1 . :. :_ ,,.. ., 7 ... •~: !- :: t;i;t ( ~ -- ~ .., _,: , ~. L;- , ,.::.:~ ~tS l J t'I lometo=nMt· . n J: 't>~ V" .\ ;: People ~-J· · t ~ - . ',, _ . 1. l · - ~ - .. : 1 Pagel ~ 111.CKSV 11 ..T.,E - 11 jl.,US'l'RATEI >NEWS Vol. 6 , No. 51 Thursday, July 2, 1992 35 Cents Thl~tion ColltinueS At Hicksville -High By J ohn W. Garx,r , eyes, work v,i1h 1h01 pcoon as a friend, C\fl' Thctnlditionconlinucsa1HicksvillcHigh r-..J if )'Ou do noc know his oc her idcntitf..: School as more than 300 graduates were ~ ; The Slllutatorian's mo.sage rcncacd on granted their diplomas and wished well by what lhcc:lnssof '92 had done and Whal they the faculty, administration, a~d Board of will dQ. John Bun sumcd, ''On Vlls",day w< Education of Hkk.svillc. gather 1orcflcC'I upon1hcp:ut, l1ridjoy inlh< present, and peer lntolhe future!' He remark• Presiding (7,'Cf thcQC!'CITlOnics, High School cd how the high school expcricnoc "dcYdopcc Principal Richan! Hogan told the students into a completely unfori;euablc apcricnc:t parents that high his and as a school principal that will always molcc us happi,' And he ask, proudest moments officiaung at com• are cd that his fellow wduatcs lc:4\-c this can~ mC1lfCITICnt cxtrdscs. Hogan's message ex­ panded on that pride. !'For many years better than when they found IL thousands ofseniors havcpanidp;itcd in this Board of Education president Cnrolt pn5tigjous c:aanony. They 113\-c said goodb)'c Wolf c::iutioned the graduates as 10 tht to Hic:ksvillc High School to ITIO\'C on 10 col­ challen&tS 1111d =li1ics oft he \\ffl'ld awuitlnf lcge oc bepl lhcircan::m. ThcyhaYem.,dcthc them, but 101d them not 10 worry abou1 dcdi{.'llco cho~ in fiddsof mcdld~ to the ctlanging aheir minds. "J\1,1 rcmcmbc1 it ii 11ns, to law, to cduauion. l am happy 10 pro­ impotlllnl wlien: )'OU end up;• ~d Wolf. Sht claim 'that tonight that tmditloo continues:' - clokdby111)'ing, "l havconchppcforall ol Y'OU. mny )'OU all succcal. .. may Y'Qur high Fittingly. Dr. Leo ~'3Cla. a pcnon who school d:iysnol be the best daysOf )'OUr lif~ has rco:ivcd ~ for hissuoccuain tifeand May )'OU find IO\-C. M:iy Y'QU find ~cc· an induacc 11110 the Hidcsvillc H:ill orFame. imroduccd the Valedictorian James FllZSim• Supcrin1cnden1 of Schools Salvatore mons. who asked his classmates 10 stri,-c for Muga,,:roc:on1inucd 1hccall for1hcd11.Ss 01 success. u\\~mustsacrifiallll th111 wcarcto '9210 SCI high CllpccllllionJOnd 10 QUC'lil fo1 bccomcmorcthnnv,-care... Weorcnotll.Sad­ TRADITION amllnun al IOda•III• ltl1b Stbool u o.,,, 300 , ,.dualn ITffhtd lllrir dlplomu cxccllence on a dallyb;uis. AO er which 1htn van«d as we'd like lo be and we must there­ • t-ta;ndfallla1 took plll<'t oCIJaiw Ula tllt 111&.h tdloolaudllorium. "uthff f.......S "-as a guc:s1 speaker and chcn diplOll)ll.S were fore see the ,oorld through another pmon's lbt tffllt ledoon, b11t I• DO ,..Y daml>ffltd 1M r.. u~ mood. Pbota by J.W. Catie., handed ou1. Joel Receives Diplo01a With Class Of '92 By John W. GaJttt follow. lWt1Sworkingasamusiciana1 nighl, of servitude in lhc New York Stale Public: ·· The Hic:ksviUe