Conference Call Saidashev State Grand Concert Hall, which is one of Austria (5), Switzerland (5), and 18 other countries. the most beautiful cultural centers of Kazan. In addi- Participants were presented with the latest ideas con- tion to two plenary lectures, the results of the con- cerning drugs for the treatment of central nervous gress were summarized, and the final document On system and cardiovascular diseases, chemotherapeu- the Prospects for the Development of Chemistry, tics, combinatorial chemistry and high throughput Chemical Education, and International Cooperation screening, molecular modeling, peptides and pep- was approved. Dr. R. N. Minnikhanov, prime minister tidomimetics, and pharmaceutical biotechnology. In of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan, addition, 226 posters were presented. addressed the meeting. Following is a list of plenary lectures presented: The next XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and • “G-Proteins: Targets for New Drugs?”; Walter Applied Chemistry will be held in Moscow in 2007 and Schunack, Free University of Berlin, Germany will be devoted to a centenary of Mendeleev • “Can Drug Metabolism be Predicted?”; Bernard Congresses in Russia. Testa, Institute de Chimie Therapeutique, Universite de Lausanne, Switzerland Professor Oleg Nefedov <
[email protected]> is head of the laboratory in the N. D. • “A Translational Approach to Preclinical Drug Zelinsk, Institute of Organic Chemistry in Moscow and the president of the XVII Development in Epilepsy”; James P. Stables, Mendeleev Congress. Professor Oleg Sinyashin <
[email protected]> is director of Director of the National Institute of Neurological the A. E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry in Kazan and chief Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, USA secretary of the XVII Mendeleev Congress.