“ the Ceylon Government Gazette” January to June, 1956

“ the Ceylon Government Gazette” January to June, 1956

[Supphmtnt to Ike “ Ceylon Government Gazette ” o f October 12,1956] INDEX TO /'S'* “ THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” JANUARY TO JUNE, 1956 No. 10,875 t o No. 10,946 PART I: SECTION (I) — GENERAL PAGES PAGES PAGES PAG8S Posts and Telecommunications vil ii Honours by the Queen Vl-Vlj Accounts of the Government Customs Pi ice Orders v!l of Ceylon » * Education, Department oT in Honours b ; the Queen (Birthday) — Proclamations by the Gover-Genoral vii Appointments, &c. i-u Indian Labour vii Electrical Undertakings, Depart Publications 4 vil Appointments, &o , of Registrars u ment of Government —* Industries, Department of VI! Public Works Department .. viil Buddhist Temporalities — Excise Department — vil Irrigation Department Railway, Ceylon Government vih Central Bank of Ceylon » in VII Forest Department Joint Stock Companies Registration vih Ceylon Army — General Treasury — Miscellaneous VII Rural Development and Cottage Ceylon Medical Council . — Government Notifications . hl-vi Notices to Mariners Vil Industries, Dept of vil! Ceylon Savings Bank u Survey Department — Health, Department of — Notices under the Excise Cottage Industries, Dept of ~~ Ordinance Vil University of Ceylon . vm Accounts of the Government of Boudewyn, Ipz H G . 78 De Silva. S i t , 207 Goonewardena, H C 724 Ceylon Buidei, V D , 639, &40 De Silva, S W A , 383, 1198 Goonewardene, 8 B , 236 Busby, F G 0 , 642 De Silva W A , 1014 Gratiaen, E F N , 721 Statement of Assets and Liabilities, De Soysa, M A , 568 Grero P J , 383 Devapura, L P , 383 Greve, Temp Major M M . 1185 &c, of the Government of Ceylon Devendra, N , 1104 1164, 1196 as at December 31, 1955, 1071 Caldeia, Ipr A It F, /8 Gulasekharsm, C C J 709 De Zoysa E B K , 593 Gunadasa, H W , 1198 Canoga Retna, J M K , 236 De Zoysa, L ii 383 Canagasabai, V , 1164 Gunaratna, A , 383 Appointments, 4c De Zoysa, M P 721, 1163 Gunaratnam, 8 C 383 Canon, T P C . 1015, 1044 De Zoysa, S , 691 CaBipullai, R . 868 Gunaratne A A L, 46 Aba\ aratne, S M , 207 De Zoysa, S G , 352 Gunaiatne, P A , 382, 759 Caspersz. 31 L D 205 De Zylva, C B , 235, 315, 316, 592, Abayasekera, D S L P , 971 Cassim, S 31 31, 79 Gunaratne, D A . 641 Abdul Cader, A N . 568, 569 1197 Gunasekara, E H T , 753 Abdul Cader, S H , 316, 382, 761, U05 Chandiasekaia T B , 207, 317, 761, Dharmadasa 2/Lt G H, 78 1016 Gunasekara Muh J 1105 Abdulla. M S . 