Directories Lists Obituaries National Jewish Organizations1

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Directories Lists Obituaries National Jewish Organizations1 Directories Lists Obituaries National Jewish Organizations1 UNITED STATES Organizations are listed according to functions as follows: Community Relations 493 Cultural 497 Israel-Related 504 Overseas Aid 515 Religious, Educational Organizations 517 Schools, Institutions 528 Social, Mutual Benefit 537 Social Welfare 539 Note also cross-references under these headings: Professional Associations 543 Women's Organizations 544 Youth and Student Organizations 544 y-n-wx,cii,rTrvTTT~«7 TIT^T iTrnxic V.-Pres. Mrs. Arthur Gutman. Applies COMMUNITY RELATIONS Jewish values of justic£ and humaig t0 AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR JUDAISM (1943). the Arab-Israel conflict in the Middle East; PO Box 9009, Alexandria, VA 22304. rejects nationality attachment of Jews, par- (703)836-2546. Pres. Alan V. Stone; Exec. ticularly American Jews, to the State of Dir. Allan C. Brownfeld. Seeks to advance Israel as self-segregating, inconsistent with the universal principles of a Judaism free of American constitutional concepts of indi- nationalism, and the national, civic, cul- vidual citizenship and separation of church tural, and social integration into American and state, and as being a principal obstacle institutions of Americans of Jewish faith. to Middle East peace. Report. Issues of the American Council for Juda- AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE (1906). In- ism; Special Interest Report. stUute rf Human RelationSj 165 E 56 St> AMERICAN JEWISH ALTERNATIVES TO NYC 10022. (212)751^000. FAX: (212)- ZIONISM, INC. (1968). 347 Fifth Ave., 750-0326. Pres. Alfred H. Moses; Exec. Suite 900, NYC 10016. (212)213-9125. Dir. David A. Harris. Protects the rights FAX: (212)213-9142. Pres. Elmer Berger; and freedoms of Jews the world over; com- 'The information in this directory is based on replies to questionnaires circulated by the editors. 493 494 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1994 bats bigotry and anti-Semitism and pro- Campus, 1616 Walnut St., Suite 513, Phil- motes human rights for all; works for the adelphia, PA 19103. (215)204-1459. FAX: security of Israel and deepened under- (215)204-7784. Jerusalem office: Jerusa- standing between Americans and Israelis; lem Center for Public Affairs. Pres. Daniel advocates public policy positions rooted in J. Elazar. Worldwide policy-studies insti- American democratic values and the per- tute devoted to the study of Jewish com- spectives of the Jewish heritage; and en- munity organization, political thought, hances the creative vitality of the Jewish and public affairs, past and present, in Is- people. Includes Jacob and Hilda Blaustein rael and throughout the world. Publishes Center for Human Relations, Project In- original articles, essays, and monographs; terchange, William Petschek National maintains library, archives, and reprint se- Jewish Family Center, Jacob Blaustein In- ries. Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints; Survey stitute for the Advancement of Human of Arab Affairs; Jewish Political Studies Rights, Institute on American Jewish-Is- Review. raeli Relations. AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR CENTER FOR RUSSIAN JEWRY WITH STU- BOOK; Commentary; AJC Journal. DENT STRUGGLE FOR SOVIET JEWRY AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS (1918). Ste- (1964). 240 Cabrini Blvd., #5B, NYC phen Wise Congress House, 15 E. 84 St., 10033. (212)928-7451. FAX: (212)795- NYC 10028. (212)879-4500. FAX: (212)- 8867. Dir.-Founder Jacob Bimbaum; Act- 249-3672. Pres. David V. Kahn; Acting ing Chmn. Dr. Emest Bloch; Student Exec. Dir. Phil Baum. Works to foster the Coord. Glenn Richter. Campaigns for the creative survival of the Jewish people; to human rights of the Jews of the former help Israel develop in peace, freedom, and USSR, with emphasis on emigration and security; to eliminate all forms of racial Jewish identity; supports programs for and religious bigotry; to advance civil needy Jews there and for newcomers in rights, protect civil liberties, defend reli- Israel and USA, stressing employment and gious freedom, and safeguard the separa- Jewish education. As the originator of the tion of church and state. Congress grassroots movement for Soviet Jewry in Monthly; Judaism; Boycott Report; Inside the early 1960s, possesses unique archives. Israel. COMMISSION ON SOCIAL ACTION OF RE- ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE OF B'NAI FORM JUDAISM (1953, joint instrumental- B'RITH (1913). 823 United Nations Plaza, ity of the Union of American Hebrew Con- NYC 10017. (212)490-2525. FAX: (212)- gregations and the Central Conference of 867-0779. Chmn. David H. Strassler; Dir. American Rabbis). 838 Fifth Ave., NYC Abraham H. Foxman. Seeks to combat 10021. (212)249-0100. 