Charles-Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte
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CHARLES-LUCIEN JULES LAURENT BONAPARTE, 2D PRINCE OF CANINO AND MUSIGNANO “NARRATIVE HISTORY” AMOUNTS TO FABULATION, THE REAL STUFF BEING MERE CHRONOLOGY “Stack of the Artist of Kouroo” Project Carlo Bonaparte HDT WHAT? INDEX CARLO BONAPARTE CARLO BONAPARTE 1803 May 24, Tuesday: Charles-Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte was born, a son of Lucien Bonaparte and Alexandrine de Bleschamp and therefore a nephew of Napoléon Bonaparte. He would grow up in Italy, where he would be known as “Carlo.” Before being forced out of Italy by politics he would discover a warbler new to science, the “Moustached Warbler.”1 The Sonata for violin and piano op.47 dedicated to Rudolf Kreutzer by Ludwig van Beethoven was performed for the initial time, in Vienna, with the composer at the keyboard. NOBODY COULD GUESS WHAT WOULD HAPPEN NEXT 1. That’s one hell of a lot more than his more recognized uncle ever accomplished. underachiever HDT WHAT? INDEX CARLO BONAPARTE CARLO BONAPARTE 1808 Appearance in Philadelphia of the initial volume of Alexander Wilson’s 8-volume quarto AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY; OR, THE NATURAL HISTORY OF BIRDS OF THE UNITED STATES (Bradford and Inskeep). This would be being published volume after volume until 1814, and eventually would describe 264 species of birds (it would be republished in expanded form beginning in 1832). AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY Several species of bird would be named for Wilson, including the Wilson’s Storm-petrel, the Wilson’s Plover, the Wilson’s Phalarope, and the Wilson’s Warbler — the entire warbler genus would eventually be designated as “Wilsonia,” by Charles-Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte. Now the Wilson Journal of Ornithology is so named in his honor. HDT WHAT? INDEX CARLO BONAPARTE CARLO BONAPARTE Upon the printing of this initial volume, the author embarked on an exhaustive subscription tour. The 9-volume set was being offered at $120.00 (more than his yearly salary as a school teacher) so of course it made sense to approach only the wealthiest and most prominent members of each settlement. For this purpose he had accumulated letters of introduction from the various political and scientific luminaries with whom he had become acquainted in Philadelphia. With years and years of peddling experience in Scotland under his belt, he was able to secure 250 subscribers. “Excuse me, I hear you have lots of money.” HDT WHAT? INDEX CARLO BONAPARTE CARLO BONAPARTE 1810 At the height of the Napoleonic Wars, the Lucien Bonaparte and Alexandrine de Bleschamp family and their 7-year-old son Charles-Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte, a nephew of Napoléon, left Italy with the intent of emigrating to the United States. Apprehended by the British off Sardinia due to their family connections, for four years they would reside in England as celebrities and hostages. Alexander Wilson’s AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY; OR THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE BIRDS OF THE UNITED STATES (Philadelphia: Bradford and Inskeep, Volume II). AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY In this period Wilson was residing primarily in the home of William Bartram so as to be able to make use of his libraries. HDT WHAT? INDEX CARLO BONAPARTE CARLO BONAPARTE 1811 Alexander Wilson’s AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY; OR THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE BIRDS OF THE UNITED STATES (Philadelphia: Bradford and Inskeep, Volumes III and IV). AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY HDT WHAT? INDEX CARLO BONAPARTE CARLO BONAPARTE 1812 Alexander Wilson’s AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY; OR THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE BIRDS OF THE UNITED STATES (Philadelphia: Bradford and Inskeep, Volumes V and VI). AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY HDT WHAT? INDEX CARLO BONAPARTE CARLO BONAPARTE 1813 Alexander Wilson’s AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY; OR THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE BIRDS OF THE UNITED STATES (Philadelphia: Bradford and Inskeep, Volume VII). AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY HDT WHAT? INDEX CARLO BONAPARTE CARLO BONAPARTE 1814 After four years of education in England, Charles-Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte, a nephew of Napoléon, was allowed by his British captors to return to Europe. January: Under the care of George Ord, Alexander Wilson’s AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY; OR THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE BIRDS OF THE UNITED STATES (Philadelphia: Bradford and Inskeep, Volume VIII). AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY May: At the Bradford and Inskeep printing shop in Philadelphia, a biography of Alexander Wilson by George Ord was bound into the printing of Volume IX of AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY; OR THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE BIRDS OF THE UNITED STATES. AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY HDT WHAT? INDEX CARLO BONAPARTE CARLO BONAPARTE 1822 June 29, Saturday: La lettera anonima, a dramma per musica by Gaetano Donizetti to words of Genoino, was performed for the initial time, in Naples’s Teatro del Fondo. In Brussels, Charles-Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte