
!3 e tl1,-El 6S8 Bro~d St . R. :L~.------. Rhode lslond's Only Anglo-Jewish Greotest Newspoper Independent In Weekly The JewisffHl'fiJa Rhode Island VOL. XXXVIIl, No. 42 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1913 PROVIDENCE, R. I TWELVE PAGES 10 CENTS THE COPY Prevention, Control of Family l'roblems to , Be Study Project Technion Starts Capital

NEW YORK-Three. American of St. Paul and the Rosenberg communities. each typical of its Foundation of San Francisco. The $100,000 Fund Campaign type, but widely separated as to three new projects will be under geographic location, population, way by January, 1954, and will history and pe-rsonality, have been help check findings concerning selected by the Community Re­ social problem patterns which Fain, Weisberg search Associates, Inc., to test and were uncovered in the Community demonstrate methods of preven­ Research Associates' original St. tion and control of family prob­ Paul study. To Head Drive lems in a new million dollar, four­ Out of the original study by year project. Community. Research Associates Joseph W. Wunsch, national From East to West. the three are came the startling fact that about president of the American Tech~ Hagerstown, Md., with a popUla­ six per cent of the population were nton Society, announced today tion of 70.000 and a great h istori­ absorbing well over half of all that Irving Jay Fain and Mark cal tradition; Winona, Minn., health and welfare funds, both Weisberg have accepted the co­ typical mid-western town with a public and voluntary. ch airmanship of the Southern New population cf 40,000; and San England Chapter of the American Mateo, Cal., comparatively new Multi-Problem Patterns Technion Society's Capital Fund and fast - growing metropolitan Further, it disclosed that more Campaign. area of 300,000. All three study than half of these people had de­ The goal of the America-n locations will be county-wide in veloped multi-problem patterns Technion Society is to raise $10,- sc-ope to gather both urban and and that to effect rehabilitation 000,000 in the United Sta tes. rural data. and prevent recw-ring cycles of Quo~ for R. I. Three famous foundations are misery they would require family­ underwriting CRA projects with centered treRtment rather than The goal for Rhode Island has funds aggregating $1 ,250,000. They , the scattered attempts by repre­ been set at $100,000, with Provi­ are the Grant Foundation of New sentatives of many agencies treat­ dence bein g allotted a quota of York, thP. Hill Family Foundation ing various facets of the problems. $60,000, and the remainder of this fflVING JAY FAIN MARK WEISBERG State, plus Taunton and Fall River, making up the remaining $40,000. The quotas are based on UJA Pays Tribute Offers Ilfadassah to Attempt Control a three year pledge payment plan. In conjunction with this cam­ Baby-Sitting Service paign, the government of Israel Of Rheumatic Fever In Israel has provided a 1,200-dunam t.ract To Mrs. Pilavin ATLANTA, Ga-Parents who o! land to serve as a campus site About 20 members of the Provi­ want to attend Friday evening NEW YORK-The first large-· bicillin tablets, a new antibiotic for the New Technion. In addition, dence J ewish Community were in services at Ahavath Aehim scale attempt to control rheuma- drug of the penicillin family, will $10,000,000 will be raised within New York last week-end to join Synagogue in the future don't tic fever in Israel will be inaugu- be given daily for lo ng periods to Israel. some 1200 delegates to the annual have to stay home because they rated by an American-- trained Is- the young patients. A shipment Fain, long identified with com­ conference of the United J ewish can't arrange for baby-sitters. raeli physician who spent 12 of 15,000 tnblets of bicillin made munal causes, and a promim.mt Appeal held at the Waldorf Astoria The congregation is taking months in the United States pre- available without cost to Hadassah Pawtucket busineS&JI1en, is presi­ Hotel. care of that. It has started a paring for this mission, it was an- by Wyeth International Limited, Ident of the Urban League of The Providence group was head­ story and play hour for young nounced this week. Inc.. a Philadelphia pharmaceu- Greater Providence: a member of" ed by Alvin A. Sopkin, president o! children, to be held in the syna ­ The Israeli physician, now en- tical concern, has been dispatched the executive board of the Union the General Jewish Committee. gogue vestry room while Sab­ route to J ~rusalem following ad- to for the project. of American Hebrew Congrega­ At the fin al session of the three­ bath eve services are being held. vancecl studies at Mt. Sinai Hos- The condition of the children tions, and national vice president day conference. Sopkin presented pital and Cornell Medical College involved in the Jerusalem project of the American Technion Society. the National UJA with a check in New York City, is Dr. Ernst will be checked regularly and com- Mark Weisberg, president of the from Providence for $100,000 as an Nahum EhrE"nfeld. He was brought pared with that of rheumatic fever Alrose Chemical Company, is additiorial payment on the 1953 Brandeis Recei\/es to this country by Hadassah under patients in Israel treated by other chairman of the board of directors allocation. a Magnes-Warburg Fellowship. means. At least one year's time of Jetal Finishers. Ltd., Birming- Back in Providence this week. The project will be conducted would be required before conclu- ham, England; director of the Sopkin comm~nted that the pay­ among 250 children of school and sive results can be expected. If Textile R esearch Institution, and ment was made possible through Half Million Gift pre-school ~.ge in Jerusalem found Ithe J erus1dem experiment proves vice-chairman of the R. I . Sec­ loans from local banks on the WALTHAM- Six year old Bran­ by Hadassnh doctors to have suf- successful, this method of treat- tion of the American Chemical strength of pledges made in the deis University this ,.week received fered from rheumatic fever. ment will be adopted in other in- Society. 1953 campaign . "I cannot empha- a gift of a half-million dollars Under Dr. Ehrenfeld's plan, stitutions in Israel. New Technion Foreseen size strongly enough the need for from the Charles Hayden Founda ­ According to Fain, "Success prompt payment of pledges al- tion. This gift is the largest sin­ of the Capital Fund Campaign ready made in the current cam- gle gift in the history of American UJA Votes Goal of 119 Million will mean a new Technion large palgn," he said. Jewish phllanthropy from a nOn- enough to cope with Israel"s urgent Highlight of the Conference J ewish source, and the largest in­ need for technological guidance. from a local point of view was the dividual gift in the University's To Aid Israel's Economy It will mean a school suited to presentation of a Chanukah Meno- history. rah to Mrs. Albert Pilavln of Toe contribution, according to NEW YORK- The 1954 na tion- 100,000 immigrants awaiting final ~~~o~~~e~t.le;!t ;t;ip~e~t~ ~r:~~: Provi dence as she stepped down J . Willard Hayden of Lexington, wide campaign of the United settlement on the land, and hasten cient flow of graduate eng·ineers from the post or National Chair- .. president of th'? Hayden J ew ish Appeal was set in motion the final lntegration into Israel's to furnish the instruction, the ,.1an of the UJA Women's Dlvi- , Foundation. will go towards the here Sunday at the final session economy of 120.000 recent immi- know-how and the leadership to slon- a position she has held for construction of a million-dollar of the U.JA ' ".i three-day Annual grant agricultural colonists. make Israel's agrJculture, indus- the past year. The gift was pre- science building on the university's Conference as more than 1,200 3) Speed the movement to Is- try and t.rarle flour1sh .0 sented by Edward M. M . Warburg, 192-acre campus In Waltham. community leaders representing rnel of 20.000 distressed men, Need Trained Personnel UJA national chairman. who paid The gift is in keeping with the the oVerwhelming body or Amert- women and chlldren. many of high tribute to Mrs. Pil avln's lea- pattern of philanthropy set up by can J ews adopted a goal of $11 9,- them from tension -areas in North Weisberg stated that "The two dershJp, devotion and ha rd work. the Hayden Foundation, in whlch 921.150 and voted "a supreme Africa. and others from cent.rat industries that have advanced The Menorah bears the following one-h alf of the total ts provided effort" for t. h e raising of this sum and . more rapidly since \Vorld \Var n inscription : by the ro11ndntlon, with the pro- to hasten tsraer s economic free~ 4) PitJvide food shel- are the chemical and electronic "For Mrs. Albert Pilavln. Chair- vision th at the recipient furnish dam and to finance urgent life- ter, educntionnl 'aid, voc~tional mdustries. Israel is well suited to man of the Nation al Women's the remainder. saving a nd refu gee settlement . ti nining nnct medical assistance to I take part in these industries, pro­ Di vision 1953 'who kindled the pwr0o1_g1dra. ms throughout the free 1165,000 sick and impove_ i ished vided it has the necessru y trained li ght a nd hope for our people', with in personnel With such personnel. grateful thanks from the United Au str ia Postpones TI1e goal represents the budget- ~:~t~pe~vomt n and childl en Israel wtll have the OPPortunlty to J ewish Appeal." ary sums required In 1954 by the exploit her wealth of natural re- In her final report for 1953, Mrs. Claim Discussions co nstituent age ncies of the United 5l Assure reception. seU,lcment. sources anct wlll give the entire Pilavin told the 1200 persons who J ewish Appeal nnd wns adopted to adJ uSt,ment 0nd 0ther nld in the nation a chance to grow strong a ttended the session that the Wo­ VIENNA- T he Austrian Govern­ provide $91.§20,000 for the United United States for 10.000 recent or and self-sufficient." men's Division has been resp0n­ ment stlll has it.s reply to J ewi sh Israel Appeal. $26,186,000 for the expected refugee newcomers. sible !or a substantial share of demands for compensation and Joint Distribution Committee. and the work of the UJA. restitution "under preparation,'' 5 Sentence D.P's For "I have learned." the retiring a government spokesman an­ ~;/ ~~~ ~!~~1 !~~. ~~~e~e!e ~v~~: Places Order For chairman said. " that the American nounced this week. He revealed Association for New Americans. Illegal Entry Jewish woman, a lthough living in that the Cabinet. which was ex­ The raising or the 1954 goal wns Freighter and Dock comparative comlor and , is pected to discuss the Austrian re­ called fot In "e. supreme effort to MUNICH - A local court has keenJy awarf' of het responslbt11ty ply at last week's session, had not Implement this five point program : COLOGNE-The Israel purchasz thus far sentenced 39 to 67 Jew­ to those In need. Imbued with the touched upon the matter. 1 > Strengthen Israel's economy Ing mission In Germany has signed tsh DP's arrested tn a German conviction that she is truly her by providing for a large-scale ex­ orders totalling $6.400,000 from pcllce raid on a synagogue h ere brother·s keeper, she continues to pansion of agriculture and pro­ Oerman rPparatlons payments for last week to various Jail terms be­ work with a resolution and desire ductivity with the establishment two frelght

