Campaign Going Down to Wire ;Ls 5-9 P.M
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TheW^stfield Record Vol. 11, No. 44 Thursday, October 31,1996 A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents Briefs ;Haunted house Campaign going down to wire ;ls 5-9 p.m. today Ifce Becreation Commission's Greco hat vowed to work fir better town Westfleld Downtown Committee, the Main- problem for years. It's time that something •bdh annual haunted house will service, control local property taxes, manage Street Steering Committee, the Parking is done to keep the loyalty of Westfield*: be stags* 54 pm today at tht parking, work for the strong viability of the Task Force and the Rotary Quo. shoppers," he said, Memorial PooL As the clock winds down to the campaign downtown, and endorse a relationship be- "I owe Westfleld a debt of gratitude. This Mr. Jardim is the treasurer of the West- A $1 admission fet of IMS, canrtlrlstes are still meeting voters tween the ccundl and Board of Education. has been a lifelong ambition of mine, grow- field Democratic Party and the Portuguese* d, with children The downtown's future is full of promise. ing up in Westfield," he said. American Congress of New Jersey and a' o In the oontost to Mayor One of ths first things rd like to do as An attorney based in Cranford, Mr. Jardim member of the Essex and Union Cbuntiatf Garland "Bud" Boothe, 1st Council- mayor la to review our local ordinance* that has lived in WestOeld for nearly three years Bar Association and the American Bar As- man Norman Greco la the Re- affect the way the downtown looks, such as but already has an understanding of West- sociation. rignagt. toning issues and the building per- field's strengths and weaknesses. In the 3rd Ward, Anthony Pahunbo Is I Polke to offer mit system," he said. As mayor, Mr. Jardim would work for a resenting the Republican Party. Am safety remlBderi Mr. Greco to a making On council, Mr. Greco serves as deputy solution on parking, a "pay as you throw Mr. Pahunbo ii a former longtime flald, m local burin— owner and has served mayor and the chairman to the Publk Safe- system" for garbage and a aero-based bud- of Cranford and has lived in Westfleld fcr on Town Council fcr fly years. If voters ty Committee and tht Building and Town get four years. In Cranford, Mr. Pahunbo served him ths chanov to became mayor, Mr. Property Committee, He is involved in the "Downtown parking has been a chronic (Please turn to page A-2) and Other Fraudulent The meeting will be Hopefuls Police Department uav> OBI. «nm spell out that the pottos rec- business owners and should positions in the holiday season theWeei Bank wiU describe ways to at forum avoid check and credit card RECORD Investment pi ill The council chamber was filled to be meeting topic to capacity Oct 24 when resident* The neat meeting of the came out to hear what candidates had to wy on the issues. 4117 of the Starting with Republican may- taon of oral candidate and current 1st 1 JO fun. Monday at 8k Paul's Ward Councilman Norman Greco, IfeBJcapal Church, 414 E. fined the candidates had the chance to Si tell the audience why they are run- BUI Won* of Dean Witter Bay ning and what they can bring to maoa inc. win aim a the council. A afckmg resident and local rung fcr Your business owner, Councilman Greco There will be a tokj ths public he would give them prior to thsmeeung. but a "hands-on mayor." bare are asMOd not Mr. Greco has long been In- tee 11:4ft pjn. and to volved ki public service and feels through the "red door." B his experience in town will prove "lam the ba* Cturtfttan ttatfN to b» matwrbaaauat rve J a town oounownan fcr ove years fpcmpte fornlag and before that I had a long hto- 1 0m %eaMFB»PBaB»w ^awaBj tory of vokinteerism in town, * he Democratic mayoral candidate Thomas Jardim, an attorney, said IMS. in his experience with his fellow residents, he has seen a mmm "hungry for fresh energy." He urged residents to focus on which candidate has the ideas and The WeetneM Area Roosevelt students try to save Rialto abttittes to solve the problems of of Oommeroe has the town. plans to publish tta imm I thought It would be a lot more meaningful if alkw their children to go there uruupervtstd. First Ward Councttwoman Gail marnDeraraB) •!