Rabbi Haskel Lookstein Advanced to Rank of Associate Rabbi
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Rabbi Haskel Lookstein Advanced To Rank Of Associate Rabbi Five years ago, Rabbi Haskel Look¬ stein was elected Assistant Rabbi of The Kehilath Jeshurun family Kehilath Jeshurun. Last week, the Board of Trustees of the congregation voted to promote him to the status of is bowed in at grief the passing of the immortal Associate Rabbi of our congregation. President of the United States JOHN F. KENNEDY KEHILATH JESHURUN MOURNS RABBI JOSEPH H. LOOKSTEIN A TRAGIC EVENT ON NATIONWIDE T.V. PROGRAM The assassination of John F. Kennedy Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein partici¬ last Friday led to a series of memorial pated in a one hour panel discussion on events which were quickly arranged ihe Columbia television network last for by our congregation. Sunday morning. His fellow panelists were outstanding representatives of At the conclusion of the Friday eve¬ the three major faiths in America. The service, while the deed was so ning discussion centered around the assas¬ fresh in our minds as to be unreal, sination of President Kennedy. Rabbi Rabbi Joseph hi. Lookstein spoke brief¬ Lookstein's remarks, some of which can ly about the meaning of the tragedy be found elsewhere in this bulletin, and pronounced a special benediction. were devoted primarily to the moral Rabbi Haskel Lookstein climate which exists in this On Saturday morning, the Rabbi set country. aside his announced sermon topic and We are proud that our Rabbi was Mr. Max J. Etra, on behalf of the devoted the sermon period to a re¬ singled out as one of the participants officers, proposed the promotion to ligious analysis of the event and of its in the program. We understand from the trustees of the congregation. He significance for America. Much of what the reactions to his appearance which spoke about Rabbi Haskel Lookstein's he said is summarized elsewhere in came from all parts of the country, that work at Kehilath Jeshurun and of the this bulletin. At the conclusion of the the program was viewed by millions contribution that he made to various sermon, the congregation, which num¬ throughout the United States. areas of congregational life. He said bered over 500 worshippers, stood that the young Rabbi won the respect with bowed heads in reverent silence and the affection of the congregational in memory of the late President. family and that he has grown in ra- binic stature. On Monday morning, the day of the have been formulated for a memorial funeral, before the return of the Torah The service as proposal of Mr. Etra was warmly to part of our regular Thanks¬ the Ark, special psalms were recited received giving Day Service on Thursday, Nov¬ by the trustees, and Rabbi responsively by the worshippers and, Lookstein was ember 28th. Appropriate memorial Haskel thus declared the before the open ark, the traditional Associate Rabbi of prayers are to be said and the tradition¬ Congregation Kehil¬ memorial prayer was read. ath Jeshurun. al "E-L Moleh Rachamim" will be re¬ As this bulletin goes to press, plans cited in Hebrew and in translation. The Kehilath Jeshurun family greets and congratulates Rabbi Haskel Look¬ stein upon his elevation of status and Rabbi Haskel Lookstein will Preach this Sabbath at 11:00 A.M. wishes him continued growth and recognition in his sacred calling. Sim¬ "MAN AT HIS BEST . AND AT HIS WORST" ilar greetings are extended to Mrs. A Religious Commentary on Current Events Haskel Lookstein. 2 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN THE WEEKLY PORTION WINTER TORAH LEADERSHIP SEMINAR WITHIN OUR FAMILY VAYISHLACH We wish to remind the members of Birthday — our Teenage Group that the winter "The Essentials for the Road Ahead" session of Yeshiva University's Torah Many happy returns of the day to I In this week's portion, Jacob, about Leadership Seminar will be held at the Mrs. Joseph Aizer, Sidney A. Block, 1 to face his brother Esau for the first Monsey Park Hotel in Spring Valley Max Dattner, Mrs. Theodore R. Fink, j from score Thursday, December 26th through time in over a of years, contem¬ A. Phillip Goldsmith, Mrs. Benjamin1 plates the prospect with terror. He Tuesday, January 1st. This program, which Gottesman, Benjamin Gottesman, Mrs. knows of Esau's hate and resentment; features educational, social and recreational activities is not new to our Joseph Grossman, Mrs. Joseph Hostyk, he is aware of Esau's uncompromising Mrs. animosity; and he fears the rendezvous community. We would like to have as Bernard Podell, Mrs. Anne S. Pom- greatly. large a delegation attending as poss¬ ex, Mrs. Max Scheidt and Dr. Judah ible from our Teenage Group. Rashi describes his preparation for Zizmor. Those interested in for the future as threehold. He uses participating in the Seminar, three tactics: gifts — which he sent to may gain further details Anniversaries — and