BRUF0RD & SON, Watchmakers, W atchmakers, JEWELLERS ie SILVERSMITHS JEWELLERS & SILVERSMITHS BEST VALUE. BEST VALUE. QUALITY GUARANTEED. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Repairs b y Expert Men. Repairs by Expert Men. 100, Terminus-rd., Eastbourne FASHIONABLE VISITORS R E C O R D A N D G U I D E 100, Tenninns-rd., Eastbourne And at EZETES. 1 EA8TBOURNE, 8ATUBIAY, • FWT." MARCH 11* 1916 P R IC E O N E PENNY m H E LADIES’ COLLEGE, MARY H. COOPER, A r t i s t i c C o u r t D ressmaker. GRAfiSINGTON ROAD, KASTBOUR.N’fi. The Wheel of Fortune A D a y , School for the Daughters of Gentlemen, Latest Oieationi in FETE and BYENIlfG GOWNS at Moderate Prices Ride a Rudge-Whitworth bicycle and cut your travel­ Principal: MISS HITCHCOCK. •WRITING ling expenses. Strongest, fastest and most reliable of British bicyles. The Rutjge-Whitworth will quickly Puirfls prepared. If desired, tor the Prellmm*.,. Jnmor. S ?11 c<*mL'ri‘i«o T,oeal Examination*, :.1lo i ORIGINAL AND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. save its cost. It’s yours oh easy payment terms, tor Matrlouh.tton. Lonnou l uivecsity. and for the 8CHOOL tor the Sor'd and every cyclist knows a Rudge will last a lifetime. Examination bv rha Arsonlated Pa-.:d of tho Royal Telephone 7IC, of Gentlemen. Write for a Catalogue and for partloulara of our easy Aoadomj of Music and oyal College of Music. - j payment term*. ROAD, Boys are prepared for the Universities the Army, Ni ivy Studento desirous of pursuing Iheirstmdlesafter leaving . SIDE, ST. ANNE’S and Civil Services, Professions ai d Commercial Life. Schcm mayjoto Advanced Classes In I'ugUab Itera: rh CA8TB0URNE. LISMORE ROAD. EASTBOURNE. Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd. &na Rlstiory, French, G&rman, Latin and Mathematics. Thera are apodal Abut and Navy Classics. Preparatory School for Boys 10, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. 1 Hookey, Net-ball and Tennis Oluhe, 9. ■ • tn iT M ur a g< d n a miftnn if ■ For Pit speotua and tntorm&tlor aa to I recent Snocesaoe, application should be made to th* Hare Master. A FEW BOARDERS ARK RECEIVED Physicul Drill la oompnlaory tor the whole School. Rudge-Whilworth The Principal will bo at homo to see Parents od DICKER ! A CO. ■jJ'SFSSa CycltBy Appointm Makers entu B ritain's Best Bicycle Fridays between 2.,« and 1.3n p.m. and at H.M. JCuag Georg* other times by appointment, CLAS8 PROVISION MERCHANTS & LOVELDY-KESPLlESTONE 8 TAVELKY ROAD, MEALS, EASTBOURNE, R1CENCROFT-KLLF, 8 M BBS, Telephone Nfc 118. G 1, SPENCER ROAD (Late of 32, Tho Avenue). tool for QirU (Preparattty and Finishing), WATERS Home School for the Daughters cf Gentlemen. SP IR IT S and MliNR u t . H. Browne and Xu kTait-Beid, B.A. MISS LLOYDS has removed to more oummodiout premises and is prepa-red to receive an in freaked Assisted by & targe Refildonlj Staff of Trained A FEW SPLENDID number of DAILY PUPILS. Old ftlentivet Whiskey, 4/- ie 4/6 per ,wney Port, 36/- & 42/ Certificated Rngllsh and Foreign Teachers. * nmnj’ cih-yjj.ura», touu Iftuurn SMALL CLASS FOR 1HK CHILDREN! Telephone So. 68. N E W JA M S, BOTTLED FRUITS, Wilangdun, 5y Idwisay-Hocg, tfc« dor. I OF GENTLKPEGPLE ONLY (UPPiCRTON), » trfjfcnstboimie Colics Xa held at S. GRANGE ROAD. M.p7F.R.O.8., a H. G A S FIRES .Own. I and Mrs Oamewn, Pupils can be prepared for the Cambridge Preliminary X B .0 P., and Mrs Astiey Examination. P.. M.R.O.P., L.B.OS, Beginners are received. r r . 