1 . :. :_ ,,.. ., 7 ... •~: !- :: t;i;t ( ~ -- ~ .., _,: , ~. L;- , ,.::.:~ ~tS l J t'I lometo=nMt· . n J: 't>~ V" .\ ;: People ~-J· · t ~ - . ',, _ . . 1. l · - ~ - .. : 1 Pagel ~ 111.CKSV 11 ..T.,E - 11 jl.,US'l'RATEI >NEWS Vol. 6 , No. 51 Thursday, July 2, 1992 35 Cents Thl~tion ColltinueS At Hicksville -High By J ohn W. Garx,r , eyes, work v,i1h 1h01 pcoon as a friend, C\fl' Thctnlditionconlinucsa1HicksvillcHigh r-..J if )'Ou do noc know his oc her idcntitf..: School as more than 300 graduates were ~ ; The Slllutatorian's mo.sage rcncacd on granted their diplomas and wished well by what lhcc:lnssof '92 had done and Whal they the faculty, administration, a~d Board of will dQ. John Bun sumcd, ''On Vlls",day w< Education of Hkk.svillc. gather 1orcflcC'I upon1hcp:ut, l1ridjoy inlh< present, and peer lntolhe future!' He remark• Presiding (7,'Cf thcQC!'CITlOnics, High School cd how the high school expcricnoc "dcYdopcc Principal Richan! Hogan told the students into a completely unfori;euablc apcricnc:t parents that high his and as a school principal that will always molcc us happi,' And he ask, proudest moments officiaung at com• are cd that his fellow wduatcs lc:4\-c this can~ mC1lfCITICnt cxtrdscs. Hogan's message ex­ panded on that pride. !'For many years better than when they found IL thousands ofseniors havcpanidp;itcd in this Board of Education president Cnrolt pn5tigjous c:aanony. They 113\-c said goodb)'c Wolf c::iutioned the graduates as 10 tht to Hic:ksvillc High School to ITIO\'C on 10 col­ challen&tS 1111d =li1ics oft he \\ffl'ld awuitlnf lcge oc bepl lhcircan::m. ThcyhaYem.,dcthc them, but 101d them not 10 worry abou1 dcdi{.'llco cho~ in fiddsof mcdld~ to the ctlanging aheir minds. "J\1,1 rcmcmbc1 it ii 11ns, to law, to cduauion. l am happy 10 pro­ impotlllnl wlien: )'OU end up;• ~d Wolf. Sht claim 'that tonight that tmditloo continues:' - clokdby111)'ing, "l havconchppcforall ol Y'OU. mny )'OU all succcal. .. may Y'Qur high Fittingly. Dr. Leo ~'3Cla. a pcnon who school d:iysnol be the best daysOf )'OUr lif~ has rco:ivcd ~ for hissuoccuain tifeand May )'OU find IO\-C. M:iy Y'QU find ~cc· an induacc 11110 the Hidcsvillc H:ill orFame. imroduccd the Valedictorian James FllZSim• Supcrin1cnden1 of Schools Salvatore mons. who asked his classmates 10 stri,-c for Muga,,:roc:on1inucd 1hccall for1hcd11.Ss 01 success. u\\~mustsacrifiallll th111 wcarcto '9210 SCI high CllpccllllionJOnd 10 QUC'lil fo1 bccomcmorcthnnv,-care... Weorcnotll.Sad­ TRADITION amllnun al IOda•III• ltl1b Stbool u o.,,, 300 , ,.dualn ITffhtd lllrir dlplomu cxccllence on a dallyb;uis. AO er which 1htn van«d as we'd like lo be and we must there­ • t-ta;ndfallla1 took plll<'t oCIJaiw Ula tllt 111&.h tdloolaudllorium. "uthff f...... S "-as a guc:s1 speaker and chcn diplOll)ll.S were fore see the ,oorld through another pmon's lbt tffllt ledoon, b11t I• DO ,..Y daml>ffltd 1M r.. u~ mood. Pbota by J.W. Catie., handed ou1. Joel Receives Diplo01a With Class Of '92 By John W. GaJttt follow. lWt1Sworkingasamusiciana1 nighl, of servitude in lhc New York Stale Public: ·· The Hic:ksviUe High School ctassof 1m a!1d after I dido'! graduate I was turning in Sch_ool System, )'OU have paid )'Our d~I 10 hadaspccilllgradua1eponicipatinsin1hcir c1gh1 hour days m :i factory on Wcs1 John soc1c1y, a.nd Y'QUr parents. You ha,"t' JUSI· commencement exercises. Although he had Street. I had no prospects of ~r gelling a ificd your 11dolescen1 01i11cnc~ You hav,: not been in schtiolinovc.25 :iars. and lcfl dcccn1jobandnohopc111 allforgoing10col- done what )'OU had co do. You have com- two credits shorr-of.graduating, Billy Joel lcgC:' In all th~ rcspcctS the '92 graduates plctcdthc first requirement in the American wasgran1cdadiplomaliy1he'Hic:k5villcAd- )CCffl to be-in good sh:ipc. but Joel J'C!'lind- d~m:• minist'r.ition lilSt--«k. cd1hcm1batnow1hcyh:id1oge1onw11h 1hc Next came the put or his address 1ha1 Introduced by Princip:il Richard Hogan rest ofthar lh'!;S- "llcforcwcallwcn1 on ,.;1h rccch-cd the most applause from his rcuow as Wimam Joel, the world famous singer lhercstofourh,'CS--cga\'Coun,chtso.nclMI, grnduaccs. "Gh"t')OUrs~l\·csabrc_al< . Don't ••songwr iter, said how happy his moiher !ong,s,.-cc1summcr. Thesu,mmcror 6?,lhc try and figu(c cv~ry1hmg out nght n~w. · was that he would receive his hjg_h infamous sum~!eroflo\-C: Joel explain~ Don'a rushbhndlyu11osomecom-cnlen1Job school diplo1113.1 NMom, here lam mom. I'm ~\\'cllll \\'Cfll a1iirlcchzy1hcn;~o.ur hair, which )'OU will hate in II few years. Lifeisgo- actuall oing•to ct my high ,chool we .""'.re IO\i.~W. :,,,-c drop~ oua for .a ingtobccomc,-crymmy, \"t'fY5!)0n, Sowhy .diplomi ~nly 25)~ aner c--"t'f)'body 801 , "~tie He said !hat ti ..as 11.5 1f he and his n~I C11i0Y bcinl! a slob for a. ..• h1lc. Why no1 thcin!' said Joel. Joel fdl l,.'O dwcs shy of fr;ien~! kn~1hcyhad one last momcnc.10 Ix':! kick b;Kk :uidSJ~'C)'Oursdfallll, long.SWCCI beingable togradu:ueon time. He c,cpla!n• kl.ds. bcfort~! hdl v,ould bm1k loo:ic in the summ~r or love;' . . • . cd that during his senior year at Hicksville )1:nr 10 folio\\. T~1dcaofhavmgJocl part1c1p:uc1n the he worked at clubs, sometimes until J a.m. Joel likened 1hc Clw of '67 to 1hc CIIL\s graduation ceremony c--'01-,:d from a com• Wor,_king that lace he could never seem 10 of '92. He said as in '67 lhc President is los- mince formed by the Concerned Citizens or make it 10 his first period 4ym class. Now ing popularity, ahere an: ri01s in LA :ind Hicklvillc. led by Jo)ttJurgenscn whoap- 1ha1 he has his diploma he kiddingly added, 01hcr major cities. and )'Oung people arc fed• )>roached Supcrin1cndcn1 Mugavcro wil h "Mom. don't v,'Orry because I'm goi!1g 10 ingalicna1cdby1hesys1cm1h:i11hdrfa1he~ • thcidcaof_givingJoclanhonorarydiploma. finally pull l)'fysclr oui of this dcod,cnil job lefl. But he gave hope I hat as mosa people did The supcr1111cndent was very rcccpt l\-c and ' I ha~• , ;- lrf'67 the 1992 graduates will manage to dccidcd10gruntJod11fulldiplom:1b;ucdon Jod's message 10 his clusmatcs was one ~urvhe tiis life experience. based upon'apcricncc. He~ookcd bock at Already warning the graduates that the The Class of '92 may forget a f~ of the the SUIIIITlei or '67. He remarked how na• )"t'MSahcad will l)OC be easy, Joel urgcchhcm other st,uacntslhcy~ffll aoscbool Wllh, but 1ionally and:globally there were troubled 10 1ake ad vantage of one lasi summer. they will never forget the ~orld famous WJLUAM JOEL. world f■ mo111 llattr ■ nd SOD&-'lmlffMSODbadfotCOfflmtmlllnltU• times. "For:mcii ~adilf1CUlt lime. prdudc "~u may n~'Cf be as free again as you arc cl:wmatc lhey graduated w11h. (Sec page tfflsn to ITfflvt b1tdlploma. to the lean and'bungry years 1h111 would right this moment. You ha\'Cput in 12ycars three for more on Joel). TnlandNlck

Engaged BOCES. He is an aircraft mechanic for WaymandRntt American Airlines. Both Nick and Teri m Normal.dtlm't Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeBello of 1986 graduates of Hicksville High School. King And Queen Hfchvillc arc happy to announce the A July 1993 wedding is pbnncd. Talent Show cngagcmclll of their daugtucr, Tbcn:sa 10. Wayne Rotbschlld and Rrnec Marisa The June 16mcctingoflhc Plainview-Old Nltholas Horfmann, son of Mr. and Mrs. V . Fabrizio were crowned Kins and Queen of Bethpagc Road Rullr)ers Club featured ll Bruce HoffmannofHicksville·andMr. and Medal Winner lhe ~icksville High School Junior Prom on llllent Show showcasing the talents of Mrs. Michael Zonsa of·oakland, NJ. ltri Denise Goldberg recently won two May 16, 1992. POBRRC members. and Hicksvillc's Nor• has earned a BS in clemCQtarycduc,11ign and medals. She was awarded a silvcr'medal for ma Lcfelwft was the hit of the evening. a MS in cduutional technology from·cw dnrinet al the NYSSchool Mu1ic Associa• Norma played "Madonna:• assisted by a Post.She teaches founh grade in the Ro~lyn tion Spring Evaluation Festival :u Syosset. bit iflip-synching from ll real MadoM.a tape, School District. Nick has earned bo1h air• High Schol on June 12.Shealsowlinagold and she was so realistic that the audience frame and power plant licenses from medal int he 220y;uddashat the Diocese of almost forsot it was Norma and not the real thing! Norma's proud hubby, Gary, looked on as pan of an audience of about 150 POBRRC members and their families and Sports Brings Bucks To friends. · • POBRRC Vice President Julie Shapi F.conomic Ti"!es Looks or II sports attllll neM the Long Island Ex• "produced" the show and she was full o prc:M.,.-ay while Nassau officials arc working praise for Norma and the others who con At Dollars Generated 10 build up the Mitchel Field comp!Cll, 1ribu1cd their talents to make the evening already home 10 track and fie!? C\-Cnts. success. "It's amazing just how multi By Sports Industry Other stories relative to the cover topic faoctcd the members of our club arc:• said concern doing business on the golf course You l.ove 10 cheer for the New York Julie. "Norma and the others showed an h:landcrs. occasionally fancn,,ursclf a han• and the small business stra~cgicsof sponing uncxpcctedsideofthcmsclYCS,andCVCf),,n dicappcr at Belmont Race Tracie and enjoy goods stores. • hada great lime!" lnadditiontotheindepthrcponingonthe watching the pros ba11Jci1 out on the couns •Jrffttr Job11 Mtrtl11 sports industry, the July 9 edition of •or 1he Hamlet Challenge Cup and the links Economic Ti,trcs will rcpon on a zoning 01 1h" Nonhvillc, but did you cYCr Mop 10 New Arrival Congratulations think how much money is being brought 10 issue in the Town of Brookhaven that's Congratulations on )"UT graduation from dividing a community, a look at financing The Resmlnl 11J1d Martin famillcs arc so Long stand result of I hesc sporting Hicksville Middle School: Gary Lewis, I as a •for the 1990s, an cxccutivc profile on Ron happy to announce the binh oftheir newest vcniurcs? grandson Jtffrty John born to their Aimee Sbmy, Christina Pm,, R.Jsn Ftr; I.nuder and his cffons toward privatizing nro, Marty Theis, John Constanllnr, In the next issue of the Economic Times New York State programs and ~ices, the children Patrtda Resmlnl and John Mar­ ofLong lsJ11nd, which hi1s ihc ncwssiands tin on May 16, 1992. Jeffrey weighed In al Jason Depew, Gary Klrlewsky, Robbie July9, the·cconomic aspects ofthe sponing business calendar and news on marketing. Rogm,Jcff Pu&lla, Patrick Scanlon, and management and computers. 7 lbs. 6 ozs. and was 20 lo inches long. business will be examined. Mike You all made )"UT parents Letters att welcomed by the Economic Dc!Bapo. The Economic Times will take sporuout ~ proud. Bcstof luck in High School, The Times. Correspondence 10 the business ofthe living room and into the board room Birth Announcement Lewis Family, B.ubara and Gary. as it looks at bow the local economy is cur• publication should be sent 10 135 Liberty Special congratulalions 10 Theresa Lewis, rcntly being bcncfillcdand what area leaders A\'Cnu,:, Mineola, NY IISOI. Announcing the binh of their daughter who is graduating from St. Stephen's and is arc doing to increase the industry. Copies of Economic Times of Long Juquclfne Ann arc Reid and Madelf.ac entering lee Ave. in September. was Measuring this n:vcnue is not an easy i&k, ls/11nd arc available on.select ncwsslll.nds. Macl

