BRUF0RD & SON, Watchmakers, W atchmakers, JEWELLERS ie SILVERSMITHS JEWELLERS & SILVERSMITHS BEST VALUE. BEST VALUE. QUALITY GUARANTEED. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Repairs b y Expert Men. Repairs by Expert Men. 100, Terminus-rd., Eastbourne FASHIONABLE VISITORS R E C O R D A N D G U I D E 100, Tenninns-rd., Eastbourne And at EZETES. 1


m H E LADIES’ COLLEGE, MARY H. COOPER, A r t i s t i c C o u r t D ressmaker. GRAfiSINGTON ROAD, KASTBOUR.N’fi. The Wheel of Fortune A D a y , School for the Daughters of Gentlemen, Latest Oieationi in FETE and BYENIlfG GOWNS at Moderate Prices Ride a Rudge-Whitworth bicycle and cut your travel­ Principal: MISS HITCHCOCK. •WRITING ling expenses. Strongest, fastest and most reliable of British bicyles. The Rutjge-Whitworth will quickly Puirfls prepared. If desired, tor the Prellmm*.,. Jnmor. S ?11 c<*mL'ri‘i«o T,oeal Examination*, :.1lo i ORIGINAL AND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. save its cost. It’s yours oh easy payment terms, tor Matrlouh.tton. Lonnou l uivecsity. and for the 8CHOOL tor the Sor'd and every cyclist knows a Rudge will last a lifetime. Examination bv rha Arsonlated Pa-.:d of tho Royal Telephone 7IC, of Gentlemen. Write for a Catalogue and for partloulara of our easy Aoadomj of Music and oyal College of Music. - j payment term*. ROAD, Boys are prepared for the Universities the Army, Ni ivy Studento desirous of pursuing Iheirstmdlesafter leaving . SIDE, ST. ANNE’S and Civil Services, Professions ai d Commercial Life. Schcm mayjoto Advanced Classes In I'ugUab Itera: rh CA8TB0URNE. LISMORE ROAD. EASTBOURNE. Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd. &na Rlstiory, French, G&rman, Latin and Mathematics. Thera are apodal Abut and Navy Classics. Preparatory School for Boys 10, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. 1 Hookey, Net-ball and Tennis Oluhe, 9. ■ • tn iT M ur a g< d n a miftnn if ■ For Pit speotua and tntorm&tlor aa to I recent Snocesaoe, application should be made to th* Hare Master. A FEW BOARDERS ARK RECEIVED Physicul Drill la oompnlaory tor the whole School. Rudge-Whilworth The Principal will bo at homo to see Parents od DICKER ! A CO. ■jJ'SFSSa CycltBy Appointm Makers entu B ritain's Best Bicycle Fridays between 2.,« and 1.3n p.m. and at H.M. JCuag Georg* other times by appointment, CLAS8 PROVISION MERCHANTS & LOVELDY-KESPLlESTONE 8 TAVELKY ROAD, MEALS, EASTBOURNE, R1CENCROFT-KLLF, 8 M BBS, Telephone Nfc 118. G 1, SPENCER ROAD (Late of 32, Tho Avenue). tool for QirU (Preparattty and Finishing), WATERS Home School for the Daughters cf Gentlemen. SP IR IT S and MliNR u t . H. Browne and Xu kTait-Beid, B.A. MISS LLOYDS has removed to more oummodiout premises and is prepa-red to receive an in freaked Assisted by & targe Refildonlj Staff of Trained A FEW SPLENDID number of DAILY PUPILS. Old ftlentivet Whiskey, 4/- ie 4/6 per ,wney Port, 36/- & 42/ Certificated Rngllsh and Foreign Teachers. * nmnj’ cih-yjj.ura», touu Iftu urn SMALL CLASS FOR 1HK CHILDREN! Telephone So. 68. N E W JA M S, BOTTLED FRUITS, Wilangdun, 5y Idwisay-Hocg, tfc« dor. I OF GENTLKPEGPLE ONLY (UPPiCRTON), » trfjfcnstboimie Colics Xa held at S. GRANGE ROAD. M.p7F.R.O.8., a H. G A S FIRES .Own. I and Mrs Oamewn, Pupils can be prepared for the Cambridge Preliminary X B .0 P., and Mrs Astiey Examination. P.. M.R.O.P., L.B.OS, Beginners are received. r r . 0. wad Mrs. Horsbaish, J. C/Merrr, Esq., MB., OFFERING DURING MARCH SUBJECT TO References from Parents of Pupils. Mrs. Orr. the Rev. TJrllnf A SONS’ SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF -> Apply, Mi.- a K, CLE ATHffB, I ' - ** ! , , 17 ifD M E. EMI^LIE PETRELLI, R.A.M, RANVILLE HOUSE, IAUDICK ROAD, (Op L ondovI MUNICIPAL or ART MACHINE MADE BREAD. MEADS, FASTB URN*. (Late pupil of Signor Randeggerl i U (Technical U Residential, Prkpasatot) and Finishing T E N P E R CENT. Prims Donna Opera and Principal Loudon Concerts, DAY and EVENING OLASSRS axe held in all Girls’ Schi RECEIVES PUPILS for LESSONS in SINGING Bim A m of Art, Including Ctaaoen In Meted Work, Prlnripala MRS. O. H. dr la1THE I aud and VOICE OULTURF (Icallat Method), Wood Oarring and Leather War c. MRS. NELSON FO) !Y, H.80 (Loud.) late CRAIG-Y-DON, 9, DUKE’S DRIVE, EASTBOURNB. Visitors can join for short periods. G of the Ladies’ Cc Also at Messrs. Clift’s, Glldre igo-road, and Assisted by a well-qtv MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY IICHOOL ______Messrs. Hermitage & Sons, Terminus-road House beantlfnlly situated In 1 iround 1. Good A FOR GIRLS Tennis Courts aud Playing I EASTBOURNE GAS CO. • DANCING AND CALISTHENICS. Gymnasium Room (SO ft. long), (UPPBKTON-B0AP). Under Royal Patronage. Bpedal Advantages for Mualo ai Prospectus and referenoeaj IS S ELEANOR RATOLIFFE, 10 years Aaflstant to MRS. WORDSWORTH, FlwmtU WssMsdimMom W ater,far the storage«/ wkieh large mdtrgi M Has T ’ UMED HER CLAS3E3 at the GRAND SAVIOUR’S 0H< SCHOOL, HOTEL, SATURDAY, 2.15. | I EASTBOURNE • . • SOUTH 8TRK icing, 4.30. Jnvenile9,11 o’clock, BOYS ARE TAKEN FROM TE i HI RE PARK, WEDNESDAY, 2 45. b a n £6 PER AH MARSHALL a n d DUNBAR SANITARY STEAM LAUNE L i m i t e d , Many Choral Scholarships, i ot which oovot ssca Wednesday and Friday. 1L15. the whole amount of Fees. (Proprietors: MARSHALL and SON), tor Girls, 15 to 20 years, Wednesday. Training for Budtu b o’clock. EASTBOURNE, LATIMER ROAD, EA8TBI S An Adult Class for Ofllosri, their friends and Eastbourne Prospect™ and other in Residents, Friday Evening, 8.30. THE w a r d : CUBICAL, NAVAL AND MILITARY TAILORS, Every oonvenianoe Is provided tor ensuring the Highest 01 Special Cl .sses for Operatio Technique are held daily by LANGUAGES Honaee, or Hotels. BIDING HABIT AND BEEECHES MAKEES. Miss Maitland, Pupil cf Madame Zanpbbtta. Apply—ALLANDALB, COOMBK ROAD, CROYDON, SPACIOUS OPEN DRYING SSTCER ROAD. Telephone 895. — ■■—■ Established 1893. a d “ M m HILL, Sanitary Steam 1 ■road, Eastboums, Successful in Examine Work. FOOTBALL, HOCKEY, QOLF,\ Ac. HIQR CLASS LADIES' TAILORS. DANCING AND DEPORTMENT. 8 BACKWARD PU \ OR TAKES ISS LUCY WAY is holding her N; COLLINS’ SPORTS UHO AL SUBJECTS WITJ CUDENTS in HOSIERS AND 8HIBTMAKERS. M CLASSES at the SAFFRONS KOOM8, which SOUTH STREET (Near Town Sail), Families or Soh commenced on SATUKDAYt J anuary 22nd, at 3 p.m. A»iSS»: 111 & 113, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. SohoolB attended. 1 ■ Private Lessons can be given at any time, on SCHOFIELD application to 28, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. PRACTICAL D! E8SCUTT1NG (TELEPHONf 105), INCH PAOTERF MODELLING 1 MILLINERY. DANCING AND ELOCUTION. 1 U yean’ experie > with private LONDON, W pupils and i olasa teaching In iooIs. . I Nr. TOTTENHAM COURT Blouse Patterns a , MUSEUM " ONE.’ Telegrams t “ OBTZMANN LONDON." CORNFIELD CLASS W O R K MADAME YANDYCK S L IZ Z IE BART OLOMEW HOLDS CLASSES AT ertifloated Pianist Trinity Co! ge, London, Buildin Lighting, Hot Water . id Senior 1LA.M and B.O M.) DEVONSHIRE PA,RK ARMONY, and Sanitary Work. I "! .If • itlona. ON SATURDAYS LonfloirjfefroYiTiww Schools vi 7, Sr. LEONARDS KOAD (fl‘ s from Station) Clift ’s Music S aloon, ourne. CHARLES BREACH, * PRIVATE LESSONS BT APPOINTMENT, j 5 PREPAID ORDERS CARRIAGE PAID TO ANY VINO AND PAIN*TIN CLASSEjS. dor, Contractor aud Sanitary Plumber, T raining C lasses D aily for T eachers and fob RAILWAY STATION IN ENGLAND OR WALES. MARGARET BENTSOKE (I pupil of Min the Stage. item) HOLIW Building Works, Meads. Residence: 1, Matlock-road, M BATH ROAD ROAD,. 7 ESTIMATES GIVEN FOE GENERAL HOUSE REPAIRS. Cash Advances pr-m|)tly made to Ikrmere, id on Tneedt ye andI For Particulars apply: LL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DRAINAGE AND HOUSE SANITATION. Dairymen and all respobhible App icants. 2, HAREWOOD PLACE, HANOVER SQUARE. Strictest P rivacy Assured. : V1NG - MILLER & SKLMES Man KATHLEEN SHAW. pert, loyal Drawing HYSICAL EDUCATION for D edicate DON Society, i .C.T., Cert. South Ken ngton, Exhibitor Royal P Children at their own HOMES (any part of Academy Medallist, GIVES LI SDNS In Drawing and a. Decorators,. plumbers, England), including Dancing, Graceful Deportment, Painting ilther Privately or in C Walking and Exercises. Mims SAW hold* positions i [Visit rg Teach-r In Description of Building and House Repairs done at Moderate Charges. A Lady, with twenty years' experience in the Court and every article of Furniture in our Home oomee Boys’ ami Girls’ Sehools in L id on. lud Is open to Circles of Society, will forward long List of Patronesses engagementa In Bwtbourne an [district. Pupils have Special attention tv Drainage and Sanitary Work. and Terms upon application. obtained highest awards in mm] titlon with schools In 227, “ Chronicle" Office, South-street. the Unite i Kingdom.- tt. East I >an-road. Eastbourne. rks: 75, TIDESWELL ROAD, EAST ISS MINA HUDSON, Cert. Voc. T.O.L., G A N D P, LESSONS, M Mem. L9.M. (former Pupil of Mr. Albert Visettl). —to add distinction to the Home, to be pleasing t^ t^e ey GIVE8 LESSONS IN SOLO SINGING, VOICE HI83 MARGARET RIGG (Cer : of Education), MONEY. Ehtablishkd 1879. WARDROBES. niCVKLOl MENT AND PIANOFORTE PLAYING, to retain its newness to the last, to always proclaim that no School of Art, ^nptls prepared tor Examination. Excellent Testimonials, Asst Teacher Kattbonroe Mu, nongst this year’s successes three pupils were seleoted used in its manufacture, and only the moat-skilled laboi 1900-1915, is now devotiDg herself itliel, ’ to PRIVATE m o n e y . w T LAMB & SON, WARDROBES, for the Final Tests in Solo Singing at the Hastings TEACHING. Souel Musical Festival Competitions, and two candidates offer you ia Day and Evening Claaaej 8tudlo. awarded Certificates for Senior Solo Binging. I* Prospectus on apt Pass, Ad vaucodGrade, Associated Board R.A.M.& R.C.M, 82. WILLINGDON BOAQ Pawnbrokers, Jewellers and General . j_ -. Ladibs' Choir. W illoughby Housb, Station-paradb. Saving of 3/- in eve ry £ i 40, SEASIDE ROAD (opposite the Colonnade), EASTBC 0 0 A -A R T H U R G.W1 Always ON HALE a Large Assortment of NEW and SECOND-HAND‘S Patronised by Royalty, 18, Ship Btrket, free from importunity I! Hand to Call and ramble through our Entire Stare. i 11 visit* Jewellery. Silver Plate, Electro-plated Goods, Cutlery, Telescopes. Marine, Field ------,n. Apart- Spectacles, all kinds of Musical Instruments, Books, &c., &o. M M THE Gymnasia £Bfa Terms: i 10 Promis- Cash Advance n every description of Property. ; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wardrobes 1 and School of P hysical E ducation, YORK ROAD, Eastbourne hear Town Hall), Tel 917, aarteriy Payments’ * end Ad ranoe* on PARTIES WAITED ON AT ANY TIME AT OWN RE and DERWENT ROAD, MEADS (TeL 1297), r and M ranged at Also at B EXHILL. Ife Poliei, *, Lea,68, Every branch of Physical Education eolentifloally faugh t ij. Writ), CaU, or by fully1 quail qualified and experienced Instructor and Lady B. NOAKES. Certificate 1 in Harmony THE BEST AND FULLEST GUIDK BOOK Teach,--- " era, under the direction of Mr. Mess. Counterpoint (Senior l eoaL A ssoolated Board There Is a Medical Gymnasium attached tor Remedial HOUSE L.M. and 1LC.M.), GIVES L ffiSSONS on the Exercises and Swedish Massage, under the direction ot iRTB and Amenoan C rgan. i md in Harmony Miss F.------C. Charles worth, ‘ G.T.L, M.N.S.P.E. & AVAIL ! Vw | • 1 C H A M B E E S ’ G U I TO EASTBOURNE, FRoruPROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED, n BL CHATFIELD & SON, Carpenters ; P lu m b er i 27, Kensington ins, Brighton. * BOH. - ’ f . WEST END DAISY. ILLW RIGHTS, AND CONTAINING A MASS OF INTERESTING LOCAL INFORMATION. Oowkeepert and Dairy Farmers, i - ! > I KERB, Glaziers : Pi rom Central Station. at Corner DELIVER HIGH-CLASS DAIRY PRODUCE ^ILK» MAKERS, Pictorial Cover. Three Times Dally to all parts of "’’ stbonrne. f Machi i o n such as Aa it Is necessary to know from whm.oe the mid supply la derived we Invite Patrons to Inspect our Farms Tel.: P.O.,818. National, 830x. ,, ly d r t u lic L ifts ,A c , This Book will be found of great e to the Trade of Eastbourne when used as and Dairies. reference. The desire ibliahere was to make this NEW EDITION Farm Spots ■ Dairies i dam pden Park. 18, Cornficld-terrat' and IN EVERY WAY. Telephone 488. 19, C hurr .-s

SPECIAL PREPAID RATES. SOAP M a n s tbb H ottkst Fjte*. the Publishers, Messrs. Fabnoombe & Co., Limited, at the N k ran Blocks thb Kitouenbb F WANTS OF ALL K1ND8, NIOLE ! AND MOST EFFICIENT W ASHER GOING.i Mixed w ith a Lrrrus Coo. Mas FIO e I SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE ARTICLES FOR SALE, WEAR! WELL. LAST 1 LONGER. D ining and Daa^rn a Roo: AND OF ALL BOOKSELLERS. SERVANTS WANTED * SITUATIONS REQUIRED. r Chaldron, Dbuverbi , HOUSES or APARTMENTS TO LET. .... ; : Times are hard Study Econc Are Advertised in the whole of , „ Meads.,...... P R llT T lN Q P er Sack, 1,8; M sads, Famcombe & Co.'s Susses Ne wspapers (Ltd.) * * bove Prices are subject to Ml oration without Notice. At One Charge, viz. of MOTOR CYCLES and 1 I n se r t io n ... (not over 20 Words) One Shilling am m A . . A n At • . ■ Eastbourne Gas FASNCOMBK Ik CO . L i m i t e d , 3 Insertions...... Two Shillings and Sixpence i ■ j I i "'i ; ■ i , j ;1 j ! 7 Insertions...... Five Shillings 48,WlbUNMH)N Ko.ULfeuhfc wnrne Longer AdrertiMsnenla »t Proporttooet* Bate*. PERSONAL a t t e n t i o n g i v e n Printers, Lithographers If Booked the usual rates will be charged. TO A LL Ott DtlCIiS and Publishe: All snoh annonnoemeati apptar ones In the t. r n a «a*‘ H4I1 UISIMOT Eastbourne C hronicle ‘ VROIAL AND ARTISTIC PRINTING LL POSTING Aj 11 ADVEnria JEASITBOURNE C IROXICLE C’OMPaNV. UmJteo TB CHARGES. ■ _ | East Sussex News Hastings Independent !. W. KKLLO V8. H O M E R ■ ' _J . ■ —- ■ , • i - ‘ . No w>*n NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES IN ANY COLOUR IN -East Grins tea d Observer I Telephone S907. YLES. OlANOFORTKS, A ME Popular Prices. EXPERT Sussex and Surrey Courier Horsham Times l ; ; ‘ * HARMONIUMS ai test Fashions M y the Beet Makers, on the I MOURNING a Special Thereby securing, at a very small cost, an amount o Hire aud on the Three publicity throughout the important district of Eaa Show Cards Visiting Cart ■ Sussex, among the most Influential inhabitants, LVOV * HALL. We S, KING’S ROAD. Unequalled by any Other Local Medium. MapesrimeeA Tumors seat tool tecial ( heap R a J. [dvertisements THE NEW PROCESSES. ct sat, Articles Orders shonld be sent direct to ViSNCOMRE o. Ou., Ltd. of Sit lotions 1 ing Cards and Invitations to Dinner, Musical and or loft with Author,wd .v^fcaUj! f o r Sale. L i , & c. Evening I ties, tastefully executed. d at the above Low Rates. ] J in - I ; • ! | . ’ im Eosd, fiove. ^RTISTIC MEMORIAL CARDS. E state P lans L ithogkap bd by E x per ien ced D raughtsm en, UIACTUB .:5| PjV'I/..' •'■TV Hi. ' . [ I : ■( v • V A number of the Newest and Choloest Designs la Presen tstlon Addressee iuminated in the Highest Style of Ark FOLDED M KMORIA L CARDS i n now lnoludcd li from 2/0. ith-street. o u Pattern Book. :: Houto, Chroiiicle” Printing 1 ^oilks, South-street, JEastbour: FABNOOMBE A CO-, t-ro„ Pinrvm , “ Ohronlcle” Works, South-street* Eastbourne*


ELECTRICITY AND STREET LIGHTING Councillor P eArson : (that is not die pdint The T he D istrict R ate. COMMITTEE Council settled that she should receive 10a a week. Alderman D uke said there was a more rosy balance ROLL OF HONOUR. Why is this new assistant not receiving [the same sheet in regard to the district rate, for the net saving C harge fqr E lectricity an E xtra H alfpenny' amount? I move tbatshe be paid 10a a week (laughter). per U nit. on the year was £9,520, which was made up as follows : The amendment failed;to find a secbnderj and the There was a large saving on lighting—enforced saving, CAPT. HOLLINS SUCCUMBS TO HIS ELLIOTT’S Alderman ?immons, in submitting and moving the committee’s recommendations were adopted. they might say—of 04,375, and_£4,331 on the highways. - WOUNDS. adoption of ;he committee’s report, referred to the j He thought the Highways Committee were deeply following •Ph:— SANITARY COMMITTEE indebted to the Borough Surveyor for very splilendid The official message notifying that Capt. E. R. E Resolved! That in view of the loss sustained durini Councillor Fox proposed and Councillor H oadlry economy during the! past year (hear, hear). Hie was STORES. Ltnumous dial wrist watches for service use. i the ourrenti ear due to the increased cost of coal am seconded the adaption of the above committee’s pro sure the Council and the town generally were grateful Hollins, of the 9th Battalion King13 Own Royal LIMITBD U 0 , a diminish) income in consequenoe of the lighting ceedings, whioh were approved without discussion. t to Mr. Presoott for the way he had made this saving. Lancashire Regiment (son of Mr. and Mra F. Hollins, ' regulatii the Council be recommended to increase Alderman Duke went on to detail the smaller items The Grange), was “ seriously ill ” from gunshot wounds (Opposite 8. Saviour’s Churoh), the chi for eleotrioity supplied for lighting WATCH c o m m it t e : | whioh contributed tojthe saving, and with regard to the in his neck and right side was followed a few hours later NICKEL: 211 1 purposes i 5Jd. per unit as from 1st Apr: Councillor Boiton moved the confirmation of this ooming year he said! that in respect to the Highways next. Committee’s saying :of £4,331 during the past year by another announcing that the populaf young officer committee’s minutes. ? I there was a feeling in the Council that the committee had succumbed to his injuriea The sad intimation of EASTBOURNE —The Aide: ,n recapitulated the explanatory points Alderman Sim ons seconded. of a letter wl oh, as chairman, he had addressed to the ' should try to do the same during the forthcoming year, the fatal issue, while not coming as an absolute surprise, And at MEADS. SILVER: £ 2 an resolution passed by the com­ known. extra revenue whioh would be obtained if this mittee on Jan. 11th, t > the effect that the fence be not suggestion is adopted should go a long way towards Fund, be required and sufficient for ihe pinir poses to On Sunday, at St. Michael’s Church, where the M otion Jrhpatiently which the Borough Fdnd is applicable under the removed, be disapproved, and that the Borough Sur- deceased officer was known to many of thb congregation, meeting such deficit as may arise during the ooming Municipal Corporations; Act, 188^, o - otherwise by veyOT should be instrv cted to remove the fence for the PURE CHINA TEAS. year, and would leave probably a comparatively small the hymn “ Peaoe, perfect peace,” was sung, and. the law, for the year ending- - 1 on the • - 31s'.— Mar i:h, 19171917. period of the war, or : intil the Counoil should order it organist played a funeral march. { sum to be drawn from the reserve for that period. to be replaced. Hq contended that the fence was That the Council do hereby order a, hor ough i ate to be ^BSSB55535S5ES5S55SS5B v o t e d . It should be made clear, if the Council agree to made in pursuance of the Municipal Cor; rorations dangerous. 50 MUCH RECOMMENDED BY THK isuoh a proposal, that it is only a temporary measure Councillor D urell seconded. brought about by oircumstances over which vfe have Act, 1882, in order to raise:the same amount G eneral D istrict R ate [Alderman K eay s^id- he was the “ fathor of the POLICE COURT. MEDICAL PROFESSION. no control and that we should revert to the present fence,” having moved jit should be put up in the first .charges at the earliest possible opportunity. 1 That the estimate of! the money required for the place. He opposed the removal of the fence. The The monthly meeting of the Council was held at t lie me when all publio bodies were being asked, for Alderman MABTiNiseconded the morion. purposes in respect of which a general district rate is shorter nights were co ming and if they took away the M onday.—-Before Mr. A. Mayhewe, D.L. (in tho chair), Town Hall on Monday, when there w are present:— patriotic reasons, to exercise the greatest economy. Councillor Pearson, referring to tho Board of Trade about to be made by this Counoil, non subtn itted, be fence now it would coi t from £100 to £150. Sir Alfred Dent, K.C.M.G.. Mr. W. L. Wallis, Apart from the question of whether the parents had Inspector’s report on the fatality arising out of the approved and made by this Counoil . . . anc; that at Col. A. B. Mein, Mr. O. A. Leatham, Councillor J. Ideal Teas for Dyspeptic?, The Mayor (Alderman O. O’Brien Har ling) in the ohe Ir. been consulted, he submitted that an outlay of £75 on oollision of a[ motor car with a switch pillar, asked a meeting of this Council to be held os Mor day, the The motion only found five supporters and it was Duke, Mr. A. C. Hillman and Mr. T. Parsons. The Deputy-Mayor (Councillor 0 W. Bolton). uniforms was wholly unjustified. What about the whether the recommendations of the Town Clerk and 3rd day of April} 1916, a general district rate b|f 2a lOd. therefore lost. This concluded the Dublic business and the Council CHIMNEY FIRE. Aldorman'E Duke Alderm in W. 8ha-p Chiiroh Lads’ Brigade and St. George’s. Cadet Corps? Electrical Engineer would come before the Council. in the £ be made. 2 /6, 3/-, 3/6 per lb. Alderman H. W. Keay Alderm in O. F. Simmqns Wefe they going to withdraw members from these The M ayor}: Yes, after they have been before the | Alderman D uke remarked that this n|aa the twenty- then sat to consider private and confidential matters. Arnold Robbins, of Grove-road, was summoned in Alderman M. Martin Alderm in J. C. Towns! isarions to form the hew corps. So far as drill committee. respect to a chimney fire on February 27th. J. O. Wrighl first year that Alderman Rowe had ser- ed as an over­ Alderman T. B. Rowe Alderm m and: physical exercises were concerned, these could be Alderman Iimmonb : We shall be guided entirely by seer, and he had rendered the Council s jlendild service P.C. Dean proved the ease and a fine of 2s. Cd. was Councillor A Avard Council or F. I B carried on without the boys appearing in uniform. the Board of trade as to any special requirements they in that oapaoity. In the course of a detailed statement imposed. Councillor T. Beal Council lor D. may make. (hat has been our policy hitherto, “ LIGHT” GASES. Councillor B. Bradford Council or A. Oiuncillor Bolton^ in seconding, said they were with regard to the Borough Fund, the speaker said Councillor C. Breach Connell or H eitg urgently pressed to practise economy, and it The report adopted. there had been a pet underexpenditure during :the year Alice Lydia Mooney, of Carlisle-road, was summoned Councillor F. A- Carter Council or Nl beb >ved them to avoid at the present time any expendi­ of £352. One or two funds had gone up, but others had N E W S P R I N G in respect to an un'obscured light on February 27th. Councillor A. A.Chapman Council or J. ture that was not indispensable. The formation of the HIGHWAY! AND DRAINAGE COMMITTEE gouedown. There was a &iying in the Watch Com- ( P.C. Miles said he saw a bright light showing from ELLIOTT’S SPECIAL BLEND. ' Councillor J. Duke Council or J. suginsted cadet corps might well be deferred until Alderman iharp moved and Alderman K eay mittee’s expenditure ou this fund of £82!; the Isylums the front door of tbe defendant’s house at 12.30 a.m. Councillor F. O. Durell Council or J. after the war. No doubt cadet corps were useful in seconded the adoption of the above committee’s report. Committee,. £474 i and the Finance Coijnmitt ' £994. Defendant said there were two switches close together > Councillor J. Easter Council or J. trailing lads, bnt the; members of the proposed oorps Alderman W right was glad the County Counoil now Fqr the benefit of some ratepayers who ba< had to in the hail, and they must have heen touched. Councillor J. Eden Council or 8. A file- of 7s. dd. was imposed; 2/6 an(l 3/- Per lb. Councillor S. N. Fox G. won Id not reach ap age daring the present war when acknowledged! the justice of the Corporation’s com­ appear at the Police Court jin regard to lighting, a good SPORTS COATS the] would beoome eligible for military servioe. V plaint respecting the condition of the road referred to: deal of the amount collected in fines had oonje to the Mabel Ba|-b>-r,.of Ilurdwick-road, was summoned for Councillor J. Hoadley OF Councillor F. Hollins O junoillor Soddy urged that if ever cadet oorpe were Why the road! should be deprived of ordinary improve­ Finance Committee and had helped them a similar offence. ment he could-not understand. ‘ The expense would the rates. It might be somje little solace to th The Town Clerk (Mr. H. W. Fo' Medial neei led it was now. (Lord Kitchener, while regretting - A R T S I L K . - Mr. T. E. V. lvirtlun represented the defendant, who SAMPLES ON APPLICATION. Officer of Health (Dr. W. G. Willoi Boron fh the Government could not give financial, assistance, only be greate r from the postponement. to feel their money had .not been wasted, but through did not appear.- Purveyor (Mr. A. E Prescott), the Sole lowledged the great value of suoh corps as feeder- Councillor ] Irkach said the! Eastbourne roads were tying these fines they had been helping tse rates A Special Constable (Mr. P'atorson) stated that he r oorps, but there were obvious reasons why deteriorate to iny serious extent (hear, hear). exchequer grant of £874 had practically fallen out, and Mr. Kirtlan: Did you the light from inside? Councillor R. Alee was the only absenl many hoys could not be expected to join the O.L.B., The Mayor : I am sure the Council are uuanimous in with a few smaller amounts the saving on the Borough Witness :>I am not allowed to go into a lad>’s bed­ while it was a great pity those responsible for St. that (hear, het ,r). ! . - I 1 [ ? Fund had been £352. With regard to thejnew estimates room. ELLIOTTS Councillor Wood alluded to a paragraph respecting | he’ regretted '' ’ “that * the committee had to ask for an A COLLEAGUE’S BEREAVEMENT. Ge< rge’s Cadet Corps were not willing to come to some Did you go upstairs?—I did eventually, as they were ’ am .ngement by whionj an amalgamation of foroes oould the injury fr >m an accident to O. E. Hide, bathing increased amount, The Watch Committee were asking full of unbelief.. The M ayor, referring to the death n action of Oa pt. to i iffected. With respect to the cost of supplying and attendant, d ’he insurance company had offered £20 in for £250 less; the Publio Libraries, £391; the Burials A fine of 7s. fid. was inflicted.. Hollins, son of Councillor Hollins, laid they did lot ren swing uniforms, the amount was surely infinitesimal settlemttit, but the matter had been referred to the Committee were asking for; nothing at all whioh meant STORES. grieve for the deceased officer, for he met.witl a Mayor,The Town Clerk and the Borough Surveyor to a saving of £294; and for the Grove Hall alterations A CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT. LIM IT HD yrious death fighting for his God, his King and for conjparea with the personal and national advantage acc ' lg from the maintenance of Sf well-mai cadet report. . Did this mean that the committee did not £309 was required. In all these committees were aak- Wilhelmina Swayne, of Willingdon-road, was sum­ e honour of his oountry, but they did feel for tl eir think the am junt offered adequate? It was time the | ing for £1,244_ 'less, On the other hand the Asylums oorps. Ni No compulsion would be used; membership would moned for an offence against the Defence of the Realm (Opposite 8. Saviour’s Church), colleague, his wife and family, who suffered a v iry be Entirely a voluntary matter, but with 80 per oent. of mian had some recompense for tne injury received. Oommittee asked fbr an increase of £795, but this had Regulations, ou February 8th by attempting to com­ loss. Perhaps he (the May ir) had had ;he the scholars ooming from elementary sohools, it was !Alderman ■ S harp :! What we are doiug is in the been foreshadowed at a previous meeting, when the municate certain information calculated to be of benefit privilege of knowing Council lor Hollins more intimately del r the uniforms oould only be obtained if finanoial interest of thi 3 poor man. Counoil entered into a contract with the Brighton to the enemy. She pleaded, guilty. wan any other member of the Conn oil. He theref >re hel]) were forthcoming. Of oourse uniforms were not The report tvas adopted. Counoil in respect to patients at Hayward’s Heath. The Town Clerk (Mr. H. W. Fovargue), who EASTBOURNE knew what it meant to Councillor H illins, yet he felt That contraot represented a considerable increase over appeared to prosecute, said he had thought this was a reqiired for at school; but the oorps MOTCR OMNIBUS COMMITTEE. uuo „uo> „UV4anH'th „„„ And at MEADS. t-Bare from the tvnical specimen Com oillor Hollins wopld turn out for mi ihes and field days, . . and it would the old one, and ’ therefore they could not help this case he should ask the Bench to hear i n c a m e r a , but the exceedingly inoongruous for a particular oorps, Councillor P ulsford moved and Councillor D uke 1 additional expenditure. The FinanoeFinance Committee were Home Offioe thought that unless there was a very wh sre a.number of units were on parade, to be the only seconded the i doption of this committee’s recommends- ' asking ■— for an increase .of £319, and here again tho rise serious case it was not necessary. He was sure they Srd one without uniforms. Everybody with experience in tions. i ! was inevitable. They could not help the income tax could rely upon the Press not to publish a circular such matters knew that uniforms worked wonders in Councillor Breach called attention to a paragraph ling up, and the Corporation, like private individuals, about which the complaint was maae. As the Bench THE NEW ECONOMY CAMPAIGN. w sure it was the Wish of every memte that they aho lid inducing habits of smartness. and discipline Coun­ in which the committee reported that they did not ' to bear their share of the burden, for elementary were aware^ there had been in Eastbourne a committee ■express their sympathy with Oounoill ir, Hollins and his cillor Soddy went on to cite some of the advantages of consider it neiessary or advisable to adopt his suggestion I education £2,006 extra was appliapplied for (this year, this in existence at the request of the military authorities family in their temble loss. t oorps, andl concluded by expressing a strong that owing to the lighting restrictions the ’buses should being largely accounted .for for by by the fi et that many to make arrangements for any possible invasion that To thk E ditor. The M ayor also referred to the doa th of M ra Kiln on, opinion that the £75 asked for would be money wi oease running 11 boars after sunset. He moved as an | teachers-hadteachers- had gone to serve theirthei coun ryi Ih many might take plaoe. All the communications and discus­ Sir .- It appears from the proceedings at last week’s- Dan -wife of the manager of the Motor, Omnibus Departmi n t spent. amendment that the theatre ’buses should be discon­ departments of the Corporation when I some of the sions of the committee are of a confidential character. me iting at the Guildhall that the local authorities will H e trusted Mr. Ellison would haVe t trength given V™ derman Wrioi tinued uutil (urther notice. He did this out of oon officials had gope they- had been able do without Amongst other things a circular was sent out to lady Ik- < ailed upon to start an organisation for the promo- to bear up in this hour of trial I in |oommittee s and n must s t do rjsj-TtaW so again. ES I S tiE lrH S S B ,b4 ■a0-* them, but when teachere werC called a- iy their places motor drivers, marked “ Confidential." Mr. Fovargue tioi. pf eoonomy on the part of the general publicin thia Expressions of sympathy in hot i instances Were led for wasonlj|■ the- ' initial...... demand, ™ ...... I and would doubt- contended that these buses were not for the use of the must be filled, and so they had to pay |their deputies proceeded to read the letter, a copy of which, he said, diet riot agreed to by the members rising in their placea general public, but for the benefit of a small seotion during the time they were absent as well; as p ijing the was sent to Mrs. Swayue, who was an American subject m H is Worship further mentioned wire regret thi .t a le L he followed by further expenditure. V 7ith your permission I desire to offer a suggestion, ’derman Kray re-called the delight which he who attended the theatres. Petrol would ’probably be teachers themselves. For (higher education £369 extra and was registered. On February 8th the defendant through your columns, for the consideration of tho won of Alderman Keay (Lient. L. H. Keay, R.E.), lad exp irienoed, and the readiness with whioh he made restricted, and instead of wasting it by running these was asked. Deducting the saving of £1,(244, there was posted a letter addressed to Francis B. Swayne, Esq., aut lorities concerned. It is that the local soheme been gassed in France. They all hoped the news wo aid sacrifices, as a member of a Brighton cadet oorpe ’buses for a fe(w people it would be better to reserve it a net increase of £2,452, to whioh they I must add the New York City. This letter was intercepted by the sho ild not be designed on the lines on whioh the road.- soon be reoeived that the lieutenant was making a gpod boyhood days. Continuing, he said his opinion for the ordinary ’bus routes.. They could not run the exchequer grant, alk> the,adjustment of the Working censor and sent to the Chief Constable. The communi- Na> ional Economy campaign has, speaking generally, recovery (hear, bear). ’buses from Devonshire Park without passing over a balance. The Council would know that the Education tion waa marked confidential and was not intended to bee i largely conducted. that if they had a corps without uniform they road—Cornfield-terrace—from which they had beep pro­ Committee had been exhausting their working balance, be sent to America. The defendant wrote :— APARTMENT HOUSE ASSOCIATION'S ;ht as well leave the whole thing alone. After V fhat is needed is an appeal to the people of a clear HT. AS .king in laudatory terms respecting the very efficient hibited by the Board of Trade, and if an accident hap­ which was down to about £500. This hid to be made “ The enclosed migh# amuse you; I reoeived it a simple nature that cannot fail to be understood and GRIEVANCE pened it would be a serious matter for the Corporation. up, and consequently it had to be inoluded in this rate. few days agp. Eastbourne keeps darker than ever.” apt reoiated by every individual, such as an appeal for and popular cadet corps connected with Eastbourne Let;! those who wanted the ’buses to run take the le total additional call on the rates wquld be £3,600 ▲ letter was read from the Boarding and Apartn Bnt College, the Alderman said no doubt the uniforms It was rather strange, continued Mr. Fovargue, that moi lev, .not to be given away, like a charitable contribu­ House Keepers’ Association complaining that they lad in that case were provided by the parents. A similar responsibility for anything (that might occur. He in regard to the Borough Fund, whioh ^as equivalent the defendant should have said the communication was tion , out to be lent at interest on the best security in tbe wot been asked,: equally with the Trades and Lai our iron could not, however, be followed in the ease of would ask forlthe names of the voters to be taken. to a 2d. rate. The oommittee understood that the woi Id for war purposes. Everyone knows what it is to The Mayor: Does anyone second ? Guardians were not asking: for any additional imount, amusing. He saw nothing amusing in it, or how it OoiuaU, to nominate a member of the Local Tnbt nal Municipal School, .many of the pupils of which oould possibly amuse anyone unless they were in sav. > money, if not in practice, at any rate in theory. and < to hear applications for exemption.! They requef ted not tho means of incurring such an expense. The Voices : No. so that the total rate would go up from 2 i 7d. to 2s. 9d. sympathy with or happened to be related to the enemy, An appeal to save money would be -clearly understood Own ! that the name pf Mr. Buokland migh t be adde<£ 1 ’he i had gone by for belittling such adjuncts as cadet The Mayor (to Councillor Breach) : Then I am in the £, the borough rate being la lid. jagainE t Is. 9d, which, however, Was a matter for the Bench to consider. by : he meanest . And it is money,. saved writer said a communication had been sent to the L wal' i, whioh rendered :a national service, not only in afraid you oan’t have the nami taken (laughter), for the previous year. They would have been pleased moi iey, money saved now and during the war, that ia The amendment failed to a seconder, and it con- to havenad___ _ _ the rate down again tms,this, yiyear, bu,x he felt Chiefief Constable communicated the facts to the ■Government Board pointing out thi it the aasooia ion ing habits of discipline, but in training lads in military authorities, and they instructed him to take par ioalarly wanted in the present national emergency. OAV bad not been oonaolted. i rudiments of drill for the lack of which the sequently fell] to the, ground. The committee’s report I sure the Council and the publio generally would feel 3 et we find the Chancellor of the Exchequer, when was approve^} | the money was well spent, as the increase was vei 2013. This beautiful Art Silk Sports Coat, fancy proceedings against Mrs. Swayne. The M ayor : Do yon wish to add any name to |the . its to the new armies stood at a great dis­ stitch and with smart Shakespeare Defendant, explaining the use of the word amuse, launching the new campaign, Baying: “ It is not a largely in connection with education] Hq hoi question of money. The question before us,’,’ he said, . Tribunal? 1 ‘ tereretegmiH advantage. • I -I . p l e a s u r e Gr o u n d s c o m m it t e e . Collar and Sash. Beft in Dainty Self 5k W / / } said, “ Iti America we don’t consider it ih the same way Alderman Rowe : No. . Councillor M arshall considered the expenditure to members of the Council would not sav it jwas a 2d. rate “ is not so -much one of money as goods and services. Ik Colors. Special P rice, & 4 / O ' as the English do. It is more something that will The Mayor: The answer is, I take it, that we h ive be quite uncalled for, and he also doubted its legality. Councillor P rior introduced the minOtes of the above on eduoation, because it tew not. The] Asylums and interest you.” Continuing, the defendant said that as a i-unfortunate fact that we all fall into the error of ■already formed toe Tribunal (hear, hear). He foresaw that if this concession were granted, they oommittee and proposed their adoption. Finance Committees also shared the increase, a id there the circular was printed She did not think anything oon buniding money with goods” Councillor Pm of: Is there any ret son why it she uld ild be xeoeiving similar appeals from the different Alderman D uke seconded. was only something over a penny for educati in. He about it, and that it might interest her uncla “ I have With, all deference to Mr. McKenna, I. venture to noAbe enlarged? ! . ‘ elementary schools. The President of the. Board'of {Councillor ' lBSKall referred to the committee’s trusted the Education Committee would! impress upon been, very circumspect while I have been here.” she Bug jest that no words could have been used more oalou- Tbel M ayor : .There has been no communication f om ucation had already objected to instruction with assent, snbji to jthe Borough Aooountant being teachers and all thoee connected with the soli cols the added, “ and it was carelessness, I suppose. I did not latcd to destroy all chances of real substantial success in the Local Government Board. 1 1 dice it that is (the nttes being given in! their sohools, and he (Councillor satisfied, to . need for eoonomy so far as was possible (hear, hear). realise that a printed circular meant confidential.” ppenl for popular economy. “ It is a question,”’ answer ^ou wish sent,—that there is no desire to hdd shall) thought they were bound to take some notioe chair tickets,' One felt that in many sohools, perhaps, a gieat deal The Chairman: How loDg have you been in East­ Mr. MaKenna went on to explain, “ of the insufficiency of that tickets durini. thennai year ot tne contract, owing might be saved in stationery, bnt thery knew that bourne? of (>ur Capital and labour to supply all our needs and. ^jfheCounoilsignified its acquieaoei ce. luncillor Russell said the objection of 'the the rise in thi price; of paper. He always understood education was of great importance for the ohildren, and Defendant: For three years. I have sent to the we, have to make np our minds whioh needs are to- ident applied to sobool hours; bnt the operations that the 'tii its wejre printed gratuitously, and he_they did not want to out-the rate down jin any way so Embassy, and they said it was quite all right aud that I ooii e -first—whether capital and labour shall,first of all Monday I *: . THE COUNCIL’S LEGAL EXPENSES. of (the proposed cadet corps would take plaoe outside aved that bock lor further ] that the education of the ohildren shouldjsuffer might rely upon British justice. be found for the services of the war, and: only in the. school:I A Petition. school hours, so that the Board of Eduoation would nsideration. Alderman T owner seconded the motioi The Chairman: Justiee in this case might extend seot nd plaoe for the satisfaction of our own inaividual. eervtoe t .(Councillor I will second that. I consider days f A petition forwarded by Mr. Pero;r Hurst was to the haye no control over the movement. He supported the Alderman W right thought there was •nj for dis- fromi£100 down to £1- There is a very wide margin. prii ate wants” iture on the ground that the oorpe would be this a very _ive matter indeed (laughter). iad bben told T oat explanation, however, does not get rid of the- ^following effect :— Alderman r~lY pointed out that paper had gone up appointment over the increase. They We acquit you of any desire to do harm, but you have We, the undersigned, ratepayers of tl Boroug i of educationally valuable. ! , that other towns had the same difficulty Eas ibourne, broken the regulations and it is our duty to enforce qpeition of .money. The insufficiency of capital andj • pj the Cou icil lillor P earson complained that the oommittee from 15 to 75 - pent., whilst labonr had gone up very but he found that in other places tnei had, been a them. We must impose a fine of £2. labt ur to supply our needs only indicates unusual iost defi lite not stated the full oost of the undertaking. The much indeed. decrease in the educational rate. eeus year -ending------31st------r* 191B> ^ \ ?