SERVICES IN CRANSTON a son of the late Moshle and Balle - MIRRORS - Mrs. Max Greenberg, president BOWLING Shindler, he came to Providence CUT AND INSTALLED of the Sisterhood of the Cranston 69 years ago 9.Qd was employed by Table, Desk and Furniture TOPI Jewish center, has announced SUNNYSIDE DEBS CLASSIFIED the furniture company until his participation of her· group. in the By ·Evelyn Wolfe OPPORTUNITIES retirement 10 years ago. He was a member of ·Temple Beth Israel, MAKERS GLASS CO. evening services tonight at the Dottie Strashnick broke high Classified Advertising Ratel: le per 1Center, to be followed. by an Oneg three with 330 and high single word: $1,50 minimum for 11 words. the Providence Fraterne.1 Associa­ 108 Reservoir Ave., Prov.-HO 1-5777 1 I 25c discount if paid before lnser, Shabbat. The publlc IS welcome. with 138. Esther Miller has high tion, Call GAspee 1-4312. Deedllne tion and Howard Lodge of East average of 95. Other scores were .w~tl:fZw:l~._.._.._.uu._.i-J),; Providellce, and was past chancel• Esther Miller 111, Evelyn Tarman !or of Concord Lodge, K. of P., of 107, Stefana Walters and Judy OFF BROAD, near Ro9er wnu.ffls Park, Fall River. Rodinsky 101, Millie Tragar 100, ~=::.ct~:C.e!nr°i°T:m~~~ &1,~a::0. FJ~I He leaves his widow, Mrs. Dena CRAWSHAW'S RESTAURANT sr 1-Hao. (Jacobs) Sandler; three sons, Al­ Just Over Red Bridge in East Providence Evelyn Wasser and Esther Gold­ stein 99, Bib Doucette and Irene FLAT FOR RENT-Five rooms, third fred J. of Providence, Myron of 97, floor. Oil hHt, g•rage. Adults Pr• Hyannis, Mass., and Nathaniel I. Schultz Elaine Mandell, Flo­ ferred. 273 Potters Avenue. C•U Sun- CHARCOAL BROILED FOOD rence Goldman and Arline Churlin day. - Sandler, of New Bedford; three HOMEMADE PIES 95, Evelyn Wolfe and Dottie Leo­ daughters, Mrs. Sherman Berger nard 94, Estelle Weiner 93, Flo­ .E~:n~w,?¥~~9 }!!mflO::.~ Jenbe:1~':t°":,~ of Providence, Mrs. Abe Krames We now corry JEWISH ROLLS, RYE, CORM BREAD rence Cohen, Elsie Zipkin and to wall cuDeting. Modern kitchen of Fall River and Mrs. Frances With Dlspoull and range. Colored tile Goldsmith of North Tiverton; a ond PUMPERNICKEL to moke your son_dwiches tastier Tedi Greene 92. bath and shower-colored venetian blinds. Garage. Adults. $85. ST 1-1566. brother, Hyman Shindler of Provi­ Sunday - BAGELS and CREAM CHEESE dence; a sister, Mrs. May Skolnick CHAWSHAW'S- JANICE and BOB HYMAN, BETH-ISRAEL of New York City, and 18 grand­ "Where Friends Meet to Eat" Props. SISTERHOOD BOWLING Fencing Enthusiasts children. MRS. ISRAEL GREENBERG Dorothy B. Berstein To Meet Sunday services for Mrs. Celia Paramount Office Supply Company, Inc. Mildred Millman broke both Greenberg,; widow of Israel Green­ high single and high three for this A plan to put the sport of fenc­ berg of 70 Sargent A venue, who Has moved to their new, mor.a spacious home season with 335 and 137. Other ing on a firm and permanent-!oot­ died in Miriam Hospital after a (directly next door to their former location) good scores: Selma· Solomon 115, ing in this area will be put into long illness, were held last week 106, 98 fCii: 319; Helen Hodosh effect this Sunday evening when at the Max Sugarman Funeral 28 Custom Houst Street, Pro,idence, R. I. 1106, Frances Cohen 105, Selma a large group of fencers from this Home. Burial was in Lincoln to better serve Rhode Island Industry. Nasberg 102 and 270, Vivian Ber- state and Massachusetts meet at Park Cemetery. ren 101 and 274, Rose Lovett 101, the Providence YMCA, in club- Mrs. Greenberg was a daughter 96 and 271, Faye Malatt 100, 98, room C, at 7 P. M. of the late Zlssel e.nd Rachel Hec­ This growth~··················· has been made possible by and 286; Terry Llghtman 99, Irene Primary alms of the new group ker. She was a member of Tem­ our many loyal customers and we Bloom and Rita Richman 98, are to keep the sport healthy and ple Emanuel, Miriam Hospital Jeannette Levy 96, Weiser alive in this area, instruc- Assoc_iation, Jewish Home for the hope to continue to merit their patronage. 96, 90, Eleanor Krasner, Shirley tlon and encouragement of the Aged, Ladles Hebrew Aid Asso­ Cramer, and Ruth Myrow 95, fencer, eventual establish­ ciation; Hadassah and Jewish Dorothy Berstein, ·Gloria Le!ko- ment of permanent fencing rooms Mothers' Alliance. Mrs. Greenberg ljl pnan~~~~ me. T- witz, Honey Ginsberg, Lillian !or the club, and conducting com­ leaves a son, Simon S. Greenberg Glasshoffer and Betty Fraye 92, petition !or the three fencing wea­ of Providence; two daughters, Mrs. u CUSTOM HOUSE STREET. PBOVfflENCE S, B. L Beck Sachs 91 , Beverly Adler, pons. Phone IA 1·5808 Max Rlzeman of Brookline, Mass., Ruth Robrish, Sadie Selgal and I The group plans also to work and Mrs. Benj amln Brody of Sarah Fradin 90. with the R. I. Development Coun- Providence, five grandchildren and cil by providing events, such as one great grandchild. exhibitions, out-door tournaments MRS. HERBERT J. CARTER NEWPORT CREAMERY HOPE CHAPTER and special women's events, that Funeral services for Mrs. LilUan BOWLING may attract out-of-town visitors. Carter, wife of Herbert J. Ca~ter Beginners as well as experienced of 167 Gallatin Street, who died Yvonne Dressler and Phyllis fencers are Invited to Join. George Grebstein tied !or high three with at the Jane Brown Hospital after MILK BAR Cohen is a member of the ar­ a long illness, were held last week 305. Miriam Cappel rolled 290, rangements committee. 465 Angell Street at Wayland Square Tobie Kaufman 289, Norma Pul­ at the Max Sugarman Funeral ner 284, Sybil Rosenthal 278, Home. Burial was in Lincoln Laura Schwartz 278, Sylvia Eren­ Park Cemetery, Is Featuring as a krantz 274 and Delores Miller 271, Children Conduct Born in Bristol Feb. 27, 1914, Phyllis also posted high single of she was a daughter of Mrs. Bessie Special Holiday Offer 125 and had another string of Chanukah Party Desatnik and the late Samuel 109. Lenore Goldblatt and Miriam The chtldren of the Gabrllo­ Fishbein. Cappel had 118, Yvonne Dressler witz FBII\,ily Circle conducted the Besides her husband and mother, and Sylvia Erenkrantz 114, (Sylvia program at the annual Chanuk.ah she leaves two sons, Stephen and also posted 102) , Tobie Kaufman party held last Sunday at Sons of Evans Carter,· both bf Providence. 112, Margo Kraus, Norma Pulner Z i o n Synagogue. Participating ICE CREAM CAKES and Delores Miller 105, Elaine were Richard and Steven Garfin­ Card of Thonks Buckler 103, and Sybil Rosenthal kle, Stephen and Peter Silverman. 102. Michael Gleckman, Brenda and The family of ~ the late SOPHIE THEY'RE A WONDERFUL TASTE TREAT SKLAROFF wish to thank our many Phyllis Grebstein has a league­ Joan Alperin and Jeffrey Chafetz. relatives and friends for their kind leading 93 average. expresslon!i of sympathy during our recent bereavement. SONS DAUGHTER SISTER The family of the late LOUIS MUSHNICK wish to th•nk their many First Carload relatives and friends for their kind ~:g;;:s':e"rsea~e~~~f.athy during their ABRAHAM MAKLAR Has Arrivedl Funeral services for Abraham Maklar, a retired real estate sales­ man, who died Sunday at Miriam IF YOU WISH GENUINE DR. PHILLIPS' Hospital after a short illness, were To publish an in memoriam for your held. at the Max Sugarman Fune­ beloved deceased you may place an ORANGES, GRAPEFRUIT ral Home. Burial was in Lincoln "In Memoriam" like the one below Park Cemetery. for only $2.50 for seven lines, leH 40c AND TANGERINES Mr. Maklar came to Providence allowance for cash. from Russia about 55 years ago. ABRAHAM DOE He was a member of the Work­ 1NO - mo ingmen's Circle, Branch 14, the Sunshine passH, shadows fall, WELL WORTH WAITING FOR! Love's remembrance outle1t1 all. Touro Fraternal Association; the And thou9h the yHrs be many Jewish Home for the Aged and or few, They are fllled with remembrance, --That's What You'll Say When You Taste The Difference! Chesed Shel Emes Association. dear, of you. He was the husband of the late FATHIR, MOTHER and BROTH.R So Full of 'Goodness and Juice-A Flavor All Their Own-Dr. Phillips' (Gordon) 1Maklar and Call GAspee 1-4312 NATURAL COLORED Oranges, Grapefruit and Tangerines Are Al lawed ta the son of Morris and Selma Ripen Fully ON THE TREES of Dr . Phillips' Graves in Sunny Orlando, Fla., Makler. He ls survivzd by a son, Before Being Hand Picked and Rushed . Samuel Maklar and two daugh­ ters, Mrs. Ida Frank, Mrs. Rose DIRECT TO YOUR WEYBOSSET-R. l.'S EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS Wolfe, eight grandchildren and Max Sugarman nine grcat-grnndchildren all of Funeral Home Providence. DR. PHILLIPS' ORANGES SIMON SANDLER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Funeral services for Simon and EMBALMER • TREE-RIPENED • NATURAL COLOR • EXTRA JUICE San1ler, 72, of 24 Atlantic Avenue, MEMORIALS a retired sales manager tor the Doz. 39c 2 Doz. 75c Doz. 49c 2 Doz. 95c former Interstate Home Equip­ EXCELLENT EQUIPMENT ment Co ., who died In his home " Tlte J.-i,h FuMrol Oirectoru after a long illness, were held last Refined Sen·ice Doz. 44c 2 Doz. 85c Doz. 55c 2 Doz. $1.07 week' from the Max Sugarman 459 HOPll STREET Funeral Home. Burial was tn Lincoln Park Cemetery. DE 1-8094 DE l-8636 Freshly Squeezed Juice TANGERINES Born In Russia, March 25, 1881 ,


