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515950__0Rrkupjevxr7nmogntky6wyu.Pdf IJTUPSJDBMEFWFMPQNFOU QSPEVDUJPO L QFPQMF PGTWBMCBSE TWBMCBSE DPBM QPQVMBUJPO QSPEVDUJPO L L L TOTL FNQMPZFF L UIDFOUVSZ UIDFOUVSZ UIDFOUVSZ UIDFOUVSZ UIDFOUVSZ 5IF4QJUTCFSHFO5SFBUZXBTTJHOFEHSBOUJOHGVMMTPWFSFJHOUZUPOPSXBZ DPVOUSJFTTJHOFE XIBMJOHQFSJPEF SFEVDUJPOJOTUPDLPGXIBMFT UIFOPSTFNFOOPSEJD GSPNUIFJSTFUUMFNFOUTJO +.-POHZFBS "NFSJDBO TUPSFOPSTLTQJUTCFSHFO UIDFOUVSZ FOHMJTIPDDVQBUJPO FOHMJTIXIBMJOHEFDMJOFE PDDVQBUJPOPGTWBMCBSTXBT LVMLPNQBOJFTUBCMJTIFE EVUDINFO XJMMJBNCBSSFOUTTIJQ GPVOEFEDPBMNJOF (SFFOMBOEXIJDIBCPVUUIFNJEEMFPGUIF DMBJNUPTPWFSFJHOUZXBTOPUNBJOUBJO EFMJCFSBUFEJOTUPDIPMN MBOEFEJOTWBMCBSEEVSJOHIJT JOMPOHZFBSCZFO SVTTJBONJOJOHJO UIJSUFFOUIDFOUVSZCFDBNFB/PSXFHJBOEFQFO SVTTJBOIVOUFSXFSFBDRVBJOUFE FYQFEJUJPOPGOPSUIFSOQBTTBHF HFPHSBIJDBMMZ TWBMCBSECFMPOHT QZSBNJEFO XJUITWBMCBSE EVUDIXFSFIFBWJMZDPNNJUUFEJO FOHMJTIDPNQBOZ EFODZ TVCKFDUUP/PSXFHJBOUBYBUJPO“BTGBS UPOPSXBZ NJOJOHCZTXFEJTIDPNQBOZ UIFTUSVHHMFGPSDPMPOJFTBOE TUBSUFEUPNJOFJO JOTWFBHSVWB /PSUIBTUIF/PSUI4UBS”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valbard Treaty Iceland QPMJUJDT Finland Russia Sweden Canada Estonia Denmark UK Germany Netherlands Poland Belgium Austria Switzerland Hungary France Romania Monaca Italy Bulgaria Portugal Albania USA Spain Greece HFPHSBQIZ Japan Afghanistan China Egypt Saudi Arabia India Dominican Republic Venezuela Australia Chile South Africa Argentina New Zealand Svalbard is part of Norway: Svalbard is completely controlled and part of the Kingdom of Norway. However, Norway’s power over Svalbard is restricted to limitations listed below http://museum.gov.ns.ca/fossils/geol/globe.htm Taxation: This allows taxes to be collected, but only enough to support Svalbard and the Svalbard government. This results in lower taxes than mainland Norway and the exclusion of any taxes on Svalbard supporting Norway directly. Also, Svalbard’s FDPOPNZ revenues and expenses are separately budgeted from mainland Norway. EVSJOHUSJBTTJDQFSJPEF BQQSPYNB BUMBOUJDPQFOJOHDPNNFODFE Environmental conservation: Norway must respect and preserve the Svalbard environment JUGBVMUHSBEVBMMZTFQBSBUFTWBMCBSEDPBTUBMBSFBBXBZGSPNHSFFOMBOE Non-discrimination: All citizens and all companies of every nation under the treaty are allowed to become residents and to have access to Svalbard including the right to fish, hunt or undertake any kind of maritime, industrial, mining or trade activity. NPSFPWFS UIFJTMBOEMZJOHPOUIFTBNFUFDUPOJDQMBUFTXJUIOPSXBZ The residents of Svalbard must follow Norwegian law though Norwegian authority cannot discriminate or favor any residents of a certain nationality. NFBOTUIFUFSSJUPSZPGTWBMCBSECFMPOHTUPOPSXBZ Military restrictions: Article 9 prohibits naval bases and fortifications and also the use of Svalbard for war-like purposes. It is not, however, entirely demilitarized. 400 million years ago 65 million years ago 1600-1700 1700-1850 1850-1973 Late 1890s Brucebyen Pyramiden Gipsdalen Ny-Ålesund Advent City Bohemanneset Horthamn Sentralfeltet Grumant Longyearbyen Sveagruva Barentsburg Camp Morton Camp Millar Calypsobyen 65 ma tertiary strata Mining Activities mesozoic strata Whales, walrus, polar bear,s Coal permian carboniferous strata reindeers are the most devonian strata hunted during this periode Ores Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Au etc 400 ma pre-old red basement strata fault Industry minerals Petroleum Drilling GEOLOGY IN SVALBARD HUNTING RESOURCES SVALBARD Svalbard archipealgo presents a great variety of geological formations structures. From the oldest , called pre-red basement Over four centuris ago, Svalbard wildlife provide economical resource for some countries. Whaling had triggered quarrel among The first mine coal for commercial purposes was opened at Bohemanflya in the late 1890’s. After that, other nations involved strata, until the youngest, tertiary strata. All of it contains valuable resource and unique landscape which may attract hu- some countries like Netherland, British, and Russia. Moreover, at some point, they claimed sovereignty in term of this. They needs in the coal rush for the sake of their foreign policy, as well as the economic value. So in the Spitsbergen, where is more access- man to explore