Welller, Clarence u .u Springer and Charles bottles and Fountain Syringes you can always rely upon appointed agents In g. .ly.rspending summer with.u,his Wigley. W. H. Have been exclusive the Southwest for Jos. been the Myers. Schlltx. Wm. Lemp and St. Louts A. B. C. Breweries; Yellowstons, . Illeld, parents, Mr. and Mra Louis O Green River, H. McBrayer's Copper avenue, and also the quality of any Rubber Goods, purchased here. Yours W. Cedar Brook, Louts Hunter, T. J. of 701 West Dancing PartyMr. Lawrence Monarch and other brands of whiskies too numerous to mention. enjoyed a short vacation on the Up- was host last Monday evening per WE ARE NOT COMPOUNDERS Pscoa to over eighty guests at a delightful for better drug store goods. But sell th straight article as received from the best Wineries Dis- dancing party, In Fel- - Christian Temperance little the Odd tilleries and Breweries In the United States. Call and Inspect oar The Woman's present were: Miss j was pleasantly entertained yes- lows' ball. Those Stock and Prices, or writs for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List. onion Smith, Miss Borradaile, Miss , terday afternoon at the home of Mra Fleda Issued to dealers only. - Adele Goes. Miss Ruth Gobs, Miss Absolute Accuracy Keep This in Mind uusm present much "of Dinwiddle, Miss J. Rankin, Miss Fox. members were and r.-!- -j tMith Is the first thing to consider In ths When you want anything; at the Drug a discussion ot N the time devoted to Miss compounding of prescriptions. Store. the union's Interest, at the congress QZktn The majority of people In this town THE ant rair. Misj Margaret Keleher, Miss Eugenia have learned by experience that is Albuquerque Lumber Co 0 the best store In this town Is O'RIELLY'S the Busiest, Woman's Club The most Interest- - Keleher. Mlas Rebecca Pearce, Miss lng program of season was giv-- Bessie Telter,SSlMiss Mayme Reed. Miss O'RIELLY'8. Biggest and Best. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL the en yesterday at the regular week-- Lena Sterling, Miss Eileen Mclllen, ly meeting of the Albuquerque Worn-- Mlas Elolsa Yrlssari, Miss Rosenwald, an's club. The program was in charge Miss Frances Borders, Miss Catherine Lumbar, Glass, Cement and Rex Fllnlkote Rooting of the art department, and was led Miles, Miss Janet Bryson, Miss Jean fcy Following are the Hubbs, Miss Josephine Campfield, Mrs. Harsch. snore ta tan First and Marquette Albttqoerqise, New Mexico given: . I MUs Eunice McClelland, Mis Viola Tilers is catarra numbers - nf uu eountrs tDao ail other 'America." Blueher, Miss Harriet Kunx. Miss Lll- put toastaer, and until turn last ( Parliamentary Practice. ' Han SplU, Miss Reina Grunsfeld, rears was supposed to S IncuraMS. rs Myers Miss Ethel Saint, Miss Erna Fergus-Ro- ll a, great many years ooetora btobousmi Music.... Mis. Frank it a local aiseaas and presented Call "Our National Holidays son. Miss Sarah Hall. Miss Gladys remedlM, and ay constantly tauina St WITH AMPLE MEANS AND, UNSURPASSED FACILITIES and Songs." MjLaughUn, Miss Dolores Hunlng, eure wltn iocki irwimam pro"""' Cash Millinery Store sv proves Ameri Miss Strlckler, Miss Sue It incuraDl. lenes aas t Paper "Art Treasures of Katherine 10 oontltuuooal disease aad THE. ca" Mra Abbott Dobson, Miss Patten, Miss Lillian loremirequires constitutional tres Brief Sketch of Powers and His Hesselden, Mr. Walter Allen, Mr. El-wo- od Mall's uatarra Cure. Bianuiaeti 210 SOUTH SECOND STREET r'. J. Cneney Co., 'loiaao, uaa of Famous Greek Slave... Mra Long Albright, Mr. Hugh Bryan, Mr. tne only constitutional eure oa tae aaas BANK COMMERCE Indian Art Mrs. Booth Kirk Bryan, Mr. Charles Benjamin, set. It is taaen mteraauy ta " OF L13UQDKRQUK. N. M. O Mr. Louis Bennett, Mr. Gillette Cor- - rrom lu drops to a teaspooatal. It as directly on tne blood aad snaeoua m Montezuma Hull The acceptance ni3h( Mr. umm jir. Bruno Dieckmann, (aces of me system. . TSey o Extends to Depositors Every Proper Accommodation by Governor Curry of the invitation j Thomas Danahy, Mr. Grover ed hundred dollars lor any caae It rails s him to lead the grand march m0ns, Mr. Harvey Fergusson, Mr. eure. Mend for circulars and t and Solicits New Accounts re- - been j isis. Address: at the Montezuma ball has Chester goss, Mr. Leon Hertzog, Mr. J CHENKT UV., Toledo, UsdO. ceived and Is very gi at. tying to the McMMln, Gerry Druggists, nc wil, Mr. Jaffa, Mr. Hold by eono committee In charge. The march will Johnson, Mr. Jesre Keleher, Mr. i'k Halls camlly lls tor be Impressive, led by the governor, Lee, nation. OAPITAU S150.000 - Charlea Lembke, Mr. Lawrence and In line with him the military of- Mf Ui.naoa Neweu, Mr. C. Qulckel, fleers in their full dress uniforms us HELP A GOOD OAtJSB AND DIRECTORS DayiJ RoB8nwaidf Mr-- Robblns, and a good time at ths charity OrriCERS VBCUriS fcW HIV BUUIt'tV U1I1CI1 Ui have Mr. Clarence Rogers, Mr. E. SatTord, Non-Sectari- an Be- Querque and New Mex'co in their ball given by the SOLOMON LUNA, President Mr. Lawrence Sterling, Mr. Bert nevolent association at Elks' opera handsome gowns. The full siaff of - See our window display of $4, W S. Vice present Skinner, Mr. Lloyd Sturges, Mr. Wil- house, Wednesday evening, Sept. IS. STklCKLER, President and Cashier Governor Curry will be and 11am ' a. a r.nial)lii m n Wroth, Mr. Will White, Mr. a i mimVior nf f mm - $7 rW. J. JOHNSON, Assistant Cashier Keheler, Mr. Louis Gumbln- PRESERVE YOUR CLOTHING $5 and hats. They can not ,:",i. K.,, .v,;.i .. er. Mr. Sidney Barth, Mr. John Mc William Mcintosh, J. C. Baldridge, Wagner, tTJY THE FRENCH DRY CLEANING the opening of the Alvarado hotel and Kee, Mr. John Mr. Frank PROCESS. BEST METHOD KNOWN. be excelled in style and pric- A. M. Blackwell, O. E. Cromwell. ever a'nue has been tho annual feat- Wagner. Mr. John Hubbell, Mr. GRAHAM, TAILOR, 110 W GOLD. Mr. Eugene Carr, Mr. ure of the social g ason. At no olhr James Hubbell, es anywhere in social event Is such a notable body Stanley Chaves, Mr. Roman Hubbell, You will soon need a pair of com- the Southwest a. Is Mr. Edmund Roas, Mr. Robert Pries, fortable house slippers to enjoy your of pcopie ciiterfained, and thfre get no oihcr occasion at which there is Mr. Ralph Van Bant, Mr. Walter evenings at home. When you present the exclusive leaders and Weinman, Mr. Kenneth Heald, Mr. ready to buy we want you to remem- members of social circles, who wl'.h Chester Dobson and Mr. Wallace ber that ws have a full line of feit Sixteenth National Irrigation Con- their hand inu' gowns make the event slippers for children, women and We are also showing a com- Jne of ui ug brilliancy. men. Prices run from 75j to $1.59. Hulr J)re-- r and Chiropodist C. May's Shoe Store, 814 West Cen- plete gress; Interstate Industrial Exposi-tio- n; CurtI Iurty The prettiest, social Mrs. Bambini, at her parlors op- tral avenue. line of satin hats which affair of the week was without doubt posite the Alvarado and next door to the delightful little card party at Sturges' Cafe, is prepared to give Many Ills come from Impure blood. is on sale at bargain prices. New Mexico Territorial Fair which Mrs. J. B. Herndon entertained chorough scalp treatment,, do hair Can't have pure blood with faulty dt- - Thursday afternoon complimentary to dressing, treat corns, bunions snd geBtlon, lazy liver and sluggish bow her sifter. M ss DunkerN y, of T' xas. ingrown nails. She gives massage els. Burdock Blood Bitters strength- The guent.s wi re pleasantly entertain- treatment and manicuring. Mr ens stomach, bowels and liver, and ALBUQUERQUE, MEXICO ed at five hundred. In which hunura Bambini's own preparation of com- purifies the blood. We NEV fur first nnd second scores Wt" plexion cream builds up the skin snj are making a special price I'.ron-o- n. curse. Bur- awarded Mrs. Medler and Mrs. Improves the complexion, and is Dyspepsia Is America's SEPTEMBER 29 TO OCTOBER 10 Wf-v- e se conquers dyspep-- s Dainty refreshment rved. guaranteed not to be injurious. She dock Blood Bitters on all our Misses The guests were: Miss Dunkerley, a every ime. It drives out impuri- school hats. also prepares hair tonic that cures per- M156 Sue Dobson, Miss Fox, nj tones stomach, restores following Is Mildred end prevents dandruff and hair fall-l- ties the See lite a sample of the exceedingly low rates that) you 1 Dob- buy. 1 Miss Anna Thomas. Mra E. W. out; restores life to deed hair; fect digestion, normal weight, and them before will be In enVot to tone wishing to rtait the various points of Kt son, Mra G. L. Brooks, Mrs. J. H. removes moles, warts and superfluous goo 1 health. near Albuquerque: O'Rielly, Mrs. Frank Strong, Mrs. W. hslv. For any blemish of the face AUA.MANA (FOIt PETTIUFIED TO U EST $16.75 W. Strong, Mra Dr. Chamberlain, Partner wanted with $50.00 money call and consult Mrs. Bambini. secured. Chance to make several IlLUEWATEll 6.00 Mra Bowman of Illinois, Mrs, Heath. FLAGSTAFF 15.00 Mra D. A. Marpherson, Mrs. Frank For any pain, from top to toe. hundred dollars over fair. Call it We you 107 West Central avenue. S. have anything want GALLUP 7.50 Hubbell, Mrs. S. L. Myer. Mrs. L. from any cause, apply Dr. Thomas' GUAM) CANYON St.5 O. Rice. Mrs. J. A. Reldy, Mrs. Hen- Eclectrlc oil. Tain can't stay where u.oo derson, Mrs. Margaret Medler, Mra It Is used. in millinery at prices no other iiouuiooii For the best work on sliirt walfcte LACUNA 8.50 patronize Hubbs Laundry Co. PHOENIX 23.45 millinery establishment can WIN'SLOW 18.00 I ' I Jaccird's "America's C.-e- at Diamond Houn" Et'ablist!!! !n 1E29 PEFTS GOOD ICE CHEAM WILLIAMS 17.00 A0 , WILL CEND Y?U A SELECTION OF FINE ICE CI5EAM SOIA. WALTON P make. WIXGATE 7.00 IIHI'G STOKE. Call at ticket office for full Information and rate to other points Diamonds cn Approval Want ads primed In the Cltlzeo hi New Mexico, Arizona and California. Yuu will , ehe a suth rcsr. ' ' will bring; rcMulu. with grffit i ;i i'.:i ur M illn "ii s. k 01 l'inh-nnul- f I'i.i::.'