If you are planning a winter IHerald Travel Bureau will assist Hadassah Names vacation trip, don't burden your- you, at no extra charge. Call DE self with unnecessary details. The 1-7338. Donor Speaker The Providence Chapter of Ha­ dassah has just finished a most successful Membership campaign. The Miriam Hospital Mrs. Isadore Korn, Mrs. Al Rosen, and Mrs. William Hahn, Mem­ The Miriam Hospital, for more than fwo decades, has been bership chairmen, have announced at the service of all the people of our communiry. As the that there are to date one hundred demand for hospical facilities has increased the Miriam twenty new Hadassah members. Mrs. Molly Lyons .Bar-David, Hospical has kept 'pace. The new hospital building, with will be the speaker at the Hadas­ its capacity for 200 beds. with the newest and finest equip­ sah Donor Luncheon, to be held on ment, is continuing to serve the health needs of all the people Tuesday, January 12 at the Shera­ of our community regardless of race, religion or abiliry ton-Biltmore Hotel. Mrs. William Bojar. Program Chairman, has to pay. expressed the feeling · that Provi• dence is most fortunate in secur- Your contribution and establishment of ·endowment funds ing the appearance of Mrs. Bar- will assure the continuance of the high standards of Miriam David, who is well known as the Hospica.l. author of the popular "Diary of A Jerusalem Housewife," which MARSHA GAIL COHEN, 8%, and MICHAEL IRWIN COHEN, MEMORIAL PLAQUES .. . a limited number of appears each month in the na- 31/2 , are the children of Mr. And I\-'l!-s. Reuben Cohen of 77 Woodbine St. ti o n a I publication, "Hadassah o pportunities ace still available foe the escablishmenc Newsletter." of Memorials as a lasting remembrance of cherished Mrs. Bar-David. who with her Miami Beach's Popular ' First Lady' names, honoring both the donor and those in whose entire family emigrated from western Canada to Israel in 1936. name the gifts are made. is engaged in operating a literary agency in Talbieh near Jerusalem, Mayors Israeli Wife Wins HONORARY PLAQUES ... this is an unusual together with her husband, opportuniry for your gift to be recorded on an endur­ ing bronze plaque placed o n a door in the Hospital. Ba1-D:~wife, and mother of Heart of City and Tourists three girls, Mrs. Bar-David is a I OCCASIONAL GIFT .•• for an anniversary, birthday keen observer of and an active By MORRIS J. JANOFF Mutual friends later lntroduce4 and for any other-happy occasion .a gift to the Hospital participant in life in Israel. She Editor, City them and romance blossomed. has lived under the Mandate, and Jewish Standard jThey were married a week after j will add considerably·to the significance of the occasion. through the Arab nots, and has An American lewllll rnss , ..tvre IMayor Shapiro took offtce. ! seen the miraculous strides which It took a captivating Miss I wu deeply lmpreaed with For All Who Need Hospital Care Regardless have been made smce her early from half-way aroun~ the world , the Shapiro's earnest desire to pioneer clays to lead one of Miamis most ell- 1 make both their city . and Ia- of Race, Religion or Ability to Pay Mrs Bar-David's background glble bachelors to the "chupeh", rael lllrcer and better. The BENJAMIN BRIER PAUL LEVINGER and experience make her an ideal but the resort city couldn't be mayor, ,who can lie II e It person to give us not only the more pleased If a local girl had described u a small bat ef­ Pruul~,., pal!tical picture today m Israel, won out. flclent Chamber of Cemmeree, but she also brings to us a warm The MLss, the former Sylvia was almost -tic In his ae­ and truly human picture of the Slmcha Chlnlo, a thlrd genera• count of how the city hu progress of this wonderful coun- tion Israel!, one-time member srown to its present -itlon try, whose history runs so parallel of the Israel! underground, wbo in the f front of the na to the struggles and tribulations of ls_familiar with small arms and ilon's res:::.. . Mr. Joseph and Miss Virginia the early days of our own country. speaks six languages, hu grown This ardor Is matched by the Advertisement more and more popular since zeal which the couple have for FORMERLY OF THE OUTLET BEAUTY SALON ------she married Miami's Mayor the Jews and their national Harold Shapiro In June and f~r homeland. Mrs. Shapiro, who ANNOUNCE Mishkan Tfilah gaod reason. Besides Sy!vtas ,came to this cowatr.y to·Jeam Elects Directors radiant charm, her evident love Ithe latest technique& of phyalo­ The Opening of their New Solon for people and desire to serve therapy at Mt. Sinai Hospital, Members of t he board of direc­ humanity has gained fpr h"r In order to help battle a Pollo tors were elected Sunday at a easy access into the hearts ar Iepidemic that brake out In Tel meetin g of Congregation 1\rishkan natives and tourists alike lnlAviv intends t-0 return to Tel Tfilah. The board includes Ben­ Miami B~ Aviv; where her parents still re­ jamin Greenberg, chairman . Rev. It might be added that these side, and stay long enough to 93 EDDY STREET - O'Garman Building Philip Blazar, Morris Borosofsky, quallties w an my admiration help alleviate the scarcity of Corner of Westminster Street David Cleinman, Nathan Davis, too, when I Interviewed the tramed therapeutic technicians. Samson Frank, William Gordon, city's First Couple on a recent Mayor Shapiro Is presently For Appointment Call GA 1-8498 J oseph Hochman, Hyman Karklin, trip there. commander of the Miami Beach. Aaron · Marks, Peretz N:idelberg, Sylvia was enthralled " when Post No. 330 of the Jewish War Leo Pickar, Sidney Pickar. Morris she heard Mayor Shapiro spea.lc Veterans and has been chair­ Solish, Edward and Mor­ so feelingly of the problems of man of the Jewish National ris Wilks. my country," at a meeting. F1md Council of Greater Miami , 1 and a president of the Miami Open Monday 10:15 A. M. 'Til 9 P. M . Beach Zionist District. f, In addition he Is now busy 1 in fund raising activities tor the utfet ' Einstein Medical Ca 11 e g e or tTi_ - ~ Yeshiva University. tJ,lle The couple, both of whom RHODE ISLAND'S LARGEST STORE GAspee 1-7000 come from Orthodox families, Elrahurst 1-3800 keep a Kosher home. The mayor Is almost as You' ll take PRIDE much a newcomer to Miami Beach as his wife. A natlYe in his appearance1 of Milwaukee, he established residence there only seyen years aro after belnr Intro­ FOR HIS duced to its newness and llrirhtness via the Navy In World War II. He started a law practice, found time to Bar Mitzvah, pursue his hobbles of art and Graduation or music, and became interested In politics. . any special occasion, In adclit1on to furthering free concerts and dances, putting your son will Into motion the machinery for always look his BEST the building of several new bridges to relieve traffic con­ in o gestion, and boosting M I am 1 {J/t6 :J/ial Are Beach as a location for conven­ tions Mayor Shapiro has been "HI-PREP" busy m the realm of Kashruth. :Jru/'J 1Jnu6uaf The use of the words "kosher style" Is prohibited and any Give a gift that will be forever restaurant or hotel desiring to remembered end admired. No mat­ be advertised as kosher ter whet the price range you ore Sold e•clusrfely at rl'le Outlet meet strict ra,bblnlcal require- seeking, you' ll be delighted with our ments. 1 That the people of Miami novel stickpins dainty brooches Let him moke his ow" selection Beach have f a I t h In their . . . quaint rings end other pieces of outhentic jewelry which from our •ersotile anortry,ent. Mayor's ability la atteated to by the fact that he was elected by show true discriminating taste. Smart blue 9abordi"es, grey flan - the largest plurality ever glven We also '-ove an unusually 1,ne ond diH.rMt ftels, or 1te• splash potte,"s. All /I a mayor, ffledion of silver p~es " Hi~Prep" ore tailored for I , AA good will ambassador& the better fit and longer weor. At fam- f -:; 1 Shaplroe are topped by no one, ous Outlet low prices. if only through the sheer torce­ -- ~ tulness of their personalltles. Not only · the people of Miami Beach, but world-wide Jewry aa ______Tito OUTLET--«JYS' & YOUIIG FELLOWS ' ,__sro•E __, 2H ,,__ well, can be proud of what the, IJJ WASHINGTON ST. MA1111l"I 1-6970 .J are dolnl and what the7 repre­ 1- - ,eot. 4 THE PROVIDENCE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1953

