tnko liivwrttjt'ji of 'ymr printed imp*' Ono word can toll Hie story oV con­ If nocd nnyOiliitfi tlio piles. you tinued liiinlness activity III the com­ TTivimt stands ready to fflvo. you survlec, . munity—Advertising. as ii on k Hiimitt ;i imt.« VOL. LX. No. 29 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1935 F O U R C E N T S VACATIONING IN ENGLAND from pur sin. W hat did Christ think PARKING ON TWELFTH AVENUE about It.” '* IIUS\VKLI> MEMORIAL I’AUK PAGEANTAT Mlsp Bryan Snlled Tuesday. Miss Jesus, preached Dr. Wntehocn, WILL HE DEDICATED Duckcra 2 Wccks Ago. ; regarded Calvary .not as a tragedy FORBIDDEN BY ORDINANCE Miss Elisabeth M> Bryan, daugh­ or. disaster. “Calvary, in the con­ Boswell 1’iirk, a jnenjoiial to- .C. T.U. ter of Ml\.and Mrs.'A. J. Bryan, cept of Christ, ivas'the greatest of •the late Dr- Chavies M. Bos- CD Broadway, sailed on'Tuesduy, all triumphs.” And; at the Trans­ ' .well, president of the Ocean,. July 10,-aboard tbo Holland-Ameri- figuration, in. the. thoughts of Asociatioii • for . niany years,, Township Takes Action To Protect Septic can Lino S. S-, Statendam for : a Jesus, Moses, and Ellas there could : will' be dedicated, .tomorrow Large Audience Saw “The Melting Pot” Last six Weeks trip through England nit be any question discussed! of night, a t 7:30, with special- anil Scotland; and a side trip of a move primp importance than His services-': The- park is located !. es Tank— Receive Petition Asking for Widen- few days to Perdia. She will visit death upon the cros. ,‘‘The death of between Clark, Cookman, the. cathedral 'towns, f and ' the Jesus, His' redeeming grace upon New York and. Pennsylvania ' ; ing of Corlies Avenue— Wayside Road To .Shakespeare, Scott, and Burns the cross, is ■ the dominating fact avenues ' and .Was . formerly In Session Here Since Tuesday country ending the,trip with sever­ and truth in the whole New Testa­ known as. High Park, or Park Be Improved-rOrder Foreclosure On al days’ sightseeing in: London. ment.” ' - ;. Heights, Recent improve With Three Meetings Daily. Miss Bryan is an istructor in Jesus, looking upon His death as ments there have made the Jumping Brook English in. the Matawan, N. J., his greatest achievement, set that park a . beautiful site. Dr. high school. aside as the memorial which He George W,, Henson will be in The pageant-drama,' “The Melt­ spoke at the evening meeting on Miss Margaret Duckers, 114 wanted made to Himself .The ele­ charge of the exercises and ad­ ing Pot,” presented last night .at Tuesday. To protect the septic tank of the sympathy with the move to have Embury avenue, teacher in the ments of His broken body and dresses will be given by Dr. the Auditorium, under the direction Wednesday started with Mrs. Neptune - .township'sewer system, Corlies avenue widened in the busi­ Ridge avenue school, left two shed blood, are taken in Holy Sac­ Furman A. DeMaris and Dr. of Mrs Carolyn Stanyon, brought Mary R. Haslup leading the morn­ rament at His request, “Do this in the township committee. on. Tues­ ness district, but that waB a finan­ weeks ago for a trip through Eng­ Robert C , Wells. There will be to a close the annual Interstate ing session. Mrs. Haslup is Mary­ cial problem that'could not be solv­ remembrance of Me.” Dr. Watch- music and a fine program. Convention of the W. C. T. U., land state president. Mrs. Anna day night passed an ordinance on land with a side trip to Switzerland ed at the'present time. and Prance. ' om felt that the emphasis placed which had been in session here Lee Waller, Delaware president, first reading forbidding parking on By resolution the clerk was in­ on. Christ’s nativity, Christmas, is since Tuesday morning, was in, charge of the afternoon, Twelfth avenue between South structed to. have the township engi­ disproportionate with that placed CONFERENCE TO OPEN HERE .The Conference, attended by dele­ meeting, a feature of which was an Main street and the railroad. The neer, Claude W.. Blrdsall, prepare FEAR NOT WHEN upon Good Friday, ’the day of gates from New York, Pennsyl­ address on “Peace" by Mrs. Fred­ ordinance was moved by Commit­ plans and specifications for the im­ His death. '• ’' . : Dr. Heiison Will Be in Charge Of vania, Delaware, Maryland, and eric Boggs,, who recently returned teeman Charles Loveman and‘ sec­ provement of. the 'Wayside road. LANDMARKS FALL “Where would the, hymn hook be Program New Jersey; opened Tuesday morn­ from Turkey. Mme Kubushiro also onded . by Committeeman Ralph W. Under, the .contemplated plan the without hymns bearing on the ing at 10.30, in the Young People’s brought a message on the temper­ A. '. “Foreign Missions Confer­ Johnson. It was declared that cars state would pay. 90 percent of the Atonement? We must ’cave them Temple. Daily meetings-were held ance work in Japan. The diamond THIS IS A SIGN OF PROGRESS ence,” under the leadership of parked on this area had. been a con­ cost, and the township 10 percent in. They, are the best. