University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-6-1916 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 05-06-1916 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 05-06-1916." (1916). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/1653 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY CITY EDITION ALBUQUERQUE MOMNING JOURNAL. EDITION TinBTV-SEVEXT- H TEAR. VOI. ll Xo. 3. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1916." lily by Carrier or Mall, ft Motilh. Single. Onfrtm, M Two Zeppelins CARRANZA NOW THE WEATHER GERMANS Civil War Now MAKE Bivught Down by LONDON EDITORS CRISIS E THE WEATHER FORECAST. on in Republic Denver, Colo.. May 5. New Mex-ic- o: Allies' Warships OBSTACLE Saturday mid Sunday fair; not ofSanto Domingo ONLY much change in temperature. DECIDED BELIEVE GAINS - ihmn .MkjanAt bpci REPLY GQfJGESS OJS uun lT VOMIN MUtKli SeiCIAt. tlAUS BI Athens, .May & tlMl LOCAL WEATHER REPORT. u a. n.) The Santo Domingo, May (I. Hostilities For twenty-fou- r hour, ndlnf at French flagship Patrle brought down commented here at noon today. Sev- TO AGREEMENT, P. m. yesterday. a Zeppelin at I o'clock this morning. eral persons were killed or wounded. Maximum temperature, S! degrees; F RENCH Tha airship fell n the Vard.tr river UNSATISFACTORY A Dominican gunboat bombarded the OF GERMANY TO minimum, 40 degrees; range, 4 2 de- near Salonlkl. fort. The situation Is considered crit- grees; temperature at 6 p. m., 7J de- ical. grees; south wind; clear. Marines were landed today from London, May i (I2:SJ p. m.) A REPORTS ASSERT Zeppelin the American converted cruiser prai- CITT BANK CLEARINGS. CLOSE TO VERDUN dirlslhle balloon was de 10 WASHINGTON rie for the protection of the Ameri- UNITED STATES Yesterday stroyed yesterday by on of the Hrlt- - can legation. $58,43.;i. ' Ish ItRht cruiser squadrons off the The situation growing out of the at- Schleswig coast, says on official an- tempt of factional leaders to over- nouncement Issued by the govern- throw the administration of President Obstinacy to ment today. Jlmines is First Chief's Has border situation. Lacking official in- Be- Daily It critical. formation Fierce Fighting Continues News Declares Can President .limine has ordered Ihe While Tone of Communica- that the proposed plan was S VLOMKI Jt HlLANT governor Be Overcome by Obregon acceptable to General Carranza, no Only Be- of Santo Domingo City to tween Italians and Austrians OVER 7.KPPEI.IVS FATK Mean a Break take charge of Gen- tion Is Not Entirely Satis- " step was taken by Eliseo Arredondo. the forces under Be ambassador-designat- Before Protocal Can e, U, S, eral Farr. The rural guard have toward getting With No Considerable Suc- May 5 tween and Germany factory, Danger of War Is shipments of now London, (:2& n. m.) There been placed under the command of u. Formally Signed, ammunition held wn great jubilation at the border in motion southward. It cess Scored. In Salonlkl over Insolent and Evasive, thoriiies appointed by the chief ex- Now Passed, the-- destruction of the raiding Zeppe- ecutive. Is understood this will be the next t says of the situation to be presented lin, Renter dispatch from that place, alnc Saloniki has a long AMERICANS' to the state department if the border for WANTS agreement is rejected. RUSSIANS DEFEAT time been In nightly terror of raids. CONCESSIONS INTENDED neutrals and have not imperilled neu- QUOTES NEW ORDER TO Describing the end of the raider, the tral lives. TO GET OUT QUICKLY With a vigorous campaign In prog- dispatch nays: ress against the Zapata forces in TURKS IN ASIA MINOR MERELY TO GAIN TIME WlMi Note Really Sa). SUBMARINE COMMANDERS the populace was 2 ' seulh and the de facto government "The awakened at "Germany has not the means of pledged to any steps against o'clock Friday morning. Searchlights fighting at sea, according to the active in harbor soon caught intru- Villistag In sup-Pl- y the the rules, right General Pershing Believes He the the north, the war was directly and therefore, claims the question will be important. Two Zeppelins Are Destroyed; der, which over the town Newspapers Assert England Is to flMit against the rubs and asks Chides America for Not Com- Has News of Villa's Loca- and a hurricane of shells were thrown the I'nited States to aid and abet her. Heavy Losses of Aeroplanes at It. The new French Incendiary Violating No Rules of Mod In effect, Germany say to America; pelling Great Britain to GERMAN APPEALS To projectiles made an Interesting spec- 'You will to tion at a Point Not Far Re- They lighted up refuse