French Forces Gain As Yanks Advance; Air Fields in Ruins

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French Forces Gain As Yanks Advance; Air Fields in Ruins TRDBSDAT, JAKUABT U44 ‘The Wi-wther Average Daily Circulation Fereeaat ol U. S. Weather Bnreau t4 £ i XWK.XI Sianchester Evening Herald For the Month of December, 1948 Partly clondy and warmer to­ All members of the Salvation 8,504 night; Saturday fair with little Beth Sholom Notes Sgt. Keibish Ask Manual change la temperature; fresh to Army Songster Brigade are re­ Older Members Member of the Audit About Town quested to be present Friday eve­ strong wtnds. ning at 8 o’clock at the citadel, For Police Bnrenn of Clrenlattons for a reeharsal in preparation for Club Guests Friday,. Jan. 14— Evening serv­ Now Prisoner Manchester— A City of VUiage Charm the concert in the Arm y hall SaJ,^ ices will be held at 8 p. m. The \ Tb« Dorcu •iwlnff froup et Rabbi will apeak on ‘'Why The ■munuel Lutherau eliurA wiU r«- urday evening, at which time Ma­ (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Zionist Resolution?” A special Last One in Effect Was (Claaolflod Adverthdng on Page 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1944 ■ume ita wsalon * t th# Red CroM Jor and Mrs. Reginald Martin of Reported Missing in VOL. L X n i . , NO. 88 lieadquarteni M Ouiter ehureh to- Portland. Me., former Manchester Improvement Associa­ forum will be conducted aftet the services, Atty. Jay Rubinow will Action, Parents Get Published in 1919, It at f H a ___ corps officers will be present. tion in Tribute to <h- lead a discussion on the subJect Wortl He’s Interned. Is Brought Out. ! Mrs. Daniel Bailey of High Clan MacLean. O.S.C. will hold Obi Timers. “Post-War Jewish Problem.” Killed in San Pietro Drive atreet entertained several friends its regular meeting tomorrow eve­ Saturday, Jan. 15— Bar Mitzvoh /BURKE@ ning at eight o’clock in the Ma­ Mr. and Mrs. John Keibish, of The police commlsslonei^ will iTuesday evenlnr with a card pa^ The January meeting of the service will be held for Adler Dob- Soviet Siege Giins French Forces Gain take up at their next meeting the ty. Prises were given and refresh- sonic Temple. kin at 10 a. m. The Community 9 Bank street, have Just received study o f a new police manual. aSTER ST HiNfHESnP im f - ” - ■nents were served by the hostess. Manchester Improvement Asao- is Invited to attend the services word that their son, Staff Sergeant Several attempts have been made Mrs. Julia L’Heureux, formerly clation was held at the Manches­ and the reception In the vestry. Peter Keibish, of Addison, who was to do this, but for one reason or The Women’s AuxilUry of St, of Manchester, and now of Kan­ Sunday. Jan. 16— Religious ter Y.M.C.A. last night at eight another a new manual has never Pound Rail Cities; M a il's Bpiscopal church will hold sas City, is visiting Mrs. Henry P. school for children at 9:30 a. m. reported missing Ul action on Nov. o’clock with about 30 members In been approved. ALICE OQFBAM ______ Its January meeting tomorrow Grucssner of 325 Center street 29, has been interned in Germany, (Known Aa Qneen ABm ) As Yanks Advance; Important Memliershlp Meeting evening In the Guild room. The attendance. In calling the meeting Commissioner Arthur McCann and other relatives and friends in to order Frank Nackowski, presi­ a prisoner of war. APIBITUAL MEDIUM hostesses will bo Mrs. Samuel Nel­ The annual meeting of the Con­ brought the matter to* the atten­ town. Mrs. L ’Heureux made the dent of the organization. Informed Staff Sergeant was an Seventl^ Daughter of a Seventh Son son. Mrs. Charlotte Gotberg, Mrs. gregation will be held in the ves­ tion of the board at the meeting Push Pihsk Drive trip here to see her son. Ensign the members that the purpose of engineer on a B-17 bomber in the Bum With a VeU. James Harrison and Miss Mar­ Arthur L ’Heureux and his wife in try of the Temple on Sunday, Jan. last week. It was said at that the get-together was to pay trib­ U. S. A ir Forces based in Britain Readings Dally, Inclndlng Sunday, garet Hyde. Boston. Ensign L ’Heureux had a 16 at 10:30 a. m. Officers will be ute to some of the older members and also served as a turret gunner time that there had been a manual 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appoint­ short leave of absence from his elected for the coming year and prepared and that It was to be Air Fields in Ruins of his ship. He was first reported ment. In the Senrloe of the Peo­ Iriiomas PotU Aitkin, 6 McCabe ship. Mrs. L ’Heureux left Man­ of the association. He had Invited other Important busihess will be