Data codebook for a Round 5 Afrobarometer survey in 34 African countries Prepared by: Chunho Park Michigan State University July 2015 University of Cape Town (UCT) Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana) Michigan State University (MSU) Centre for Social Science Research 14 W. Airport Residential Area Department of Political Science Private Bag, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa P.O. Box 404, Legon-Accra, Ghana East Lansing, Michigan 48824 27 21 650 3827•fax: 27 21 650 4657 233 21 776 142•fax: 233 21 763 028 517 353 3377•fax: 517 432 1091 Mattes (
[email protected]) Gyimah-Boadi (
[email protected]) Bratton (
[email protected]) Copyright Afrobarometer Table of Contents Page number Variable descriptives 3-71 Appendix 1: Sample characteristics 72 Appendix 2: List of country abbreviations and country-specific codes 73 Appendix 3: Technical Information Forms for each country survey 74-107 Copyright Afrobarometer 2 Question Number: COUNTRY_ALPHA Question: Country Variable Label: Country in alphabetical order Values: 1-35 Value Labels: 1=Algeria, 2=Benin, 3=Botswana, 4=Burkina Faso, 5=Burundi, 6=Cameroon, 7=Cape Verde, 8=Cote d’Ivoire, 9=Egypt, 11=Ghana, 12=Guinea, 13=Kenya, 14=Lesotho, 15=Liberia, 16=Madagascar, 17=Malawi, 18=Mali, 19=Mauritius, 20=Morocco, 21=Mozambique, 22=Namibia, 23=Niger, 24=Nigeria, 25=Senegal, 26=Sierra Leone, 27=South Africa, 28=Sudan, 29=Swaziland, 30=Tanzania, 31=Togo, 32=Tunisia, 33=Uganda, 34=Zambia, 35=Zimbabwe Note: Answered by interviewer Question Number: RESPNO Question: Respondent number Variable Label: Respondent