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Gemeindegeschichte Als Vergleichende Geschichte: the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in East

Bruce W. Hall Brigham Young University - Provo

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BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Hall, Bruce W., "Gemeindegeschichte Als Vergleichende Geschichte: the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints in " (1998). Theses and Dissertations. 4743.

This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. gemeindegeschichte als vergleichende geschichte church jesus christ latter day saints east germany 194519891945 1989



department history

brigham young university

partial fulfillment

requirements degree

master arts

bruce W hall

june 1998 thesis bruce W hall accepted present form department history brighamofbrigham young university satisfying thesis requirement degree

master arts

koaxoa11 jaljaier committee chair

rodney D boefbohfboha committee member

bruce van orden committee member im 1 date kendallkenjall W brown department chair


LIST abbreviations vi chapter

1 introduction 1


3 consolidation persecution 1949 1961 23 4 reconciliation accommodation NEWANEW constitution 1961 1971 38



7 conclusion 97


BIBLIOGbibliographyRAPHY 106

iiililili acknowledgments

many people contributed compilation completion thesis

I1 like thank few them here

special thanks goes frau steinbach frau erb aideroiderder bundesbeauftragtebundesbeauftragteftr furrur die unterlagenUnterlagen des staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen deutschen demokratischen republikublikbublik diligence patience willingness search through thousands former files american student matthew heiss church jesus christ latter day saints historical department salt lake city I1 wish express my appreciation numerous hours spent discussion research

I1 like express my gratitude various departments brigham young university provided funding long research trip germany department history department religious education david M kennedy center international area studies graduate school office research creative activities without support none research


I1 like thank members my thesis committee time effort

project truly offered exceptional insights direction I1 especially like thank my thesis advisor dr tobler without encouragement confidence me I1 am sure thesis never written

iv germany my good friend ajombj6mbjom bauerfeind great help both during my stay leipzig since him herzlichenherzlichen dank eberhard wemerwerner without whose knowledge expertise mention significant portion unpublished gemeindegeschichte I1 express deep gratitude hopefully future name appear next mine authors substantial work religion leipzig

least I1 like thank my wife beate inspiration support mention native german helped me see through end much

work LIST abbreviations

EK evangelischeEvange lische kirche evangelical lutheran church largest church former east germany

FRG federal republic germany

GDRDDR german democratic republic deutsche demokratische Republik

GI heimerneheimerGegeheimer informatorInforminformatoryator secret informant designation given informants worked stasi prior 1968

IM inoffiziellerinofflzieller mitarbeiterMitarbeiter inofficial workercollaboratorWorker Collaborator designation given informants worked stasi 1968

JG junge Gemegemeindegemeinderinde society youth youth society within evangelical church germany

LDS latter day saints short church jesus christ latter day saints mfs ministeriumfiirministerium furrur staatssicherheit ministry state security east german secret police

SED sozialistische einheitspartei deutschlandsdeutschlandeDeutschlands socialist unity party germany communist party east germany

SMAD soviet military administration germany 194519491945 1949 stasi short ministeriumftrministerium furjur staatssicherheit east german secret police

viVI CHAPTER 1 introduction

SED continually avoided pursuing policy aimed abolition complete privatization churches instead endeavored without fundamentally questioning churches repress public influence words limit them status quo completely secularize social life well replace christian morals manifestations life socialist society 1

above quotation taken hartmut timmermanszimmermansZimmermans authoritative DDR handbuchHandbuch published 1989 reveals general position SED socialist unity party germany sozialistische einheitspartei deutschlandsdeutschlandeDeutschlands toward religion former german democratic republic GDR relatively consistent policy limitation secularization although earlier severe later accommodating influenced

development religious organizations churches during GDRs forty year

194919891949 1989 existence tools employed accomplish these goals included media dedicated communist politicians education system police notorious ministry state security aall2allailali religious organizations felt pressure exerted

regime eventually forced way reconcile existence


church jesus christ latter day saints LDS Morcormonsmormonsmons

religious organizations forced situation accommodation established germany during mid 1800s LDS church often viewed germans rather obscure american denomination grown significantly twentieth century 1 during latter part 1920s cormonsmormons lived germany country outside united states beginning world war II11 LDS population germany exceeded 13000 division germany establishment german democratic republic 1949 mormon membership behind

iron curtain stood approximately 6000 number however began diminish

circumstances discussed thesis august 1961 erection prevented further emigration GDR

3 united states membership stabilized approximately 45 00OO

several hundred these cormonsmormons lived large eastern city leipzig beginning 1940s comprised two separate branches congregations 1961

number decreased half two branches combined several significant factors caused decrease membership devastation world war II11

left many without homes husbands founding GDR 1949 felt chances success life better west moved even though church leaders encouraged them remain emigration longer became option wall tightened border security left church

social political pressures imposed communist government

forty years 1949 until 1989 faithful latter day saints GDR leipzig endured hardships challenges living devout religious life unfriendly communist society opening quotation zimmerman suggests religious life GDR often forced difficult choices concerning ones faith LDS church GDR tiny insignificant minority population 17 million total membership constituted less 030.3 percent population leipzig

city half million even less yet churchschurche experience consistent

general overall religious experience GDR historian douglas tobler

LDS experience

exceptions mormon experience GDR conforms larger history christian churches sects communist dominated countries same policies governed cormonsmormons applied churches even though throughout forty years mormon church considered sect term pejorative german english little institutional contact common program christian churches policy carried earlier less happy decades 4 members disadvantaged persecuted harassed every turn adhering faith denied many opportunities available those known konfessionslose without religious affiliation subject almost constant stasi surveillance

while LDS church shared similarities religions GDR

classified minority religion sect minority status position subasubjectedsubj ectedacted them even greater persecution harassment meted larger populous churches evangelical lutheran church EK

Evangeevangelischelische kirche catholic church methodist church 5 lacked influence

kind neither prominent leadership nor numbers gain recognition comparable majority religions even smaller churches sects

example govemmentallygoverninentally recognized kirchenbundKirchenbund protestant church alliance support position society fact until midpoint SED secretary erich neckershoneckersHo administration 1979 government often did even recognize church part GDR religious community 6 LDS church

political agenda goals throughout entire existence GDR remained spiritual moral did actively participate political movements nor did support

evaluation LDS church within category general minority religions serves microcosmic evaluation religion GDR constitutes part study uniqueness LDS church experience especially american ties ironically earlier liability later asset make candidate

independent evaluation second aspect study information concerning LDS church GDR comes sources relating directly branch church leipzig beyond scope thesis attempt comprehensive study LDS church approximately fifty different branches throughout GDR hence generalizations concerning LDS church come information leipzig branch

unlike churches minorities GDR governments view LDS church different view religions origination united states church during first twenty years often suspected serving

front military political espionage leadership LDS church far away salt lake city utah during prominent Morcormonsmormonsmons including leader ezra T benson made repeated inflammatory communistanticommunistanti statements media church publications statements became well known

both stasi government officials condition exacerbated existing paranoid suspicions many GDR leaders however during honecker era 197119891971 1989 government continued search legitimacy support foreign currency began

view LDS church much different light honecker invited LDS leaders meet

him completely unprecedented decision 1979 allowed LDS church

build temple GDR allow full time proselytizing missionaries united states work within GDR two churchschurche urgent wishes

social aspect religion GDR related those faith including

lives LDS members constitutes third aspect study events wwithinithinathin

GDR well within churches mamajor affect thoughts lives LDS members once again specific experiences leipzig members remained consistent

LDS church east germany used represent social aspect attitudes toward government perceptions LDS members roles

GDR society curiously changed evolved simultaneously GDR itself history LDS church thus serves example how GDR life social institutions affected variety citizens religious people

GDR governments treatment religion during forty year existence influenced shaped forced churches including LDS church adapt conform accommodate reconcile themselves communist regime order survive

same time mormon church never forced alter basic goals compromise doctrine leipzig branch LDS church upon

research based served example religious conformity while proving itself socially politically culturally unique placing LDS church context religion general well examining atypical experience leipzig branch greater understanding religious political social life within former german democratic republic

methodology employed study strongly influenced approach church state studies recently reaffirmed historian john conway explains

past contemporary church history like church history affected two rather obvious overlooked factors first these hagiography second narrowness horizons too often practitioners demonstrated regrettable tendency limit researches solely affairs own religion therefore welcome new generation church historians recognize need adopt fresh approach attempt rethink complex relationship between church society stress now need widen horizons church historians adopting techniques social historians collaborative relationship secular historians found 7 my objective present history LDS church leipzig GDR touched before representative study religion east germany focus

LDS church without considering religions political historical events GDR society render study far less beneficial LDS non LDS readers alike my objective use commonality well uniqueness cormonsmormons present part east german society too often overlooked oversimplified

primary documents cited work come variety sources first

general monnonmormon chronology I1 draw upon unpublished history leipzig branch written local mormon historian eberhard wernerwemer well substantial body manuscript histories church related documents contained archives 7

historical department church jesus christ latter day saints salt lake city many decades local church leaders routinely incompletely sent historical records congregations church headquarters historical department same historical department contains series approximately thirty interviews conducted church archivist matthew heiss under auspices james moyle oral history program conducted early 1990s heiss interviewed present former LDS leaders members well several former officials especially those responsible church state relations GDR government I1 use documents collected bundesarchiv national archives germany leipziger stadtarchiv leipzig city archives sdchsicherstaatsarchivsachsicherstawsarchiv saxony state archives provide information governmental point view finally I1 gathered approximately 180 pages material bundesbeafutragtebundesbeafutragteftir furjur die unterlagenUnterlagen des staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen deutschen demokratischen publikrepublicrepublikRe archives ministry state security former german democratic republic provide detailed police information concerning knowing ubiquitous stasi relationship LDS church members GDR

secondary works focus primarily general subject church state relations former GDR many focus larger religions GDR lutheran catholic churches provide valuable information use comparative examination few sources exist discuss LDS church GDR almost

cited here provide general impressionistic information I1 forced lack secondary works specific area liosllosLDSLIDS church draw conclusions based primarily my own research primary documents

five chapters work arranged primarily chronological order noting comparison between religion minority religion LDS experience respectively within each exception format found within chapter

stasi influence intertwined tightly religious LDS experience discussed independently

chapter outlines four years SMAD soviet military administration germany 194519491945 1949 treatment religious organizations during time

better during subsequent forty years chapter two traces religious experience 1949 GDR founded until 1961 berlin wall created another unique situation religion GDR chapter three focuses

difficult times religion during GDR construction wall

1961 until erich honecker took control 1971 experience members leipzig branch constitute significant portion chapter chapter four examines role ministry state security stasi GDR paradoxical relationship LDS church chapter five outlines honecker era liosllosLDSLIDS church profound affect position ability finally worship freely within borders GDR

several conclusions insights concerning religion society GDR

drawn LDS experience these conclusions riddled paradoxes appear unlikely situations first perhaps significant evolution non evolution LDS church simultaneously GDR cold war american ties LDS church often suffered religious organizations fact relationship between united states GDR directly reflected relationship between LDS church GDR cold war coldest 196119691961 1969 church suffered thawing brought mikhail Gorbagorbachevgorbachovchev church appeared benefit greatly even

religions GDR evolution however superficial evolution paradoxical aspect emerges realizes despite general religious accommodation government GDR LDS church remained doctrinally politically unchanged under communist rule churches implemented accommodationaccommodationistist policy definedredefinedre themselves churches within socialism LDS church members remained committed moral principles

Q traditional organization 8

favorable treatment LDS church during latter years GDR

unstated reasons treatment present next paradox paradox directly related objectives ministry state security stasi goals

stasi collected information cormonsmormons forty years often motivation behind collection malicious intent uncovering clandestine illegal activity church outlawed GDR stasi employed thousands officers recruited often through dubious means literally millions unofficial informants IMs activities concerning LDS church provided 10

thousands pages information every aspect church paradox emerges

realized information turned beneficial church

asked reasons uncharacteristic favorable treatment

LDS church years GDR former government officials responded

members LDS church always responsible citizens people high

moral character participated political movements protests

kind against government always obeyed law sought improve

society however several direct often serious confrontations

government every case resolved themselves nonviolentlynon violently through proper channels government GDR knew cormonsmormons simply sheep

manipulated patient hardworkinghard working committed people 9

possible way government officials come these conclusions through information gathered stasi attempt rid GDR religion

LDS church stasi indirectly helped church accomplish goals building temple bringing missionaries GDR

lesser social paradoxes existed attempted abolition class society communists ideological rhetoric propaganda techniques aimed ridding itself societal classes GDR successfully perpetuated even encouraged growth class society within LDS church through constant oppression religion many significant insights contained pages work overall

experience LDS church GDR provides reader insight life

communist society something too often misunderstood offers view religion

society where christian beliefs contradicted fundamental ideology brings light history small group people struggling survive hostile society inevitably writing something never before researched questions

addressed may important simply beyond scope thesis

questions include what relationship between LDS church east germany west germany what specific experience minority religions GDR what relationship stasi religion throughout

GDR documentation answers these questions still remains untouched unexplored GDR archives stasi state I1 intend future publications answer

questions again here go beyond scope reflection upon many events circumstances surrounding religion LDS church GDR serves broaden horizionshorizions help understand human experience even study constitutes small portion 12

hartlhartmutHartinut zimmerman etal DDR handbuchHandbuch 1989 276 die SED hat es stets ververmiedenmieden eineerneermeemme auf abschaffungaufabschaffung oder vollsondigevollvoilvolivollstandigestandige privatisierung der kirchen gerichgerichtetetete portikpohtikpolitik zu betreibenbetreiben statt dessen bemuhtebemiihte sie sichsicksrch ohne die kirchen grundsatzhchgrundsdtzlich frage zu stellensteilen deren offenthchen6fifentlichen einflufieinfluj3 zuruckzudrangenzuriickzudrdngen bzwbaw aufdenauf denyen status quo zu beschrankenbeschrdnken das gesellschafthchegesellschaftliche leben vollvollstdndigvollstandigstandig zu sakulansierensdkularisieren sowle christchristhchechristlicheliche sitte durch lebensaufierungenlebensduj3erungen der soziahstischensozialistischen gesellschaftGesellschaft zu ersetzen

2 ministerium fur staatssicherheit ministry state security known names stasi mfs hereafter called work stasi

3 gilbert scharffs mormonismmormomsm germany history church ofdesusjesus christ oflatterlatter day saints germany between 1840 1970 salt lake city deseret book company 1970 bruce van orden building zion latter day saints europe salt lake city deseret book company 1995

4 douglas F tobler before wall fell cormonsmormons german democratic republic dialogue vol 25 4 winter 1992 15