®n ’ to Alderman Simmons' suggee- The Mayor: What is it? preaching. The time waa nbt far distant -hen Everyone he wanted to- go to Eastbourne for seven days, and. old-fashioned virtues of self-denial, and laying by for & Military __at him. He oould buy the printed ^ ^ , said he . l Harding) had had two mter- Councillor 1 ’earsoi t: That it should not be left to the wonld have the eoonomy fo upon the witness informed him that he must secure tbe Chief fair y day, remembering that if we take care of- the pence Cfaapli ppration accounts for Is. ™" 3 with Mr. wbo was entirely averse to Aooc untant The oommittee should settle the and if it applied to the individual it ap_ ually fo Constable’s permission first. Since he had been regis­ the pounds willitake care of themselves,, and also that it time should be wasted in i owing in his let bem. Mr. Marsland wished itter. ] the oorporate body. Alderman Simmc it on to tered in Hailsham, in June, 1915, .defendant had visited is 1 etter to lead money to. the Government than to Hurst asked for the past five , *’ cleat of at movement altogether, loillor I bior : If the Borough Accountant is not point out how saving could be effected i the bohools; Birmingham. Norwich and Hastings, and in eacb,oase hav e it extracted from us by. taxation. bonne. L hp will report to the oommittee. Bu c u t I seoo^ted° b^AMermanRowE, whofcti- ___jgartfUo of legality, the Board of by the condensation of classes, and every head- he had obtained a permit. Therefore he well knew I am, yonrs, Ac., ucation had sat I the formation of cadet corps illor I ’earson a amendment was not seoonded. master or mistress taking classes they . id lessen the that he had; to obtain the sanction of the Chief Con­ mated thrt toT«SuntB could be seen at the P ip e ,___ icillor M arshall oalled attention to the follow­ ' RESIDENT. U x ta s other m m m hoole, so there was no legal number of teachers required. He tho t there were Charming Art Silk Sports stable. E astbournai 8th March.. Library free. fioulty in the way.; ing paragraph:— eoonomies whioh might have been i By Mr. Allen: Witness had. nothing to say against 111. Ts. Ts. resolution was carried. Allotmen s.—A letter was read from the Allot­ ICoat in a fine range of Plain and A A / O V U re o r Then ’Uor Duke I lid -it was true £75 was the first Alderman Keay said the foot was Fancy Colorings. “Special P rice, Vw € F ' V defendant at H&ilsh&m. ’ ASYLUMS COMMITTEE. ' ut-the only further outlay would be £20.a tear ments and £ mall Holders’ Association drawing atten­ education rate was concerned they wi Defendant, a wounded Belgian soldier, said be had Dved bn | for upkeep. Other would be subscribed for tion to the quantity of water on the Gorringe-road scale. There were a certain number of been in hospital in England ton four and a half months. TER COUNCILLOR AND COUNSELLORS road. The proceedings of this committee were i allotments. Resolved rf. That a suitable reply be Lowixm . of Alderman R owe, r ----- rOnun- by the members. aster had informed them automatically increased. The only way NBJW SPRING He had been in Hailsham from May, 1915, and had : that 40 hoys were , . to join, and he (Councillor rid of that foot was to go pack on tbeir done everything the police there required. Ou February parade Writing under the above heading Mr. George E. L ondon Duke had no doubt the!parents had been oonsulted. Oounoil were willing to do (that and say Dainty Neck N ea r i t Embroideries 25 he had a conversation with. Superintendent. WiBard, Quirk observes:— Mona & BUILDINGS COMMITTEE. He believed tl ' four boys at the school were in shonld cease they would save oonsiderabl who told him that before going to Eastbourne-he must LoaiK).- 11 Charmingr 1 Hsplay of the Latest 3 our report , of the address, of Mr. Councillon Councillor Chapman moved the ad iptiou of the alcove St. George’s 1 the latter organisation the teachers were told they should have at Popular Prites, getperraission of the Chief Constable. Witness came rood would not be affected. Tho Secondary Councillor ^ rior said the oommittee were desirous of increases and they were entitled to Novelties to Eastbourne at 6.10 and went straight to the Police Bui hanan, although necessarily abbreviated, no doubt H a tu committee’s report. School had; best hopes, and the ing to; get rid of the water. They had to books and stationery, the contractors Station. He was told to some the following morsini giv. te a.fair idea of the substance of baa address, but, as Tormina ■Councillor Avabd Seconded.—Oar ied. Counoil i il ana do all they with tiie Commissioners of Levels to see in oongequenoe of the increased cost and hs did so, when the Chief Constable said he wou! he : aoatiously remarked, there is no necessary connec­ tion between tbe title and matter of a lecture, and be EDUOATION COMMITTEE. ootid to it pul. if] they oonld hot reduce the quantity; and he thought longer allow the former discount. be summoned. i councillor apok the committee’s ' 3 Borough Surveyor would oommunioate with them Councillor B ussell said th e local education ate com- H. W. NICHOLSON, Ltd., P-S. Goldsmith said defendant Balled at the offioe, pro red the truth of Mr. G. B. Shaw’s dictum. His .Seaside.] > P roposed Cadet Corps por M unicipal B oys reoor-mendation. i if he th —Might “*■ -1—i . -—ffd be done to lower the pared very favourably’witb other towns. }i i but witness told him that he should have gpt permission obu en dteta on investments, big or tittle, were not very School. Alderman Mae the amendment, r. The veathe - abnormal this winter, Councillor Soddy thought there was nojother borough Foot o f 1 tevonahwn Place, before coming to Eastbourne. ills mresting ; and his remarks generally give one the ‘srs.' N egatived by IS Votes to 17. remarking that it ’ their province to ------there hold------been jiderable difficulty in dealing with an eduoation rate of only 8$d. • .... Mir. Allen, in addressing the Benoh, mentioned that im] weasion that ha is more familial with the sphere of Unon 'Councillor J. D u n moved and C onnoillor Rusi ell introduce military te school. In any with the watq r, bat die committee would certainly do Councillor Bolton -said he had been disappi sated to rjj :: EASTBOURNE. :: defendant was engaged to Miss Kent, of Boynton, the Btock-jobber and the labour exploiter tnax the ' the adoption of the Education Commit! bes case, the proposal when the eduoation ...... (oonld. ! find in the estimates no indication of any Bffort to effect Hailsham, a daughter of the late Mr. Alfred Kent. economics of the industrial class, the foundation and rate was goinsr no -house keepers and IabshAll : Same old tale. economies in any direction. He agreed that expense, A fine of £1 waa imposed. foai ne work, if net the actual creators, of all wealth. It riiwmwnrYn arose out of the follow ing others were fin 4y their rates, The committee’s‘ i-report waa adopted. was caused by so many teachers bavin ; gone to the eoa firms my previous opinion of tbe dillett&ntism of with the principle war and by having to find substitutes, but he thought the 3c self-styled exponents of economics, who without r of the Munimpi 1 Secondary | ration waa not PUBLIC ilE S COMMITTEE, savings might have been made in other d reoti* ns. In U exc aption, if one may judge from their speeches, seem DONT’S ” FOR PATRIOTS. uni -ble to grasp the realities ol the situation^ misinter­ s stated that_*_ *he ts.AQxiotip to form a 1 in incurring the < present time. moving the confirmation of the infant sohools therej were a large n»nber_ of L 0 7 E L A N E . and that be i__ til in i the Publio teachers, -many of them certificated, looku ig- after pret the foots, _and misdirect their energies. Their a division to throw out the pol.oy is negative rather than positive, oritioal but f age would become foil < Library had r eoei vet In the ohildren betWeen the ages of four and flyq, apd fo whom “ Don’t,” in bold type, is the arresting note of th* was r 18 1 muoh ii i the way of not constructive. We are all agreed, for example, G j ' l o t the ref reduction n the it was not neoessary to .t a meeting of ti e Highways Committee of the first poster to be issned by the-National Organising its educational —The 'Wri&ht, ike of Devc nshire. I was one literary education, and thought ec onom; r might j Council letters were read from the abutting on the expediency of local people trading with local Easter, Avoid, Committee for War Savings, in furtherance of tire >aa advantage loth and the finest aped Anglo-Saxon have been effected by insferring s6me of those owners agreeing to contribute tbeir proportions fortba economy campaign. Jt conveys three injunctions ; tradesmen rather than outaidefe on the ground of local latter was f illy Eden Carter, eitont. Aide-man teachers to fill the i caused by those ?ho had loyilty; hut economically it makes not the slightest np of this roa( as follows:— ! Don’t use a motor car or motor cycle for pleasure rCoommend the ioadley, Beal and a^predatedtle. gone to the war. : !r ■■I. ,PPPI H H iP iP . difference from the national standpoint; or the ultimata Exscut f a School C det T h en ? Councillor P rior said he thought so ne eqcsomies purposes. . res lit We produce little or nothing locally, and tha ___Headmas er; Keay, Rowe, whilst might have been made fciaa to have avoided New College, Ltd...... Don’t buy new clothes needlessly. Don’t be mo ley, if it goes out at all, will leave the town in any officer? and oa lets n»s Fox, Hollins, this large amount. .-He felt that many ; Mr. L. 0. V. Wilkes ...... ashamed of wearing old olothesin war time. case, but by two removes instead of one There is no ‘ renewal! of Durell, Soddy, 'Bradford} town were disappointed with the rat* th i. y< . . Rev. Canon Speatfeild ..... Don’t keep more servants than you really need. gain, hut only loss by multiplying exchanges. But the y the L msI Wood, Morgan • •. . expected it to go down ht least 3d. VtTi abridge “ In this way,” the poster points out, “ you will save moderate acquaintance with the theory of iXfifiDMSt 1, €. ( Councillor MonGAN asked the oommittee were Councillor 1 Iaster Wells there was a reduction of 9d, whi st be believed £150 0 » money for the war, set the right example, and free would have told the Rev. D. Barron, who . . ko.p going to revert to tb * opening afternoon Councillor ! ^EARSON Hastings had gone down (A, yet they in Eaitboume total ooet ia estimated at £300, and as it is not the labour for more useful'purposes. Your oountry wilt responsible for the brilliant suggestion, that the the mem wrs school. The preeen; a great hardship oould only manage to reduoe the rate by pens y. tion to carry o it these permanent repairs at appreciate your help.” ley ” does not in any case leave the town. It is sot upon poor people. - Councillor D u n said they most foao! i th children it it is proposed for the time beii^ to carry out ly a question of account, debit and credit, the The M ayor: Whioh the repent are you and it wonld be false eobnomy and nc t fi to the | an li fo execute temporary repairs, pe always being in our favour. This is a capital referring to? doming generation if they war and an i it was agreed that the owners W asted A rm y P a y on D b in k .—’Th e -wife example of the paroohial, peddling viewpoint of OTE Councillor MORGAN: the report Lam the main point was what did not provide substitute! he oalled upon to pay half of the ' amount they of a sergeant in the Royal Engineers has been sentenced economists in relation to a great national IS the reoai' (n abe The Mayor said he had looked at'tbelU t of education qu MM ' at Nottingham to six-months’ imprisonment for terrible mSS!! of order. _____ fld. p

EA STBOURNE OHBQNIOIiE, SATURDAY, MARCH 1 1 , 1 9 1 0 . :: PLACES 01 WOE HIP. SUSSEX EASTBOURNE LOCAL MONDAY’S SI I NO. I EVONSHIRK PA11K. DEVONSHIRE PARK t h eAtr e. THE PIER. DISCHARGED PRISONERS AID The Tnbunsl hold the usual M-mlay sitting, Major Boh Muiineux presiding over a full otu inl»mx: of members. BEN TILLETr, PATRIOT. “ QUINNEYS.” I “ THE SECOND IN COMM AND 11 1 TiUBUN \L There were no (uses of p&rtipulnr j utmost, must of the ,|li .1]- — A MESSAGE FROM THE TRENCHES. A charming comedy, artistically and forcefully ; SUM MERDOW N CONVALESCENTS’ olwina coming from applicants w io were either con­ It was luminous and moving story of Britain’s Presented, ^uitnu v* has justified all the pleasant things ] SUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCE sidered indispensable at their respective places of position and duty in the great war by whidh Mr. Ben said and written of its merits. It is distinctly a play n i . a , ...... , FEMALE PRISONERS AND THE WEDNESDAY’S CASES. business, or who have relatives mo -e or less dependent Tillett, Labour leader, roused the enthusiasm of hia to be seen, because to see is to admire and enjo- -. The I “ 4 a n y t h in g m nature of pubhe- upon them. audience in the Winter Garden on Wednesday after­ author has brought to his work angular powers of i work or entertainment undertaken by the Summerdown BORSTAL SYSTEMl noon. From strike advocate to exponent of a lofty characterisation and psychological analysis, and has ' 18 assured of success. They invariably !ORE8« LENGTHY LIST. EMPLOYES IN LARGI UNDERTAKINGS, constructed a story of strong dramatic quality,las well 1 enter “ito any project with an .enthusiasm that is In the case of an assistant i the General Manager of patriotism, Mr. Tillett has produced in his own person HINTS LARGE EMPLOYERS OF a transitioni as edifying as it is strange, for nobody as of live human interest Throughout the four tetathe ! mfectlou?’ and,^“ "7 throuK>? with such vigour that 1 *E A HINT MAGISTRATES. the Water Works Company, (the Tribunal expressed a listening his reasoned! yet impassioned appeal oould oomedy maintains a tenacious grip, so that one follows I one won{*®™ a‘ “heir apparently inexhaustible store of LABOUR. desire that the General Mai , A. J. Howard) doubt eithi the disturbing course of the Quinneys’ lively domestic energy. No sooner has one big enterprise been brought should attend and explain thi Ion of the employes, the man’s sincerity or the depth of his | to a successful oonclusion, than they immediately Bet to * ‘ f * Q M U rtl oonvictii It was much to be regretted the attend- experience with concentrated and appreciative! atten­ Mr. Howard, the manager, gently attended, and anoe was tion. Joseph Quinney, the shrewd, enterprising! dealer work to eclipse, if possible, their previous effort, and Pariah Chur The annual meeting of the Sussex Discharged said the present applicant leasable. Appli- lOt larger, for the dehveranoe, especially 8 u j b . every were about 45 cases to he heard by the Local ooming a leader of the proletariat, was worthy of' in antiques and specialist in chairs, claims tolbe “ a 50URNB 11 a-m., abort aerric Prisoners’ Aid Sooiety was held at the County Hall, cations would be made in n „ bt of the adminis- the sl s subject and was of a nature to awaken ■very remarkable man,” which this extremely voluble, self- Lewes, on Friday, previous to the opening of the ibunal on Wednesday, two Courts being formed with trative staff, six of whom wet___ •ied. and stimul .te the sensibilities of the dullest and most opinionated and quaint Lancashire autocrat undoubtedly . . . mg pn ______Sussex Mr, . C. R. Dickine object of facilitating the business. In the first Mr. Howard was asked to( pro de a list of the men oomplacenl amongst ua As one who has been wel- is. In the assertion of his domestic authority Quinney during the current week by the officers and convalescent he considered essential, and jtne was accordingly corned at ie Front, and has had exceptional oppor­ p e re converts the household into a species of I bear­ soldiers ati the Camp. Needless to say, the public hav* (Horsham), presided, and there were also present Mr. i were Major H. P. Molinenx, J.P. (in the chair), adjourned for u week. taken a kedn interest iu thetoerformances and on each F. B. Whitfeld (Lewes)/ Mr. F. W. Sim (Pul boro ugh), tunities of (seeing for himself how the British Army garden, but in the end discovers he is “ not the only r O. W. Bolton, J.P., Mr. C. Peerless Dennis, In the case of a Gas Coifipany I employee, a letter pebble on the beach,” so to speak, though he (makes occasion the theatre has been well filled with an Mr. W. Sams (Worthing), Mr. A J. Bridge (Burgess and its Allies are prosecuting their gigantic task, Mr. 1^. Haadell, the Town Clerk (Mr. H. W. Fovargue) was read from the Manager, saying that if the applicant Tillett had ia most interesting story to tell of life in the matters unpleasantly warm for a scheming brother-in- audience that manifested the utmost enjoyment of the- Hill), Mr.l G. M. l Mr. G. M. Mullaly (Military Representative). joined np the company would probably make some trenches aii(d of the splendid spirit in which Tommy law. J(oeeph’s energies are chiefly employed in (upset­ piece. Even on Tuesday afternoon with the snoVr J. Waddington allowance to his mother. ting an unsuspected courtship between his daughter persistently falling and the conditions underfoot the ’ (S llsee). > Atkins is fighting for the honour of Old England and reverse of pleasant there was a large audience, so strong kmummlon, l*. Mrs. Huthwaite . . .. AN ORGANIST’S APPLICATION. The case was adjourned for a week for more satis­ the overtbiow of Germany’s barbaric militarism. His Posy and his young foreman James, but all his bluster m, I . — Hear. waite (hon. secretary) and Mr. A. Hollis (agent). factory information. ; and threatenings are powerless to separate the lovers, being the public desire to see how the company would 1 application was made by S. O. G. Fillery, picture of j the battle front and of the conditions in acquit themselves iu a play of this character. R. 8. Grippe. The 46th annual report, dealing with the year 1915, niat and choirmaster at St. Anne’s Church, for an The Chairman announced that the Tribunal would be which tbe war is being carried on was alike vivid add who finally receive, as they deserve, tbe parental a tr * ) stated that assistance was given to 228 males and 74 exceedingly glad if large firms would send to tbe Town blessing. Quinney’s simulated indignation only adds The Second in Comvuind , as is well-known to play­ s exemption ” if posable.” He stated that be intensely interesting ; while numerous incidents were goers, is a story the action of which takes place during i ; females, a total of 302. These were classified as X a widowed mother, who was in delicate Hall a list oi the men they consider indispensable and related ami personal anecdotes repeated to illustrate to the humour of some very amusing scenes, and tbe follows: Male adult prisoners, 202, who had been Jth, vhilst be also assisted an aged relative. He wish to retain, Iso that the whole of the cases of each both the imperturbable cheerfulness and the dogged play runs on an even keel up to its logical and satis­ the South African War. It contains many-slight, aided-:j . j on — t*L :-discharge from prison. This assistance firm might be considered at the same time. factory end. humorous passages, a delightful romance, as well as two brothers on active servioe. He was quite determination with which officers and men, between some powerful dramatic incidents, and it will thus be was by no ied to first offenders, prisoners [ling; tot devote part of his time to munition work. CONDITIONAL EXEMPTIONS. whom tbe happiest relations subsist, pursue their Mr. Frederick Harrison’s company includes several and Fiidays of all i imod likely tai profit being Bev. W. P. Jay wrote supporting the applica- difficult and perilous duties. par ticularly capable artists. In the part of the I senior seen that there was no inconsiderable call upon the ‘ celebration. helped. A conditional exemption for an employee was granted Quinney, Mr. Edward Irwin scores a great success, and histriohic powers of the company to adequately convey Daily iurt missionaries at Hastings, on the application of Mr.- Stevens, saddler and harness In some detail Mr. Tillett indicated the enormous an effective impression of the hopes and disappoint­ EastbournB, Wo and elsewhere, the Royal Cetnporary exemption for two months. disadvantages under wim.-h this country entered upon is a tower of strength to the,performance generally. As Society far the maker, who is now in the Ariny. Mr. Stevens said if “ Posy,” his winsome, but independent - spirited ments, the fluctuating fortunes and the droll humour of i B(ok of oe of Discharged Prisoners his man were taken the business would have to be the war. 'With their early deficiency iu numbers, the characters represented. There is usually a wide )FFEB I . XT. and the Church Army 9 i all rendered valuable help I THE ONLY MAN LEFT. equipment and ammunition, it was nothing short of daughter, Miss' Phyllis Stuckey plays with equal Hot. in dealing with men i * their discharge from prison. Evenden Ltd. applied on behalf of A. W. closed. naturalness and charm. Mr. Frank Freeman i i excel­ margin between the merits of amateur and professional A clerk in the employ o f Messrs. Mayo & Thomas, miraculous :hat the British-troops had achieved such acting, but in this instance the distinction was reduced The Church Army in particular had been of great jelly, bnver and manager of the linen department success as Lad attended our arms. Indeed, considering lent as the lover, “James,” and Miss Marie Wright r. Niobolson stated that the applicant was the only solicitors, was granted a conditional exemption. It delineates the wife “ Susan ” with quiet, sjrm] >athetio vanishing point, and thir fact must be largely Holy service by receiving men into their homes in London was stated that both tbe partners kvere in the Army, Germany’s preparations for more than a quarter of a attributed to the painstaking work of the producer*. - and helping them to a fresh start. Women adult ) left on the premises. century, it (was a mercy we had not long since been foroe. The other characters, all of which are c ipitally MO and that the applicant was the oily man left in the sustained, are “ Sam Tomlin," the brother-in-law, Sergt. Leslie C. Gray, whose stage experience is very prisoners, 61, some of whom were sent to homes and 'emporary exemption for a month. business. overwhelmed. The speaker drew an inspiriting con­ considerable. The cast is as under:— eoson* 880 p m. others supplied with (clothing, placed out into servioe, trast between tbe present British situation and the facts taken by Mr. Robin Shiells; “ Mabel Dredge,” the daOy «t 8 i ~ Ac. The girls’ shelter' at Lewes had again proved a 'FINANCIAL RUIN.” APPLICATIONS REFUSED. typist, impersonated by Mias Winifred Izard; 1 Cyprus Lieut.-CoL Miles Austruther, D.S.O...... CorpL Oliver _ _ _ a d n i T u b . as they existed in earlier stages of the war, but showed i ;' 1 Crombio U t a.m. (except W( valuable help as a temporary home. The lady visitors E. Irving, stationer, bookseller and newsagent, Councillor T. Beal applied for his son, machinist and that in Borne respects the equipment of our existing P. Hunsaker,” tbe Yankee commission agent, acted by Major Christopher Bingham ...... Sergt. Leslie Gray U taoyli evensong 6.80 M s. On B at the prison had done much good work for the proprietor of Partridge A Co., stated Jthat if he joined general help in his timber bustnes He was indispens- huge army was still by no means complete. The Mr. Reginald Tippett; and “ Duport Jordan,” the Lieut. Siif Walter Mannering ...... Lieut. Cross n jn .—Vioar: Bev. EL G. Jameson; women in making arrangements for their assistance up it woqld mean financial ruin. His only helper in able to the business, said the Ooi cillor, and he oould leoturer proceeded to show how vitally necessary it was millionaire, portrayed by Mr. George Hewetsoi l Lieut. Peter Barker...... Lieut. Fleming Sands, V.O. 8 . Hawkins. on discharge and for their subsequent welfare. the business was a girl. not be replaoed.—Refused. to us and our posterity that the enemy should be (The pieoe is smartly mounted, no expense having Private Medeuham...... I...... Co.-Sergt.-Maior Manning ^Mwflssein.»] _ _ i ndnoons Juvenile adult prisoners (boys between the ages of Oonditional'-^xemption was granted. Mr. Francis Jones, dentist, ai ed on behalf of a beaten, and concluded a powerful address by insisting been spared to do justice tp the designs of tbe a utbor. Private Hortropp...... Lieut. Penny la m .: dental mechania, raying tbreeiof his staff bad joined up The -concluding representations take place to-day at Sergeant..../...... Co.-Sergt.-Major Anderson Bonds*; T am. 1st. end 16 and 21 years, and girls between 16 and 25), 31, on tbe imperative necessity of the English nation being Corporal...... Sergt. Hoy land Kd Mondays; U noon tnd 4th: 880 s.m.r with regard to whom particular care had been taken TWO MONTHS’ EXEMPTION, and this one was tbe only map left, He bad to do the fully alive to tbe tremendous issues at stake and to the 2.30 and 8 p.m. and » a m. M ots' Baja; ) ajn . Wedm L. Underwood, a iobb mechanical work for two lari practjioes.—The applica- Orderly.;...... Lance-CorpL Thomas > in month, wl wherever possible and in the best way, no expense ng gardener, was granted importance of concentrating the whole of its resources “ LADYBIRDS.” Adjutant ...... Lieut. Geary, V.O. having been spared in the hope that the assistance exemption for two months. tion was refused. and its efforts upon tbe successful prosecution of the TWO PERFORMANCES NIGHTLY NEXT P (of the 10th Dragoon Guards). W e s t s ?*&&&;!•I’a tar floe I lia father stated that thei applicant kept the home Mr. J. Turnbull, in the e: of Messrs. George Hon. Hildebrand Carstairs ...... Capt. K. Green Foley s u i toe 4 p.m. Bvsnsratt MO PJ l- given might prove beneficial, war. WEEK. MO p a . every Sunday. U The oommittee had met every month to reoeive the j, as he himself was unable to work owing to an Brown & Co., applied on don ip-ounds, and it was Mr. Tillett was loudly applauded at the oonclusion of Mr. Fenwick ...... Capt. Cecil Armstrong further stated that he was eni in making military The management announce as next week’s a traction Duke of Hull...... Capt. Rqw© FAhys_ ^PsUv MaUpB 7^6 Secretary’s report and to consider applications for injured arm. his stirring lecture, and had to return to the platform to 1st A ...... r...... i,...... *..Lieut, Brpo© _ ___ia*llaa# assistance. A sub-committee was held every' week I I __ uniforms.—Refused. bow his acknowledgments. tbe performance by Mr. George Dance’s company of Lady Harburgh...... Miss Maude Faulkner- rao am .).' Daily ONE TAKEN, THE OTHER LEFT. A chief operator and electrician t a picture palace the upito-dato revue. L a d y b ir d s , which will be pre War.4J0p.rn (« when at 8 p and the accounts were examined every month., A number of diagrams, photographs and' drawings, Muriel Mannering...... Miss Lois Brown© . D. Sloman and H. J. Sloman, brothers in business, applied on the grounds of serious -rdsbip, saying he exhibited by a lantern, ana the production of several sented by a thoroughly efficient oompany, tc include Norah Viningv...... Mrs. Cristerd I S c o tt------The committee acknowledged the work of the Lady to support his invalid motinier and a sister.— Miss Daisy James, the well-known vocal oomadienne. Visitors (Mrs. Huthwaite and Sister Cook, bf the applied far exemption, a conditional certificate being weapons, shells, bombe, &c., added to the interest of tbe Officers, Soldiers, &c. —-Sergts. Bokenham and ]_ TEAS, StISStt!* ~ 1 nted te the elder one. One of the applicants Refused. lecture. The Poluskis will take part in the revue, as well as Rowley, Corpl. Parry, Lance-CorpL Wood, i ' " r i : IN'S. Norway.—;-H8 and 1190 a m ; other of these ladies from time to time and. every isrked i “ If you take one away it makes the other ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS. ( and Wilson, and Bandsman Jackson. Tednendaya a so am . ipt” “ ladybirds.” There are to be perforinancis twice effort wag made to help the women on their dis­ AN OLD SOLDIER. The week - end concerts were well attended, tbe nightly, at 6.45 and' 9 p.m., and a m a tin e e at 2.1)0 on the There are three outstanding figures in the play, V» aorvioe 8 I t p m charge from prison. : Gifts of clothing had been WEDDllNG. orchestra performing the selected programmes in “ Lieut.-OoL Anstruther,” “ Major Christopher Bing­ ith regard to W. Knox, employed by Kyl-Fyre Saturday. r ^ Wi received from Our Needlework Guild (per Miss Shen excellent style under Mr. Norfolk Megone’s able baton. ham” and “ Muriel Mannering” and for eacn of these stone), Mr. F. W. Sim, Mrs. Allcroft, the Rev. as a foreman mixer of secret chemicals, Ac., it was Wagner’s “Rule Britannia ” overture is more or less of ,rts exceedingly able representatives had been secured. ' that he was 40 years and seven months old. SURGEON MOLESWORTI AND MISS E. A. Duncan Pearce, the Matron (Miss Jack) and Mrs. GRIFFID H. a rarity, but its reception lastSaturday evening justified >rpJL O. Ch*oinoie as “ Col. Anstruther,” the middle-aged vm m ------a T. E. V. Kirtlan, who represented the firm, said its resurrection. On Monday afternoon the audience lovet of Miss Mannering, and for a time the unconscious ______, *Y XUWJr'CuWl Huthwaitei thei applicant had done 12 years in the Army and had ROYAL HIPPODROME 8 am . 1st, tnd and 8rd ~ The committee had to reoord with regret the death was treated to a charming interpretation of Mendels­ rival of Major Bingham, acted the part with true » p & C 9 , • IB . only on 4th thd medal and clasps for the South African campaign. On Tuesday Surgeon Erie M. Molesworth, R.N., sohn’s overture, “Acalm sea and a prosperous voyage,” soldierly spirit and in a wholly convincing manner. Days T am. Bode of the President (the Marquess of Abergavenny), who His work now in! view of fires caused by air raids was of "CARRY ON.’ services Up.m^ had filled that offioe for the past 12 years. son of the Rev. E. H. Molesworth, M.A., rector of while Lalo’s brilliant “ Norwegian Rhapsody” was Sergt. Leslie Gray has the responsible ro le of “ Bints,” publio value. . Clapbam with Patching, Sussex, was married, at St. given a befitting performance which commended itself The report of the lady visitors stated that dur The case was adjourned for a fortnight for the Described as a musical extravaganza, tba revue the happy-go-lucky, unfortunate major, who is a rally Evens'ag 6 Anne’s Church, to Miss Ethel A. Griffith, daughter of unmistakably to those present. The other items were C a r r y O n forms an acceptable entertainmen at the cheerful failure in every direction. Ho imparts a lively « l b . W.iij the year there had been a distressing number Advisory Committee and the military authorities to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac C. Griffith, of The Chace, Hart- five dances from the incidental music to; “ Le Roi Hippodrome this week. In four scenes, t le piece and optimistic note to his portrayal of a difficult part, girls aged from 16 to 21 sent to prison for short terms consider the circumstances. field-road, Eastbouma The church was decorated with s’Amuse” (Delibes) and the last two movements of introduces some very spirited and enlivening i ncidents and is eminently successful in giving a highly satisfao- duneh for petty theifts. In j most cases these girls were CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS. palms and flowers. The father cf the bridegroom Tschaikowsky’s “ Fourth Symphony.” which give the audience cause for much merriment. A— impersonation. Chief honours, however, mu&t be i Andrew, I ly undisciplined and refused to go to a home officiated, being assisted by the Rev. W. P. Jay (vicar Mr. Harold Samuel was the solo pianist at a special The life and bouI of the revue is Mr. Jack 1 Jregson, awarded Miss Lois Browne, whose study of “ Muriel MSJJ* -Holy on leaving prison or to accept any help where they A. H. Smith, assistant to a baker, said that as a of the parish. The bride’s bister (Miss Ohnssie E. concert on Tuesday afternoon, and he fully justified the whose exhilarating fun is most conspicuous thr rngnout. Mannering” is full of dainty charm and dramatic force. n month, 8 a. would have to conform to rules and regulations. Christian he stronly objected to taking up arms against Griffith) acted as bridesmaid. ( excellent opinions formed of his work on previous As “ Blubber ” in the studio scene he finds mar y oppor- In portraying the almost tragic love story, Miss Once having been in prison for a short term they did his I enemies, as ! Christ’s teaching was to love them Commander B. Freyberg, D S.O., acted as best man ; | tunities for laugbter-making, whilst he appear i later as Browne has many opportunities to shine, and she km. daring school ierh USe, lla.m^811 ■ p.m. , not in the least mind; returning,, and they usually under all circumstanoe& He had decided to put Christ occasion a He was first heard in Liszt’s “ Hungarian land a y pm , on lrtBundayKAS for men c with the bridegroom he is on leave fiom Gallipoli. The Fantasia” for pianoforte and orchestra, and later he | a drill instructor, when his efforts to drill a coi ipany'of always appears to have made a close study of the part, BLEND. did so. The lady visitors wished that these young of the Hood Battalion, R.N.D., decorated the * 'Is were more often sent for Borstal treatment, r ~ contributed a oouple of solos for which he was vigor­ Highlanders are excruciatingly funny. Mr. Gregson which she interprets with such marked ability. Capt. ; Friday I M Chairman: You have no objection to non- pulpit in the ohuroh. These I came through Antwerp ously applauded, and in response he gave oine further also appears in the last 6cene as the hotel mant ger, and E. Green Foley contributes an amusing portrait of lit noon ad s was very much ] kinder to I them eventua’l; oombatant work 1 and the campaign in Gallipoli from the landing to the the Hon. Hildebrand Carstairs” ; Miss Maude Although there were still a good many cases < piece. ; ■ 1 • in this capacity he is responsible for some (averting 8 am . md IS noon, Applicant: No, eir. I have one objection only and evacuation of the peninsula. | They were in charge of The orchestra played F. H. Cowen’s (delightful incidents. Faulkner’s “ Lady Harburgh ” is a very powerful and Ouri lev. A -l Wise. neglect of children, these welre fewer in number than that is to taking |up a rifle. Commander Freyburg ; they bear ev: denoes of battles, overture “ [The Butterflies’ Ball,?’ the “ Sleeping Miss Jenny Lamonte is the principal lady, and she convincing portrayal of a somewhat; narrow-minded at the beginning of the war.- Some very grateful ; servioe only. being damaged by the enemy’s fire. Hr. Alfred J. Eyre, Beauty Suite” (Tschaikowaky), in which some amuse­ aoquits herself very creditably in quite a ni mber of character, whilst Mrs. Crisford, who appears as letters had been received from women who had been Betteridg F.R.O.O., an old friend of Griffith’s ~ famii'mly, iand assisted. ment was cap sea by the realistic duet of the two cats, songs and other incidental items,. in which she (s closeljely “ Norah Vining,” is also very effective. The minor- ITION. , —- —| ------~ie previous applicant organist of St. John’s Ohurol Auckland-road,.U 1 ppper and______the carnival______soene from “ Roma___v ”______(Bizet).associated I with Mr.'Gregson. Miss Phcebi Fields parts are all in capable hands and altogether the The Chairman, in moving the report and balanoe I he had the same reasons for objection. Norwood, presided at the oi an. He played some presentation of the piece is of uniform excellence. ’xemption from combatant service only. The work!) of Sir Arthur Sullivan'and Sir Edward I proves herself a vocalist of considerable ability) and her Wood- sheet, said the work of the oommittee had been light appropriate,te selections with mimarked:ed taste, MendelsMendelssohn’s German entirely held the board on Wednesday night, I rendering'of ~ several " popular songs is warmly arpre- The military band used at the end of Act III. is .N .a T during the year owing to the general decrease in the TO FIND A DEPUTY. Wedding March being performed at tbe conclusion. when Mr. b^egone submitted the following programme ciated. Messrs. Cfyril Lawrence arid Jack D upre add supplied by Trumpet-Major McCcnnel and is the well- prison population. The report of the Prison Com­ After the oeremony a reception and the wedding known Blue Boy Band, whilst the camp concert in the e y a s. V, brioklayer and oultivator of 100 rods of to a good audience: "Utopia” (Sullivan), “ Fallen to the mirth-provoking qualities of the revue, eipecially missioners gave the following figures with reference -eakfast took plaoe at Tbe Chace. A Fairies” (Edward German), “ Patience” (Snllivan), in the hotel scene, where some ludicrous incidf nts take second act is provided by the Knuts Kamp Komedy to the prison population during the. last few years: ed on the ground of serious hardship. He were the bridegroom’s parents,] the R plaoe. Miss Effie Black, Mr. Jimmy Diamond, Dot Kompany, the whole production being under the super­ 19034)9, 184,000; 1909-10, 179,000; 1910-11, 167,000; ne was an only son and the sole support of his “ Tom Jone i ” (Edward German), “ The Emerald Isle ” father and mother. Vicar), the Rev. Isaac Shimmii . (Sullivan ar d German), “ Merrie England ” (Edward and Doris and others contribute towards the entertain vision of the Camp Commandant, Col. Bos toe k. The 1911-12, 158,000; 1912-13, 150,000; 1913-14, 136,000; minister of the Wesleyan Church),I Mias Chudleigh? German), “ The Yeomen of the Guard” (Sullivan), “ A ing features of the revu£. Blue Boy Orchestra also plays a number of pleasing and in 1914-15, the last year for whioh the figures pplicant was informed that he oould make arr&nge- Miss Johns, Mrs. Oscar U. GriffiGriffith ‘ (from Clapham selections during the intervals. were available, the numbers dropped to 104,000. |ts for tiie land to be looked after and a fortnight’s range-road), Miss Princess of K ensington ” (Edward German) and; “ H. M. S. “ LITTLE MISS -RAGTIME.” The stage manager is Sergt. Leslie C. Gray ; assistant was allowed. Park, 8.W.), the Misses Thomas (of Pinafore ” (S ullivan). >r e & at 80, Various reasons, chiefly connected with the war, were Altham, and Mr;Lf« XV.A. U.J. J2J1D.Eyre. The symthony on Thursday afternoon was “ Tbe An attractive engagement has been made or next stage manager, Sergt. Hoyland; property master, But harlot at given for the last year’s decrease. The principal causes PARTIALJ SUPPORT FOR MOTHER. In the aftermnoon the happy pair left for Brighton, week, when Mr. Sydney Vereker is to prefent the Sergt. Rowley ; stage carpenter, Sergt. Hokenham; Italian” (M;ndelssohn). Not so attractive as “ The were the enlistment of many habitual petty offenders; where the firstt part of the oriief honeymoon is being Scotch,” it i i nevertheless typical of its composer and Dopular musical-comedy revue. Little Miss Ragtime. electrician, Sergt. Sanders; general manager, Capt. B. the restricted hburs for the sale of intoxicating > application of A. J. Man, an electrical wireman, spent. he lyrics and libretto are by Miss Isa Bowman, who Green Foley. who said be partly supported his mother, was refused. cuicrbaiuiuKentertaining throughout.tuiuukuuuu. The x iioiuoti instrumentalists uuicununota iuaiuiiivcuacquitted ■ i - • j ■ j , liquors; and the great demand for labour, rendering themselves with every credit and won well-deserved | as a splendid Ppart * ^ in n “ Pauline Vardon,” alias! “ Ladv CoL Bostock kindly promised that the profits of the employment easy and well paid. This decrease was GROCER’S SON’S OBJECTION. applause. The other numbers were the overture to Frivol/* Mr. Frank Barclay is among the other well- two performances on Wednesday should be given to the Jty. very notioeable at the monthly meetings of the {Com­ ; known artists in the company, which is supported by a Eastbourne Eye Infirmary, and those of the Thursday mittee, for whereas the members used to spread F. Badddey, who assists in his father’s GENERAL BOOTHS B RTHDAY. L&lo’s grand I opera, “ Le Roi d’Ys,” Grieg’s romance for i well-trained “ beauty chorus.” The scenery andldresses ______J Aim AlX A»OJ •rd.—Sunday strings, “ Lapt Spring” and Sveudsen’s brilliant “ Car- afternoon to toe Eastbourne Military Hospital. HJRNB themselves all over Lewes Prison in order to carry provision stores, appealed on the ground of” are said to be of a particularly handsome anq lavish There will be two performances of The Second in Bmflues. Tend 8am. Holy 11 a j hardship; and also as a conscientious objector.' naval k Parii ' '"i litany on mdand 8th l out their inspection, last year they went round in General Bramwell Booth, thfi head of the Salvation character. Mr. W. N^ale is the composer of thi 1 music, C o m m a n d to-day at 3 and 8. Communion on tnd companies of three and four. A great part of the said he oould not undertake oombatant’s work Army, was sixty on Wednesday last He has now been WEEK-ElND CONCERT ARRANGEMENTS. which is bright and melodious to an unusual degi n’s so on work of that Society usually concerned the class of addod that he was essential to his father’s business, the in full charge of the Salvation Army organisation since “ THE WITNESS FOR THE DEFENCE.” Sri Sunday, . _ , ...ya ' prisoners known as juvenile-adults who came under latter ! absent for lengthy terms through illness, 1912, when nis father passed away, bt t it is well known Mr. Norfolk Megone is submitting a particularly I Visitors to the Pier Theatre during next week will vice: 8.80 I J H J pwrwwj- Other |9er- Borstal treatment, and (the value of the work done EEOU from combatant servioe only. that he relieved his father | of a larger portion of attractivetractive programme at to-night’s popular concert.. find a powerful and highly dramatic attraction in T h e se: Holy t know what it meant, but I soon learnt what it rith list’rocs mirth, Grand march from “ Sigurd Jorsalfar" ...... Grieg week. It is entitled “ Her Great Match,” anl com­ itabieooatribu- U i a and pun. was, and I am very thankful for it. In civil life ‘ROMANISING TENDENCIES.” eeeh mom** option was granted until the end of the present ______D------ier thi hills doth sweep! Overture! “ The Butterflies Ball ”...... Coieen prises five acts of touching sentiment and gripping i seoarity in the before, I did not have much respect for myself in “The Pathetic Symphony” (tod and 3rd move­ situations. The story is a romance in high life, and iws what it is to A *ffi**- body or mind, but all I thought about was swanking O winds of March ! we hail your chi mood, ment^) ...... Tschaikowsku The following appears in this month’s issue of F rate ia theory, ______tnd Women, I p.m. about. I hardly attempted to keep myself in decent The shaking of your laughter in thi air, Old French air for strings, “ Le Minuet du oonoerns a prince (heir to the King of Syraviu) alnd Jo, ‘SI. TuesUv, 811 pm. Won en’s ~ ENGAGED IN HOSPITAL WORK Burge ois Gentilhdmme ...... r.Lulli the beautiful and clever daughter of an American mill- Saviour’s Parish Magazine ”:— iriy understood 8 to 5 80 clothes, but all that is past and I like to appear my Those whistling frolics in the bendi: wood, Pi T. Matthews appealed for exemption. He stated The gay and merry obasings here there! Sevillana from “ Don Ccesarde Bazan,” Massenet owner. The King and hia sister, the Grand , 1 The Vicar was talking to some of the guilds at the mesjey,. saved ! . 