High School ctassof 1m a!1d after I dido'! graduate I was turning in Sch_ool System, )'OU have paid )'Our d~I 10 hadaspccilllgradua1eponicipatinsin1hcir c1gh1 hour days m :i factory on Wcs1 John soc1c1y, a.nd Y'QUr parents. You ha,"t' JUSI· commencement exercises. Although he had Street. I had no prospects of ~r gelling a ificd your 11dolescen1 01i11cnc~ You hav,: not been in schtiolinovc.25 :iars. and lcfl dcccn1jobandnohopc111 allforgoing10col- done what )'OU had co do. You have com- two credits shorr-of.graduating, Billy Joel lcgC:' In all th~ rcspcctS the '92 graduates plctcdthc first requirement in the American wasgran1cdadiplomaliy1he'Hic:k5villcAd- )CCffl to be-in good sh:ipc. but Joel J'C!'lind- d~m:• minist'r.ition lilSt--«k. cd1hcm1batnow1hcyh:id1oge1onw11h 1hc Next came the put or his address 1ha1 Introduced by Princip:il Richard Hogan rest ofthar lh'!;S- "llcforcwcallwcn1 on ,.;1h rccch-cd the most applause from his rcuow as Wimam Joel, the world famous singer lhercstofourh,'CS--cga\'Coun,chtso.nclMI, grnduaccs. "Gh"t')OUrs~l\·csabrc_al< . Don't ••songwr iter, said how happy his moiher !ong,s,.-cc1summcr. Thesu,mmcror 6?,lhc try and figu(c cv~ry1hmg out nght n~w. · was that he would receive his hjg_h infamous sum~!eroflo\-C: Joel explain~ Don'a rushbhndlyu11osomecom-cnlen1Job school diplo1113.1 NMom, here lam mom. I'm ~\\'cllll \\'Cfll a1iirlcchzy1hcn;~o.ur hair, which )'OU will hate in II few years. Lifeisgo- actuall oing•to ct my high ,chool we .""'.re IO\i.~W. :,,,-c drop~ oua for .a ingtobccomc,-crymmy, \"t'fY5!)0n, Sowhy .diplomi ~nly 25)~ aner c--"t'f)'body 801 , "~tie He said !hat ti ..as 11.5 1f he and his n~I C11i0Y bcinl! a slob for a. ..• h1lc. Why no1 thcin!' said Joel. Joel fdl l,.'O dwcs shy of fr;ien~! kn~1hcyhad one last momcnc.10 Ix':! kick b;Kk :uidSJ~'C)'Oursdfallll, long.SWCCI beingable togradu:ueon time. He c,cpla!n• kl.ds. bcfort~! hdl v,ould bm1k loo:ic in the summ~r or love;' . • . cd that during his senior year at Hicksville )1:nr 10 folio\\. T~1dcaofhavmgJocl part1c1p:uc1n the he worked at clubs, sometimes until J a.m. Joel likened 1hc Clw of '67 to 1hc CIIL\s graduation ceremony c--'01-,:d from a com• Wor,_king that lace he could never seem 10 of '92. He said as in '67 lhc President is los- mince formed by the Concerned Citizens or make it 10 his first period 4ym class. Now ing popularity, ahere an: ri01s in LA :ind Hicklvillc. led by Jo)ttJurgenscn whoap- 1ha1 he has his diploma he kiddingly added, 01hcr major cities. and )'Oung people arc fed• )>roached Supcrin1cndcn1 Mugavcro wil h "Mom. don't v,'Orry because I'm goi!1g 10 ingalicna1cdby1hesys1cm1h:i11hdrfa1he~ • thcidcaof_givingJoclanhonorarydiploma. finally pull l)'fysclr oui of this dcod,cnil job lefl. But he gave hope I hat as mosa people did The supcr1111cndent was very rcccpt l\-c and ' I ha~• , ;- lrf'67 the 1992 graduates will manage to dccidcd10gruntJod11fulldiplom:1b;ucdon Jod's message 10 his clusmatcs was one ~urvhe tiis life experience. based upon'apcricncc. He~ookcd bock at Already warning the graduates that the The Class of '92 