268 Dharmadasa, P A , 79, 234, 235, 382, Gunasekaia, L G 78 Ohandiasena, M D , 45 ^ 568, 592, 614 Abdulla, N S 383 Chandr&smghe, Ip r S D , 78 Gunasekera, A E C de 8 3 Abeyratne. G C , 167 Dharmakirtbi Piens, C M, 803 Gunasekera, E , 235 Chjmmugan C P , 805 Dharmaratne Ag Sub-Lt B N, Abeyasekera, C , 805 Christian, L W A , 568 Gunasekera, H P , 45, 80 Abeyesekera, T , 80 1165 Gunasekera, M V A. 1163 Chnstoffelsz, Ag Comd Bosn E R , Dharmaratne, Midshipman, F M , Abeysinghe, T/Majoi D F T , 639 1196 Gunatilleke J , 1045 Abeyawardene, F A , 641 1044 Gunawardena, D O R , 703 Colin Thome, P , 866 Dharmaratne J M , 78 Abeyawardene, P S W , 1196 Ooombe, R G , 207 Gunawardena, A P L de W , 638, Abeywickieme, A 1 , 382, 614, 683 Dharmasena, Lt C 4, 351 640 Ooorey, M J A , 46 Dharmasekera, DDE, 383 Abeykoon, M B 236 Cooray, N .) V, 314 Gunawardena, D G It., 236 Abeyn&ike, G £ , 166 805 Dharmasiri, 2/Lt, E L , 77 Gunawardena D H de 8, 362 Corea, A E R , 44, 234, 613, 804, Dharmasiri, N . 1165 Abey&ekaia, V M , 352 1164 Gunawardena, D P R 691 Abeysekera, W E M , 383 Dias, N Q 867 Gunawardena, M R M R , 639, 640 Corea, C \ L , 592, 1015 Dingin Banda, R HI T, 269 Abesena, J T de S , 167 Coiea, E B S 3 Gunawardene, A D J , 1104 Abeysuriya, A P B 235 Dueckze, Dr H A , 709 Gunawardene, D J R . 381, 591 1164 Abeyw&raena B D 4, 761 Corera, A L 1044 Dissanayaka, K G , 269 Cramer, Dr G E J , 759 Gunawaidene K de 8, 804, 1013 Abey wicki ems, H , 237, 705 Dissanay&ka S A , 206 Gurusmghe, Lt P A, 267 Adihetty, V D , 383 Cruse, S , 382 Dissanayake, A 0 S , 760 Adikaram, D S , 1105 Dissanayake, C P , 642 Alsgiah, A , 45, 316, 569 593, 614 Dissanayake, T B , 353 Alawatugoda, 2/Lb D N , 233 Dissanayake, W S , 208 Hadgie, T L J , 235, 723, 1166 Alif, M S , 1197 Dahanayake, TV , 691 Dor air a], V , 722, 804 Hadjiar, C M L M M M, 81 Alles, J E A , 44 Daluwatte, W P , 568 Draham&n Dr A H M P , 705 Hamza Dr M II M, 865 Alios .7 N , 45 Daniel, R Y , 205 .Drirberg, A B F , 1196 Hapuarachi, Lt D IV 1103 Uluajah, Lt R 640 Du&bunayake, It B , 638 C40 Dunuwiia T A , 382, 568, Hapugallc,552, 867 Lt 8 D N, 43 \lly, 1 L M S , 569 Dassanajakc, Di XV L P , 205 Dunuwilie C P , 383 Hasindran, 2/Lt R , 639 Aluwihare, A , 383 David, Lt A P R , 803 Dunuwille, T F , 383 Hepponstall, A E A, 233, 234 Mwis, K K S 46, 167 David, B G S 44, 79 165, J66, 314, Duraisamy, A , 1197 Herat, 1 H . 805 Aniaranayake, 2/Lt, B M M S L 382 568, 613 Heiat K, 381 David, J J , 234. 315, 568. 640, 723 Herath, D B 1105 \inaiasmghc, Dr C D , 259, 313, David, Lt .T M, 77 Hettige, D D , 383 866 Daymatne, W 31. 46 Ebert, T/Major E D , 639 TIewavilhana, H G , 1165 , Amarasmghe, J , 44, 79, 315, 568, Do Alwis, L ] 1 , 314, 760, lf64, 1196 Ebighim Lebbe, £ 31 M W 81 Hunter, Lt Com D V , 865 592, 1015 De Croos, C , 1016 Edinsinghe, D S , 4, 46, 80, 208, 593, Hunucumbure, C B , 569 Amarasmghe, M , 352 Dedigama, IT B , 383 724 iiM Amaiasmghe, U . 