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5-6-1916 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 05-06-1916 Journal Publishing Company

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TinBTV-SEVEXT- H TEAR. VOI. ll Xo. 3. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1916." lily by Carrier or Mall, ft Motilh. Single. Onfrtm, M Two Zeppelins CARRANZA NOW THE WEATHER GERMANS Civil War Now MAKE Bivught Down by LONDON EDITORS CRISIS E THE WEATHER FORECAST. on in Republic Denver, Colo.. May 5. New Mex-ic- o: Allies' Warships OBSTACLE Saturday mid Sunday fair; not ofSanto Domingo ONLY much change in temperature. DECIDED BELIEVE GAINS - ihmn .MkjanAt bpci REPLY GQfJGESS OJS uun lT VOMIN MUtKli SeiCIAt. tlAUS BI Athens, .May & tlMl LOCAL WEATHER REPORT. u a. n.) The Santo Domingo, May (I. Hostilities For twenty-fou- r hour, ndlnf at French flagship Patrle brought down commented here at noon today. Sev- TO AGREEMENT, P. m. yesterday. a Zeppelin at I o'clock this morning. eral persons were killed or wounded. Maximum temperature, S! degrees; F RENCH Tha airship fell n the Vard.tr river UNSATISFACTORY A Dominican gunboat bombarded the OF GERMANY TO minimum, 40 degrees; range, 4 2 de- near Salonlkl. fort. The situation Is considered crit- grees; temperature at 6 p. m., 7J de- ical. grees; south wind; clear. Marines were landed today from London, May i (I2:SJ p. m.) A REPORTS ASSERT Zeppelin the American converted cruiser prai- CITT BANK CLEARINGS. CLOSE TO VERDUN dirlslhle balloon was de 10 WASHINGTON rie for the protection of the Ameri- UNITED STATES Yesterday stroyed yesterday by on of the Hrlt- - can legation. $58,43.;i. ' Ish ItRht cruiser squadrons off the The situation growing out of the at- Schleswig coast, says on official an- tempt of factional leaders to over- nouncement Issued by the govern- throw the administration of President Obstinacy to ment today. Jlmines is First Chief's Has border situation. Lacking official in- Be- Daily It critical. formation Fierce Fighting Continues News Declares Can President .limine has ordered Ihe While Tone of Communica- that the proposed plan was S VLOMKI Jt HlLANT governor Be Overcome by Obregon acceptable to General Carranza, no Only Be- of Santo Domingo City to tween Italians and Austrians OVER 7.KPPEI.IVS FATK Mean a Break take charge of Gen- tion Is Not Entirely Satis- " step was taken by Eliseo Arredondo. the forces under Be ambassador-designat- Before Protocal Can e, U, S, eral Farr. The rural guard have toward getting With No Considerable Suc- May 5 tween and Germany factory, Danger of War Is shipments of now London, (:2& n. m.) There been placed under the command of u. Formally Signed, ammunition held wn great jubilation at the border in motion southward. It cess Scored. In Salonlkl over Insolent and Evasive, thoriiies appointed by the chief ex- Now Passed, the-- destruction of the raiding Zeppe- ecutive. Is understood this will be the next t says of the situation to be presented lin, Renter dispatch from that place, alnc Saloniki has a long AMERICANS' to the state department if the border for WANTS agreement is rejected. RUSSIANS DEFEAT time been In nightly terror of raids. CONCESSIONS INTENDED neutrals and have not imperilled neu- QUOTES NEW ORDER TO Describing the end of the raider, the tral lives. TO GET OUT QUICKLY With a vigorous campaign In prog- dispatch nays: ress against the Zapata forces in TURKS IN ASIA MINOR MERELY TO GAIN TIME WlMi Note Really Sa). SUBMARINE COMMANDERS the populace was 2 ' seulh and the de facto government "The awakened at "Germany has not the means of pledged to any steps against o'clock Friday morning. Searchlights fighting at sea, according to the active in harbor soon caught intru- Villistag In sup-Pl- y the the rules, right General Pershing Believes He the the north, the war was directly and therefore, claims the question will be important. Two Zeppelins Are Destroyed; der, which over the town Newspapers Assert England Is to flMit against the rubs and asks Chides America for Not Com- Has News of Villa's Loca- and a hurricane of shells were thrown the I'nited States to aid and abet her. Heavy Losses of Aeroplanes at It. The new French Incendiary Violating No Rules of Mod In effect, Germany say to America; pelling Great Britain to GERMAN APPEALS To projectiles made an Interesting spec- 'You will to tion at a Point Not Far Re- They lighted up refuse sell munitions to During Month of April tacle. the: whole ern Warfare; Say Berlin allies If you will help Us Abandon Blockade for Star- IRISH SOLDIERS FAIL they upward. the and From U. S. Detachments, town as shot break Great Britain's power at sea. ported From West, "The Zoppplln seemed to lose Its Is Bluffing wo will try not to murder any more vation of Teutons, bearing and turned sea, 1ST MOSMIN JOUKNAl ItA-t- O toward the of your elilr.eiis,' " IPICItl Mt presenting a magnificent broadside. London, May S p. Im- "The purpose of the long rigma- MORNING JOUSNAL SStCIAl ISAM WIM) (5:30 m.). tT KOSNIN JOURNAL IMOU. ItAMO WIM. One shell which Hirst closo to Its tail mv MONMIN JOURKAk VPVCIAk LtABtO HM) role," says 1st aeaNM jowmut Tex., May 5. Telegraphic mediately after the outbreak of the the tally Chronicle, "is imiu mm ni Kl Paso, Gains for the Germans northwest of caused the Zeppelin to dip and low- May 8. The. Interest wlih simply to gain time. It adduce no Washington, May 8, Grmany' message! between General Alvuro Irish revolution, German soldiers In er. It then faded fro mstght envel- new it note ha If a Verdun are chronicled In both the which Germany's reply to the I'lilted argument, cites no unfamiliar postponed it actually ha Obregon and Gen. Venustlano Carran-2- trenches opposite the Irish division oped in a cloud of vapor. not agreement French and German official commun- States was avalted here could not fact or fable. It make no offer to the averted a diplomatic break with over the tentative for fighting on the western front put up "Nothing more was heard for half I'nited States, eycept on terms which the I'nited State. and Mexican ications. North of hill 304 the Ger- when fol- have been exceeded In America. All American siKns inviting Irishmen to join the an hour, two loud reports, render It valueless.' 'resident Wilson will make the de- - in the scattering of Villa bandits have mans gained a footing in French ad lowed by 11 great flare lasting several the evening newspaper yesterday CliH ago clslon after he has read official completed, said tonight. Germans, according to news received Tribune: The German note tho been it was vanced trenches and also occupied seconds betrayed the fact that the printed the note prominently !y sec- embodies the essential concession wlich reached the state depart Is expected General Obregon hy John E. Redmond, the Irish na- airship met toi'1 It that French positions west of Avocourt had lis fate close to the tions in successive editions. The the demand of the latest American ment late tonight by cable from Am will hold his next conference with tionalist leader, from his brother, - estuary of the Yanhir river. Tim on bassador Gerard Ilerlin, It will b on Amer- tain William II. K. Redmond, now at and several trenches southeast of greatest curiosity was expressed as to note submarine operations, This at General Scott tomorrow the vrews onUhe warship In the harbor concession Is conditional, but Im- - in time to lay It befor tha , by its ican side of the Kio Grande and that the front. One notice read: Hancourt. Repeated French arnicas cheered the end of the raider. Much the reception of the note the Ol. ,1,11 revolu-tlon- mediate effect Is to bring about the t'l Klllllllltllf lllll. agreement In In - j a. protocol covering the "Irishmen Ireland are against German positions west of Le credit la due to a French airman w ho I'nited States, cessation of submarine operations It was staled authoritatively after up. English guns are firing on yout. ; will then be drawn Mort Homme broke down under the ascended in pursuit of the Zeppelin The morning newspapers almost outside of the lines laid down In our the cnbinei meeting today that if th Obstinate. wives and children. Sir Roger Case- ,4V uroppcu official Carranza German fire. turn cumin nave two without exception, print editorial, on successive protests. text bore out the unofficial expectation of Gen- ment persecuted. Throw your arms Cliit-Hg- It had been the bombs on it." the note and express more or de- nt version transmitted In today' Iterlln away. HamiM-rot- t les Herald: The German erals Scott and Funston that the final We give you hearty welcome," by Weather. cided opinions on It. new dispatches, Germany's assur Another sign read: Inclement weather is hampering demands that we compel meeting with General Obregon would Can Oiilv Mean Great ltritaln to raise aitee undoubtedly would be accepted mo- "We are Suxons and if you don't the infantry operations, according to lirvak. her "starvation take place toduy. At the last I vo- and before taking another step th t "It can only mean a reak between blockade," though Incessantly and ment, however. It was learned that fir. we won't." the latest official communication Four More Irish Culled State would awlt the fulfill The Irishmen replied hy playing an Paris, and bombardments alone America and Germany," nays the ciferously denying that Germany Is General Carranza still held to the from News. or can be by It. ment of her latest promises. troopg Irish air and "Rule Kritannia" on now are taking place. Hill 304, north- lally "The phraseology of tho "starved" Official opinion that the American Rebels Executed German reply, which manifestly was Germany say In effect: Will Vlt KXhWiMtt. a mouth organs. west of Verdun, Is receiving a bom- Hhoould set-- definite and early date designed to Impress the German peo- "Wo will give this for that; but In such 'case the Ignited State for withdrawal. It was eaid that a bardment of increased intensity. might region of Adamello ridge, on in Dublin Castle ple with the Justice of their cause and you force the delivery to ns, of not. reply to the not and would large part of today was spent by the WOOLEY URGES VOTES In the to onus of hostile on It upon us. In await evidence of th actual abandon Austro-Italia- n line, the fierce throw the action that for thte." calls Mexican officials here in convincing the America, Is In Itself In ita fuel, to fight navy If nec- ment of Germany' present practice fighting which has been In progress ! JOUSNAL tCIAL L(AH WlM sufficient the ltrltlsh the first chief that the tentative FOR MORAL PROGRESS ohlliUe, but calculated effrontery to essary, lest "women niul children of submarine warfare which In de agreement to in the for nearly a week continues unabated. Dublin, May 5 (11:04 a, in.) Four should be adhered impel tha government of a powerful shall be starved." Of course, I dared. Tresldcnt Wilson In descrlb. The Italians are heavily shelling the more rebel prisoners were that main. I sentenced ed by (hose close about him as being; BV MORNIH and Independent people to action. precisely what Germany did at the J9UNNAL PICIAL LKAKD WIM) Tolmlno bridgehead there have. court-marti- Some Other Plfforenecs. and to death by this morn- leg, I In a position wher he cannot ques- Saratoga Springs, N. Y., May 6. been artillery duels along the Tyrol "The essential fact that America's of I'aris, ut the women and It Is asserted, however, tnat there ing. This was announced officially. specific demands me at every point children starved there were not Gor- tion the good faith of Germany' as- still few details not yet assent- members who fail to support front. . surances, which or are a men Kd-wa- either completely evaded or met by a man, must stand fall at the polls proposed measures for Gorman Attacks Repulsed. The are Joseph Plunkett, by ed to by General Carranza and that Globe-Demner- i: the future conduct of her subma- political and social reform were crit- German attempts to dislodge the Duly, Michael O'Hanrahan and concession so emasculated by the con- St. Louis It Is these will have to be threshed out at dition on which It hangs as to be ap- possible thnt the eniioesion made rine commanders, next meeting between Generals icized today hy John G. Wooley, for- Russians from captured positions William Pearse. Tho German embassy view Is that the mer prohibition candidate for presi- Olyka station have proximately a flat refusal." may open u way In u continuance of Scott and Obregon. Personsa in southeast of the The following official communica- Kays If the note give all President Wilson Methodist Petro-gra- d, Reply Is Insolent, relations, and those relations, which position know ay the matters dent, at a meeting of the met with failure, according to asked for; that It signalise return, to that general conference In the interest of on tion was Issued this afternoon (Thurs- The Kxpress characterise the Ger- have never yet been broken, can he in dispute are so inconsequential that aa also have German attacks honor, U) "cruiser wat fat e" 'the us of sub- the anti-saloo- n candidates. He said Tarnopol-Pesern- a day): man reply ns "Insolent, cynical and continued with we earnestly they are bound to be adjusted. Russian trenches near the dlslngenloiis," hope may; marine a regular naval cruiser in- the ends sought by churches cannot railway. , ' "Four prisonersif, Joseph Plunkett, and declares It Is an that they but the tenor commerce, Villa Ixxatcd. ultimutuin "because It means un- nf the bote that bears concession tercepting with visit and be altuuicd by "crowning - the hills Near Uaiburt. Asia Minor, the Duly, Mlehuel that the search, und Inasmuch, as It The only event of tne day on the votes, organ- Edward olltuirahiin less the I'nited Slates attempts to Is not conducive lo friendliness, the that make was with ," but that Turks again have essayed an attack no mention of the armed ship ques- American side of the Rio Grande ization and monev are essential. ueen and William Pear.e, were sentenced force the allies to raise the siege of condition that accompany It nre not mes-sug- e against the Russians, but. have tion, that j.crplexlng feature of (ho General Funston's receipt of a ! to d"ath aA Germany, Germany will lo agreeable, and patience of More than 10,000.000 young people repulsed. NMght attach "hot ' " continue the the controversy Is not Involved, from General Pershing in which in the under 20 years by the kill at haphazard. It Is humbug and government and of the people has located. The I'nited States near Ritlis also were put down. Near sentence had been confirmed Outgrew he said Villa had been e9 n r, ,1,. nn --fl RondllV HCllOo! an Insult to American justice. We about reached Its limit. It rnsslve. , , "" e citttt4 i Erzlngan the Russians captured Turk general commanding In chief, ae-th- Congress took Krnruu m iiu urwii.B I anv religious denomination, e have broken no llileinational law, but HaiiMn City Journal: Certainly, un- th note quietly and I of prisoners not a great trenches and killed or took "Fifteen others sentenced to death rec- allhough American troops were cordIng to fibres submitted by the occupants. have proceeded according to the til something more develops to dark members expressed a variety distance the spot at which the their ' were commuted to ten years' penal ognised war paid every en i ho view, appears or views, ihe general sentiment seem- - from ,Sun(Iay 8Chool board tonight. More Two Zeppelin Destroyed. custom of and there to be noth bandit was supposed to be. Officials 500.OOO enrolled in Metho-her- e servitude " possible regard to 1he property of Imr In tho situation at this lime i, e, to bo In favor of leaving the tua- - lhan are Zeppelins been . were inclined to think that there Two additional have Justify Wilson breaking ""n In th hands of tho president. On djst BChools, it was said, one In sea off the .... ''resident in was a chance that the expeditionary hitherto unknown destroyed, the North .... off diplomatic relation. I"1 surface there was no sign of o- - identity of a coast of Schleswig, other at Sa- - j commander might soon get in touch j donor of mimR aggregating 1250,000 and lam Amnio l:prcss! We think "v" ,nB P wnicn lias neen with Villa . for Methodist church work was or Text of German Note to that Germany has fairly met the Issue ,0 Invent the president Bt Juarez. ivealed by the announcement that the iwhKt preseut. It has done' whwat e de - i from pressing the ltuatlon to point ' guns 01 i Simultaneously with the receipt of p. Willis James, of New lng, while tne tne enieme mtinded it should do, although In t "f diplomatic rupture. atp jir8 lled brought down the second. General Pershing's message came a bequeathed $,S0, 000 to the fleet turn, it solicit tho same energy I (neinoer went over tn tin. y0rk, who Zeppelin wrecked on the coast of United States on Submarine Question of ',tt,T'1 - report to Juarez that Villa hud been board of conference claimants, had The action on our part with respect to I''''''1"! text carefully with the presl- Norway days ago has been M seen, at Santiago Papasquiaro, in the made the earlier gifts anonymously, several nnu ,Oi'y Ml, 'I III! f Norwegian be- (fnnllniied en M ) j state, of Durango. is south blown up by soldiers litre fused to discus It, they reflected th This far rolling dangerously In, (By Morning Journal Special Leased Wire.) (view of any locality in which American cause It was that ft break had been averted; American troops are located. a strong wind. Ilerlin, Mav 5 (by Wireless to Say- - tho I'nited States. No such assur- that Germany' new assurance would Generals Scott and Funston expect TELLS STORY OF Aeroplanes Shot Down. jvllle, N. Y.) Following Is tho text of ances lira contained In the declara- be accorded the test of time, notwith- on west . X, 191(1. standing (he to take a trip Columbus, N, M., to The Germans the front tho note of the German government tion of February WITHOUT reference to the action to twenty-si- x shot down entente allied n r,,piy (o ,ha American note respect-aircra- ft "The German government cannot Germany expect the I'nited State til visit the base there when the present against negotiations are concluded. during April, but themselves ng submarine warfare, dellverd on admit any doubt thnt these orders lake Great ltritaln' restraint twenty-tw- o machines, according on neutral trade. They express till Colonel Lopez, Carranza command- lost 'Thursday by Gottlieb von Jngow, the were given or are executed In good to Berlin, foreign nucretary, to Ambassador faith. Errors actually occurred. view with full realisation of the dlf- - er Gen- HOW SUBMARINE .... M . I , I H ...... I I at Santa Rosalia, reported to . n t I. .,H U. , ,.1 . accede to the i : T HROWJNG LIGHT t t,, : n I " eral Obregon tonight government Great Britain will d They can In no kind of warfare be vi ,.,,",, mini that Ger- - j 'tnte a peaceful hlp, en troops American demand and release "The undersigned, on behalf of the avoided altogether. Allowance must merchant under Major Navarro yesterday ; mans and Austrians removed from imperial German government, has bo made In the conduct of naval war- 'titled to tho protection of Internation- routed a force of bandits under Gen- al law, of the president' stead- killing the American steamer in the j tn0 honor to present to his excellency, fare ugalnst an enemy resorting lo all and eral Carrasco near Las Moras, some ago. fast determination not to permit th one man. A colonel, S U rJ K STEAMER Pacific ocean time tho ambassador of the I'nited Stales, kinds of ruses whether permissible or former Villieta following OfJ MURDER FARM Interest of the United Stale with ont Homnn Cruz, surrendered to Gen. Mr. James W. Gerard, the illicit. belligerent EDITOR reply to the note of April 20 regard- "But apart from the possibility of of the to become en eral Jose Santos morning at 'IRISH WORLD' i tangled this ing tho conduct of German submarine errors, naval warfare, just like war- with those of another. Parras. The Laguna district is re- I What Gitnisny Reserve, ported nearly TELLSREV0LT CAUSE warfare. fare on land, Implies unavoidable clear of bandits. "The Germnn government handed dangers for neutral persons and goods j The Cnlted States only recently, de- - Crew Compelled to Take to none. In NpPTn rl,,rl" view n right of mer-ny.,- u WA.TS APPROVAL over to the propr naval authorities entering the fighting Kveu Wom.in. Siiiinospn " the OF V MOKHIN JOUANAU SPICIAU LtAHO Wl1 II, o con- ch(liu Bhl))11 ,h0 hjKh nwgm . for early investigation evidence cases where the naval action is im mmt GENERAL CARRANZA Miles From ioi-k- Airy a. hsim-iiu- ,,, ... Open Boats 150 isew ' - ine la n - to forms of tfl KI10W Ahnilt Of ied and provided for the condition be- - u II IIIUH uo' nnr ft n...... ,,it'lii niiiiil- fined cruiser WIIIIW that the rebellion In.lreland which t,n)((, , . )0 f warfare, persons and goods under which Germany charge HrlU Washington, May 5. Publication of Then ' R0vprnmt ln i!nlt. neutral Land; Italian Ship gan on April 24 was caused by tho , H(ntM Judging by the resulls that repeatedly come to grief. Be cGunncss, Fails lo Make ?h1,lmrr,,,," h,,, !'y - the text of Scott-Obrcg- agree- ... the preparuuoiiH ui ii,r nui .ur. ...o t(u nvPHtK11(on hitherto yield Bangers pointed Out. . (ltrltlsh actually;'"are acting ment for action agninst by Shells, volunteers, was made naval In attacking sub- - Sunk arm the Irish ed, the German government Is nllve to "The German government has re- GOOu llCr PrOmiSC,' f as war vessel bandits In Mexico still awaited formal by Robert H Ford of the Irish World possibility ship and explicitly pointed nut marine, the that the mentioned peatedly I notification been Secre- ... in , tonight that it has. In a telegram sent tonight to in tlu note of April 10 as having hi'cn tho dangers from mines that have led Germany In her note reserve Presi- I approved by General Carranza. -. of Lansing. "complete liberty of decision" shauld MOSMINS JOUSNAL ! ItAMO "1 tary State torpedoed by a Germnn submarine Is to the loss of numerous ships, dent Wilson will make it public as (V Included in the telegram wns a May 5. Details of the actually Identical with the Sussex, "The German government has made May 6, "Nigger ,. ' , foon as word of acceptance by the New York, copy Mr, Ford declared had lJayetle, Ind., ,..,, ,,i,i.. ... its Italian steamship Jozef of orders "Tho German government begs to several proposals to the government I.ls," an aged ncgres. with a reputa- - de facto government reached him sinking of the been Issued by the mllltnry authorities re- ,nt, r,)nf(,rmlly formerly an Aus- reserve further communication on the of the I'nited Stales In order to tlon as n hoodoo doctor, and suppos either from Mexico City direct or Agost Foherczeg, in Ireland for the arrest of all the until points ascer- duce to ft minimum for American any law. The official view ,.;,la that th from submarine matter certain lire ed lo have known more than General Scott at El Paso. trian vessel, by a German leaders of tho Sinn Fein organization tained, which lire of decisive Import- travelers and goods the inherent dun other ncrson about Ihe life and crimes I'nited State for some time ha been The war nothing off league occu- nn, now I conducting diplomatic cor- department had 23, when 150 miles and the Gaelic and the ance establishing of the gera of warfare. Vnfortunately f ; n- - "lore on April for the facts naal i,,,. mines of murder farm respondence with Great ltritaln on than routine reports from the the rescue pation of their headquarters. These rase. Should It turn out the Ihe government of the I nlted States j Is Land's End, England, and meet- that torlcty, dead subject ucce or failure border. Secretary Baker, however, by orders, he said, were re(id at a commander was wrong In assuming iiecnied not to accept me proposal. Slio hsd promised Wirt It, Worden, that and the "aid in- crew from open boats the on of the negotiation and Germany' unofficial advices seemed to of the ing of the Dublin corporation man-of-wa- r, Ger- it accepted, government of were the vessel a the Had the lawyer, that when she felt that the consequent re- dicate a better feeling among the Norwegian steamship Pythla, April 19 und were to become effective would have In action must necessarily on man government will not fall to draw the I'nited States been end was near she would tell all she main for future. Mexicans since the military confer- related by officers of the Pythla upon receipt of an ord'T from the the consequences resulting therefrom. strumental In preventing the greater knew of Itelle Gunnes and the mur- the ence today from In cas- ell-i.e- Meet I'rcildciH' Demands. was arranged. General Scott is the latter's arrival here, ehlef secretary's office Dublin "In connection with the case of the part of the attack thai American der ( it nil. expected to Washington as The I'nited State doe not know return to tle. Sussex the government of the Cull have met with In the meantime. She sent for ih law or, but he was Germany's new soon according to he was sent to , how Instruction to as he has exchanged acceptances The Jozef Agost, A telegram President ed States made a series of Htatemenls, The German government still in woius.n... ,,., e ...ne.. , , t sighted I). Moore, national commander compare with the agreement with General Obre- Pythia's officers, wius first Wilson by John the gist of which is the assertion that stands by Its offer to come to all death, caused by burns, had sealed ,,.,,..,," Ina, ,.,.,, gon. ahead and at about secretary of tho Friends of Irish agreement along lines. Hp. hih wr about two miles tho Incident Is to be considered, but these her ! given MI- - was seen. asking him to demand, Vtsy at the behest of ('resident Advices to the state department the same time a submarine Freedom, one Instance of a deliberate method of "As the German government re- Worden was attorney for Ijim nn, Secretary loosing stated today that communication be- fired but missed the through Ambassador Page at London, destruction, peatedly declared. It. en n not dispense phere, who was comicted of burning ., . rail A torpedo was .. ... I HI u,, Hl- ,- Indiscriminate of vessels isslble the slate depart. took . n""-van- " tween Vera Cruz and Mexico City had Italian ship and the crew then ft square, ueai n'i j'hii'a of all sorts, nationalities mid destlim with the use of the submarine Weap- ihe Oiinne home and who died In '.L,,, ask official copie of ex- to for leen interrupted since May 1. No to boats. The submarine then former United Slates minister Hons hy tleinian submarine com on in the conduct of warfare sgnlnst prison In im. He snd the ncress planation t"e tne who urrest 'd h. govern- '"U rden was given. Other reports twenty-tw- o shells into S.nlo Domingo, whs manders. enemy trade, The Germnn however, p- - fired recent In "'"'",' The newest orders, fade public said quiet prevailed in steamer before she went down. Uubiin in connection with the Assertion Itcpudlatcd. ment, however, has now decided to the shack where the "''gres p v yarded meeting th various men, tnir-ty-tw- o a adapting lived and died, a skull was found be- - parts of Mexico heard from. The Pythla rescued the uprising. German government must make further concession, ,,,,.. , teclrtlon Pending Scott- - back went principles of humanity. "The methods of war to in tween two matiresse. Conjecture .. ,.f . v, , its publication the in all, and putting "The I submarine the .i.,i..r,m..,i nx,r, I emphatically repudiate lie asset lion. Ubregon closely with safety to in his telegram, "demand of a rote as to whether It m Ik lit. Of- - agreement is being as near as she could Moore said The German government, however, terests neutral. practice ot nhmrtne '.rfce. suaroea. signalled to sh ore M. Sullivan, whether inno- "Jn roach i nc this declilon the tier-- 1 have been that of Hrlle Rot-- agreed Only Secretary Baker and the Knglish coast, for James think It of little avail to enter Into "'t frja that th frest his Immediate In war de- were landed in risning cent or guilty, a fair trial In the open mnn government Is actuated by con- tuinne. a torso wnien mignt nave d(ip, , dom;!Ba thai Germany also advisers the and the crew In the present of affairs, . partment civil tribunal. Wo hold It Is details slime siderations which are above the level neen ner wa roumi in me ruin oi ,.rffl,(.t-- (.h only and Secretary Lansing and before a more particularly us the goveriimetil never abandonment a few bThe Jozef Agost, the imperative duty of the adminis- of the disputed question. her home, m Identification M nP wered l.v time. state department officials have captain of the the of I'nited States omitted to sub- wa en It. Secretary ship, went to act .promptly, firmly and ef- the The German government attache was positive, the head missing., rriflM. ,.h Mlv..v:efHrices one set Baker reiterated last man to leave the tration the assertion by reference lo I , stantiate no less to opinion of those who remembered r,,.,,,, hnI(B ,hnL ,h today that all information given out and was taken ashore under fectively." facts, Importance Ihe sacred f threatened concerning from commit- concrete principle of humanity than the gov- llelle Gitnncm was that the skull hrrhk w( pm 0m) , ,nf. Hn. the agreement would come guard to prevent him German government will only . ould s tm. "The ernment of the i'nited Stales. H again n.l hate been her and it '!M)lM. m,t N eonvlnced that Germany' rrm the White House. suicide. BERLIN MOBS MAKE it has Imposed , A ting stato that fully into both recalled that (he .eKress. In the pic-- lir,pHI.(.nl doferfrilfiMfto,, to long detailed account of his dis- upon subma- takes Recount that make the restraints the use of the operated tice of her mstenous rites, used i f) H rnr-- t eondltlnn-sktil- l. with Obregon was (ifrrti DISPLEASURE FELT governments for many years f of her promises cissions General msiTisii iJNF.u rine, weapon, solely In consnlerHtlon - j Ml In developing- International law ,, upon the mieCess of the president's included In General Scott's telegram A WAV MtOM RIBMRIE Interests, of I tie hope, how-,,- of neutrals' in spite In onnfiM-mlt- The Incident aroused lr,,tI( HrtHn wnr. transmitting agreement. is nec- with these principles, might the It ummmm. mgiai !. win, fact thnt these restrictions are ohjet-- ever, that somewhere Idlers be , ,iplotimtlc rc- - improbable 5 (5 p. m lar dosnins Ihe ultimate of whlih has ,h( (,VrrPp that any portion of this London, May - & p. Lon- essarily of advantage to fnimd shedding fmiher llglit on the ar- Berlin, May (1:30 m., via Geruinm's been sea ,t,nI1, wiH be made public. MacFadlen has to confine wnrfnre on murders, said to ntim-- l ''wx'lll liner Clan P- - A mob gathered In enemies. No such consideration has Gnnness have Tlechlc WcIj The British Afncft some- don, :5l m.) and land to armed rone or rieinper-en- t Vni Mexican embassy received no in Gravesend from night mid ever been shown neutrals by Great oeren twemy. nn initne tiere tin. ( )n(J word rived of two Charlottenburg during last nnd safeguard as fur ns possible department after the. during the day regarding the damaged by the gunfire streets, plundering Britain and her allies, tifi on the farm. situmlnn been ly what steamer re- - swept through the fipalmrt the horrors bail Herman submarine. The shops and smashing signs "The German submarine forces war. although at the cabinet meeting. It was .i.- - r, it mas be levea on two butter of these consid Me,i of a number of other have had, In fact, orders to conduct the areIt weight, lYafcrnhv nriiii. st'ited that hectiuse of the lengfh of submarines was and windows erations of fcreni they Mo., 8. C board that one of the and meat shops, Includ- siitimnrtne warfare In accordance with alone would net present ,tr- - t'oitiinltla. Mv ltd.irt the nolo, (he. time retjuired for digest- butter shops principle under Lowery, of Austin. Tex., was elected The Day Congress - ing the municipal meat shop. (he general of visit ami cinnstance have determined the atti- ing it carefully and the necessity of in irz'w''SZ'X was soon ended, search and the destruction nf mer- president of the Sigma lelta Chi, na- having at hand the official text r7;,- The rioting, which tude of the German government. For fraternity, m na- fr to Indignation chant vwsels recognised by Interna- In to l. gov tional Journalistic the preserv of all shades of was due chiefly answer the appeal the session here today; f". M. meantp t days hy the tional law, the sole exception being be- tional be obscured tn , -- . e aroused In the last few ernment nf the I'nited Ptates on lt , on inn iw The steamer lmmeumiri conduct of warfare against enemy Church, of Detroit, secretary, and D. tram. i transmts- - to good ru y and discovery that a number of butchers the half nf the sacred principles of hu- University ,?" road construction. ;r ,, - ,,!- sale meat de- trade carried on enemy frelsht W. Navls of the of tn, i that aval committee recommended paa-K- e nrougni and were withholding from manity nd International law, the treasurer; A. White, 'i submarine several times by city for sale to ships encountered In the war nne German government most repent once sourl, of t:.e t hill to create naval reserve. hit the livered them the re- Cnlverslty Washington,Ie w re- believed, destroyed it. holding meat cards, surrounding Ureal Britain, With more, with nil emphasi. It was of it is . ,.,,. subma the poor people no have that elected eCtnr of the wu::j, U f later another sold It privately at prices ex- gard to these, assurance T) llOCSE. torpedo, but missed th. or hd ever been given to Ihe govniinieni of It tmllsnrd I'm publli atioti. med debate on Porto Rlean rine fired a ceeding the official maximum. !.) bill Clan MacFartyen Dy a iew lu TWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, MAY 6,1916.