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday medal oratorical contest was held Dr. George W. Henson, will be held tinuous threat to the septic tank and the enginer’s fees would be “And, there is about the Bible a at that, hour, as well as a t 2,20 in in the evening. Virginia Colvin PREACHES DR. PINCH! ! in the Ocean Grove Auditorium ' which lies below -the surface at thiB paid by the state, not to exceed 7% continuity of .thought, and purpose president of N. Y. Y. P. B. was from July 23 to July 26, Members the afternoon and at 8 p; m. on point. The penalty fixed for each percent. never equalled in any other book. the first two days of the confer­ the winner. violation is $25 fine or ten' days in Dr. Watchorn, At Auditorium, of the Methodist Episcopal Church A resolution was also passed in­ What is this binding, cohering qual ence. Yesterday morning, Dr. Jose­ jail. The ordinance will come up Sunday Evening, Sees Glorious and other churches in this section structing the attorney to start fore­ ■ity? ... .The red thread of redemp­ Tuesday morning, Mrs, D. Leigh phine Kaye-Witliams spoke on “No for final reading and passage on closure proceedings against the Triumph in The Crucifixion. tion,” he answered, "is the coher­ of New Jersey, and visitors from - — all parts of the United States, will Colvin, New York State president, Place for Alcohol in Medicine.” July 30. Jumping Brook Golf and Country ing force in this library of relig­ New Loud-Speakers Installed.': be in attendance and have part in 'vJ the session.' Dr. Alfred Wagg Mrs. Maud Blackley, Pennsylvan­ On behalf of those opposed to th& Club for non-payment of taxes;' ious authority.” From the story of the programs of addresses, wor- brought greetings from.the Camp- ia, gave her views on '‘Menace of economy, move of the township com- . The question Of whether the town­ Life, is a- series of. submerges the first family* in the book of Gen- t ». ‘ | ^ r ! u _ A — m* U/i.r TV.T fl Ship,, song, motion pictures, forums, !meef;ing Asociation.4-5 Rev. Martha Lotteries'.” In the afternoon, one , mittee in turning over Bangs ave­ ship should hire, one or more dog ees of familiar laiid-marks," de-1 esis, until tlie last, in Revelations, lectures anil round table talks. The Rogers, New York, Mrs. C. E. of the leading features of the con­ nue to the county, Edward I. Gold, catchers for a two Weeks' campaign claued Rey. Wallace'H. Fincb, D i brought out the preacher, the ference was enjoyed when Dr. Ella berg, Corlies avenue business man, ^ ' pastor of the First E,j promise of redemption rings out meetings will be held in the Young , Stopeback, Pennsylvania, Mrs, Ar- of picking! up stray dogs came up !1?', |pe0p]e’s Temple. tliur B. Bibbens, Maryland, and Boble, National president, appear- presented a petition to tbe commit­ for discussion and the problem was Churcb, Baldwin, L. I.; in the Snn-j, “That is thc key by.nlnch the, ^ ' m win ^ on Tuus. : Mrs. Elizabeth Banta, New Jer- ed and spoke on “The White Rib- tee! The, petition-also urged' .the left in tlie hands of the cleric for day morning sermon in the Audit-1 treasures of this bookmiay be un-.i , - . - -- -* ™ „ .Bvq ,‘ memorial1 bon Around tbe World.” A num- orium." Mountains are slipping locked and given to all believers. i llay eV.“n!hC. July 23,-with a show- sej, xveie spea is- ^ ■widening of Corlies' avenue. Com­ report. The clerk was also author­ ina G.! her of Young People's branches mitteeman Loveman and Chairman ized by the committee to place into the sea, great transitions, are There is no other kev ” i mfcr of the motion■-picture, “Padre service was.held foi Mis. Ni Gracey explained that Bangs avenue properties owned by the township being witnessed,” he allowed, “but- A new sound system with loud Sal'ib” 'vhicb taken Frantz,-late president of the New;also participated at this session. J ’ 1 in India by the Rev. William L. Jersey W. C. T. C. Rev. and Mrs.- In view of the fact that this. had been turned over to the coiinty by • reason of ‘tax title lieu In the we.need not become too profoundly, speakers .hooked up beneath the Rogers anil produced by the Re- Dorsey Miller condueted noon dc- yeav s national W.
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