an application form from our Youth Esau, prayers — which he offered to Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Chabon, Mr. and Director, Mr. Noam God and battle — which he Shudofsky. Inas¬ planned Ben much as time is Eisenstein, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph realistically. short, inquiries ought to be directed to Mr. Shudofsky with¬ Levy and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rosen- In view of the unsettling events of out delay. zweig. the past week, and in the knowledge that these events were made possible by an atmosphere of hate and resent¬ ment which troubles our country, we MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS might use these three tactics of Jacob for the road which we face in the future. for the Gifts ANNUAL CHANUKAH PARTY If we desire to dispel the clouds of hatred and injustice which darken the sponsored by horizon — to the north as well as to THE SISTERHOOD AND MEN'S CLUB the south — we must be prepared to offer the most personal gift — our¬ selves. We must contribute our own Saturday Night, December 14th energies to the struggle for freedom, Music justice and human dignity. We must Entertainment search our own souls for any blemishes David Wakely and his orchestra Lew Parker and Betty Kean of discrimination and arbitrary racism which may form blots upon our person¬ • alities. Our late President will be per¬ haps best remembered for this mess¬ Six dollars and fifty cents per cover age of giving of ourselves in behalf of the ideals for which America stands. Prayer Success in our endeavors will require THE JEWRY BOX the assistance of Providence. If our WEEK OF NOVEMBER 17th WEEK OF DECEMBER 1st cause is human dignity, equality and PHILIP A. BRENNER brotherhood, we can do no better than LEO BREINDEL ALBERT COLIN to call upon the Author of these ideals. DR. ALBERT CORNELL All of them are rooted in God's Torah. DR. LEO EDELMANi All of them represent the efforts to ARTHUR A. RASHBAUM render man closer to man and, thus, LARRY STERNi nearer to God. In order to realize this Thank you for your cooperation in helping to maintain the Daily Minyan. goal, we must pray for the wisdom to understand it and the courage to pur¬ sue it. systematic disrespect for law and de¬ Battle cency among frightened majorities. CONDOLENCE Finally, we must be prepared to We have found that such a peace is We record with sorrow the passing fight for ideals which we know to be worse than war. Perhaps the time has of Morris Garfinkel, beloved father of inalienable. This is not the time for come to stand behind the fundamental our devoted member Samuel Garfinkel. understanding. We have tried this Biblical ideals of man in society in peaceful method for almost a century determined action even as we do in We extend our heartfelt sympathy and all we have produced is a seething pious pledges. to the bereaved family. unrest among racial minorities and a H.L. KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN 3 "We Weep for Kennedy, But We Should YOUTH CORNER Mourn for Ourselves", Cultural Luncheon Held Says Rabbi Our Teenage Group held its first Lookstein in Saturday Sermon. sabbath cultural luncheon last Saturday in the social hall. Close to 50 teenagers Rabbi such Joseph H. Lookstein, who was things happen, in days of sup¬ gathered for this new program. scheduled to preach last Saturday on posed enlightenment, in a democratic As part of the program, Rabbi the religious struggle in Israel, can¬ a country and in nation 'conceived in Haskel Lookstein installed the new celled that sermon in order to speak to liberty and dedicated the proposition officers of the group, Don Etra, Marvin on the sudden and tragic death of that all men are created equal.' Wolf, Pearl Moskowitz, and David Pop- President Kennedy. "Where have we failed? What has kin. The Rabbi spoke about the role Before an of unusually large congreg¬ happened to the influence of Church youth in establishing a more whole¬ ation, the Rabbi said: and "Many of us Synagogue? Where is the author¬ some moral climate in our land, a are here this morning because we ity of the home and the instruction climate which has been prominently were seeking spiritual refuge. Some¬ of the school?" absent in the past months which led how we intuitively felt that the House g up to the traumatic events of last week. Let Us Look to Ourselves of God was the place for us on this The highlight of the afternoon was Black Saturday." The Rabbi said that morals should a debate on the relative merits of a begin at home, even as charity should Yeshiva education as opposed to a nbn- The Mood of Violence that Prevails begin abroad. Each one of us must Yeshiva training. Participating in the The examine his own heart, because it is Rabbi said that tragic and debate were: Harriet individual Garfinkel, Elaine as the death hatred, multiplied calamitous of President many Hyams, Don Etra and Stuart Podell.