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O. HMDUMOII, St.».,0,M. J, (OlSsgOW). TURNER, BEETON & CO. COME AND SEE! FORSALE. guilj) *f ritiah Oolumbum Maple Ridge conncil. PHYS.CIAN A BURGEOW, mm? LEASE, FIXTURES AND STOCK VV. H. HOLDEN, 1 ot that well-known Variety store Taenia, •vealac, Hank S, IM. lewr Ward Beecher at nm. Oouncil met on the Sth inst Ooun., TTAVINO TAKEN POSSESSION OF next the Holbrook Bouse, Front Siren. Dawson aud Ferguson were absent. dwfeSlto Chtlllwheok, B. C. MERCHANTS, . doclstc Collector reported having collected XI the "Temperance House," fronting •fecial la Ike CaluMaa. on Columblaand Ohurch BtreetH, opposite Canada* Far-Sighted Pane*. 1190 delinquent Lies during the •WOLf SMITH, M.D. the Episcopal Church, ami now known Niw You, Mar. 8, 3:30 p. m.— WUABF STBKKT * VICTOBIA. as the month. Joseph Mighton's application D Safe fto Sale. It ii podtiraly UMttod that defi­ Henry Ward Beecher died at 9:30 OFFIOE—Clarkson Rtreet, opposite rear for the removal of an obstruction from AQIITTS VOB this morning. Kanaka creek road wu referred to ontr.no. of Colonial Hotel. FARMERS' H0MEI . NO. 10 TAYLOR'S SAFE In food nite emngementi have been oom­ A ordert JUB Inches Inside; wlfl be pleted by tht Cunard iteunhip pathmuter, Mr. John MoKenney RESIDENCE-A»n.s St,, oppoilte new North British and Mercantile Will accommodate the traveling public -•»-. Baptist Church. •old cheap. Appl* at thi. offlce. dwfeute compnny to the tnnifer of the wu appointed returning officer for the Insurance Uo. ror Mainland. at Uie rales: The AlRoma Elections. present year. Audilor'a report for OFFICE HOUns-lO n. m. to 13 noon; 9 Board per day , f 100 Bothnia, Gallia and Soythia to the to 6; and 8:30 to 8 p. m. dnoioto 11 " week .....6 00 1886 wu nad snd adopted. It waa H.'O. BEETON* CO., Single Meals 2ff Second-Hand Organ. Pacific Ocean for service between MMM tmswmm m tin urn. resolved that Couns. Dawaon, Sinclair f M..MAOLMAH, B.A., M.O„O.M. Beds 25 Vancouver, Yokohama and Hong­ Special ta Ike CaliMMsa. and Laity be rosd committee for wsrd 38 Finabury Circus, «ra.Good accommodation for Ladles and London,'E. 0. OR HALE CHEAP. May he seen at kong. Ther «iU be lubaidiiedby MOKTJUUL, Mar. 8.—-The result of No, 2, and Couns. Docksteader, Fer­ OFFICE: MoKensle Street, next door to families. myDto the Store of the contest in Algoma is still in doubt F T. R. PEARSON, the Canadian government, and in guson snd Laity for ward No. 1. On Drill Shed. Both parties claim it. Dawson has a d wJa211o Book., Stationery A Music connection with the Canadian Paci­ motion of Ooun. Sinclair, seconded by RESIDENCE: Agnes Stmt, third bome majority ef about fifty at present with from Mary Street. fic Railway will form a through Ooun. Dockstesder, the road oommit­ aeveral places to hear from. tee wu requested to employ Mr, Pen- OFFICE HOURS: 10 to U; 3 to 5; 8:80 to 8. THE CLARENCE c. MCDONOUGH FOR SALE. route for the trannortaUon of mer- d-d.lSto . berthv to survey and locate roads pro­ Corner Yates* Douglas Streets, HAVING TAKEN . chaiKlise between China and Ameri- posed to be opined up tbe coming IT M.COOPBR.B. A..M.D., NE-HA LF INTEREST IN the LAND- FrleadU Attitude or Prussia VICTORIA, B. C. Lnndbam's Building, Front 81. O leySawandtflanlng Mill; mill In 01,-beeidei canying maiU Marked summer. Finos, swine and dog by­ PHYSICIAN 4 BURGEON. good order. For phrtlcnlnrs .pply on the for that route from the United and lie Vatican. laws received tlieir fint and aecond FRANK 0. RHWMBUk. ? •> v* LE8KE (Formerly occupied by Kyle A Tllton), premises to H. WEST, OFFICE and RESIDENOE-Chnroh St. Or, Mossrs, DRAKE, JACKSON, State» and Europe. The old atory readings. Oflloen' by-laws, regula­ aplSto A HELMCKKN, Victoria. TUMI FMM Mil MU AMD'tVNtHED-AWM- (next door to Farmer.' Home), near mOURlBTS'HEADQUARTERS; FIRST haa been dinned in our ean again DHIH NAMED IY THt MM. tion amendment by-law, and by-law Colnmbia St., New Westminster, R0. A Claai ln every respeot Pall/ >«p> IS NOW READY regulating the time for taking lhe as­ OFFICE HOURS—9to 10a.m.! Itoland •lied with all CMvenleae«> or Modern and again from 1868 to the present 190 to 8 p. m. Calls In town and coun­ ••teb. New and Elegant ln nil ita Ap* to serve hts customers and everybody assail r»x la Is. Aaielet.-~ani.al sf sessment snd return of the roll were try promptly attended to. feSto polntment*. Price* Moderate. with as good a stook na a man wants to Span of Hares I day. Had we, fifteen yean ago, Iks Wew Secretary si ••Hia. read their third readings and pasaed. Thii magnlfloont Hotel Is now open for select from. posseised sufficient foresight and pt.BBt.IIW * MeOBU, the reception of Guests. Dry Goods. Groceries. ProvMom, FOR 8ALE CHEAP. broad public spirit to do what the Bjr Associated Pre... Craekery, Glassware, Boots* Ae, Ooun. Docksteader complained of WNo palm will be spared by the man­ Canadian government is now doing, WAKIJINU KUIWIA, BARRISTBBS, agement to make this Hotel pleasant and Come and see the now plnee, and let us ELL BROKEN TO DOUBLE AND the unfairness of the Dominion gov­ attractive., docotc know what you thick of it. Single ~Harnessan d Saddle. Api a subsidised English marine would BERLIN, Har. 7.—Much anxiety is ernment in dealing with eqoatten,and IOUOITORS, ETO W dwooiMo c. MCDONOUGH. at this Offlce. dwJalH not have swept our vessels from the felt here sa to whether or not Russia suggested that the oounoil iheuM rep­ Office. Mokenslegli^XewWestalnster, seas; we should not to-day be will allow thc elocution of the Bulga­ resent the true state of sffsin to the snd Vancouver, B.C. )y8ldwto rian conspiraton to pasa unnoticed. THOS. OVENS, FORJIALE. obliged to rely upon foreigners for minister of the interior. All timber E. HUTCHERSON, The deficit that will be caused in the of supposed or imaginary value is re­ fB C. ATBUBBOB, MANUFACTURE!! OF NURSERYMAN A DEALER IN 160 Acres or Good Farming the transportation of our commodi­ budget by the operation of the sep* served, snd, worse, sny grass plot is Land ties; our product! would not reach tennate law will be covered by a fresh also reserved. The squstter, attar a BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Ao. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, other dimes in foreign bottoms; our loan. All projects for fresh taxation penal service ot three or mon yean in 8 mile, below the City, with a good House an postponed and the session of the LADNERS LANDING, B, O, on It. Applyto trade with South America would grabbing stumps, ate., preparing a few McKensle Street, reichstag will probably terminate in C. HUNTER, not be by the roundabout way of seres of comparatively sterile land for Buggies, Carriages, FITflB SUBSCRIBER WISHES TO IN- dfellml Agnes St., Now Wert. two months. Julinueke Zextuug warns crop, is then uked one dollar sn son dWfelOto ifew Westminster, B.C. 1 form tho people of British Columbia London and Liverpool; our iron ship Russia that even German patience for tbe land whioh without his hard that he has established a Nursery at Lad­ yards could not be counted on the toward her neighbor has limits and nr BOHHAM BOLB. ner's Landing, and Is prepared to fill work would not be worth anything. all orders for Fruit Trees, Ornamental fingers of one hand—to-day a woe­ says if Russia compels Germsny to Trees*. Shrubbery, Vines, Small Fruits, ForSale! take into account the Franco-Russian On motion of Coun. Sinclair, sec­ '• BARRISTER-AT-LAW. 4c. Trees Imported or home grown ac­ 1 SPAN DAHK BAY MARES, i and 6 ful possibility; the plant for the onded by Coun. Laity, it wu resolved Blacksmith and Machinist cording to the wishes of customers. The 1 years old; good travellers; wort single agreement let her beware lest she may Und Attn*. MonijtoLoan. subscriber has had a thorough practical or double. building of ships of war would not herself hate to cousder a hostile Ger­ that the hardships endured by uttlen training in the biufnom-i, und having a l Bi.yHorM'.8yenreold; works single or be an uncertain chance of the fu­ on government land on account of the Colombia StreM, iermanent stake In tho country it is his double; nice ladles' or gents' saddle hone; many. All Kinds of Machinery, Patent Locks, nteresttodeal fairly with the public, He very gentle. ture; and the American sailor might reservation ot everything on the land f of auy value be brought to the notice Hito NewW..tml».ter,aC. Safes, Hewing Maoltines, ke., ke., will wait upon tho various towns nnd set­ 18>sealed BNggri 4 springs; nearlLy ner. still hold that commanding position THI IHPtBOH AMD THE POPE. Kopnired. tlements shortly, and atl orders will havo S5 toiiIonMs of TtmulbTlnivlby Hay o'—n Nort"~*h Arm"", of the minister ot the interior, and to /-I W. ORABT, his personal attention. Prnser river, which was his fifty yean ago, when BiauK, Mar. 8,—The aulSto K. HUTCHERSON. 95 bbls. Halt Salmon. 8 balf-bbU. fait William yeaterday received Herr We- advise him that the placing of an em­ BLACKSMITHINC Salmon Bellies* the stan and stripes might be found bargo on tho land of one dollar an ARCHITECT. In ail Its branches. Farmers', Loggers', Also-time aad one*nlnth Utercst !• floating in every important commer­ del Piedorff, president of the reichstag. Hill and Contract Work; Agricultural Clly Water Company. In the conversation whioh took plaoe MN to the actual settler ie a great cial port in the word. The Cana­ At A. J. Hill'. Ofllce, Implements, and everything ln the -F-A-CI-FIC W.J. FRENCH. the emperor said he waa reluctantly dnwback to the eountrv aud is inter­ blacksmith line made to order. New West., Nov. lllh, 1880. dwnoUtfl dian government is, by ita pretent compelled to dissolve the late reich­ fering materially with the Milling up dwf.t6tc MoKensle St Having secured flrst-class workmen, we aid to a new venture, establishing a of tke wild landi. feel confident of giving satisfaction. stag. Despite his explanation to the commerce with Ohina and the eut niohstag of the superiority of Ger­ On motion of Ooun. Docksteader, II. -.LOW, tor Horse-shooing a specialty. Carriage Works! Brown Leghorns. seconded by Ooun. Sinclair, it wu re­ which may never be turned from many's neighbors over her in military c. ARCHITECT. dw-JlySltc] COLUMBIA ST., New WXST. solved that the co-operation of other COLUMBIA STREET, the channel in which it is onoe suc­ matters the opposition majority re­ HREE THOROUGHBRED BROWN fused to sanction the military hill to municipalities interested in the admin­ OFFIOE, for the present, at residence on T IiCghorn Cooks for sale. These are cessfully started, It ia a step whioh istration of the publie. landa be uked. Olinton Street. NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. flue young birds, and they are offered at ths necessary extent and the reason- very low prices. Apply at this offlee. may prove of vital consequence to able hope that the septennate term It wu moved by Ooun. Sinclair, •tr Word may'be left at the Columbian Stoves! Stoves! KS I 0T op our Pacific coast ports and the trans­ would have been adopted after the seconded by Oonn. Doekitnder, that Ofllce. • li -v..