University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-26-1908 Albuquerque Citizen, 09-26-1908 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Citizen, 09-26-1908." (1908). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/2878 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TRAIN ARRIVALS WEATHER RECAST No. I P- - . No 4 5-- P- - m-N- 710.55 p. m UQU renter, 0' 343-Pa- itlf cloDdf 8 p. m. ROUE 1(311 No. 6.40 an j ..nil Cafn Citizen C30l' 1IU VUIH HUJ. No. 9 1 1.45 P- - "WE GET THE NEWS FIRST" VOLUME i!3. ALBUQUE11QUE. .NEW MEXICO. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 2tf. 1908. NUMliKK 1231 by lis rivals before a single year has get passage soon enough. However, the course he pursued ln Issuing thoe he Informed Mr. Mosquera th.it he permits. TWENTY-FIV- CENT passed its factories idle, its frelgnl G. F. BARSTOW SLATEO HASKELL RESIGNATION All ELECTRIFIED RAIL E PER curs cuiply, its laboieis vsilhuut work. would surely reach Albuquerque by Three Names Omslilored. ts fatmeis w.thout inuikcts. September 18. New York, Sept. 26. The selection But big business also means higher Mosquera Is a dapper of a treasurer to succeed Haskell w 11 Mr. little AM BLOW TO by for STATESMAN CAN'T wages and steadier employment for FOR gentleman, educated at South AWFUL probably not be made Mck KIllS SURVIVORS auor, For example, lauoieis thirty Though only 15 of feeial days. The names of Col. Moses hani, Fa. yeirs C. St. Louis, .of ago tne old lack OI ey Is of larg Wctmore of chairman yeais under age he sole supervisor th the committee; Mayor J. N. urn were not consulted about rates est reclamation project under con- finance OF WRICK RULEPEOPLE of wages or length of employment. OF Adam of Buffalo, and E. P. Goitre cf sideration on the island of Porto St. Louis are under cotis'deratlon. uut today the big business organ. na- Rico. The people of the I nlted agrees with its laOoiiug men on Mack said that he has received a tele- tion States have little conception if the gram from Chicago that a letter con- these things. Compared With tna government's insular possessors, he resignation At- wuges and employment, of thuiy years Vice Is in the City Charges of Attempted Bribing taining Haskell's was vn Eighteen Die In Collision of Bcverlrtge Scores Bryan's President says, Porto Hlco Is ln reality a rich Its way and added that the resigna- ugo those of today are as fixed stars port as Its Spanish name Implies. The compared to skyrockets. Ask ar- - Most Suc- Against National Treas- tion would be accepted when re Two Trains on Berlin Ele- titude to the Trusts the and Predicts exhibit the island will make at the ceived. The nat.onal committeeman li.-u-n whether he preters tne eonstaut International exposition will be com- urer Cause I lim to Quit says that the voluntary retirement of vated Railway This . and Business work and high wages our great con- cessful Session of sugar, and tobacco, cerns loday, or the occa posed of coffee Haskell relieved the committee of a afford him the three richest products of Irriga- very embarrassing s tuatlon, and Generally. sional Job and smiling pay the lutie Delegates. His Position. that Alternoon. concerns aftorded him yesterday. tion and cultivation and mother his action was generally commended. earth. Each product will be shown Mack will leave for the west tonight. Always a certain class of men have style appealed to those of us who are less ln crude and finished and all prosperous our brothers to wrecK BLANCHARD HERE exhibits will be made It '"XL products BRYAN IS PitLPARING BIO DAMage ny FIRR. ONE CAR THROWN OUR PRESENTWORK than Lao, Sept. 26. de- the conditions that have made us both grown on Irrigation lands. Fon Du The prosperous in Uittelent degrees. But Mr. Mosquera said this afternoon struction by fire of the three prin- people inland yet de- ROOSEVELT cipal churches, the automobile gar- BELOW HELP BUSINESS if the opposition's plan is good, let 10 MAKE SPEECH that the of the age, T0STREET ' ID adopt It, Never scare at a name, pended on the crude systems uf Ir JMEjUfl and seven automobiles the resi- never hold to a prejudice. What, rigation established there centuries dence of former Mayor Mahan and a then, ie this new business plan? Bet ago by the Spanish government but large number of roof fires entailed a loss today estimated at $250,000. The us give it a lair hearing and endorse Statistician of Reclamation Ser- a few years will soon bring