News items of community in- , typed double spaced or clearl:y child, a daughter, Hope R onnie, tert::st are printed without chqrrr' written on an 8½ x 11 sheet ot on Dec. 4. Maternal grandparents in the Herald. All items must be paper. r=-;;;;;;~1~~o//4~~~ are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Deluty. Mrs. Esther Klein is the paternal I ~~ grandmother. ~~~~­ Daughter for Cohens Soloways Have Son couple by their family and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Cohen Dr. and Mrs. Arnold M. Soloway Abrams Have Sou of 147 R ebecca Street, Woonsoc­ of Cambridge, Mass. announce the Mr. and Mrs. Justin E. Abrams ket announce the birth of their birth of their second son, Stan of School Street, East Greenwich, first child, a daughter, Debra Zellermayer, on Dec. 4 . Grand­ announce the birth of their second Ellen, on Dec. 9. Mr. and Mrs. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Samuel child and first son, Mark Steven, Morris Blackman are the mater- Soloway of Jamaica States, N. Y., on Nov. 15. Mrs. Abrams is the (Continued on Page 6) and Mr. c. nd Mrs. Joseph 'Field former Joan M. Dre,sler. daugh­ of Bw·lington Street. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dres­ Sisters Become sler of Slater Avenue. Paternal Mr. and Mrs. Abel Gold of 167 grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. INC. SWEDISH Indiana Avenue announce the Sigmund Abrams of Gallatin FINE'S mar'bages cf their daughters, Miss Street. Interior Decorotors Phyllis Gold and Miss Eileen G. Kaplan-Karlin SPIRAL Gold. Miss Eleanor Ruth Karlin, DISTINCTIVE - Phyllis 00ld was married to daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Melvin Jack Cohen, son of Mr. and MrS. Karlin of 130 Linwood Avenue, CANDLES Abraham Cohen of Hartford. became the of Ira Paul Kap­ Conh .. in the Agudas Achim Syna­ lan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel gogue in Hartford. The couple is A. Kaplan of 51 Taft Avenue, on now living in Hartford after a Nov. 8 at the Dorchester Plaza FOR THE HOME honeymoon trip to Washington, Hotel, Dorchester, Mass. Rabbi 129 WAYLAND AVE. I D. C. and New York. Mr. Cohen Shubow of Brookline, Mass. offi­ is with Pr9.t.t and Whitney Air­ ciated. EL 1-0565 • I craft. The bride was attired in a full Eileen G. Geld was married with­ length of ivory satin with : in two weeks of her sister, on Oct. a fitted bodice, decorated with REMINDER • 4, in the Garden Street Synagogue, satin scrolling and seed pearls and I Hartford. to Aaron Schroeder, son a scalloped heart shaped neckline. • of Mr. Sam Schroeder and the Her cathedral length fell from FRED SPIGEL'S I late Mrs. Schroeder of Hartford, a of pleated ivory satin 1 Conn. The couple honeymooned t r i m m e d in seed pearls. She Kosher Meat Market i in Bermuda and are now living in Swedish Soiral Candlos ... a modern touch SET Of 4 carried two white orchids on a 190 Willard Avenue ;::! Hartford where Mr. Schroeder is white with satin streamers to highlight your traditional holiday decor s1.oo a restaurant owner. of ivory flowers. . .. Available in whit.e and red. Al Goldbergs Honored Mrs. Simon Spector, matron of Will Be Open Handsome Brass Candle Holders to reflect Mr. an~ Mrs. Samuel Gerstein ho~or, wore a full length light blue All Day Monday the· warm candle gleam ...... Per pair $8,00 of Woodbme Street were hosts at taffeta gown with - a nylon tulle I (December 21 ) a dinner party at the Wayland overskirt, and the bodice was Manor on Dec. 13 in honor of the titted with a removable taffeta Until 9 P. M. EL. 1-2843 25th anniversary of Mr. . A of blue and pink GIFTART, INC. and Mrs. Al Goldberg of Eaton flowers m atched her ballerina 808 HOPE ST.-PROVIDENCE Street. Mr. Gerstein's sister and bouquet. brother-in-law. A chest of sterl- Barbara Sue Spector, junior ing silver was presented to the bridesmaid. was clad in a full New Ceilings length gown of ice pink nylon. Donna Spector, the flower girl, No Dirt Method was dressed in a full length gown PROMPT PLASTER of yellow taffeta. Dr. Irving Kaplan, brother of REPAIRING the groom , was best man. Ushers - Estimates Without Obligation - included Stanley Kaplan, another brother of .the groom; Bernard Kohn, Melvin Gordon, Loui s Brody, Harvey and Arnold Poock, and· Jeff K0hn. H. GRECO The mother of the bride chose HO 1:4785 a gown of blue taffeta with a cir­ cular . The groom's mother selected a rose nylon net gown. PLA NNING A Both wore purple orchids. Mrs. Rose Poock, grandmother PA RTY? of the bride, was gowned in rose SEE - crepe with a fitted bodice. Mrs. Perlmutter, another grandmother, chose a full length gown of light blue crepe with a bodice. Each Ben Gross wore an orchid. After a h0neymoon in New York AT THE State. the couple are residing at 51 T aft Avenue. Helene Kestenman Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Max Kestenman PM · of Woodbury Street announce the engagement of their daughter, Helene Ruth. to William Roy Restaurant Handelman. son of Mr. and Mrs. (You 'll get the be si for less!) Meyer Handelman of New Ro­ chelle, N. Y. and Southbm·y, Conn. Buffets Our Specialty Miss Kestenman is a member of 31 EDDY STREET the senior class at Connecticut MA 1-3155 College for Women. Mr. Handel­ m an is a graduate of Yale Univer­ sity, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He is now attending the Harvr1rd Graduate School of Business Administration. Lipscys Move Mr. and Mrs. William Lipsey have moved from 27 Ruskin Street ~;!t5 to 46 Sunset. Terrace, Cranston . Colemans In Rumford Mrs. Gertrude Coleman. with youv- ~~&\ Elea nor and Howard. formerly of An ge ll Street is now li ving at 100 Roge r WiJliums Ave nue. Rumford...... dl '-fv O 5 V 'f e • • J{l cins' flrst C hild Mr. and Mrs. R ichard Klein of lop lo bottom ... tole bog 175 Benjamin Street. Pawtucket P rompt 12-Ho ur Service velve t or potent 8.95 pl us lo x announce the birth of their fi rst ... coshmore sli po n 17 .95 ••• coshmere cordigon 22 .95 , .. je'weled sotin wollet 5.50 WJAR-TV -- "The Book We Live By" , •. jewel ed eyegloss cose 5.00 Wilh Robb i Will iom G. Braude • •. ne il heod leother coffer 3.25 Every Thursdoy- 10:00 A. M . • • , ra yon gobard in e slacks b.95 . , . ploid wool tie I .SO . . . si lk scorf 4.50 WJAR -- "THE ETERNAL LIGHT" metol expandoble 8.95 ... le ather belt 4.2 5 A Program of Jewish lit'crot-ure, Hist ory and Music double collar. mon to ilor ed. Sho pely 5. 95 Every 5unday- 12:30 P. M. Sunday, December 20 "Face To Face With Gabriel" THE PROVIDENCE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1953

~oo«~»~oo«~»~oo«~»~~oo~~»~oo«~»~; strings for the week were Buz La­ and Sid Dressler 329. bush 134, Nat Chaiken 128, Charlie FINEMAN-TRINKLE--J. Hoch­ Wagner 125, Sam Sudakoff 118, man's 106 average, eighth best in R. I. Jewish Bowling Congress Irv Katz a pair of ll 7's, Meyer league . . . Past backslaps--L. Singer 113, George Connis 119, and Friedman 374, C. Steingold 371 Morris Gaman 119 . .. Good totals ... Phil Shaulson finally broke BOWLING RESULTS were Nat Chaiken 360, Buz Labush out of his slump with a healthy <"~oo«~»~OO«~~~~OO~~»~OO«~~~~OO«~W 354, Emis Miller 334, Irv Katz 331, 345, including a 138 single ~ ~ Sam Sudakoff 328, Lou Shaw 313 Lenny Levin 314, and Milt Israel­ By AL BENHARRIS and George Connis 312 .. . Al off 325, combined to h elp th.eir Gladstone h anging on to the team overcome a 20 point per HIGH INDIVIDUAL THREE HIGH TEAM SINGLE leaders with a 102 average. string handicap, and ellded up For The Season For The Season CRANSTON-Moe Kessler and taking three points. Lenny's 131 Name League Score Mohawks AEPi 615 Sam Rose sporting 106 season was second high for the night. In H. Markoff Emanuel 409 Pomeranz Beth El 607 averages . . Sam Miller with a contrast, Lennie Summers' 120. M. Rodyn Fine. -Tr. 407 Athletics Fine Tr. 606 107 average pressing the leaders and Marv G reenberg's 120 were of S. Exter Cousins 398 Pomeranz Beth El 599 . Ed Berman's Braves missed no avail in trying to stem the Reds W. Fish AEPi 393 Fine-Tr. 597 the league high team three by two Dodgers, led by Art Pivnick's 331 L. Goldman Beth El 392 P. Hecht Beth El 597 points with a respectable 1565. total . . Al Resnick and Bernie M. Weisman Beth El 3911 HIGH AVERAGE INDIVIDUAL This effort was aided by Seymour Marcus also hopped over the 120 A. Gordon Beth El 387 For The Season Kriss with a 335 including a dou- m ark for the night ... George G. Bressler Beth El 384 Name League Score ble st,rike, William Deitch 342, and Feldman went 325, Lennie Decoff Aaron Davis 337 ... Spares Al 343. J. Smith Prov. Frat. 383 H. Markoff Emanuel 116 R. Zatloff Fine-Tr. 383 H . Warren Rothberg 357, and Harold Berman (Continued on Page 6) Cranston ll6 341 ... High threes for the even­ HIGH INDIVIDUAL SINGLE I. Sollmer Emanuel l15 ing-Jack Steiner 349, Moe Cof­ For The Season V. DeCesaris Beth El l15 man 339, Al Samdperil 338, Joe Name League Score }i. Wagner Prov. Frat 115 Agar 336, and Al Silverstein 334 J. Wyner Beth Israel 188 S. Exter Cousins 114 Better high singles included M. Rodyn Fine.-Tr. 173 M. Rodyn Fine-Tr. 114 Marvin Rodinsky 137, Fred Kafris- L. Chase Cousins 167 M. Goldberg Emanuel 114 sen 130, Al Levy 125, Sam Berger Some of Your Best D. Resnick Beth Israel 162 E. Feinberg Cranston 113 123, Julian Holland 117, Joh.n M. Seltzer Prov. Frat. 157 M. Mickler Beth El 113 Kauffman, Sam Rose 116, Mel A. Sutton Beth El 156 1L. Goldman K of P 113 Shanfield 114, Bernie Wexler 112, Friends Believe In V. DeCesaris Beth El 155 N . Chaiken Prov. Frat. 111 Murray Potemkin, Archie Kap- M. Trinkle Beth El 155 B. Labush Prov. Fr. 111 . stein 111, Lou Gladstone, Joe Al­ Beth El .M. Cohen AEPi 154 S. Pomeranz l!! Icott, Ben Lerner 110, Irv Beran- M . Marcus Beth-Israel 154 ' M. Weisman Beth El 111 baum 109, Ira Davis, Ben Silver Sa.int Nicholas W . Fish AEPi 153 S. F eldman Beth El 111 108, Leo Miller, Dave Hoffman, Ed F. Kafrissen Cranston 153 A. Gordon Beth El 111 Charon 107, Art Siegel 106, Sid HIGH TEAM THREE w. Weisman AEPi 111 Foi< 105, Sam Jacobs 104, Sam Beth El For The Season M. Morgan 110 David 103, Stan Weinman 102. For Gifts 1>f Distinction Team League Score M. Trinkle Beth El 110 COUSINS--New high team single H. Ladow P omeranz Beth El 1699 K of P 110 marks of 634 by Cards

Donor Chairman -- REMINDER -- EASTERN ART & Reliable Window PICTURE FRAMING CO. Cleaning Company 111 aroad strHt DI 1-4411 FRED SPIGEL'S 9 Meni Court HO 1-2839 PICTURJi;l~~ AND Established 1921 Kosher Meat Market - PICTURE FR.\MlN