MAIL TO: mCKSVU,l,E Anion Commvnlcy N_..,.,. IILUSTRATED NEWS CHECK ONE: SENIOR CITIZENS RATES Pn Bo• 1578. Mineola, U. HY 11501 1 YR O ·······-·······-·····-···········-S1 2.00 1.YR - ················-·-···-····.. ········s10.so The Hicksville lllustntcd News V..1...1 want lo ..~ t'o The Hlckmll« Wlltttal,d N.- 2 YRS O ...·---- ·.. ·····S21.25 2 YRS ·····••·•·••• ·•···•••••••••·•••••...... s19 .oo (1JSPS346-720) 3 YRS O ...... ~---···S30.00 3 YRS ...... $27 .50 F1»1mu1er: $end add,.aa changff to Long 111and .NAME ______Community Newt.,_,., Inc. P.Q Bo• 1576. Mine­ ola, N.Y. 11501. Enter9d as MCOnd claaa paid post• ADDRESS ______Pleaao add $10.00 per subscription, per year for addreuea off Long l1land oge at the Posl Otllce at Mlneola. N.Y. and addl• llonll, matllng olllee• under lhe Aet ol Congrua. CITY/STATE/ZJP ______Method of Payment (enclosed) 0 :It O • 0 Check encl. Publlll>ed -kly °" Thu~ by Long fsl&nd Community Newspal)el'I, Inc. 1~ U-y A-..nue, PHON...______11 111111 I I 111111 I I I e•plres ______Mineo'-. NY 1t501 (P.O. Boa 1578} Pl)one · !'181 7~-6282. NEWSBRIEFS Bringing ·william M. Joel Home i... Sock Hop At! SI. lgnatJus The 1992 Hicksville High School com- ryi SL lgnatiussccondAnnualSock Hop mcncanent will likely bc'rcmcmbcred by lhc swringShirley Alston R«'YCS, the former gradua1csasthcday42)'W-oldsinger/song- ti • leadof"TheShirdlcs" and back by pop­ writcr and nati,'C Hklcsvillitc Billy Jod came • J ular demand "The Swlights!' on ~ home to rccch'C his diploma along with the ~ - tcrnbcr 25, at thcSL lgnatlusAuditorium 322 graduating seniors. frpm 8 p,m. to I am. Joel. who was a member or the Class of I 11ckfflwillbc$30perpersonandwill 1967 but did 001 graduate, was contacted include beer, Wine, soda, and a cold buf. earlier this year and presented with the idea 3 fet. A cash bar will be available. Tlckt1s of receiving an honorary diploma. Upon can be purchased at t.heSt. lgnatiu.s Rec­ reviewing available =ids(most have disap­ tory, Rt. 107 in Hk'.ksvlllc on Sunday. ' peared from the distriet files), Supcrlntcn• July IS from 9-.30 a.m. to I p.m. or call dent ofSchools Salvatore Mugavcroand the 937-1560, 822-8676, or 931-3659. Hick$ville Board ofEducation decided a full diplomawasappropriatcinligh1of1hcmus­ Team Up With Jesus . ician's ''life experience:• Joel, who was ge­ This year at llinity Lutheran Church, nuinely pleased and touched by the honor, 40~NicholaiStrect, thestaff and the then offered to make the commcmc:ement children will bcchallangC(I to "'Tham Up speech with the stipulation Iha.I any other With JesUS:' during our Vacation Bible person p~iously invited 10 speak not be School sessioll$. The two-week ses1ions e;1ncelo:fin favor ofhim. Nospc:aktr had yet will be bddonJuly6-17, and August 3-14, been scheduled. from 9 a.m. to noon. The origilllll Idea to honor Billy Joel The program includes art projcas, Bi­ in Hicksvile was lniti.atcd in 1.991 by for­ ble stories, rc:=atio'n. snacks, 1111d special mer Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Angelo ; . . . ! Wednesday programs. We have tailored Delligatti in response 10 inquiries from TH Cbuof 1992 •Ill nttTr focitt lhrlr COllllllfflltlmnl spnktr. Tbr Ukksvlllr 8117 Jori Com• programs for children· in grades three the Hicksville community. After Delli, mlllttMSAICffllfullnbrln&faa11Mslngtt/100prilffbackloblshointtown101ddrn111M1111du1la through si1( to include outside trips, out­ gatli a.nd his assistant, Marc Herbst fa ■nd lo ttmff bn own hl&h school dlplomL Pbolo b)' J.W. G■rstt of-classroom experiences, and much Hicksville resident>, first contacted Joel's . more • . I management company, Maritime Musk, sen, a 1967 graduate ofHicksville High who "Billy was induetcd intothc liicksvntc Hall For information,. or a registration Hicksville rcsidmt Joyce Jurgensen became knew Billy Joel, appl'03clicd Supcrimendcn1 ofFame several )cars ag,oand.rcturncd (lwo form, please call the church office involved and actively pursued several Mugaverowilhtheideaofthediploma. "II ycarsago)toattcnd Mr. Arnolio:Award lbc Class of '92, and mariy companksscnl running a successful blood drive;' said one lllSI order of business 101akccare of 10Coll«nllar1ley. lnashonspc«hGblo1• reprcsen1a1ives to pr~.sen1 awards, Arc- Linda Morton-Tracey, a Long lsl11nd bcforcsaying their good-byes: 1hcycamc 10 ta denou~1ecd the ml'_din's rendencytocovcr prcsc!)tath-c fron:i 1he Slush Puppic !=or- Blood Dri\•c Services account reprc­ be honored at the high school's annual lheneg;im-c. "Therc1salwaysa1endencyon porauon presented Raymond De /\11gcl1s Sffltativc. Senior Award5./Scholarship Ceremony. lhe pan of 1hc media 10 trca1 )OUng aduhs wi1h lhe V!la Pup A14-ard and wl$het1 rhe, All eligible donors in the community ''This is a wonderful timeof)l:arwhen we wi1h n broad brush. concentr.uing on the cl&S ~notlung less than surccu.~ A rq,rcscn- arc urged to donate at the drhe To donate conduc1activi1ics, which are indeed, fcsti\'C ncg:11h-esjus1 for1hcact ionsofoneor1wo. 1a1ivc from lhc ~fcadowbrook Masonic blood you must be between the ages or 17 occasionS:' proclaimed Principal Richard Wouldn'1il bcniccif1hcmcdiahad1hesame Lodge 11005 awarded bo1h Sandeep and 7S, in good hclllth, and wcigh at least Hogllllashcaddrcssedthcstudcnts,parcn1$. dcsirctoprin11heposi1h..:andconstructh-c Chninani and Kathkcn Rombach a11 110 pounds. All donors must ha\'c idcn• focuhy, :mdboardofcduc.~tionmembcrson rhing,s. that young odul1s do on a rci;ular :tchi=en1 awa.rd nnd told lhc audience, tilicatlon and mu.st cat before donating. June 23. b115is?" Guloua askl-d the crowd. "We arc nor honoring these s1udcnts, they' Donating blood is easy and complete­ After thanking everyone for coming 10 He lhcn Cl(plaincd the nward's mc.inin11. arc honoring us by ncccpeing lhcseawards:• ly safe. The dona1ion proccs.s takes only honor 1hc class of '92s most outstanding " In rcc.ogni1ionoflhcoutstandingnchlcw- Companies such as the Grcenppint Snv, · an hour and includes a mini-hcallh cwn, s1udcn1S, he then proceeded 1.0 mention mcnl of our )'OUng adult s, Nmnu County ing·s Bnnk, Dryolin Corp., Bausch a11d - including blood pressure. pulse, tempera­ someacadcmlcs1mislics. "Jlleacadcmicoc- dC\•elopcd the Nassau Counl)'Community Lomb, and Tandy Technology rcco~iicd ture; and iron count; the donation itself, compli.~hmcnts of 1his cl115s arc very num- Service and Ac:idemic Excellence Aw.ml. It's Hicksvillc's ouutanding siudcnrs wi1h which takes only about 10 minu1cs; and crous. We had a number of s1udcn1s score an award presented 1011 graduaring senior awards. Local orga11izn1tons like the refreshments. above 1400 on the SATs. We had a meril whoha.~dcmons1r.11cd no1 onlyouts1anding Hicksville Rornry Club, Kiwnnis Club, ' For more information nboo1 the drh•c :scholarship winnernnd =ascmi-linnli.ns:• academic ability, but alw a 11,illingncss to Lions' Club. are bul a few in a long list which or 10 make an appointment, please call Hogan )4'3S proud to men1ion that appro.~- paniciparc in lhc community through gi v- rccognizcd the studc111s ;1s 11,,:IJ. ,\ccordfng John Bishop, Mn in&$ at 796-3341. • imat~ly 92 percent of the cl~ will be co~- ing_ of hirnstlf or herself 10 ),hose who may 10 'the exuberant Principal Hogon, "E.icl1. tinuing onto furiher cducallon and will be ID n~ or less fonunntc; / cMtlnurd on l'ae~ July 4 Celebration ,~,Id • On Saturday, July 4 the VFW Oyster •Bay Posi 8033 willsponsor the annu:ll Ju­ ly 41h Parade and Service nt Townsend f>llrk. Redeemer Lutheran Get~ Pastor • The day's activities will kick orr at h has bttn nc;uly a )car since Rev. Grant degree from the Community College of 10:45a.m. wi1hap;1radc, which will form has retired from Redeemer Lutheran Bca,-crCoun1y. From S1ock1onshecntercd -11 the Church 'Sl°rcei parking lot, With Church, almost 1ha1 whole year has pllSSCd the sem,inuy in Geuysburg. Wt,ile in lhe color guards from \'l\rious organizations. wilhout a rtplaccment, but as of Jun<: I .seminary she did an intern in Quccns and the parade will run down East Main S1. Redeemer Lutheran has welcomed Rev. was ·approved by 1hc New Jersey Synod. on to~drcy Ave., reaching its dcstilla• Nancy L Ruckcrt llS I heir pas1or. On March 2, 1992 retiring Bishop lion at Townsend Park. At the park, "l was thrilled to bcasslgncd tothcMctro­ Laurcth oJ the Metro-New York Region , residents will bctrcalcd to a program in­ Ncw York region:• said Rn-. Ruclccrt. But she assigned her 10 Redeemer Lutheran. Then cludini musical selections by the O)'Stcr admitted that at first she had apprehensions ~he approval process began. Bay Communliy Band and 11 fly:()VCI' by' about bein~ assigned toa suburban parish. Redeemer Lutheran and Rev. Rucl:ert three UH-lti of the Army Nitional Howa'C1', since mccting the congregation, Guard. Followingtticobscrvana:;paradc should work well 1oge1her, especially con- which she described as "wonderful:' her 5idering the screening process thill 11,'0uld· unlu will reform and march.back 10 the fears have vanished. Chun::b.St. parking r.c)d. - bc~tors must go through. Rev. Ruckcrt A native of Freedom, PA, a small suburb met with live rcprcscn1a1ivcs from the con­ Rcsid~nts arc ~ci~oinc 10 join the" about 30 miles north of Pimburg, Rev. gregation in March. They heard her preach VFW in thdr salq,tc· to Columbus and Rucken received a BA in philosophy and in Queens and spoke 14ith her. Then they WaltWhitm~~d to ournation's216th recommended her 10 lhc congrcg111ion REV. NANCY RUCKERT, lh~ n~ J)a>lor of birthday. ' religion fromS1ock1onS1atcCollcgcin Ni:w Jersey. Bcforcthatsherm:h-cdanassoci11les (co,illnutd on po11 IS/' Rtdttmrr Lutht111n Churdi SCHOOL NOTEBOOK TO YOUR HEALTH By IUCHAIU> H. Bl.AU, M.D. Academically Talented youth Ai OLM " Polymyalgia Rheumatica • A DJseasc Which MJ.mlcs Anhritls i .. Polymyal~ rheurnitla, (PMR), Is an Often, several bl09(1 tests arc:_resiutred Ulnas which causes ~ muscle p.tln, to aid In the dl.'lgnosls. One test. c~ed aching, -nd stlffOCSl. 11ils dlsorder Ul\W· the erythrocyte sedlmenut1on'nrc:, an ly affects women ova the age of so be very helpful In confinnfng the: years. Although die cause o( PMR Is not diagnosis. known, some rhcunutologisu (spccblJsu . .Closely aoociatc:d with PMll Is a In disorders of the musdes and joints) disorder a.lied Temporal hrtertis. This think that the. illness may be Inherited. Illness, which affc:cts a perccrit.igc of p.t· Patlcnts with PMR suffer scvae pain tic:nts with PMR, results from in0amed In the •muscles of the neck, Jhoulders, blood vessels. This in0ammation may ;inns, lower back, hips ;ind thighs. Oc· produce: headaches or even Visual rnlonally ~welling of the: Joints may oc· problems. cur. mtml,king cc:n.iln fonns of arthritis. Trc:.itmc:m for polymyalgia rheum• The pain Is worse In the morning and .itfca centers around the us,c of medlca• often maka geiung out of bed , very tfons which ~re able to reduce Jnflam• difficult mk. mation, and ohcn begin 10 give slgnlfl• By the time: I sec , p.ttlent with PMR, cant relief within 24 10 48 hours. t,bc:y arc usu.Uy,,-c:ry depressed from be, Should you suspect that you have: any Ing In so much plin for· • long period of the above: symptoms. you should con• of time. These patiqits may have: lc:d suit your physician or rhc:umatologht. • I \'Clf m lvc: U\'Cl prior to tbc:lr 111nm, and Anhrtc/s strikes one our ofSC\'C11 peo­ F.atti ,a,, Ilic Jollu Hopklu Ulllffl'llty toadlldS. Mardi ror academlcallJ tainted :ro•UI. To q•allr7, stadnla lud ID~ •• Ille ICfftllll pade ud bad lo~ •• aaqir.bk sta■ul'dbl41a1 i often fed frum,ted ,t not being able ple. u.am the (.acts. Clll for your com· KOft. Wranpf'CHldloa■■-UlalMlwld&lil-UlpadmqullfJIOputlclpaldalklspro­ 10 accomplish prcviowly simple t~ks. p/imaJ[l,Y copy of '7hc jolm /lpproJd, J«t. Wrc01tiraralate1Jierollo"11111t1NSnU:MldladArdiaoll,Nlcol

Ourl.ad1orMttt)'st111k11t1baftbtta ■wardtdlhePmldaillalAcadfflakFltaaaAward. Tbtpro­ iram stantd In 1913, llonon ltDdnll ror llldt outstiadla& acadtmlc acll~eat. Presidential Academic Fitness At OLM Former President Reagan initia.ted the skills area. Presidential Academic t-71ncss Awards pro­ We arc extremely proud 10411nouncc that gram in 1983 to honor s1udents for their I he following students have qualified to • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INSTALLATION • REPAIRS outstanding academic aclllC\'Clllent. Prcsi­ receive the Presidential Outstanding ~ent Bush has supported 11.11d continued to Academic Ac:hlC\'Clllent Award for meeting SERVING LONG ISLAND FOR OVER 25 YEARS extend these awards.' In order 10 qualify for the above rcquin:mcnts: Christina Calvi, SUFFCU= (v,adcs 3·8) and scon: at or aboYc the ly, Melissa Gn:cro, Maun:cn Jingdcskj, Jen• 80!h perccn1ile in a standardized achieve­ nlfer Stella, Sally Ann Yodicc. Maria Well.. ·-ca..­•--<><,Ille:£! ment 1cs1 in all verbal and mathematical VISIT OU" SHOWROOMS Hix Students pesig_~ Luxury Homes PORT JEFFERSON STATION HOLTSVIUE EAST NORniPORT If you expect to be in the marlcct for a lux-. lhe students designed a house to Kale from 4724 NESCOffSa HWY. • M4 UNION AVE., HOIJSVIUE '°27 JERICltO 1l'ICE. uryhomeinthcncxtfcw)'CIR,)'OUmaywish several views and angles, including such (IIJEmi(\'1-00CTtJI (I kOCIIWC#I.ILDlllll (l'ltlll'11.0F~IEl.OlllJ 1ocontactoneofRidwdSusscr'sArthlta:- detailsasplwnbing.clcdric:al,andlandsc:ap- · PHONE: 928-6617 PHONE: 447•2400 PHOHE:499-5600 twalimwingstudcntsfromHieksvilleHigh fog. The result? A fine selection of im- WON.. l\8.. WB>. SAT. I AM-W 11011..fRI.I ~ SAT. ■ -PII IOI. 1\0., WED. Sltl~PII School. The Rudcnl.5-Jonathan Bwer, lan · p~ivc .homes complete with deck, pool ll«JRS.IAAUPM.f:AI.IMHPII NIIIVQIHEAOCAU.m-4500 TIUIS.IAII-IPllfff.1~ Kean, BrianKeams,ChrisKmunlcin,Chris and skyUghlS. Ol'EN!ILN)AY'll::IO~PU I COUPONG00011121192•7N2192 l OIOM. 11,,_ Kuzinsky, John laOrcga, Chru lan&lob. Mr. SWSCT ~ that archilel;t$ need Dave Male, John Marcin, Nico Niaro, Louis not be artists, but must possess mechanical Orellana, Bob Pangas, Tony Vlania. uiu drawing skill$ and have the ability to be Zollo. and Harry Zouros-n:ccntly com• creative. The archi1cctural field is also ,, plctcd a semester projec:t by dcsignina • lux• bcroming YCrY hlah-tech and the ability to •Your Co,:nmunity Newspaper Is Delivered By ury Hamptons home. use a computcds alJO csscnti■l. · Your Reliable Letter-Carrier In the early.spring. the students were giYC11 So ff you have a minimum orS600,000to information rromamockcllcnt'sn:qucstas spend on a house; tbcse Hicksville students well as• budget to work wi1h. From ~ have the plans for )'0111 • ... SCHOOL N TEBOOK I COMMUNITY ... CALENDAR Thursday, July 2 Young Adults in grades six, seven, and eight are invited to join the Hicksville Publicl.tl>rary'sHipHopDan~Oassto be held on Tuesdays; andnw"1ays, July 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, and:23, from 10 a.m. 10 noon. Registration for these classes begins todayand wiU continue until July 6. Class size is limited. Dance students can learn the cum:nr style ofdancing 10 the music oftoday. For funher information.... call 931-1417 • RegistnulonbcginsonJuly2at I0a.m. fora Japanese Brwh Painting \¼>rkshop. lead by Carol Bergman, to ~kc plaoe at the HicksviDe Public Library on Wednes­ day, July 22, ,-1_7 p.m. Mrs. Bergman wiU teach and demon­ J strate lhcanistryofJapanese Brush P.ain­ ting. Cws size is limited. , There is a SI I materiab fee, payable at rcgisuation, cash only, which wiUindudc brush, paints, and a slate. PMticipants arc ~ponsiblc to bring about 20 sheets or white bond paper, some colored paper, and a small comaincr to hold water, Call 931-1417 for more informatibn. Monday, July 6 A Voyage to the Dcq, will lake plaoe :It the First Baptist Church. Sharks, dolphins, octopuses, sea horses, and much mQrc will be highlighted during Vacation B,ible School at the First Bapcist Church, 30 A>Uok SlreCt, Hicksville. The VBS program, Voyage to the Deep, revolves around unforgettable under­ water themes kids arc sure to enjoy. This fascinating VBS voyage begins I Monday, J_uly6andcndsFriday, July 10. WARMERWEATIIERls'lffkomtdbl1t't'ryont.tsp«dallyscllooldllldrt11.ManyHlcknllltSludtfttsll•vcbtt.n11kln&t•han111toftlwHW'aason. Each new undCfWlller V0)'2ge will lllke • From Ill« lop kf~ 1ola1 docliwbe: St.11111111111 Onl &llclm like I bmk bci'lrCCD mnll al Oehl Illy, Ille fourth 1111dc from Ult Simi 11 lhf Hnd ol place from 9:30a.m. to noon and is open tht 8sy Oab;Mr, Bdly Gll)'i011'1 ■ ft,rmoon klndt,..itrttn clVcc.hio. Timothy White, mance or the OCR Twirlers. The l wirlcrs The Hicksville Public library Bo:lrd f..ast Streel lmisurtS Carlos Gomci, Nikolas Kaloudis, and Jen• performed in four groups. kindcll!Jlrten and of Trustees will hold a rcorganiultional Mrs. Mingin's fourth grade class a1 cast nifcr Eng (a student intern from the High l1rs1 grades, second graders, third lllld rounh and regular board meeting on July 6 at 8 S1rcc1 School, recently visilcd Head of the School Internship Program). Front row: graders, and fifth andsiJnh graders. A IOllll p.m. in the Hicksville PUblic Library. All Bay Club, in Huntington Bay. Ma11y trea­ Kevin Heaney, Andy ThvcrJS, Christopher of o,'Cr 60 girls pan idprucd. residents arc invited to attend. sures from the sea were found and brought Breidenbach, ·Shilcha Shnrma, Christian After tllcir performances the girls Wt'rc Wednesday, July 8 back 101hedassroom 1obcstudied 1funhcr. Rodriquez. Thomns Pasquerallc, Noreen awarded participation trophies. The g1rls Lanasa, and Anna Spnnos. The Friends of the HicksviUe Public Signs Of The Setion.~ At lA:e 1hen gave special thanks 10 middle school Library will hold a meeting on Wcdncs- · Thcyoungstcrsat LccAvcnucSchoolarc OCR Twirlers student Corine Callari and high school day,.July 8 at 3 p.m. in the Local History delighted by the warm, sunny weather. Pie- OnMay 19,theOldCountryRoatlSchool (conllnutd on po1e 27) Room of the Hicksville Public Library. All residents are invited.... to a11cnd. SCHOOLS ORTS The Mid-Island Arthritis Support ~ Principal's Honor RollJ 139studcn'ts hopped for wJerry's kids;' to aid Nassau Tech is part of the public school • Groupwillmccton WedllCS(iay, July8a1 systi:m and is operated by the Board of 10:30 a.m. The group will meet at the Hicksville High School is proud 10 an­ in the cffon 10 stomp our neuromuscular disease. Coopcrati"cEducaLionalScrvlcesofNassau Hicksville Public Library. nounoethat l8seniorshavcbccnon11iic Prin­ County. II offen trainihg in more 1han 30 ' Sponsored by the Anhritis Founda­ cipal's Honor RoU fore he first lhn:cGtuartcn The Muscular Dystrophy Hop,A:P,on is analiQ1141 prognm that raises money to light career fields atnin Aircraft chosen to rttcivc m:01nition for always over 65 goup. · · S2,S40 spansoring Its annual ")Hop-A­ Thon proaram. Durin& the week or May 14, Maintcnanoe-Alrl rame. · ,(eot1tl1111..t 011 po1• 11} . ' ' .. SCHOOL NOTEBOOK ..5 I TO YOUR HEALTH 8y RJCHhlU> H. 81.AU, MD. Academically 'Ialented youth Ai OLM ... Polymyalgia Rheumatrca - A Disease Which Mimics Arthritis i .. Polym}'JlgJa rheumnla, (PMR), Is an Often, several blood tests arc:,1·elJulred illness whlch atnCS SCYi:rc musck pain. to aid In the diagnosis. One: test, cillc:d t aching. and stiffness. This disorder usual· the: erythrocyte sedlmc:omlon 1ate, an a ly aff«u women over the l&e or so be very helpful In conflrmlng the years, Although die ause of PMR Is not diagnosis. known, some rheuinatologlsu (specullsu Closely associated wfth PMil Is a In disorders of .the mllldc:s and folnu) dfsordc:r ailed Temporal hrtc:rllls. This think that the Illness may be Inherited. Illness. which ~fecu a percenuge of pa· Patients Y.ith PMR suffer sevcrc: pain tlc:nts with PMR. 1c:suhs from Inflamed In the: muscles or the occk, shoulders, blood vc:mls. This Inflammation may arms, lower back, hips and thighs. Oc• produce headaches or . even vlsual caslonally swdltng of the Joints nuy oc• problems. f cur. mimicking cemfn forms of arthritis. Treatment for polymy1lgJ1 rheum• z The: pain Is worse In the morning and 3tla centers 3round the we: of medlc3• l tlons which 3rc: able to reduce: lnflam• i! often.makes ge"lng ouc of bed a very il diHlcult mk. m)tlon, 1nd often begin to give: slgntrl­ :! By the: lime I see a patlent with PMR. cJnt rc:llc:f within 24 to 48 hours. they arc: usually very depressed from be­ Shoul-l 10 accomplish previously simple: t.uks. plimc:n~ry•copy d 'The /olrn l;pptOJCh J«t. ~coapwillbklkfollowlqd■deDts:MldadArdlssoa,NlcokR ..olo,5 ■:JlulMB■ rbll, The dlignosls or PMR requires a com· • l\n Anhrtrls Ovetvfc-w." TlloawTrfmarco, Orhtopllff Otek, Nld1oluTylalk.l,JauaUu McOOIRY, Ladu Vnaia■ o. pktc: history and physic.al examination. TM ro11ow1., ,tackallWfft irwank4. Catlficlk of Dht1Jtc11oa: Mldultl A.nlluoa. Sona~ Dr. Richard H. Bbu is a board

