Ingleby Greenhow Parish Council Ingleby Greenhow & Easby village hall Ingleby Greenhow Great Ayton Middlesbrough M.B.Bowes Clerk to the Council 12 Battersby Junction, Gt Ayton, TS9 6LS
[email protected] Date 6th February 2019. Dear Sir or Madam. You are invited to attend the next Parish Council meeting, which is to be held in Ingleby Greenhow & Easby village hall in the meeting room on Tuesday 12th February at 7.30pm. There will be an open forum where Members of the Parish are invited to speak. I hope you are able to attend. Yours faithfully, M.B.Bowes Clerk to the Council. INGLEBY GREENHOW PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday 12th February 2019 to be held in Ingleby Greenhow & Easby village hall at 7.30pm ADENDA 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2 OPEN FORUM 3 POLICE REPORT 4 TO RECEIVE ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Under the Parish Council's code of conduct of members register of disclosable pecuniary interests. 5 TO RECEIVE AND CONSIDER PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM NYMNPA 5.1 NYM/2019/0039/FL 33 Battersby Junction Gt Ayton TS9 6LS Construction of first floor rear extension. 5.2 NYM/2019/0003/FL Top and Bottom of Incline, Greenhow Bottom, Ingleby Greenhow. Installation of 1 interpretation board and 1 cast iron model with table and benches. 5.3 NYM/2019/0575/FL Center Farm Old Battersby 2 new access track, amended design and additional background information 5.4 H.D.C. 18/02726/FUL Water Beck Farm Gt Broughton, TS9 7EZ Alterations and change of use of farm building to form an annexe 5.5 NYM WAITING PLANNING DECISON NYM/2018/0542/FL Atkinson Wood Farm Easby Alterations to windows, doors, and granary steps and removal of dormer window together with construction of replacement single storey extension and sun room to north west elevation (part retrospective) NYM/2018/0544/LB Atkinson Wood Farm Easby Listed building consent for internal alterations to windows, doors, and granary steps and removal of dormer window together with construction of replacement single storey extension and sun room to north west elevation.