Cranberries FRESH RUBY RED !~~ 23c DON'T LET YOUR CHILD MISS OUT Face Rump, Boneless Rump, Top or Bottom Round ~ "~~ ROASTS SPECIAL THIS WEEK END 79c ~i4,• REGISTER NOW FOR (~ Lost Yeor 1.03 to 1.14 lb LB Porterhouse, Sirloin, Top Round or Cube STEAKS SPECiAL THIS WEEK END 39c 1953 WINTER SCHOOL VACATION PROGRAM Lost Yeor 1.07 to 1.15 lb LB H b SUPER-RIGHT, LEAN 39c 2 77c FOUR AFTERNOONS am urg LAST YEAR 55, LB LB LBS Chuck Roast BL~~/~~~B6':~t LB49c Mon., Dec. 28 -- Tues., Dec. 29 -- Wed., Dec. 30 -- Thurs., Dec. 31 FOR GRAMMAR SCHOOLERS FOR CENTER YOUTH Frankforts SUPER-RIGHT SKINLESS LB 49c Monday, December 28 (Jr. and Sr. High Boys and Girls) Sunnybrook Fresh Grade "A" 2-3 :30 P . M.--Children 's Theatre Monday, December 28 CAVALCADE OF JEWIS H MUSI C LARGE EGGS (Nath an Bis hop Jr. High School 2- 3 :30 P. M.- CONCERT PROGRAM auditorium l Tuesday, December 29 Sharp Cheese AGED CHEDDAR Ls59c 2- 4 P . M.- YOUTH CANTEEN T ues., Dec. 29 a nd Wed .. Dec. 30 2- 4 P . M .- Ages 6, 7, 8 Wednesday, December 30 Cranberry Sauce OCEAN SPRAY 2 c~~s 37c CREATIVE PLAY AFTERNOONS 2- 4 P. M.- MATINEE THEATRE PARTY

Registration Is Limited -- To Be Sure ... REGISTER NOW! ""-... M ...... SM., DK. 1' I tfttcttw II \Ill C-l\l' & Vlc.la11r, I______T _H_E_ P__ R __ o :._v__ I:::D :::E:::N__C :::E::....:J:.:E:__:W:__I::S::H.:...::H::ER_A_L_D_,_FR_I_D_A_Y_,_D_E_c_E_MB_E_R_l_8,_19_5_3 ______War Vet_Chanukah Party at Veteran's Hospital !u~L~~~A!?o AS LOW AS 60c a lb. They're lest Because They',e fresMst ALL SIZES GIFT TURKEYS A SPECIALTY 1-30 Lbs. OPEN DAY (, NIGHT WARREN'S TURKEY FARM REHOBOTH. MASS. TAIIIITON-PROY. Pllf TB.. 38 RIN62

-- ANNOUNCEMENT -- We have several extraordinary lots for sale . at Lincoln Park Cemetery, reasonably priced. Those persons interested are requested to contact our chairman. Mr. Benjamin Zeidel- DE 1-1649, or ow· vice ­ president, Mr. Nathan Suvall-DE 1-6795. SONS OF ZION Providence, R, L

Rabbi Natha n Rosen is showing kindling the Chanukah candles during the celebration of the seventh night of Chanukah at the Vet­ on Nov. 13 at the home of Sally CAFE SHELTER eran's Hospital on Dee. 7. Attending the services were eight Jewish Goldstein. A show, and patients and the hospital chairmen for the Department and Auxiliary comments by Andrew Blazar and of R . I., J . W . V. Mrs. Ethel Cohen and Irving Ross, hospital co-or­ at THE HOTEL DREYFUS dinators, look on. Mrs. I. Gerber, president of Senior Hadassah, on their recent trips to Israel, highlighted the program. NOW OPEN Women to Sponsor RUSSIAN FAMILY CIRCLE featuring The annual Chanukah party and JWV PRESENTS GIFTS Workshop Series installation of officers of the Rus­ IRVING ROSEN sian Family Circle was held on The R . I. State Department, The first in a series of wor kshops Dec. 6 in Sons of Zion Synagoglle. Jewish War Veterans participated and his Orchestra on adolescent psych ology and be­ Raymond Cohen installed the new in a Christmas party held yester­ havior, sponsored by Roger Wil­ slate. Refreshments were served day at Veterans Hospital. Toe Plu1 liams Chapter, B'nai B'rith Wo­ by Sarah KuJ.man and Thelma Department presented the hospital men, will be held Monday at 1 :30 Morrison. Entertainment was pro­ with a sound recording machine Songs by George Macfarlane P. M. at the home of Mrs. David vided by Harold David Jarcho, and a motion picture projector. Litchm an, 19 Gorton Street. The Mark Rubin and Robert Cohen. Irving Ross headed the committee. Dancing Nightly subject .for the first of the pro­ 'TII 12:30 A,M, grams will be "Korea and the JR. Hi\DASSAH FASHION SHOW It costs you nothing to have the Draft." The Providence Unit of Junior Herald Travel Bureau help plan Dr. Harcld Musiker, clinical Hadassah held a membership tea your trip. Call DE 1-7388. psychologist. will c o n d u c t the workshop series. Future subjects will be "Why College?" "Scholar­ ships," "The Parent," and "The Child's Career." FREDDIE IS STILL FEATURING Men's Club Elects Officers PRIZE WINNING BEEF~ At a recent meeting of the Men's Club of Congregation Sons of Abraham, t.he following were All Meats That Will Be Cut Tomorrow Night elected-: Harry Freehoff, president; Samuel M. Feer, vice-president; B. B a r a s c h , recording secretary; (Saturday) Will Be SHOW CATTLE ! J. Goldberg, treasurer; J . Harri­ son, fi n ancial secretary, and I. Sherman, inner guard. The exe­ But That's Not All! Along With These Superb Cuts of The Finest Beef Obtainable. cutive board includes I. Adler, Barasch , Feer, Goldberg, Harri­ FREDDIE Guarantees That His Prices Will Be son, J. Holl ander, F. Koslov, B. the LOWEST in the ENTI RE CITY! Lazar , B. Maldavir. A. Paull, I. Sherman an d C. Wagner. The inst:ill atlon of officers will be held in January. SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIALS

YA/\ FILM SUNDAY The Youn g Adult Association of VEAL CHOPS the Jewish Community Center will ANY CUT sponsor a showing of the Academy LAMB CHOPS lb69c Award winning fl.Im , "Of Mice and Men" on Sunday a t 8 :30 P. M. at the Jewish Community Center. BONELESS VEAL Norma Ludman is ch a irm an . CUT-UP CHICKEN COCKTAIL PARTY BREASTS AND LEGS The Young Adult Association of the Jewish Community Cen ter will VEAL TONGUES hold a cocktail party on Dec. 27 from 4 to 6 P. M. a t the Sheraton­ Biltmore Hotel. Tickets m ay be obtained from P hil Rosen or Choice or Prime Howard Fain or m ay be boughL..,at for freezers lb the Jewish Community Center. WHOLE RIBS 69c 20 lbs or C'lrer ARROW LINES EVERY TURKEY WILL BE SOLD PROV IDEN CE · HARTFORD DA IL Y SERVICE Abo Net Weiqht - No Additions - CHARTER WORK - CHICKENS F OR ALL OCCASIONS CALL 21 Cliff Stred GA 1-0872 AT THE SAME UNUSUAL LOW PRICE Come to FREDDIE' 1 And Pi ck Out Your Own Turkey I " For QUALITY and lb 33c SPEC IAL TUESDAY ONLY SPEC IA SERVICE" Net Weight - No Holf Pound Added TWO BROILF.RS KILLED FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! E. S. CRANDALL Listen for Freddie's Prices on WRIB, Sunday, at 9:30 A, M DAIRY JMdSpuµ.l~ REMEMBER -- FREDDIE Guarantees Prapcrly Pasteurized that his prices will be the Milk and Cream Kosher Meat & Poultry Market Lowest in Town! 12 Lowell Ave. EL 1-0700 190 WILLARD AVE GA 1 8555 MA 1 6055 THE PROVIDENCE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1953 I