5 three churches mentioned here remained populous GDR hence referred majority religions included appendix table listing religions majority minority respective membership numbers

6 religions GDR although together specific organization maintained representatives speak them religious community LDS church never participated community until honecker government took notice church name never appears religions official government documents belonging religious community religious community see uwe peter heidingsfeld hansjurgenhans jurgen roder kirche der DDR dokumente kommentare bayern der gymnasialpadagogischengymnasialptidagogischen materialstelleMaterial stelle der evang luth kirche bayern 1980

7 john conway association contemporary church historians newsletter january 1998

8 statement way asserts churches committed moral principles LDS church reason redefinere define themselves

9 see specifically interview ofgoagG behncke matthew heiss located historical archives church jesus christ latter day saints salt lake city utah cited later work CHAPTER 2


hitler regime collapsed 1945 potsdam accords treaty between allies divided germany four zones occupation placed eastern germany under rule soviet military administration germany SMAD

SMAD quickly implemented new policies consistent soviet benefactors accordance marxist leninist communist doctrine policies restricting personal freedoms emerged caused hardship eastern zone germans early period while removing economic assets soviets focused primarily goals ofdeoadede nazification1nazificationland economic stabilization well fostered formation promotion


although new policies became restrictive those policies regarding religion

churches initially remained mild tolerant comparison eastern zone churches turn involved themselves less occupational politics maneuvering pressing concerns associated end world war II11

WWWWII11 assertingreassertingre establishing religions oppressed twelve years nazi rule feeding thousands homeless refugee germans assisting physical rebuilding heavily destroyed germany hence first years following

13 14 war proved productive beneficial religion east germany churches conducted

activities almost complete autonomy

period relative freedom religion short lived 3 1946 churchillschurchilleChurchills metaphorical iron curtain descended across eastern europe soon SED began assuming larger role determining policy real iron curtain began descend

restrictions religion increased soviet policy 1945 until 1949 german democratic republic officially organized changed benevolence toward german churches first few years open hostility active opposition change policy affected religions majority minority4 including

small church jesus christ latter day saints

provisional government policy

four year period soviet occupational rule government policy regarding religion east germany fluctuated between conflicting political positions initially communist leaders supported church sponsored cooperative rebuilding efforts

berlin example soviets provided unhindered access western church leaders including those united states enter soviet zone organize volunteer workforcesworkforces feed provide shelter thousands homeless refugees east 5 SMAD exhibited overall conciliatory policy toward churches often regarded clergy restorers normalcy soviets went far

ask church leaders take care berliners believe god again 6 15

intertwined efforts rebuilding de nazification became major priority

provisional leadership churches allowed encouraged participate process soviets believed churches exhibited generally antagonistic attitude toward nazis cases vigorously opposed them 7

perception SMAD viewed religious organizations relatively untainted

Q collaboration nazis 8

although SMAD officials granted churches permission engage own de nazificationNazification processes participate rebuilding germany spiritually physically occupational government newly established socialist unity party quickly concluded religion directly opposed socialist goals separation church state moved first governments religious agenda rhetoric accompanying agenda read socialist unity party categorically rejects subordinating itself church just church justification rejects taking itself

partisan sense 9 words SED allow churches power society churches should satisfied decision tone

SED language revealed changing attitude well emerging method policy justification never churches supposed SED should subordinate itself them government independent significant church influence almost

hundred years 10 however justify restricting church activities implementing restrictive policy SED least provide explanation why needed greater restrictions claim churches attempted make new government subordinate served adequate explanation although government gouldgouid said 16

anything justify new policy greater church state separation should

recognized new policies new pressure came SED walter

ulbricht necessarily SMAD officials soviets remained four

years during time oversadoversaw administration zone

made transition military administration peoples government german

communists SED pushed new antireligiousanti religious policy 11

first manifestations policy involved regulation parochial

schools communist officials declared church run educational schools

disbanded students required attend state run institutions basis

decision clear communist vision society religious education did fit

social structure proclaimed goal secularized uniform schools restricted

i parents rights determine education children 12 within new secular schools government implemented numerous policies aimed secularization

radical policies included forbidding schools commemorate christmas requiring them celebrate birthday josef stalin december 2211 christmas vacation renamed winter vacation christ child renamed

solidarity child 13

LDS church

restrictive policies followed initial cooperative actions including those

education affected religions minority well eastern zone during

SMAD occupation germany minority religions save Jehovajehovahshs 17 witnesses allowed function normally 14 functioning however often carried hardships associated larger religions small religions church jesus christ latter day saints experienced hardship difficulty did EK rationale treatment government antagonists encouraged

fact latter day saints significant public support GDR functionfunctionariesaries believed harass small seemingly insignificant sect fear reprisal public otherwise 15 may importance majority religions themselves both hierarchy members vigorously opposed LDS church

fanatical sect begionnings nineteenth century

initially war like minority religions LDS did experience significant problems government recovery twelve years national socialism became priority difficult comprehend devastation suffering caused germany allied bombs invading armies during world war II11 millions died families torn apart homes completely destroyed german individual family remained immune experiencing great personal economic losses eighty five percent german LDS members place live 184 male members drafted army eastern zone did return home wars end 16 city leipzig father small naegler family among those never returned

LDS church vigorously participated rebuilding process contributed even three largest churches january 1946 request

churchschurche leaders salt lake city LDS apostle ezra T benson later 1952 18

became secretary agriculture eisenelsenhowereisenhowerElsenhower administration arrived salt

lake city visit german members brought him much needed material relief

cold starving homeless germans cormonsmormons non cormonsmormons alike church provided hundreds tons food clothing well spiritual hope war torn

members during several months benson spoke numerous small

gatherings large conferences support encourage beleaguerbeleaguererbeleaguereded german

1 7 members 17 conferences organized benson largest took place eastern zone city leipzig conference lasted three days russians provided

church excellent advertising conference two weeks advance radio

announced conference several times per day billboards placed streetcars flyers appeared city members non members alike invited

1 Q end amazing 11985 people attended conference 18

throughout meetings conferences church assertedreassertedre spiritual mission salvation began asking voluntary missionary service among available male german members lived eastern zone serve within germany

primary responsibilities centered following locate displaced members among refugees east identify widows children needed immediate assistance secure new meeting facilities replace those destroyed bombs fill leadership positions left empty those lost casualties war 19 between 1945

1949 although devastated war church recovered prospered grew 20 missionaries success bringing families together well baptizing many new 19 members during initial years SMAD rule church missionaries

i encountered few problems eastern zone leaders 21

reason prosperity unexpected generosity russian

occupational government toward LDS church previously mentioned early policy

generally tolerant historian douglas tobler notes

allowed regular church services church representatives travel freely 60000 volume cache genealogical church records sent utah addition church permitted publish tracts paper became available june 1946 held mission conference leipzig 22

LDS church clearly benefited conciliatory policies SMAD

1948 cold war settled winter signs official intolerance directed

T LDS church already begun appear 23 president churchschurche east german mission often found himself headquarters state secret police church money taken members missionaries alike never returned missionaries detained intensely questioned eventually forced leave

GDR 24

occupation years created many diverse feelings within east german religious community initially churches hopes peaceful existencecoexistence soviets newly formed SED actions SMAD appeared

case however ideology marxism leninism zealousness SED functionfunctionariesaries quickly curtailed church activity continuous restrictions proved detrimental religion general during next forty years well created situation minority religions often difficult populous counterparts 20

three majority religions emerging cold war created new difficulties many religions specifically LDS church cold war represented dichotomy support government part LDS belief teaches then conflict arises enemy government houses leaders church where should members place loyalty example LDS church represents minority position well GDR began implement restrictive religious policies position plight minority religions turned acute 21

1 active elimination destruction national socialist ideas policy ideology re- education population eliminate indoctrinated ideas see norman M naimark russians germany history soviet zone occupation 194519491945 1949 cambridgelondonCambridge London belknap press harvard university press 1995

athe2the2 SED sozialistische einheitspartei deutschlanddeutschlandeDeutschland combination KPD communist party germany SPD social democratic party germany chapter transition period intended present complete picture religion LDS church eastern zone policy under SMAD rule proved vastly different policy contrived SED during GDR times chapter intended provide reader germans say uberblickiiberblickuberblick overall view state religion LDS church before foriformationnation GDR

hexact3exact3 exact dates concerning churches loss autonomy cannot given entire idea autonomy relative based whose perspective considered according communists churches never lost autonomy while according communistanticommunistanti church leaders churches autonomy lost potsdam accords I1 believe occurred gradually during latter years SMAD administration

4seeasee4 see discussion minority churches introduction definition

arobert5robert5 robertrobent F goeckel catholic church east germany catholicism politics communist societies ed pedro ramet durham london duke university press 1990 94 robert F goeckel lutheran church east german state political conflict change under ulbricht honecker ithaca london comellcornell university press 1990 44

bibid6ibid6 ibid

7 7goeckelgoeckel lutheran church east german state 4411

8 ibid

9 ibid 42

10 1871 germany became united under bismarck policies german government did include nor bismarck allow them further significant influence churches fact under Bismarcks germany term kirchenkampfKirchenkirchenkampfchurchkamnfkampf church struggle created difficulties churches government n naimark 290 3904534543904533 90 453454453 454

12 goeckel 42

13 sabrina petra ramet protestantism east germany 194919891949 1989 summing protestantism politics eastern europe russia communist Postpostcommunistcommunist eras ed sabrina petra ramet durham london duke university press 1992 5511 22

14 determined SMAD Jehovajehovahshs witnesses organization outlawed eastern zone during entire forty year existence GDR organization allowed practice openly see naimark russians germany 390

15 matthew heiss interview

16 gilbert scharffs mormonism germany history oftheodthe church ofdesusjesus christ oflatterlatter day saints germany between 1840 1970 salt lake city deseret book 1970 117 labor love 1946 european mission ofezraezra taftrafttadt benson salt lake city deseret book 1989 63 17 scharffs 135145135 145 labor ofloveoglovelove 3915439 154 frederick W babbel wings faithwaithfaithfalth salt lake city bookcraft 1972

18 eberhard wernerwemer die leipzig gemeindegeschichte vol 3 unpublished manuscript photocopy labor oglovelotelove 125126125 126

19 hermann manfred schultzeSchiitze oral history interview matthew K heiss 199iggi19911 james moyle oral history program archives historical department church jesus christ latter day saints salt lake city utah walter gerd schiele oral history interview matthew K heiss 1991 james moyle oral history program archives historical department church jesus christ latter day saints salt lake city utah

20 labor ofloveoglovelove 14915149151149 151511 specific data concerning actual numbers converts point obtained

21 walter schiele oral history

22 douglas F tobler before wall fell monnonsmormonsmormans german democratic republic dialogue vol 25 4 winter 1992 16

23 reason change attitude do emergence SED assertions power SMAD government relatively tolerant new german SED eager implement brand marxism included restricting religions SMAD approved SED policy encouraged restriction

24 scharffs 149165149 165 CHAPTERCHAPTERS3

consolidation persecution 194919611949 1961

october 7 1949 direct response founding federal republic

germany FRG west germany german democratic republic declared itself

legitimate state recognized autonomous communist soviet bloc

conjunction founding SED drafted official constitution although based

soviet model GDR constitution differentiated itself concerning how religion

viewed 1 newly formed SED though controlled communists contained

many members social democratic party germany SPD two parties

united form SED SPD members remained committed idea

germans right religious freedom SED did time enough

popular support abolish religion completely accordance marxist ideology

german communists reality superimposed government eastern zone

armed strength soviet military SED wished portray

party having support people especially rank file did want

localities power revealed new constitution attempted outlaw

religious worship right considered fundamental german society SED risked

violent popular uprising something quite within capabilities east german people 1953 berlin labor riots later demonstrated

23 24 result GDR constitution officially recognized rights citizens

exercise religious freedom however officially recognized right unofficial realities GDR life proved completely different between 1949 early

1970s SED actively sought remove religion religious belief GDR implementation secularized lifestyle curtailing previously established religious activities attempt part government forbid several religions

well construction berlin wall 19619611 contributed decline church membership secularization GDR religions two largest religions GDR protestant catholic significantly affected minority religions including LDS church suffered greatly under new hostile policies

constitution officially unofficially

officially GDR gobermgovermgovernmentnent constitution did permit religious worship article 41141.1 1949 charter stated every citizen enjoys complete freedom belief

freedom conscience uninterrupted exercise religion remain under protection republic 3 wording appears expressly protect religious organizations however GDR citizens quickly came realize never

case simply adhering constitution case shortly constitution went effect already rift between constitutional wording constitutional reality 4

although government officials abolish religion outright instead tried eliminate through means hartmut timmermanszimmermansZimmermans DDR handbuchHandbuch clearly states goal SED relation religion 25 SED continually avoided pursuing policy aimed abolition complete privatization churches instead endeavored without principle questioning churches repress public influence words limiting them status quo secularize completely social life well replace christian morals manifestations life socialist society 5

general attempt undermine religion GDR involved number activities

contributed significant decrease number practicing christians

GDR 6 according government survey policy secularization appeared work well 1950 statistic reveals 767.6 percent GDR population

konfessionslose without religious affiliation 1964 number risen 31531.5 percent 400 percent increase 7

secularization promoted decline church membership great numbers

inhibiting policies included restricting religious publications including instruction manuals scriptures hymnals pamphlets forbidding type full time proselytizing missionary activities religion requiring almost endless number registration approval forms everything including weekly sunday services historian john conway situation initial years german democratic republic bartyspartys ultimate ideological objective clear state without churches society without christianity population without religious belief 8


implementation new antireligiousanti religious policies churches perceived themselves under attack term kirchenkampfKirchen kampf church struggle once used describe marcksbismarcksBis nineteenth century attack catholic church 26 germany now used EK began reflect accurately position churches call resistance indeed felt engaged battle survival

cases very existence government policies restricted practices existed literally hundreds years germany threatened unravel threads

tradition example GDR longer allowed traditional religious instruction

schools educators trained party members many christian teachers students either removed positions denied access higher education 9 church publications suffered fabricated paper shortages tradition offering subsidies churches education purposes curtailed SED expelled party members remained church members religious belief adequate grounds expulsion SED clergy SPD members now forced leave party 100 government placed restrictions education aimed tear everyone away religious belief sometimes simply

allowing people physically present church during early 1950s

villagers townspeople ordered report work farms factories sundays thus preventing them attending church yli511 restrictions affected religious organizations members regardless supposed constitutional rights

two active invasive governments activities note during

initial years GDR abolition EKs junge Gemegemeindegemeinderinde establishment secular jugendweiheJugendweihe rite

junge Gemegemeindegemeinderinde society youth JG organization evangelical lutheran church religious german youth containing hundreds 27 thousands members throughout germany abolition 1953 JG constituted what viewed first direct attack churches GDR officially stated reasons forbidding organization rested fact youth organization junge Gemegemeindegemeinderinde being used instrument american

