
tnko liivwrttjt'ji of 'ymr printed imp*' Ono word can toll Hie story oV con­ If nocd nnyOiliitfi tlio piles. you tinued liiinlness activity III the com­ TTivimt stands ready to fflvo. you survlec, . munity—Advertising. as ii on k Hiimitt ;i imt.«


VACATIONING IN ENGLAND from pur sin. W did Christ think PARKING ON TWELFTH AVENUE about It.” '* IIUS\VKLI> MEMORIAL I’AUK PAGEANTAT Mlsp Bryan Snlled Tuesday. Miss , preached Dr. Wntehocn, WILL HE DEDICATED Duckcra 2 Wccks Ago. ; regarded Calvary .not as a tragedy FORBIDDEN BY ORDINANCE Miss Elisabeth M> Bryan, daugh­ or. disaster. “Calvary, in the con­ Boswell 1’iirk, a jnenjoiial to- .C. T.U. ter of Ml\.and Mrs.'A. J. Bryan, cept of Christ, ivas'the greatest of •the late Dr- Chavies M. Bos- CD Broadway, sailed on'Tuesduy, all triumphs.” And; at the Trans­ ' .well, president of the Ocean,. July 10,-aboard tbo Holland-Ameri- figuration, in. the. thoughts of Asociatioii • for . niany years,, Township Takes Action To Protect Septic can Lino S. S-, Statendam for : a Jesus, , and Ellas there could : will' be dedicated, .tomorrow Large Audience Saw “The Melting Pot” Last six Weeks trip through England nit be any question discussed! of night, a t 7:30, with special- anil Scotland; and a side trip of a move primp importance than His services-': The- park is located !. es Tank— Receive Petition Asking for Widen- few days to Perdia. She will visit death upon the cros. ,‘‘The death of between Clark, Cookman, the. cathedral 'towns, f and ' the Jesus, His' redeeming grace upon New York and. Pennsylvania ' ; ing of Corlies Avenue— Wayside Road To .Shakespeare, Scott, and Burns the cross, is ■ the dominating fact avenues ' and .Was . formerly In Session Here Since Tuesday country ending the,trip with sever­ and truth in the whole New Testa­ known as. High Park, or Park Be Improved-rOrder Foreclosure On al days’ sightseeing in: London. ment.” ' - ;. Heights, Recent improve With Three Meetings Daily. Miss Bryan is an istructor in Jesus, looking upon His death as ments there have made the Jumping Brook English in. the Matawan, N. J., his greatest achievement, set that park a . beautiful site. Dr. high school. aside as the memorial which He George W,, Henson will be in The pageant-drama,' “The Melt­ spoke at the evening meeting on Miss Margaret Duckers, 114 wanted made to Himself .The ele­ charge of the exercises and ad­ ing Pot,” presented last night .at Tuesday. To protect the septic tank of the sympathy with the move to have Embury avenue, teacher in the ments of His broken body and will be given by Dr. the Auditorium, under the direction Wednesday started with Mrs. Neptune - .township'sewer system, Corlies avenue widened in the busi­ Ridge avenue school, left two shed blood, are taken in Holy Sac­ Furman A. DeMaris and Dr. of Mrs Carolyn Stanyon, brought Mary R. Haslup leading the morn­ rament at His request, “Do this in the township committee. on. Tues­ ness district, but that waB a finan­ weeks ago for a trip through Eng­ Robert C , Wells. There will be to a close the annual Interstate ing session. Mrs. Haslup is Mary­ cial problem that'could not be solv­ remembrance of Me.” Dr. Watch- music and a fine program. Convention of the W. C. T. U., land state president. Mrs. Anna day night passed an ordinance on land with a side trip to Switzerland ed at the'present time. and Prance. ' om felt that the emphasis placed which had been in session here Lee Waller, Delaware president, first reading forbidding parking on By resolution the clerk was in­ on. Christ’s nativity, Christmas, is since Tuesday morning, was in, charge of the afternoon, Twelfth avenue between South structed to. have the township engi­ disproportionate with that placed CONFERENCE TO OPEN HERE .The Conference, attended by dele­ meeting, a feature of which was an Main street and the railroad. The neer, Claude W.. Blrdsall, prepare FEAR NOT WHEN upon Good Friday, ’the day of gates from New York, Pennsyl­ address on “Peace" by Mrs. Fred­ ordinance was moved by Commit­ plans and specifications for the im­ His death. '• ’' . : Dr. Heiison Will Be in Charge Of vania, Delaware, Maryland, and eric Boggs,, who recently returned teeman Charles Loveman and‘ sec­ provement of. the 'Wayside road. LANDMARKS FALL “Where would the, hymn hook be Program New Jersey; opened Tuesday morn­ from Turkey. Mme Kubushiro also onded . by Committeeman Ralph W. Under, the .contemplated plan the without hymns bearing on the ing at 10.30, in the Young People’s brought a message on the temper­ A. '. “Foreign Missions Confer­ Johnson. It was declared that cars state would pay. 90 percent of the Atonement? We ’cave them . Daily meetings-were held ance work in Japan. The diamond THIS IS A SIGN OF PROGRESS ence,” under the leadership of parked on this area had. been a con­ cost, and the township 10 percent in. They, are the best. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday medal oratorical contest was held Dr. George W. Henson, will be held tinuous threat to the septic tank and the enginer’s fees would be “And, there is about the a at that, hour, as well as a t 2,20 in in the evening. Virginia Colvin PREACHES DR. PINCH! ! in the Ocean Grove Auditorium ' which lies below -the surface at thiB paid by the state, not to exceed 7% continuity of .thought, and purpose president of N. Y. Y. P. B. was from July 23 to July 26, Members the afternoon and at 8 p; m. on point. The penalty fixed for each percent. never equalled in any other book. the first two days of the confer­ the winner. violation is $25 fine or ten' days in Dr. Watchorn, At Auditorium, of the Methodist Episcopal A resolution was also passed in­ What is this binding, cohering qual ence. Yesterday morning, Dr. Jose­ jail. The ordinance will come up Sunday Evening, Sees Glorious and other churches in this section structing the attorney to start fore­ ■ity? ... .The red thread of redemp­ Tuesday morning, Mrs, D. Leigh phine Kaye-Witliams spoke on “No for final reading and passage on closure proceedings against the Triumph in The . tion,” he answered, "is the coher­ of New Jersey, and visitors from - — all parts of the United States, will Colvin, New York State president, Place for Alcohol in Medicine.” July 30. Jumping Brook Golf and Country ing force in this library of relig­ New Loud-Speakers Installed.': be in attendance and have part in 'vJ the session.' Dr. Alfred Wagg Mrs. Maud Blackley, Pennsylvan­ On behalf of those opposed to th& Club for non-payment of taxes;' ious authority.” From the story of the programs of addresses, wor- brought greetings from.the Camp- ia, gave her views on '‘Menace of economy, move of the township com- . The question Of whether the town­ Life, is a- series of. submerges the first family* in the book of Gen- t ». ‘ | ^ r ! u _ A — m* U/i.r TV.T fl Ship,, song, motion pictures, forums, !meef;ing Asociation.4-5 Rev. Martha Lotteries'.” In the afternoon, one , mittee in turning over Bangs ave­ ship should hire, one or more dog ees of familiar laiid-marks," de-1 esis, until tlie last, in Revelations, lectures anil round table talks. The Rogers, New York, Mrs. C. E. of the leading features of the con­ nue to the county, Edward I. Gold, catchers for a two Weeks' campaign claued Rey. Wallace'H. Fincb, D i brought out the preacher, the ference was enjoyed when Dr. Ella berg, Corlies avenue business man, ^ ' pastor of the First E,j promise of redemption rings out meetings will be held in the Young , Stopeback, Pennsylvania, Mrs, Ar- of picking! up stray dogs came up !1?', |pe0p]e’s Temple. tliur B. Bibbens, Maryland, and Boble, National president, appear- presented a petition to tbe commit­ for discussion and the problem was Churcb, Baldwin, L. I.; in the Snn-j, “That is thc key by.nlnch the, ^ ' m win ^ on Tuus. : Mrs. Elizabeth Banta, New Jer- ed and spoke on “The White Rib- tee! The, petition-also urged' .the left in tlie hands of the cleric for day morning sermon in the Audit-1 treasures of this bookmiay be un-.i , - . - -- -* ™ „ .Bvq ,‘ memorial1 bon Around tbe World.” A num- orium." Mountains are slipping locked and given to all believers. i llay eV.“n!hC. July 23,-with a show- sej, xveie spea is- ^ ■widening of Corlies' avenue. Com­ report. The clerk was also author­ ina G.! her of Young People's branches mitteeman Loveman and Chairman ized by the committee to place into the sea, great transitions, are There is no other kev ” i mfcr of the motion■-picture, “Padre service was.held foi Mis. Ni Gracey explained that Bangs avenue properties owned by the township being witnessed,” he allowed, “but- A new sound system with loud Sal'ib” 'vhicb taken Frantz,-late president of the New;also participated at this session. J ’ 1 in by the Rev. William L. Jersey W. C. T. C. Rev. and Mrs.- In view of the fact that this. had been turned over to the coiinty by • reason of ‘tax title lieu In the we.need not become too profoundly, speakers .hooked up beneath the Rogers anil produced by the Re- Dorsey Miller condueted noon dc- yeav s national W.. C. T. U. Con- not for the purpose ot diyersion of hands of the local real estate men disturbed, for this is an inevitable -balconies transmitting sound .from ligious Motion Picture Foundation, votions. ' volition is going to be hold at At- traffic, but as an economy move for sale. mark of progress and growth., the. microphones at the pulpit, was Mrs. Ada S. Xodocker, now New lntic City, the registration a t the Especially is it a mark of growth jn use for'the first Sunday and rllis. 1>i?hlrt an attractive and pure and simple, meaning a saving The committee will m.eet at 6:30 Is presided- over Interstate conference here was re­ in the road budget of approximate­ next Tuesday evening to make a in the realm of Christian, expert- received much favorable -comment:fascinating porti-ayal oi’ the tier.?-- ^ . • JJ®S1 *!: * * J?** Sevovnl him,lrod nennle ini Vlce the Methodist missionary in the.Tuesday alteinooni ssession. Mrs; ported favorable large. Confer­ ly $4,000 a year.' Chairman Gracey (rip to Shark.River Hills to Inspect ! ence. Several hundred people gathered ence hostesses were Mrs- Lizzie said that' the committee was in roads and general conditions. Dr. Finch chose Psalms, 46:2, tho Auditorium at 2.Vo, to hear the!.Inil,a' h 15 bmIt ai'ounli the actual i E" a t " t W i t h f Confer Higlit, Monmouth County presi­ for the text; ‘^Therefore will we first Bible Class lesson, led bv Dr •' experiences of the Rev. Mott "'as .unable to attend the Confer — ■ - ’ y Keisler and his wife, rvho-is a' ettee. Her official ..representative dent; Mrs. Helen I- Benson, Ocean not fear, though the mountains be grands H. Green. Grove, W. C. T. U- president; and GROVE- ROUND TABLE MEETS carried into the midst of the sea.” -I— - . j physician, - in the''Punjab. - There, - is I'here, . was . , Mrs: , . Katherine , . Wisler, This is a remarkable statement, re- Twentieth '•-. Anniversary j a touch of Indian romance in the: Phlauelpma, state-..tieas the Ocean Grove and Asbury Park DEAL DIRECTLY unions. Mrs; Mitchell, Hostess, Teaches minded the preacher, in view of the . Mr. and' Mrs. Herman Haase, of story which makes it unusally ap-iM»e. Ochimi Kubushiro, of Japan, STATE Another Game • fact that the Hebrew was known to Jersey- City, recently celebrated j pealing. ).. —— ;———------— ~ " love the mountaifts, while he hated their th Wedding anniversiary | A conference on missionary edu-f . „. The Ocean Grove Round Table 20 the sea. .The carrying of moun-, at Ocean Grove. Dinner was serv-| cation led by Dr, Irwin G. Paul-: Surprise for Miss Olive ueiuy met Monday evening nt the home of SHORTEST ROUTE BEWARE OF REAL ESTATE tains . into the sea would be ed and the .'afternoon spent at the ' sen, director of religious education | Friends of Miss Olive Reilly gave Mrs. Blanche , Mitchell, 51 Abbott a great catastrophe to the beach, returning to the home of - lor the Newark and New Jersey! her a birthday surprise last Thurs- CHISLERS, SAYS STERNER Avenue. Dr. Lucia Grieve gave a . very interesting talk on India but he not, Mrs. Harry Jones^ (sister of Mrs. eohferences will open Wednesday I day evening, July 11, at the home PONE IN 1936 where she bad lived for a numberlfear’ And, after generations of, Haase), as 100 Heck avenue, for morning, and be followed by sim- of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen. 137 Promises Fair Treatment by State of. years. The chairman for the I belief that only in Jemsalem w erei snbpev. Th«se present were Mr. iliar conferences oh Thursday and Main avenue. The table decora- LAKEHURST - LAURELTON When Land is Needed for High­ evening was the hoBtesB, who intro-1 the supreme benefits of religion to and Mrs. William Gunn, Oaklyn, Friday mornings. The conferences tions and favors were in yellow. A light supper'was. served during LINK NEARS COMPLETION ways. Outsiders Have No Auth­ duced tlio game. "The Wedding of be shared, 'the Hebrew was told! Ph.; Mi«s Elizabeth Gunn, Willard on each of these three days will be followed by an open forum on the evening- Among th e'g ifts re­ the . Flowers,” the prize being- won that "They that -worship Him Jarvis, Oaklyn, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs* ority to Make Deals With Prop­ Mexico and the Mexicans,” led ceived; were a beautiful basket of by. Miss Laura Lane. A “Bon Voy­ .must worship Him in spirit and in Peter Murray and daughter Helen, State Highway Department' Will erty Owners. flowers and two ! large birtjiday age” card for Dr. II. P. -Cox was truth.” Here, another! mountain of Kearny; Mr. and Mrs, Herman by Alberto Rem.bao, editor of “La Start Work This Year On Last slips into the sea and is obliterated.) Haase,' of. Jersey City, ''and M r.i.Neuva Democracia.” cakes. Those present were Misses Cracking down'upon real estate sighed by the members. Stretch of Road That Will Make ' But continued - the preacher 1 and Mrs. Harry Jones, Ocean On Wednesday evening, July 24,1 Olive and Lillie Reilly, Mr. and chislers, State .Highway Com­ Mrs. Bert Partridge of St. Peters-, , . The Most Direct Route to Phila­ burg, Fla., described a trip to Cali- landmarks’ - that into the sea, ’ Grove. .