--...;, dwlefitc -if i^Sfi-S^ ^ ^>^ * continental railways runnimg into example given by Franco proved falla­ whenu ample time has bun given /1.PT. PITTMIfDRIOH, Sleighs, Cutters, . Land Registry Ordinance, 1870 them, and when one realises how cious. It was more gratifying new to for an answer fnm the minister of cherish the hope thst the large major­ railway, respecting the river road; be Buggies, Lol No. IW. Crorap II, New Westminster our western harbor, are fitted by it resolved that the clerk communi­ Dlstrlet. nature for sheltering a magnificent ity in the new nichstag would accept LAND AQENT, AC, AC Pi)tctons, the bill at the outset Referring to cate with the government agent and .JRBAB THE CERTIFICATE OF shipping, it is but to deplore the Gurney's Celebrat­ . , . Democrat, Express Title of Edwnrd Hoakla to tba the attitude.'of the pope during the inform him that legal proceeding, will Wabove-mentioneW d land has been lost or mistaken idea of publio policy which have to be instituted against the gov­ d-Selte MoKensle Street, N.W. ed Stoves for Sale. ond Farm Wagons. destroyed and application Has been made elections ho aaid ha had already been for a duplicate thereof; notice fs therefore suffers othen to improve opportuni­ convinced ef the pacific disposition of ernment if the nad complained of is Also, a large stock of Unggv, Carriage, hereby given tbat a fresh Certificate of ties which have so long been open not put in proper shape. This slap is Title will be Issued, ln lieu of that so lost hia holinees and thst it was on this ec- _. Formerly B!OW.C, HIU A Rlokman, Wagon, and Sleigh Material, or destroyed, unless cause be shewn to to us.—Seattle Post oount thst Germany had asked him to necessary to uve tke corporation from bejStjg. tio announce that h. will reramebtu* A No. 8 Cook, with the contrary within one nionth from tbe being proceeded against by ntepayen Inwu All of which will be sold CHEAP FOR date hereof. act u arbitrator in the dispute with furniture complete, CASH. Spain about the Caroline Islands. In who lutein inconvenienoes on account Sarr.r.r, Seal Mai* anker mt. R. W. ARMSTRONG, of the destruction of the road by the •Meatc REID & CURRIE, , .«_.. ^- Deputy Registrar conclusion the emperor expressed a Ceaveiaaeer nilway contractor. Oarried. Onandaftorthe31.tln.tant. Offlco,Now at the low price of Land Reals try Offlce, The increase of Wealth. hope that all ecclesiastical troublea be­ New Westminster, 9th Fob,, 1887. The following orders were issued; Oladonla Hotel, Murray SU, Port Moody. tween Prussia and the Vatican would ESTABLISHED IS59. d-fe9ml J. M. Webster, thne .dsys' work, 96; •eltto 924. There wai no income tax in Brit­ soon be peacefully and completely set­ John MoKenney, urvicea, 119.20; m J. TBAPP. Every Han to Ills own Business ain when the queen ascended th* tled. In the nichstag today the sep­ The undersigned is now clear­ tennate bill formally passed its fint John Penberthy, auditing account., throne. It waa only introduced in 17; Wm. Hampton, road work, fl; AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER, ing put.his stock of Stoves (ex­ reading. Bismarck was present The ROBT. DICKINSON, 1842 by Sir Robert Peel, and until bill WUl be taken up for second read­ D. 0. Webber, expensu, $11.60; E. ing to-morrow and the debate will Mohun, balance for map, 15. Columbia Street,. .Now w«»tmln.ter cept those madefy Gurney) at 1854 the tax wu imposed only in ensue. Herr Windtbont lssder of Ooun. Docksteader suggested that net cost for cash. JL: FEELE, Great Britain. From 1865, how­ some ution ahould be taken by the PRACTICAL the clerical parly, will then declare his All oommlxlon. will receive prompt BUTCHER, ever, we have the means of com­ in relation to the septennate term. oouncil tourg e the nilway oompany to build a pnper fence along tha line and careful attention. But rflf.renoe. Now is the .opportunity to CHEMIST& DRUGGIST, paring the relative advance of wealth Other party leaden have announced all over the United Kingdom, and their intention of voting as they did of nilway within the municipality. f Inn when required. mhtt-tc Nearly Oppoilte the Colonial Hotel, Coun. Sinclair remarked that lum­ _•_——. find BARGAINS. when the bill was defeated in the late COLUMBIA 8TREET the figure, are intemting. In 1856 ber for building the fence wu now ly­ the taxable income of England and nichstag. (OPF. COLONIAL nom*. LYNCHED. ing st Port Hammond, and that likely W. D. FERRIS, JAMES CUNNINGHAM. NEW WESTMINSTER. Wales waa X256.000.000. In 1885 the fence would soon be built dJaSSto NEW WESTMINSTER, & 0. it had risen to £533,000,000, show­ WutOHA, Miss., Mar. 8.—Alex. On motion of Coon. Sinolsir, sec­ Crawford, a negro murderer, was taken ing an increase of 109 per cent, In onded by Ooun. Dockstesder, it wu UXDi HOUSE ud 6ERSUL Ml from the jail by an immenss crowd of resolved that Ooune. Dawson and BE LARGEST AND CHOICEST 1855 the taxable income of Scotland T assortment of all description, of Ni jslclnns' Sreierlpllom u< F«- enraged citixens today and hanged Ferguaoii be notified that if they con­ Bent and Debt Collector. Ily Reelpei • SpetUHj. WM £30,000,000. In 1885 it wu fnm the trestle on the railroad near tinue to absent themselves from the THE LEADING £61,000,000, showing an incroan the town. He made a despente fight council board without the production N B. — Only Genuine Drug. nnd. of 108 per cent, And Inland, in his cell against thc crowd, being of aatiafactory eicuae proceedings will BITISAL BOOB f MM8 TOBBUR . MEATS AND VEGETABLES Over twenty ve»r«' experienoe. nun which ii asserted to be «o poor, in armed with a broom-stick which he be taken against them u provided in wielded with effeot, but was finally AlUi Ibr Ike TBATEUB'I UFB and 1855 had an inoome of £22,000,- section 47 of the munioipalitiN aet of overpowered. He died game, refusing 1881. AMIMMT MUIBAKCB CtMPAllI, BOOTiSHOE Constantly on band, and .applied to Ham. asTOTIOB. 000, and in 1885 of £37,000,000, to make any dechwatisn.. •.l-lhrd. Cu. Ule., Restaurants, and Steamboat, atthe showing an increase of 68 percent; Oouncil then adjourned till April 2d. THE SEW aECKBTARY. »-*>-•. OFFICEl-Kerrl. Slreet, Now Weatmln- OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the total income of the United ESTABLISHMENT THE BE* WAY TO REPAIR SraEnoTH .In. Mto N 90 day. alter dnte we Intend making Kingdom having increased in tbe DUBLIN, Mar. 8.—Balfour, thc uew —-Of THE application to the Chief Commissioner of chief secretary for Inland, has arrived and increase the bodily substance I. to LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Lands and Work, for permission to lease thirty yean from £308,000,000 to hen. invigorate the stomach and Improve the for timbering purpose, tbe following des­ circulation with Northrop ft Lyman'. cribed lands altuate on the mainland of £631,000,000, or in the proportion MOKE SHALL-FOX. RAND BROS. Mainland of B. C. British Columbia, Coast District: of 105 per cent Capitalise the Vegetable DUcovery sndDyspeptio Core. SACKAMENTO, Cal., Mar. 8.—Word Commencing atthe south-easterly end different descriptions of incomes by 8lmultan.ou.ly with the disappearance •AL BSTATB BltOKKRt, of a lnkc, whieh lake Is about 1% mile. wu received from Lo. Angeles stating of Indigestion it relieve, that morbid de­ Colonial Hotel Block, Columblu Bt. easterly from a point on th.ea.terr*.hor. their respective value at at many R' line of Loughbough Inlet, whieh joint that then wen 25 caeca of .mall-pox spondency, and tbe nervousness which Ca.r.ya...r., 0*U«.t»r., bears nbout East from Ilea ver Creek: yean' purchase, and we have some in that eity. Then wen 2 uew cases are a. much the product of dyspepsia u thenee as foi lows: South 80 ehalna, But n the weakness of the stomach and loss of ' Aad iMWraM. Af wt., chains, North SO ohalns, West « ehalna. idea of the immense amount of to-day. North .0 chains, West to chains, North « wealth it iliowi to have been created vigor and flesh which proceed from it; u Offlce. at VICTORIA: Fort Btreet, $10,000 STOCK chains, West40 chain.. North M ehatn.. a blood purifier it hu no equal. BLOOD-CURDLING West 40 chains. North 80 ohalns, Weat M during the lut fifty yean. But COMMUNICATIONS. NEW WESTMINSTER: Corner NOW EN ROUTE. chnins, South to the shore lln. of , lak.! with our own eyes we iee the in­ MeKen.le and Clarkson Sts. thenoe south-easterly, • following .hore VANCOUVER, Cordova Street. lino of Inke to Its Inlet, thenee East to the crease of wealth in the inoreating Kenned* on Lord. The Confederation Lift. HIS HOUSE MAKES ANNUALLY shore line of the Urn mentioned lake, number of princely rasidences in BUILDING LOTS for sale In all notion. a great reduction in prices to make MASSACRE thenco north-easterly, following .hor. The annual report of this solidly pros* the metropolis and aU large town, EDITOR COLUMBIAN: In your issue of Vanoouver and New Westmlniter City. Troom for the largest and beat assortment line to point of commencement; Mid perousCaaadiaa institution will he fonnd ——AT traot containing abont 1W0 acres, more nr of yesterday appsan a correspondence FARM LANDS of superior quality for of Boots and Shoes ever imported into leas. in the high prices which ttie works In another column. The facts revealed sale at Clillllwhnck, Port Hammond, from ths pen uf J. E. Lord of ihi. in the account, ud tha Directors' nport Laniley, Mntaqul, Snmas, Mud Bay.Lud- this country, from the principal Houses BOYAL OITY PLANING MILLS CO. of art of real value realise, in the of Germany, France, Great Britain, the eity. To those who know J. E. Lord thoroughly inatify the ecomluma which n.r's Landing, Lulu Island, North Aru JOHN HBNDW^If aiiaier. competition whioh ia shown for the the ehareholdera present bestowed upon andPIURl -. Untttid States and our great Dominion. appropriation of any articles of real each a production i. no surprint, but New Westminster, Feb.21st,IH). dfellml to a stranger who is uot acquainted the management. Thanks toth e resolute Map. and Flan, exhibited and tbe full­ H.M.CunDiDghaniSCo's worth now and again coming into manner In which the Company hu de­ est Informntion furnished at all ouroffloes with the various phases uf political the market, and in the luxury in­ clined to embark upon extravagant f.20lc 600 LINES KEPT ON HAND. chsrsotsr in B. 0. it would be very method, of procuring bushiest, ths work­ .i II 11 -ass STOVE DEPOT. Public Notice dulged in by every one who aspire, misleading- Mr. Lord has been a ing expenses