of humanity followed hy all belllgcr-!ii- t nations, the German government would then lip facing a new iiituatlon In which it must reserv to Itself com- plete, liberty of aeUon." Tho note expressed th belief that till- - United States has the power to confine, navul warfare to armed bel- ligerent vessels by Insisting to Great fsrltaln for the "Incontrovertible rlKhtH to freedom of the sens." It "... point nt that the Impression pre-vail- In Germany that whll the. Unit- - ' II ed State IiikIhU that Germany re- ii.v- strain the ttso of Its offensive weapon and makes compliance with a require- ment for friendly rehitloiiH, the Unit- ed State confine Itself to "protests against Illegal method adopted by Oermany'g ricmip9." This. Morning at 9 dClock In view of tho American munitions reaching the entente allien, the note says, America's appeal to the gentl-ment- u of humanity and International law "cannot under the circumstances meet the same heurty response from the German people which HUth an DOORS OPEN ON THE GREAT appeal otherwise always t certain to I I I I c find here." It point out that twice In the last few months Germany conscious of ltd "iwii. strength, announced to the world It readiness "to make peace on a basis safeguarding (ierrnany' vitul inter- Ih Ger- V ests, tliii Indicating that it not Makes Healthy many' If peace Im Sale ? PURE FOOD fault mill withheld Children. Pure food is insured by the from the nations of Kurope." The not expresses regret I tint the u less American sentiments of humanity In behalf of "unhappy victim of sub- .Vi u Imi Leonard Cleanable marine warfare'' are not extended" to many million of women and children, M One-Piec- e, Porcelain Lined who, accordion to the avowed Inten- Buy Your tion of the Hiitlsh government, Khali tie starved, and who, hy sufferings, Refrigerator shell force the victorious armies of thy central 'powers into an lgnomln J The refrigerator you want. It is linfcd Iouh capitulation." with genuine porcelain, fused (not baked) ;i.-i- ti vv sTiioxo r.xor;!i on steel: ALL IN ONE PIECE. TO MARK tXlXUtXNlONS Summer Goo May C (9:35 m. Via Lon J of dry cold pre- l!irlln. a. Its constant circulation air don, 4:30 p. m.) The German answer serves your food. Its ten watts nave your ice. to tho Anierlcan overnnient' note with regard to Germany's submarine fnrth. tr,J.mnrk! LFONAPf) CLFANAM.E warfare has not yet been published lkfor your protection ogainitt painted imitation here and the newspapers Renera'ii' refrain from any attempt to antici- pate It contents or to forecast tin; CALL euJ kco the Leonard Gcauablo at our store. consequence which may follow. The NOW! t,oknl AnzeiKer, however, prints the following siKiiiflcnnt comment: Raabe & Mauger "Judginir by what we have been 115-11- 7 KOKT1I hi: able to learn concerning the spirit Special Low Prices on , All White of the German answer to America, we cherish the expectation that tho sense of Justice of the American peo- ple which was emphasized in tho American note will como into Its own. Goods, Wash Goods, "The concession made by Germany warfare niailiiKt merchantmen "both in this connection Is naturally, as the wlihln without the area declared dignity of the empire demands, solely AZTEC FUEL CO. and of Goods Silks mmo," In accord- borne out the consciousness and to be a nuval war ft ance with, the principles of vlMlt and (ierman strenKth, German successes OUR COAL BURNS search; that such vessels shall not and the justice of our cause. The be sunk without warning; and without German standpoint can les be sub-Jert- of the TRY DIAMOND Hnvlnfr human lives unless the ship to Just criticism becuuse Htinnipts to esoopo or resist, fuct that to the best of our knowledge Remember the Big Spe- GALLUP COAL Afler directing attention of the It rests upon the basis of internation- (mzh United Ktalc to this order, the note al law and humanity repeatedly em- V'lUl- ore- - inn n phasized by America." Newest Golfines, very - 3LOI SVIIUU says: "Hut neutrals cannot expect that The Vosslscho ZcltutiK says: cials for 9 o'clock this WEATHER COAL Germany, forced to fight for exist- "Our invest iKations made after the best quality corduroys, ence, shall for the sake of neutral In- nole wus delivered show that politi- ON THE MARKET. cal tho hope a morning, for ONE HOUR terests restrict the use of an effective circles cherish that 32-inch- es weapon If tho enemy Is permitted to conflict with America will be avoid- wide, in rose, continue to apply at will method of ed." FACTORYn & NATIVE WOOD violating of Internation- ONLY, 9 to 10 o'clock warfare rules peach, Copenhagen, na- PHONf al law. Htich a. demand would ba In- COMPLETE TEXT OF 2it compatible with the character of neu- trality and the German novernment Is GERMAN NOTE TO U. vy, brown and white, - convinced that the government of the Htutes stilt holda firmly to Its dn- United Stutes doe not think of mnli- - tcrmlnution that "mistaken" of sub- - S. ONSUBMARINES 27-in- ch murine knowiiiK that the Glen or a new sold elsewhere at $1.50 glide; 1 irnnllmi.il Vrinn Pns On.) that the United Htates mist Continue , principle of free. printed Cotton Crepes, yd. Special U to retard "n a...,, tr,.,.tu seas, from, whatever qua-.- gov- of other belligerent a Irrelevant to not the German, but the lirltlsh QSp tcr It ha violateil It dmeusslon of Germany' conduct. been ernment which ignored all ucrepted big 10c expreswes extend- a value at a for this sale To no The noto the hcllef that rules of international law and l)hapMilininif. In view of the new orders to subma- ed tills terrible war to tho lives and AVhlle, tho tono of the Gertnan note rine, commander "all Impediments" property of having yard, for today as said to be dimtppolnttntt, inoNt have been removed from no rcifat'd whatever for the Interests ocriclatg non-co- e xiretsod tho view that after with the United .states toward restor- and rights of neutruls, and nil the langUHffa was Immaterial if the ation of the "freedom of the seus dur- latHnts that through tbU method of at 9 a. m. only yd. These and 500 other Great nsMuroneea were all that had been ing the war," ami continues: vv.irf.tro have hcen severely Injured. tHed for. At th end of tho cabinet "It rt"c not doubt that tho govern-mci- u Ki thu president asked nil th Mutter of Summer Goods Bargains mcetinir of the United Htates will now "In self-defen- against the illegal member present to read tho German Insist that the Itiitlsll very demand and conduct, of Hiitish warfare, while tiotn carefully and report to him Kovcrnmeut shall forthwith observe fil'htlng n hitler struggle for nation- their mature views. the rules of International law univer- to resort In study al existence, Germany had The president remained his sally rccoKiiiiicd before tho war, as to the, hard but effective weapon of all day and examined the German are laid down in the note presented submarine warfare. very carefully, K ni't TonlKht he read bv the government of the United "As matters stand, the Gorman ed.torlal comment from till pari of Hiat-- ir to the lirltlsh Kovcrnmeut but re-:i- Dry - trovcrnninit cannot Goods tin-- country. 5. reiterate as, 1914, and November that the sentiments of humsnlty i ;t l r. H which the government of the United Siimmtey of Noto. "Kliould Kteps taken hy the covern-'i- S'utcR extends with such fervor to the If.i. i ImVii P.'.'M ii d io Oermnu in i. f the Uulti.'d Waif not attain unhappy victims of ixubinm Ine war- Do We ff uu iiuirilirt loiiimuitdeis to cuuiluct the oiijttt desired, to biiva tho laws fare are not cMemlcd with (he same "We What Advertise warmth of feeling to many millions of women and children who, accord- ing to the avowed intention of the tlritish government, shall he slut , y and who by suffering shall force the We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps victorious armies of the central pow-- "i y into Ignominious capitulation. The German government, In agree- y ment with the German people, falls to ty Jaffa Grocery Co. understand this discrimination, oil the ? mole ns it has repeatedly and ex- v y plicitly declared itself ready to esw the "GOOD THINGS TO EAT" .'iil'inailne weapon In strict conform- y y ity with the rules of International y y laws, as recognised before, the out-ble- of the war, If Great itrltain y likewise wus ready to adopt the con- y y duct of warfare to these rules. "Hcvernl attempt made by the - Today's Specials gulnary war be extended and pro- knowing that the government of the MORNING y y P'ivi'1'nment of tho United States to longed. United States repeatedly declared that JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS. prevail ' y on the llrltlHh Bovernemnt to "Tho German government, con-- i It is lis intention to restore the prin- - y Extra large Navel Oranges, tloz. . 30" act accordingly failed because of tho scions of Germany' strength, twice. dpi" of freedom of the tseus from1 y flat refusal on the part of the Urltlsh within the last few months announc-iC- d whatever quarter it has been violated, fig; y 6 II w. New Potatoes . . 25 government. Moreover, Great llrllnin before the world its readiness to "Accordingly the German govern- X. Extra Ulackhcrrics, Isix 15c again and ugain Im violated Interna- (make peine on a basis saf guard tin; ment is confident that in consequence lare tional law, trpa.H!ng all bound In Germany's Vital indt- - iMiie StrawWnies, box lO1 interests, thus of the new orders issued to the naval tV outraging neutral right''. The latest eating that it Is not Germany's fault forces tho government of the United measure, by Kentucky Wonder Green Ueuiis, 11 adopted Great I'rltnin. if peace Is Rtlll withheld from the Stales will also now consider all im- lf0 gov-- t declaring German bunker coal 'rations of Kurope. The Herman I pediments removed which may have K! y Sugar l'eas, lh n n, LOO establishing conditions eminent feels all the more Justlfle.l been in the way of mutual t under English In could y Large California Lemons, doz '2Tn y which bunker coal declaring that responsibility toward restoration of the free- alone Is supplied to neutrals is noth- not be home before the forum of dom of the sens during the war us Native Asparagus, six. bunches 23 y ing Inn an attempt by way j mankind and In history if after SATURDAY, unheard of suggested in toe nolo of July 2:1, J!)l.", MAY 6 ty Quart IkjUIc Grac Juieo ir of exaction to force neutral tonnage i twenty-ti- n months of the war's dur- and it does not doubt (hit the gov- Into the service of Ittltlsh war trade, ation the submarine question under ernment of the United states will Quart little White Grape 4t) power j t gov-- . y Juice y of United Slates. discussion between the ierman now demand and insist that the lirlt- ALL y "The German people knows that ernment and the government of the lsh government shall forthwith ob DAY y the government of the United States United State were to take a turn serve the rules of international law bus the power the war to threatening maintenance of y Meat Department y iiiiiu'ifiiiiy rocngiuzca Detore tne war. BITS--25c--- armed force of the belligerent coun- j peace between the two nations. jns are laid down in the notes present- - TWO A y in I "As a lies - QUARTER Milk-fe- Home-dresse- tries the of humanity and fur with the tiermnn u. nn- L y Belgian Hares, d Hens, d interest en Kuei niiu ni 01 tile tilled maintenance of international law. government. It w ishes to prevent States to the Kritish government De- licet", y things taking n course. The "J Squab, Dressed Ducks, Kansas City I'lime The government of the United States from such cember 2S, 1914, and November 5. There's magic m har-nev- er Veal, Mutton nnd Pork; Home baked Hams and y would have been certain of attaining jGeru.mn government, moreover, is 1015. every announcement of our Saturday ibis end had II been determined to In- 'prepared to do its utmost to Confine "Should steps taken by the govern Rains. They x In- fail to crowd the with shoppers Home baked Veal Loaf. y sist against Great Hrltnin on the operations of the war for the rest of ment, of the United States not attain . store re 1 y controvertible rights io freedom of Its duration to the fighting forces of the object It desires, to have the win. always sunnsel and delighted with the array of low the seus. Hut as matters stand thu the belligerent, thereby hIso Insur- !.tws of humanity followed by UU bel-- i pmui oitenngs. jllst Bakery Department y German people is under tho impres- ing freedom of the seas, a prtnclplo llgercnt nations, the German govern- - RaIlce oyer thc itenis x.i,)VVthcn sion government of Unit- upon which tho government me m f,u-- t t. that the the German ment would then be facing a new sit-- 1 iimi store .iv ?se ed demanding Ger- believes, now ns before, It is In I nargams. WliipiH-d-Crca- X States, while that that nation ill wnlch if must rexervo tt it- -' Cream Puffs, Schiller Locks, e, many, struggling for extstem shall agreement with the government of self complete liberty of decision. I 5(V Y weap- CtKjk's s Clxx'olate Eclairs, Chocolate Meringue Hulls, Angel restrain the use of an effective ithe United States. "The undersigned avails himself of Knives 35c 1'adliK-k- y on and while making compli- I "The German government, guided this opportunity to renew 40c Uaro-- W I Food, Mora Cakes, Layer Pound Cakes; j to the! asli Hoards ami Cake. many ance with these demands a by Hits idea notifies the government .American 35c "Lightning" Bread ambassador assurances of 40c 13-in- other varieties. condition fer maintenance of of the United States that German highest consideration.' Round Xickel- - Cake Knives celadon with Germany, confines naval forces hav received the follow- - Trays Kresh Piiead and Hot KolK in time for your noon t itself to protests against illegal meth- lowlng order: 'In accordance- wllh el 35c Combination Gas Whooping Cough. y ods adopted Germany's enemies. the general principle of visit and 50. m;ii.- - lunch every day but Sunday. ly une or most - T .Moreover, the German people know search nnd th of mcr the sueeesM'ul prepar- Pliers x y ' , l Kettles to what Its ene- chaiil rcooiilHl hy Interna- - , , '." "r u"" msease is ('ham- - 40c considerable rxlent ...... i v and 50c Yellow anl Agents jot Chase & Stmhorns Teas and Coffees. IIIW i...... 11,1,11i.i.,.. , ougti liemcuv. s X y mies are supplied with all kinds of 1IOIIUI MICH VOS."'i l ., " "' 5c Fancy Cttllars 6-f- Agents I.ilae Flout. wur material from the United States. mid wltlumi. the arc d.H laml naval lnK. Ala., writes, l,s W hite t. Folding Kl for wilboiit '"r uaoy nan wnoopmg; cough as Large size ltlue Y y "It will, therefore, he understood war vino shall niq Ih Mink bad as most any and White 50c Patent Knife Sharpen- that the unpcnl made by the govern- warning sod wlihoiit i.ulog Imni.iii baby could have it I ash V gave him Chamberlain' - Hasins ment of the United States to senti- live, tulle the ship nttcmpi o K Cough Kem- ers. cuy ana u soon got him well Ub- - 35c ments of humanity principles of or offer resista.MX', and 40c Galvanized 12-cu- and tamable, everywhere. Wa- '50c p Granite Muffin international law. cannot under the "Hut neutra s cannot expert th.it ter I 'ails t circumstances meet the same heartv Germany forced to fight for exist- Pans response people ence tin- of neutral In- 10 ? from the German shall the sake ROSE oxes of CaqK-- t 12-inc- PLANTS h Gran- JAFFA'S al- rei:rii-- ose of n effective 40c all white y which such nn appeal otherwise terests tho Tacks Two-year-o- Groceries, Meats', P.akery, One Roof, in One ways Is certain to find here. If the weapon If tne enemy ts permitted to ld ite Milk Fans I'nder tiermnn government nevertheless Is continue to at ply at will methods of stock, $2.50 and With One Delivery. r.sidved to go to the utmost limit of warfare violating rules of interuatlon l m Order per cozen, a munuprnim-- -- Hroon. i onoesxions It has been guided not ul law. Such a demand would be in-- .- 'i- vvii- - f neu-- PHONES' 31 and 32. 221 WEST CENTRAL almie by the friendship eonnit tltig the .ompntibli! with tho tharncter of I hftiicpe WHITNEY HARDWARE CO. y two great nations for over 100 years, trnlllv Hlol thji Herman uovcrnmenl Ih but also by th thought of the great jconvinc.d that the government of the 1 113-115- doom which I'nited does, not T.slay -1 1 threaten the entire Stte think; yo,lr !aM .iiancc t o oc lVg-w- f SOUTH world should the cruel nd tan- - niuklnj such a demand, gj laiiimc. FIRST STREET. t

' ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, MAY 6. 1916. TEHEE XrrMntcti()--- - Poces Will Advaeee We are now ncaring the three hundred lot sale and feel safe in publicly saying all prices of lots in Univer-

sity Heights Addition will be advanced 20 per cent on or before June 1. : ,

This is not an assertion merely to sell lots," but an honest statement, backed by our reputation to make good every representation.

We can now sell you a choice, beautiful 50-fo- ot lot with water available within sixty days at about $150

on terms to yourself. ,

Telephone for our auto 3nd salesman to call to show you the property.

3-5- M University Heights Development Co. Office, Rooms -7 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 899 A VILLAGE OP KEFI.VEMEXT. 1 z: r