.ti uu'lH'tCi Jcvtl-;,- It is not what you pay for sdvertls-tnir-. t"ll us v. it vo ' t- d 1 riin. tu1 t 'i Hrmx tl, i but what advertl.-ln- g PAYS l;n. I a: riny. ir .t .t'so tl uxk'mi-- - i'i Diamond iU- w i. ii,-- I YOU, tiii.i i niii. ti l..r uth Km;, ; iol.d gold that makes It valuable. Our r , !, e Af'.rr k iuw' Diamond Rino j ai htiiiv fxi'ir,-- in l.i&untlnj, I QQ. rates are lowest for equal service. fancy vour sr!r'tio'i fi'int t r tic I itu- 'iu u kiri T. E. Purdy, Agent J0. r mm .. Wm Wi-i- CHAItlTY j 1 .i We import exrlu .I v fie e'e ir?-,t- uv-- t IcilU.inl a'l l ik i tVvt f - iiw .fsf I Main on M we inouut in our own t i covereth a multitude of sins YOU t iu ciirt-i-- t at ony'nal inir"rteri' prists, racg Iwii HO. to 5:0,0t0. Our n) ought to buy a ticket for the charity The A. T. & S. F. Coast Line yc.ii at' repiitatiou fr inicunty a your aWsu.uie inutt uu.i. ball. Elks opera house, Wednesduy Write y -- Now Out man I Broklet FEE. ft iV'txtri'n h uxirt'ti f the 'harming evening, 8ept . IttK jrweis m our cviucdoH, l'uu uni i.uit a t aid to i of rh"i-- e " K!)'C " tin-- vric-i- .t sppnvislion. , OUR Bit G'PT ( 8'ft f"'t JAUC ilitavi itn ' Cash Millinery Store - ir-- I An In Clll- CATALOGUE l'U'u.' oti.l no i'..v ! l'iv-n- i liaiv ml... Wit. ftlvrrw i. advfrtlennMit The "vW. M.tti l'ni'.ii-!- i ' U 3 I Cl" 'las- U''h.-- Art mr'y. Mik f.. ten an Invitution extended to IS READY. I CKcks thina, I Glas anl Art W.ircs. mr f.'iai iiite, "ASv. all our renders. We Invite a V ' CATALOG faAILED FREE. I 210 SOUTH SECOND STREET l.t .u ur yuur tuuuty iciuttdcd. large majority of the people to MERMOD, JACCARD & KING JEWELRY CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. your wore. PLACE YOUR ADS IN TIE ALBUOUEROUE CITIZEN XX 000COsK00Cas)0-- J OX3X)O00sX)0O000O PACK FOCR. ALBUQUERQUE CITIZEN. 8ATTODAY, SEPT. M, ltOi. 1 i AMUSEMENTS I ELKS THEATER ATTENTION Thursday Evening, Oct. 1st, 1908 The Majestic Theatei 315 SOUTH SHCOND ST. The Iiovc Win Hinl a Way. Tlio VanlNliltiff Trump. HUNTERS! t3 Tlu Spirit of '78. GOLDEN GRAND CONCERT NKAV SONGS. Take Me Itack to Now York Town. We receipt of a Carload of Ammunition,Jand It's tirout to He a SoMler. UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF are ust in OmllnuoiiH Performance. fill your for Open from 2 to 5 ami T:n to 10:80. LEGEND I are now prepared to orders ADMISSION 10 CENTS. The Woman's Club. Oldldrvn Tinier 12 jearw. 5 cents, ClilMrvn under 6 year free. -- By Sullivan Shot Gun Shells Bruno Dieckmann Violinist Loaded with BJack or Smokeless Powder, Crystal Theater Convention Mrs. C. A. Frank : Hall! t Soprano Miss Lillian Elwooi Con Drop or Chilled Shot rooAr Wednesday Eve., Sept. 30 ralto Fall on the nr Room Moor Mrs. Mabel Mevens-Hfmo- e Pianist PRICES Fly Paper SEE OUR ASSORTMENT AND GET OUR Story of FlslH-- r Maiden ' CHORUS 100 VOICES Living- Posters Emporia Orchestra PRICES and 75c soxa RESERVE YOUR SEATS EARLY McINTOSH CO. 'NoMh tlio Ilonelis' SOLOISTS HARDWARE MISS (UAIDE ALIUUGHT m Tickets on Sale at 0. A. Matson & Co. 202 W. Centra! uoax mo oex mjmjmjmum K)KJoX3oK?aKDx3oaKoOfo omjmomumomjmvmcmomvmumcmt Anywhere in 10c MUH. C. A. FRANK. 10c the House MISS. 11KSSIE FOX DAVIS. The reason we do so much ROUGH H HURRY ! Mil. ARTHIR MIDDLETON DRY work Is becaus we do It right and at the price you cannot afford to II PIIOF. J. P. DI PL V , 000 11,000 head of cattle and hogs to tawe It done at D home Is !n Mil. JFIVON IKE SHRINERS PUN fill the order. The meat, when packed IMPERIAL LAUNDRY. for the Irrigation congress and sara MISS STRONG, Director. ' and reudy for delivery, will amount to money on all seasonable merchandise. about forty-fiv- e get DENTISTS Colombo MISS NELLIE PRATT. carloads. Subscribe for The Cltlsen and Ladles Long Coats. ... $1.00 to Sli.M Theater BIG SIUNIS 1 . . . AccoinpunUt. Ml the news. Room 2 Ladles' Dresa Skirts. $1.10 to They lake the Kin as Out. Ladles' Dresa Waists. . .$1.00 to SI.M "I have used Dr. Kings New Llfs T. Armijo Bldg Ladles' Trimmed Hats.. $1. SO to $. IiCast KM) Mavt-rk- xl Pllla for many years, Increasing (JORltoiious perfcrmjnes At Will llo with r i Ladles' Underwear, garment..... Aitnilmion $1.00 Into Mysteries satisfaction. They take the kinka oat nun f pat ni run to 11.11 grata of the UUn OCLCbl DLtNU lo Hitloony 1.&0 Lodge. of stomach, liver and bowels, without W. L. TRIMBLE & CO. Ladles' Fine Shoes. ;... $1.XS to S4.M From 8 to 10 p. m. fuss or friction." says N. H. Brown, Men's Wearable. of PIttafleld, VL Guaranteed satis- LIVERY. SAIJ:, AND 5 pair of $2.00 Men's Panta- Probably the greatest ceremonial factory at all dms; FEED o( In store. TRANSFER STARLES loons ij.ii Friday Evening, Oct. 2 enaioii In the htstoiy uhrinudoin 60 I New will open In city Horses and Mules bought and Ex- pair of $1.60 Men's Panta- OF Mexico thU HOTEL OKIiXA. COFFEE loons 3000 FEET PICTURES Manday, when Jjallut Abyad temple, Best $1 a day house. changed. ll.M eclii-cat- Others 7Se to $4.1 x GRAND RECITAL f the luual Bhrlne, becomes hodt, Beautifully furnished. BEST TURNOUTS IN TUB CITY and benefactor to hundreds ot Corner 7th and Hope Streets. Men's Odd Coats Second Street between Central and Men's $1.00 and $1.25 Dress Shirt 7( Shamus O'Brien vutitlug luembeni and candidates. It Opposite Postofflce. Copper Ave. Mexican National Band J is estimated that lull mavericks will Los Angeles, California. Men's First Class Work Shirts... $M Far be hauled over Ihe hut nan da of en- Sells for 35c per Men's Shoes to S4.M Romance of a Country Boys and Girls' Chihuahua, Mex. lightenment Into the shrine. A bath Our shirt and collar work Is pe lb ; 3 pounds for... $1 Shoes $1.0 to tt.s w .1 THORNTON IKE CLEANER And hundreds of Easy Money in the Hio (Jrande he one of Ihu foct. Our "DOMESTIC FINISH" 11 other bargain. 40 Pieces 40 fi atures of the eali i laiiiini nt the the proper thing. We lead othera CASH BUYERS UNION. Diabolical Itching will be Healed to during follow. Wm. Doide. 12S N. Second M. pic- Cleans any and everything and does Lady Doctor's Husband the cereinoiiiid, according to a IMPERIAL LAUNDRY CO. ture In the very elaborate Invitation It right. The beBt In the Southwest, Abyad All he asks is a trial. Clothes Dream of an Opium fiend Quartette issued for Ihe dexsion. liallut Should yon ajj CASH tuterpian has been saving up niom y for months to receive The It has the rich, cleaned, repaired and pressed. Just BUYERS' UNIOS Mother-in-La- Evening rctisen, call up Hypnotizing w Of Los Angeles to furnish the enii i nt. Visiting the call up 620. Works, 737 S. Walter. 122 North Socond J pans Postal Telegraph Co., telephone tihrlnera are expected from all 11 your smooth flavor 406 M. DOLDK. Prop. wamomjmomcmymcmumrmamomcm for-eig- a No and paper will be Wst Ra.noia Amnu Finest Male Quartette on of the world, as a number of the delivered by delegates to the S xteenlh Na- apeclal tneaaenarer. and is strict ly the Pacific Coast. I tional Irrigation cungresa are said to yxxxrycrxxxxxxxxxyxxxxxxxY. Engage Simon be members. guaranteed ; your Garcia ' The prearranged program will be- ROLLER SKATING RINK money jf City Scavenger Under Auspices of the gin Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock back not Express Wagon with a short Ptssion at Convention Finest City hall, folowed b'ya gorgeous and spec- Ice Cream what you want for and Country Trip NATIONAL tacular parade the like of which has Company never before been seen in Albuquer- Soda-i- n 1 Stand at Cor. 1st. St & Silver Ave. que, and Baliut Abyad temple his and Coldest HAVE US KFMOVE YOUR IRRIGATION had a few real live celebrations dur- GARBAGE ing Its time. Clean your lot, cess-po- ol and w 2 the City Highland Livery CONGRESS There ill be a second session at closet. One call per week at pri- o'clock. C. & A. Coffee Co. vate houses 4.x; per month; two " 'Twaa night on Copper avenue, calls per week, 75o per month. BAMBROOK BROS. not 1U0 miles from the resideure ol Room Phone 696. lis John sm. Admion ft Ac Noble Wroth, and all was suit as the Fbont 840 4 te l07S2rdSt. Phcne 761 GRANT BUILDING turnouts. Beat driven fhi loony 7,e graveyard near the vll uge church on Vann Drug Co In city. Balcony the Proprietors of fdk)." seats, both concerts. .$2 circus day. UJOOOCX3CXXXXXXXXXXJCXXXXXXX the plclne wagon. m "Suddenly the still nltfht air was A broken by a hid uus pandemonium. Shots from a gun crashed sound Moving Picture Performance waves against the window panes. There were sounds ot a mullet thun- Begins at 8:30. p. m. dering against a cnpple keltlf. Worst of all, there arose the pip ng vol e of a child, its tonrui- - Riving vent to MOVING PICTURES Buy a Piano profanity that would bine a hole in a battleship, Furniture, Household Goods "A Victim of Ilia Honesty." "Windows were thrown up and the "Double Suicide." anxious parent tif the cussing kid ex- Tlie thin claimed in a broken voice: Hum." ..NOW.. " 'My boy! My boy! What's eating you?' " 'Back to the hay, papa dear, Absolutely Everything nothing much doing,' replied for ILLUSTRATED SONGS there's the House the sturdy lad. 