of the oompany bear to the CALL AND SEE MY STOCK BE­ to a plaoe in the higher ranks in so­ professed temperance mau and moral total income the vary .mall ratio of be­ PITT & CO., FORE YOU PURCHASE. -. ciety. Trade hu been dull of late reformer, but in the face of sll auch tween 17 and 18 par cent A point st* yean, and may be that the annual professions we find him In thia politi­ testing the soundness ot the finance,o l A No. 8 Cook Stove I tho Company la the faot thst the interest Iio.ll lid Shoes, from No upwards. Kit Iiitniutir hi Lfauj. amount of savings ii not ao great u cal oonteet on the side of a whiaky- Real Estate, Mining All Complete, with all the ripe ssllersihi. repreaentative at Ottawa, Income i. sufficient to pay tho death it hu been, but it is connderable elalma—which in a company of tha age cf Veil I Bobber floods t Turn-Turns necessary anil a IHE UNDERSIGNED (THANKS TO . ot .11 kind.. notwithstanding. And whilst the and he says: " The present govern- the Confederation Life ts something to be . the kindness and permission of the •ent hu received another auppcrtsr, AND MONEY BROKERS, ayor and city Counell) two week, ago working and the lower middle claasae proud of. The assets and lisbllitUs are Udlei't Genii' Slipper) (or Xmai- CHINA COOK 3re-opened the Publie Library, and take, deaervsdlr, after all that it has done set forth ln minute detail, and the table, —AHD— th. loveliest ever wen. tht. opportunity to offer an Invitation to hava increased their deposit! at the fer British Columbis." And thsn he Thrown In, Freight paid to any part of residents ot New Weitmlnster to pay him •how thst after making allowance for sll 81 Lliei or Udlei', Mines' it Child. the Dominion free of .11 charge, a visit. Papers and Magaslne. from all savings banks from £18,500,000 in goes on to vomit forth one ofthe most poMible contingencies snd providing for General Commission Ag'te rei'i Booti. directions are reoelved for patron, and 1837 to £94,000,000 in 1885, to venomous effusions against Senator every debt there I. s rarplu. cf 1983,199 25 per cent. OFF FOK CASH visitor., and more will be added In cue , aay nothing of tha large amounts Mclnues that eould be imagined. I ovsr liabilities ud capital comblaed. reasonable support I. obtained, The The Increase in the assets la the last year VANCOUVER. B. O. terms are 60 com. a month, tn ade-mee. aa held bythe building and friendly have never for a moment doubted thst WM. ROSS, H. M. CUNNINGHAM k CO., • papers, Ac, are paid forln advance. Thi. wu 9260,390. So much for what eau be CatoaUl •*•! BlMk. Calambta il. will amount to about 2 cent, a day, or the societies, the higher claatse have an Doo. Ohisholm would bs elected for done by rigid adherence to what tbe LOANS NEGOTIATED. . .. dwnoWtc 74, Colnmbia Street, cost of one cigar for seven daya permlulon amount of banking capital as lane this eity snd distriot in preference to President defined u the true policy of to jee news from all over th. world, and aay man who hoisted the temperance (elite New We.tuitn.ter, B. C. elegant bonks which may be changed u to becomes rati burden from the the Company, vlsi—"To keep Ua balance banner, because then have bean too sheet light ud avoid nnneeeeaay, un­ Agent, br Heap's rateat Carta Closet. every 24 hours! Thore 1. no compulsion difficulty of inverting it profitably. and •atari, Pamp».. dfesto about this, but those who believe In get­ •any tomponnoo upinnta, and each wise, or extravagant expenditure for tbe .ja ting ln mil of Ihe rain and who ean enjoy —Ltom Levi. sake merely of increulng new bttelnsea." •iSTO-TIOB. a decent Are will doubtles.appn.lat. thi. dmppointed u-mfd-M oandidate got Institution. Ladles and stranger, are free, terribly tnubled with the sorehead —roronlo Globe. T. K. Pearson ftOo . ao doubtless .11 the parties who believe In endemic, and none mon so than J, E. an agent, for this company in Britiah Bine Ribbon will coma forward atonee Columbia. mltte and Join this attractive allalr, both for Lord, Hence his vary bitter effort •——•••• Cream & Fancy Cakes their own credit end thotof othen. Come again.! Senator Mclnnes tor overlook* for * llcei-e. to .ut and carry away timber one, come nll, and you will be attended to One trial of Mother Greaves' Worm an and from lot. SS, SSJ", a, B, io, 81, S3, i —ao TO— Kitermlaator will oonvlno. yea that It inr his claims. Mr. Blake Is about Job printing of all kinds neatly done H.IM-snd*>,ln ihftUuuis towMlle by one who oan soap all elaM..,vto.l - N.w Wa.Unln.sw District. Your. Respectfully, hu ao equal as a worm medicine. Bny right in his estimate ot temperanoe at the OOLCHSIAK office. Pries, will be A. DIEBEL'S a bottle, sndsss If It dose act plea*. found lower twn at any other office in FRONT 8TIIEET, Opp. C. P. N, Wll.R». HENRY W. HUGHES. profttKirt. J. KlNNiDV.Sr. ««w WMlmlMter, M. ftuS?drnhlml itVOUs N.w Weal. Aug. AIM. twsme you. the province.—Adv.

• v*. <* -ii, ti • '::••• "+rKT>ie:-\-- —.•*••*. •• v**i ...... ••»•,_••,..--. *iw-e ,-j.-; - ;•_.••- •« . ^_m*_mmmm

|nilD $titish Columbinn So far as we are ablo to judge from JSTOTICB. information contained in the pub­ ANNOUNCEMENT CHARLES MURRAY, DOUGLAS & DEIGHTON, lished correspondence, the conduct Manufacturers and Importers of Tucadar Evealag, Marcli 8. last. CLAHKSON STREET, iconTOTKJ E IS HEBEBY GIVEN THAT bf the government in this matter I hnvo made application to the Chief Opp. Registry Offlce, New Wert'r. has been .perfectly straightforward, Change of Business. Harness, Saddles, Bri­ a IL ,...... Lulu Island Lund Case. Commlssionerof LninlH and Works for a and the insinuations of double-deal­ dles, Whip*, etc. lloinse to eut und onrry away timber on TTAVINO W»i-08KI1 OF UY'BOOK and from the following described lands lu ing and favoritism made in*Hhe rl and Stationery Business In thi. city Not long ago thore *.vas brought finui SigiuiOmMtil Piiioj, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. 0. tlmt Weitmlnster Dlstrlel: Iiouse and outside wero entirely toMr. David Lyal* I take this opportu­ Commencing nt a point situated onthe up in tho house ft question relating nity, on behalf of myself and those who aw-'ly81to East shore of Gambler Island, Howe groundless. have been associated in business with me, PAPER HANCIHC, CLAIINC, KALSOMININO, to. Bound, distant 123 chains North from the to sec. i, block 4 north, range 7 of thanking iny customers for their very Southern extremity of tlie said Island; liberal patronage. Hr. Lyal, who Is a thenoe due West to the coast; thenco fol­ west, Lulu Island, and in the de­ practlonl business man, will contlnuo to WALL"PAPER. lowing the coast line around the South­ bate that followed some very uncom­ Mr. R. A, Harrison, Chemist and carry on the concern for his own benefit, ern point, back to the place of commence­ .nd I can confidently recommend him to The I argent assortment ot Wall Paper ment. W. I*. JOHNSON. druggist, Dunnville, Oat., writes: "I my customers and the public generally. plimentary things were said by Mr. can with confidence recommend North­ In Lhe City, comprising newest patterns, FURNITURE New Westminster, R. C, Feb. IR, lgff. always on hnnd at bottom prlees. 8am- dfelSml Bole. It seems thnt when tho re­ rop k Lyman'. Vegetable Discovery and New Westminster, Fell. Mh, HOT. dfis'm lcs on view at T. It, Pearson A Co.'s TAB INSTANTANEOUS serve was taken off that lot by tho Dyspeptlo Curo fer Dyapeptia, Impure Btore, Columbia St. Paper fcaagln> at Blood, Pimples onthe Face, HilimisncsB specially low rates. dselRte government, Mr. J. 0. Jaques, of TlLlMONlCAUNM. P.O. BOX 71 and Constipation— auch cases having W. PROTHERO & GO. this city, applied for permission to come under my personal observation." IOIAL INK & STAIN purchase the lot, and his application MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IH was refused Mr. Bolo wns then ALL KINDS OF FURNITUUE, New Westminster, Coal Harbor WM McCOLL, employed, and un action entered INDUCEMENTS ERASER to compel the chief commissioner to and Seattle Route. issue a pntent. Tho whole corres­ REMOVED TOU THE Will remove all Ink or Fruit pondence has been printed fortho THE STEAMER j»*To shop lately occupied by Mr.Darcy, aliwil Merchandise! Columbia Street. information of tho Iiouse, and as it Stains, Iron Rust, Grease or Call and examine oar stock and prioes is a matter of interest to many of Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings, before buying. We cant be UNDEBMID In the city. Repulrlngof all kinds neatly Mould, and leave the paper or our readers we slmll give a brief re Groceries & Provisions. HOLIDAYS done. W. PltOTHERO A CO. view of tho correspondence. The •eUtc • fabric perfectly uninjured. (J. W. TARTE, Master.) Absolutely Pure. lirst letter is from Hugh Boyd, dated ILL LEAVE SEATTLE EVERY This powder never varies. A marvel of LUHDBOM'S BLOCK, Oolumbia Bt. 8th July, 188G, and addressed to purity.strength and wholesoineness, Hore Tbnnutay Morning al I .'clack, for Hon. Mr. Robson. Mr. Boyd sends W economical than the ordinary kinds, and dw-au3te TRY IT. PRICE, 50c. New Westminster and Coal Harbor, via cannot be sold In compe*mon with the 15 perGent. Discount forthe nn application to the chief commis­ Port Townsend and tho Islands; arrives at multitude of low test, short weight alum PORT MMMOra* sioner for permission to preempt phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. B. C. STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. Now Westminster on Friday forenoon >YAI,BAKING POWDRR Co., 108 wall St,, or purchase "the lot I was talk­ leaves for Coal Harbor about two hours New York. Sfely next 15 days, Now Weatmlnater, Vancouver k Victoria ing to you about," meaning the afterwards; loaves COAL HARBOR Fri­ dwnoisto day Klfkl for Seattle. NURSERY CANCELLATNON««ESERVE lot in dispute. On the 31st Au­ HACK FOR HIRE. ALL NEW Q30DS. HIS gust the government agent at this Fare lo Seallle, AS.ee OTICE IH HEREBY OIVEN THAT Frclaht pcrl.n,.. 