modern Candidate Confers Short Time Passengers Burled Under Mass of It Is Right to Shackle Dishonest it if it stands the test of reason. methods, as American rule is already fire Is said to have started from an The opposition proposes that ro vice Arrives From Pacific Coast. making Itself felt a'.ong Industrial with Leaders. Including Has explosion ot gasoline In the garage. Wreckage Which Made Rescue Business Men But Not Kight more concern doing business in than lines as well as otherwise. kell, atChlcago-Kefus- es to Difficult-Misplac- ed one state "shall control as much a Prepared to talk About A five million dollar project, which CIEARING IIOUSR BANKS. to Bind Hands ot Honest New Sept 26. The state- 25 per cent ot the product in which of the will reclaim the larger part of the Discuss Keslgnatlon-Treasu- rer York. Switch Caused Accl- - ' Business Men, Declares it out a reuerai un- ment of clearing house banks for the It deals" until takes Bouth side of the Island, is now - license to do business at all, and that Congress. der way. There Is a ranee of moun- Is Dropped. week shows the banks hold 150.039,- dent to Fast Cars. the Senator. thereafter "it shall not control more runlng west across the 850 more than the requirements ot tains east and 25 per reserve than 50 per cent of any commodity." island. The rainfall on the north side the cent rule. Thli This license may be granted or with- president Chicago, Sept. 26. With the ar- Is a decrease of 173.976 ln the pro- Berlin, Sept 26. At least elghtee Sept 28. The presides George E. Barstow, vice averages fifty Inches and on the New York, drawn at any time by any administra- of Sixteenth National Irrigation Inches, making rival ot Bryan this morning and the portionate cash reserve compared persons are dead, eight are serious- City was depends upon cer the south side fourteen with last week. ly Injured and many slightly tlal campaign in New York tion. But business congress, and J. J. Blanchard, chief that part ot the Island almost arid. resignation last night of Haskell as are in night a tainty. re- Jured as the result of a collision be- fnrmslW launched last1 at statistician for the United States The project under consideration la to treasurer of the Democratic national Carnegie hail SuoDose any business man offended department, Washington, on tween two trains on the Berlin ele- great meeting held at or even chief of the clamation build a number of lurge reservoirs committee, Interest In politics today REPUBLICANS FORM the president the D. C, were arrivals last night. ot save Haskell's vated railroad this afternoon. Former Mayor Seth Low presided and bureau which handled this license aye-- the north side the mountains centered ln the selection of The accident was caused by a mis- Beverldge made principal president or offi- At o'clock this morning Mr. Bar the storm waters and transfer them successor, ln his resignation Haskell Senator the tern. Suppose this by tun- placed switch and Instead of passing ti- - stow, ot as is known to the south side means of denied all the charges made against address, his speech being on "Bu cer hould declare that he was "con- Barstow. he CLUB Al BARELAS each other as arranged the two trains trolling more than 25 per cent of tne among irrigauonisui wuv nels through the mountains. lil in, but said that he resigned because nes tfnd the Trusts." in the nature congressesut chang- - to do anyth ng met head on with great force, product in which he dealt" he would tended National Irrigation Mr. Mosquera said that the he did not desire that splintering pas- acknowledged ng money systems ln Porto might Interfere with the election of the cars and hurling of a reply to Bryan's be forced to Btop his business until he for the past few years, was at the of Itlco sengers every So great CoU Spanish money to Bryan. Hall Was Crowded and Speakers En ln direction. attitude toward great business enter got a license. Having got a license, congress headquarters, with first from the was the force with which he Hopewell, delving Into work fall- - orto Hlco money, under a plan of Bryan had a conference with a dorsed Work ot Delegate the train .1 )ik duiu as outlined 'n suppose his enemy would say that the during met that one of the cars was thrown, was doing more business tnan the taw mg into nis ornciai position, the Spanish government to keep all number ot Democratic leaders Andrew.
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