4 p i best on parade or when I go for a walk in the town. that he was engagedI in'hospital work, and he submitted Suite, “ Ttie Sleeping Beauty” .....Tschaikowaky resort to extreme measures to break off the at tael ,mentr As for saving, before I couldn’t; gambling was an time of the Dedication Festival about the early days of • the tsar, that m i Held. that he was much more fitted for these duties than Ye hurtling winds, to oombat are hail’d, Fantasia,!" Romeo and Juliet" ...... Gounod. the Prinoe being at length induced to return ho ne on the church (St. Saviour’s). Among other things, he JAvamaa Fuoa O atm f. absolute mania with me, and I didn’t try to step it And haste to such glad tour ient with zest, Spanish rhapsody, “ Kspana"...... Chdbrier either; but thanks to the good I received at the other servioe. the strength of a report that his father is dyii ig and mentioned that the oonsecration was delayed for three am . and SJOpm.; Bible study,; « Military Representative agreed to a conditional For though by tempest shocks are assail’d The vocalist on both the above occasions will be | that he (the son) will he required to ascend the t nrane. months because the vicars of the neighbouring churches, “It is not a Tto 8. Prayer martin ~ Institution I can now exercise my self-control! and The battle-joy is glowingly ~ infess’d ! Private F. U Hubbard, 3rd London (T.), bass-baritone. us,? he said*. can save easily I have saved 20s. now. . . . Us; lads exemption, and this was granted for so long as he The move proves to be a devioe to prevent any mi rriage from whose parishes the new district was taken, oontinned in the same work as at present. •. Whence oome ye, sportive ids? From Winter’s Orchestral concerts .will take plaoe on Monday, between thp lovers, but the Prinoe, after deck ing to objected to the supposed ‘Romanising’ tendencies of ices. Ia here will always try. our beet whether at home or I abdicate in favour of his brother, returns to Afnerioa i the error of I O dbch. abroad to try and keep up the stm t of the old plaoe.” clasp? Tuesday, Wt dnesday and Thursday afternoons and on ___ , the new church. These were such things as the choir in- la y p.m. Prapr-’ It did not seem to be generally known, proceeded the TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS. Ah, thenoe thei ill that mi your way: Wednesday i nd Saturday evenings. The last chamber and renews his acquaintance with Jo. Spies app Mr on surplioas, the clergy in cassocks (to display a liberal 1 t i E Boizer applied for exemption on the ground Bnt soon the kin ig of so si ; a grasp, music oonoert of the season is announced for Friday the scene, and a last effort to upset the plans of the amount of ‘ trouser ’ below the surplioe was then oon- I. venture to- f8,Maao Bev. speaker—at all events Magistrates appeared some- Tt what reluctant to make! use of their powers in; this he was the sole support of bis invalid father and To circling bio aglow doth re full pis;play! afternoon nei t in the Lecture Room. oouple takes the violent form of attempting to (drown | sidered a mark of sound doctrine), the size of the altar, direction—that there was an institution at Aylesbury mother, The latter was in receipt of the old age 1 the young lady. This manoeuvre completely fails, and the absence of tbe black gown in preaching and of Up Eerton-road.- ServioesstU pension. unfurnished rooms of the house were let Ye fresh’ning ■ !' From Nature’eop’ningeyes GEOFFREY PYKE’S ESCAPE FROM | the Prince finally announces his intention to ma ce the ‘reading pew,’ whence the minister could say the ioL 8 u t Communion first for providing Borstal treatment for female offenders. Now brash the I ep-dustof tile restful time, “ ^Thnradsr,atrvio^ 8 He felt sure that' if the value of. this institution was A temporary exemption until the end of April was RUHLEBEN. girl his wife. The film is full of life and incident and jrayers facing the people. Even then the ‘Protestanl gran ;ed to give the applicant an opportunity of making, And thus the bud ling earth, in love); i the appreciation of tbe spectator is maintained |to the Observer * was abroad in tho land. It is interesting to. oar needs, an d realised more generally (greater use would be made Prepare for! ’s sweet hours, am Summer’s prim On Tuesdiy next, at 3 and 8 p.m.. Mr. Geoffrey If possible, some arrangement Pyke, said to he the-only living English correspondent I end of the picture. note that if he were to go into either of those churches " .needs are to- of it Recently a certain number of young offenders F rank H. Humbt. Others films to be presented are “ The Rival Bu tons ” to-day he would observe all those things which filled r shall first of aU had been creating a name for themselves, namely, to enter and 1 eave Germany mnoe the outbreak of the (a farce-comedy in one act, described as the most : only. in. the- young boys who haid been giving a good dedl of 1 (EMPLOYER’S APPLICATION. war, will gi -e his lecture, “ How I Escaped from him with horror 50 years age, and would n o t observe- a individual. f trouble in some places by committing thefts, Ac. He Ohitty appealed on behalf of his batcher’s Ruhleben.” The lecture promises to be of great extraordinary hotel service ever run for the confu don of other things which he deemed essential to stalwart W. CL Page, who, he Stated, was working at USB patrons); “ Does Flirting Pay ?” (oomedy); and “ On Protestantism. So our reply to the modern Protestant, was reading a short time ago, he did not know, how interest, and we trust the engagement will result in the Lake Maggiore ” (scenic). rid of tbei true it was, a message from Amsterdam which l Ocklynge-parade. SUSSEX SOCIETY NOTE presenoe of t: vo large audiences. observer ia ‘ Wait and see.1 ’ IF referred to a very similar outbreak among lads in said these washo other man employed on At 4.30, after the first lecture, light music will be Exhibitions take plaoe daily at 3, 6.30 and 8.30 fern. lelv, offences of housebreaking, steal- and he did all the catting up of the meat played by tht orchestra. l\ I EASTERN CINEMA. T^ S m of that sort He supposed it resulted, mayor: Have yon lost any men already ? ENVELOPES THE ETERNAL PRESENT. 8h in's large measnre, through the war and the absence Ihitty : Five have gone-from the three shops, 80L0M 0N PIANOFORTE RECITAL. At this enterprising picture palace the sixth e lisode from home of a large proportion of the adult male been with me for 17 years. PLEASANT TO WRITE UPON. A recital is to be given in the Winter Garden on in “ The Exploits of Elaine1’ is being shown. The : Are you appealing for any other men! Tuesday afternoon next by Solomon, the clever yonng subject of the episode is “ The Vampire,” anl the There is no Past, the dead thing liveth on, poiHilation, whose presence had hitherto kept this incidents depicted maintain the high level of dn matic ~Tt«wiayiC'8 rOommunion. sort of thing within bounds. While the Society had i I don’t know. pianist. The; recital will begin at 3 o’clock, and the | The creed, the buffet cruel helped young offenders to make a new start in (life, : You plaoe us in a difficult position. We TO BB-HAD OF STATIONERS, orchestra will! play selections at 4.30. interest reached in previous episodes. Among other Is part of me with all I fancied gone; how many men yon are appealing for. films inviting attention are ‘‘The Gilded Cage And Helen’s face, that kindled war and shone the reduced numbers of jtheee oeses dealt with had O r ff t tj M i (drama), “ Charlie Shanghaied” (new Chaplin film), fltnroum (C ____ enabled them' to give rather more assistance than ’: That would pot me in a position where NAVAL AND MILITARY BOXING Of old, is this world’s jewel. 11 am . and 4J0 pm. W< ' lej between two men. SON and “ WithDur Territorials at the Front.” The ages, that on others dimly oast Meeting on Sunday at : usual to the older offenders.lens, Thea lie factiuaju that wint mwuilabour J O H N B E A L . On Monday next and two following days patrons will SaM ^a Hymns. M was scarce rendered such help more easy, and they Yon should oome to us with a list of A programme embracing a number of very promising Dread shadows, yet are with us to the last. >ealing fpr. ( 66, HAST STREET, IGHrON. have an opportunity of witnessing another cf the hoped what they had donele had been beneficial in a contests will jb e----- *'------L “ J------:— — famous Metro pictures, “ The Snooting of Dan For nothing really dies, we gather np number of cases. L i esentative said the man was not the occasion Each passion in the present, by the military authority. They MoGrew.” It is a thrilling drama in five reels. The Mr. WhitfeiiD seconded, and the motion was Swan, Waterman A Onotoj FOOSTAIN PENS. tournament. story ia founded upon a very spirited and virile xiem, And yesterday is this day’s bitter cup ; _ . but this man was not included, of Mr. Palmer, Sporting Life, who will officiate as With gods or devils now we nightly snp. .ISS. e want to know what your whole staff and as each verse is thrown on the screen the oon< itions land at m o pm . fori Mr. FREEMAN said he had been a Magistrate] for Agent* fo r the Ordnance Survey Map*. referee. A list of the matches to be decided appears in described in the poet’s lines are faithfully depiol ed, in Drink night or nectar pleasant. a number of years, but he must confess he was (not is, ho tv man; .ps yon have and for how many men our advertisement columns. Long faded roses riot in our veins, you. a -e „ emption, and why I j ( soenes starting with the meeting of Maxwell az d the | aware of the existence of the work at Aylesbury to woman who was his wife before she became thi com­ And yield a harvest of delicious plains. which the Chairman had I referred. He wondered if Ths case was adjourned an til Monday. CINEMATOGRAPH EXHIBITIONS. panion of “ Dangerous Dan McGrew.” To seeui-e the There is no Past, and that which was endures- I At 11 I there were some documents relating to it which could SCHOOLMASTER REFUSED. “THE FOUR FEATHERS” NEXT WEEK proper atmosphere and detail and local oolou ■ Mr. b i t i Tend of 1 Swest as the earliest carol be forwarded to Magistrate* calling their attention DO N O T WAIT The official film of the British Army in France has Breeae, who tills the title ro le , jonmeyed vith a Giving to Eden that which love assures; mj, Junior — to the work. i ■ ! .J. An assistant at S t Saviour’s Higher Grade School, r. Her. Sydney T.l F. J. Rivers, applied for exemption, stating that he ha< I been much admired daring tbe week. It embraces oompany of eighty players from New York to A hiliba, The pierished beauty, as we deemed, secures- The CHAIRMAN said inquiries would be riiade With many features of the battle-front of singular interest, Canada, daring the height of the big suow season. ! individual saving M O R M t a a m . tb, Bottof-rood. — I a view to the institution being brought to thei notice been \ tossed by the dootor for clerical work only, and until yon aM really ill b« fora retorting to Room for new proud appiareL Sunday a t 11 and 8J0. he therefore thought it was cf national importance that treatment. Immediate attention should and is very illuminating as to the high pressure at Exact duplicates of Alaskan settlements were bi nit at Within the blood it pulses, in our flesh T return to the of Magistrates. | . he shdnld remain in his present work. always bo given to minn al monte which many of the sectional and preparatory operations great oost. A duplicate of the fatuous Malamute Beats daily and is woven there afresh. MtUTAar Hmpital Chapel.- Parade It was reported that owing to the death of (the Saloon which existed in the pioneer days wa i con­ Chaplain, Hev. B. A .------^ " ” Application was refused. they lead to more serious trouble. A are carried on. The film will oe screened at both For nothing really dies, there is no plaoe President, the Duke of Norfolk had been approached billon* headache—a tend, noy 1 o constipa­ exhibitions to-day. Hearty appreciation has likewise structed and destroyed by fire. The picture re [uired »that it with a -view to big accepting the office. A l WHAT LARGE EMPLOYERS SHOULD DO. tion—• of discomfort after ea been shown of the phot>play, “ The Outcast,”-the two months of strenuous effort to complete, comp rising Where tombs can hide one treasure, i than to was read from his (Grace stating -that he would be as it does no fewer than 211 scenes. / The crime that darkens or the dazzling grace ; pleased to act, and he was accordingly elected to the In i case in which D. Wood, an employe of Messrs. 4 sensation of droweinest duriig wo story havingbeen most realistically treated by tbe We grasp them lightly in the soul’s embrsoe, Mark Martin A Son was before the Tribunal, Mr. E O. hoars—impaired appetifi -the K) are producers. The programme further includes the Fathe Amongst other excellent films secured for the office. . i symptoms that ttwo of th* mom important Gazette and some miscellaneous examples. opening half of tbe week is a Keystone cornedr, “ A So infinite in onr measure. The oommittee were re-elected, with the addition Marti s said' the firm had a contract for the War Versatile Villain,” and a Kineto interest prediction Yea, all. that ever was or will be, lies RESIDENT. Lewnav doom a id Wi of the name of Mr. jj. Fletcher Yearsley (Lewes). OfficeT 08*404 body—th* stoinajh and the Next week’s official war picture (only released » day Upxm the heart that holds the eternities. 118. Tererruinue-roafL, Mi The! Mayor aid in oases where large employers were liveT—are : working satisfactorily. The or two ago) di descriptive of “ British Sports and Pastimes.” This “ OoTmrv Aim V Mr. F. B. Whitfeld was re-elected hon. treai It comprises last-named film was released only a week or so age. There is no Past, and in me lorketh deep _ ------■ street. Mna OT* PAPER, VMting the September offensijve m itteel decided to recommend a redaction L; '.berstes In most VoL v! X i Uzix, LniooLe, ( J h m fr o n M ertary) of Togaland < M by the' British Foras. paper, pod to wyite on both aides of notepaper. of 10d. in the pound. K i A Oo>’4, Ltd. in the R. i - i , p • h '..v A '. • ' •- -if:: ,1 latter,

'*f Establish ed 1882. . EaruiiOHiD 1878. J. C. TOWNES A i A K D E N & CO., H. W. HASKINGS < SONS, AUCTIONEERS, AUCTIONEERS, EAST BO URNB. o u s e a n d STATE HOUSE. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. QiQTAaal, Naval, military and LaflisB’ Tailors, H SURVEYORS .Nil VALUE SURVEYORS. VALUERS. AGKNTS FOR ALL P iIF Cl PAL P Mortgage 6 Insurance Brokers. Mn.-.thty Pr'yirtp Register. Auction Sales Oonducl in Town am Terminua-roAd, Kastbourne. Offloes ■ - ■ 10, CORNFIELD ROAD. Surveys & Valuations for Mortgage] Probate, &o. Rente Collected, Mortgagee Telephone Eastbourne 1234. FBOHXNADS OOBXUMBS AND BIDING A; SPECIALITY. Insurances Effected. Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. ■■ -it THE AUCTION MAR*, 57, TERMINUS ROAD TUESDAY, MARCH 21st, at Three o’clock; All Garments Made on the Premises by First-class Workmen in good Sanitary Workshops. EASTBOURNE. MARLBOROUGH TEA ROOMS, 39, GROVE Devonshire Park Orchestra. ROAD, EASTBOURNE. 3 2 PERFORMERS. R e c i t a l b y ON .THURSDAY NE O A K D E N & 0 0 . Musical Director: E stablished I860. THE AUCTION MART, Have received Instrue ions to Sell by P ublic Auction SOLOMON IBOllRNE. the Premises, above, on WEDNESDAY 57, TERMINUS ROAD, EAS !nd March, 1916, NORFOLK M E G O N E. T h e W o n d erfu l Y ouno P ia n ist . IMEEY E. ANGIS & 80NS, I Ltd., J. 0. T O W N E R <& B R JHOP AND HO USEHOLD FURNITURE, . At 4 30. I he Auction Will Sell by Public Auction, at , s riAFIXTURES i uivaa ajndAND EFFECTS,c r p iluib, including:amciuamga a-rt.wnue9-ft. white LjiGHT Music by THE ORCHESTRA. THE E A TB U R N E C E M K TERM MASONS Mart, on THURSDAY, 16th MABbH, 1916, enamelled counter wit i mirror panelled top, a 9-ft. wall I ] I 1 | \ I ; i-f, 8 fixture of shelvesRhalvna__ .— with___ .mirrormirror hnY*lrback, nnpnivnrlropenwork partition,norHHnn ~ * ^ T S Prices:—Reserved and Numbered Stalls, 8s.; Reserved ental Sculptors And grai URNITURE AND EpFISOTS, 861 ice lift, plate glads shelves, wall mirrors and pier | but Unnumbered Seats, 2s.; Admission, Is. M om uae: rs and 1 F__ Including superior brassand iron French bedsteads gli "es, cash till,, pair___ of _ scales,______glass dishes and stands. AFTERNOONS: and bedding, well-made wardrobes in xnahoga: china, linoleum, two v icker settees, wicker arm chairs. Show B o o m and Studio t 3 7 , UPPERTON ROAD, EASTBOURNE walnut, mahogany and satin walnut chests of li elve dark oak chair*, ten rush-seated chairs, nine tile MONDAY at 3.15, TUESDAY at 4.30, I N T H E PAVILION. duchesse and other dressing tables and washslands, toi) tables, niarble-top tjablo, stained dining table, kitchen : « r a A t m u r n c A T B s « u p p l i h d . ^T E L E P H O N E 5 7 9 . dining room suites in mahogany and Walnut frames, WEDNESDAY at 3.15, and THURSDAY at 3.15. Li H couches, easy and occasional chairs, five Chippendale table, knife machine, grained cupboard,rd. refrigerator, TW-IOE DAILY at 3 and 8. chairs and an armchair, excellent envelope a ul other meat safes, small iror safe, two single bedsteads, two card tablos, Pembroke and occasional tables in n >si- -vood, mahogany washstandi,, pictures, table plate, miscel- EVENINGS: WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY ' i walnut and mahogany, extendlng-frame dining tables In laneous effects and the romaining stock of confectionery. and SUNDAY, at 8.15. CINEMATOGRAPH. Telephone No* 441, and walnut, cottage dinijig table, oak writing On View Morning o( Sale. J O H N N I X H N N I X table with leather top. walnut chiffonier oak revolving Sale to commence at TWO o'clock precisely, Special Exclusive Film— bookcase, woll-made mahogany sideboards,- mjahogany .. ' ' r Catalogues may beuu uutaincuobtained at thetr Auctioneers’ G oldsm ith hall furniture, mahogany dumb wail T his (Saturday) k S unday E venings. Match 11 & 12. superior overmantels and chimney gli___r’es V superior °® ces’ 10' Cornfleld-rqad, Eastbourne. “The Four Feathers.” rosewood china cabinet, brass club fendpr, wa [nut coal Telephone .231 Eastbourne. VOCALIST— * Silversmith HI cabinet, coal purdoniums, I carpets, rugs, mats, ill paint­ Telegrams Jakdens, Eastbourne. O FFICIA L W A R FILM (2nd 8eries) ings, engravings, old sporting prints andlother pictures, Terminus Road set of interesting old copper plates, jlace eurtains, 8ELMESTON VICARAGE. Private P. L. HUBBARD N<>. 2b .—*4 TPRES—The Shell Shattered. tantalus, plated goods, old English china tea service, (3rd London T.F.), a W a t c h m a k e r dessert service, valuable! Dresden “ nook crowing” Two Miles from Berwick Station. City of Flandera ornament, bentwood and Windsor chairs,! kitchi in tables, BASS BARITONE. Je w e lle r. magic lantern, wringing and mangling machinss, lady's OAKDEN & OO. Pathe Gazette, &c. bicycle, perambulator, lawn mower, culinary utensils Have received Instructions from the Reverend W. R. A dmission Gd. Nightingale, M.A., who is retiring, to Sell by J O H N N I X and effects. Stalls (Saturday and Sunday), 6d. extra. flirths, ffiartiageg ant geathfl. 1J O H N N I ^ Sale to commence at Two o’olock. Auction, on WEDNESDAY, 29th March, 1916, ROLLER SKATING. On View the Day previous. o u s e h o l d f u r n i t u r e -i------. - —------C -----— ^ — - Catalogues to be had of the Auctioneers. AND GENERAL EFFECTS. THURSDAY EVENING, 7.30 to 9.30, With Music. T«L 440. H TUESDAY, MAROH 14th, at Three and Eight. Auctioneers’ Offices t 10, Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. FRIDAY MORNING, 11 to 1, Without Music. E. MORRIS & S 21, ROYAL PARADE, EASTBOURNE. Telephonle: 1231 Eastbourne. Telegramjs: Oakdens, Eastbourne. LECTURE— F r i d a y a f t e r n o o n and e v e n in g , 3.15 to J . O. T O W N L R & BROM LEY 5.15 and 7.30 to 9.45, IFtUi Music. 6 6 , SEASIDE ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Are instructed to Sell by Puhijo Auction, on the “ How I Escaped from Ruhleben,” j SATURDAY, 10 a.m. to 12.30. Without Music. i i J M Premises as above, on MONDAY, March 20lh, 1916, „ 3.15 to 5.15, IVith Music. MARRIAGES. Ironmongers, Cutlers, Electric and Gas Fitters, OUSEHOLD FURNITURE BY BRAY—M ARSHALL.—March 3. at St, Mark’s Church,C ; H Fur* her Particulars later. D e v o n s h ir e park Hamllton-terrace, London, N.W., Lieulf John Bray, Hot W ater and Sanitary Engineer*. GEOFFREY PYKE I.R.N.V.K., m 1 )i.L 4eldest__ L tisoni son of Mr. John BraBray,Mnwoknll offlt. Leonards, ni * " By Order of Executors! SWIMMING BATHS. to Edith, daughter of Mr. Richard .rshall, and the T t h e a t r e . (The only living English Correspondent to go into and late Mrs. Marshall, of Hull. 13, LUSHINGTON ROAD, EASTBOURNE. WINTER TIME TABLE. MOLESWOUTH—GRIFFITH.—March 7th, at St. Anne’s | A BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED HI8T0RY AND Sole Lessees Sc Managers: Murray King Sc Clark. out of Germany since the outbreak of War). ]III X E D BAT K IN G -EV ER Y MORNING, 7 to 9 Church, Eastbourne, by the Rev. E. H. Molesworth, J. C. TOWNER Sc BBOm Le Y (including Sunday). ' f t M.A. (rector of Clapham with latching. Sussex), Are instructed to Sell by Public Auction, on tho Tele. 121, Eastbourne. At 4.30, father of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rpv. W. P. Premises, as above, ou THURSDAY, 23ri> March, i EVERY AFTERNOON, 3 to dusk. Jay. M.A. (vicar of the parish). Surgeon Eric M. Moles- GUIDE TO HERSTMONOKUX CASTLE 1916, L ig h t M usic by T H E ORCHESTRA. GENTLEMEN Of I.V —DAILY, 9 to 10.30 and E T 7 12 to 2 (except Sunday). •woith. R.N., to Ethel A. Griffith, daughter df Mr. and (Comioac), o u s e h o l d f u r n i t u r e Mrs. Isaac Clark Griffith, of The Cliace. Hartfield- AND EFFECTS. TO-DAY (SATURDAY), at 2 30 and 8. Prices Reserved and Numbered Stalls, 3s.; Reserved LADIES O N LY -EV FRY MORNING, 10.45 to 12 road, Eastbourne. but Unnumbered Seats, 2s.; Admission, Is. (except Sunday). BAYNE—SHURM ER.—March 1st, at the Parish Church, , | - By thh Roy, E. E, CRAKE, M.A, HCatalogues in due course. • Cheltenham, by the Rev. A. A. Headley, Frederick ' J . i I | George Payne, eldest son of Frederick Payne, 113, ] “QUjtNNEYS.” Ash ford-road, Eastbourne, to Rose Shdrmer, daughter | - One of the most Interesting and Picturesque Castles in the County of Snesei, ■of Thomas Shurmer, 18, Fairfield-parade. Cheltenham. HKKYS AUCTION ROOMS & SALK GRAND NAVAL AND MILITARY WISEMAN—CROWHURST.—March 1, at St. Augus- PB.IOB BXXPBtlOK. YARD (adjoining the Kntate Offices) -*-.e‘s Church. Brighton, by the Rev. J.;E. Page, M. A.. T19. CORNFIELD ROAD, EASTBOURNE dorick Henry, only son of Mr. A. Wiseman, of May be obtained of the Printers and Publish'ers, tbourne, to Marjorie Maud, eldest daughter of Mr. Telephone vti. B O X I N G TO R N A M E N T, Bl-WEKKLY SALKS. TW CE NIGHTLY. Crowhurst, of Wallands, Stanford • avenue, FARNCOMBE & CO., L imited, BOOTH 8TREET, EASTBOURNE hton. Godls can always be Included Special dates by arrangetnoni MONDAY NEXT, MARCH 3jtll, Commencing at 7 30 p m. MONDAY, M.lR. 13t h , fo r S ir Nights at DEATHS. Thkhk Salk Booms are noted (or the advamageoas . SALE NEXT TUESDAY. Disposal of Fnrnltnre, Autiques, Works ol Art, Old .—March 2, Lieut. C. W. Beale, 7th Battalion Having disposed, of the Lease. Ohlna, Plolures, Plate, JoweLs, Curios. Wines Uouiplurf, 4.45 and 9. i Sussex Best., son of Dr. Clifford Beale, of Allan Coins, Jewellery. AnLmeds, Birds, Stock-In-Trade. Car­ Events will include C ontests between , Rotherfleld, aged 23. 51, JEVI>IGTON GARDENS. EASTBOURNE. riages and Horses. Motor Cars, Blcyolos.. Boats Ac Matinee Saturday at 2.30. BURDER.—At Hastings, on March 3rd, John Burdor, of I The Useful and Woll-made The Beeohes, Baroombo, aged 83. Best value Is always obtatnod at these Auction SERGT. WILLIAMS (Hants Carnbiniers) ai DANNY HUGHES (late Royal Sussex Regt.). m o u s e h o l d f u r n i t u r e a nd e f f e c t s , belLg largely attended by local and oonntr■y bnyiers, D. — On the 6th, at Hoilsham, Frederick James also buyers from London, Brighton, Lewes. H astirngs. MR. GEORGE DANCES COMPANY in tho SERGT. DICK BEARD (Royal Sussex Regt.) ai [d, only surviving son of tho late Tpomas Child, of comprjising spring and wool mattresses, feather Ac. P.O. FORBES (Royal Naval Air Service). ihelham Priory, Arlington, aged 76. 1 bolstersH and pillows, blankets, curtains, 5-ft. pine ward- | robe, toilet and trinket sets, handsome carved satin GOOD8 PUBCHA8FI) FOR CASH WHEN SERGT. LANNY (Royal Fusiliers, Dover) ai SERGT. HEARNE (Royal West Surrey Regt., M . — Maroh 2nd, at Tunbridge Wells, Jatnes walnut bedroom suite, mahogany che6ts, dressing tables DESIRED. NO EXPENSES. late of Seaside, Eastbourne, • 81. Slioreham). m and washstAnds, 4-ft. 6-in, and 4-ft. French bedsteads, Furniturk Salks at Privatr Housks. Air Mechanic JOYCE (Ruyal Naval Air Service) a: PRIVATE TURVEY (West Surrey Regt). Axminster and other carpets, stair carpets, rugs and slip SHARK SALKS AND PROPERTY SALKS mats, music cabinet, brilliant tone cottage pianoforte (by SEAMAN GARDNER (Royal Naval Air Service) a: m. Chappell & Co ), inlaid rosewood, walnut and other over­ VALUATIONS. !1 1 -I THE LADYBIRDS.” LANCE-CORPL. BROOKS (Hants Carabiniere). 3K.—On March 7th (suddenly), •t Eastbourne, mantels, dining tables, elegant carved settee, 5-ft. HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENCY.-Exclusive Usto PRIVATE SMITH (Middlesex Regt.) a: P.O. CHARLTON (Royal Naval Air Service). w3T'? ; , __ hur John Pocock. of 28, Myrtle road, Seaside, walnut sidebjoard, pictures, ornaments, handsome time­ Of Honscs for Sale and to Let. | Including -ged 57. Funeral at Ocklynge, Mondajy, 4.30. piece. carvedj walnut dining suite in red leather, carved INSURANCES of evory description effected & | i oak hat stand, opera glasses, curtains, wringer, scales, THOMAS.—On the 29th February, 1916,|at 8, Cavenflish- Rents Colleotkd and Property efflolently managed. Referee ...... Palmer, Sporting Life.. road, Heavitree, Kxeter, the residence of i his son. cooking utensils, linen, plated goods, cutlery, glass and THE PO LUSK 18 and ■ William Arthur Thomas, formerly of Langney-i china, and. miscellaneous effects, which 1 K8kY B K A I Timekeeper ... Sergt.-Major Anderson, Middlesex Regt. M.C. ... Sergt. Gilmore, Royal Sussex It§gt. ‘Hutend was (tc Years’ Local ftoperlmie k . Eastbourne, In the 76th year of his ago. MeasTB. E D G A R H O R N & C H A R T R E S MISS DAISY JAMES, peace.” Will Sell by Auction on the Premises on TUESDAY, > Admission :-R ing Seats (Reserved), 3s.; a limited number of 2s. Seats (Reserved but Unnumbered) for N.C.O.’a March 14th, 1916, at L30 o'clock precisely. TERRYS AUCTION ROOMS' ANr 8AI JtYARD, IN MEMORIAM. \ and Men only ; Back Seats, la N.C.O.’s a] d Men of! H.M. Forces Half-price. m May be Viewed Day Prior and Morning of 8ale. 19, CORNFIELD ROAD, EAST UOURi NK. DENTON’S TROUPE OF DANCERS, WEDDLE.—In pvor loving memory of'a a dear son and . . Catalogue can be obtained at tho Auctioneers' OfflceR, brother, Thomas Henry Weddle, who was killejd In | 31, Cornfield - road, Eastbourne, and 6, South Side, T S R B Y S F A I action at Neuve Chappclle, March 11th, 1915. Clapham Common, 8.W. (15 Tears' Local Experience) STi Ifes > •‘Gone, but will never be forgotten.” Will Sell at his Rooms, as above, on TUESDAY BEVY OF- BEAUTIFUL “LADYBIRDS.” NEXT. March 14th, 1916, Morning 11 to 1, Afternoon I i- ’ ■ Telephone 125T. 2.30, the superior A n d NO Me l SPECIALITIES. AMES ANDREWS, Mason and Sculptor, ! P R O P E R T I E S TO LET. o u s e h o l d f u r n i t u r e & E ffec ts, including excellent tone pianoforte (by Kirkman) RESIDENT! L FLATS. Works: B asra's-boad (near St. Mary’s Church). in iosewood case, green bedroom suite in good condition, K J H oak and 8& ■ Residence, Office and Show-room: Oa m | bA Villa, Gobb | BIRLEY. An up-to-date and convenient Detached superior sets of sol'd mahogany loekers. Villa |h Pkidkaux-boad. Rent £90. mahogany writing tables, pedestal ditto, i^iahogany • Park (adjoining the Cemetery),. desks, revolving office oliairs, 3 mal ogany enclosed WARTIME ECONOMY. Designs and Estimates T SPRING Accommodation: $ix bedrooms, bath room ; all on one bookcases, dwarf ditto, handsome burr) walnut Suther­ m floor. Three reception rooms, large entrance hall, land table, occasional tables. 3-ft. white enamel ward- TW CB NIGHTLY. 1 1 . ' usual domestic omoes. Fitted electric light, gas robo, mahogany dress table and woslrttand. ish dress- and all modem conveniences. Largo garden. ing chest and washstandi grained, dressing chests and numerous chests of drawers, chosterflo ds. couches and MONDAY, Mar, 20i'H, for Three Nights at HOHOLSON Lt d . Motor Garage. box Ottomans, easy chairs in eaddtobaes, tapestry, &c. also at (1.45 and 9 Cornpisld-tkrraot, I e a s t : iron safe, largo Imari bowl, pictures, ch nn,| arge assort­ THJ £50 per Annum. No. 4, THE GOFFS. ment of carpets, good bedsteads and bed|diug,dinner and TO OWNERS OF PROPERTIES AND OTHERS. p r FUNERAL FURNI BB. MODELS tea services, kitchen tables, cooking utensils, stained Matin ’.c Wednesday at 2.30. £26 per Annum inclusive. Small Shop in Sutton- cupboards, and numerous other miscellaneous {items. COMPLETE MOURNING Q U T F ltS , roao,: with room over; suitable and fixtures oom- Thtj IN plete jor a Hairdresser. SALE TUESDAY. men Personal attention to all oo' inlands. ' - Now on View, ‘‘The Count of Luxembourg.” scheij M. Further Particulars^ apply Principal Agents or sideri| 801 and era Owner, 2, Station-parade, Eastbourne. ‘H ’i 1880. i home TAILORED SUITS C H A R L E S E. HORNE, F., groinl JJAINB & SON, urgec J5KTAKIB8. COTIONEKR, VALUER, HOUSE AGENT PIER THEATRE, DENNIS AND GAUGER, in th Funeral Carriage I A Manager G. Haves. a n d C O ,, L td , j large| K otor Hearse Prop: GOWNS HATS CJ ECOND-H AND FURNITURE,,,, Carpets. Antiques, | 1, TIDES WELL ROAD, EASTBOl bein^ &c., i or Cash. No expense of removal, CERTIFICATED BAILIFF TO-DAY (Si.TURDAY), at 3 and 8 ing h i 48, CAVENDISH PLACE Sc 19, DTH STREET &c. — AJfp Wright, 85 and 87, Soath - street, East- Appointed by His Honour Judge : 56, Grove-road., Eastbourne, | bourne. ■ Distraints under the Amende LAST TWO PERfORMANCES OB’ in w f T AND BLOUSES BUSINESSES or EVEBY DESCRIPTIOH roa j i| i EstABUSE E» 1850, charg Tel. 788. J. B . A . H A Tel, 788. every _ “The Second in Command, Blf ■ fTNDKRTAKER & FUNERAL CARRIAGE ' I r ' , TO PARTIES FUR! ISHING AND OT! BT THE A RE prepared to place their large British and Continental experience at the who i U PROPRIETOR 1 Officers anty Convalescent Soldiers ± N service of the public in advising upon the Conversion of Properties into the .. Established 1875. I 28, MARINE PA! ADE, EASTp Flats. ' .1, . | | i | patrid OPEN OARS, GLASS OB CLOI HEARSES. ARE NOW BEING DISPLAYED EASTER 4k WRIGHT, OF THE ------. _ . j I 1 C H A 8. E O R N E , 3P.A SUMMERDOWN MILITARY CONVALESCENT MR. PEERLESS DENNIS, who l as had a very large experience in tho their 1 Tears’ London\. FOR YOUR INSPECTION AT A UCTIONEERS AXD VALUERS, HOUSE, I Has been favoured wit; instrtictlona from the Owner HOSPITAL. Conversion of Old Buildings into Residential; Flats arid Offices, in addition to the Sepatj m c L LAND and ESTATE AGENTS, (owing lo. expiration tenhnoy) to Bell bv P obuo Ifc- -ABTCFI WREATHS IN G AT VARIETY. | Auction, upon the above Premises, on WEDNES­ BLUE BOY ORCHESTRA. fj erection of new ones, is prepared to wi oily manage any flats after conversion certail iNUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE not e 13, SKY ROAD. E TBOURNJE. no. DAY NEXT. MaroH JSth, commencing' at Two The Production is Ander the supervision, and by kind and to financially advise upon any auch schemes. 1 1 Artjftiwin^ t)1^ London mn County Bank). o’clock sharp, tho whole ofthe well-n ado and useful permission, of I.iot t.-Gol. J. S. Bostock, R.A.M.C., Derby] The Firm are particularly fortunate in having retained a large staff of old Established 1874. Valuations for Probate, Transfer and other purposes. OUSEHOLD FURNITURE ip ris in g Camp Commandant. classe PROPERTIES fob balk. H___ c brass aud black and brass bedstiads, -o-spring , Seals .J '... 3s. to Od. ,, Experienced Workmen (all over military age) in the various branches of the bilitie B 0;BEB T 8. H BT, FUBNIBHBD sm> UNFURNISHED RESIDENCES. mattresses, horsehair and white wool m)ittresi i, feather Seats at 3s., 2s. and 11. 6d. may be reserved In advance at Building-and Allied^ Trades, and are piepared to execute at short notice any selves . bolsters, pillows, blankets aud linen, solid lahogany the Pier Gates. Alterations, Decorative, Sanitary or Jobbing Work. Large stocks of material I “UND ERTA KER A OOltfPLl FU N ER A L I iray-top aud marble-top washotands. several ' sets of upon i chamber ware, a superior antique nuliogahy tallboy are held at our Willowfleld Works, which were purchased before the various auspid s . U FURNISHER. YOL. II. (Illnstratied). Price Five Bhillings, poet tree. chest of drawers, birch duchease dressing table, SUNDAY, at 3 md 8 advances in price took place, so that the Firm are in a first class position, not only small | 14, HiaH-8TRKBT, OLD mahogany bow-front chest of drawirs, mahogany- to execute work quickly, but to also give some advantage in price on the materials j'4 L1MPSES OF OUB ANOE8TOB8 IN framed swing toilet glasses, cahe seat opairs, mahogany SPECIAL; CONCERTS stop a Conducted to By the Which are in stock, h . busind •1 Funeral I r * SUSSEX. dressing tables, towel airers, carpets, qn oxcdllont well- made solid mahogany gont-’s wardrobe, flitted witb, Knttts Kamrp Komedy Hompany As an instance of the great advantagejaccruing to Property Ownprs whose within CONTAINS COMPLETE HISTORY sliding trays and diawprs. damask. p u6hott and net cerneq curtains, brilliant overmantels in gilt frames, walnut (By kind permission^ of Lieut.-CoL Bostock, R.A.M.G.). houses for some reason may be unlet, or may, perhaps, be too large for their §tmting Intelligence. or whatnots and occasional tables, woll - made carved personal requirements, we mention two cases :— J. Army mahogany-framed dining room suite It saddlebags, two Seats.- 2d., 4d. and 6d. (a few Reserved at Is.). Sa stb o c rn e F oxhouni will m et t to- THE PELHAM FAMILY. One, a property which stood empty for three years and for which the owner whet, V), March 1L Stone Or ; Tuesday, 14. mahogany dining tables, pictures, ornament^, clocks, a Soldiers Half-price to all parts. l^uilt Meet at 12 noon each da] I As well M Articles on the Sussex Martyrs; The well-made 6-ft. mahogany sideboard wi ,h silvered plate- was unable to obtain £200 per annum, was, by a financial arrangement, altered Qa&kera; The Hermits; Witchcraft; “ Gleaning* gloss panel back, fitted with cupboard) and drawers, a and remodelled by us and let at rentals proc ucing £700 per annum. are ti ia m H a r r ie r s ill meet to-day In East and West Sussex, &o. capital mahogany-framed dining room mite upholstered Week commencing MONDAY, March 13th familj in leather, sovoral good Axminster tjearthifugs, stair Another, which was empty and which had previously been let at £100.per carpets, linoleum, slip and cocoa mat<. brasi and Iron EVERY AFTERNOON AT 3.. the se ** The aubl tarts r a work umbrella stands, solid mahogany cottige diping table, TWO EVENINGS at 8. annum, was converted by us and let at £780 per annum. unnatj ( aonsidere ble h i&l os well as local Interest. It Is 5-ft. 66-in. dresser, deal tables, electro-plated gopds, china, Wednesday and Saturday. We have various first class Tenants Waiting for Residential Flats and!are have 1 taken)r 11.15 a.m. To rail lllnsis abed contains a fund of Information glass and the usual kitchen utensils. to nrl GROVE ROAD relating to the t Inhabitants o< Sussex.”—Haiti \ Ou View Day Prior and! Morning of Shlo. IR. JfRANKFRANK WEATHERSBY’S Company, including therefore in a position to guarantee an immediate return upon capital invested: iR. Edmund F. Kennedy & Miss Mary Forkkstbr, settinl r S u sse x F oxhojbnds wiHU m e it For Catalogues and flu-ther Particulars aplply to the in the St. James's Theatre Success, _ ' ■' -ht Church (foot hint). 12 fwhoae history Is traoed are the Auctioneer, at his Offices, 1, Tidosqrell - rpad, East­ Any further information can be obtained at our the si AND the Shirleys and Sir John Hawk- from f m Guestling; Thul eday, wood, the a the SheUeyB."—Harper’s Monthly bourne. Fairllgbt Churct (foot (American), “ The W itness for the Defence^’ 5EOVE ROAD Office (ne&r the Town Hall), Eastbourne. to liv ... 20. RailwayjHotel, I attle. Ther .1.30 a,m. each ay, unless otherwise state l. “ The author oonrse i rambling, MESSRS. LLuYDS By A. E. W. Mason. !wUlgill mei it to- CARLISLE BUILDINGS p ping i nd ; up of dry d' i dear to the By Arrangement with Sir Georoe Alexander. Phono No. 940 (2- Lines) and Private .Branch Exchange which South d o w n F oxhouni D sohools of qnarlans. Thel i well printed a UOITONttSRri, VALUERS aud ESTATE By a j . March 11, Alfriston inday, I!, The | {fond has Ms io 9 illustrations," ” i News, A AGENTS. I Seata ... !...... 2s. to 4d. I [eld; Wednesday. 15.:Uc kfield; Friday, Seats at 2s. and Is. 64- may be reserved In advance at the it is i St. John’s Commi Meet at 11 a.m. “Mr.Fleithaa Heated some lnt 6, GILDREDGB ROAD, KASTBO, Pier Gates, or by Telephone 574. moral j outside (Road Faring the Railway Station!, ______Early Dojprs open at 2.15 and 7,15.______^ HE PAVILION, DEVONSHIRE PARK, ! S M J 3 tocot*- Managed and Rents Collected We Central cinema, T EASTBOURNE. then •Thiels i 0 oontlnuatilon i a week_ whioh no Uaarterly. Prompt Settleme SEASIDE ROAD. bui-dd | longer etanid* In need at praise, alnoo 1 obtained the MONDAY, M arch 20th, and during Week. H E RITAGE, Deck. jsed. I oommendat Ion of widoonrii** fliiiftiMi / IMfe SATURDAY, MARCH llth , a t 5 .1 5 . joine ‘DENSTONE.7 11, COLLEGE RO. * EV ER t AFTERNOON AT 3. TODAY (SATURDAY), Mar llth thoad Persons laving I "InaneWRerleeof his 'Glimpses’ , Charles Fleet WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 8. I deals with burning of EASTBOURNE, A t 3, 8.30 and 8 30 MR. GEORGE WOODHOUSE solilid the ESTATE of FREDERICK | MR. H. HAMILTON STEWART and Company in who Mary, the MESSRS. LLOYDS a Araluen,' es of the county “ Lasky ’’ Drama, ANNOUNCES livind t d these pages."— Are instructed to Sell bv Public Auction, on the HUDSONS L . Premises, as above, on TUESDAY, R ARCH 21st, 1916, “ The auble Shop.” “ CHIMMIE F A D D E N .” (PIANOFORTE RECITAL Thl Featuring Victor Moore. BV THE FOLLOWING PUPILS: scheE FARNOO VIBB It 0 0 ., Limited, F a u r m s , too., OUSEHOLD FURNITURE H L ANt> EFFECTS. M ims C hlok A nderson, M is s . I rene G ray, us to | ’E M O V A L 8 Lewes, Eastbourne and Eae(f Grinstead. BOTAL ‘THE FABLE OF A TIP AND THE TREASURE.’ M ihn Mary Coker, M iss. M aisik M urdoch, lO U S E H O L D Full particulars in due course. if. ‘DIPLOMATIC HENRY.” Comedy. Mr. And of ail) Book T Auctioneers’ Offices i ( e-rot d, Eat tbourne. M iss E lrtdick D raconi, M iss K atharine T as, Natio ‘ANIMAL WORLD," No. 3. Interest. M iss May W eibser. has pi AND S T 0 1 lGE. ODROME, BOURNE. G AUMONT GRAPHIC. Programme Circular and Tick ets: 3s., 2s. and Is.; a t be suf trix - UMIOBOUS WORKS WRITTEN R . W . HAMBL1 Devonshire Park and Messrs. Ha k m i t a g e , Termiuus-rd. men | Managing Me Sidney W. Wintnr. MONDAY, Mar. 13th, and Two Following Days. STS PURE SUSSEX DOGGEREL. OUSE AGEN' \ BUILDINC SURVEYOR , Manager Herbert Raymond. befor the l EXPERT PACKERS. O AUCTION] AND VALT “ Metro " Drama, |F. A T I ON A L B R I T I S H W O M E N ’S Aldril TEMPERANCE ASSOCIATION. __.ted to aiiy one of whose 8, ELMS BUILD: OS, SEASIDE Ro a d , MONDAY, Mar. 13th. and daring the Week. ‘HER GREAT MATCH." a clef ,ve hod notice. AMUSING. Rt u t o k i rhould B a n KABTBOU: Telephone 606 Twice Nightly at 7 and Hi E astbourne Branch. serviq ______Thbm. Featuring Gail Kane. and Friends are cordially Invited to attend tha Dated this ( FURNITURE DEPOSITORIES M 08* Mr. a., b&vlng had. ivor SI years' local SYDNEY VKREIfF.R presents the World - Famous and't during the first, ill tit loh he i Musical Comedy “ ON LAKE MAGGIORE." Seenic. ANNUAL MEETING, . from I FREDK. FOSS & SON, j ■ i t ▲ N D ELEGANT EDITIONS. workk tn the Building To be held at the Y.M.C.A.. Lanonky Road, on L Lombard-court, E.O., V ictoria S tation ...... LONDON, S.W, “ DOES FLIRTING PAYt" Comedy. putpq 100*000 Coptee already SehL ValulOK andid Maoaglu):Managluf x n v p e r j b j , "RIVAL BUTTONS." Comic. WEDNESDAY, M arch 15t h , 1916. Solicitors for the Ad ' itrdtrlx. Tkrmihus Gates BRIGHTON. JruverUles' during trecldou. Election of Officers, 3.30. wholj H f i GAUMONT GRAPHIC. Speaker - ...... Mrs. F othergill (of Hove). and I _ 66, Grove Road.., EASTBOURNE. 10 M QLADPOLK’S “ Little Miss Hagtime.” ENTRAL_ W1 SLEYAN C H U llO H , PRELtMINARY NOTIC*. Lyrics and Libretto!by Isa Bowman, Music by W. Ni Seats, 3d., Bd. and Is, Telephone Na 1183. Refreshments. Collection to defray Expenses. t h a t, SKY ROAD. 71, PEVENSE'? ROAD, EASTBOURNE. Powerful and Expejcpei isive CompanyCom; ’ “ MISS ISA admij c IURNEY TO T UNNUN. BOWMAN as Paulino Varaon,------— ______[y Frivol”; The MARCH IStK A P P L Y FOR FREE ESTIMATES. MS. B. W H HAMBLY1 Miss Empste Bo ‘ Little Miss Ragtime ” ; Miss ANNUAL BAZAAR May Warden as 1 .ty Barlow " r Mr. Alfred Passmore somej SHIMMIN. Subject Has been favoured with Instruct! >ns tx • Sell by E A S T E R N c i n e m a , ON BEHALF OF local - U-0 | xeie. 401 JiastDoume. Auction, on the above Premises,* quantity of asTeddy Walkovi '■; Mr Joseph R. Tate as “ Hezckiah Duty of Ragtime”; and m FRANK BARCLAY as "Harry DAILY 8.0, 7.0 and 8.O. Da r n a h d o ’s HOMES by a ] E. BANKS. Subject "The TOUSEHOLD GOODS AND EFFECTS, Weston.” able 1 on TUESDAY, March 21st. Supported by a Tali inted Beauty Chorus. 8peclal Dagoes H " ------WILL TAKE PLACE’ j m m A. g'&i.A Catalogues, &c., in duo course at the AtjcCTIONKKRB by Miss Anna Coka and Mr. Sylvester Stuart. TO DAY (8ATURDAY), Mar. llth, the Offices, 8, Elms-buUdings. Note the Prices: Reserved Boxes, 12s. 6d. and 10s.j 0a 24th MAY a- DEVONSHIRE PARK. all i *OEVEN8EY ROAD CON GREG ATI(j)NAL THE'HOUSE IS TO LET. (mar be booked); |fauteulls. Is. fid. (reserved,3s.) “ The Exploits of Elaine.” this 1 Stalls, Grand Gird e and Promenade, la. (rarty dL__ The Great Mystery Film Serial In Two Parts. obligij J l o h ijb o h . FOB FIRST-CLASS IS. Sd., reserved, Is, Bd.): Pit, 8d. (early doors, 94.); Upper Olrde, 3d. (early dojjrs, ^d.). Telephone No. 886. Episode No. 6. HE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, of a f SUNDAY NtiXT, MctfcK llth, DAVIES, “ THE GILDED CAGE,” . Drama. ORPHEUS LODGE, 63c, Terminus-road . m 11 awn A Qfl (over Ualleiy Kinerna). labou AT U AND 6.3C6.30 ORNAMENTA JAN AGENTS, ‘ CHARLIE SHANGHAIED." New Chaplin Film. princj ■ j&k TREES, DANCING. WEDNESDA K, March 15th„ at 3 o’clock. Ppeajcher: • “ WITH OUR TERRITORIALS AT THE FRONT.” m or HELP TUE WAR CHARITIES and (Interest. ; ; . !i FORMS AND COLOUR IN MUSIC’ which REV. J. G. HEN! / R o a n s __ to give pleasn e to the Children, a very well-known (Illustrated with Eidophonc), Professor (Lady) will arrange to Teach Dances for PATHS GAZETTE. By MRS. OHA lK. under) l Amateur Theatricals and Drawing Room Entertain­ All Meetings are Free. Those interested are invited to perio ments. Any part 6f England. Long List of Distin­ MONDAY, War. 13th, and Two Following Days. grant Fruit Trees and Hardy Flowers, guished Patroness! s. be present. Collection to, defray expenses. — difficJ 227, “.Chronlele” i Mice, South-street. ‘•(The Shooting of Dan McGrew.” AN ADULT CLASS FOR could! “ Metro ” Pictures (In Five Parte). . Services: 11 i ALL-ROOM DANCING tributf Preacher: REY. JA TONDON COLLEGE OF MUSIC, “ A VERSATILE VILLAIN.” Keystone Comedy. WILL BOB HELD those I TUESDAY, at Noon, ] 1.1 J Ei btboubne Centre. “ BRITISH SPORTS AND PASTIMES” (No. 1). AT DEVONSHIRE PARK, THURSDAY, at ( CANDIDATES FOR NEXT EXAMINATION In I interest. By Kineto. AR vacant Beats are 1 Practical and Theoretical Music should send tn their Officers, their Friends and Eastbourne Residents. A r i PATHS GAZETTE. » FRIDAY EVENING, 8.30 to 10 o’clock. | Chaple id., fid. and 3d.—All Tlp-upe. ' Particulars write to: 10s. fkl is., Bpeolal Reserved and Raised Beats, Telephone 705. Miss Ratcuffe, The Chats worth Hotel* H aste Tele-i Registered. outlay of £]j.500 on, pu jlic ightiug l LOCAL NEWS. EW Supporting ELASTIC STOCKINGS | ensuing financial year. If circu instances? from 2h. 6 . each. happily conspire to justly a rjeturn to nc TIM ES o r HIGH WATER &’LIGHTING-UP TE^USSSfe, RAND ' GPS & SURGICAL BELTS, lighting conditions, it maf, L; ik en f or grgjn te d trixii Whm*. COALS CHEAPER THAN' LAST YEAE. j &c, of every de.< rte.iou that no extra sum; lequ lor the elfefitive M jj-L Alt - T Q O Y ARTIFICIAL IAMBS, CRUTCHES. &o., illumination of parades streets wi 1 be Saturday Alar. 11 0.11 3.34 6.26 X O J MADE AND IlKPAIRKU. begrudged by overjoy'! tepayers. ' V ith Sunday, I err. 12 .. 3.5S 4 23 6 27 Lists Free, regard to private lighting, it goes without Monday, Jar; 13 .. 