'Jimmy has your re- ARE IN peating shotgun, new ran Mm. C. A. Frank. Soprano. POSITION Willie has the to tupply your home with washboiler for a racket-make- r, and doing cusMing. a "PIANO and NOW is the btst I'm the We don't miian any of It, though. We are time to place your order that Jut Morning, Afternoon and Even- to playing like you are dragging your your children may their get-tin- s; ing Scwdon. itart automobile out of the garage and music lessons with the numerous it started.' ADMISSION IS CENTS. classes being opened by Albu- "And the neighbors withdrew their nlghtcapped heads from the window, querque's best music schoo't and remarking to each other: 'Ain't thos! teachers. Our Prices and Terms kids good on Imitations?' ' will suit you. J J J J j And ?n thp story goea aa It Is told In the very cleverly arranged Invita- tion and program. : The banquet will be served at the Have you realized yet that A. Chauvin LEARNARD & Alvarado In the evening. Still remain at 114 NAVY'S HO MEAT OUDF.K, South Third Street with LINDEMANN Washington, Sept. 26. The United we are selling good States navy department has Just or- a complete line of 1908 dered 1,276.000 pounds 206 WEST GOLD AVE. of canned meats from the Echwarnchild St Bulr.-bera-- er Wall Paper. Paints. Oils ESTABLISHED 1900 company. This Is the largest single contract for meat ever made Furniture Cheaper than and Brushes WSaatjaanMiWH J by the government In time of peace. It will require the slaughter 28,- - Personal Attention Given to of HOTEL ARRIVALS. Painting, Paper Hanging you can buy cheap baoy. E. W. Uaina.4LT, 111 I'aso; A. A. ttij'J. J'jhus, 1'ltxult, Aliit.; lu. A. AUCulliy, s hone 121 Sim lb 'i furniture elsewhere? hinl Si taiis' i, L'ai f.; V. U Mthula, ban Martial; ilis. a. .Manning, Tohatct'4. AKxiu; John J:, uulhwvll, Haton; A. T.. Kyly. l iiuiiix, .nz.; T. t God-'"- '! OixuJoenna Janip.i. 11. V. s .ilz.; ('K Lloaus.'s tho .y.stm Ef fpct-iully.l)isi- Peoria, 111.; Mrs. M. 11. Cone, Topki, IT. s TRY Standard lMi, ( . iKls mKlHonir-U'lif- lino t; ( nusthmtion: Plumbing and Mim Ida Shi pard, Corpus Chrlstl, Ttiau; C. F. .i.nian autl wie, CarU-bai- l, J- cU nut iinilly. litis truly as C. 11. 1, L.t Jaula, Colo. I 4 Heatinp Co. 1 t SlurytH. lJl(lll 1 M. V. Wi limns. I,a Vigas; E. ii.Voin"i (imt Chilli-- 412 West Central w fi-- . Ae. MinJlow and Kundoval, N. M.; I -- Vniui' )l i ruo.vK i F. Lv, Petty, flal up; W. A. Brown, leu ii'in t.Vri-Ji;on- .N. il ; i:d. M. Oti-n- , Santa 17. .vt ;u )i. Ve, N. M.; L. K. Uequo, Wlllard, S. In.'V I M.; rt iS lluniii. st, I.oul.i; V. C. b, Alntivs t!" iimp Mini ii ta-L- - Denver, Colo.; O. K. I'erry, luis" i tiw jiill i - ROUGH Dur. no, .. M. liu? Loin- D you know what this means? If AWnrudt). , pnny not ak our drivers to tiplaln It to After Oct. 15th T). Strong Bros. you. P. Hull, V. C. Ptrlekland, St. F. H. STRONG Louiy; CALIFORNIA IMPERIAL I.ACN1RY. I!. W. l!ak r. Kannaa C'.lj, Mo.; C. O. FLsher. Hrtton, N. it.; Wm. laze. VmAl"w; W. W. N'lchoU, H,.-!- ': Co. BLOCK W. Fio Srn ijv STRONG Corner 2d N. Uonnelly, VIhm il Copper Chicago; C. it nwuuifiu4uf. 'i.tfij tKc and feuoentntul J. by iv on al vrriUiua aacaaa a IHumhard, Washinglan, L. :.; W. E. jrunt t lv '( "t. I. ! s pro-erou- Pu-y- iff. The (1(l?n furry, El i, T-x- C. V. Brown, SOLD bYALL LEACi;G DRUGGISTS. I e muoioa all U. V. A. Adaain, - c riant. Smltk, K. i u- Lottie. .Socorro, w kie tiiiy. ( i.e Mr Furniture, Cr ckery, --Rugs N. U.; It. at. UutileK, New York City. SATTTIPAY, 1 SKIT. 2. !. A THITQinvR QUE CITIZEN'. Tkcai m& CARTHAGE WON A VEAR AGO a party owning a piece of property on Central BASE BAIL PRIZE Avenue offered to sell it for 16,000. YESTERDA Y he was of- Defeated AH Trams Entered at So-pot- to Fair Tournament. -- buy some of those choice "close in" Bert Gratiam and Fred Hale, the fered $26,000 Better Albuquerque ball players who took part In the Socorro county baseball tournament, returned to the city this building lots I am offering for 150 to 200. Easy terms before morning. Both men played on every team taking part In the tournament. Carthage won the tournament and the purse of $250. Magdalena took it is too late. second place and the purse of fits. The game Monday between Magda- fir old! lena and Socorro resulted In a vic- D. E. Bo Sellers, Owner ice 204 tory for the former by a score of t jve to I. Tuesday Carthage beat Mag. dalena 9 to I. Wednesday Socorro addition. The deal was mads yes- vnou'shed Carthage 7 to 9. which terday and the purchaser Is an old AUTO ASSOCIATION JEWISH PEOPLE Our Fall Line of gave each team a game and placed timer In Albuquerque and on of the Where To ILISUlZQ'jJ'A1.;; the tournament where It began. city's most substantial business men. CELEBRATE NEW i Thursday Magdalena worsted Socorro Thi lots were bought as a specula- HAS BUSY SESSION YEAR t to t, and this was the beginning of tion. Worship Interstate the end. Friday Carthage beat Mag- Another deal Is pending In Albu- dalena 10 to 1 In the morning and querque realty which bears more Appoints Delegate to Good Iloods Today Is firing Observed a a Holi- Immaculate Conception - Early took the second game In the after- significance as an indication that the ttonvcntiou and Arraugiv for day, With Kerviees at Temjilo mass at 7. High mass and ermon noon from Socorro to I, winning market Is active and may be consum- Parade. Albert, at 9:30. Evening service and con- '"r ti j "A , Shirts the tournament. mated. An offer of 124,000 was made ference at 7:30. Mexico as- yesterday twenty-fiv- e The New Automobile for two foot Rosh Ilashonah, the Jewish holi- "Real- city lots fronting on Central avenue. The sociation, fci a meeting held at the CliriHtian Science Subject, V II) are the bet in the 11 g lit, appoint- day, which began at sundown last ity." Sunday morning " REAL ESTATF DEALS lots are not particularly centrally lo- Commercial tlub last Berv.ce at It L con-vc:iti- "n 9:45. own- ed Uek vales t" the gooa roads night, U being celebrated by Albu- a. m. Sunday school at cated, but are considered by the Wedncsduy evening meeting S. to value, though only which is to be held here querque Jews strictly and joyful y. at Corliss-Co- er be of such congress, ac- are now conducted In thJ on SHOW ACTIVE MARKET slightly Improved, Uuuhk the irrigation in city Services that the offer has new members Every Jewish store the is Public Library building. All are not as yet been accepted. cepted a number of Tem- una transacted considerable other closed, and services were held at City property In small parcels Is important business. ple Albert this morning. The temple Collars Ajrents Report Pales Whioti Show changing hands dally, so the real es- The association will furnish a suf- was beautifully decorated with flow- Baptist J. A. Shaw, pantor. Corner Steady Demand for Albuquer- tate men say, and the market In Al- Tuesday af- ers and lights, and the attendance of Broadway and Lead avenu1. ficient number of cars inudto was especa ly que Property. buquerque was never more active. ternoon to convey the celebrated was large. The Treadling at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. TWO FOR QUARTER Alvarado good as sung by the choir, the mem- Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Young guists in the city from the are; Mrs. Roy McDon- DAXCE FOR CHARITY to convention hall. Cars will bers of which people's meeting at 6:30 p. in. The M. P. Stamm, estate opera house, Sept. 1 0 th the ald, Mrs. Elwood, Harry Rullurd, D. ls cordially the real at Elks bo provided for seventy-fiv- e people. public Invited. Make the most trips to broker, this morning announced the your dollar will help keep the wolf 1. McDonald. Tiny were assisted by O The patterns are ex- Clark M. Carr was made chairman Miss Blueher and Miss Helen laundry. Teat ale of eighteen lots In the Terrace out of town. appointed to see Viola ilirirtiiin South Broadway. W. E. the them of the committee Pratt. Dr. Chapman preached an elo- Bryson, minister. ' Sunday school at clusive and the very Albuquerque horsemen regarding the quent sermon on Admonltlens and convince yourself. race Monday night "The 10 a. m. Communion sermon at 11. use of the track of the Year." Christian. Endeavor at C.30 p. m. late. i illuminating parade. The for the While the latter day Jews refer to Evening service at 7:30. Prayer meet- objected to auto-U- ts The prices run from IOOK FOR THE IOM t horsemen had the the day as New Year day. It is re- ing Wednesday evening at 7.30. 1 using on the grounds "Jik.-tnorl- Opposite Kirst National Bank, 204 West Gold Avenue the track ferred to in the scriptures as al o $1.25 up and you that the autos would injure the day." W. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Reynolds & WRIGHTS INDIAN TRADING POST f track, which has been worked Into The purpose of this solemn feast Corner of Sixth street and Silver av- will be surprised how good condition. The committee met Is to bring home to the Jew the rapid enue, J. W. Paetznick, Ph. D., pas- well lit and how with the horsemen this morning and flight of time, to remind him that tor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Ger- thty Loken kxj.lained that the parade was not to man Is but a stranger and sojourner man service at 1a a. m. and English long they wear move faster than eight miles an hour on earth. It is to remind him that service In the evening at 7:30. subject, MEN'S FURNISHINGS and would do the track no Injury. tbe one way of making our peace with "Immortality." You are cordially in- The hersemen consented to withdsaw God Ls to remove the causes that have vited. their objection. The illuminated estranged u from him. Rut the Day 119 S. 2d St. 1st Natl Bank BUg. parade promises to be a spectacular of Memorial t a day not only for di- CongTcgatlotuiV Corner Broad wjy pageant. vine but alBO for human memories. and Coal avenue. W. J. Marsh, pas- W. A. Chapman. ' of Raton, was Rosh Hashonah ushers in ten days tor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. ni. H. made a member of the association. of penitential exercises not the S. Lithgow, superintendent. Rally Thi is the first member to Join the Christian Lent, except for Its brevity. day exercises conducted by Sunday association outside of Albuquerque. Then begins Yom Klppur, the whUe school at 11 a. m. Christian Endeav- The delegates to the good roads feast of the Day of Atonement. This or at 6:45 p. m. Evening preaching convention are Dr. James H. Wroth, continues until three stars sppear In service at 7:30. All are cordially In- J R. E. Putney and W. A. Chapman. the sky the next evening. Five days vited to these services. Strangers wel- 20 Cash Discount after Yom Kippur cornea the Feast come. of the Tabernacles, Suocoth, which 's In a sense to Day St. Jolui's KplNuopuJ Corner Silver T MARKETS the of Atonement (Street. ummu what Easter Is to Good Friday. It avenue and Fourth Rev. ?! ls like a private Christmas. Fletcher Cook, Ph. D., rector. Holy communion at 7 a, m. Worship with SPKCIAI.TIES Genuine Navajo Indian Blankets and St. Louis Wool. sermon on "The Prayers of Saints and on all Silver direct fiom the Indian Reservation. St. Louis, 26. Wool un- SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY Other People," at 11 a. m. The music changed. will be excellent. Strangers and