Ourl.adyofMmystadtatsb-bffaa1'VC!ed1btPmidt11tlalAadttnlcF11J1cUAward.Tkpro­ lt"'m 11antd In 1913, ll_onon 11udt111S for tJtd! outstaadln& 11a1dtmlc acbkonncaL PresidentialAcademic Fitness At OLM Former President Reagan initiat.ed the skills area. Prc:sidenlial Academic Fitness Awards pro­ We an:c:xtrc:mcly proud toannounc:c: I hat gram in 1983 to honor students for their the following students have qualified 10 • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INSTALLATION • REPAIRS outstanding acadc:mic achievement. Prc:si- receive the Presidential Outstanding 4ent Bush has supported and continued 10 Academic Achicvcmmt Award for mcc:ling SERVING LONG ISLAND FOR OVER 25 YEARS C\tcnd these awardi.' ln order to qualify for the above requirements: Christina Calvi, ' •Ga,-ooOocn SUFFOU.) tocontactoneofRichardSusser'sArchitec- dctailsasplumbing.clectrial.andlandscap- PHONE: 928-6617 PHONE: 447-2400 PHONE: 499-5600 1W111Dnzwingstudcntsfrom HicbviUcHigh fng. The result? A fine selection of im• IOt, llJE.S.wa>.SI.T.IAW-PM IQl...flll..lAM-51'14SAtl~PU lllM. TUES.,wa>.SlUAlf-sPII School. The students-Jonathan Blaser, Ian prc:ssivc .homes complete with d¢k, pool 'IKJRS. I AIU PM. FIii. I AIU PW If AIVEJIHEAO CAU. 727.0SOO TIUlS. t AIM I'll. FII.I- Kean, Brian Keams. Chris Kcmmlcin, Chris and skylights. Of'EH SHlAY II:,O /oU-4 PU ,------. 0P£MSl.llll:30~ COUPON GOOD 6128192-7112192 Kuzinsky, John LaGrcga. Chris Langlois, Mr. Susser sttcsSCd that_ychitecu need ! l Dave Mak, John Marcin, Nico Ni&to, Louis not be artists, but must possess mechanic;2! Orellana, Bob Pangas, Tony Viania, Lou drawing skills and ha,i,: the ability to be Zollo, and Harry Zouros-rcc:cntly com- creative. The arcbitc:ctu.ral field is also plcted a scmcsterprojca by designing a lux- becoming very high-tech and the ability to .Your Community Newspaper Is Delivered By ury Hamptons home. use a computcr,.h also essential. Your Reliable Letter-Carrier lnthecarly,sprin&thestudenuwercgiven Soif~uhaveaminimumofS600,000to . information from a moc:k client', n:qucst as spend on a house, thcse Hicksville students wd) 15 a budget to work with. From there, have the plans for you! SCHOOL N COMMUNITY OTEBOOK CALENDAR Thursday. July 2 Young Adults in grades six., sa'tn, nnd eight arc invit.ed to join the Hicksville Public Libraty's Hip Hop Danc.ecrass to be held on Tuesdays, andllwr'1ays, July 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, a!)d'.ll, from 10 a.m. to 1100n. Registration for these classes begins todayand will continue until July 6. Class size is limited. Dance s1udcnts can learn lhe cumnt style ordancing 10 lhe musicoftoday. For runhcr information.... aill 931-1417. R.egiruutionbcglnsonJuly2at I0a.m. fora Japanese Brush Painting Workshop, lead by Carol Bergman, to take place DI the Hick.sviDc Public Ubr.uy on Wednes­ day, July 22. p.t.7 p.rn. Mrs. Bergman will teach and demon­ strate the artistry ofJapanc:sc Brush P.lin­ ting. Class size is limited. ThcrcisaSII materials fee. pay.able al rcgislration, cash only, which will indude brush, pain IS. and a slate. Participants on: responsible to bring aboUI 20 shccts of while bond paper, some colored paper, and a snuill conlllincr 10 hold water. Call 931-1417 for more information. Monday, July 6 A Voyage1otheDccpwill1akcplaccat the First Baptist Church. Sharks, dolphins, octopuses, sea. horses, and much mQre will be highlighted during Vacation Bible School anhe First Baptist Church, 30 fuUok Street, Hick.svillc. The VBS program, Voyage to the Deep, revolves a.round unforgeltablc under­ water !hemes kids arc sure to enjoy. ... This fascinaling VBS voyage begins •- I Monda)', J_uly6andendsfri~, July JO. WARMER WF.ATilt:Rls 1nlcomtd lb)'n'uyont. ~ciallysdlooldllldrtn. Many HkksvllltSlucknlJ ha~btto laklna ad ..ala&to f Ille new IUJ(,ln. Each new underwater vo)'age will take •From ilit lop ldJ 1ola1 dod,wue: Si.. lpailus Orsi andtrs iab a bttak Ml,.ttn ~nil al nt1c1 d-,,, tht fourth tndt fro111 Easl Strut al tht llnd ol place rrom9:30a.m. to noon and i:S open lht Bay Oub,~r. DcUy Grwyson's al:ttmoon ldndtrp.rttn ctau, and tht Old Cot1ntry Rotid 1\olrltn. • 10 ch'ildrcn who have(OO]plcted kindcr­ gancn through grade six. Kids will enjoy a challenging lime or Bible lessons, singing, craft projcc1s, Summer· Fun As -SchoolYfflr Ends scripture memorization, =lion, con­ Summer is finally up0n us and the kids lured are Mrs. lk11y Grayson's aflernoon held thciraMunl general meeting and ~ton tests. and daily visits from Capt. C. \\ml. know i1. Somestudcntsin Hkksvlllevisited kindergarien class with their favorite 1wirling show. · ' is no There charge for this program. 1hc bay, others 1he park, some 100:k advan- storyoooks. Standing v.ith Mrs. Grayson: The night siartcd wi1h nomina1ions for For more informa1 ion call 938-2462. 1age of the sunlighl 10 read their favorite Elisa Lafont, Erin Rogers, Carolyn Ken• 1hc new officers followed by the perfor­ •••• storybook, and others 100k 10 spons. ncdy, Amanda DclVc«hio, Timothy While, mance or 1hc OCR Twirlers. The Twirlers The Hick.sville Public Library Boord F.ast Strttl Treasures Carlos Gomez, Nikolas Kaloudi$, and Jen­ performed in four groups: kindcrgar1cn and of Trustees will hold a reorganizational Mrs. Mingin's founh grade class at cast nifer Eng (a s1uckn1 hucrn from 1he High firs1 grades, second graders. 1hird and fourth " and regular board meeting on July6a18 S1rec1 School, recently visiled Head of lhc School Internship Program). Front row: graders, and fifth ands!x1h gmdm. A 101:tl p.rn. in the Hicksville Public Library. All Bay Club, in Hun1ing1on Bay. M:any 1rea­ Kevin Heaney, Andy Taveras, Christopher or over 60 girls pnrtic:ipn1r:d, rcsiden1s are invi1ed 10 aucnd. sures from 1he sea v.-cre round and brought Breidenbach, Shikha Sharma, Christian Arter 1hdr per(ormw1ccs 1hc girls ;,,:re Wednesday, July 8 back to the dassroom 10 be studiecl fun her. Rodrique1. Thomas Pa\querallc, Norl-cn awarded participalion troph!e5. The girls Lannsa, and Anna Spanos. The Friends of the Hicksville Public Signs Of Tht Sctisons At l.tt then gave special thanks 10 middle 5Chool Library will hold a meeting on Wednes­ The youngsters al Lee Avenue School are OCRTwlrlm studcnl Corine Callari and high school day,_July Sat 3 p.m. in the Local History delighted by 1he w:irm, sunny wea1:hcr, Pie- OnMny 19,1heOldCoun1ryRoadSchool (contJnu•d on par• Z7) Room of the Hicksville Public Library. All residents arc invited to attend. SCHOOLS HORTS •••• ~ The Mid-Island Ar1hri1is Suppor1 Nassau Tech is part or 1he public school . Group will mcei on Wedf1C$day, July 8 a1 Principal's Honor Roll 139studenl5 hopped for wJ erry's kids;' to aid 10:30 11.m. The group will meet al the Hlck.sviUe High School is prou1d 10 an­ in 1hc cffon 10 s1omp out neuromuscular sysl~m and is opera1ed by 1he Board of disease. Cooper:ui-.:Educ:uionalServiccsorNassnu Hick.sville Public Library. nounce1ha1 IS seniors have been on the Prin­ Coun1y. II offers trainihg in more 1han 30 • Sponsored by 1he Arthritis Founda­ cipal's HonorRoU for the first 11utc quarters The Mu5CUlar D)-sirophy Hop-A:nion is :i natiQnal~rogram thal raises money to fight career fields ar-«ntcrs in Westbury, Carle tion, the monthly meetings are offered 1hisschoolyear. Thcs1udeniswerehonored Place, and Bethpagc. Teenagers a1tend fl"C:0f ml haYC ii review· proudly announced today lhal 1hc Holy on Wednesday, June 17. The ESL Super Student Program began ' ed. Tbisworkshopls'clesignedtosirnpliiy Family School of Hicksville raised over One of the students, Frank Bonina, was in January. Each month, an ESL &1udcn1'is theconftision of heallhinsuranc:c for the S2,8,40 by sponsoring iu annual "'Hop-A-· singlcdou1rorspcdalm:ognitioninAircmt chosen to receive recoanilion for alw.ays O'l'CI' 65 group. . Thonproaram. Duri1111hcwcckolrMay 14, Maintcnancc-Alt(ramc. .(COlltllll,td on 1)(11• 11) ------7------✓------, I I I . I I I July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Juty22 I SQUARE DANCING • THE LAINIB KAZAN SHOW I Mr. Primo Fiore, caller and his music - A larger than Ufe musical talent. An I illustriow stage, saccn and 1V career in I . Par~ Field #4 I Starts: 8.-00 PM. Juts auch as "Funny Girl," "Gypcyt ...... , "Sc. Ebcwherc," and "Beaches." ,. July 13 SyoACt-Woodbury eomn'iunity Park Starts: 8:15 PM I CONCERT POPS OP WNG ISLAND I Dean Kanhalis, conductor. I ~ng Island's finest musicians Ellswonh Allen Town Park, Fanningdale I HAL HOFFMAN ORCHESTRA incorporate a blend of popular classics and Staru: 8:15 PM Dana: to yestcnby's and t~y's tunes with show tunes into the Pops theme ci Bravo the bia band squnds. AmcriCll. August 13, 29, 27 TaPP;" Beach, Gtynwood Landing Tappen Beach, Glenwood Landing SQUARE DANCING Starts: 8:1 S PM Starts: 8:15 PM Mr. Primo Fiore, Cllllcr and his music • Jones Beach State Park, Parking F,dd #4 · July 18 August4 Starts: 8:00 PM THE "NEW" XAVIER CUGAT THE JUUUS LA ROSA SHOW ORCHESTRA An exciting star of the 'SO's. Famous for August 17 Ada Cavallo, conductor. "C'Campri" and •1 Guess I'll Hang My SIX GUN WESTERN NIGHT Listen and dancr to the Latin American beat Tears Out to Dry." Eliciting C.Ountty western with a kidc. of this world renowned touring orchc$tn. John J._Boms Park, Massapequa Ellsworth Allen Town Park, Fanningdale Mujorie R. Post Park, Massapequa Starts: 8:15 PM Starts: 8:15 PM Starts: 8: 1S PM August6 September 3 SQUARE DANCING SQUARE DANCING ,. Mr. Primo Fiore. caller and his music - Mr. Primo Fiore, c:a1lef and his music Jo~ Beach State Park, Parking Fie.Id #4 Jones Beach State Park, Parking Faeld #4 I Starts: 8.-00 PM I Starts: 8.-00 PM L------~------~I . Music for ·yotlr ears ... f,;ee

Treat your family to a summer of music under th~ stars. Superior Strength, Quality Service The Roslyn Savings Bank is once again pleased to sponsor a series of outdoor mui;ical performances for the entire family. So clip this calendar and come on out for a fun-filled '8ROSLYN summer, because the best things in life are free. The Roslyn Savings Bank • I ROSLYN/WEST' HEMPSTEAD/FAllMINGOAI.E/B8.l.MOltE W0006URY/EASr NORTHPORT IIDA (contl~IUd/rom~ill 1

Girls Senior Division Patrowlc:z scon:d h\'O runs and swiped two Galilio Galilici Lodge team thrcc (gray) bases. • Don't be at the e~d pulled another gm1t win. A fine phchlng Four daysl.i1cr these ™>teams met again, i pcT(omw10e by Kelly Moylan and a gl'Cllt and again each had their flitting shoes on. defensive pqfroll1llllcc by Nicole F=hino The outcome oflhis game was n:1'1:rscd wilh and 1)-acy Koetter. Added 10 the win were the Cubs pushing across 18 runs and the Red of the summer list... i ~ good plays made by KrislCII Wigand, Tina· Sox 11. Both teams played extremely well • i Mazzara; SICJ.>lwlie Gripp~ and Kianc Tnut­ with only eight pl11ycrs each. &Irie Borja lcr. They won by a score of 9-6. stroking a triple and driving in two runs Why suffer througb another Boys lnstructlonal Division while Vinnie Patrowicz. continues 10 swing hot eummu wba, 1,111u an Hicksville Fm: Dcpanmcnt's 'r.lnktttcam a ho! bat adding a base hit. Jocv Mianulli breeze through with the played on June ISandwcrcaliz.cd the$C3SOn helped QUI on thcmoundwhilescoril\8 twice Trane XL 1200 central air is approaching the end. The bau arc still on andstealingthrccbascs,MichaelBcniccon- conditioner, You - th XL fire and the fielding has improved 100 per- • 1inued hi,s torrid base stealing pace adding 1200 le euper e"'1111 cent. Thanks 10 plays made by Nick Giam­ four and scoring thrcctimcs. Gary Brellon, dfldent. That mnoe you can balvo at first, Malcolm Pike as the pitcher, who has done an excellent job oil season control 1,111ur coolloa co1te, Brenden Coyle at second, Mike Cagllone at behind 1hcpla1~ addcdabaschit,a RBI and Plue theTra.ne XL 1200 coma with the lndu1try'1 • thlrd. Brandon Scrralto and Kevin Kuck caoh a run scored. Bob Becker stoic a base nnd scored one run. Joey Restivo ~nl 2-4 with longat wananty. An nclu­ had four hits. Thomas Brewer tripled and llN manufacturer'• 10 )'eat · teamedupwilbBrandontolllll.kcsomcflne three RBIs, stoic four and added six llmlted wananty on the com• put outs at first. Matt Economou had strikeouts to bis team leading total or S3 preaeor end coU-tlie two anothcrcxua baschlt, thistimeadouble. He st.rlkcou1s. J_oey Lcoaildcd 111'0 runs scored ,qo1t Important puu of an also madesoinc fme put 0Ul5 at first. Mall and two stolen bases. A !hank >'OU 10 Joe air conditioner. Plue 2 ~an I.co, Sr. for his three innings of worlc. Hiubrough and Mike Caglionc continued on paru. Call uo locley for all lhe cletaUe on their hitting with thrcc hil5 each. Jeffrey On Wcdncsd.iy, June 17 thc Red SOx and You11 al.., appreciate the Blue Jays played an exciting regular season th• Trane xt· 1200, end be rndv to Sallustro and Brendon Coyle each had two . ettractt..._ aturdv ablnet. brettt through eumma. RBI singles. Th'O tc:ani balls were aw.irdcd finale ':.'filh the Six_ lopping the Jays 9-3. Wtelf1aGuard' top. quiet this game. One to Nick Giambal\'O, 1.-ho in Ga.mes really fly by when you're having run, operation. and lnatallatlon addition to his fine plays at first base, had 14orthcm 1obccxact. I.J:nny DcStefano, our end Mnice from our apeclellv three singles. Another went to Malcolm Pike field general at shortstop nil season, pitch- , tretn...S MrVlcemn. .TRANE for his two dutch singles and fine play in the cd superbly this day with lhrcc shutout inn• ,,__,,,..,._...,..,, field. • l lngs and live strikeouts. Michael "bccp­ These Yankees, who arc coached by Tom bccp" Bcnicscon:d twice and stole four bases Brewer and JulioScralto,faccd theligcrs in to finish the regular season with a learn Our Typical Replacement Costs their final game of the scasorL Team balls leading 44. Joey Rcstivodidhis~ual line job XL 1200 3 °Ton 11400 were awarded 10 Mike Caglionc and Frank behind the plate and added three hits in­ XL 1200 4 Ton 1650 Olva. each getting thrcc clutch singles. Mike cluding II homcrun In the third 11nd three XL 1200 6 Ton 1900 made a couple offmctalchcs as the pitcher RBIs. Joe finishes out lhcrcgularscsonwith and Fran le did the same at third base. Bran­ a team high .S79 batting average and 22 don Scrralto, Brenden Coyle; and Mnkolm RBIs. · · SYSTEMATIC CONTROL Pike continued their line hilling with four Stcvcn Recher smashed a homcrun in the hiu each. One or Brandons was a double. second inning (his s«ond this season), and EST. 1968 WE'LL BfTHERE TOMORROW TO SERVICE WHAT WE SELL TODAY Kevin Kuck batting clean-up for the first scored once. Gary Bret ton went 2-2 with two tim~ had thrtt singles and flied out to deep runs scored and a g11mc high fl:~ stolen , 516-482-1375 .. 718-631-1375 center. Tom Brewer also had three hi1s, one bases. J(?CY Mia.nulll, our fine second bag­ a1ciplewiththebascs loaded. Healsomadc ger, pla)'Cd great dercnsc as always taking a an unassutcd double play. Chris Gonnan, relay from Joe Leo in center and nailing a Matt Hasbrough, and Nick Giambalvo .runner 111 thc' pla1e. Great lcamwork! Joey PJ.vtect Your _FamUy rounded out the hitting with a single each. M. also added three stolen bases (29 total) Boys Minor DMslon andscorcdarun.JTQuinndoubledandhad The Rtd Soll, sponsored by Pudgies 11 RBI, while playing good def= in the out­ From- £He's Scrapes, Famous Chicken and managed by Joe field. Joe Leo added a base hit, two stolen Restivo, met the CUbs for the second time bases, and scored once while stopping ihis=non June 10, and came out a win­ everything 1ha1 came his way in ccnlo-. Vin­ Bumps And Bruises ner in a real pitchers duel 20-ISI Every Red nie Patrowicz stoic a base and continued his Sox pla)'Cf scon:d -at least one run and stoic tough defense in 1cr11icld, where he led the at least one base in this offensive game. team with three put-outs in one game. Ryan Steven Recher went 3-4, with two RBIs and O'Toolc, one of our more versatile players two stolen bases; Michael Benlc wmt 3-4 who did the Job in the outfield, infield, on with two RBIs and sill stolen bases. ·Joey the mound, and behind the plate 1hisSC350n, Restivo had asingl~ double, and a 1ri~e with continued this strong piny as did Scott two RBIs and four stolen bases. Joey also McDonald, who was swinging a hot ba1 in added SC\'Cll strikeouts on the mound. Joey the season ender. With the olawHs ahead. Miamdli wirh fiw, stolffl basesand thme runs the Sox hopc1ocontinuethcir winning ways. scored. Gary Brett on. Lenny DeSlcfano ariil Oood luck, guys! RyanO'Toolecachhadtwohits.JTQuinn, Joey Leo, and Scott McDonalc!. each with a ((011//111,td nut -1t:J run scored and two stolen biucs. Vinnie