4.M N the Reserve, notice whereof was pub­ ciiy writes the chief commissioner Frnlt Trees, lished In the "British-Colombia aaitolte," Speoial rates to merchants. aplOtc HE UNDERSIGNED hss established UYING FROM THE MANUPAC* and dated tho 7th day of Augnst, 1884, has that an upplicntiou had been received been cancelled to an Order o? Hit-Honour Ornamenlal Trees, turers for cash, I am in a position for this lot from H. Youdall, who T himself In the Citv of New Westmin­ B the Lieutenant-Governor In Counell, ap­ ster with a FIRST-CLASS Small Fruits, to sell at bottom prioes.. My Goods are proved on tlie Oth day of December, 1888, WHITE proposed to settle thereon live or In so far as it relates to the lands In New And OAHPEN STOCK on hand In grent marked in plain figures and tlio prices six families of fishermen'from New­ Westminster District which constitute Wood and Goal. COVERED CARRIAGE, Variety. have not been put up to meet tbe dis­ the townsite nf Hustings, Burrard Inlet, IS KING! foundland; but ns the land was re­ for tin* purpose of snle In lots or blocks at Which la open lor Engafeniesls al Everything first-class and furnished In count taken off. Call and see prices be­ public auction, and for no other purpose. served the agent asks for instruc­ WM. SMITHE, very moderate Charges. food shape. fore purchasing elsewhere, tions. In reply to this letter the HE SUBSCRIBER HAB ON HAND A O.W. HENRY, Chief Commissioner of Lands A Works. lurge quantity of Orders left at the Colonial Hotel orient Lands A Worka Department, surveyor-general, under date of Sept. T dw-delfltc Port Hammond, ll. C. KST Fine Watch lUipiiiriiig a Spo-'ialty. by telephone, will be promptly attended Vletorla, B. 0„ December *K HM. lst, advises the government agent to day or night. Stable next H. Elliott'. Jewelry made to order. d-dellmS that a notico will appear in the BEST WELLINGTON LUMP GOAL JOS. CATE8. next issue of tho Gazette cancelling Telephone No. 89. niyllo I. mAKi;. Ami an assortment ol WALSH'S -WO — the reserve, and that in three months WATC11MAKEK it would be open to purchase; but CORD WOOD, TA1I.ORINU OI'POSITK TIIE BANK. dw-iloisto no sale wns to be mado until the Which he will sell at lowost ratcB. He fflOfHRiMn agent had further instructions from will also promptly attend to all kinds of the head ollice. On the 24th Sept. WANTED IIAVINO BEEN APPOINTED SOLE D. S. Milligan applies for permis­ EMPORIUM PURCHASKU8 FOR Jj, Agents In this Province for a num­ Ordera left at Mr. SIcColl'ssloreon Co­ sion to purchase the lot, and re- ber of leading manufacturers In Canndn, lumblu street, or at my houso, Douglas wc are prepared to furnish prices and full ceivos notice that his application stroet, will meet with prompt attention. Columbia Si„ New Wwimlniter. Marine & Stationary Engines, Boil­ particulars of atl kinds of machinery for HENRY ELLIOTT. en, Pumps, Inspirators, In* Hnw Mills, Shtngle Mills, Factories,Foun­ has been filed. On tho 18th Oot. dries and Machine Shops, Including En­ New Westminster B. C. JlylOto Milligan writes to Hon. Mr. Robson lectors, etc., gines und Boilers, stationary and port­ AVING JUSTRECEIVBUOUBNEW able, both new and second-band; also: and says: "Mr. Sexsmith told me Steam Fitters*, Gas Fitters' nnd Plumbers' H Fall and Winter Block, w. Invito In Brass and Iron OOOIIH, nll kinds of Min­ Rubber Belting, Axes and Edge Tools he had a talk with you, ond you SABBATH SCHOOL apeetton of the finest selection of ing Mac-blurry. Atr Compressors. Ing­ Leather " Hardware, ersoll Rock Drills, Hoisting Machinery, Lubricating Oils, Harness, AVINO SECURED THB AGENCY said that iu caso those parties did Drill Hteol, Machinery steel, Picks, Emery Wheels, Builders'Supplies, not carry out their ngrccmont, the mi Americas Shovels, Iron A Steel Wire Rope, Rub­ Brick Machines, Show Cases, H for tbis celebrated Mncliine, I ber Hose, otc., Hoisting Blocks, Gas Machines, would be pleased to Bend one oa trial to only alternative would be to put up HE UNDERSIGNED has Railway A Contractors' General Sap- Ships* Blocks. Iron Tools, sny peiwn desirous ot purchasing. Tlie the lund for public sale to the high­ Hes, Scrapers, Curs, Angle and Brushes and Broomsi,Paint, s and Oils, AIHVfMli SUITINGS MS* Roofing Fell. Sheathing Paper, Machines are aoid on tbelr own merits. just received a large con­ Ear Iron and steel, Crow-bars, Portland est bidder." Nov. 16th Milligan T Ever shown In New Westminster. For Cement. Rooting Paper. Building Fairbanks' Scales, Br'sOoodBjIr'nIMp'g Every Machine guaranteed by tlie Com­ notifies the government agent that signment of a GOOD FIT and artistic style we defy Paper, Fire-proof Roofing Cement, etc., pany Ior five years, competition, Iran A Wood-working Machinery, he has made improvements to the Shafting, Pulleys, Chucks, tallies, Pinn­ dnoaote THOS. WAIJSU. ers, Leather Belting, Tin Plate nnd FRASER ft LEONARD, value of about $500 on the lot in Pia&os and Organs, Corrugnted Iron Elbows, Axe, Pick, •Mams'. Blstk, • tartars strs.1, C. J. ROKSOIVS question, and asking the fact to be Fork and Hammer Handles, Best mHE METHODIST SABBATH SCHOOL Wliite Oak fi-giil., 10-gnl., 15-giU , W-RIU. VANCOUVER, B. C. recorded so that when sold he would J. Anniversary Entertainment will be Which he will sell cheap. These Kegs, Oeo. I.. Wood A Son's celebrated dwjallto ' Fruit, Confectionery & Fancy GUBS* field In tho Methodist Churoh, on instruments may be purchased New York Varnishes, Chapman Sons A receive compensation. On tho 29th Look Here! Co.'s Fish Rait (00 kinds), One uew ware k China Store, > Nov. the surveyor-general instructs fip,fb)S A1..-tp monthly instal­ Hall's Bafr. One new Pool fiiMf .-• Apply to F. WELCOME McCRADY, 1887. ColinbU St., '• Ne« .V.st. ments, to suit purchaser. Call government agont that the lot would Mechanical Draughtsman A Contractor. djafltc iW Finns nnd Specldoutlons for Bouts, l,o offered for sale by public auction When nn Interesting I'msramme will be and get my figures (oefore pur­ fF VOU *VANT TO MAKE A NICE Buildings, Machinery, etc, carefully pre­ Harper's about the 1st Marcli. Dec. lst. W. presented;, consist li))-; of chasing elsewhere, and it will be pared. MGKKNXIR ST. New West minster, B. C, Jan. 'JS. W. e. N. Bole, on behalf of J. 0. Jaques, Music and Dialogues to your interest. dwja26te ILLU8TRATED. telegraphs the chief commissioner By tho Children. PACIFIC that he had tendered purchase Second-hand Pianos and Or­ Proceeding.? begin nt 7:;<0. Admission, HAHPKK'H MAQAXIKR during 1887 will money for the lot that morning, but *.\ els. Proceeds for tho benetU nf the gans for sale orto rent. contain n novel of Intense politlcnl.social School. MOTKUL Toa friend or relative, go down to P-TIH- und ronton tio Interest, entitled "Narka" it was refused, aiid he asks that in —a story of Russian life—by Kathleen Instruments may be seen at BKY'snnd look nt some of those extra- instructions,may be given at once, OTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT O'Mcarn; n new novel, en (tiled "April •rdlaary bargslas In 80 days after date, we Intend tnnklnif Mr. D. Lyal's Book and Station­ N Hopes," hy W. D. Howells; "Southern as he considers himself, entitled to Udlei' asd Uenllosicn's Gold snd application to the Chief Cimimlssioncrof HKetchcs," by Charles Dudley Warner and er St£rV,£,' ']'J...b^ Lauds and Works for n LeiWP for timber­ Rehi-cea Harding Davis, llliHlmted by the land, being first applicant. To 1 r Silver Witches, chains, ing purposes of the following described William Hamilton atbson; "Grent AID* this tho chin/ commissioner replies LEE COY Charms, etc, etc. hinds on the Lillooet River above Har* crlcnn Industries" continued; "Social rlson Lake: Studies," by Dr. R. T. Ely; furtherartl- that the lot will bo sold nt auction. SUCCESSOR TO I»,„F.II. T< R. PEARSON. Or If yon want a useful ornament for your Tract No, 1-Commencing at tho North­ cleson the Railway Problem by compe­ Dec. Snd Mr. Bole, attorney for house, examine those beautiful tudny west corner of Purcell's claim; thence tent writers; new series of Illustrations oy striking Clack., with cathedral gongs. North 40 chains. West 40 chains, North 40 E. A. Abboy and Alfred Parsons; articles Mr. Jaques, writes to the chief com­ chains, West 40 chains, Norlh 40 chains. by E. P. Roe; and other attractions. New Westminster, B. G. "He Is selling at BOTTOM PRICES. West Nl ehnins, North 40 chains, Hast 1.0 missioner claiming the lnnd for his Quong On Lung & Co. NOBTH -*/slcke.,from-|5upwiirils,nll warranted chains, South 40 chains, East -Mchnins, client. In this letter he states, South 40 chnins, Enst 40 chains, South 80 Flat Watch Kepalrluau Hstelally, and chains; thence to point of commence­ HARPER'S PERIODICALS. among other things, that until the EOS TO NOTIFY THR PUBLIC good workmanship guuianleed. ment; said tract containing 1280 acres, Kl till I application of Mr. Jaques tho idea that he has now opened oat in hi. M-Remember th. place—thu "Blue more or less. B Tract No. 2-Commencliig at n post set •UnM MAOiHUI..... U 00 Store." of selling the land by auction "was new brick premises on on the East side of small lake about two HARFER'tT/n-KLY I 00 REID & CURRIE never once thought of." Evidently mites from Port, Douglas: thence East 40 IIARPBR'S BAT.AR 4 00 dwsujyl Columbia SU.NewWest. chains, North OOchalns, West 40chains, Mr. Bole was laboring under a mis­ FRONT STREET North 40 chains, West 40 chains, North 10 IIARPISR'S TOONO PKOrU...... > 00 WMIFfMmiMMt IMPORTCRS QF chnins, West 80 chains, South 40 ohalns, IIARPKR'BrRAKRUItllQDARIlIBRiRT, apprehension, as the foregoing ex­ Eust 40 chains, South lOOchatns; thence to OaaTisrlMN.-abm). :.. 1000 Farm Wagons, tracts abundantly show. He further, And has the Inst ami large st stock of GUARDIAN lake, meandering nround lake to plaoe of nun commencement; said tract containing IIAUPER'S HANDY BKRI-HB, On. says: "The position taken by your 1280 ncres, more or less. Year (til Numbsrs) IS 00 Express Wagons, TractNo.H-Commcii('|ngat a post set Postnir. Pr» to sll snUertb,-. I. Ih. Unit.. department in this affair leads Mr. ou the right bnnk of LIllooutHtverashort Stats, nrCsnnds. Jaques to infer thut crown lunds distance nbove its month; thence West 80 Delivery Wagons, chains, North 40 chains, West 40ehnlus, when offered for sule are not open North 40ohalns, West 40 chains, North 80 Thc TtfllWIM.tir lh. HASASim tMfl. Wlthth, Insurance, Com'y chains, Enst 00 ehains, South 40 chains, Nualwn fbr.^ant aiHl.D-«.B)fa.rofMob .Mr. Carriages, for purchase to all alike, but are IN TIUH CITY. East 40 ehulns, South 40 chains, East 40 Whan .„ th*-, la -ptclHK!, subscriptions capital, #,000*000; losses will basin With tli. nnrnlwr cnrr.nl st subject to certain implied reserva­ chains, South 40 chains, East 20 chains, South to point of commencement; taid time of receipt of onler Top Baggies, tion! in favor of government sup­ PHld, 148,000,000 OF LONDON, ENG. tract containing 1800 acres, mora or less, Bound volume, of Harper*. Maga.ln., ('ALL & SEE ME. for tlirec seats hack, In aeat cloth bind- porters." He then applies for per Tract No. 4—Commencing nt a post «et Open Buggies, on left hank of river oboitt five miles — 1-asld.onro- mission to ground a petition of right Ui.tMl.llaiI.ea »MO-» nbove Port Douglas; thence Norlh 80 LEE COY would also state tliat ho is chains, Vest 40 chains, North 40 chnins, Phaetons, so as to test tho matter, mid hopes West 20 chains, North 40 chains. West 40 thu sole ownur of the Block. AindylTcsl, knit CJuiitlfd, ?or Vufam«i 1 to 70, that in tha interest of fair play the Rates as Low as any other chains. North 40 chains, West io chains, Ineliuive, from Junr, 1850, tn JOBS, IIN, oat Butcher Oarts, Total Ms, 118,000,000 South 80 chains, East 40 chnins, South 40 vol., Bro, Olotb, tl. government .will not stifle enquiry. fhllNKf Labor contracted fur. Company doing Business chains, East 20 chains, South 40 chains, Enst 40 chains, South 40 chains, Enst to Remittsnci-i slmtld tw-awils hy foit-OfllM Dog Oarts, The government, apparently, had no dm hum 1 in British Columbia. cqnxmeiicemonl; said tract containing Vouty Order or Draft, to avoid chaiics of ISM. intention to stifle enquiry, for per­ (*rauLni,-x-) 1200 acres, more or less, Nswipapers STS aot to copy thk sdvartlssaunt Dump Oarts, Tract,No,.