“ the Ceylon Government Gazette” January to June, 1956
[Supphmtnt to Ike “ Ceylon Government Gazette ” o f October 12,1956] INDEX TO /'S'* “ THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” JANUARY TO JUNE, 1956 No. 10,875 t o No. 10,946 PART I: SECTION (I) — GENERAL PAGES PAGES PAGES PAG8S Posts and Telecommunications vil ii Honours by the Queen Vl-Vlj Accounts of the Government Customs Pi ice Orders v!l of Ceylon » * Education, Department oT in Honours b ; the Queen (Birthday) — Proclamations by the Gover-Genoral vii Appointments, &c. i-u Indian Labour vii Electrical Undertakings, Depart Publications 4 vil Appointments, &o , of Registrars u ment of Government —* Industries, Department of VI! Public Works Department .. viil Buddhist Temporalities — Excise Department — vil Irrigation Department Railway, Ceylon Government vih Central Bank of Ceylon » in VII Forest Department Joint Stock Companies Registration vih Ceylon Army — General Treasury — Miscellaneous VII Rural Development and Cottage Ceylon Medical Council . — Government Notifications . hl-vi Notices to Mariners Vil Industries, Dept of vil! Ceylon Savings Bank u Survey Department — Health, Department of — Notices under the Excise Cottage Industries, Dept of ~~ Ordinance Vil University of Ceylon . vm Accounts of the Government of Boudewyn, Ipz H G . 78 De Silva. S i t , 207 Goonewardena, H C 724 Ceylon Buidei, V D , 639, &40 De Silva, S W A , 383, 1198 Goonewardene, 8 B , 236 Busby, F G 0 , 642 De Silva W A , 1014 Gratiaen, E F N , 721 Statement of Assets and Liabilities, De Soysa, M A , 568 Grero P J , 383 Devapura, L P , 383 Greve, Temp Major M M . 1185 &c, of the Government of Ceylon Devendra, N , 1104 1164, 1196 as at December 31, 1955, 1071 Caldeia, Ipr A It F, /8 Gulasekharsm, C C J 709 De Zoysa E B K , 593 Gunadasa, H W , 1198 Canoga Retna, J M K , 236 De Zoysa, L ii 383 Canagasabai, V , 1164 Gunaratna, A , 383 Appointments, 4c De Zoysa, M P 721, 1163 Gunaratnam, 8 C 383 Canon, T P C .
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