Pressure Increased on some of the older ones to attend missing in a bombing raid on Ger­ printed. This, It has now been ple for SO Yeara. Arm y Story street, Manchester, 17 years of age, chester last spring with her son transacted, including action on the found, Is not the case. The for­ 160 Church Street, Hartford, Conn. Rovno. Luck and Ko­ was enlisted this week in the U. S. Joseph who was transferred to and at the head table were Joel proposed resolution to affiliate the many in one o f the heaviest bomb­ M. Nichols, Thomas Ferguson, ing missions over the Reich^late in mer board of commissioners con­ Phono 6-20S4 Navy. Aitkin attended High the Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Congregation with the Zionist Or­ sisting of Thomas Rogers, William vel; Only About 95 Americans Repulse Nazi school here and left to work for plant in Kansas City. John McCarthy and Walter Hio^ ganization of America. All mem­ November. Mrs. Victoria Palosle Shows Men bard, who represented his father, Sergeant Keibish. who la 28 Allen and Raymond Burnham Counter - Attack on the Automatic Ref. Company, bers are urged to attend this Miles East of ‘Curzon Mosquitos Attack W. E. Hibbard, who was unable to years old, is a native of Addison, started to do this work, but after Hartford, Conn. meeting. Mrs. Victoria Palosle of 869 The Men’s Society of Emanuel attend. Conn., and la well known here for they had adopted one section, re­ Use Prayer Cervaro and Consol­ Tuesday, Jan. 18— Religious Main street, who recently enlisted Line’ as Germans Use Lutheran church at its annual The president called on Thomas his participation- in sports, espe­ lating to the office o f deputy chief, A memorial requiem mass Is school for children at 3:45 p, m. meeting Tuesday evening elected Ferguson to relate .some of his cially basketball and baseball. He in the WACs, will leave Tuesday, they failed to approve the re­ Rivers to Make Stand. idate Gains to Threat­ announced by Rev. S. J. Szceep- the following officers: President, Wednesday, Jan. 19— Adult He­ early experiences as the first sec­ was for many years manager of January 18. for Fort Oglethorpe, mainder of the manual. Later Western Germany kowskl for the* late Pfc. Edward Hilding Bolin; vice president, Wil­ brew class will meet at the home American Soldier Pic­ en .Control of Mt. retary and treasurer of the uss6- the P.N.A. baseball team in Glas­ the section relating to the deputy Roll it on ,h ......................... Ml I C.- JagUnski, a member of St. liam Orr; secretary, Raymond of Mrs. J. Rubinow at 3 p. m. The Georgia. A fter receiving her basic Moscow, Jan. 14.— (/P)— ciatlon. According to Mr. Fergu­ tonbury. chief was cancelled, llils means Trocchio, Less Than John's Polish National Catholic Erickson; financial secretary, Pe­ Nutrition class will be held at the training, there she expects tq be Soviet siege guns pounded- tured as Almost Sur­ Church, Sunday, January 16 at son the Manchester Improvement His wife, the former Miss Louise that the last’ manual In effect was ter Riemer; treasurer. ^Arthur home of Mrs. Herman Lasaow at Prell, of Hopewell Road, Glaaton- assigned for duty with the Army printed in 1919. Several new the outflanked defenses of; American In^lUgence SoldicrS T o U Three Miles from Cas- 9:00 a. m. at the church on Golway Tolf. A social hour with refresh­ Association was organized shortly prisingly Religious; 8 p. m. bui'y, was overJoyed when she re^ members of the police depart­ Street. Private Jaglhiakl who ments followed the business. The after the turn of the century for Air Forces. Mozyr and Kalinkovichi, im­ Officers Work to Com­ sino; Resistance Fierce the expresa purpose o f Improving Thursday, Jan. 20— Religious ceived the War Department tele^ ment have no manual In their Chaplains Are Praised. was 28, died Decembir 0 from committee in charge of the Feb- school for children at 3:45 p. m. Mrs. Palosle is a native of Rock­ portant rail centers on the wounds received in combat with conditions in and around Depot gram notifying her of her hus­ possession. pile Final Accounting ruay meeting has secured Rev. Dr. ville and the daughter of Frank northern edge of the Pripet Role to Play the Nazis In Italy. He Is the first Square. A t that time the square band’s location as a prisoner of Allied Headquarters, Al­ J. Russell Cllnchy o f the Center Stepanowski.of that city. She has Washington, Jan. 14.— — O f Epic Sky ' Battle. soldier from this church to make was a neglected spot. It was mud war, Just four weeks after he was marshes, as Gen. Konstantin giers, Jan.
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