4.59 5.38 0.29 saying the t the Corporation lectricity nnder- Tuesday, ar, 14 . 6.31 7.18 6.31 FARMER’S taking has been somewhat hard j the Wednesdiisday, Mar. 15 8.13 8.46 ; 6.32 r b . e K o n s e It is not generally realised that war, the customary useful Burplu9 having Thursday,lav) Mur IS ... 9.10 9.25 ! 6 34 T ’ SURGICAL SUPPORTS DEPOT, given place to an unfortunate deficiency. By Friday,, Mar. 17...... 9.42 10.13 6 36 Doal is one of th e few th in g s 30, QUEEN’S ROAD, BRIGHTON. . drawing upon the accupaulalied reserve the Council are enabled to smbalrk upon a new Roya l S o n kty r u n Pr ev en tio n of Cru elty ;hat is cheaper than last year, year’s trading with a clear balance sheet) but to A n isia ) 4). Eastbourne branch. Hon. j Sec., Miss EASTBOURNE common prudence has dictated the making of Looks: P a iino.s, l. Oompton-street.mpl Subscriptions LIT IE n March, 1915, the cheapest coal HORiAL AND ORCHESTRAL UNION. arrangements that will ensure the undertajking are urgently needed, and may be paid lo the' Hon, Treasurer, Hurry Holvoakk. Esq., " fairmont,1 \ i C Conductor: J ames K. Dear, Mus. Baa paying its way in the I unfavourable times з, I>e RofM'-i-oad, or at Lloyds Bank, Lid. All com­ Ms, 3s.; Reserved Hold in E astb o u rn e w as a t 3 8 /- p er ahead. Accordingly, the responsible com­ plaints Should be addresFod to lnKixv-jior E. W. V se fu l T a ilc l e d on, Is. DVORAK’S “ STABAT MATER” mittee, acting upon the wise advice of the CowLETn, 1a, Compton-street, Eastbourne. xra. To-Day we can offer you our Will be Rendered bv the Pull Choras Chairman I (Alderman CJ P. Simmons), have H ig h -clajss F oo tw ea r. N o bettor value. and Orchestra of the above Society New ho&sou’K ^oodew—J. J. Saunders, South- U s e f u l N e w si> iUOH. raised the price of electricity to the private streot (^etween St. Saviour's Church ujrl Devon­ | PER TON. On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15th, at Three, and consumer from 5d. to 5 ,d. prr unit, a course shire -plice). |$ a * d 8. On THURSDAY, MARCH 10th, at Eight, which it is confidently uelieved will obviate U s e f u l C a m p ric Luminous W a tch es, invaluable for nig h t 1$ AID OF THK PRINCESS ' ALICE HOSPITAL any dangetof anotherdeficiency. The increase и. -.e, reliable lime keepers, from 18b. 6.1. Clients IIAPH. KITCHEN CUBES at 3 5 / - (which is in great need). was readily approved an Monday by the own Siiitcecs and Clocks made Luminc|u .—F. G. Useful Covert i : „ , Council, who must havt seer in t he recom­ Clkmknjck. Goldsmith, Silversmith and YVulchmaker, Soloists: i j 18. Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. Phone 78i mendation the only business solution ofj the U s e f u l Light easily. Durable and a good Jjliss Ethel MoLillanij, Miss Gebtrude H iggs, difficulty. Consumers will not exactly welcome \ in a ll’s, Drapers and Furnishing Ware­ iers.” Mr. H erbert Get and Mr. Samuel Mann. housemen, 53 and 53a, Terminus-roud are now the enhanjeed charge, but they will scarcely showi'igla most splendid stock of Plain anil Twilled looking coal. Give out intense Organist: Dr. M. P. CONWAY. Useful and A ristic M illinery. : (2nd S eries) challenge its reasonableness under the special, Sheets, in all sizes. 3s. llid. U> 18s. lid,! per pair, Lcadcr\ of jthe Orchestra : Mr. A ROWARTH. uncontrollable, circumstances. lianxask Cloths, all linen. 2-yds. bv 2-jds., os. lid.; leat. Bath water always hot. 2-yds hy 2i-yds., 7s. lid .; 2-yds. hv 3-yds., 9-. lid. 200 Useful Embroidered Blouses. S h a t te r e d dozen Pillow Cases, 3|d. to Is Old. This is a great ! A Stra n g e ETII ION. opportunity to save money.—Onlv Address: 53 and 53a, Terminus-road. Telephone 524. say contemptuous, fate BE OBTAI. YED ONLY FROM QHAPEL FUND, MILITARY HOSPITAL. I a^ d ^ P e ifc ^ ' Notice.—All those who wish to Warehouse ! ut'Sl’8 peremptory peti­ tion to the Council on jthe subject of legal ibeir FnnLitnre should not do so until they have On Mo n d a y , MARCH noth, at 3.15 p.m., j expenses^ Counci1 Inspected Messrs. G. E. Maynard’s. Limited, Ware­ 59, 61, 63, 63a, P rove R o a d , lTING. expenses. iMr. Hurstjis sQmewoat inconsistent houses, winch are the finest in Eastbourne. Estimates At 1ST. PETER’S CHURCH in reminding the Council of their duty to trou.—Note the address, G. K. Maynard, !Aiuited, S j BRADFORD & SON! Removal and Storage Contractors, Gr-evstone- i 9.30, JFiflt Afunc. (By kind permission of the Vicar and Churchwardens) economise and, at the s&rne t rue, demanding buildings. South-street, Eastbourne. Without Mutie. the expenditure of valuajble ti ne in compiling fiASTBOU RNE. An Organ Recital an elaborate and utterly worthless return. T h e Cold W e a t h e r V e r d ic t : “ The 4ING, 3.15 to STATION PARADE. The Council are accused of “ concealing from greatest cqmfort possible” ; the bedroom Gas Fire. Music. , Willi be given by MR. DONNE, About thirfcjy excellent Gas Fires offering during March ratepayers the going of irate Honeys,” when, at special discount 10 per cent.—Gas Co. ; Without Music. in reality, no fact is more painfully patent to the M u s ic . With Violin Solos by Mrs. ACHESON GILLESPIE. said ratepayers than thik remorseless “ going” A F ramed Oil P ainting, size 9-ft. 2-in. by p erso n a l The Oldest-Established Coal Merchants in I -1 j' ! 4-ft. 2-in., panoramic view, “ Entering Rio Janeiro MILITARY HOSPITAL. Collection on behalf of the Chapel Fund will be of tbeir ^moneys.” While marking their Bay,” is offered to any Institution. Will bes hung by sense of the frivolous and capricious nature . taken, and a generous response for a sorely needed Fund donor. On view, and particulars from Mr. Stacy-Marks, (CONTRIIlt'TKI >). The Mayor and Mayoress (Alderman and Miss LATHS. Eastbourne is asked. of the petition by deciding to proceed to the 54, Terminus-road O’Brien Harding) were amongst a large number of next business, the Council allowed, through During the week we have received a parcdl invited guests at the opening performance of The Second J p K - A TfiipiTORiAL’s D ea th in In d ia .—T he the explanation of Aldermar Duke, that no sweaters from Mr. John Perwyne; cut flowers rpm in Command in the new Recreation Room at Summer- r MORNING, 7 to 9 death recently took place in ’ India of Driver Samuel down Damp on Saturday night. ground exists for the charge nf concealment. i Nov is, of |tbe 4th Sussex lkittery, Heine Counties, Messrs. Thos. Cooke & Sons; and an armchair roci |3 to dusk. L I T A R Y HOSPIT A L , If Mr. Hurst, or any other individual rate­ R.F. A. (Territorials). The deceased, who wais 37 years von Roemer. Games that six or more men The Rev. J. Bernard Snell, M. A., the special speaker of age and unmarried, was the pon of Mrs. E. No vis, of at the annual meetings on Wednesday of the East­ Ly , 9 to 10.30 and ETSR,YTHX ra for CYCLES and MOTOR CYCLES. M 1 payer, deisires information respecting Items can play at once are badly wanted, also three card b blei not, in his opinion, sufficiently dissected ib the 48, Bf cjoursej,purse, provide;provided! the was being Jtdministered prior to an operation. [Major On Monday the monthly meeting of the Recreat ioris A memorial service for the late Assistant Scoutmaster cl > or Motor Cycle when you can have your old T&E PA VILION, DEVONSHIRE PARK, Moss j states that the deceased was “ a most efficient W. H. E. Gallard (1st Eastbourne Troop), and oilier W hy Buy a NNew ew Cyi request is in itself judicibus ard that thejltime soldier and I very popular with all ranks,” and on l>ehalf Committee was held in the Board Room, Mrs. Davies Cycle or Motor Cycle I e-tyred, Repaired, Re-enamelled, equal to new, necessary Gilbert presiding. Various sub-committees were forpipd Eastbourne Scouts who have fallen in the war, will be itor I n Aid |OP the R ecreation F unds op for the preparation of the return of the officers, non-commissioned officers and men he held in Holy Trinity Church on Saturday next, March can be cdnveniently sacrificed. Mr. Hurst’s expresses deep sympathy with Mrs. No vis in her loss. to organise work. The details of the concert on SHOWING YOU A SAYING OF 5FSS i% the Military H ospital, 25th were discussed and approved. 18th, at 3 p.m. appeal for a five years’ aocount.of the Council’s The late Driver No vis was formerly in the, employ of Mr. Mark [Hookham. * • * Mr. A. T. Wynyard NY right (son of the R-»v. F. On SATURDAY, March 25t h , a t 5.15 p .m. legalchavgesis, on thefai eof it.most unreason Wvnyard Wright, of Ohandos, the King’s-avenue, Kast- GEORGE )OULL & CO. ( g 2 & ) p h o n e 608. The Rev. S. T. East very ill P i v provided the Xtc - IS N T , will be under the Distinguished Patronage of His able. Nofobject whatever mentioned for B irths) and D e a t h s.—T he njli.-i A ret urn gramme on Thursday. The, utm ii.inmeut was excel He’ l>ourne), who was at Trinity College, Cambridge, "hen :e thelDuke of Devonshire, K.G., Brig -Gen. the Earl requiring the account nd obe is left to Con­ for February states that there were 58 birth - (23 -finul^s, and some of the staff have nut finished laughing ye). the war began, obtained a commission in the 7th Fast p.m . PrOm] Cycle i and Motor Cycle Repairs. of Shaftesbury. K.T. K.C.V.O., His Worship the Mayor, elude that the reason i or th|e extraordinary 33 femalesbeing 12 7 per 1,000 of the popuhition jier Surrey Regiment. Subsequently he transferred t * the Rupert Qwynne, Ksq.. M.1'., The Hon. Mrs Rupert demand is rather priva » than public. | Mr. annum. lAssiths numbered 40 (22 males, 21 ; Royal Flying Corps; and, having been awarde 1 his Gwynne, Mrs: Davies Gilbert, Lieut.-Col Robinson, and this is 10'03, or, excluding deaths of non-residents, O'G. The War Hospitals Magazine con- i this month wings in Deceml>er and passed 1st out of a Flying 5 6 b , G R O V E R< >AD. 48, GROVE ROAD. 1, WESf STREET. I Lieut.-C°l. Bostoek, R.A.M.C, Hurst’s statement that t le Council’s obliquity issue an excellent account of-our Ho , from the School at Hythe, he has just been gazetted to the staff 1 is creating “ deep concern. ” “ m il-trust and W r itin g U p of B ooks, as well as Annual of Lieut.-CpI. Robinson, and a rpiriti'd sketch by Lilut). of the machine gun school at the Hythe R.F.C. Accessaries, Pet ol, Oil, T yre r, etc^ in Stock. Repairs and Hiring a Speciality. I ’I;' Artistes: | alarm,” and other teri iblei sensations;sJ can and Periodical Audits, is undertaken by Mr. ili. T. Shera. We hope many will subscribe to this magaz fi BRIG.-GEN. THE EARL OF SHAFTESBURY, hardly be taken seriousl Thorpe, Lloyds Bank Chambers, Eastbourne.— Adrt. Captain Loftus Canton, of Filching Manor, Polegate, ojnel Sussex Regt.). K.T., K.C.V.O. has gone to the Front. Captain Canton, who is n win OUNTY BOROUGH OP EASTBOURNE. 1 M r . G . IW o o d h o u s e ’s P u p i l s ’ P i a n o f o r t e The performance of The Second in Command the 5th Sussex, was formerly an officer in the 1st S i-sex I Air Service). | MISS NELLIE WALKER R ecital takes place to-day in the Pavilion, Devonshire Thursday was in aid of the Recreations Fund of Engineers. c Co-o p e r a t iv e A d v e r tisin g . LOCAL EDUCATION AUTHORITY. (Albert Hall and Queen's Hall Promenades). Park, at 5.15. Several of the young ladies announced Hospital. We were glad to see such a full hous4 fti Lieutenant R. T. L. Beckett, R.E. (T.), of East­ Surrey Regt., On e conspicuous feature of the Eastbourne to appear have distinguished themselves at concerts applaud the fine .acting. Mm. R .iiiuson preset! bourne, has been promoted to the rank of staff-lieu­ oreham). MISS AUDREY RICHARDSON given by Mr. YVoodhouse in London, and1 to-day’s souvenirs to the actresses—a wjeil deserved tributy fc^i RAEMAEKERS O E r 0 0 N S ’ PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL?. (New Zealand Violinist). ■ Advertising Association’ plai of campaign is tenant. ey Regt). worked in conjunction witlk the publicity recital is likely to prove one of genuine musical extel- their skill. , MISS [DOROTHY HOLDEN (Solo Pianiste). lence. Earl Braasey, who is expected back in England next nts Carabiniere), LABOUR CERTIFICATES. societies bf other Soutt Coa it resorts, f The Op March 25th, at 5.15 p.rn., in the Devonshire llari month, telegraphs ' that, the “ Sunlieam” arrive! at Supported by the Eastbourne Choral Society (Lady central medium of operations is the Sunny W inner of the D.C.M. at S ummiskdowx Pavilion, a special concert will take place cln bchal Bombay on 2Uih February, having covered the distance Air Service), NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that H.M. Inspector of Menders)' and Eastbourne Orchestral Society. South Cooperative Advertis ng Committee, Camp.—Acting Sergeant - Mater W. K. Wyatt, 5rth the Recreation Funds. Brig.'-Gieu. the Karl of ShaR of 1,700 miles from Aden in 7k days, her quickest Schools will hold on THURSDAY, the 16th day of Company, Ji.K , who has recently arrived ut Summer- blirv, K.T., has most kiniliv o-...... ,o-.[ t. >a.$sagc on record. This is the la.*>t voyage of the ** S'UD- AN EXHIBITION March, 1916, at 9.45 a.m., at the Holy Trinity: Boys’ Conductor, Mr. Francis J. Foote. ?.r.a.m. oLwhich Sir W. Forbes, general manager of down Camp, was awarded the. Distingui:,iied Conduct School, a SPECIAL EXAMINATION in Standard VII. the L.B. i& S.C.H. Company, is the moving Miss, Audrey Richardson, the ,I\ew Zealand viol it *>am,r which is now to l^e handed over-to the Indian iuf - ; i ' !• Medal for conspicuous gallantry and coolness displayed Government for permanent u?*e us a hospital ship. subjects lor Boys and Girls who desire Certificates that Pu ces : 5s. (numliered and reserved); 2s. Cd. (un-num- spirit. Ever since [it was started the ihove will play. Miss Nellie Walken from the Albert B Sussex Regt. OF THE ABO VE CARTOONS they have passed the VHth Standard, so as to enable on several occasions under trying circumstances. St r- will sing, and Miss Dorothy Holden is ti pmtnste. ; -T [ them to leave School for employment. 1 bered); Is. (limited). ment has been found to have practical and geaut-Maj. r Wyatt possesses the long service medal. Tickets to be obtained at Devonshire Park, or from Miss financial advantages, ana schemes for further Besides those already named the Eastbourne Cb >ra i) for N.C.G.’a 13 BEING HELD AT (Signed) i , Da 'ies Gilbert, land Rev. E. Acheson Gillespie, C.F., Ch r is t : Church R if l e Club.—A .corres­ Society (lady members) and Eastbourne Orchestra.: H. W. FOVARGUE,- i Military Hospital (Urganisers). popularising the Sussex resorts have -been pondent writes: The annual meeting of the above was Society, under Mr. Fraticis, Foote’s btton, will rerdeit Town Clerk and Secretary to the carried 'out with, it is [believed, increasing held at the .Range, Beach-road Institute, on Tuesday some items. The conce.rt is. sure to be a -tliorouj. Education Committee. success. A t a recejnt meeting of represfeuta- evening. Notwithstanding tjhc “ rapid and heavy good one, and being held for « good purpose we STACYMARKS’ A R T GjlLLERY, Education Department, reasonably hope for a crowded house. Tickets cai Town Hall, Eastbourne, l, | —| | i ... . . | tives it Was decided to foil, w up the I now fire” of thd elements, a very [fair unrulier of members ■ 7th March, 1916. ______| ; ■ 4 - A/IT ^ terminating winter arrangements with a answered taie “ roll-c-ill” at: the •* dug'-out.” The obtained at Devonshire Park, or from the!Hon. THE COLT) WEATHER Vci't* rij'UlJ till V jy l > Iv.’’? ! i i ( I scheme expending over the ensuing half bf the Secretary Opened with a few “ star .siielis’’ on tl Rev. E. Acheson Gillespie, C. 1., at the Hospital. successful and decisive actions of the p>vst. year. The 54, Terminus- r o a d , E a s t b ourne. OUNTY BOROUGH OF EASTBOURNE. year. The distinguishing caaracteristjc of attack was |maintained by the Treasurer, who proved the new plan is that the whole of the adver­ On March 20lh, at 3.-15, ti-'-re will be an organ re. ital to the ss ti (faction of all t'nat his stock of 1' silver at St. Peter's Church bv Mr. 1 tonne in aid of our SHOPp ACT, 1912. ' ! ' SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1916. tising will be done through the chief London bullets” was not yet exhausted. Eight “ efficients chapel funds. The building wants re-decoration indly and provincial papers. Eastbourne and the were added |to the “ non-commissioned list” as “ Section to suitable for our wounded men. Mrs. Acbison NOTICE OF MAKING OF ORDER. other nine towns concerned will subscribe Commanders.” Competitive j'bombing” events and Gillespie will play some violin solos. ADMISSION FREE. proportionately to sise ar d rat sable values and future engagements were satisfactorily “ mapped,” and NOTICE IS HEREBI5BY GIVENG that the Council have their joint contribution of £350 will be it was confidently hoped that al “ full muster ” would Vie made a Haif-Holidayy andi Closing Order for Butchers’ STRAY NOTES forthcoming on Tuesday and Thursday eveningsat 7.30. (including Pork Botchers’) Shops (1) Providing for a I increased I to £600 by the Railway Company, A ll Furs & Fur weekly Half-Holiday for such Shops and fixing Wednes­ whose support of the undertaking has aljv,ays V I ncom e! T ax R eco v ery .-—I nteiidinp'claim­ RINK HOCKEY. day lor, at the option elf the shopkeeper, Saturday) as W h e n to E conom ise. been most valuable. Necessarily the scheneme ants are reminded that all claims for recovery of excess THE MftRATORIUM QUESTION the day of such weekly Half-Holiday and (2) Fixing the ’The occasion of deciding upon the prospec­ makes a considerable demand ipon the limit)ed tax paid for the fiscal year 1912-1913 must be .preferred and 'HERS. hours at which such shops shall be closed during the before the inth April hext. Any doubts as to the An interesting match took place on the Wihter periods from the 1st day of November to the loth day of tive rates, 8,9 on Monday last, may be a suit- resources of our own association, ’b ut " advisability! of claiming payment or. difficulties Garden rink. Devonshire Park, last evening, betv iven December and from the 27th day of December to the 31st | ab e one: to preach economy ; but the proper convincedithat the projeit is good one, the Devonshire Park and Bcxhiil, the visitors winning by The calling up of eight groups of married day of March ioclusivejlexcept on the week-day imme- making tliaj necessary claim so as to recover the full five.goals to ona Teams:— men attested under the Derby recruiting diately preceding any 1, mk Holiday) as follows, viz.:— time toi ^ra^ctjse it is undoubtedly during the committed feel it incumbent upon thep to amount to Which the claimant!may be entitled can be ordinary transaction of municipal business. weigh in with other toiyr s, an d thus to secure speedily overcome by application for free advice and Devonshire Park.—.1. Banehon ; F. Harkings F u r - l i n e d C o a t s scheme has brought the necessi iy for con- Monday, lUesdayTuesday anand Thursday, 7 p.iu.)p-m., xFriday; tiua; . o.iw8.30 p.m., Mason, Ford and R. Smith. sidering the duty of tihe nation towards the J Saturday, 10p.m..and Wednesday (fori' shops which close This the Chairman of the Finance Committee for Eastbourne a share tile fruits of the expert assistance at reasonable rates to the Eastbourne for the weekly Balf-H. . on Saturday), 7 p.m., and (Aldermkn E. Duke) very pertinently empha­ enterprise! and District Income Tax Reclamation Society, Bexhill.—R. Reginald ; C. Stone: D. Philp, F. homes of these soldi) irs right in x> the fore- j have submitted the Or er lo the Secretary of State for Bulton-roadj, Eastbourne. Wilson and B. Reeves. ground of domestic ail airs. Them is no more confirmation. sised in the course of a practical “ budget” urgent or important natter at this moment! A Copy of the Order may be obtoioed by any speech. Criticism of past extravagance is E v en d en s’ S pecia l M usical T e a s.—T he whom it may concern on a. plication...... at the1ST. useful only 6o far as it influences future policy early success of the above Saturday afternoon teas is in the field of national otganisi ,tion, for a Office, Town Hall, Eastbourne. THE EW S A N D HE WAR. well maintained. On these special occasions instru­ large part of the manhood of the nation is | by restraining tendencies to improvidence, and A SINGULAR ABSENTEE CASE. If any person desires to make any objection to the mental and vocal programmes of a refined and artistic AT being taken away from the busines 3 of support­ provisions of the Order he should address a written creating: opportunities of administering the character aile presented, and are greatly appreciated by- statement to the Secretary of State. Home Department, different, departments on scrupulously econom­ MEETING AT THE SAFFRONS ROOMS. ing homes and families and put in n a position London, within one month from the date hereof, i.e.,' visitors, to.Miom the daintiest of teas are supplied in At Lewes Police Court on Wednesday, Knn »nd i e , in which it is impossible any longer to dis­ ical principles. All public bodies are afflicted the well-appointed “ Corner Tea Lounge.” Miss Maud CHRIMES’ before the 8lh day of April, 1916. with propensities for spending which are with Ward, a soldier of the South Afri.ian oontijnpent, vho charge those function!. The natu ral desire of Dated the 8th day of March, 1916. The annual meeting of the Last bo lrne "Branch of the Niner, the violinist, is from the chief London Concert was stated to have been married a few* days irp- every patriotic person will be tl at the men difficulty mortified and controlled ; and London Jews Society (Chun h Mi ision to the dews) halls, and her solo plaj-ing stamps her an artist of quite viousl.v, was charged with being absent without leave! FOV ARGUE, although our, own Town Council may not superior taltjnt. Thesolo vocalist is Miss Edith Tay lor,' from his regiment, the Royal Field Artillery, at The Furrier, 1 nee a t th e who tire risking their lives for the defence of Clerk to the Council. was held oni Thursday afternoon at thet ae Saffrons Rooms, a very giftad soprano, whose chosen songs are always the country should not by reason of their deserve i the stigma bf being a wasteful Ewshott, near Aldershot. i : ties into- I Authority, systematically . careful considera- the attendance reaching goodly prop mtions. Mr]: A F. rendered with great taste and effect. Owing to the The accused had a very heavy cold and the Court .vas patriotism be deprived of tbeir homes and see Cox, who i esided, was supported on the platform by excellence of the music many patrons have made a point held in the charge room at the Police Station, wl eye their families scattered or reduced to pov< tiop of the details of expenditure ought to of attending regularly these, enjoys bio “ musicul .teas," ence in the- ■ • 1 create numberless fresh opportunities of saving | “Rev. U. | Carpenter (the society's lately-returned prisoner had beien accommodated for the night. Ward TERMINUS ROAD, Separation allowanced are made, idequai missionary at Warsaw and Moscow), Rev. C. B. Cooper, which are to be continued throughout the present being seated in an arm chair before the iire. i to th e certain circumstances; but cleai ly thej thi ratepayers’ money. Less can be expected | 5Rev. G. P.l Bassett Kerry aid Rev. E. J. Hopkins. month. P.C. Brtigg, stationed at, Ulynde, deposed to arr suit­ f conversion not meet cases which are now ajnsing. EVENENDENS frejm the Council as a body than from the Amongst those in the body of the hall we noticed SUMMERDOtVN CAMP RECREATION ROOM. ing Ward at Beddinghanr. in consequence of the rec )ipt working! committees, before whom come, or Pastor W. ilL Evans, Rev. J. Weotbury .Tones): Rev. of a telegram from the Military A uthurities, its his It ave Derby scheme recruits are largely ’ During an interval in the play- The Second t.t Conuiiaiul, bad expired. of o ld classes of men who have incurred should come, all the individual items of R. D. Pierpbint, Mr. H. Bradford, Mr. C. J. Vinall, &a the first pei-formance of which took place in ti|“ new H. W. KICjHOLSON, LTD. expense,! and who have peculiar facilities for The proceedings opened wit l a by: nn eommem Recreation Room at the Camp on Saturday evening, The accused Raid his leave expired at noqn on Mon­ of tiie bilities of which they cannot light y rid tfc g=- day. He wrote for an extension on,account, of illness, notice any selves. There are cldrks who h ive entered I (Foot of Devonshire Place), scrutinising all outgoings and for effecting For Zion’s sake we will not rest, Cob , Bostook, addressing the civilian portion of the NOW O P F t B E D A T those many small economies which in the f e will not hold or r peat e, audience, welcomed them in the name of the men who but it was not granted as it was net accompanied I. y a 1 t ' material p upon the purchase of their houses under t’ EASTBOURNE. Israel s wrongs bo all regressed, had lieen at the Camp The ” bnvs” who were with medical certificate. He would hayoobutined a medical au.-picces of Building1 Societies. There: are I aggregate afford really material relief. During certificate bad he been well enough to do so. He v ario u s 1 the coming yean the committees will need to .nd her dispersion cease. them now did not know yet what Eastbourne had done , n o t ooll small professional men whose incomes must I An appropriate portion of scripture was read by Rev. for the Cahip. After a good deal of pressure they belonged to the South African contingent. He hedj stop directly they are withdraw! from their [ THE SPECIAL :: be! very specially on their mettle if East- E J. after which the Lev. G. P. ett received tha sanction of the Government to put up the seeu active service in German East Africa and the1 E x t r e m e l y l bourne’s governing body are to have any Kerry led the meeting in pray er. buildihg, ini regard to which they bad had Mr. Roland Dardanelles, and had been wounded, iio .showed the businesses. Hundred^ of such cases must be | Magistrate Queen Alexandra’s Gift Book, Which liore within the knowledge of anyone 1 rho has! con­ M U S I C A L TEAS I substantial and reputable share in the national Rev. C. B. Cooper explain)id that, although lje had Burke’s whole-hearted support, and it was “ up to ” the w hose | economy movement. The estimates just boys to realise what had been done for them in the the autograph of Queen Alexandra, and said it war) for their t cerned himself in the recruiting of the new I j IN THEIB * * - deputised fpr Dr. Shann in making the arrangements presented to him personally by the Queen Mother while Army. The question before the country is adopted, though, of course, forecasting the for that meeting, he was not hlimself the secretary. He matter (applause). be was in hospital He also produced a Royal acki ov! whether the homes which these men have | probable necessary expenditure, are in effect followed vtith some particulars cf last year’s]! local L e n ten R ecitals at St . S a v io u r’s. — A lodgment of a cushion worked with the Allied f ags Low Prices. tie owner : COMER TEA LOUNGE, wholly non-cdmmittal, except so far as exist­ financial effprt in support of the eociety, mentioning built up, often by careful living and saving, Are being continued each Saturday throughout series of Wednesday afternoon organ recitals during which he had presented. He was stationed at v hat , altered are to be cast aside 1 and their wives ; and | ing contracts ar? concerned. It should be the that the total amount seht to 1 .ondo; x was £89. 14a lid. Lent (next (Wednesday excepted) was inaugurated at used to be called the Leipsie Barracks, near Alders rot] f ; ms Month. V\* I aim of Council and committees alike to weed He added that he hoped this yea! the sum realised St. Saviour’s Church on the 8th inst Mr. ,TJ R. Dear, ’hich were opened some years ago by the German families reduced to ving prec iriouslj would show a considerable increase. Mus.Bac., the recitalist, performed several compositions Emjieror, but which had been re-named since the: rut- i£100«per the separation allow) ces. It is, ] >erhaps, not I i uuboup allau GiffjpcupauiGdispensable xvtauc|items, anduuu jto iw keep uuall M IS S MAUDE MINER, V iolinist The ChaiI :aN delivered thoughtful and £ lirited of much interest, the renderings being intent! j- followed break of war. unnatural that the fii thought of those who I unavoidable expenditure at the lQwest point ketch by a goodly congregation. Miss Phyllis1 Kidven, (from the Queen's Hall). consistent with executive efficiency.''. opening sj ;h. After a bri :f bug interesting etch Supt. Vine saad the police had done thteir best for tne have taken up this sul ect snoulc have been of the tory and ^vicissitudes of the Jewibh | L.R. A.M., Contributed two ’cello solos. comfort of Ward and they made him a bed in the 3 and' are MISS EDITH TAYLOR, V ocalist. to urge the Governi t ! to pass legislation peoples, he| confessed growulg conviction that R ec eiv in g Or d e r .—I n connection with the charge room so that he should be in the warm. He OPPORTUNITY of setting up a moratorium which wbuld relieve I A- E ducation Charges, the English nation represen tha lost tribes-j On I thought if a medical certificate was forthcoming a 1 real ! MUSIC 4 TO 6 P.M.‘ this account, and also because eventi seemed to paint to London Bankruptcy Court a receiving order has been the soldier during the perijod of his service | e increased cost of public education was issued agaipst James A. Tinliug, 1 and 2, Great officer might be able to grant him an extension of li avb from payment of rent] and s^> alio; v his family the Jews gravitating to 4 co\ ntry under future British Winohesteristreet, E.C. The date of the order is in the circumstances, but, of course, the police hail to Buying Real Furs at subject of deprecatory comment on Mon- rule, a special obligation rest) 1 upoi this country to, as carry out the instructions of the Military Author] ti to live on in the hpuse he had occupied. . Certainly the £2,000 extra demanded by far as possible, Christianise this scattered race. March 2nd. stbourae. There are some vital objections to I .hat as to apprehending him. Education Committee represents a large Rev. C. H. Cabpkntkr (himself a Jew) spoke at R o b b e f ie s Dm S u ssex T ow ns. — A rth u r At the suggestion of the Magistrate, Ward was Exceptionally Advan­ which the Government muBt beur _ somewhat disconcerting figure. On the length and! with considerably ean lestness and force Flux (44), described as a comedian, was sentenced at examined by the police surgeon, on whose; certificate By a moratorium the I debt is not T e leph o n e-N o. 11 5 7 . er hand, the fact that a considerable part upon the position of the Jews in I olaud and Russia, the Central Criminal Court oh Wednesday to three one of the officers in Lewes granted an extensioi i t is onljr delayed, en the wai of I the additional requirement is due to excep­ and upon the possible effect of t le war upon their years’ penal!servitude, followed by six years’ preventive leave to the accused and the case was accordingly tageous much Reduced 1 moratorium will and the loldier who tional and temporary. causes discounts the future circiimstanoes. There were, he said, eight detention, qn charges of stealing jewellery, notes and missed. 3H2RE PARK. million Jewp in Poland (including J 00,000 in Warsaw) money. Arrested at Liverpool, the prisoner confessed then returns to t life will i Ind himself value of [comparisons with towns in which the to robberies from boarding-houses in all parts of the Prices. burdened with the accumulated since he VV. S. SQ lJ IRE & CO., and six million in Russia. The speiker described the educatiob charges have undergone some reduc­ great ohange seen in the moral spirit of the Russian country, inclqding Eastbourne, Brighton. Hove, Hast­ H e ig h t o f H y po c r isy .—“ You are told in ' nth, at S.IS. joined the Colours, Mover, a n loratorium, tion. In these days of higher education and people, as exemplified particularly ip the renunciation ings and Tunbridge Wells. He had also been con; the Bible,” said a member of the Nairn Tribunal o t though it affords re.ief to the of J educational progress generally it is practi- of such habits and practici as i revailed when the victed in America. When not in prison he seemed to conscientious objector, “ that you are to fight the de vi], IO D H O U S B soldier, does nothing e p|op srty owner, "y impossible to make retrenchments, oountry went to war with Jai .n, and as shown in the have lived on the proceeds of jewel robberies ever since and if the German is not worse than tbs who may perhaps di for ni s means of FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, except a t (.he risk of se rv in g and crippling unity and whole-hearted dev. ion o I all classes in face he was 16 years old. devil I am a Dutchman.” Applicant : It does no; living on the ronts of his houses. the work Which it is (ofaf the first national of the present struggle._ The iffect of the change had Sa lv a tio n ’ A r m y Se l f -D en ia l W e e k .— matter whether ! get exemption or not. I will onlj bs rOTTAL There are many ot|her objections to ELECTRICIANS, importance to encouraije and develop. I t is visibly ex: ded to a more tplerar t attitude towards The work of collecting funds for the Salvation Army j obedient to the) Lord. The Chairman : Don’t begin scheme for a moratorium, but tt ese si ------3—J-i ‘- assume, as certain members of the Jews, ny thousands ojf whom had joined the during “ self-denial” week was untiringly pursued by any nonsense hare; it is the height of hypocrisy. You THIS BAY (SATUEDAY) ite wrjon military fi and had won th ; praii e of the authorities the Sisters[ of the Eastbourne Corps and others. . ‘are the most awful, pack. that ever walked this eatth. ■ i u i _ i.IazNE Geat, us to be sufficient. What is the i Item Counci rued to [do, that Eastbourne for their sell ■sacrificing courag e. T he Poles were fully Mr. Henry Aldridge,[the secretiry of Although the results have not yet been fully ascer- I To think that you would not stand up and defend puf Murdoch^ nenviable' position in any com- oounting u in their promised ndeptmdence at the end tained, as several fists have’ yet to come in, it is known I women and children from the ravages of the Germujs, and all Next Week ATHABINB Tab, National Honsing and' Town Plann ng Gas, Hot Waiter and Sanitary pajrison bei the eiducation rate; of this of the wi and they in ’the it turn would probably that the lijjnres are very favourable, and Adjutant [Is that Christianity? I t is acting with the devj] is has prepared a schem > which is t iis r I . I Annand nthflrother L Than,ks to a comparatively extend a sii lar independenoe to the Jews, though the Joseph andjthe local branch of the Army generally are place of Christ! Exemption refused. i ;3s., and la.; ai. be submitted to a meeting of rej rese: small cap! liability, d Ue to the majority of latter--bei: „ looked upon as a for< ign people—might very grateful to the public for their large-hearted and W illing to do a “ Sensible B it.” — A. WILL BE SHOWN task, Terminus-rd. men with a view t> placing sugg Engineers. have to li ,ve the country aid-find a settlement else- generous response. the Eleme: ta ry Schopl being of the non- where. Mr. Carpenter afterwards p rooeeded to give an Whitstable special constable, who was fined £1 a. before Mr. Walter Long. The basis of ■ 'I provided c|_.ass, the ratepayers are spared aocount of his mission work dt ring t be five years of his “ Forms and Colour in Mu sic .”—U nder Canterbury on Saturday for refusing to do duty, wiot > 1H WOMEN’S Aldridge’s plan is that the men sh ill be I i ' ; 1 ev^ry year thousands of pounds that, in the residence in Warsaw, relatii g thi i cireumstanOes of the auspicesj of the Orpheus Lodge of the Theosophieal i to the head special constable when ordered to go oi i 9 0 NEWEST COATS AND 8 KIBTS, tTION. a clear guarantee tha t because f hey i REPAIRS BY EXPERIENCED WORKMEN at majority of boroughs and county areas, typioal easels of conversion, anil dem mstrating the need Society, a lecture on “ Forms and Colour in Music ” will duty: “I shall not be on duty ’ to-night. I am will inf; be given bj Mrs. Chalk at the Lodge Rooms, 53c, to do mv bit if it is a s If aircraft can edme service, their homes shall {not be broki PROMPTLY EXECUTED. i thrown upon the rates. The Mayor illus­ for widely1 extended operatipns oi i the part of his and do damage and get away clear, and if a soldier w itl i nvited to attead the and that where private o r alloi trated this point very forcibly in his remarks 1 society, Terminus-road (over the Galleiy Kinema) on Wednes­ Latest Designs. i day afternoon next. Admission to this and all the rifle and fifty rounds of ammunition cannot do An; - from employers are availalle for! during Monday’s discuission. According to A ®°Ul was taken on be half < f the funds of the good, what on earth good can we special constables do it Road, on ^ . I____ : meetings of the lodge is free. The lecture will be illus­ purpose the rent of i shall the‘ r ’r of the Board of Education (he 1 90Cletr- roaming around from twelve to three in the morn inf; , im v . trated with the eidophone. This instrument gives armed with a walking-stick and whistle ? ’’ whole or in part, paid those whose ESTIMATES GIVEN. the education rate in London is practical demonstration of the power of sound to move £2:5:0 » £4 = 4:0 sill (of Hove). ■ and homes are being defi It B sJ 9d. iri th e £ , o r three times that in East- matter. Different notes of magic cause the sand to N ot Artistic to K il l Germans. — )A . f Expenses. that local comm: be forin, irne. ; Lest the dissimilarity of the two ECONOMY CAMPAIGN. arrange itself in varieties of very beautiful forms, Dudley Tribunal an art student at South Kensingt ?n. administer funds railBed for th e ght be thought to neutralise the flowers and Other geometric designs differing in definite­ who recently gained a borough scholarship, applied fo • The money required cou be obtained by cr> the comparison, he further > P ness of outl ne according to the force of’ the sound sent exemption on conscientious grounds. “ It is oonti it i > — [ B A a. A A K PRACTICAL OUTCOME. out. to my profession,” be said, “ to mutilate the beautie . o i ■ 1 some method of possibly by a 2 2 . TERMINUS ROAD, observed mat the average rate iu county The application was refused. local rate, and be supplemented mghB was Is. 2d., in urban districts Is. Id. pRiNCKiis A liq e Mem o r ia l H o spita l, the human f, ” • I Last Tuesday’s audience, in spite of the snowstorm, supported py voluntary contributions.—The following Grants To allen Officers’ R elativesI- | b h o m e s ' by a State grant. The Ittqe would be EASTBOURNE. and in counties (not including London) Is. 5d., 60 Latest Shaped Able to recommend thp of rates on adding that Eastbourne; is “ the lowest in any showed no diminution of interest. The lecture i 3f Mr. is the weekly return of patients for week ended A Royal Warm t is publishedmea in Army Orders givgi in| Goulbum m mothiir column) revealed Mar. 8th : Number of patients Mar. 1st, 39. I retrospective efl to the Warrant of D ecem ber_ the houses of Boldien neosssary, .. i ■ ■ i ! ’ough or portion of a county.” that gem ”His uisition on form admitted during the week, 20; discharged during the last. That Wi ti provided for the grant of pensi m i SHIRE PARK. all cases would; be examined before 'speak for themselves, and clearly and colour the of week, 14; < lied, 2; remaining in hospital at date, 45. and allowances ider pertain conditions to the fatl er ABLE LADIES’ RAINCOATS* r e jo real ground exists for associatinssociating This hospit J is open to the inspection of visitors on this mlief or fihe it or other N a v a l U n ifo r m .—The Admiral announce economy .ted Imother, or or sisters of deceased officers who le ivi i obligations was administration with ou* ucation Oodamittee the reproach by (he in of colour-____ Sundays, V edneedays and Bank Holidays from 2 to no widow or matech ild. Its provisions now becc m > LL SOCIETY, in the London. Gazette that the following angesareto cent reforms, er f few present were 4 p-m. Additional annual subscribers are urgently of a scheme of involve nulUCh be made in naval Commissioned Writers and of extra applicable to es arising since the beginning of th > Best Tailor Made Goods, HmiMUft-SOiD 1 irgetic townsmanin is an expert in the needed. Oc ntributions will be thankfully received by p ra mit war. If jtheofficer’s death oocurred before Mi rd i te. labour; but it that) the Commissioned Stewari will wear the same uniform as applied jjo ' the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. Q. O’Brien Harding, J.P., U wear in addition a harrow 7 fumi ure and dress as 1st. 1915, the insion or allowance is payable as f; or i Ifci at S o'clock. III .principle u] isi' and Chief Carpenters, btrt and P r iYa tk L ig h t in g . . Thi discussiofi which 15, South Cliff. House visitor J Mr. James C. that date. m o w . for an orator urn, stripe of “white cloth the cuff:: Warrant [Writers, the valuable < ontribution of Mr. Marshall. IN M U8IC” Warrant Stewards, and in Cookery Will wear the individual ideas of members F ashionjn ’sa Fr ads. — “ Women have quse • *kom £1:5:6 10 42/ •hone). which" would either leive soldier to the length of the and i#L , 1 tiie debate, which, 1 under a burden of d sbt the |end of the same uniform as . but will wear in addition of oh Tuesdaj is to I fritair siries of important wavs.” “ Wbat do yon mean by that?” “ The fas! ion a narrow stripe of cloth)on the cuff. the committees. in framing their or (C >uncillor Bolton) is B ritisH F armers’ R ed Gross F und. — calls for mannish hats, so my wife bought a mannish ha; L are invited to period of service, or — Itato resolutic for two guineas.” “ Well?” “ She could have hotght * i by the State to him B ible 8dcOTrt| 112th it expedient to act to preside „ . foil und representative Within the last week this fund has sent to the British ’ and Fo i th< will con- audience a able ) sha e in t le work (belonging Red Gross Society £15,000 for the provision, equipment a man’s hat for three-and six pence 1” 1 no o£e ;ve months, putting and maintenance at recreation huts for the sick and could complain at to con- ! i for at to all) of i advantageous practice the Workmen In Japan wear'on their caps an FOR J ------isespei the matter of the principles daring these past wounded sffidiers in the Red Cross Hospitals at home inscription i their business and their empl ANOIS« tribute a little more to homes of and abroad It Is hoped to send shortly a further une. those who are | allowances i cheque forj£25,000 towards the cost of Convalescent to make tot i (including W it h t h Anzacs. Lieutenant: “ Thu —In a borae-stenling . .-I 1 .. . 1. Homes in England and France foe British and Colonial lours. The Officers. Turks are lick peas 1 What shall we do?1’< CHRIMES, _x flnrriifmfi it was said that 8treet Committee opinion is Qaptai&: ‘ them! Shell them ! ” *«SrX*m etl^ w«to A “P o p u l a r ” Dr in k .—A soldier charged the prisoner 1 uncertainty a lit de extra money be Chaplets, ’ take a horse from a in one comity, end sell , it to jhisi aneirid “ Indeed! Are at Tower Bridge said he got drank on Eon de Cologne H e who is false to pi nfc duty break i T 10s. fid., another the county, later on re-ate*lmg on the po^t, and attitude U ironian!r She: So. I am a drese- which had ’become popular as a drink since the liquor thread in the li and will 1 the flaw when. hQ I ia; r H astings, 10, | doubtless responsible restrictions, ^ | have forgotten cause. TERMINUS ROAD* Tele. 500, 706. the animal and f M 'f'T u • .V • !■; • l . f •. iiiia 6 EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE, SATD >AY, MABCH 11, 1916.