--(.omim'!ieli)gat n poston wllliout ths •r\trtm urder of Huptr k Brothtn. mission wus promptly given to take m al'-tl-ilt.-ly iiit.l murt, pli'iishiKly lluui chnins, North 20 chains, East 60 chains. Hon a. the leadlna llluitrated newanaper pared to fulfil the conditions upon whole columns of cdl'orliil. ln this pun- T. RtfipEARSON, South 20 chains, East M)chains. South lo In America; and It. hold noon public n* gent, easily appreciable, aod nrtlstle style polntof commencement; mild tract eon* Inm and confidence w.« n.r.i .tronsar BLACKSMITHINC which the land was to be surren of presenting), subject,tho whole situa­ (II. CHAP. Co.) AOENT. Mining 1410 acres, more or less. than at tha prwenl lime. Beihle. Is. dered, and had lieen waiting pa. tion Is revealed til a Klance. The success Tract No. 7—Commencing ft the N.W, plrturea.HARPsn'aWsaxLV alwaya oon- In sll Us Brsnebea. of Grip shows how welt this fact Is appra- eornerof tract No fl;thenc e Wust 80chains, tain. Instalment, of oae.ocesalonsll-rpf tiently until the three months had clnted-lts Cartoons on tho PHHSIUK polit­ Nortii 4»chains, West 40uli.-llis, Soulh 40 two.ot Ihe beat novol. of the dajr, fln.ly .__ given on Ironwork,. «n,l llluatrated. with ahort storlea, poem., elapsed, To this letter the chief ical events of the country liolna evon chains, West 40 chains, South 41 chains, OonMots taken. Agricultural Inipln. more eagerly anuahl after thnn the chaste W.R.AOTTIN, East K0 chnins, South V0. chains, East 80 akol«liea,.ailtl.Pa|*.r. on hnpoH.nl enr- commissioner replies on the 13th nml humorous letter-press of the paper,— chains, North In point of commencement; rent topic, by Ihe most popular wrllen. ments made and repaired, aud all kiml- though Iho latter ls canal lo thnt of any said tract eontulning Dfio acres, more or The oaio that ha. hwn .ncceufully eier- of Ironwork for Saw Mills, Ixiogitv December, as follows: "Not having similnr publication on Ihe continent, ! T COSTS NO MOM? TO KEBP 0001) less. claed In the pul to make HASPS*. Camp, ani Farmer., kept In stock aiul Fowls thnn lt, docs to keen poor Fowls. DBALER IN Waaai.v a nf. aa wall.. a walcom, vl.l- heanl anything from you since our Tho imlillshersof ftWpare making «x I Tract No. S—Commencing at a post set made to order, tensive Improvements for ISM The old on the right bank ot- river nbout hnlf mile tor to every household will not he rclsied conversation respecting the settle cover Is to bo discarded, and the Joumnl My Breeding Pens arc riiunl' loany In below Scuciim-chuck; theuco South 120 In Iho future. will licrenfter comprise 12 pngcs.and h. Ihe united States or Oanauu. chnins, Wost -10 chains, North 40 chains, HonMlbdelnK ond General ment of sundry Newfoundland tish printed on heavy toned nnd calendered West V0 chains, Nortii 80 chains,West*;o Jnbblns. pnpor,-ovory number bolnvsourtlBllenlly I propose to famish Rggs from premium chains, North 40 chains, East 80chains, nARPBRti PBB10D10AL8. ermen and their families upon sec. and ni-Ht-clns. Fowls, my design being In executed as to compare favorably with smith to place of coin mencement; said We sho keep In stock to supply the 4, block 4 north, range 7 west, Lulu the best papers on tho continent. The establish a reputation that will Inst, trnet containing MO ncres, moro or tess, nit VIIRI traile, Iron, Steel, Chains, Cuitilnrlaml Island, I naturally concluded you advts. will bo compressed and more aystn- True! No. l)-Commeticing nt a post set IIARPRR'S WIttW -* 01 matleally arranged; while similar Im ;-.• VARIETIES OF FOWLS: A large Assortint-ut of on loft bank of river, about three miles Coal, Hone and Ox Slices, Harrows, nbove tract No, 8: thence North 80chains, IIARPRR'S MAOAIIMR.... 4 (0 had abandoned the scheme. If, provamcnU will be made as to th. letter­ WMt. Crested BlMk Fall.1i, Iron and Steel Harrow Teeth, Carriago press. A new and handsome dosbtn will West 40 chnins, North to chnins, West 80 IIARPRR'S RADAR -. -- 4 00 Bprinss snd Axles, and a complete .took however, tuch ia not the case, I beg adorn thc title page; while Ihu Onrtaono chains, South 80 chnins, East 40chsin-, Dlerk Spanish, IIARPRR'S YOUNO PROPM 100 of Cemare Hardware. to assure you the government is pre­ will certainly not suiter from oxten.lve South 40 olinlns, East to point of com­ mencement; containing 1120 acres, more M Improvements In the artistic department. • fihnmgttumtj -, Parties requiring anything ln our line pared to carry out the proposed The price of Grip will hereafter bela a • -AMD- or less. wm^i™™.^.ii,t* year, which l» lower tha« -that of any La rl.ekc, Tract No, lO-Coiuincuclngnt a post set will find by inspecting onr stock Uut agreement with you; otherwise, as paper of Its kind In Amerloo.-inost ot Sllvsr Sp.agUd Ha-ntrargh, on right bankof river, half mile below tbey don't rsqniro to go to Victoria to then ara aevenl applicants for the [hem selling for tt. Single number, uf liirgecreuk; tlicnco Houth 40chHlns,W«st Postsgs frrs to sll sibwribm la ths Vallsd get what thev want, for they can get a Grip will be 10 cent*. , _, . Wkll. and Brawn L.ghorn., 40 chains. South 40 chains, West OOchalns, ItslM •rOsasds.. purchase ot the land in question, it Twice a yenr. at Midsummer ami Christ­ QROOiRIES North 10 chains, East ioo chnins. Houth mparisr artlclo st s reasonable price . Hawdaws, mas, a beautiful special number will .be al.WAYH.ON 11 ANP. lo point,of commencement; said tract her.. will be neoessary to offer it at pub­ Tht Tolam of Uw Wmtt togla «Hh thslnl Issued, the numbor of page, wing In- I.I»M Brakeaa., contalhlng 1010 acres, inure or loss. lio auction." Thia comprises the creased, nnd pleasing feature. Introduced, Tract No. ll—Cominencltiaut a post set Number Ibr January of such rssr. wata at ' We sn sin manufacturing and telling particulars of whioh will be given Inpro- PH Oaaa.., on enst side of Tcmtss Lake; thenee En-d time Is mentioned, subscriptions will btgln th. celebrated cue. It only remains to be added oedlng Issues, These number, wflrbe XZa-jr aaad. 'F'eod Ofl chains, North l20chnlns,wrst1Mchntns, with the number current at tlm* of vt> presented tosnbMribers without .Mrs Plras.klk Hock, Norlh 80 chains, West to take; thonee celpt of order. Tims BIT iMiira rang, (hit tha petition of right applied Bound volntnMof Harper's Weekly, for charge. Partrldgt OMkl-aa, WIIOI.BHALK. ANtl ItET.II.. along lako to plnco of commencement; for by Mr. Bole on behalf of Mr. said trnet containing looo acres, more or At ndtusd prlee., It la the beat Mill n.a.M and Ayl„„wy Dnti, less, eheapsst Press Iri 'the market. /aquas was grounded, and the case GRIP'S PLATFORM I *r»o» A-l* CHSIUtMUI. Tract No. 12—Cnmmr-nclngnt a post set Tonus*. U,„; oame before tho supreme court at Humor without Vulgarity! LI.J ., on cast side of Lillooet take: thonee Rail W, hev. lottlie beat workmen to U 1'nlrlotlam without Parti.unshlpi uiriusrm nrrt. 40chains, North 40chains, Kfu.t-ttcln.ln*-. . a the oonnlrY',sndw.lm, and we Impori t MsN* Victoria on Friday. Mr. Bole and Truth without Temper. North 80 chains, West 40 chains, North 80 leteekwsunrraeteek ws na. Iromr th- e sSit-eonH- Mr. W***-*«W-wforMr.-riqui», SPAM8H lAP-KAB BABBITS. -He mn n-ostsgwilally.MccplHiinilay., chains, West to hike; thence along Inke ajrfsesw.ca*n o-Srlnon>rlndue.menl.t,,puri - to Pan Moody, oarrylna II.M.a uialls. to point of commencement; suld tract thst we oome; not have done aims ••ly »« • Yaw. rwtage rn*. ciiiitnlnlng 1000 acres, moro or los-. iMittsnoet mmvM U sude by tat-NN -..ll.maurisi snd Wntli l..vin, and Mr. InSng for the orown (rep- Aa oa liquor or loiisc,-,, la nswl wo eu, by Cash must accompany all order., KOYALCITY PLANING MIM* CO. Htaty Order or Dfftfl.UtnMslMaottf losa. UN isran-Mdlobejaats. resentod by tho chiof commissioner). Address Ihe Orlp Printing nnd Pul'JIsh- ' A'ldress, with stamp, tstni-arat. liablU aad narafnl ecomtiny ^^iheemntty Judgment WM gi*«- '* 0* "n™- Ing Company,!" and.*, Front streot, West, wrv. tli. public at Mfwilally low ral.s. JOHN HENIidylManager. ^issr»^^^Ssf^tf8SSr' H JOHN H.COX, Toronto: or l.nv. your ordtr with yonr Xe.* W-Mnlnsf »r, F»h. MU. W> tHMm bookseller or other fooal .g»nt. ell dwhTtc N.w WmsafaUsf ttimi riitTntwsm,.%nittt). I mm RBISAQUSSII ^nilg fritwh flctambian TRUER'N STEEL. •fcTOTIOB. THPERIATT Tannin*/ Evening, Mnreh 8, IM?. TBE JAY BIRD. In lht matter or tk« Estate «f JaoteiS. Harris dceeaied Intestate. A leanin' bn the bar-post, an' a thinkin' FIRE INSURANCE COMP-Y. for. a mlhlt, .. IX PEBSONS INDEBTED TO THE The following Business Directory relates lato Jan. H. Harris are required to 1 OLD BBOAD DT. and 16 FAIL Ihu, ffiontmunitatimw. An' eh'ollth' for the cliicklns a oar'r Apuy tlie amounts forthwith to the under­ The British Columbian corn-er eo— '• . '•--••-'• - only to persons whoso advertisements ap­ signed: and all fcjersoni. having olaims The sir es dry es fodder an' the wind pear in the DAILY COLUMBIAN. It has* against the entnt* of the said J.H.Harris usmsas. with winter ln It, been fonnd true, os a rule, that persona must forward thesame to tbo undersigned The Late Election. on or beforo tho 15th March, 1887. The cracks atween the shingles plugg'd who advertise liberally aro liberal in their E. A. JENNS, INSTITUTED1808. EDITOK COLUMBIAN: The general up with early anow— . dealings, and many persons make lt a dfellml Administrator. I hear the 'ays a hollerln', a iokln' an' OR INSURING HOUSES t OTHER result of the recent election wss of rule to give preference in their dealings to Building., Good., Wane, Merehan- a lafBn', those establishments which advertise F ooune snticipated by everyone at all A rilln' of each other with their braggy, dlta, -uanufaoturlng and Farming Stock, freely. The following list Is arrnuged al­ OtfOTJCE. Ship, la Port, Harbor or Dook, and the oonvsrssnt with present existing con­ sassy chaffln'. phabetically: ditions and the various faotor. aud ele­ Ctrgoeaof .uoh Venela • alao, Ship, build* LEGAL. In Ihe waller of the Estate et SualSnut- ing aad repairing, Barge, and other VM- ments entering into the contest; but ton, an Indian* deceased Intestate. Not a poo-woo ner a blue-bird kon be T. C. Atkinson ....Columbia St sets on navigable river, ud canals, and thst Hr. Ohiaholin'a majority ahould seen arouri' the dlgglns, W. Norman Bole Columbia Ht A LI. PERSONB INDEBTED TO THE Gooda on board noh VMMI>, thronghont hava been ao Urge would scarcely hare An' ths cat-bint up 'nsnoakod away a Corbould A McColl. McKensle Bt A late Snat Hriuiton uro required to pay Great Britain ud Ireland ud in Foreign month ago, Branch offlee at Vancouver. tlio amount forthwith to the undersigned; been predicted. As there muat be a and nll persons having claims against tbe Countries, rssion for everything, one naturally An' the kllldeer in the stubble with MEDICAL. estate of the Bald Snut Branton must for­ dandy frills and trlgglns, inquires, What is tho reason lying be­ Dr.H. M. Cooper Church St ward tho same properly proved to the un­ FROM 1088 OR 01M1M It lill. Has shied away along ths rest fer Or.J. C. Henderson...... Cbllllwliuok, B. C. dersigned, nn or before the 15th May h, hind this result? In thia instance fear o' snow, Dr. I. M, McLean McKensle Ht 1887 there sre doubtlea, a multiplicity of Dr. DeWolfe Smith Clarkson Ht K. A. JENNS, But the jay-birds ain't no oowords, an' dfellml Administrator. Suhacrlbed ud Iarated Capital, reasons, and it would be a matter of so they keep on stsyln', INSURANCE. considerable difficulty to give eaoh Jost es perk and foot as sassy's if't was W. J. Armstrong [nre] Court Houso WHAT PHVIIOIANS SAY Amur THE l&tKIVIBI it. due weight and importance as a only hoyln'. H.V.Edmonds MoKon.io St •81,600,000 STG. W.D. Ferris [life* accident) Ferria St faotor of the whole. I ahall not tres­ T.