2027 Massachu- anti-Semitism and to secure justice and fair setts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036. treatment for all citizens through law, edu- Chmn. Evely Laser Shlensky; Dir. Rabbi cation, and community relations. ADL on Eric Yoffie; Codir. & Counsel Rabbi David the Frontline; Law Enforcement Bulletin; Saperstein. Policy-making body that re- Dimensions: A Journal of Holocaust Stud- lates ethical and spiritual principles of Ju- ies; Hidden Child Newsletter; International daism to social-justice issues: implements Reports; Civil Rights Reports. resolutions through the Religious Action Center in Washington, DC, via advocacy, ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH COMMUNITY development of educational materials, and RELATIONS WORKERS (1950). 7800 congregational programs. Tsedek VSha- Northaven Road, Dallas, TX 75230. (214)- lom (social action newsletter); Chai Impact 369-3313. FAX: (214)369-8943. Pres. (legislative update). Marlene Gorin. Aims to stimulate higher standards of professional practice in Jewish CONFERENCE OF PRESIDENTS OF MAJOR community relations; encourages research AMERICAN JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS and training toward that end; conducts (1955). 110 E. 59 St., NYC 10022. (212)- educational programs and seminars; aims 318-6111. FAX: (212)644-^135. Chmn. to encourage cooperation between commu- Lester Pollack. Exec. V.-Chmn. Malcolm nity relations workers and those working in Hoenlein. Seeks to strengthen the U.S.-Is- other areas of Jewish communal service. rael alliance and to protect and enhance the security and dignity of Jews abroad. CENTER FOR JEWISH COMMUNITY STUDIES Toward this end, the Conference of Presi- (1970). Temple University, Center City dents speaks and acts on the basis of con- NATIONAL JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS / 495 sensus of its 49 member agencies on issues JEWISH LABOR COMMITTEE (1934). Atran of national and international Jewish con- Center for Jewish Culture, 25 E. 21 St., cern. NYC 10010. (212)477-0707. FAX: (212)- CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL OF JEWISH 477-1918. Pres. Lenore Miller; Exec. Dir. ORGANIZATIONS-CCJO (1946). 420 Lex- Michael S. Perry. Serves as liaison between ington Ave., Suite 1733, NYC 10170. the Jewish community and the trade union (212)808-5437. Pres.'s Ady Steg, Fred movement; works with the U.S. and inter- Tuckman, and Joseph Nuss; Sec.-Gen. national labor movement to combat anti- Warren Green. A nongovernmental orga- Semitism and other forms of bigotry and to nization in consultative status with the engender support for the State of Israel and UN, UNESCO, ILO, UNICEF, and the Jews in and from the former Soviet Union; Council of Europe; cooperates and con- promotes effective teaching in American sults with, advises, and renders assistance public schools about the Holocaust and to the Economic and Social Council of the Jewish resistance; strengthens support UN on all problems relating to human within the Jewish community for the social rights and economic, social, cultural, edu- goals and programs of the labor move- cational, and related matters pertaining to ment; supports Yiddish-language and cul- Jews. tural institutions. Jewish Labor Committee Review; Issues Alert; Alumni Newsletter. COORDINATING BOARD OF JEWISH ORGA- NIZATIONS (1947). 1640 Rhode Island , NATIONAL TRADE UNION COUNCIL Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036. (202)- FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (1956). Atran Center 857-6545. Pres. Kent E. Schiner; Exec. for Jewish Culture, 25 E. 21 St., NYC V.-Pres. Dr. Sidney Clearfield; Dir. Inter- 10010. (212)477-0707. FAX: (212)477- natl. Affairs Daniel S. Mariaschin; Dir. In- 1918. Chmn. Sol Hoffman; Exec. Dir. Mi- ternatl. Council Warren Eisenberg; Dir. chael S. Perry. Works with the American UN Off. Harris Schoenberg. Coordinates labor movement in advancing the struggle the UN activities of B'nai B'rith and the for social justice and equal opportunity and British and South African Boards of Jew- assists unions in every issue affecting ish Deputies. human rights. Fights discrimination on all COUNCIL OF JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS IN levels and helps to promote labor's broad CIVIL SERVICE, INC. (1948). 45 E. 33 St., social and economic goals. Rm. 604, NYC 10016. (212)689-2015. JEWISH PEACE FELLOWSHIP (1941). Box Pres. Louis Weiser. Supports merit system; 271, Nyack, NY 10960. (914)358-4601. encourages recruitment of Jewish youth to FAX: (914)358^924. Pres. Rabbi Philip government service; member of Coalition Bentley; Sec. Naomi Goodman; Ed. Mur- to Free Soviet Jews, NY Jewish Commu- ray Polner. Unites those who believe that nity Relations Council, NY Metropolitan Coordinating Council on Jewish Poverty, Jewish ideals and experience provide inspi- Jewish Labor Committee, America-Israel ration for a nonviolent philosophy and way Friendship League. Council Digest. of life; offers draft counseling, especially for conscientious objection based on Jew- INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS (see Union ish "religious training and belief; encour- of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of ages Jewish community to become more America) knowledgeable, concerned, and active
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