1 Q west german imperialism 12 unofficially actual fact JG largest competitor FDJ freie deutsche jugend free german youth GDRs newly established youth organization abolishing JG proved simplest way eliminate competition while simultaneously furthering goal complete secularization society abolition JG viewed victory SED despite bitter protest numerous public outcries FDJ remained largest youth organization competition anyone else

victory JG prompted SED begin program called

Jugendjugendweiheweihe went even further direction secularization Jugendjugendweiheweihe

name given coming age rite created GDR youth turning thirteen years old ceremony associated jugendweiheJugendweihe stressed adhering secular ideals

becoming active citizen socialism ersatz rite blatantly mocked sought

replace confirmation ceremony practiced churches GDR implemented 195419541 Jugendjugendweiheweihe served ceremony recognizing young person

official GDR citizen new member FDJ unless young people sought enlist FDJ did participate many EK pastors bishops openly objected implementation Jugendjugendweiheweihe calling marxist atheist conspiracy aimed school children intent should longer believe 28 church 51313 EK initially declared young people participated

Jugendjugendveihejugendweiheweihe participate religious confirmation

seeing opportunity put pressure churches government made participation Jugendjugendweiheweihe mandatory youth shortly EK statement churches either conform risk alienating throngs young members eventually churches gave without loud protests many high ranking GDR western religious officials these officials prominent EK bishop berlin otto dibelius

bishop dibelius served bishop berlin brandenburg chairman

14 EKD councilcouncil14 since end world war II11 outspoken opposition nazi regime won him acclaim throughout europe war once GDR began placing restrictions church well establishing competing programs like Jugendjugendweiheweihe dibelius began campaign speaking publicly against GDR government often traveled western nations took every opportunity voice protests against violation GDR citizens religious rights example visit colorado religious conference 1952 openly stated west west germany people know

communist program east know communist regime 15 first glance comment seems rather insignificant however time GDR seeking legitimacy wanted portray themselves state merely implementing reform programs regime often considered oppressive contrived exactly bad press GDR did want

GDR did tolerate active opposition within borders plan developed 1952 aimed silencing bishop dibelius plan secretary 29 religion willi barth established four pronged approach accomplish goal first peoples police revoked bishop dibelius travel pass mandatory travel

GDR second article appeared national party newspaper neues deutschlanddeutschlandeDeutschland accusing dibelius supporting collaborating nazis during war essence labeling him liar traitor third brochure sent church preachers pastors GDR citing dibelius nazi collaboration finally dibelius

forbidden speak preach anywhere GDR thrown east berlin forbidden return GDR 16

rough treatment bishop dibelius reveals emerging attitude method

dealing problems though often ineffective silencing them 17 persist throughout GDR years dibelius anti nazism stance well known highly publicized yet GDR officials did hesitate slander denigrate bishop

did cooperate them church leaders quickly learned wished

keep what little freedom influence hoped better position must deal GDR terms government qualms

open aggression toward highly public figure certainly entertained reservations came attacking less influential smaller minority religions

LDS church

policy implementation did remain governmental means attack religion GDR government sought outlaw several religions far current research uncovered GDR attempted forbid two minority religions

Jehovajehovahshs witnesses LDS church however Jehovajehovahshs witnesses 30 1 Q suffered fate 18 attempt forbid LDS church came november 1950 during years SMAD leadership LDS church collecting sending genealogical information east germany salt lake city members

SED did like idea Y information archives going enemy aimed take action control document interior ministry

politburo november 1950 cites LDS church completing genealogy records sending them united states document clearly states opinion interior ministry LDS church made illegal GDR ostensibly reasons security telling portion letter states suggested sect forbidden verbieten9verbietenverbiesenverbieten 19 unknown reasons politburo did act suggestion difficult forbid church

450050004500 5000 members entire GDR population Jehovajehovahshs witnesses church time numbered 25000

despite small numbers LDS church GDR remained unified initially experienced growth through successful missionary efforts however success did long during early 1950s government began restricting missionary activities travel GDR LDS church leaders mission presidents residing west germany west berlin often detained border crossings police sometimes held questioned several days 20 occasion missionary serving east germany rudolf poecker native thuringiaofthuringia arrested imprisoned charges espionage languishing prison ten months government decided missionary innocent charges released 210 1 31 restrictions missionary activities continued increase american west german missionaries allowed travel east berlin where else eastern zone under SMAD rule now forbidden teach anywhere

GDR eventually native east gennangerman missionaries forbidden proselyte

considered government waste time man should working 2200 church leaders west often obtain travel passes visit members

GDR many times leaders obtained tickets travel passes international leipzig trade fair messe arrange meet local leaders well

02 smuggle church literature hymnhymnbooksbooks materials 23 1961 berlin wall erected missionary activities GDR practically ceased exist

during early mid 1950s access west berlin still possibility although extremely difficult members LDS church fled west escape difficult conditions GDR majority members however remained

GDR refused leave attitude originated church leaders repeated admonitions dating turn century members remain own land build church home early history LDS church thousands converts world joined church immigrated utah where sought life free persecution church leaders then began encourage members remain homeland rather undertake trek united states GDR members took counsel very seriously many remained within GDR solely


missionary efforts church practice restricted government during 1950s constant police monitoring religious activities became 32 commonplace often churches including LDS church conform new laws implemented purposes surveillance example law required registration every church meeting every week members provide government report accommodations meeting detailed specific list

subjects discussed names teachers speakers meetings held normal sunday services then church provide same information well names guests addresses dates

places birth addresses where staying visiting occupations DPA numbers equivalent passport number used mainly

police 24 many times members noticed visitors observing meetings began carefully follow program these visitors often worked ministry state security stasi did attend meetings observation purposes stasi began play increasingly significant role church surveillance

subject addressed later work

period consolidation power government between 1949

1961 proved difficult religion GDR including LDS church despite difficulties government always remained reserved kept activities somewhat secret fear too much bad press west 1961 changed construction berlin wall

berlin wall

during night early morning august 13 196iggi19611 berlin wall erected officially GDR built wall keep protect citizens 33 fascist imperialistic capitalist influence west unofficially blatantly

obvious GDR losing citizens hundreds thousands 1949 through

196iggi19611 GDR lost well two half million people immigrated

c west 25 berlin wall constructed halt mass exodus protect

GDR interests significant characteristic those leaving tended young

educated productive citizens east germany losing best people wall

became solution

literally overnight east became completely isolated west berlin

remaining western tie those attempting escape through

wall shot even killed many citizens GDR realized what

wall really represented journalajournalaljournal entry eberhard wemerwerner LDS member

leipzig time reveals atmosphere speaking august 13 1961 wrote

sad day germany now clear see possibilities past

long future ahead restoration united germany gone 26

religion wall posed new difficult problem longer

information easily pass east west wall provided security net

government well removed prior apprehension open harassment church members remaining active member religion drew negative attention government 27 LDS church building wall proved watershed

4500 remaining members GDR historian douglas tobler describes difficult situation

wall created new depressing condition safety valve removed members now stay come kind terms 34 new order latter day saints loosened even broke ties church communist society forced kind theroreitherorei choice example young person wished study university individual hoped find better job married couples hope getting apartment even car sooner often found necessary make kind peace nearly omnipotent order 28ff

peace described here meant choosing easier life choosing remain member church every active faithful religious person lived GDR experienced new type persecution society where everything regulated

government falling favor brought hardship persecution

following construction wall population society GDR stabilized first time since inception 1949 people living GDR now realized imminent unification two Germgermanasgermanysanys appeared impossible idea

need kind accommodation regime moved forefront especially religion members LDS church appeared common phrase among cormonsmormons enduring end becoming living reality 35

article 124 soviet constitution states order ensure citizens freedom conscience church USSR separated state school church freedom religious worship freedom antireligiousanti religious propaganda recognized citizens httpwwwbucknelledudepartmentsrussian3httpwwwbucknelledudepartmentsrussian36cons046conso4htmlchaphtmlchap 10 accessed may 25 1998 soviet constitution made allowance governmental department did GDR kirchenfragenKirchenfragen church questions department clear however although wording soviet constitution allowed religious freedom citizens GDR enjoyed much religious autonomy did citizens USSR further study religion soviet union see sabrina ramet protestantism politics eastern europe russia duke university press durham 1992

ifor2for2 those unfamiliar organization leadership GDR prudent include brief description here GDR leadership consisted group individuals similar parliament appointed rather elected called politburo head politburo default head SED called general secretary SED person equivalent premier prime minister during forty year existence GDR four people served general secretary two significant served longest period time walter ulbricht 196-1960- 197101971 erich honecker 197119891971 1989 before 1960 leadership set little differently intents purposes ulbricht leader GDR beginning 1949 otto grotewohl egon krenz two general secretaries both served short periods little influence GDR politics

buwe3uwe3 uwe peter heidingsfeld hansjurgenhans jorgenjurgen roder kirche der DDR dokumente kommentare bayern der gymnasialpadagogischen materialstelleMaterialstelle der evang luth kirche bayern 1980 121

4ibidbibid4 ibid

5hartmut5 hartmut zimmerman horst ulrich michael fehlauer DDR handbuchHandbuch colnkoinkoln verlag wissenschaftWissenschaft u holitikPolipolitiktik 19892761989276. die SED hat es stets vermiedenvermieden eineerneermeemme aufabschaffung oder vollstdndige privatisierung der kirchen gerichtetegerichtete holitikpolitik zu betreibenbetreiben staftstaffstatt dessen bemuhtebemiihte sie sich ohne die kirchen grundsdtzlich frage zu stellensteilen deren offentlichendffentlichen einflufieinfluj3 zurilckzudrdngenzurfickzudrdngen bzwbaw aufaudaufdenden status quo zu beschrdnken das gesellschaftliche leben vollsondigvollstdndig zu sakularisierensdkularisieren sowle christchristlicheliche sitte durch lebensdufierungenlebensduj3erungen der sozialistischen gesellschaftGesellschaft zu ersetzen

gother6 religious organizations judaism islam taken consideration here situations remained different relation rest religion GDR jews internationally recognized victims those remained eastern zone therefore treated rather delicately members islamic faith numbered few relationship between GDR arab nations interfering faith became counterproductive

ader7der7 der prozebprozee des sterbensabsterbensAb von religion und kirche der DDR feb 1968 bundesarchiv deutschlandDeutschdeutschlande land D 04 2445 transcript 2

aeberhard8eberhard8 eberhard wernerwemer die leipziger Gemegemeindegemeinderinde geschichte unpublished manuscript possession author john conway stasi churches between coercion compromise east german protestantism 1949891949 89 journal church andstateanastatestafestate vol 36 4 autumn 1994 727

9 robert F goeckel lutheran church 45

100 ibid 36

n ibid 50

12 willi barth betrbear massnahmenMassnahmen gegen die tatigkeit der jungen Gemegemeindegemeinderinde january 13 1953 bundesarchiv deutschlandDeutschdeutschlandeland NY 41824182154154 transcript

13 berichtberichoricht ilbertiber den verlaufverkaufverlaufeineseineselnes evangeevangelischenlischen gemeindeabends aus der generalkirchenvisitationgeneralkirclienvisitation ratzdorfbatzdorfratzdorfkreisRatzdorf kreiskrels fiirstenbergFiirstenberg oder am 261019552610.1955 bundesarchiv deutschlandDeutschdeutschlandeland DY 6 3119 transcript

14 EKD council evangelical church germany council governing body lutheran church germany chairmanChainchainmannanman dibelius influential church leader germany

15 willi barth walter ulbricht betrifftriff bishof dibelius december 13 1952 bundesarchiv deutschlandDeutschdeutschlandeland NY 4182 136 transcript

16 ibid

17 dibelius thrown GDR continued vocal opposition GDR religious policies wrote own book obrigkeit authorities argued scriptures romans 13 regarding obedience caesar did apply situation christians GDR differentiated between legal authority ordained god totalitarian order ordained god according dibelius absence legal order GDR meant claim moral obligation christians even matters adherence traffic laws GDR goeckel 62

18 GDR did succeed forbidding several small churches however until during late gos early 70s Jehovajehovahshs witnesses LDS church both attacked initial years GDR see kirche undstaatund staat der DDR well known fact Jehovajehovahshs witnesses church illegal GDR evidence revealing government attempted forbid LDS church difficult uncover suggests perhaps GDR attempted forbid minority religions reason another did succeed therefore cannot assumed these two churches affected constraints both research length do allow greater exploration Jehovajehovahshs witnesses situation GDR clear fundamental beliefs political associated Jehovajehovahshs witnesses church existence GDR outlawed SMAD late 1940s naimark russians 390

19 ministerium des innemannem hauptabteilund staatlicheStaatliche verwaltung november 1 1950 bundesarchiv abteilung potsdam 1505041505 0 4 transcript

20 gilbert scharffs mormonism germany 164

21 bruce van orden what you lay altar christ discipleship rudolf elfriede poecker unpublished paper photocopy

22 wemerwerner vol 2

23 scharffs 155164155 164 ibid vol 3

24 die kirche jesu christi der heiligerheiligenHeiligen der letzterletzten tage das volkspolizei kreisamt leipzig aug 26 1968 photocopy poposessionpossessionsession author die kirche jesu christi der heiligerheiligenHeiligen der letzen tage Quartierquartierlisteliste von den teilnehmemteilnehmern der bagungtagung der HLT kirche leipzig april 12 1964 photocopy poposessionpossessionsession author 37

25 die flucht den westen chronik der deutschen augsburg genehmigte lizenzausgabe furnur bechtermtinzbechtermunzBechtermunz verlag im weltbildWeltbild verlag gmbh 1996 1004

26 wemer vol 4 290 Es war ein trauertagfurtrauertagffir deutschlandDeutschdeutschlandeland damdamit war klar zu sehen dagidagg alle chancenchanced der vergangenheit und auchfurauchffir eineerneermeemme lange zukunft ververgebengeben waren ein einigeseiniger deutschlandDeutschdeutschlandeland wiederherzustellen

27 based research stasi archives fact clearly evident files those individuals remained active church contained numerous derogatory statements person well admonitions officials keep closer watch these individuals selected documents der bundesbeauftragtebundesbeauftragteffir furjur die unterlagenUnterlagen des staatssicherheitsdeinstes der ehemaligen deutschen demokratischen RepublikpuhlikrepublikrepuhlikrepublicRe leipzig

28 douglas F tobler behind wall 2211 CHAPTER 4 reconciliation accommodation NEW constitution 1961 1971

following construction berlin wall relationship between church state GDR began change new restriction travel between east west allowed government freedom regulate curtail religious activity little fear reprisal bad publicity west decade 1961 1971 prove difficult churches GDR majority religions