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Begin another chapter in history at the Yorktow11 Victory Center where the A' hapter Qne Uncove~, American Rcvolu• r.1111111111111 the Mysteries of Early tion comes to lifo. View ii docu-dram11: American Hi~tory. . ' participate in militia drills in a rc-crcafod Continental Jnmcslow11 At Army encampment, and Scttlemc11t, the first hear firsthand permanent English accounts of the settlement of the Rcvoltilionary war New World, you'll in the "Witnesses investigate a story so to Revolutio·n~• gallery. compelling that it has . captivated explorers fof IT,, rfon Y,tUr :i'-k-..·nlurl• ln,i,iJc- ti-...• ffl')-1 chr11rhTS " ' Amt-ri(.l 0~7 ttof')·~ m.111 fl,r yuur In.:!'\' trAv\~I infnrm.itlnn t.n: I · almost 400 years! Discover an. I l•"""''"''"'""'klu•rn Found•lion. r.o. 0r.""'.,. JF. engraving of Captain John Smith's I WIIIL>m>t-uri;. VA 23187. tll0412Sl-4S3&. I 1 original map and Native American I Name______I artifacts dating to 10,000 B.C. Hear I Address______I tales of Pocahontas at James Fort and the City·-----State ___ Zip- Powhatan Indian Village, and climb aboard I I replicas of.three ships that made the first I Bott, 11111st11ms arr locntrd j11M1111i1111ttS from I L Colo11inl Willitimsburg n11il,Buscl1 Cardr11s. ACHl2 voyage.to the N~ World. Jamestown Settlement' & · Yorktown Victory ·center ..

~~abw-rate buying your first home or Call 1-800-94~4917. ~to trading up 10 a new one. For more Information we can help make It more med )001' needs. call between 9AM•7PM affordable. · weekdays and 9AM•3PM Remember the good old And as one of the largest weekends. Or If you prefer. days when mortgage rates SONYMA lenders. we can drop by any convenient were low and buying a home alsQ.ofTcrmany lirst·Ume branch ofThc·Bank of was caslcr'l ~L they're back. homcbuycrs an Incredibly New York. Because now '1t The Bank low rate of 7.25%00 for Bul hurr)t Because It of New York Mortgage Com• the first five years. and Just might be decades be· pan)( our mortgage rates arc 8.125%.. for the re• fore mortgage 1~-cr than they've been In ma!nlng25)earS rates are this decades. So whether yo,.irc (8.

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Open your heart to the world! Tcc:na4cn from around !he worid are ~,er to share • !heir high school yur abroad wilh an Amcrian host family. Open your hc&tt and experience IIIOlhcr QII• ~~RMAN FOR CHILDREN twc! All studcntJ are ruuy insun:d, bring lheir own ♦ spending money, and speak l!.nJlish. Host families - MIAl.mwn a,c: ab :reara -ooce a week trom 4':30 • e ,111 need only provide room. board. and a c:arinc family -ao pnor Oe,m.aa D.•"ll parochial ; 1s1an<1 Sound Non-pro1,1 nome oeo,cateo 10 libmy. Public and school students formation c:all Liz at Sl6-266-1841. & prov1d,ng e, cell~nt lnd1v.C:Sua1 ea,e. s.upe,·b in Hiclaville arc welcome. m~11, with Nve"li(•four nour ,upervialon for Participatlna )'Oung adults c:an c:h00$1. Youths Need am0ul11ory adulls hconstd 0)1 New York books from the Hicksville Public: School's . s1,1e AU 91ouno 11oor. 1ac,1i1oes ! .Autholl' Ust: Rcvicws, of DOI less than 30 ·,Your Garbage . t words, ofeach book read can be left at the :,: Young Adult desk lo the drop box. The last ~ Hicksville Youth Council is planning 59 Bayville Avenue day 10 report will be on Aug·ust 19. Par- its6CCOnd annual Garaac Sale. The Oa111ge Bayville, New York 1.lclp11nts who read fo u, books will be eligi­ Sale will tau place 11 the Youth Council, ble to earn fNccx1rac:rcdi1 poic11s next term located at 17S West Old Country Road, (510) 628-1350 from the Hicksville Public Schools. Hicksville on July II from 9 a.m. 10 S p.m. £.______...., \\I: a.re asking rmdmts o( the c:ommunity A piu.:1 party will be hd d on August 20, wbilc theya.rcdoing1hcirsprin1dcaning10 7. from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Kenneth S. think of us. I( )'OU ha\,: any tn:a.surcs in )'Our Barna Community Room for 1all readers in 1------. gaiagt, aUJGor basement thal )'OU no IOll&CT the club. It will be an evening of music, soda, Hicksville Staffers have any need for, wc will gladly take It off j Your Commun ity Newsp.ape'r Is plZZII, and prizes. e Dellvered By Your Reliable In 5-Mile Run )'Our hands. We will start collcc:tina these For further info rmation call 1.hc Young treasures starting on July 6. Ir you ha\,: no f ~etter-Carrler / SHOWN ABOVE s1: IGNATIUS WYO LA Adult Reference Librarian at 931-1417. wayo f gcuing it to US WC will aladJynl4lc:e Ir· K•ool ,wr -btn lb l'uardLI •IMI Bd17 rcanacmm ts to pick it up. For more In for­ i T110111a ••o bnTfd tltt bat lo nra la tw 15111 mation on this fund raising cva1t plCIISC call Aaaull Ntw Hyde hrk S-Mlk Rua a ftw Saa • the Youth Council at 822-KIDS. day, ■1 0. B otb did VtrJ wtll llmt-wl&e wllb ' '\ . Thoma bl'lqjaa • 0 111e a lklnl pl-trophy. • You 'd OPPORTUNITY! FREE! 0 to 24-113ge brochure lists over UOh ealth .. ,_. & hufruin service programs 11121 need voluntcers ... includlng 50 Sl>eklng ...... _...... ,; ...· - students . for )'CUI copy, pbont (516) 249-11 00 Of l>'rllt: Unltedway • ol Long Isl and S3S 8l'oild Hollow Rd., ~vlllt, 1'1' 11747

Your home is too imP9-~mt for an ordinary boiler:. AIRPORT SERVICE You, lamJy deserves lhe bosl. And when ,1 c:omos 10 Small Classes. mode1111z,ng your healrng sys1om , Bolio Brothe~ ,s a 24 H~urs name you can trust lo, hopesly and depend.ibd1ty Big Scores. Luxury Sedans, Reasonable w o·ve been ,nsralhng bo,lt1s and servrong hOa~ng ~ates, • Cellular. Phones. sys1oms ,n H,cksvillp aroa homes and buildings lor Free Extra H,elp. over 50 years. • Courteous, Experienced Live Teachers. Chauffeurs. Lei us roplaco your !Ired, inolhetonl old bodor w,1h a super•dependablo Galaxy gas bodef by Slanllf,n. You11 enJQy luel sav,ngs ol up 10 30% or more and No Tapes. years ol !rouble tree operation, Slanl/fin, Amerrea·s (516) 795-6300 bes1bu ll! boilers. are made right hero on Long Island. The Princeton Review As", 1,s lor more ,nlormatlon abOul Slant/Fin boilers • and tor a lree. no obl1ga1,0n heating survey al your gets the highest score home And ask your r,e,ghbo~ aboul Bo11O Btolhers' improvements of any ,n1egroty and reputat,on lo, clean. lhofough and do· pendablo seMCe. . course, any book, any rutor, at any price. island Guaranteed! telep~one For more info on classes answering and free previews, call: .S/ant~Fin. • service, inc. WORLD CLASS BOILERS l,v Bono a lounoc, ol Bo/lo /Jlolhors P""""""1 & Hly buSIMn rod.Jr JOB POSITIONS AVAILABLE l'he : BOTTO BROS:. I fUll • PART TIME • VACATION I ~PLUMBING & HEATIN1G Princeton L_HOURLY OR lolfSSAGE RATE othco and showroom localed at 128 WOODBURY ROAD. HtCKSVILL E Revie,v NfhOOI I Wu1m1111111 81n.k USA 8u1ldl119 20 .leruw;m Awe,, Hlchwille. NY Hours. Mon.·Fn. 8·5 Sal 8·3 935-2900 JrE SCO/lE MORE! 5.,.-,119 H,u•t1 • ttd $ t,,llolt S,,,cr 1MS · Local ·secretary Gets-CPS Rating I' ·i Patricia M. ·eonway, sc=tary 10 Marcos dida1e musl also meet a combination or = • Ramin:z, pn:sjdcn1ofHkk.sville'sMr. Elec­ cducati.onal .and work experience tric Service Co.. Inc:., has successfully earn­ rcquircmenLS. This 4th ofJuJy, declare ed the "Cenificd Professional Secretary" The c:iwnina1ion is adrninistmd twice a f designation. · year in May and November at test silcs yourinde~~nce from Ii The ra1ing is anaincd by passing a 1wo­ 1hrougbout the US, Canada •and several day, six-pan ewnination which 1csu lhcap­ 01her count.rics. ColJcge c:ttdit towards a the kitchen. plicant on skills and knowledge in aa:oun1- degree is ofTCRd for achicvina the rating. For , - . ! i ing, office 1echnology, business law, infonna.tlon about the CPs. rating con­ ti· .... J•~t . • ... '\ Hof!ey Baked Han_l' Is ,Hcacty•hi• :z economics and managemenl, office ad­ taet Professional Sc:crctarics lritemational • ~•' r :, \ ><:l\1!Cddi.31ionlor)Ollrl.Ulcl>Uplccgl,UiSoUyou(an'I r:- CYO (continued from pog• 11/ ->Llndlhchcato,dctallo11ey~lla111 . j ' ~HONE\'BAKED . load the b3SC$. Danny Rogers singled 10 Matt Connolly and John Gooch bo1h l~n:w lbcoriglnal~-....., i al"-JB.llled_..a. < center 10 score one run. Andrew Skorpanic out t\>O polential base stealetS and Paolo 0 '"-"> ll.l"4.'1111.1111 b 11u<,-JdJIJl.• 111 >up.:1111J1"4.1'-1kllllprlQl,c1oyo<1r-o, ~ followed with 1hc game winning hi 1, a single Fumagalli, ,Phil Laudin, David Barnard, • aJwlwtt In llw IJSA (owunlgbldtH,-.ry awalu1>1c).Clllloll-&,: 1•800-lO·HANS. 10 rigbtlicld that scored ThollUIS Pcrcira with Danny Ciaccio, and Jared Stanton ail pla)'cd .. ()( ' l,lt unc ul oor "lh.N'~) lo: cot.am • .l' fJ M,dd1".' CJ"N'l11)' Kd. ~~'°' 7 JG.)000; (OfflM.tek j - lhctyingrunand JocyWhit1aktras1hcwin­ well on defense. Brinn Kelly pitched aspcc­ tllllJJ<:uoieMlo lO P\IOk • Dilts & s.,ppi.. . • H.,.,_.,. & Scftw110 • Homo & 8usinou • 9o9l tacular defensive pl,1ys made bY shortstop • Savo 20-«>'4 & Mete • ui,0p1 & ~ • S11&,..,110 l10ffl St Robby DclBagno, third baseman Mike Donahue, and righl fielder Stratos ADMISSION $7.00 (With this ad• up to two people al SZ.00 each) Mistsopoulos. Mall Connolly hit a triple llleowt Adul ldlriuion b sa.oo. no copin -ed·Ctil

LOOKING• -- ~~ ·- - # FOR.LOVE?• Summer Fun WESTH,t.ft.,1PTON PIT FAIR $45.00~ SAT.J(JLY II

If yoiiie looking for th;· special kind of f~ship and loyalty that only a pet can provide, then adopt a cal or dog at Bide-A•Wee. Bide-A•Wee pefs are neutered and vaccinated, a~ many are P...... ilhidudc :Ill acldrdS :llld cbJtJmc tclcphcnc numbc, for mi/latlon. lffloNllftJcb 111d lcttmconsld~- The 1wo police c,c«ulh-cs were mak­ money, over S30,000of which was generated ing over $120,000 per )'tar before their c:xil righ1 here in Hicksville! This is a glowing ' .. :Thls Uul~piggywcnt}omarket,thlsllttlcplggyst.iycdhomc,th!sUttlcplggy money. tribute lo the importance of our young ,had roast beef, this Uttlc piggy h.id none, this little piggy crlcd. 'wee wee wee: This cn1ire governmental pro«ss mUJt be (<'<>nllnutd on P'II• IIJ ,II the ~y home •• . ls this hmllbr to you :ind do you r~cmbcr counting those ~ ench2ntingttnyplnkbabyrocs.isyousaldthc·otdrhymcovcrmdranyourflngcn up that dullng mklcl: ..There ire so m.iny old s.iylngs th.it were pan of our childhood~'Sugar and spice and cvcryth!ngnlcc, th.it's wh.it Uttlc girls arc made Extraordinary·Effort Award of" and not so plc.is.int~'Snakcs and sn.ills and puppy dogs' tails, th.it's'what lit• de boys arc m.idc of''. . . And we slngsong~d. ''No more school, no more books, no more ~~achcr's dirty looks''. . . And on the pl.iyground we pbyc~ such slmpl~ gamcrn London Brldgcisfalllngdown,blJJngdown, Wllngdown,my fair Lady ' and all our frlends would walk unda the bridge made from two sets of cbsped hands.andat"myfa1rbdy:' thcbridgcwouldbcdroppedmdthccapturcdwould be eliminated to st.ind at the side and aw.ilt the next game ...There wu ilia "h tlskc1,amkc1(l'mnotcvcnsurchowtospellthisoncO)-lfoundaycllowba.skct, e1c., and all the kids would make a. big circle whJlc one h.id ah.inky or something :an~~aroundtheouuJdcdropplnglhclunkybchlndoncofthckldswh?would luvc 10 grab it and chase !he ruMcr .around the circle ... If he auglx lilln, the runner had 10 go agaJn. but If he got Imo the hole made by the one who had !he hmky, hew.is safe ... hnd:diere were lots of rhymes we ch2ntcd as we Jumped rope and I can't remember the,n-do youn-but they all seem~ to end with saying the alphibcund when you missed tlut was the lnltl~ of the boy you were golngtonurry ... hndthcrhymcsfoct,ounctng.1ball.1ndputtlngyourlcgovcr- ..onctw0thrcc.1btey,lspySll1erS.ir1c,slttlngona.bumblc:uy.justl.lkc.1chocobtc blty'~andatcvery"my"wewouldputourlcgOYcrourboundng~-a.bsolutcly mc.inlngless but It never bothered us tlut 11 was .. • I wonder If Uttle ones still do .1nyofthcsesillythlngs-or.irctheytoosophls1la1cdwilhthclrwindowonthc world lhrough tclcvi.slonl (}'~, ~~ CONGRATUALTIONS•~laordnr«Affl'/Hubroadc,orO.rudyorMerc,Sdaool,wllohu mriffCI aa E.:tnordlaa,y Effo11 Award Pmldtat'4! CatlOcalt la iuoaalllo■ or lltto■ utaadllla trro1110 achl= 11aidtmk nttlkatt. Pkluttdwllb ~ Is Sisler Jou Doody. · II HTCKSYtl),E it! U,J,U$TRATEP_,.._,...FCU'ldld.,_,,...._..._2-'2" NEWS.,,... _____.. ,..,.,,,-fJ.- .ANTON John W. Oa,ger, EOITT)R WIiii- Ddwmul, Jr. Clul>Cophc,r­ PUBLICATIONS Ditffl« ol Prodocdon ~04ttdoi llltuw ol am.Jotlol, EDITORIAL STAFF c.,,.- H'""ld E.I..,_ Uada­ Calh,OINftlWd TypQ+ctlU>J-­ SupnYlocw J•-- M.tj« - -w., 1'1>1,Uwr. JobC.J-'" ,._ _.,_ AOVERTlSl!lG Cblcf-cxr- ~­At1 Diffl:tor a-lllcd -.M.t- ,._ - s..p.,,n- .... Msnnga ...... Hoe!II r«Clallillllll...... _....._.74102 W Uloa1J "-...... _New t.t. 11501 ,._ 15161 'M7·1Z12 FAX 15111 ,u.5111 ...... 1...:.:::.:;;=====:..===-::.:==-i SPECIAL INTERESTS Responding 10 the special needs or its hearing-impaired customers, Chau Attention Coaches Manhattan Bank·, N.A., Long Island The Nassau Couniy Chapter of the Region, has introduool Chase Bank-By­ American Red Cross ls offering a 16 hour Phon~ a unique blinking setvicc which ap­ Spons Injury CouBC iri July and August plies the Specirum home banking whlchmCC'tsthercquircmentsmandatedby 1cchnology and, when utilized with the the New York State Department or 1clccommunications Device for the Dear Education. INSURING ('rDD), allows for a convenient and fast way For runher information on dates and to bank. times and to enroll in a class, contact the · By dialing 1-800-CHASE:fDD, hearing­ Nassau County C~pter of the Amcri.can impaired customcr1 can obtain a variety or Red eross. 264Old Country Road. Mineola. banking information from balance levels N.Y. 11501 orcall 747-3500. and check clearing status 10 deposit connr­ . Computer ~xpert Sougbt ONYOUR · m;1.Uons and the latest rates. Additionally; If)'OU arc computer literate, familiar with customm calling the service are informed malling list fonnau and able to sha,c some rcprding Automaud Teller Machine (ATM) of; your valuable time and talent this sum­ and branch locations/hours. A 24-hour mer, the Nassau County Chapter of the bank card can also be requested via phone. American Red Cross needs help in updating 1-800-CHASE-TDD is :tv:i.ilable~n days Its newsletttt mailing list. INSURANCE ll Voffk, 24-hoUB a day. The newslettcr,is a valuable vehicle for 1b learn more about the new Bank-By­ the.RcdCrosstopublidzcitsscrviceswithin PhoncTDD service for a hearing-imp.ilicd Nas.sau County. If )'Ou can ,-oluntecr some friend or relative or to request fun her infor­ of)'Our time and help the Rcd CTOSS with this mation on anyof Ghasc's banking produas importnnt project, contact the Nassau Liberly Mulual Insurance Company and services, cont.act the Chase Customer County Chapter at 264 Old Country Road, 50 Charles Lindbergh Bl\·d. · !07-3 Stewart Ave. Sales and Service Center at 1-800-AT• Mineola, N.Y. 11501 or call 747-3500. Uniondale. NY 1155:1 . Hicksville. NY ll!llll CHASE, or visit your local branch. Fun With4-H 222-6060 932-9555 Cultural Workshops Arc you looking for fun acti.vities to do The African-American Museum in with )'Our child this summer? 4-H may have Hempstead will host ascri:cs ofCllciting rum­ an answer for you.• . mer c:ultural programs on Wednesdays and 4-H is the )'OU th dcvclopmcnt program or Thu~ this coming July and August. Camell Cooperative Extension of Nassau Guaran1ee the costs of rebuilding your Tbeprograms,sponson:dbytheAfrican­ County. 4-H developed simple, no-(()st or home even if costs exceed lhe amounl of - American Heritage Association, include low-cost nature activities designed for coverage listed on yoor policy. To get a free workshops in various crtatlve ascas such llS farnilicstodotogcthcr. Somein,'Olveabcach ans and aufis, cooking, photo8Jllphy and ornature walk, other1 get you to look at the home evaluation, call us today. LIBER'IY sculpeun:. Also, a fcsti\'31 offtlms, sliJcs and "wildlife" in }'Our backy.ird-mainly bu~ and 1912 • 8{)1/,Anniwruuy • 1992 MU11JAL. videos is scheduled for Fridays and insccu. Slllurdays. Fora fn:c4-H summer activity send in the N'.~rtY Mu1ut lnJUt•Jl('t C,oupllki&&Ott, 1991 . These summer programs will be held on age of your child and a stall!Jled, self­ July 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, and 30 and on addressed legal $ilc envelope to: 4-H Sum­ · August S, 6, 12, 13, 19, and 20 from 10 ll.JTI. mer Activity, Cornell Coopcrath-c Extc:n• to noon and from I p.m. to 3 p.m. sion, l425'Old Country Road, Plainview, Operated by the Museum Services divi­ NY llS03., sion or the Nassau County Dcpanmenr of For more information, contact Recreation and Parks, the African­ Cooperath-c Eittension Agent Carolyn Lei· Amcric11n Museum is located on 110 N. lien: at 454-0900. Franklin Street in Hempstead. For funher information. call 485-0470. [.yme Disease Info The Lyme Disease season is he~ and Eating Disorder Workshop Winthrop-University Hospital in MillCOla is A 10-Voffk workshop for individuals suf­ offering a new diagnostic test for the con­ WHERE THE UNIFORM fering from an eating dlsonlcr will be held dition. at South Oaks, A Comprehensive Mental Withthc:numbcrofl.ymediscascasc::sin• OF THE DAY IS . .. Health Center, Amityville, beginning July •creasing-up l7pcrccntin 1991 over 1990, the 30, onThursday evenings from6-7:30p.m. need for accurate: diagnoses and effective and again from 8 - 9:30 p.m. uc:.1tmcnt plans is growing increasingly Im• CUSTOM FITTING Sponsored by the Eating Disorders ponant, panicularly on Long Island where Department at South Oaks, this workshop the disease: has a strong foothold. will be aimed at those who may have an The disease's frcqucntly described nu-like CUSTOM LETTERING eating disorder and are seeking to incn:11SC symptoms. rash, and aches in the joints are ,their knowledge of these complicared not alwa)'ll present, nor arc they idcntlncd in diseases. Topia to be covered include idcn• cveryvictim. lfleft untreated, Lymedisease AND tlfying issues of self-esteem, how family can cause long-lasting damage. Early mcmbmlln: affcctcd by the eating disorder, dillgnosis and treatment are keys to pnMn• CUSTOM SERVICE and nutritional information. ting serious complications. However, the The cost of the workshop isS200 fort he discllSc is a "great masquerader" and is dif­ 10-wcckscssion and advance registrutlon is ncult to detect. :.