and Ten llililcth. of l'hoeit, lead- would be one of the six men tunned ing tln opposition, ate also tandl-dat- es tomorrow. Tha DEFENDS REPUBLICANS BE and whlh ombiued forces J. u llubbell, of Apadte county; Diy! ilvlr . Cc:2 NEWS NOTES horn will prtibubly bulH t'ameron'n aspir- K. S. tre-n- of iVeotiitio county, and rA.isy veam ations, neither van control ut present Judge Frank Pmlth, of Yovapal coun- dl enough votes to asxurr himself thti ty, represent one district from which Iloorsy! I!::rsy! AGAINS chube. Itilde national committee a debcate will be chosen, tuber CABIfJET man, six delegate Chicago con- candidates are Thoniua Molloy, I to the l, tlsc run tto pomplelcly endesr AH vention Will be chosen. Yum.i county; Charles Ovcrloek, Koihlnf MOVIELAND lcleRH(eH Arrive. chtse county; u. Fiend. nlliiil, u ta the rtcsent nj he lulu us tho Muni l, Fully one-ha- lf of the delegate had Ureenleo county; J, C. Haiti, tirecli-b'- e fcpecleil arrivT nf a arrived in Tucson early tonight. The county; Dr. II. W. Feliner and inhf. Hut la I lie moan. ATTACK S ,1, RECENT Edna, Goodrich, equally popular FOB ROOSEVELT Maricopa county delegation, accom- Judge H, Campliell of Vlina county, t(m the comfort of Two lh mother I of j among patron of the stage und panied by several delegate front the An NoiMtinimlttal, taut northern counties, will arrive All but two of the Candidate, have Importune. Then In Twtv.ii, iius juinea inc ions procession iplettdid rem- " of famous slurs who have deserted row morning In a special train, Tom expressed a ptvfcreiicn for Colonel extern! andl-tlat- e. edy known "Moth- lh? indefinitely the silent Maddux of Coconino county, chair- Uoosevelt for the presidential M "asf for two Were er tlmd" n!ch. - date, man of the convention, will open the The other Declares Civilian Ministry Has.d"ini- Goodrich. t0 has Chief Contest Is Over Who tromterful Intlvi-enc-o sesf-lon- s 10 morn- rli . . appeared in hut one photoplay. hI o'clock tomoi niw i Although n upon Uw epmi. - re-- ing. Caucuses complete he effort was niu.to to Nut VfifrU fid Ml liarv Mfin.! "Armstrong's Wife.- and that was ! Shall 'Be Elected National t.i In niUK'IcM, Ttiey ! to have the tonwM;on tomorrow tnkn l''ased last year. Now it is announced of the convention and mom p 1 a a t . up tu up the work of endorsing candidates Causing Many Blund-- !t she n give an to Three-corner- ed draw resolutions were session Itrctrh without dtm Thus her time Committeeman; state It was beltevetl .moving pictures tind is already ot late tonight. lor officers, thtt tati, rn.iU h pnrie.1 ' na- the acltvUleii of the meeting bil erSi work for the Morosco company at I j Fight. fix delegates to the republican will one of nlettMnt tiiillis Iv I,,mI .- 1 . Chicago confined soli to the seoetnm ut -" . - Los Angeles. tional convention at nel 1I- "Ml III p- ' delegates to the national prehentlnn. t " ' j The subject jn which Miss Ciood- - ' 1 month will be chosen here tomorrow convention. In tftn of splendid MtM ' x inmi h.i mcr m mtuury tnoiiiem jrich will make as Moros-c- o at the republican state convention. irll ef tha ;.Y MOHNINO JOURNAL IKCIU LIAIIO WiKI her debut a (V MOHNIM4 JOUM1L SPICIAL Lf AtKD WIdt flit) I'1" ('(li'cti ( Image Hand- -. trrestllhelp "Nbither'n Friend" wm to Mariposa for lti.cvoli. them. May 5 (6 p. m.) Address star is entitled "The Tannic," an - Iwen irrnnilmotnrr London, v 1 Tucson, ArU., May Cain uses of Mariposa county, which has the ClaMon, N. M.y The Ci'.l- tell tha renderfal tor adaptation from the play, "The .Ylak- - 111 Own HjltlffMurm alirtiil' m ln a meeting of the Primrose leatsue, delegates to the re- largest delegation con- xen, n weekly iiuhllcatton fprmerty their l... '"S MaKtlaleit. a," by Mary unit Sam. the state .ii'imiiin to the stnte lnt of nmlliertsMKl. an organization of unionists in Lon- - J publican convention to he held here vention here, has declared Itself In owned by the l iunk ltrolhel's, has tiet hulllo of "Moth, Curzon, lord of the uel Lewis, in which Marv Kmorson rr Friend" ttMlny of jniur nenreat drattHt. don, today, Earl originally toniorYow have revealed that the big favor of Theodore Hoosevelt, In been bought by seine republicans and 'privy seal, made a very strong de- starred with Kreut success. for present, i hh epirnmu neip witn mir own huml Kor-ic- st fight will he for recommendation for choming Judge Kdvvard Kent of the will l.e managed by Hilile.1 Stippoitms her in this play are , v hf )our own n,Md, For free hook fense to the cabinet against recent national committeeman. ;alph It. Phoenix as representative from that K. U. Palmer, the clinliman of the of Interrxt and Import nere i Stanley and Howard Davies. "The la ill mother attacks. He denied absolutely that Cameron, of 1'hoeiiix, ilaimliig 104 district to the Chicago convention. jtrllo to Hrmilleld j Tangle" will be early next KcmiUhir Co., to Lmnr military released 2 the ministers erruled the omnth. delegates of 27, ts opposed by a forte As this county has, been allowed one and former treasurer of th county. "Mr.. Allanta, It relutra Uw personal as a j - I1lt.,- Ww.lll.li...... , , K..... I ...... experience advisers or that the cabinet o which is an Id to control the' delegates delegate In the apportionment of rep- in,- e.un n mi' iiei-i- (11110111 III of Bumr bnppf molher, It tell whole interfered in any way with the from nine of fourteen counties In (he resenlalives there appealed lo m no Viilon county and it Is hoped that this mnnr llilim that l wemen nhoiild he l I f. decisions of its war committee which Tin: 1)1:si:kt mi;i:s state. Michael K, Cassldy, of lllsbee, doubt tonight. Ijiitthat Judge Kent measure will reunite them. mlllHr wltht t once nild and an hud a perfectly free hand. GLADYS HKOt KWIJJ liutpirntlou. Wrlta for I I.I bonk, Karl Curzon said he considered the Gladys llrockwell, leading woman only way to get ft just review of the in a bl western picture now being government's achievements was to made for William Fox, lias had her r-?v-- seek opinion in neutral countries, es- lirsl tasle of the treat waste, the pecially in the I'nited States. HagehruHh, coyotes, mountains and Referring to the Irish 'rebellion, he j .itiira and she Is a convert.. fat i1)' said It was a squalid page in history, j "For," says Miss Brockwell, and retribution will be swift and i "there is no life so free us that of! stern. The attempt to land arms in outdoors, (ilvn me u pony, supplies I ;1 inland and to raise an Irish revolt; and a compass and I'll warrant M MsM the futile bombardment of Lowestoft, pass a month on the Mojave Zeppelin raids desert with never a regret.: 1 have and the equally futile Edna Goodrich. f 1 engaiied in by the enemy were all often heard of the prospectors who e'tiiallv unsuccessful, he said. pent their lives on the deserts and in Was It possible, Curzon ankeo. t'he mountains unci the stories of boasts colli. r Its only TODAY Karl and visible1 L to Imagine a bieirer bungle than thai 'their love for their surroundings al- - means support are two bands of mM made by the Hermans? The ypeaker ways seemed and exag- - the material about two inches In I'M suit! he did hot know what would hup-- I Mi rated to me. But now I know It width which cross ovr a dainty Un- pen In England lf the British govern- - was the truth I heard. There is a gorie Mouse anil fasten on opposite OCti mys- - n ment had been guilty of such a con- - lure to the desert In Its awful j sides half Way down the front. The asilery, comfort in the ovv trtflffrl slomerution of failures, but as far and a certain nan sleeves are soft by their he knew there were no Daily Mails in it is a vvontit rnn lire, out 01 length, which shows just a glimpse 1'erlln to call the "all highest" to ac- - uoors, aim i in uiigiuy gi.iu inr - - or wnne cun. A lunritai nat ami count. of ftstem, called us to mi1 desert- I pair of whit Kid gloves und an Eng- 'can hardly wait to return." lish walking stick put the finishing touches to this . ROAD BONDS DEFEATED Tins ii!A(;it t'it L Helen Holmes Is the IN COCONINO COUNTYi1 s, , i: .,..,,.. death of her father, who for a num- iiesa for women and shows her mili- ber of years was traffic manager of PICIAl CONPONONC TO MOHNIN JOURNAL) tary tendencies in tile black broad- the Chicago nud Eastern Illinois Flagstaff, Ariz., May 5. The elec- cloth suit she is wearing. The tail- tion to vote on $250,000 road bonds ored hangs in straight lilies from lVoplc ;ill over AnirriYa will atu-iu-l this r;Tt','U t'vent at the IIimsiiT stores and we liavc for county, niul is longer than, Karvo Poloskova, Kusslan dancer, Coconino called ly the the waistline l film-pla- y IkpI alicail spt-oia- board of supervisors for May 2, re- are generally being worn this season. dances In a new called to proii.iiv ux to ivt a allulnuMit of IIihihUts from llio factorv for sulted in an overwhelming' defeat for The , is struiglit and short. It "Love's Toll." Itoiiic folks. The sale today the bonds. our I'wn starts and will last all nest week if our siiply Inasmuch ns people of this the till men of ealiiiu'is lasts. Those who tome first are sure uf luinif supplied at once. H you don't county are consistently In favor of You know are free and eiiunl, but we couldn't get ulong without plu- good roads the defeat of the measure H want to wait for your eahiiiet, then please don't put off your visit to our store. tan only be attributed to misunder- MILTON .5 tocrats. 1.1'K'lslullvc llodlcs Hail. standing and to lack of harmony ..be- tween the taxpayers and the county "All ItiKislatiVo bodies urn a mel.uce. ofSiclalg. In action they are a calamity. They urn many anil numerous and we have E5 at with all of thciii, See the Demonstration of Hoosier's School Hoods Xot Enjoined. ILL trouble times DHnC with und Koliin on Clayton, X. M May 5. ludge Lleh coiiKriss down to town council. Wo must hns rendered his decision in the school tho J'ond injunct- do what we can to conciliatn Ihem matter, which ia that the all. We have to protect ourselves." , ion against of bonds is the sale the I'.y advice of counsel coveniur Labor-Savin- not sustained. An appeal bond Is be- LEGISLATURES g ing to all question relating to Features made in the sum ot $10,000. Tho 40 political campaign conli Ibiitions, Mr. 'xpt'iiso to the board und to the pluln-tlff- s much, now Hmlth declined to say how hum- already amounts to about py the road has contributed to the and will reach more than De- railroad associations of Tennessee, Kvery woni.ui who wauls to K up lo date in household affairs will want to see '4.000. The whole trouble is over the President of Big Railroad this location Alabama and Kentucky. of the proposed school demonstration. Von will want to see what men etit-titi- tf They Are a Menace, Vice l'residctit Harrison of the expert and women have achieved in clares Southern railway toduy declared he oiir kiuheti work in two. How a iloosier lets you sit. down wilh 'UX articles all From Congress Down to had never heard of an aKiveovul be- tween the Southern and the Louisville arraHoyd fin,e.vrs'-ends- . How it " handily at jour ends incessant walking Kirk and forth to """Nii City Councils. Nashville to divide the south, tip'''" such as developed at yesterday' gather supplies and put them away raeh meal.

Iloo-ler- 's l'titl Mew Itolt ilon't slldo Inlit (Y MOHNINO JOURNAL Pr..L IH "! WA.VTKU-eii'- aii cutluii rag ut iho Jour- - p. l,i l loMm'n vilui-- an i m-- i Washington, May tail tittle. Domestic Science Experts (r eni nud ioIii the Louisville & ciillnt In the sveeaov irt bluet, t'onu', how president ot e yml can lill out tlu-n- ioor Nashville railroad, finished his direct have deponed and loeatnl every lloo-ie- r for cIchiiIii. In interstate com- testimony today the exactly at findeis" ends, merce commission's investigation ol convenience your TT5 the road's affairs. Jlc Will he cross-examin- Skilled mechanics and inen(ors have tomorrow, then the lu-- i Nashville,nf working features. R:fl2'.WKd will be transferred back to For perfected the many Jil'-hr-iH- 'iPJ7 i' -' btrnSuSi,h'y startled all connected UC,U JtlH- Tfc His Royal - s case today by I. iff nil Nothing Has Been Overlooked v:f!-V'-- : :' wilh the - t immediate termination of Nfi'X gallon through a compromise vviin HiKhess j Of that could improve its convenience or who, he said, were ba k :VY the men ti re fyS it chuckled at the dis.om VST add to your eomi'ott. That's why a mil- anil , . Jv the suggest ot his counsel over h-- poll lion women c and prats'' the IIivomvt A. his own definitions of tit i and property rights and Gentleman Kitchen Cahinel for the horns of time u t. '""1 w Try plutocrats U CtubTcrms thought Amcrhan i..'-'- old why he from and mdrs of steps it saves them. Yon i'f. u were prohibited by law trade. Now y aN-ti- l 'this easy owning vessels in international '$1 can ta-d- toll the Hooier on its Ilc'iisc to Answer. hall hcaiin caMcrs, and the metal "ink-it- s he refused to - Weekly M way The miesllons $1 Thf-e-, to " and Iloos- l I..1...I r he hail hn.ik. other . heal ninth ' iiii 1... h ' ke your slun-wit- h ordered by the roan s oir. '" or ier (lold Medal feamrts, vt!I demon- - funds for political purposes !,a,l with the director, re- slialed to all tlic folks who eall lo.lav. Thoe who air not conferred J...... , garding such contributions. ready hue won't he lo. MM. v. ".HEW, I his to exptled r n'il r T ' Mr. Smith during xc K. 1" Meinlng. i if he knew . I wis -- .Mr. K'emlMg Hut we want h to cotnc ami learn he nr-id-r facts aU.ut nun' YS he replied. tor Sesinol agent In Ken If v on i nt hc our legislative kitchen eahiuets.. mit.ed livs dcmoit atiou San you If are suffering from eciema, i ml I'rani iscn l;air, this el.arie to see what inteiv-tf- t h i' The r-- of the timP iour low ringworm or similar itching, red, It Is thousands of people. t "lightly skin affection, bathe the r...... i,.iUi.,ivB flfpnt to wauii . sore places with Resinol Soap and out f.proposed l.'?lH ?t;n . Come today and hring" ten r iCtl'l L. 1"' J '.'Jt water, then rjcntiy apply a rvl.irious to the ""- - it. Ui.mtlmM. I little Resinol Ointment. You he can to defeat helpful propositi ol-- lk. .- -- lieve. he helps on I 1- T J 'il probably be astonished how . prornptiy the itching stops and "TH".eednly difficul. n,.l: to protect I ""''nit begins. Inmost cases the ter." itr. t!mlth fontinued, ((apple Furniture Conipsr.y ...... ,.rU- - r.f a Iflrlie corporation . "ilt skin qtiickly becomes clear uie io"i'w., - ... .,, tim'. Mi:vi:its .. iiM-- j in states from CuniUicavioii iv r IVih k ftit"ii!i( ( V. M. I ll Uliolenalo lHstrllMiUir- - H off i',nf W'ic C. A. people" el i ..-.- . - ked t'oun: II 'I. J!'Jt'.(y',ant lai So.p tre ni- what riroiile'. " ii.,.,.,iiii. U i r?"1' draeslsB, prescribed bf ur. Folk for the commission. r inal Kept U -- states. a i fr. u.R, ko.nO, lUUuaor. My the people of those in ihroiiuh their "" FOUR liRiinnrRoiiP morning JOURNAL. SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1916. Open Up a Health Jl ffl BT WAGNER AUTO TURNS OVER CIU PURCHASES IFF Account. Open up a health account that will yield greater enjoyment RESPONSIBLE FOR AFTER COLLISION; A NEW PUMP FOR of Till life and higher efficiency jn work. Cut out " heavy Vin. ter foods and eat Shredded liEII PIRATES' DEFEAT NO ONE INJURED SEWER SYSTEM HIE' Wheat Biscuit with fresh fruits and green vegetables. Shredded Wheat is ready Will cooked. Delicious for break-fa- Timers Suffer Fifth Straight Dropped Fly in Thirteenth In- Police Informed That Student's New Machine Replace st with milk or Defeat; Indians Keep Up ning With Two Out Is Fol- Car Struck Rail and Skid- Two Now in Operation; A- cream for luncheon with Two-bagg- G berries er Foundry to Fur- Winning Streak and Are lowed by Which V ded Into Walter Weinman's lbuquerque or other fruits. Close to League Leaders, Wins Victory for Cubs. Machine. nish It for $2,665.