more. Nowadays, Svalbard have been noticed with its coal. Those resource mostly found in tertiary strata visible teritorry in order to execute their act undisturbed. able for those European countries, espacially along the isfjorden, more and more coal mining activies and mineral explorations land, especially in center of spitsbergen island. However, coal in tertiary strata doesn’t promising best quality of coal. Its only Along the time, those hunted animal decreasing and eventually became rare. Thus, the battle to get sovereignty is vanished, until was taking place. because they’re easily noticed regarding to the shallowness. from the previous explanation and diagram, we know that some time they found another source that would give them benefit. We, as a human, already predeifned as a greedyindividual. svalbard produced less coal depend on other coal mining. So, we assumed that coal mining in Svalbard carries other “hidden We can only consume what nature has provided, without concerning the impact. Therefore, it’s not to late to sustain natural agenda” of geopolitics that hasn’t been bursted due to regulation of environtmental issues that hold this out. resource within the earth and maintain it for the next generations. photo: Surya Dharma source: wwf source: norrona.com source: norrona.com Late 1890s 1973/2003 PYRAMIDEN NY ALESUND SVEAGRUVA LONGYEARBYEN BARENTSBURG Port Road National Park (1973) National Park (2003) Track Polluted Area Natural Reserve (1973) Airport POLLUTED AREAS POLLUTED AREA Once the coal mining starts, the environmental impact comes. The coal rock extracted from the mine was dumped nearby, The infrastructure was built up in the central area of Spitsbergen, based on the mining industry. Airports for transport mine In 1973, Norwegian authorities adopted wide-ranging environmental measures and established 3 national parks and 2 nature the acid mine drainage and runoff from the heavy metal waste products ran into the rivers, contaminated lands and the whole workers, roads and tracks to link the mine to the town, ports to export coal and import food. But due to the hilly terrain, there reserves. Later, to stop humans harming this least contaminated areas on the globe, another 4 national parks founded in the downstream. Also, the waste produced by the residents dumped next the the settlement or ports, waiting to transported to is no road connected those cities, the most convinient way is by plane. This vast built up structure lays on this area is very use- central area of Spitesbergen, limiting coal mining activities’ expansion. the mainland and reclyed. ful, but in the same time, there will be some disadvantages occur. The existing biotopes will be disturbed. Migration of animals may change and it’s not possible to reduce variety of ecosystem. 1990s The development of land- scape in Svalbard area is based on the rate of activi- ties in the region. History, research, conservation, tourism, and mining seem to be some key factors which trigger the landscape development. Three re- Ny Ålesund Longyearbyen h svalbard gions are used to illustrate rt the degree of activities in no Svalbard; such as North, Kaffiøyra Center, and South Svalbard. Barentsburg Center region shows the most exhausted region in terms of landscape at the moment. The rate of land- research center scape development within d university these three regions will be Hornsund radar/satelite service/remote sensing affected by the rate of other facilities activities in these regions. To achieve the optimistic goals within the environ- Tourist Route mentally friendly ways is by RESEARCH CENTER Tourism center svalbar controlling well distributed Longyerbyen , administrative center in Svalbard, is favourite point of departure for variety of research center and other use. This area The most popular way of tourism in Svalbard is cruising and/or hiking around the island visiting several highlights. Longyearbyen landscape in these three already well recognize dsince there was coal below it ground. People tend to occupied area which already predefined. Ny Ålesund was which is the largest city in Svalbard is used as the center of activity including tourism in Spitsbergen island. There are interesting regions. a
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