1944 BRAID March 30, 1944
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Progress Edition Progress Edition March 30, 1944 BRAID March 30, 1944 Mailed In Conformity with P.O.D. Order No. 196S7. Entered Official Newspaper ot City and County. Published Thursday A. M. By 55th YEAR. No. 41 it the Post Office, Summit, N. J., as Second Class Matter. "THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1944 Tlie Summit Publishing Company, 22 Bank Street. Tel. Summit 6-6300. $3 A YEAR 6 CENTS r New Car, 15 Tires ) EDISON STUDENTS RAISE MINUTE MAN FLAG Motor Corps Post-War Planning Are Stolen Friday To Hold Food Sale Oliver B. Merrill From Broad St. Firm Tomorrow at 10 For Summit Schools Thieves entered the Wilson The Motor Corps of the Red Former Mayor, Motors, Inc., agency through the Cross will hold a food sale in skylight of the one-story build- the Del Crest store room, 379 Rotary Topic Springfield avenue, tomorrow, Dies Wednesday Speaking at a meeting of the ing at 312 Broad street on Fri- Friday, Mar. 24, beginning at Residents of Summit were Rotary Club on Monday, W. A. day night and stole a new 1942 car valued at $1,400 and 15 tires 10 a. m. shocked yesterday morning upon Xincaid, superintendent of Sum- learning of the death, early the nit schools, pointed out that in worth $300. The company re- This is for the benefit of the ported an attempt was made to same day, of former Mayor Oliver iew of the increase of the popu- 1944 Red Cross War Fund Drive. enter the agency the nighc be- Cakes, bread, rolls, cookies B. Merrill, who had been in Over- ition in three of the city's ele- fore, but the thieves were look Hospital for two weeks, where .lentary schools it would be nec- and other homemade foods will frightened away by a dealer next be available. he had undergone a serious opera- .ssary to consider some solution door. Police are investigating. lion followed by pneumonia. tol^his problem as part of any Mr. Merrill, who has lived in postwar plan for Summit. Summit since 1903, was born in Continuing, Mr. Kincaid added Issues Message Topeka, Kan., December 25, 1869, that the Brayton, Jefferson and 1,500 Local Women son of Mr. and Mrs. James G, Lincoln Schools were badly over- Merrill, and was in his 75th year. crowded because of the increase To All Summit He married Miss Kitty Earl in the birth rate during the past Are Red Cross Lyall, daughter of the late Mr. twelve years in that district. and Mrs. William Lyall, January The problem of the next five On Paper Shortage of 3, 1901, in New York City. years, he said, is to take care to Volunteer Workers The Salvage Cojnmittee Sum- Mr, Merrill was graduated from provide adequate facilities for the Throughout the country tens of rait Defense Council issued what Smith Academy, St. Louis, Mo., in increase in enrollment in these thousands of our women are volun- it termed "A message to alb-of 1887, and then attended Amherst schools. tarily aiding in the many Red Summit," The message follows: College, from which rte was, grad- "There is a very great paper Mr. Kincaid also stressed tho Cross activities connected with the uated in 1891. He entered busi- need for more adequate cafeteria war. shortage, This shortage will con- tinue to get worse and there is ness in the advertising and pub- facilities at the Central Junior In Summit, about 1,500 women lishing field, being connected SUC'JY High School, noting as one reason are engaged in these services, a no chance of better conditions un- til long- after the war, cessively with the following pub» for this need the fact that stu- substantial contribution in our city lication: Congregationalist, Bos« dents must line up outside how- of approximately 16,500 people. "Paper and paper products are urgently needed by our armed ton, 1891-1903; Youths Companion, ever inclement the weather to Among the many activities car- New York and Boston, 1903-1929; wait their turn in getting into the ried on by these workers may be forces and are used for munitions of all kinds and food supplies, American Boy, New York, 1929- cafeteria. cited the number of women en- 1931; Pictorial Review, New York gaged in some of the local services. medical supplies, aviation sup- fj For the past two months an at- 1931-1934; National Independej About 100 are Nurses Aides as- plies. tendance contest has been in pro- Broadcaster, New York, 1934- sisting the important Home Nurs- "It is imperative that you save gress and on Monday it was an- Then he was an advertising coun- nounced that the Red team had ing Service; 35 are serving as Can- every kind of, untreated paper. teen workers; 300 are sewing and This means newspapers, maga- sellor, New York, 1935; Pres/dent won. The members of the victori- Magazine Club of New Yojk/l915- r ous team will be. the guests of the knitting; 250 made over four hun- zines, all waste paper and all kinds dred thousand surgical dressings of paper boxes. 