° at 8 o’clock, the Rev. Charles F.J Mrs. J. D. Brandt, of Belmar, Miss missioner E; Donald ' Sterner, this Lipp, a ' prominent misionary ! of; Rosenthal, of the Home for the delphia. -‘.7. . "4 ; week urged property owners to fnrnfnfornla and nnH iWevinnMexico, SheStih nlan also voa/l'n read a m.nlremake wway flv fnrfoi' npwnew lunrlvwovkolandmarks ntifiand : . . 'the first is swallowed up b y the Norttl End.Pavilion Sunday Service the Methodist Episcopal Church in; Aged. Mrs. Moyer and daughter deal directly with State represen­ poem entitled, “I Like the, Depres-' The last link in the shortest 1 second- in-its rise to prominence | Sunday afternoon, at four o’clock.' India, will give an address on “is ! Georgia May, Mrs- Jennie Wilson',' tatives when their land is -needed sion.” Mrs. Margaret Asay H esse. second in-its rise to prominence, paved highway route from here to for roadways: \ ,■■■!■:• r:' eclted porUdns‘^ :«iaW aiha;: an d ' Human slavery, once sponsored j ‘2!, tbe 'N ortb.End ^ avilion’ 0na a» Good as Another?” ' Mr. and. 'M rs .' H arry Hedenberg, Philadelphia-will be completed in several humorous selections. ' The j by some of .the. best people,: was I®'™ D^ . f l?-: ^ obaeiwed, . A.spe: ..and -on . Thursday evening a t the >Iaud and Irving Hedenberg, Mrs. They were promised fair treat­ 1936J said State Highway Commis­ improvement of Mrs. william Russ; I eliminated by the most sahguihaty i P ^ m ^ t h e choir same hour, Alberto Rembao will J Skene, Mrs. W ham qvowiey and sioner . E, Donald Sterner this ment under the plan which would who .has been: seriously ill, was re- wnrfare ever held between! broth-iofn tbo LlWle Silver M ,E. Church | speak on “The New Developments Mr. and Mrs. Harley'W. Allen. "eliminate scheming, middle-'men, week. The link is from Laurelton ; ported. Also the departure of Miss‘ ers, declared Dr. Finch. “Here, an be hoard anO the pastor. Rev. ;,n Mex t c o . ______- , . Reports have come to him in the to Lakehurst, connecting’ route 40 Lillian Brigham for her summer institution was abolished J^n Blair, will speak Bud BakeryJKer;,„, „ T TT 7 : . . J Civil Service. service. ExammatmnsExaminations past few days about these real es­ _ ; The Holy Land, Monday evening1 ' \ with route 35 near Laurelton. This bdme at Twilight. Park in the. Cats­ John Woolman, (a Quaker reform- £ slve p irumpet solo. George | at Young' People's Tcmp.le. See j The United State's Civil Service tate option jugglers who are work­ is the final step to make the North kills. : -ibvv. 1 Miller is leader of the meeting.- ; Classified Advertisement.-29'’ . Commission has announced open ing particularly in the rural sec­ er of the 18th century) had tried Jersey coast more accessible from Otiierd present were XIrs. H. G. competitive examinations as fol­ tions, the Commissioner declared. quietly to slip into the sea.” 1------— :------—------r— ------Philadelphia and Camden areas Bgley. Miss Victoria North, Miss lows: Agent, Antinaveotic Act, V Representing themselves as able Death, too, seems to change' a j ■— _ and is n project started by Com­ Mae Lane, M rs . Elizabeth Wilis,. $2,600 a year, Bureau of Narcotics, • to obtain better prices through' landscape with which we are fa- jjy, Green, jtjiole I eo.ch.er, missioner Sterner when he was Mrs, C. M. Hatfield, Miss Anha' Van ' Treasury Department. Applicants ‘ controlling the location.' of high­ miliar, leaving an empty place) State senator. . Skite, Mrs. Charles Rakestraw, Mrs. must have had certain full-time ways they have induced property on the horizon’s rim, reminded the : AnUOUnCeS DedsioU To Route 40 is now finished from Laura- Carruthers, Miss Annie Can­ preacher. This change brings dis­ ! paid experience in positions or oc­ Camden to Lakehurst, the Naval owners to sign away their rights. non, Miss Gertrude Ofyls, Mrs. Jil. cupation's the duties of which re­ Those who give consent learn too quietude, he continued, “But death Air Training Station and now will Hilliard, Mrs. C. S. Barrett, Mrs; is the thresholdbyer which wc pass Not Answer Open Queries quired the investigation of major late that they'have been’victimized. be continued in a northeasterly di- Lewis Samuelson, M Is b Mary Elliott to realization and completeness.” criminal activities.. Poultry .aids, recton to connect with Route 3G • "Fight shy of these oily-tohgued Dunham, Miss E. H. Moore, Dr. An­ ‘‘There is no need to become ‘jum­ $1,440 to $2,000 a'year, Bureau of near Laurelton, Ocean County. option sharks with their decept- Dr. Francis Harvey Green, answer for every query brought by na R. F. Wilson, Morristown; Miss py’ 1 Chifstians, to seek to change Animal Industry,' Department of From Laurelton this year’s pro­ ' ive promises," is the warning- of teacher of the Auditorium Bible the Bible class students. A box Mary Perkins, Winter Park; Miss the magic of the laws by which Agriculture. Full information may gram for the building of ;■ Commissioner Sterner. “With blus- Class, who assumed his-duties here on the memorial .vase butside the provides Agnes Gayleiy, Newark; Mrs. F. P. God operates his Universe; ‘Heav­ be obtained from Charles A,'Bilms, a new bridge across the head of tho ' ter and a false display of authority last Sunday afternoon, surprised Auditorium was placed there for Lipp; Youngstown, Ohio; Mrs. Fred en holds all for which you' sigh.’ Secretary of the U- S. Civil Service Manasquan River connecting with they induce property owners to and disappointed a large number the express purpose of receiving Lang, Bloomfield. . Therefore don’t ‘ fear, tho.ugh the Board of Examiners, at the Ocean Routes 34 and 35 at Brieilo traffic sign an option1 upon their holdings of. those who gathered to hear him these questions and a Bibio class mountains be carried into the Grove post office. - circle, shorebound traffic will reach by using the red herring of great­ Joint Concert A Success when he announced that it would secretary was appointed tb read midst of the sea.” the coast at Belmar. The location, er, prices. But recent developments not be his policy, to answer, ques­ these questions before the weekly STANYo n , MILLER WILL SPEAK A joint concert for the benefit of Dr. Frederick H. Wright, of lurgely over new rights of way, 1 have proved that they cannot make the Assembly Bible Class 'and the tions raised by those attending the meetings and have the tencher an- Ocean GroVe, led the prayer at class. Dr. Green declared that if swer them ' ’ • • At the beach meeting at the will greatly shorten the distance good.” .- Salvation Army was given hearty to the shore. the opening of the evening service- someone had a -weighty problem to Dr. Green, who is Head Masterj pcea“ hway Pavilion, Sunday support by a. fine attendance Tues­ A feature of the service: was a Automobilists now traveling to Mission Supt.1 To,Speak. day night at St. Paul’s Church. The clear up and submitted same to of Pennington School, dectared-dnl the speakers wl« hymn duet, rendered by Dr. Hen­ him,'he would consider it and, poB- his introductory, remarks Sunday ibe Qoi. Thomas; Stanyon and Rev. the northern Jersey seacoast fol­ William L. Edwards, superin- church was filled to . capacity with _ ■ . - ■ Tlornov ,M'. Millar T\. kiwi TV\r. son and the preacher of the.even­ Dorsey N. Miller, D. D. Mrs. Dor­ low a circuitous route from Cam­ tendent, Beacon; Light Mission, listeners. The International Salva­ sibly, answer it as a later meeting, that there are “hundreds of ques­ ing, -Dr. John Watchorn, a district hut that he would not make it a tions on the Bible that I cannot sey Miller, and Frank ' Hopwood, den'to Route 33 at nightstown or " New York City,' will adrcss' the tion Ahqy sextet, under the leader­ bass-baritone, superintendent of tho Philadelphia business to solve questions brought answer.” '.\'vv- !’■- will be the soloists. across the State on Route 40 to ¥>St. Paul's Assembly Bible Class, ship of, Capt. Forrester, gave a typi­ Bleecker Stirling will be in charge Conference. . by Bible students. Dr.'George W. Hepson, president Lakehurst and then journey over : Sunday morning at 9,30. Rev. cal Army grand concert. CoL Thom­ of the service. roundabout secondary roads. George F. Smith, presdent of the Dr. Watchom’s theme .was the Long after Dr.- Green had read of the Association,' was asked yes­ , as Stanyon was present and gave Four additional construction class, extends a hearty welcome for the benediction. ' The! affair was in redemptive power o f the: Atone-: his' lesson for the day and dismis­ terday his: opinion of the new Dividend A t Bradley Beach projects for the 1935 .'.program all to attend; charge of an, Assembly Bible Class went,-Text, St. John, 12;38, “This sed the class, many lingered to dis­ Bible Class teacher’s outline. “Dr. He said, signifying what death He cuss . his decision in the question- Green has Been engaged to teach A stock dividend of 2 % per­ were approved by Commissioner executive committee, headed by Mrs. cent, pajyable July 15 to stock­ Mrs, Ruscoe To Lecture should die.” Ever since Christ died answering business. It was pointed the Bible class,'"’ he said, "and he Sterner and plans 'will be submit- Anna Ridgivay, enteitaiifmeht chair­ holders as of June 29, was declar­ ted to the U. S. Bureau of Public . Mrs- Louise Ruscoe, of Ocean man, assisted by. Rev. George F. on the cross, on. Calvary, there out that caTds advertising the will teach in his own way. He had ed Monday by the First National have been many Christians who class and widely distributed last considerable experience' at this Roads ,which will have the largest . Grove, will give an illustrated lec­ Smith,'Ralph Wiggin, Fred Terhuhe, Bank of Bradley Reach. It is the share in the cost of improvements. ture on the Holy Land, Monday Mrs. Jacob Glockler, Mr. and Mrs. have failed to discover the mystery Sunday bore this statement,” An work and it his belief that open regular semi-annual, dividend and of the Atonement, apd many.have inspiring leader who will teach tho questions are more confusing evening a t 8.15, in the Young George Catley and C. IT. Rakestraw. amounts to $1,250, the capital stock Ocean Grove Auditorium.'* , ;:’; ;;:! People’s Temple. , She will wear missed its benefits he . declared. Word of God and answer questions than constructive. He would ptefer of the bank being $60,000! ; “The Atonement has a redeeming which'Will assist you.” - writttn questions,” continued Dr. The' preacher for Sunday mom-! ’■ a Bethlehem , A free-will Are You Deafened? ing and'evening, will be Bov. Ber- Y offering will be taken.'! Expert analysis of your hearing value. The New Testament was And, it was recalled that former Henson, declaring that lie! was sure Ail drugs reduced in price at nard C. Clausen; D. D.; "'Pastor.‘Mf-! i! ‘: problems. Also free demonstration written by men brought 'up in the Bible class teachers, including Rev- that Dr. Green would be glad per­ Nagle’s New Drug Store, 43 Main tho First Baptist Church of 'Pitta: jlp of Sonotone Scientific Hearing Jewish faith. It .was impossible Furman A. DeMaris, who resigned sonally to assist any one who Avenue, Ocean.-Grove.— 43 Adv. ' ' bufgh, Pa.-29' ‘ Optometrist-Optician. Aids by laboratory trained con­ for them to, forget the process Of Idst summer after several years should liavo a vital inquiry thaC Don’t neglect .your eyes. • sultant Thursday, July 25, a t C. F. blood Atonemer*. They fully be­ of leading , the class w-ero gla^Yja Albprt E. Robinson; jobbing f- American Barbee,-, Shop. ..j\< > ’' .. Dr. Joseph F. Heine. Drake, 404 Cookman avenue, A. P. might uot.be of importance to the carpenter, and all kinds of roofs 52 Main Avenue, Ocean -