got married with his 1st cousin Zenaide Laetitia Julie Bonaparte. Soon the couple would voyage to the United States. During the voyage Carlo obtained specimens of a new storm-petrel, and upon arrival he would present a paper on this discovery, which would be named after Alexander Wilson. HDT WHAT? INDEX CARLO BONAPARTE CARLO BONAPARTE CAPE COD: We read the following as to the Storm Petrel (Thalassidroma Wilsonii), which is seen in the Bay as well as on the outside. “The feathers on the breast of the Storm Petrel are, like those of all swimming birds, water-proof; but substances not susceptible of being wetted with water are, for that very reason, the best fitted for collecting oil from its surface. That function is performed by the feathers on the breast of the Storm Petrels as they touch on the surface; and though that may not be the only way in which they procure their food, it is certainly that in which they obtain great part of it. They dash along till they have loaded their feathers and then they pause upon the wave and remove the oil with their bills.” The couple would reside with a relative in Bordentown, New Jersey and Carlo would set about updating Alexander Wilson’s 8-volume quarto AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY; OR, THE NATURAL HISTORY OF BIRDS OF THE UNITED STATES. HDT WHAT? INDEX CARLO BONAPARTE CARLO BONAPARTE 1824 Charles-Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte recommended the then unknown John James Audubon for membership in this Academy of Natural Sciences — only to run into intransigent opposition from George Ord, who had been the special sidekick of the deceased ornithologist Alexander Wilson (and would eventually be buried at his side in the cemetery of Gloria Dei Church in Philadelphia.) HDT WHAT? INDEX CARLO BONAPARTE CARLO BONAPARTE 1825 The initial volume of Charles-Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte’s AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY, OR, THE NATURAL HISTORY OF BIRDS INHABITING THE UNITED STATES NOT GIVEN BY WILSON (Philadelphia). AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY HDT WHAT? INDEX CARLO BONAPARTE CARLO BONAPARTE 1826 At the age of 41, John James Audubon left New Orleans bound for Liverpool, England. During the next year he would be exhibiting his watercolors in an effort to raise interest in his grand project. By the winter he would have secured an agreement with William Lizars in Edinburgh for the engraving and printing of his work. Toward the end of this year Charles-Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte and his family returned to Europe2 where he visited Philipp Jakob Cretzschmar in Germany, renewed in England his acquaintance with John James Audubon, and met John Edward Gray at the British Museum. 2. Although Waldo Emerson shared quarters with a “nephew of Napoleon” in Florida in 1827 and came to much admire this man, and Charles was indeed a nephew of Napoleon, Charles could not have been the nephew that Emerson admired in St. Augustine. Charles wasn’t even in the New World in 1827, having in 1826 returned to Europe. The nephew whom Emerson came to admire in St. Augustine was an aristocratic supporter of human slavery, and an atheist, and that would have been Prince Achille Murat. HDT WHAT? INDEX CARLO BONAPARTE CARLO BONAPARTE 1828 George Ord’s SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF ALEXANDER WILSON, AUTHOR OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY (Philadelphia: Harrison Hall). The family of Charles-Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte settled in Rome. The 2d and 3d volumes of his AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY, OR, THE NATURAL HISTORY OF BIRDS INHABITING THE UNITED STATES NOT GIVEN BY WILSON (Philadelphia). AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGY THE FUTURE CAN BE EASILY PREDICTED IN RETROSPECT “Stack of the Artist of Kouroo” Project Carlo Bonaparte HDT WHAT? INDEX CARLO BONAPARTE CARLO BONAPARTE 1832 Joseph Ablett persuaded Walter Savage Landor to visit England, where he met many old friends. He saw the widow Sophia Jane Swift (his “Ianthe”) at Brighton, and met Lord Wenlock. He also visited his family of origin in Staffordshire — his brother Charles Landor was rector of Colton, and his cousin Walter Landor of Rugeley was trying to deal with the complex business of Llanthony. He visited Charles Lamb at Enfield, Samuel Taylor Coleridge at Highgate, and Julius Charles Hare at Cambridge. He and Ablett visited the Lake District and saw Robert Southey and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. On returning to Fiesole Landor found his children out of hand and obtained a German governess for them. In Italy he met Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Baron Houghton, who would later wrote about him. He worked on the conversations which would lead in 1834 to the volumes upon PERICLES AND ASPASIA, the PENTAMERON, and CITATION AND EXAMINATION OF WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE EUSEBY TREEN JOSEPH CARNABY AND SILAS GOUGH CLERK BEFORE THE WORSHIPFUL SIR THOMAS LUCY KNIGHT TOUCHING DEER-STEALING ON THE 19TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE 1582 NOW FIRST PUBLISHED FROM ORIGINAL PAPERS. TO WHICH IS ADDED A CONFERENCE OF MASTER EDMUND SPENSER A GENTLEMAN OF NOTE WITH THE EARL OF ESSEX TOUCHING THE STATE OF IRELAND A.D. 1595 (Lady Blessington persuaded Saunders and Otley of Conduit Street in London to publish HDT WHAT? INDEX CARLO BONAPARTE CARLO BONAPARTE this).