m hohnin jout mam itio ) ia ih wumu taiciai. lamb ,, An automobile driven by .1. I'. Mc The sewer committee of the coun- Muy S. HI. ft. rte. iMrolt, defeated Pittsburgh, May Chicago Slahun, h at the I'niversity cil, acting with Mayor Westerfeld and ! f ..1...... b. ... ' student 1 l m v. 5 4...... J i t . I...... i tiolt ugsln to making tt 14'Miru i juf'iu n , u ! line i"i' "jO New Mexico, plunged Into engineer, yesterday purchas- of Walter the cite t tct-- In-- ! 'Oa fiva atrnlgtu defeat for the Tiger. In h aume which went hit Weinman's ear last night on West ed a sewage pump. The new pump He or: nlng. With two out. in the final In- Central avenue, between Third und will take the place of the two old ST. I.nri bKTRotT ning Wngnrr dropped Hater's fly and 0 Fourth streets. The lighter car turn- pumps now in use at the liarelas AH AB1IOAK HOAR Kantlehner passed Ifnolun. Archer .M, an- When it is in op- 1 aiviii.li- - ed over, but neither 'Million nor pumping station. follewed H two-ban- e hit, scoring will J I 1 with Iteck, was one of the old machines ,l.hnan. lfKivn'uh.rf other student named who eration of VtJIer.rf a ? I if'..lib.rf t (iih men. Em h side used threw riding with him, was Injured. b(. overhauled for ""e in case 1 oi.ln rf t (l Vearh.lf 3 three pitchers, Hcore: 1'atroluian Charles Mains learned emergency. fnlcr th o II A Hi Union :L 1 IHHADU riT I SI" II' ill foundry will fur- A V. A K from the student that they were going Th AlbiKiueriue Pratt : I All H U Alt H O pump. The price was K180. I gehiilti-.l- f 0 III II 11 west on Central avenue and that, in nish the ,',, Made Niagara klu.ana.rf 4 use Jolma'on at Fails, N. Y, r ( ( I foundry's bid, furnish- lx-.i-l ,11, I 1 tt 1 HlmiKBi' ( Munn.li" i y.ir 'Sfrne lYoin liurlic luiiilinV Hurl CHgtic on 'Tarnirii,' Hi tlm attempting to pass another westbound more than the 4" ' )! fall. The increase Hartirl .e 1 I i II Klnek.rf O'lUnitv.if ToiiMirrotv mid Mmiiliiv. ear, the wheels of their machine ed the council lust nihiii h cost of l'Unk.. 1 J l HulUllJ . Wll'ama f Oill'i'hmaii.rf struck the rail, causing their car to was due to the advance in the TMt WM. FARR COMPANY a II lin'an ,:Mi il. H'n Knr il i in Intervening months. nilt .lamt! ( skid Into Weinman's. Weinman was materials the "Aim in t il d 9 Mi 'Tlnur.p II HHlcr.il (ij llninl !Ui 3 i was ..mo,, will cost the city $2.li85. nnu ncinii URaiara ID 1 STANDING OF THE CLUBS MUSICAL PROGRAM FOR driving east. .Neither of the far Th. AND IfcM.lilfT i Itoelan.aa i".lml Westerfeld at the FKES.I SALT MEATS 1; I exceeding the speed limit, it was wild. Mayor stated T 27 ta I 'I'ulli.n Arr llM.fi Smith. Wi f i council, Monday Sausatre Spcclaltj ilt Yark,-- . i'ii n Knahv.L'h i n COMMENCEMENT The wet cited to appear last meeting of the "laihue NATIONAL K, CONCERT students play For Cattle, and nogs the nicire. i f. I.f.Atil W. W. M' night, the old pumps might M,""H'll.p W I, Pi t. W I, t before Police Judge Clellail that Market Prioea Are Paid n u ti l'l council then K lleliilrixp nilliirinon.p l ONE morning. ap- any time. The lltlfll Htonktyn . . . s I .f.; , .In !l ..ol. OF GREAT MERIT this The hour for their out at Mnl.pl tieatiiti.p n; 'i'i'Bti-ll- i I sewer committee, the Iloatnii , .. , 1 .m.'.'Hi, l.oina a ;.u pearance was set by Chief J. H. authorized the Klifii mutism. Miim'nuit ri 3 buy a ::Pullr I'hMaili lphla k it .foKVow Yotk 11 11:30 o'clock so It would not city engineer and mayor, to If vou are troubled with eh root. n Jl W lltWIIaon 1 at V, ToUU n t hlraifo .... a 7 '.'rfi:i! IM inlui-(- h In A of tfrent interest has pump. j 1 ronitn Interfere with their examinations. new muscular rheumatism irive chnmhr. KS 1 a IJ I KiinfiiBt.i Toon been announced for the commence- A little daughter of Victor Kais Iain's Liniment a trial Thi .,;, i liattnd for Mlllrr In ninth. AMI UK AN I.KAtH'K. - w : it. ment concert of Die nnivernlty, which In PastiiiH- today, j pain fur i run. lull m ninth. Tnlkla il : W I. Pel. av r, pot was Injured a collision between her Hilly llurkc at again from which it affords is alone "lln I 1,1 1! will be Kiven Koilcy on many !tlat(frt for funntnshiim In nfvuiitlj. ill for )l:ilr,l in rlKhih. Wafhlniriii n II n ,(Ml"hli-i- in ti .470 at hail the father's automobile and a trolley cur worth - times its. cost... ni.i.,invutmu- - Mli.llrft In ( nniveiKily Monduy evenin:, t'Httd fur Hilmul In eighth, for Itaimon 'loiliiiid ...IJ 7 lt:loirot ID 1,1 rumiua at Sixth street und New York avenue Scr Peggy at Pastime again lo'oiy.l able everywhere. k Hot I' ll for Mumiiisiu in .;.: M:iy X, iltauer! fur AImikks In ninth ilavcntli. .Vow Vnik , ti k Ht. t.uuiM . . ; ii .11 at S:15. Hotne of the IichI yesteri.loy The gill by late nfternoon. allaltrd fur Ilnrhlrr in mntli. Htnra Innlna: . . .lu U ''V! I'liilnilolphla ,S'I mtiHlclHtin In fijU ll iflloll known the city will wa projected through the glass wind- f.-- r t'hli-KK'- , Onl onu aim .linn rrar.,nl In ninth. i u S the university In luittitiK on shield. cut on up- :;Kn In ll 0 She received a the for Huh ninth. l'ltiurli WIIKKE THKV 1I.AV TOOAV. niUKleiile of hlKh hh one of the per lip on Sev- Hi.im by Innlnitl: Hummai'y: Huna X.ltniiiminaii. Hnttr i:ii. merit and another the head. 3 (K .iohnaion. Tivo-la- a blu: on Pi. IjOUIh 1IU iwl- -6 ti'tlan, Matiimaitx C'l. ullniail LeaRii, fcatureB of the week th hill. eral stitches were required to close t wi m-- tiUa-Hu- ir, Ooolan. Knulif. I'lnoluniitl at Ht. I.nula. Mrs. J, ti. Hchwentker, whone the first wound. lirna-liaa- Dini-h- Nummary: nn ID, Mlllrr. Hit-lr- , 1 n lilla Johiiaton, VVbiiit l lloaton t, N'iiw Vork. voice has pleaned many nndt-enp- l Jnhnaimi. Auailn, i'lilib Vearh. llnrn. ilai' Jiihnitim lo Waiinxr 1'lilludr Ipliin at Urooklyn, n thlH city, will lnK t.'ampliell-Tlpton'- n Tad'tiaan him ti.inlila Hum it on lialla-tlt- f Hnihin. a: Huiinon. 3: Oilengo at Plttalitimli. CLOSING EXERCISES - taa "A Hlilflt Flower," ami "The Virtiri- to Hi" nil Uaiwa on ballsOff I'lank, off Munimaiii. L", off Kiihllohiter. I, lllta I, Year', liy 3: Cunningham, I; Janica. 2: Mc'Tlfii, I. anil oninvd run-o- ff Mel 'on ml hlla anil Amrrlnin I fugue, at the Hirlnn," Mrs. Heach. OF MENAUL SCHOOL TO Ij Hlta anil rarni-.- l run (iff Plank. 1 lib! t ruin in t IniiliiKa: off lilta anil Nnw York at ttoaton. two of the beHt examplert tif modern Goodyear Cord . 1 3 6 r. and I runa l I lnnln-- Cunningham 1 ami In 3 liinitma: off hlla and In WialiuKtnn at I'hllitdilplilii. MIhh Mary I'.roreln, n BE HELD NEXT WEEK . 1 '2 In 1 III If 3; HoluniL I ami I In : ,lnnu-- u ami InnhiKa; off Hut mon. hlta and Ht. l.ouii at In troit. univernity dtiident of m.ii ked talent as JUDGE I 0 0. nana nut In r.tnlh: MoTlsii, I and t n nliiKa; off Mamniaut. hlla an" il In at I'ltlruao. n Bailey f o if reader, will recite Thomas by Kunll.-lni- 2 distin- llut-nlr- and In Htrmk oui r. liltn and In InnliiK" the H- . Aldrlch'n poem, "Mluntowonn," ac- The closing exercises of the Menuul ily I'lank. I; 4'mnlnvlian. t, t'tiiplM-- Htlui k out Hi l olini-ll- 1; in. 3; I begin Htaiiduy o UuKlillu and tllldrbrand. llniinmi I; MuminaiU, 4. t 'iiipln-- i' m companied on the piano by K. Stanley school will with the and liatriaon. Seder, director of the university mn-nI- c bui'caluureate sermon and close Wed- guished company they CVvi-IuikI- nesday May 10, com- $ (tili-uv- 9. COLLEGE di pat'tment, who will interpret the night. with the 7. STATE program. program Clili'mro, Muy 6 A buttlriK ruliy M. I.oiiIh 0; Hiii Uiimll beautiful and characteriHtic mnnical mencement The May 5. HI. UouIh licHled Hettinu; Mok-re.t- follows: keep In th Klxtti InnltiK atnrti'ii I y 81. UiuIb. written for the poem by they are specified Joltn (Mni'lntiHtl ?,' In n Sunday, .May 7, O'tha k, tlranpy, CButd CIiIcRko'ii downfall to- here todny, to the f'hlcnKo conipoHor. II "w Presliyteriun by a S linni' murkrd ly heavy hitting. Kobert T. HpwpII, baritone, ill be First church. day Ncorn of to t. Hroro; I F'K-llaecl- Car- CI.BVEUAXn (TI(ICAHI) Twelve extra tiling lilla wero made, VARSITY heard In the 'Prologue" from "I ." taccu laureate Sermon Kev, as regular equipment on: Allll OAK AUMOAh two tiotno rniiH, three trlile BEATS Thin Is one of the big num- los C. Cordova. lranr.ir f I s U 4 B 0 0 0 and e en flniiMoH. Hi'ore: ber In opera repertoire for baritone Monday. M:ty 8, S )V!; !i 1. M. Turmr.Jb 1 I K MuMnl'ii III I t I I flNCINNATI T. I.OIIK Hingem. K. Yott, viollniHt, will Klghth grade annual play The Hpik-r.i'- 1 S K na Jt. 4 AH II OAK' A B II O A K i.l 1)7 play group Dvnrak- - Freshman. Packard Twin Six . lt.il h.rf I O t 14 0 NVahM'f 0' lli ai'hni .lf a Including the t l'nurnlnr.lb t I Tuesday. .May . 2:.HI V, M. V! I 1 J Kreivb-- "Indian Lament,'' a ' llaiiitll.th i '!.Uik ii If KllllfiT.ir lIKinllh.i SECOND GAM E "Mazur High play Locomobile ever-beautif- school annual The ll...0.jb 1 fl l'flarh.rt I I I I Cliii.i-.ll- i n iti tt. l Jli 3 9 ka" by Volpe and the li) II li a 3 II TouHt wtina a.aa t J DIW.-v- i ji ilrlffttlirf l.oll if "Ave Marin" by Schtiliert-Wllhelm- J. master. I l'Nr-01,- ! a Wj Mllli-- I II (i n Tiiosility, May , 8 V. M. 0 M lulk Ijtl4 fl VI (Iroh, lit lb Director Heder will play the Wety-- r Franklin ViVkii!,p 4 OiHiiaaoll p Hitxi.k n.lli'i k,.1b 1 (I I n "("oncettsttieck," with orchestral parts Eighth grade class day program. - Hum n )tll16 0 1 lAiudoii.Jb 0! l ii Wednesday. May 10. 2 1 M. TotUla Jl 17 "J Ci'lMna ('larkv.v IM.Iuiiruli-a.i- ' t n i Huppneil on keronil piano ny Mrs. White -- Commencement exercises Class V s l) Aggies Blank New Mexico by .steven mmoe. also Not. till KniMsi't.ti Hnyilrr i' Mei a 1916. 1 1 o I Total! 31 a 'JJ U Miiltwlia Moailnna p r A M,..' turn" by Hgambiul, and Usst'o Second Peerless U I u Ii -U I Class Dr. David H. P.oyd, Halted fo Vulaoh 1n ninth. MoKn'ry.(i 0 II IIKiill.r.p OUUIL'C... T.,,Cell Hi nUWl Hiiiigaiian Rhiiimodie. Address liy I 0 Ii president University of New .Mexico. iiuilnm; MlUliall.p ua !Wtl!on A Is In , n 0 general Invitation extended Haynes . 1 'lai'ilHr)4 , ,. .kl W () -- 8 i,luiprr.p Tied in State Intercollegiate The high school class roll follows: Twelve ,11 tile public to attend tills concert, and i hli na.i . , uli tJH- -i TnlulB t 10 84 14 - - Adolfo C. Uonzales, Patricio Lopez, 1" 'I is no a tiudl-enc- e. Mummarv; HunaUl'iiii, Turner. Hliiak- - ,i T"lat lu Contest, there doubt thai largo Jr., Jose Mariano Caslas. Jui kaort (Vi. Two-ba- t h ir li aiktli. wllle present. fi lllta Frli llnttnl f Kntiirrr is k - Here the eighth grade class roll: Goodyear Cord Waavcr. Thf- hlla Jackann tai. !llBlli-- for hnlli.c In alklli, - - Juanlto N. Ainndrn, llalph A. Hod- fioli-- haa i Iwik Hai rirr- hit tlan-II- I. hy llinlns.; Tires are fortified - r 1 '.D" Mu fw-- riguea, Manuel Sandoval, Jr., Kstevun Wavr, li tuold play Wravnr o Oil. 'i n i' n ii 7 raaariAi Hiatal Ti U OA UnOMIUal iftllBNALl BOY SENTENCED TO against: Kom-niff- , iW i4 1ii- -:i Ro- Una to Firm on a t.'lf vnland Hi. I,iiia Atencio, Julian Duran, Heniano Rim-cuttin- trrvi tlollege, X. M., May e' g By I. - , (Irirrtih Slate s, (1. s, our No Itawa on lisiu- on t lllta Hiiniinuiv Hutu hlUI'or. (', ! mero, Peter T. Oonzab Duis STATE REFORMATORY; Rim-Cu- ( Hca.-ln-- AgKle on t end raitid i una-- l iff Itnaarll, hlla and ,1 tlroh. i?i, lark, i.i, Hinlih, today tttineil the table. the llenjamln M. Cordova, Meleton feature. i Ilrn Jnapi-r- Two-lilia- runa In Innlnaa; off ; 0 hum). Hmk il.inr. Ii ij). I'niv Kity of New Mexico, holding To-m- Blow-out- lin. ilia ami tit, ci SENTENCE SUSPENDED Struck, Walter Rafael Hernandez, a By our On-ai- r In a InntnKa. ivit- - ; (Jnili licit, HmU, Jlnlchinijonlaim hilef riiui Hiru'k tlv t'ml'-S- hlta i.'i. I'lnrkii. ir. the kiokIcss Rodriguez, C. hy ttuati'll. I niplrin- - Honralaa, Tliroo-I,a- c Roberto Hilurin Cure. i. Kvun and Limn. they piled up five num. The Aggies A. thill. ili ok. hfr, Hotno runa-IK'ir- o, Gonzales, Antonio Luna, Silviano I4ri victory leave tied In the Holmes, it negro boy, Loose Treads By our a a I the tennis Heth small tlrlego, Manuel 54nzueta, h. Iiniiiilp play Dot t" Miller, llama clutmpiuntthlp tlabino Rubber hallt-d- ff MaHn-- . 1. state liilercolhuiale who stealing a Rivets. Vorl 8; Booto.i 4, on Knrtavr. off off admitted brooms from lcyba. Miiihi-li- . I: r, I. and mot (oiliest, the vurslty having won grocery tools an Ki.nlon, Muy 5, I'lnylnic efr till mi and from automobile. Puncture and Skidding " ttlihill 7 In a y S, l!ay-nobl- s, ruiia-n- rf Hlta and i run to yesterday faced .Itiiluc M. y, Double-Thic- New york By our k nine dlfi'utrcl J'.oaton In timing uwnt! out In foiirtlii; off hnritiv, The tinlvel ily and college trui It of tile district court, charged 'PLAYING WITH FIRE' thirteen Inning by of 4 fl a runa In 1 off rtallm. H and Ribb- to hit! ami li,iiliit. tiani depniteil tonight for Ttusoti, incori Igibtlity. Judge liay-nold- s 4 a with ed lodny. Si'or: r ( hlta and tuna In Ionium; off AT LYRIC THEATER Treads. ,fmpi-r- , Ari?!., where they will contest tomor- sentenced him to serve a year MCW OllK mTtiS 1 hlta and 2 runa In 13 iniilna; off Insecurity I) 3 row With l'nl eislly of Arizona in in the, TODAY-TOMORRO- Byour Multi- AHIIoAH Iota ami luna In IiiiiIiik. off Mitrlinll. the state reformatory nt Springer, W ABUOAU I'lll-v- ple ilth 1 I'Hon kifn.lf t linn unit 3 runa In lunliiHa Htnuk the Riiuthwcatein field meet. i .N". M., and suspended the sentence. Braided Piano Wire lv,it , Hai'ttail rf I WalkKi'.lf uiil-l- t.v Kliftm-r- I; hy MrKonni'i', 1. t'V rxlty players, who are not menibers Mateo Chaves yesterday was uund Base. ' , I'm-p- . t,iaK--l- ii .lliliv itli.aa Malh'a, liy Min-lmll- I. by .luipt-r- 3. of the track squad, left tonight for guilty of stealing a nugon. Plonlclo Mme. Pi'trova, the gifted Metro f 1 i and Knnilln. Htarl.i i ;iiooi.if Kit in Alhtiiiuvriiue. Anaya is to be tried today on star, will lie seen In the linker ;in S 2 U'lloii'arl Hi the stellar role Alt Atnmuip,xiiytm Smirt Slaliim Drain for (Idoiymt five-pa- fori Tim.. 1 a charge of larceny. of "Playing Wilh Fire," a rt and U.O. ( (iscaeror ,i-- (lrdii. ;b 0 l.WI.i-- I'lllladellihtJ-l'.roiikly- n game nmiiu d ir, t 1 wouderplay prod Cipii lit u Oiinlm r.ah wet gruunitk. need by the Popu- IVrlt ifh.aa i i Harry CITY SEWERS lar Plays and Players, which will be Niin'lirr.c i' n..m ii H 4 il ROUSE LEADERS FLUSHING York-Iiuatt- pontiion-ed- presented here nt the Lyric theater rtalii-r.t- i ( li (i New nunin ; Aannw r. today and tomorrow. The story is At'KllttK p 0 Hnlti.p wet ktohiuI an,l colli weuther, IS STARTED BY FIREMEN IT one of the best ever provided Hiian It Malta p t' II for I 1 o Mme. it urn a n ill'ti V . ll n ii Petrova, and was written espe- Mullra ti,.loni-a,- II I tl BEARS LAND HEAVILY The plan for having; firemen flush cially tor her to fit her unusual und -l- 'Mi Nallv II (i II HOPE TO SECURE sewira Was put into operation early peculiar talents. Mme. Petrova Is Tolflla 11 11 J! 17 imitotun (I 0 V ON WILLIAMS' CURVES ibis morning. Two men, one from surronded by un exceptionally strong I high- Including Hoops, I Totala 4;t Jatf the central and one from the cast Arthur Evelyn DEFEAT ST. JOE liur-net- t, P. li.nid fur 'M irlilti in ninth AN0 lands station, under Chief J. A. rent, Pierre Le May. Catherine Cal i)Hti.-.-t f r (itihuolay in ntnih. made tip the first . A- houn and Philip .Huhn. There are Han for Tliomaa In EARLY RESULTS many invlfnt, 1ST najaNiN wiaal lderman W. If. Swlter spoke of this interesting glimpses of studio mil lot In haltvil jouk aatciai. Lit!! iikf l'!l. lienver, May fi. landed plan at the last meeting of the coun- lifo in New York in a stor vof internal nHniifil for Miii. In iilnvnih. tieiiver gripping M'ol-- li limhitM; heavily on Wlllianis' offerings hole cil, wlun he asked that firemen be situations. every N Yor k . iiihi iwii iimi H today and defeated fct, Joseph, S to 2. allowed sixth day off instead ll'lmi I unci iwo ( Hi K. II. K. of every eighth day. FRIEND GONE MM die: - ,.(..-- , MOBMIM JOURNAL astCIAI. LtABtO WiNtl WHEN wumnmrv: iiiiiii- iliih. llavtud Mu- - HI, (Kill HUH 2 lv ,Iiih..iVi 110': HI 5. 'i Huknr, uiolri-n- Washington. May Al Moaioian MnUrn Deomcralh Denver (OH as ()lx S IF, I Thomas N. WIIKerson, who con-len- ERNEST AWAKES; $29 .liinillii .lt.ttl. I in IT)'. Twifhaa leaders in the house tonight were re- hiia.-P.i- ki r. illUo olvy.I'a. Itatteile: William and Mlock: con- that he is still city attorney, Hu.n;i. Ilohlliwl. hopeful of disposing of the army Fe, AND llnritntr. ll nitiii" ilaa lluki-- r to .l(iti l Mansvi' and Stevens, Shesttik, ferees' disagreement report, and the turned yesterday from Santa WATCH ALSO GONE I'liM; M.ill in Ni'iianiakhr Unm on shipping bills with- where be went to represent Alt'iiquor-Hii- e m wcMUim l.all-i- iff Malir. ?; M ' rural credits and aniliit,, J. hhawkav. ToM-- : l hlta il. in In cases pending in the supreme I; Huth. a, Mail. .1, Hii-rr- 2; J.ini-- 1 the next ten ilnjs. Ernest fireen, of the Kstancia val- Wichita, Kan., May 1,111 court, Mr. Wilkerson's contention Is nd runt-Klah- a toWichita The Porto Klcan will be laid ley, was 2!) lilt urtiril hlta anil lost first game on that he was appointed for a term of short and a gold watch runa In I liiiiioii. utnl moi onl tn aeooliil, her the home aside temporarily tomorrow, ncionl-Iii- when he woke up yesterday grounds wlniilnij, V two years and his term has not morning Movt'ldaf. anil In "; Nliawkay. i and 0 today. Topekii to a plan Majority Deader Kltcbln that at the r.; 7 ; 3. expired. He was not appointed nt Aibuiiueriiiie rooming house. In liuih ami tn and none out In to t mil lined to Ills colleagues, and atten- The money 1 I 4 ( ' lloatright watch and. were ninth. Malta and in 4t 0 and Score: U. II. K. tion turned lo credits bill, the beginning of the taken lei I. on om In 1 the rural from h8 pockets. Hp ttitrti..ntti; J.Hii'a, ami Topelm ,. , , r,ih oui uiin ii i o Mr. slept I In I. ritruik out-l- ly KliankvV J: already passed by the senate. with his trousers Ruth. . . . H under his head. I Wichita . .mo 001 i i u limiting t Mailt. . mpiira tmiri and t'onnnl. 0103 kih bin tut inltioed rule A friend, whom Ernest Ilatteries; Hull Monroe; l.ur-hi- had not ly and general debate on the measure to six PRESIDENT STANDS BY know n very w key, Uapps. lonK and ho had shared Johnson hours which will be reported to the Ernest's room with him, gone Washington phllmb house tomorrow. LOUIS D, had Iphlui BRANDEIS without disturbing Ernest's sleep to pimtpuned; lain. tlniiiba rt; Slum ( Hy 3. Hit Monday the rural credits bill say goodbye. fv. Ernest met him in the timahii, Neb., May Pitcher Mers will be laid aside for consideration of Estnncia valley. opened hi season Willi the Omithas the report of the house conferees on tr MoasiNa jouKMAL asiciAi. LBAaan wiaa) His friend was ST. MARY'S IS BLANKED . with a l y holding slug- Washington, May S. President carnival then. Krnesr met him today the Sioux City the army bill. Reporting that the again in gers to Wilson wrote a letter today to Sena-t- o Albuiitienjue Thursday. The BY FOURTH WARD TEAM to three scattered hits and win- house conferees had been unable police were looking ning for the locals. 5 to V. .litre,, with the members. Rep- Culberson, chairman of the senate for him senate Judiciary Hi ore; It. . K. resentative Hay tonight obtained committee, supporting the The t (M 0 1 ., f, II nonrlnfttion of Louis 1). timndots to Tourth warder hold the St. 'tiiiihn 210 tlx unanimous consent In consider the Pack-rabbi- proba- ts lining Mury'at team ncorelesa yejuertiay Hloux City ,..,tlitu 001 010 2 S 2 senate',. 200,000 regular army, the the supremo court. The letter Much Damage nf. Clovis. N. M., May 6. ternoon Ht Ward itutt K army, and nit- bly will be made public after it has Farmers rt the fourth p:rounil. erics: Mem and Turgor; federal volunteer the jack-rabbi- e that ls The gnme wa che. 111 Fourth ward Doyle, Clark and Crosby, rate plant proposals made to ileterm-in- been read to the committee. the are doing having been of house The nomination has been pending considerable damage to the growing nine l,o to push only what the future stand the In one tun serosa plate. The Mol 11; 0, conferees shall be on Highly for several weeks and has met with wheat certain parts of the countv the guuir. 1H lie Lincoln them. l he rabbits wmi five tuning.. May fi. minutes' debate will be allowed on the determined opposition. The president come in droves, as man'v IVs Molina. Des Moling as a Your hit tinrilncr and lluffmiin titrate plant proposal and forty min- has been urged to withdraw It, but hundred being counted on some Health , for fourteen fields at one time, - AMERICAN hits for twrnt) two buses today miii utes on each of the other two. has absolutely refused to do so. In to feed on the ASSOCIATION. Is green wheat. Vigorous IS a (lelifatt tln'tir a : ,i easily defeated l.iniolil. 1 to 8. The nitrate plant provision has bis letter to Senator CuIIhTsou he methods, such as shooting them : u caijci liiicni wun. Hi 11. been granted major part of the understood to forth his position In and Ketter nnf- .. MTTSfCC ore: It. K. the set poison, putting out tob Hi, : eon largely of presi- detail. are being to, Paul Indianapolis I.tni ('hi ..... Ada 000 li 10 2 time the resorted with the Ihtnrr thai . . Tiib-il- u xpectation . ,,,likn 11Jl 3; Kan nty 10. l Miilnoa . .;u1 114 Orti H 0 dent Insistence that II he adopted in that the number of the proven us worth, II pests Will i IS -- . . . if 1. tjthtMMtBUI ; . the fa . of deep rooted house oppo- be materially it a hlnivl r..Ul r i'4 l.onlfvtllc Mttinoapolla IUltrie; ;iUm-r- Hoffman and PROGRESSIVES SELL rrlo.-- l.uuuic vi any Kind is Columbiig 4; Mllwuuke Johnson. Killcen. sition. that Muvser und Spahr. Hilly - worrying you then The shipping hill was completed to- , IHirko at PaMiinc- again it is S. S. S. you need iA BOXES FOR $25 EACH today to cleanse rnt&suratoioftfe' PACIFIC lM..n P. ki t llllllur.1 ( lianip. day by the merchant marine commit- and purify your blood. COAST LEAGUE tee and will be reported to house ,...!.li.oV; s,mw', bf ou letrolt. May 5 John Uiyton, of the n,a""'' the aiimi- - cant go wrong when Vst. II rvhHl Tuesday, up . you turn to SeduPa, Mo, luniiilil on and taken immediately ly xo.xisa jauNAk aaiciAL liabio oriai) l" jias a "1 li the world's immtJ.s old. SC 11 !s I Afcgeli Vr-Hu- after disposition of thn. rural credits Chicago, May S. - Sale of boxes This row as At A Suit Ijikf 1; ll championship nt pocket billiards from for Andres- - rai3 Tni Pure vegetable C ineusure, Mr Kilcbln said tonight,. Prof. Calf Meal. lias I'.met llbinVonbhip, of I adroit. The the protfresslve national convention, . Tla curative qualities trl 7 fed Dairy t ow possessed by At Han Fraicisco Oakland S: fan final si.tn was, l ton. 4&0; tllHiik-enshl- p, be held in Chicago June opened r.. today. During she has been KlvlnK milk. Ki" . "uuu Aciiicay. une Francisco 3 40. was BRITISH the first few hours of xw . bottle, has The match played MERCHANT in tllatur ck-a- 1 .. . At Portland Loa Augelet-PotUun- d in three bloiks of l.'.u polnl mid the sale seven boxes were sold fur . "cen worth its piistpoued; GUILTY $2"i( each. ' 7,1'r, ',r","1l t'"" r ,,rof- - rain. when tonight a ttitnte turted the rnur OF TREASON V? t0 the user. stood, t r. u. The committee on arrangements i'old Hltinkensiilt,. ti". lylon, rKlvjt--i IB, High has cimuued 1.000 rooms at Chh'aKo '' aro 411 hv a. a. trom any drutr- - SOUTHERN runs, laiikeuhip, 42, ijnton, ! v v LEAGUE. it jouaNti aatci.k limio wobbi hotels for delegates and other visitors t i Leeds. England, May 6 p. m l avenue. iahh i on me road ti'.il) to the convention. . it" -- AHieri ItriKht. 4s years old. nn iron u ucauo wtrj At AC.ar.fa 5, iM Word was received by the commit- toaay, Frea advice tothoie l; Mobile Kie hT lh tcali. ineirHl. merchant of Sheffield, today was T"iUy yonr "I Medical trii-4in- tee that the progressive convention in chanty o see pe. desire it. Write At Itirmtngtinm t. New i t"hicago. May f. rsinir bla Invent K I sentenced to penal servitude for Itfe. PaMluic. 10. (ten inning: ilHikrir!. odv and wriet lock. Ihe Hawaiian Islands held its con- Department, Room clors ior Itriiiht was conviie f lollciiiig 2 Al ChiittanH,Ka Mniphi 3, Hterher tonight vention, April and elected Cc.ri? I. dtiued of WllhutH and attempting to eluit Information R. dcleguto Tb Swift Specific Co At UUteKotk fl: NahM!le 1. I ,ii net ml tn straight In Carter a to the Chicago falls, the first from wurkmen employed at an am- convention. Atlamta, G- - nt'iiuti. 40 secinnt. and the tteiond munition planf concerning the de- eml .... ' ' " l"r ken- - In minutes, 5 f h..... ROSE PLANTS t aeiond. Charles scription war materials. Today your la- -t 'i-a?- r..MM 1 chance to :. East tiflMf..., uri... it iit.LIii lioiv l.willv... rt,l- - The prisoner p leaded guilty. The Sf Two-year-o- Pastime. ,a ld F'kK stock, $2.50 tolne Jtrsu judge in passlnif eenteni said If huyer.Al.CUle ranches; have ' Plight had not so iileadeil and a Jury for l,ve stock; list Glass-Pai-nt Inm( IH-t- f ltilly itarke at Pastime ftsain bulay. nTdeh per dozen. Albuquerque Green- - 'IVnlaf iHir chauce to ? had cimside-re- the queatlon whether aui; WrrBtS'": LUMBER aTAlk-aatl.mD- l a fif 1 t utter Company, r) PaUui'. he Intended to help the enemy and Malt froat JmsmI Waal A 4a. Vaughn. S tound him guilty hous , had be would hate ttun w i,Ml T n Albuquerque a i IM anaia oiutereiied to death IH-fln- ie lere l aevint.Hlav-- l S ' Lumber Company todav. 4S ORTH FIItST 8TREET I