I everybody welcome. No evening ser Spelter. WILL START ON TIME vice. St, Louis, Sepu 26. cSpelter steady. II It. 05. .Fir McLliodlMt EplNoopal Rev. J. C. Rollins, D. D., pustor. Sunday vWwnryW ii.ii""' usaji Oak The Mclula, OoiigregiUloiiniistM Arraiiiro Timetable ' school meets at 9:415 a. m. Strangers New York, tfet.t. Sti. Lead quiet, rogruii) for Tomorrow. are welcome. Epworth league at 0:80 Hotels and Resorts 14.47 Vs W .ut: copper qu!et, 111.87'tf p. m. All young people are cordially For Information cincernir.f any of the places adver- 13.62; silver, Slftc. invited. At the hour of morning wor- tised In this column t. i dm Mt'vc literature, Tomorrow is Rally day In the Con- ship, 11 o'clock, will occur the annual - tr Chiffoniers call at The Citizen ortv.- o; r.2f - AOerOMaa Money Market. ' gregational Sunday school and a very Rally day exercises of the Sunday Manager, Alb'iuerqna C3i:wa. aitnerqse. N. U. New York. Sept. 26. Money on call unique sci vice will be held at 11 school. A attractive program nominal; prime mercantile paper, o'clock, taking the form of a railway has been arranged. The public is 4 4j 4 Vi per cent. cordially Invited. At this service !!! excursion. Tickets have been issued Sill with coupons from Rally Center to Senor Pedro A. Nleva, leader of the Provisions. famous Chihuahua band, will play two AN IDEAL SUM M EH AND HEALTH RESORT. Grain and Happy Height, Happy Heights to Ju- Chicago. Sept. 26. Wheat Sept, bilee Junction, Jubilee Junction to cornet solos. Kvenlng service at 7:20. 11.00 The pastor will speak at this hour. dene-on-the-Pec- os ttl.01. Pumpkin Pass, Pumpkin Pass to Har- siillii Corn Sept., 94c; Oct., 76c. vest Home, The program is in the The public is cordially invited to all Cliff ) 4 OaU Sept., 44 u ;e; Dec, , service. Located among pine-cla- d hills on the Peooa river, 1 ft miles from Row form of a timetable aud promises to Large Variety flatting 49 49 HO. be Interesting. Everyone is cordially station on the main line of the A. T. A 8. F. Good hunting and Oct., First Presbyterian Corner of Sil- Wed-aesd- ay Pork Sept. and 115.25. makes this the moat delightful resort In New Mexico. We meet trains invited to be present whether they ver avenue street. Hugh A. Lard Sept. and Ocl I10.22HO have tickeu or not. The program and Fifth and Saturdays. Parties coming on days not stated kindly write me. 10.25. Cooper, pastor. Services at 11 a. rn. to Select From 1. IV per Transportation follows: Kates per day. 11.00 week. Meals iOc from station Ribs Sept. and Oct, 19.90. and 7:30 p. m., conducted by the pas l.vv. Mrs. H. K. Bergmann, Row. N. M. CONGREGATIONAL. SUNDAY tor. Morning theme , "A Preacher (SCHOOL, RAILWAY RAL- Message." evening Chicago, Sept. 26. Cattle Receipts LY With a In the at BIMIXI HOT SPRINGS HOTEL, Los Angelea. The moat curative treat-aae-nt DIVISION. 7:30 Esq., de 500; steady; beeves, 3.70!U 7.6i; Tex- This time table for this day and Frank Ackerman, will for rheumatism. Beautiful scenery, cool ocean breeae. Hot Springs as steers. I3.604j5.10; western steers, liver an address on the theme, "A tn every room, no noise, no dnsj, no tips. car to dour. Pamphlets) train only, ht a regular passenger Legal View rater Street S3. 00; Blockers and feeders, tr&lu only, passenger of the Arrest and Trial ALBERT FABER t at OUxen office or by writing Dr. G. W. Tape. Medical SupC 4046. but a regular of Jesus." 12.604) 4.66; cows and heifers, $1.75 nue every Sunday morning at 9:45 5.C0; calves, 46. 00 u 6.25. Special music morning: sharp. Orgun prelude, "The Lost Chord Sheep Receipts 2,500; steady; Stations. .A.M. western sheep, S2.25&14.25; yearlings. Sullivan Lv. Rally Center, Brdy. and Coal Anthem. "Not Vnto Us, Oh, Lord". . $4.25 47 4.75; wotern lambs, $3,254 (Train makes up here) 11:00 6.70. Seymour Smith COLUMBUS HOTEL Ar. . . .OrchestraTille 11:03 Offertory, "Cantilena' Ar. ...Ft. Volunteer (130) 11:11 Evening: COR. SECOND AND GOLD New Ytwk Stocks. . Received New York. Sept. 26. Following Ar... .Mount Prayer (Marsh) .11:16 Prelude, "Melody" Sllss We Just a Carload were closing ovulations on lite stock Ar..,. Point Praia (249) 11:21 fcolo, "Teach Me, Oh Lord" Lv Echo Valley (312) 11:25 Miss of the hamous exchange today: (G. Lillian Elwood. LARGE DINING ROOM Amalgamated Copper 744 Ar....GIeen Greet Reub). .11:28 Offertory, "Traumerei". . . Schumann Atchison 87H Ar... .Happy Heights (139) .... 11:31 The Sunday school will meet at 9:45 WILL SEAT OVER 100 PEOPLE do. preferred 96 Ar. .. .Jubilee Junction 11:34 a, m. and Young People's Society of New York Ceiuial 103 H (Connect with H. J. S., Choral Christian Endeavor at 6:45 p. m. The Pennpylvan'a 121 L'ne) church will be open for all Its regular Southern Pacific 10 J H Lv. .. .Jubilee Junction 11:40 services during the congress and H0AE COOKING Union Pacllio 15814 Pass Backslide Swamp Pass strangers will be met with a hearty United Statea Pteel 45 (Train Does Not Stop Here) welcome at all times. Ar....Kld Siding 11:42 S7 O VES and do. preferred 108 V RANGES Ar....KlckerTi:i 11:18 PLENTY OF ROOM 5 BEST OF SERVICE . (Xo Passengers I Kaii'-U- City lilvelcM-k- taken on here.) CHARITY BALL DATE Kansas City, Sept. 26. Cattle Re- Ar Ktnemccnuonna (LH.S.) 11:50 ceipts 300; steady; southern stee'3, Ar. .. .Pumpkin Pass (take on $3.15 4.0"; south, rn t ows, $2.00 i fuel) 12:00 HAS BEEN CHANGED . . 3.25; sto.-k.-r- and feeder. 2.80fc Ar. .Carolton 12:03 4.80; bulls. $2.40'.i 3.50; calves. $3.53 Ar. Harvest Home (106) 12:08 4(6.60; we.-ter- n ptff-rs- . $3.80-55.10- it Will He CilTcn Tucwlay, Reptem-U-- r The Every HOLLENBECK HOTEL wi stern cows, $2 50x3.50. 20, lubtcad or Wed-mWa- y Hog 6.000; steady; bulk 11 ic SUlb. 1 A. C. Bi!icke LCS ANGELES John S. Mitchell of sales, $6.60'ii 7.00; h.avy. $7.00i? A DOSE of the Bitters Old Stove $?.&0tP T 7.051i; packers and butchers, bcfu-- e The date of the annual charity . 7. OS; 6 :Z; $4 i each meal will two nrw iizvtTORS NEW PURNITURV, light, $8.00 pig.. 004' hall to he given by the 5.00. make the appetite normal, Uui.evuK-ri- t soclty hus been changed Reliable s none; sieady. NEW HRC PROOFING New PLUMBING aid digestion and keep the fiom 6citember 30 to Tuesday eve-nin- , 29. In give bowels opc-n- thus making i't ruber order to Line Fifty ThuUbacd Uollars Vur'ii of ciuents made vliis seawin for XOISI.US, ATTHVl'IOV. thj-.i- vslshing to attend the Golden Cz t ce, Ccsfurt auJ Safety All Shrlners are requited to be at you feel good all the and the ball an opportunity the Armory ha:l tomorrow morning L'i'crd to do so. Reception and floor com-uiltte- ts 10 K- time. Get a bottle of IIsadQ'Jjrters for Sew Mexico at a. ia. .Uest of corntnittoe. appointed are as follows: lU'ixt-tlo- Committee. Rleciric ar.d Kilv-a- aiso Ileaeli and Vf.ut.tain he-sor- t, CHARITY HALL. Cars to frrrn lepils, Mr. and Mrs. tt. 1L Collier. Mr. sup at our dctr Tht h'cUtabcli Hotel Cafe i More Krpular 1 han Evr Wednesday, Sept. JOth. The A MALLEAJ5LE STEWAUT only ball during Irrigation congresi. and Mrs. B. ilfeld. Mr. and Mrs. Al- Elks' opera house. fred CrunsfelJ. Mr. snd Mrs. IL B. Kay, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Lester, Mr. and The Best Line Ever Brought Into This City. pickn r;ooi) ick cream axi 1 ICK CREAM SODA. WALTON'S Mrs. A. !i. Stroup, Mr. and Mrs. sow STOMACH srmiL k Dlll'fi STOKE. 'J h l iank McKee, Mr. and Mrs. R. 3- - Mr. Mrs. Maynard Gun-r- s. .""S I T" "T 'Fmart. and K i v ' 1 Gold rn. fit I ru Star Saloon roo i,n: to n,.ssn"i'. CUm, IO1 B Air. and M Harry Lee, Dr. OLD TOWN 1 Mrs. D. II. Carna, Mr. and Mn. WANTKD Dishaher at the Way-(i-- is ill J J. A. Ilubbs, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Man. Inn. 2ia XT. Sllvtr. d il, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Johnson, ft lc-da- y uitiiticr KeMJi t Opc a U.i- - and Night l'.eer Garden and you'll be thank- - B Mr. and Mrs. E. Kdgar, Mr. and Mrs. Bolo-- n. k M M. H. Summers, Mr. Mrs. Li-jjo- 1 Klo Valley Co. fill many ti i cs and Hot of C'ars am! unckes land afterwards. un Luna. JOHN DORHADAILE h also prevents Headache, $ floor Commit tre. t. lcely Furnished Rooms on the car lim: Sour Risings, Heartburn, k Mr. II. S. Plckard. Dr. 11. J. Alger, Leon llertzog. Mr. Walter Jaffa, llstaiv and IueAinmt ndlgestion, LOSllventSS i'yr. Ii. a. McCroJen, Mr. Lawrence 4ollf.HU lli't of Oif Itrsaltr r:H Hilinnnp f Mr. Bert Skinner. Mr. Walter PHONE 312 JOE DEL FRATE, Prop. ftl.-- . .r!Mr 'I til rit a,Ml (htUt Allen. Mr. Gllette CornUh, Mr. Chaa. , t PLACE YOUR ADS IN THE ALBUOUERnUE CITIZffl PlHMie &I3 Alhuqni-rtiue- K. Is l.- u.Lke. Lieutt-uan- t LuJwIg VIM. I VH j r TAGU SIX. ALTTOQITEiTQTJfl CITIZEN. SATTmDAT, SEPT. M, lOt.