colours arranged in • circle and a F disc jjocketijof a man who ^helped to kill the one that we i (]() ' I }[] ^ T 1 0 could obtain more l y it than by right and so sh6 Mr. William Downes, trainer of Lowes, said ha . AFTERNOON TEA CONFERENCE which, as it revolved, obscured but the respective OBJECT perpetrated this outrage on humanity. SUSSEX WINTER ASSIZES. had been oonnected with racehorses for 27 or 28 years. they produced T he1 Rev. David Barron voiced the thanks of He had trained some well-known and successful complementary colours. . Seen in, H u g g e r > >ry effects and Miss the gathering to the Rev. Bernard Snell for visiting horses. He had considered the value of “Thrico” in each other the most sa THE REV. J. G. HE NDERSO.V B CA. u s ric DIMINISHED DELIV]SRI ES. strongest contrasts. He emph this by showing did not agre a in the suggestion of buying in small them at Eastbourne. CIVIL BUSINESS. and Had studied its performances and pedigree. Wit­ a succession of red books and lenly interposed a quantities. Chose who maintained large households CRITICISM. ness had bought and sold a good many horses and sheet of green paper, which in< >nsely increased the would find ii. more economical to purchase in large . had done a little brooding. He did not call himself brilliancy both of the red and of the green. quantities. 1 he policy of saving on our food was often ! a breeder of horse*. t h e l |>ssopavaluable h a c b h o r s *. Economical Pergonal Adocnmenl Broken Colours, a mistaken i eonomy. People were working harder ‘LONG AND GROTESQUE PROCESSION.” THE LAST TALLOW DIP MAKER Mr. Wild; You would rather someone else bred than before he war and it was necessary that they the horses and you trained them? he explained, are colours broken! or dulled down by should fortifr themselves with good j and nourishing Witnes*: That is it. ACTION AGAINST BRIGHTON ’BUS “ The Economy of Shopping ” w n the subject mixing a proportion of their complementary colour meals. Witl regard to excluding ornaments, such IN SUSSEX. In answer to further questions, witness said he until, with well-balanced proportions, blaok is for instance t.s ostrich featjhers, these, hlthoftgh costlyl FREE CHUEQH COUNCIL M EETI S'G3. COMPANY. alued “Thrice ” at 300 or 400 guineas. In ordinary the sixth oonferenoe, which was j resided' over obtained. Those broken colours were shown upon times he would have valued tho horse at 400 to 500 lf n . Bolton (the Deputy Mayorei a), who thonbht another chart, and it was pointed out that these were >LE W E S M A N DIES AT HIS WORK. guineas at foe outside. The Rev. J. G. HENDERSON, president of the East­ tk k it must be & very difficult subject for a “ mere the colours mostly used in everyday life. A very ... ,, - r-,-jy paid is Kept in the himpi.,, Tho only civil action for trial commenced before Mr. Dickens:!I understand you know nothing about small proportion of pure colour is seen in nature, which would not be the case if a French flower from bourne and District Free Church Council; severely his Lordship and a special jury on Monday. It was breeding? SMB " to deal with. She felt sure the: oonferei ces Tile sudden death of Mr. Albert Henry Crowhurst, and its beauty is enhanced- by a surrounding of its Paris were UBed, which, in addition, Was extravagant criticised what he described as “that long and a claim for damages brought by Mr. Kennedy Jones, Witness: I know something about pedigrees, if that trace making their good influence elt in the tojvn own tones and shades, which in turn are supported of: Queen-street, Lov(e8, which occurred at Messrs. J. is what you mean. Chan| —it so soor became useless. Miss H uggett again grotesque procession of (conscientious objectors who racehorse owner and breeder, of Finchley, against l l . - \ Mr. Bassett Kerry had explained tin ,t they found by the greys and broken colours. Broad & Sons’ cant le factory in Market-street last Mr. Dickens : You practically know nothing nlmut BID i asked that j list might be obtained of the articles are parading before our Tribunals ” at th 3 annual the Brighton, Hove and Preston Omnibus Company, tireless cooker was being established in moat of Sh a d es and T o nes. the Government consider .essential for the production Thursday afternoon removed the last of the old- breeders at all ? -meeting of the Eastbourne and District Fre > Church Ltd., in respect of Injuries to a racehorse called W'itness: Yes, I do. poorer homes of his parish. It n s Worth While Tho shades are the gradations of a colour from light of munitionu She! felt *ure that the servants and fashioned tallow dif makers in Sussex, which form everyone elie would take care to economise in the Council, which took:place at the Coylon-placs Baptist “Thrice,” caused by tho alleged negligent driving Mr. Dickens: How many foals havo you had? Whit, recording that, in addition to cooking and keepii to dark by the addition of white or by the addition of industry now becomes extinct in the county. As Croti use of, every hing which might help to save the lives Church on Wednesday ovoning. In the i.ftemoon of one of tho Company’s motor ’buses on the road Witness: I have never had a foal at all (loud things hot, they would also cool and k< of blaok. The tones are the gradations of a colour recently as last mor th he made what will probably laughter, in which tho Judge joined). LilhuI Butter would be taken out quite baid ink q Lite by the addition of another colour. Both were clearly of their own dear ones, j j the Rev. J. Bernard Snell, M.A., preached i,n inspir between Brighton and Rottingdean. M is/ s e ed , even during very high tempi rat demonstrated by the charts. be the last lot of cc tton dips in Sussex, this process Mr.j Nelson George Barrow said ho was training at Hap.ti| Mr. D over W illiams iff aormon to a gopd congregation, ogid following a °f candle-making laving nearly ceased through Mr. H. F. Dickens, K.C.,.and Mr. Huntly Jenkins Rottingdean for the Baptist ministry and on th« Mr. f Mr. Goclburn Lovell explain) d Lt it mi ;ht T h e Combinations o f Colour. •[ explained that at the first meeting convened by the ' PubliPibli< toa aIld tea tible conference the re wai a public having been super leded by the manufacture of (instructed by Messrs. J. C. Buckwell & Webb, ovenihg in question he was riding on his bicycle from AujkiI be suggested; the title had been selnol_ in ordei to Colours are either made or marred by their com­ MayorL ayoi at____ the______Town____ Hall he and * brotherro t tradesman mee‘‘n^’ °Yer wh,«h, tho P ov- J - G- Him DERSON candles in moulds. An. inquest was held concerning Brighton) were for plaintiff; and Mr. Ernest E. Wild, that Village to Brighton. Tho ’bus wont down the develop one of his cranks. Most irchil and all binations with each other. Each if affected by each. had, beon .r__ asked __ to -- rattei --iendl as it was [feared then that resided. Amongst: those also present were the Rev. the death of Mr. Crewhurst by Mr. G. Vere Benson K.C., and Mr. Rowand Harker (instructed by Mr. hill to Rifle Butt-road at something over ten mile* beaux-arts students are cranks. He to The true value of colours depend* upon the juxtoposi- the economy campaign might ve had very 5. Bernard Snell, the Rev. W. Leo, the Rev. David at Lewes Fire Static n on Saturdaylav evening. Mr. T. Grant McLean, of Brighton) represented defendants.- an hpur. He heard the brakes put on rather hard point out that the i j tion of one to the other. They may be combined so disastrous results upon jthe traders I of the town. Barron, the Rev. S- East, Mr. T"F. Allen, Mr. n P. A., Butland was chosjen foreman______of of tho the jury, jury, and P.C. Mr. Dickens, in opening, said tho action arose out as if something was approaching, and a little further Caffyn,n_tr_ XV-Mr. J. T aS. nL..Giarrard,---- 5 Councillorr A . Avard, Mr. Economy of Shopping in General that they are mutually helpful and beautiful, or they They, however, found themselves entirely in accord Russell acted as Coroner’s officer. Mr. Vernon G. of injuries which necessitated the destruction of the on the brakes were pui on very hard. Ho heard no may be mutuallv harmful and hideous. They are with what v as said and what had since been done. R. W. H, Hamblyn and others. road and Mr. G. A . Broad represented Messrs, horse. It was a valuable horso with a fine pedigree, shouting. The ’bus got past the first horse all right. Boxed may be considered in war time under three headings, governed primarily by the l^ws or principles of con­ The fact that it was advocated that Shopping should Th e {Report. road & Sons, by whom deceased had been employed and was purchased in April, 1914, as a two-year-old Ho ihon saw foe form of tho second horse. That all Of which are closely interwoven-—small quantit ies, trast*. Time would, not allow the conference to con­ be done in the town wherever practicable had for nearly half a century. at auction! at Newmarket by plaintiff for 3,600 aninjal reared and went round to tho left, facing th* small credits and small deliveries. It has usu illy The Secretary (the Rev. S. East) road tHo report, guineas. it was a deacondent of Orme and other I. —Mr sider these in detail. It is well to remember that impelied th< trade to welcome the (Economy Com­ which contained the following:— John Crowhurst, son of tho deceased, said his fence on foe north, and then stepped hack. As a J. -M1 been conceded that better markets exist for ttoso it is the bad contrasts that usually constitute bad mittee with open arms. The address on colour had well-known horses. On October 29th last year, about result there was a collision between the horse and th* “ The Eastboumo Froo Church Coumil incorporates father was a candle maker and was 69 years of age. d.-M r who can purohase in large quantil ies, but in var colouring. There are contrasts of tones, contrasts appealed vei y strongly to him. The trouble he saw For about a montl ho had suffered from a cold, dusk, it was returning from racing at Newmarket ’bus.; The ’bus pulled up within about its own Fot time this consideration is overborn > by many l eta of shades and also contrasts of tones and shades. was the seriousness of the dye question; whereas a all the , Free , , Churches „ , of , the . town. , Aa wle review. , and was proceeding along the road from Brighton to longth. The ’bus swerved towards the south fence l - V r which go to prove the advantage >f purchasing in which was rather t ght on his chest, and he had PbUl C ontrasts o f T o nes. draper wou' 1 stock say a hundred shades, he would the work of 4116 Co“nci1 during the pa*t year we feel complained of pains in his side, but he continued at Rottingdean to Mr. Lynham’s stables, where it was when the brakes were put on very hard. swwll quantities, advantages both for the individual now have tc content himself with a dozen. He felt tbat th®re 18 evel7 reaBon for encouragement. As a trained. It was the second of a string of five. The In reply to Mr. Dickens, witness said ho heard th* 9. -.M rl By using a special disc on a chart of what Ruskin wiork and would no; have medical attendance. Op Barrl end for the community. sure that if the ladies could pursuade the modistes Council we have not done great thingp, but wo have ’bus collided with it, and it sustained severe injuries driver tell foe stahle lad that ho would rather tub called the twelve zodiacal colours a simple method Thursday ho went ti: work as usual and in the after­ Mrs. I i Small Quantities and saleswomen to! attend a conference on the lines been steadily working away in spite of tjie many noon he went upstairs to assist witness, who worked and had to bo shot the same night. over a horse than a man. Ho also heard tho driver 10. —L of obtaining gqod contrasts of toneBones was explained, | suggested b> Mr. Lovell very helpful results indeed , difficulties, and are able to report progress, say ho had not seen the horses in timo to stop them The first advantage is that the universal increase and, what la more important, a; ' iij the same employ! lent, to charge a vat. Witness, Mr. E. Wallis Long, architect and surveyor, of 11. —Ml method of avoiding igould be obtained. Upon the general matters! “The Scripture examinations for the "Nonconformist Brighton, proved a plan of the road where the before he got up to them. RoacT in cost is not felt to the same extent in purchai ing b%d ones. Bad contracting pairs of colours, were referred to however, had finished the work and told his father held as usual. Abput 180 were accident occurred. Mr, Wild: Did you hear tho driver put tho blame W est | small quantities as in large. An iiicreaae of 20 delighted with so. Deceased said, “All right,” and turned round PRtNC rant, on a pound’s worth of tea [amounts to r to walk away when lie fell. Witness ran to him, but Plaintiff, in the course of his evidence, said the on anyone? - Mention should Witness: No. He simply tried to get out of th* Wall whereas 20 per cent, on a shillingfs worth is < nly, ______l ...... the variotB school­ he showed no sign of life. A doctor was at once horse was trained by Mr. Lynham at Rottingdean. 48.—Ms about five farthings. Another advantage is p a t Sh a d e s. — , _ ____r ______ying t sent for. Deceased . lad nbt been medically attended He bought the horse because, of its pedigree and blamO they put on him. It was getting very dark, S l-M d reels, ever quite large ones such as millinery boxes. masters and mistresses so willingly and readily assist fair 26 years. and it was dirty weather and raining. Ml whan there are only small quantl in the he use Another disc was used to determine the good and S us in this work. principally for stud purposes. The horse possessed there is an impulse to make the go further or bad contrasting shades. It was found that different e had eve:i seen a gentleman taking milk cans in Mr. S. L. Benton, medical practitioner, of Lowes, some of the finest blood, vory little of which was left Mr. Garnet Wolseley, an artist, who was travelling Ui d k I shades of the same actual colour made good contrasts, hia motor ci r. Nevertheless, he felt that a meeting Th e Free Church N urbe. said he was called t) see the deceased on Thursday ir. England now. “ Thrice ” ran twice aa a two-year- Ion the ’bus, said the paoe of the vehicle was normal. M rs." possibly to go without. If we havi gold rattlin; in to consider and equalise the question of deliveries Flint, lore of a aptjnd- also the different shades in each pair of complemen­ “The work of the Free Church Nurso dii; afternoon and found that ho had died just previously. old and three or four times as a three-year-old. It The first thing he -JUSW was a confused mass of our pockets we are impelled to be during the var was of very great importance, and ring the horses. One of the animals seemed to detach itself Fligh thrift than if we have only silver tary colours. The bad contrasts are usually those in year has been most important and valuab o; more Through a post moitem examination he found that won a £500 race at Gatwick in Muy, 1915. He Klnnl which the contrasts are mixed. For instance, while he hoped that that would be one of the results of deceased had suffered from recent pleurisy and old- , intended______to_____ run____ the____ horse______in the_ Cambridgeshire______„ _____ of from foe rest and back into tho ’bus. The other liorsos MlUal Hurd advantage in purchasing only ' quantities these eepnon ly meetings. than a thousand visits have been paid. Some of sore practice lie. in .any pair of good contrasting colours the corres­ hlanding aortic valv liar disease of the heaTt. The i 1916. The horso was entered in all the classic races, were safely past, and so would this one have been Molrl la that the desire to save becomes Mrs'. these have been brief, but others have meant much ay on the p ice ponding shade of each will contrast well, different 'US! IN urged that the excellent paper bags time and attention. There are generally frim 10 to cold weather and lie exertion of going upstairs but these entries became void owing to the death had it behaved like tho others. Thore was no truth Fracq I t is far easier to save a penny a supplied by {some some of the shops ' should ' ' ' ' be‘saved and in the suggestion that tho ’bus was going too fast Jam* paid for an article than half a crow month sup; >08- shades will have a bad effect. 12 cases on the books. All the churches have probably put too gri at a strain upon the heart, and of the nominator and previous owner, Mr. E. Hngd take’en back lo theni. death no doubt was caused by sudden syncope. Dresden. or that it was on the wront side of tho road. I r a that the article be purchased in Qu a n t it ie s of Contrasts. i i . benefited by the work of the nurse. I Her work is In [eply to Mr. Dickens, witness said ho was partly Colod avid arron The jury returned i verdict of “ Death from natural Lieu 3 8mall Credits Having considered the qualities of contests, Mr. 1 he Rev. D B pointed out that the superintended by a committee of ladies appointed by Mr. Wild, in cross-examination, suggested that the attractive addressic dress on colour had evidently attractedattracto each of the Free Churches. The Secretary, Mrs. causes,” and the Foreman said the jury would like maximum value of the horse at the time of its death covered by a lady’s umbrella. Ska Vi) Small credits, or -no credit at should be the Gouiburn Lovell proceeded to explain the extremely Mr.-Dover Williams, who has realised the advantage to express their regri t at the death of Mr. Crowhurst, ! was £400, but witness replied that it was as valuable Mr. Dickens: I hope she was an interesting lady? Mrs. L important question as to the quantities of contrasts. Stanley Simmons, qf 22, Elms-avenue, would be glad Witness- I thought she was vory kind (laughter). radar of the day at war time; in fact, at all to be obtair ed, if the suggested conference of lady to hear of any pe -sons ; who need her hel >. The who had been known to many of them for a number j then as vwh en “ ' he------’ purchased---- J it. Ray.-il The traders should be d, as far as i In most colour schemes it is desirable to have a buyers and adv sellers couid take place. A gather­ of years as a quiei, conscientious workman, who Mr.! Dickens: Perhaps you were talking fo her? MliS P dominant tone, which should be supported by a income is derived from annual contribu lions by Mr. Alfred Edward Thomas Watson, of Catherine Witness- 1 didn’t know her. M rs/f inauble, the cost of keeping books; i would -eni Me ing of such i descriptisn might have quite' unknown several churches connected with tho Council and served his employers! well. streot, Buckingham , London, editor of tho Mr ______i to sell cheaper. _ r H It R is H hardly U P r ted that ti ose good contrasting colour, or with a small proportion benefits. 1 le insisted upon the wisdom of such Mr. E. A. Card (a juryman) said deceased wo* M r, Dickens: Why was she kind? of a purer colour of the same group or family. [The special subscription*. We have especially to thank Badminton Magazine and a contributor to the Witness: Because she noticed I was wet and partly M r.. who pay promptly, or with only smajll credit, actu illy evidence of rue neighbourliness. Mrs. Taylor, of the Presbyterian Church, for her much respected. Enryclopcedia Britannica, said he had beon familiar ChatbiI help to pay for those who take Ion ? credits or 1 feo nearer this supporting colour is to a primary, oh the covered me with her umbrella. Mrs.. nearer it is to a pure colour, the less there is required Mr. A rthor B oWen also testified to the gratifica­ efforts in collecting these!subscriptions; and also Mrs. jMr. V. G. Broad said on behalf of his firm he with the subject of racehorses for 40 years. Ho don’t pay at all. There is no reason why even the would like to say t ley deeply regretted the death. Mr. Dickens: When you camo opposite tho horses, Camb of it. This was most completely proved by means tion of listenling to Mr.: Dover Williams. He pointed Craske and Mrs. Roser, of tho Pevensey-road Con- corroborated the evidence of the plaintiff as to the waB npt there a great swerve to the left? **“ n war-time shopping. First, utility had Nobody is very startled here by the recommenda­ Witness: Horses are very human. at nine or ten miles an hour, and said it was on it* Blorr.l rany. Jt is obviously most unfair that those 'mo to ho considered.. Good forms should be emphasised tions of the Retrenchment Committee. In fact, the close of the year thero was a deficit of £27. 6s. lid ., { Sussex, In reply to further questions witness said the value Auld.l this being largely due to the heavy expensesox incurred | In reply to a question by tho Coroner, Mr. Broad proper side of the road. Following tho bump witnes* Baida carry their purchase and those who have it lent by colour and bad forms obscured. A well pro­ general opinion appears to be that if the very timid o ’, a stud horse depended to a certain extent upon nounced colour should be employed in the first case in the 1 Come to .Church .Campaign ’ and th: various stated that in tne tipping process the wicks were looked over tho side and saw a horso scrambling ltyer. [ pay tnethe same price iorfor tnethe some dele. ‘ This inis a; ain proposals it contains represent the maximum that /iAnf/vi*onoAn 4-nn* nniro In Iron v\ln/iA nilUinnr \ no TTOQF ’ minvinn J £____ Ji 111-’- __11.1___J." _ 1_ ._1 1_1 its performances. As to the war having affected the aboutito get up. The ’bus did not swervo as far aa Mo An and a subjective colour in the second. Tho important this body of learnect gentlemen could produce we still conferences that have taken place during ihe year, suspended from rods like walking sticks and then value of racehorses, witness said that largely should’ ” "be stopped, ‘ " -* and * we who ’ "for~L n “public iblio opinionopir received he could remember. Miss. place which utility takes in considering the applica­ have to look outside their terms of reference for our ____Since the__ end of thje yeaf tthe Treasurer has dipped into the tallow. depended upon whether the owner had the. horse for’ W est ran stop it. A complete revision should be made on two donations, one1 of two guineas from Mr. J. H. (Ernest George William Parker, oonductor of th* thisj important matter. We can sav > money for qur-< tion of colour is seen in the khaki colour for a means of fir ancing ■ the war. It is only fair to the The Coroner: How is it that you get them ob winning races or for breeding purposes. The war ’bus, Said it came down the hill at a very moderate Kleglj Committee tjo remember that most of the King, and one of £5 from Mr. Charles (Jox, thus beautifully round and smooth? had affected racing, but it was hoped that matters and waives and for the traders. Thereforle it is urged t jat Fairea'sTts re®“ “ a rather leisursd existence, though it would be unfair spirited address, said: We gather again for our Station round the back streets of Brighton to avoid Witness: It is an old ’bus. RiohrrJ it; but if one colour dominates by its to accept th 3 efforts ot cartoonists On assure you. and not of ordering; he might hi,ve proceeded to 1 the V others should be supporting colours, annual meetings amid the tumult and (terror of war. the traffio. Witness was riding the first horse, rfamed His Lordship: And noisy? i . rapply invaluable > n ts anl wrinkle, upon the | * literaijy acct rate. Most of the complaints one heare It is impossible for us to assemble and tp[ speak as Deceased’s son said] his father always told them he “Happy Warrior,” followed by the other four in subjective to the. first in purity] An orange jersey would work until hfc died. He added that Mrlt Witness: I would not call it exactly noisy/ „ of one’s joint , Had------he---been an exjiert r , are directed to tho proposed exclusion of children if this was not the dominating issue—tho if sue that single file about 10-ft. apart. They were proceeding His Lordship: Rather noisy? bach. on a blue skirt produces a vivid contrast between under six from the Elementary Schools. No serious Crowhurst was ill amj unable to attend the inquest.- he might have let them into the secret) of two complementary colours, but all unity of effect drives all others from the field. Ujnder ordinary at walking pace. Witness saw a motor ’bus come Witness: It is not one of the new type. It is about -bach. jduction of beautifiers or e combination of harm would be done from an educational point of circumstances we should have been recounting great As a mark qf respect for deceased 11 of the 13 jury­ over the top of Black Rock-hill and proceed down eight or nine years old. It is ono of the old patterns. is lost, and the beauty of the human figure is spoilt view; but it would greatly inconvenience poor men gave their fees to the family. l ] ie substances which would halv i the cost, sa; • of by emphasising it. lines and proportions in the wrong deeds or advocatingi certain doctrines arjd which the hill. It was on its proper aide, but it had to pass Frank Walter Ayjing, an inspector in tho employ or hair-wash. But being only ah archi lect mothers whe “ go out fo work.” There was an out­ we are concerned to advance, and which w) regard a tip-cart, and after doing thiB the ’bus did not of foe defendants, said foe driver of the ’bus had a Mr. place. If the orange jersey be associated with a cry in East London when tho same proposal was Pope. . ; colourist, he could only ventui» to offer ad >ioe as essential to the welfare Of the State! or discussing return to its proper side. He estimated the speed clean license. The ’bus was an old type of petrol Morris. ] in particular upon form and colour. In applying |this this x . and trying to remedy defects in churches aid rally­ of the ’bus at 20 miles an hour. The horses were as vehicle and was rather noisy. K-rr. to the economy of shopping he pro) losedosed to limit his the idea of a bequest for the ing them to attack more resolutely the (evil influences FARMERS AND MILITARY close to foe railings on their side of the road as they Mr. William Courtney Amy, an inside passenger, H w etl and suggestions to those coi oeming usually------...------_ ., . . | hospitality appeals to -the at work in the world. But our thoughts, prayers, dared go. As the ’bus approached witness shouted, said the 'bus was on the near side of the road. The and Mr] Th e Adornment of the Hvman Form. a very beautiful and striking result may be obtained; imagination will have been disappointed that the anxieties, are about armies in the field. [ saw it held up his hand and whistled to warn the ’bus driver bus was then 4-ft. or 5-ft. from tho fence. Ho felt PerkiusT stated the other day as; a reproach ithat ve have SiiRYlCE. If ft could be shown that a more splendid atltire that ie, by using the pure coloiirs in comparatively grant to the Savago Club for this purpose haa been to steady down, but tho vehicle did not slacken speeu very little, if any, swerve of the ’bus, which pulled could be obtained at a far diminisl ed cost; thei, it small quantities against a mass of black. With white pronounced nvalict. The idea is by no moans a new turned aside from foe advocacy of gkeat : deals to or get over to its proper side. The ’bus came within up in about 15 yards. The ’bus had come down th* be assumed, that the aftornooi would not lave the effect is usually credo. With grey most satisfac­ one. According to a writer in the C ity Press—a furnish fuel for the ;war spirit. The charge ju untrue, .V!PORTANT MEETING AT LEWES. two or three foot of his horse, which half whipped hill at a speed not oxoeeding"T2 miles an hour. ' a . FH wasted. Firom an artist’s poi at of view f >rm tory combinations are obtained, but considerable care paper which shows an admirable thoroughness in all unjust. Our ideals are ill involved in this conflict. round, but witness pulled him straight. Cross-examined: The oollision occurred before the Mrs. r ahould express the use of the objec t or: ite const ruo- is required in obtaining the proper grev. The greys that relates I o old London—in the City there are like They will bo damaged, destroyed,! if Germany Cross-examined: He did not know that it was jamming on of tho brakes. Clifcl hpquosts dating back for many generations. “For succeeds. Thoy will be delivered and developed if The largest attendance of farmers at a meeting in intended that the horses Bhould be brought back by MrrtE. A. Morris, a brewery manager, of Hastings, Mrs. Buildings, for instance, sho ild express v hat are innumerable, they ore obtained fay mixing a and when the Allies gain the victory. It is Mr. ad The exterior of an hoti I should exi teas tertiary with white.I. There oreare two classes otof greyigre; long years," adds ):he writer, “they were observed ihe district for a good many years was present at motor, which broke down. He had never known a another passenger, said foe ’bus was travelling at with, mark the words, strict punctiliousness;. but light to be carried when racehorses were on the road an ordinary speed. Coined __ _ loot that it is an hotel, like The Grand or The which make true subjective colours. Firstly,, tne , A Strange and Sad Situation fob Crown Hotel, 1 .ewes, on Thursday afternoon P o tc y 1 -Queen’s, or the older part of The Albion. The t ddi- greys in which the pure colour predominates, that is, then the ha d-hear'ied unroipantic Charity Commis­ after dark. ‘‘Thrice ” had passed motor ’buses Mr. Frederick Edmead, an engineer, of Kemp Uulchl sioners inter vened, *nd, as a result, mental and not in whioh' we find ourselves. If any English statesmen under the chairmanship of Mr. E. J. GoRRINGE, to tiona to The Albion gives one the i npression th ,t it greys of the same group or family. Seoondly, greys had planned an aggressive war thoy would have been before. AH the lads shouted and whistled, but this Town, said he was riding on foe footboard at the MostydI J i a gigantic red and .White wielding cake or ui which tho complementary colour predominates, ly pabul im represents to-day the rare refreshing assailed and reaistod by1' the combined forces and consider the recent statement of Lord Derby that no would not frighten the horses, as they wore used tp it. back of the ’bus. It passed two or three vehicles MLs. ury ako two dinners annually for the past 18 months with Mr. Lynham at Rottingdean. within 2-ft. of the fence, and it was pulled up within Mrs. t>| rideration for the effect of several atariee of mas< pry the Aldermi n and the High Officers; and the late everything we hate and wish to she wiped out. and a so Lord Selborue’s promise on the matter. supported in the air by sheets of gl iss. The hu nan to introduce another oolour .to relieve the combina­ Germany claims a : place in the sun—fo control the “Thrice ” was a good-tempered horse and witness a length and a half. MlsseJl figure is frequently clothed withoit the sligl test tion from dullness. Bits-of blue do not look well. Mr. Deputy Layton in like way remembered his sunlight for the rest of the world. She is ambitious , Tho Chairm an introduced the following resolu- had ridden him past traffic previous, to this accident. Mr. William Henry Slater, estate agent, of Harro­ effect to express either it* use or its construct ion. Blue should always be used fo the fullest extent colleagues o i the Croydon Corporation. The Cloth- to filch from us rights and liberties that are unspeak­ tiqn: “That this meeting of foe East Sussex Branch Witness saw the motor ’bus coming down the hill. gate, stated that he was standing on foe steps of The main swivel of the body is (he waist, w lieh possible. It is easier to combine! deep broken colours workers’ and the Painters’ Companies'*enjoy similar of; the National Farmers’ Union, having considered Its pace was “pretty fast.” Witness whistled and the footboard behind the last witness. Th* ’bus 9. —Mr. eptertainmci its. * . i ably precious—rights of conscience, [representative Achot-tj .should be emphasised. The Bpeake drew attention than pure colours or light colours. government, freedom of discussipn; rights qf other the statement made by Lord Derby in regard to .shouted, but never loosened the reins. The ’bus did travelled to the left of the crown of the road, and, Both the 1 fini recruiting, wishes ti call foe attention of Lord 10, -M l. to the reefer jacket he was wearing which obscured Economy of Plain Surfaces. advance their not slacken speed or get over to it* proper side of when he felt a bump, was well to the left siae and 1L—Mr. days lately, Sol borne to the critical condition of agriculture in the road. The first horse half whipped round and travelling at a very moderate pace down fo* hill. tho waist ana made-the body lool like a sack of Great repose and dignity are obtained by plain own genius, l'ound | potatoes supported upon two elephi ntine monst oai- affair, and His and ever will thjs county. The farmers have hitherto helped for­ witness’s horse reared straight up in the air through Ho felt no swerve until the bump. The La surfaces. It is amazing to find what satisfying results bhvthe very thorou! ward recruiting of agricultural labourers, but they the motor ’bus being too near him. Witness pulled Mr. William Allison, manager of the International . MIi-h ties! By changing into a morning ooat, he poi ited are obtained by plain coloured surfaces. Only the! liberties ■out how the waist became expressed He remn ded t ie ceremon; \ On {he last occasion there were thirty- of free people. These liberties are all n the melting feel that’ the time has come when any further reduc­ his feet out of the stirrups, and the next thing that Horse Agency and Exchange, Ltd., estimated th* Lieut. courage and care are required ip selecting the tones. fdRr recipients of honours. His Majesty personally _ . tion from foe labour will endanger their industry happened was that witness and the horse were on the value of “Thrice ” at 500 guineas. Mbs r the conference how in the streets at almost e rerv Nb entirely beautiful colouring exist* without grada. it at the present (moment, cast there by {he cruel Dipple.l tarn one sees figures in a grey > >r blue kin< qf ninhed on t le V.Ci’s, and made a point of ahAking rt_l J?? u. l j * -j: p r„„~nn ry caste. aijd make >t impossible to respond to the repeated ground. His horse did not move towards foe centre Counsel then addressed the jury, and foe Judg* tion. In gradations, either of tones or of shades, the ,ndsIs with teach(eaoh recipient and saying a few word! i- why ^he Fren Churches h^e requests wo have had; from foe Board of Agriculture of the road. The ’bus did not strike witness, but summed up. pyjamas, but when this disguise t< their beaut j is differences of change should be so small as to be That is why the Free Churches h ive Sent out replaced by a service uniform^ the; ’ become ti ms- of cordial a; iproval ‘ and congratulation. The Queen hundreds of thousands of their young men to repre­ toj maintain, and if possible increase, the home grown iv must have hit the horse, The horse was up again After deliberating for half an hour the jury found 19 -Mrs. I hardly perceptible ^ a t. njny given interval r as, for honoured tl ie Fulham Training College with a supply of food.” He said Ke thought the serious before witness waB. for the plaintiff and assessed the damages at £1,400. formed in appearance. The waist is emphasised >y a instance, the gradations in tne petals of a rose. By sent them in this gteat crusade. The Tree Churches Jl.-M r. aotdiur’s belt, while the utility of th> well-taut leg is surprise visit a few day* ago. Her Majesty is show­ oopdition of agriculture.gricultr in the county should be Cross-examined: Witness had never heard of a His Lordship entered judgment for that amount comparing two of the colour charts, in one the colours ing an ever-growing interest in the question of the have stood for peace, preached peac)-, wotked for S shown. The same figure is made . >ither to ap sear peace, but they have never put peace before ed attention to, Ss Lord Derby’s speechlight in being fob carried in front of ridden horses at night. with costs. Courtla| were certainly fine, which-, looked at alone, almost work which vomen can do in war-time. The oollege use of Lords might have a very mischievous effect The Judge: They do not oarry light* on horses clumsy and ugly, or alert and beauti ul as it is.. The springs into foe eye; but, "on the other chart, by its righteousness. They have never been prepared to Drun human leg is made for speed, the elephant s leg for one of the few centres in the Metropolis where day recommend or accept a peace that foeant enslave­ if jit influenced Tribunals to disregard tho pleas of (laughter). gradations, the colour seemed |to (gloW with a fascina­ asses are i inducted for the commercial training “ Starred ” men. They were afraid that the loads. Imagine the ugliness of an elephant if its .egs a, ment. "I . j I - Mr. Wild: ^4o, my lord. I suisuggest it would, be Chesha* tion never yet obtained from an (ungraduated colour. of educated young (women. Her Majesty visited Tribunals would in donsequence of that speech and better that there should be a vehidhide of some sort to FORGOTTEN PEOPLES OF THE OLD were shaped like a man’s Realise he ugliness . >f a Gradation is fo be seen everywhere—in sky, on earth T h e Conscientious Objectors. Uarlln man with hia legs disguised like an elephants. each class room, (investigating the work of the in!order to Carry out (Lord Derby’s wishes take more go in front with a light, as was suggested by N'SUM anid water. The play of light on a plain surface students and listening to the lectures delivered. There I Bpeak for myself only, and I do not claim the men from counties and districts that had already resolution from the Automobile Association to the NEW W ORLD. Copt. a| Th e Grace of the Femai e Form produoes a far finer and more! luminous gradation are two insurance classes] and the Queen was much sanction of the Council. I have; felt pain, hui foliation spired as many aB possible. As to foe serious condition Home Office. / W. Ma mm superior to the man’s is due to the fact of the 'than any made by pigments. Consider the effects interested in the lectures which were being delivered, and contempt for roost of those who have forroed of [agriculture, never in hia lifetime had he known bo Tho Judge: I daresay motors would like them to D Kills | Wreaterlragta of the upper legs, winch account, for on the folds of a robe. The difference between the and at tho close Of examination in one, class that long and grotesquo procession ofl cons lientious many farms likely to become vacant (it. was a curious’ have it. | This! was the: title of a very interesting_lectur* Hahttog deepest shade and lightest tint are truly amazing. inspected sor le of foe" objectors who are plarading before our Tribunals. Aa comment on the fortunes which farmers were supposed given in the Presbyterian Church,ren, Lewes, on Wednes­ Mrs. I .tae superior dignity ana charm of movement. Dhe r e ­ Mr. Wild: It would be more fair to them. day evening by the Rev. Wilbur Ennis, of Bourne­ beauty of the Apollo Belvedere is luel to this 1 ict, The gradations are a constant delight to those who The renewal of: Free Churchmen We have been taught to respect to;be making), and he knew that some dairy farmers H. lodk for them. activity and foe rather conscience, to revqrence!conscience as kin;;, but I Edward Percy Cracknall, 17, an apprentice in the mouth. The lecturer, at foe outset, said his subject which should be considered in de«( lung a worn m s sensational report from, Berlin that the “Moewe ” were seriously contemplating not merely whether employ ojf Mr. Lynham who waa riding the third Hdrungi robe. In plaoe of the sack-like skirt in vogue be ore Time for P roper Consideration. hold.that every young man is under Suspicion who they should sell their! cows, but whether they could was so vast that ho oould only just touch upon th* Brens had arrived safely! home again have caused some to-day put* forward any plea by whibh ot ler men horse, said when the ’bus reached “ Thrice ” it turned main tueme during the time allotted to him; there­ .the war, the present-day start, witii i U graceful fc Ids, ' Co derive , the full economic ' value from this excitement iere—the fohner among foe general go^ t.n to Michaelma i.. or whether it might not be The Han are sent out to endureidure hardship, , submit to luffering sharply to it* side of the road and the back part of fore ths audience must take his remarks as being in H. H. C is greatly to be admired. These few observation on fascinating study three times as touch.time is required public, and the latter: among foose who are necessary to sell them inomediately. Four points the vehicle struck the animal. The ’bus-T was__ pi pulled and expose foemsellves to death in orde that he may differentiated the farming industry from other the nature of an appetiser, and he hoped after that Evera the subject of form leaves one free to consider the that which has been. allotte “ gt particularly interested in naval matters. The edJ 11—v ay, anc-nd about 10 yards after it had passed the last horse.I they wiuld delve into foe subject for themselves, for are practised. For dwell in security and1 walk t i e phelte industries;: 1. They la d already sent;young men in important question of jwledge many false economic upmunity enjoyed by the commerce raider is enjoy immunity from hardship [and anger. We Witness’s horse wasis perfectly quiet. _ They shouted they would find it of absorbing interest. His lecture Colour. • tance, the wife who really dii not understand the recognised J- — -vru-.