TukO llootl Sai'sapailllll, HlC 1)1.1 Reliable Spring Tonic. I'oirt lei the idea that you may feci better In a day or two prevent you CQGAM from getting a bottle of 's fcur siiparllla today from any drug atoro and starting at ouco on the road to BAIHIIG POWDEH (health nnd atrength. When your blood la Impure and lm-- 1 poverlshed t lacks vitality, your Clxty Years the is Imperfect, your appetite la Standard your I I h 0 . I i poor, and all the functions of The Spring and Her Trous- With Careful Buying It Is body are impaired. No Alum No Phosphate Possible Hood's Harsaparllla Is a wonderful seau Occupy Attention of the to Purchase an Outfit for a blood tonic. H will build you UP uulcke'r than any other medicine. It Sartorial World at Present. Moderate Sum. gives strength to do and power to en- BBSS! dure, It la the old standard tried and the river Yuan (In Honan), I had no trito blood purifier appetite for the political affairs of HK spring bride uomes Into of conrM. a It Is the traditional material and enrlcher, tonic nnd appetlrer. CANCELLATION the country. As the result of the her own with the advent of of all cawn. In yeara Roue h Nothing else arts like It, for pothlng mis-lak- this waa revolution In llsin Hal, 1 was by e week and a stiff, cumbersome fabric, but else has the aame formula or ingred- Kaatar.' Next ,. r v i x v . In elected by people. Reluc-tantl- y nil r" i i i'w i these advanced iltvi the looms turn ients, sure to Hood's; In- the many weeks to follow are lie ask for I came out of my retirement to; out aatln aa oft and aheer ahnoat aa chif- sist on having H. and endeavored to prop up the tot- lie dedicated to weddtngB, fon. It leaula Itseir beautifully to display MONARCHY IS j I im- - and tiwkea a dignified and lovely OF tering structure. cared for noth- and of course the raont .. wedding ing but salvation of the country. A pnrtaut of any wedding la the bride, cannot possibly be realised. In our perusal part It ta by no meana eaaentlal. however, to of our history of several thou- The girl hav time, when the old idea of eontlnen- - years man-ne- and. Incidentally, her the bridal gown of satin. sand will reveal In a vivid r Chiffon, la when re going to be married during Easter aoft and aupple taffeta and even tulle are tullsm dead, International th sad fate of the descendants who is way become DULY PROCLAIMED of ancient kings emperors. week haa almost all of her outfit by this used with charming effect. All these ma. lations demanding a sea and What terlal are leaa expensive day, with- then could have prompted me to as- time. There may be a few last odd and than the lust rout the order of the the statu part of satin and make up Into organ-Is- m pire to the throne? Yet while the ends to be collected, but the main delightful wed. out such communications la un her new is already at home, ding drnwea. One advantage of having necessary organs. representatives of the people were bridal of without the unwilling sineetity hanging in the wardrobe, ready to be a frock tulle, chiffon or taffeta to believe in the bearing ia that after the wedding can "You can say to me: 'If Turkey had of my refusal of offer, a section packed in the brand new trunk! it easily b Official Mandate of the used as a dinner or dance dress, be- been wiser we could not possibly then Text of of the people appear to have sus- the new monogram. color Those happy maids who are to be mar- ing given to the gown by the addition of have realised this aim. We would Ski Announcing pected me of harboring the desire of during the a hrlght flonnov here and I.lmnn Yuan Kai gaining more power privileges. ried the last of the month and there. If one of have had to wait." Put when and first week of May are now bu preparing these materials la chosen it it beat to have von .Sanders Constantinople, Govern- Such difference In thought has re- the wedding entered Change in Form of the trousaeau, shopping night and morning divaa ltaelf short, depending when the Turkish wnr minister be- sulted in the crention of an exceed- While every girl on a court train banging from ingly dangerous my sin- for the happy event. the came of Germany and tho Given to Press, situation. As pretty a trousseau aa she oan shoulder of aoine heavier material or on the servant ment 'Is cerity not to win wanta as controlled by has been such as afford, ahe la most unwise if she Includes the wedding veil to form a train effect. Turkish fleet became the hearts of the people and my Judg- largo of gowni and Thla la an innovation of the laat year the vici'mnn.' the whole situation enough In her outfit a number or ment has not been sound to Innumerable This ia all very well two and a very practical Innovation, for changed. We fully realize what in (Associated Tit Corroapondmce.) 1 hat. appraise every man, have myself for the girl of unlimited means, though once thn court train or veil ta removed tho plan of Germany, and for what, Peking. March 23. President Yuan alono to of virtue- the announcing blame for lack few wealthy make the mistake of t frock become a short iklrted dance or she is carrying on this whole war. It 's mandate the Why, then, should I blame others: mis- dinner rtre aa. Is pub- buying more than they need. And a Is everybody that In the case cancellation of the monarchy. The people have been thrown Into very one too. esjeclally Kor the veil either tulle or la char to follows: take It is. a h'K used. victory Germany would create In lished in full, as misery, and my soldiers have . been for those bridea who have only a small tulle being preferred by many bnden nn of the establishment of the mude to bear hardships; and, further, money to spend upon their account of lla light and airy appearance. Kurope a central state, nnd would 'After amount of - Mn Kimi (republic), disturbances rapi- the people have been cast Into panic trousseau. change very quickly, Lace ia not always becoming to the brldVa capture or subJURute Turkey econotn- dly followed one another: anil a man and commerce has rapidly declined. both in and haU, and the foolish race and sometimes is difficult to arrange Ically. and then politically. "Ilerlln to was called 1 my a meas- pi vl lily. of "little virtue like nie When search own heart, maiden who stocks her wardrobe with a I llagdad,' that Is the German Ideu; of 1 ' V.He to take up the vast burden the ure of sorrow fills it. shall, there- doxen frocks and will find that they V and since It has been created we have Fearing that disaster might fore, not I unwilling to suppress my- are quite out of atyle before they are half Mate. ? THE BRIDAL GOWN. no other choice. The question now li.fa.ll us any day, all those who had self In order to yield to others. worn out. country heart Is not whether the straits will beconi" Hie welfare of the at Petitions Not Timely. ' ques- reinstltution of the The quaint of present Russian or remain Turkish; the advocated the "1 urn opinion the ! the day still of the that NOT SUBJECT TO CHANGE. they will become Hus-sla- n monarchical system to the end that a 'designation petitions' submitted are seen in many of the Easter bridal tion Is whether stop he nut to all strife for power and through the Tsan Cheng Yuan are frocks. Illustrated, for instauce, is a very or will remain German. a regime of peace or inuuguruieo. unsuited to the demands of the time, With it is different. , Modes In A u plctureaque costume. "We must make no mistake. The cense un- Ea-ite- KuKKcstioiiH In this have onH tlio nffipinl t nop of the im "undies" are not aub.ieet to the quick This charming costume for the r question which we arc now deciding bene made to me since the is of old ceasingly perial throne made on the 11th day , change which marki the pathway of outer bride made einhroldered white will probably be decided forever, but (lavs of Kwelchow (the year of the year la here- - j taffeta, trimmed with deep lace and nar- of the U'lh month of last apparel, and therefore a chemise or night- there will scarcely ever be such favor-Hbl- e revolution, 1911), and each time to-d- row gold braid. Sprava of Illy of the val- first by cancelled. The 'designation peti- gown bought la apt to be In vogue conditions as there are now. Tho a sham rebuke has been administered tions' of the provinces Jida the spe- a year or two from the time of purchase. ley add delicate touches here and there to no .dic- Is the atti- In the one making the suggestion. But cial administrative areas are hereby Of course there are fads in lingerie, too. the entire costume. Custom longer chief of these conditions year was indeed t tates that the brtda should modestly com .toward our national the situation last all returned through the state de- ror Instance, the black underwear which A Jl!1 0CTt..'ct. tude of our allies of I. oeal her and arms, as of yore. Thn different from the circumstances partment to Tsan Cheng Yuan, gained so much popularity during the laat A , throat problem, liertin to llagdad is a real impossible the QVAIST AM) VEllY VHAh'll0 Mt'M'T. train of taffeta, lace and braid is almost preceding years that It was ie.. the nclim? I I Fa Yuan, to be for year. But only women who love the ultra danger, not only for us, but for oy me tune ve.i, wnu n is gnin-i- n to prevent the spread of such ideus. warded to the petitioners for de- - in dress indulge in these fads, and they Valenciennes, Clunv or Irish, are always; Of course the wedding gown la the most oonrenica Great Mrltaln, with nnd Egypt, nev- on mis- -' In whole trousseau.iered into a about the rorenead "It was said thut China could struction; and all the preparations make slight impression the sartorial good style, and the bride makes no Important frock thn for with her prospects un- many pieces! be made as pretty aa possible, and held In place by a of lilies oi und France er hope to continue as a nation connected therewith are to cease at world. Hainty garments made of fine take In Including as of such snd It must of reul possible In her Irouescaiu. ITtiose who can afford It w ill want aatlu. the valley. In Hyrln. on the basis this constitutional monarchical wise 1 hope to Imitate Unea combined with real , either as o less the once. In this become pos-slbl- were adopted; and if by tak danner un agreement has form of slate the sincerity of the ancients powers cen- like those occurring in Mex- ing on myself all the blame, so mm between which for iuurrel a suspicious ico Portugal were to take place mv nmv fall 111 line with the) us in the wrong and put Germany In United .States to break itrltish turies were of each other." and LONDON EDITORS can- in China, we would soon share the spirit of humanity, which is the ex the right,. Any other course will be blockade, that Germany herself not break, ia Impossible. It Is un- RUSSIA TO fate of Annam und Burmah. A large pression of the will or heaven, i now IS a square denial of fair play. Today your lust I'liunce m l"'g people advocated the 'my my BELIEVE REPLY country thinkable, IE number of then cleanse, heart and wah We congratulate the that (Morn- ty Pastime', restoration of a monarchy and ad- thoughts to the that trouble may a ao high spirited and so se- Now York Slauts .cltung; end UNSATISFACTORY nation ing edition.) Germany hus yielded vanced arguments which were reason- be uverted "and the people may have verely beset by enemies, has, never- ' Illlly PuMllme again lodav. mili- In- one of her strongest weapons the llurkeal able. In this proposal all the peace. Those Who .advocated the theless, ihe claims of enemy DARDANELLES IF i officials, scholars and system were prompted (Continued From Page One.) - to and has use of the submarine ugalnst tary and civil monarchical ternational law reaped of the Today your chance to w people concurred: and prayers were l... tlia ,1.iuirA tn ;( remrl hen the- foun yielded to our demands. commerce ut the solicitation l"t '' of the United Stutes. That gv addressed to me In most eurnest tone, dation of the country; but us their) law by tho It thut Germany's president Pastime. violations of International We should bob to ia a great diplomatic victory which liy telegram and petitions. Owing to methods have proved ttnsiitiame, meir allies we have shown in dealing enemies are not permitted to go on hold-in- s, that Germany has given Fresment Wilson the position 1 was at the time artitiMin tniizhi bnrm the country. as Injurious with violations of International law hurting her by methods and means the settlement of one of ALLIES T RIUMPH wheih laid on me the duty of Those who have opposed the mon by tlei manj', to our rights and as flagrantly vio- existing situat- or our great international .difficulties. maintaining the then archy. have done so out tneir ut Sacramento I nUm: lly no possible lative of the luw of nations aa those 1 declarations, political ion. repeatedly made sire to express their view. imagination can the Ger- which Germany haa agreed to aban- American Hotel adoption advice; be, presumed that stretch of SUBMARINES IN n sistinfr the of the It may therefore, man reply to the last American note don. FEW hut prop!,, did not seem to reul-Iz- o would not go to the extreme and : Is more the they found to comply with the demunda New York Sun It no than NI'AV MAN.UiKMI'.NT so tt g- cmfwy be MEDITERRANEAN NOW No Doubt in Petrograd 'Mli;il my embarrassment. And aronemZasuwm slird cmf States, Germany fair to keep in mind toe circum- Exists 1,1 country. They should, of the I'tiited that effective, was decided by the acting Fa Yuan so endanger the Immediately her Illegal stances thut In order to be RATES BY THE WEEK (parliament) question of all to tne voice oi ; abandon ( move of Imperial That Complete Understand- that the therefore, heaken warfare, but it this deliberate the imr mohninc jaueskL srflCiAt. V. KNTIt Ui Qiin-- u t methods of undersea iaio wii PROM'. 301. 0!i'i (form of government) shouW their own conscience and sacrifice government for the preservation of fi. i may way open no that a New York, May Italian Be- lie by of citi- prejudices, and with one minn leave the might account ing Has Been Readied settled the convention their rupture In between this rricndly relations take I'mu ill GcIuivm, which ii zens' representatives. The result was purpose unite in the effort the relations opinion In Germany. The and one country and Ib rmanv can lie uvoided. of divided here today from .Mediterranean Powers, the representative..! of the provinces Of saving tne situation i"" note had to be written not only as a two tween Entente ,i,.eoinliiMls of the sacred Hlso ' (Idaho) Statesman: Ger- of tin) ports had In addition to and the special administrative areas ..i.i,.,, reply to a specific demand guns mounted aft, six more, unanimously of a maybe spared the horror many's reply to our "last word'' on government, but also with decided in favor. continent American forward and two on the after-de- c j constitutional monarchy, In one t internal fiuht and the bad omens submarine warfare seems to be a a view to satisfaction of national four (Anowlaled t'rrpaHmlenee.) i Hudson for Signs and the k.x. l're.n empe- changed into lucky signs. substantial compliance, with our de- very exacting natural April Is no united voice eiectea me as me may be pride, and a I now ulmoat retrograd, U. There. 1 an Germany shall not In "Tne Mediterranean ror. Since the sovereignty of the "In brief, now contcss mat mands. l!utif sentiment at home. submarines," Cap longer any doubt In tho public mind citi- country1 are the re-- i good faith, carry out this, its latest free from Teutonic country hus been vested in the the faults of the Thu tone is manifestly intended for ".Most or the allies readied ti com- was r,e mv own Now that the promise, there will be no course for tain Alotia asserted. tho here that zens of China and 08 the decision faults. Merlin, the substance for Washington. being de- agreement some ago to Wall Paper rep- of imperial throne country to pursue but to sever ships plying those waters plete time the made by the entire body of the acceptance the this The adiijinlstiiitlon may well concen- fensively cap- powers resentatives, was no room left cancelled, every man wm diplomatic relations without further upon armed, the submarine effect that In case the entente there has been trate its attention the essential risk pos- i - It iu n it tains evidently fear to their craft is to to me for discussion- Nevert- oe ...i,.ir. f,.,.vm m action parleying. is an Im- are victorious Ittisslu have further ief.MMnu,.- fact an, Hint fact that to u shot and have transferred their HUDSON for Picture heless, i continued to be of the con- he further disturbs the peace of tne Lewlston (Mont.) Democrat-New- s: and apparently Imminent session of the liardanelles ufter the v measurable activities to the Adriatic seu." viction that mv sudden to locality und thus gives an oppoiu.n-it- What, the note amounts to Is Ger- calamity has by Germany's act, been war. Professor Milltikoff, tho liberal Frames the great seat would be a violation of to 'others. 1, the great president, is Justi- obligation of a speaking In the duina this rul- many's contention that she averted without the leader, my oath and would compromise my being charged with the duty of fied In violating International law, single bright banii In the spectrum of FRENCH SUBMARINE week, made the assurance of sui h an ex- country, canno, Vunrth St. nd Copper food faith, leaving me unable to ing over the whole as affecting neutrals, because a power this republic's honor. agreement definite when he said: At. plain myself. 1, declined while the country is rac In- TORPEDO BOAT .therefore,' remain idle with which she la at war violates New York llrrnhl: There are two SINKS "The end of March, 1916, 1m a date In eurnest words In to make to perdition- At the present mo- Germany. can order Ing misery, ternational law us affecting things that he (President Wilson) which is well worthy of remembrance clear the view which hath always ment the homesteads ure in Is Tierlln gives Its case diplomatic rela- That where do. tine Is to sever SV MONNINe JOURNAL SPECIAL LK AMO WlSa is been mine. however, discipline has been disregarded, ad- by thn Russian people. Thut. the The said Yuan, awn v. tions with Germane Immediately. The 6 of is being neglected and Kiome. May (via I'arls, 11:40 p. date when a definite, agreement waa slated with firmness that, the oath ministration Sioux (S. 1.) ITcss: the In would t Iter-noull- a rail If tone of the note Itself lu). French submarine re- the thief executive rested on a pecu- real talents have not been given government will fulfill Its that, on other "The readied between us and our allies LUMBER of such con- German Justification for the sank an enemy torpedo boat Malthold Root liar sanction and should be observed chance. When I think pledge, If it can control Its subma- hand, he can ail down and wait. He garding the future of, the .Darda- I'alntA Oils. Gins. or will of in the darkness of Is In the lower Adriatic sea yesterday." tug and Mull. ling Piuht discarded, according to the ditions I awake rine commanders, the American terms will not have to wait long. There Issued nelles." Hie people. argument were How can we stand as a of the says an official communication LUMBER Their midnight. Is will have been fully met. lio wav out of the difficulties evening. Five enemy aeroplanes Milltikoff Is the creutor of the "pro- J. C. BALDRIDGE so Irresistible that there In truth nation-i- such a state of affairs Seat! to No- United' ytates with Germany except this tan , ...i,,,,.,'? Hereafter all raided lirlndlssl (be same day. Months gressive bloc." the greatest force- In no excuse for me to decline i twithstanding of Germany abandoning Its COMPANY further Hiioweil "'"""'thoroughlyV. get rid of the aggressiveness through fell on n hospital and four patients Russian politics today, In closely the offer. officials should its tone, the note of Germany con- use of the submarine. This It and ana e- - -- bound were killed and five injured. affiliated with the foreign office. In Wants , People SutWiod. their corrupt habits cludes with a complete ,even although will not do. Tho break seems They should woik very things. tho course of hi speech, which wna "Therefore I refuge behind the achieve merits. it is In "uhatanee but a temporary, to come in the nature of took might and main in their duties, to hnve It TIiIoach Caught: lMl Recovered. In Petro- LEATHER AND FINDINGS excuse of 'preparations' In order that with o compliance with the American de- It would perhaps be better reported verbatim all the introducing reforms w now, New May ft. All the valu- the desire might be whether jl n mands. come York. grad newspapers, he said: Doroo Paint Root of the people corruptions. Let all u ables from registered mail bags Harness, Saddle, satisfied. actu- ishing old e -- New York Tribune) Sr. Wilson stolen Russian interest in this war Paints, I t i". Hut I took no steps empty words and on between city und "our ally to carry out program. When natisfied with V. U VT MOUSING VU1.SS can do but. out thing- He must break a ferrv boat this urn bp defined very briefly: W'e need the no bias regarding any all.tii. Ger- Ciiminiilniiiaw, N. ,1 , hist March have THOS. F. KELEHER the trouble in Yunnan arose, a man- tertaiu OF AMERICA THIXhS off relations with lit" Imperial an to sea. We did not should hold up as their main delay, and been recovered and all the men al- outlet ii free 0g date was officially Issued announcing Thev the pohVv man government without begin the war for this; but without it PHONE 4t0, W. CENTRAL the principle of administration express without hoHitlatiorl. Tlte reeall of leged to have been connected with the Albnuucrqua decision to postpone the measure will count and i The following comments been arrested, federal we shall not end It. nd hat only frailty Gerard, the dispatch of liernstoiff to robbery have forbidding further presentation dealt out witn the editorial opinions of the morning said today Indictment Territory Rig f'.noiigli. f petitions or punishment his own country these are the things officials when praying for the enthrone- Let all our gen- newspapers of the United States: postpone. They were returned by the federal grand of the Dardanelles ment. 1 convocat- 8tri t promptness. Germany that he can no longer "The annexation then hastened the officials, soldiers an, peob e New York American: done; thev Jury against three of tho four of the way ion of M in order to eral., yielded to our demands. Now are the least that can be Is In no an attempt to etilarae the Fa Yuan In accordance with tins has beginning but men under arrest, DUKE CITY secure the views of body and all. all. act make England obey international law may well be but the the Russian frontiers. Russia is big 'that be done. - hoping oris-ii- ideal." rights. Any other they must I'a-tli- ne enough, ami hus no need for new ler- thus to turn back to the and respect our parr, or See I 'eg n y at again toda y. Cleaners-Hatte- rs Mate, being a man mill aiih' tin in ini-- i rvpt or New York Worm: ah mat rttorles. Mot her complete develop- - of affairs. I, I'csey at I'aMlme ,"',a' reply which contemplates of given see maintaining a sham of the German Ma-li- bitter experiences, had once n.,T,.rittv. of Germany and the Hilly Mm ke hi again today. merit without un outlet lo a free sea! t20 West Gold PUoua 4 t course will put an alliance between ! "t all ideas of world affairs: and today ' Am' other Hm kc at I'Hlme again I "living retired Into the obscurity of Hilly 51iE"T0DAY and MONDAY "Special EXTRA" Reductions on All golfed E PREPARE! PREPA1S! DRY GOOD COMPANY SI r six ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1916.

