Contest-Winner of 1939 Is Now College Dramatic Tutor Units Give Sound Views Aggies Win Over LSU with 7 17-Year Olds in the Line
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No. 4 VOL. XXVII AUSTIN, TEXAS, DECEMBER, 1943 Class Polls Opinion Debate Sponsor Says Magic Valley Gets Athletics: Asset* LETTER Contest-Winner of 1939 Is On Educational Reform Directions for Season's Prospect Fair or o Liability?, 6OX and Tutor are the most needed /. History PERSONAL Now College Dramatic Using Slide Rule *T~*HE new debate coach at Down to Business ITEMS reforms in Texas educa Sam Houston High School By Professor Philip O. Badger Wins Key Award tion? A graduate class in (Houston), Miss Helen Batte, Martha Morgan Has Dis In September, 1939, Martha en. Bulletin by Mathematics Pro Famous Writer Tells of Tran education at The University hopeful of winning a Concerning the Author tinguished Career in rolled in the College of Fine Arts is quite sition from "Promotion" to San Jacinto (Houston) She was ad of Texas is seeking to find the fessor Now Available this (which of the University. share of League honors "Production" At the time the address Omitted by Mistake the University mitted to the Curtain Club as a answer. for Teachers year. She has not only de will be published in four in probationary member, and in May Under the direction of Dr. Fred bate, but is in charge of all stallments) was, delivered, Pro of the same year she was made an 0. Badger was N THE FRONT page of ARTHA MORGAN was a erick Eby, that class is polling the \TATHEMATICS teachers the speech work in the school. recently in June fessor Philip of active member of that club. During opinion of nearly 600 representa Magazine, John President of the National Col the November issue senior at Weslaco High the school term of 1942-43 she wa; " interested in initiating Miss Batte has a bachelor's de Harper's LEAGUER will be found a tive Texans .in all walks of life, described a con legiate Athletic Association, the School when she came to on the Board of Governors anc with a questionnaire on the subject. club or class into the myste gree from Rice Institute, a Master Dos Passos Chairman of the Board of Ath picture and account of the ac Austin for the 1939 State Secretary of the Curtain Club The inquiry is going to school ries of the slide rule will wel versation he had with a letic Control of New York Uni complishments of Miss An That same year she received the superintendents, newspaper editors, come a new bulletin just off farmer in the Rio Grande Val versity, and Assistant to th* Meet as a member of the one- Key Award, the high nette Greenfield since entering Curtain Club school board presidents, university the press by L. W. Ramsey, ley, illustrating the transition Chancellor. act play cast which presented est award bestowed upon any mem and college presidents, chambers For many years Professor1 The University of Texas. She As director-actress Assistant Professor of Mathe from "land promotion" to The Perfect Gentleman. ber of the Club. of commerce secretaries, secre Badger has been identified with was quite distinguished in gained much experience with "land utilization" in the Martha was selected the best she taries of local trade councils, matics and Engineering, those forces which have been in productions of the Curtain Club Interscholastic League public clergymen, bankers, police commis Texas Christian University, Magic Valley: strumental in lifting intercol actress of the year for her Theater-in-the-Round, Laboratory speaking contests during her sioners, parent-teacher associa "An elderly man six feet tal athletics up on a higher Theater, and the Experimental entitled "How to Use a Slide legiate performance and was given tion presidents, professors, county and more under his dusty broad- emphasizing educa high-school career. After Theater. She was graduated from Rule. plane, and the Samuel French award. agricultural agents, and nurses. brimmed hat, who stood very tional values of athletic activi reading the story, T." H. Rog the University in May, 1943. For League Contests It asks "in the light of the straight in his ranchers' boots ties in schools and colleges. ers, Principal of the San Each year Martha served as Prepared at the request of the He probable economic, moral and in ohowed us around the place. He is a native of Maine, hav property manager for the State League for assistance to teachers Texas Jacinto, Houston, High ternational conditions following the ame from the Panhandle of ing been born in Augusta Sep One-Act Play Contest of the Inter and pupils who are this year en farming School, sends the editor of the war, what changes would you rec