Bti Elmo— Elwontl T« Mlllii, Mr, UTOI11 f UI VW U W V fU ^ mid Sirs, R Triu‘>' Mills, Must or* liiiKii! J, Ii. Tlmiwiis, (klliUviill; M r. NEWS OF THE iiilir M rn.'A.‘ W ikmrllii')', Now Yol li City; Mrs, Ui'dh'.v H. Wmiilwni'il, aided PROGRESS CHURCHES . Mi- iin'i Mrs, J, II, Mil* sun, tlraolilyn; .lidin Muulliir, Alls, l'Tiuili J, Cimiiiii'.v, Nirwmlt; . Mr, i A Real Danger lor tho Future, Economist Describes the Ways nnd Mrs. M., it .innlnii, HiMnllltHi'. j . Col, Ayres Tells Banking Local Institutions Have Con- i . st. raui'a Mi k. o w m Grove. .! A; i.yiiBii. iiku'skiii'ii; Mr. nml v I. •«' i , _ ■ , n • ., i J I'rcnolilnif -rtiri’lou: 11,00 ii, m. utul Mrsr lli.mry II, .MiiIIii, Hronlilyn; ' . Groups. ' . tributed to Business Growth ' 7.30 p.m ., Sunday m-iiooi, 9.30 n. m. I,. S. Ziiclii'.v, Iuirliy, I’r , T . It. ilOjHVorth Leiigm-, .ti.M; .Unripi- League, Ilidluinmi', Ommiz, I’n.; A. .1; Strtli*: . ■ ‘ 1 . - . 10,30. i'rn y cr nor.vk*e. IVoilnpadny, i,4.» I'lluiid, W ri'hii"kiiii; Mrs. K. ,T. n l*:\v n ia :x s \y ic k , n . j ,- rre s O M A 11A, X phr.—Pri vri toly owned- l»* *»• Rov. Hamilton I*. KnX. pus tor; , eht prbsiiecja 11, Sciinitfiii. i tiler (lollin’ devaluation will cqmo served America well, NVIlUam A. Ir­ 027 Springwood nvenue, Asbury Parki Ocean Housc—VlrRlnla U Cnk- Mrs. UcbhIo A. Brand; auparlntendont. boou fit t-liis c o u n try , b u t n s a n u lti­ win, Professor of Economics’, Wash­ Saturdays, 8 p/in., Mrs. Dmqd, leader. vin, Now Yorlc. Mrs. C, It. Crock* mate development it seems to bo a' burn' College, Topeka, Kansas, de* Sunday school, 2.30, lit clmmo of ctt, H. Jean (knokolt, Jlontclhlr; George ii. Uniter; Sunday. 2 p, m„ Mrs, O. J. I’lirdy, Mrs. Fred HurIi* very real danger. Leonard; P. Ayres, claretl hi a recent .address here on evangelistic meeting. Tuesday, chil­ ‘•Vice President C leveland; Trust dren and young noople'a mooting; son, Mlneotn, N. V.; Mrs.'W.'S. Kb* VBanking.hf a Changing World/* Mrs Bcsslo Bnuiil, lender. Thursday ttdlo, Helen Kslolle, PoiiRkkcojisle; Company, said, here tonight in an “Under the leadership of Individu­ evening, George ihibln, leader. Mrs. r*. Leigh Galvin, Now York .address before the Graduate School als banking 1ms helped to bring tills City; Mr. and Mrs. E. of Banking.’ He believed‘ this state­ country td a.foremost plnco in econ­ First Church of Christ Scientists, Fassnadt, Lnncftslcr;-Mrs. William ment to be true '-unless the govern* Artt, Miss' Mary Aril, Morristown; omic development among trio na­ Asbury Park. • ment enters fr'nrikiy upon a policy of Services are. held regularly every Mrs. William Ptilne,. Brooklyn; Mr, Issuing'.fiat money Avitb Avhi’ch. to tions of the world/* he said. "The Sunday,, morning at 11 and Wednes­ and Mrs. A. It. Stuff, Elsie Stulz. small community has been de­ day evening a t 8,, in the, church edt*. New York; Mr.. nml Mrs. Thomas meet, its expenses.^ At ’.present that flee, at Third avenue and’ Emory does not seem to bo in sight, ho said. veloped by trie individual bank. The street. Trie reading room and Sun­ Brooks, Paterson; Mr. and Mro G. The Graduate School Is ^operated frontiers of America have been day School are located fit Asbury A, Lloyd, Woodslde; Fannie B. pushed forward ^y the help and and. Grand avenues. Heading room Stelmnn, Lnncnster; Mr. and Mrs. Jointly by the American Institute of oen weekdays1 from' noon to five p. ni. S. L. Huber, W. E While. New Banking Section of the American counsel o f ; trie individual banker. Sundays, 13 to 1. Sunday School nt York. Bankem Association and Rutgers The shocks of wars and depressions 11 a. tn,. University to'offer advanced studies in a century and a half have been Ballard Memorial, Asbury Park. Oioansfde—Elmer Gibbs, Mr. and withstood with the assistance of the Mrs. A. G. Cook, Eobert Cook, Belle­ for bank officers. . Sunday at 10.30, preaching service ville; Mrs. C. S. Larkfn and son, What You Want "We havo so enormously ih*‘ fridividual banker. conducted by the pastor. Rev. D. C. Bvans; Sunday school, MB a. m .; Philadelphia: Mrs, p: N, H art, Jef­ creased the capacity of our banking "it .may be that we have reached Epworth League, «;46: evening wor­ frey Hart, Woodslde'; Miss Jewel system for credit expansion that it a tide in the affairs of America when ship, 7.30. Prayer meeting, Tuesday Dunne, Bronx; Burton Allen, Mr. How You Want It is difficult to see how we Could have new methods are needed.- It may e evening a t 7.30. and Mrs, H. H Allen, Jackson a vigorous business revival without that we haye come o a point where Lutheran Church of the Atonement. ■Heights; Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Lued- When You Want It having it dovelop Into a credit infla­ the individual Bliould be submerged First avenue and Heck street. Rev. deeke, MaplewoodMr. and Mrs. W. tion^* Colonel Ayres declared. for ‘the greatest good of the great* Carl H. Miller, pastor., Sunday school H. MadMlllan, Paterson; Gus Lued, 9.30 a. m .v Morning sorvlce, 10.45. decks, Maplewood; Norman Haln- - Bfc ' est nuriiber.' Vesper service, 7.46 p ., m. son, Mr. and Mra..W; Harrison, Rus­ For ari in thejline of printing come to us and we will Inflation a Slow Process If Change Is Necessary sell Frederick, Bloomfield: Mrs. J. . - If inflatioii does come it will be a First Baptist, Asbury Park Sylvander, Ridgewood- N, M. Oak­ "It. may even be. that complete Sunday school and adult Bible class guarantee you satisfactory work' at alow process, he said, pointing out centralization of the banking sys­ a t 10.00 a. np ; a t it Rev. C. Gordon ley, Paterson: Mr. and Mrs. Keith, that in Germany/ France, Belgium Brownvllle. will preach. Also Sermon, Willard Heith,' Brooklyn; Virginia tem has become an economic neces­ at 7.45, Men’s Brotherhood, 10 a. m. Madden, Charles C. Madden; Mr.' prices that are right and Italy It took about five years sity in our complicated social life. Young People’s meeting. C.45. Prayer to develop from the time when the and Mrs. Edward W. Madden; Great But the banker ought to be satisfied meeting, Wednesday, 7,45 p. ni. governments entered upon policies Notch, N. J.; Mrs. E. B; Vose, St: of .financing large peace-time deficits that these things are so before he Pe'tersburgh. * . should give, up, his-light for the sys­ St. James Episcopal Church, Letterheads Post Cards by bank credit up,to the time when Bradley Beach*. Le Chevalier—Mr, and Mrs. Sam the public generally began to spend tem we have known./,V^e cam e, to Lloyd, Miss ' Lily Lloyd, Kingston, greatness under that kind of bank­ Fourth arid Hammond Avenues. money rapidly because of fear tbat Services conducted by* the Rev, E, J. Pa. *, 'Miss Lillian Harney, Mlss Envelopes Dance Orders it would still further depreciate.' ing; we should riot give it up with­ Waletita. Holy , Sundays, Alice Harney, Mrs. Lena Garner, out unmistakable proof of the abso­ Wednesdays and Holy and' Saints New: York.City; Charlotte If. Frev, " I f we are to go through such a Days, 8 a. in. *, Choral and Washington, JVC.; Mr .and Mrs. F. Billheads: Office Forms period here It would seem likely lute necessity of such a change/1 r Sermon, flrst Sundays; ‘ il ;a. in.; Professor Irwin sa*d that the pro­ Horning Prayer with Sormon, Sun­ A," Cooper, Brooklyn; Robert E. that it might last rather ;longer than days, 11 a. m, ;. with Medi­ Freyer, Mr. and Mrs. If. F. Smith, the corresponding periods .did posal which has been advanced fdr tation, Sundays, ,7.30 p.- in.; Children's Mrs. M. Cudily and son, N ewyork; Business|Cards Folders. abroad/*.1 he said. “Its* beginning co-ordinating banking operations Choinl- .Eucharist, last Sunday in John W. Carson, Philadelphia; I)r. iri the national interest rinr’er "a month at 10 a, ni;; Church School and would date from the spring of 1933 Bible Classes, Sunduys, 9.30 a. m .; Robert Stewart, Jersey City: Mrs. Blotters Programs when we left the old gold basis' for ■'Supreme Co'urt’ . for ’ banht. g is Olllue of the Order of St. -Vincent, S. G. Sppplee, West Orange; Mr. typically American - and ought to Saturdays, 5.30 p, in.; Girls Friendly and .Mrs. A. S. Grimwood, .Mr. and .our money and entered upon tlie Society; Tuesdays, 3.30 and 7.30 p. nt.; . policy of financing ■ large govern­ have the most'serious consideration Choir Uehearsalk, Friday, 7.30 p. m. Mrs. A. E. Beck, New York City.; Invitations Labels Mr, and Mrs. E..M . Runyon, Lans- mental deficits.by the sale of Fed­ .of those elements which, are clamor­ ing for political control, which is Home For The Aged. , dale. Pa.; . Mrs. Frank Cooper,---- eral securities mainly. to banks rath- 63 * d ark avonue, Ocean Grove. J ,''°k.lyn; .Mrs.. James Clark,.-MlsS Circular’Letters ■ er than to private investors. • typ'lcail, un-American." It is not Evet.y Wednesday— ■ ■ at 2.30 p. m. _Rev. W, Laura E. Beitsch. piss Ida J. Heeb- •‘Tlie method that we are follow­ Wise, he'said, to oppost change as \ c. Verke.s, acting chaplain, conducts ner, Mrs. J. A. Sumner, Miss Muriel ing is the"one that proved disastrous suck, but tlmt (tankers should "see j » ^ “ Vud™n“ fwLdlTot King, Philadelphia; Luther R. Saun­ Announcements Posters . in Europe for in all those countries to it that change; If and when It j the Grove, of trie Lonl'n ders, Washington, D. G. , . does come, shall preserve all th a t is Supper administered first Wednesday. including Germany., the increasing • • , , of every month, Broadway—Mr. and Mrs. J. issues of money that caused the in­ good in the past and stick as close.-., . - —---- Watts and children, Kearny; Jos­ flations were not. mere printing ly as possible to the American pat* | Church of the Ascension, Bradley eph J. James, Jr.,' Arlington, N. J,; THE TIMES . press .issues of fiat currency, but tern of tilings/.’ Beach Mr. and Mrs..R. Kruyd and sons, • were secured by government bonds Banking Is properly a conserva­ Brlntcy and Fletcher Lario avenues, Dorothy Splizmlller, Elden L. Hoff­ JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT Right Hev. Canon Johft J. O’Hava. and notes discounted at the banks/' tive profession,!, be pointed out, and Rectoi’. ..Sunday masses: G.15, 7.15, man, Paterson; Mr.* and Mrs. W. Among the-clearest lessons taught- should' cling to practices arid prln- . 8.15, ‘ 9.15, 10.30. o’clock. Week day F. Kroger, Cleveland; Mrs. XV. E. FORTY-EIGHT MAIN AVENUE ■ nr,A oi Mnass, 7.30 o’clock. First Friday , Kapp. Detroit, Mich.; H. P Bakeri by the European experience, Colo- ciples of banking that are,.,and .al- to>.30, 7.30. Confessions .for Saturdays Elizabeth; Clara B. Ferguson, riel. Ay res asserted. Is th at the re'-are .ways have been, • fundamentally Sand first'Fridays,' 4.00 to 5.00 and 7.30 Charles Ferguson; Arlington; Mr. Telephone, Asbury Park 7 “no good hedges against inflation/- saund, : ••'■■'" ’ j io 8,20 o'clock, and Mrs. J, Hansllman, Newark; ; Ha added: . “It is to Its credit that so largo a Hamilton M. E. Church, Charles Kroger, New York; -Spen­ group of Its members never faltered, cer G. Smith, Rutherford, Mrs. Pid Not; Lighten Debt Burdens Rev, Samuel R. Latham, pastor. even iri boom times,: In tbelr allegi­ Sunday school, 9,30 a. m. Preachihg Hambly and son, Mrs. K, Weber- . Vpne of the strange facts about at 10,45 a.' m. and 7,30 p, m, Preach­ sen, Betty Webersen, Paterson; . these inflations is that while they ance to; thope sound'principles,” be ing at Wayside by Re\‘; Latham on declared; “We probably owe our Sunday afternoon at 3.00 o’clock, fol­ Ml*, and Mrs. Kruyd and sons, Pat . destrpyed’the .Values of. most exist* lowing, Sunday school, rit 2.00. erson; Mrs, Annie G* vha, Newark; , ing. debts, they did riot succeed in salvation, from chaos .to that, fact.”* Mabel Heathwoof. .. - Bower, and litutiiiri'tiittiuiiiitiinitiiHBiiittiiiiii1i)iiiiiiiiiiiittliiiiiiiiianiiii)iinainHriiinitiiniiialiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiititiiiii]itiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiilt|1iiiiiiiiiiiaiiaifiKiiiiii1iuiiiiiiiiiiiiitl iriiiiilaiiiit*,|rai j lightening the debt burdens of either First Presbyterian, Asbury Park,. daughter, Wood Ri e; Mrs; Ed­ Dr. Charles P.