-t great numbers. " ‘ ‘ some time before “Thrice”ce ' reared and before the Pack Ho They had been was in no sense a series of fairy tales, but wa* In these Northern climes there has a tendc ncy value of fine Havana cigars ractised very false bus reached them. founded upon tangible proofs, although in speaking Miss 1 ibi bly her ausband’s nicely lit cert?m*y for conscience sake. Now we are called to witness foe Board ’ ______Bkooml Jo shrink from the dignity of pure < iofoo Navy M in tjje BqUalid spectacle of mea claiming tc escape Albert James Sandever, head lad in Mr. Lynham’s of the centuries in the distant past they were of WOMFC owing to a fear that they may be o ii gaqdy. in he was called to the Bupply of food. 4. They ! had hitherto had stables, said he had 24 years’ experience of race­ d insult'to injury in say- ha*^n ^ ° k i ' warf?re Buff0ring for conscience sake; to be permitt id to sit Gabinet Minister’s pr> imise foat necessary men would nece3siiy fumbling among the shadows. Most people Htf.STON.l We have beoome so accustomed to . of nf tVie o I^ L J X ^ b'°?<“kde1!8 a at home in ease for conscience sake. That 's a new horses, 17 of which he had spent with Mr. Lynham., looked upon Europe as being the Old World, but , drabsS and greys that it is assume)ossumec sna*,t peopldiwupn of■ LI I put it out, dear, u I didn’t know how of the past, [and the bonder is foat, we have been rea(j;n„ Qf the rights of conscience. I Am ni not be taken, and a list including shepherds, stock­ He was riding the fourth horse He gave corrobora­ read in g______0_ __ — — idt saying ing, cowmen, milkers, &c., had been sent. They in reiqllity it was the New World, for in America, . 2 taste should prefer dull colours and bat only vu gi:ar you would be, and thought you wouldn’t like able to make our as tight sk it has proved that every man of military age Bhould enrolled as tive evidence and said after the accident he had a which was now regarded as the New World, civilisa- H oly. .persona can like bright ones. The h. laltbfulmfluijn.cnce to i waste it, knowining it was a (good good one l ”" The to bo. The disquieting feature of foe activities of relied on that promise being kept, but Lord Derby conversation with the ’bus driver. '( - Mrs. Fri go out practically asked ths Government to break the tions exi8ted long before Europe became civilised, Ettinqto of oolurs is of commanding importance To ai er suggested that iif money was really to be such raiders icfoe “Emden ” and fob “Moewe ” is, : ose who Mr. Wild stated that the driver of the ’bus had The lea that the Red Indians were savages was the gifl of saved in lames and children’s att&e through properly of course, t iat they reduce our tonnage, and by premise and said the -e were very few indispensable enlisted and was now at the Front. , Mrs. T rkiate colours is a sign of healthy ______Who are entire! y a mistaken one. It was not till the white H oward | flowers to mankind is one of nature gra ces. lying the principles of colour and form it was compelling ris to restrict still further our imports The only remedy suggested was the parrot In cross-examination witness said the motor float most essential that foe ladiet in! the, shops handling engaged in occupations i in J rhich they are doing “Employ women.” fib agreed that man ent across and attempted to filch the land and Herb often "trill a little child go wile joy at the they establis l in effect a mild form of blockade on better service than if they w,ero in the khaki uniform. sent to Newmarket was for foe purpose of sending wealth from the Red American Indians that they K. kdn of brilliant flowers. All. people ove loured goods should have the opportunity .of devot­ ese island* But foose who know foe resourceful- iliaries on a farm women were useful, but no some of the horses back, but it broke down. He Oreenatf ing a long afternoon to the consideration of this I am not Bpeaking contempjtuously if those who er in his senses w suld depend mainly on women’s retaliated. Tho white man showed treachery in colours,.and in Southern col iur- of our Navy ape not at all seriously perturbed. have! a conscientious objection to killir g even agreed that it was not desirable to have valuable dealing with the native races and then, and not till Mrs. In i i still exists. The onward march civilisa ion extremely important matter—important at all times, Our senior ss rvice is adept at overcoming obstacles. ur. and it was net at all clear that this form of blood horses on the road at night. Possibly it would Germans, but they might join fob R. M.C. or take iur was forthcom ng in anything like sufficient then, did the American Indian show he could bent to have ruined the coloi but more so now than ever, when every effort must lt is certaii ly a striking decrease which foe London have been wiser to have a light in i front of the horses, South Li be made to -seoure the best results for the least up some other forta of non-combatan sen ice. So nt. the whjite man at hiB own game. The lecturer opened >unty Corn: cil has I to record in its figures of lunacy »ny, I am afraid, don’t feel so mucl an objection but he did not think this was necessary, as it was up quite a new chapter in the world’s history to Mnlie expenditure. dfqr 1915. Inqeed, this is foe first time a decline has be resolution was then ptoposed by Mr. J t . not quite dark. , II.—The ] to killing Germans as an [objection to fed ing that many present by his remarks upon foe temperament, Mias ] K wie wuiiuiuj w ^ . 1.ADY P urchasers and Lady Sellers. been recorded in number of lunatics under recep- iggatt (East GriuBtead), and seconded by Mr. Thomas Henrv Chalk, who was riding foe fifth religion and legends of the American Indians, and T h e G erm ans M ig h t K il l T h e m . WqoD (Hurstpierpoin;), horse, gaVe similar evidence. 16.—Mr. Je time in order to,in aster the n|ain It was therefore submitted that the lady purchasers tion orders since .. Couneil became foe responsible referred to foe mound and the cliff dwellers. He Crowli sad .the lady sellers should meet (at an afternoon tea authority. Ii k in . to note foat i decrease I t «eems to me foat no man of military age and arious members gave personal experiences as to Arthur Dilley, chauffeur, of Rottingdean, said he spoke [of links which had been discovered between HOHKUtlfl *? Clothes are a N ecbsiity. L 'erence, when the lecturer would be delighted to affects both men am women, foe figure 653 being fitnee* who is not occupied in some laboui that is thq enlistment of far n workers. One said out of a was a passenger on the motor ’buB and was sitting ancient Europe Bind America in the shape of stone Fairhav Whether you buy new or whether furbish up orate foe subject with demonstrations in fabrics, made up of 363 is and 290 female*. ; The“ ratio essential to the welfare of the people who is not population^ of 800, 111 men on foe land had joined; on tho back seat outside. At the time of the accident implements, third said for' 550" " acres (half...... arable),.. with Mr. Charles Webster Souch, a baker carrying on were particularly dealt with, and the rev.--gentleman Feri civilisation. He did not then, he did not over 300 sheepsheep, there-u c . was only himself and two men buaipess In Rifle Butt-road, Black Rock, said he nintoptea of beautiful f mei foe Asylums win them by any iervibu _ were won for him left; while a fourthi Statedited that with 790 acres (350 was driving a pony and light van down Black Rock- Ihey kjnew very little as to the origin of these races, explained that foo economy of colour became evident by men who laboured, who bi ired 3f all things, )le> and 80 pasture) hill at a walking pace and the motor ’bus passed him K rnilwo leaMjfkllaiSr can be made to the hui tan if goad colour blendings of ordinary materials took Committee p ainly •ut, stress, °r®’f8pe®ially he had one carter instead of yet th?y“ knew that they were highly civilised. The Lyndhn] coitiy that a8sooiat)>d i want Of work d poverty, is and even died for them and for 1 and ht has no . and one fabourejr------insteadqf three. Two of his about 10 yards above Rifle Butt-road at a speed of figure far more beautifully than aQ foe place of expensive trimmings and ornaments, fir their similai ity of foe architectural features of buried cities 8. E. attires. A wife recently asked her “ I low one of foe olief ting causes of ii y,j ana we title to their use unless: he stan s reidv sons had gone to the war and another had returned from 12 to 14 miles an hour. It was in foe centre of of Yuiatan and of Ancient Egypt led the lecturer to Mrs. which were .often of bad taste and. generally imported defence—unless he a prepared to are i tnd epdure ih the road and continued in that course to pass two had I better have my new dress and he from Germany. He instanced foe case of badly can only asst] me .great dr — in pauperise from training as a missionary to help him. In place the theory of a vast submerged continent now Mrs. I replied, “ Small in the bill, my dear-; in the is reflected n the res ; now before1 the order to hand then on to the j snerations unborn pf 15 or 16 regular i ion and seven or eight casual other vehicle*. Ryley. selected *ilk .curtains being of much inferior effect Council. It ;is poin undimhnahed and untarnished. hands he had three regular men and three boys, and coverel by the Atlantic, which disappeared through Lieut, WFl ” With a knowledge of the r to well-chosen curtains of coloured “ Bolton ” sheet, out ithat a try satisfactory Lieut. Walter Burt, F.R.C.V.S., of Brighton, said a great upheaval in the distant ages, and of which Rich toons of colour the new dress can be tonal feature of th > rel i foalft the _number______of criminal- are Bursting, the impudence which one had to put up with from * he saw foe horse pfter the accident. It was in great it n it a ing, which might cost one-tenth of foe price. Th e Shells are Bu the Ci nary Islands were the submerged peaks. It Mrs. _ the- billR without being poor in effect lunatics in tile I rlums is now seven only, ,re dying by foe thousand these hoys was degrad_ ing for a farmer______who hadgiven pain, suffering from a grave injury to the off hind was a singular fact, in this connection, foat in the Walker | In p lint After the T. the lowest fif ore men are being ma med, two sons to serve thei[ country. question <>f what it costs, but how it , , j , while we are talkin;, tall ig, talking, ia to whether foot. He dame to the conclusion that the horse Christian religion as well as in the sacred writings of Peter of fact, if chehp, why nasty! Mrs. Bolton .explained that foe next conference j A. visitor io tl a long absence ^ ^ ^ A&t sman quid be allowed bjed asks for li Derty- -liberty vas quite evident tia t farmers were working with he found that bones of the foot had been fractured. America, and not Africa, was, the speaker stated, volume of triffic. There was no alternative to destroying the horse. composition of all colours as able suggestions that had arisen Since Miss Barnett’s to wait; for a i for - what?; * -r ----- Liberty to leajie his duty to be discharged minimum staff a* the present time, and if any really foe “ dark: continent. A few years ago Presi­ 11.—Mrs. f 1 dyes can be traced back first address at the beginning df February. Those ’bus or to hr at for he ri liso that there by others. Liberty to [pay taxes foat wjll Bend , e men left it mu it mean decreased production. There was '.evidence of a blow on tne hip, and dent Roosevelt discovered a river there, but many IS.—Mrs.] * 3 b ; yellow, red and blue. Thp who had attended foe conferences had learnt a great is a very ceasi)’ of 1 Various friends oUt to suffer and die (for him. That is a They were making i se of old - — —------1— —J apparently the point of tho hip was fractured. other rivers could be discovered in that vast countiy. N i I which cannot, by any known _ deal. It therefore becomes necessary to apply this means of coi voj responsibl — the carry- liberty to be despised, tor pled uncer foot, boys, but these dia npt take thi William Thomas Hale, a private inquiry agent of of which comparatively little was known with the Dowke lived. The secondary colours are knowledge and try to make Eastbourne’s economy ing of over 210,0 igers durii 1914, accord- One word more. We are wir this war. I foe Tribunals; Brighton, deposed to making observations on the exception of a few miles inland from the coast. “ No Mr. anq campaign the moat practical in foe country. ing to the report the ot Trade, thank God for that. Ant too, eveijy ------ome. It was road at the same time in foe day at which the man’s Band to the north of Brazil, the mystery of Ob two of the primaries. Yellow. an|d and this shows a increase spite of the that they shoulc take up this matter at once, and 1 orange, .red and -blue, produce vio Mrs. Erskin: man who is wearing a iorm o-day ; for his accident occurred. He Baid he could see the ’bus at he famous Inca buried treasure and tho existence reduotion of vehidi course, » has been a -use shortly there would be foe question of foe a distance of 150 yards* „ j ' a. These secondary was very gratified to understand, (from Mr. Gouiburn contribution towar Is the great consummation ” f White Indians formed a very attractive conclusion and] or les* to either of the still further reductii facilities Tied men being ci lied up, which would add very Mr. Wild,opened the case for defendants, and con­ the lecture. The Rev. H. W. Ennis said tho Lovell’s addrees, foe man’s “ it of “view—that — w{th which \ fie re] Amoi i-w— ’t iderably to the difficulties of foe situation, tended that at the most it was a pure accident. re, red-orange, red-violet, blue-’ women should look pleasing id that some men unconnected with itairY . ji strict of tho Amazon river would have great yellow-green. The tertiary colours a :e it is Intel 'ing to note _ __ Baid 1 ie hgi i hoped nera were not urn rilling to,do foeir best to mee: fluence on the future history of the world, and as really studied the apjfoarance . omen and thought the steady d< dine traction, particularly ,Rbv‘ J- national needs as regards the armed forces, bui i.n idea of the vastness of the river he pointed out Cutler. i f nearly equal, proportions of t 1- so much of the enact of ti .ttire. It was true of foe horse drawn 1903 tin were 11,404 foat through i chiiirches w »uld le very must at the sai le timo consider the necessity Hodg ished into < ne, but 1 hat at its mouth it was as wide as from Lewes to Da that a cotton gown could a woman more horse cabs to one mi cab; a a 1914 there much closer togel coping foe farms going, which was equally for the accident was not more than £400. Edinburgh and a man-o’-war could navigate the river ass .S’te x : attractive than a oogfcly co She considered were only l,i91 bone, 7,260 „ianical cab*, he was afraid & o on quite long and 1__ f pfebiam, if he benefit of foe natian (hear, hear), The case was adjourned. fpr a distance of 1,200 miles. Croydon] that are ahould consider foe S' view on foe The decreased number of I motornoror icabs licensed umuou may enough---- forj- r-that. Evidence for the defendants was called when the E% 5ii'ikE3 i p __ _ J *__ wicrnf. uda r.nA « leaded io reepiet one he motion was ca Tied unanimously, and it was At the close the Rev. J. W estland R ose, who Mrs. Bad question of foe eoonomy of „ „ It was clear be attribute^ directly the. War, [many drivers might ns* th< jded to send copiss to all county branches of case was resumed on Tuesday. Mr. Drei] that we did not wish to ruin town'and that the aviag either rejoin) - ~-e Colours or enlisted, another d foe . weni being made I resided, expressed hearty thanks to the lecturer for was no s; rnptom the.National Farmers’ Union, to Lord Selbome, and Mr. Alfred Day Sadler, jun., trainer, owner and i itroducing foe audience in suoh a pleasing manner Payne. tradesmen had got to live; foe other hand it Lomniii lus emplo;yes, so many as 4,000 had left °“®- .B“t in foeir to foe Members of Pi riiament' for tho county. breeder of racehorses, of Freemasons’ Lodge, New­ f properly would be very wrong to buy go that we couldn’t ■ .i rad of the y sar.■J By now that number must of this chusge. with Shakespeare tp an altogether wonderful subject. a -of colour terms was to support ,d .ii ' when he stud: tion Will have A very cordial vot< > of thanks was accorded Mr. market, said he had 22 years’ experience of race­ 8.—The 1 afford,to pay for. The main enormously increased. horses. The' value of a thoroughbred depended on Bunny lav THE Complementary Ooifoi our own town first and not 1 away by foe to go.” He sense and common Gorringe for his interc st in the matter. The meeting RELIEF FOR ALli. decency would longer if tiey did called at the sugeestion of Mr. R. An sell (East his racing ability and his subsequent value for stud _ WhalleyJ are those oolours which itain attractive advertisements idon shops. We purposes depended on the same consideration. There Why not, try these Troches 6.—Lteuti-f^ colours neoeasi oomj women muttmust learn to carry our own parcels.ils. A lady not follow the M an in foil ____ or B est K in i o f theological ever pi oudelr wore exceptions, but that was the general rule. He for your fidgety oongh ? Monttob j trio, and1 he showed on same c reoently bought a reel of sewing silk and foe little told a Tribunal ----- foe that really mill had looked through foo pedigree and to the pro­ BROWN’S They are the old-fashioned Miss Ye complementary_____ ary (stooimef j i would lady who served her offered it to (her to carry home, for twoyeafo country than at ...--me. Sie hal " Cannon to left i if them, cannon to right of remariy for the alleviation of E lton U , j), the cim- but waa told that it would have to be sent up to gloriously right proved he r sonl. fessional man it was quite an ordinary pedigree. His ronghs, Ffoaraenees, Sore Mis* Said oolour violet (red and bli if he b me arm*, , who oaunon behind tiem, volleyed and foundered!” opinion was that the value of “Thrice ” on the day BRONCHIAL >6.—MrTi r of or&ngp (yellow wojuld It was really very important for house- ’esleyai lay pfleaol [Id not thought foe had ’ * ier unselfish an enthusiastic war correspondent. But the Throat.. Bronchitis and ■ to th in k _24_____ hours a held and so help to action. He con ericar being he died was £500, after taking partly into aooonnt Asthma, 'they contain no Tall ; colour b shoot he Kaiser not to cut the lines ou . “ Might fee giving away the the effects of foe war. onlste and are mnch appre­ use and _ _ the o m- ih the deliveries. Another matter; it waa up for 48 yeara, and I shoot him. I almost ashamed t irv anxious Ions of our artiller t ! ” he commented sagely. TR0CHEJ3. ciated by Singers and PnbUo 1 tad been tal en women to affirm foe prinei) le.foat they would die until he had through, Wlatever Cross-examined: The potential earning value of . Miss Bird that oonsidqr it thq best " ever preach. glish pen were of a racehorse was very difficult to gauge. “Thrice ” Speakers. of arriving ai a mo re exact adji it- again purohase goods m*de in German; the cost, and he would probably be more valuable te a breeder than Miller’s II ' ntary oolours of the pale to. sh iey might cost less, ii should always r e r 2,000 Glasgow men axe how making the same blind. of foe itosh’s TOFFEE DE LUXE— PaVBNRKV ,| we may be pul ting money in the : war, but Germany it foe for racing.' When 3,600 guineas was paid for Occasional depression no one can avoid, buv F.I was ibown with the tweve ssnd it to the jailors. “ Thrice ” in April, 1914, it was a speculative buy. temper everybody can. f WM. S o u ___ M m Brooksi

■Jr-.. | m l r r — [ Lewes, said h e . EA8TBOURNE CHRONICLE, SATURDAY, MABCH 11, 1916. *7 or 28 years.! and suooeetfnl of “Thrice’* OOMPTON STREET. Wit- Hazklvtllk.—Miss Barnard. Miss Gordon. Mr. and JOBBING GARDENER’S DEATH) NEW S IN BR WORKHOUSE INMATES’ THE . and ' Mrs. Hemmings LEWES GAS COMPANY. not call himself ' WaUatah —Mrs. Johnson. Mr. Johnson. Miss Newen. CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECT! . AV To ensure accuracy V! ttors are In vtted to send ' Mrs. Pelham-Anderson and child FOUND IN A POTTING SHED. Faiutees and Women’s Work. DAY OUT. Names aud Corrections clearly will ten, either to Mona Housk. - Mrs. Siauier B ooke Witich, f. Mrs. DIVIDEND DECREASED. Aneone else bred Chapman, t . Mr. and Mrs. WhoeWon, t Mr. and Mrs. Lord Selborne, at Northampton . on ______Saturday,j , too Publishing Offices, £k nth-street, a r at either ot Collins. Mrs. Giles. Lieut, and Mrs Stobart INQUEST ADJOURNED. appealed to farmers and women on patriotic grounds to f r o m f o x h o u n d s t o b e e r h o u s e . Address by tlie Rev. David Dari oil the l ibraries or Prlnolpa 1 Newsagent a. No charge Bt. Cc thbert'S.—Miss Pickard Cambridge. Miss Ethel assist in growing every possibla pound of food, farmers The l^lf-yearly meeting of tbo Lewes Gas Com­ witness said he Its made tor Insertion. (F< r the letter/read f a m i l y . ) Walker. Miss Lallnmard. Col. and Mrs. Sheppard by employing and women by undertaking agricultural es. In ordinary W This list Is not intend ad to lnclu< e permanent CORNFIELD TERRACE The Cotoner (Mr- G. Vere Benson) conducted an work. Food production was,! he sa d, as vital as the LICENSING PROSECUTION DISMISSED. On Sunday afternoon, at the Gallery Cinemi, th >| pany was bold at the offices, No. 221, High-street, Lewes, on Wednesday. Mr. M. S. Blaker (chair­ ne at 400 to 500 11 ; Resident* U.—Misses Bmallpleoe. Miss Hawke. Miss Bone inquiry at the Town Hall on Thursday afternoon into making oi: munitions. Rev. David Barbon addressed the open meet: ng of the circuu ttending the death of Arthur John No Butter in Berlin. the Free Church Brotherhood on the subject of man of directors) presided, and there were iw nothing about. HYDE GARDENS. Pooock, a ardener, aged 57, diving at 28, Myrtle-road, A sequel t j a day’s holiday “Th3 present Alderman J. Miles. Mr. A. W. Oko. Mr. T. ROYAL PlABADE. The papers bemoaii that Beilin hai i butter cards, but was heard b y the Lewes Magistrates on Tuesday, before Conscientious Objector.” There was a large itterL T.—Mrs. Haines. Col. Uppleby. Misses Upnloby (2) who was orkinp for Mr. C. H. EvilL He was last continuesLto have as little better as before. Endl Mr. F. B. ^^Vhitfeid (in the chair}, when George dance. R. White and Mr. E. Monk, jun. (directors), S i r . pedigrees, if that O H lsm View.—Mr* Bog HlssBefry Marlborough House - Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton. Mrs. seen alivi working in the conservatory, but iu the 1 tl.—Mrs. Allen Clarke queues still wait in vain outside the s lops. Haffenden (>1), an inmate of the Lewes Workhouse, at H. G. Walston, Mr. C. S. Flint, Mr. C. H. Morri* amisTdAtfD.—Mr. and Mrs. Groenstreet i evening " iv 11 went into the potting shed and found Chailey, was summoned for being drunk on licensed The speaker said that the progress of the pi eseiit nothing about. I Clarknd^n House. — Mr Howell. Miss Ransoms. the dece lying dead on the floor, Government BonuA for Seamen. war did not meanT----- only the__p' publication of |huJe Mr. W. E. Nicholson, Mr1. H. M. Blaker, Mr. K_ m Mrs. WoMtorton. Miss 8tang*r. Mrs. Steele. Mr. premises, th 3 Horn’s Lodge beerhouse, at Chailey, on casualty lists and the story of devastated cour tries. Jones (manager), Mr. H. J. Hillman (secretary) and MARINE PARADE. and Mrs. Flrmlo. ltev. O. G. Maura Kvidem of:identification was given by the widow, War bonuses of 2a. a week have been graalted to seamen February 21 it. f Whit*; House__Mrs. Burney. Miss iMrs. Mis. Sui ™‘ abeth Pocock. The deceased, she said, on War De]— -L-----*------’-----111— Steadily men’s thoughts on a large number of su 3- Mr. V. O. Susans. ■ou had? a week on other Defendanl pleaded guilty and the Magistrates stated iects were being stirred and changed or more str >ng y at all (loud GILDREDGE ROAD. was a jol gardener. She last saw him alive at 11 rating* j. they would convict. The report of the directors for tho half-year ended iS ssytjRsaffiirtoeit HipHBUBT.—Mrs. Caswell. Mrs. and Miss Reeves a.m. on Tui ■y morning. He bad been to work, but Bishop’s Possible Resignation. l bulwarked. Great re^constructions were in view, ai d December 31sk last stated: “The revenue aoooimt fitse Woolley Dtmutv IUcan.- Mr-, t’chrelner. Miss Chapman. Miss Miss FtoweeU. being unable to do any owing to the weather he came Havmgjbeen iri failing health for-jifloLit two years,: the shows a profit for the half-year of £843. 10* 7d. was training at. Hartlsoton Hods*.—Miss C< Ulngrldge. Winter Johnson. Mins Myth. Mrs. Thatcher. Miss home. So far! as Bhe knew he was not ill and he was LICENSE HOLDER SUMMONED. I wereadL,bngymP^ r ra Th" future d on the- Mr. Casaok. Mias Effisoo ^ Frringtoa. Miss Affloy. Miss Foebery. Mbs Ray. Bishop of Exeter~ (Dr. Archibald ...... bertson), who is Arnmgj oi ,t of this case, William Weller, licensee of relations of capital and labour, the place ol ti e After providing for interest on mortgagee, Albion Hot*u — Mr. Q. ‘ __ Mis i A Mitchell. very cheerful Whejn he went out. that------morning.n g .------Deceased balance of nett revenue is £4,679. 10s 3d Thu- His bicycle front Misses Tripp (2). Miss Oyer had an extra sixty-two, has decided, “ failing som the Horns jodge beerhouse, Chailey, was summoned woman worker and other questions were now oc :up;i- ■went down the Mbs M. Mitchell Capt. IL do Wink t. Mr. Jfi. F. . lly good dinner and afterwards he oovery,” to resign in the; autumn. directors recommend that dividends for the paat half- Taylor. Mr. M. F. Jones. ; dr* Johnson. went to Mr. Evill’s house, where he had been working il.PerlS-lt;tTi * drunkenness on his licensed premises. ing the attention of the publicist and the (rithiir year be declared at the rate of £4 per centuih upon v over ten milee Mrs. Eyre. Mr. f. Forrest for atyout 117 year* Deceased suffered from chronic Less Beer to be Bre- Mr. E P. Whitley Hughes, of East Grinstead, elderly) man in the street. Interest had been excited on rather hard prosecuted, and Mr. Harold Glenister, of Hostings, of late in tho curious case of the consciei tio the original capital stock and at the rate of f? ifty MARINE GARDENS. ALCISTON. indigestion ana he also suffered somewhat from his The Brewers’ Society met ir Lorn in on Monday to per centum upon the additional capital stock.1 Thr no a little furtbes kidneys, but he had not seen a doctor for seven or eight represented defendant, who pleaded not guilty. , objector. His was one of the most difficult problems He heard no PnoHucr Home.—Mr. and 1 Ir* Wilson T h e Milita ry * S e r v ic e A ct Tribunal consider the position which has a| in out of: the J1'd ed u ction of income tax) will amomt Boxur. -Mrs. Harrop. Mrs. Hartley- years. restricted imnorta Knd tbfl Gnv*rnmeTte dlitical conditions of A-Mr. and Mrs. Slnolslr. ” Stool ilr « . Mr*, iut as he did not do so on Tuesday witness assumed he wasas presented on Tuesday, provides for 1,324,790 Regulars about 9.30 i ,nd had a quart of beer betweeniruroon fthem. horn i s . t • . . « « , n., . he heard the and Ifra. Mountain. resident applied to the Eastbourne Rural District " ~Z~ ide almostj every nation in the world. Of courao ifc Barrington. Mias had gone home owing to the weather, as it was snowing and Militia. The;Thev —went ' nk far* ** a~ „ w i~ — “ 1 7 I immune from the criticism of mortals. This ooei affected very largely th© commerciaf enterprises in should rather run Mrs. Martin Tribunal on Friday for the exemption of two cowmen. hard. Subsequently, about 5.50, witness’s wife told the iY e Rel a . i — ai,}e? School and returned to i might bo explained by the popular iloosenes i .o beard the driver 10.—Lady Bucknffi. f. ' i ' I He stated that the two men were the only single ones Defeat of Ohinbsk Rebels. the Five Bel s, where they had another quart of beer | interpretation internretotinn which ™-ev»ilcd prevailed into many i eol the country, and therefore it could not be wondered Mr. and Mrs. him that she had found the deceased in the potting at that, the Lewes Gas Company had suffered along ne to stop them 1L—Miss Jackson. Mr. and 11 rs. Turner, in his employ, and, apart from the difficulty of getting shed, either asleep or ilL Witness went down to the It is reported from Tzelintsing that the Szechuan | p ^ ^ n d ^ T ' Then they went 10 the meet of the sincere, but uneducated, people. Conscience was th< Roach substitutes, it was impossible to provide cottage Government troops captured SUifu on 1st March. The j judicial faculty operating in the sphere of moral i with similar industries. On the revenue account thw - West view.—Mrs. Galloway shed, which was under the conservatory, and found the payments for coal showed an increase of £400 com­ ' put the blame rincess ansion Mrs. Walker. Miss accommodation for married men.—An exemption for rebels fledTto disJIderr'This news cohfirms the“'officiffi 1 .. The Challn “ '; : Dj,d yo,u have any drink there? Was relations. Knowledge, experience and training wcr( P M .—Rev. and three months was granted in each case.—A conditional deceased lying at full length, dead. He looked as if he announcement from Peking. T| “ there any br< akfaat there ? essential in rightly balanced judgments. It was pared with the corresponding period of last year. walker. Mrs- Bertram F f i t had fallen toff a box on which he used to sit to have his Witness : No, sir. Witness added that they went to That was due' to tho fact that in the ordinary way get out of the dA-Mrs. Fair. Miss King. iLovejoy exemption was granted to an assistant grocer and tele­ dinner. The potting shed was about 10-ft. long and j The Smiting F.ARSOJ . —and perhaps natural—in the present state of feeling (A—Mrs. Callender, t graphist at Alfriston, ftj being stated that his services the Hooke and returned to the King’s Head, where to smile or jeer or storm at the conscientious ot jeej the coal came by water, but owing to tho war it now ag very dark, 7-ft. high, jand was ventilated by two gratings and the Two boys were convicted )qin Tuesday___, at____ Grays, they had a third quart of beer between them at 12.30. had to ;be obtained by rail. The cost of coal had C*—Mr and Mrs. Hopkins were essential for the post office and especially for door. ;Gas was,used for heating the boilfer and the gas tor. He was called by hard names. His honest i travelling ■ t o m House.—Mm. Chambers. las, f. telegraphic work. Waltham Abbey, of breaking jinsula: ors on telegraph Then they wi mt for a walk along the Newick-road, past was questioned. His courage was doubted. ’i’hi' been 12s. 6d. per ton more than prior to tho war* Mrs. Townley. Miss Qriffltl ields. was alight I Wheh lie went into the shed. : The gas had pole* The father of one of them said he had asked tne the Station a id then down Cinder-hill and put nearly was not quite fair. Wo must not, in the sense i In the distribution of gas there had been a saving to was normal. Flight-sub-:ub-Uenb.______it Jame-. sometimes j been qn for several nights Without being rector to chastise his son.—-The Ohi.irman; Will he to the Five Bell* Then they went to tne Horn’s of about £400. The item for rates and tax©6 showed nass of. itrSnb-Lieut. which many were talking, conscientiously objec Flight-Sub-Lieut. Carlton turned out] There was always a certain amount of do it?—Thp Rector: With pleasure. — The boys had to Lodge, arrivi ag there between 1.30 and 2 o’clock. They the conscientious objector. Tho speaker remit dci an increase, and he was afraid there was no prospect to detach itself Knurr. Flight-Sub-Ueut. hSab-Ui ut. BERWICK. “ galssy ” smell.ML The gas was hotnot alight before 1 o’clock pay costs, and the magistrates supported the invitation had another ( uart of beer there, and when toe pot was The other horses, Millar. Flight-Bub-Lieut, I ab-Lkeut. his audience that they met that afternoon under tin of a diminution in that amount in the near future. it-8nb- Lieut on Tuesday. Witness knocked on the fkiorfkor of the con-con­ to the rector to give one of them a thr tshing. - empty they 1 ad a further quart. Mr* Weller served The receipts for gas during the half-year under one have been ldolr Flight-Bub-Lieut. Ha rman. P resentation.—Mr. S. W. Smith, who has servatory bortly I after 2 o’clock, but the deceased did auspices of toe Free Churches, whose history |wa: was no truth Francis. £Ughlht-Sub-Lieut. “ Clarke. .. dob-Lieut. been doing duty at Berwiok for several months as relief A Hero of 13. them. Then it was 4 o’clock, and witness left Mitchell explicative of tho rights and imperatives review amounted to £5,585, as against £5,875, but Jameson. it-Snb-Lieut. not come t ness assumed he had gone home. and Haffend m in the house. Witness asked them that was accounted for by the fact that in tho corres­ going too fast, stationmaster, has been presented with a silver-mounted Reuben Ginsberg, the thirteen-vear-oia,-yeaj-old Jewish ibo^ boy _i ______conscience. We were suffering from the effects . b Lieut. walking-stick and a gold-mounted amber cigarette holder Mr* E' he went to the potting shed to see whether thej were ready for home, and they said they obsolete educational methods. Tho present c: isi: ponding period of last year there wois a large number road. Cologuoa KUghC^nh-Lieu _Wilkins. Flight-Jub- that the who had the reputation of being the youngest British were not in any hurry, as there was plenty of time. of soldiers in the town and the cobsumption of gas i he was partly Lieut. Welles by James. Mis in ease, in recognition of the oourteous and able manner 11 right, as she was in the habit of soldier, left England on Wednesday for his home should teach us better methods of exposit on. in which be has discharged his duties. The presenta­ doing. Si ;he door shut, but when she opened for hisjiomle in I Witness weni on to tilt)’Workhouse, as he had to ti close Personally, he could understand, but he did noi was accordingly increased. With regard to residuals, flax View.—Mr. Hebrew. Mrs. __ Montreal. Ginsberg Berved tweljve mor ths in a Canadian the bedroom windows, which was part of his duty. the Company had done satisfactorily. Tar, perhaps, ii teres ting lady? Mrs. Wall. Mrs. Malian* Gen. Rose-( 1 tion was made by Mr. H. Richardson at a meeting held the deceased. She went to the tap regiment, acting as despatch rider mos; of the time, and approve of tho attitude of tho p’acifist. There!' Raynrr. Mrs. Ingram. Mias 1 ravers, tin , at the Fuller’s Anns HoteL the gas a little lower. She had to The other ty o appeared to be all right when he left had he chosen to say some words upon this thorn, was the most disappointing, but with coke tiey had kind (langhter). was wounded at Ypre* Rheumatism has supervened, them. He di d not see them again till next morning. done well. It would be satisfactory to the share­ t liking to her? Miss Vickers. Mrs. and M las Atkin. _ Adam* this, and in getting up she just saw and he has been invalided out of the service. subject, not with the purpose of hurting the gent ine; Mrs. and Miss WinsAud. Mr i and the! iGrimble S the head being probably not a foot Fourpenny” fob Sixpence. objector to war or to stimulate the easily ign“ J holders, to know that the Company was engaged in t* sharp. tho manufacture of toluol, which was required by Mr. and Mrs. E. d. Hinds. Mrs. Ware, She called him by name, but i ~ I Eager] foe the Figh' \ Mr. Gorrin ;e: What did you have to eat ? passion of the persecutor, but in the hope wet and partly Mr. Atkin. Mr. Bishop BRIGHTON. • she went and told Mr. EvilL Giving himself up as a Navy deserter, a man at encouraging more reasonable reflections upon the Government in the production of high explosive*. Chats worth Hotel—Mias ] Brans. Mi ■ GauntOotu ad, said that after the deceased was Witness: Nothing, sir. The directors of the Company had had under con­ Mrs. Jackson. Mias Itatollffe. Madame Ci mb;er. Mouk Presentation to Mr. J . J . Richardson.- Grantham said that, seeing the report a xiut the Germans The Chaim ian : What time ought you to have been problem presented by protests that secured Cambier. Mr. aud Mr* Morgan. jlrifRiley. Miss A presentation was made at the Imperial Hotel, Qneeu’s- touna ne teiepnoned to two or three doctors and to the coming out, he thought he woiild do ! lis bit as well as flimsiest of excuses for shirking peril, patriotism sideration for some time the question of modernising lite the horses, police. back at the WorkhouBe ? the plant at the works to some extent and bringing ‘ ? Riley. Mr. Watkins. Rev. a id Mrs. ro&d, on Saturday evening,.to Mr. J. J. Richardson, anybody else. Witness: 11 was all right if we were back by tea time pity- Molesworth 1 , M.V.O., who recently retired from the position of P.S. Lawrence stated that there was a faint smell of Land Settlement. There was a bad conscience, a false conscience, a it up-to-date, which would enable them to deal with • swerve, but a a lighted gas stove in the potting shed. He found the —half-past fi\e. any emergency should that arise. This work was Phen the driver Cavendish Hotel—CoL and Mrs. Godf ey Webster. ontdoor locomotive superintendent of the L.B. & S.C.R. By Mr. G1 mister: They walked four or five miles j hopelessly untrained conscience. The Lacedemoni ins Mr. J. Taylor. Mr. N. P. I ‘enwlek. M re. R Lowe. deceased Tying on the floor with the feet towards the ,N r’ S°nar is approaching toe Prime Ministers w hipped little boys to death to propitiate Diana. The nearing completion. It included tho installation of a. hem. Mr. and Mrs. Rawllnson. Mrs. Band. Major, and Mr. L. B. Billinton, locomotive engineer, presided oyer door and the head partly resting against the wall about * , e Dominions wteh a view to y, comprehensive scheme before they hud the third drink. carburetted water gas plant, which was somewhat sr the horse was sat, a numerous and representative gathering. The gift — •1 - -r ■ • ■ - <* ■ -- - of land settlement of ex-soldnrs and sailors in this Mr. Glenist er: 1 suppose you wanted another drink Carthaginians flung their children into the fiery lap Mrs. LaechaUns. Mbs Badh Mrs. H iy 18 inches from the back part,pf the boiler. Deceased of Moloch. John Newton, the famous curate of curiously named, as the gas was manufactured not Aralukn.—.Mr. and Mrs. Lena (ton. Mrs. I angles King. consisted of a handsome adjustable reclining chair, countrj^and in Canada and Aus .ralia. then? from water, but from oil. It was thought that this As soon as he ‘ Mrs. • arrant. Mrs. Grace. Miss Grac a. Mrs. and attached to which was a silver plate inscribed as follows: appeared to have: fallen over and carried the box, on Witness: ’i es, sir. I could have drunk it all myself Olney, under whose ministrations Cowper wrote the Miss Nealon- Mdme. Skid (laky. Mi-1 Bkldelbky, which he had been sitting, with him. There was an War Thriit. hymns we sing to-day, was captain of a slave dhow— might effect some saving in labour and in the mams •.; u- w. “ Presented to J. J. Richardson, Esq., M.V.O., by his (laughter). facture of gas, and it would to some extent supersede iter aid joiner, Mons and Mdme. Goiran. i lss MoGreg ir oolleagnes, on his retirement from the Locomotive open basket, w lioh' contained food and also a bottle Volunteer collectors have secured 8.' 0 memliers for a By Mr. Wlhitley Hughes:w They had five quarts the ’most peaceful time of a stormy period of his 1 fe. Ganohukst.