0. wad Mrs. Horsbaish, J. C/Merrr, Esq., MB., OFFERING DURING MARCH SUBJECT TO References from Parents of Pupils. Mrs. Orr. the Rev. TJrllnf A SONS’ SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF -> Apply, Mi.- a K, CLE ATHffB, I ' - ** ! , , 17 ifD M E. EMI^LIE PETRELLI, R.A.M, RANVILLE HOUSE, IAUDICK ROAD, (Op L ondovI MUNICIPAL or ART MACHINE MADE BREAD. MEADS, FASTB URN*. (Late pupil of Signor Randeggerl i U (Technical U Residential, Prkpasatot) and Finishing T E N P E R CENT. Prims Donna Opera and Principal Loudon Concerts, DAY and EVENING OLASSRS axe held in all Girls’ Schi RECEIVES PUPILS for LESSONS in SINGING Bim A m of Art, Including Ctaaoen In Meted Work, Prlnripala MRS. O. H. dr la1THE I aud and VOICE OULTURF (Icallat Method), Wood Oarring and Leather War c. MRS. NELSON FO) !Y, H.80 (Loud.) late CRAIG-Y-DON, 9, DUKE’S DRIVE, EASTBOURNB. Visitors can join for short periods. G of the Ladies’ Cc Also at Messrs. Clift’s, Glldre igo-road, and Assisted by a well-qtv MUNICIPAL SECONDARY DAY IICHOOL _______Messrs. Hermitage & Sons, Terminus-road House beantlfnlly situated In 1 iround 1. Good A FOR GIRLS Tennis Courts aud Playing I EASTBOURNE GAS CO. • DANCING AND CALISTHENICS. Gymnasium Room (SO ft. long), (UPPBKTON-B0AP). Under Royal Patronage. Bpedal Advantages for Mualo ai Prospectus and referenoeaj IS S ELEANOR RATOLIFFE, 10 years Aaflstant to MRS. WORDSWORTH, FlwmtU WssMsdimMom W ater,far the storage«/ wkieh large mdtrgi M Has T ’ UMED HER CLAS3E3 at the GRAND SAVIOUR’S 0H< SCHOOL, HOTEL, SATURDAY, 2.15. | I EASTBOURNE • . • SOUTH 8TRK icing, 4.30. Jnvenile9,11 o’clock, BOYS ARE TAKEN FROM TE i HI RE PARK, WEDNESDAY, 2 45. b a n £6 PER AH MARSHALL a n d DUNBAR SANITARY STEAM LAUNE L i m i t e d , Many Choral Scholarships, i ot which oovot ssca Wednesday and Friday. 1L15. the whole amount of Fees. (Proprietors: MARSHALL and SON), tor Girls, 15 to 20 years, Wednesday. Training for Budtu b o’clock. EASTBOURNE, LATIMER ROAD, EA8TBI S An Adult Class for Ofllosri, their friends and Eastbourne Prospect™ and other in Residents, Friday Evening, 8.30. THE w a r d : CUBICAL, NAVAL AND MILITARY TAILORS, Every oonvenianoe Is provided tor ensuring the Highest 01 Special Cl .sses for Operatio Technique are held daily by LANGUAGES Honaee, or Hotels. BIDING HABIT AND BEEECHES MAKEES. Miss Maitland, Pupil cf Madame Zanpbbtta. Apply—ALLANDALB, COOMBK ROAD, CROYDON, SPACIOUS OPEN DRYING SSTCER ROAD. Telephone 895. — ■■—■ Established 1893. a d “ M m HILL, Sanitary Steam 1 ■road, Eastboums, Successful in Examine Work. FOOTBALL, HOCKEY, QOLF,\ Ac. HIQR CLASS LADIES' TAILORS. DANCING AND DEPORTMENT. 8 BACKWARD PU \ OR TAKES ISS LUCY WAY is holding her N; COLLINS’ SPORTS UHO AL SUBJECTS WITJ CUDENTS in HOSIERS AND 8HIBTMAKERS. M CLASSES at the SAFFRONS KOOM8, which SOUTH STREET (Near Town Sail), Families or Soh commenced on SATUKDAYt J anuary 22nd, at 3 p.m. A»iSS»: 111 & 113, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. SohoolB attended. 