THE JEWISH HERALD COMMUNITY The Jewish Home Newspaper of Rhode Island. Published Every "(Im ?nan~- (Ip.in.ion" Week in the Year by the Jewish Press Publishing Company, By BERYL SEGAL 121 Dyer Street, Tel. GAspee 1-4312. CALENDAR Subscription Rates: Ten Cents the Copy; · By Mail, $3 .&0 Per A Book of Good Manners Annum. WOMEN'S ORGANIZATION'S Bulk subscription rates on request. Affiliated organizations of the League Walter Rutman, Managing Editor; Syd Cohen, News Editor. of Jewish Women's Organizations may This little volume I now looked clear dates by calling Mrs. Alfred D, Entered as Second-Class Matter at t he Post Office, Providence, We were having our noontime Steiner at HO 1-9510. R. I., Under the Act of March 3, 1879. repast, my young friend Ben Oni up, read it again for the first time The Jewish Herald invites correspondence on subjects of interest and I, and as usual, becamp, in­ since the years of long ago, aod Monday, December 21 2 00 to the J ewish people but disclaims responsibility for an in­ volved in a len gthy conversation . I brought it to Ben On!. = p. m.-~=~~~s H:br~~a1Iheii:rl~~ And so Ben Oni a nd I sat a nd dorsement in the views exvressed by the writers. You remember Ben Oni. He is 8:00 p. ~.-l~~l::Y•J1'ill~:~ Mceb!~~f, the young man who is well ad­ read together even as my brothers B'nal B'rith Women, Regu­ and I read it with our father 'when lar. Meeting. vanced in the arts and sciences, 8:00 p. m.- Lt. Leonard Bloom Aux· A Brandeis Milestone but is as innocent as a n ew born we were · children, on many a mary Regular Meettng. Sabbath afternoon. 8:00 p . m.-Flneman,Trlnkle Auxlliary A signal honor was conferred on Brandeis U niversity babe where Jewish learning Js Regular Meeting. con cerned . He drank the . waters 8:00 p. m.-Evenlng Pioneer Group this week, with the announcement of a half-million-dollar "One should not eat like a glut­ of many springs a nd tasted the Tuesday, ~ece~e:~~0 fi benefaction for a Science Building from the Charles Hayden fruits of many trees, but by th e ton. One should not t ake in his 2:00 p. m.-Women's Assoclatlon Jew­ Foundation. h a nd a slice of bread the size of ish Community Center springs of Jewish learning he did Board Meeting. T his is not only the largest gift in the six-year-old Uni­ not quench his thirst, and the an egg, and eat It all at one time. 2:00 p m.- Telshe Yeshiva Women's versity's history, but it is the largest si ngle gift in the history of fruits of the tree of Jewish wisdom. If one does so, he is considered a Association, Regular Meet­ voracious eater. ing. American Jewish philanthropy from a non-Jewish source. he did not gather. Wedn&1day, December 23 And so Ben Oni wonders how uone should not drain his cup 8:00 p. m.-Slsterhood Sons of Abra­ In a letter to Dr. Abram L. Sachar, President of Brandeis, in one draught. If one does so ham, Regular Meeting. which was read at the dinner of the Brandeis Associates at men and women of our times may 8:00 p. m.-Slsterhood Beth Sholom, find a pattern for a way of life he is considered a glutton. Regular Meetlng. which the announcement was made, J. Willard H ayden, Presi­ "When two people sit at the . . . In the writings of Jewish sages dent of the Hayden Foundation, declared that "my Trustees table, the elder should begin to and scholars of old. What have MEN'S ORGANIZATION'.S and I feel that Brandeis University, as a great nonsectarian, they to offer to him. to you? eat first, and the younger should Organizations desiring to Insert Items Jewish-sponsored school, will use our gilt if\ tfiis spirit, to Today, as we lingered over our follow. If the younger begins be­ In the community calendar may call th• fore the elder, he Is considered a General Jewish Committee, GA 1-4111, enrich the positive values of the fa iths and the creeds and cups of coffee, Ben On! looked at or The Jewish Herald, GA 1-4312. the races which make up the American heritage." m e searchingly as he said: glutton. "When one visits the house of Monday, December 21 This is fine tribute, and the entire J ewish community, "Now here we are at a table 12:00 p. m.- Hebrew Bakers Union, Lo­ another, one should not ask for cal No. 122; 29 Snow Street. as fo unders of the young school, may feel pride in this recoe'­ partaking of food and drink. something to eat, but should 8:00 p. m.-Jewlsh Famlly -i:!i nd Chil­ We observe a certain code of be­ dren's Service Board Meet­ nition of the University's achievements. It is as well a recog-­ rather wait until he Is Invited ing; 100 North Main Street. nition of the achievements of American Jewry. · havior that we •call table man­ to partake. Tuesday, December 22 ners. It Is a little thin&', but 8:00 p. m.-Mlrlam Hospital, Board of It is interesting to note the provision oCthe gift which " How many times should one Trustees, Regular Meet­ states that, 1~ accordance with all benefactions of the H 3y­ terribly important. You can pause while drinking? Not more ing; Conference J{oom, Mi­ spot men and women of good riam Hospital. den Foundauon, one-half of the amount necessary is given, than three times in the case of Wednesday, December 23 breeding by their conduct at warm liquids, and not more than 7: 30 p . m.-Hebrew Free Loan Associ­ with the understanding that the recipient provide the re­ the table, whether In their ation Board Meetin1; 128 mainder. four times in the case of cold North Main Street. homes or in public places. Wha.t, liquids. We are confident that the American Jewish community then, can a modern Jew find ln "He who loosens his In wi ll reaffirm its fait h in this first Jewish-founded, nonsecter­ the Scriptures, ln the Mishna, Can I t ake the book with me?" order to be conspicuous in pub­ "Sure. Here it is. Turn it again ian University, by enabling Brandeis to secure the half-mil­ In the Mldrash or In the writ­ lic, belongs to the haughty. lion dollars necessary to complete the H ayden Science ings of the Medieval Jewish and again. for everything is in it," "He who wears his hang­ I said, with an unmlstaken Building. scholars pertaining to hJs con­ ing sideways, his turned side­ duct at the table?" triumph in my voice. The gift of a half-million dollars to Brandeis from the ways, or has his legs crossed, be­ B f'! n Oni smiled and rushed off That was a tough question! Ch~rles. H ayden Foundation and the el~c tion of the young longs to the haughty. with the book on Derech Eretz Urnve_rsny to coveted membership in the New England As­ What really do these old and " Do not slander your neigh­ venerable writers h ave to say under his arm. soc1at10n of Colleges and Secondary Schools are impress ive bor. for there is no cure for the about ta ble manners, about good slanderer. milestones in the University's history. breeding, about good taste in eat­ ( The author of this column i,'I "A scholar does not eat or drink given the widest latitude. The \iVe may look wi th pride on this institution which ha .;, ing and drinking? What, then, while standin g, nor does he. wipe merited not only the support and confidence of the Ameri­ will become of my claim that vi ews Pxpressed herein are not off his plate or lick his :fingers, or necessarily those of this news­ can Jewish community, but has earned the esteem of ncm­ everything is in these books? belch in front of his neighbor. paper.) J ewish philanthropy and of the world of higher education The wisdom of ages is in them; " A scholar is moderate in as well. the way to the good life is in them ; conversation, laughter, sleep, m an's yearning for a whole life and pleasure. B & P Hadassah is in th em. Turn them again and "A scholar does not h asten to again, I always_t ell Ben Oni, a nd agree or disagree. He should Solicitation Group you will find everything in them. weigh his words before speaking What am I to answer Ben Oni " Always be decorous when en­ The education group of th e now? What of table manners? tering and leaving. No man Business and Professional Hadas­ Where are the rules of good breed­ should leave his friend or his sah held its first meeting last ing? Is there a code of Etiquette teacher without asking his per­ Wednesday evening at the home in these old books? mission. of Miss Dora Sherman , education Novel Insurance Indeed work?" And then a Saturday after­ "When a guest is shown intv chairman. It was decided that Comic Georgie Kaye, a Jewish Anti-Semites Break Out in noon of my childhood years the house by a host. the h ost pre­ the Jewish calender, the Bible, lad wlio is fast nearing the top New Area came back to m e as Ben Oni cedes the guest: when they leave, everyday Hebrew words. and p -::r­ among Gotham's best Jesters, was Comedian Jackie Lord, who is spoke, and I knew that I h ad the the guest precedes.'' sonalities that help to build Is­ standin g in line waiting for his J ewish , wears a Star of David and a nswer . On and on we rea d. Ben Oni and r ael. will be th e topics for discus­ sion at future meetings. The unemployment check. a St. Genesls Meda1l around his I. nibbling at a line here, a para­ A seedy-looking chap strolling n eck at the sam e time. T h e Medal, There was a thin little volume graph there, learning how to gre,~c; group will meet on Dec. 23 at the by tapped him on the should,. r which is supposed to bring good in my father's bookcase. and hp people, how to treat children. home of Miss Lillian 1 ipson. co­ and said, " Hey, buddy, you wanna luck to actors, was given to him by was fond of it. · Very often h ~ what to do when going on a voy­ chairman. buy some unemploym ent. in­ a Catholic friend Fascist consulted it. Very often he read age, when to speak and when to The sewin g gr oup of the or ganl­ surance?" groups In Argt: ntina making things to us from it. keep silence. zation m et last Monday evening Georgie snapped, "Are you nuts? tough for the small J ewish popu- On Saturday afternoons. after at the home of Miss Frances Her­ I'm in line right now waiting for lation there with their vicious the Sabbath sleep following the Suddenly Ben Oni looked with zon, supplies chairman. Member­ my unemployment ch eck. Wha t a n ti-Semitic outbursts. F ascists. spicy Sabbath meal, my father alarm at his wp.tch. ship in t.his group m ay be arrn.r.ged kind of unemployment Insurance Nazis a nd R eds are always brave would gather us, his three son s. " I am la te for an appointment. by calling GA 1-4252. do you sel1 ?" when they outnumber a foe, but around the table. Often it was " If they give you a Job," was the prove cowardly punks when faced for a hearing on our progress at zan y explanation, "we ge t you on equal footing. Ironically, the the Cheder. More often it was a fired !" Jews in the Dominican Republic, study h our in addition to the which is governed by Trujillo, Cheder studies . What greater BORN IN RUSSIA ,, ,. · '- Big Leaguer Proves a nother dictator, are treated with pleasure ls there on a Sabbath IMMIGRATED TO AMERICA .£ ...... ,,., .,~. " ~- ~er the greatest r espect ... Sam Hlm- afternoon than study and more mell , who writes the breezy "Bald- study ? We did not whole-hearted­ Ar THE AGE OF 18 Danv ...... • • , t ..C operatic te nor who is taking New York by storm, wi n Brevities" column for the ly ngrec with father at that time. ls an Austrian J ew a nd the sole Printing News , has come up with especially on summer a fternoons. survivor of a famJJy of ten who ari Idea of "hand icap baseba ll " for But fath er's opinion prevailed. were murdered by the Nazis. Cas­ the big leagues which m a kes a lot Among the books we reud wit.h sini's manager ls Freddie Fulton. of sense. Bob Considine thought father was tha t little volume the old J ewish lightweight. "Be so m uc h of the idea, he used it on \ii,·hlch wa:rs full of hints on gooct a * a recent nation-wide broadcast manners. book of etiquette. * * My Love," "Vestle la Glubba" and "With These Hands" are three or . Highly interestin g reading ls: It was call ed Oerech Ereh, Dario's favorite arias. "The Ardent Eighties," by Ore- and It was compiled at least gory Weins tein , a Jewish lmml- a rou11d 2,500 years ago. Dcrech Saul Rogovln. Jewish h ur!e r. grant from Russia , who recently Eretz m eans many t hlng-s. It traveled far out of his way to visit died at the age or 92. It's pungent means Respect. Respect for the Teaneck. N . J ., lo appear at a tale of Pa Knickerbocker's Town elder, tor the scholar. for the benefit show with h is name ake, in the 1880s. nelrhbor, for oneself. It meaus J effrey Rogciv in. nine. who !s not Caru90 In Synarorue pollteneH , clvlllty, rood man­ related , for the Nephrosls Research ners: a code of conduct deslrncd Fund. Jefirey. a sufferer f rom this Jan Murray attributes his ex- to make a man a,-reeable and · vicious diseose, whlch attacks the kidneys of youngsters. was highly ~~l:i:rk~\t: t'::e t~~r:~~ycrr:~r _P_r_o_pe_r_. ______,~ elated at Soul's visit because. yep, and arose brigh t and early every you guess d it, Saul. whom he had morning-to take sour cream Cantor Rosenblatt? All the never met. was his favorite big showers! . . . Oene sultan. 15- J ewish songs that Kate Smith Jeaguer. year-old batboy or the New York knows were taught to her by Funnyman Jack !Hanessl ze­ Giants' basEball team. who Is Moll y Picon .. . Jack Molinas, high ros. who has been laying off re­ Jewish , haa -gppeared on 30 tele- scorer of the Fort Wayne Pistons cently, went up to an AOVA meet­ vision shows and in six Broadway or the National Basketball League, Ing With R list that WM ,cnt hits. A rew years a10. Oene acted is t he J ewish ace who powered o him, pointing out nJght clubs In a number or Yiddish plays. The Columbia U. to so many victories tha were unfair and in which he talented kid will tour Israel this j . . . At the VIiiage Barn, Joseph could no work. Jacll: disrupted summer . . Did you know that · Schildkraut describes a well­ LOLJIS B. MAYER the AOVA officials no end when the Ja te Enrico Caruso once san g known actre "She wears h er he drolly • sked, "Will you gl•e me In a synsgosue during the High I hair u1>-and her boy friends a list of places - where I can HolY Days 8l! a guest of the late down." 10 THE PROVIDENCE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1953