may forget a f~ of the the SUIIIITlei or '67. He remarked how na• )"t'MSahcad will l)OC be easy, Joel urgcchhcm other st,uacntslhcy~ffll aoscbool Wllh, but 1ionally and:globally there were troubled 10 1ake ad vantage of one lasi summer. they will never forget the ~orld famous WJLUAM JOEL. world f■ mo111 llattr ■ nd SOD&-'lmlffMSODbadfotCOfflmtmlllnltU• times. "For:mcii ~adilf1CUlt lime. prdudc "~u may n~'Cf be as free again as you arc cl:wmatc lhey graduated w11h. (Sec page tfflsn to ITfflvt b1tdlploma. to the lean and'bungry years 1h111 would right this moment. You ha\'Cput in 12ycars three for more on Joel). TnlandNlck Engaged BOCES. He is an aircraft mechanic for WaymandRntt American Airlines. Both Nick and Teri m Normal.dtlm't Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeBello of 1986 graduates of Hicksville High School. King And Queen Hfchvillc arc happy to announce the A July 1993 wedding is pbnncd. Talent Show cngagcmclll of their daugtucr, Tbcn:sa 10. Wayne Rotbschlld and Rrnec Marisa The June 16mcctingoflhc Plainview-Old Nltholas Horfmann, son of Mr. and Mrs. V . Fabrizio were crowned Kins and Queen of Bethpagc Road Rullr)ers Club featured ll Bruce HoffmannofHicksville·andMr. and Medal Winner lhe ~icksville High School Junior Prom on llllent Show showcasing the talents of Mrs. Michael Zonsa of·oakland, NJ. ltri Denise Goldberg recently won two May 16, 1992. POBRRC members. and Hicksvillc's Nor• has earned a BS in clemCQtarycduc,11ign and medals. She was awarded a silvcr'medal for ma Lcfelwft was the hit of the evening. a MS in cduutional technology from·cw dnrinet al the NYSSchool Mu1ic Associa• Norma played "Madonna:• assisted by a Post.She teaches founh grade in the Ro~lyn tion Spring Evaluation Festival :u Syosset. bit iflip-synching from ll real MadoM.a tape, School District. Nick has earned bo1h air• High Schol on June 12.Shealsowlinagold and she was so realistic that the audience frame and power plant licenses from medal int he 220y;uddashat the Diocese of almost forsot it was Norma and not the real thing! Norma's proud hubby, Gary, looked on as pan of an audience of about 150 POBRRC members and their families and Sports Brings Bucks To Long Island friends. · • POBRRC Vice President Julie Shapi F.conomic Ti"!es Looks or II sports attllll neM the Long Island Ex• "produced" the show and she was full o prc:M.,.-ay while Nassau officials arc working praise for Norma and the others who con At Dollars Generated 10 build up the Mitchel Field comp!Cll, 1ribu1cd their talents to make the evening already home 10 track and fie!? C\-Cnts. success. "It's amazing just how multi By Sports Industry Other stories relative to the cover topic faoctcd the members of our club arc:• said concern doing business on the golf course You l.ove 10 cheer for the New York Julie. "Norma and the others showed an h:landcrs. occasionally fancn,,ursclf a han• and the small business stra~cgicsof sponing uncxpcctedsideofthcmsclYCS,andCVCf),,n dicappcr at Belmont Race Tracie and enjoy goods stores.
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