Annual Report of the Trade and Commerce of Chicago for the Year Ended December 31
iMMtaMBiM THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 381 C433 Cojb.3 AGRICULTURAL LiBRARV Return this book on of a^giori Latest Date stamped^belo I University of Illinois Libr L161—H41 / UNfVERSmr OF fUlNOIS UW^ARY MAR 2 1 191$ \ %&Mxiirkii^cmi^''iA'-ij tr '^T'fh"' •^r'l'f3Br 1 'Iv^^^tf^MrTi'i i';V^^' - - LCl^ J-^. ^i ^yb&'k»..»aifeiii&>K.^-. ..^sc^.^i:^j^^ii^/££A.dL..:sit.K,i^i^^^s^^j>hi, . £.,..K.^-^<^.iKW)^£l&t^&^^i^.. TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT '"'"O'soi OF THE Ti ,^DE AND Commerce OF CHICAGO, FOK THE Year Ended December 31, 1884. COMPILED FOR THE BOARD OF TRADE, BY GEORGE E. STONE, ' SECRETARY. CHICAGO: KNIGHT & LEONARD, PRINTERS. 1885. i:.^'STsiiti^A^ii<Miil^»i^a:^^ j;^^ir.'^\ :4,iiiaBmt . -'"^ -ry ^'- - • 3r\ . >v-'S»^?y,-i-T:»sf ''-^'^•<!^'^<!.gi!^!i,yis!^SP''':''^»fei^iii!!«^-. V,:i-^ "^'iS-^ INDEX. Officers of the Board of Trade, 1884 vi Officers of the Board of Trade, 1885 - vii Executive Officers of the Board of Trade, 1848 to 1885, inclusive viii Members of the Board of Trade Deceased in 1884 ix Secretary's Review xi Report of the Board of Directors - xxxi General Statistical Statements - .-. 1 Population Statistics of the United States, Illinois and Chicago 2 Exports and Imports of the United States for a series of years (values) . 3 Domestic Exports of the United States (detailed) for three years ended June 30 4 Imports into the United States (detailed) for three years, ended June 30.. 5, 6 Recapitulation of Exports and Imports, and Coin and Bullion movement, 6 Exports of BreadstuiFs to Europe since 1847 (quantities) 7 Total Exports of Flour and Grain for six years 7 Exports of Flour, Wheat and Corn from the principal Atlantic Ports (weekly) in 1884, with its distribution 8 Exports of Flour, Wheat and Corn from the principal Atlantic Ports (weekly) in 1884, by Ports of Shipment 9-11 Exports of Hog Product from the principal Atlanl ic Ports (weekly) in 1884 12 Exports of Beef, Hog Product, Butter and Cheese during the year ended June 30, 1884, with its distribution .-.
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