—Dr. and Mrs. Steele. Mr. Duncan. Mr. containing to* J I I . ’ existing plant. They were also installing a iimatod its pane Department, L.B. & S.C. Railwayi March, 1916.” “ War Thrift Club” at Thornton Heath. between them during 6i“houra They were notsupplied Gru:,lt saints like Newman and Xcbie were bitterly “booste^,” which would result in an improvement in Biorr. Mies Byrne. Mr. and Mrs. Creer. Dr. and Mrs. Accompanying the chair was an oak bureau for Mr* The Coroiher Said the case was one in which the cause with beer in t le ---Workhouse. ■ ■ ”1 tolerant of those who did not share their vie|n* id it was on its ▲uld. ’Master Auld- Lieut, aud Mrs. lobbs. Mrs. of death wto a little obscure, and further consideration Daylight Saving. These are cases of false conscience, which,.as someone the pressure of gas and in forcing the gas into the le bump witness Sa .'der. on. Mrs. Morgan-8 ott. Mrs. Lowe. Miss Richardson. Mr. Whitle r Hughes : How do you get the beer ? main, thereby improving the supply throughout the arse scrambling llye: was necessary tq ascertain Vith oonfidenoo tho cause. Mr. Asquith refused on Tuesday to inquire into the Witness: I ; is all chance work. Yon have it given has said, is just “ bad godism.” The case of iwerve as far as Molo Auslaw. Mr. and Mr* Tomkins. Mr. Smith. The Late Mr. Henry Beach.—^The funeral The inquiry was accordingly adjourned until to-day daylight saving question. to you. Germany, Protestant Germany, is the most exlra- town. With reference to the recommendation for Miss Jones of the late Mr. Henry Beach took place on Friday, the at 2. ordinary instance ill history of bad godism. Vhe paying a dividend of 4 per cent, instead of the usual West Rocks. —CoL Chambeilln. . Horn. first part of the service being conducted in St. Mary’s Earthquake at Palermo. Where did you get the money from?—I had a trifle 5 per cent., that matter had received the careful con­ inductor of ths given to me b r a man 1 used to work with. I paid for German god,, as was asserted the other day, is lot Elngham. Miss tklugaam. Miss C. - Church, where he had been a sidesmen for many years. Two earthquake shocks have been felt at Palerpio a god, he is oniv A German And herein may be sideration of the directors, in the course of which l very moderate and Mr* Joy. Mr. MitcheU OoL and tin... Harris.% WOMAN S COLLAPSE IN THE STREET. Several windows were broken, b it the:: e was no furtihe: my share of ti e drink with it. they were not altogether unanimous upon the point* ii It was on the The deceased was the last survivor of the staff of the What sort if beer did you drink ?—It was what we found the centre of mischief in the painful errors of Miss Harrl* Miss Kent. tir. and M * Rolla-on. old Brighton Water Company as it existedMn the year damage. There was great panic. the [.conscientious objector. He could assure the meeting that the directors* -ft, of the fenoe. Misses RoUason. MraandMas Wan* i r* Kverard. 1872, when the undertaking was purchased by?the used to call “ ourpenny,” but they charge you 6d. for it equally with the shareholders, desired to' pqy the but felt a bump, Mr* Douklas. Mr* Call] a. Mr* Hey 111 sr. Mr. and second inquest was held on the body of Mr* Conqueror of pjazERuji. now (laughter,! Given a fundamentally, wrong conception of :he Corporation. He then entered the service of the Town nature of religion 'arid of the character of God i nd usual dividend if possible. Most commercial under­ people to be Mr* [Griffith* Miss Griffiths. Mbs Roar* Mies Emiw Fisk aged 65, of 5, Rylstone-road, who collapsed The Tsar has conferred on G;nera] Yudenitch, who What did you pay towards it?—Eightpence. That takings bad suffered through the w’ar, and if they Garbutb. Miss Westgato Council, and retired about four years ago. captured Erzerum, the second class ot che Order of iSt. was all I had. tho perverted conscience will turn a potential anrel in th 3 street on Tuesday morning. She was conveyed into a “ baby-killer.” This may be illustrated Dy took their own businesses he thought they would driver after the Queensbobough Hotel Grand Parade). Sequel to a Motor Car Smash.—John home by P.o. Hollands and P. 0. Burgess, and although George. You paid 8c. out of tbe five sixpences?—Yes. find that they had suffered to a much larger extent Payment of Member! . throe common mistakes. A certain exhilaration of :en were going? " Miss Henderson. Miss Kbl lewhit* 1 [lss Trevor. Andrew Bath was charge^ at the Borough Police Court a doc tor wat; immediately sent for Mr* Fisk died. I ine Paid by Magistrates. than 1 per cent. He knew his business nad. The said it, but I Mr* and Master Kemp. Mrs. and Miss A mold. Mr* on Friday with being drunk while in charge of a motor A movement is, it is said, o 1 foot among Liberal follows the awakening of the soul. Some tempera­ Mre. Maggie Emily Hatch, of 5, Rylstone-road, said Haffenden ' vas now called as a witness, and he was ments are peculiarly susceptible to this; and it number j of consumers on the Company’s books Mackenzie. Dr. and Mr* Tayl ir. Mr* B now* Mr. car and with driving the car in a manner dangerous to the deceased was her mother, and she lived in the same M.P.’s to resist the proposal to abolish the paymeujt of remained about the same—2,624. Of these 1,011 were the horses? ” and Mr* Cornell. Mr. and Mr* Shanahan. Miss the public.—Prisoner pleaided guilty to both charge*— members, on the ground that it w< mid cc nstitute a breach informed that the Magistrates had decided to fine him becomes an apology; the morbid excitements so Green. Mr* Baker. Mias Hay bs house. On 'Tuesday morning the deceased coniplained 2* 6d. in*** tho p-v.iwucprevious TheyAUUJ U1Udid UDUnot wantWttUU bUto 9CI1Usend unfortunately associated in the chequered history of ordinary meter consumers and 1,613 slot meter Mr. 0. N. T. Jeffreys, who prosecuted, said the of thq oold, but about 10.30a.m. she went out. ’’Witness of the party trueo by raising a controversial political consumers. With regard to the general aspect of the The jdry would Midwtn (Oarlisle Road). prisoner was driving along Western-road at a great question. Remonstrances are being uddressed to I' himi to prison,]prison,land as he was unable to pay they would revivals. • Company’s affairs the half-year had been one of stress Hr* SereL Mr. and Mro. followed her about half an hour later, and while walk­ pay]''' his fine for him. They hoped this would not occur There is the encouragement of the exceptional, ’bus or a very. Mr. and Mr* George Sta pace, and nearly collided With a telegraph boy who was ing u p Seaside she saw her mother being held up by Prime Minister, who, howevei', dec) aros that it again. is supposed that the emotional ecstasy is insepara and strain all round, and he was sure the manager Josiln. Mr. and Mr* A. — Mr. and Mrs. James cycling in the same direction, and who had to jump two cion. A chair Was fetched just as witness arrived entirely a matter for the House i f Com would corroborate that. Twenty-four of the employes Rloharieon. Mr. Arthur off his machine to avoid; being run down. Prisoner | Haffenden: jThank you, sir. I will take good care it from the valid experience. The craving for signs on ths spot.' Deceased appeared to lie unconscious, and Canada and Munition ' doesu’t. and wonders develops with every coincidence i of the Company had joined the Forces, and the Com­ Lasoki.tjs H ouse (LasIjblles TebAaob). then appeared to have turned sharply to the right, waslreathipg heavily. She was taken home in a cab “ voices” and “visitations” become the stock pany was Certainly very much indebted to those who- ***«_ . -iff. . ____ M.-d.______Prlestland.______Mr. and.lira. Riggen- mounted the pavement and to have gone right through It is understood that it has been lefinitely settled Giving evidence, Haffenden corroborated the last remained fof the faithful and assiduous way in which and a] doctor was sent for, but her mother died as toe that toe Canadian Government, with ti e co-operation of witness. He Said after the third quart he “ did not feel trade of every imaginative fanatic who climbs bach. Mr* Anderson. Mr* I annam. Li me. Riggeu- one of the windows at 137i Western-road. The car fell doctor arrived. fences of authority to proclaim his incoherences a i a they had discharged their duties. They were pleased tbps- It is about *■ Mr* Taverner over inside the shop.—Ernest Crowhurst, a furniture the bankers, is to provide sn additional £10,000,000 for up to much,” but he was all right when he got to the Dr. Charles W. Dias, in charge of the Leaf Hospital, the purchase of munitions in Canada. Horn’s Lodge about three o’clock. After the fourth gospel for the ago. A second mistake is the dis­ to see the Secretary keeping so well after recovering f the old patterns, Glendoweb (Burlh gtov Plao i). dealer, said he estimated prisoner’s speed along the couragement of inquiry. Think of the expurgatii ins from his illness, and to him, as well as to the Manager r in the employ Western-road at about 30 miles an hour.—P.C. Earl stated that he saw the deceased on Tuesday morning at quart he “ came over muddley.” He did not have any Mr. W. M * and Miss 5, Rylstone-road, but she was then dead. As the result Exchequer Returns. more beer, and later when he tried to go out of the of “lloly Churph.” Remember the fetters that 111 .yo and the staff generally, thoy would like to exprevr ' the ’bus had si Pop* Mbs_____ .______. . __as he* Misses stated that there could lie bo doubt prisoner was drunk. Tbe Exchequer returns for 1st [April 1915, to the 4th thanks for the loyal way in which they had stood type of petrol Miss Mprton. Mr* —Prisoner expressed sorrow, and promised that if the of a post mot tern examination be found a fairly large house he fell dbwn. been forged, and are forged to-day, by those v Murri* Misses HasselL B n. clot 6t blood in the head, which would account for instant, show : Receipts, £289,315,984, rod expenditure Mr. Glenister : They tell me you are rather bad on would prevent the growth of mind and soul by by the Company in these difficult times (hear, hear). K-rr. Misses Kerr. Miss B. aud Mr* Magistrates would let him off he would not drink any Alderman Miles seconded, and said ho thought ■: nside passenger, Hewett. Misses Hewett 0b. ___Liout. deatl £1,338,586,938. Last week’s receipt^ total,lled over your feet and that you are not a good walker ? tragic method of suppression. Truth, as Pascal slid, more.—The Chairman said the case was a very serious £13,000,000. j I [ T| should be To.ved above all else. But truth is shack ed the action of the directors in recommending tho die road. Ths and Mr* B*nk6 Mr* Good. Dalyr mpl* Miss one, and, in addition, prisoner had a bad record. He John Henry Balkham, of 25, Hyde-gardens, who has Witness: No. J reduced dividend was a wise one. They had, during fence. He felt Perkins. Mias Courtney served in the war, stated that he saw Mr* Fisk totter MqRE Married Calls, What_____ is__ thejmatter?—I have got corns and can’t walk by those who live in the tombs of defeated super iti- would be sentenced to. a month’s hard labour for being It is' understood; that the ma -ried groups 331 to 41 very properly, tions. There was another mistake, viz., that of he the half-year, written off £1,000 in respect of deprecia­ a, whjch pulled MOSTYN TERRACE. drunk while in charge of the car and for driving in a in Si lide-road. He afterwards turned round and saw exclusion of the difficult. To think of religion as tion of plant^ and a further sum of £573 in respect come down the dangerous manner he would lie fined £20, or, in default, her ljling on the pavement. He went to her assistance (ages from twenty-seven to thirty -five)'will be called up Witness addded that sometimes he came over giddy of depreciation in the value of the Company’s invest­ Alexandba Bono.—Mi. J. I rssman. M r. sad Mr* on or about April 17th (just before Easier). and had to Witch hold of something, Ho came over making primarily for safety, fot peace, for smooth an hour. Freeman. Mr. Mid Mrs. R. u Mr. and two months’ further imprisonment. His license would and found shie was unconsciou* words and ways was to misunderstand Christianity, ments. Although the dividend was reduced the profit before the Mn. Prank Matcham. Min 1 latch am. 4 Cr. and M r*. giddy on the day after this offence. be suspended for a year.—Prisoner said he would be returned a verdict of “ Death from natural German Prisoners and Intern :ii Aliens. which, began in righteousness, honour, sacrifice, i nd was not sufficient by £150 to pay tho dividends recom­ Clift Ford. Mr. M. V. Portmi n. Dr. and Mr* Little. unable to pay the money. Mr. Gorrinde: How much money had you got when mended. ■ Some shareholders would say1 that there Mr* and Mias Jefferi* Mr i. and Mia es HeUaby. J 11 . ; T The are 13,821 German war prisoners in Great Britain you left the \V|orkhouse that morning? whqse attitude to wrong was ever militant. “This, r, of Hastings, therefore, endure hardness as a! good_ soldier.” ^ lo was a large balance on the profit and loss account. travelling at Mr. aud Mr . Edward Irwin. Mr. Hntoh nsoo. Miss and 32,181 interned aliens, flee ides vork near their Witness; Si ipence, which was given to me by some­ That, however, was not a cash balance, but waa Collier. Mr., Mr* and Mill Hudson. Uent.-CoL camps and making! mailbags, it is hope i to use them in body. Somet oily- else gave us drink at the' Horn’s decry science, art, music, pastimes as if knOwled re, Percy Hudson, 1X8.0. H r* Hntoh) aaon. Mr. HAILSHAM. .! clearing forest* states J' v Teqnent. r Lodge., beanty, rapture, laughter were a menace to godlinsss invested. A bigger dividend would have necessitated isn«r, of Kemp Hatohixifcon. bod. A WELL MYSTERY.1 was to perpetuate that worst of evils, tbe religion of the borrowing of money or adding considerably to footboard at the Mostyn.—Mias Lvenran. Mr. I nd Mr* T. FJ Hardi- g. Death op Mr. F. J^Child.—Mr. F. J. Child ony Mr. Gleniste r: What were you before you went to the P I PLACES DONKBr. Workhouse ? the mutilated life. As a great French writer has the overdraft at the bank, which at the end of last ~ three vehicles Mi-a Goodman. Mr. and Mr u Terry. M * Thu^low. died at his residence, 3, Garfield-road on Wednesday, A Shetland pony, j year stood at £696. 15s. 8d. The sum of £2,200. 6-ft. of the Mr. Bj&rdseli. Mr. and Mrs H. W. Hading. Mis at the advanced age of 76 year* The deceased had SOLDIER’S TIMELY RESCUE. I to (jarisbi ooke Castle, Isle Witness: I never had any trad* I used to work said, “ Beware of tho religion Which^ substitutes; Prioe. Misa Ellerby. Mr* a nd Mr. Kes aedy. Mi* of Wight, by Mr* Hob rt,lof Hythe, w: 11 replace Jacob, at a baker’s. believe in the religion which penetrates.” So all life 16s.. ijld.1 was expended on new plant during tho L—Mr. Anderson Dicker on Monday. The deceased, who was 73 years of children, having the curiosity to look over some fencing, Monday, Ma Squad drill ^without rifled ! and stood hid up against the walL He then oom- that amount ELMS AVI NUE. espied a soldier at the bottom of the welL Her state­ parade at Drill Hall! 6.45 ' meneed shivering and witness went to the landlady and mended in the report, be paid. He said the directors e, had been a memher of the Hailsham Rural District Tuesda;lesday, March llth.—Instruction class for N.O.O.’s and got the key on the stable. They put Haffenden into had followed the proper course in writing off £1,000 Couhtlands. — Mr. and Mr k Misses ment i if what she had seen was confirmed by the other STOP A COUGH IN ONE NIGHT./ Drummond (uncil for a considerable time, and was an ardent memb ire of the party and Mr. Glazebrook at once men^desiring desiring promotion, parade at HeadquartersHeadunarters 6.156.45 p.m.n.m. snethe siastable and covered his legs with straw to keep him for depreciation of plant and in putting tlie value- economist He had lived in the district a)l his life, and Wfdnei’daL March lath. — Physical drill, parade ftt warm. TAKE of the stock held at its market value. That waa the HARUNGTON PLACE. for many years conducted pottery work* The deceased hurried to Siimmerdown Camp for assistance. He soon Drill Hall 6.15 p.m. J I | only^atiifactorv course to adopt, as it showed the Chesham Mansion. — Mr. a ad; Mr* Misses returnjed with a military party bearing a ladder and Cross-examined : He did not tell Mr* Weller why he THE OLD was well-known, not only in Sussex, but in many other 8 toThursday, 10 p rr, March T i16 th.—Shooting l l at Technical T Institute 1 wantedanted the keyjkey] of the stable.m1104 ur* He was not , aware -.,that . VENO’3 LIGHTNING COUGH CURK. f correct state of the Company’s affairs. Darlington. Mr. and Mr* Ya , t parts of the country as a successful breeder and exhibitor rope* The soldier, who had temporarily withdrawn Norland Hotel.—Mr. G. A. L i Simmons to the side trench, now re-entered the open well, but Friday, March 17th.—Drill with rifles 1.1 College for all she knew anything about Haffenden falling down. Mr.^WALSTON seconded, and said he thought the Cap* and Mr* Grim-dale. Anon. Rev of pigeons, chieflv dragons and show homer* for which he did not seem at all interested in the preparations for not-efficient in rifle drill, piarade at lleadq sorters 6.,5 p.m. Huffenden talked quite rationally while sitting in the shareholders would be quite satisfied after th© com­ W. Macklnnon. Miss I" ‘ won hundreds of prize* He was invariably one of the Saturday.March 18th.—Cyclist Section, no drill; platoon bar. A cough may be due to any of the following prehensive statements made at that meeting. Master largest exhibitors at tlie shows formerly held at East­ his reicue. His comrades found him in a state of drill (without rifles); parade at Drill Hill 6.15 p.m. D Kills oollapee and obviously very ilL With difficulty the Frank Lockyer, a stockman at New Barn Farm, Mr. Oke said he did not at all take a pessimistic fretting lectura Ha«ti»oto* Lawn. — Mi* 1 erry. Mrs pklnron. bourne and Lewe* The remains of toe deceased were Sunday, March 19th.—Company drill, parade at Head­ Ohailey, gave Similar evidence, saying Haffenden was Cataurhal Colds Bronchitis . Mr* Roberson. Mr* Mao*rthnr. 1 interred in HelHngly Cemetery on Thursday afternoon, man Was raised to the surface of the well and at once quarters 3 p.m. Enlarged Tonsils Inflammation view of the Company’s position. They had £4,772 ■res, on Wednes- Mr* r ~ conveyed to the camp hospital in a motor car. On Reservist* either in drink br was ilL He left him in charge of Mr. in the Reserve Fuiid, and while they had written off of Bouroe- the service being conducted by Mr. W. Hickman. The Weller. Influenza Pleurisy and Chou * DEVONSHIRE :PLACE. arrival everything posable was done for his comfort Saturday, March; Uth.l-DrUl with rifles at College, Stomach Disorders £573 for depreciation of stock they might reasonably his subject chief mourners were Mr* ^Bridges (widow), Mr. Wm. The Defence. Enlarged Uvula Horunshah Housk.—Mr. arid Mr* f. Mies Bridges, Mr. George Bridges and Mr. Harry Bridges and hb soon benefited under careful attention, but was parade at College 6.1-5 p.m. Inflamed Throat Asthma hope that those gilt-edged securities would recover ] touch___h upon tha Greoeffi* MiaaTovnby ~ T quite lunablb to give any explanation of how he had Sunday, March 12th.*-Oompany and squad drill, parade Called for ths defence, Mr. William White, of South- in value to a large extent. to him; there- Mr (sons), Miss Rose Bridges; Miss Nellie Bridges and at Headquarters 3 p.m. A cough mayjae dry and hard, or loose with lVnich Miss Hartie Bridges (daughters), and among others come to t! lb well, or of how long he had been there, street, Chailey, said be went with a friend (Mr. Avery) Tho CHAIRMAN added that he did not take a as being in B. H. Cole* Mrs. andm £ sC Miss The ldier, who only articulated a few incoherrent Monday, Maroh 13th. — Drill, larade at Drill Hall to the Horn’s Iiodgeabout 5 p.m. on the day iD question. expectoration ;"it may be catarrhal with a dry tickling id after that JCverard. MissHorrest present were Mr. G. W. Deadman, Mr. S. R. Burgess, 6.15 p.m. in the throat accompanied by partial stoppage or the pessimistip viefw of tfie Company’s position; on. th® anselvea, for Mr. G. Giles, Mr. H. Haffenden, Mr. J. Saunders, exp; ' ioi had been missing for more than a week Tuesday, Match 14th.—No drill. He left about 5.25. He saw the three men sitting contrary, he thought it was in a prosperous state. BURLINGTON and iloni lostock has expressed ah opinion that the Wednesday. March 15th.—Phyi ical drill, parade at round the fire. I He did not notice anything wron^ with nostrils and shortness of breath. Veno’s Lightning His lecture Mr. J. J. White and Mr. H. Woolier (members of the Cough Cure removes the cause of tho couvb, Inkit While studying the interests of tho shareholders, the Park Hons*.-Mr. G. A- Gold!# 1 * Lillie Hailaham Rural District Council), Mr. Edmund Catt man may ive been in the well about five day* Drill Hall 6.15 p.m. [ . the men, and did not see whether they were drinking. directors had to look after what w*as an even tales, but was Mias Lillie. Capt. and Mr* 7 Hemstock, hose face bore about a week’s growth of Thursday. Marah 16th.—Musketry instruction, parade Mr. GlenioteJ said Mr. Avery, who was a postman, sunothering it, but curing the diseased conditions w^foh ;h in speaking Bkoomuk—Miss CrampUm. Hams, L (clerk to the Council), Mr. J. Huxley and Mr. C. at College 6 45 p.m. produce it. Leading British Analysts speak in important consideration, namely, the stability of th® they wi o* Harmer (sanitary inspectors), Mr* Birchall (matron of beard,; must ave been entirely without food, and had had got snowed up on. his round* and had not yet Cofnpanv, so that the shareholders not only received Homfoboft.—Mr* Race* 1 only in kb] >t alive by drinking some of the water Friday, March 17th. — Drill, parade at Drill Hall arrived to giveevidence. highest terms of Veno’s Lightning Cough Cure, i Most] H iloton.—Mr* Armstrong. the Workhouse), Ac. 6.15 p.m. | j _ I unfailing reliability has won for it the largest sale o: their dividends, but that they had also full security Old World, But colleci i on ie bed of the well. Saturday, Mi ch ,18th.-: rill vrith ri les at College, Mr* Mary Gertrude Weller, wife of defendant, said for their capital in the Company. The directors, i» HOWARD Hei took parade at Colli 16.45 p. her husband wap out at work on the date mentioned. class in the whole world. Veno’s Lightning Couuh C making the little reduction in the dividend, bad in America, mind Sunday,March lBth— panyapd squ|ad drills, parade : The three men t over tbe fire, and she did not notice not only radically cores the most stubborn coughs World, dvilisa- Mr. H. de Con Borragn. is sti weak ir and unresponsive, and nothing very strengthens the lungs and gives perfect ease in breath struck the happy mean between those two duties. •. Mr. Fisher. |ss Jackson HERSTMpNUEUX. definit has been extracted from him as to the facts of at Headquartersirs 3 p.m. ; anything wron| vith them. Packham had been work- civiliBed. Hod a*-M r* f .(•»• ntxeoL. The motion was carried. L * i- Th e L ay W o r k e r 's U nion visited, the his ibap. IAs the chalk on the sides of the pit is | ] Signalling. ing_ at . the lodge of the house, and he had some Ask for Veno’s Lightning Cough Cure, prices 11 ^d., savages was Mr., Mr* and 1 Brooke “iimt tools in the stable. He had been there for tbe key of 1* 3d. and 3s., of all chemists. Mr. NiIcholson moved a cordial vote of “thanka till the white Hotel. —• T” Brace A. viUkge on Tuesday, 29th February, aud gave a ...... broke; away OpS to a height of about 16-ft. it is surmised Fresh instructions notified at Headquarter* to Mr. *M. S. Blaker for presiding, and said he felt the stable previously in connection with his work. She the land and Miss M. lecture on “ Japan, England’s Ally,” tellir the unfortunate inah had made several attempts to Orderlies (for week commencing 1 !th March). sure the ' directors had adopted the right course!. . . jtr * Kris Ednln and Mm. k of the C.M.8. in this far-off country, climb Out. Strangely enough bis body bore no bruises Officer, Mr. T.[R. Miller; Sergeant, Corporal and knew nothing about Haffenden falling down, and only that they Greenaway. Mr* J. Jerri*] C. Jervis. or cuts such as might have been expected from dropping six Privates from No. 1 Section. ~ served him with one drink. They might look forward to the improvements at th® treachery in number of people turned Out to hear the lecture jin INTERESTING ASPECT OF THE WAR. works mentioned by the Chairman resulting in and not till MPB. Tnman spite of the bad weather. The Rector, Rev." ;J. into such a di (For week commencing (9th March). Joseph Avert now arrived and said he lived at LASOELLES increased consumption of gas and added prosperity to be could beat lonald, was in the chair, and gave a very hearty ■ ,Mr- 8. N. Vigors; Sergeant, C irporal and six Chailey. He had been following the foxhounds with the Company in the near future. . lecturer opened South Lynn.-M r* & L. Mulleins, I ' and Mr* welcome to the gentlemen who gave the lecture. Mr. Privates from Noi 8 Sec til y Mr. White on the day in question. On returning home Mullen* L i T^' they tto the Horn’s Lodge. He saw the three men IS IT ARMAGEDDON? Ml*. FLINT seconded, and tho mot ion was carried; “ ’s history to Killiok gave the first half Gorringe toe Notice, lemperament, 1L—The Kev. Inoes B. and tin . Wane. seoond. Both are merat ‘rs of] toe Holy Trinity ED TATI0N FOR LENT. sitting round tap fire having a chat. They were talk­ and the CHAIRMAN having briefly replied tha meet­ Miss Bridget BlundelL Ml Branch of the C.E.M.8., and the lantern Was! ______off “ A’’Company 29t i March. 8 p.m. ing common sense and referring to things that happened ing terminated. j Inmans, and 15.—Mr. F. L. Sturt. Mias ] ’. Miss Smoking and music. Farther paniciculare issued later. At a war-talk on Thursday at the Y.M.C. A. Ha dwellers. He Growler worked by Mr. F. Willougl y. A collection was ti 0 Heart-: ie and weariness, anguish and care, Attested Reservists attached to this Company may “ a hundred years ago” (laughter). He saw nothing HomuaoH.—Mr* vigne, L at toe close of the lecture fc the C.M.S., nothing being attend. I amiss with tham. If the men had been drunk he Polegate, Mr. Goulburn Lovell drew attention to ered between Under the sun; ■ • would have noticed it I - I shape of stone Faibhaven.- Miss Wen* Mr* .Heath. deducted for expenses, and Rector spoke some very Birdens too heavy for shoulders to bear A shooting match betweeiin Platobns will take plaoe present development of the war in Mesopotamia EASTBOURNE HAS THE BEST, cross, Mr. and Mr* HalL MisaHaU^ , _ enoonraging words in com ’ with mission work, Under the son; Thursday, March lGth. Defendant, oil oath, said he had held the license for begged the men to carefully read the Book of Rei ela­ BELOum —Miss wimams. Jffias Braes ['WJlliiuns The visitors arrived back in about 11 o’olo a year and nine month* and since the men had gdne Eastbourne has tlie best possible proof, not only in the worla Mr* Joyce, Miss Weir. U t.B u S ^r. MiedWIdglnr Poverty nrlini*' thefVixx foodface nf'of! the poor, Headquarters will; be open far taking recruit* Sc tion and see what inspiration they! could draw f rom because it comes from an Eastbourne resident, but Curse of Strong drink. Shall it always endure ? mo Ding,' , li to : soldiering he hpd to go to work as the trade during ton. Mlss Hutohiaon. Mr* s ^ f la a s H ire . Ml-i Monday and Thursday e- logs, 7. to 8,15. the day was very small. Sometimes there were only thfe Bibl* By means of one of his great maps, he | rave because years have passed since the proof was first __ civilisations Gtray. Mr* | Hunger and want Is there never a cure, given, vet to-day it stands as good as ever—batter, rev> gentleman Under the sun? A. j Hart. one or two customers at the house during the day time. a very careful explanation of the hemming in of the ical standpoint WILMINGTON £ I ARE. PO LEfiATE. Co., Eastbourne Battalion. He was in attendance to look after the evening trad* Turks by the different forces of the Allie* He as ked indeed," for what stronger endorsement oould there A R eceiving Ord er How shall we face all this sorrow and strife of these races, Kenilworth Court.-M r. L. i When he arrived home on the day in question Lockyer his audience to consider “ If the great battle be than that of time? civilised. The Lyndhurtt Town* lire. J< *to Bro^^Rev.a i r Under the sun ? called his attention to the man who he said had fallen Armageddon was about to take place?” He sho Mrs. E. Creasy, of 2, Summerdown-road. Old of buried cities 8. & Kirkley. Master J. Jesus came down to a carpenter’s life down “ faint or something.” WitneaB sent to the the Euphrates River, now drying up, the site of Town, haB resided in Eastbourne for twenty-fix* and Under the sun. THE NAVAL VOLUNTEER CADETS. Ancient Babylon and the situation af the advancing years. On October 1st, 1910, she said: “ For year* 1 . the lecturer to Mr* R. A. Moor* ' ' Affiliated to the Navy >* Workhouse to inform the Master that one of their men continent now Mre. Searle. _ W. ing oar wearisome burdens He came, was there. He was in and out of the stable and Russian Forces from the Caucauaas and Persia, the was a great sufferer with kidney complaint. I had Lifting up souls from their sorrow And shame, Headquarters; 7, .bourn* thought the map looked whit* Witness spoke-to him, British Forces from the Persian Gulf, the Fre xth sharp, cutting pains in my loins, and at time* was a* 1 through ling the leber and healing the) lame Drill Hall: RN.VJt. Battery, Eastbourne Forces from Adelia. He drew attention to the gi eat of which Richard Ball. bat could not1 make “ much sense of him.” He bad that I could hardly manage to crawl about. leaks. It Mr* G. Cal______RIPE. i Under the sun. \ Offloer A. J improved after k time aqd said he felt “ fanny.” He concentration of men in Egypt for rapid striking foi ees There waa bladder trouble as well gravel appearing _at .in the Walker Welbarh. Dr. and Working and dying at last, did not think the man was drank. on interior line* He asked: “ Is the Kaiser ai iti- in tho urine, and dropsical* swellings in my leg* Peter Hlldyard. Mr* Milita ry Serv ice A ct T ribunal —The i ministry done. Orders Ohrist?” “ Are we approaching.the end of the woric ?” which were often so heavy that I had to be alwaya writings of ■ Burt (|j. manager of the General Stores end sub-postmaster at The Bench retired, and on their return the Chairman The declaration of peace will surely mean a Nlew to. 8outh Edmond* Mr. and Mr* 0 on that day overcast Sunday, 12th Mi l—Route i members to sai I they had po doubt that Haffenden was drunk. resting them. I was unable to sleep at night; I ker stated, Cant, and Mr* Grier. Rev. Ripe applied to the Eastbourne Rural District Tribunal Id from the sun; be present in u: 0, with legg lag Battery at They had carefully considered the evidence and they had World for most of u* It tbelrefore behoves us to pre­ came over dizzy frequently, my eyes were affected, 8.—Mr. Brook* Miss Brooks. cd Friday for exemption. ;He stated that he was 41 that we may have light, 9 a.m. pare for a better world than any that has existed and I was troubled with palpitation. ago Preri- 11.—Mr* fflnnhdr, L Mr* and years of age on the 27th n it—The Chairman said he Dying in .—No orders, decided not to proceed to a conviction against Weller. but many IE—Mr* Barron. Miss Barron Dying in to give us His might, Monday and At the same time they were of opinion that it was a before.” I spent pounds on different remedies, but got n* V m, would be kept cm the register, bat under the instrai that our lives maybe gbt, Wednesday, .m.: Squad and Ci m; drill, seaman- permanent relief until I started with Doan’s Back­ vast country, tions of tbe Army Council he would not be called n Be inng bur oi ship and mlnf rang* proper case to bring before the Court. am with the NS5S? (SfgSta:** Bit oil. ler the sun. Thursday.- -A - i ! ache Kidney Pills. It was not long before these pills Mr. aS'lfi* with his Gronp. He would be on a clae-^--*-'1- Friday.—7.30 Worl dug part]', at rill Hall. made me feel better, and by the time I had given __coast. “ No register, and might be called;upon if thenervio Hark to our . ye weary and sad, lor* unless spec tally BIG FIRE AT HAILSHAM. them a fair trial I had lost the pains in my back and the mystery of Ui ler tbe sun, Saturday.—h lOtifled. revised. HERSTM0NCEUX CASTLE. -il the dropsical swellings had gone. I could not put the existence Jesus can make most sorrowful glad Signed. F. O. thfd cud. Asst -Pa; •. N.V.CJ my boots on before I took Doan’s pills, but they have ive conclusion Under the sun; For "Inverclyde > 1 turn____ toj theT Lord and believe, Owing to mukpprehension existing on the subject, _ have great Jo;?eve J ? henceforth will receive; an announcement is made that Herstmonoeux Castle will !“t o d'MAYKltoH,Ei915^EARLY FIVE YEARS world, and as Mr* TBfe N e w V ic a r . — The new Vicar 1st of the sorrows that grieve. A serious fire ooourred at Hailsham on Saturday E’en in be open to visitors between now and Nov. 1st on Wed­ evening, when a store-house, containing about 4U6 LATER—Mrs. Creasy said: “ It is getting on - pointed out M r.aad___ Ringmer (the Rev. G. R. Leefe) will preach his Under the sun. THE BRITISI CROSS SOCIETY. nesdays and Thursdays only, from 2 to 6 p.m. A charge for five years since Doan’s pills bid u i qy n Lewes to sermon atCkiring on the 26th2—1inst, and-- j on the foil V.A.D.) gallonsof------oil,— was burnt . out. It appears that Mr. C. JL Darmstadt — Mias Dari* Capt E E. TRUSTED. towards me by tbe Rev. C. Furmval, •Sunday Parades and announced oi I sprang two minks on our firing line, and our Sussex ffashioned and the Pariah Clerfcr tho Friday previous per nit. headway owing to the intensity of the fir* The vro; d i t t i n c t i y for D o a n 't Backache Kidney Pill* the some T radi 1 w ith Gkrxany. boys oooupied the edges of tbe craters in spite of tbe was drawn into Station-road and allowed to burn ito slf as Mrs. Creasy-hod. ” I for 22 By ardor of ths confusion at the bombardment that raged. Torrents of out, whilst a couple of horses in a stable were oi ly ■ | - and n S S r l have shells were pour* d on n* In spite of the darkness and I — _ —-J_-—Wl * . t 1' rw*— fil - nflk n . 4-1 r, M r, lllA f e »ln no " f F 1 Chorus of Indies,,to mely curate who seats on t tbe ______nbar of Oopustow, rescued with difficulty. The attentions of the Bi Smith. asoending the ladder to ~ Oh, Mr. Commerce, i ) have declared them De jnty C martermaster. the surprise. See. not one Sussex boy shirked his duty. were chiefly confined to preventing Trim N o Contracts w ith E nemy F irms.—The We lined tbs ed| ne and drove bock crowds of Germans involving the adjoining property, known as Maindke, Crinkleby, do take care I selves i Trade^policj with Germany who came withii -seventy yards of n* Wh Nottingham City Council have unanimously decided Do come down 1 Oh ! ” after t directors have which is close to the store-hous* bat the roof of t)us ort the declaration that no contract shall he Miller's Dale.—Mr. and j F irs t E co! ine < ivery vouni ■ them our men gi ve three cbeere. I have no ___ _ many of 1 be into by onv municipal body with any person of Mr. Orinkleby, don’t you declined toga to« ~ he’d ’ hap py if he oould ool; did mare to sen 1 the Germans hook than oar rifle*. l avoid, but» m ando& t?" [soil was thro rn ar Aastnan nationality or with any firm or F.uSSarTM* ylor philiaophe:: “ Ye*__ ___ and These craters an now named 'The of ma ly whose capital is held or controlled to tbe The demnnd tor houses at Swansea is LUXE— M ar he is to think that he , CARLISLE on the books waiting I DE think that he 1 Three-quart Bn of the world's supply of olive helpers the _ ide subdued 1 i fire after abc at third or upwards by persons o f such SouraBOROUSH.—lb * Simps great that 1,000 people are send it to the Troop* didn’t have it! ” oil is said to oame from Spain. la-half hoar*’ work. vacant ‘ U n . iiu EASTBOURNE CHBONIOLK, SATURD


