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KehilathjeshurunBulletin 2 © October 18, 1974 Volume XLII Number 3 Cheshvan, 5735 Mrs. Yosef Tekoah NADJARI AND THE BERNSTEINS TO HEADLINE To Address Opening MEN'S CLUB-RAMAZ PARENTS COUNCIL Sisterhood Meeting GATHERING, OCTOBER 21 The Kehilath Jeshurun Sisterhood is The Men's Club of the congregation, returned from the Soviet Union. Dur¬ proud to announce that its opening in cooperation with the Ramaz School ing the Yom Kippur and Sukkoth meeting on Monday, October 21 will Parents Council, will present a very period they were in Vilna, Riga, Talin, feature the beautiful, charming, and significant evening on the subject of Minsk and Moscow, where they eloquent wife of Israel's Ambassador Soviet Jewry on Monday, October 21, brought encouragement and strength to the United Nations, Mrs. Ruth at 8:00 o'clock in the Kamber Audi¬ to Soviet Jews who need such sup¬ Tekoah. Mrs. Tekoah's subject will be torium. On that occasion, Maurice port from American Jewry. They have "The Yom Kippur War — One Year Nadjari, Special Prosecutor, will join returned with an incredible story of Later." with Ricki and David Bernstein — our experiences and personalities encoun¬ The Sisterhood has a very interest¬ Youth Directors — in a program en¬ tered during a three-week stay. They ing program planned for the year. No titled: "INTERVENTION IN THE SOVIET expect to illustrate their story with meeting, however, is destined to be UNION; Prosecutor to Prosecutor, Per¬ films which they brought back from more significant or compelling than son to Person." their trip. the first meeting with its dramatic Mr. Nadjari visited the Soviet Union We urge all members of the KJ- guest. We extend a cordial invitation last May in a special effort in behalf Ramaz community to be present on to all the ladies to attend this opening of Jewish Prisoners of Conscience. His Monday night, October 21 for what meeting which will begin at 12:30 — experiences were very significant and promises to be an unforgettable eve¬ with a light luncheon — on Monday, the results of his trip most productive. ning. we October 21. May advise you to come Ricki and David Bernstein have just early in order to be sure of a seat. High Holy Day Credits The long High Holy Day season of A GLORIOUS SUKKOTH THANKS TO AN 5735 is now history. The feeling of gratitude, however, is very much with EXCEPTIONAL MIKE BARANY us. Mike with a beautiful silver We are grateful, to: How does one begin to thank a man etrog box who made it as a small indication of our collective Our Rabbis — for their sermons, ex¬ possible for more than 800 meals to be served in our esteem and gratitude. planations and inspiration. Syna¬ May he use it in gogue Sukkah during the Sukkoth Fes¬ good health for many years and may Cantor Avrum Davis — for his beau¬ tival? Mike he be reminded through it of the great tiful rendition of the Barany — with a very prayers from service which he rendered to Kehilath Selichot to Simchat Torah. capable assist from his talented wife, Jeshurun. Marcia — made it all possible. Our Ritual Director, Mr. Israel D. The catering of and Tuch- Rosenberg — for his tireless ef¬ Kotimsky man was first rate. The chalah rolls And a forts to make sure that every¬ Special Thanks to donated our very generous mem¬ thing ran smoothly, even while by Adie Trautman ber, Louis Orwasher, were delicious. he was reading the Torah, sound¬ But the work of the Of course nothing would have been ing the Shofar, training the Kohel- Baranys simply defies possible if we had no Sukkah. The let readers and doing description. everything decoration of the Sukkah was accom¬ else. They were helped by a large group plished through the exceptional efforts Rabbi — far too numerous to mention — of Mayer Moskowitz — for his of Adie Trautman, assisted by a large men, women and children who took inspirational davening in our group of women and children. Here care of all of the arrangements for a Auxiliary Service. again, however, the lion's share of the sensational Sukkah experience. But Dr. William Herzig — for his credit goes to the leader who contri¬ above and every¬ Shacharit, Torah reading and beyond the work of buted her talent and strength to mak¬ one there stood out the dedication and Shofar sounding in the usual ex¬ ing the Sukkah more beautiful than tireless efforts of Mike and Marcia. pert manner at the Auxiliary ever this year — and far less expen¬ Service. At the closing meal on Shabbat af¬ sive. Our hearty thanks to her. Please Steven Lorch — who filled in so ternoon, the congregation presented God, next year again! many gaps at the Auxiliary Serv¬ ice with his davening and calling to the Torah. Sermons: October 19 — Rabbi Haskel Lookstein (Continued