atiff-necke- 1st A lull toeiyrd Into the fiinnt idem of d attitude continued. Tie relations th empire, and to subdue Kot".i The Folklore of "Counting Out" breaking off of diplomatic Original O now rennis to he Inevitable. ;rvT9rriri I Ill-- - of U.ut peerlet - - im.ii.j nil. "lit.. ambition pi ,l,.(..fi 'H.ut r- Riven 1'Vnm r.eiierrirlnri tri W. I'hiiI (Minn) J)lr.ptch! ller- iTiaucu win lie-- con- Hddiery, originally to mnny's new sen is a real t- le.rulit'd Generation With Accompanying Rhymes for Use in Deter- order Nourishing - freedom nuolriHt reactionary cession. .Standing alone and with- morning journal frrd Grown-ups- Delicious immiiri'hy, mining Wlio Is "It" A Impute Among . out the 'unconeculed string at the end of note it might open the Digeitiblo ruMihf hr tha Gurmn oy of lllsniar. k. or- - the ,uw the way to complete understanding and TLe powJer cisiolves in water. Need no cooking Keep it 011 t hnd. mnim. md (Ily Walter Irleliard Ijitun, In Philadelphia I'.vcnlng Icdgor.) cordiality. Food-Drin- JOURMAL PUBLISHING CO. """i tni.i the renewal of old time Rich Milk, Malted grain extract in powder. The Original k for all 'iVlit'M.k,' genius, 9 Ah it Is, is left clouded gei, - vindicate ago I one tho following conjilet the situation nourishing . N"t long sitting jHiidreitd about Infants, Invalids and growing children. More than tea, coffe c-.,,- ai nnd doubtful. For etc. ..;,.;,:.v,y:r::, r,.i,.ved t ...... , w.,i. out- - horncir: v:::vxr - venlng, Just after dinner, on the Trlhuno: uerniany nutrition.upbuilding the whole body. In the home, or at Hotels and .iii-.- r Oakland (ul.) Pure Cafi i I. . Ai.i.iBTI.H .s.m I Moloch, mid wont out 10 war in.er balcony or h city club The day. has yielded conditionally at least, llmn-ref- mothers, and the aged. Substitutes cost YOU Same pric A ft mm.UN oi rio-- r AujIlHt , worship "Kht "HI In h" street, and I Three Illth; mice r;in up the ulalr of Im- Invigorates nursing ciril'd the Ming nay which remove the danger an ' Mi r'"'"l. , ,,.,' ,.v n KuroiM, and ihe!H i'Hy n.oklnif i.n.l wat. hiim Ihrr, To hear Hloilnctt here rupture of diplomatic re- - prnyem. mediate Henre-enta- llr KM in on sidewalk ' H mill inn lations. "KlLJSISMUBVuSiliS JI Zl Ji i' i mThSm HSmiSSi allinSRnSIaTElZlgitiB V,"r'''. way. I ntg i , t. ocriiM the A man illil n.( Wnlln Walhi, (Wash.) I'.ulh'im: Muniurt. Hulirilnf, I liiraia, HI. I I'.ffi.icney, th servant, U adtnlr- - Unow wan Mining near me. After u This teacher evidently liad a real sidestep nppre.intion Tho reply of Germany again Beautiful Bust and Shoulders able fffiolen. y, the Moloch, 1h it few momenta he pok. of literature, for innteml the main Issue nnd puts up to thi HriwMllv. ' Funny thing," he snld, those of whipping the hoy she nve hhn ro posnlhle If yon will wear a ioientlfleally coustruchvi MtlmI K Ml monster. Km, i. ii. v. u h means, "hut government the question of severing Bien Jolie Urmsiere. I'll II five to two more linen V Htm, Hew In.. jrl'lx over there hnve Invented a game, minutes write diplomatic, relations. lark, welfare nf ln.llvl.lu.il . The dragging weight of an tineonflned so fik hcl,., die t..c..vp W, hw tnrr(, m,BW u. tellliiK whut liMppened to the mice, or Alhiiit;i Journal: In justice to it btut atrctrhw the . npportiug Diuscie that the contour of the figure la l"M-- f . ..nil n j y, ft on eriil In rowel, evo- - to Ml ISlodK.'U, the case mlKht he. upoilni mitr ;ffi, l'iu Itwlf, week now mid have watched it uh own interest and honor the I'lilted " luf They've Nothing dnnnted, the hoy turned out Put the bust back where It be. lull. Rot it completed nt States must sever relations with Ger- yxillgtl Prevent the hop-Hcol- Heijuel: full bnut limi. I Htippimn mill nil this many. Mmti having the appearance frnm - e rhl'T doe hi" hoiHC M tVyLTE of aab-- ' . i,m iiish mom iiilisr ii.m r i th.. reHl got invented eome lime, or ' note bmesa. climuiHte fj,e t..uni Mai oii, ;.) Now: The J J l. daneer f N M. 1 ir.ir In l AVlien Ml l'.loilxett hm Id "Amen," nothing dragging muaclea and eoailm, li 'p.r othir." promise nothing; concedes BRA551ERsf' r tl,c M.t,.. ttwil m h. iii f-r- Hie worl.l linn ruiiHht the. conlnnlon. "frohiihly," ni.l I, (hey The three little mice ran down flelll the shoulder giviug I ir "lint and even carries a threat of reversion graceful line to the eiiire upper body. t l.nM-- t i ll''l!tl-l'li- I'Uirope hM hi en forced to "ieeil iteemed to hnve. nlwii.Mi heen, il.dn't asain. to worse than present methods. il' Thry are the daintiest and most serviceable garment Imnri-liabl- .t or itm.l. on tionih. to hMKclf, they?" Milwaukee I. cuing Wisconsin: In e .r..r ui" In oi.hr iireMci'vp fnul I to (mote In my ronie in all materials and styles: Cross Back, Honk Hnre." mild he, "Funny how hey used thut porni effect the note seems to be a reiter- Kront, , Bandeau, etc. Boned with "Walohn " l I'. dl IM.rlMllf 111 (hut iieceeMlly rit louht hit lirovod a hoy tho-mim- lieh- - ttie M.l :t get chmn iferu-rn- t lonx. hood with of my t' practice, shall be made to boning permitting washiug without .. rllln Pilled the ation that rustless removal. .I ..,'. in J.Mrr,l whn l.ii'wiiiir in dlMttuiHf. It niMy have wonder If thin new gam.' will hecome mior'Tii u.eo, unu u never occurreo conform to profession in the mat- M tu,f la ,)r' itto me were not old Have your dealer how you Bien Jolie Brassierrn. Ifnntntork-ed- , jfl.l France and heyond douht a tradition, too?" that the veritex bh ters concerned. we will gladly send him, prepaid, samples to allow HI.H Ht'tX .ir fi''l 'I'll'' an very Mcrmed you. '' le of fut off I'.nn-liui'- 1 have heen wonderlliK nlnce If oth- the hilln. They Jteno, (Nov.) If Mr. Wil- wrkliiK Borne the fiuelle: SA. BESJAMIM & JOHNES, 81 Warren Street, Newark, N. J. iho M i boh J urim n j kh:r rln;u. er KumcH hnve not heen Invenled in to have heen handed down from son was bluffing when he sent his J452J iniiits limn ! v.m..i lt miy t.tlirr our coiiKceled modern cltle, games Ki'iierutlon to general Ion. That In the last note his bluff ha been called. Antrlit-dl- l we not I l M.iino" 'ill Ill the l lilled HUIe hnve ch.irm of folk lore, adult or s. .r which we as children knew nothing uhether He will have to make good. iiir lni'' l"r. heeu mi nun h forced to efficiency n nhout, gaint; which are the remilt of chllcllKh. lu orlginH are unknown, Seattle Times: Germany doe not H.NAI tike and j.nnt e hiive heen chiiniieil hy the mix- - the pei iiliur hew environment. TohhI-hl- y and it is perpetuated by wirelenH. nccede to President Wilson' demands TlK J''I A very pood IllimlrHtion today Is inlv hour and thirty inliiiitcn or tl)M (Jur rHt,. n America nlwuv someone ha lnvcet lKatd thenuli-Jc.- 't Instead, the imperial government has k . I v .... A upreiid designed ltIV-'- I I l....ua!l! It, I the of the latent Ford ear an answer bwerly III1IV flPW" f V imd written nhout hut luivt n't made Budweiser hum heen fiut, not o fiirluu. AVe A fl,r .rvu imli wcck. .o oiner chanced to nee the report. Will story. really have In merlon u lo inv.Ave the t'nited .Stales In fur- piil'llc h (thick, thce genuine In vmier nihinhed In New Mexico While our I'liteiprlne game perKls! In tradition, n the old folk lore literature of the ther diplomatic discussion. iwenty-foii- r They golnir to I I.. nw.ro limn liourit our priv iie i nlerpi Ikch ui'f not only ones have pern Idled '' The field Id Konl .nr. jiity il is he Spokane Chronicle: It doubtful and Other Foods of ... i'H" ncrvlva Uui inn really one for domelmdy who collectPd, which U a pity. All folk If the American government' will con- tmd tr.iii, hut prof iiulilu. a fertile literature, as lite OrcrM, lovea euriouH imd pIciiHiintly unlm-Imrtu- nt should remain oral for at sider the reply satisfactory. There's food value in beer well as beverage enjoy, lafl.lemy that liieiinH unvluit fioiri (least two Kenernlions. Tflcgram: In ' HiihJeetMt PorlluiKl, (Ore.) ment. A bottle of Budweiser may not be offered as a I ,MAV , 1 !i 'i , (lull of tn f Tl lil'AV imti iiicliis the mnxl iiuhil Hi'lnll.iii mid Vexation. other words, Germany Is still.llo complete meal but has its place in the meal compar- ciiieeipieiii e, Unit xpellM hi tter llvillX. After man on hnlcony and I sole .indue both of the efforts it the the Views of Editors to H hiipt'lneHH, Is (lie no longer hud the new game to watch nnd results of thi government able to bread, milk or any other of the dishes or drinks I.I I1MWV ritOMIM AtiUS hitter health, more neu- fell to etand for Itself and the other well-balanc- ed cmic'Ii. e nf improved economy. And we talking nhout khmoh of our that are part of the lunch or dinner. own childhood, and eBpecially ahout on German Note trals, nnd in the event those results Anoi'l-rti- i In it gov- hold The (Irrinnii reply to the there room for here. Our counting out rhyme. AVe noon are not satisfactory to it, it will The alcohol in beer (a small percentage) has its tonic ernment reipiircH it. our people that evidently exiettii a to United States Itself free to resume or maintain such nit limit inn, hiln not nil that th.re hlgn seas a it may value and its use as an appetizer. The hops have a lied It. e.nnlilcrahi VHiialion In theae course on the wmi iclred, l.i''ii.l douht nuiken rhytruiH. Our dincueilon i1 one of seem called for by the situation pre- nerve-soothin- g value. The malt not only has foo'd value, Ilut the uhjci't of our rcpuhljcun New Vork Stunt! .eitiuifr (ct'iiin sented. u them, in fact, nearly tt (Mill : uf It. l lit coliceKKUinn lo iivold hienk iiiHlliulloiiK mid our ilcmociutlc precipitated Ion) Tlie day of the dc. has but is, of all foods, one of the most quickly and easily quarrel. He nid: jurrhed. Whatever the n turned digestion i( dipl.Mimtlc reliiti'ii lit thin time. In nut the j?o cniinent which by into nourishment. By its very of the German note may ARIZONA NORMAL WILL thirst-satisfyin- g. , - Me d.'KlKiiiile Kliilc. 'I he I c nature beer is especially I if ciMir-"'- the lie or.l' m to the euh- elmll iik the Acker, backer, mda cracker, ha one thing ia Indicated on the xur-fu- h la memos. Uer- - Acker, backer, boo! Is, cimtiiiMtiderit Utile from ill ut, u Willi of the anitwer and that the GRADUATE BIG CLASS n.nrine differ My elicw'n wlali mulon miiiiy II In mi eiul, J lie American fuller tobucker, hoti'tt of the (lerman Here are Two Little Charts II. e Mlveii after the lnkliiu of Out gocK you. I and her lender to continue peaceful unlit. nut ex exiilllillull of PCCIAt. TO MOHNINdl JOURNAL) ..in lit for the relations with nut government. that show graphically and in figures comparisons be ui"l tho Aruhh. Then, , h(, Th(. Flagstaff, Arl7. May 5. Prepara- the I.ull..iil ,,XNt, ,(,r ' No," 1. h obvlouely They are not blinding Oermuny to ' mid "Thai tions are going forward for the grad- tween beer and other beverages and beer and other foods: I' wng n mutter of J s r Kod f.il'h, l inillvhliinls, mid iiulemi It provhl.-i- wrung. It Jan! the eouiilcr'a father ,'he effect which the participation of young uation next week of the largest class , for the isienlext pmwll.le liMppiiiesa who indulge In the filthy habit, hilt rich, an.1 powerful nation Ari- a It I lin II mutter of It. i ever graduated nt the Northern Comparative Alcohol Content J. 'for the grentent phhII,I number. It - ''""'' ' lT l ' fount- - the side of the exhausted allied zona Normal school. teSteii'i fool) I 'III li Kit to wliii t our out. There Ik eeorn In the line. tloiut will create, liermany wIhIhb to i,ird u President It. P. von Klcinsmid, of " "" (lerniiin nation You hnve completely nibbed the avoid hreuk under all circumstance VHtersity Arizona, will deliver Wh'lkr relation Hl'll the t any . reason the of lioiiacter. duhtletv of i1ih rhvmi'. Nor Ik th.;nd For thia address, the ex- .bull I.e. (Icrmany concedes everything the commencement RMik Wine I 1 rrieiency for ii. our line, our mutle illreill'. The third llne''lely, ercises to be held on Thursday. Q - I hi way: i ana mahe onci'HHionir w nicn a vic- - tierioany sn.) kIic hu given the r.ii- We not efficiency, Koc sesnluliH-u- l Flagstaff n.ir-ln- ul merei. nie for .toriouH nation under condition The the - other begin In August, letting out l.'UhiN order to 0"i tuihm.iiiiie c'.oi- l!.. ohctliclit hliiviM of Hm Inc. lianl' al your j.ould not grant. As soon us about ' If father chews tobucker, ;a month curlier In the sprim? thun perfection. There, lint men and lu- - itit goes the people have heen heard from n u in todeia ymi. jthe customary f ommrncemeiit. CunnnuMi!l Milk In I tilted who final court, iN soon lis tho question, ...... in-,- .Ululliimt the Hlt'N l,. ,1.. ttlll. the treneral "Not at said man. i B hether there shall he war or peace, Il hnve mi .milliard of effl. leiicy all," the other V.iu mini many opportunities daily If you pnueiples of tli.lt nnd and Ihe "In day came ' submitted to congress, the answer il th" when that rhyme do lu.t read want ,1 Hi or vessels lee-- : which grind the llle out of the Journal ud. .11 ii. It. mi l. hunt Into being there was no t - jw"l not be belligerent. Average Composition of Bread Milk Beer Whisky h v -- ,,, shame I') Inlet iialiiionl hi "in v i,( it ho treat innplo) e and the inched to the good old custom of Kulclgh N. ;.) ilm.s: The note I wn Ii. i.lll Wlllllll mill minimi i"i il, .,.. ,.. in Inhui'i'i. 'I'll,. .1.11,1 in t lu ulnti n miixu-- In tl... j i.miiv rnirn .'h..ulnv f, ' i:..ri,.n i...... Carbohydrate 52.0 5.0 ,i.., .i 4.8 2.25 none Intel i'"J "r .'t'h'.'il,,, tnaehine. liieMliihly uch efflc- - was ruther proud to proclaim hi par- - iiiepating them for u break in TELLING hZn,,"M:::rB,,u;:,i ,,, ... revU.t i. i - v; w Protein ?.0 3.5 0.5 none none ... ,e-i- ,, on par, r'rr,:;; T"(iiwiT:,MUlv v mom or oner ,,,, or the ill e.rtl,B .mpltiyeg r,,;;,,.t Fat 0.40 3.7 none none none hii;h- - -- of Ihe public, which Is in the U Hid," a, he. mandJZITJJhas been complied with. So many will miller to mm ,, I ZTlu Mineral If tin fl,,,,-- 1Mfric!enl. nfuri nnttiy tin re was no third )ng a they (new orders to suhma- - Substances - 1.0 0.7 0.2 0.2 none 111. THENEIGHBDRS ,,1,1,1 there -- hotibl be II" further' Oeiiumi effl.ieiiey has brought ills- - I"" '.v to whom we could appeal. Ht rlne eommandmsl remain in force .now thnt J nut right! there will be nothing nt issue. Alcohol by weight none none 3.75 8.0 40.0 , ,,,1.- 1- two nations, liut i.hler to the tieojile ,,f the emilie l.lween the We were nil her a mussed a OUT Itllt'fahi (V V 1 f iiliiiiicr.1,.1' Tho lu the noli Junt trausinilled to m. got ij,n the ileiiiiun note state Unit nioiiis to working to find out. lnevilable has come. The United When you think of beer for your table, of course you'll Stales we are told that the how many ouniliig-ou- t rhyme we; .states forced to diplo-- . be avoided altoMeth will he break unit' "t.ilittot k'UMcr has twice made offer of peace. wild recall between us. Home we rimtlc reltttltmn that have .subsisted To Follow Her Example, When settle on Budweiser. ' I"' iinre.'d on, as the iamous: f mid thnt ' alhiw uncen niut The great German machine ha jwlth Germany. There must be no Buttled at the Brewery . more note wilting. Nothing remains in Need of Medicine, naviil tvtir-f,fe,- " lulled. Must tall. The god of efficl-- a and liiidc In the rnmlurt nf line, niene, mini, mo, to recall Mr. Gerurd and thut hand ANHEUSER-BUSC- H, . ney, like I'.iuil, fulls when ehallciiK' d. l atch a nigger by toe, i ST. n,iliin!l, after the e pel len.es the Count von Herustort his passioi't. They Have Profited j LOUIS Then' Is something lacking lu tin' If he hollers let him go, ItoMoii l Acnlng Traiisnlpt: it (the vl,i, I, l f.illowid Hie former laic, mene, mini, mo. uii. i) stem which leave human nature note) will mollily the puouc nnnu oi by Her Advice. i ii . on ul, .inblimlon and th" eonsiieiice out of the Germany and muddle the public mind anil human Hut unother on w hich we differed t u i nii,i n iu i,it,.h.,i m C. E. KUNZ Herlln's I sti.. A h nil peiqile liiiit view lll)i loll. v.na this: lu tone so sneering as to natlsfy I the - I 1,11,1 Ashevllle, N, C Mrs. W. H. Willi tbiill oi'liunlV I if iiii'iicy that cannot e tians- i.'.i.nu ...I I.. In...... cr. Distributor ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. .i oii.lM liioie As I was going Hull Rhoadea, of It. F. D. No. 4, of this Individual better-- t lo Lake . clever as to mislead many .Min i i. nns. jli'icd into terms of I place, writes: five years my met a little rattb snake, I "For after t.li'loti. hap-"'- Allnniiipolis .loiirnul: While the ineiit. liiiilnM inenl, Increase of " He'd e't su much of Jelly cake marriage, I didn't have very good HllLCld lliliitliel "tl"l," jVnitcd .stales can never au.mil Oer- - Kvery 'ptneHs, does not work, Is not good It made his little belly a .he. iimny'u health. three months I suffer- right under any clrcumstanci s ed for days I ter- (.1 .l ll.ilI'M t't 'be I in, dip Ull rr o work work several had " fl,r are here and ; to violate, inlermitlonnl law in the use pain my ... rible in abdomen and hack. I u ol f In g.iud us, II Is by no mean The other maintained stoutly tluitj(lf u,e new weapon war-i- t I llialll l.btllllim would hi tiki fur but of undersea I tried various remedies and medi- ! - wu ginger cake the poor snake had :il uf lite, and a people who are a'- fare, it should now proceed with ull cines, which gave me no relief. I hunt lul l lo I II"' il e. ititen of not wisely, but too well. piinh n living dispatch to the negotiations with al- nfieed to iiiiicbiue are not w rong, Seeing the testimonials in tho On imte, This I held to be manifestly Great Ht'ituln Initiated more than a V.ilh the if Ilellilall i i i manac, I thought I would try Cardui. lift hiii'plh or truly. aii"e one of the things most nt- -i year Bkro After taking one two bot- i all besides, i the first or ll, .i,,,. i.f thi' fulled Hiilis tractive ui.out the rhymes, of nlilngton Star: If the I'nited tles, began i nurse, excuse gave Using I to feel better. I took it i f ll" ypcctnl Vol respi'tldelit tit the it for .Stales does not Kngland I... . , en urn. I ii It ii w Itieli i obtain rroni off and on about years. I im- . 'in,, word belly' In mixed company, guarantees to for four I'ikii tell" UK that. Mrs. ObreKoii isatisfactoiy as the proved all the time after I began to Ii , tipnit m el iiueiil in Gel iw .is the dellcbius simllaiity of sound f f.i( blockade, meeting the German view Cardui . . . ,. . 1..r"-M'- """ ' "Jelly nnd "belly take , 'M'' "jPflween cake" ache." of the rules of warfare, Germany will. r.lack-Praug- nun-- h"t I" """ j Cardui nnd both are hiiKhund to become bend of the Such slmllnritlcs of miiind appeal to I ' It indicated, reopen the question of fine medicines and I always advise my Ugiii.l nf. I. in c 1" tin I'i.iti"" '"- -i u B.weiiinifiit. ill pin.' Huie children, as a good epigram uppeulis submarine warfare In accordance with In adults i.e a iMmd mill sick neighbors to take them and they n lieilm nli.l W W I'll (hut violitil have meant tn.u sue .,.,. .... '...... iiitnrnatloniil law. have heen improved or cured by fol- A - , ' 11 t , (Conn.) gen- Vote" .'iiiii TImei: The "Straw t.i ... . " ' linn ilnitfo'd lowing my advice. I ad- ,,.,,,. . aiding ilieui (won,,, .hii nine teiett.-- tu " A- - ,.,..- - t fact, 1 seen would also ,..i,l...i it,, have eral tone of the note is irrilatlmc and vise nil suffering women to take Car- , , "(he widow of Gi neiiil libiegoii." Isoiii' whei a collection of nearly fifty j an...... , apparently Intended to be CIIUIIII. I ,. dui, fur it brought about a permanent l.!ll,l.l ,.,l,,li,,U'.,.,,l hv In II ua In uin WiittTtown .) (V Times: The euro for me, and I always have It in . ilv II ii (in et iiiiietit has ii. i on. ei ii. lgl, section, ami most ot (hem with time has struck for a acverunce ot i tho house. I am well strong fv i'l bed. tun plc.ts.-t- hum i ne variants. of course, the children do J diplomatic relations. nnd and FOR V ,.i.. fighlini; fiill-- bain have had good health In respect ii"t ,.l quest iun. n.i collcc- - Teh-graph- : that in. the Mexb an learn them from a luiuled Philadelphia. Kvcnlns since using that medicine." l.iklng Jitili"1, but . though. They passed - .act me in' lone if i, .. ,n. i i..uu iiiu'ilon, ale down American falrplay will scarcely m Many Indies, who once suffered ter- n v.n...- - . : i. , " iiiuiHj inure of vtei I,. Ii rent M,ti,Miiin i. Id uiii tl of the w ,1, i . , , ...... , ., "" ..... , . . nian mis uuiii?., rible pains, now do so no more, or at w.ili i.f tie lll'i iai ...... i , i...... i...... "I. i.i. ,1, ....j limi i luoay uermunv yieuis, nui wiin a many v. in ; least nre relieved of of their , Hlf.-- t reels' ill Ml Hint his ttlKUItv being Item in Idace? 1'id you ,,,t, ih, the int. tlie nrst licrl incnt rcnli.ib.. thut flreat llritiiin troubles as a result of taking Cardui, i. l h, . even ever one up, In t i.i I', epcied, not lie has iniike or aslst the must do the same. Republican mil IiIh of the lillid State Hie woman' tonic. Nominee f" ll I.e i'i.MCHs. obviously, the man who was! Albany (X. V.) Journal: Germany It. lmli.t l'Ui. - Try For Bale hy all drusslsts. H t ,1 l( til. flitl.ll Lb" U.lile , going to Min uihe uiui m. i inc rai- uguii, makes a promise that inercnunl I t lennnke was un American. Thut one t ves'sels hall not be sunk without I .. I (hill In I'lir i i iiii.ii'- let hav e been composed not only in j Anoilur iii-i- s with lieinianv has '""st warning und until those on board The New York Tribune lias actual If Hull bill, k.l'li. IIUplliKCN Up .., ,, ,,,, eountry. but since the discovery have been safely removed. Th undertaken to find tlie (till ' long v HI ii i, ,,m,i;li- il bow S;Ut 6 lbs. large size jMX'ferencc ; of the Great l.Ue. wording of thi government' demand OC. of the repuhlican voters presiden- I '' as to who their t,c ii.,!,,-- 1. th utied Hlill.s, as utc I and final one arrives-- tu siuh that acceptance of a condi- tial nominee shall lie, and the lias the i ., i.ii lv lull I n.t lonal lii, tlie Ftniue nunil'er nine, tional promise to comply with it New Potatoes Journal undertaken Slick your head In turpentine, task of learning- . aiguiueiita-liVei- seems Impossible. the sentiment of the republican voters in fn,.i.i f. .i . will deal with fiiKl.md ilciiiauv .nine down It Turpentine make shine, Iti'tKiklyil Dully Kugle: What we IiOim trciikfat Itacon . . 20c but hlle Cllllio down. l New Mexico. H.ei.fe,: f.i t'l i eedeiil in toe Ii nutt- imine nuiithiT nine, want from Germany 1 nil admission SO His. fancy Patent Hour.. m. 7.i wrong-doin- g - of which we have not 85c pkg. Ctil'fiH- . . 2lk ier- nil. I iml in i or. lie,; to nnv di" - The Tribune SOL OIF RS AT FRONT also betra.vg internal evidence of crea- obtained; reparation for the injury Kill Wolf Coffct- . .:i()c says, and the Journal believes it correct, ! not quar- Harrington . . Ii, .il,, G" nv tion than the first wrought, which we have not Hall Coffee 0f that Theodore Roosevelt nomi- 1 - or Justice Hughes will be FIND WAR MONOTONOUS ter of the nineteenth century. Who evidently not the reply for which the Pure nlir.'rnla I'm It .lam. cans. lu- made up them- - rhymes and why eer- - president and American people, I ancy laiilo Syrup. . 10c, 25t: and .".On nated. The name of neither of author- 1 t.r the these men has been ha Mo willing. Ii. hoi ins; alsolller jlain one- - get perpetuated is eomethiii(f had hoped. 10 lbs. Cottolciic t.50 ized on any primary ballot. A nation-wid- e its ,t hiitioiil ri-- ..lull .tin The nimble h a . Now Mirk Herald: German .Moo t tmih Honey lih test vote, in I im lnli-i- t l'r risMi.lrlH'e.t el The SaM'i I lull, t n. 't I 1h:ll it do Another phase of Childhood folk note confirms our assumption that 2 large Cnlil'oinia Peaches, L'.il scope, is therefore .in tin- liriUsh Front , France, undertaken. The Journal will conduct Is 2 large cans . . I1!.,' t V i hue found in the catches we were (he imperial government i prepared California llunis. Im.I i.e. t,r pi ii iiie liioii.itony i. modern the test in New Mexico and will ull so fond of when younif. Who in- to go a very long way toward meeting 3 lbs. fancy Head Iticc J.i-2.- be furnished with the prog- ! .oh It i It r I:', e.iMer, wiiliiie spoki-i- 'T Iri'uui Ittly by . ..lie us. 5 lbs. nhsj clean llrokt-- Kits.-- . . . ress of the iir, o I ,, 1 i, turiiliiij vents them'.' Who has ever u It offer a measure of conciliation vote secured by the New through 1 ml men rt hoine frmn York Tribune ale vuiinl'b but Hum. I, hiw one in the making? Who was which In turn affords to nny respon- Itcst, INwrl llomlnv, lh .."ic Ih, .uiii. mill', but mm cm ' nrCelv pkg. all of its agencies. ( oi me most in incus, per- - sible statesman the opportunity to re- h' Oat Meal ' n a lute tu nil the twful dieiiiiiie.i of it"1" nuinor - - move 15c si- new 2 1111. l.olf 11 Till"- I.I M ItX'lloV ,11.1.11 H wild,, nt having thr. " 1 " W" rememoer u, all difficulties. We can do l'ost Toastlcs. for. of vimtcd 7 liars Soup The voting is f com sc. It was mint popular nt nothing else at thi moment than not limited to Cast tii.nl Then- is of cm. .e, no inon.it-"- 7 Roosevelt and Hughes. t the nge when .vii were call upoR hjm (the president) to bars Swift's While Soap .2.V - I Hie R, lnl.iln.ll oi.v In mob n Ii, a that waged "'out your ballot fur tlie man ili- if ,.il'f .s grasp liars All low Ijiunilry of your choice and for second in. V. ., I, in. and nt nnv point. In me learning to count. You said to the extended hand of Germany, Soap.. 25t' your I I t ffi.-- v 2.-- . U tilt..,.),,., the Will, II' , ' I to pave way an under- 3 large cans Milk . choice, by ii i, U1..V I,., bursts of activity other boy or girl. snw a dead horse the toward cutting out and filling in the following coupon . 1 Wo In de- small cans Milk Mm, kind h ,.IM...'. .Ih.i giid .ll, ul wil a t.niporurv thi ol " 'helsen Hem h. it.'' flsup-(o- r standing. know that thia 2.V and mailing it fiinfh ' we ma- 3 lbs. good fdjeil M'Mly to the Journal. 1. il I f . 1... .1. I'ose In I'hiladelphia the horse wu mand are one with the vast Prunes .25c l'.. ewn 'i the uiui i'iii:,iui hut once these 2 Ills, extra large luive , in. the desired '' nt some local point.) jority of the American people. Prunes 2.V el) .1.1 ii.,,ie.l e! Ii oloi o.et utiinn ved a tr I" lin . - Toledo (Ohio) Kvpress: 3 lbs. choice Hrittl Peaches . 2.V ie all, t- ta.li '1 as the life mav be, The oilier boy Was supposed to re- 1 . . 1,1 I . 2 llrli-i- l The n n. h. ii u' hu, ' t .i The note is not an ultimatum, but on llis. fancy IVachcs. , . . . 25c II. e t'lthliiiK utiles Link into lis pie-il'.- "I two it.' .,1 I c, I, slzn Hoc . i In II mid elliv then i, fa u i., 1'hen Riild "T thrill, 11." nn,l so the contrary a sincere and renewed JiH Garden ii.. itr,,,' .ha,, ' Hi.u....ii,u vmi Tear Coupon Off It .i Here Mail ' r t1,e rela-.- l"nll Ganlcn llakcs Ii,- fl.llll II t... M ih OW 1 to i is H...I turn yucsuon si.ldl.-- 'on. until the other fellow affirmed 'ffort not l" have peaceful sln and l.l iiic of years dis- - vcgeianie aiinil I Seeds, l'"1 ,e vnoild tlie from n to what ha Impressed .that he "eight it." and you screamed ;ti"ns the past hundred lower rrione pii.)iiignii In jllcavy lihcr Suit Cases HI. 25 tin Mi Ht"Ht in Ui oprrnt .nim, i ml dnisive mirth, ho, Jimmy i "r,,''d during thi crisis Germany . t! I. gh, n i ffi, by "Oh. ' Heavy I'ttiep Straw Vote I. of t .. i i m UlM U,r ""Xistence. We hope the Suit ca.stN, 2 strap. 75 Editor, ituikl su i nun lint r. iil ' ale a dead hore!" f . i". I I l,4lf Of ll ! prayer of Children's Straw Hals. . . lllc I n n t. of ol li .not ill it , i.i.. Then was "Just me" President will follow the ami .ii,., ,P. Ihere the like us l.nrv Mexican Outing Hat.s rnvnge.l I,,, ,,f It " dialogue, which ultimately caused the!'""1'0" "f loval " an1 8av? Morning l,,,l bl.'li.t all '"'f .Men's Summer Weight I ndcrwear, Journal, - lu.isii - tn horror of an I . .,. ; .1 S- - I Dili OVert Vi,.'lifli In W i.st !, tl- ltn,.A pe.ting victim t,( affirm that heifro'" uP'akuble '2-- mil, It ih ...... un lust war. each - "onkey. Anotner we all ,r, I bind. 'u.u ii.l.. Hum in Kl.inder. fileraMV V""'''1 trtisiir, (MaK) fia1to! The Men's Suiiiincr AYelgbt liii'on Albuquerque, New Mexico. t'Oll'ing to be seen. A misty r''"' follow. b fiOc ' g'-.- l of mm own leal, mg us. r' note is an effort to save him- and SI. 00 1'. "''',, a,f li.-.-- ihii.,,1 .iiMe , s" Iti... ii i f a r tiht en- lcn"s now p l ot l. ' self and his dynasty. In the Hals SI .Ml My ul sua. le.hs 1 hey do exist it l,iirl,.-,- i i Art.nu and Kve nnd hme all - choice for republican ,lh n.ncl. lint deavor he ia Juggling with Germany Men- High Grade S15 Sulhs. ilU'i.AO presidential nominee is: - . i i, .I ,. Kve III I hi- b ,.f their ..uiii.,.-- .,., u all m In slmw "'"! "t't to swim, Adam and I (lilies' Drt-ssc- Ihere fate. What the concessions are does $1.25 lltiuso . . .$1.1)0 , 'w tt,,r' tlrowned. ho w a paved ? ... ,"I. t m-- ooe of bftf th.- eiieinv Is IMn Yi t II.' j not matter It will I the preident IjiiIIiV Siinimer ests Ho to 25c First fi - Ijttltcs' JT((, . In iiotitiittia iint'i is - re- 5c trtms. V in bus ll rmt.it ! iifariv . ... . hisich (.ri'.in. ,. V,,l...,lM .. of the t'nited State who severs I .... II..SI ! Will, 1- I .' w... l.LI.- i,.... ih,.l...... I ' ' I..i. rll h lation Germany no other a.lics' Ihstuurul Oxfonls. . .'$i'to' S3 '. mid or kMll. i'e , one, wuh and !.. after it had once been played on course appear to be open to'hini Hoys' 25c to I. h.i been j ,,, h,m' flc it tile.) Ii hlililill )( s ,,, m.iam holv loan- - but Ii will of Germany len's lss Overalls $100 Second I'n-l- St be the ksuter . il I . mt Nmes in litkol. Men's Well It, in lis lioll" And there T ,. Mi.i.ixei .he ciy h' who dictated what tne course must Made Work Pauls! . l 00 - t , Ihanjlhtitr ..b.-u- i II wlinlmllb Ktg ! ''lifton Johnson hag somewhere re- be. answer to n il In. lutil III'. iin ..rable ll.e The German AT I am a 05, within the of ton--"""- " actual onin in n piece tu mitt, voter of New Mexico. Uht ' .1 I y any of fulme tune flrr tliv "e America's is "NO!" ' irol.-rili- .a Ncww-J.rsvlo- i. the I Mint, lo up arms tt il h ; hlldhot.d Jmgle which how. KM an. Hid. (Ya.) r: no Hnlr ,,ir li own ftalui., trioiO .iKittii ii.ttutni tu the skits. liy. how a mii, nintiy oilier have Germany replv t a dihiiigenioua ef- Name iKlttatt'd. iMe eava mm lar-cen- y .iini.m"ie i.t ttie ilev elHinn rrml working swin si. a.iilv at their daliv j "' In Kufield, fort to have International petty Willi Conn., boy in . hool wrote simie-pelKiu- n a DOLDE'S-- Invader, put on ! to.ifig lb utlbelievel. task, dcspiii the trus k the. nni plane TOI II DOLI.R i.t ...llig I on BCT8 MOIU2" n n. e and obstinacy, thing a piece of puper and passed murder and vialtej with SlC-S- ia Sex-iiD- I tjtnce, T he g rll. iii.ii SouHi fice t.b'IV (iI.hm.I Msnv of tlietii have, of been i il around. The teacher :IW the other the same punishment. PboQ ve. Postof ... ionise, , I...l.lr t.,,14 r.t ll.rt mi,.p Tmtt 1 Ttmre n?':rr-13-lVl- ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1916. r SEVEN