EK catholic church individually come terms prospect existing kirche im sozialismus 1 church within socialism break ties western counterparts abgrenzung deal new constitution worded curtail religion even further minority religions endure many same hardships relating constitution breaking ties west minority religion

LDS church experienced greatest problems gobermgovermgovernmentnent especially

city leipzig where appears even zealous city government attempted abolish LDS church altogether truly wall created society where open hostility religion became commonplace churches realized must attempt conform suffer ignominious death

38 39 kirche imini sozialismus church within socialism

churches behind wall existing viable institutions depended

ability come terms precarious situation coexistexist perish appeared

available alternative open opposition proven cause greater hardships religious institutions previous church policy concerning Jugendjugendweiheweihe

proven majority religions therefore began dialogue government markedly less antagonistic previous years although never completely supportive several official writings afekofekEK leaders began broach idea working

instead against GDR govgovernmentemment writings ten articles freedom service church seven theological theses freedom

church serve worked redefining role church GDR citing commonaltiescommonalities shared socialist government pursuing new course concerning churches relationship GDR government I11

these attempts appeared successful surface publicized talks between church leaders walter ulbricht resulted new conciliatory dialogue new relationship resulted policy changes sought churches perhaps significant these changes declaration september 7 1964 GDR government allowed conscientious objectors perform mandatory service military building soldiers bausoldaten thus allowing individuals morally opposed combat opportunity avoid sworn obligation allegiance flag use

firearms small victories however proved hollow GDR worked 40 implementing abgrenzung program plan aimed forcing churches sever ties

western counterparts

abgrenzung delimitation

outset berlin wall proven successful preventing interaction between east west german societies GDR officials satisfied severing ties

west wall proven beneficial them dedicated themselves forcing churches break western counterpart churches however prospect alienation west did appeal religious organizations many leaders EKEKL remained staunchly opposed break drawing support

idea religion transcended man made borders walls lines map

catholics decided advantage situation headquarters vatican served diplomatic bargaining chip offering trade possible coveted international diplomatic recognition continued coordination catholics

GDR without 2

EK objectors maintain united opposition governments efforts especially without support own leaders bishop thuringia moritz mitzenheim openly stated conference fuerstenwaldeFuerstenwalde

borders GDR should borders church church leaders believed mitzenheim too sympathetic GDR government believed direct opposition alternative others sided mitzenheim stating opposing

government bring hardship churches 3 disunity 41

indecisiveness GDRs largest religion allowed government take advantage

situation april 1968 new constitution GDR introduced new wording concerning religion proved fateful churches east germany

new constitution

part constitution legally forced churches function independently

GDR governments official justification stated new constitution canecessaryCa necessary consolidate current stage socialism lay groundwork transition next stage namely walter Ulbrichulbrichtsts developed social system socialism reason proclaimed government do

FRGs new rapprochement position need addressreaddressre question unified germany 4 idea left unstated lingering GDR legitimacy government officials spent forty years writing writingrewritingre constitutions official declarations treaties pursuit legitimacy 1968 constitution just another attempt achieve goal

religious aspects new draft proved significant religion GDR although similar 1949 constitution religion longer legally autonomous churches now officially subject themselves GDR law legal recourse although earlier forced conform new laws endure unofficial harassment main phrases new constitution pertaining religion stated

every citizen german democratic republic same rights duties irrespective nationality race philosophy religious confession social origin position freedom conscience freedom belief guaranteed every citizen german democratic republic right profess religious 42

creed carry religious activities churches religious communities conduct affairs carry activities conformity constitution legal regulations german democratic republic details settled agreement 5

conformity constitution legal regulations clear german meant

breaking ties west german churches many churches believed once

broke ties west government attack religion much easier leaving

route escape help others churches saw entire german church

community merely politically questioned new constitution feared

constitutionally compromised 6

1969 GDR churches officially broke west german churches

catholic church remained directly connected outside however plight

catholics often just great religions specific example

governments harsh treatment catholic church occurred same time

city leipzig involved case university church leipzig

universitdtskirche demise


accordance marxist leninist ideology government confiscate property interests state often included downtown sections

larger cities city leipzig population ca 500000 catholics used

church known pauline university church named connected

n directly university leipzig athe7the gobermgovermgovernmentnent devised plans modernize

redevelop leipzig resemble ideal communist city 43 redevelopment comprised remodeling ofearlofkarlkarlkari marx platzpiatz formerly augustusplatzAugustus platz largest square city including location university

university church erected 1240 part covenant mendicant friars known pauline covenant 1409 catholics founded university leipzig right next church serve training place priests monks 1517 johannes tetzel infamous indulgence dealers whose motto bald der gulden im becken klindtklingt im nuh die seele den himmel spring f soon coin coffer rings then quick soul heaven springs headquarters

church later became popular preaching place martin luther lived 60 kilometers away wittenberg 8 J bach spent hundreds hours composing music university church organ

GDR took interest church reason redevelopment walter ulbricht SED party boss leipzig native observed 1961 large gathering young people approximately 20020000 participating religious activities sponsored catholic church according official records ulbricht incensed spectacle said publicly church das ding muss weg thing must go9909goagog 1968 church still used solemnities university leipzig weekly sunday services church leipzig

suffered damage bombs world war II11 church did fit

image modem communist square observed ulbricht popular gathering place religious activities despite embittered resistance 44 people leipzig catholic church government summarily demolished building may 30196830 1968 1000 am 10

LDS church

1960s problems religion did affect majority religions minority religions LDS church faced same challenges accommodation

conformity idea existing church within socialism difficult

LDS church may larger churches reason rests fundamental LDS beliefs LDS church follows what calls articles faith summary list thirteen basic beliefs compiled mid 1800s LDS leader joseph smith number twelve states believe being subject kings presidents rulers magistrates obeying honoring sustaining law members

GDR already partially reconciled themselves church within socialism

these beliefs

GDR policies abgrenzungas4bgrenzung however created problems

LDS church perhaps others fundamental organization LDS church includes direct leadership body salt lake city utah once new constitution 1968 took effect GDR refused recognize western LDS leaders

allow them continue govern church within GDR borders

order allow continuous functioning church GDR american

LDS leaders appointed karl marx stadt chemnitz resident henry burkhardt serve mission president official president LDS church GDR 45 appointment allowed church continued recognition GDR government well

providing government east german citizen deal directly

GDR officials 11I1 I1 although relieving problem hand creating type oflasofldsLDS leadership GDR created social difficulties church

period sixteen years 1969 1985 president burkhardt served LDS president GDR prior becoming mission president served first counselor mission president usually american living west berlin burkhardt

man highest character church leaders trusted him implicitly assignment become president church GDR give

1 normal career commit time new appointment 123

social difficulties within church did center around individual president burkhardt rather around reality few people remaining leadership positions long periods time LDS church does paid clergy instead

ask members donate time talent serving leadership positions since these positions paid yet consume great deal time member tradition church make leadership changes often perhaps every five seven years change allows those committed large portion lives become overburdened despondently burned well provides others

opportunity serve gain experience turn new leadership brings new ideas new vitality organization

problem GDR LDS church became leadership stagnation 13 government disallowed missionary activities made life few 46

active members difficult thus leadership often remained same many years

since church grow nor receive direct guidance outside

same leaders place extended periods time LDS church developed isolated somewhat closed community many ways protected church strain communist rule however created type pecking order within church those bottom different ideas fresh insights often fell victim artificial institutional clique weighed against

colossal problems experienced simply surviving GDR these internal social problems seem somewhat insignificant however viewed history below effects totalitarian regimes common member become significant offer view stated conway introduction too often overlooked

local problems leipzig

together social problems LDS church faced great difficulties

local governments serious problem plagued church germany

years LDS church city leipzig experienced great difficulties associated religious tensions 1968 new constitution implemented

well known university church destroyed appeared open season churches december 1968 city council leipzig confiscated meeting facilities LDS members finished renovarenovatingting own use 14 citescitys seizure typical arbitrary willful actions communist government 47

levels citescitys decision initiated struggle between members LDS leipzig branch city government lasting almost year

events leading seizure leipzig branch building resulting actions members leaders LDS church final outcome situation reveal how far individual members went what risks took regain meeting facilities ultimate victory achieved members leipzig branch appears result relentless effort prevent government permanently occupying meeting facilities following narrative account presents combination social political problems faced minority religion GDR well provides poignant look typical bureaucratic communist mentalities actions

emsternst thalmannthaimann strasse 74

since 1950 church jesus christ latter day saints leipzig met

small building Gerbergerberstrassestrasse 192719 27 near city center planned city redevelopment included destruction university church LDS branch instructed move elsewhere helmut fischer president branch time district president walter schiele wrote city government requesting allocation new accommodations usual pattern matters

GDR 15 april 23 1968 leaders went city hall received official oral confirmation church move building located ernst thalmannthaimann strasse 74 16 48

designated building originally built 1880 market hall 1927

city erected larger market hall nearby old building converted movie theater served until 1950 closed used storage days being movie theater until time LDS church obtained made ovationsrenrenovations improvements building reasons branch obtained building bad need repair 171 7 members began arduous task renovarenovatingting rundownrun down structure church obtained necessary permits members leipzig branch participated work

sunday april 28 1968 1000 am members met time meeting house Gerbergerberstrassestrasse leaders notified members continued church services held every sunday meeting room new apostolic church while new building under renovation 18 september 6 1968 members completed ovationsrenrenovations before branch begin legally using building government insisted official inspection make sure everything

order 19 during inspection officials determined church made illegal structural changes removing building internal wall without official government consent without additional permit officials said church failed submit time architectural statements pre renovation structural integrity building inspectors informed church newly required structural changes well several specific documents church submit certified architects evaluation cost estimate what ovationsrenrenovations already taken place those now needed list names addresses parties responsible 49 construction 20 inspection building immediately closed re- opened until church met conditions set government

result branch members place meet several protestant churches including methodist new apostolic churches leipzig sympathetic problems LDS church faced similar problems themselves ecumenical christian generosity allowed LDS church use buildings during

episode 21

branch worked quickly possible meet stipulations set government december 16 1968 architectural work completed documents sent government members hoped back building christmas several phone calls national construction approval board leipzig district president walter schiele told further reasons should keep building closed boards standpoint municipal architects office city leipzig agree approval came shortly thereafter once again final decision forwarded time department interior city

series phone calls visits president schiele government said reach decision december 23 1968 city council met discuss building

december 24 council summoned branch president herbert schreiter district president walter schiele meet city counselors wieczorek ritter berger heinrich department interior chief city engineer

wieczorek began meeting saying object issue needed urgently

city council mass political work need very urgent course you 50

compensated your work 22 councilman ritter noted LDS church members gave building without resistance efforts city find new accommodations forthcoming wieczorek however informed leaders

present city comparable facilities available president schiele replied

two vacant buildings area suffice informed input

taken note nice gesture part council listen comments first place counselor ritter concluded informing LDS leaders

meeting reach final decision matter laws allowed government confiscate building interest state without agreement church point dismissed them spouted cynical merry christmas two leaders invited final meeting council upheld previous ruling 23

documents discovered saxony state archives suggest plausible reasons citescitys confiscation building banal seems initially city officials became displeased LDS church leipzig used hymnhymnbooksbooks printed west germany those same government officials saw how well old rundownrun down movie theater looked following ovationsrenrenovations moved confiscate building believing LDS church too small pose significant resistance 24 51 membersactionsmembers actions

branch members learned confiscation resolved prevent government permanently possessing building many felt what government done illegal blatant defiance constitutional right practice religion actions members january until june focused

re obtaining building protested written letters responsible parties

c within government 25 large amount content these letters constituted bulk members protest contents these letters constitute significant point

analysis historical event must well understood protest government action city otherwise carried associated risks already disadvantage protestorsprotestersprotestors placed stake careers future children well lesser

amenities home telephone automobile understanding people protested anyway precariously willing take risks reveals something determination fortitude

district president walter schiele branch president herbert schreiter took

issue first letter dated january 28 1969 mayor leipzig explained position expressed dissatisfaction government actions concerning matter stated constitutional rights violated

government acted outside law 26 constitution GDR did give everyone country right worship freely established religions however government goal create nonreligiousnon religious society conforming 52 communist ideal provided opportunity officials saw chance harass church hundred members city 500000 impose ideology

mayors office response response LDS members get used responsible solving problem passed those 2707

individual members began writing own letters began sending them city council leipzig governing council GDR even walter ulbricht

letters leipzig city council member herbert heidler letter dated february 1969 explained members situation end asked poignant question misunderstood said 1I am asking you politely

clear direct answer my question what reason do you take away our right

our services our own building you planning take building away

us still reason presently restrict us having services our own building heidler received response city council 28

members wrote letters pointed nonetheless important cause branch johanna schiele sister district president walter schiele wrote

city council leipzig response sent typical passed

00 those charge nothing else do 29 march 19 1969 gerhard krieger wrote walter ulbricht citing constitutional violations city leipzig appealing ulbricht uphold law 30 too received response

letter 53 gerwin baasch

active participants effort regain new building leipzig branch member gerwin baasch baasch member prestigious leipzig Gewandgewandhaushaus orchestra position allowed him somewhat political freedom average GDR citizen baasch began actively opposing actions

government through several different media first sent letter consolidated radio station served GDR radio DDR letter directed professor dr kaul professor law conducted radio talk show focusing legal questions 31

letter centered around question members LDS church

government acting within law wanted find LDS church

done something wrong first response baasch received dr kaul letter stating look matter contacting mayor leipzig several weeks additional prodding baasch another letter sent him

kaul letter informed him kaul discussed issue leipzig city council reply building absolutely necessary peoples political work dr kaul provided further explanation matter 3220

baaschs next attempt came form letter addressed walter ulbricht

chairman governing council GDR letter extremely bold wording content consisted explanation circumstances LDS church

leipzig facing plea assistance chairman baasch included

33 own views why branch subjected harassment 33 part 54 baaschs letter deserves attention contains following phrase view differing opinions concerning subject I1 feel real reason these actions attempt liquidate church jesus christ latter day saints city leipzig

constitution allows us exercise our religious rights what city did underhanded distasteful 34 baasch took enormous risk making bold accusation position orchestra allowed him leeway however single word ulbricht baasch dismissed without questions

richard jahn

another person contributed significantly struggle richard jahn bomborn before turn century jahn fought world wars I1 II11 during weimar republic early days hitler regime relatively active social democratic party hitler attempted purge germany communists jahn hid communist leaders ernst tilmannthalmannthaimannTh home several days until safe him escape soviet union jahn knew walter ulbricht personally worked together before formation GDR jahn pursued political career establishment GDR became somewhat disillusioned time went

richard jahn joined LDS church 1965 age seventy eight time building seizure eighty two contribution struggle came

form letter walter ulbricht dated march 3 1969 letter cited

contributions socialism GDR told ulbricht actions city 55 against church broken trust members government jahn cited confidence ulbricht requested intervention matter asked