-B. Pearson [lire& life] Columblast STARR KIDNEY PAD. Rate* of Premium ud every informa­ pass on your apace by al tempting auoh Ther robbings, so like humans, when Rand Bros, [fire A Ule] ..McKenzie St tion eu be obtained on application to yer posies stop a blowln', Branch OfHces at Vancouver & Vic. a task. Permit me tu notioe briefly "Treatment by Absorption has for Homo a few of the more obvious point.': In An' the borrles that they like air all Turner,Beeton ACo. litre] Victoria W. J. ARMSTRONG, gobbled down- Woods.Turner A Gamblo time been recognised by Medical Men to the first place, Mr. Chisholm i ia un* [fire, life A accident] Columblast bo tho most simple and effectual means Agent for New Weitminrter. Strike out'n-leave ye lonesome, with tho of conveying to Diseased Oigans, "Cura­ doubtedly personally popular in the dey, a shorter growin'. HEAL ESTATE AGENCIES, tives," but in eases of Kidney Disease aod oily and di.trict, and suoh popularity, An' the sun but faintly emllln' et ye W. N. Bole ColumblaHt Complaints nttendant thereon, successful while not necessarily predicating any­ through a frown. Corbould A McColl McKenzie Ht treatment wus practicably Impossible len­ H. V. Edmonds McKonzie Ht til the Introduction of the Starr Kldiiey thing as to a man's titnese for any po- But the Jay-bird stays right by ye*s one W. D.Kerrls ForrlsHt Pod. It costs less thau a single prescrip­ sition, goes a long way With the Ignor­ es shows a llkln' Oapt. Pittendrigh McKenzie Ht tion aud Is immeasurably more decisive Hand Bros McKonzie Ht and effective than any quantity Of fntmwl Colli St, New Westminster, B. C. Strongest for ye when the rest hes got ant, the indifferent, ,th» unthinking Wooda, Turner A Gamble Columbia Ht Medicinal dosing. Worn Immediately over and the indolent It muat be admit­ ye.coraer'd an' a strlitin'. " the seat of DlHeoBe. Its curative properties ARCHITECT, Ae. become ahuorbed by the diseased and en­ ASSOCIATION. ted, too, aa demonstrated again by When 1 ont fer the oornflel' (er alone- feebled Organ**-,continuously and directly, thia election, that in Britiah Oolumbia C. H. Clow Clinton Bt us required to Insure In return their heal­ some day a huskln', 0. W. Grant „..,MoKenzle St thy notion nnd original vigour. It is com­ we are very far behind in temperance I scarcely git a shook throw'd down fortable to the patient and pleasant ln ito Snanualee Capital...... and moral sentiment. The long-con­ • 'fairly ier begin, AUCTIONEERS. effects, and cures when nothing else oan. tinued and energetic canvass mado by Fore the jay-birds cum a toarln' 's If T. J. Trapp .Columbia Ht The Starr Kidney Pad accomplishes posi­ tive, decisive results, A more valuable Mr. Chisholm and his friends, together they's Jest a bustln' AOENTS FOR MACHINERY, Ae. dlncovery ai a true remedy for Kidney with their indu.triou.ly circulated Fer ter help me out 'n quick like bum Fraser A Leonard....-: Vancouvor Diseases was never made.—Med teal Gaulle Full Gov'm't Deposit one-tided version of thing., and the the hurry I am in. The Starr KMney Pad. manufactured An' they holler et each othor—keep F. Welcome McCrady McKonzie Ht in Toronto, ts a permanent sure curb for faot that Mr. Trapp waa nut fairly in whoopln' an' a yelpln'' BOOKS A STATIONERY. diseases, dtRordcrs and ailments of the HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, CANADA the Held until after nomination day, Kidneys, Bladder and urinary secretive An' make me chirk an' cheerful, which D. Lyal Columbia St system, or attondmit complaints, causing alao, no doubt, played an important ,. -It good a most as hatpin'.' pain In the small of the back, sides, etc., part in the eleution. And, lastly, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. traducing urinary disorders, suoh an too A HOMETOMPANY. T. It. Pearson.. Columblu Ht frc'-uent, Bounty, difficult, painful or cqpl- owing to an unfortunate combination El I c'u'd write sum verses handy, like OUH micturition, Inability of retention and PRINTING A RUI.INO. CAPITAL, - $15,000 sedimentary urine, dropsical symptoms, of circumstances—principally through I've seen them printers, Thit, Association merits the luck of time—Mr Tripp's candidature An' mako a tune as nice for them as The Columbinn Slcum Printing Establish­ otc. denoting the presence In the system ment Coiumbin Ht of diseases common to the urinary secro* aa the nominee of iho temperance aiid Mrs. Jinny Llnd, live orgnns—known ns gravel, catarrh of confidence the Public is repos­ Thoy sh'u'd both be 'bout the Jay-bird, STOVES A TINWARE. the bladder and passages-^Brlght-s disease, moral reform' puny wa, slightly irreg­ diabetes, dropsy, plies, nervous debility, ing in it from the following ular, thereby furnishing theae who a loafing through the winters, Jas. Cunningham Coiumbin Ht An inixln' up their yawplu' with snow etc. Hend for pamphlet to LANGLEY it held their principle, by a vory .lender H. M. Cunningham A Co Columblu Ht CO., Wholesale Agents, Victoria. Retail­ FACTS:- IN 300 SHARES OF $60 EAOH. nu' froozln' wind. HARDWARE. ed by A. M. HERIUNG and D. S. CURTIS thread with another welcome and It's easy 'nnugh ln summer when the A CO., New Westminster T. McNEE* The Security ottered to policy holder* li plausible pretext for enacting the role sky lu bluo an' glowln' Jns. Cunningham. ..Columbia Ht LEY, Ladner's Landing: H.MoDOWELL aiwrpusert by any Gonpuy doing-JwU- of sorehead, etcetera. It will be well GAS FITTINGS. tt CO., HASTINGS SAW MILL CO., THE neiie tn Canada, Ter be elngln'—but It's defferent when VANCOUVER DRUG CO., Vancouver; It haa no schemes of lniuranee, hut the for real temperanoe reformer, to view the-aame is black an' enowln'. Jas. Cunningham Columbia St W. E. MCCARTNEY A BRO., Vancouver well-eitabllihed lines, bene* the policy the recent election from s reasonable —[Boston Transcript. nnd Kamloops; J. B. LOVELL Yale: W. holders cannot be milled ai to their con* H, M. Cunningham A Co. ColumblaHt ll. MEGAW/Prlost Valley; H. OLARK A tracts. and diapaasionate standpoint, with ths SEWINO MACHINES. CO., Kamloops. dwse23yl Ita statement* to tho publio can ba read­ objeot of gaining lessons for future C. J. Robson Coiumbin Ht ily understood, Ita oMb statement show­ conduct. The effort made by a writer H uppETizias. ing every Item of lnrame and how expen- HARNESS, Ae. in yesterday's COLUMBIA*! to import Harto aad Bant-all. Iti position li ascertained annually from party and politics! question, into the Douglas A Deighton Columbia St a detailed valuation In whieh every item They were at a conoert in Boston, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. of liability Is Included. Fast Steam Presses, discussion, hia alaviah and (wilfully) Ita progress baa been unexampled In tnd Beethbven'sflfth symphony had jntt W. R. Austin Front Ht ignorant adoration before the unwor­ seen ployed. the history of tnsumnoa In Canada. thy ahrine of the "present govern­ Jas. Cunnlnghum.-. Columbia Hi Ita policies are Indisputable after three "It is beautiM," nid she, bnt I C.G. Major Columbia Ht years, and non*forfeltaola after two man' ment." and hi. aplenetio and senile Wm. McColl Columbia Bt FireSFire! existence. idore tbo entire nine," \ tirade ngainst Senator Mclnnes, 0. MoDonough Front Bt Ita proflta an distributed upon an equit­ "iTcs," replied her George, "they are DRY GOODB. able basis. The proflta to one olaaa of coupled with hia uncalled-for and in the beat in tlio world." policy holdera are not lessened to give D. Drysdale A Co. ^Columbia. Ht larger proflta to any other olass, which •ulting reference to Mr. Trapp, are " So striking," she added, Jos. Ellard A Co..., ColumblaHt alike too absurd tu merit more than a Ogle, Campbell A Co Columbia Ht TESTIMONIAL! method aflbrda superior advantages over First-Class material, "Can't be beat on striking," he tbe uniform bonus plan of distribution. paaalng notice, and constitute a rery FURNITURE. sohoed. Peebles A Heckley ..Columbia Ht tranaparent and unsuccessful attempt "Sd catehing,"sho sighed, Liberal CeadllU-as as to MesMcMaad to drag a " red herring serosa the "Their catching was what did the W. Prothero Columbia Ht ifr runcouiwr, SSrd June, 1886. traok." It would dispel muoh obati- WOOD A COAL. business,'fpoid George, enthusiastically. MR. G. 11OBEBI80N, J. K. MflcDONALD, nate ignorance and reault in far more 'Thoir fielding is down to a fine A. Burns Blackie Bt Managing Director. intelligent action if eaoh ol the elect­ [ oint." Henry Elliott [Onlcrs left nt W. McColl's] Vancouver: ors were pos.ea.sd of one-Kilt' the Sen­ "Why, what on earth are yon talking DRUGS, Ae. Representing Ooldie A McCulloch, Efficient Workmen. ator', iu.ti-ht into Dominion polilica. abont Chorgo—the Beethoven sym­ K'S. Ct'HIjV* Co .'. Colllinbln St Gait, Ont. T. R. PEARSON As regard. Mr. Trapp, it ia to be re­ phonies?" . A. Peele..'.!!. j Columbia Ht. Agent, New Wettmlnatu gretted, for the aake of the diatriot, Sin.—We tlio u ndcrsianed' having wit­ "Not much I I'm talking about out BUTCHERS. nessed tho terrible Are which wiped out of Je7-Jmo.alt.raaU. , that circumstance, were au unpropi- champion nine, tho best bsll-tossers ou Robt. Dickinson Columbia St existence the young otty of Vancouver, tiou. for hi. return; he would have ou the Uth lust., have, after the nre, ex­ tha earth."