- Shaw, pastor. Sun­ ward E. Green, Jr. Newark; Mr. ; trie.people as a whole, or of the cor* day school at 10 a. m. Preaching ser­ : porations. vices at 11 a. in. Evening service at and Mrs. Leslie A. Uel.Tilfo, Belle- 7.30 p. ni. Midweek service Wednes­ ville. ‘‘Inflation destroys trie value of day a f 7,45 p. m. Young People’s bonds and mortgages'and so con- BANKS AND COLLEGE Society, Thursday, 7.45 p. m. Lillagaard—Mv. ami Mrs. H. J. H. • flscates trie property of tiiese hold- Begg, Charlotte, .N. C. ; Mrs. H. V. If You Are In Business i ers of obligations and hands it over Christian and Missionary Alliance. Keeler. Bob Keeler, Teaneck; Mrs.' LAUNCH NEW SCHOOL GIG Asbury avenue, Asbury'Park, E. King. Miss M. Brown; Schenec­ : i to'The shareholders and the equity Preaching services Sunday* at 10,45 tady; Mrs; K. a;. Reed and son, 1 owners.However, it introduces so Aims to Offer Studies in Ad-! Thursday 'evening/ 7.45 . o’clock, Sun- Paterson; .Mrs. A, J. Petrie and . j many new economic difficulties that {day school, • Sunday, 1.45 p. in. Rev. sons, Mrs. E. H. Speer, Mrs. H. A: these share and, equity holders: are vanced Backing Subjects to j p. Alfred ‘Dick; .Rasst'or. . " F. Brainier, Rutherford; Miss M. E. It Is a Wise Investment To I , at once forced to incur new Indebt­ Keiihel'd, M arid Mrs. W. T. edness so that when stabilization Bapk Executives Salvation Army, Asbury Park. Shepherd, Jr.,. Mr, anil Mrs, J. J. Salvation Army barracks, Mattison comes trie problems of debt .are venue. Services 11 a. m. Sunday Adams. Brooklyn; Miss O.cL. Ores* about as troublesome as they'were NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. — Tbo school at Young People’s . meet­ son, Miss Mary. A. Matthews, New. ■before, or even more' so/* Graduate School-of Banking,.an un­ ing 6.15 p. m. Evening worship at 8. Yorh City; 'Mrs. James Cresson: Remind the Public 1 i3raise meeting; Saturday nights at 8, The five .requisites of inflation precedented educational project, op­ .with illustrated Bible talks.' Adju- Philadelphia;. H. Chamberlain and were. listed: by Colonel Ayres as erated under the, joint auspices of tfint arid'M rs, George E. Anscombe, family. . Yonkers; Miss G. Dawn, first, a period of sustaine'd active the American Instituto of Banking oillcers ip ehilrg'e. ... Mrs. George W. Schumnoher, Glen-' Section Of: the American Bankers dale, N, Y.; Miss Frances Kay, Mr. 'business: second, a rising stock First M. E., Asbury Park. ami-Mrs. Jack Dreese, New York; of It Often market;. third, /.-real; credit expan­ ; Association and Rutgers University, .- ftev. Edson R, Leach, pastor. Sun­ Misses M. and E. 'Steel," Newark; < sion;- •fourth, greater out-flow of Vfitii 220 -eriroHed students from 35 day school at' 9.45 a. m. Preaching service,' 11 a, m. . Yoyng People’s meet­ Mr. and Mrs. F. Reinhart' and fara- j gold “than we can' tolerate which states arid the District pf Corumbia, ing ‘at 6.30 Evening service at 7.30. Ily, Irvington; Zeta Hagen, Masi would, force us to cut oiir currency inaugurated here In Juno its first Prayer services:Wednesday at 7.45, Hagen, Brooklyn; Helyn M. Senior; I entirely free from gold"; and fifth, resident session. »* Bloomfield; Thornes 3. Conklin (Editorial in the Bankers’ Magazine) continued large budget, deficits in The states represented .and ■ the Trinity Episcopal, Asbury i Park. and family, Clifton. . '.. I government operation. number, of registrants front each are K® T S aaU 0nwfconklln; follows*: “No business man in any town should allow a newspaper published as follows: Alabama, 2; Arkansas —'.30 a. m„ • holy, * communion; — • -9.40,. - Sun­- day school: 30.45 a. m.. morning in its town to go without his name and business being mentioned some­ 2; California, 2; Conneatic.ut, S; Del­ prayer sermon; 7.4s p.. in., Vespers. TWO QUESTIONS ANSWERED aware, 3; District of Columbia, 6; where in its columns. Florida, 2; Georgia, 3; IdaUo, 1; fill West Grove M, E. • Why is It' that one farmer raises nols, 8: Indiana, 2; Iowa,!.; Kansas. Hev. William Gufllek. pastor, 'Ser­ FRENCH 100 bushels of corn , to the acre, and 1;. Kentucky, 2; Louisiana, 3 Mary­ vices -or tfeo coming. Sunday as fei*. “This applies to all kinds of business and professional men. It does tho other one, on the other side of lows: 9.45, Sunday nehool, 11; preacn* land, I; Massachusetts, 9; Mleht ing- service, 6.30, Kpwdrth league, 7.30 DRY CLEANING not mean that you should have a whole, half or even a quarter page the fence, raises 25 bushels to the gan, 5; Minnesota, 1; Missouri, 6; evening service. aeref Wby;ls it that one farmer prtri Nebraska, 1; New Jersey, 31; Neiv Hall, Neptune. CO. ad in each issue of the paper, but your name should be mentioned, if duces ICO pounds of. pork on five, York, BO; North Carolina, 8; North 1318 Seventh avenue, near Athlne. bushels of corn, and. another useB. Dakota, 1; Ohio, 7; Oklahoma, 1; Worship meeting: each Lord’s Day at' you do not-use more than a two-line space. 25 bushels?. Nbt until power' ma­ 10,30 a. m .; . Sunday school at 2.30- Oregon, 2; Pennsylvania, 32; Rhode gospel meeting at 7.30 p. m.; chinery, scientific principles of sol! Island, I; Texas, 5: Virgin! ,, 6; Bible reading and prayer Thursdays I m S n b “A stranger picking up any newspaper should be able to tell what . fertilization and restoration, rota­ 'Waab)ngtoa, 1;.. West Virginia, 1; at 8.00 p. m. — ■; ,;j tion of crops,diversificatioa of crops SamsjasassS business is represented in the town by looking at the paper. Wisconsin, 4; Wyoming, 1. Bradley Beach M. E. and economical feeding are applies The annual resident sessions of Rev. Wilbur N. Pike, pastor- One-Hour Cleaning to the farm, will the, farmers' prob the, graduate school will be supple­ Sunday school at 9.30.; preaching ser­ Service “The man who does not advertise his business does an injustice to vice at 10.45; preachirig at 7.30. * Ism be solved,; says an authority. mented between periodis by a on- No Odor—No Shrinking himself and the town. The life, of a town depends upon the live, wide­ tinned extension work for tie sin Grand Avenue Reformed) Asbnry awake and liberal advertising business man.” Significant economic develop­ dents at ttelr homer*. The purpose Park. W© Call and-Deliver ments to be expected in the next of the school is described as beini, Rev. Otto E, F. Morin, pastor. Sun/ J Telephone decade are. listed by a prominent to ofTris* in a three year course a eons day school, 9.45 a. m .; divine worship,* 11 a, m. and 7.30 p. m.; prayer meet­ Aibuyy Park 2364, 5916, business writer as follows: 11) High­ prehenslve approach to an advanced ing, Wednesday, 7.30 p. m. Mr. Businessman, THE TIMES is YOUR newspaper in YOUR town. er standard of living. (2) Continued study ot the various admlnistratSvt 633 MatitMoh Avenue . advances in technical processes of problems ! banklngs.BBtl trust In ­ Pentecostal Lighthouse. Asbury Park ■ production. (3) Factory built houoeB, stitutions. The teaching procedure 905: SewaJI avenue, Asbury Park. Rev. Albert Evans, pastor. .Sunday “ ll Ii" better and cheaper than hand made is a combination, of the case system school 2.00 p. m., preaching service, 3 . h o u se s. (4) S om ew hat cheaper and the lecture discussion method. and 8 p. _m. Young People’s meeting, 7.30; prayer meetings, Tuesday and , money. (5) Faster travel. (6) News Thursday evenings, 7.30 'O’clock...... printed by radio. '7) Mechanical The Curriculum cotton picker, revolutionizing the .The curriculum embraces banking .South, (8) Cheaper electric power. administrative problems and poli­ - Among the Hotel# ■■ (9) Better distribution of goods;, cies, iiank investment problems, le­ gal‘and mdnagerlal aspects of truss Plainfield—Mrs'. B. Haehn, .Ger­ I The Ocean Grove Times more chain stores. (10) Another de­ pression five or six years hence, pre- '.business, legal phases pf bank ad* trude Haehn, Elizabeth Quick. New ' ceded hy an inflationary boom. ministration and economic problems York City; Miss .Margaret McGill, In tbo field of money ant! credit. The Greenwich, Conn.; :Mr. and Mrs. I| OF No (bha'rfe ALL for KINDS Estimates I | | and. The Shore Times public relations and responsibilities William Remke and son, Teaneck; BANKING READY of banks and methods for meeting Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Watson, Yon­ these obligations are emphasized in kers; Hugh Macphereoa Doule,'Tar­ eily Roofing Co | Forty-Eight Main Avenue NEW YORK—There la abundant the courses. ry town : MLs Edna Watson, Yon- [ * evidence that bonks, ore In ah an- kers; Mrs. E, A. Brown and daugh- | 65 South Main | It., is planned to set up similar ter, Brooklyn; Mr.* K. McGuire, G. | Street ' nsually,favorable poeifion to finance schools In cooperation with other McGuire, A. McGuire, Mr D. Me- | 7 a period of industrial growth, says universities lo various-parts of the Gulre, Yonkers: Mr. arid -Mrs. E. = Asibiiiy Park, N. J. ' | f Telephone Ocean Groves -N. j. the Jane issuo ot “Banking' pub- country. Tbe school will add 200 Hintz, Brooklyn; Mrs; Lucy Sudho* , s Telephone 1377 " I, hi ; llshod by the American Bankers As* reglstrants'eacb year, for two years Woodslde, L. f. Mr. and Mrs! J. il.11 ; ' S lisoclatlon. until GOO are enrolled. Thompson arfd son, Yonkers.. miniiiiiiitixuaHiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiii.iiiiiniiiiaiiiiiiifyniiiiniiiiiiiuimiiiiyuii'iiirii^tiiiiiiiuaiiiiiiuiniuiiininfiiiuiniiniiiinimimiininiriinnimininmirppmJ 1TUDAY, ,1 »b v 19, ions FAOE THRflB

L. SNIDER NEWSPAPERS SERVICE ALL YEAR 53 Main Avenue. Tel. 5283 Ocean Grove’s Original Carrier

Tilton’s City Dairy Pnatevrteed Milk ana Cream BUTTERMILK AND GERTlFlBD MILK Distributors for Walkor-CJordon ■y'' . 1 . Products 805 Second Avenue, Aabnry Park Phone 1877

EDMUND L. THOMPSON ' Trading as D. C. Covorfc Agenej Exterior and Interior Painting Insurance and Real Estate • v'-. Estimates Furnished Ocean “Grove and Asbury Park 08 Cookman Are,, Ocean Grove Telephones 9888 and r 848 Phono Asbury Park 403S«R When the oldest resident was a youngster we supplied OCEAN GROVE M. DARO BARBER SHOP David H. O’Reilly One. Mile Around Lake - rn'Bom l Stroot, Aitmry Park ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 'Vcsley Lake, North End All Hair Cats, 50c.Child’n, 40c. Orders' Attended to Promptly Taylor Dairy Go Ocean Grove Estimates Furnished Expert on Ladles* and Children’s New Canoes and Row Boats .. -■- - . . Work - . ■ v 120 Abbott Avenue, Ocean Grove- for Hire—50c an hour Michael daro . Phono 4710 Catley & Williams, Proprietors j (Formerly with Nary) MILK, CREAM AND I WATER BUTTER MILK ANDREW TAYLOR HARRY G. FABY From Monmouth County. Farms SKQOTER Agency TIN AND SHEET METAL Phone 1970 j Drive Your Own Power Boat J WORKER on a Half-Mile Course, 5 REAL ESTATE 142 Lawrence Avenue, Ocean Grove I and INSURANCE 15c. a Ride. 1 Wesley .Lake 1 and Ocean 1 E Shore Rentals a Specialty Avenue, Asbury Park. | 1338 Tenth Avenue, Neptune Motor Coaches - Telephone 6379 Leave Ocean Grove Association Office 6.25, 6.55, 7.25 A. M. MRS. REEVES’ .8,25 A. M., 10.25 A. M. BEAUTY PARLOR 12.55, 3.25, 5.25 P. M. m SIT. HEItHON WAY 7.25, 9.55 P. M. MODElt.V UQVIPMENT AN1> ANNOUNCES HXl'EltlKNCKl)- OPHllATOllS (Daylight.-saving Time.) ' UCc. or.SI for $1,00 Daily Except Sundays Fornmnpnts 8SI r,0 and $5.00 •REGULAR $1.10 POW DER Phone 5808 _ MORNING® .fl EXCURSION Do thp.v.nehn nmj burn? Perspire,ex- 1 DAY J . LIMIT L'ssivoly? Toes cracked?. Go Mglit now to your druggist or de- jartment si ore .and get ii can of Zeeta, Sundays, Leaves from (limited J Lie aritfscptlc deodonuit powder, Lake and Heck Street time only) j . , Hub it on your feet and. shake It Into Asbury Park, N. J. | four . Then take out your watch, Tel. Asbury. Park 339 i If in 3 minutes you aren't jumping for j Joy at the.soot blog, cooling, healing re; Asbury Park-New York Transit Co. ; llefr go back to your druggist aud be will The same exquisite Coty Powder, (■ give you .your money back. '' ! .->> ju st ias you have always seen it fo r’ j But be sure you nak for and get„Zceta. $1.10. Scented with the four most j There's, nothing that .works no sure, bo popular Coty. perfumes, I ’Aimanr, . Fast— and it’s rocommended by. doctors, L'Origan;Emeraude," Paris,” each in j chiropodists, druggists everywhere for i tortured; perspiring feel, water blisters, its own distinctive box. Twelve skin- ' also for ciiutiog aud sunburn. true shades to choose from. Send 10 cents to Coty, New York, Dept. A.N, for1 samples of three shades of the new Coty Lipstick (enough for 18 applications). STOMACH CAS

ioni the keynote of the e . V>l S l« , IIMII ' ll II j B H1 tl 111III If ti IIBrll II »tni KMIIBl liillllilil i IIVIIC. trend is economy . . . 1 I I Rrnwn Get-rid of the neid in your stomach pstoful—well, it just . s . G . D r O W n and you’ll get rid of most of your REPAIRING—BATTERIES—TIRES ng done. 11 , it. stomach, troubles. •./ find it’s thrifty to I i Jobbing , ■ Acid cause,s the food . to ferment—* Tires, Tubes, Batteries, Vulcanizing, Auto Accessories, .Brake, Tire . this, canaes gas-the gas distends the our shoes repaired ; § _ stomach nnd. then your distress starts trices are not up to- = = ,, TIN AND SHEET —sometimes you feel that you are go­ F r a n k 8 . M orris, Inc; ing to suffocate. U. S, L. Battorlea. Wheol ‘Alignment Telephone A. P. 2778 and Battery Service, , General Auto Repairs. iSrMAR^o !lM ETA L WORKER Now, the makers of Scotts Emulsion 79. South •Main Street'-'.; - • have perfected a'tablet to overcome e R ebullder - " slate and Asbestos Shingle :his acid condition apd help do away -With stomach pains and misery, i COAL AND WOOD Quality Has Meaning I \ Stoves Ranges and The tablets qre called KIMGIDS— Prices afe Right. | § Furnaces. Pipeless Heaters they; act swiftly when distress cornea n St, Asbury Park | §109 Abbott Ave., Ocean Grove | liter eating—and for . acidity, gas, tour stoinach, dyspepsia and indiges­ jean Grove Entrance = | v Telephone 3142 | tion they are wonderful—Ask your r iiJiui 11 ii i ii j«H* ii mi ii»ji«it*u i n i jf ii i*i. h'uiujiiinHtnmuiniiitiitniinntiijinininfBfi irnggist for a 25 cent bottle of ^.IMOIDS-r-they always work.