by his biographers breaks out from time to time In these reminiscences. "To read soma of the accounts of the YOUNG MEN HAVE aitaira of the company," he writes, "one would think that the d rectors did littie but come together and de- clare dividends." In a tribute to his associates he "BEST.CHANCE" Mtys: "It the business were taken over anyone experts, nud run by but I VI of ladies suffer every month. would sell my inlen-s- t for any pries Thousands agonies l could get." m you do, stop and think. Is it natural! Kmphati- - A part of this chapter Is devoted If TODAY to the opportunities of which Amer- Cl --rally and positively NO I Then make up your ican business men may avail them- selves by foreign expansion. "Ws are mind to prevent or cure this needless suffering! Just beginning to think of the foreign Th Outlook people we can serve the people who Rockefeller Writes Autoblog are more behind us In civilization. In the oust a quarter of the human raca l raphy. Giving, Hislury of is Just awakening. More than half of our company's product Is sold 'n for a Standard Oil Company. foreign countries." TAKE 0 Rockefeller declares he has no ce with the men who say they do Effl 1 Prosperous Sept. 16. John D. nowadays New Tork. not have the opportunity J S3 Rockefeller's autobiography, the first that their fathers and grandfathers Installment of which appears In the had. "In my young manhood," he a Will Help You World'i Work for October, throwa writes, "we had everything to do and It Business Season new light on the philosophy of the nothing to do It with. The men of oil king and In his optimistic manner this generation are entering into a suffered 9 years" writes Mrs. Sarah J. Hos explains hid views on business and the spirit age which makes their fathers' "I oil industry In particular. Otvlng his lives look poverty ctrlcken by kins, of Cary, Ky. "I had female trouble and vrauld reasons for writing. Rockefeller aay-i- : nearly cramp to death. My back and side would "if a tenth of the things that hav At the head of this first chapter been said are true, then these doxens there is a facsimile reproduction of nearly kill me with pain. I tried everything to get of .able and faithful men who have a sentence In Rockefeller's hand writ relief, but tailed, and at last began to tafce Cardul. been aJHOciated w.lh me, many of lng which voices the same thought. Is whom have paased away, must hare "1 am naturally an optimist," ie Now I can do my housework with ease and I give been guilty of grave faults. For my writes, "and when It cornea to a state' jDardui the praise for the health I enjoy. Try. elf, 1 have decided to say nothing. mcnt of what our people will accom Bd But while I live and can testify to pliah In the future I am unable to AT ALL DRUG STORES certain things, it seems fair that I express myself with sufficient enthus hould to some points which I iasm." refer Bsasss&Ssll hope will help to set forth several In describing tho moans Standard Mkswaawft much discussed happenings in a new Oil has used for broadening Its mar- light." ket. Rockefeller says: "It was never Saying that the corporation has our purpose to Interfere with a dealer come, la tay, and that it is his con who adequately cultivated his field Miss Amy Mortimer, in Geo. W. victiuii that this wiil not affoct the of operations. But when we saw a Individual adversely, Rockefeller con- new place for extending our sales by tinues: further and effective facilities we Cohan's Musical Winner AFTER THE FAIR IS OVER, A provide The great economic era we are made it our business to I entering will give splendid opportuni- them." ty to the young man of the future." In discass'ng modern corporations SHORT CAMPAIGN THEN THE peakmg of the growth of the Rockefeller says: "Beyond quest! in ' Standard Oil company, he writes: there is a ssupicion of them. There ELECTION AND A SETTLED POL- "One of our greatest helpers hat may be reasons for such suspicion been the state department in Wash- very often, for a corporation may be ICY FOR R ington. Our ambassadors and minis- moral or immoral. Just as a man may THE NEXT FOU YEARS ters and consuls have aided to push be Immoral, but It Is folly to condemn our way into new markets to the. ut- all corporations because some are most curners of the world. bad." "lly ideas of business are no doubt He explains the advantages of "a but the fundamental of persons and aggrcga ... v$.,.,: principles do not change from genera- tlon of capital." Of the possible tion to genera tiuu and sometime I abuses of these he gays: op thliik tiiat our qu American "Combinations may be formed for business men do not always auXUcient-l- y speculation rather than for conduct- study ihe real, underlying founda ing business, but this Is no more- an tions of business management. When i.., anient against combination than a man's affairs are not going well he the fact that steam may explode Is an hate to study the books and face thJ argument against steam." truth, from the fust the men who To the charge that the American have managed the Standard Oil com- nation is becoming a nation of money pany have kept their books intelli- hunters who base their Judgments en- - i Prepare to get your gently as well as correctly. tirely on wealth, Rockefeller makes "It U a common thing to hear peo- rlnnlal. "If this were true we would ple say that thus company has crushed be a nation of money hoarders Instead out iu competitors, only wic misin- of spenders." share of Prosperity formed could make sl.. h un assertion. Simultaneously with Its appearance It has always had and always will here the autobiography will be pub- I- have hundreas of active competitors. lished In several foreign countries. 'To succeed in business," the writ r The Parisian daily, Le Matin, has J t by Advetising in continues, "requires the best and most bought the French rights. &l manage, earnest men to it, and the jK rr "S isjs a . best men rise to the top." ' Speaking of the silence he has hith- ZlC'i GUY PUNS 1 f erto ma atained, Rockefeller says; 5 . yj Just how far anyone i justified in keeping what he regards as his own VISIT TO CHICAGO private affairs from the pubile, or in defending himself from attacks, is a The mooted point. If one keeps silenco Voliva and His Followers Say Tliey iiizM It The Leading Evening Newspaper of New Mexico the inference of wrong uo ng is some- Are Going to Purify the Town. time.? even more difficult to meet, a it would then be said taat there is no Chicago, Sept. 26. "A visitation valid defense to be offered." from the hosts of Zlon City la to Rockefeller takes up in the firjt purify Chicago," which was branded " !; Installment the inner history his tr-S- t few-- of "rotten as hell" by the Zlon leader k organization, "it would be surpris- yesterday. W. G. Voliva, successor ing," he wr.tes, "if in an organization to John Alexander Dowle, came to which included a great number of town as one of the strangers to men, there should not be an occasion- employe "Sodom" yesterday and announced al here and there who acted that the would march la connection with the business or militant host perhaps In conducting on the city the latter part of October. his own affairs proposed Chi- la a way when might be Volvla's invasion of criticised. To cago will visi- lodge the characters of all the mem- rival Dowle'a famous bers of a great organ satlon ,or the tation of New Tork a few years ago. organization Itself by the actions of He plans to bring n h st of 1,000 a few individuals would be manifest- followers to the storm:. u f Chicago's stronghold of vice. With banners ly unruir." "LITTLE JOIIXNY JOXKS." Such a novelty as intelligence, either To the charge that he ed men streaming, bands piuying jsacred mu- sic and hymns swelling from the long A musical attraction of exceptional called fur or expressed, In musical How his partners to Jo n with him, comedy Is Jftoclcteiler ranks, the "soldiers of the Lord" merit and one tliut had a.rcauy niado a departure and the smart Fiist National declares: a metropolitan in lead Uttle romance, the comedy drama and "1 would not have short-- . wll march from Zlon City to Chi- reputation the been so cago. ing the country is "Little the plot, have lots of backbone una sighted. were fol- By this missionary descent theaters of If It true that I Johnny Jones," which may be seen at charm. Wit, sharp, modern, new lowed such tactics, I ask, would upon the city Voliva hopes to add 't several the Elks' theater October 3 with tho and agreeable, adorns the briefest feave been possible to make of surh thousand members to the scene song, Bank and music, which jnen lifelong companions?" Church of Zlon. entire and complete original produc- and the twenty-tw- o La likewise tho work of this talented He describes only to' Voliva's speech was made in the tion as witnessed for his visit the and over three young auihor, U so tuneful and sim- 'ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. fA'cea of the company in eight years, Whitney opera house. His wrath fell weeks in New York upon months in Chicago last season, with ple, so fetching and Jaunty, that every which took place In the summer of the city at large, including the tune of it crops up will courts and the ministers, engagements of several weeks In Bos- at almost 107. There he found the spirit of and particu ton, I'hiladclplint, Baltimore, Wash- complete as a whlstley memory." batmoiiy and existent, lar caustic words were directed at When "LI tie Johnny Jones" U wit- and. Judge Landls of United ington and tit. Loubi. It Is seldom the members of the f rm and the the States that an attraction of this magnitude nessed in this city it will have a eait OPVRtCMT ends of departments still following district court and against a former s.age is witnessed outside of the very larg- composed entirely of notables GOOD Capital the custom of lunch- receiver of Zlon City. a chorus of over forty people, THE TIIIXGS OP AUTUMN ana ing, est cities, but after persistent efforts and United States together at long tables on tha To more than 1.000 persons he told management secured numbering in all seventy-fiv- e people. are many, but among the number- tap floor the company's bunding. of invasion he had planned our local has Surplus of the presenta- pl-.t- less blessings of peacs and prosper- Depository These are surely not "Little Johnny Jones" for a The U in three acts and four browbeaten against sinful Chicago. tion In this city. No musical play scenes, the which is said ity Is nothing to sen." ts his conclusion. In his attack upon the ministers sceneiy for there so essential $250,000 I produced for many seasons put has to be massive and realistic. Ai "L world's welfare as good, nutriti- In discussing the antagonism which Voliva said the were shunning the no the his organization been so widely tatlked about and Johnny Jones" has been the talk ous good, has encountered, he truth and that wheahe came he sung or theater-goin- g bread, the kind that tastes KUXJXOtXoecaK3SXw declares music has been more widely of the public In this that it has been dna to Its would expose them. Is more to every household city over a year now, It U only looks as food as It tastes, and proves practice all over the world of supply familiar for in the country than the delightful reasonable to presume that tho the-t- er Us goodness by bringing health and direct to the consumer. "This aame A raying ' Idea has by luvesuneal melodies of "Little Johnny Jones. will be crowded when it receives vigor to all who eat 1U Such bread teen followed others and Mr. John White, of M mghlaa Amy Leslie, one of the most famous Its production In th a town. la many lines of trade," he continues, f'rt Is the kind made by the Pioneer Bak- have Ave Houlton, Maine, aaya: "Bav writers on stage events In tho coun- "I often wondered If the criti- been troubled a sough try. In performance ery and delivered dally to your order. cism which centered upon as did not with evo her review of the 'est Treatment for a Bant. ALL THE WA Y oc UP , from winter and spring. Last winter In the Chicago Daily News, finds easie the fact that ws wers many In her column review of the If for no other reason. Chamber- among the first, if not first, to tried advertised remedies fee casion kept In every tha tha cough continued until I bowars performance to remark: "The pUy lain's Salve should be work out the problem of direct selling tremendously to the household on account of Its great From tba foundation to tho ihlagla on tho root, wo to user on a broad seals.1 a 16c bottle of Dr. King's New 1 Itself redounds Pioneer Bakery, the oovery; goae credit of so young and busy an au- value In fhe tr.tment of burns, it sro tolling Building you Then follows a picture of the eartv before that was half alftays Instantly, Material cheaper than bavo cough was all gons. This winter thor as Mr. Cohan. It reflects much the aln almost and 207 South First St. conditions of the oil Industry when It t copies nothing except as a kindly snless the Injury Is a severs one, heal taught tor many yoart. Savo at loatt 23 percent and was considered a most hazardous same happy result has follows; but parts leaving a scar. tew once more banished sa burlesque or candidly g ven reminis- uie without This easiness "not altogether unlike the dote salve Is also unequaled tor caapped BUILD NOW annual cough. I am now convt cence. It Is kindled with the spirit of ' apeculative mining undertakings we story hands, sore nipples and diseases THE CHAMPION BROCLRY CO. sear so today," quote that Dr. King's New Discovery la harmless, clean frolic and has a ft much of to the t which reads well, simply as a neat the skin. Price, 2t cents. For ssis by aathor. best of all cough sad lung remeeteo. all druggists. Mmtteuecl Brom.. Proprietor A sense Bold nnder are report, so concise and intelligent It of humor that has not gen- crvarantee at all Grocery and Meat Market.Staile and Fancy Rio Grande Material & Co. erally ben accorded the oil magnate store. tOe and II. Of. Trial mom Lumber tree. Groceries Phono 6 Cornor Third and Marquette AUCTION SALE Or AUTOMOBILES, No woman can be happy Saturday Special print Chick tit c. TJermm. 8 tools, in without children; it is her Watt Phonal Saturday, October S, 1908, at nature to love them as much ioymccm.mrmoatosjcjiosri m cmcmcaximvrmcm-mrmosrmcmoar-j- i lie corner of Central avenue and Sec- so as it is the beautiful an Don't Forget The ond street, at 11 o'clock a. m., I will pure. The ordeal through ALBUQUERQUE PLANING MiLl sell to Ue lilglu-H- t bidder, for cash, Convenience - Comfort - Security In or- which exrectant motn two automobiles gixd running the THE OLimST MUX IV THE CITS der, one automobile out of repair, a must pass is so full of dread that the thought fills her with apprehension. of tools and oilier articles, When In need of Mudi, door frame lot the 1 here is no necessity for the reproduction or me o ce eitner ve le. Screen ork a sitedalty. 40 property of the Esluncla Automobile painful of Mother rlend prepares the systeml outh Telephone 461. Cahlton ' and "Oumpk " company. or daneerous. The use f rirt Sim. The telephone makes tbe The telephone preserves these automobiles, etc., can be coming is assed without any danger. Thl duties lighter, the cares lees your health, sroienge yovr . are the new The tool, for the event and it lire seen and examined at No. 408 West remedy is applied externally, and the worries fewer. and protects your heme. Copper avenue, Albuquerque, New BtST SHOES IN TOWN Mexico. nnu nas tan icu uiousanas or FOR THE MONEY Usoo wmm pvNH DIECKMAXX, Trustee. women through the crisis Arrowwi TTO TOU NEED A TELEP HONE IN YOUR HOMB with but little suffering, RpPafng Otf Specfa'ty ! COLLARS The rapid tocrezst cxr I c. rif M MUW imIih fur It oeui Book containing hiformaOoa af VtsM currrr. rkAauoir a to.. ikk.r.. fcl due tO gtluu Vu& a mi.' BBaUupecUutBwUwniBialiadtMa, P. MSTTf UCCI THE COLORADO TELEPHONE CO. .t. liXt N. luSireet ti. tent of our patrons, llubbs Laun mVmmornxo tnretntToa 9Ck mMOSKjmKavmK)SKmJQm dry. A(Jm4a. 6s.