3 e return years service socialist cause 35 members branch later felt letter greater impact return building 36

march 1969 members branch still did use building still intimidated discouraged stepped efforts get something done branch president herbert schreiter district president walter schiele sent another letter dated march 3 1969 walter ulbricht letter contained another explanation situation statements strongly supported position church letter told why church leaders felt necessary appeal leader country said thought handled local level here leipzig however case letter went refute claims government

LDS meeting facilities needed urgently government citing availability two larger meeting halls same street addresses included well fact since december city used building single time members believed subject plot abolish branch leipzig

letter ended saying dont know why happening leipzig consider ourselves verge liquidation why must now appeal you 37537

members valid point governments need building urgent then why use facilities better suited large audiences surprising answer given minister interior district leipzig 56 bitterlich meeting april 15 1969 several members branch including spokesman gerwin baasch meeting arranged bitterlich response

members letter writing 38

meeting conducted question answer forum members began

question why allowed services our own building received direct response meaningless dialogue same question repeated baasch answer came

Bitterbitterlichbitterfichfichnichunch problem room question place church unfit you put down your notes church may located open public place publikumsstarken pldtzen baasch real reason Bitterbitterlichbitterfichfich reason very important baasch why then do you give us permission renovated THEN close pause bitterlich ernst thalmannthaimannthdlmann street unfit 39

implication clear minister bitterlich felt branch get too much publicity ernst thalmannthaimann street yet willing allow members spend time effort money renovate building bitterlich right publicity

ernst thalmannthaimann street busy street many times during renovation curious people stop look ovationsrenrenovations ask church members

40 viewed great missionary opportunity

meeting continued bitterlich asked why members felt necessary go

head city council write directly walter ulbricht responded

hoped ulbricht support decision city matter 57 members posed several direct questions why cannot use building must still pay rent why cannot building

build another bitterlich either avoided questions did answer responded

cynical replies churches GDR shrinking anyway another gets small enough you buy building them ministers final words my hands see mayor 41


finally decision made return building LDS church official documentation suggests city national government simply became annoyed

continuous letter writing LDS members specifically letter mayor leipzig city councilman ritter asking him take care matter tired receiving letters 42 june 17 1969 president schiele gerwin baasch invitation visited leipzig city mayor told them building immediately available church use however stipulations accompanied return members hang sign directly ernst thalmannthaimann street enter different street rear building informed hold

concerts public meetings scheduled church meetings building area town where building located slated redevelopment

1970 mayor informed LDS leaders building taken away

time should look city leipzig find replacement 43 58

very same day letter sent LDS church members notifying them

event 44 fourteen months without building regular meetings members met following sunday official capacity sang hymns praised god according leipzig branch historian eberhard Werwernerrier gratitude love respect members strengthened leipzig branch 45

significant note building emst thalmannthaimann strasse 74 survived

threatened redevelopment still stands unoccupied almost thirteen years

LDS branch moved interesting city never used building emsternst thalmannthaimann strasse 74 urgent needs account leipzig branch provides small glimpse almost ridiculous bureaucracy created GDR

point however LDS church leipzig very few significant problems government possible incident leipzig building although difficult members branch time extremely beneficial

LDS church whole GDR may contributed beginning improved relations between cormonsmormons east german government 59

goeckel lutheran church 6263

2 robert goeckel catholic church 45

3 goeckel lutheran church 586958 69

4 ibid 70 since FRG founded 1949 policy toward position GDR hostile 1969 FRG parliament created coalition CDU SPD planned implementation ostpolitik 1972 new policy aimed approaching east germany friend ally rather enemy rapprochement now became goal west where previously GDR constantly chided FRG working toward goal since FRG now sought accept GDR GDR redefine objectives hence new constitution see chronik der deutschen 102510261025 1026

5 christians church german democratic republic dresden verlag zeit im bild 1969 8

6 hartmut zimmerman DDR handbuchHandbuch page 276 erst als die neue verfassung der DDR im april 1968 kraft trat andertendnderten die evangeevangelischenlischen landeskirchenLandeskirchen ihre haitung dieser frage bisher sahenbahen sie die gesamtdeutsche kirchengemeinschaftnurpolitischkirchengemeinschaft nurpolitischnur politisch frage gestelltgestellt mitderneuenmit deryer neuen verfassung war zu befurchtenbefiirchten daftdagg sie auch staatsstaatsrechtlichrechtlich unmoglichgedacht gemacht burdewurdewflrde

7 university leipzig originally began convent then religious training center catholic church communists took university renamed karl marx university

8 eberhard wernerwemer die leipzig gemeindegeschichte unpublished manuscript 1995 photocopy possession author

9 universitdtskirche leipzig einelnem StreifstreitfallstreiffiallStreitfalifallfailfiall leipzig verlag kunst und touristictouristikTouristik leipzig gmbh 19921491992 149

10 detailed account destruction university church see universitatskircheuniversitdtskirche leipzig einelnem streitfallStreitfall verlag kunst und touristiktouristicTouristik leipzig gmbhgrnbh leipzig 1992

11 having GDR citizen work directly GDR officials lessened government fear spies west infiltrating corrupting normal citizens

12 normally leaders clergy within LDS church paid assignment large enough consume ones time does church provide salary never amount substantial 13 idea comes opinions members church former GDR found interviews matthew heiss james moyle oral history program historical archives church jesus christ latter day saints salt lake city ut 14 wernerwemer vol 3

15 ibid

16 ibid 60

17 ibid

18 ibid

199 ibid

20 rat der stadt leipzig bezirkbezick leipzig staatlicheStaatliche bauaufsicht abschriftAbschrift betreffbetsefftreff lichtschauspielhaus emst thalmann strasse 74 18 sept 1968 photocopy possession author information included here serve example how completely banal many actions government

21 die kirche jesu christi der heiligerheiligenHeiligen der letzterletzten tage bekanntmachung alle mittliedermitglieder der Gemegemeindegemeinderinde leipzig 09 oct 1968 copy possession author

22 wemerwerner vol 3 italics mine

2123 ibid

24 rat der stadt leipzig referatrefermat kirchenfragenKirchenfragen betrbear kirche jesu christi der heiligerheiligenHeiligen der letzterletzten tage september 8 1968 copy possession author

25 wemervolsWemerwerner volvoivoLS3

26 herbert schreiter walter schiele city council leipzig 28 jan 1969 photocopy possession author

27 rat der stadt leipzig walter schiele herbert schreiter 2 feb 1969 photocopy possession author

28 herbert heidler den rat der stadt leipzig 20 feb 1969 photocopy possession author

29 29johannajohanna schiele leipzig city council 02 feb 1969 rat der stadt leipzig I111I1 feb 1969 photocopy possession author

30 gerhard krieger walter ulbricht 19 march 1969 photocopy possession author

31 wernerwemer vol 3

32 deutscher demokratischer rundfunkRundfunk professor dr kaul letter gerwin baasch I111I1 march 1969 photocopy possession author

33 gerwin baasch chairman governing council GDR 07 april 1969 photocopy possession author

34 baasch letter

35 richard jahn den vorsitzenden des Staatsstaatsratesrates Gegenossengenessennossen walter ulbricht 03 mar 1969 photocopy possession author

36 wemerwerner vol 3 61

1737 walter schiele herbert schreiter walter ulbricht 03 mar 1969 photocopy possession author

38 wemerwerner vol 3

39 aktennotiz leipzig 15 aarapr 1969 photocopy possession author

40 wemer vol 3

414 1 aktennotiz 1969

42 rat der stadt leipzig oberbiirgermeisteroberborgermeister kresse april 1 1969 photocopy possession author

43 aktennotiz meeting mayor leipzig 17 jun 1969 photocopy possession author

44 die kirche jesu christi der heiligerheiligenHeiligen der letzterletzten tage die mittliedermitglieder der Gemegemeindegemeinderinde leipzig 17 jun 1969

45 wemerwerner vol 3 CHAPTER 5


letter written leader former east german secret police subordinate

1955 contains following instruction

necessary you inform us every single activity Morcormonsmormonsmons our current assignment attack faith render harmless agents spies working within mormon sect therefore imperative us keep our activities secret 1

statement accurately summarizes general attitude government toward church jesus christ latter day saints during forty year existence 1949891949 89

german democratic republic noted earlier latter day saints existed

few small religions outlawed GDR suspected things fronting western espionage acting base american imperialism henry burkhardt leader LDS church GDR even classified enemy

state perception designation facilitated aggressive stasi surveillance frequent harassment directed toward members LDS church

61 62

ministeriumftrministerium furjur staatssicherheitstawssicherheit stasi founded 1950 under pretense meeting fledgling GDRs security needs however security frequently involved good deal protecting rights citizens compelled them abide conform socialist laws based soviet model east germans suspected having opinions contrary those deemed acceptable new regime seen threat placed under surveillance harassed stasi

GDR classified members church jesus christ latter day saints two major reasons church religious organization communist society whose members default held opinions beliefs deemed unacceptable LDS church viewed american based sect suspected acting front military espionage

chapter stasi relationship LDS church represents

just specific study LDLDS church stasi represents microcosm three aspects GDR religion government stasi how three interacted

stasi spent thousands man hours spyingspying2 LDS church exactly how much did know how did get information what did do

stasi used external internal informants spies material published west obtain information church members GDR extent

GDR utilized information completely clear however certain

time communist government collapsed 1989 stasi become proficient enough monitor every church activity 3 63


ministry state security stasi founded february 1950 dr karl steinhoff GDRs first minister interior described function follows

important task ministry protect national enterprises works transport national property plots criminal elements well against attacks conduct decisive fight against activities hostile agents networks subversives saboteurssaboteurs spies conduct energetic fight against bandits protect our democratic development ensure uninterrupted fulfillment economic plans our democratic free economy 4 these broad limits left stasi free conduct affairs almost carte blanche legal powers government viewed religious organizations competitors power churches became impediment democratic development stasi therefore responsibility protectingofprotecting society churches orders concerning where how stasi protect came SED politburo

stasi rarely acted own always received instructions politburo

general secretary conway notes ministry state security part

whole centralized apparatus hierarchically controlled politburo socialist unity party SED alone decisive voice determining policy 5 politburo general secretary ruled SED SED decided policy effectiveness extent carried rested stasi power

information blackmail 64

stasi SED unique relationship SED party

come rule through popular voice rather wrested power consolidated control armed support soviet military functionariesfunctionaries fledgling party inherited paranoia associated totalitarian benefactor fear conspiracy popular uprising constantly influenced governmental leaders 6 GDR government clearly recognized religion provide foundation uprising do 1989 therefore set sights secularization control

forced submission stasi became major strong arm tool SED quell

threat even possibility threat function closely observe report

forcefully respond ordered although created without legal restraint stasi rarely acted own nor did SED allow hierarchical army secret police followed orders although appeared autonomous organ responsible

never acted nor evidence suggest stasi made decisions act based information collected through various means 7

informers IMs

methods surveillance coercion employed stasi during

GDRs forty year existence gradually improved bad mediocre outstanding

due part increasing budget turn increased number people

stasi employed 1949 number full time employeesworkingemployees working stasi

601 1962 number increased 19803 1989 number 65

100000 8 although quite large these numbers do include army people stasi recruited unofficial informants spies

early years GDR citizen informantsspiesinformants spies called geheime informatoren GI secret informants these individuals used gather information stasi inside organization group person

close contact manager tenant large apartment building example might

solicited coerced become GI report people living building type informing effectively exploited stasi early years

notorious strong arm fear tactics intimidation tortures beatings 9

1968 stasi changed classification informers eliminating title

GI calling them instead inoffizielleinofftzielle arbeitermitarbeiterMit IM unofficial colleagues collaborators cooperators SED stasi leaders made decision wanted expand upgrade service felt necessary get away public feeling image informing nice 10 prior tactics created positive public exposure become main foreign policy goals

GDR time

IM turned completely new breed informantspyinformant spy greatly increasing

knowledge thus power stasi IM simple job observe report nancy wolfe IM

aspects mfs generation army individuals willing report suspicious information acquaintances friends family roused fiercest resentment fear end result turn citizens against another create atmosphere debilitating apprehension relationship immune 66

possibility however remote informer might involved IMs found organizations even units SED peoples police mfs within crucial group mfs may several informers monitor each

system endeavored facilitate orwellian situation everyone prepared betray colleagues friends even family members appeared disloyal

party 12

stasi began using IM resource ever before became extremely successful doing reason success do benefits

went along being IM benefits described david childs

work either full time part time operative carried risk brought considerable career advantages addition those working undercover always thrill secret knowledge you feel superior ordinary mortals appear naive you you know how real secret world operates you know really wields power society thus mfs recruit idealistsidealists adventurous ambitious ruthless 13

addition stasi often recruited unwilling through use blackmail

those caught infringing upon law accepted help

stasi get them trouble being caught trading black market

1985 constituted nearly third GDR economy common infringement

recruited outright threats told failed cooperate

become informer lose jobs stasi told others did

agree work stasi actual physical harm accidentally befall family member 14 67

stasi leaders encouraged full time officers recruit many IMs possible reprimanded them failed recruit enough wolfe wrote former stasi officer reported strong competition recruitment unofficial spies officer did bring twentyfivetwenty five new IMs year criticized 15 goes

say stasi recruitment tactics

mfs very persuasive seeking aid individual stasi call upon duty socialist citizen enlighten mfs potential danger GDR appeal him member SED positive inducements might take form money privileges favorable housing educational opportunities promotion types rewards given extensive network data gathered concerning aspects almost individuals life mfs usually find sensitive point used induce cooperation example made aware mfs knew minor violation law told cleared willingness relay information mfs course threat made failure cooperate mean loss privileges status career opportunities 16 these recruitment tactics resulted staggering number people working stasi

estimated implementation IM 196819 6 8 between two million people worked stasi number constituted between eight twelve percent total population 1989 revolution people openly discuss recruitment stasi became evident virtually adults

approached time another asked work secretly stasi 17

sources information

IMs way stasi gathered information fundamental motto

stasi regime vertrauenVer trauen ist gut kontrolleKontrolle ist besser trust fine 68 surveillance better 18 telephone calls foreign domestic great source information stasi david childs stasi aimed check calls made