«•/• •*• we stood out there, Katie said. "When they go to the Rtatto, we can give Vemick, a Republican who is run- rant numbers of the Katie's mother, Joy McGuiness, went to a them a few extra minutes afterward to go and ning unopposed for re-election Area Chamber of the luaMo fever has aoread ake wild- meeting tor the Rialto and it was her rt get a pista or do some •hopping - that's Tuesday, gave the audience an willbs Included In •*»*- fw town, and Its latest sup- thah m thahtt promptetdd Katie'Kti'* iidead . overview of the many Initiatives independence. If Fm dropping them off on she has created since her election which to s aVoup of RooseveJt School stu- "Katie and her Mends have been really Route 22, that's not independence," Ms. tht community, in reioi upset about this from the beginning. They are to the council in IBM. These in- McOuiness said. clude the implementation of a packets, at various public ana- not being nnandaBy affected by Its dosing but 1 torn and to viators. On Oct n, when schools ware let out earh/ The students who came cut to save the Rial- weekly farmers market at the train ftr a teacher wctkahop, man than 60 sbtfh-, emotionally effected," Ms. McGuiness said. to hope their efforts will pay off. station. Ordy Ths RlaRo to now the one movie theater aWVfHn" AHfl M^lwHpPKHfV atpBta* Vat I hops we have people thinking about it," Republican 2nd Ward Council' Istcd ki this book end is the noon picketing to save the town's that prateens, hke Katie, can go to by them- basis of all chamber Katie >atd, adding the children who did not man James Grubs, who is akn run- Ths •vent was ths brainchild of a sevanth- selves and get a feeling at independence. ning unoppcMed, gave en idea of AU members will be White the Sony Cbieptox that just opened on attend the rally said they were sorry they apace for an E-Mail *eder at Roosewlt, Katie McGuiness, who how tax money is spent b> the •tailed the grassroots movement and sum- Route S3 In Mountainside would give movie- missed it. Advertising space la swiaflahla "A lot of people were talking about it," she town during his opening remarks, moned her rlssemates during school Oct at. goers a place to view movies If in fact the The municipal budget was in ex- until Dec. 1 on a "firstpay, Rialto does dose, many parents are hesitant to said. "Everyone wants the Rialto to stay." firstchoice" basis. For more In- "They wars going to hang signs around, but turn to page A-2) formation on advertising or rnembsrship, call tt»Jfttl. 'Booki for Kkli' Do you 'Block scheduling' program to DcflB The Weatfleld Memorial li- brary will launch Hs annual believe "Books for Kids" book donation goes well at WHS drive tomorrow. gy KAMNgffl shorter pcritxi, which met both Give a child the gift of read- in ghosts? dfiys. intgg by bringingg a new book or nir. Student* s«jni(HJ to welcoffM books to the librar/i collection In mi H'fm-t to p chitngn to their typical school box. Books will be presented to ffSNKOOKD tcmtiifiK 'Hit! ifurtiinK optioriM, d«y disadvantaged children during We-ilfiHH High HrhiKil <'Xtx>n "IT't nice not htivlng alt tho the holiday season and TTThm the ghouls, mrniert with mi iiltmialtv to tin- fliinsf'H cv»Tydny IJCCIIUBO having to throughout the year. Books for \ A / ghosts and goblins KflirHjI'M nnrriml nino fMTJixl flay concent rule on oil your majors ev- children preschool age-14 years V W come out to haunt with "hl>K-k MrhcckillnK" Ocl, W. X\ eryday IN toiiKh," wnlor MellSSa old are needed » w your neighborhood, "Mchml should IM- n»i IUKI It" Now In its sixth year, "Books tonight, who are you going to K calif run cxiH'nmcnimn," I'rtnniMil IN>li While tlic ilnnn |«Tlo<ifl wife fbr Kids" Is • statewide pro <M-1 J'ctix fluid. limber, tejieln r» wen' OTUXmrilgBd gram sponsorespor d by the New The Ohoatbustem are out of Kiii-h day Ix'tfnn V So n m. U> vury Uteir tenchlriK «tyl««. f^r Jersey LibrarU y Association*! town, so why not try Ghost the tiny, UU*IT wcif four , MeliHin nald her French Children's Services Section. HuntersT IM'.IHIK 74 miinitfii i-nrh, one 42 lH'Kiin r-.i-t u Iwturr and the This program is undertaken Ghost Hunters is a taranor- minute flnnn, » live minute (injne tlien videotape*! thptn«Ph/»ii with the hope that all children mat husband and-win* Investi- UNini. Illi't u unlvei'iiil lurirli ) will experience the Joy of rmA- gative team based In Wentffeki '('In* Mlutjeiii'i met willi their Dr. I'etix mild in prsparntion for ing books on their own. Inure and J#flf Muller ape<4ali» iii'il '<<•<"ml , third ;UKI >IKI(I the (IMv, IJMi her; WIMV (<ivrn auj- Book donations will be ac- in Inventigau'rtg unexplained [Hiinci ilu«;<ieH Uct VV.