sell munitions to During Month of April tacle. the: whole ern Warfare; Say Berlin allies If you will help Us Abandon Blockade for Star- IRISH SOLDIERS FAIL they upward. the and From U. S. Detachments, town as shot break Great Britain's power at sea. ported From West, "The Zoppplln seemed to lose Its Is Bluffing wo will try not to murder any more vation of Teutons, bearing and turned sea, 1ST MOSMIN JOUKNAl ItA-t- O toward the of your elilr.eiis,' " IPICItl Mt presenting a magnificent broadside. London, May S p. Im- "The purpose of the long rigma- MORNING JOUSNAL SStCIAl ISAM WIM) (5:30 m.). tT KOSNIN JOURNAL IMOU. ItAMO WIM. One shell which Hirst closo to Its tail mv MONMIN JOURKAk VPVCIAk LtABtO HM) role," says 1st aeaNM jowmut Tex., May 5. Telegraphic mediately after the outbreak of the the tally Chronicle, "is imiu mm ni Kl Paso, Gains for the Germans northwest of caused the Zeppelin to dip and low- May 8. The. Interest wlih simply to gain time. It adduce no Washington, May 8, Grmany' message! between General Alvuro Irish revolution, German soldiers In er. It then faded fro mstght envel- new it note ha If a Verdun are chronicled In both the which Germany's reply to the I'lilted argument, cites no unfamiliar postponed it actually ha Obregon and Gen. Venustlano Carran-2- trenches opposite the Irish division oped in a cloud of vapor. not agreement French and German official commun- States was avalted here could not fact or fable. It make no offer to the averted a diplomatic break with over the tentative for fighting on the western front put up "Nothing more was heard for half I'nited States, eycept on terms which the I'nited State. and Mexican ications. North of hill 304 the Ger- when fol- have been exceeded In America. All American siKns inviting Irishmen to join the an hour, two loud reports, render It valueless.' 'resident Wilson will make the de- - in the scattering of Villa bandits have mans gained a footing in French ad lowed by 11 great flare lasting several the evening newspaper yesterday CliH ago clslon after he has read official completed, said tonight. Germans, according to news received Tribune: The German note tho been it was vanced trenches and also occupied seconds betrayed the fact that the printed the note prominently !y sec- embodies the essential concession wlich reached the state depart Is expected General Obregon hy John E. Redmond, the Irish na- airship met toi'1 It that French positions west of Avocourt had lis fate close to the tions in successive editions. The the demand of the latest American ment late tonight by cable from Am will hold his next conference with tionalist leader, from his brother, Cap- estuary of the Yanhir river. Tim on bassador Gerard Ilerlin, It will b on Amer- tain William II. K. Redmond, now at and several trenches southeast of greatest curiosity was expressed as to note submarine operations, This at General Scott tomorrow the vrews onUhe warship In the harbor concession Is conditional, but Im- - in time to lay It befor tha , by its ican side of the Kio Grande and that the front. One notice read: Hancourt. Repeated French arnicas cheered the end of the raider. Much the reception of the note the Ol. ,1,11 revolu-tlon- mediate effect Is to bring about the t'l Klllllllltllf lllll. agreement In In - j a. protocol covering the "Irishmen Ireland are against German positions west of Le credit la due to a French airman w ho I'nited States, cessation of submarine operations It was staled authoritatively after up. English guns are firing on yout. ; will then be drawn Mort Homme broke down under the ascended in pursuit of the Zeppelin The morning newspapers almost outside of the lines laid down In our the cnbinei meeting today that if th Obstinate. wives and children. Sir Roger Case- ,4V uroppcu official Carranza German fire. turn cumin nave two without exception, print editorial, on successive protests. text bore out the unofficial expectation of Gen- ment persecuted. Throw your arms Cliit-Hg- It had been the bombs on it." the note and express more or de- nt version transmitted In today' Iterlln away. HamiM-rot- t les Herald: The German erals Scott and Funston that the final We give you hearty welcome," by Weather. cided opinions on It. new dispatches, Germany's assur Another sign read: Inclement weather is hampering demands that we compel meeting with General Obregon would Can Oiilv Mean Great ltritaln to raise aitee undoubtedly would be accepted mo- "We are Suxons and if you don't the infantry operations, according to lirvak.
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