DDR foreign state wanted operatives position listen domestic calls interest 19 GDR telephone system

antiquated waits long twenty years telephone installed

cities leipzig population 500000 approximately 20000 telephones stasi 1000 telephones tapped daily basis 20

stasi used mail system another form surveillance every city throughout GDR stasi agents employed open read copy confiscate thousands letters populace childs reports

leipzig stasi disposal 120 employees open daily between 1500 2000 letters headquarters runde ecke round comer these letters removed normal post dispatched runde ecke those cleared sent addressees usually copied first operatives wearing gloves returned postal service within 12 hours between 3 5 per cent did leave runde ecke these included personal pleas honecker help political letters foreign embassies requests organizations personalities 21

stasi file LDS church contains numerous letters copied stasi then forwarded addressee letters containing money often did reach intended recipients stasi leipzig stole DM 180000 approxapprox 105000 annually

citizens 1980s karl marx stadt chemnitz hauled DM 696.9gg million approxapprox 4 million between 1986 1989 22 towns every letter opened every second telephone conversation monitored 2123 69

stasi LDS church

stasi began early gathering information Morcormonsmormonsmons first enlisted use Gehegeheimegeheirneirneinne staatspolizeistawspolizei gestapo documents collected during hitlershillersHitlers germany 24 these sufficient however contained information

Morcormonsmormonsmons relationship third reich needed

stasi thus began question cases even interrogate even gunpoint church leaders well american german missionaries travel east berlin during early 1950s since missionaries obtain visa papers stasi stasi made common practice extensively question

missionaries concerning activities church 2125

desire stasi know what going church increased budget personnel stasi increased although two directly related began employ people work them first spies GIs began reporting LDS church early fifties often these GIs

LDS members attend meetings posing visitors interested guests

missionaries sometimes however stasi recruit through various methods previously discussed actual members church spy them

during early years surveillance stasi suspected various LDS activities

being subversive genealogy program church established immediately 70 following war perceived front american military espionage document dated aug 8 1955 conveys suspicions stasi

through official unofficial sources made known us sect intensifying activities these activities called genealogy cannot time said concretely genealogy front espionage reason must assign our agents members under suspicion engaging military espionage 26

quotation followed statement noted opening paragraph essay stasi needed keep close eye cormonsmormons keep them engaging espionage 1979 appears stasi realized LDS genealogical society concerned genealogy directly stated

document observed statements suspicion simply did appear documents

1979 evident however did like idea much information leaving GDR en route salt lake city whether genealogy records otherwise nor did ease surveillance 2717

during 1960s stasi stepped surveillance church although

author discovered official directives SED two events during time likely candidates causing additional attention first new constitution previously discussed restricted religious groups even further second prominent leaders LDS church america publicized inflammatory communistanticommunistanti statements made them available church publications 71

noted GDR created new constitution 1968 disallowing continued direct connections between east german churches counterparts west henry burkhardt became new president LDS church GDR position made him prime target stasi surveillance president burkhardt closely monitored stasi them designated enemy

state document dated july 7 1983 stasi report three IMs assigned watch president burkhardt IMs mission office secretary

dresden designated IMB means IM people connections

enemy words immediate processing people under suspicion being involved enemy activities 2818 although burkhardt never committed

crime engaged activities even seem remotely illegal still branded enemy state religious position

early 1960s LDS church apostle ezra taft benson began making public statements what saw evil nature communism bensons campaign quite fervent vocal supporter member john birch society leading communistanticommunistanti conservative interest group united states benson often spoke vehemently against communist governments eastern europe disregard human rights antireligiousanti religious ideology practice statements meticulously recorded analyzed stasi example set documents dated march 7 1964 reports nearly bensons statements published der stern LDS magazine german speaking saints published west germany 29 72

file reports bensons service eisenhower administration secretary agriculture association john birch society quotes statements made benson forward wrote book none dare call conspiracy published society said 1I wish every citizen every land free world every slave behind iron curtain read book further noted

file bensons comments society my personal conviction john birch society effective worldwide organization our struggle against

creeping schleichendenschleichenden socialism godless communism 30

benson publicized feeling america needed aware stasi file reads

speech mormon conference 1962 USA ezra taft benson declared thing threatening freedom independence american people outside world communism spread operations base soviet union youth must protected treacherous communism economic politics support creeping socialism insidious godless communism 131I

stasi noted file communistanticommunistanti alignment mormon activities expressed numerous speeches lectures reports organizations printed publications 1232 documented negative reactions GDR government these statements discovered logical however assume well received evidence increased pressure church including physical seizure leipzig branch meeting facility appearance these statements stasi record somewhat coincidence 73

LDS church IMs

members LDS church did remain immune stasi recruitment tactics

example IM called stasi oeser sister early years GDR fled ist den westen abgehauen west germany emigration

crime helping anyone emigrate immediately disclosing stasi knowledge possible defection once mans sister gone stasi came him said something effect you do work us then arrest you

send you prison aiding abetting your sister your wife left without

husband your children without father man felt choice began work stasi 33

within documents collected stasi archives der bundesbeauftragtebundesbeauftragteffir furjur die unterlagenUnterlagen des staatssicherheitsdeinstes der ehemaligen deutschen demokratischen

Republik leipzig four LDS IMs activities constitute cross section type afimofimIM involved spying LDS church real names included here

code name given them stasi these four wahrheit konrad oeser henri guhl


literally translated wahrheit means truth IM wahrheit began working

stasi 1953 GI continued work stasi next thirty two 74 years official documents concerning IM evident served stasi well wahrheit active member LDLDS church although significant leadership positions document explaining how came work stasi states did ideological motivation help build socialist GDR society although began working ideological standpoint did appear

deter wahrheit accepting monthly donations several hundred marks stasi fact report wahrheit stasi made quite clear stasi needed keep IM working them needed offer him financial incentive 1434

throughout thirty two years wahrheit worked stasi quite evident information delivered stasi concerning LDS church innocuous fact noted file often included many church teachings

reports discussed these teachings stasi officials type missionary effort majority information included leadership changes schedules church activities membership statistics reports general meetings obtained simply attending various church services IMs given stasi

information GDR objectives surely thwarted however stasi

attempted recruit normal members went leaders church 75 konrad

name afimofimIM konradkonractkonradt appears times stasis LDLDS file

position leadership held him 35 konrad began working stasi 1976 remained active IM until collapse regime

1989 position church allowed him access knowledge available many members appears konrad began working stasi ideological reasons political stance clearly pro GDR provided stasi detailed information aspects church activities however like wahrheit information forms harmless information obtained anyone wished know LDS church

konrad worked stasi truly own ideological reasons continuously refuse take money services rather pay him money

stasi always gave him fruit juice apple juice orange juice etc information given stasi konrad unforeseen benefits well being stasis number informer LDS church konrad power influence perception stasi GDR government officials including erich honecker highly probable favorable attitude shown LDS church government

latter years directly resulted information given stasi konrad

IM oeser already touched upon suffice say experience

IM much different konrad wahrheit aside fact 76

oeser compelled work stasi received special benefits money

them services information provided equally innocuous 3616

henri guhl

IM henri guhl atypical LDS IM guhl active member

church served various leadership positions stasi files indicate guhl came work stasi liked talk thought important evidently began giving information someone worked stasi saw opportunity exploit him financial incentives melted away previous apprehension guhl may working stasi became IM however information provided proved dangerous members LDS church dangerous church involved clandestine activities dangerous gave stasi means recruit IMs through coercion

evidenced clearly numerous documents contained henri guhl file

document particular serves example

document provides significant details member part

LDS leadership leipzig area explains leaders occupation hobbies even how well lived religious beliefs contains information wife

how liked sing leipzig amateur choir require travel

end document IM suggested stasi use information leverage force man service man soccer fan stasi easily acquire 77 tickets game perhaps even match west stasi control travel passes thus deny pass leaders wife unless agreed work them 1737 type information exactly what stasi wanted IMs

henri guhl proved perfect informer

utilization IM monitoring LDS church enabled stasi know far through method stasi file LDS church contained minutes leadership meetings reports church leadership changes personal profiles those leaders file even contained transcript prayer offered elder thomas monson 1975 dedicated land missionary work prayer later published monson himself ended

stasi files 38

important understand people living GDR knew IMs reporting stasi part control tactic evidently learned practice SS concentration camps during third reich people under

impression spies everywhere always watching therefore conform fear difficulty living east german society dealing type atmosphere

although many LDS IMs reported hanharmlessnIess information fact reported information especially recruited voluntarily represented breech trust betrayal church members contemporary opinion many members LDS church GDR citizens believed members should 78 resisted stasi advances betrayed own many see violation trust within family berlin wall went members decided either stay

church those remained became like large family met together often married within church often lived quite close another small communities work stasi enemy report your brothers sisters represented gross violation family trust even today identity stasi IM becomes known person often ostracized becomes somewhat outcast society within close knit group like LDS church close unforgivable sin

honecker years

discussed preceding chapter during 1970s many LDS church members growing older wanting visit temple before passing away petitioned government travel passes attend temple services switzerland surprise response GDR government suggested president burkhardt instead going switzerland cormonsmormons ought build temple GDR church readily agreed 1985 president gordon B hinckley churchschurche first presidency dedicated freiberg temple

new favorable government attitude appeared surface mark relaxation stasi pressure LDS church beginning 1980s stasi spied cormonsmormons ever before able through dubious 79 means recruit mormon IM branch president near karl marx stadt another IM working executive secretary leipzig leader between these two forty mormon IMs throughout GDR stasi able document almost every leadership meeting every conversation every transaction conducted LDS church concerning construction temple open house followed building various chapels GDR stasi files leipzig alone contain 2000 pages material 39


stasi surveillance LDS church during forty year existence

GDR well documented representative yet different religions stasi suspected LDS church solely religious organization communist state church membership never exceeded 5000 during entire existence

GDR country 17 million constituting less 030.3 population government never anything fear cormonsmormons did participate subversive activities did engage espionage attributed them did pose

type threat despite apparent harmlessness Morcormonsmormonsmons stasi spent thousands man hours millions marks keep church under heavy surveillance even appeared tensions relaxed stasi awareness church activities greater ever 80

effect stasi LDS church tremendous while engaged

research during summer 1997 current church members knew my work stasi archives I1 cautioned numerous times reveal names discuss topic openly nearly eight years since government GDR collapsed yet today many members do wish discuss relationship stasi those

worked IM cautious speaking I1 even asked include real name former IM active member LDS church paper whom

I1 conducted interview fact information collected through voluntary

involuntary cooperation ofiesofimsIMs reveals people placed accommodating compromising positions under right circumstances nothing sacred

what significant study however mountains documents contained stasi archives what knew LDS church often

what members knew favorable treatment church government latter years GDR examination these documents presents paradox IMs reported information stasi appear

part good citizens GDR presented LDS church harmless

cooperative religion stasis attempt make church appear bad light reality eventually helped church appear quite good eyes government consider information provided leipzig member whose wife sang amateur choir document stasi archives states man never smoked 81

good father lived religion well even given bottle wine gift business customers give away didnt drink 40 church members described better evidently government gained positive perspective LDS church through very organization created help eliminate religion GDR 82

1 regierungRegierung der deutschen demokratischendemokratiscben republicrepublikRepublik ministerium des inneminnernfinnern staatssekretariat fur staatssicherheitstaatssicberheit das staatssekretariat fur staatssicherheit bezirksverwaltung gera berlin aug 10 1955 der bundesbeauftragte fur die Untunterlagenerlagen des staatssicherheitsdeinstes der ehemaligen deutschen demokratischen Republik astubstu leipzig 2 photocopy

2 note spying word spying often thought americans type super secret activity yields compromising information however type spying occurred case websters dictionary defines spy person employed government obtain intelligence another person keeps secret watch others definition exactly describes stasi GDR secretly watching LDS church does necessarily mean uncovered clandestine activities simply means closely watching church gathering information

3 asking question what did know does necessarily mean LDS church something hide stasi needed uncover reason asking question uncover fact stasi knew LDS church members includes membership statistics personal information leadership economic informationnationinforisinfori etc

4 david childs richard popplewell stasi east german intelligence security service washington square new york new york university press 1994 47

5 conway 727

6 berlin uprising 1953 cemented fearsmindret mindset government matter information see rainer hildebrandt der 17 juni berlin verlag haus am checkpoint charlie 1983

7 childs popplewell 476547 65

8 conway 76

9 suggested these tactics might carryover nazis according david childs whichever way looks limited statistics available appears inevitable many early stasi members males served german armed forces second world war even former members SS recruited peoples police many those recruited stasi period poached peoples police 77

10 childs popplewell 83

u nancy travis wolfe policing socialist society german democratic republic new york greenwood press 1992 78

12 childs popplewell I1iioilo11010

13 ibid 84 83

14 IM oeser interview author october 1997 transcript possession author name withheld request

15 wolfe 79

16 ibid

17 childs popplewell 86

18 ibid 9911

19 ibid italics added

20 ibid

21 ibid

22 buergerkomiteeBuergerkomitee von leipzig eds stasi intern macht und banalitatbanalitdt leipzig 1991 121211

2123 childs popplewell 92

242 heimesGegeheimes staatspolizeiamt den reichsfuhrerreichsfiffirerReichsfuhrer SS betrbear rektesekte Mormormonenmonen berlin 22 aug 1938 photocopy leipzig bstuastu

2125 selected documents leipzig bstuastu

26 regierungRegierung der DDR das staatssekretariat 2

27 mit schreiben vomvorn 170519791705.1979 beantragten die Mormormonenmonen den bau eines verordnungshausesverordmingshauses karl marx stadt photocopy leipzig bstuastu

281mb21 lubIMB stands inoffizieller mitarbeiterMitarbeiter der abwehr mit feindverbindung bzwbaw zur unmittelbaren bearbeitung im verdachtVerdacht der feindtdtigkeit henderstestehender personen unofficial contributor defense connections enemy words immediate processing people under suspicion being involved enemy activities

229 confused popular magazine same name der stern readily available members GDR restrictions published material west however evident stasi quite aware publication

30 nachtrabnachtragNachtrag zum auskunftsbericht uberober das mormonenlehrhandbuch vomvorn 236423.64 berlin march 7 196441964 4 photocopy leipzig bstuastu

31 ibid

1232 ibid

3313 oeser interview

1434 selected documents wahrheit leipzig bstuastu photocopy der GI ist vor allem zur mitarbeitMitarbeit bereit wenn er finanziellenerfinanziellen autzennutzen darin siehtsicht 84

35 purposes keeping IM anonymous position leadership given identity simple ascertain position known

36 selected documents leipzig bstuastu konrad oeser HA xx4

37 selected documents leipzig bstuastu 1988 again important note evidence uncovered suggests course action stasi concerning matter