Recovery halted at midday, as a ' natural consequence of an effort to! assimilate the large offerings of the ' 1 Wfflt forenoon. : KtroBR features included United J CLASSIFEID) MS Flat's Steel Tdl li Tkoxglb lib JOUHMAIL COHJ1 which recovered from its minimum of 80 Vi to 83, the Mexicans, most of the munitions. Including Cm- - j cihle Steel, Kahhvin Uieomollve and SKll v esunnnouse and the (ilstlllUiK PROFESSIONAL CARDS FOE DON'T RENT : shares, especially United States In- SALE SAI.K-- ll. I. HikU. k U dustrial Alcohol. Final prices were $2,500 frame, modem, two A .1. Ill'ftnuU', AITOItNEYS. at or near highest levels. Bleeping porches, good outbuildings. Wt KOH SAI.R fer hutctnnf from H. C JOHN W. MII.SON, . STOCK EBUHI ME taxi Attorney, Total sales of stocks amounted to' Fourth ward, K. I. Kett. llnrred P. .,KjkJ. Ked J'eultry Two-roo- cottage, . 17 m. 875,0110 shares. $1,700 extra largo ynrrtt, 4U-42- AtlS.-tlO- Phi.ll J4MVV. Hounia 13, and i'miiiivoII rijIIJlnu. frame, bath, porch, city wa Wt 1'li.in.i llTi. General newg of the day, which etc., corner lot, cement coping, screened lot, KOU BAl.H Hi )iih turk-- r :'0c ch, ter, front, of prl t embraced the probability that tho Fourth ward. south north end low. from wpatk alnnora aisu ROM EY ft HOMEY threatened strike of New York land's. Only $S50. fair. 19U. Poultry llancu. Old Al- - the n Easy terms. hml AITOUNMx AT Sharply When $2,400 frame, glassed-i- HrllPlplA, Phon lSliSl. l.W. Prices Recede Central telegraphers would be avert- Puti S. Law Library litnullnti. sleeping porch, cellar, chicken Full-kraa- Later ed through mediation, was helpful to MONEY TO KUUS d Ba,rrd Hock, Session Opens but bullish sentiment. Further railway houses; shade and fruit trees, lot 7(0 prr of 19; Huff OrplnKtona, DKNTIMTS. 100x142; Fourth ward. best II; Rhod lalitnd Haiti, II. 401 N'urtb Materi- earning showed material Increases We have a number of the K. K It A - and Make $2,000 frame, modern. South Thlrtonih PHoiib . llll. J. IT Recover In and net returns. llonds were trit giirKFiin. in Valley at the right ; llenliil Kdith street, convenient to shops. ranches the HAl.K-- H, chu-Ua- under pressure at times but improved & CO. KOIl C. H. 1. Hed bby Hoouis Hamuli Hol. Vhon 744 Trade Active, $1,600 bungalow, you think- TOMTON '! Kmk Gains; with the stock list ai the close. Total modern, prices and terms, lf are fiincy. ct'iua; utility, to cuil. Appointments Msde Vail. al two 50-f- t, In fancy If sales, par value, J2, 870.000. sleeping porche. lot; ing ranch, see us. Ill West Gold Arena fur Imtclilrg. fm vol Alao iluea Fourth ward, near car line. I'oclivri'la. C. P. Huy, !3 North Jllsh U. 1. I'OIT I'nited States bonds were unchang- HetitUt. US Wlllsl IS.500 atrret. rCIAl. MO ed on call. modern, 4 r M0NIN JOUNU FOR R ENT Owelltnga. Itooms .1, Mullnl ItUlir. u. Seldom has the Closing prices: bungalow, built-i- n features; sleep- yi'Ai.ny cor NTs. Over Pelilu y Store Vorli ElCira 10 Xf -- North. fcr hatctilntr. citiiia each, 10 tent of Us American lieet Sugar .. 68 ing porch; also 8 room, bungalow frm market M'on P"1 " HKVi'-;i-i- -. limims th fliii'ot TJutf Orpinrtnna and lllack I'HVMII'IANN AMI KI HdMlSS .... I, oYIHT enop.l today and . . DS In full i'uriiitiiil. American Cun rear; Fourth ward. Nii-ii- I,. H M Hona, j!a groutf r .Vuvth Klil. m.mtli. Mil Kim lu tha m. iriun and NOI.O.VIOX I.. KTON, M. has it t'me rxed with American Car & Foundry. .. f.O's Many other bargains improved Bl'.' SuiHh Arnn. Ph. I179. Ill in KICNY A flve-nii'- mmli-n- huum. Phyalclan and "MAm of the mature of the American Locomotive . . 08 Niirieou ... and unimproved property. lik. Innnlio T:.l Nurlh Taint urecL I'U"lu TllliY LAV, tlicy win, they pay, thai a Phone 617. Uarnstt Bldir. ''r(,d";, th,! flnan('iul . ' nX American Smelt. & Hef'ng . 97 Siiy It. 1. Ueda, 8. C. re PorterfiddT enouKh to Navajo Intreas-r'JoSrnr- C. lien waitint; with American Sugar Refining. . .108 A. HJBISGBIER W'hlia Drplngtotis, S. c. H. 8. Tns. it 1IAKIH WhI Ancnnaa. Till, known to American Tel. & Tel ..127 218 West Gold. roitli. lia.nl'UiK stock, etois and chicka. I.. K Priieticv Limited to Ear, inse und Real Estate and Insurance. Hi:.T-Kuiiuln- " opened and nl iiitiUKi', mnii r lllf -- ei before tli market American Zinc. Lend & 8. ... 9U4 111 Loans. lull 'ill. ina Poultry Yalda. 717 Kul llaxeldlns Throat. South Fourth "'.ret. Real Estate. Fire Insurance. and lui'Su slima uleepinK purrh; i "UWm in a11 r,"r8, Anaconda Copper . . . . S4'i Ver.oe. Allniqitcrque. N, M Slate Natl. mill Hank ridg. Z r, nii'tiili, mil i i 'mil. I.K losses of FOB-SA- W aT,,e,li transaction showed Atchison ..101 sT'cr hUe leghorn baby - 11K.NT Four-ruiu- lilt. N. ti. VON AI.MKN h, points in many Import- I'.aldwin Locomotive .. rOlt furnialu-- ni..il,rn rhlcka. the kind that grow to be "Ijiyera T Washington. Active selling resulted, HOME EASY. house, purclitii, yard, chaOe Practice t.lmlleil lo J je, Kur, Nose lV ..,, v.i,ile-- issues of a more 85 SMALL wriiieU nice nd 1'ayera;-- ' chicks 114.00 per 100; 17.50 Ualtlmore & Ohio .. tr.-n- . Throat. a commission bouses, however, turned Uu ttiiuth Sttvond ilriot. i'hun no per W. and showed greater . . 84 per r.0; t. per 23; tints 11.10 U. 1 4 il character Ilrooklyn Rapid Five-roo- m 80xS0 Office Hours: lo In IJ; to J, Transit..... largely to the buying side and wiped frame house, lot i;:3. Yolt, Atl'uquerque, N. U.. P. O. Box j Steel deellnin Butte & Superior l J. Itoi, ('ennui Avenue. Phone CO! WW vihlehem Copper..., .. out all the losses. feet; nice bearing fruit trees; price ItirRc amt piiniry 107, !.onjr phone lM'iiM, wot a brief time the list California .. 21 full riMinia distance Z For l'etroleum Buying on the part of export houses $1,100, $250 cash, balance $20 per with hik and luiintee ivplvr, nlmly furu T. S support except . l:tnu H. ('. White l.rslinriia. 1K. I. TVNM "me to he without Canadian pacific .165 lalied (or hodaikoi'iiliiK, uiudcrn, i.v0o jH-- tended to give corn a little greater month. 010 hens laid 1177 skks one day. Many Sueclullat lu Kur, Suae and Throat. ti character, but before Central Leather .. r.:'d ship- month. tilG Went roal. T steadiness than wheat. Liberal R. MeCLlUllAN, cockerels in use descended from hen with Melltit lluiidlng, Albuquerque. hour prices & 6OV1 'Oir'KB.Nf-"-48out- iKiUl.on of the first Chesapeake Ohio .. Tlilid. brick. 41(1 egus years. Ileum l'l . ni. to 4 p. m. Phone T2t. ping sales helped somewhat to lift tOl. tvn re.Mrd of In two Ekks ,eJn rehound sharply. Chicago, Mil & St. Paul .. 93 H 210 West Gold. Phone roeniM anil porch, and ttaa 17! to oats. . the green bug damage aictiiius II. M per 17 per piO; chicks lie each; largely, if not . 3:to,et) '"The recovery was Chicago, & Northwestern .127Mi in ruiisca. ahadea, walvr paid. per month. 17.50 per 50; M per lou. llhutratsd cat- TIIK MIUIMIFV SANATOKII'M - rt Oklahoma appeared to make Tllton-llug- ...... niAP view. - - Chicago. R. 1. & Ry. . . 19 Alia. phoiiu ur JJiulio Poultry ltanch, Albu Tuberculosis of the Thnuit and Longs. wholly. the r' suu i'i - Pacific rather tin envy. nhiriie free, ilentry's iroin I"! oil, iuiiivu- Chino Copper . 53 1F.1V WANTED. liickiimnn. querque, N. M. Cllv office. 812' West Central Avenue. Provisions averaged lower, being II to . Office Hours: to 11 a. 3 to 4 p. m. the terms of the lnstrucnons Colorado Fuel & Iron 41 by note. Pack- HlTiiliinda. in.. i.u. Opinion in unsettled the Herman Male. plume S2", : Sanatorium Phone 4ul. ommanders. Corn Product Refining . 19 liKNT i rirmahcd lloliae, FOR SM.F T,vHtok. - ers were credited with having made id on huuao ahliiKlaiti Ap- W. T Murphcy. M. I), Medical Director. was almost equally dlvid- Crucible Steel . 7 '9 W.NTKt-li- J"l. ear line; rent. !:'.vim. i'mii (10 Kant 1 Street - i purchases on the decline. ply. Mini, nn Itiirrlna nwiil. sMll SALli ileutle pony and saddle at a niAnt U'iU . 50 Jolin tr.il. ' nt lestillcrs' Securities ii , Phone lWfJ. n (.'losing pi is: VA.N - and luburt-ra- eiicriflce. by indefinable impres-Sio- . 84 T4 TKli- Carp liters seed liK NT Km tailed cxiiav E, E, R0YER, M. D, Irtened Erie WheatMay, $1.12 V, July, Agency. 110 Full Full SA1.K-tiora- e. haiaulii: one aood work break has .162 $1.13. man cook. Eiiiployment vvlih alci'l'lois porch, loia South Waller that an immediate Ceneral Klectric Corn May, "O'.c; July 76c. Snitli Third l'lionf 3:. 4. i'all l,w Knst Silver iioMKoi'ATiiir riivsici v. . .119V4 atni't. at cet. averu-u- Great Northern pfd iSc. V or will W illi log luilbllng. Phone 251 been Hats May, 47c: July, I I 10 Full SAI.K latuc farm looac orriee: . 3!l Vt 'AX i: J Two ur ihlpo inin icpn'wiit frVIt I'oay cuIIiikc ireat Northern (ire Ctfs Kxix-rlii- aniall team. i'lS West Copper Porl:Ju'v, $23.65; Sept., $23. 35. u In New Moxii'o. not il trmle for '. . . .100 u tit.T umt Until paid; 00. uil avenue. Illinois Central i Lard --July, J13.00; Sept., $13.07. Iiut ahoulil liavo large aulo nwni-r- K1IIII1. "W. SHERIDAN, M. D, AND GET 4 Si.uih M ASK FOR interhorough Consol. Corp... . 1', Ribs-Ju- ly, litquttiniaMce. AiiU'ik'iui Vulcanizing Co.. I'lUi S l.li'.-- - Ilelsiuo li.tlea; old and youlia $12.77; Sept., $12.90. KiirnUlii-t- ilircf-roo- tninKa-iov- r Inspiration Copper . 44 17;i; Henver, Coin. I'lill ItKN'r UreKKcil raM'iti. a ajiocialty. Hecks Ita l- Practice Limited with Apply South Amu. N, 3. .111 hath. Kit ibit ry. l.'iOO North Fifth. Phonu Iww. International Harvester, IHtAOSTREET'S REVIEW. i"o.n 1HJ4'. Genito Urinary Diseases at Int. Mer. Marine pfd. Ctfs . 874 JK RAt.F. y team "f youna horaos- WANTKIi llrl to in houi-..i- and I'VIt lilNT Pom iin.nl lion.. and porch, f SKINNER'S City Southern . 24 to- one Iron aruy wclnhlnit 1.104 pounds; on Kansas New York, May 5. Bradstreet's alt lurnlaluid, 1l',(i month, water paid, 1?3 Diseases of the Skin, Copper . 56 sine! weighing l.iut, will work both Uovi'i M OUAL1TY Kennecott morrow will say: W ANTKI) Ii u Bil l for grill!.. S'otih Arno. Jmitilro siui South Aino. THE HIGHEST Louisville & .126 iu t pniKle; these horaes are perfectly souad. The W'assermiinn nnd Noguchl Teats; Nashville.... Immense business, extraordinary hoieu'wora and rooklnit 4ir North Tivetllh I'lill HUNT May Kith. Iiliih clans in w 15. W. , "eilil" Administered, Mexican l'etroleum .100V& Fee. activity in industry, more demand for VANTED-U- UI neriiit housework built lu features, wliiKed aleeplnir Bunk JIM . ' for cltlreiia Miami Copper 3514 4o7 phone money, renuirkably good connections, ii' ipt be competent. Apply North Fifth I" rchea; i:Kv. li'io Kst Central. rem Adiuqnerque, .New Mexico SPAGHETTIS Missouri. Kansas & Texas Pfd . 10 .'r-'- heavy railway traffic and noteworthy HtlVft. I'ult ItkiNT modern furnlahed s o. 1MHW. . . 4 slcep-iii- HAU Punt fcrlllliT' Phone At'l'ttKXFVM AND StltVKVOHt4 Missouri 619 Kant Klnan BOOK FREE Pacific strength In prices, commingle with, wANTi;n-Vou- nif Kiii Au lioii.icwoik; oouee. Silver aenuc. l,tll 96 PAGE RECIPE . 7 SAI.E llood Slibi Iilnllal apling waxoil Montana Power j incidentally, outweigh p.. or IroiiiiiK ; home niiilita. Ill) porch. Inquire. M East t'euiial ave- Hill I' Kdmnn.l and seemingly uuahliiK K. PIT Hoss, iNiunty Survevor; PASO, TEX. . . 64 nue. nt 1"W price. W. Fee. SKINNER MFG. CO., EL National Lead 'such factors as disturbed internation-- j V.. (Vlllllll. lloss. I'. 8, Mlllclill Surveyor. 210 West FACTORY AMERICA Three-roo- furnished SAI.K-ll.'- 7 A LARGEST MACARONI IN Nevada Copper .17 al relations, evidences of friction in W ANTKD itulluide Kill for second work Full HUNT house, lititiniiut Hlliie', allle llold avenue. Hot 41H, Albiuiieiliiie, N. M. houHckeepiii. IdK chicken yard ..nth Third McMAHON. BALIS MAHas New York Central .104 field of labor, an irregular crop and euro of children ; refi fences required. .or with all'tet. J. H. the paid, U per niuntli, wTil VFTFKIN AKY M HCMH.S. V., N. H. & Hartford . 68 Apply T:'n West ciipcr av. mie. and outbuildl'iKs, wntcr ill SAl.lv u ulola hei-- l chulr. N. situat ion, and clear signs of high cost IJUl iMtiilre South Waller. t 7:U SmiiIIi Arno. N A Y Kept. Norfolk & Western .123 holding up some building projects WANTED Experienced womiiil cook, will- irn.le for unit. . F. V KTKRI It College begins Northern Pacific .llOVi however, reducing the total ing to so to the country for ihe aumtner. Mil SAI.I5 Fresh ground bona to It. Catalog free. C. Keaue, Pres., lull without, fX)lt HFVr TVotim. Wall Francisco, Pacific Mail . 23 quantity of money expended for con- Aoply 61'tl North Fourth alrert. Phone flit. ens Highland Meat Market. ilalket alreet, Calif. radl'le Tel. & Tel . 32 struction work. But after all, bank ANTEtl t'our IntclllKopt ladles lo solicit North. II HAi.K-order- . -- t miei wood typewriter, food Pennsylvania . 55 clearings, mortality re- crders for new hoiiaelioid article under v'H ItENJ' Fuiniaheci rooms ny day or no. Mi Notith Fourth. Phone ill commercial 5 111 I'.' M 30,1 ' I nci-tu- good for most any kind of Ray Copper. . 22 tt and unique selling plan; to week until t building. Went Central. HAI.K-- 0l OUt'-- l II l iv, ui H.IVI! location Consolidated turns, expenditures for structures, and Full oiie. 21 221 avenue, II retail busimes. j S'.ulli Fital street. Reading . 87 even merely point to sustained pi r day. fall West ilianltu Full HUNT Nicely furnished larse r.'ioii i st. lllnuil'1 South Waller. MALOY'S strikes city. Iil7, I i.uilllc K:l hotel office. 'Republic Iron & Steel... . 45 4 superabundant activity In trade and f.r IlKlit housckccpliiii; no sick. TUil West Phone -- SA 1. 10 Siniill grocery in building, Willi . 32Vi $5,- - lt..ina. Full H I.IO line Ford truck, one M.ixwcli Full SbuUuck Arizona Copper industry. Weekly hank clearings two living r,.oma und large sleeping porch. . ltKNT-- To newly furnNlied r.Hims. .link, cheep: !"lh In pnn't cuudttlon. Southern Pacific 9'4 137,17.1,000. Apply Kelt Pent reasonable. 111'. Kant Central avenue. . ? W'ANTKD E'perleneed salesladies. board If desired. SID North Klevctilh street, Nagle Oarage, South Fifth. Southern Railway -- aiel .127 The Economist. phone ltlill. FOH "sAi.B One largo refrla-rn- h ' Foil SALK. lliislnes. suitable lor mail Studebaker Co ItOSTOX WOOL. wife; light all rush, no delivery; in- 11UNT- - In fine condition; cost 1'iuo; will sell for work, Tennessee Copper . 45VS till; lUKe louin wlla sleeping 227, Albu- - FOR TODAY ;0i! I2.", llachiicht Miircantlle Co., Inc., voice about ll.asi. Address Fox Ifc4-- l poich board, for two. Imiulre Texas Company Boston, May 5. Tha Commercial and suitable ititeutiie. N. M. .1 i N..rth Fifth. Fust and Ti.lerns. 1'nion Pacific, ... 1 3 Bulletin will say tomorrow: Positions:. Volt SALF Ileal r,,onittig holme proiH.sllion ' WWTFM tfAl.li S- - mv-flv- e Ci) Ainertuan New Potatoes, lb. 5t 1'ninn Pacific pfd ... S2; n'li,, ti.llimr in thn wniil "nil KENT Furnished apartments from Full hi statu. Is.ifi will handle, Present own- chiiufi'eill ; seven fo-i- Ti'legraphone s (par 11(1 for t". Alcohol. week., esoeciallv in do - lVVAN"IK" Position two to rooms each, sleeping parches. ok er leaving city. See II. 11. Thomas, 21 S. Industrial ...161 market this nil up o date I "fill; 10. auu Ctolo Nam Oil for 1 175 Las Cruccs Teas, Steel 2 74 experience diiv. and electric lights. 1104 North Bocund also South Second street. lb.. 10? I'rited States mestics. which was in evidence last n pood A lttreni : K. I). CHHh A. Ul l I. l.lille Pock, Ark. mei hanlc rti aet. l. TlYt 'pToT.tnlug I'nited States Steel pfd. . . .lUi' weeit, and eeen ioiiovven uy a nuicici M j1)urnM. Sclillieil.lllig Foil" SA1.K li F..NT house, Slimmer Squash, 2 lbs.23 7914 - Ur. N I Ntwiy lurnisheu outaiue Full SAl.i: Navajo Id.ilikcls. Copper .. period, a moo- roil Cluar-unice- c.nipbtely furnished, housekeeping suites I'tah although there is still lii.MNF.U nurso will care for cliililicn ny light housekeeping; standard, llll eel from reservation. d pfd. .. 2614 Wool foreign rooms and also rates and single rooms, :u) rooms, eaay terms. Cucumbers, cadi Wabash "B" crate demand for bulh hour. d.iy. week or month; charges reua. phone 142. Colombo hotel, 103 to he ahsoluiely genuliie. l.lest ....10 . . 90 ruling Iniiulve tins South First. Western I'nion ...... and dtimesliii, and prices are onnl.le; cun furnish good references. ""i North First street. jirlces ever offered In Aihuqiienjue. 1). H. Native Head Lettuce... 5 Westinghouse Klectric .. 58 very steady in this market. Greater'. IT;. McKee. residence 4"1 North Thirteenth FOIl SALK A go :d buailiess. in good loca- day, S73,00O Mouth. tion, only store In Mliiewutor; takes about Total sales for the activity is reported from the west and . mreel. Phone MIscHliim-ous- I5.IHAI buy store, building, New Cabbage, 2 prices on a basis fully up to what Itl'LVT I'uit l:n.T-i- Vi to warehouses and lbs..l5? shares. tire L. K. P.liiewalcr, N. M. I - West Hold V NTED l lies-ill- land. Lamb, has been paid earlier In the season. FOIl liENT-Oo- od gnnice, 61K North EleV- Fancy Tomatoes, s b..20? I,OM)() WOOL Al CTIOX. The mill situation is not materially ei. Ill Htrit, phol e Ht:.U Full lilv.NT Furnished lo fur liliht l N'l I i Irnln K W'. Fee seems housekoepiiiK. South Second. EOR K I .E Eii rn 1 ii if . Lett.uce, 2 (changed. The labor situation Mill UENT-- U liluhle n nil iaKe FU .Mi iiiling und darning, am ."iih California Head - 7" I; I SA Llo, nil, i.bs, London, May fi. The wool auction la little more hopeful but is not alto- In te; I...IKI 11, oi h. l::nr, Went Fruit. i ii KN'T iTmiiforl Kht housekeeping Third street. yoll I.i: li etirlalus. 31- iuisc-i'ii- - 2 I, p. -' :i Went i net law over: houna for rent. for sales were crowded today with offer- get Her up. I'nll to in . Central. In 15 cleared uuoll piHliile for horses und cattle. Hi. oi., Tiii ll.'l West Central ings of 9.000 bales. The demand was Scoured basis: Mill I7KNT rlfwrinieiipi 1(1' rn uonm: aiKii for ,li, lit 10 per no,. Phone I'J.U'.I lt.lt eitv: , - Comb . . prom boiliielii pini; ii. Hie i,"S West Central. l'l, II 1.11 lomplele set high-- lass fllllll- Honev utrnnir und nilces closed lirm. Texas Fine 12 months, 72 75c; i ii 111 Hoi-- coliill-lMl- l. apartment reasonable. Inquire V'A.'i iiiiichilie lure, alnioHt new, Just shipped here front gradu-- : S KENT Clean, well furnished, airy ho cheap, phone a steady opening the auction fine months, .6283e. New hotel, corner First and TUeraa. j foil tton; must no cheap quick Pnrebest Baking Powder. 2 buying room, will! kitchen privileges, lioy Weal ens), sickness; for sule. Call ally strengthened under keen Territory Fine staple, 80c; fine i7ji.NTF"Ur-rMi- WAN'TKIi-Ktr- m cluws with water. H. II. Miller, phone 2HW. Foil inodeiu furnished I Hid. i.isiiiie medium staple, 76W7Se; fine cloth- Hi lu-- I ill Pooiic, llliiJV. for 35 by the home trade. flat, Sleeping .'li'h. South Sixth, pi! Will i, for stock. I'Ult oA LI1; -.- Some , X. elii'llt fuillllllle. Sllit- - 5 to 1 0 per cent M clothing, 7 'ai plil: KENT In fin lulled loon Crossbreds closed ing, 73 75c; medium euife nt Snvoy hotel. W l'ili House bullulng and joh carpsa f iiiitlshlim three or tt.iir-io.ii- i .si i ; p refi no nick. l.vl ul.le Reomlar 25c size. .!0 7SWXHc; Tlirce-foo- West man ll' d; fall . higher and merinos from 10 to P?r 7.1c; half blood combing. FOH II ENT Very desirable ry. Harton Keller. Phone 128W, lioiiHc; ptactliaily new and Ntrb-ll- siiiii-- three-eigh- ts 70(ii c, tternooiis. cent over the March average, jiuiihk blood combing 72 nparlment, furnished. No children or CLF.AMlNli, and atose tmv. A.blrcsw. H. M., Cur,' lourioil. Colonial Brand Bacon, by: - HKNT-T- wo nicely furnished rooms CAHPET furniture series home trade bought S2, , extra 8&0e; AA. 75ffi.78ci 400 South Seventh street. l'dl: W. A. tlM the the - Pulled transients. for liitlit hous, keeping, modern. Inquire repairing. iloff Phone the lb. uussia. ",- A, 7 0 f A supers, lis 0 08c. 4 IKH SLE nnncnr". side, 20? 000 bales and France and fine Fiilt IMCNTNb't'ly ftiniijdicd npnrtmcnt, .M7 Wi'st silver. LAi'l'I ciittiiins cnrcfully luundei c.l by luincT 000, w hile 7,000 were held over. ..,! I. .,11, l,n. i.i t,, s. i,l,. mil, r 1(1(14 lilust avenue. fii7. FOIl SALK Hunch, Ml u a a n.l 1 KKN'T-Su- ile of Iwo ro, .inn, MuilHble Copper Phone ti doz. Vegetables. as- - 117 street, Full - cans AND IMh; no sldt. Woiitli Seventh I lioiiae, Addrexs Owner, Hex 127, llllla- I.i:.D SPELTER. lor two or three men or women. 2i West WANT I? D run 1 r yTi f hI klmia" for mur-ke- l; HOARD TRADE. Stein Bpiivtnieiit.H. (isT. horn. N. M. sorted (HICAW) OF Phono l.i'li.g It to til 2 .North Fifth or piome $1.15 Vow York M.iv B. The metal V. H. HA i ,iin li. oom houxe, ' 1,'ul! HUNT Kli'ttant room, amnio teds, K. Miller. l.'ult I" Ci, a; 4 Corn, String1 Chicago, May E. Exchanges leluiiiire niiotes lead S 7.30 7.40. liens do imt lay because they adjoining, new home, gentlemen. VVANT.;ll-T- -o buy Jersey or Jersey and burn, yard and homo acres Beans, Of Often hath go oninion a to the responsiveness lfin..ter IVjirv. Sunt l'lawt St. nny of sit bst to 7lr, Wont l,eiiil avenue. llolstelti ci w; must be young and fresh. cultivation; ltiUft at once. AddrofS -. ' do not liuve tli inice Peas, Tomatoes. on- 10 I ,. M Ouner. .loiirnnl. the Herman note governed almost Louis delivery, 1714c asked. make the egg shell. Crushed oyster HUNT Nicely furnished front room. Address (lotf. I,nniy, N today in the Fun Belle Springs Butter, per lieelv tha fluctuations shell lias biii foiintl i lie the Ill's, bath, private, entrance, peiitlemnn only; W'ANTKIi 'I o repair your leaky roof while wheat market here. After moderate! MOW YORK SIDNEY MARKET. t hing lo hm. mill I he lieiiM'sl. Ton no sick. 711 South Third, phone llili.J. the. weather la dry. Outta Perchit Hoof- lb ing Co., 11(1 Souih Third. Phone St,. K K v U1 A ult'ulia rmu ii which took place, before tnoj pounds oil iioiinils, ."; 100 lbs. T'uTt UFNT-OI'Ti- l.ousokeopibK 40 declines a5': and iitl.i'ilnlnif llmlfti of CniccB, & shown, marKet ncm-- j 5. pa- - by corner viy .full text was tne New York, May Mercantile for l.7. We buy Ibis sliell the rooms. New ArniLlo l,uilditift. J H, ia liiflin, A HimiHt.M'i )))(. 2 lbs gains, but then again; und Central, ,1. Horru.lalle. upent. FOR- SALE Houses. 75 ied slight net per, 3 14 per cent. cur loud, hence the piict'. Thud "Foil SAI.K u,rTirlMCV TiiTr",. iarm, . was a weaK ciosu I Elegantly rooms, FOH SALE At once, at (l sacrifice, beau- uotraei There wriuiiB .mi.t day bills, $4.72; E. W. 'EE. FOIl ItliNT furnlahed within a mile of aiun, N. M In tha $1.13 i 7 r. Ti. mudiru, bungalow; kim Ji.i2Li and July mi" ti n. running water in everjr riwrn. Vendome tiful atrlclly IVcti r.:rty 'riii of njiplte orvh ranging uriimuu,,i.,.l v.'" Beoond Phone 121K-J- . aiif, Tilth the mnrUet as a whole liar silver m ic, A Symbol of llcuilh. Amies, Mrs. John Cornetto, corner rood location. mil, trees; also forty mren In from the same as yesieraa s iiiubh Mexican dollars 59 Uc The Pythagorians of Ancient Creece and Silver. l'Olt SA LF Four-roo- brick, glassed-i- n ulfulfu; ifood hitUMD, hurn antt fcncitiur. Will to c down. Corn closed unchanged nnr. l,,nnu fc'lnvi ivlv lllWfl. 'IV ate simple food, practiced temperance FOIl HUNT Nice clean Unlit housekeeping. slceiilug porch, good bargain; terms. 12. wt' mi ttnn or traiio for AUnKiinrMHo ril A. J rooms by day J Seoit, 420 West (Irnnito avenue. fniii t W. r. Pt run it. A llnniHcniui-- . N. M. MAL0Y to a shade lower, ana oats uuu.,.i,w (.fnt and purity. As a nudge tney used ins furnished and unfurnished ,T ii,- to '4 to c up ana provisions cnl money Steady. Killing rute, five pointed slar which they regarded ir week; under new management, lllttner I)RESKMrKIN(. tiii H. il; urn- if ihc fiuist it ruiiciii' u. South First street. Phone 221. near city with all fiiy nit lng 7 to luc uecune to 2i p,.r c(M,t. as a symbol of health. A red five louse, ills ronvi iicd; 172-17- from A s luN A I.e. ; your li.'iuo or Ihuiiic, with Imt und c i vmi ; 1m tli Phonei 3 appears on package Mlsll.aniU. hr pointed star each mine; no tiatterns; satisfaction guaran- ti rn! I 'ilct in1 tin fl In iiic tin i'l Mti'l view In the ful- . first the general NEW YORK METAL MARKET. uf Chamberlain's Tablets, and still JIK.NT-trill- Furnished room. &;i Fast teed. Madam U Wood (recently from l.os jjlfulfii. TJirv1' ht'ckn from Min-.-- cur IIm1. 216 At incom- uil WEST CENTRAL wheat trade seemed to be that fills its ancient mission as a symbol of Ai.gelesi. room 2. Crystal hotel, 223 South Ii It i.horn', tiiiiil ili llvt id twice .lully. W ill answer - - Phone K71. lhi st1 11 O.'l n h it l;ci plete versions of the Perlin New York. May 5. Copper Firm lieolih If von are troubled with in- luil iti;, T l.'tniiiHhed loom, itn Fast t'eu- Second street. i tii ml i'f bees ami Si ut at laitoiKHhlli. If iIomIi'c.I, AI.-- pointed to a severance of relations j Klectrolytlc, nearby, nominal August (ligation, biliousness or constipation, Irnl Pin. tie 1'ofien Metmn k) nny t Inn-- I 'liic. ruist wzy.ou. or tne.se ! ItK.VP Furnished rooma. U juth l.ll.AL NOTICES. and later, tzs.au get a package tauiets irom oil t tu liO i.Jtpifi iHti'tt. Htfl) oi. iH'ciMilit of unchanged. Fhone tot. NO IK I. (11 Iron Firm and your druggist. Vou will be surprised Walter street. I'.MU Btn-t't- Mulit: .No, l(i.427. HKi'. South Sfroml ilitto Metal exchange quotes tin iiuiet, i.t quick which they afford. UH.S'T Nicely furnished room; t:.M per liy (jhi.iic, l.iTU. um if MB)) A the relief Mill In the Dlslrie! Couri, State of New Mexico, T't ilt siiutl. " Spot, $50. 00 ii 52.00. everywhere. week; hoard .Yim. I:M South Kililh, a Obtainable County of Tlerniilllln. I.'Oll HK.NTNlea rooms urnlshed for Flinnheili llelf Collins vs. Charles Alesander TYrKWKITKHS, 1JVESTOCK MARKETS. housckeetilny;, modern, sleeping porches. , 7 NOTICE. Collins. Alsls K1NIS, lnh mw A ml Bccuntl-hiinil- CI' phone IfdsVV. I To Whom It May Concern: South Arno. To lie uhovo named riefeiidtmt liotiiilit, ttUl, rMitetI and reimlrcd, A Chicago Livestock. ii,..lK(. take notice that after this Full HUNT Two lul'Ke rooms with slecplns You are hereby notified lhat a suit has Typcvrt.r Kxchuiii. J'hone yt4 , people; ev- been fileil tigulnet uu in the said court ntri-rt- . Chicago, May 5. Cattle Receipts ( ,p wl)1 tl((t ie r,.!pijaHibie for any p..tch, each suitiihle for two f.".' Fourth S yt C'C and county by the above tiumed plaintiff, steady. beef er; hlns: modern, South Atiio, IHAWKIN 1,000. Market Native ,1(,lt contracted by my wife, Hazel in which the snid plaintiff prays for an UMKttVVUtl TVPIilWHITKilH. New nm sunny steers, $7.U0H.ti; western steers, Karplnsky. Foil H K.S'T liirne front room for nbnolute divorce on the ground of ctilMM. First olatta Tentata. Hhim and v llh good Bleeping porch; O.liO; stockers, $5.90?8.65; 4, 1916. A DOLE KARI'lXEKY. housekeeping. And y.-- are fuiiln-- notified that grade rebuilt typewriters. Kx.irrt $7.0'ii May Cir, South reel. hlh tows, $4.25 W 9. SO; calves, . $7.25 tv two beds. Arno si llliteHS you enl.'f or ouuse (o bo ehtcreil In eharR of ahop. til Went Ooltt on n FOR liTTXT Two or Hiree-iMo- apartment, your In cause ,r f'hnn 144 llniiwrwonil Tvpowrllitr nonium.v. In tlie ciillivatioii of vcgeliiblesaiiil Vila, 17,000. Market furnished; also single rooms; no obll- - the I, (b day of Juno, A. Ii, a Vegetables ir0gSKereipls flowers iisiiii1I ubout Ion limes as pro eolltceso will l,i t n ken llwlllnMt Fresh av- I'ren. Tho I.ndKo, til;, 1'nst central. firm, 5 to 10c. above yesterday's h is usi'd us should lie. t A you and tho relief pl aced for will be gi Hill- Hiiu water l'"olti7i:.To:I"gulii r..onieil, mod- A very nice for our Saturday trade, bicluding erage. Hulk, $9.751 S.95; light, $9.35 great deal of grass Is killed in lln: Jliah, ed. The tiiinic of tie plaintiffs attorney supply 10.00; pigs, ern, furnished iipurtment, sleepliiK porch. A. w p address As- (fOlO.00; heavy, $9.40iii, same way. ii W. Keloher. hose istofficu Cucumbers, Greens, Fresh JIS. .earing. 7H Hast I'oal, phono Is AlbU(U.-liUc- New Mexico. Florida Tomatoes, Mustard $7.25&9.16. E. W. EEE. Ially t,iHsnecr acrvir l onwell I Sea). ) A. K. WALK Hit. Clerk, 1cuIhk Sheep 8.000. Market Uenerul. and t S.Dit r. tn. paragus, Native Green Peas, Head Lettuce. fly TllllS K I'. MllISON. IVpnly. t'urnoxo steady. Wethers, $6,901( 9.30; lambs, Remits from Journal Wsmt A 4s. l'Olt HUNT Well furnished, conifoi talilc ThrouKh fare, orn? fta 10.f.O 11.70. room and sleeping porch, with pleasant MITII K FOIl I'l III.IC ITKIN. nteriiicdiut" pttintu, pep mllo 10' $7.75(1? Of- home aiivroiindlnits, for one or two persons, Pepnrtmrnt of the Interior, IT. 8. Land 6U IliB, ..lU'tfKi' fr'- - t':xCfl.1 cMITlcd. N. M., April I Kansas City LlvesUn k. phone 19.TU. fice at Santa Fe, 21. 11. JtOVM I, AI TO 0 , Meats Notice Is hereby glveh that Mary Jose- t) iMti-rs- . 121 Salad Re- Own ra and I'linne City, May 5. Cuttle - Kansas CHfCHESTERS PILLS phine I'enrce,- of Alblin.uerilie. N. M who includ-in- tr steady. fed A We carry a in the brands, ceipts 200. Market Prime AM.. on April 21, 'liMCI, made ltd. A, No. 0!l71.1, complete line of these lest l.aillf-a- l yo'ir l ,f . HUNT Itooms and hoard, Hates ll.Uu $9.35 i 9.75; western steers, Aa uruirsiu Hilt 13. 7, Township N t steers, t a lllaniuiid per dny. Ml South brcidway. for N. Section luhsier- craK tuna, salmon, etc. Don 8.85; llrsnlV O VI tH nimttIHVOl) dirmin " f JSO0(ii 9.40; stockers, $7.00 I' 1, in ll.-- i"l fcold ni.lill.AV llimse 4 R. N. M. P. Meridian, has filed '".x.ij ""j'! Hluo Kibbon. IiAII.V Al'TllMi IHILI'J HTAtlB. salad eaives, Jfi.SOfi 10.50. li.ixl, oilll V JIOAHI) end room, lth sleeping porch; notice of intention to make five year proof, forget that Dressing to make your TmI. lis other. Itay f vntir " 1'ilFsenger Heili.'e, Batavia Salad Receipts- 4,500. Market Asl (i II III rales, 1.10 a month. 1:1 South IJroadway. to establish claim to the land above de- Hogs llrttolil. rt l.l US Lciivo Sliver lHy 1:90 p. in. 3 IfyS 35?, 65o strong. Bulk, $9.25 f( 9.85 ; heavy, IIIAUllMI l.tiUII I'll.l.M, for IIS Ph me lliuiij. scribed, before (leorge 11. Craig. 1!. S. Com- Infect; sizes cs Alway. Ilalisl K Leave Mogolton 8;00 u. in. ( a ; vsari known Ui,l, Saft. missioner, at Albuijueruue, M. St., on June $9.80 $9.90; light, $9.6a it 9. pigs, H pill CLASS room and board; sleeplne Cars meet all trains. Largi it und best SOLD BY DRLGQISf S tVLRYlVHlPvf seek-ir- a. o, porches. Special attsntlon to health im. equipped aulo licerv tn the southwest. ' liiini. Claimant names at witnesses: Sh-e- p 2,500. Market 613 South Broadway. Phone AUTO Receipts Pi area, N. If. Dli.NNLTT Cu. 1 year- l.enoro of Albuiplcripie, Berries steady. L'imbs, $11.00& 1.60: and M. Silver City, .New Mexico. Evaporated Mck.Kl.l.All UANi.II ijulct nttrnrtive Horatio M. peurce, of Albtutuerijue, N. lings, $9.75ii 10.75; wethers, $8.7a flonorrlifni health resort, two miles north of poatof- - Itauion Ortif.. of Albuiiuerque, N. M. and Gleet convey- - Wt Have Just Received Another Shipment. 9.50.' relieved In 1 lo A days. flce, fnsh ckks. Jersry milk, free Oitn U. Van Cleave, of Albuquerque, Loganberries, 25r; HigO Is non poiBuniiua ence, sleepinK porch er eottaire. Phone I MioVV N. .. package Denver Livestock. and effective m treat- I.V'77l7TlT ItANiMI The m,,eturoct7ve FTIANCISCO iini.aAno. Raspben-ics- , Re ing BlIICOUSdlMllS-KC- One nf town II, slater. 'package Denver. Colo., May u. Cuttle not a health resort. mile north Will rictnre. rrevents coiiisg.ou. ejegs produced on place. ...ir.itf 7 111 Mllfliet sieauj. Reef All milk, cream and K I III II VTION. HHt.lt BV DHUtMUINTM. guests. Klectric lights. MITII Olt PI 9.00; cows and heifers. desired-Fn- cc vr ti 12 71 Free carriage for L'. S. Land Of- ATCHISON, TOPI K SANTA ItAITe. steers. $7.75! rarcel Postlf II, bottles ur Cottages. liet.artment of the Interior. IT. feeders, Prepared by city mall service. Kooms .N. M.. April 21. 191. WAV ro. is C87.3:. stockers and - W. H. lined. fice at rianla Fe. $ (ti 1 rnu cvans chemical co., Cincinnati, i t.,r- sirs. Hawkins' Market '$6 7551 S. 35: calves, 0.00 2.00. Nellie la htreby given that Lenore Westbound. Sheep Receipts none. Market ' Peurce. of Albuiuteripie, N. M. who, en April No. Class. Arrives ficparts Has and Mut- FOR. .RENTIffjky Rmw. 27, Unit, made lid. A, No. .0W713, for H. ' I, California Fxprese ... .. 7 3"p S:.pip fancy K. C. Beet as usual today; nice Pork i steady. I HUNT offices. Apply D. A. Mao-- N. W. end lota 1 and S. Section 7. 3 California Limited ... ..11 tuiii 11 :3lbl WAArVNrV''AVWs'W olt 7, ton, Milk-fe- d Veab genuine Spring Lamb (not I pherson. Journal office. Township ti, llungo 4 K, N. M. 1'. Meridi- Fast I'.xiirees ii I Ml, a. erliiinibci Iain's Tablets Have lone c 8 :tc "RolSovcs CATARRH KENT One-hal- f offici space, III an, haa filed notice of intention to make Fast Mail .11 U':2oa home-dresse- Me." Foil kid) ; d liens. Wonders for - tiie South Fourth street. Apo' W. P. five year proof, to eslabllah claim to the 19. Do Luxe (Thiir.daysl . 7.7.1 h ;ll"i T ucr. I. ..on n an fferer from stom- bind above described, before (leorge It. Southbound . DLADDZr; Metcslf t,.r. a mimlier of veiirs. if), FA 'Yaig. P. H. Commissioner, at Albuquerque, n! Fl Paso Fx press .... Hl:30p - c.is land altnougn i nave "- and a!! Hill SIC I'AINTINU. N. M., on June , l!lfl. Illj. Kl Paso Fxpress..., F,a Claimant as witnesses: Krtnl hound number of remedies recommended for in I Practical house paint- l.amea Tab-llet- s 1 Ci:ii!ii2es UAILKV BTKONil Maiy Josephine Pearce, of Albuquerque, M. Atlantic Kxpress 7:Sr, Wilis complaint. Chamberlain's oil; guaranteed. ing; pure lead and work N. M. Knstern Fxpress W. is the first, medicine that has 24HOUR3' Phone Hp L. lasting relief. iris Horatio M. Pisrce, of Alhuquerqua, N. M. Caiif.iinla Limited ... 0 : 4 j 7:(lop HAWKINS mo mwitive and fHf'ti!btmbs Albuquerque. N. M. K. C. Chicago Kx.; Uin sann-t- Hamon ortla, of 7:li,p 7:5p Mrs. Anna Kadin, Spencerport. t '??:. B, (We. writes - Cleave, of Albuquerque. 10. De Luxe Inc. .lavs). :1U have nwi- y (MIDY) . Otio Van s- 524 M y Tablets HUNT ''TJ'1! Horse all X. M. I rum Boutb. 44 ' 1 FOH Oil 8AI.B and Phone- "done for me and value WW s ,. .., , . second-han- wagons, your FRANCISCO DELQADO, 10. Kanaaa City Ohlesfo. 7 an. wonders i.,. i kinds of at 109-11- Street. hignly." Obtainable H kid. Kanaaa CU; 4 1 North 'Second them very VVVstrlrVsrVSssSAs own price, limua Garcia, liul N. Arno, liter. Chicago.,, I.IOji HH4H44M EIGHT ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1916. CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. Special one week sale cot- ton garden hose, 50-fo- ot rvrK. Hunrcn. Hoiim Pnrntliln Oono. rntlrry, Tmdn, Iron PIM, Vnlrpa ami tilting, Pliimhlng. Heating, Tin Mini I'opjicr Worn. length couple $3.75. See todayonr l V. AVK. TELEPHONE SIS Ci:XTItl our Hard- CRYSTAL Theatre window. Whitney Pastime Co. ware iSli. FIRST CAR NEW -R- EPEATING- SW Vt'UUy Ml I'HhUlllO ItlilllO lll(lM.V. THEATER California White Potatoes v. r. f. . payment. Tomorrow AT ALL GROCERS. ORDER SOME TODAY Feverii) peopl.. luive puirt (In first payment Y. ('. Klnibliing EURECE of the M. A. BILLIE and FumiMhliiK Fuml which was due MAY 7 AND 8 J- .."4T" and payable May 1st. If you liave -I- N- Mai hit n ii 2. 3, 4 o'clock IWItTLKX-YEAIl-OM- ) overlooked paying your, pleaKe mail - XtfchlB at 7::!t. Kills, H:1,- check nt once or call at the Aftxocla-tlo- n li 99 building and et receipt. FOUR ROSES A. I!. Mc.MlLI.KN, Till: WOHI.D'N (.kiti:st THK OLDEST WHISKEY IV CAITIVITV Pre, Hoard of Directors. CO.MI III U (UACOMKl.M MHOS 107 North Mint H. PHONE 000 DR. SCHWENTKER & BOWER 66FE OSTEOPATHS. CHARLES 9 GY" X. T. Annljo Milir. Phono 717: Re. 1087.1700. Has the Entire City Talking ROND-CONNE- The Picture That LL SHEEP AND WOOL COMPANY Climbing Roses, Clematis CHAPLIN NOTE We obtained permission to hold this wonderful picture for today DEALERS IN SHEEP AND WOOL In the Only Chaplin I 'cat are and Honeysuckle. Albuquerque oiikmI v In I xNlenoe Allnniiiprqiir.Offlr 201 WeM OK SHOW'S. 2:30, 4:(X, 5:30. 7:00. 8:30 and 10 Avmiui'. Greenhouses. TIMK .1:00, . m, "Charles Chaplin's Bur- Millie lliirkoal Pusllme attain today. hW lesque on Carmen" HOTEL CRAIGE In Four LET US SEND A MAN ElrKt-i1a- a ltoonls. Purl. 2:9 fVinvenlent for Itnllroixl Mn. To Replace That Broken Window Phono 509. West silver G!aifl YRIC llHIi ALBCQFF.TtQl'K ADMISSION CENTS r.OIBKB 10 COMPANY TODAY-TOMORRO- Dr. C. H. W Conner Phone 421 423 X. First CRYSTAL Onteopatli Ottlca Btarn Blc!f. Ptaonca 466, 121 IjItott anil aaildln lior4i-a- . Trlmlil..'. Red ttarn. "Gentry's efts, 35 n-nl- (Sold l)y THEATER TODAY i Jarra, .iloJoy nan kins. MME. PETROVA in Dahlia and Gladiola Bulbs. and PLAYING WITH FIRE Albuquerque Greenhouses. at Metro Pcaliirp In rive ItevK Herboth paints signs, houses ESQUIMAUX METRO-DRE- W COMEDY In a Drama Showing the Inner I.lfo in the- Far Northland. Drst One ltet-1- , Willi Mr. Mini Mi'm. Hiilnoy Drew. and decorates. Phone 1495 J Skinner's KMiiilninux Drama Itroimht to the Outer World With -- Grocery TIMi; OP 2:01), .1:;lO, 5:00, fl::iO. 8:(H) V:ilO p. MIOV ami in. Henry hauls baggage and VASHTA DALTON other ,inqs. Phone 939. The F.xplorer nnd Winner of the Arctic Derby, Appearing In Hef Arctic ( (Manic. Misn Diilton Positively ApH'arit at lOach Kan ,,f returned TlHirnday from Man Krun-cIhco- . RASI'DKRKIKS RAX AN" AS the I'ilniH and Lectures Dorlnu the Action of the Drama on the BEBBER, OPTICIAN Screen. Mis Pulton Plays the Lead in the Film Drama, ltchur the - - Hi.ACKl'.I'URU'.S XATIVK I'KAS Only W1iiU Person In thot Cnxt; the Otliors Are All Piux- Ksipilmnux 1BUY BUTTER There will he n redalur ineellna- of I 1, K. Warren poHt, (I. A. Jt., held at Citizens Bank Bldg. STRAWRKKRIKS ORIiKN liKAXS NOTFTIIIS PU'TPHi: HAS ATTIIACTFD Ml'Clf ATn:XTIO FROM US 1"S H'Mith Third aliwt thin evening at WAX RKAXS AM) FAVOHADI.i: t'O.M IKXT TIIHOPtillOVT TIIK COPXTHY. 7; 30 o'clock. CUKRRIl'.S TODAY , V. TOMATOES N. W, ttennln-- necletnry of the M S AT ( GRAl'l'.I'RL'fT XTIM'f 2:30 AND .1:30 Ennunioiit uti Hiitililcrailo, 3.1o M. ('. A., le.-- yeMiercay :or t.'leveland, CKU'RY XKiHT AT O., to " 7:30, 8:30, U;S0 M).: money Itark If no) pli-tti- nitend the triennial convention M. A. ORAXOI'S SOUASH of the Y. C. Second Annual ADULTS 10 CENTS CHILDREN 5 CENTS STRAWBERRIES Cllv Attorney V. A. Kelidier return- AIM'I.KS !II'Af) I.ICTTL'CK ed Inst nlfiht from Hunta !, whore he We liok for fancy stock, im, went to iiiRiie caneH analilHt the city XFAV hefore Die miprcme Pourt. AXH RKKTS NEW POTATOES Jndue II. a. Uodcy returned hint ' niKht from Hunttt Ke, where he had XI'.W I)T OK WELCH'S (iRAPK III. iPLAY; JL'ICK V heen iitlendlnii to lenal IiiihIiicmii be- FANCY FLORIDA fore the Mtipreme court. Pints 25 (Juarts 15 A fence al t'llmiieo rini'lnxpr'a HV THK HOYS t)P ST. AMU- - THE MAN homo nt Old Albuipiei'iue catiKht fire oxvs tmpiiAX XKW W1IITK I'OTATOI'S. 5 U'.S.. TOMATOES early lanl nlhht. The Idu.o waa uk 2.0 "Oe ih. hy the central atatlon More I of he York Klnte Ucil Punch Tharp, who han been driving Crystal Theater FROM Pilled Im'I'I'Iih, nt nnlv 2.V a motor truck for i the Pulled Stale mi. army In .Mexico, m in Alluniueniufi. ( ullli Mila llenU 11 (ace, New lie will return to the hordcr In two FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1916.1 Mean- -, l'cuEh'. weekK. J. A. MEXICO9 Chief J. H. OalUHhu, of police Skinner the 8 P. M. department, returned lam nlKhl from Hantft K. He wiih RUmmoned there Phones 60 and 61 205 S. first St. Presented by the U. N. M. Dra- Ma 1 it p, a rt wltneoii In the Pniti'd Htufwa court nee nt in. WARD'S STORE in the ftw BKnlnM Arugon. matic Club The Y. M. C. A. office will he open TICKETS FOR ADULTS f H. WARD Mgr. until 10 o'clock thin evening for the 3 BIIOMEU heneflt of thOKC who wlidi to pay the 50c Pntme. Ill-Il- l. flr( Inxlallmciit on their nulMcrlptlnn to the "flnlHh mid rnrnlhh" tu-- J. On Sale at Million's Hook More it 9 Itert O. rhlllipM, ihe celebrated 9 i Crystal whow rxhli'lt at Uie roimtry Theater 9999999991 rluh lant week and part of thi whh CHILDREN 25c one of the fluent ever Keen 111 Alhu-iuer(n- e, I Strong Brothers I left yesterday for hia limiiii Children' Tlcketn Can li Tuesday, T 1 1 1 t In TiinH. Ho Olflci'. Better May 9th, at undertakers There will he n full rehearsal hy the inetnhei'H of the casU of "yueen PROM1T KEHY'ltE. PHONE Kalher," the play lo he. Klveti noon 1916, 8:30 p. m. 75. blltONU MI.K.. COPJ'KIl .Mrs, K, ),. j under the direct Ion of COME AND HAVE A LIT- - AND 8EC Iirmlford, thl cvenluu; ut 7:8(1 ! Spring o'clock i For In the preahyterliiii church. TIE FUN 1'lcKO mi Indian, complained ft liny your slmes here and we will save you money; we lo Pnlted Hlateg Commissioner (leorire will save you time, discomfort and wurrv. H. Cra I g-- yeatcrday that Vltnllo Munlz, Tickets $1.00 iiImi an Indian, atole a xllver nei'klace LOCAL ITEMS from him at (he Kan Kcllpe piichlo. On Sale nt Mill son's Hook Store -- The case Ih net for 10 o'clock Monday Or 1tTEHEST-- mornlns. This Is How to Do It! I.ouIn Meyer, of the beef depart- Carpet cleaning. Phone 6flH. We DIRECTED BY JOE SCOTTI ment of the Colorado Packing and Specials save you money by Iwiug able to give you the Rest - Mi T( rtINfdOMMtXICO- ,'i"inon l.una mid her hIhUT, Provision company, Ih In Mi;--. 1'enver, the Shoes made for special Virginia Nolaiid, have returned city on an Inupciilon trip, ami any price you want to pay. 1. l.oinj lii uch, I'ul. wim In consultation with A. II. Huip I 'icilnerr Jamen A. Prcnch Wilde. mnniiKcr of the Armour local Today We save you time by having salesmen who know how l'V ImhI for in .Santa niKht after branch, the Colorado concern helim to take care of von quickly; by having our stock iicpc'liim work mi Hie TIJeraa can- - one of the Armour company' west- arranged "M. ern piickluif hmiNeM, .Mr, Meyer will Qiui'ii Oliviw, otrn fine, nr to give you what you watit promptly. THEATER I I'. SmUheiK, tiiuniiiccr of the leave today for the, north. Pint i!Oo Alia rud,.i Xew Spuds. ier Hi 5o JiKST !!! KIIOW IV lintel, und nin All, lieorKP, , , We save you discomfort by fitting you properlv, and ciiii or tii Whs. lllsiuaiik Pifscres IllacklH-r-rv- THK M'.tTK W'p Pcik Ii or 3 quart we save you worry by guaranteeing you B I'K'TI KKH ( M ANGE wlxh to xpreKh our apprecia- tilaM, complete satisfac- ODAY tion of the many floral ofterniKM and fur KI.IIO tion. KVKRY HAY LET acts of kindness durlnu our bereave- Wax ht Ih 1K ment, the death of our beloved son (irei'ii Itiiins. mt Ih tk' Klovd, Spring l.ainh, Our Spring Shoes are ready for your inspection. We An Two-pa- rt and brother, 7.c Extra IVature With Kognliir Four-He- el Program. Mint, Kiiiici-- , himcli MUM. MAY MU.I.KU. for .o have a large variety of choice models in both lace but- K (lendiile llulter, 2 ll H.m- - or THE FAMILY SPRINGER Kit. ST MIM.KIl. , CELESTE Clnh IIoiim" ItutU-r- ' His.. . 7,V ton the well as the 101 extreme as conservative styles, high or Dison. Two Parts. Two-pa- rt HloKiapii. iiIkivc hiitterM MOVE YOU THIS SPRING Today your last i luiniv (o ie tThe ar full low cuts. PiiNllme, pound packancM and nut 1 1 or THE TRAIL'S END Dreamv Dud Lost at Sea 15 oiiiki'm a are muet lulU-rs.- ) IJ Kalem. t'artH.n t'oimnly. I lietter Shoes fr Men $2.50 to $5.00 Better Shoes for Women to LOBSTERS $1.75 $5.00 Better Shoes for Roys and Girls $1.25 to $3.00 DS BRING QUICK A DUCKS Better Shoes for Rabies 50 to $1.50 RESULTS.MORNING JOURNAL WANT 4 ', CHICKENS WK ASK VOLT TO CALL AXD SKL WHAT THIS ',f HOUSE Ol' GOOD SHOKS CAX DO FOR YOU, "TP IT'S GOOD Tt EAT WE I After-Easte- UAVF, IT." r Sale : of Millinery Goods 204 West IVntral. Ttione 1 , 1 s d '