V American League, Owners Plan Protest Clubs Won. Lost P. C Cleveland tl 12 .(71 PERSONAL PROPERTY, LOAN 8 Against Licensing Bill. Detroit II (1 .(76 WANTED SALESMEN mniiimmnmiHN PHYSICIANS Chicago SI (I .56 thsr-ough- ly St. Louis 71 63 .1(6 WANTED Two fcood brick moulder WANTED Salesman; must be I ,, write familiar with dry goods and Navajo Blankets DR. SOLOMON L. BCRTON London, 28. Property worth Boston (I 71 .4(6 t Gallup. N. M. Apply or MONEY to LOAN Sriit. Philadelphia (& 7S .464 to E. F. Kenney, Gallup, N. M. clothing. State experience and sal- 12UU inillion dollars Is bthlnd a pra- - Cru-ce- a, Hors-Wago- Washington ...... (1 77 on vacant ary expected. May Bros., Las On Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Physician and Surgeon. tost whu.h will be made tomorrow !n w'ANTED To cut weeds N. M. A new shipment. New York 47 S3 Apply to Doo Bledsoe. C14 and other chattels, also Hyde park against the licensing; bill. loti. High 'SALARIES Illffhkind Office 010 protect is on It New Ave., or mall card. WANTED class salesmen for on AND WAREHOUSE Fine patterns and Sooth Walter The the ground that 's League. York New Era Safety Accounting System RiJCiHPTS, as low as $10 and as Street. Phone 1030. not only a move against private prop- Nulhmnl v miller to run a.THL) A capable banks, profes- high $200. Loans quickly Right prices at erty, but will not help Clubs Won. Lost P. C Apply U. 8. Mlera, for merchants and as art that it the New (2 .61 flour mill. to Wonderful opportunity. made and strictly private. Time: DRS. BRONSON & BROXSOX cause of temperance. The bi.l is in- York it sionals. Chicago 1 64 .631 Cub, N. M. Plow A M otter Co., lilt Wabash One month to one year given. Goods tended to reduce the number of sa- WAN'TiH) Two tinners at once. Mc- Ave., Chicago. your possession. HomcopaUitc Physielana and Surgeosst loons in London. The procession, it Pittsburg fl (t (! remain in Our rates DaYis&Zearing Philadelphia T6 64 (4S intosh Hardware company, Albu- are reasonable. Call and see us be- is said, will have 300,000 men In line. WANTED Salesmen for guaranteed The House Over Vann's Drug Cincinnati 70 74 4 querque. N. M. used automobiles. All prices. Oars fore borrowing. Furnishers store It will Include not only employers and planing OfOue 628; Residence 10S9. employes directly concerned In the Boston 60 (4 .417 WANTED A good, first class rebuilt and guaranteed like new by TILE HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 203 W. Gold Brooklyn 48 1 .146 be sober. Wages Steamship tickets to and from an Av: liquor trade, but investors of finan- mill man. Must manufacturers. High commissions. A. . SHORTLE. St Louis 47 5 .331 $4.00 per day. ateady Job. The 3 Great opportunity. Auto Clearing parts of the world. IXXXXXX cial standing, who look upon the M. Dennis Lumber Co.. Maine, Arts House, 346 Michigan Ave.. Chicago. Rooms t and 4, Grant Bldg measure as a dangerous precedent, Avenue, Practice Limited to Tuberculosa. and thousands of workingmen In olht YESTERDAY'S GAMES. , WANTED An experienced clothing WANTED Representative. We want 803 tt West Central Spanish. Ap- PRIVATE OFFICES er trades. salesman; must speak a representative to handle Ford au- Honrs 10 to 13 and 3 to 4. With ninety brass bands and 100 American League. St. The Fa- vi- Open Evenings. JUST SNAPS 11. ply 21614 South 2nd tomobiles in Albuquerque and Telephone 88S. speakers the afternoon promises some At St Louis It. E. mous. cinity. Live hustler can easily clear Rooms 8, aiNl 10, Pint National amusement. Although organisers St. Louis . 1 ( 3 FOR S A i.8- T- Rooming house, the 3 1 WANTED Waitress, also men and $2,000 In season. Write with refer- Miscellaneous Iionic Illock. warn tho workingmen of Kngland Boston 6 - women for lunch stand. Apply ences at oce. Ford Motor Company a bargain if taken at once. Hatterles: Powell, Pelty and Spen gunnysacks. thai the occasion is not at all a fes- cer; Wayside Inn, tit W. Silver. Dept. H, Detroit, Michigan. HIGHEST price paid for FOR SALE Restaur ant, good DR. YV5L S11KRIDAN tive one, but a serious affair, the beer Steele and Crlger. an Albuquerque Milling Co., south o Experienced man or wj-m- WANTEL Capable salesman to cov- interests get only a laugh over the WANTED town. paying business. Must be tak- At Cleveland R. IL EL In Albuquerque, a woman In er New Mexico and Arlsona with llomeopatlUc Physician and Surgeon , To guaran-tee- d en quick. ' Km W t Cleveluod 1 7 3 county to sen ostrich plume-- staple Una. High commissions with AGENTS WANTED sell nmnnir tivutitv.fnii, t. ' each rasor; 60o; big Washington 6 8 X Mexican drawn work, waists, etc., $100 monthly advance Permanent safety price FOR RENT Store room, Suite 8, 9, 10, Slate National Rank forms and that each shall be given prices, still make position to right man. Jess H. ' profits; every man who shaves buys Uulldiiie Residence Phone 108S. an alloted time in which to express Batteries: Chech and Bemls; With at half retail First street. . erup and Street large profits. Largest direct Im- Smith Co.. Detroit. Mich. one. Standard Supply Co., 2017 s OfUce Pnoue 886, his views. Buglers with stop watches porters selling through agents. WANTED Salesmen fur guaranteed Whitman St., Cincinnati, Ohio. will be distributed through the crowd Get a Travelers' Accident and platform 6 ' At Detroit It. IL E. today for exclusive agency. used automobiles, all prises, cars WANTED Agents, either sex, earn at each and at o'clock , 7 3 Writs Health Policy. Money to Loan. they will blow as a signal Detroit I Goldberg Sons, Omaha. Neb. rebuilt and guaranteed like new by $50 to $100 per week selling ex DENTISTS for the Philadelphia 3 3 II. M. L, 8CHTJTT. speakers to stop. And there will also ( manufacturers, high commissions, qulsltely embroidered pongee silk 119 Batteries: Summers and Schmidt; Clearing patterns, patterns. Bonth Second Street. be a signal for the big crowd to shout Female Help great opportunity. Auto. waiet dress DR. E. ' Kellogg and Powers. Chi-ag- J. CRAFT as res House, 140 Michigan Ave., o. drawn work waists. National Im "one man its approval of this gen- Second game R. IL. E. WANTED A competent girl for porting Co., Desk D. (99 Broadway, olution: 4 to Dental Surgery. 'This demonstration pro Detroit 1 3 eral housework. Apply at once New York. MORE BARGAINS IN RANCHES. national Philadelphia 0 2 6 0S West Cop- $210.00 MOTOR cycle or horse and tests against the bill on the ground Mrs. G. L. Brooks, buggy our men trav- $1.25PER WORD Insert classified Rooms 1 S, Batteries: Summers and Schmidt; per. furnished for and BarncU BoUdlng that it will fail to promote temper eling, and $S6 per month and ex- ads. in 36 leading papers In U. S. Over O lUelly's Drug prop- SchliUer and Lapp. for dry Advertis- Fifteen acres very good Store ance; that will tend to violate WANTED Lady cashier penses, 'te take orders for the great- send for list. The Dake of Appointments made by Mail. erty rights recognised by grocery store. State ex- ing Agency, 427 street, hitherto the National League. goods and est portrait house In the world. South Main ander Irrigation, foar aalles Phone 744. state; that It will increase the num perience and salary expected. May You will receive, postpaid, a beau- Los Angeles. At Boston B. H. K. N. M. of town, well fenced vrltb barbed ber of unemployed and that it will In Boston 3 6 6 Bros., Las Cruces, tiful 18x20 reproduction of ll EDMUND J. ALGER, D. D. B. w wire and cedar poets; I7M.04 terfere lth the liberty of the com Pittsburg 1 6 1 LADY SEWERS Make sanitary belts painting In answer to this ad. Write MALE HELP munity." home; materials furnished: $11 for particulars. R. D. M artel. Dept. cub. Office hours. B a. m. to 12:30 p. a. Batteries: Ferguson and Smith; at 4 Hundreds of trains will bring work stamped 812, Chicago. ASTHMA, hay fever sufferers, I have 1:30 to 5 p.m. Maddox and Gibson. per hundred. Particulars ingmen to London from Bunday noon SL, found a liquid cures. If you Second game , R. H. envelope. Dept. 911, Dearborn that till, the following morning, and care Specialty Co., Chicago. want free bottle send six cents In Appointments made by mall Pittsburg 6 13 3 LOST FOUND T, will be taken to see that they do not 1 . 3 and stamps for postage. Address SOS Wettt Central Avenue. Phone 406. Boston t Rapids, 471 Fifty arres cUas prove too enthusiastic In the support Spade Mae- - Gorham, Grand Mich. first trrlfated or Batteries: and Schlcl; FOR RENT LOST Gold bead necklace, probably Shopard Bldg. land, of the beer Interests. About ten Carthy and Bowerman. three miles from the city, L. IL CHAMBERLAIN, D. D. & twelve members ot Parliament will room for on Central avenue. Regard. under high FOR RENT Furnished WANTED Traveling men and solici state of cultlvatiea, be among the speakers. At New York R. IL light housekeeping. 117 N. High. STRAYED 1 bay mare, F. U. brand tor calling on druggists, confec- fenced with barbed wire and large Dentist. on left hind log. Return same to Albuquerque Cincinnati 7 10 1 vacant lots, dur- tioners, etc., covering Sure-Enoug- h YOU RENT Two 724 S. Edith and receive reward. cedar ports; price per acre, 87S.06. Office Cmmwell A Knocker. New York 1 I ing Irrigation congress. Corner. and surrounding t rr.tory and states Block. Corner Taylor; Realty to carry our celebrated line f ond Street and Gold Avenue. J. C. Goodwin, of Reldsvllle, N. Batteries: Durham and Close In. John M. Moore NOTICE FOR PCBLICATION. Albuquerqne, says: "Bucklen a Arnica Salvs la Bresnahan and Needham. chocolates on good commission N. M. BL Oa. Land Office at bant Fe, N. M.. n Okleet OfQce sure-enou- gh knocker for ulcers. Second game R. H. basis. Bowes Allegrettl, 85 River Establkhed 6 FOR RENT Large, cool, furnished August 28th, 1908. SL, Chicago. About 100 acres ot flrst class hi Albuquerque. bad one came on my leg last sum Cincinnati 13 rooms. (It N. Second 8L - Notice Is hereby given that Leon Irrtgnteri land, located four tulles mer, but that wonderful salve knock New York 8 It I WANTED By Jobbing house, men to Batteries: Dubeo McLeaa; ard Skinner, of San Pedro, N. M., has north of town. 50 acres ed It out In a few rounds. Not even and to Ml rugs, linoleum, etc on com- ander a scar remained." Guaranteed for Crandall and Bresnahan. FOR SALE filed notice of his Intention make cultivation (but year was LAWYERS final five year proof in support of bin mission. Men calling upon small planted piles, sores, burns, etc. ' 25o at all piano, good trade preferred. Comparatively lit- In well fenced drug stores. At Brooklyn R. H. B. FOR SALE First class claim, via: Homestead Entry No with foar R. W. D. BRYAN Chicago 0 1001 Sixth St. 0959 Aag. 1908, for tle weight or bulk to samples Care wires and posta, i t as new. North mads II. the No. 108 eedar mala ditch Brooklyn 1 LoU 1 I, NEK, NH "Linoleum," room 1201. 