on Page 2) October 26 — Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein 2 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN YOUTH GROUPS PRESIDENT OF COLPA TO ADDRESS OPENING COUPLES CLUB MEETING AT THE LOOKSTEINS BEGIN THIS SHABBAT AFTERNOON The first meeting of the year for and rights of the Orthodox Jewish At 3:00 o'clock the Couples Club of the Congregation community. will be held at the home of Rabbi and In addition, COLPA assists in the for young people Mrs. Haskel Lookstein on Saturday drafting of legislation and administra¬ from Nursery through Grade 8. night, October 26 at 8:30. The guest tive rulings throughout the country on speaker that evening will be Howard matters which touch upon the rights I. Jews. has also All groups will assemble Rhine, President of the National of observant COLPA Jewish Commission on Law and Public been involved in the issue of aid to in the lobby our of Affairs (COLPA). Mr. Rhine, a grad¬ parochial schools, poverty programs uate of the Yeshiva of Synagogue House Flatbush, and adoption services. Yeshiva University and NYU Law Mr. Rhine will discuss the subject: School, heads an organization of Or¬ "Civil Rights of the Religious Jew." thodox attorneys and social scientists Members of the Couples Club have ONEG SHABBAT FOR TEENAGERS which has assumed the responsibility already received an invitation to at¬ for representing the Orthodox Jewish tend this meeting. The first teenage activity of the year Couples who would like to attend but who may not have will take place at the home of Rabbi community in the legal sphere. COLPA submits received the are to and Mrs. Haskel Lookstein, 993 Park legal briefs in courts on every invitation, asked level throughout the United States con¬ call the synagogue office. We will be Avenue, corner of 84th Street this Fri¬ cerning issues affecting happy to invite them to the meeting. day night, October 19, from 8:30 until the interests 10:00 o'clock. The occasion will be an Oneg Shabbat in honor of the return WITHIN OUR FAMILY of Ricki and David Bernstein from the Birthdays- BEST WISHES TO STUART SLOAME Soviet Union. A first-hand report will CANDIDATE FOR CIVIL COURT JUDGE returns to be presented at this Oneg. Many happy of the day Miss Gertrude Breiner, Mrs. Fannie We extend our warmest wishes to Buchman, Mrs. Alan Doft, Dr. Leon A. Stuart C. Sioame, a member of the Feldman, E. congregation and a graduate of Ramaz COFFEE HOUSE FOR Arthur Friedland, Stanley Gurewitsch, Sidney Horwitz, Martin V. School, who is a candidate for Civil HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Lesser, Mrs. Jacob Levi, Mrs. Alex Court Judge in our district. A graduate Lichtman, Mrs. Gertrude Linzer, Milton of Columbia College and Columbia A coffee house for Jewish high Law School, Stuart has been active in school students will be held at K. J. Lukashok, Mrs. Jack Perlberger, Mrs. Robert M. Richter, Howard H. Schim- communal affairs and in Jewish affairs. on Saturday night, October 26 at 8:00 mel, Mrs. Fannie Mrs. Last year he travelled at his own ex¬ o'clock. This will be the first in a series Silverstein, John D. Steindecker, pense to the Soviet Union, where he sponsored jointly by Kehilath Jeshu- Mrs. Meyer Texon and Mrs. Robert Wallach. preformed very important work for run, the Jewish Center and the Lincoln the cause of Soviet Jewry. Square Synagogue. Admission is only We Anniversaries- congratulate him upon his de¬ 50 cents and all are invited to attend. sire to serve the community and we Warmest greetings to Mr. and Mrs. wish him well in his electoral race this Credits (Cont'd) Bertram S. Bermar, Mr. and Mrs. Sid¬ Fall. ney A. Block, Mr. and Mrs. The Board of Ushers in the Main Elgin Shul- sky, Dr. and Mrs. Meyer Texon and BAR MITZVAH Synagogue — who to helped Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Trautman. maintain decorum and who made ARTHUR CHABON people comfortable at the serv¬ Condolences— ices. We extend our condolences to Mrs. Irwin Robins and Noam Shudofsky Charles Censor on the — passing of her who managed the many details beloved mother and to Dr. Robert Hy- of the Auxiliary Service in their man on the demise of his beloved usual, effcient and effective man¬ mother. We pray that the families will ner. be spared further grief for many years to come. Rabbi Gary Lavit — who, although very new in his position, contri¬ Mazel Tov to Dr. and Mrs. Irwin We extend our condolences also to buted ideas, management and Chabon upon Bar the family of the late William Basser the forthcoming rabbinical talent during the entire Mitzvah of their son, Arthur, which on his recent passing. We hope that High Holy Day season. will be held in our the entire family will be comforted synagogue on Shabbat morning, October 26.