- [MusicalHerald. WATCHMAKERS A JEWELERS amined .the safe. Mid by you, .ome of made a creditable repreaentative in which were pnt to the most. .ever, teat, .,» F. Crake .Columbia St every reapect, which, I regret lo .ay, Be Took No Note or Time* hnving been aurrojanded by large quanti­ THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS ONE OF THE F. Htlrsky Columbia St ties of lard and baeon, and we are pleased, cannot be unqualinedly affirmed of A student of the University of Texas to testify to the remarkable maimer In Mr, Chiaholra, onr in.mb.r-.leot. (I 0. M. McNaughten Columblast which every Safe wid by you preserved had himsolf measured for anew snit of BLACKSMITHINC A CARRIAGE its content., not only boohs and papera, refer, of course, to hi, meowy' stti clothes at tho establishment of an Austin but also thouennds of dollars in paper tude on the question at tempmnm snd WORKS. money wore taken ont In perfect condi­ H G. MM, tailor.- Whon he got his clothes from Thos. Ovens Columbia St tion. We oan, therefore, with tbo great­ moral retorni.) With your permission, the tailor the stadent flitooyered that est confidence, recommend them as thor­ Mr. Editor, I shall st some future thoro was no watoh pooket in the vest. Reid A Currie [..,. Coiumbin Bt oughly Uro proof! time submit my humble views salo .„, v HOTELS. iuuR * iMrwnft-t " Whot is tho meaning of this?" asked h. A. Hamilton, for tho Canadian Pacific LHT 1 1ST m the lesions to be learned from tba late the indignant student. Farmers Hdme I liolden] Church St Railway Company; M. A. MacLean, oontest and the measure, to be adopt­ "Meaningof what?" • The Clarence LRichards] Vicioria Mayor; John J. Blake, Stipendiary Ma- ed in order to better further the oauae lstrate; Rloh'd. Alexander, Justice of "Why, this vest has got no woton PAINTERS, Ae. fhe Feaoe; John Bonltbee, Police Magis­ IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. of reform In the future. pocket. Why didn't yon moke the new Chius. Murray Clarkson Ht trate, City of Vanoduver; Thomaa Dunn, Dry Coods vest like the old one I sent you os a pat­ Justice of tho Peace; Isaao John., Col.; BOOTS A SHOES. Edward E. Rand, Renl Estate Broker; OEO. KINHIDY. tern? It had a watoh pocket iu it." H. Balfour, Alderman; John Rankin, ' 'M know the, old vest had a watch G. H. Grant A Co Columbia Ht Real Estate Broker: Pither A Edaon, N. W„ Mareh 8,1887, H. Kelt Columbia Ht Royal Hotel: H. F. Keefer, Contractor, pocket, but as I found nothing bnt a C. P. R,; J. W. MoFarladd, Port Moody, CLOTHING pawn ticket in it; for, yonr watch, I Wm. Ross .....Columbia Ht to Vancouver and Engliah Bay; F. 0. BY MAIL, PER ANNUMi didn't see what use you were going to TAILORS, Innea * Co., Real Eatate Broken; A. W. Items of Interest. Ross, Real Eatate Broker; Gravely 4 have for a watch pooket in your new D. Drysdale A Co ...Columblast Hplnits, Roal Estato Brokers; R. 0. Fer­ •catH~[?tato.Sitt&(-i*'-'' f,fl Thos. Walsh Columbia St guson, Mgr. R. 0. P. Mills. Jeaoto The Emperor of China haa decreed 1 BAKERY. that henceforth there shall be no re* ' ' SI, Traasdy of flu Dig Bora, A. DlohOl Front Nt GROCERIES Daily British Columbian, - - $10 00 ligioua intolerance in his realm. NURSERIES. THE BRITISH COLUMBIAN 1 A Shoshone Indian just in from Big A gross of steel pen,, formerly cost­ Horn reports'finding; a short time age Q. W. Henry Port Hammond ing $35, msy now be produced for. 8 at the baso of a prcoipioe, the skeleton E. Hutcherson Ladners cents. The coat of making gold chains Printing Company JUST RECEIVED IN DRYGOODS, * of a man and a silver-tip bear. The FANCY POULTRY, Ae. hat beeu reduced to au eighth of what bones lay within eaoh other's embrace, ILnirnB.) Weekly British Columbian, - 2 00 it wss, and tha living bodies had evidently, Jno. 6. Cox Royal Avenue A German paper ssys that with a clasped in a death grip, fallen from the A NEW STOCK funnel of thick Manilla papor about dizzy edge far above. DAVID LYAL, N THE 10TH OF JANUARY, 1SS7, sixteen inches long and six to eight '{he bonos oi the man were herculean O the COLUMBIAN Newspaper and In all shade, aad material of DRESS inchetwide st tho mouth, the snuller instae, and the silver-tip or Booky [gnceesaer te T. B. Pear..M A l'a.1 Printing Concern waa purohaeed by a OOODS, including Cuhnure., Merino., end being put into the opening ot the Mountain grimly had been one of th« joint stock oompany composed of citizen. Silk., Satin., Black ud Colored Velve­ largest ot its kind. Both of the power­ EGS TO ANNOUNCE THE AK* receiver, one msy talk in whitpori 1 of New Weatmlnater, to be known aa the teen, ud Plt-ahee. COTTONS (bhuhed through the telephone. ful fraiuos were badlv broken, and bom B rival ef a large atock of LeadingNewspaper on Mainland and man were doubtless instantly killed "Britiah Columbian Printing Co., aad uabl-uhed). LININGS, BUT­ Furniture deilera complain of the by the fonrfnl fall A rusty huntinp Limited." The concern haa been fer TONS, HOLLANDS, tc. Ore*, Whit., eras, for itsinin,- wood, tii make them knifo, with a buokhom handle, lay amid Artists' Materials! nearly a year owned and controlled by Scarlet ud Checked FLANNELS. LA­ look like others, and especially like tlio ribs of.the gri-^.—fOhe-eiini the British Columbia Stationery and DIES GLOVES, in Cotton, Wool, Silk tomething antique. Tliia leada to ex* Tribune. Consisting of Printing Company, of Now Weatmlnater, and Kid. Ladiea Merino and Lamb tenaive " doctoring" uf sah, chestnut -•-i snd plain oak to make them tell a. Truth Stranger Than notion. Colors, Water and Oil; Victoria and Vancouver. The objeot of Wool Veeta. JERSEYS, all prioe.. MVINQ BY FAR THE URQEST CIRCULATION. quart.r-.awed oak. Birch i. easily So long back aa 1871, William Niobolls Faint Brashes, all .Ina; the new company la to continue the f ub* Hotiery, Mnallna, Diaper Iiiih Liam, palmed off for chorry, snd in sll lostashmon a reef of oneof the New Plicquei, Porcelain k Paplennaohe llcation of the BRITI.II COLDHBUN newi­ Brilliant., to., tc. through the liat. High coat wooda sre Hcliilcs Islands. He chartered a cutter paper aud carry on a general printing ud imitated altnoat beyond detection. Panels, to go to the rescue of his vessel, and publishing concern, controlled entirely by Common hemlock can be mads to take hired Frederick Msddocksashis master. Academy A Canvas Boards, Men's Clothing! the pises of ths ohoiceit hard wood. Arrived at Eni, the island where the Smooth I Twilled Canvas, those whose Individual Interest it will be wroek occurred, the vosscl was found Palettes, Artists' Knives, ie, to promote th.' development, espec'elly For Quality, Style, Fit ud Price, A tuhitituto for the hard box-wood iiifaunV' Nioholls landed,'and .who* ho David lyal also beg* lo announce that, of the Mainland. There will he no can't he tonched. BOOK AND COMMERCIAL PRINTING heretofore uaed for loom-shuttle, it wna on shoro Maddooks suoceodod in In order to make room for a fresh arrival slackening of the energy hitherto dis­ sought in England by compreaainfc* the of Qoods from EliKland, considerable re­ Hotting tho vessel off the reef and sailed played in the management of the eatab- cheaper wooda, especially teak, in s away villi her, leaving her owner alone ductions will be mnde on much of tbo MEN'S FURNISHINGS presont stoek for aale. dwfe28ml liahment, and ita patron, may rely npon powerful hydraliu pres-. A force of in tlio midst, of savages. In every Line, Cotton, M.rino ud OF EVERY DESCRIPTION fourteen tons per square inoh ia sp­ receiving full value for their money. A stray vessol picked Nioholls up and Wool Underwear, White Shirt., Con*, oiled. The Hub .iirudiel. that a simi­ The CoM'MtiiAB will continue to be en­ brought liim book to civilisation, and, Collara, Olovea, Brace., Cardigan Jack­ lar proceu will b.i.uiu-1 in toughening after fourteen years, he stands in the tirely Independent in both Dominion and cheaper wooda for u.e in., carriage et., te. AUo, Cotton, Merino, Cuh­ box confronting Maddooks in the dook. provincial politic., and will devote itself work where atrongtli ia required. Ash ——"en "*' ' v l nure, Lamb. Wool ud Knit SOCKS, in carriage pule., ttuiued snd thsn com* to the advancement of ench achemea aa At Moderate Rates. Dakota and tbe Ftof Bat. " great varlaty. prmaud endwiw, are fouiid tp.- be fsr may he considered in the publio Intereat. tuptrior to those made from wood not The St. Paul Pioneer Frees tells the Tho concern la now entirely aeparate from Alao, HATS ud CAPS, Udtn' and stpry of a Dakota man who was sitting so treated. UND SURVEYORS, any other Imelncss, thk book and GenU' RUBBER GOODS ud UM­ in llio Merchants' Hotel, St Paul, caro- BRELLAS. Samuel Murhtt, who wna recently fully watching another man who woro a atatlonery establishment in thi. oity exhibited in London at the lnrgoet silk tiio of tbe latest pattern. having been taken over by Mr, T. R. man in the world, died a few daya ago Finally, he oonfldetl to a friend that Pearson, who will continue to carry it on In House Furnishing Goods SPECIAL BLANKS RULED & PRINTED TO ORDER nfter a brief illness. He waa a native ^HfntmArW^tS^mti muoh money it In his own name and for hia own benefit, ., Rug., Window MM with of Wimblington, Cambridgeshire; and iWMd lake to induce him to wear a It la deairable that a daily newipaper Ring, ud Mounting* Window Holland was fifty-live yean of age. His girth 'plug hat • should be maintained in thi. city, and (Buff, Green and Striped), Darned, and nf want wat 100 inohea, and ho mea­ Ho said he might do it for tlOO, bnt sured 20 inches round the calf tit hit would tell everybody that ho was doing tho new company aaka for publio patron­ Cratonnu, Sheeting., Towel., White Persons who have not proved by actual leg. A hearts could not be found it for a wtger, adding that il a man Fire, Lift, Accident ft Marine age on the ground that it 1. engaged in CounterpanM, Bleach^ ud UubU»ch«i large enough for hia renisval.snd ho an enterprise calculated to promote the Table Linen., Napkina, Tiokiop, Blank- hsd to bo convoyed Ait, a flat. The Insurance. Dakota ^fwotfl?!oe toWfiMy certain public welfare. It asks that the COL­ en ud Arctic-down Quite, Tabl. doth, sashes had tb be removed from the to be mobbed, experience the ability of the establishment windows, nnd nearly twenty men were UMBUS be judged on Ita own merit* and ud Coven. employed to get the body through ths anpported only ao long at ite policy U •',. pMd Wall Instruction. window ou to tht Hut consistent with Ita profeulona. In con* IN GROCERIES to turn out first-class work are invited to Teacher fin natural histor* Dominion Express Comp'y, Id. t-y;-tstmm UrfUtf '" Kqueneo of till, bu.iiiw. change all ao* Everything found In a Int-el*. Mat T count, due the concern muat be ntlled Mr. Wm. lloydHlU, Cobourg,* writes: found?" . jtffi, ! llthamt-udaoiiebuttlMheai Caaaed without delay ao that the book, of tha send a trial order. "Having uaed Dr. Thorns.' Kolectrio Oil Tomnm "Afrioa." fasten Canadian ank Notes Good., Fruitt, Meat. udVegttablei. for «omo yean, I have much pleenus In Teach&i "Ies. And what la the former company may ba adjuated and -edifying to Its efhesey In relieving chief cbancWrittio of this wonderful ' Sought and Sold. olosed. Address all commnnlcationa and llMlelbrCkeapaeedb I «Mlkw psln. in th. baok sad shoulden. I have animal?" . COI.UMMA STRKET, remittance, to sl.o used It in can. of oroup In ohildren, Tommy (who bs. seen the oircus pict­ kntaaduikemnetHlee tkweaake and hsve found it to be sll that you Telephone HI NEW WNiTMI-mTtiR. D, ROBSON, Managsr. wW M, aad ru ttt w*H wt mniul clnlm It to be." ures): "Ho allew has his mouth wide oj^n, "-[Harper's Boar. .