13 FOR SALES house for $950 and NH Stt and Fulton St., New York. runs through land. title perfect. Attorney at Law FOR PURE ICE CREAM. Batteries: Overall and Kllng; Porterfield Co., 210 West Gold. Stt 8H NEa. Price for the whole tract, for a LOUDON'S JERSEY Rucker and Farmer. Underwood typewriter. Section Township 11 N-- , Range Office First National Bank FARM FOR SALE $ I. short Uuie only $6SO0.0O. This BuIIdlna Studio. U E., and that said proof will bs AGENTS Albuquerque, New Mexico. Philadelphia R. IL SL $35. Mlllett Albu- la a snap for somebody. At made before A. B. Walker, at St. Louis 1 8 I FOR SALE Good brick, querque, N. M., on October 16th, E. W. DOBSON Porterfield OUR Japanese polishing cloth sells Our Prices All Bargains Philadelphia 11 18 I $2,000. Easy terms. 1908. Batteries: Lush. Sale and BUsa; Co., West Gold. He names following witnesses everywhere: 10,000 sold last month, Attorney tit the agents' samples 10c; sells for 26.!; at Law. McQullltn and JackllUch. -- $7 to peeve bis centlnuous residence up rnn SALE 11 acre dairy ranch, catalogue free. Robinson Mfg. Co., A. MONTOYA Team Harness, all leather. .. .118.(0 stock, good Una of milk cus on. sad ekltlvatlsa of, tha land, vis: Office, Cromwell Block. Team Harness, bead Pedro. N. 88 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Red Edtate and Loans. Natary Albuquerque, Concord...;... 34.00 tomers. A snap: must go at once. Jul of 5aa N. M. Team Harness, Concord Heavy. 39.00 Chamberlain a Colic Cholera M; FraacUso Mantes, ef Ban Pedro, $210 cycle or bag Pabllc sli W. Gold Ave. Remedy wall aavaea. Porterfield Co 210 West Gold. MOTOR horse and IRA M. BOND Team Harness, double buggy. Dlarhoea at 2er N. It.; Jaan a. Bamora, of 9a n Pedro, gy furnished our men for travelling, pains in tha st mach, eraaaw ooRa aatd A Hardman piano, 310.06 to $84.00 FOR SALE fine N. M.; Jose M. Skinner, of Albuquer- besides $81 monthly and expenses. ' Single It no equal. Tor eat new, beautiful tone. A que, Attorney at Law. Surrey Harness 17.00 to 80.00 diarrhoea has good, as N. M. taking orders for portraits. Par Single Buggy Harness 8.60. to 20.00 by aX droggleta. chance to possess an Instrument of MANUEL R. OTERO, repro- half what ticulars free with beautiful Pen (dons, Land Patent Copywrighaa Single Exprtjs Har unexcelled make at Just Register. duction of Kx20 oil painting. U. ness 18.00 to There la a riaeon why 1 mj ee On exhibit at Whit-son- 's Caveata, Letter Patents, 28.06 It la worth. D. Martel, Dept. 470, Chicago. Trade Celebrated Askew Sad- credit for tea than otbera Bell tea Music Store. 124 South Sec- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Marks, Claima. oah. have no reat or other hhajk Albuquerque. Department of the Interior, Land Of- 36 V Street, N. W., Waaldngton, dles 4.60 to 40.00 I ond street. D. C Beat grade of leather In all harness expenses to pay. Therefore I aaO by owner. Three fice at Santa Fe, N. M., September clothing, dry good", carpets, raga aasl RANCH FOR SALE, 1908. Til OS. K. D. MADDISON and saddles. tmndrad and thirty acres of Rle lid. Parts of harness kept In stock. everything' In ready-to-we- ar garmeata Land. Fer- Notice la hereby given that Juaalto ST. VINCENT ACADEMY you for men, women 1.08) Grande Valley Irrigated Laguna, N. M., filed : Atorney at Law. Unless tra s with us we both and children at f anil, sandy All under SUero, of has lese money. per week. E. Maharam, B16 W. tile loam. notice of bis Indention to make final Independent private d'tch. Smal proof support BOARDING AND LAY SCHOOL 1 Office 117 West Gold Ave. maintenance. Per five rear In of his coat of ditch claim, vis: Homestead entry No Doan't Reguleta cure eonsttpatjes' n.nont water rights. Two hun Misses JOUN W. WILSON leveled and 7557 (01724) made July 1st, 1908, For Young Ladies and TH0S. F. KELEHER without griping, nausea, nor aay dred acres have been SW14 and 8WH 8E14 one-ha- lf miles for the SE4 Attorney weakening effect Ask your drngglat cultivated. One and Township 7N., Range IW, In Charge of the at Law. 408" West Railroad Avenue railway station. Convenient Section 14, for them. 25 cents per box. from and that said proof will be made be markets. The best stock ranch In aguna, SISTERS OF CHARITY Bank BUlff. Albnnucrqne, W. or subdivide and fore George H. Pradt, at I N. (1U force In BankrniKcy) New Mexico will 1908. New York Up soil In tracts of twenty acres or M.. on November 9th. Coroer 6tb St. and OfUce PlMMie 1172. cash He names the following wltnesse more to suit purchaser. Part prove residence For. Part ioxilars, Address cart time. Address, R. F.. Citlsen. to his continuous upon, and cultivation of the land, blSTER hll'KRICR. 4 ARCHITECT Received the Thanks vis: 4 A Traveling Wan of Laguna, N. M.; of Every Passenger In trie car. Bert Wetmore. r. W. SPENCER you my experience John Pradt. of Laguna, N. M.: Rob Architect. EXCURSIONS "I must tell n M.; N. R. R. ert O. Marmon. of Laguna. N. an east bound O. R. train Laguna, N. to Le Grande, Ore." Walter K. Marmon, of 1221 South Walter Street 651 from Pendleton M. ED. Phone writes Sam A. Garber, a well known FOURiNELLE smoking MANUEL OTERO. KILLthc traveling man. "I was In the Register. couch department with some other traveling io CURE the LUtlCS INSURANCE an'en when one of them went oui inw Good for Rlllou'nesi. Carpenter the coach and came back and said. Stom-tc- h B. A. death "I took two of Chamberlain's SLETSTER To City of Mexico There Is a woman sick unto and Liver Tablets last night, and and Builder w"h Br. King's In car.' I at once got up and went Dwurance, the cramp I feel fifty per cent better than I have Real Etate, Notary out. found her very HI with fir weeks." says J. J. Firestone of Al- Jobbing Promptly Attended to Public, eollc. so bad In fact that 1 was almost legan, Mich. "They are certainly a Now Discovery and other points tn tak tha risk: her hands and South and in .)..m ine article for biliousness." Fur sale 51)2 Rooms 12 and II, Cromwell Block 'arms were drawn up so you could not Phones: Shop 10tJ5; Residence PHiric Albuquerque, jy all druggists. Samples free FOR rToucH3 L. a. a lYi N. M. Plione 136 the Pecos straighten them, . d with a death like DLUS Tlal 6bttle frtt Valley. look on her face. Two or three ladles It Is not what you pay for advertisi- Skip Corner Fourth St. and Copper hi. W) tTH?0TANntl)N0Tl0l)BLE8. A. E, WALKER were working with her and giving her ng- but what advertising PATii N. M. whUk.-y- . I went to my suit cae And YOH, that mak it valuable. Oar ALBUQUERQUE, GUARANTIED SAl'ISKACiUiiV Fire Insurance got my bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. rates are lowest for equal service. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy (I Secretary Sfutual Building Awdtl Tickets on ale October 3 to 10, indmive. Return ocvur travel without It)' ran to the 217 Wit Central Avenue. water tank, put a double dose of the limit October 28, 1908. Stopover in either direction medicine In the glass, poured soms water Into it and stirred It with s AN ENDORSED CHECK How to Get Strong, get Very Daly, 124 7 pencil; then I hid quite a time to 3 Serious P. J. of W. Congress St., the ladles to let me give It to her, but Chicago, tells of a way to becomo CITY OF MEXICO It Is a very serloui matter tc ask strong. $23.04 I succeeded. I could at once see the He, rays: "Sly mother, who CARLSBAD 15.79 for one medicine and have, Cbe Is old a,nd was eftect and I worked witn her. rubbing GIVES NO GROUND very feeble. Is deriv- 10. hands, and In twenty minutes 1 wrong one given you. For this ing so much benefit from Electric IT. Kl'MXrUt'.'." her Titters, S.M gave her another duee. By this Urns FOR DISPUTE reason we tugo you la tayfog that I feel It's my duty to MFMtOSE . w ere almost Into Le Je, where tell those who need a tonic and RtJSWELL i Grar to be caretj to get the genuine) i strengthening 16.76 I wai to leave the train. I gave the The entJorstrrrfnt upon the back of each check is cviienoe that medicine about It In IAS ve;as M to my mother's case a marked gain l i SANTA I B bottle the husband te be used la the party received payment. Black-draug- has 8.4 case another dose should be needed, ht fleih resulted, insomnia has been EL PASO . 10.6 This endorsement make each check an indisputable receipt for overcome, and she Is steadily growing BAN MARCIAL tut by the time the train ran Into Le (tronger." 4.16 Grande she was ail right and I re- the amount paid. No need to pay' any bill the second time. Liver Medicine Electric Bitters quickly Ixl'tiUAS KM remedy stomach, liver and kldny BISBEE, ARIZ. ceived the thanks of every passenger by it's the safe way. The reputation of this eld, relia- complaints. 17.64 by druggists. Pay check Sold under guarantee st In the car." For sale all ble medicine, for constipation, ln all drug stores. 10c. We offer exceptional advantajei for checking; accounts, both digsatJbn and liver trouble, is firm- Our children's tan Ylcl Kid shoes large and small. ' ly eatablibhtd. It does not Imitate We are 'showing of other medicines. It la better the best line For full particulars call In either lace or button are unnur-paabc- d than popular priced school shoes for boys at ticket office wear, others, or It would not be the fa- and g'rls you in fit perfectly and loi COMMERCE vorite liver powder, that ever laid yonr tjcJi 8, to 11. $1.19; THE BANK OF with a larger on. They look neat, neat; I to $1.21: $H balo than all others combined, f t perfectly and 11 Vs to 2. $1.81; 1H to . $2.21. C. Albuquerque, New Mexico. sear well. Prices range from $1.09 T. E. PURDY, Agent May's Shoe Store, $14 West Central SOLD IN TOWN Ft to 12 25. C. May's Shoe Stors, 814 avenue. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $200,000 Wt.-- t Central avenue. pack nam A TnUQTJKRQTJI5 CITIZEN. RATtniDAr, SKIT. !. 1108.