RADIO YOU KNOW ME, AL RING LARDNER V1ELL K IO YooV oN GITftTu YOUU HA\IE m \ DCN'T GlAHE Scott’s Music Shop, Inc. GOTPlToOGH niOKlS.OLTHOUW LOMG WHITE \ y o O 1=0(2 W „VdELL, NOHAH'^Woce? THI? MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS—CENTURY EDITION QREOk’,0 oT yePWCHIIJ60k8 W HISKER? evJDj GETTIWC f S O L O M G , CftU L6flOTora20P WftWT T O T Electric Refrigeration—Maying Washers—Service on all appliances OME nfthi'S HCOULD HAVE REWEfttflNG I T H E TftCY, fV S T oH ID toE WITH ft ^ \ V / \ 410 Mdln Street, Asbury Parle, N. J, , Phone 6030 HOUEV IS \P U ropfl6F T lE I? Pi VUG B EEO U e/ B O T I'M RteHTftNo/a GPiTe? Hex RNOTHEf? , I “fflE I FIGHT YOU 7'EMTl'rt.eD GET AWAY/( W OGH ENOUGH Mftkl’S POISOU/ CHfiMpDlD. -TO THE FH2ST, FvSTTIE /teJHEK/WILL YOU. W I T H IT te/V T O HAVE PLftTEO 9GYiw6 ly y jS W E ME ft cuftvce? ^ SPAgtlT.V —S T '/' \FOOT0OLL ftT Phono 030 USEll CAItS, IIATTKKIES, TIRES AND TUBES 7-1 VPWiygEToJj MAJOR’S GARAGE .- Whlcli was -formerly Scaeoast Gnrnge, dcciin Grove’sL argest; And zilost Cdnvcnlent .Twenty-Four Hour Service. Storage by WooU or Month; Over Nlulit, 60c. Getiorul Jtcpnirlng. , We Repair Anytlilng Electrlcul. > Washing, Greasing ’• Slmonlzlng. Ocean. Grove Entrance—JOl Limronco Avenuo Main Street Entrance— 88 South Mnlir'Street* . Wos Major,' Prop, JEWELRY, REPAIRING B. FEDDES H MAIN AVKNDE, OCEAN OBOYE, N. J. (PoBtofiico Bulldhig) JEWELEll AND V(ATCII ItEPAIRS ' EjCTRA—Pest Prices Paid for Old Gold. Appraised Free, American New* ff«iur«i;jnc. TAXIS M ergaugey’s Taxi REG’LAR FELLERS H e Ptiobabty WUI Need a Kck By GENE BYRNES - Tcloplinho 010—DAY Oil NIGHT - : • ' /: , Cnrs lor All Occasions, also Loml nnd. Long Distance Moylng /H O W ABOUT I OlDW BRIM® - . CirARTEItED RUSSES FOR ALL OCCASIONS SOHE marshmallows; /HAMEKfT Y o u V 90 SO nTir MAIN STREET \ OCEAN GUGVE, N, . OR CHOCOLATE ■ilSf&ts V S W H S B ? , JACKKHire,, PEPPERMlWY , Parker’s Market > OY. C. PARKER) SEAFOOD OF ALL KINDS. FREE DELIVERY. Telephone 7012 47 OLIN STREET OCEAN GROVE

Simmons Beds and Bedding Shltraun Sunotuft Quality UnUllng. Exceptionally I.ow CubU Prices to Hotels and Private Homes, Matt roan. Renovating Depiirtmont* B. J. WINTERS, Inc. Telephono Asbury Park 0712. 01 Olin Street, Ocean Orove, N. J. ^ I ; w® Rent Wheel Chairs and. Cqrrlngos. A ; • . , ^ FRIDAY, JULY ID, 1088 . »A 0 fi If 0 V M

.ett(t^,itltihtl(t|ti(iitttf|iiltt«'tii*nti(itfltilt(talMtMit' THE OCEAN C5ROVE TIMES JU ST HUMANS fly ,OENE CARR ■ JULY tMihttwl^il KtiUay I 30 YEARS AGO | HIGH ■LOW ' HOMIJR. D, KRGSGa ndhof nnd PtiUiilwr •-.iiiiiiI.iDiiiiiiiliiiM i-iAiiiiilifiM liiibftiiilniulHtnliifc. TIDES -A.M.- P.M.' AJtf, P.M. rOMTY-KIGIIT MAIN AVENUE, OCEAN GKOVB, NEW JERSEY (Tht'tte Items are taken from the Saturday 20 11.43 12,01 5.32; 6.5? J back flies of tlie Times for tho . It |1 *11A IM »: I J I I M I O N S . .1.01*111 N dllm - Current Sunday' 21 12.87 12,45 . 6.22 0.55 3 year 1005), Monday .22. 12,54 1.34 7.15 7.57 1 HV nsj.-ni I'TH*NS :• yearly ; Jl.00 ni'nit-anmmHy; »«>o. qtinvtorly ur 4 i\ . July 22, 1005 Tuesday 23 1.58 2.83. 8.12 9.01 £ arid poHhii?i» j»f*r ropy, postaui* pnl«l In Ih'u l*nltc»il. S.tiiltfc; Knnailit $2.00 and Week Wed, 24 2.55 8.33 0.11 10,0i 5 • toirlMp JU.f.Oa ycm;. ' '*■ ; ; Miss E. Augusta Tnntum, and Thurs. 25 ’’4.00 4.34 10.lt 11.04 S.' ADI >I(KSSMS (‘hutnjuil on i'o< rn****l’-iihvnyi* alvt* form id''nOflivw* ;‘ aDVKUTJSKMKNTS: lluttis will bo.furnlHhtMV.by, Un oil roijuofll. Walter L- Hampton were tnarried Friday 26 5,03. 5.31 11.10 12.00 a WATC4I Tlil'M .Altl'JD UN YOl'll I*A 1*151L KOIt TilM KXI'lIIATION .Ott at the. home of the ’s parents, Y O K lt/SUBSCIIU’TION. , • . , Mr. and Mrs: Frank Tantum, I'lnl (M’uil iih si'criiicl-iilii nh u iiiil jU t|i« pcwiiV (JroVe pDHloinea , A bird;of the cardinal family* n . TMK 'IIItLT*1-1i in its puornu plagk ;. . :. pet in' the family of Copt. G. W. Fenimore, Beach; and Abbott: ave­ nue, died. It was 21/years old, Has The President Violated His Oath? A small blaze at Terrace Lodge, Consider the Name . Many of the proposals that President Roosevelt'now en­ near the Pilgrim Pathway bridge, deavors to force ..through" Congress he knows, to be uncon­ caused little dainage, • . ; Of the agency to whom you entrust thei pro­ The annual celebration of .Child­ stitutional; He admits it, .yet he. continues, to do and to tection of your home, your automobile, and ren’s Ijay was held in Ocean Grove . encourage, .the acts-that are contrary to the Constitution under -the direction of Tali Morgan, other valuables. which he has swam to uphold. Just What is his purpose? This sigency stands for the aoiindest: In pro­ Does he really believe that the people will prefer his way tection and the utmost in fair dealing to orderly, government under the Constitution with clearly CLASSIFIED defined executive, judicial and legislative powers? Time ADVERTISEMENTS is' revealing the issue, as clear, as crystal. Uncounted Advertisements for these columns should bo In the office',of *"The‘ Times" Cottages to Rent for numbers of men and. women are beginning to wonder NOT LATER THAN 12 O'CLOCK •whether such, a man, suffering from the peculiar; egotism NOON Thursday of each week. lie now betrays, is really fit to be president of the.United CLASSIFIED AD RATE . and August 25 words or less.,: ...... 25c. States. . • More than 25 words..;! cent per word 5 times for the price of four. • Copy urn lied In, tjlveil to representa­ - I f tive or brought to ofilce personally must he* accompanied by cash or The Meat Shortage stamps to cover costi ' Copy accepted Ernest N. Woolston •Do You Like the Conceited Mail or the Other Kind?" over phone as a courtesy and conven­ There'is no longer any doubt-about a meat shortage. “ What Other Kind?” ...... ience. to .customers.. Bills due immedi­ The U. S. Department of Agriculture itself says that ted* ately upon presentation. ! REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE orally Inspected slaughter houses produced 2jT per cent FOR SALE—(5 room Bungalow, h a r a n g u in g en d e d Clark Ave., full size lot, $2,000 less meat during the first four months of 1935 than dur­ WANTS Appreciation FOR RENT Forty-EigKt Main Avenue ing the same period in 1584. The. average mail who buys ; Mayer Borden Interested. Only In Editor, Times: A New List of occasionally from- the butcliei' does not' have,to be told '. Borough Business The Ocean Grove auxiliary of 1935' Summer Cottages Ocean Grove, N. J. tlie Fitkin Memorial hospital, Mrs. 4 to 10 Rooms ’ about the shortage. The, Bureau of .Agriculture. Econom­ i "Since the recent' election, there $20!) to $400 ics says, in part: ;seems to be a concerted effort to Charles Day, president, take this J. A. HURRY, Agency,. .. Telephone 398 opportunity to thank alt* who so “Tin; bureau’s index of retail meat prices in New York ‘‘inhnrrnss the commissioners,’’ de- Qllice, (30 Main Avenue. kindly contributed :to the “\Viid Residence. 01. Clark Avenue. . ■ City, based on prices for good grade meats., with 1924 to ^J"1rm' “ a Bwi™..*.. ■ ; , , • , , . - „ ■ „ , ... ;Tuesday night nt the regular meet- Rose Day)” Saturday,. July 13. 1928' ;ts 100, sh o w s t h a t b eet p ric e s ro se fro m 6 6.0 in- D o- lni; ol- jHe (ilpv BOacIl ofnt,ia,s. A iso, tho hotels, reslaurahts, cai'p- • FOR RENT—Small’ apartment.,, Cetnber last year-to 9S.S on May To. Pork prices ad vanced .Mayor 'Burden evidently referred to tcrias ant! stores, including tlie 2. roonis,. kitchenette, improvements, j | children, B etty Gray, Sampler In'ti; reasonable. 28 Pitman avenue* Tel.i t fro m GO.V to 86,9 and lamb prices tokV from ‘58 to 60.2. tsumul oarasiims when wen have 1A51-M-20. ‘ REAL ESTATE- ' A ! Betty Ann Walsh, American store Ordinarily .lamb prices advance relatively more • during niJi,Pa1',Ml below the.borougli meet- 1 and WesJokc ,, Cafeteria; June D E PEN D A BXiFi-W kite Ameri- I have for sale one of the best buys in Belmar, located ; . . ’ ", togs to iljRcuss business not entlre- southeast'.corner of Ninth and D street's,' consisting ef .semi- th ls p e l 10Cl, - ;iy..jiertiiliiing to the Hbrmigll. The Whilc'head, pdst office; and Harry can woman ..wilt ftiya 30 hours, work, weekly, for furni.sherf room, run- bungalow, eight-room s, bath, opoii fireplace, .and heat; five “ T h e decrease in m eat supplies has been m ost pronoun-jn,avor ,.„,itimie v$5; tume. Free-tvil! offering.-JO” ! • BUY, BURN' er BORROW total, $100, : were commended.both for their life- Triumph Over The Germs. The Ocean Grove Auxiliary. '.’WORLD- TRADE sUII .being 1 I m iic P R enncnn REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE .Forty people lie dead at the result ofTeceiit floods'in !“av;,!K. vvp ] , i:,‘‘Df°r tewr activity Crucified, on Gross of Gold;”- The I IjUUIO bl W t’UW iif 53 Main Avenue. Ocean Grove. N. J. Pathfinder' gives you reliable news 1 Teiephone, Asbury Park 1058 New York state. If such things had happened a cetif ry, n-'tiu-,’, \ mde w Dr. Pox Sends Greetings of the world affairs. Comes direct to you once a week from Washing­ ag-0 , more people would probably lie dead in a-.short time ; uinlsaii. bprougb .engineer.- reguesi- '-Editor Tines- ' ' ton for one.'dollar a year. Local ied timt the time for completion of ’ . ' • ' as the result of disease created by germs distributed by ■ ■ , . . , Permit..me space in 3^ou paper to representative, Mahlon W. Par­ ^itaiiaiiaiiiiiaiiaiiai iNaiiaiiiiiaiiaiiBiiafiaitaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiai'atiBiiaiEaiiatiaiiiiiaiiatiaiiBtiBiiaitaiiatiatiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiBiiaitaiiatie , he new septic tank be extended , appreciation to all my sons, 99 1-2 Stockton avenue, such a disaster. Ocean- Grove, N. J, ,A postal, To-day the health authorities of that state are warning!j from September 1 to October 15. kln(i fr!olKis in ocean Grove for the brings a free copy.25-34“ Now is the time to list your property for sale or people to boil their water, and take other' precautions.'■ japprora^ef the ^slale PWA^engb many m,‘ssases ot sood win end FOR. SALE—Leonard refriger­ re n t. Thus gradually science concjuers the fields once controlled ■ neer. $i,5G2 in county scrip Was or- u - 4covv ° inWreBl In the ator, in good condition, Reasonable. 51 Heck avenue.-29* FO R SALE by the.king. of.terrors. But while science can subdue the :flered isaiti on 1934.county taxes due , hope its educational value win Embury avenue— 10 room house, 6 bed rooms, disease germs, it,has not been very succesful in controlling irom the borough and $2,000 wa» enable nn-.to render better service TUTORING—High school and turned over ,0 the board of etluca- aa a mtnlstet. of ,he ohurcl!. coliege preparatory by'expericnecd. all improvements. Steam heat, $5,000. human errors For instance, if the'forests iiad not been too tion cash accoual. college :graduate. Rates very reas­ hastily removed, the Jloods :that killed these 40 people I . Sincerely, onable, Marjorie Allen, .6 Ocean W ebb a Venue— 6 rooms, 3 bed room$, bath, gas, ! H. P. Fox. Avenue, Ocean Grove. Phone A. P., electric, $2,700. would not probably have' been very destructive. OBITUARY. Tuesday, July !G, 1935. 87G0-J-29*' MISS BERTHA WALTERS Aboard the Europa, FOR SALE—A Farm in the Americans In W ar Zones Garden Spot of Lancaster County, ’ services were held Wed- FISHING AT OCEAN GROVE 5 miles from Lancaster, P e„ cot­ .-A m e ric a n s.a re g e ttin g o u t o f th e th r e a te n e d w a r z o n e ’.in 1-nesday (afternoon at Bodiiie’s Fun- : ____ tage house, 8 rooms, bath, barn, out house, ' 21 . acres,, fru it trees. ALVIN E. BILLS . Ethiopia; where the guns may soon boom in War against !erai ?“r!0l'S’ Asbury Park..for tUss; Editor,' TimfesV , Price, 88,000, Electric in . house REAL ESTATE ( MORTGAGE LOANS INSURANCE. Italy. They should come out, .'or at-least .take'their '.ownv’ ,','hc,0 f.le'! 011 1 Fisimig at ocean Grove may not and barn. W rite . this office- Box ”isks if thihfrt inrmnn to thbm IWrtnv h* thfrn ire 1 n r Allenwootl Sanitoriujn, be so good because Lite sharks and No. 35-29* Telephone 2124 78 Main Avenue, Ocean Grore. ? -8... , f . ? P Pelp t0 *;hbm. M any ot them are doing-j MLss Walters lived at . 147, Wehb porpoises eat the smaller species. THE MEHTA, II Main avenue; -excellent educational work as missionaries; They will avenue, Rev. d. c. Evans 'officiated Biue fish and porpoises eat their Five' doors from the ocean.. Clean, iiiaiiBiiaiiaiiBnBiiBiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiBnaiiaiiuaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiiiiaiiaiiaiiBuaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiiaiHiiaiiBilBin.' show a fine spirit if they stick on jo b , ;a u th e funeral services ami burial own weight in fish every 48 hours; cool rooms, with or without house-' th e even though the cannons roar. But the; government cannot give them " us.lna(ie at -v’raI1 cemetery.... the weight of 'a porpoise averages keeping privileges/ Our rates are': moderate. Beth Rudrauff, Phone Lawrence iti the Monmouth County complete protection without going to War itself, which MRS. ELIZABETH RQHIDE 400 pounds. This is more small fish A. P. 7591-29 than are caught at Ocean Grove all Circuit, Court at Freehold, last would cost many more lives' than will be lost if the govern-! Rev. Randall W. Conklin, rector year. .EXPERT Radio Repairing. Rates Wednesday against Frank H- Fal­ "of Trinity. Episcopal Church, Asbury County News Notes | inent remains neutral.