Automobile and Carriage The Williams Milliner)' Company an- After-East- all Madagascar nounces an er Sale on Hats -- PAINTING Millinery Goods. Now is the time to get your - XI-- M (K.ltMS Summer Hat. Til! COI.I' lll'.L.MKT I"OR KADIICS AXD OKX-TU'.MI-.- IS NOW DISI'I.AVl'.D-SI- RF.MONAHAN 'i'. IT. 3SJ Xorth Hih Stiivu Phone 1717 PublicAuction Prices to Suit the lv' J;.Xr,KO'K S T A W J l.F.O-JIOR- S. 'AX AM A AXI) X 1 , North Second ith tclt l.i iiu-- made HATS. Painting and Paperhanging 123 Street I pompi.ktp: popu iwmims Kiiov J'ROM 1817 ik rrnMTPitr, u, ix .o rilOXE VOPU OWN i'. J5i: MHK T ATTP.M), t Most Humble Purse VAXIFJISYIT A I.ANCASTF.B litlt $10.00 $5 to $8 Today at 2:30 o'Clock Sale I1CT TII19 BIUXD OF Will Commence Monday, May MAIJ. nUDi.;s I'KOMITl.V ITU.I'.D AXD 1KLIV 8, i:ri:i) kri v.. "TELMO" and Continue Tien Days SS,l3PHahn Coal Cc'cSSlaKs The E. L. Washburn Co. CANNED GOODS AXD XOV PHONK l Williams Millinery Co. Hi YE T11K BEST ANTHH At'ITFi, API. SI7.KS: STP.M P)AL OiJic. Mill WtMHl, Cord Wooil. J'wtorT Wood, Xathe Kiiidlinc, IJIe 206 EAST CEXTRAL AVE.