1917; Vice-President Advertising; losers for the luncheon on Mon- Club, New York, 1930^933; Direc- in 1943; 15 serve in packing about "Small pieces of wastepaper can. day. tor of the same, 19^&V1933. The next program will be in 7,000 food boxes for war prisoners be sandwiched between leaves of charge of the International Ser- each week; 20 are engaged in print- newspapers. Newspapers and Before coming/to Summit, Mr. vice Committee and tho speaker ing Braille for the blind; 400 are magazines should be securely tied Merrill lived jh Boston, Mass., will bo George Rundquiat, execu- servingon.disaster committees; 100 in bundles 12 to 18 inches high. 1891-1901; Winchester, Mass., 1901- are staff assistants, a name which tive secretary of the Committee Boxes must bo flattened and se- 1903. very inadequately covers the great on the Relocation of Japanese curely tied; if not flattened, they Within a very few years after variety of services they render; 25 cannot be collected. Five minutes Americans. Mr. Rundqulst has Edison Junior High School students are shown above with their war stamp sales include Lois Mase, Lucille Zotte, Ervina D'Andrea, coming to Summit Mr. Merrill are operating the Mortor Corps per week will do the job properly. became interested in civic affairs, just completed a six weeks' tour and the Gray Ladies and other "Minute Man Flag," awarded by Treasury Department for partiuipatii - Mary Budis, Doris Fushetto, Tomasina Gentile, Benedict Gambino, of the various Japanese American tion of over 90% of the student body in the purchase of war stamps Frank DeMuccio and Michael Zotte. "Let it no longer be said Sum- which he was continuing at th» groups are carrying on their esse mit residents are not interested time of his death. His activities Relocation centers and can there- and bonds. The flag was attached to the school flag and raised at The records are compiled by members of the Junior Business tial services. Two hundred women in such a vitally important job. in this line have consisted of the fore speak from personal obser- an outdoor assembly on Thursday morning, Mar. 16. Training classes under the supervision of their instructor, Mrs. in the New Providence Borough Up to the present many of our following: • vation. and New Providence Township The pupils holding the flag are Student Financial Commissioner Ruth "Crooker. ctizens have been loafers In this Member of Common Council and Passaic Township branches Richard Levesque and Joh"n Chapman, chairman of sales' records. The sales to date have reached a total of $8,845. The goal for respect. are part of this great work. the remainder of the year is a $15,000 Fairchild training plane. Summit, 1907-1912; Member of Ninth graders who are members of the committee in charge ot "In not one month 'during the Board of Education Summit, 1918-. c Again Continues Not included in the 1,500 are the past year have we made our,quota 1919; Mayor of Summit,*jr.J,., Junior Red Cross w|jo are always or come within 50% of the ton- j 1929-1923; Member of Slnkliifr a t Vacate available when jfiejr" services can War Fund Response tiage of neighboring res!$'cntl<<.' Fim;d/' Commission,' 1920 "'''.JJ><1; be utilized. •.-?'••<•<•• Passes Grtfance communities of comparable size Chairman of Sinking Fund bom» This vast effort is entirely vol- "North side collection last Sun- mission, 1932-1941; Member of th« t Montview Road untary. From the funds of the For Enforcement OUR TOWN Slow Chairman day totaled 22 tons •with not more Planning Commission, 1922-1931; The ordinance pending to va- Red Cross allocated to the Sum- than ZOfo of the residents contrib- Chairman of the Planning Board, cate the "paper" extension of mit Chapter, only four full-time uting. 1931-1942; Treasurer of the Recre- Moneview road in a southeastern and one half-time employee receive Off OPA Rules RED CROSS J. W. Bancker Says "Next Sunday, Mar. 26, collec- ation Commission, 1925 - 1931; Montview road in a southeastern salaries and of these two are visit- Common Council passed an or- As of March 21, fifty thousand tion will be made on the south Chairman of Liberty Loan - Red nue was continued for a fourth ing nurses, an essential but not an dinance Tuesday night to erable Apparently the Red Cross drive in Summit is not doing eight hundred ($50,800) dollars has Bide of the Lackawanna Railroad Cross - and Service Campaigns • !-. • time Tuesday night by Common administrative function.