Flesh World by Thomas Riccio 469.569.0970
[email protected] www.thomasriccio.com 2012© Flesh World 1 Scene 1 The Cage The cage. Silence. A male figure is seated and wearing a business suit and has a black bag over his head, aware but relaxed, patient and waiting and following and sensing movements around him. K-LOW (Off Stage) I’ve died more times than Jason from Friday the 13th, and I am NOT HAPPY. Mess with this bitch and I’ll cut your head off, jab it repeatedly with a rusty fork. Is that clear? This bitch did not have the time of her life, now she's kicking ass. (K-LOW, enters, she a woman in her twenties, is stylishly dressed, wearing a skirt, high heels, and make-up as if she is about to go out on the town.) You're going to feel this bitch's pain, whether you want to or not. Look out for this deceptively cute bitch, all I have to say. Back from the dead, this long-time “Bitch from Hell!” hasn't slowed down a step. I’m wondering if I should kick you in the balls to start? Okay, let’s get this going... I'm thinking...should I torture you? How about I strip down to my underwear, finger myself for fun? (K-LOW pulls the bag off of the male figure to reveal CAMERON.) CAMERON is about to speak.) Shut up. You need to be very careful. CAMERON Can I say something? K-LOW Let us hear, let us hear.