About which LI. restaurant did Oil~ Joel sing ·he'd "meet you anytime. you want?" ALFRED UNlVERlTY &oallc and Hkksl'Uk We give you 1he Sorry.• cai'it rnldtalJlm Aa1011rtll hascomplcltd hisJunior answer 10 1hoc.. . hove 10 WOii you·u ,ur al Alfred Unl~ly. 1 & reod about i1 In our Gala~y of Stars 5upplemeni. featuring long Islanders who JJre stars today. Top Goalie Galaxy,-:>f Stars wlll\be"published in your'la

wood u,~

~OR~i~~o TbteHlck.nUltBWyJodCo111111l11ttpmt111Jlbtsla1ttl10aprUttaplaqutar1tt1Jwcom111rau- 185 Woodbory Rd., Hlci Pllone: 681·£YES (681-39)7) Committee Gives·Plaque to Billy Joel We're open 7 days a week. Mon.• Tror&. 10am-8:30pm, Fri. 10am-6pm, After the commcnccmcn1 exercises, Joyce The plaque read:• ".. .As We Stand Upon sat. 10am• 5pm, Sun. 11am • 5pm. Jurgensen (right), Dave Staton, and the The I.edges OfOur Lives With Our Rcspcc­ Hicksville Billy Joel Committee present tiYCSimllaritics..!' William Manin Joel Con• Hicksville native Billy Joel with a plaque In gratulations on your graduation, and appreciation or the singtr's accomplish­ warmest appreciation for your ac• ments as an artist and humanitarian. Com• complishmcnu 15 an artist and millce members present at the privaie humanitarian. Your life experiences and -· - gathcri_ngarc(rtom Id\) Rick Budinich, Joe roots in this community arc an uncnillng Visconti, Cathy Black, Mary Beth Beem, sourocof pride to those of us in Hiclr.svillc. =-==5~,·~atcrl•~=(ll-.i,t•~~~~ Ed Hebron, Kami and Muk Thomas, wt The Billy Joel Committee. a1.:.-~~~--::=r.:i;.. ==:-.1;:;.~~ Paul Budinkh. .. The Seacrest Diner-Restaurant ! WE ACCEPT invites you to its AMERICAN EXPRESS ITAL~ I

Lobster Dinner Introducing Special Ai!X/m1ml. . Special Broiled Whole 1lb. Lobster 1395 · {Vmfnt [17lif.!' }OK'Jlt Dinner special includes: Pasta Soup. Salad, Potato and Vegetable Smtd with f;mh Ganie Brt«f Dcs8crt. Coffee or Tea LINGUINE ...... : ...... 8.95 FE'rfUCINE ...... •...... : .. ..7.9f with whitt or l'fd ,rl1m sau« "'Ith frrsll tomato and bull LINGUINE and VEAL ..•...••..•...... 10.95 . 1 FETI'UCINE .·•...... : .... : •... .• ...... 8.95 . with YOdu, mpsllroom and tol'll ■to . with frrsll tomato 111d prosdullo • LINGUINE and· SEAFOOD ...... : ; .....•.. 11.95 FETI'UCINE with Wild Mushrooms ...... s:95 wllb scallops, shrimp, mb, mllSStls In • ~m or l'fd !IUCt • · and frtSh plum tomato sau« FETl1.JCINE ALFREDO ...•...... 7.9S ANGEL HAIR ...• ..•..... , ...... • 7.9S In• crnm sauct wltb c1rlk, on and parsley GREEN and WHITE NOODLES ...... : .. 7.95 ANGEL HAJ.P. '-, ith Fresh Vegetables ...... 7.9S I with chunk tomatoes and onions . >- in a aum sau: • lORTELLINI with Meat Sauce ..\ ...... 7.95 ~::'.\~:II . En/fees . · Stn'fll with Salad and Altalo and Ytge1ablt o, Pod( EGGPLANT ,ROLLATINE ...... ; •....•.•. 9.9S VEAL Pl£CATA ...... 11.9S rolied and stuffed wllb ricotta and ' Saiil«d with limon, ~hit, winr and bulltr mo~la topptd w!JII !Omtl<» uuet• ., • VEAL PJZZAIOLA ...... 11.95 · CHICKEN PARMIGIANA ...... •...... l0.95 S&Ulttd In carlk.ll!d 1om110 ilUt'f i~ aad topt with tomato and VEAL and SPINACH•.• ...... • • .. • ·.. 11.95 momrr • . ml topptd wllh tom110, moznrrlla CHICKEN FRANCESE ....•.•...... 10.95 and spinach dipptd In ties and fritd in VEAL VERDI · 12 9•· Itmo11, whit t wI nt an d bu It tr saat!'td \UI topptd' ' wirh' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' • ' • ' ' • ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' J. CHICKEN MARSALA •...... 11.95 frtSh broccoli and moz:nrrlla saut!'td with wild mushrooms and onions . VEAL SORRENTINO ...... 13.95 CHICKEN VERDI ....•...... 11.9S .ml with qgplant, prosriullo . saulttd chkktn brnsl topptd wilh ind mozurtll ■ rrnh broccoli and mouarrll1 SHRIMP PARMIGIANA ...•...... , .. . .. 13,.95· VEAL PARMIGIANA .•.•...... •.• 11.95 bmded and fried, topptd with f~td an.d topptd with tomato and · tomato« tad frtSh monarrlla fresh mouartlla .. SHRIMP MARINARA .....•..... : ...... 13.9S VEAL MARSALA ...... 12.95 saut!'td In 1arllc and red sauce saur!'td 'll'llh wild musbrooms SHRIMP SICILIAN ...... •...... 13.95 a11d onions sautml In frnh 1arllc, lemon, whllt wlnt

Chicken Breast Parmigiana w/Pasr.a ••••• •• • •• ••••••••••• $9.95 Broiled Chopped Sirloin Steak w/Sauteed Mushrooms . . . ·... . $6.95 .. Fried Chicken w/F.F. Potatoes ...... •...... ; . $8.95 Dinner .Includes: Cup of Soup," Salad, C.offec, Beef Liver Steak ~/Sautet.-d Onions .•...... • • • ..... • . $6.95 Tea or Plain Soda & B~ For Dcssen: Fruit Pie, Jello, Chooolare Pudding, U2 Roast Spring Chicken w/Sruffing & Apple Sauce ...... • $7.95 lee Cream or Plain Yogurt Baked Bluefish Plaki ·...... •. $7.95 No Sharinc . ~ · Broiled. Boston Scrod w/Pe.ppers,.Onions & Tomatoes • . .' ... . $8.95 Glass of Wme - $1.75 2 Broiled Pork Chops w/Apple Sauce: .•...... •...... : .. $8.95 Broiled· Fillet of Flounder w/Peppers, Onions & Tomatoes .•. $9.95 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Baked Eggpla~t Parmigiana· w/Pasr.a ••.• •••• ••••• •• ••• . ·• • $7.95 EXCEPT HOUDAYS ,Italian Meatballs w/Spaghetti ...... $7.95 MUST BE SEATED BY 5:30 P.M. ._,.·{ ~ -~~~VAILABl£. . BREAKFAST'. LO~CH • DINNER.. WE/lCCff'r AMERICAN EXPRESS · . · ·•~·MOHTHLv· . OPEN: SUN. TO THURS. 6.AM-2.Afat FRI.'& SAt 6 AM-3 AM ...... ~ . . •• ' i .~----~------~--.~~•• ~~~~~-.~--~~;~~";.~~ -----...______;___ __...,:______l ------11: i:f!, • i 11~1@1 Oi it---·------.. . "../ ~ What Every Parent Should lnow About Burn Injllries i ApproJ.imalely one or cvCfY fOU1 bum hear.ct at 120"F. It lakes only 2-S ~ in so l)O(S cannoc be pW.lcd olT I.be stove by from C()Ullta edges. S caut:r paLicllts is • child under live Y12n 10 bum CO'llpleldy thorough the skin or a a child or inadYfflelltly knocked off. Use ~,Keep appliance cords away from ~ of age. These scriou~ bum Injuries are yoOng child II higher c.empcralllrCS. the bacJt bwnca whenever po:s.gl)le. COIIIICr edges. Keep appl.iara:s IJl1)lugged niost often caused by hot waiu, coffee or • Check the watci tcmpcralUIC before • SI.CR cooties and other favariJC foods and discauxaed when no( in USC. -; · lea. Cooking oil, open names, ho1 sur­ bathing. A bath thcrmometct will help. It away from the srove so an inquisitive • Avoid dangling cloc:uic cords, unc:ov• ~ faces, and Olhct high•heal sowa:s are also should read aboul 98-100" F. Shut off the child will not be JCmpUd. ered etcciric outlets a:nd Ulllttcndcd hot .., .f rcspolUiblc for many childhood bum in­ hot waler fr.rst, so tha.t only cold wa1tt is • Use placemat.s inslead or tablecloths. irons. ~ juriCl. Once Ibey occur, severe bums re­ left in the pipes. That way, if a child turns Toddlcn have rrequently been burned by • A3 the popuwity of microwaves in­ f quire hospilalizalion and long•ICl'm reha­ on a faucet, cold water will come out fr.rsL pulling a tablecloth and spilling a hot bev• creases, so does their risk. Use caution j biliLttion. So, be aware or the polcntial • Esiablish a wsarc Area" in or near crogc. Keep all hot ilcms II least 10 inch•· when removing covai:ngs anjl lids, espe­ : cbngcn in YOUl home and Ukc • few mill• your k.itehen where a toddler may be es rrom the edge of the table 10 i:revem a cially wilh popcorn. The vapor produced u1cs IO learn how you can proccct your pl.Iced- away from risk, bl.l under con­ toddler from reaching !hem. This includes in the bag may exceed ll!O"F. .£ child from burn injury. tinuous supervision. YOUl cup of coffee er tea. • Keep ma1Ches and Ughlel'S out of lhe :r. • Se1 lhe thcrmosta1 on yOU1 hot- waicr •'When ~g. keep po( handles turned • Keep coun1enop coffeemakers away reach or children. Tc:ach children 10 give } them to adults whenever they do find them. • Place portable spx:,e heaters (electric, I kCJ'OSClle) 11 least 36 inches away from lhlngs that bum, such IS paper. bedding, cwuins, CCC. Unless )'OU have an effective ! method or blocking off the hea1u. don't use it while children arc in the home. • lnswl and maintain smoltc detec&on. They give early warning in case of fire. Have 11 last ooe oo every level -or YOUl home and one outside each bedroom. Check batteries frequently and rc:pl1cc dead ballaies immcdiau:ly (aYCn13e life is one year). • Design a home fue escape plan and practice home drills. Eighty pC1Cen1 or r~ occur in homes. We aro familiar with school and office lire drills, but 100 few families have home e.!CaJ)C plans and lirc dril&. Contact your local rll'C Deparnncnt or Town rll'C Marshall for help in devel­ oping a home C$ClpC plan or for lire safe­ ty infocmat.ion. • Make sure smokers extinguish • cigareaes in a deep asl11r.1y. Carelessly ex­ tinguished cigarct1CS lltll II major cause o( home fires. rdl ashtrays wilh Waler before d.bcan1ing their COOICDIS. • NEVER SMOKE lN BED! • Place fuc eittiogulshers in areas or your home where the risk or fuc is great• est (le. the kitchen). Have ooe available on each level or your home. • Use Tot rllldct or F°ll'C Rcsc:uc stickers oo children's bedroom windows to guide firana, in III CfflCliCUC)'. If fire occurs, get out immediately! Most dcalhs occur from suffocalioo from hot fumes and smoke, not from di.rcct bums. If clothes catch fire, DO NOT RUN! Instead, STOP where you arc, DROP IO the ground and ROU. over llld over to smother flames. Cover your race with your hand., to protect your throe! and _...... ,_12"x48" ROUND lungs £rom bums. Children IS young as 2 15 FT. ROUND or 3 can be taught to STOP, DROP 1111d POOL PACKAGE ROU.. ~ ,,.,,.. .. '1111 ■ I .....~-­___ .. Oil' Pidllot~1Sbllllcund Poo1,011rToo_.._.. If bums occur, knowing what 10 do and °"'-.,,,___,"-"­ ~--v..,iu... Pim■ doing it quickly can greatly reduce the ~°'°",_,__ _ •«IOJ>..U.F..,,01u, v.a.... ,... sevcruy or the bum. - • 11'--Teltoc&:,pc Pdt•I.Mls.._, Kie ,10.... l'ltUScw I. Remove heal source. -­_,...,.,_ •IOV..,Wlnwlly ,...__,l'll■■ Oltmlo:tl 2. COOL FIRST by immcdialcly dous­ .,. ~ -Kit 0% ing the burned area with cold liquid. .... F1NAHCIHO - -~~ 3. Then remove clothing from the FOR I ll0ffTMS LAaGIJT OCJPlAY bl!ined ll'ei bcc&USC bo( cJOthing contin­ '-··-~.,_ Ofl IPAI _,._ ·--­-~-.. - WTHIIAAKA ues 1:> bwn. ••J--... ---­ . 4. Then cool more Lhorouahly by plac­ -- mg lhc burned area in cool WIier for S IO FACTORY SHOWROOM ·1 0 minutes. FARMINGDALE S. Dry and cover area with clean cloth. STORE HOURS: 6. Keep the child warm. 700 ROUTE 110 -.n-.nw10- t 7. Seek emergency attention. (1 mlle Ncwlh ct S.S. Plcwy. 11 Rlw. 109) TUU.wm. tt•• 11.NDAYtO • I This informa1ion i.s provilkd-- 1hrou11' OPEN SAT.JULY 4TH 753-0066 the Vo/iuuurs Flrt/iahttrs Burn Ctn/tr Cllllkf8'oNHow1 Fund . For rru,rt information call Pa1ricia MU/tr 924-9054. Free Cholesterol Seminar 1 1he Great Neck Cardiovascular & Hy; drug,. We arc geuing outstanding n:sults Thank Goodness.f pcneiulon Ccatcr will preienl • free at. our Cbolestaol Rccb:lioo Program and Qoleslcrol Seminar 011 Moodly. July 13. we arc making every effort to help people The seminai wbich begins • 7 p.m. will become Iwate of the pcnooal sups they JXOYkle inf'OOIWioo Cll lbc latest clinical CIJIIIU. ·Syosset· ! raardl in lbc field. CommilJDClll lo lifesiyle changes and "'Odclletd llowly cbotes off lbc flow making bcucr choices on lbc part of lbc o{ blood to die heart and other villl «pns. palicnl Is key 10 improved c.-diovucular , Too much c:bole.uaol in lbc blood works health. One out of two adulis have high

The local chapter of Ovcrcatm Anony­ S:yossct Community HO$J)ital. mous meets Saturday and Sunday Alcoholism is a chronic bchaviornl dis­ CV'Cllings between the hours of 7:30 p.m. ocdcr manifcsu:,f by-the rcpcatcd drinking and 9:00 p.m. in Conference Rooms A o( alcpllolic bcvcrlgcs in excess or dietary and Bat S)'OSSCI Community Hospit.al. and social sWldards. In addition, this disor• ·Ovcruting can be controlled with ap­ dier can severely impair a person's health. propriate lifestyle and habit changes. soc:W Slllnding and ocooomic functioning. • Proper diet, behavior modificaiion and For more information, call the Commu­ regular exercise me the three key t lcmcnts nity Affairs Office at 496-6527. or effective weight management. Syosscl Community Hospi1nl is a vol­ These wccltly gatherings of Overeaten untary, not•fOC"•profit, community hospital • AllonylllOU$ will provide sound nutrition­ aJfiliatcd with Nonh Shore University al information designed to avoid compli• Hospital, LaGuardia Hospital nnd the cations in weight managcmcnL Henlth Insurance Pl an or Greater New The local chnptcr of Akohol ics Anony• York. Blue Cross, Blue Shield and all oth- mous meets every Friday evening at 7:30 er hc.ilth insurance programs arc occcptcd p.m. in Conrcrcnce Rooms A and B Ill :II the hospillll; .