1 ■ Private Lessons can be given at any time, on SCHOFIELD application to 28, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. PRACTICAL D! E8SCUTT1NG (TELEPHONf 105), INCH PAOTERF MODELLING 1 MILLINERY. DANCING AND ELOCUTION. 1 U yean’ experie > with private LONDON, W pupils and i olasa teaching In iooIs. I Nr. TOTTENHAM COURT Blouse Patterns a , MUSEUM " ONE.’ Telegrams t “ OBTZMANN LONDON." CORNFIELD CLASS W O R K MADAME YANDYCK S L IZ Z IE BART OLOMEW HOLDS CLASSES AT ertifloated Pianist Trinity Co! ge, London, Buildin Lighting, Hot Water . id Senior 1LA.M and B.O M.) DEVONSHIRE P A ,R K ARMONY, and Sanitary Work. I "! .If • itlona. ON SATURDAYS LonfloirjfefroYiTiww Schools vi 7, Sr. LEONARDS KOAD (fl‘ s from Station) Clift ’s Music S aloon, ourne. CHARLES BREACH, * PRIVATE LESSONS BT APPOINTMENT, j 5 PREPAID ORDERS CARRIAGE PAID TO ANY VINO AND PAIN*TIN CLASSEjS. dor, Contractor aud Sanitary Plumber, T raining C lasses D aily for T eachers and fob RAILWAY STATION IN ENGLAND OR WALES. MARGARET BENTSOKE (I pupil of Min the Stage. item) HOLIW Building Works, Meads. Residence: 1, Matlock-road, M BATH ROAD ROAD,. 7 ESTIMATES GIVEN FOE GENERAL HOUSE REPAIRS. Cash Advances pr-m|)tly made to Ikrmere, id on Tneedt ye andI For Particulars apply: LL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DRAINAGE AND HOUSE SANITATION. Dairymen and all respobhible App icants. 2, HAREWOOD PLACE, HANOVER SQUARE. Strictest P rivacy Assured. : V1NG - MILLER & SKLMES Man KATHLEEN SHAW. pert, loyal Drawing HYSICAL EDUCATION for D edicate DON Society, i .C.T., Cert. South Ken ngton, Exhibitor Royal P Children at their own HOMES (any part of Academy Medallist, GIVES LI SDNS In Drawing and a. Decorators,. plumbers, England), including Dancing, Graceful Deportment, Painting ilther Privately or in C Walking and Exercises. Mims SAW hold* positions i [Visit rg Teach-r In Description of Building and House Repairs done at Moderate Charges. A Lady, with twenty years' experience in the Court and every article of Furniture in our Home oomee Boys’ ami Girls’ Sehools in L id on. lud Is open to Circles of Society, will forward long List of Patronesses engagementa In Bwtbourne an [district. Pupils have Special attention tv Drainage and Sanitary Work. and Terms upon application. obtained highest awards in mm] titlon with schools In 227, “ Chronicle" Office, South-street. the Unite i Kingdom.- tt. East I >an-road. Eastbourne. rks: 75, TIDESWELL ROAD, EAST ISS MINA HUDSON, Cert. Voc. T.O.L., G A N D P, LESSONS, M Mem. L9.M. (former Pupil of Mr. Albert Visettl). —to add distinction to the Home, to be pleasing t^ t^e ey GIVE8 LESSONS IN SOLO SINGING, VOICE HI83 MARGARET RIGG (Cer : of Education), MONEY. Ehtablishkd 1879. WARDROBES. niCVKLOl MENT AND PIANOFORTE PLAYING, to retain its newness to the last, to always proclaim that no School of Art, ^nptls prepared tor Examination. Excellent Testimonials, Asst Teacher Kattbonroe Mu, nongst this year’s successes three pupils were seleoted used in its manufacture, and only the moat-skilled laboi 1900-1915, is now devotiDg herself itliel, ’ to PRIVATE m o n e y .
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