Cologne, Chloderic King of b. Unknown

Aquitaine, Borogiso I of b. Unknown

Aquitaine, Borogiso II of b. Unknown

Metz, Arnulf of b. 582 - near Nancy , Doda d. 18 July 641 - near Remiremont b. (m. about 611)

, Ansegisel , b. b. d. 685 or 695 d. 693 ()

Pepin_II, Pepin of Herstal or b. about 635 , Chalpaida d. 714 b. ()

, Plectrud b. ()

, Drogo , Grimoald_II Martel, Charles , Childebrand b. b. , Theudesinda b. about 676 , Sunnichild b. d. 708 d. 714 b. d. 741 b. d. 743 Unknown () () Unknown

, Chrotrud b. , Theudoald d. 724/5 () b. d. 741?

(The_Short), Pepin_III Laon, Bertrada_II de , Grifo , Chiltrud Bavaria, Odilo of b. about 715 b. b. b. b. d. 768 d. 783 d. 753 () (m. about 740)

Charlemagne, Charles The Great or , Carloman , Gisela b. 742 , Adalind b. b. d. 814-02-00 - Aix-la-Chapelle or Aachen b. d. 771 ()

, Hildegard b. 758 d. 783 (m. 771)

, Himiltrud b. (m. about 768)

, Desiderata b. (m. 770)

, Fastrada b. d. 794 (m. 783)

, Liutgard b. (m. about 796)

, Madelgard b. ()

, Gersvind b. ()

, Regina b. ()

, Drogo , Hugh , Ruothild , Theodrada Hunchback), Pepin (The (The_Younger), Charles , Pepin , Adelaide , Rotrud Rorgo, Rorgo, (The_Pious), Louis , Lothar , Bertha , Theodoric , Richbod b. 801 b. 802/6 b. b. about 785 b. about 769 b. 772 b. 773 b. 773 b. about 775 b. b. 778 , unknown b. 778 b. 779/80 , Angilbert b. 807 b. 800/805 d. 855 d. 844 d. 852 d. after 844 d. 811 d. 811 d. 810 d. 774 d. 810 d. after 832 d. 840 b. d. 779/80 d. after 829 b. d. 844 Unknown (m. about 800) (m. about 793) (m. about 795)

, Ermengard b. , Bernhard , Louis d. 818 , Nithard (m. about 794) b. about 797 , Kunigund b. about 800 b. about 800 d. 818 b. d. 867 d. after 840 () , Judith b. about 805 d. 843 (m. 819)

, Pepin b. about 815 d. after 840 Unknown , Gisele Frioul, Eberhard Markgraf of (The_Bald), Charles , Ermentrude , Lothar , Pepin , Ingeltrude (The_German), Louis , Emma , Alpaid , Arnulf b. about 806 b. b. 823 b. b. 795 Tours, Ermengard of b. about 803 b. b. about 806 b. b. about 794 Bego, Count b. 794 d. after 874 d. 862 d. 877 d. 869 d. 855 b. d. 833 d. after 836 d. 876 d. 876 d. after 852 b. d. after 841 (m. about 836) (m. 842) (m. 821) (m. 822) (m. 827) (m. about 803)

, Richildis b. d. 910/14 , Carloman () b. 830 , Liutswind d. 880 b. () , Judith , Pippin , Drogo , Charles , Judith b. (The_Stammerer), Louis , Ansgard , Charles , Carloman , Lothar , Ermentrude , Rotrude , Judith b. b. b. 876 b. about 843 d. 857 b. 846 b. b. 847/8 , ??? b. 849 b. b. b. 852 b. , Judith d. about 865 d. about 865 d. 877 (m. 858) d. 879 d. about 874 d. 866 b. d. about 876 d. 865 d. 857 b. about 843 Carinthia, Arnulf of (m. 862) (m. 862) (m. 858) b. 850 d. 8 December 899 Paris, Adelaide de Flanders, Baldwin II of Unknown b. b. d. before 901 d. 879 (m. 868/70) (m. 862) Illustrious, Otho The , Hedwige b. , Osburga b. d. 912-11-13 b. () , Irmentrude (The_Straightforward), Charles , Frederuna III, Louis , Karlmann () b. about 870 b. 879 b. b. 863/5 b. 866 d. 929 d. 917 d. 882 d. 884 (m. 907) (The_Fowler), Henry I Saxony, Mathilda of , Aethelbald , Aethelberht I, Aethelred "The Great", Alfred , Elsewith , Burdred b. about 876 b. Wessex, Eadgifu of b. b. b. b. , Alfwitha b. b. d. 2 July 936 d. 968 b. 896 d. 860 or 862 - Sherbourne (Shirburn) d. 866/7 - Sherbourne (Shirburn) d. 23 April 872 d. 28 October 900/1 b. (m. 890 - Chippenham) () d. 951 () ()

, Gerberga IV, Louis Elder, Edward The , Aethelwold , Aethelflaed Mercia, Aethelred of , Ethelgeda b. 913/4 b. 920/1 IV, Louis , Gerberga b. , Egwina b. b. b. b. d. 964-05-05 d. 954-09-10 b. 920/1 b. 913/4 d. 924 - Faringdon, Barkshire b. d. 919 d. 912 (m. 939) d. 954-09-10 d. 964-05-05 () () (m. 939) , Elfleda b. () , Lothar , Emma France, Matilda of I, Conrad Lotharingia, Charles of b. 941 b. b. 943/48 b. about 925 b. 953 , Adelheid , Lothar , Emma France, Matilda of I, Conrad Lotharingia, Charles of d. 986 d. 988 d. 982/91 d. 993 d. 991 b. b. 941 b. b. 943/48 b. about 925 b. 953 , Adelheid , Edgitha (m. 966) (m. about 965) () d. 986 d. 988 d. 982/91 d. 993 d. 991 b. b. (m. 966) (m. about 965) () ()

II, Robert III, Rudolf , Bertha b. II, Robert b. 970 b. d. 1031 III, Rudolf , Bertha b. , Ethelward , Eadwin Wessex, Eadgifu of (The_Straightforward), Charles , Ethilda Capet, Hugh , Aethelstan d. 1032 () b. 970 b. d. 1031 b. b. b. 896 b. 879 b. b. b. d. 1032 () d. 924 d. 934 - drowned d. 951 d. 929 () ()

IV, Louis , Gerberga b. 920/1 b. 913/4 d. 954-09-10 d. 964-05-05 (m. 939)

, Lothar , Emma France, Matilda of I, Conrad Lotharingia, Charles of b. 941 b. b. 943/48 b. about 925 b. 953 , Adelheid d. 986 d. 988 d. 982/91 d. 993 d. 991 b. (m. 966) (m. about 965) ()

II, Robert III, Rudolf , Bertha b. b. 970 b. d. 1031 d. 1032 ()