Elusive Agents of Inclusion: Business Interest Associations in the Political Economies of Sri Lanka and Indonesia
Elusive Agents of Inclusion: Business Interest Associations in the Political Economies of Sri Lanka and Indonesia Author You, Kevin Published 2018-01 Thesis Type Thesis (PhD Doctorate) School School of Govt & Int Relations DOI https://doi.org/10.25904/1912/3677 Copyright Statement The author owns the copyright in this thesis, unless stated otherwise. Downloaded from http://hdl.handle.net/10072/378155 Griffith Research Online https://research-repository.griffith.edu.au School of Government and International Relations ELUSIVE AGENTS OF INCLUSION BUSINESS INTEREST ASSOCIATIONS IN THE POLITICAL ECONOMIES OF SRI LANKA AND INDONESIA Daxiong (Kevin) You Cert.IV.(Bus)., B.A., B.Com., B.EmpRels.(Hons)., Grad.Dip.Leg.Prac., M.A.(IntRels)., J.D., AIM.M., J.P.(Qual). Supervisory Committee: Prof John Kane (Principal) A/Prof Wesley Widmaier (Associate) Dr Gustavo Guzman (Associate) Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy January, 2018 Griffith Business School, Griffith University Keywords Business association, business-government relations, chamber of commerce, developing countries, Indonesia, inclusive development, informal economy, institutional logic, pluralism, political economy, political inclusion, South Asia, Sri Lanka i Abstract While research on business interest associations in developing countries are few and far between, we do know, from the small body of literature on the subject, that some business associations in developing countries engage in activities that have the effect of broadening access to political and economic participation (i.e. are inclusive); while others, conversely, engage in activities that constrain access to political and economic participation (i.e. are non- inclusive). This thesis seeks to understand why.
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