The Herald Travel Bureau can might not now be knocking itself R.O.S.E, FAMD,Y ELECTS help YOU. Call DE 1-7388. out trying to win the World Series. At a recent meeting of the It seems incredible, doesn't R.0.8.E. Family Circle, held at SYD COHEN. it, that so much should hlnr;e on the home of Mr. and Mrs. Saul SILVER the failure to draft one· single Elgart in Waban, Mass.,. Thelma man? But the Brooklyn scouts Elgart was elected president. Also Electric Company The Dodgers did not notice Whitey Ford, elected were Sam Sklaroff, vice-­ Electrical Contractors Pick A Pitcher whose dubious pitching talents president; Louis Osterman, trea­ somehow appealed only to the surer; Yetta Elgart, recording sec­ 628 -BROAD STREET . Yankee hawkeyes, and that ts retary, and Madeline Jacobvitz, Industrial • Commercial one of the reasons why New corresponding secretary. Mrs . and Residential It's funny, the way baseball his­ should bear the same "team to Carol Zeidel and Sol Skiaroff won tory is made. Here are the Brook­ York, and not Brooklyn, stands beat" label in its own circuit ev­ atop the baseball firmament. door prizes. GA 1-6864 lyn Dodgers, talking about the ery single year. possibility of building a new ball Yet Brooklyn is not at all hap­ ~ CHRISTMAS111wa park that will hold better than py, and will not be proud of its 50,000 fans, and hopefully praying achievements until the world • PORTABLE I for a World Series victory that championship flag hangs from the YOUNG MAN they believe would spur the con­ flagpole. ·· HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE struction of this field. · To Assist In Order Department i TYPEWRITERS i That world championship has eluded the Brooks ever since they But as said at the start, it's Some Clerical Background Helpful, but Not Necessary ii - all makes ~ }· first won the National League funny, the way baseball history is made. The Dodgers actually held • MANY COMPANY-PAID BENEFITS I all models ~ )\ pennant in 1916. Seven pennants, • GOOD- CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT seven World Series defeats. And the key to the world championship J B ; l .'1 L11.rrest Selection. I in their hands five years ago. Un­ with each setback comes a greater f EASY TERMS J. determination, a more wistful knowingly, they had the power to deprive the hated Yankees of the GENSER MANUFACTURING CO. it WOODS TYPEWRITER co. -~ waiting for that first World Series i(f 84 EMPIRE ST. )'! championship that will break the New York- club's 1950 champion­ 45 WALDO STREET PROVIDENCE long string of heartbreak and ship, and possibly that of the past failure. year. They might h ave won the 1950 pennant, and the World !»¥------~ Winning the p e n n a n t now Series, in a breeze. means little to the Dodgers. They SIMONIU The Dodgers failed when con~ start each season assuming they fronted with this golden oppor­ will win over all the clubs in their tunity, and that failure must be ~' YOUR CAR own league. From spring train­ ing on, the Brooklyn management charged to the scouting system that is employed by the Brooks­ looks over the squad only with the and maybe that is the answer 4 ~ idea of fielding a club which will ::::-:,,,.., J'eu to why the Yankees are so far whip the Yankees in October. HOUR Coan!aleAN out in front of all the others. Actually, the Dodgers need Here is the story-a story that 6 to 11 P.M. apologize to nobody. The team is true all the way, but which sel­ SERVICE NIG~TLY has won three pennants in five dom, if ever, appears in print. years, and lost in the other two Wllne ftoppl•I' or la Ue Ttw-at.er of those campaigns by the clos­ lo•r ear wtu be ftUy w•n ,... nD e Prica, Are iUght • Guaranteed Workntanship est of margins-once, against In the off-season o! 1949-1950, A_. ann.-Olue. Spl'IQ'•Ola.w, (I Choice of Quality Moteriol • Mew Zippers c.nd Hardware 'Vw Coral. ~ ett, 1.- euloe the Phillies, on the final day ol while Branch Rickey was still Cati GA 1-4433 the season (in extra innings); generalissimo fortissimo of the and the other time in the ninth Dodgers, the major league teams MAL'S AUTO TOP inning of the final contest of a began looking over the list of 432 PAWTUCKEUVENUE ICor. Waltham Streetl PAWlUCKET MINIT.MAN three-game post-season ·playoff players eligible for the baseball i ======' ..,.&a .... series with the Giants. draft. I IY8 I IOIIANCI fflmS That's a wonderful record. In The Yankees, with their farm addition, Brooklyn won the pen- teams stocked to the hilt with fine PROTECTION FOR ~~~t ~~te~91:n:::i~rlo;~a~~~n s::i!: talent, were warned They knew with the Cardinals ~~~ry s~~:e: ~h~~~ed~~f~e~~~ ~~~; I YOUR FAMILY That adds up to four pennants their future success could easily I HANSON and three extremely near misses I be affected by which players were o Give Your Family the ~ a;~::;. J;~:~ati!:1! f :i:~m:~~ picked from their reams Most Adequate Protection Louver Doors 1can League- here 1s a club that It did George Weiss and Com- Possible pany no good to learn that the o Gi¥e Yoms~!f Camrlet.e WE M ODERNIZE Dodgers openJy had their eye on Satisfaction and Freedom YOUR OLD DOORS WIT H one of the Yanks' ~pitch ers-a SIEF'S real "sleeper", Rickey said. from Worry LOUVERS And with the Brooklyn Mahat­ For A Sound Insurance Manufacturers of Delicatessen ma's nose for smelling talent, Program Planned by a All Types of Louver Doors the Yankee brass was scared and 585 NORTH MAIN ST. Competent Underwriter PLACE YOUR ORDER apprehensive. They thought -CALL- Leroy Hanson, EARLY their prize prospect was about - FOR - to be Jost to them. CHRISTMAS AND Came the draft. with everyone FRANK LAZARUS Inc. NEW YEAR'S EVE taking turns, lowest teams first. Life Insurance - Annuities Finally, it came time for the 45 Seekonk St. PARTIES 635 Industrial Trust Building off Wayland Ave., Prov., R. CALL DE 1-85 11 Brooklyn team to make its selec­ OPEN EVERY EVENING AND tion. With an air of triumph , Office--GA 1-3812 Res.- PL 1-0716 GA 1J 558 Res. DE 1-4448 ALL DAY SUNDAY Rickey put his finger on the man he admitted he wanted. The Yankees were stunned. They could hardly believe what had happened. They said noth­ ing, bat no doubt later. when they were alone, they must have sha­ ken h ands an around in relief. The man whom the Dodgers got. and whom they considered so highly, was a left-hand pitcher named Mai Mallette. The man whom they could have had-and whom the Yan­ kees feared they would take­ was another left-hand pitcher, but this one was named WHI­ TEY FORD!

Look at what happened to base­ ball's history because ol this Brooklyn oversight. Mallette, who , Do you st ill hove o list of ove rdue g ifts to buy? was known to hav·e a sore arm when he was drafted, never did Are you dreading the thought of on exhaust­ get rid of it. He is still in the ing e lbow-to-e lbow shopp ing trip) minors. But Ford came up to the ASK THE LADIES! Yankees in mid-season from Bing­ W e ll , friends, wo rry no longer. Jus t moke East hamton and Kansas C ity, to pitch Side Pha rmacy you r g,ft shopping headquarters. the New Yorkers to the second of You' ll find suitable gifts for a ll membe rs of the their fiv e straight pennants. With­ Mothers. career g irls, housewives - the)''tl all family, a s we ll as fri ends, a ttractively disp layed a nd out Ford tn 1950, the Yankees tell you the importance of saving! And we're reasonably p riced . probably would not have won. His record was 9- 1. nnd the Yanks' proud to count the ladies among o ur most !liUC· You'll find all this and more, ot your lead was only three games. With­ cessful savers. T he ir savings goals may vary. But out Ford, Cleveland might easily - they ;:1 II appreciate savings accounts insured ha ve laced Brooklyn in the World 10 S 10,000 and earning a good remrn. Just ask One-Stop Shopping Center SerJes this year. the ladies' Now look at what happened to Brooltlyn. Had Rickey selected Ford, the Dodgers. not the Phillies, would have won the 1950 pennant, and undoubtedly the World Series against a tired Detroit team that East Side Pharmacy had laded against the Yanks in the final two weeks. What would 756 HOPE STREET GAlpff 1-8611 have transpired In lhe 1953 Series is problematical; but Brooklyn THE l'ROVIDENCE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1953 II

For Your Publicity and Organizational - PHOTOGRAPHS - m ~~:~~~!IFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS CALL ON OUR SHELVES - BY THE BOX - PERSONALIZED SERVICE FRED KELMAN TINY TOY LAND-in our -downstairs Toy Deport.,.,ent WI U;oms 1-5402 /7 , • /,) I , For All Occa1ion1 '::JHeung Lal'CLJ B_ Simon CHANUKAH CARDS Now On Display PIANO TUNER Since 1910 Pianos Tuned, R egulated Repaired Reasona ble - Reliable Money Back Guarantee .•, a 111 a 111:a 111:a 111.a 111:a 11,,a 11,1a 1111a111,a 1111a 1111a 1ma 111:a 1111a 111:a 111.a m1a 1111a 1111a 1111a 11·a 11,:a 111·a ,•. 226 WEBSTER A VENUE EL 1-2275 - TE 1-4205 I!! DOWNTOWN MERCHANDISE AT DOWNTOWN PRICES!! ; ! ! r=·;aRl~sco~w-~" •i

AUDREY CYNTHIA BACH ! Shrimp Co. Mr. a nd Mrs. Michael Bach of ! i 2122 Gutherie Drive, Los Angeles, .:___ l!! Cal., announce the engagement of - ! Fresh Shrimp their daughter, Audrey Cynthia, ! :J.or .J/im ... to Norm3.n Namerow of 7 3 Sackett ! I Cooked -­ lhe firJl he open M R S. IRA PAUL KAPLAN, who !!::eih:°~t:f ~:· !::i:~~~erow !