We rogret tc have ito announce the death of Mr. To the E ditor. THINGS. YESTERDAY’S CASES. Nod Maxwell, only son of Mrs. Robert Maxwell, of S ir: As an interested stijdvnt of the ecoijnniyoik . 1yer owing to the bell ou a door. Witness saw the gentleman, who Three sentimental songs by Private Marigold wero A :PRPENTICES WANTED (2), one to Skirtmaking the difficulty in awarding the _corro<(t number c f said, “ It is nearly time something was done, because it well sung and very much t njoyed. “ The Three (Signod) j r V and one to Ladies Coat Room ; wages from com­ S 4 ■ ;«w roK,— » hV _ TnoMAS Barlow, M.D.. F.R.8.. K C.V.Oj., Pres- mencement.—Apply, Marshall & Dunbar, 111 and 113, points for some of the shots. The cpfnmittee wifi is a nuisance.” I Crows,” represented by Priviites Templo, Gibb and Coll. Phys., Physipian to H.l . the King. South-street, Eastbourn 3. nave toI decide ’ ' ’ the” 5issue. The Chief Constable (Major Teale) said the polioe Ings, and a bagpipes’ seloctijin by Captain Ransom Frederick Treves. F.R.C.8., G.C.V.OJ.___ ftPABLE, kind PEtSON REQUIRED by delicate j • had bad several oomplaints about boys ringing bells. were well applauded. Tho pianist was Miss McIntyre. Col. K.A.M.C., T.F., Sergoant-Surgieon to The lad was 5s,, the Mayor telling him he was old Lady, moving a >out; knowledge of nursing . League Match R esults. H.M. the King. : maid's duties; good pacser and needlewoman os-ential; enough to know better. G. J. H. F.vatt, M.D., C.B., Surgeon-General tome housework; age 30 to 38; wages £20.—Address, H. Dyer ...... 228 beat V.T.C., Sec. 6...... £1 R.A.M.C. Mi-8 A., 11, Jevington-g irdens, Eastbourno. A DOUBLE OFFENCE. FAIRFIELD COURT HOSPITAL. V.T.U., Sec. 15 .220 A. C. V hittaker... sc\ Victor Horsley, F.R.C.S., F.R.S.. Captdin /■ VONFEOTIONER8.- Lethoby & Chrittopher. Ltd., of V.T.O., Sec. 1...... ;..... 179 Gas Coi l y ...... sc. de Selvier, of Furness-road, was summoned H.A.M.O., T.F. Vy East Grinstead, are REQUIRING at once TWO V.T.O., Sec. 3...... 226 ;; V.T.O., 8 ...... 2(9 for failing to keep a register of aliens; also for failing ] On Wednesday evening a [concert organised by MIbs ] G. Sims Woodhead, M.D., F.R.S.. Lt.-Cof superior GIRLS to LEARN the ART of CONFEC­ S. Bindon...... 216 „ Platoon ts. 2(4 to notify the presence of an alien in (ler household. Edith Taylor, the favourite Eastbourne vocalist, was R.A.M.C., T.F. TIONERY under a flnjt-cla-s confectioner.—Apply by Town Hall ...... 222 ,. V.T.C., 2...... If 7 Cooper stated that on February 23rd a Belgian given in the la|rge ward of tho Red Cross hospital at I letter only. Education Staff ... 205 „ V.T.O., See. 14 ... sefe. omsejr registered at the Town Hall., j On February 26 th, Fairfield' Cour(, and was much enjoyed by patients r e ss m a k e r s .-R e q u ir e d , experienced V.T.C., Sec. 5...... 213 „ A. 0. Whittaker... so not having had notification of hw presence by the 8nd nurses &\ [ ^ BODICE HANDS! Sleeve Hands. Skirt Hands; THE PIER COMPANY AND TIJE V.'i’.U., bee. 9...... 217 ., V.T.C., Sec. 16 ... 2] 6 defendant, he called at the house and asked to see the [ Miss TaylorJ who was herself hoard in a number | alsoD Bodice Assistants. Improvers and Apprentices.— aliens’ register. The defendant produced a number of Apply, Plummor Koddis. Ltd., Eastbourne. League Table to March 6 th. of popular ballads, al of which wero very pleasingly EYE IN F RMARY. registration forms, none of whioh referred to the rendered, had the support pf Miss Niner, an accom- RESSMAKEUS.-;CANTED, by C. Morrish & Son M.F. VV. L. Pta. Belgian officer. Defendant told him the soldier was Drapers, Lewes. APPRENTICES & 1M PRO VERS V.T.O., Section 3. . 10 ... 0 .. 0 — 20 dished violinist, whoso skilfully-played solos were in the Dressmokin Department. Also MILLINERY ifr; only there for one or two nights, and she said she was oudly applauded, i Scotch songs wore sung very Town Hall ....(...... 10 ... 0 .. 0 — 20 sorry she neglected to ask him to fill in a form. [ The directors of the Pier Company haye gen jrously APPRENTICES. H. Dyer ...... i...... 10, ... 9 .. 1! — 18 effectively by Miss Steer; and Mrs. Gilling (contralto) handed to the Eye Infirmary the whole pf the money Defendant said she only took the officer in to oblige a delighted with sorrto well-chosen selections. Mr. Thwaites A Sons ...... 9 ... 7 .. . 2 —14 lady. taken for programmes at the Pier Theatre ojn Wednesday r lady's private house in Seaford; good wa S. Bindon ...j...... 10 ... 7 ... 3 —14 Gilling acted As accompanist. Mention must also' bo afternoon and evening last, amounting to £10. i2s. 9d. liberal outings.—Apply, Miss Uickett, Hawksbrow, §iea- A fine of £2 was inflicted in the first case and £1 in | made of the admirably delivered recitations of Miss V.T.O., Section 16 . 10 ... 6 ... 4 —12 the second. ' Among the ladies who sold programmes were the ford.. : 16. . 10 ... 6 .. 4 —12 Shelton, a highly capable elocutionist. Mayoress, Miss Thornton, Miss O’Brien Hardin jun., /GENERAL SERVANT WANTED; ago not under Education Staff.... . 10 ... 6 ... 4 —12 45 MILES AN HOUR ALONG THE FRONT. f The artists [were heartily thanked for their able the Misses Burt and Nurse Stevens, and it is owing to VJT 24; two ladies; hop given; good wages.—Apply, and much appreciated services. . 9 ... 5 .. 4 —10 Lieut. Chas. H. Bentinck Budd, of Willingdon, was their efforts such a satisfactory sum was realised] any evoning, 6, Gore Pa; k-avenue, Eastbourne. . 10 ... 5 .. 5 —10 summoned for driving a motor cycle to the danger of lORNIN'G GOVERNESS REQUIRED fur three Platoon-Sergeants.... . 10 ... 5 .. 5 —10 the public on the Grand-parade on February 27th. V.T.O., Section 9.... . 9 ... 4 ..'5 — 8 The offence was admitted. to Mrs. King, Lockeriilge, Dormans Park-road, East „ . 6 ...... 10 ... 4 ..6 — 8 SUCCESSFUL ENTERTAINMENT AT SOLDIERS AND THE LIGHTING I Grinstead. A taxi cab driver stated that he was standing on the i 6 . . . .. 10 ... 4 ..6 — 8 cab rank when he saw a motor cycle coming lrom the EQUllthD. iinm-.'dilitely. in Ladies' School, Young .. 10 ... 3 ..’7 - 6 GREENCROFT-ELLESMERE. REGULATIONS. Girl as THIRD I’AKLOUR&l All) of three.—Apply, direction of Beachy Head at an estimated speed of 50 cliffe. Meads, Eastbaurnc. .. 9 ... 2 ..7 — 4 miles an hour. J .. 7"... 1 ..6 — 2 T j IeQUIKED. THIHI PARLOURMAID of three for Defeudant: Tho constable, when he stopped me, At Lewes Petty Sessions on Tuesday, George Wood-; A. 0. Whittaker .. 9 ... 1 .. 8 — ,2 said I was going 60 miles at hour. A delightful entertainment was given in the X*/ quiet, country plaio ; odd man kopt; must uot be Gas Coiupauy...... 9 ... 0 .. 9 ------spacious Schoo Room at the above school on Saturday cock, a private in the Doreet Yeomanry, it Lewes, was under 5-ft. 6 in. in height or 17 years in age. ~ " Chief Inspector Taylor said he saw the cycle coming summoned for a breach of the Lighting Oder, at Plate, Turners Hill, Sus.ex, Y.T.U, Section 14 ... 9 ... 0 .. 9 ------along at a furious pace. Witness shouted to the driver on behalf of tho Y.M.C.A. fund for providing huts * * for soldiers. . i ; Lewes, on Feb. 25th, at 12.45 a.m. EWING HI AID (Useful) for London ; must not object to stop, but it was 100 yards before he turned and came Tho first pant took the form of a pretty and charm­ Defendant pleaded not gliilty. j! to a little houscwpi'U ; small family; three maids Plummer Koddis Ljtd., 74-^2, Terminus-road, The “ Sydney Hudson ” Challenge Cup will be shit back. Witness estimated the speed at 50 milesan hour. ing musical play for children,- entitled “ Madcap P.C- Whiddett said at 12.4!:.45 a.m. on Fi ibruary S -Apply, Mostyn b high order, ai d mudh to the taste of the largo and lie proceeded to the spot and saw a light I would call particular attention to the Boxitfg Ernest ViJler, an antique dealer, said he had never appreciative audience. It is almost invidious to give four windows and a skylight on the top floor, and from CJMART LAD WAN'’ED to deliver on cycle.—Miles, . Tournament to be held at Devonshire Park no it seen, anything go so fast along the front, and a cabman names when ill acquittedccjuittjed themselves [so so well, hutbut four windows on the ground floor. He wont inside and ) 0 Fruiterer. 55, Soutl -street, Eastbourne. Monday, commencing at 7.30 p.m. 1 Dhe programr le narnled Sergeant said the speed was highly dangerous. mention should bo made of Miriam Ilall (“ March ”), saw defendant, wlio told him he was in gharge of the xMART, dean'LA1J REQUIRED at once.—Apply,. The Chief Constable said a C(j)ToueiJ and another J Bertha" Craddock premises. Witness called bis attention to the lights Letlieby & Christopher, Ltd., East Grinstead is an eminently attractive one and t tie various co l- gentleman complained of the speed the .defendant was | r .February,.)t CatHie(“ W Craddock irlter”), rNellie August Hickman ”) and 8 tests should provide rare sport. Nd fistic “ stars” aud he said he did not know that the lights upsta rs were UNBRIUGE WTCLI S CORPORATION are desirons of the London boxing world have been engaged, t le I ...... •>. .J . — .. 1 Olive Donne (‘‘Chnistriia^ Fairy all of whom burning, and that the chaps up there cught have T of Engaging THi.EE or FOUR CARTERS for meeting being confined entirely to the members pf Defendant^.enaanc aonuiteaadmitted going 45so milesanrnuesan hour,nour. Ho said ia!l aiatrhguished1 i uifehcmselves. 1 " AdMuriel • i TTpianc|Hylam tinned them off, but must have forgotten to do so. towbi work; good wn ges for suitable men.—Apply, he was a lieutenant m the Bulls and had been wounded was cxcyellent us "C1crk of the Weather,” and P .yllilis As to the lights downstairs, defendant said be must J. Smoed, Lot ge. Tonbridge. the Naval and Military Services. And this will at tP« l'rpnt, and was at presenlfpresent staymg at a con- | Dqnne sang 8!ld Z „ ced| vcry prettiiy i s ..Quoey 0 no way detract from the attractiveness of the sho r, of have them burning as he had to look aft ;r the horses. I TWO CARTERS WANTED: married men: cottage SPECIAL PREPAID R A I L S . vali lent home at Willingdon. Witness went upstairs and saw three unshaded electric but may, on the other hand, considerably odd to t io ■id the Magi the May.” , The pa^t of “ Summer” was taken b enjoyment of those spectators who prefer harp, The Mayor said the Magistrates:were bound to deal Miss Tickner, and her song was much enjoyed,b/ lights burning, and there were three mote downstairs. at Bd. per” hour.—J. i ).’ Buckingham, Stroods, Hurst- honest fighting to lady-like flip-flapping. severely wiih the ease, and the defendant would | Mention should also;be made of tho pretty song and There were no blinds drawn at the windows or i.he sky­ piei-point. W ANTS OF[ ALL I -KINDS. ined £10. dance of the “Harvesters,” while the little “ Chiirist- light. j ■ Jjj ANMANj W aNTLD ; good wagos to n, suitable THEFT BY A GIRL mas Fairies ” were perfectly charming; Defendant said the constable asked hi n whither he Everyone of, the half-dozen , con lest* down f >r Elizabeth Mabel Lawrence (16), of Leslie-Btreet, was Tea was ser-ed after the play, and was followed by was the seuior man, and as he thought he meant in decision is likely to furnish real sport. There’s a summoned for stealing 4s. 2d., the money of Laura Vine, a concert kindly given by friends. point of age witness replied in the affirmative The 9- sfi. 8-lbs. 10-round Set to between tho redout) tat le on February 25th'. i- 1 ' The delight’ul and artistic singing of Mrs. John corporal of the guard was really in charge. He did not Hants Carabineer, Sergt. Williams, and Danny Defeudant said she “stole it without the intentioh of Watfe was greatly enjoyed, and the gifted lady was know that the lights upstairs were burning, as his Mr; F. Holman, Clerk tjo the Guardians, 86, High-street, Hughes, late of the Royal Sussex Regiment, ai id stealing iti” prevailed upoii to! give an encore after each of her duties were confined to the ground floor. T1 e other Lewi Are Advertised in the Whole of from all I hear the Hants man wil i be up agaii st Vine stited that she was a domestic servant. On contributions. [ Her beautiful rendering of “Tho men of the guard lit the lamps on going upstairs, and OMAN WANTED four hours daily for House­ something rather warm. Then there is the return February !!5th sbe and her cousin met the defendant, to long, long trail ” was most enjoyablo. Miss Olive should have turned them out. work.—Apply. . Lllon. .Writ horn, Ashurst Wood. Furncom be & Co.’s (Ltd.) Sussex Newspaper) 10- round contest, between Sergt. Di< k Beard (Rojwhom al she gave the 4sl 2d. to carry for her. Subse­ Powell, a highly gifted elocutionist, was rapturously Lieut.-Col. T. A. Colfoix, commanding the Dorsot W At One Charge, viz: Sussex) and Petty Officer Forbes (Royal Nai al quently j witness asked her if she had her money, but Yeomanry, suid his regiment had these premises, which ANTED, SINGLE-HANDED NURSE (ago 25-30) ' 8ervice), and things are bound to hum when thise applauded after each of her recitations. In fact, her for boy of 5, girl 3, for Seaton, Devonshire, by 1 I n skbtion...... O n e Sh il l in g , not over 20 Words the delebdant said a wounded soldier had taken it away rendering of |“ The defence of Lucknow” was so I lielonced to Alderman Every, i for tl: eir ti ansport WMarch; wages |£28. — Agply, Brooks, 8, two men face each othor again. It will be reme n- much enjoyedj that the audience insisted on a double horses, and a guard was posted there in charge of a aingtou square, Ke Btbourne. 8 Insertions...... Two Shillings and Sixpence bered that at the previous meeting Beard, after a Kathleen Harris said Vine first asked her to mind corporal. One man waa bn guard whi e two others, 7 In se r tio n s..!...... F iv e Sh il l in g splendid commencement, was unexpectedly knocked encore, the artiste kindly responding with “ Little tTANTED, capable GARDENER and Handy Man j some money for her, hut Lawrence [said she had a purse Orphant Annie ” and “ Jqhnny, me and you.” Lieut. who took their turn on duty alternately, rested. It V for Holy Trinity Churchyard and Vicarage . Longer Advertisements at Proportionate Rctes, out by a chance blow in the very first round apd aud a pocket toq, so she was handed the money. H. G._ Daviesj was in capital voice, ana his singing was impossible to cover the skylight with a blind. The \Garden, who would aci as Bellringer and Caretaker of ! IS had to submit to defeat, ’’i provoked tho listeners to ask lights had been shaded, though it appeared tha ;-on this Parish Room.—Apply, ’ 'icar of Holy Trinity, Eastbourne. ' Ik Bookkd t h i Usual Rates will bk Crakokd. surprised to ncis W. Donne’s songs were much occasion those shades were not on the lighis. The . if at alL , s audience, and in response to a corporal was really in charge. The reg ment did not Dairy, East Gri nstead. , Eastbourne Chronicle. Other events ___ sang the old folk-song, “ Mowing wish in any way to contravene the Lighting Order, i * 17-ANTED, experienced HOUSEPARLOURMAID ; Bympnony between each verse being though it was a diffioult matter sometimes to comply I \\ temporarily. --1 Apply, 2, Lansdowue-tenace, East Sussex News. between Sergt Lanny (Royal Fusiliers,: Eiover) dnd tioh. j charmingly rendered by a few‘of the pupils. with all the requirements « ’tlie Order. | Eastbourne. . Etudings Independent. Sergt. Hearn e (Royal West Surrey, Shore ham) a Defendant’s toother said her daughter was a good girl | The Chairman said the: Magistrates hod deiided to six-round contest between Air Mechanic Joyce The items ivere interspersed by a pretty fan dance ANTED youngC F.NKRALfor Apartment House; East Grinstead Observer, when she kept iaway from bad companions, who were arranged by I Miss Lucy Way and a musicul drill convict, and they imposed a fine of £1. The e was a help given ; in cooking. — Apply, Brcwhurst, Sussex and Surrey Courier, (R.N.A.S.) and Private Turvey (West Surrey); a Jix- the cause of all the trouble. 1 splendidly given under the direction of Miss Charles- | more stripgent Lighting Older coming oqt, and) Magis 1 heavy weight contest between Seaman Gi en und ClaremontW terrace. Sea lord, Sussex. Horsham Times, Ml ■ The defendant was remanded for a week in order that ] worth iss jLloyd3 most kindly bore all expenses, trates would have to d 1 very severely with any ANTED, y 1 mug ! toRNING GOVERNESS at Sea- A.S.) and Lance-Corporal Brooks (Hahts arrangements might be made for getting her into a home. breaches of this Order wbiioh were brought befo-ethein, O,crony securing, at a very small cost, an amoniu ol nneens); and a six-round contest between Priv it© and the proci leds amounted to the handsome sum of ford to TEACH GHrl of 9; usual English subjects, Before Major Molineux (in the! chair), Councillor £20, * n ■ , us the provisions of the Order must be cajrried i >ut. inch and music. — Write particulars and salary i oubticlty throughout tbo important district 0/ Smith (Middlesex Regiment) anc Petty Offi ;er ired to Mrs. Elliott Smith, 6, Southdown-road, Sea- East Sussex, among the most Influential Charlton (R.N.A.S.). And, thank goodness, there) is Bolton, ME Leathamaud Mr. Claude Bishop. Inhabitants. - be no bbxing of a—so-called—comic nature. | , | HAD ENOUGH. rANTKD, MEN accustomed to FELLING TREES ; 3NEQUALLED BY AKY OTHER LOCAL KEDITJE DVORAK’S l-‘* STABAT MATER.” WAR EUCLID, good wages offered. — Apply, by letter, to Oswald Moo(i, of Eastbourne, was charged with beiug I Order- should be sent direct to Farnoombr & Co.'s (Ltd.) Some of our much maligned English weather! is an absentee from the R.G. A. at Portsmouth. Umber, care of Deal on's, Leadenhall-street, London. really delightful and we would hav; it always w ith Head Offices, or left with Authorised Agents. Experienced and Careful Men Detective Inspector Wells said that on the previous COMING PEBFOKMANCISS AT A subaltern is one who has position but no magnitude, WJ ANTED, a younj: GIRL to HELP generally ; good Prepaid at the above Low Rates. us, but we are thankful this last sample is not sent) us day he saw, the prisoner at a house in Dennis-road. On T I homo for a willing girl.—Apply to Mrs.- Waters, only Employed. ior keeps. This is Lent, you know. the way to the police station1 prisoner said, “ I don’t ST.[ sA-YjOUKU A Turkish communique lies equally on any point. Avondale-road. Seafore l. Sussex. HI want to soldier. I hope they give me six months and An obtuse officer iB one more stupid t han a superior rANTK1). Strong LAD, age about 10; also MAN, A new and appropriate name h >r elegant E ist- my ticket. I have had enough of jit.” officer, but leas so than twb staff officers. ineligible or over Array age ; bothy. &c.—State . J r o r o r ie during the past week o(* so would be Prisoner wasYemanded to await an escort. 1 The Eastbourne Choral land Orchestral Society are An “ ok dug-out” is often a plain figure with a Sam experieDCO to Whitloqk, Hammorwood Gardens, East 1 ESTIM, -on-Sea. Snow in March is, of course, aot hoping to gii e substantia! assistance to tho funds of Brown Joel, round its circumference. j Gilnstead. uncommon, but it is uncommon to see such an BOYS SUMMONED. the Princess Alice : Hospital as the result of their ^ANTED, PLOUGHMAN and WIFE: live in farm OOT REPAIRER’S BUSINESS (old established), If things are double the price of tltie same thing house; Wife, housework, plain cooking; coals, Eastbourne; house and shop ; low rent; first-class, uncommon lot of it as we are getting this yi ar. Ernest Rich (16), of Dennis-road, was summoned for oratorio perf jrmanpes at St. Saviour’s Church on obtainable elsewhere, it is a War Offiete lontralot.—27ie up-to-date machinery, &c. (as per inventory); cheap; Fortunately it disappeared almost las quickly a it loitering in Grassington-road, with intent to commit a Wednesday afternoon and Thursday evening next. [ light, milk, garden found; good wages.—Apply, Box 111, rareB opportunity for energetic man ; present owner came, but while it lasted it was diff cult to regar I it felony, on March 6th. - j , |. As previously) announced, the work to be presented is Euesiivj SI ow. ‘Ubserver” Office. Ka< t Grinstcad. called up reason for selling.—Apply, Chas. Horne, Auc- with tender admiration or as a blessing sent dc wn P.S. Lawrence said he saw Rich leaning against a Dvorak’s Sta hat Mater;, a modern composition of r ANTED, good P LAIN COOK; two in family and tioneer, Eastbourne.______from above. Snow itself ia beautiful; Dut elusl is wall near Sunnydean. He saidj he was delivering acknowledgec geiiiiis, and great religious beauty and nursery ono ch Id ; help given ; wages £26: good Br e w e r s and R estrict ed Ma n u fa ctu re erenees essential.—Write H., Lea House, Wheat- aywards heath and district. - Foi E . MAYNAED, L t d ., beastly and quite unfit tow ^come . v ihto______contact with . oirculats. Witness went to Sunnydean, where he saw power. Mr. Jas. Ri Dear, Mus. Bac., the experienced —The Brewers’ Society met in ILondon on Mi mday to hpstead, Herts. H Particulars of HOUSES TO BE LET or SOLD It deoent, respectable people accusl omed to pt lito I another boy detained by Mr. Tabor. conductor, has been at special pains to prepare his consider tlio position which has arisen out of the this charming and healthy locality, with excellent rail­ ‘ ' and..... thin boots. ».No wondj er so i ------many o-*—i us Harry Baulcombe, oi Winter-road, said he was with forces for the interesting occasion, and there is every 'ANTED]"capabli PERSON for LIGHT HOUSE­ way service to Loudon, Brighton and Eastbourne, apply restricted importsand tho Government d icisior that the WORK and tc ASSIST with CHILDREN (two T. Bannister & Co, House and Estate Agents, Market­ are Buffering from “cold feet ” jus. now. Rich on March Gtll, the latter having asked him to put reason to anticipate an adequate and impressive consumption of malt, sugar and hops shall be reduced to Uttle girls and baby) woman comes (tally for rough Complete House Furnishers, gene bills in doors. He went to a house in Grassington- rendering of ;he oratorio, i Both chorus and orchestra place, Haywards Heath. nienoe. * *• ; » promise, we are assured] to give an exceptionally the extent of 12J per cent. It was agreed to adopt the ] work and washing; wjages £18.—Apply, !'., Kent Bros.. j ‘j- I - Could you call snowballing a iport? Well it road and as he opened the door! a gentleman caught principle of a curtailment: of manufacture. Seaford, Sussex. ]^GUINEA8, furnished; healthy position; Meads; CONFIL hold of his arm. Witness had a circular in his hand. favourable a< count of themselves, while the visiting 2 close Downs; three bed. bath and twq sitting.— G reystons Buildings, (Actual 1 depends. I saw a couple of blue coated Tomi lies The Magistrates thought there was not sufficient professional soloista come; with strong recommenda­ rANTKD, by 14th|March, TWO PANTRY MAIDS Edgar Horn & Chartres, 3t, Cornfleld-road, Eastbourne. “ Prenti' outside my window last Tuesday afternoon who v ere tions. They include Miss Ethel McLelland, Miss for a School; must be cleau, strong, earlv risers house). furiously bombing each other With snowballs ind evidence to convict, and Rich was allowed to go. good at washing up.—Apply, Secretary, Clovelly LFKISTON. - TO LET, MOIRA HOUSE, High- Baulcpmhe was then charged in: the Children’s Court Gertrude Higgs anj Mr. f)amuel Mann. Mr. Herbert pplewtone. Eastbourne. street, Alfriston. containing two sitting rooms, EastboiarM e. shouting with glee at every shot that went ho me. with breaking into tbo house. - Guy is the qnly local soloist. Mr. Mann, it will be JU ticies for gate. four bedrooms, kitchen, with usual offices and large dry Snowballing was sport-for them evidently. , . ind remembered, distinguished himself in the Choral VrOUNG LADY RE JUIRKD as JUNIOR CLERK in cellar; rent £20.—Apply, Wood. Biitcher, Alfriston. then, shortly afterwards, when quiitly wending my Mr. A. Tabor said he was in bis sitting room, when _J|.. Merchants Officje.—Apply, Hall & Co., Ltd., 3, makes hb heard a door move Ho waited a few minutes and Union’s late performancci of E l i j a h . OBTKBS EAST GHINlSTEAI] I Station-parade, Eastbcurne. Y>EDROOM TO LET ; suit lady or t wo friends engaged Trade . way homewards and dreaming of varetith and ire- then went into the halL A boy oame out of the dining Mr. Dear, who, bf course, will wield the baton, to business or school during day ; moderate vent; aide oomforta I was suddenly iwakened to a OANTELUPE GARAGE. Tel. 131. ment H | room and witness caught bold of him. The boy gave will have thn assistance at the organ of Dr. M. P. PETROLF TYRES. REPAIRa CARS STOREL A PPRKNTIuES WANTED.-Well-educated Young Ocklynge district.—Apply, A. M., "Chronicle ” Office, 80ry No terrifically hard snowball which cal ght me fair mu his name as Brown, and said he was delivering bills. Conway, and the leiader of the orchestra will be Mr. A Lady as Apprei tico to the Blouse Show Room, Eastbourne. . ; ■ £100, square on the aide of my head. It biinged up mv AGENTS. HIRE CARS. also to the Underclothing Show Room.—Apply, Bobby JHisceUuneous. arrang ------a .j,en th0 wet snow went dithering ind Witness did not miss anything. The boy admitted he A. Rowarth. OTTAGES TO LET, COPTHOKNK ; good garden-; right ear and was standing on the dining room mat, which was about At the opening performance, which is timed to | anfi Co-,. Ltd., Kastbou me.______Company’s water; near Post Office; rents 4s. 3d. Furnll sliding down my neck—inside my collar-f om ------.2 j, the president pf the HqBpital Maohinc ; IEPAHTMKNT. fURSKRY GOVKI .NK8S.—Four children, ages 7 to and 4s. 6d. weekly.—Apply, Hooper, Malvern, Copthorne. D 'rK! IS EM ENTS must be repllod to f» writing; cheaper! 30 feet from the front door. C ( id to the addresses given. Personalappllca- Jewelle: whence it paid surprisesurprise visits of an icily cold na ure P.S. Lawrence spoke to taking jthe boy into custody, ___ . Clrowdeh) will make la few remarks 1 8-h.p. Road Loco, am 3 Trucks. I 11; Church of England; French, music, usual AST GRINSTEAD.—COTTAGES to LETTrent frein of my warm' anatoimy! Well, hat 1 6-ft. Mortar MilL gli-h subj cts; stat 5 salary, with photograph.—Mrs. our Publishing Offloes, for particulars, are useless. '1-hone t you, thougl I and Baid that on the way to the police station Baulcombe explanatory of the institution’s position and urgent 7, Arundel-road, Ea itbourne. 6s. weekly; good gardens.—Apply, H. Middleton, said: “ Another boy came to the Idoor with me, but as needs. Small Oil Engine, Ptunp .nd 1,0001 Gallon Tank 86, London-road, East GrinBtead. ILtlARD TABLE WANTED, three quarter size; ___ _ t jt was tor tne gunning young ass rfa soon as the door was opened he ran away.” (nearly new). rANTED, Good Cooks, Cook-Generals, Parlour- qiust be in really good condition and of moderate schoolboy who threw the snowball. The cheeky 1 ttle 1 Engineer’s Power lllng Machine with swing . maids. Honsepa lourmalds. Generals and Kitchen- ASTBOURNE—PAYING GUESTS RECEIVED in Address, M. A., " Chronicle ” Office. Eastbourne. Defendant’s mother said he was a good boy at home; | table. a comfortable home ; hifchly. recommended; good upstart I He saw me coming and fled. But y >ars he was honest and went to school Regularly. maids for private, schools, boarding and apartment — , . . . _r, -, / IkStr-OFF CLOTHES, BOOTS, UNDER LINEN, DEATH OF | R f . H. A. MAN^ERS- 2 Portable Steam Engines. houses;; Cook for seh ioI at Seaford; no booking fee— 00E?ifeb>g; garden,tenniecanilcroqnet; pleasant situation. ago—many, many years ago—1 could do my 1UU y irda The Magistrates ordered ! the boy to receive four 1 sm a ll Motor Lorry. Bo l d . Myrtleholme Kmploynent Agency, 32, Gildredge road, —Miss Ackermann, 20, The Avenue, Eastbourne. HOUSEHOLD LINEN,&o.; any quantity Booght in just outside ll-secs., and bringini: all .my sprin ang 1 84-h.p. Gas Engine (n early ew), for Ja h ; bankers’ reference—Mrs. Morgan's. 6a, Ock- strokes with the birch. ' Eastbourne. ’Phone 6 6. a st b o u r n e . 21, e n y s -r o a d — p a y in g g u e sts lynj e-i oad, Eastbourne. powers into play I gave chase. I chased that si nail ! SUTTON. ,1 34-h.p. Stockport Gas! En, ■ ie (seen running). Sold. REOEIVED;^well-appointed house; comfortably specimen of juvenile depravity for i .11 I was wort l, I ^ ’’liiigineer’s Emery Whet lachine. l ENTS' OUTFITT NG.—Useful MAN REQUIRED heated winter residence ■ convenient nlaasant situation il’-OFF CLOTHING—LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S I nearly new " Indian 7 Mob Bicycle and Side Car. T for Gents' Dopart nents in above; ineligible—Hope E Pleasant situation, hunted him half over the town an l-ftaver once lost \ Co„ 42 and 44, Gre re road, Eastbourne. -Mrs. IredTovey. aid CHILDREN'S Boots, Household Linen, See., sight of him, but—as Mark Twain might say—I never DEATH OF A FORMER INHABITANT. DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE’S PRIVATE Contract: 'ART MINT. "HT EUR CASH.—Mrs. Hart, 5, Station-street, catched him. ! ’ # j # (REKNGROOKR. Jood Salesman for stores dep as EC RET ARY. STEAM ROLLERS 8 and 10 Toes ment.—Apply, N. G. E., “ Chronicle " Office, oinrne. lKVlFORTARLE FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET to The Blue Boy who was discoversd at the bottom By the death at Exeter W. A. Thomas, 1 Q STACKS OF. STRAW FO: > SALE six n ilea from | a Gentleman in private house, with good cooking ► OY REQUIRED to learn the business of an OOT OF BEACHY HEAD—Rent £38,, charming and itl endance—South," Chronicle " Office, South-street, of a wefi last Sunday must have ha I a lough time of I jn onr obituary eoluihn, ’there passes another J. O Brighton, five miles from wes, t iree fi om New BIJOU HOUSE ; six rooms, bath and garden— EasjbtC urne. We regrot to record the death, which took place haven (five oat. 12 whealt and one bar . .. .. ^ib_____ o u t 250 Upholsterer; ei cellcnt opportunity for a smart Edgar Horn & Chartres. 31, Cornfleld-road, Eastbourne. cerned^ Uag.h as tot o ^ the h V seriousness ^ i o ™ T r- b — l f Sr —-.-s o n - “ He former old inhabiUnt of Eastbourne, who _could recaU suddenly on Tuesday, at ;his chambers. Down-street, loads; price £375; would I be divided.ided Also STACK of 11th ; good wages from commencement. — Apply F SSWHICH DON'T LAY DON'T PAY. Karswood wasn’t a bit unhappy. He had been »nt dow i to the days when tho Sedan chair was used fpr taking Piccadilly, London; of Mr. Francis Henry Astley SAINFOIN; price£150.—To view apply to Mr. I ackham. ephen Blnflon. Kastl onrno. (ORE PARK ROAD £38; Willingdon-rqad, £45; I Poultry Spice, containing ground insects, ensures “ My Lady” to the Parish Church at the Old Town, Hoddern Farm, Piddingboe. ] Postal address,. near Gore Park-avenue, £50 ; Uppertoh-gardens,ardens, £05; e— Eastbourne to get well, and havirg fqund whafe he Manners-Sut on, who had been private secretary to HARPKT SEWER REQUIRED; must be Leonards-road, £83. T^rry8,19, Troad, East- j '' rry a sample. 2d„ 6d., Is.; by postijd., 10a., ls.5d„ wanted h£ treittained wntentjlflft wait *"in Paradise where the beadle solemnly walked up and down the aisles the Duke of Devonshire since the year 1908. Lewes; Railway Station. Newhaven- Town.__ Offers to | best work, am have good references—Apply) from Stanford, Corn Morchagt, Lingfleld. Messrs. Harman Bros., 25, lroi ger-lane, Cieapside, pphen Bindon. Eastl onrne, bonrne. anyway—and in no particular hurrty to leave ei< her. during service time, keeping order amongst unruly The late Mr. Mannbrs-Sutton, who was a gentle­ London, K.O. IY GIVES LESSONS IN FRENCH; rapid But the poor chap was evidently at the ime boys. man of engaging personality and was highly, esteemed WANTED, a sm ut YOUTH for ennnter ! UITE of FOUR ROOMS TO LET; commanding lethod: highest references; moderate terms.— pve-road East- ^ po-ition ; first floor ; private entrance ; suitable for hronicle " Office, Kastbonrne,______and has been j able by now to re lahs; i the da; iger The late Mr. Thomas was one of the pioneers in by all who knew, nim, was the elder son pf thf Horn I )1 ICTYIOYOLE ( 8. PKRAM IRS and MAlLCARTS. j Apply, Dicker (t Co., Grocers, Grove-road, East- any high-class profession—Apply, H. Harvey & Sons, 3, through which he has passed. He vfeillI' probablypr tpirik Evangelistic work in ibis town, first at the Leaf Hall'| G. E. H. M inpers-Sutton. He was (also first cousin J__ 5 -J ANNUAL 8 150 to clear; 2s. In the A Urne. Gildredge-road, Eastbourne. EMORIAL CARDS.—Artistic Folded Cards: 12,3s.; it best to leave well alone in (then known as the Workmen's ilall), which effort sub­ and heir pre lumptive of Viscount Canterbury. Born Iidsc ‘iscountount for Ca-h for a few weeks only, including 25, 4«. Hd.:.36, 6s.; 50, 7s. 6d.; K0, 13s. 6d. Black sequently led the erection of jtbe Longstone Hall, in 1869, the ieceasod gentleman was -Unmarried. Premiers, Swift, Sunbeam, Knfli Id and T riumpnph y los, HE AVENUE—TO LET, Three or Four UNFUR- Edgjedj ... Folded...... Cords: 12. 2s. 6d.: 25, 4s.; 50, 6s. 6d.; 100, —. # * * from 30a. upwards.—Jury & ~S 01 1, Trinity-build[idlings, and r’tiSH ED ROOMS, with cooking and attendance; ijs.M id.! Cash with order. These prices Include Envelopes’, where services* were oonductod for some years. After The first ]>ortion[ of the funeral service was held 131, Seaside. Eastbourne. (1 l ^ a n t c i b . I wonder what Eastbourne will seem like removing to London, Mr. Thomas went to live at yesterday at St, iArine’s Church, Sohfi, and the inter­ electricT light, own meter—Ko,eneath, Tho Avenue, j Posioioextra: 12.3d.; 25.4d.; 50,id.; 100,6d— FarNcombb they turn tho gas up again. V ghostly h reet Eastbourno. and (Jo.. Ltd., Printers, Lewes, East Grinstead and when we can Exeter about five y, ars ago, where he died on the 29th ment is to take place this afternoon at Melton ABBAGE PLANTS—Strong Autumn sown, Early I Eos bourne. lamps have come out of their ult.,'and leaves a widow, a daughter and two sons to Constable^ Is orfolk. and Late Drnmhe eepfold Flookmaster, LADY REI 1UIR CS POST as COMPANION to an ‘o*HAIRDRESSERS—TO LET (Eastbourne), flrsF- saunter tHrough the streets night without ill; 2f Bd. per(fer 1,11,000; elderly la ly; t lorougbly domesticated ; hikhe-t closs PREMISES, well fitted saloon, shop and six- mourn their loss. . , C roomed house; low rent;; fittings to be purchased; K, MILK—NOTHING PAYS FARMERS ,SO either flash lamps or bad lai.Ba=B=, when there — The funeral took place at the Higher Cemetery, TFe Hr- ^Hnne"'wUtll°k was aLfrequent T l h I * ire; bagt char:'larged references; salary £2G(.—R. A. P., Camden House, York- T ELL—Churns free. Cheques Fortnightly. No be no light offences and no heavy ines; when PC. a to'1 Eastbourne and was well known to many of the nnlesa returned.—Cornwell & bon, Bi.roomlie Bt Mills, 6, Eastbourne, arrangements might be made to pay for same by instal­ Exeter, on Friday Iast,‘heing preceded by a service at residents. Sussex. ments; fine chance for business man.—Apply, Chas. es. Originators of the Country Milk Trade have cfisic from troubling and J.P.*a«art a t ; est; who a we the residence of the deceased, which was conducted by 1AMBR1DGE M.A , ag d 38, DESIRES non-resident Horne. Auctioneer, Eastbourne, CIES for Large or Small DAIRIES. Empties blind in the hoi se, ; am every IYCLES, MOTOR OYUI ,nd Cl OLE CARS.— POST in Proper dory School in Eastbourne; long at pnflp. No milk required kept at home, tnd Jerrive the. Rev. Arthur Axe, pastor of Heavitree Congrega­ j We have the Pick of1 et. T;lamp 1, B.S.A. [experience; highest references—Apply, VV. LL, Upper- l V|30 LET, SMALL HOUSE (furnished) or ROOMS s always posted on receipt of account—Dairy on his l eat; tional Church, who also officiated! at the graveside. JLSHAM CSparkbrook and Ral JAINS In ilEOOND | ton-gardens, Kastbour ie. j JL _ (unfurnished or furnished).—Apply, iS. K., 113, ompany, Limited, Museum-street, Londou.W.C. HAND MOTOR OYC g, Lewi s, 'P lone 147. TYOMESTIC SERVANT seeks Dally Work of any j Llr|gfll 1|Lroad. East Grinstead.— ------: London County an.i Westminster Bank, Ltd., when onoq more throb with N e w h a y e n o -o p e r a t iv e S o c ie t y . — A ixford-street, London. 4 8 , W | life, of splendour and I meeting, orguiia by the Educational Committee of ALMF.NY BEAUTY SEE1 jPOTATOES, Is. bushel JLU description—M. K., 4, Carlton-road. Eastbourne. ; TITO LET. DWELLING HOUSE, situateon main road the cl i of the Town ! loch will tenderly END OF WAR—JUNE 17. ' the Eastbourne * ch of the Newhaven Co-operative D at farm or on rail; baf 3d. ext a ; good sound ------— ! JL iu village of NEWJCK, comprising two sittln, HjK—A few reliable l^klRIKS of well cooled seed, but cannot guarant eve r tnber true to name.— ADY_____ DESIREST. „____ ED„ UGAGKMKNT . . r,_------WITH LADY,ij-’r—; not ! rooms imufour ucurooniH. kitchen, sculleryr garden anf beam over • will be time this—+hen Society, Ltc place in the VictoriaVi all on usual ol _ ! MILK WANTED for the ensuing season. Churns Griffin. Oatbarns Farm, I Ingfleli iperience;strong. willing; Dafly or dndertake Pa^rf^Da^h^M lig'ht duties.—Apply, m e^nrelng Ar, 1 „Suai offices; rent £28.—Apply, Waller, Mai Hands, ret imed regularly Prompt payments.; special War it comes. Wednesday, thd object being to enrol as n Bmbers Newtek. Cla isa inserted in Contrai't—Write or'call, Williams’ A CITY LEGEND OF A CLAIRVOYANT persons inteiestc 1 in' the movement Aud to ei plain a ORMANS (near Station onfi Lingfle d Racecourse). Chronicle” Office, Etstbourne, BANK MANAGER. —SMALL FURNISHK1 QOTT2 GE ' ’O LET; IITUATION REQUIRED for MAN, aged 46, who is r r o LET, in central posil in East new motor siipp yjservice for- the district. dr. T. Dlarge garden—Apply, 8, Observi r " Of lee, East .A_ . BAKER'S______SHOP, with__ b kehouseoomi VOLUNTEER TRAINING CORPS, Pargeter, of the General Committee,! Newhav and Grinstead. .) -able to do work of not too heavy character. The business for past 10 years; also LOCK - Mr. Kille ac di the meeting on thfe Co-o] irative Applicant was forme -ly, a Chauffeur, but owing to a adjoining—Apply, W., “ Observer” Office. East Grin- __------1 particulars From the Financial News:— ULOIPHONE FOR SALE; large horn, eig it double j-foos accident wot Id like some lighter, work, not stead. v 1 I 1 . to vt olford's Surrey Dairies Ltd., High-street, South movement, and at the close a number of those present 1 J J gifledsided records,reoords, ver;veryj"' ■ little . £2. 104—Apply, involving much walk ng or standing—Please reply to No: wood. MARCH OUT AND 'ANY D R IL a In the latter half of last runs the City I Eave iu their names fis members. A musical on rarnnie I Dulclphono, “ Chronicle Jffleo, tbou me. K , care of ,1. W. V ckers & Go., Ltd., ft, Nicholas-lane, NFURNISHED FLAfT TO LET, in central position, legend—an officer called on bank manager with I was contributed to |by jthe Misses M. and D. lollison -----D"------C,, stating wageB arid kind of work offered. sunny side; five rooms and bath room—Full par­ |J UBl.iCANS' SPIRIT BUCKS One Shiiling each TTlGOfi FOR HATCHING—1 hode Mand I .ods S.C., ticulars of Terrys. 19, Cornfield-road, Kastbjoume. 1. (postage 3d. extra). Larger sizes for the wholesale regard to oertain dispositions of his balance'prepara I and Mr. Stanbrif XlJ Buff Orpingtons, White yandot es, 4s 6d. doz.; SITUATION REQUIRED in Crawley or Eastbourne U tra le. -Farndomhe fc Co., Ltd,, Lewes and Eastbourne. Another route march of the .Ur le V.T.C and tory to his departure for the Frbnt. Crossbreds, 3s—HighfieldlPonltj r Farm, Felhridge, East 7 districts FOR M, iN. aged 46, who is able to do v. ork f TNFURNISHED, THREE ROOMS in good house; D(»rby recruits took place on y, ideal wei.ther ‘ You won’t be away long,” said the manager. si.” Grinst end. not too heavy a character. The Applicant was U Old Town ; large, cheerful: suit two ladies;. 'low A3 EVIDENCE1 in private house DESIRED by Gentle- rent to quiet people—Apply, 22 X, Chronicle” Office, jEl / man in Eastbourne.—Apply, giving full particulars, ensuring a very pleasant outing, A st» rt from 1 ead- “ How do vou know? ” was the reply. krman P r iso n er s at S outha OR SALE, HORSE (aged)J Va n , IARJ) ESS and irly a chauffeur, but owing to a serious accident X. |l . Z., “' Chronicle ” Office, Eastbourne.Ka ' at 1( a.m., am) the “ You will be back in quite a1 short time, wounded oen a hlondrei^ and fi hundred a id fifty quid like some lighter work not Involving much Eastbourne. quarters, in South-street, LAMPS complete; In good condition ; price £18— | Iking or standing. -Please reply to K. K., caro of corps marched, under the |of It r. A. J. I in the hand.” acre of War > lafided at Southar iptoa on Sunday, FApply, C. Carpenter, Wilmington, Susse: LL available Furnished and Unfurnished HOUSK8 ; , NTED, Fonr good UNFURNISHED ROOMS * li a were j< |W . Vickers & On., Ltd., 5, Nicholas-lane, E.S., with copting und attendance—D., 9, Collcge- to Stone Cross, where the When the officer actually returned, with a wounded i suppose 1 that heyj ht d been enga red in the recent OR SALE, CROSS-BRED COW w th third calf; ating wages and kin 1 of work offered.______selected lists sent on receipt of requirements.— roi , Eastbourne. . by the platoons from H 1 lerstmom eux, hand, and in a short time, he was puzzled. However, fighting in tie djofTfStea F price £23—A pply, Paul, Sdgbam Ff m , L ngfleld. KiUickA and Davies, House and Estate Agents, Terminus- wi s in ANTED, by an elderly woman, D a ii.y Co o k in g road, Eastbourne. ANTE!JlD. in or near Eastbourne. Polegnte or Pevensey and Westham. Dr. his wound healed, and he was | off again. He went Nc rtliui d coalowners have f "1 OVERNESS CART, rubber tyres, suit pony 14} chtirgeof the Hailsliam dotaeha was ae »m- to bid “ Good-bye” at the ban! I T hands; brown harness; lamps; £20. - Apply, I ? (thoroughly re table!, or Morning Work only— JjJOUR ROOMS, Central nosition • low rental _ ’ ' 3 Hampden Park, small FURNISHED COTTAGE, Idrill “ Any more'prophecies? ” sail renewed their offer liners an advance wages Mrs. Fry. 26, Coalmen ial-roud, Eastbourne. KiUick and Davies,central Eastbourne. position, low rental. Ho i-ejprFlat; rentaboutlUs. weekly—Address, A. B. C„ i ponied by the Hailsbam Town he, jocularly, ! in lieu at free coal. lamraerwood Vicarage. East Gfeinstead. Col w’ Newsagency. Preston Paignton. Devon. die 8 ~ took pKce in A field, and “ You will be away longer time,” -replied the rADAMK NO I LEY, ofol 9, A«)nndel-ro id. Ea itbourne, TANTEl), by Yoi jijj"Lady, SITUATION in Shop: u s in e s s p r e m is e s —Large s h o p with dwell- Z. ' r ‘ ~1 ------force, with the Pevensey manager, “ and then you w| ■be rather badly A large nui omen are expected to has a beautiful Re f East Grinstead preferred,—Apply, 22, “ Observer ” ing-house over (side entrance); minute from V' / wounded in the leg.” * i work as 1 in the Londi n General omni- ______Atfl and White PEKINGESE ce. East Grinstead. Tcrminuo-readB ; low rental—Killick and Davies, as FIVE or SIX BEDROOMS, TWO SI TUNG to Pevenaey, where there BITCH FOR SALE, ns a pea Sire registered K.O. above. 1 I T- i • ’ ' RO 5M3 ; near station; state inclusive terms; good The Hailsham and Hoi When the officer was wound in the leg and came (next Breeder and Exhibitor Cruft's, 1016 OLNG LADY RE QUIRES SITUATION: willing to - viously returned home, home, he sought the first to interview his far- learn—Apply, 12, “ Observer" Office, East Grin- ORSALE—Near sea; Modern House; two reception ! ^ F‘ A “ care of Ma>* and Nervous beam iful real F robins, fonr bedrooms, bath room ; semi-detached s. PiccadiUy, London. journeyed back vi& Pevensey Baj seeing friend at the bank. Tablecloths] 5: eet long, reached shortly before four o’clock. “ As you can foretell my wo) you give corner house; nice garden ; low figure to clffse estate— ha-feel raffief tnsoiled, perfect goods; : COMPTON A J ^ C Y ^ ^ p r atioN - pahadk, KiUick and Davies, as above. me the date of the end of the red. [ quite’at accept 17s. 6d. for lot, orth 1 doable never used ; .‘‘The war will end," said thi ‘on Juno approval willingly arrang L—Write, D. C. H.,“ Sussex ..... pool."!]- rench and Surrey Courier," Le' SITUATIONS W l .NTED for Good Cooks. £28-£30 ; ng along the 17th next. But I shan’t live to witness it. I shall vest of ISIS amounted ook-Generals, £24-£ !8 ; Housemaids, £22-£26. L ady: “ We always keep a hose ready in __ -- station at T just about tee New Year’s Day, and that’s all.” '18,100,79( * compared with 66,134,159 case of a Zeppelin raid.” Visitor: “ But surely, my 1( d-RaiW AN FOR SALE, in thtiro_, good c inditii in; room WANTED: Cook-( lenerals £22-£26; Housoparloar- . by the Proprietors, F a r n o o m b e f t Co., Limited, ; to the dare He died on January 2nd. Thi officer is now look- hectolitres it 1914. hectolitre is equivalent to 25 wanted; can be seen atstal lies—Ap1 ily, Eastbourne fiaids, £20 £24; Parlourmaids. £24-£30 : Generals, dear, it would never reach them at the height they a n ublished by them every S atu rd ay s their Offices [train. ing forward with extraordinary terest to June 17th. | gallons English Vj Sanitary Steam Laundry,Latimer-roi d, Eafitbonrne. | (48-£28; Kitchen am Between Maids, £14-£22. fly?’ S ml 1-street, Eastbourne. .1*

W i l l k y k i i J i