268, 1045 Do Fonseka, A D , 1197 Edinsinghe, N , 234, 268, 314, 759, Amarasunya 2/Lt D S , 351 De Fonseka, C , 81, 167, 2I'7 866 1044, 1164 Amarafcunga, Stores Pettv Officer, De Kretser, O L , 971 1104, 1164, Edirisooiiya, D W , 383 Uangaratne T. B 691 V T D , 382 1106 Ediriweera G W, 383 Ilayatamby 8 , 166 760, 2o5, 867, Ameer, A C M , 234, 1043 De Livera, P/O D 8 , 80S Ehamparam, N ,4 , 641, 761 1164, 1196 Amer&sekerc, C E H , 207 De Livera, E A , 383 Ekanayake, J E M 1, 569 liiyagolle, I M R A 705 Amerasmghe S F, 1013 , Delungohawatte, S B , 80 Ekanayake, L F , 383 Ismail, I M , 165, 314, 722, 866, Amit, H R , 44, 81 Delwela, W B 383 Ekanayake, T B M, 642 971 Amunugama, T B 806 ___ De Mel C N E J , 383 Elangasingne, G P . 642 Amunug&ma T M T B , 1045, 1198 De Mel, R H , 205 Elikewala Midshipman G 11 M P , Anandappa, N F 1 , 568 De Mel, V S M 44 1044 Jabbar, K A , 45 Anghie, Lt A ,T B , 803 Do Saram, Ipr F H , 78 Eliyathamby, V , 1044 Jacob, Midshipman B G, 1044 Appuhamy, H L W, 642 De Silva A A , 1104 Elkaduwe A B , 641, 724 Jamsldeen A U , 868 Appuhamy, X 31, 806 De Silva, A 6 F 668 Emmanuel, Lt N A 77 Jamaldeen Lebbe, M S L , 583 Arambepola, W 31 T B , 867, 1197 De Sil\ a, Actg Lt A II A , 78 Esurapadham, M , 79, 206, 234, 314, James, P , 639, 640 Arnold, J D , 80, 207, 593, 642, 806 De Silva, C T3 , 383, 1188 867, 1014, 1164, 1196 Jansze, D S t, C B 865, 1014 Arnolda, R L , 353 De Silva, C L , 724 Jayanetti, IV B. 1103 Arumain&yag&m, T , 79, 315, 723 De Silva O M L . 353 Jayasekera, D A W , 4 Aiuinugam, S , 1014 De Silva, C F 691 Javasekera, 2/Lt M H E 8 W, Asmwatham, A R , 1016 De Silva. C V S , 3. 45, 234, 382, Feldano J V 724 77 Atapattu, D P , 44, 79, 805 S92. 614, 641, 682, 866 1165 Felix, Dr C F 8, 667 Jayasinghe Banda E M, 207 Atukorale, N W , 207 De Silva, D, A il03, 1105 Fernando A E F , 46 Jayasinghe. B A , 313, 681 Atukorale, S W , 383, 1105 De Silva, D 6 B , 1163 Fernando, A IV, 568 Jayasinghe, E W , 316 Austin-Ebert, F A , 567 De Silva, D H , 4 Fernando, E L , 352 Jayasinghe, O R P 236 De Silva £ A V 44, 234, 381, 1014 Femanndo, F G B 383 Jayasinghe, P de 8 268 De Silva, E F , 383 Fernando, H K D A. 639 MO Ja^raBunders R E de 8 , 206, 315, De Silva, E J , 383 Fernando, Ag Comd Bosn J A , Balakuslinan, O, 384 De Silva, EOF, 1X04, 1164, 1196 591 Jayasundera, Sir U A , 43, 613 Bala lie, 2/Lt N B S , 78 De Sih a, E S , 805 Fernando, L P G , 43 Jayasundera, U D , 1197 Balasanthiran, T , 208, 317 Dc Silva G C T A 682. 1014 Fernando, L S , 314, 723, 804 Jayasundere, 8 M D . 1198 B&lasunya, B M S , 382 De Silva, G V S .

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