CH ERNICK FAMil,Y CIRCLE Melvin Chernick was ch a irman of the Chernick Family Circle's Ch a nukah p arty held last Sunday To Get Started Towards Your 1954 at Beth -Dnvid Synagogue. Door prizes were won by Ma urice Ettin e, (MOMS AND DADS. TOO!) Tina Chernick a nd Bob Werman. Cllfl\lSTMAS Carol R obinson lighted t he Ch a ­ nukah candles. Hostesses included Rose G oodwin, S a ra Ettine, T illie, Be fore you buy gifts for youngste rs of any S hirley and Eth el Ch ernick. Rose CLUI CHECK age, be sure you !iee the wonde rful selection of toys Oilstein and Ruth Bluestein. Gifts ond games at M AL'S BA BY SHOPPES. You' ll find were presented to the chlldren. See how you can h ave A$ 2S.00 Check for SOc AWMk a complet e range of ed ucot ionol toys and game s a welcome check of A$ S0.00 Check ...... for$ IA WMk LEVINE l'AMILY CIRCLE $25.00 t o $500.00, by A$100.00Chedi for$ UWMk t ha t a id your ch ild's de ve lopment, a ct ion toys for At the Levine Family Circle's mak i n g convenient hours of ente rtainme nt, a nd toys thot provide sofe Ch anukuh party lust Sunday, at weekly pa·ymenlll in A$ IS0.00 Cbeck ..... for$ U WMk h ealt hfu l exerc ise, indoors and out ... toys for J WV Post 23 lmll, 30 children of our 1954 Ch rietmae A$2S0 .00 Check ...... for$ SA WMk the rnemberr were entertained Club. A$S00.00Chedi ... for$10AWMk g irls ond boys of ALL oges .. . oll ot MAL'S trodi­ with movies. gifts, a nd refresh ­ tiono l low-low cash-a nd-catry prices. ments. The Menorah was lighted To Make Sure of Having The Money You Want by Ha rolct Oubonlck. Guests were No matte r whot you want, MAL'S is sure to present from Boston. Worcester, Start Your 1954 Christmas Club - Promptly have it . Se sure thot you stop in and look around Brock to'n , Fall River and Provi­ I dence. 61 WeyltoaHt Str-t Provl4-e, a. I, PL 1•1000 BEFORE you c hoose. ..1 llroo4woy Olneyvllle, a. I. IL 1.»H MAL'S BABY SHOPPES is on active GLADSTONE F AMILY CIRCLE 1219 Moln Str-t Arctic, a. I. VA, 1 ..100 The Gladst.one Family Circle m embe r of The Toy Guidance Council. • ...... r ...... , u.,•• 11 , ...... t..,.,. .., 1•• held its nn nual dinner dance Sun­ Open Monday through Saturdoy till 9 :00 P. M. d ay evening a t Lindsey's Tavern . Quests were present from Fall River nnd Boston, Mass. Al Guy PLANTATIONS ~ ~~d.~lo~ was ch a irm an of the affair. 1Z THE P ROVIDENCE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1953

Last 3 Days! Engaged Bar Mitzvah WYONIE HARRIS and BOWLING FINEM:\N-TRINKLE Dave Miller's BIG NICK NICHOLAS KOSHER DELICATESSEN Sh eila Halperin Next Week Jean Alterman's 118 and 297 AND GROCERY gave the Clubs the one point 204 WILLARD AVE. MA 1-0245 STOMP GORDON and n eeded to h old first place. The CLARENCE JACKSON SPECIAL RATES opposing Hearts m ade it difficult FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE NO COVER CHARGE with Arline Slack bowlin g 278 Matinee Sundays with 107, Arlene G olden 289 with PARTIES 106, Phyllis Da tz 285 with 103, Make Your Party Complete Eunice Greenfield 281 with 101 With and F annie Levin 247 with 92. Home -Ma.de Knishes Mim i Lozow's 294 with 106 and Pota to Salad - Cole Slaw 101 enabled h er team to take one point. but th e Spades, with Rita PLANNING A Levin r olling 106, Sheila Halperin PA RTY? 100. Charlotte Goldberg 96 and A· t1me Anita Weitzner 92 took the re­ SEE - m aining 3 poin ts. Other h igh sin­ 119 IS TIME FOR gles were by Helen Lehrer 106. Sally Ludm an 98, Ger t Summer , Evelyn Robinson 95, Ar line Abrams Ben Gross 94, Phyllis S h olovitz and Ruth Haft 92 and Ann Steingold 90. Tam AT THE DAV ID PETER GER STEN­ DORIS MARILYN KRIEGER CRANSTON PLAIDS Mr. and Mrs. Willia m A. Krie­ By Fran ces Wexler BLATT, son of Mr. and Mrs. Na­ ger of 299 Morr is A ven ue an­ Barbara Berm an rolled 324. than Gerstenblatt of 291 Cole nounce the en gagemen t of their High singles were Edwyna Sam d­ Ave nue, wh o became Bar Mitzvah on Nov. 14 at Temple Emanuel. Tam PM peril 123, Sylvia Kafrissen 121, Dot d aughter, Dor is Marilyn , t o Mr. THE PERFECT CRACKER Jerry Einhorn, son of Mr. and Alcott 115. K ayla J agolinzer 110, Pany, $()(:ial, srn ck or luncheon - Mrs. Sam Einhorn of th e Bron x, Sophia Potemkin 109, Sippy K es­ PIONEER CARD PARTY Tam Tam's tops for crunchy munchin"! Restaurant N.Y. sler 108, Fan Bloom 107, Sally If s the 6ntsf, lhkiest friend a snack ever had A card par ty and penn y social ... i1's1he ptrfectustc-ma1e1oall )'OUr (You'll get the best for fess!) Miss Krieger was graduated Levy 103 on two consecutive faVorite bcvcn ges, juicts and spreads! strings, Gladys Warren 102, Dot will be the high lights of the next Buffets Our Specialty f rom Hope High School. Her m eetin g of the Pioneer Women to fiance, a gra duate of De Witt Clin­ Kirshenbaum, Bea Sydn ey and ";lm4_ Thi1 Syntbo/ Is Yov, Auvrann of 3 1 EDDY STREET Ch arlotte Miller 101, Lil Silver­ be h eld Monday evening at the ton High School in New York, h as Sheraton-Biltm ore Hotel. ,g STRICUST k ASHRUTH & flNU T QUAUTYI MA 1-31 5S just r eturned from service with m an 99, Fran Rod insky, Alyce the U. S. Army in Korea. Feingold and Harriet Gorflne 97, J eannette Silverstein and Char­ lotte Cofman 96, Diane Ber ger, NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTIES COTTON CLUB Vets Plan More Pauline Kaufman and Mimi Bos­ OPENING MON., DEC. 7 ler 95. Hove A Mork of Dist inct ion When They're For One Week Only' Hospital Visits PIONEER EVENING GROUP By Dotty Baker ·- CATERED BY LOUIS' Members of Sackin - Sh ocket Lil Weinberg posted h igh triple Rosanna and her Post, J ewish War Veterans, will 295 and Flora Soren had a 112 1 LOUIS' is now taking orders far New Year's Eve m ake visitations an d provide en­ high single. Lil rolled 105, Har­ • HORS O'OEUVRES • COLO cun • SALADS -American Band tertainment programs at all hos­ riet Kraus 101, Rose Sn yder 99, I e SANDWICHES e PASTRIES e TRA._YS pitals in this state wh ere veterans Bunn y Greenfield 97, E s th e r All the Tasty Delicacies You Like So W ell, With LOUIS' are hospitalized, i t was announc­ THURS., FRI., SAT., SUN. Sch echtm an and Arlen e Calderon Stamp a, Goodness in every bite ed last week followin g a Chanu­ 96, Evelyn Wein berg 95 and Fran­ Two Shows Nitely kah party held Dec. 10, at Vet­ Don't Wait Till t he Last Minute - Ca ll Last Shaw 11 :4S ces Agronick and Nunny J ain chill erans Hospital. 93. The hospital committee includes TWO Lester Kessler, chairman; Charles BOWLERETTES LOUIS' Kosher Catering Service By Marilyn I. Aptel Only Nite Club In R. I. to Feature K ilberg, post commander; Harold 9S ORMS STREET PL 1-2374 Fink, vice-commander , an d Louis Debby Green berg rolled high Continuous Entertainment 8:30 to 1 Weiner, past commander . single 99 and high sin gle 283. She 58S KILLINGLY ST. also has high season average of Off Hartford Ave. PLAN MEMBERSHIP DRIVE 94. Shirley Galor trailed in all Johnston, R. I. TE 1-9650 three departments, 97, 255, an d The Ladies Association of the New Year's Eve Party 85 average. Arlene Greenberg had sponsored by P rovidence H ebrew Day School fourth best single, 91, and t h ird will launch its anriual membership best three, 253, and average, 84. JWV Post 23 a nd Auxiliary drive in two weeks. Mrs. Maurice Nancy Coh en r olled 96. at the Past Home, 100 Niagara St. Gereboff is chairm an and Mrs. Samuel Grossman. co-chairman. THURSDAY EVE., DEC. 31 Also serving on the membership Donc ing 9 to l :30 A. M. committee are Mesdames William Telshe Auxiliary Newman, Frank Berger, H arry THE Kr ieger, Maurice Stern bach, Sam­ Makes Donation -- FULL COURSE -- , • NOISEMAKERS uel Yohn and J ack Mill~r. The Auxiliary of the Rabbinical SIT-DOWN DINN ER • SURP RI SES College of Telsh e voted at its last Served by LOUIS Lindsey Tavern RESNICK FAMILY CIRCLE 609 Smithfield Ave. meeting, held at the h ome of Mrs. Meyer Rosen, to send $200 to the Music by Tammy Masso's Orchestra ot the Pawt. Lincoln fine The follow.tng officers were re­ elected at a meeting of the Res­ college in commem oration of - $ 13 .00 per couple - MAKE YOUR nick Family Circle h eld last Sun ­ Ch anukah . {Includes ever ything but Liqu or) NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY day at the Belh David Synagogue: Mrs. Max Siegal was named RES ERVATIONS Must be in by DEC. 24! RESERVATIONS NOW Irving Shechtman, president; Ha­ nominating ch airman . Her as­ W E ARE ACCEPTING RESERV A T ION S FROM NON -MEMBERS A f ew dates still available rold Sweet. vice-president: Selma sistants include Mesdames Frank - Porty Li mited to l 00 Coup les - Gra noff, se.::retary, and David Sh apiro, Samuel Greenstein, Mor- 1' M AKE C H ECKS PAY A B L E T O R. 1. POST 23, A N O MAI L TO S teingold, treasurer. ris Fish beln and J oseph Young. C. W . S TEH.N, 37 Ve rndale Ave., S T 1-0075 Now Open Mondays H ILDA RIFKIN, 130 Dover Ave., East Provide nce, EA 1·0023-J Plans a n:- n ea r completion for T h e next meeting will be h eld FRANCES COHEN, 51 Stanwood St., HO 1-3497 SELMA NASBERG, 64 Pay ton St., ST 1-1471 Reservations PA 2-4449 the New Year's party to be h eld at Tuesday at 1 :30 P. M. at th e Nar­ 1 the Lindsey Tavern. ragansett Hotel.

SA VE UP TO 6Q¢ EACH ... lndustrial's


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Memlter Federal ltuerve System T~UST COMPANY Meml,er federal Deposit lnunonce Corporation