This summer. a true single room Whenever you need emergency medical maternity care unit will open at care, we're here for you. Cential General Ha;pital. This 24 Hours a day. exdling new concept takes comfort. 7 Days a week. convenience and safety a step Physicians specially trained and cer~i­ fied in Emergency Room care. Superbly further by allowing you to stay in a skilled nurses and technicians. State-of-the­ beautifully appointed. fully equipped art medical equipment. IUite before. dwing and after birth. And the kind of warm, compassionate care that means so much at times like this. • Father can s1ay ovemlght In the 'Sulte0 What a good feeling to know it's all with Man and Baby right here! ..~­ j . • Pedlatik: and Nursing St:111 with cxivan0ed J. ;,..,. --.. .___.,,, lo handle every need SJ!:~~. · Onespec:xdnursetocorefcc you . . ' ~,~. . and your Doby _,.,,

Fa mae lnfannatlr:n about 'Suite Begillnlngs" ·.SyossetfCommunjty Hospital }:iease call '681-8900, ~ 2518. 221 Jericho Turnpike. Syosset, New York 11791-4567 . GENERAL HOSPITAL (516) 496-6527 1 ·aaa 01ct Country Road Syosset Community Hospital is a voluntary, not•for-profit teachilllJ hospital affiliated with North Plainview, NY 11803 Shore University Hospital and tne Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York. Blue Cross, Blue Shi{ld and . . all other health insurance programs are accepted. l! .Multi-award winnen Soo YounaJC.im, • lcgeftrst;' says Colleen, whoas a winner or five awards, has left an lndcliblenwk ofac­ !, (conllnu..t/10n1 po1dJ • Collcffl Banlcy, and Melissa Master had Joel mixed fccling.nbouuhdr last night or high complishments behind her Ill Hicksville school befon:graduation.-,rt's kind orsad. High. • i: albµm ;,Storm Front" along '";th members within the high school for Joel and/or the l'mno1goinglO$CICSOr11COflhcpcoplchcre MaryRd.lly, winner of the Female Drama - or the Hicksville High School Chorus. addition orthe name "Billy Joel Boulevard" again;• saysSoo Young Kim, who will beat-· Award, is)'Clanotheroutgoingstudcnt who ';, Bctwcm the time when the first inquiries 10 11 street somcwbcrc in Hicbvillc. ' tending Colwnbia Collqie this fall. "I might will be miucd. She sat chatting with Louis :! were made and Jod'sappcaranclCallhe Hiih Along with chai~n Joycc .Jurgtl\SCll. come back to visit, but I'm definitely ready Zot'lo and Barbara Willson as Billy Joel's .: School commencement, the Hicksville Bil• thccomminccconsistsof Mary Beth Bcclt.er, for coUeg~• insisu Melissa Master who is song "Honesty" was being pla)'Cd on lhe j ly Joel Comminccc:xplored many diffcrciu ca1hy Black, Rick and Patti Budinich, Ed looking rorwaro 1omajoring in ~nglish. As piano nearby. Headed for Nassau Com• • 10-;1,ys 10 ~rmanently honor one of Hie.le$- }Jebron, Dave Staton, Mark 1md Karen Melissa reOects, "I've bad some great !!!unity College this fall, Reilly says her best . (! villc's favorite sons. A'mu.sic scholarship in Thomas, and Joe ,Visconti. The: members teachers here. My English teacher, Mr: high school memories arc orthe shows and the singer's name was rejected 4ue to Joel's ,said they, "gratefully ac kno,.•ledge the Grazer was fantastic:. He has a n:aJ passion performing with the Madrigals. In college ! wariness offending his ruune to monc:1ary >-as.tistancc and coo~ratlon or Su~nten­ forhissubjccuandwa.svcryinspringtome' she plahs to stay involved with drama and ;)o ,·c:murcsofany kind.A "\\-lllkorfamc"with . dent Muga\'Cro. Assistant Superintendent Colleen Bartley also reels she is rcady for col• music.and possibly acting. Batbara Willson. J engravcdplaquesonlhegroun

l.etters /conllnued/rom pa·• llJ --- Introducing The 1992 BMW people :ind the high reg;ird our community In the school board cunpalgn 1h:a1 just bu.sincsscs and organiz.ntions h;i\'C for th~. p:issed, the areas or concern in lhe high 325i The Commencement =iscs l''trealso school wcn::imuch-discusscd topic:. The new a trcal. Over 90 percent orour grads arc go­ board that takes O'o'CronJuly7 mu.st address ing on to higher education. We honored two thcscconccmsquiclcly and aa=iwly. Asa individuals, Dr. Leo K:mawnda and Ms. member or that board, I look forl";lrd 10 Deborah Arnesen. for their accomplish­ buil~ing on the successes that our high mcnt.s and inducted them into the Hicksville school and wotjdng to com:c:t all problems, Hall or Fame. The ffUCSI speaker )"ll5 Silly real or ~ rcdl'cd. Joel. fonncr Hickmlle resident and member David M. Staton or the Cl:iss of '67.

~ We invite you to test drive the new BMW 3~~5i . sedan at your earliest possible convenience. At just $28,365; the only thing that may imprE?Ss you more than the 325i itself is its price. • THE ULTIMATE DRMNG MACHINI~ ;~~'!!!_~~~==-~~PLEJl!.~NPf'Sf-ECIALS . ' EARLY BIRD SPECIALS S.ERVED 3:00.5:00PM m Your Hosts: THE SAVVA FAMILY 841 OLD COUNTRY ROAD. WESTBURYLN.Y.11590 (516)997-7838 BMW ·of :~Oyster Ba,y Hours: Sun.-llllra. 5am-1am • t-ri. g·5at. 24 Houra 145 Pine Hollow Rd. Get Heart Smart LO~NGISLAND - :· (516) 922-0930 . Lighten up on your diet. •USAl)a,,11~:ris111:11.-. /lcl/aplca .. dlpond,_daMK Alot .....dlolot _ _...., Reduce your risk of nltwdrgCNfDII. fllic:e~-...,_lftl...,,.OIWI Flll#o/Hotll~ tnc.' 'Tlal!MW hean attack. _____ ,,,.__7kAiitcoutrciL -nllogonl'ld,lnd , . '. NA 5 5 AU FEATURE 5 ;

ART~NTERTAINMENT·i11 !I .:;!. ATTRACTIONS Masters On View At Art Museum f , Saturday, July 4 By Constance Schwartz ,------, A "Family Outing" is planncd:11 Plan­ and Ronnlr Meytn0n ting Fields Arboretum, Oyster Bay. In the The collection on view at the Nassau C\'eltlng Torn Chapin and his band will County Mu seum of Art, 20th Century givcaconccrt. Tickets forlhcconcc:rt arc .Alaster Watercolors, Drawings and • SIS. For mordnformation, call 922-0061. Sculptun:, has bttn founded with concern, ,connoisseurship and keen insights. Dr. Sunday, July S Robert and Connie Nowinski have set the ''LIPS" (Long Island Protestant' highest standards for building an extraor­ Singles) will hold a Social at Trinity dinary collection, notably of fine works on Episcopal Church, Roslyn, at 4 p,m. Ad­ paper. nilision is S8. For more infonmuion, call Drawing.sand watercolors arc frequently 741-6492. •• the most sensith'C creations of the artist's PolomatchcswillbchcldatBcthpage hand and in ind. Th~ singular qualities of State Park at 3 p.ni. For more informa­ watercolors and dmwing.s ba,'C cnli1'Cncd tion; call 681-S303. many fine collections which have embraced imllgc:ry that could M>h•c only through the qualities inherent in these media on paper. Monday, July 6 Artists of the past ha,'C presented a heritage Italian-American Night will be held at to 20th century artists who lut,-c picked up the Harry <;lutpin Lakrsidc Theatre in the gaunllet and explored new possibilities • . The concert begins at in dynamic approaches 10 line and wash. 8p.m.andadmissipnis rrce Form6rein­ Tr;1ditionally, dr:iwing is deriitcd as u forrnation, call S42-4427. linear depiction, primarily in graphite. TI1e 20th century broke with traditi onal Rcnais.sancepcrspccih'C. It was replaced by Wednesday, July 8 a compression or pictorial space where the Pianist David Lederer will give a free size and placement orany particular imngc concert.of standards and pop music at · depended on its imponnnce to what the ar- noon at-Adelphi Uoi\'crsityCcnter Lob­ tbt wascommunic:itingrathcr th:m concrcte by. For more information,call877-3612. rcalit)'. Also, int he first halforthe20thccn- • I ury no medium or material v.'llsconsidcrcd VAN GOGH'S Orph,n ,.,.,, In l'tofllrdalri lrom lh• nrllnt ,-..nor his pror,.. lonal r,uttr. Tht Through July 12 inappropriate to apply to paper and any Orpll,nM1n,1•t11rytolln,hunr,..ru~rlfflC>tdllft'sbroadtr•unUtpo.slbUlll.. ,onl1bard,hlp The "l!Jlpert E)'t" juried an show is '!"Olk on pol)(r con~1i1u1cd a drawing. The and arlmllt'.U. \\lo GOlh'~ •or1t:m1o's tools •~R'lhf lim~~: ptntit, 1>111.di cnyon, and 11 tllY Mitt• t:nking place at the Sabbath Art Gallery materials included watcrcolor;gouache, color-.h. ofthe Wunsch Art Center, GlcnCO\'C. For cm)')n, pa.std, colorcd pencil, graphite. col­ more information. call 676-7474. lJ1ge and charcoal. With such a wide variety TI1e Nowinskis' colicctlon giv.:scvidencc Marie-Therese, daled l9J7; lhc _rugged of media available. the use or graphile to 10 lhcir .\end1ivi1y In ~ lccting 1he\'Brylngsub­ strength in thech.1n:ool.Minor1111rcc1 Nuc, crca1c a dc:scripti1-c line was only a starting jcct mnuc:r and tcchniqurs inherent in 1he dated 1933, and the: cbulliem and folTt'ful Through July 25 point for m05t of the artists. master works or the 20th ccntur)' artists color seen fn lhe /Jcu,r l';:mmcs Nucs, dates Japan= folk toys will be on ahibit in Funhcrmorc, "liquid" mcdia -v.'lltercolor, rcprrscnted in this exhibit. · • • 196(,. ,' • the Swirbul Library Gallery at Adelphi oil, pastel and {!ouache • v.crc preferred o-.cr Dr. Robert and Connie Nowinski beg.in While rhe Nowinskis' lo,-c for Pica,uo is Unh-crslty. For more information, call "dry" media. Liquid media v.ue used to their nrt collection a short eight )'ears ago. rcpn.-scmcd in the ex Mb fl only by drawings, 877-3S60. apply color nt itsfull intensity and to actiwte A biologist by profrssion, Bob is now in the 1hcir collection also contnins several of , huge areas with a broad spectrum orcolo rs processor creating his third hcahhcarecom­ Picasso's major prinlS and ccmmi~. Know­ Through Aug. 9 without representational d~ption or ar­ pan)', The zeal and inquisitiveness Bob ing their admiratfon for this onist, their An exhibit of 20th Century Water­ ticulation of volume by chiaroscuro. Ink sh(?WSin hisproressioniscarried through in qucsl for other workl rrom other periods colors, Drawings and Sculpture rromthe wash and watercolor enabled thearti.u 1ocx• his·IO\'C and pursuit of art. may ,-erywcll continue until virtuallyC\-cry Nowinsk.i Collection will bcon display at plo(C new ways or prrscn1fngsubjcct mailer The Nowinskis' fil'$l acquisition \I'll$ the period and medium by Picasso bas been col­ the Nassau County Musc!um of Art, and create an atmospheric quality. Tcchni• Rod in sculpture Man Falling From The lcc1cd. Roslyn. For more information, call qurs were invented on the spot that incor­ Hcavrns, which was purchased in 1984. O1hcrartists represented in the collection 484-9338. porated conventional materials in Their passion ror Rodin has not diminish­ include Archipcnki, Bal1hus, Dali, Klee, .. uncom'Cfltional wo1ys. Color and line became ed, as evidenced by their most rc<:cnl ;u:quisi• Kandinsky, Gauguin, Moore;- a11d Van Through October ln1cnkpendcn1 and inscparablc:ln Ih e draw­ lion; the bcautlrul, sensual marbkE\t', This Gogh. The Klmdinskyislhconlywork iothc "Small Wonders: The Art ofShips- In ing process. on-going reeling for Rodin is paralleled by collection which is entirely abstract. Yet the Boulrs" will be on exhibit at the Whal: Eru:hart rormarisrs fromthenccdsor1he the Nowinskis' passion for the works of subtle balance ofelements in th is piccecoin­ ing M=um, Cold Spring Harbor. Ad­ rutist. The use of the artist's individual Picas.so. TI1ePicas.=in1hcircollcctions.pan c:ides with theNowinskis' IO\'e rorthe figure, mission is $2. For more information, call technique varies with the same frequency the period from 192010 1966. Therangcof which ls an essential part or their collecting. 692-9626. that differences in the individual artislS C'<· Picasso is seen in the elegant line drawing The exhibition will be.at the museum lst. Pl:rsonal tcchniqurs arise spon111neous­ from Trois Nucs Sur La Plagc. dated 1920; through Aug. 9. For further informatjon, t. ly asdlstine1ive answers to unique problems.. a quie1 tenderness seen in the Portrait of call 484-9338. ~

Celebrate America's 1 Birthday At Teddy RECOMMENDED... Roo!ie'·elt's House TM Blut Ptrrrot Caft in Ros/Jn will host tlt-t ... Enjoy 1ht PltasurtofHirCan,pany. an amusintlook DI afaJhtr-dauthttr._rtlatlon­ /)QJ-k Frkdnuzn, tduCtllorand :w:ond ofa strlts of wint-tastlng dlnnqs tnrmalntr, w/11 p«Jorm hn­ July/J. Thtwintso/~9rg1Duboeufwill shfp, aJ Broadho/Jow'.s~Slagt 71lttllrt 'l-tmulca, A Ctltbrarlon" bt prest'nttd w,•Jth ··a flvt cour,st mtal lnRockvilltCmue. Ptrjonnanca1U11fron1 • prorrorn July ,t a1 Satamo~ pllpam/byChtfCaroJGl11liantl/L For In­ JulyUtoAug. /6. Cal/845-7519forlnfor­ 11111 lllrtorlc Silt In Oysttr . formation, CtJll 611-1,n •. •Tht lad>• In mation. . . The Caitlin Brothtrsand Eddit' &Ji Hn-prozrorn, which wlll Qutstion, a play by Charin· Busch, will bt Rabbitt will perform in a TNN Country bt htld J:J04:JO p.m., will bt performed al the Studio Tlltattr, UIS. Conctrt July 14 at Westbury Music Fp.lr. prutdtd by a mllltary band Wei/wood Ave., Lindenhurst July 17 Ticktts art S11.50and Ctlll bt obµzlntd by pu/ormlnfthtmuslcofSou.so through Aug. /5. It is now a cafe tlleatu, calllnK JJ4-{)8()(). Others performingin tilt (l-2:JO p.m.) and fol/owd by withgounnttcoffttand baktd goodsstrV• Country Concert series on different dates a sptelal trlbutt 10 Thtodon Nllleachptr/ormanct. Tlcktt.smd/5. RJr art! Kenny Rogtrs, Wllllt Nelson, Kathy Roosp

North dealer. hia locticabn~fired when ho leapc,d Both aidee vulnerable, • impul&ively lo lhrco noLrump over NOJn'H Norlh'a'two diamond rebid. ♦ A73 &ut•Woal prompUy caahed five •81 heart tricka lo put aecJarcr down ♦ AKJ94 one on a hand where he could have ♦ J66 made ,live cluba with 100 honon,. WEST EAST lnttnd or acoring 700 pointa, South ♦ J4 ♦ Q9662 went mlnua 100 for a lou or !lOO • AQ 1062 ,KJ96 polnle. • ♦ Q 1058, ♦ 872 Thlto lypoofmiaadventurooccura ♦ 42 ♦ 8 occuionnlly to playora wlio tend to S0l1FH act prtdpit.ou.tly when dealt a long ♦ K 108 1101id minor auit, without bothering • 4 3 t.o check whether notrwnp ie tho ♦ 6 , right epol Such ployere Cail lo real· ♦ AKQ 1097 3 izo that tho ahort.cat rout.o ia not The bidding: neccsaarily tho beat way homo. . North &el Soulh We11l II I• certainly true that In the I I ♦ • Pass 2 ♦ Pa.u g:rentmnJorltyofhandawhereoilher 2 ♦ Pua 3NT· five clubs or five diamonds can be Opening lead - aix or henrt.a. modo, Tone can al80 make three cLASSIFffiD ~ ­ noLrump. But that In itaolC ia not a 1 Many player• suffer from a good re8110n for failing to invcatlrate maloclycallednot.a.unpit.iawl,.,nthoy tho minor auit gamo when the .· L---~ are dealt a lone. alrong minor auiL notrump gamo la In doubL GranLed that abt or seven winners in In lhc pniaenlcuo,Soulhahould· a euil are a wonderful nucleua (or a havo made tho convenienco bid of EXTENDED nolrwnp gamo, there alill cxlale tho two epadea over two dlamqnda in problem or anau:hinr nine lriclut order lo invite North to bid notrump ITS befON the opponenle ,natch five. with a heart at.oppor if he had one. Here laa typical cue.South wu North would havo retreated to lhroo HOURS auraly rig-ht lo think in torme of ot clube GJ¥I South, warned twice of tho leaatapme when his partneropened hole in hollrl.t, could then have bid In addition to our regular Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:30 hQurs. the blddinr with one' diamond. But tho club pmo. you can also call in Saturday from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. 747-8282

