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1 . :. :_ ,,.. ., 7 ... •~: !- :: t;i;t ( ~ -- ~ .., _,: , ~. L;- , ,.::.:~ ~tS l J t'I lometo=nMt· . n J: 't>~ V" .\ ;: People ~-J· · t ~ - . ',, _ . 1. l · - ~ - .. : 1 Pagel ~ 111.CKSV 11 ..T.,E - 11 jl.,US'l'RATEI >NEWS Vol. 6 , No. 51 Thursday, July 2, 1992 35 Cents Thl~tion ColltinueS At Hicksville -High By J ohn W. Garx,r , eyes, work v,i1h 1h01 pcoon as a friend, C\fl' Thctnlditionconlinucsa1HicksvillcHigh r-..J if )'Ou do noc know his oc her idcntitf..: School as more than 300 graduates were ~ ; The Slllutatorian's mo.sage rcncacd on granted their diplomas and wished well by what lhcc:lnssof '92 had done and Whal they the faculty, administration, a~d Board of will dQ. John Bun sumcd, ''On Vlls",day w< Education of Hkk.svillc. gather 1orcflcC'I upon1hcp:ut, l1ridjoy inlh< present, and peer lntolhe future!' He remark• Presiding (7,'Cf thcQC!'CITlOnics, High School cd how the high school expcricnoc "dcYdopcc Principal Richan! Hogan told the students into a completely unfori;euablc apcricnc:t parents that high his and as a school principal that will always molcc us happi,' And he ask, proudest moments officiaung at com• are cd that his fellow wduatcs lc:4\-c this can~ mC1lfCITICnt cxtrdscs. Hogan's message ex panded on that pride. !'For many years better than when they found IL thousands ofseniors havcpanidp;itcd in this Board of Education president Cnrolt pn5tigjous c:aanony. They 113\-c said goodb)'c Wolf c::iutioned the graduates as 10 tht to Hic:ksvillc High School to ITIO\'C on 10 col challen&tS 1111d =li1ics oft he \\ffl'ld awuitlnf lcge oc bepl lhcircan::m.
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