38 weihungsWeihungs gebet gesprochen vomaltestenvom altestenAltesten thomas MONSON am 27 april 1975 gegen 8558.55 uhr aufaufdenden lobnitzbergenlbbnitzbergenLoBnitzbergen der elbe zwischerzwzwischenischen dresden und melben RADEBEUL photocopy leipzig bstuastu

39 see LDS file leipzig bstuastu information comes various IM reports building temple what church doing time quite large portion these 2000 pages simply repeated information perhaps 25 percent number original

40 selected documents bstuastu leipzig CHAPTER 6


before 1971 name erich honecker brought minds east germans visions communist youth honecker leader FDJ well young pioneers JP since GDRs inception clever adroit politician honecker maneuvered way through powerful politburo opportunity presented itself 19719711 position become new head SED leader


honecker era 197119891971 1989 created dichotomy religion GDR

surface GDR government attempted close rift between church state created under ulbricht holding open public talks churches church leaders granting concessions religious activities case LDS church seeming

bend backwards accommodate desires LDS leaders beneath surface however honecker took advantage stasis new role society use

IM creation IM occurred three years before honecker took stasi ranks tripled size under direction creation provided government

opportunity use information collected stasi informants clandestine otherwise control factor society especially churches today

85 86 stasi archives section churches abteilung xx4 contains pages information sections except containing collection individual dossiers while portraying less forceful faladefa9adefagade government moved like hidden serpent striking society churches

LDS church previous decade caused difficulty

served refiners fire following implementation new constitution

LDS membership did change until just before wende end communism

fact later honecker years proved productive beneficial LDS church during history GDR during these years approximately 1981981-1

1989 LDS experience began differ markedly minority religions government changed position gave tiny church unprecedented permission build ten new meeting houses well temple finest quality throughout GDR significance discussed chapter 1989 first time thirty years government allowed american missionaries preach proselytize inside GDR GDR members serve missionaries abroad including united states

honecker churches

may 19719711 erich honecker replaced walter ulbricht first secretary

SED earlier year GDR took initial steps toward rapprochement churches officially recognized kirchenbundKirchenbund federation evangelical 87 churches GDR representative body ability negotiate government 1973 honecker began own campaign dealing churches

rapprochement did include change states goal reducing churches

mere ritual par churches soviet bloc states GDR did however move include churches general society while continually undermining

ability exercise superficial influence

throughout 1970s 1980s state participated churches several programs aimed societal inclusion these included organizing huge church celebrations recognizing 500th5001h anniversary martin luthers birth supporting initiative church regard environmental activism supporting church organized peace movement 1980s allowing increased input social issues common citizens through church within each these movements however government wore two faces concerning anniversary martin luther

government used mass media publicize celebration invited whole world

participate same time GDR historians began including luther textbooks produced several special dedicatory works made sure however write history marxist perspective crediting luther influence eventual development socialism due him although government openly supported churches environmental initiatives pollution GDR continued increase caused government operated power plants chemical factories during

1980s east german city bitterfeldbatterfeldofbitterfeldBitterfeld near leipzig declared polluted 88 city europe 2 although supporting peace movement against NATO build nuclear weapons government quietly quashed movements initiative

reducing internal weaponry used slogan swords plough shares continuously persecuted those individuals chose serve bausoldaten military 3 two ffacesaces government toward churches difficult see from historical perspective nor difficult church leaders notice during GDR times however long since government allowed churches breathing room church leaders decided take what get continue trying regardless superficial

honecker LDS church

what made LDS church different churches GDR what did erich honecker provide LDS church how did affect members

GDR honecker years provided members LDS church freedom freedom western american capitalist sense freedom denied them thirty five years freedom practice fully religion attending temple built

GDR latter day saint temple perhaps important place

worship ceremonies performed within represent culmination LDS beliefs prior 1985 nearest temple LDS members GDR use located switzerland travel outside GDR especially western democratic country question 89 november 1968 elder thomas monson church jesus christ latter

day saints leader during visit GDR promised LDS members then communist

german democratic republic GDR every blessing member church enenjoysoys country yours 1143340344 included blessings temple many latter day saints GDR regarded prophecy time seemed unlikely unfulfillable throughout 1970s members leaders

church flooded government petitions travel passes switzerland attend

LDS temple answer always 1979 president LDS church

GDR henry burkhardt summoned meet minister interior told members stop submitting requests visit temple switzerland

never allowed officials ended meeting posing question burkhardt why doesnt LDSLD church just build temple hereherechere5 burkhardt contacted church leaders salt lake city notified them offer church readily agreed plans made construction temple addition

construction temple permission given plan construct eleven new chapels throughout east germany 6

significance temple GDR just religious communist law prohibited purchase subsequent development private property traditional prerequisitepre requisite temples around world these laws concerning purchase land although appearing another major obstacle easily circumvented government 90 james H backman legal counsel LDS church time negotiations presented picture exactly how land obtained temple meeting houses GDR government owned proposed land sell church however each city prohibited law dispose properties owned

exchange equal sized parcel city diminish stock properties owned yet permissible city exchange parcel within city boundaries even hundreds miles away 7 highly irregular done nevertheless accommodate LDS church

favorable government decisions followed quality materials skilled workmen made available unprecedented allowance cooperation religious organization chief architect LDS church emil fetzer situation

east germany time you wanted sack cement you did go nearest lumber yard lumber yards sacks cement materials allocated east german government 8

degree cooperation provided government run architects office government run construction company truly phenomenal typical construction projects GDR often bogged down bureaucratic red tape took much longer

planned finish however case temple meeting houses GDR government went way accommodate LDS church

why then government allowed church build temple new meeting houses gunthergiinther behnckelincke authority government department 91 responsible religion GDR described interview relationship between

government LDS church time said gobermgovermgovernmentnent officials impressed cormonsmormons several reasons doctrine obligated them productive members society community posed threat whatsoever government lowest divorce rate among group

GDR highest rate world time fifty percent did

smoke drink alcohol tea coffee GDR time largest importer coffee world information gleaned stasi

impressed behnckelincke reported governments decision allow

members temple difficult 9 however evidence exists suggests honecker government ulterior motives

east german government still looking legitimacy world community viewed LDS church stasi information means end historian archivist matthew heiss subject

interesting dilemma my opinion towards end honecker regime I1 believe LDS church seen having powerful allies washington honecker desperate connection washington I1 do believe minority churches seen having those kinds connections course honecker use means accomplish ends 10

information collected stasi informants well american newspapers television obviously interpreted GDR officials mean cormonsmormons connections difficult imagine apostle LDS church ezra T benson now viewed power served secretary agriculture 92 under president eisenhower david M kennedy worldwideworld wide respected wealthy business man traveling liaison LDS church visited east germany during 1970s orrin hatch LDS member utah served US senator representing utah these men influence US government meant favorable american attitudes toward GDR

continued search legitimacy GDR viewed actions toward LDS church opportunity perhaps gain favor eyes western democracies

elaborating further ulterior motives interview behnckebehneke addressed financing temple project very candid somewhat cynical concerning subject money noted major reason LDS church allowed build temple chapels paying valuta marks term used

government designate hard western currency much higher value

east german mark used general population time leaders

GDR know economic system failing opportunity bring flow

western currency seemingly benign reason appeared government good trade building temple series new meeting houses GDR

paid valuta marks behncke said concerning unofficial government policy

time church paid west german currency dollars then everything

approved sie bezahlt es mit westbeldwestgeldWestgeld oder dollar dann wird alles genehmigt

temple chapels provided government 32 million valuta marks 11 93 LDS church leaders did several concerns building temple east germany main concern focused GDR policy granted members

stasi access buildings GDR public private sacred nature LDS temples leaders church unwilling build under stipulation burkhardt brought governments attention responded saying problem staying temple even went far say dont care what your members do anyway 12 burkhardt light longtimelong time experience GDR governments previous actions policies overwhelmingly surprised agreement fundamental issue approval construction temple proceeded relatively unhindered

seventeen years following 1968 prophecy thomas monson returned participate dedication mormon temple city freiberg GDR 13

east german temple stood beacon behind iron curtain members

LDS faith minds physical manifestation power god special awareness them 14

building temple caused great deal attention GDR time normally LDS church builds temple allow non members tour

entire temple usually two week period time before dedicated dedication attended faithful members church did same freiberg temple GDR announced publicly LDS church

open house new temple two week period time temple open 94 public received unbelievable 90000 visitors freiberg temple smallest temple built church approximately tenth size temple salt lake city freiberg entire population 40000 people drive hundreds miles stand line three five hours just walk through small structure surely temple what represented those 90000 influence

events four years later

honecker government made another unprecedented decision concerning

LDS church 1989 thomas monson returned GDR arranged meeting erich honecker discuss future LDS church monson explained part churchschurche mission send proselytizing missionaries

world then asked honecker directly church send missionaries

GDR honecker agreed did agree allowed LDS young men GDR leave work missionaries somewhere else world including united states 15 LDS leaders members amazed here government persecuted them forty years removed missionaries taken

buildings away forbid them attending temple hindered progress society based religious beliefs now giving them temples missionaries churches privilege EK still notjoinjoin west german church

membership exceeded LDS church hundred times

based evidence collected various archives interviews appears

GDR government needed two things what turned final years money 95 legitimacy shortage evident people living time surely government aware financial situation surely erich honecker do whatever believed necessary hold GDR together retain power

LDS church may small ditch effort part save collapsing regime nevertheless LDS church members remained ecstatic throughout

1980s seemed each year something new occurred allowing freedom denied them long although enduring same problems churches especially where stasi concerned LDS church emerged honecker years

faith intact temple worship newest church buildings

GDR 96

robert goeckel lutheran church 157

2 robert darnton berlin journal WW norton & new york 1992 157

3 detailed explanation these movements see robert goeckel lutheran church east german state comellcornell university press 1990 pages 247273247 273

thomas monson faith rewardedregarded personal account propheticofprophetic promises east german saints deseret book salt lake city utah 1996 p5pa

5 J henry burkhardt oral history interviewed matthew heiss 1993 james moyle oral history Proprogramsprogrammgramm archives division historical department church jesus christ latter day saints salt lake city utah 102210 22

bibid6ibid6 ibid

7mgsajames7james H backman legal background two german temples monnonmormon history association twenty second annual meeting oxford liverpool london england july 5135 13 1987 photocopy used permission

8 emil fetzer frelFreifreibergbergherg temple east german republic unpublished manuscript 1997 used permission

9 gunther karl otto behnckelincke oral history interviewed matthew heiss 1993 james moyle oral history progranimProprogramsprogrammgramm archives division historical department church jesus christ latter day saints salt lake city utah 101210 12

10 matthew heiss interview author november 1997 transcript possession author

n behncke interview p 11 selected documents Stifstiftungtung archivarchev der Parparteienparteianteien und massenorganisationen der DDR im bunde 195419881954 1988 microfilm archives historical department church jesus christ latter day saints salt lake city utah

12 ibid

13 burkhardt oral history p9pa 16

14 wemerwerner vol 55. fetzer

15 monson 65 CHAPTER 7 conclusion

gerhard Mifmimmullermulierfler EK minister lives near city leipzig today responsible three village churches congregation each week congregation meets three different church buildings order justify use

keep them open mostly older couples widows few middle aged parents

children make parishioners mullermulier worked EK minister forty years seen great changes society casual discussion lamented

fact first began ministry each three churches own minister own large congregation time fewer fewer people came sundays until congregation then combination three remaining now petitioned government designate old church buildings

six hundred years old museums continue pay utilities

Mifmullersmimflers story typical state religion former GDR secularization policies proved highly effective end even communist government itself collapsed

within LDS church things grim least same sense membership increased since fall wall due mostly vigorous LDS missionary effort members longer make same difficult decisions weighing faith against careers however thesis shown communist

97 98 influence along factors profound affect full recovery trials hardships inflicted upon churches GDR appears seeableforseeableforeseeable future highly unlikely

understanding LDS experience GDR accomplishes two things provides another dimension understanding religious experience GDR emphasizes differences between majority minority religions GDR each period time explored thesis provides reader new insights concerning these dimensions

period 1945 until 1949 proved overall beneficial churches soviet zone germany surviving twelve years national socialism churches

1945 new hope initial cooperation SMAD supported hope time 1948 already see writing wall communist society religion nothing ritual institution perpetuated bourgeoisie must exercisedexorcised society frustration set loud cries protest brought increased oppression churches focus relief efforts war torn order accomplish anything significant

LDS church suffered result world war II11 american

LDS relief efforts proved very beneficial rebuilding LDS society Gengermanynany visitation revered leaders united states raised expectations optimism among members prevailed communists imposed restrictions however attitude quickly turned pessimism endurance harassment 99

missionaries western church leaders border crossings intensified church leaders feared worse yet come

following founding GDR combination orchestrated secularization

consolidation began weigh heavily upon religion millions packed belongings left west while opportunity remained those stayed behind subject persecution humiliation mockery religious practices

did millions leave west statistics show millions left religion behind well communists achieving goal quite direct way planned

within LDS church struggle became intense missionaries shut GDR traditional church designation east german mission

changed north german mission tone down claims communist conspiracy theorists avoid designation espionage organization these years became time holding church together many left west others left

church easier life society experience LDS church 1945 until construction berlin wall similar intense religions GDR church public support leaders profile political clout did many larger churches often persecution severe

small size persecution greater affect church whole

construction berlin wall forced churches christians serious decisions stayed church life outside became very difficult left church life might become easier compromising ones faith belief 100

difficult evidence shows chose leave religion behind four hundred percent increase those claiming konfessionslose without religious affiliation solid enough evidence experience minister mullermulier provides clear evidence communists secularization policies worked

new constitution forced division churches west further isolated church members within LDS church however stabilization commitment prevailed those made eitheror choice concerning faith

left those remained stalwart strong isolated church became life closed society large family insulated outside world decade 1961 through 1971 brought hardships LDS church none foreseen however these hardships often case brought remaining members church closer together tempered refined faith following

confiscation leipzig meeting facilities church generally fewer problems government perhaps communists realized persecution attempts having opposite affect least Morcormonsmormonsmons church

handled itself properly concerning matter members felt

right took stand efforts became fruitful properly patiently worked through difficult bureaucratic system appealing church west end decade henry burkhardt became leader following renewed counsel church authorities utah do best get along communists proceeded guide church through surprisingly prosperous era following rise olerichofericherich Honehoneckereker 101

far activities stasi greatest influence religion

GDR persecution outside dealt weathered sometimes brought strength infiltration within means IM created entirely new problems churches since stasi files opened GDR churches discovered many leaders members supporters worked directly stasi conformity fear proved effective result stasi infiltration