FrkadaoltM AruSti­ Satar-day, Aapt& 1 IPM FestJval aJ baaW'ul Friends Oma.a-& Planting Fklds ArborrJum Job DukWU'tll la O,strr Ba7, NY.JI'• tM 'IbllS25&$20 ptrltd duct ol put mule and the grtal oatdoon. of the Lawn sis• SUMMER FESTIVAL Satmday, Allpd 151PM Sunda7, J1111t ll 7PM Arts . SpJl'O G,ni James Gamy Ttnl $25 & $20 Tent $40 & $35 Lawn SIS• LawnSIS•

Salurday,Jal74 7PM :presents Safurda.1, Aqmt ll lPM TomCbapla W,J11toa Manalll G41CS open at 5PM Tent S25 & $20 All tickclS S15• the 1.awns1s• Saturda7,J11IJ 11 IPM 'Melissa Mancbesur COUNTRY GARDEN Tent S35 & $30 p~rfect CONCERTS Lawn SIS• Richard Kapp 111d manbcn of the Pbilharmonia Satlll'day, Jaly II IPM h armony V'utuosi11~1Flclds MON. Waylon Jtnnlllp Tent S25 & $20 Art>crewm, OySICr Bay, NY JULY 'Lilwn sis• Sundays 4PM: JUIIC 7, 14 of 111d 21 . 1ickcu S17.50 Saturday, Jul7 l5 IPM .each. All 3 concau $45 ~natloa HID Jan Band music For a free ~ call Tent S25 & $20 Fricods of the Ans ll SHOWTIMES ADVANCE TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT Lawn SIS• (516) ffl-0061. For Mon. 4:30 & 11:00 SHOPPERS VILLAGE and tickcu, call f,-. .c:30 1 a:00 & TURNPIKE ClEANERS 27-' HEMPSTEAD TPKE. Saturda7, Ao,ust I 1PM w.d. 4:30 & 8:00 TICKETMASTER _,_.,,...... , TICKETINF0:(516)4119.o800 Canadlau Bnm \ Tent S25 & $201.awn SIS• (516) 883-9000 OR AOULTS(Age 13-61) SUO CHII.OISENIOR $4.00 ' nature. (212) 30'7-7171 ' RESERyEO CHAIR SEATS $2.. 00AOOITIONAl •ADoac:.M ....• .... He On 9-dayi, TICNIIS Anl On Sak> On Tho Circus Midway -- ,,f .r .r ..r .r ✓ ..r..r...r...rvvvv L.I.Library Eglevsky P~emieres 'D-Construction' i..... "D-Conslruction!' a ballet that The New >. l l>rk Times' dance crith: Jennifer Dunning i called "a slccklycxplosi~1: 111vrkou1 for four Voice, Of lbe Game, Curt Smith. ti Hreslck/Slmon&Sdiusttt, 575 pp.,S15. men in black 1anksuitS:' hu Its LI pn:miere II 1111heAd:ams Playhousc(!iofstra Universi- ! 1y)onSa1urday, July 18, whcnthcEglMky Balin presents its Summer '92 program. The a- ' Most people who like ~ball. broad­ ~ casting or journalism will enjoy this book, program for the 3 p.m. matinee and 8 p.m. an updated version of the 1987 volume evening performances include SW:Jn Lake, l chronicling baseball on nadioand television. Act II, In• Country G11rden and the world Broadcast buebaU started soon 11fler premiere of Michael Vernon's Zobi u i radio's first broadcast in 1921, and on the Mouchc same station that pioneered radio itself, Dancer/choreographer Scptlme Webre 1 performs with the American Repertory ... KDKA. From Harold Arlin's broadc:ast !, from Fo1bcs Field in Pittsburgh through the Ballet Company. In recent ye.ars he has present, Smith-a former Reag~n emerged as a dynamic new choreographic speechwriter-duonicles not only 11111ioruil­ voice. For his home company, which was r ly prominent broadcasters, but those on a formerly the Princc1on Ballet, 'M:brecmlled !" local and regional lcw:1 who have imparccd "And So II Goes'' and "D-Constnmion:• ! 'the magic and lyricism that rruikcs bucball His works have been performed by the the most l

HAVING A Eam $500 - $1000 weekly stuffing GARAGE SA1.E?? envelopes. For details -·RUSH $1,00 MRS.GAllD 'lbl,radhete !Udles:!00.000 with SASE to: 333-1600 rude111n 19 papers tvery GROUP FIVE POSlf,Ok'S 5Tlll .A-'I/JUOU to -.cai11'1,02b)'Mon· 57 Drive, Suite 307 ln,e f'l.l.ffiet afld ~ ,..... , ltOl't'I day 12 PM and your eel llrillbe , h-Offl• 1500.00 pe, 1000. Ct ll NU.Al'Oll,,(Mft.. tt: a.,.,..,, In~_.. Dover, DE 19901 OWIC~Gn\~ \--ICJO...... rlt dmiN.. ,n. • J wo,, at fl.t«l•. C&.11 fo, ffto•• ~•• ~ C09,P.a.trp ~ti 1111111., o.Wt11•, PtLSSl. •Ut24 1'1S u,.. t h,tlu ., 111 ftlllU P-'Mf. GfOiP i&­ c,o&na-af. N ~ ..tLtoe,.(1. """""'-.411-3880 lutVt.ce. --♦ltr Mltt..-'Ml'II .. ICI • E.$4.. "ec:ntt,.,.,...__~NN ....._~tl,C0l.lk&lfrbl. MULTI•PAMILY 01.IUOE $ALE ,M:/11&11..10-C.Fum.iort,.tod&. - cln"l0022t<>IOI. "''"'"'' '''•At•llUI.IJoQS.°"4f ftllffltnt Finn, In bullneu lot ,mr lb(..n.t\t»f"-11\0~fo,,M' PBTS e00 lleffi.a,, CAll l.-00-'6t-.&8,S,~ 1-211-1:1&-tao1,oo.saaa c.et...,,, fOf tl.1,1o.t\1s&. GrMI i , ,n,,..itio,.. ta...~..ao. (HTSC>Jf) ~tt a c.ntury, wU/i olllctt tllroughout 8AM8PM7...,. can 111,-5s3e oua,antua a,,.,,, ffom u,, lht counlry, and - U bllRon I" ,om,Ofl Df,Ol.lfOenhOffi& P,W, 111111 uncltr 11111\lgttntflt. ttofklft11 '1.C:Alk)ft pCVI •nc.en• lhe {l t QfitltnU • 0111, Will Our firm la 11p1ndlng, 1nd our U1111ge,a art hiring lot 0119ot1unlllt1 PROOFREAD.ER ''' '" c:.n 52 Help Wanted kl the 1'°"9 lal1nd aru - beuUII OAII Ell tell 800--446-6889 l!ltdl for nn1ncl1I p,of1ulo111l1 ls Aweeklynewspaperchaln, based In grute, loday lhln-1 How olttn do Mineola, needs a proofreader for fFIUC~ 0\ll'HfA-O .. lP'4lOJ\5 • you hoar llllllhnt drp? II you 111 I Mon., Tues., & Wecl. evenings 5 to 8 U ,000 , ,o~•Of'I bOftllt, fo, ••,, . ADVERTISING OMnr,ml,_ lndltlduol 1111!1 1mbl• (lw•hl+•O ,:1,1 1.,.,. •llh O m OAlf\• p.m. an.d for Thurs. & Fri. a.m. ts, 01A••P41Wtl<-. 11,,mon,.f1.,.o~ SALES lion and d!M, CO<\l.lct III today! 9 5 11\I u 1 11 ..,_.1 , I., II\U~1141'\(H ..,,.... 1Wt t,aln tllorou(lllly. Plu11 In rNUmt lo p.m. d O..r-. aol'IP\Anwfi<;~V•"I.J""", 1 eoo-1-.,2111, o.oc.Oll Prime territory avail• ,511-742-SlOe, ot hnd rwt1J1M wlll1 cowe,,1111" to: able selling display No Experience Necessary 4M~..GAffl NIUonal Racn,Ulng Oll'ICtot TRUCK ORIV[llt: advertising for u :s INlUIIUHCI OFNCf IN MIN, Returnees Welcome 12COO'SIOM ON &ONUS ,OI ..... l_OUANdt rn (4,1'1-10ffief s.,. ARSf INVESlORS CORPORATION crw altl!I CI 011,·.,. •m• • MOIII"• largest chain of paid « • ~ Oood 1104"'0 & aot••f 570 Tuitt Rd.. Elmsfotd, NY 10523 CALL OTA~~• M tb,·lf.. l'• ~ ,'-'11>.bp.,,.,~ IAQ •uU• tit• to, IM•&M•IIM .-d newspapers. Outside , ....m o,.,..,,,. C.t. ,Od.att CO~ f AAH'5 advertising sales ex­ First Investors 7 4 7-8282 Ext. 133 ;;:~~':')t~~a.pf A,.~1 perience necessary. lUltlWl W I S-""VIC.0,.-.., 5£CUAl1Y OUAfltO,S..•Fff P;T WA RC.HOV!( 01~CA-Ac1.,..., Sal., commission ~ Mt;o, W,.t tt'ff'I ❖ IMMEDIATE OPENINGS ❖ OFFICE ASSISTANT , ..... t.,,.,,,..t~ ,~ MIMOfl lOcl lb\_ A.ffJ1ff0,f([,0, _,Qll'M_ H1,uu plus benefits. Con­ '"' ·"'~"" '•Vf'~ ,..,.,.,, ...,, Pl'•f C a J1 1,1,0t\ r 11 Hilffl-4Pff' t"""o, Cow.ti111• Ooocu•~llt SEASONAL MAINTENANCE/ Par1'11me ~•f~,ntc~r '111~1- tact s,ull c.taUJfltd ath•IUllno •.twrhUtot,M.IOO -~"'"""" •~toc.aliM:t Aottyn• ..-u ~ GROUNDSKEEPERS C:lf'l iUllolloOA,Oht~ pe, ..... Christopher Weslm1n at (Collego Ago) Uol tu,, • •t".I W..ttc>m•, ,S $6.00 per hour WINTERADVERTISING LO<. .II UOM. U• IIOn• "14if¼ IOC• • ANOTHUI PAJ,t o, KAHDS Mineola, NY 11501 Ho" ,.,. • boul O\lf ,A(hlf\(• Q\JHSt(iOtf/tiom• o..,e ,2s Mlntof1 Annu• rr, ttllH Ut., , 1n11. •Ouca1,e1 Raport 10 Porsonnol Olfico. n.. 1,n HI'9h11, NY 11571 C,omc,,IU>QAP'OQlltn a.iOP b'f ~ •• om«us,,,.l;-.;M;.,. ou• f•n c••••• 1ttn1i,a, '"h O\l t ,n.atot1.abl.. Ptt)Ot'l,1l1.r,i,d AdminlslraIlon 8uildlr,g ~~tC.a.U7 14a1 PAffJ f1Mf---•"°'11•b!ft pt,'IOf'I 6J.>6N""°"°''011f\itln o,: c,u '0°''"'°""rlld 4C:O! l'l.t"'~tGI Division Avonuo, Hlcksvlllo lo _,_,. Uyt,,'wll., ( :I~• ff>f Uajf On:tt, 1S4 A M)II Q. 1'0f'wl<.h com 1010 n lic:nlloo. 0,d,tf 011 • • UI• pl.olno, 1100. A 1hll)pl"'ll,UP'S~A••o'ul ffiltraWl. l"lt.. U l'I{ 1,1,1,t01i1ftd•ftQI 516-922,9800 k'IG!HI C::.0... lltMJ;J AVAILABLE ~-.JOf\ll U.PNON£CO"'°"'l'Ll'1 11'0 1t(ftftlC.I Al'l.1, f~ll• lltft, I C ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE count M'M<• ,, o,. oo-,,1 ton,t4o GENERAL"MANAGER ._.pe,,'-"ce~ ffJ' lti.,11.ull PART TIME/EVENINGS • PT/FT Accounts Receivable Clerk, 1t'a 1».MQ1 .J, !737 Data Entry. Costomer Service tJ."tN7d.lJ'I TELEMARKETERS Private Club • Restaurant - Inn Call Mrs. Wallace WANTED · . HighlyOualifled•40Yrs. ElIJM ~, fll'!'tl')"'?W111t • 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. d'lalliwlc,k\o_U,_,'7HNdn...itlttd.fiV1.,,.,K~H..,.1CMl AIL--~ CAIWIOCtt.Ufl&AN LAOY 56 Child Care tf ~ TAAOU Ill~OWMCl'°f'PM'I, ~~jvtl ~ WNI r • • • II.of• H l i.,..11'1 Cof'nP• l'I• Wonted 'f'Ol(t• toolJ"O ,cw. 't1'I ..tco,ne l'O'.t 10 conuc.1 Ol.tf ~ • WOfM,._ WOl&Ef'SOf' fHE,A(S$:fR,£[ RECEPTIONIST 1 10ft fo1 • ld1 Hy P lflOft [1,, ori,e,iited·~ .lungco.En;o,\oltUifflll.Ot~ap(Htnllafwhi\fJOtii tJ,t.UlfMO.ONMC•for,OO~!Jft­ -~. ..., .. e,n(:fl.,,._... PartTime(posslble FT In future)J=or busy "'-• QJOfldfb: ..,-.o,. 'f"Ol,I' tDWda.·een.,n,,:. COfflPl,tit bajnlno Pl"09fMT' • Mou tl1'Q,.,..._rsoft1'tptt: ..~ ro, • molorment • llh • wHll,ly ....61'1C6. H.n.t.U ltfr1~a-,1 Habi&. ; p~one/receptlonist 9-1. Mineola Location ...... ~-.....-- ·Slal&&eno Am•N...... ,. r,>wt t4 10 H YPA H....,.11.,, Ea• ' MRS:GALlD K-.ttl~ P-,t. lo.tr, A.!btn)', K t 747-8282 .,:~=., · 333-,600 Will,..,_ Judy CHILD 54 0 11 0 CARE t"'.=1!.="=a=:m=E=:==:=:=:==~e:::1-~-"-..-~---:-:-~-:-:-;;.-:r-.~-, Aea1 Estate MUST Sl!LL .,.... . • '"-2" ..,.,. 10. l-. AVAILABLE o.-1ta1111...... i ;::.,-:;;.-:,.-:::.:.:;:..."':'.= 69 Apts For Rent 69 Apts For Rent 75 Seasonal R.cntals "-loctS\l,W,H- 111~77.. s--.m .._TwoednncMC/1,.._UI wll,pl, hUQO ~lul.. lO U,E.Jutl rod.ad ---~--WAT£MRONl IV,tCCAlll· -ea•-" 110.000. I<> I 109,990 ~ I.Nft --J\aHOIII, _, .,0.0-11--. __g,ul ...... ,at"' :~"'''' dlO, AIC, o•uo .. A.1 STUDIO ROOMS COASTAL CAROLINA COVE REALTY 62Hll61 S70AUP tlocneslt«s ISLIPTERRACE W1lUSlON 'A"-K COWNJA.L,,-l at BR. ,c, 11\,f!o1110A&l.R.,fvnUy OUH COVC-M~1t31'4 &ft,, t "i Pr!Tt.-. tntf)', MU11 UCR...,fully 1Nlchlng lhow.indJ 4 IA;, 2 CwrU'tt..Lft DR.MW II " • '"''' ...__ ·--"'~,oo,,\~Olfao& of •w ,,.;,. (ogcs 18-2.5) slr,a, WS6. c"•"· 2< • ' on•o• "'"' ttHI Harding flplc. Vptl• ha. P,O.ll ~"-1 Oc<·ti & fliNl.t.. •11..-, t-MslfN •0eant Va<.~I MOd~2DR POlll WI.SH!MCITON4 All •o<. l IOL wtl•~~l.4lt)' '13-4119-UQ Call us today... AuPAIR~ , 1kn1 1\.\ 0 111'\, SHOO~ltnmtsf DIUIK.D!W.IINPll\ing l'otlu,, llu\lSill l10MtSTAY &J1.1WOWM1~ •(212) 517-8200 l"""tl'lfom.aUonc.aJI it00J)00Neo-, IJ,1-4 • ,t\ llOAU w•n,,uc1t w.,_."°"''· Or••• NJ..l)OO un/li,1, u1ru,11. ,0A,101h, SCAQ.Jf'F-20RC0Ui.0t,.JIPJ(J, I US.2330 ♦'ldol..s po,ch, fk'tMtnt ,CAC, mo. Pfh••• w,1il 10 nnaQ&.- 1»:tllO =r-~:':~~~:e:::,i u1t1>o•t w11er 000In9, PH· IINdi'unf\d'NU\fd. M2S l'Ki, • tL •K1 ,ne.soo .SE.ACUf-f'..2DR.2Wt1'1G04ll9' t"'°"u,i..aw~ COilEREALTY 62Ul161 58 Health Care 63 Real Est-ate HOM'ti ,011ic, D•,horu Cot( MANHATTAN l•Ot , l8R, llll,pl, •nclol•d COVE REALTY 621,6161 Wanted Wanted pc)fCh, IWQ., U f'ld IMl (l'l, •· Sf.A GUFF-Wau,vl•·•, .a.is OR. , oooi..,uu..._ c,1n11w '"•• • D•nk fcu.c-lot• ti l~U\S. f•p•c:., A.IC. oa,ao-, ~ atd, 11,1,, T"9AM.,tca wi-.twlftgoll•lt~•. l~ ,000 ftlah41d/1,1Afu:11'W•Mi0. $:2,000 S,lf,000 BURTLEWIS R.E. COVE REALTY 621-6161 t8111 . I b.llh.tu~--.llc.PI~,"'.__,, tM• ball\. wOO(I fk>c),•. ell wJ!'l- PCA'SfHHA'S .._.... IIS.1110 ',M·Wl $.BELLMORE PT VO.,Ni.HQt0,,.,2ncl Uoo,, 18R. 00•1,1tmhc 1-0uU'l•Hi • ' ••~ RN'SJLPN'S ,m,-..Unf~Ae.sct.nls..t DooftNn..lnchaottn..l1f'lc~b, ~1, l t~l8'1.1Yt: O,IC~a. ~MIOrf'lood.~6f1,~1, & llklO­ Po~. l"heftVtt!19tt, htalll'ICIQO, P\'tc•~U.ctll IIIA IOWW NLUl 'IOU ...im. 2Fl\ OldO,•a, N.U "°tnsiONI1 eo..Reatt1 11,.,.. Call71Wl$-5&43 :7.;:::-:•;:!!i!:1! :~:~:: all•r7:00l'M ~ ql.lnt.ffl,.,.,1 SEA CUFF I VICINITY ~ "·"""'"'JIS,100 1&1\1100• tot.II.-• 69 Apts For Rent 1tt,tOeM11H.MI - 64 Homes For Sale Jl,JIJl50.niHt 04CIIIIU171 __,21A·St, ..,rl.)8" _ _1.~ 1.COQ. MiAIOJfflN.rtDtD.. CA ~;°;'~2-:.. .a:1$. DCU.U"111/TU1..,,_n ·"--"•"Pu.or. ... ._,,,..,'"9ft 'ro!TACffllUOCO JlWIU SANDSPORT 883,7780 C.Uvt · ·60 Business 011' RHlty 871,230() 78 Vocation Homes Opportunities 75 Seasonal Rentals IIOIITltOl.0 lOWNHOUSEFORROO aeyltOl'llbcJ11.... fgrUl,•01-C: lfll\HJ Colonf•I whit 0....C.->1111.ZYiW:,.,u,, a.. ,,ou,CITYUTl,TU OIO#OttdC'J\&ffll.,.,2.\0, a.Ut. OA.'ll