- Yours truly - reasonable, Powell, 52 Embury coner, Cora P. Falconer, and- Cecil Park, officiated at funeral services avenue,-2S-29* No one has any right to stay in a fig at irig country, if by W. A. Clark Falconer IValsh, also residents 'of Sunday for Mrs., Elizabeth Rohde, Trenton N j. THE PATHFINDER, gives you Total assessed valuation of land Matawan . Ivy Spinks sued (for so doing he gets the. United States into war. SI,Bl .1 101 Al AsburyAohltlxt nifnn.tn avenue, o.LLwho ,lt«,l died on ’ July 16, 1935. reliable news of the world. affairs. and improvements, .exclusive of damages as a result of injuries she Friday, July 12, at Fitkin Hospital. Comes direct to you Once a week second class railroad property, in received while on the Falconer from Washington for'one dollar; a Mrs. Franklin D.v Roosevelt, speaking recently to an Bodbe„.uho was.tbe.widqw of Monmouth: county,; amounts to the property on June 4th, 1332, when ...... rederiek Rohde, is survived by Too Many Cats year. Local representative,. Mali- impressive sum /of $183,199,529, it she was attacked and severely’bit­ audience of .summer -guests, st)id that people should do two daughters, Mrs,william Htelts, Editor Ti os ------Ion IV. ■ Parsons, 99% Stockton -"7 avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J.:—25-29* .was ’ rovealed with issuance of the ten by four airedale dogs, belong­ m ore than si t at’OUnd in ,rocldng-chairs, to help the govern- Ocean Grove, and-Mrs. William Me- The Association should do some nnnuai abstract of fatabies and ex­ ing to the Faiconers. ; Faddcn, of New York, Burial ivas- emptions for the county for 1935 me nt get results. thing about ridding this town of Councilman C. Leroy Bowne, by John Naughton, county treasur­ Some:- people sit .around too much , in soft , and com- ” adt' at he-ie Hill cemetery, Lin- stray cats. They are a menace to chairman of the street committee, fortable chairs, endlessly talking and criticizing, instead bird life and a nuisance. If they er. sprang a surprise at the meeting of The bones of a human skeleton, of acting. But the rocking-chair has its uses. Its subdued MRS. DOUGHERTY 7er6 Fequired to be licensed orj the Koyport Mayor and Coumcil identified as those of .a wotnnn, Mrs. Sarah Dougherty died - Rt on a leash’ there wou,d be last Monday night when ho intro­ motion tends to quiet some excited folks, who will sleep. on were unearthed • at the farm of : Wednesday -at the Methodist hos- ^e" eI d 101®- a f i f i - duced a resolution to haye Atlantic more peacefully nights if they have been stepping on the- ., , . .... , Theron McCampb.eli, Holmdel, re­ J i i L i ptlul, Philadelphia, where she was „ .. Subscriber street paved with Bituminous Mac- ’ gas. Many words nf wisdom have, been exchanged in rock-|.take!, on TUesday by. the Ocean 0ccon &”>vc„ cently. The discovery was made adam Penetration, from curl, to ing-chair discussion, The:rocking-chair may m ake some of Grove Ambulance. She is survived J“ly 58> I986; When a digging machine owned by curb, a distance of 33 feet 3 inches, I- A. P. Thompson, Red Bank, and us too lazy, but it helps' others acquire a philosophical by her mother, Mrs. Soby, of Ocean and the entire length from First Dr. Dunning Leaves used to cut thru a road.and fill ih street to Main street, South Kcy- calm.in a too nestles world. . ' ' a ... Grove and Philadelphia, and a brother. Her mother-in-law, Mrs. Excellent attendances are being the vineyards on the farm, unearth­ port. Tlie. total cost of this im­ M, Dougherty, is’a summer visitor '//corded at,the daily Holiness, meet- ed the gruesome find during the provement is estimated to be $20,- W ell,’Louis licked Cam era, which is not a- very good ’’at the Ivy House. Funeral services lugs each morning at ! ten o’clock course M its operations. 000 of which the State Highway omen for Mussolini if he wants to take on the King of vrin' 1,0 hcW tomorrow afternoon -(Sundays at nine) in the Taber- ordinance creating the post Department has agreed to con-An ■RfVnnnin ih\< , at Philadelphia. Intevment will be Dr. Dorsfty N. Mlifer leads of police sergeant ir the Spring tribute $18,000, leaving' the bor- ^ made at Arlington cemetery, Ians- and lie .and Mrs. Mill* Lake police department and. on- ough’s share only $2,000. The res- flownc. Pa. e,‘ hav*’ • distributed autographed other fixing thc salary for the post j dlutifin paBsed unanimously and The old timers worked'twice as hard as people do copies uf sr. Paul’s. , Gala- as $2,100 a year, were adopted; the Mayor and Borough Clerk were VVill Hear Dr. Pilworth Mans ii, Thessalonlans. Dr. Nonnan after final readings by Council in authorized to sign the application now., but they co&ld always find time to grow flowers Iti. Iiilworth. leadertder of tite Young I'unnlng, well-known English ex- session last week. No appointment und send the same to E. Donald around their hefme places. People's meetings,s, will be the i'oneiu ,a "Christian Holiness,’’ re- lc2tp phnty of it I to the new office has boen. made as Sterner, State • Highway Commis­ speaker Sunday afternoon a t the fflnteil Tuesday night on the Eu- yet. ■ Police Chief Russell .Hurden, sioner for his apprpvai, South End pavilion meeting, at fo u r ■opu. »f|-er preaching here at tite 'ijrapc 1^ i.r dn*;ck—Lrs (chip it; ly After many years you may be able to b.uild up a tea : •ai e; Izv \:z2. t:o' chunUo c: on whose recommendation the post o’clock. Dr. Wagg will be in charge. Holla,es, meetings for several days. 16 in frup. ju*:03 (r.r.d l::ep a fcjj.cnk* was created, will recommend for business without advertising, but you are likely to be dead Solos will, be rendered by Mrs. — —— — .. yc‘>r i - "n". **;• >Tand . I’rclectlon.j the job ohe of tho tneii of his force) ' ’ ■ - V’r - e A, X‘. 015.\ before that toilsome job is done. • ■ • George Ilal) and Sylvpster Williams. CARD OF THANKS Council will then act on the re­ Dr, YAFFE The South End' quartet will enter-. We wish to, thank publicly Mrs. commendation. , Surgeon-Chiropodist Answering questions on the run doesn’t appeal to tain. Last Sunday, all chairs were J. I'ergergituin Chamberla’sn, of Ivy Spinks . of Matawan,. was 572. Cookman AveJOpp.- Steinbachs occupied by the largo number at? ‘wptdne, for/he)’ honesty in re- Hours 9 A, M^-5 P. M. Dr. Francis Harvey Green, and we always considered him awarded a Judgement of $1,609 and tending the servjeqand many/stood her father; Charier, Spinks, $250 Evenings by Appoihfmcnit ; the greatest after ,dinner speaker in New; Jersey. TeL 4S20 . ■ /,'Y; throughout the'service. UfY'., . . Pine Tree Tnp jgfl A '■ ' ..... Eulif ! V.t mm I ' .1/ ’ LV to * , '. ; 'f) FRIDAY, JULY 10. 1088 fA d s nyn .tiuitintiiiiitiiiiiKtaiiiiiiiiotiitaiftgtuiiiiiiiii.iiiittiiuittMitiiKduiiitKiiitttiiiHiiniiVuiKii,!,,,,,,,,,,^,,,!,^^ - ^ui!iiiituiiiiniilieiii|i|*uiMii(ii!aii>uiiii!ir home- of Mr- and Mrs, J T. Bloom, Leo WJailor, State President of the |llil!ifiiiaiti|]i|il||i|ll|ii|iili(liiliilnlu« DC Embury avonuo, Mrs, Bell is Delaware W. C, ,T. U.; Mrs, Kate 1 CONDENSED REPORT TO THE COMPTROLLER OF I IN AND OUT OF f Pockety,, Vice-President, Deinware mm 1 THE CURRENCY 1 Mrs. Bloom’s sister. Other guests (TAXI! TAXI!} are Mr, and Mrs, Treadwell, of W. C. T. L*.; Mrs. 0. G, McMullen, OONT^w - 1 • June 29th. 1935 1 OCEAN GROVE f You see « -Z* [always [ Brooklyn. Mrs. Katherine Algard. Mrs, Sarah P ) Tbo 0L*S*A I HADI0 CAB ta d TAXI CO. I I RESOURCES 1 Nickerson, Mrs. Alice ' Booth, Mrs, HE » -YTo Do , j Cash and .Due from Banks ...... $309,081.19 s Ex-Senator and Mrs; Baomes. EVeWTMINoC./* 7 i felepbMcs. Eliza Stenard, Mrs, Elizabeth Bur* [a n y th in ^ ,7 f Asbury Park 3 U. S. Government S e c u r i t i e s ...... 2.32,501.59 = Mrs. Rain, 102 Heck avenue, has 'and Dr. and .Mrs, Osterhout, of 14 nf 126.1 | Other Bonds and Securities...... 104,110.95 | been ill at her home for several 'Newburgh, N. %, and Walter nits, all from Wilmington, and Mr, | Asbury Park 1st Passenger* = Loans and Discounts ...... 289,840.05 S and Mrs. John - Paulston. Philadel­ ; weeks. Biuim'es, of Now .York City, were "He who has many ironsin the fire 1 1 arid 2 5 c . . | 3 Hanking House and Fixtures ...... 3.3,600.00 I among the’ guests during the past phia: wifi let some of tnetn buni,”. | Other Real Estate Owned...... 1...... 5,424.00 i Charles , Meeker and Bill Stuart', I ' OCEAN Ea, Add, Pass. I 1 -.Other Assets ...... ,, , 2,603,76 S. week at- the Waiwarslng, 67 Pit. __JULY n}';'' . of Kearny were visitors in town #/'23—Auitrla Issues war.causing , lO c . I 1 -• Total...... 977467:54 | this week/ grim Pathway. 1 ’’ (jjnoIWi| ultimatum to Servla, 1914. I GROVE i; LIABILITIES '' ’’ § DESCRIBES GROVE I CARS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 1 Miss Louise Rclyea, of Newark, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Burger, of 5!) = Capital Stock .-...... 50,000.00' 3 | . 24 HOUR SERVICE . | 1 Surplus'..; ______. '. . . '...... '.... ' .. 50,000.00 I was the guest of friends on Main Locust Avenue. New Rochelle, sum­ 24—Salt Lake City, Utah, mer guests at the. North End Hotel, OVER THE RADIO founded by Mormons, 1847. S' Undivided Profits ...... 43,373.61 1 avenue, last-week. S' Deposits-. , . 833,793.93 g are In the Grove for their 36th con­ William It. Greene, of Irvington, | - Total. 977,167.54 § secutive season and will bo here un­ 25—Schneider patents the mcr* What's Going On a t the is spending the summer ' at the SUMMER VISITOR BROAD­ ‘. • ry-go-round, 1871.; • ; til after campmeeting, which they Sterling, Bath Avenue. attend every year. CASTS OVER W H A T . Walter Reade Theatres f The First National Bank of Bradley Beach | Mr. and Mrs. Michael. Hickey, of . 26—Franklin becomes Colonial V In Asbury Park Frank Opdyke. 82 Mt. Hermon Post Master General, 1753.. | Bradley Beach, N. J. | New York City, are at 74 Embury Way is patient in Hazard Hos­ avenue, for the summer. - a Geographical Description of This pital Long Branch. Mrs. Carrigan, J: ®J ‘I ^ 27—Japan imprisons the.Em* MAYFAIR ' Mr. and Mrs. Germain Rowe, resort, Account Of Actvities •I- peror of Korea, 1894. 79 Mt. Carmel Way is also a pat­ Lake AVcnue Summit, were guests of relatives ient in the same hospital, :whera Hera. Were Embodied Ia Ad­ Entire Week Starting Satur- on Mt- Tabor W ay this week. she was taken. .Monday in .the 28—First railway mail car i» , Yesterday At Philadelphia. IVWl ■'*. put In service, 1352. ay, July ,20. Mrs. P. Day, of Lyndhurst, is Ocean Grove Ambulance By an arrangement made by .Mary Ellis, Tullio Carminati in visiting her daughter, Mrs. Brad­ -Miss May Quinn, of Red Bank; 29—Booth Tarkington, novel- . Township Committeeman Ralph W. ford1 Jones, 118 Clark avenue. Mr and. Mrs. T, R. Lamont, of Yon­ istv born at Indianapolis, “Paris In Spring” At Your Service Johnson, in charge of publicity, '' ,1859- - Mr. and Mrs, Paul J. Knugler kers, N. Y.-; Mrs. T. Birmingham With Ida Lupino, Lynne Over­ We invite the people of this community and surrounding and fimly of Washington, D. C., and daughters, Alice, E isk and the following broadcast by-a sum­ man . .... vicinity to avail theriuelves of our complete banking facilities are guests at the Trenton House. Kathleen, .and son Francis,., of mer visitor to- Ocean- Grove-was Direct from the Paramount which include the following: Brooklyn, were this week’s guests heard over Station W H A T, Phila- Theatre, N. Y. Mr. andMrs- Charles Maguire deiphii!.; a station popular in. terri­ sort’s . government. The people at Hardy Lodge, 55 Embury Avenue. who summer there must really be­ CHECK ACCOUNT and daughter of Elmhurst, L. I., tory west of that, city yesterday lieve that cleanliness is next to SPECIAL INTEREST ACCOUNT are located at 75 Cookman avenue. Guests of Mrs. Catherine Gibbs, afternoon. Godliness, for-when; one watches NEW ST. JAMES Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Rittenhouse, 90 Mt. Zion Way, are'M rs: Lewis Ocean Grove, as most people the bathing crowds, he must con: CREDIT DEPARTMENT of Lebanon, N. J., have opened their M. Morgan. Woodstowri; G. A. ihust know, is bn the. North Jersey elude..that every- one ge.is in the Entire Week Starting Thursday, TRUST DEPARTMENT cottage at 74 Broadway, for the sea­ Whittaker,. New York; Mrs. 'Hat­ Coast,: about midway between New water at; least once* each day. Ju ly -18 ■, TRAVELERS CHECKS York and Philadelphia. With- a Oh. the sand, the kiddies -play. ■JANE WITHERS son. tie Clayton and grandson .{ohr. Mamma and Papa know they are SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES friend for company,.' I drove down The “monnic” of “Bright Eyes” Miss Grace McCallister, a Cleve­ Clayton, of LakeWeod and Miss here-this morning .irt about two srife- there for no ..automobile ever FthinkJcrqsses the east line of Ocean .ave- in her first starring picture Each .deposit account at lh: bank is insured up land dcnconcss, is enjoying her Ruth Brower, of West Long hours. We did not hurry: Branch. we put about 72 miles on the speed vhue; . Nor is there speeding on any “GINGER" to $5,000 by tiie Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- vacation at Bancroft-Taylor Rest braeter from the beach to Independ^ street within the gates, for they With O P. Heggie, Jackie tion. Home. Tlie Ocean Grove W, C. T. U. will erice '’Square.- From Ocean . Grove, are so guttered, intentionally,'that Sear: Katherine Alexander hold the first of the summer meet­ safe and easy driving is a delight, Donald Fulton, son of Mr, and ■We, drove' -out' to Hlphtstown. .over Simultaneous with Radio City We Solicit Your Patronage ings on Tuesday, July 23, at 3 P. Ml New Jersey Route No. .33, and at but excessive and reckless speed Mrs. Warren Fulton, 141 Franklin Music Hall in Thornley Chape Dr. Dorsey Robbinsvjlle swung onto Route No. impossible. avenue is visiting relatives in , . G 25 ami down to Camden. We shall Some people have the mistaken Philadelphia. Miller will be the speaker; A duet, another route back, from Gam- notion that only Methodists come Asbury Park and Ocean Grove Bank wili be sung by Dr. and Mrs. Mil*] den .out to Route No. 40, up fo to: Ocean Grove. ' They hear-about . George Thorne, of Montclair, let*. Members and friends - are ask*!