LDS church stasi efforts two results first positive

government knew LDS church realized church

neither means threaten them way left church alone later years same information proved even beneficial church

granted privileges denied churches became church permitted begin proselytizing activities GDR following construction wall

second effect stasi quite negative members worked IM providing information against concerning church problem working IM perception members toward activity issue black white either faithful told stasi traitor worked stasi information concerning worked stasi comes

archives tensions grow between members once best friends situation becomes acute revealed compromising information given stasi members may hurt needlessly harassed asa 102 result easy solutions available further opening stasi files may get worse understanding forgiveness do hold sway

fifteen years GDR proved somewhat beneficial churches

state finally recognized efforts role society continued undermine attempts churches reassert increase power end

churches won demonstrated fact mass demonstrations 1989 began city leipzig originating st thomas evangelical church role

churches bringing down gobermgovermgovernmentnent cannot denied secularization affects pervaded deeper society church leaders realized since wende church attendance once again become dismal shadow earlier years church buildings stand empty serving tourist stops people like minister

Mifmimmiillerfler functioning true capacity once per month

LDS church honecker years proved beneficial LDS church built longed temple numerous new chapels even received american missionaries promise new converts first time fifty years reasons special treatment differ depending providing them

members church god provided means whereby hearts communist leaders softened opened doors where none answered prayers many years fulfilled prophecies LDS leaders GDR government failing GDR economy willingness church spend large amounts money GDR decided fate Morcormonsmormonsmons desire government recognition favorable treatment position prominent 103 members LDS church america affected decisions ofgdrGDR leaders my opinion both explanations true faith belief play important part view nevertheless situation LDS church situation government

time made conditions rife positive action

conclusions insights drawn LDS experience concerning religion

society GDR riddled unlikely paradoxes simultaneous evolution

non evolution LDS church within GDR fluctuated cold war

american ties LDS church often suffered churches during early years experienced benefits connection later years

situation GDR often dictated situation church hence evolution


non evolution aspects church concern beliefs spiritual goals organization despite accommodation GDR policies intense persecution

LDS church never changed doctrine beliefs goals fundamental organization

church remained same did cause problems stagnation leadership although experiences church changed drastically cold war members remained faithful stalwart patient relying belief god

bring change own time

favorable treatment LDS church during latter years GDR

unstated reasons treatment present another paradox paradox concerns objectives ministry state security stasi goals stasi collected information cormonsmormons forty years often motivation behind 104 collection information malicious intent finding reason remove

LDS church GDR information revealed always case stasi true nature LDS church GDR government realized beneficial aspects helping church made unprecedented concessions accommodate LDS church information collected malevolent intent became blessing disguise church able help

government accomplish spiritual goals worshiping temple renewing missionary efforts

experience LDS church GDR provides insights society

way life too often misunderstood superficially examined understanding plight religion GDR then comparing specific experience LDS church aspects GDR society politics life under communism emerge behind secret files government persecution gemeindegeschichte community history als vergleichende geschichte

comparative history helps bring greater understanding how interconnected

GDR society breaks compartmentalization GDR historiography provides insight religion unique experience APPENDIX

mamajorityjorityarity religions gdr1 membership GDR ca 1980861980 86 evangelical lutheran church 7645000 catholic 1285000 new apostolic 8000010000080000 100000 methodist 280003000028000 30000 minority religions GDR religion membership GDR ca 1980861980 86 baptist federation 20000 seventh day adventist 9000110009000 11000 society christians 5000 christians shepherd rockflockfiock 5000 society jesus jesuit 5000 johannes church 5000 church jesus christ latter day saints 4700 apostles jesus christ 3000 unity brethren 2600 catholic apostolic 2000 reformed apostolic 2000 evangelical bible society 700 mennonites 300 quakers 50 Jehovajehovahshs witnesses 250003000025000 30000 illegal

source kirche derderderderddrDDR dokumenteDokumente kommentare 151165151 165 105 bibliography primary sources aktennotiz leipzig 15 aarapr 1969 photocopy aktennotiz leipzig meeting mayor leipzig 17 jun 1969 photocopy baasch gerwin chairman governing council GDR 07 april 1969 photocopy der bundesbeauftragte fur die unterlagenUnterlagen des staatssicherheitsdeinstes der ehemaligenehernaligen deutschen demokratischen publikrepublicrepublikRe leipzig selected documents photocopies bundestag deutschlandDeutschdeutschlandeland enqueteenqueue commissionkommission aufarbeitung von geschichte und golgenbolgen der SED diktatur deutschlandDeutschdeutschlandeland nomos verlag suhrkamp verlag frankfurt am main baden baden 18 vols 1995 burgerkommiteebiirgerkommitee von leipzig eds stasi intern macht und banalitdt 199iggi19911 christians church german democratic republic dresden verlag zeit im bild 1968 deutschlandDeutschdeutschlandeland bundesarchiv selected documents deutscher demokratischer rundfunkRundfunk professor dr kaul gerwin baasch 11I1 I1 march 1969 photocopy fetzer emil freiberg temple east german republic unpublished manuscript 1997 photocopy used permission heidler herbert den rat der stadt leipzig 20 feb 1969 photocopy heiss matthew interivewInterivew bruce hall february 1995 december 1997 transcripts possession author jahn richard den vorsitzenden des Staatsstaatsratesrates Gegenessengenossennossen walter ulbricht 03 mar 1969 photocopy 106 107 james moyle oral history program church jesus christ latter day saints salt lake city selected interviews matthew heiss 1991 1993 kirche der DDR dokumenteDokumente kommentarie bayern gymnasialpadagogischengymnasialpddagogischen materialstelleMaterial stelle der evang luth kirche bayern 1980 kirche jesu christi der heiligerheiligenHeiligen der letzterletzten tage das volkspolizei kreisamt leipzig den 26868268.68 photocopied poposessionpossessionsession author

quartierlisteQuartierliste von den teilnehmemteilnehmern der bagungtagung der HLT kirche leipzigdenLeipzig den 12464124.64 photocopied poposessionpossessionsession author

die Mitmitglinderglinder der GemeGernegemeindegerneindegemeinderinde leipzig 17 jun 1969 carbon copy krieger gerhard walter ulbricht 19 march 1969 photocopy leipziger stadtarchiv selected documents rat der stadt leipzig bezirkbezick leipzig staatlicheStaatliche bauaufsicht abschriftAbschrift betreffbetsefftreff lichtschauspielhaus emst thalmannthaimann strasse 74 18 september 1968 leipzig GDR photocopy rat der stadt leipzig walter schiele herbert schreiter 2 feb 1969 photocopy

johanna schiele 11 feb 1969 photocopy sachsichersdchsicherSachsicher staatsarchiv selected documents schiele johanna leipzig city council 02 feb 1969 photocopy schiele walter herbert schreiter walter ulbricht 03 mar 1969 photocopy schreiter herbert walter schiele city council leipzig 28 jan 1969 photocopy wernerwemer eberhard die leipziger gemeindegeschichte unpublished manuscript leipzig photocopy used permission 108 secondary sources ash timothy garton file personal history new york random house 1997 babbel frederick W wings offaithfaith salt lake city bookcraft 1972 backman james H legal background two german temples mormon history association twenty second annual meeting oxford liverpool london england july 5135 13 1987 photocopy used permission besier gerhard stephan wolf HG pfarrer christen undKathol katholikeniken das ministeriumfiirministerium furjur staatssicherheit der ehemaligen DDR und die kirchen hamburg Neuneukirchenerkirchener verlag des erziehungsvereins gmbh 1992 besier gerhard der SED staat und die kirche 2 vols frankfurt am main verlag ullstein gmbh berlin 1995 burgess john P east german church end 0fcommunism new york oxford university press 1997 catholicism politics communist societies ed pedro ramet christianity under stress vol II11 durham london duke university press 1990 childs david richard popplewell stasi east german intelligence security service washington square new york new york university press 1996 christians churches GDR DDR berlin panorama DDR auslandspresseagentur gmbh 1979 chronikchronikderder deutschen verlag im weltbildWeltbild gmbh augsburg 1996 conway john stasi churches between coercion compromise east gennangerman protestantism 1949891949 89 journal church state vol 3366 nr 4 august 1994 725745725 745

association contemporary church historians arbeitsgemeinschaft kirchlicherkirchlicher zeitgeschichtler newsletter january 1998 vol IV LI1 online location httphomniccpurdueeduhttp omni cc purdue edugmorkakzgmorkakz 109 dahlgren sam das verhdltnis von staat und kirche der DDR vdhrendwdhrendwehrend der jahre 194919581949 1958 uppsalaUppsala Wrwretmansetmans boktryckeri ab 1972 dahn horst confrontationkonfrontationkonftontation oder Ko operation das verhdltnisverhliltnis von staat und kirche derdersbzSBZDDRSBZ DDR 194519801945 1980 opladen westdeutscherWestdeutscher verlag 1982

die rolle der kirchen der DDR eineerneermeemme erste bilanzbiland Miinchmunchenen olzog 1993 davis garold norma behind wall church eastern germany part 1 saints isolation 194519891945 1989 222722 27 ensign corporation president church jesus christ latter day saints salt lake city april 1991

wall comes down church eastern germany part 2 1989- 1990 323832 38 ensign corporation president church jesus christ latter day saints salt lake city june 1991 edwards GE GDR society social institutions facts figures new york st martins press 1985 eppelmann rainer etal lexiconlexikon des DDR sozialismus das staats und gesellschaftssystem der deutschen demokratischen Republik Paderpaderbompaderbornbomborn ferdinand sch6ninghschoninghschoeningh 1996 fricke karl wilhelm MJSmos intern macht strukturenStrukturen ufloesungaufloesung der DDR staatssicherheit verlag wissenschaftWissen schaft und holitikPolipolitiktik koin claus peter von rottbecknottbeckNottbeck 199iggi19911 fulbrook mary anatomy dictatorship inside GDR 194919891949 1989 london oxford university press 1995 goeckel robert lutheran church east german state ithaca comellcornell university press 1990 goemergoerner martin georg die kirche als problem der SED strukturenStrukturen kommunistischer herrschaftsausubungherrschaftsausabung gegegegenubergegeniibergegenhubernuber der evangeevangelischenlischen kirche 1945 bis 1958 berlin akademieAkademie verlag gmbh 1997 hartweg frederic SED und kirche eine dokumentationdocumentationDokumentation ihrer beziehungenBeziehungen band 1 194619671946 1967 band 2 196819891968 1989 neckarsteinachNeckarsteinach neukirchenerNeukirchener verlag des erziehungsvereins gmbh 1995 110 heiss matthew macht und banalitatbanalitdt unpublished presentation 1995 photocopy used permission herbst andreas winfried ranke rirgenbirgenjiirgen winkler funktioniertesofunktionierte die DDR 2 vols reinbekreinbeck bei hamburg rowohlt taschenbuch verlag gmbh 1994 hildebrandt rainer der 17 juni berlin verlag haus am checkpoint charlie 1983

labor ofloveoglovelove 1946 european mission ofezraezra tafttofttadttapp benson salt lake city deseret book 1989 mampel sigfried das ministeriumftrministerium furjur staatssicherheit der ehemaligen DDR als ideologiepolizei berlin dunker & humblethumblotHumblot 1996 mau rudolf eingebundeneingehunden den realsozialismus die evangelischeEvangelische kirche als problem der SED rottingeng6ttingengottingenGottingen vandenhoeck & ruprecht 1994 monson thomas faith rewarded personal account propheticofprophetic promises east german saints salt lake city deseret book 1996 mueller enbergsanbergs helmut inoffizielle mitarbeiterMitarbeiter des ministeriumsffirministeriums furjur staatssicherheit richtlinien und durchfuhrungsbestimmungendurchfiihrungsbestimmungen berlin christoph links verlag 1996 nelson russell M drama european stage 6176 17 ensign corporation president church jesus christ latter day saints salt lake city december 1991 protestantism andpoliticspolitics eastern europe russia communist Postpostcommunistcommunist eras ed sabrina petra ramet christianity under stress vol III111 durham london duke university press 1992 rossberg klaus peter richter das kreuz mit dem kreuz ein leben zwischerzwischenzwischen staatssicherheit und kirche berlin edition ost gmbh 1996 scharffs gilbert W mormonism germany history church ofjesusjesus christ latter day saints germany between 1840 1970 salt lake city deseret book 1970 schelasinSchelasin nora protestant churches GDR provo ut howard W hunter law library december 10 1987 illlillii sippel heinrich walter suess staatssicherheit und rechtsextremismusundrechtsextremismus bochum universitaetsverlag dr N brockmeyer 1994 skibbe gerd confessionkonfession mormone neustrelitzNeustrelitz verlag lenover 1995 swoboda jorg revolution candles christians revolution german democratic republic tmslamsl edwin P arnold macon GA mercer university press 1996 tobler douglas F before wall fell cormonsmormons german democratic republic 1945891945 89 dialogue journal ofmormonmormon thought vol 25 4 winter 1992 turner henry ashby jr germanyftomgermany partition reunification new haven yale university press 1992 universitdtskirche leipzig einem streifallstrelstreitfallStreiStreitfalifallfail verlag kunst und touristictouristikTouristik leipzig gmbh 1992 van orden bruce what you lay altar christ discipleship rudolf elfriede poecker unpublished manuscript photocopy used permission vollnhalsvollenhals clemens die kirchenpolitik von SED und staatsicherheit eine zmschenbilamzwischenbilanz berlin christoph links verlag 1996 williams J scott peaceful coexistence church state german democratic republic provo ut howard W hunter law library 1982 wolfe nancy travis policing socialist society german democratic republic new york greenwood press 1992 zimmerman hartmut horst ulrich michael fehlauer DDR handbuchHandbuch 2 vols koin verlag wissenschaftWissenschaft u holitikPolipolitiktik 1989 gemeindegeschichtgemeindegeschichte als vergleichende geschichte church jesus christ latter day saints east germany 194919891949 1989

bruce W hall

department history

MA degree june 1998


1945 until fall berlin wall 1989 church jesus christ latter day saints LDS former german democratic republic GDR endured hardships existing religious organization under communist regime evaluation LDS church within category general minority religions serves microcosmic evaluation religion GDR constitutes part study uniqueness LDS church experience especially american ties ironically earlier liability later asset make candidate independent evaluation second part study social aspect religion GDR related those faith including lives LDS members constitutes final aspect study leipzig branch LDS church upon research based serves example religious conformity while proving itself socially politically culturally unique placing LDS church context religion general well examining atypical experience leipzig branch greater understanding religious political social life within former german democratic republic

COMMITTEE APPROVAL dougladougia reblerrobiernobler committee chair

louwloqw B ts 0 y rodney D bohebohbbobbboh61 committee member

bruce van orden committee member Wwatwagxt iutvur knallknhllkendall W brown department chair