84 Offices for Rent 78 Vacation Homes '3 PREMIIER CROSSWORD I By Jo Paq~in Amor Patriae ll ~ ACROSl:, 53 - ftngor 02TVs"Tho - clp or cutter 45 Allhut1an Island 1 Wdlsthe 54 Sounclln· ot San 2 Va~ > l loo, ,Lady 80 Pat11 . shon blasts FrandS()()• \'loln 48 S.ys furthor 14 Poma fnit 79 Time Shares GBarllic 104Clvneso 11 • - Beaulilur marmoset su.cu,..,..,-o1nc.- ancient Syria warohou,. 114 Loadl:f. d0cli j oboltglno (song) 58 Farthest 118 Soaks n 1.00014-tt.cu1N...... , 21 Sir 01.inoess 82Strong 105 Star In the .,.100. 22.Florlda ,c,1y 10AC1orA~ ir,:ms lquid . lncinatlon Big Olppor 11 Oismoun1 511 razllan 1180Mwho, 23Amertcun 63 Hosp. staffers 106 "'Greon Eggs 12 Silent Siar danc. f,,. palriot beleves In 80 Parms/Acreage 64 Nativo and-· Pola 151 Author God 2. 25 Oescripllon Moxlcan food 1011 Incite or 13 Yearning Wi11S411and UHOSAl.f • DtfllCIIOST GOU' & 85 Office Space ol 23 Ac:ross 90 Prnldont ol .. CC.~"'1pgolt...... ,_, 858unkoiH/lfa SllnC1lon 14 fn lavor°' namesakes Czoc:ho$lova• 1:- IIIOfloC1,...,,,,ll"lg'1il0l1ie11,,~ To Share 27 French 'verb war 111 Highway 15 Sour sub- 64 Evon tho .. l~luutlf\l.l~t irl~l,Y 28 "Ode to 811fio kla -«<»111-nu,,n..,~1, 67 Slrong, long• hauler S1ance 100Crustvng ~ OREA! liiCll.f'rtr11oollkt "'""' Joo·s1ng., -~kC,za,r~(H'(SCANJ awlte.. P,uuo, UldO, ,,,no. a staplo cotton 113 T1appo, ,18 Moifem· 66Abbr=•. on 30 Music.ii snak• j brlotb UM. i1MIJ◄.1'0 68 AClloss Utl an 115 v-dan magistrates Navy ships 101 Purposive 8 1 Lots For Sale group and tho 111 •... maglstra111 17 French 67 Pa11ot a 103 It has a 10w 31 Speclany tor homo-· 116 The Mnuto• OllW NCC~l'l'~Off.lit.._ student sentenc. pH , ~tl.#'f\.&emoMt 111IAO&II ~ anls 75 ~ Indian mon, for 18StrNlshow 611 Plndar1c 105 School fa, ICCOUl'IW,1 • IIOfMJ Ot .,._ 32 c.il dlr. 0 · ngs exam~ ' .24 l

84 Offices For Rent

11.... HASUT Prot.. olhu Cl fdo. ,.~ JQ , , ~ nLW--1JIRR..0..N C. (SJIJ)l.s,..&414

GLEN COVE 91 Store For Rent Pfk'Ni 00."IOWfl ait-a. 0!\17 1 1,n. N•• ffiOCJ• fn bfd;. R.enl tHTOUOROECOR.ATOA"GS'TOA( COf\UU JonL A.molt ltH 10, t aJ, o, l•••e. U1,i.101a ""•-• -"'O flot lfn Hla. t,8001-Q, fl tl0,1 & UOO tQ. h . cwi,1. 671•3330 (9-6 PM) "t1a.11,.a,co.~16--62e,;J100 676-7031 (alter6 PM) POfnWASHIN0'10N-l,1'03~ft,.+ ft;,tlbtlTII AN1~,W 1t .. ARand .,00t,folt,__~ • • Si.,ll _,.. ~OIOltJc;• SANDSPORT 883-7780 POAT WA$ ►HNOTOtHftw IO• ~e.1,0SO~ft.,-.,teic-1,01oltlc:• Otbl.l.ti l'WI Jt. It~ lowft&c...ntl"J"I UMlOO

Answer 10 Crossword ruzzll' No. S28 HOPS SLASHIOUCALISOAP OL I O ■ TINEA ENATE ORLE OEAF ■ OSIER TASTE FREE SOFTBALL ■ OOE HARDTACK -s1rE}lc1HASMIAEos- P A SIH A S ■ C HIA T T E R O A O V E A AO 110 S • L O Al T H • A E F N Al VE NO OIE.T E A RIS.L I NE ol PA IG EA E• LJ:~,H s ET T L ES E TA L E s1s'e E TE TON• so F T co AL -o TT o ■ RO NO o ■ NE Ro- HARO HE AO N I S S E-N A TII VE A VA ERRATIC ■ BRAIDY-CAN HASH•S~~-HIONEIS.HINT ASSAMID&l !!!~&S ■ OANCE A, A p ED 7 For anawera to today·• erouword, call 1·too.45.. 2 J 00) OD~ pe, mlnure, roueh• STERESISUBORNS-BURGER STU 11111 • lone/ rotary phono1. (18• only) A King Fea1urn serv,eo, NYC. -o O L T.SIA N DIE H E E 0 SOFT AR El A AWi S OJ:_ TSE LL , 529 Average tlm• of tolutlon: 52 mlnulff. A G I O TE~P'el~Ll~EIHUEY CRYPTOQUIP KELP EAMES OUSEL IRAN EELS S T ART DA.. . I LL PE N N NSUE RSUK LUQUDA,UW RSUK NULU WUXMEMRUAK Answe~ to tiryploqulp: • THE INSECURE.MANAGER HAS AN OFFICE FULL ZCQMEV RC TSMTD ,VC, MR RSLUN ZU XCL D ~CCF. Of PEOl>LEWJiO'~GREE WITH HIM; ,rs CALLED Today's Cryploqulp clue: R ~uah T THE LAND PF N~DS. . ~alll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~------1111111111---l!llll------■--~~... ------l 1 ..-:=r I Service Gui e ffl»u f.,..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.-.------

i: ------. CAl'EAING , l _.,.YDA.l"1N CUSTOM FIDORS R US MOVE IT FOR LESS EKTEll'DINIIENT ;. ~~·"·'"""'•'~ Speclallzl119 In~ Anrihlno up lo 10 mfi.s,s.10 t ~-,ut.. Nn'lroe>t..so.ciafw. • Vout Solulloa IO I Appllaneel,OtllceMm_,I 5-J&Jllll llou1ttie.nifts bl ?: ,,-..eon.u1w60n ' lMlf~....,...... , •l'b.... Cc)tpcmt•CowoJTtuclecuel BBQ Chicken or Albs PSYCHIC CONSUi.TANT Grilled Shrimp or Beef Kabobs ' AUTO WOODFl.0011 To Cel~llles, tpPUtW 011 Sl't'.CIALIST Potalo Sa.1ad or MaCatOnl Salad ~f"Cllf"O • S-lalnlog • Ha_m~~~rt.e111 OltWUOIIIIALDO Ot•achtno • Plcktlno Prl'late re1c11ngs & panles ,,,.,...... ,AMO ln ■ t.1111at ton~o•1,. Ccm on lheCob ·Fnee CUSTOMER c.llSandyFot Appolntmenb SERVICE PROGRAM" Garden Salad otFruit Salad CALL ULTRA Fl.00115 922-3482 -.tea ,_._35 c.JI ,_ to an tao, nta -,,u ~._. ,NimlW.AJ'U -...... ------o.c-. "'I'~monlzina lll'8aC HOIE PAINTINQ IN TOUCH IIIPROVEIENTB PAINTING D.J. Company ONEMANBAND lnlorior ul..iot "9'~ 91- IJJ.J'' 1-J. a....,.,J,. Professional Oise Jockeys and Me's -­ SIDING• GUTTERS •OOMMEllCtAL CARPET CLEANING DECKS WINDOWS• ROOFING, • RESIDENTIAL "l=fill Lighting & Special Elfec:ts System .._.,--.c-l2.ICIO FrM EatJmales - · All OOUlm' DlCOUHO OulUlf'l l1-fLV--,,.Wlndowl W• Specialize In NRTYlUNNING MIGHTY CLEAN -Custllll DlCQUll000$• CARPET CLEANERS JIii -..0 - SO Fl 674-4745 Weddlng.s•AnnlY'8narles•S-t16'a•Bal18at AMWOttiOOM~t.ti .,,.,., .... ~ THERMAWME Mltzvah'a •Graduation•• Corporate Pattin '"Slooo~• AflCl!Ptol~tj -~•c..,,.&v..,.Slclloo--- 23-4-()959 FRED SMITH For Any Occasion (~1~) 360-3570 "!J'•fi,{adi;,H ""'NTINQ-Ml'Vl HAHGIHO 'IJM10utH-INJ" •~,rr~Cl5 IJ UGKT CARPEHTll'I •51--FRU CSTIMAf(S· 1119 ll:SIJ.113511 c .. 111>1>1 l'<. ,,..,_- 1M UP-BEAT DEEJAYS SAWS PAINTING lnlorlof • E,,te,tor FlnHt Ouallty Ptlnto "Professional Disc Jockeys.at Nut, Rert•b!e. Insured r-EtL C.U E- 3Ut740 An Aifo~dable Price." PIANO TUNING f W[ IUY A.NYTltrNO 0\0 • • mn,M:w,t-••AddlUoos M•lln-Sy,lems,Coln """"•· Estlm11,.s,lr1u,~ . 3~ -6277 . LIC.Jl NS.,PAOFESSIONALS , :IS YR. AT&T Ellne, FotFREEBloc!lutt01&axn.1t, re4.J)onaJfllllty, for any •lll,Jt1l0ot•Rld~ Spfayl111>-Far1lllzlng Limousine Bu~• • ~d;on> • Anrlque> c.n:,~as reasoii;'tilr ao erro, In an 1dbeyondtheco11ollhe UcenNd l lnlUl9d Roll> Royer Strrlc~s • f•gu.,, Stretches CONVERT-A.:rue •81todl'DrUIAdctll!III bcAllbvr • licAlibur Srrretchrs • lmprrn Strrrche> adltsell. 1: Sc,eclal Progr9n1 for Anton Papers Claasl• Hamloct Wooly .-.S.'91d fled reser,ea Iha right to CALL NE\Y ADDITION BMW STRETCH~ edll,reJect,i:ancelorcor, NY$ Canlll~ Alborltl rectly classify 111 ad, EtL 1... 541-6451 l-800-540•DESIGN • 516-94.4.5588 • FAX 516-944••7096 822-6161 FREE ESTIMATES FIVE LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU Sharks were missing II few key players. Braves 6, Mets s. Ar.\ exciting piny ihat -:, • P U B L I C NOTICES The Cardinal$ cooiinucd 10 hit big,timc ended on a double play Wilh the bases Jo.id• ' J in game ten, as they walloped the Whlllcs ed. D.umy Rogers raced Into short right field ~ 27-11 . Mike Zuccaro had his third sbt RBI catch any bnll and fired Jhc bnll 10 first PUBLIC NOTICE 11 Avenuedbunt 14.S.l6ffft wHlofthtlntersec• fO game. golngS•S with a triple and a double. o;uc 10 Brent Rogers to nip a Mm runner ~ NOTICE ii bnof Duf(y A.. nue and Newbridr, l!oad,baving Chris Defeo went 4-S wilh S RBIs, and a publlcburiag wlllbebeld b7 the'lbwa lloudof • fronllge c,f 201.34 fffl along Duffy Attnue a,,d and complcl~ a double play. r,tichacl [ tli.'lbwnof071tu&7,NuuuCoun17,NowYotk. con1alning 5J,72ll aquue leet.Sald pttmisu hu Mathew Anglin \\'Cnl S-5 with :1,pair of MacKayhadthcbighil forthcBr.M:sdoubl• f 00Ttleada7,Jul72l, 1992.al I0o'dock a.m.pn,vaU• • 1lreu addr.11 of 148 •162 DuHy Avtnu•. doubles and 3 RBIs. Going 4 for 5 with 3 ing with t he.1Xl5cs loaded 10 dri,'c home Ihrce i Ing lime In the Hurinr Room, Town Hall, Ea.II Hftlaville.NtwYork,anddHttibeduS•clionll. ~Bis \\'Cre Stelios K:irns wilh a triple and a Building. Audrey Attnue. Oyater Bay, Now York, BlocU.Loll7GontbeLlnd&J1d'luM1po!Nuuu runs. Gus Mii.sopoulos pitched lhtt:elnnlngs 1:. for the pu~• of con.alderfng an appliealloa for Counly. The •bc>wmenlloned pethlon and map• double nnd Drtw Carr with two doublc.s. ' to get the win nnd Andm¥ Skorimuc pick• i! a SPCe. JcffSanumelli blasted n ui a. O..alunu·ol tbe 'lbwn ol Oy■ ter Bay aa follows: d&JIJ lu«pl 8 11urda,. Sanday or Holid171l bet• with 1wodoublesand Ryan Robcnswlth2 ,PROPOSEDSPECIAt.USEPERMl'nPe\JtloooI •••n lbe houn of9un, and 4:45 p.m, _pttv1mnr pie lodri,'C_in two runs forthc Mc1~. Sil~)"! J KUNO WECKENMANN ud IRMOARD llm.. al theolfia,oftbtTuwn Clerk al Oyster Day RBIs. Gle:uon pll~hcd 1hrcc tough innings lfnr • WECKENMANN lo uae promb.. lot re Lall ule aodManapequa. Anr~•i•l•tt■ Winlh••ub­ Oamc Eleven was a 15-10 win o~r Lhc Ryan l:la)'CS, Scott Bryan, and Vinnie C,;ir• i<'ct maueroflh• uldburiolr"ill be ri••n an op­ udlnstalbtlonollire.,pubUcpra~wa,,,booae Robins. A5 in 1heir firsi mec1ing, the .Car­ roll plll)'Cd g<>o-run homer.. from David Wclli and and dove in six runs to lead 1he Braves. Oyaler Bay,CountyofNaauu,SuteofNow York, ~!~t~· Datod: March 2◄ , 1992, O71tcr Day, Niw four RBI s from KntlgDlnick. The li~t ~·s: Miss Third basem.in, Mike Zuccaro had 1wo four runs while John "Mr. Marvel" Moor Capnrclla, the physical education kacher, doubles andJ RDlsgiving him 37 RBIs for collc-c1cd I v.o hits and 3 ~ Bis. Jesse "The SL Dlay ,• lgnailus Fldd who org:inizcd both days: and :ill the the season. He also hnd five pu1ou1 /as$i s1s, Jet" Uanino delil'trcd a clutch dou~le thal On friday, May 22. the primary grades of includ ing a ln1c Inning-ending double play. scored two runs. In the fourlh inning St. Ignatius loyolnSchool hqd a field day at tcachernnd pnrcn1s who helped make bo1h days n-cnts 10 remember. First bilscman Mike Keneick wtnl 3 for 3 "Johin" Joe 1'Cfl "'., Joe Sh~ck, Mike Fries: ~ntho!'y three hits and Mark Lu:ija h~d t\\'0. Good Vertie. and Jonathan T.. ng each going 3 for Tobay Games T-shin, :..nd first, second DAmico. and N1chol:is Poganw11h1woh1ts defense played by the BlueJny's Joseph 3. N'obcnoOirbac::as,ShawnSadowsklgood and Ihird place mnners in each category a piece. Good hitting for the J:iy~irds by Yahan11an,MikcEsposito,H11rryCharalam- fielding forthe Whales. 1111d Greg Hnrtlcy will also recch,: medals. Tommy Kleeman with a homcrun, Gary bous. Md James Dowdell for good hitt ing. and PJ Sluka good hittlng. The Tobay Games has become one of McGuinncss and Tom Pascucci wi:h three Dolphins rs. Bluefish Ir. Making three · hits c:ich. hits fort he Dolphins \\CreChrisJacgcr(wilh The Bluefish end the season winning six the most popul:ir events of the town's h summer season. , Dolphiru 16,Sharks IS. Makingfourhits two good plays), Anthony D'Amico and out of, elastSC\cngamcstoimprovcrccord each forthe Dolphins were Chris Verde, An• Nicholas Pogan. Going 2 for 2 Mike Fries to nine victories and three loses. Key offen- TownCouncilmnnTomO.uksaid, "I thony D'Amic:o. and Nicholas "'gan. Going (with two great plays) and Chris Brldcnbach siv,: contributions from Dan·Ford. Danny ho~ mnny youngsters wjll take this op; nd portunity to test their athletic skills 1n 3 for 3 "'Crc Kevin Heaney and Phil l.dtal. and Shawn Golden with one hit. Good hit- Sicwan, a CJ Sicwart , and dean-up bat- friendly compctiton:• Joe Shuck \\'COi 2 for 2. Good hitting sup- ling for the Olucfish by Anihony lnzerelli tcr Tom Forman spnrkctl the victories. The plied for the Shnrks by ChrisCaliguiri, An- with three hits, Jason Geyer, Mike Gleason, excellent defensive play of Nicholas 1 Sisters, brot hers, cousins and school dn:w Nicole1te, and Nelson Baquet. Vincent Ca.lz.ancsc, Casey Lane. nnd Miles Guaraglia, Danny Schmidt, Chris chums can wt enjoy thi5 free e--cnt. Dolphiru21, Bluejays3. Hitting four hils Robiruon. tco"ll"IHd o" par• Z1J