■ t.akcUuvst, turning off;there, by the the religious, services in the big. PARAMOUNT M ain S t., Asbury Park Main Ave., Ocean Grove buildings on the campgrounds ami N. J„ wns the guest of las ed to be ‘ present, . Naval Air Station, and to Lake* Starting Saturday. July 20. mother Mrs: Jennie Thorne, 99 wood; Either road is a deHght^ l4he annual’-campiiieeting. the last- Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Rev. and Mrs, G. L. Reeser and there are no hetter highways in we.ek in .August.. ; But I would like HELD OVER BY POPULAR Asbury avenue, last; week . daughter-Ruth, and Mr. and Mrs. New Jersey, or ahv other state-*? to take A citurcli Census of Ocean DEMAND! 2ND BIG WEEICl Miss Kathleen Strassburger, 42 long stretches of fertile farm coun­ Grove some day in si|mnior. We Git ACE MOORE . Harry Brungard. all of Mifflinburg, try and equally long stretches j would find, in numbers, men and Pilgrim Pathway; is visiting a ' - ■ ' * -• 1 V*“...... — - In Her new Picture . Pa., ave visiting Charles M. H er-; through forests of pine and oalt nml! women of every Chtisiian creed“LOVE ME FOREVER” I ...... |:il!!‘l|.||!ll!|,:ttaitt.ll|-pi(|ittll|l.||.|l.|K |t||„||;||||;-|,!f,,|H |a||,a|||.|||t||IS„||!|:f|m i||O I»£. form er Beaver College class-mate, ,llan yle ' Whitfield Hotel. Mrs. i cedar From i akinvopd. we i.urir I and denomination. ' many Ronwn With Leo Caiillo, Michael Bart­ Mrs. J. Gillespie, at Urbana, 111. Brunkard is Mr Herman’s sister ! almost directly east, and, in a few Catholics Who come year after mungam is Mi. iteimans mstei. , h{] be nl. pni„, I year, most of them with families of { lett, Robert Alien Rayrifond and James Hardigan Continuous Performance Dailv' 11 1 hree Items for One Dollar I Rev. Reeser is pastor of the Evan-i pjj,aaant right ca ' .the beach, wlth'::' may live apart from tlm world as “HOORAY FOR LOVE” Robinson, home, 83 Main avenue. evott.-.laylor,Kest Home, held faon-j 01l ,its_eastern front. On tlm north' b is almost everywhere else; the KKO-Itadio’s Smash -Musical Mr.- and Mrs. Withrow and Bay in honor of the - delegates at-1 a pretty little fresh water lake sop-1 world of the faster, pace, outside; Hit ivith 727 Bangs Avenue, Asbury Park, N, J. | tendin'1' the Interstate C T U j’arates.it from Itse more pretentious I.1 he . world they may step into very daughter Dorothy, of Philadelphia, renaing tnc interstate, W y. - nelghbol.^Asbttl;y -Parit;' iuaonth-Quickly, should they wish,, ANN SOTHERN GENE Telephone for Appointment, 8220 | are located for the summer at Convention. RA-YMOND, BILL 'ROBINSON era boundary Is anofher little lake,;,. -The station is-kind io have me tetiwiwwnniniiiii wiittiim inimii miimi uimiiwi Barlows, Ilcck arid, Delaware .ave­ Mrs, D. B. Bruirimitt, of Kan- on the other side of which is Brad- j here this:morning. I appreciate it. Maria Gambareili Pert Kel- nues. sasES Citv Mo one of she National ley.Bqaeh. an'other Of those North And now t arn--hurrying away.b.ack ton ■ ■ m g k j, mo., one of th.e m tto n a l .Jcbey coast-resorts with- such de- A °cean Grove, back to the beach Direct from the Roxy Theatre, "* Mr. arid Mrs; Willf&m H, Almy vice presidents of the Womans ilghtful rustic aspects.: And on the and-a bathing . If you come N. Y, are' located for the summer at 101 Home Missionary Society; Mrs. L. west, Ocean - Grove is fenced in tou and 'tee.m e there, please say Embury avenue and have as their H- Welday, superintendent of the from the busy city-like community "Hello " Everybody says "Hello”, NOW Brooklyn Deaconess Home, and that crowds up to its doors. Three to everybody else in Ocean Grove. William Pbwel! and guests, Mrs. McNally and daugh­ wide avenues lead into it and down SAVOY STRAND ter,of. Allentown, Pa. Miss Helen Phillips, Trenton, N. to its ocean front and at each of Ginger Rogers J., conference secretary of yoiing Will Study David. SOARDWALK AT CASINO Guests .at the home of Mrs. Ella these entrances are high gates that in Geikier, 105 Central Ayenue, are people’s work, have been guests at stand open- welcoming, al! who wish The Bible class lesson for Sun­ Complete Change of ’ House of Hits " to Come in from 1 minute after 12 day is “David,” Text, ‘‘Look not Mrs. George Geikier and daughter, Bancroft-Taylor Rest Home, the on Monday morning until .12 each “Star of MidWght ■ Penelope, Elkink Park, Pa.; Mr. and last week. Saturday night. .But from the min­ every man in his own things, but Program every man also in the tilings of The-Pick of th e P ictu res Mrs. Chavies Geikier, Irvington.' airs, Marjorie MaeWhinney, 98 ute Sunday begins, far 24 • hours, these gates are closed.'and within others,” Philemon, 2:4. Read 1 Every Saturday Mon. and Tues., July 22-23 • Mrs.. Dorothea‘.’Perry,' for- many 1-2 Broadway, recently had as her the. little 'city .no wheel of traffic guests Mr. and Mrs. S- R. Ryno Samuel, 26:5-12; 11 Samuel,.!: 23- DULTS years president of the Ladies Aid turhe unless it be on a baby ear-- 27, - 1 1 ■'! Tuesday and “Stolei Haruioiiy Society of the Lafayette avenue and son Billy, of Bay Head; Mr. rlage or the chair of.an invalid; An LL SEATS and Mrs. Arthur F; Kendall, emergency would, of course, admit George Raft, Grace Bradley, Church in Jersey City, was a re­ a pliysicinn or ar; ambulance. But Home Has Birthday- . Thursday Iris Adrian and 8cr> Bernie arid cent visitor in Ocean Grove. Somerville; Alfred Dunham, Mrs. it is rare indeed that either Is ever .LL TIMES Edward Dunham, Mrs. W, H. Many friends of the Home for all iiis lads, The following were guests last seen in Oceaa Grove on a Sunday. Wright and Miss-Helen C. Wright, Ii Is; most.truly a day of rest when the Aged attended the 29th Anni­ • week of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ful­ Wed. and Thors., July 24-25 of Rahway; Miss Florence Barnes, little children may safely foregather versary celebration .there Wednes-j Mlsa c . M. Beers Mlsa B. Courtney ton, 141 Franklin avenue: Misses in (he streets, as ihe prophet saw Double Feature Bill Maplewood; ana William Asay, day. A program was held in the af- j rp, Martha and Juliette Young and them foregathered, in Paradise; the ternoon and in ihe evening1 over I 1 B® “ I’LL LOVE YOU ALWAYS ’5 Imiaystown. old may, should they have so Mabel Round, of .Coatesville. Pa. Strange a desire, slumber unthreat- 10.0 partook c(f the -anniversary i BOOK and NEEDLE With Nancy Carroll and George Mrs, M. J- Kracmer, of Philadel­ Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Dipple', of fened and undisturbed, in the middle supper served at. the Home. . ciirrn NO H IG H ER Murphy phia, a summer visitor to the Philadelphia, are spending a few of the busiest thoroughfare. - ' . _! . 5HOI Also Chas. Laughton and hiary More than 70 years ago, some C hildren ...... IS c . Grove and sister of Mrs, Frank days a t their summer home; 83 50 Main Ave,: Ocean Grove, N. J. Boland in good .Methodists, some from Phila­ . FIRE ALARM “RUGGLES OF RED GAP” Woodward, 112 Embury avcnue, Mt; Zion way. They will -return delphia. some from New York arid ART NEEDLEWORK NOW later for a month’s vacation. James other places, pitched , tents on the OCEAN OnOVi; is recovering from a broken hip 21 ...... Ne.w York and Asbury Aves. Rental Library, All Latest Books. Fri. and Sat., July 26-27 caused by a fail. Huber, of Philadelphia, was a visit­ beach in summer and held real 22 . ■ Clayton's Store, Main Ave., Fifteen Cents for Three Days, Continuous or at the Dipple home on.Wednes­ campmeetings. Ah association was 23 ...... S u rf and Beach Katherine Hepburn and Cbas Miss Mabel Rossell, 82 Asbury Minimum. Deposit of $1.00 Re­ Noon until Midnight Boyer in day, Mr. Dipple is making prepar­ formed arid incorporated, U bought 24.-, i ...33mbury and Beach quired. Thre.e Cgnts a Day Over avenue, entertained a group of the land. That's how Ocean Grove 2 5 ...... *. Main and . Pilgrim Pathway R. C. A. High Fidelity ations for. conducting the. Gospel1 26.. . Broadway and Pilgrim Pathway Time.- friends on Wednesday for luncheon began. Now it is a miniature city, 27. Mt Tabor Way and Pennsylvania Open Saturday Until 8.30 P, M Sound System “Break of Hearts" Missions -Conference at -the Young about a square mite of territory 28...... North End Pavilion — at the Homestead and later at the built up with .hotels and boarding 28.... .McCllntock and Beacli cottage of Mrs. William Gearhart, Peoples Temple,. August 5-9, 31...... , ...... South End ‘ Pavilion houses, modern . homes, 1 stores, 32.... .-.Clark and New Jersey 82 Lake avenue. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph. G. Wiggin,. schools and, of course; churches -It 33...... Behson- and M t Tabor ."Way 96 Mt. Hermon Way, have ' had as 'has, a permanent winter population 34...... , . . . . . ,f. .Heqk: aiid Whitfield Mr. and Mrs, Charles Coopey of more than 3,000. Tens of thou­ 35...V , . . . , . :Webb and Pennsylvania; Centennial their guests this week Mr, aridMrs, 36...... Surf, and Pilgrim Pathway have as guests at 17 New York sands-come in summer/ it has its 37 ...... Benson and .Franklin ■ Jacob Grossman nvenue Frances Rapk, Easton, El­ Arthur L. Gifford, of Nntley, Mrs. own police department and its own 38.... .Benson and Abbott " Rebuilders ■ izabeth Kelly, Bethlehem, Pa.; Mrs. Gifford is Mr. Wiggin’s sister. highly modernised . .fire . department. 39.. ,, ...... N ew „ York, .. and/... Stockton 63 Main Ave:, Ocean Grove SHOE STORE F. L. Fleming and Miss Dorothy Also their guests . were M ri . Cyn- 'M F J ^ ^ f f ’P .^W 'm eetin g Asso oil Quality comes' first—we Parse of Springfield, N. J. Comfortable Summer thia MacKellar, Miss May; M a c -!^ X “ n^“ ^ s ° ^ ^ o o d " ,43 :^’’"’■.••"i.-’.’V'“a'n; \ Special Taps anfl B-each-l have it. The following are guests at Mrs. Keller, of East Orange; Mr...and' and sand dunes still governs' and Mrs. John Orth and David Orth,’ of i controls It and writes Its rules and Trouble? Out,A13-ITime V tu^n? - Service comes next—We F o o tw e a r O. D, Lincoln’s 91 Embury avenue, and Chief’s Call, :: First-Aid - Squad, giv„e it. Mr. 'and Mra. G- Stout, Mr. and Syracuse, and Mrs, Sidney Kauf--!q Of course, there is no iiquor. ...a .Fire Chief, James Blair, -Washing- • At Reasonable Prices' man, of Washington, I!. C. Satisfaction is what we Mrs J. A. Kiiien. Newark; W. Har­ Ocean Grove is, alcoUolically speak- tou Comnany ___ all wants:—wc guarantee it. vey, of Daytona, Florida; and Mri 708 Cookman Avenue » „ K, o.,„m 86 m a . 2 S,;S“ y 'lib K ‘,r‘,S: WEST GKOVE . Telephone A. P. 8960. . and Mrs. L. Polk, of Arlington. Way, had as recent guests Mrs. form could not be bought' withiniis... . .Main Street and’ Main Ave. .;. .Main Streot nnd Corlies Ave. . . Asbury Park, N. J. Mrs. Augusta Greto and daughter, George Hulse and daughter Mary its confines and (lancing and curd-! !§ - ...... Unexcelled Flro llouae i Mrs. A. Hasbagen, cf Brooklyn, are of Freehold; Mrs. Emma Forsyth playing w,ere taboo. But how oim! § ’•'* ...... Atkins and Embury j unntntiffmmtufuuuiuiiuumimuiiHiUiiucgiiunma may buy Ills, or even her, cigar: 5b ” ProHpent. . .. and Heck , _IIIIIIl|llll«|i6tl»lt|iilllllilti|llll'«illil»9*«l»illil5li«l!»iti|iJ occupying their cottage at' 97 Stock­ ahd daughter Mary;*Mrs. Etta Sat- JUdgo and EnjAiurj’ | * s ettes, cigars or piece of plug With- “ ...... -- .( ir = ^iiiiiiaiiariitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiititiiiiiiiiniiiiuaitiuuiinuu. ton avenue for the summer, Mrs. terwait and Vivian Sattenvnit, out ineonvehienco and if folks wisi.j?|;;;;;;;;;;;;;; :'Co?iire and uiifn!I MATTHEWS and I Crete’s health has.been greatly im­ of Manasquan. Miss Marion Caf- lo dance or pass the pasteboards. 81 ...... Seventh aiid .Stokes 3 no official frown/dampens the occa-'-35.'...... KMse and Eighth ; | FRANCIONI .' . | proved since her return (o the fcvty, of New York, who will start slon. 55...,...... Tenth, and Atkin* | § SuccesBor to . f on n ten day trip to Bermuda, Grove. Bin there is comparatively little si' ’!!!! j j j i § George R. Sexton ; Howard L Smith Saturday, was also a weekend 1 lsiem^unSnBamsUoS HALF SOLES of either of these pastimes in Ocean; sdoendTon. I City and County Scrip A ccepted | (Sucoesaor to Angles & Smith) g . The fallowing arc guests at 50 guest of her mother- Grove—-summer residents seem to' ^ Ambutahce11 Funeral Directors 1 Broadway, Miss Minnie Woodland, Ladiis’, 69c. Hen's, 72c. Mrs. Kate Bone, Mr, and Mrs. Wes­ Encouraging improvement h a a f.SlSS .IteT’there I | Plumbing | V.An« noted tn thn n (llllrtn nf Ktnn 1 ohlllt/lonnn nf nrim* nnnniitnwU.. T T«>n «1nfJn.T*tOVU Fl TB ChlBf, Earry I " O k w I m — ley Bone, of Kearny; Mr. and Mrs. been rioted in tho condition of.Mrs. abundance of easy opportunity and li.iui'iuartera. Contlnnona Service Rubber Heels,' 27c Anna Denbrook. Tent^ !,'^ Wesley | provision ror it. One may rest ami ^'Whardt. FlrBt*Cla85 Ambulanco Service ~ Harry Woodland, the Misses Mar­ Tap Lifts, 19c. 1 Tinning and Heating |‘ place, who underwent an emergency! pencefSl quiet "of”’ Orean "“orove. Wliltesrllle ; 704 Seventh Avenue jorie and Edna Woodland, of East 21 ; . .. Springwood and Spriripdalo Orange, operation for appendicitis- at; , a weekclair or Sunday, and, .wishing a 22../>>; ... Fisher , and - BangR A*bury Park, N.J. I HARDWARE Plainfleid hospital last Friday. Mrs. taste; of the entertainment quite 23...:... Fisher and Springwood | . Teleplione, .Asbury Bark 21 g By an arrangement mado by usual to .most resorts, has only to 24.:.;;. .; »•;, Myrtlo - andwMaplo OF Benbrook was removed tq the bos 2 5 .....rVy: .. .4;. .Myrtlo anU atratford I ; ; ■ ■" ■ * i ,• .Township Committeeman Ralph W. ‘step a little- way along the board­ 28..;.;...... Myrtleand’Mtmroo 7iiiHiiiiiiiitBiianaiiiitiitiiiiiiiii*iii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiti>nir HARBOR Paints arid Oils pltal In her.home town by the Ocean walks, and oyer Into, Asbury Park 27...,*; .. . V... Asbury and Anolvo Johnson, in charge of publicity, tho Grove first' aid ambulance. H er and there are theatres, music halls, 2 8 ...... Stokos and >Munroe following broadcast by - a summer husband, Charles, Benbroolr, express- merry-go-rounds, steeple chases and 29...... *..;..., Stokes and Stratford TERRY’S • visitor to Ocean Grove Svas heard bright lights and ail sorts of amuse­ y; NEPTUNE. CITX. :, LOST ed commendation for. the 'service ?i...... Avondalo and aBummlt 51 Main Avehii^j over Siatlon WHAT, Philadelphia, ments for the children or th'ose’who LOCKSMITH SHOP Brand’, if Miami Beach, Fla. which .the ■ sijuad7membsra;'renderedl were • children qnce upon ’ a time. : Neptuno and ■' ^rospeot 'j yesterday afternoon: Yi v . . ; Springdale and Bylvanl* r 9 Matn'y'Strcet, Asbury. Parky 606 Bangs Ave., Asbnry Park OCEAN GROVEt N. J. i r. .Those1 Visiting Mrs. jeriniei Nrice, * tv Ocean Grove ' has - two exception­ 4 W'rV...... Munroo.Rldw and and BrFtfKn* Auto and window glass, sold and' InV g, ** Mrs. M./E: Bell, bif;Jersey Cily, 77,Heck: ayenuo,attendlng:the:W. C,: ally fluo’ .bathing - heache$,, watched . Steiner ’ and J stalled., Opposite Electric Building ; | - Telephone 4741, > - ? oyer . by corps 4 ot well-trained, life Hardware* and pouso Supplies , ; fAGE flii FRIDAY, JULY 10/1086