DO YOUR ZYES TROUBLE rOUT e Hart Schaffner flu. a f I vnorin U a V MALOY'S 'l&V Optical Profession & Marx Clothes Assures you absolute comfort in 01 Oround ami by usj times Fitted We are now receiving reg- BEBBtR OPTICAL CO., EXCLUSIVE OPTICIANS ular weekly shipments of Are the BEST ever r, i 110 South Second Street. Established LXH offered for men to Of Lense Grinding Done on the Premises wear; nnrl m WIMTPR . QTYLISH p . . M w it Mil 4 FRESH ALL CHEESE FAWIIC nil-wo- want a recall ot the days when "Pl-t- ol EVERY the Peet" and "Deadwood Dick" NEUFCHATEL done in a way to PERSONAL ninde the nll.i west rewound with the keep the (rood style looking ritfht, ' fru.-l- '-- f l.n w ihnutrr lafl IK. fil. you'll find these clothes the best Just heavy enough to keep out the cohl ard dampness. lure 'A Man Hunt." All these pic- SIERRA lor your wear, the must perfect PA RAO K A PUS tures were shown at the rink last clothes made. No unnecessary leather to carry around and tire you nlKht and will ln repeated tonight. We show you just for example feel in. Insure In the Occidental Life. The muxiral leet'-nn- were delight- one of the new two button styles; out. Soft and flexible to easy without breaking fully rendered, especially pleasing IOWA CREAM a very snappy, stylish unit. off ; Free turkey lunch at the Oxford was by Prof. Qlbbs. Dainty and well fitting to show your foot to th best tonight, 9 to 12. the violin solo In addition tr a preat line of tour- fancy weaves and colors we advantage. We guarantee good wear and make you the Attend the social dance at the Elks' Douglas is pi ninin? a ba.ball want nament on October IS to 2'.. In which you to have one of our fine black ball room tonight. dressier-lhan-busiues- judge of our prices. $1,000 in prizes will by distributed u suits for I a Fred Huning, of Los Lunas, wan an follows: First, $500; second, $300; use. arrival la the city this morning. seal, MALOY'S third, $200. Letters have been Men's Patent Colt Shoes $3.50 to $4.00 Nathan llarth, of Grants, Is in the to team managers In Tucson, Bifloee, city for a short Visit. Globe, El Pao, Cll'ton, Mo-ren- PHONE 72 Men's Vlcl Kid Shoes S2.50 to $3.00 Phoenix. $22.50 to $32.50 E. M. Otero, of Santa Fo, arrived and Cananea, asking that teams Men's Uos Calf Shoes $2.00 to $1.00 busi- be entered for the tournament. In the city last evening fur a We'll show you all sorts of Women's Patent Kid Shoos , $3.00 to $3 00 ness visit. At the rally day exercises of the They made their home In the depths : pood thinps to wear besides Methodist Sunday school, which oc- Women's Vlcl Kid Shoes $2.80 to $3.00 Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Luna of of what is now the Chlrlcahua for- clothes; shirts, neckwear, Lanaa, stopping cur at the hour of public worship, est, Dongola Shoes $1.50 to $2.73 Los are at the and the Cochise stronghold where hats and all the rest, Women's Jl a. m., among other interesting Cochise, their greatest of $1.10 two cornet warrior Women's Dress and Hoae Slipper to $1.00 rum'iers will be solos . years in Freshly dressed young turkeys, modern times, for defied the iy Senor Pedro A. Nleva, leader of w hite man, is an Important point ducks, springs, and bens at the San band. The tor SIMON Market. Via famous Chihuahua sightseers in the region. The word STERN Jose publu Is Cordially invited to all serv- V. II. Dearstyne, connected with means "mountain or lawless," that is The Central Avenue ices living In company, "Indians the mountains and . Qipjrrfeht the Peters Paper la in the Armljo Mrs. T. S. 1 90S by Hart SchaAhcr It Mara city on business. Mrs. N. T. and having litJUe respect for the white Clothier Hubbell have gone to Los Angeles man's laws." This forest Includes William Daze, of Wlnalow, master In response to a telegram received 466,497 acres and Is In charge of Profitable Hour muchauic for the Santa Fe at that announcing the seri- A night before last Acting Supervisor on A. H. Zachau, with place. Is in Albuquerque official ous lllnese of Miss Lela Armljo, of headquarters at Douglas, Aria. business. this city, who is stopping In the The Daul national forest derives Its Don't try to get along another day .without knowing all lYee turkey lunch at the Oxford coast city. A. telegram received this name from a large mountain spur of tonhrlit, 9 to 12. morning by Mr. Hubbell, however, the Rockies called the Datils. The.'e about the latest things in millinery. Charles It. Uanna, of Riverside, reported Mls9 Armljo's condition to is no certain knowledge of the mean- QUALITY AND QUANTITY We invite you to our store and will be pleased to show Cab, came to the city last evening be slightly Improved. , ing of the word. It has by some been on business and to remain during supposed to be the SpanUh word you our entire stock, which we know is not surpassed the Irrigation congress. meaning the fru.t of the date palm, anywhere. It will be an hour well spent whether you Fred D. Huning, of the firm of NW MEXICO FORESTS and various otker explanations have Huning and Connell of Las Vegas. been given as to its origin. One of We give you both. Compare our Coal with make a purchase or not. Is in the city on business connected the most probable U that It Is an with the company. WELL Apache Indian word, because there others as to quality and test-weight- s as to I "VH are several words similar to It in the The date of the charity ball has Apache lunguage. This forest includes quantity, and be convinced that ours is the been changed from Wednesday, Sep- Events of Historical IntoreM to the 1.818,915 acres and Is In charge of tember 30, to Tuesday, .September 29. Yet Are Given Promlueucc. Supervisor R. F. Balthls, with best and cheapest. We also handle mill wood, Tag day, Tuesday, the 19 th. headquarters at Magdalena. O'Laughlln, nurse is named I wood and kindling. Bernard a at The national forests In New Mex- The Uila national forest mountain SL Joseph's sanitarium, has return-e-d significance deriva- from the county in Arizona and the Phone 832 2 ?8 South Second St a several weeks' vacation ico, with the and river in Arizona and New Mexico. The miss iunrz from tion of their names, are as follows: spent with relatives and friends In Is nam- name is said to be of Spanish origin. The but the meaning Is lout. The area ot, Minnesota. ed from Fort Alamo which received Agent Purdy announced today that this forest Is 1,762.621 acres. Super- E7BEA Its name from the old Alamo Mission visor W. II. Goddard Is in charge, with JOHN VEN the freight house would be open until of Texas. This fort Is the site of headquarters at Silver City. THIS GIRL noon tomorrow for the accommoda- the most memorable battle which has B02 s. riRsr sr. Rhone 4 tion of congress visitors. Usually tne The Jemez national forest takes Us ever been fought on Texas soil, being name from the Jemez river, which de- has a chance to be clean. freight department Is closed on Sun- on which William R. Tra- day. the altar rived Its name from a division of vis, Davy Crockett, James Bowie, J. North American Indians who occupied HAS YOURS ? Mrs. W. S. Hayes, her daughter. B. Bonham, and their heroic com- the pueblo of Jemez on this river. Su- Miss Nina Porter and Mrs. M. E. panions offered up their lives In the pervise Ross McMillan is In charge 2 For First Class Work and Prompt Delivery Porter, returned last evening from cause of liberty and popular govern- ot this forest, with headquarteis at Ialeta. where they were guests at the ment. The name Alamo signifies Fe. included U 978,-72- 0 ntifCALLiKM I .Santa The area Let U9 Figure on Putting in That Sals home yesterday. "cottonwood" or "poplar," and wa acres. Plumbing Work. Redmen, a special meeting will be probably given It by the troops quar- Lincoln county, which was named Sunday 4 I LAUNDRY CO. held afternoon at o'clock tered there wto came torn Fort after Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth S HUBBS WAGONS fur the purpose of completing ar- Alamo de Parras, In the province of president of the L'n ted States, gives THITE rangements for great council meet. Coanulla, to which province Texas the name to the Lincoln national for- ocrxinojcxxxxxraxxAT' xx )OiKxj(xcxntxxxxxxxxxxjuutri J. W. Fredericks, Sachem. was annexed. Th.s forest Includes est. Supervisor J. H. Kinney is In L GO, Otis Baker, formerly connected 1.161.90C acres, and Is under the su- charge of this forest, with headquar- J. BELL with the American Lumber company pervision of Acting Supervisor Ar- ters at Capitan. The area Included BUilDhKS' AM) UNbllEfiS' 5LTPLIES here, evening M. Neal. with headquarters at is 596,603 acres. left lust for Maine, thur Magdalena Is 115-11- 7 S. FIRST STREET Arix., accepted posi- Alamogordo. The national forest where he has a Native and Chicago Lumlx r, Slicruin-WUlium- s Paint None Bet- tion with the Dennis Lumber com- The takes named from tho lucintaiis of that pany. Its dame from the city, pass, lake, name. When the early Spanish ex- ter. Dulldlng Paper, Plaster, LI me, Cement, Glass, Sash, Doors, Etc-- , plorers arrived in th. res on of what The Paso delegation will river, and valley In Nevada, all of Etc., El arrive were the Rocky is now called the Magdalena moun- Tuesday morning three score strong, vhlch named after y upon mountain guide. Kit Carson, one of tains, tlu saw la the d stance and will bring with them a private one of the Isolated buttes a striking C. DALDR1DCE 423 dining car and two Pullmans, which the most picturesque figures of west- J. South First Whitney Company early was spent representation of a woman's face, and they will live in while attending the ern history. His life with their simple religious enthusiasm congress. on the plains, where he met General by was they named it the "Mountain of Our Frank Johnson, a prominent busi- John C Fremont, whom he Lady Magdalene." On closer exam- ness Marclal, engaged as guide In subsequent ex- WholesaleHardware man of San la In the was ination the woman's luce proves to be CARLOS SABEDRa city on business. Mr. Johnson pur- plorations. In this capacity he a rocky formation. At the back of ' Stovis, Tinware, Enameled Ironware, Iron Pre, Pumns, Valves, chased the Bank building at San eminently useful and to him Is prob the head a dense growth of oak "urush Horse i Marclal sold recently as part ably due much of the success of these makes a good substitute for hair. At SKINNER'S Mill of the bet- Fittings, Belting, Mine and Supplies, etc. defunct estate of J. N. Broyles. explorations. Ho was perhaps a distance the face and features are Shoer ter known to a larger number of almost perfect. Supervisor John Kerr Word has born received here that tribes than any other white All kinds of C. 11. Collins.' O. Mills, Is Indian Is in charge with headquarter at .PAIRING WAGONS, IMPLEMENTS AND FARM MA" (NERY alias C. who man, and from his long life among MagduliMia, ftRDftFRV charged with swindling a number of Sh learned habits and cus- 'i In p one bliicd peoplu and firms In New Mexico and them their .i.inznno moun'aii s give the toms, understood their mode of war- nune to the . north of Old MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED - ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. Colorado, has been caught at Salt spoke language as his Town Plua. Lake City. The charge on which h fare and their This ran;e of mountains is called the tongue. No man did more Manzano,' Spanish wo.'d iOC)OC)OOCXXXXXXXXaXXXXXXJOOO was arretted Is that of swindling a from the Denver woman out of $375. than he In furthering the settlement mejning "apple." In the heart f of the northwestern wilderness. He the Manzano mountains there are sev- UVERY AND boarding stable Prof. Dl Mauro, the well known was appointed Indian agent In New eral very old and extremely large ap- THIRD STilELTC Du ing the next fw DATTFBON violinist, heads an orchestra of Albu- Mexico and under this appointment ple trees near the site ot an old Wl ft I I LKjUII Wait A nu querque days we ad- JJJ Sllvr musicians Just organized for was largely instrumental In brlng'ng ruined mUsirin. They were probably would TELEPHONE 67 Albuquerqu. K. concert work of all kinds. Music for about the treaties between the Uni- planted by some of the earlier priests Meat Market vise yoa to stock dancing and concerts a specialty. Les- ted States and the Indians. One of who explored the country In either tip sons on violin and piano. Address 'the most interesting tpots In the ter- the fifteenth or sixteenth centuries. Ul Kliidx of and Salt Mm on canned goods. Prof. Dl Mauro, care of Learnard St ritory Is the grave ot Kit Carson at These trees are now surrounded by Steam Sausage Factory. Llndemann music store. a fence, and every effort is being Special all Taos, where he died. This forest Is KM II, KLtl.NUOUT prices on are longing a good in chirge of Acting Supervisor Ross made by the people of that vicinity If 70a for iasonlc ltullilllig. Scrnei goods by the dozen or hearty laugh, you can have that long- McMillan, with headquarters at San- to preserve them because of their North Thlr4 ing satisfied by attending the rink ta Fe. The area Included Is 966 000 great age and historical associations. half dozen cans. tonight and witnessing picture, acres, ,; This forest includes 567,110 acres and the A. A Double Suicide," or If you national forest I la In charge of Acting Supervisor care The Chlrtcahua Albu- for vivid In Apaches, D, Read, with headquarters at Price and Quality BOTH a Illustration of man's named from the Chlrlcahua querque. ,. humanity to man. see the picture "A which were one of the most warlike i Victim of His Honesty," or If you branches of all the Apache nation. GALLUP DOMESTIC I t S K I N N R R 9 Q .Vv EGG COAL Elks Theater ! Per 205 South First Street CHAFING DISHES Ton Matinee and Night $5.00 For the MAJi Who Way Just received shipment. Haven't room fur them, ( a large ctober 3d. No breaking necessary; clean, bent one mile or vena day iks an tne and are making special low prices this week to move ihem quality (iallup. Ainc'riuun Mock, Jos. M. Gates presents $ij.50; Cerrillos Lump, Jii..ri0. An- RICHELIEU same if .your ect arc rciadyfor The Diamond Central Ave. GEO. M. COHAN'S thracite coal, all sizes. Mill Wood, business in STETSON CormknTgers Palace EVERITT Albuquerque Phenomenal Musical Hit, K iudliriLr. GROCERY

Foot-frcotlof- n, CO0X)0X3XK5O0X0O C)sxOOOX30CJXOOO comfort, casejMt's "Little Johnny W. H. Hahn Co. FRANK TROTTER, Prop. what tWsodcl is built CyfT The f TKI.fct'UOMv ! Jones' 116 Cold Ave. " With Wm. Keough as The Un- known. H. MADAM STEWARD-LAM- B B. Briggs & Co. Cdcfdfrer" 70 PEOPLE 70 Coffees Positively the Rlggest and Most 1 Famous Attraction In America. DRUGGIST CltKMO ITETSON1 SHOE Is now displaying YUIjCAV RLEJTD with oil thai means of STETSON wear and worth. Look 34 Weaks in New York JAMOX , ALVARADO PHARMACY at thA shape roomv sensible, snug conforming the most exclusive line of hats RICHELIEU, One Pound Tina point lor point wittr the natural lines of the foot. 22 Weeks h Ctiic3g) Corner Gold Ave, and 1st St. HI CH ELI ED, Two Poand Tina MakeHba CorndaJjiec your weck-ds- y shoa. It in the city direct from And Now Coining Here on the Biin of shoe comfort every minute Crest of a Huge Wave of HIGHLAND PHARMACY Prices Right and every you're wearing rt U da71 out of every seven. Laughter. Paris'" and New York, Pound Guaranteed. 00 aod H eer eool "Tl IE RIGHT TO KNOW." TU m With an All Star Cast and the Occidental Building reading ei iba it Mlly worth your while. Il l a aew book btird . FAMOrs AMERICAN GIRLS. ae a aew ieW al mrm you u X-ts- y view of a food abos la Music iAugliti--r Girls. the aukiaf, SoJ far a. rUad a. Leva by k. Prices, 75c, $1.00, 11.(0. Bring Us Your Prescriptions 212 S. Second St. RICHELIEU GROCERY E. L. WASHBURN CO. KTAGE TO JKME7. LEAVE 111 WHAT GOLD EYKKY alOKXINO AT Ttltphooi 233 S O'CLOCK.