and had been ranching and tember 16, 1891. He was grad scholastic League. This job is one tering the new Slide Rule Contest, 'There are two things LEAGUER the following gentle ommend in the educational system all his life. uated from Philips-Exeter Acad of the most difficult involved in the it wastes no time with prelimin you can do,' he said, 'you can sel of Texas " emy in 1916, and from Yale in reproof: production of the League plays at aries or padding and gets right land or you can build up the coun Aspects covered by the question 1915. Although he has been "I noticed with pleasure your the State Meet, but she proved down to fundamentals from the try. They used this place to sel naire include: elementary, secon administrative work article in November INTERSCHO very capable and endeared herseli start. The first chapter tells how land in the worst way . now we doing purely dary and higher education, State of LASTIC LEAGUER concerning An to the participating casts. the instrument is made, and identi are tryin' to use it to build up the in the central administration Department of Education, financ nette Greenfield. Knowing the Summer Tour fies all its parts. Next the "C" country.' New York University since 1926, During the past summer Martha ing of public education, improve he still holds his title of Professor young lady as I do, I am not at all and "D" scales are treated, and the Contour Plowing toured with a stage show for a ment of teachers, improvement of of Marketing in the School of surprised at her accomplishments, following operations explained: Helen Batte "He showed us his various va short time. In September, 1943 instruction, delinquency, and health Commerce, Accounts and Fi but I am wondering why in such a multiplication of two numbers; rieties of papaya trees, his fields she returned to the campus as dra of Texas children. of Arts degree from Columbia Uni He has been a member fine article concerning one of your powers of ten and how to find contour-plowed into strips where nance. matics tutor and was elected presi The survey was "conceived and versity (New York), and has com of students you could not have men them; placing the decimal point; was trying out rye and barley of the Executive Committee dent of the Curtain Club. This is undertaken wholely for the ad pleted all work on a Ph.D. degree he tioned the high school she is from. how to multiply more than two and hot-weather legumes. 'The the National Collegiate Athletio the first time in the thirty-four vancement of the interests of our there except the thesis. She spent was Needless to say, we are proud of numbers; division and combina rows ain't straight, see?' he said. Association since 1924; year history of the Club that a girl Dr. Eby declared fifteen years of her life in Mexico her, but we are like everybody else great state," tions of multiplication and division. aim of contour plowin' is to second Vice-President of the has had the honor of becoming (half of it), speaks Spanish 'The we like to see our name in the today. author explains the use runnin' water walk. ... ] NCAA for 1937-S9, and, as above president. In her new position she Next the fluently, and is much interested in make press." of the slide rule in finding roots have a tough time gettin' some of noted, was in 1941 its President, will be production manager of more dangerous the Latin-American countries and , o There is nothing and powers involving the "A" and these fellows to try it. It near every show staged by the Univer two peoples. She has traveled a great than to leap a chasm in and how to multiply breaks their hearts not to be able Marina Morgan sity Drama Department. At pres "B" scales, deal, being especially fond of T THINK it is quite useless Physical Fitness Clubs jumps. Lloyd George. Finally the "K" scale to make straight rows. ent she is producing the musical, with them. ocean voyages to romantic places. to discuss at length whether The play, which had not been and how to find the never argue with 'em. I just tell In Jasper Schools "The Cabaret Revue," which is is explained, Summer times she works on news as a part of Two thousand summers have im the cube 'em to go ahead and do it their athletics "belong" published for general use at army camps after cube of a number and in offices for the Army, or touring nearby parted to the monuments of papers, own way. One feller I did ask if education and yet there was a the deep East Texas Martha root. side of that time, won third place in its run at the University. Grecian literature, as to her just travels around on this he was farmin' for straight rows discussions are Pupils Like It time when lengthy town of Jasper, Mrs.