MAIL SCHEDULE IHVUIIIIIMIIIlllUIIIUtlllHIUIMH SCI!HtlUIiMOF TICK AHHIVAL AN 1» I) KIM IITITKK OF MAItH \ .: ' ,'Orrtri', ?(. j. NewArrive York, East nml Foreign ' Close Finest Resort On Where Health and fi.no A. M.* s. 10 A. AC. 10.45 A. M. 10.45 A. 51. I.IIO I\ M; 1.01 1\ 51, ;i.Q(l l», M, 3.-GU 1*. 51. 6.UQ 1\ M. • . 4.30 1*. 51. Pleasure Newark and Jersey City the Goast Arrive: , . Close fi.no A. M. S.to A. 51. 10.-15, A. M. 10.45 A. 51, 1.30 t*. M. 1.01 V. 51. 3.00 I\ M, 3.51) 1\ 51. ,fii*irfitinitiiNtittniimit«iiiiiintiiiiiiiiiminnnMtrtMtiMifriiiitiiini>mr>niNmiirmintriKmtrnfl'miitii ■ nr ii iit n inp nmin mm fciiifiiiiimiiiiiniiffliii!iiW!ii»!iiimimi(nnmmiimimmiiniMiimnimmiimiwiiMnwflWin«mHmHwnwHWMiuiuuiii 0.30 IV M. 6.30 P. 5L Baltimore and Washington Arrive .Close rolephoncs Directly on the WHHHHMfliHnmiHiHHiiKininiiBHWHiH'HiHHimutHiiiiuwimniHii'uuHuwmiHiiintUHitmwMwimmiiHHttHMuiimHuitHummlmMmUu'umHHr 5.30 A. M. . , S.10 A. 51; 10.45 A. M. f 10.45 A. 5L :M2 and ISIfi Ocean Front 1.30 J*. 51. 3.53 P. 5r. Telephone Asbury Park 749 • 3.30 P. M.\ 0.30 P. M.' 0.30 P. M. Philadelphia, West and South Opens MOTEL Arrive Close Decoration Day ATHING and fishing in ocean. Fine boardwalk full 0.30 A. 51. . ' S. 10 A. 5L 10.45 A. M. 10.45-A. 51. Closes October 1 length of. ocean front,- connecting with Asbury Park KM 51. 3.53 P. M. MANCHESTER Steam Ront on the north and Bradley Beach on the south. Two 3.00 P. 51. 0.30 P. 5f. 25 OCEAN PATHWAY G.30 P. M. Punning yVnter large pavilions, with-orchestra concerts afternoon and American Plan. Open. Wednesday, May 29. Trenton and Camden »TA*t Prlvnto ilfttha evening. Boardwalk and pavilions brilliantly illuminated at. .V Vrr,v'P. 51.M- in the country. Great, chorus, finest singers, most gifted instru­ 3.00 P. 51-. G.30 P. 51. Booklet Special Rates in June. , H. W. PULLEN. G.30 p. M. mentalists, eminent preachers, noted lecturers. Safe and sane Asbury Park, N. J. H. TV. 'Williams amusements, moving pictures, bowling alleys, merry-go-round, Hniiiiiii)MiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiii)i»iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

BOc . and 75c, Rooihs. Telephone 1443. , S. M. FRENCH- f n <5 I f A K lt Q management and ownership of A. S. £ 3 F i r l U V l/ K I l, 0^. G°m South End pavilion. Over- and Soups U V « / I I q I I U l I L vy KEIM. Moderate rates.’ „ , t • ( Jookmg ocean und lake, • l?um\sked 72 Jtain avenue near beach and rooms with housekeeping privileges, Reasonable rates S J SEVERS 45 Pilgrim Pathway Auditorium. First-Class. Family 25 Atlantic avonue, block from Hotel. Regular course dinner, ocean. American and .European. 15 Main Avonuo, Ocoan Grove, Ocean Grove, N- J. OCEAN HOUSE ;.0c- 416.00 and up weekly. one-half block to bdardwatte, .Con-* American and European Plan. Spacious Parches. Booklet,,- Phone’ 5224-J Thc Highland . Dining room open Juno 15. Open THE COLONIAL vonlent, to Auditorium and all ’ — I. d d n c a n . for rooms now ,, .. pmnta of lntorosL_ Running hot “ “ ’ FOSTER, A J ^ I J. j U U J U 1 11/, J . U U U

EUROPEAN PLAN— FURNISHED ROOMS Ing output of ganm birds has boon recorded by tlio department and tho 24 Main nvonuo, block from, bench, hot nnd hew nnd modern brooder house at cold running wntoi* In nil rooms, Near all IVY HOUSE nttrauUons, and three, cafeterias. Homo llko Forhed Rived Is figured to en­ . frivnlHhotl rooms. Season May 15 to Novom- hance the supply. The game firms, bor 1. Phono 1814. MR; AND MRS. C. W. B, PUTT, OwntorHhlp-Munngcmont; 111(6 other bronchos of the State 55 Embury,-avonuo, nonr ocean .mid nil attraction p. Flail and Game Department,' aro HARDY LODGE Largo airy, rooms, $1.00 conducted without cost to. the tax­ por porsori por day: ‘with Continental breakfast, $1,25. MRS. E. S, HARDY,. Ownor-Proprlotoiy payers, being supported by income from sportsmen’s licenses. 23 Central Avenue, one block from Auditorium, Hamilton Gottagev two from ocean, Beau­ ADVICE FOR TAX-PAYERS tiful lawn and abundant shade. . Tel. 7132,, A, T. DEY, Proprietor; Under-Sheriff Roberta Speaks at itouUB 20 Main Avenue, second block from ocean. A good place to como back Howell. TRIP THE IMPERIAL to, always clean and homoy. Run­ The regular monthly meeting ot Hui|@opTennUiBl. ning/w ater In rooms,1 Moderate I rates. Telephone 1008. MR. AND MRS. JOHN-A. -FETZHR. tlio Howell Township Taxpayers SUNDAYS Association was held Monday night July 21; Aug 4, 18; Sept 1, 15 32 Atlantic avenue. One block from ocean. Rooms only. Hot and cold lh the Town Hall at Ardenn. Uu- July, 24, WEDNESDAYS Aug. 7, 21; Sept 4, 18 running water! in all rooms, Also on INTERLAKEN 1st floor 1 nlcoly furnishod exception­ (ior-Sherlff George H. Roberts was Leavt Point Pleasant 0,11 A. M. ally large sunny airy room'with twin the principal speaker, Roberts com- (Daylight Saving Time) Tql. 3285-J beds, privato bath, private ontranoe. MRS. S. j. STEWART MEYER. mended his audience oh the interest Vfytxt or CoiaroTt Agent* taken by this non-partisan organl-. 63 Cookman Avenue, corner Pil­ grim Pathway, 40 rooms. A de- zatton ir. civic affairs. Ho stated PENNSYLVANIA Lane taxes' were high often because the. . rightfully situated, guest house. RAILROAD Telephone 1861, COTTRELL AND GRAMMER,; INC. citizens .themselves were not Inter­ ested in the management of their 11 Main avenue, one-half block to ocean. esssssssossssssssssssttossosssssc Convenient to bathing ttoach and all governmental affairs. They left THE MELITA other attractions. Running water In that part fir some politicians' who CLEAN AND WELL j Housekeeping accommodations If desired. M o 1.were interested only in themselves and their particular henchmen but SCREENED ANTHRACITE S 4 Webb avenue, overlooking.ocean hot in tire public welfare, —Rooms with housekeeping ;privi OCEAN VILLA leges; individual equipment. “The? solution of your tax problem SpecialYtates June and September. R. A. SHACKLETON. Is through the ballot box, Irrespec­ tive of party,” he said. "50% of our 22 Embury avenue,' one block from ocean and South End bathing beach. high taxes are caused by misman­ COAL i PALISADES ■ All outside rooms facing the 'ocean.- agement In public office, i Your Hoffmann Coal Co. | Rates reasonable.• Telephone.8108-W. duty as an organization is to get .- . MRS. E. A, GILDERSON, Ownership-Management. the public interested in the 'govern­ Yard, Fifth, Ave. end Railroad | J 8 Webb 'avenue, corner of Beach. One ment, th e -, office ’ holders—their Telephone Asbury Park 5267 j block froni ocean- . Rooms $1.00 up. duties, nnd she candidates for elec­ PLAINFIELD Rooms by week at reduced rates. Hot tion .to the respective offices. Your '•••••••••••••••••♦••••••■•••••mo End cold running water. Open all year. Privileges, MRS. L. E. CRONK. duty- as aa organization' is to secure (Formerly tho Brooklyn); 38 Surf avenue, second block from ooean, hot and cold run­ as members every Interested citizen ning water in all-rooms; Near Auditorium Irrespective of party affiliations. ALL HIKE WATCHES VOORHEES and cafeterias. All outside rooms. Com- munlty kitchen optional .... R. E. VOORHEES. Have the candidates, of bach party cope before you and explain to you CLOCKS CLEANED 43 Embury avenue, comer. Central their qualifications tor a particular av'enii ', A ll. outside rooms, running Harry W. Warahaw OUR NEW LOW GAS RATES STAPLETON water '■ ip rooms, two blocks from job and then see that'they live up 703 BANGS AVENUE 'MRS. i LA LiETOh to their oath of office—function (Opp. City Hall, near Main St.) ocean, centrally located. Asbury Park. 14 Seaview avenue, fifth house from the three hundred and sixty .five days ..ocean. Capacity eighty. Furnished lit the year. Do your own thinking SEACROFT --insist on results and you will get LEGAL NOTICES rooms. Telephone. 4027; make A UTOMATICGAS H. S. and E. M. HULSE, Proprietors. . them, Public opinion always has Atlantic avenue. Furnished ruled, so make your organization , Upport- «: (.•oiullliwii of Jin? rooms only. First-class, light, the mouth piece of that great body H O T W A T E R TROY PLACE airy rooms. Close to Auditoram, NEPTUNE BANK and TRUST CO. of men and women who want hon beach and ail points of Interest. \ MRS. E, A. WEEKS. " OF NEPTUNE. X. J. est’ and efficient government. Their In tho County of Monmouth . 4 Seaview avenue, at ocean arid bath­ numbers, are legion—all they need At tho close of business on Juiic 29, ing bench, near, cafeterias, Auditor- 1935. accessible for The St. George ium end Casino, Kates rosonahle, is organization.”. RESOURCES- _ • . Reservations Suggested. Tel; 9127. ' Loans ami Dlacounts •. .$ 170,131.01 Mr, and Mrs, W, S. Klegel, Q.wnor-Mnnagers. U. S, Government Seeiirule.i i/our hom e owned ...... ii2o,b0a.24 One block from ocean. Other BoiiUh,. stocks and se- Rooms. with private bath curl tics owned .... *9,023.01 24 Ocean Pathway_ ind private'toilet. Mod- MUSCLES nhnkitig Houhc .':....$91,3T»0.-|S ern conveniences. Also apartments. Telephono’ 19-J. - loldhy relieved Furniture and Fixtures • 1S,774.0* ^ ^ THEODORE AND MARY BAKER, SORE with “RRR” Rub C i i s Ji . in Vault and balances . . . Investigate! You can have full informatioii, it fa. Stimulates ■ with other banka ...... 202,(509.55 7 Embury avenue, Half block local circulation, Outside checks and other cash from ocean boardwalk. Open aH sits comforting items 978.24 no obligation, by just telephoning us. year. . Pleasant steam . heated 1 warmth soothes Other Assets ...... 1,000.00, rooms, . Housekeeping privileges. Terms reasonable. Tel. 5497,-W, muscular aches and pains. ■ Tptal. .$815,537.01! MRS, J, KILSHAW 17. ad for 87 years to relieve stiff 35G-03 . VICTORIA Joints# neuralgia and sprains. liabilities ; 28;-; Pitman avenue, .’block from beach, Redness Inflammation- Pene­ Demand deposits, except U. S,.."',- near . Auditorium and cafeterias. Super­ tlovernment deposits, , public ; . WHITE HALL ior furnished rooms. ’ Twin beds. .Modi trates. Doea.not bllstc funds and deposits, of other • erate rates. ^Bteam heat _Qpetv a l l ^ ar< banks y ...... $291,035.11 Telephone 1951-M. MRS. E. L. BERNHARD.T, Time deposits,' except postal ' / savings deposits, public funds aud deposits of other bunks. . CAFETERIAS AND RESTAURANTS 205,812..88 Public funds of States, count- ties, school districts, or other RADWAY'S , subdivisions or munldpaUtles 85,030.10 ■liyjiM ilfim U. S. Government and postal savings deposits . . ...L . 5i 1000.00 Deposits of other banks, certi­ , fied apd cashier's checks out- ©AS PAINS . standing, and cash letters.of. CHANCERY 7-205 wind colic and stomach distress Credit... v 7,563.11 7, Annual Audit of Ocean Grove Fire District Other Liabilities, :.;...... 1 , 0 0 0 .0 0 SHERIFF’S SALE .—By virtue of a more quickly relieved with Common stock, 4,000 of fi. fa. to me direcwrit directed, iHsued Township of Neptune, N. J. AND HOTEL, 56 MAIN AVENUE, OCEAN GROVE MR R R ”. - The comforting shal'es, jiar $25.00 ‘ out of the Court of Chancery of tho warmth of a teaspoonful in a per Him r e $100,000.00 State of New Jersey, will be exposod FULL COURSE DINNER Subtotal, Cnpitnl Stock to.sale at public vendue, 011 Monday, To tho Commissioners of Ocean Urovo Fire District, glass o f hot water expells gas 100,000,00 . tho 12th day of August, 1935,-betweeh Ocenn Grove, N. J. - CHICKEN, STEAK OR TURKEY, 50 CENTS and brings you prompt relief. Surplus ...... 30,000.00 tlio hours: of-" * 2 o'clocko-ck and .5 o'clock Gentlemten: • ' 1 , •/- Great for that “morning after” Undivided profits—net 10,000.3(5 (at 2 o’clock; payllght Saving Time) I have audited the financial transactions of! Ocean Grove Fire District CLUB BREAKFAST. 25c TO 40c. ■----— 140,000.3(1 In the afternoon of said day, at the for the year 1934, nn

sso i *ot x in r ’xvaiua iHOia aovx