(•71. Now Westminster, Ja*.», 1W7. Tsttmaxjemmx. , ^ ^_ ^_ _mmt*ms^s_mm, mwmmmt m t m mm OT. PAUL'S CHVBOH. Services ev EMWAHT.—Alex. Hamilton, of this ments. The building* trill be briok O ery Sunday at 11 A.M.nnd7r.u. in THE DAILY COLUMBIAN city, received from San Frauoiaco yes­ with stono foundations, stone and ce­ the Ohuroh, St. John street, below Royal avenue. Seats free, all are cordially In­ Hyack Property. PUBLISHED terday a headstone of pure, white Ver­ ment trimmings and will be fire-proof. vited. Sunday School at 2.30 r.». Every Afler»in except snuiliu', mont ra.rble. The design is a wreath The two extensive fronts will be in ___ (featc) • VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT -'*tet TUFT keeping with the rest of the building. ll all persons having any property be­ of roses and ferns surmounteB by large -arBTHODIIT CHURCH, Mary St. longing to the Hyack lure Co. are notified BIITISH COLUMBIAN PRINTINO COMPAHT (LIMITEO.) folds of drapery. T,»o bases accom­ Over the main entrance will be a Ivl Rev. O. Wateon, Pastor. Services at to return the aame to the steward of the AttlioCompnny'aStenm Printing B»- pany the stone, one of white marble C0KIC, CIKCULAR ARCH II a. m. and 7 p. m. Sundny Sohool and Company, or they will be prosecuted ao* tabllsliment, Columbia Ht. Bible Olass 2:90 p. m. Prayer Meeting on -wdftigiolow. H. H.™BB, LE & GO. and one of granite, When in stand­ surmounted by n balcony with aocess Thursdays at 8 p.m. Seats free: strangers Dellvereil In the Clly dally...2oe. per week dmhSwl Chief Ehglneer. ing position the stone will be nearly> cordially Invited. JeT-to. Mailed dally, one year **JS-92 from the upper halls. The rows of 6 ft. high. Altogether, the stone is Mailed dally, six raontlis sat windows on the different stories will APTIST CHVRCH, Agnes Street, ono of the most elegant material and J East or Mary Street. Bev. Robert «»VHTI!III0 RATU FOI THE DAILY. be neatly capped and moulded with Le-.jnntcr , Pastor, lord's Bay Service, at 11 asroTioEL Transient Allverllseni™ts.-Flrstlnsor- workmanship. trimming bandB between. The whole a. m. and 7 p, m. Sabbath Bchool nnd OTICE IS HEREBY QIViGN THAT WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF llon, 10 cts. per line solid nonpareil; ench Bible Olaaa at 2:30 p. ra. All seatsi free; N 60 days after date, we Intend making subsequent consecutive Insertion, 2 cts. per buildinir will be surmounted with a strangers cordially welcomed. d*dc24te application to the Chief (Commissioner of line. Advertisements not Insorteil over) THE WIBKLT COLUMBIAN.— The Lands and Works for permission to pur­ day, 10 ets. per line each Inaertlon. publishers 'are desirous, to male all massive cornice and pediment support- chase 100 acres of timber lands on Howe • CtflOH LODGE NO. 0, A. F. Sound, desoribed as follows: HtuBillMB Advei-Ua.meats. —Begular subscriptions for the Warn-tv COLOM­ in Pilaster with capitols. BnslhwSTor P»-M.lonal »dyortl»mento •at/Xtr tt A, HI—The regular Coni- Commencing at a post set on the North lll-»recelve(luttollowjngraUis:llncn, BIA*.' and with the year. This fill When . completed tliis handsome XJT mnnlcatlons of this Lodge are shore nf Tbornborough channel, near Ita building will be one of the finest hotels /*1r\ held on the first Monday In each head, thenee North 80 chains, thence West 5 por month: 2 Ina, *» 'Atoh »*>S H «* enable subscribers to know precisely month. Sojourning brethren ate cordial­ 20 chains, South 80 chains; thence East to •»...',: I col. Sii. It InMrtM Mr Ies. than 3 when their subscriptions expire, and in the province. In addition to the ly invited toattend „„.,,,-, place of oom mencement. mos. 10 per cent, wilt be added. foregoing plans are already prepared PETER ORAM, ROYAL CITY PLANING MILLS CO. SpriogMingsiPaotsWs Dpeelal Jfollees among reading inatter, it will greatly simplify the book-keep­ reSS-tc Secretary. (Limited) 20 ots. per line each Insortlon. BpenlalH ing. Penons sending new subscrip­ for five or aix two storey private resi­ JOHN HENDRYDRY, Manager" , railing attention to advertisements, 10eta. • dences, whieh will be proceeded with New Westminster, March 1st, 1887. tions during the year will, therefore, dmhlm2 '"a rt'l'is', Murrlngcs ond Deaths,«l tor eaoh be good enough to send, as far as pos­ as -soon as the weather permits. FOR THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT, Insertion: Funeral Notices In connection They will all be of the better olass FORSALE. with deaths, 50 cts. ench Insertion, sible, the amount that will pay to the and rank among the best in the city. CHESTNUT OELDINO, IM; 11 years 1 oil loi, Sales, when displayed, charged end of the current year. The paper old; good In single and double har­ HENRY V. EDMONDS, 2.-, per cent, less than transient- advts, If costs, as nearly ai may be, 17 cts. a Aness; and a flrst-class Lady's Hnok. solid, charged at regular transient rates, ALSO, A CONSIGNMENT OF month, and the sum required to psy JaqeshSnow, Gunning Cove, N. 8., AW"5''° REV. D. HORLOCK, writes: "I wis completely prostrated l|llUUttlJXUUUU| THE WEEKLY COLUMBIAN to the end of the year may be easily dmltfwl Kamloops. calculated. If it is not possible fo ob­ with the ashma, but. hearing of Dr. INHULII every WwlncMlny Morniug. tain the correct amount, Bend $2, and Thomas' Eclectrie Oil, I procured a bot­ NATHANIEL DYSON. LAND AND INSURANCE AQENT. • ollvcred In the City, per yeur. *3.00 the change will be returned in stamps tle, and it done so muoh good that I got Mulle-l, per yeur f<« another, and before it was uaed, I was McKenzie St., New Westminster, B.C. from this office. i well. My aon was cured of a bad oold NFORMATION REGARDING THE Ready-Made Clothing! Mulled, i)mouths... -,.....-. 1.25 by the use of half a bottle, It gees like whereabouts of Nathaniel Dyson (late W|EKLV AOVimilNQ tATU. EXONERATED Faou I BUHE.- - The J Plattervllle, Wisconsin) who Is sup­ Valuable Building and Manufacturing T TrmiHlfiitAdverllsrmeiil*.-FlrsHnrter- wild-fire, and makes cures wherever it ia posed to have spent laat winter In New Sites for Sale or Lease tn tbe cities of New following is tho verdict of the jury at used, Weatmlnater.win be thnnkfully received Mon, loots, per line solid nonpareil; sub*- the inquest held in Clarke's hnll, Port by I, a FISHER, Bank of- B. O., New Westminster and Vancouver, sequent Insertion!)) 5 cts. per line, Weatmlnater. dw-doHOtc AtnndlNi AdTfrthomenlfi.-l-'nr 1 Inch. Moody, on the body of David Quack- Farms for Sale. 11.60 per month; 2 Ins. $2 per ni.; 3 ins. $2.90 enbush, who wss killed on the O.P.R Clt) council. Money to Loan on good Real Estate so* per in.; t col. $12.7fi per in. If Inserted for eurlty at reasonable rates. mh2dm Iwie D. DRYSDALE & Co. less Hmn :i mos. 10 per cent, will be added near the junction on Friday last: to tliese rntes. „ ,, "We, the* jurors af onr Lady the Tlie council met last evening in tlie WANTED. ! .Special notices among reading matter, Queen, summoned to inquire how and council chambers. Present, his wor­ DULY QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR YOUNG MEN'S '73 Oolumbia Street; N. W. cts. per line each Insertion, by what means David Quackenbuah Steve Hlver School. Balary, 160 per (lw-mhTtc ship Mayor Dickinson and-Couns. Amonth. Applications stating certlReate ruts mast bo all metal, and for large cuts came to his end on the 0. P. R. on an extra rate will be charged. No ailvt. Bonson, Jaques, Shiles, Elliott, Curtis, and qualifications received by the under­ Inserted In either Issue for less than fl. Friday, the 4th inat., ore unanimous­ signe1 d up to the 2fith Mareh. and Reid. NOBLE OLIVER, ly of opinion that death was oaused by Sec. of Trustees, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS DAY. accident, and we hereby exonerate the The minutes of last meeting were dwm7td Whonnock station. Christian Association! engineer and conductor on tna train read and adopted. farmfot Sale..• .....O. O. Major at the time from all blame. At lhe same time we consider that' if "the The following communications were tTOTIOB. proper appliances were in Port Moody read:—From T. 0. Atkinson, concern­ BE or flffifflUMffLONDO N HOUSE gatlg British tohtntbian for turning engines the liability of ing sidewalk by-law; from B. Hitch­ In the matter of the Estate of Charles such accidents would be reduced. cock calling attention to a certain drain Brown, deceased intestate. N THE SKATING RINK at 8 o'l-lock Tuesday Dicing, March 8, Mat. «T.n WMlncsilay iil-flil during Mnrcli (Signed) JAMES] A. CLARKE, Fore­ running across Carnarvon Bt., referred LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE Iand April. man." late Obarle. Brown are required to to the board of works. Apay the amounts forthwith, and all per­ love Wedded. - —- . * .——— sons having claims against tho aaid Onus. Ticketa for Course tl, which gentlemen The following bills and accounts Brown must forward the same on or be­ may exclituif-u for membership to June A Ounioos FIND.—J. Jolly, ex- were read:—From B.O.P. & S.Co., for fore the 10th April, 1887, to the under­ SOtli, 1887, without extra (ee. All of life's Joy Is summed ln tlils- reeve of Langley'brought into the supplies, (12.04, referred to finance signed. E. A. JENNS, All of its strangely tender bliss! oity yesterday a curiously carved stone dmh2ml Administrator. We two alone, now Imml In hnnd, committee for payment; from Z. S. MARCH Ot which he fonnd on his farm at Lang­ Within life's whirl shnll steadfast stand. Hall, for atationoy, $12, referred to Magic Lantern Entertainment Largest Dry Goods, Clo­ Thy strong arm now supporting me, ley a few days ago. The Btone was of finance committe: from Tel. & Signal My clinging touch to comfort thee; a soft texture, and in Its centre had Service, {7.35, ordered paid; from R. Notice to Creditors! By Mr. Figg. Thy words of hojp and ready cheer, been hollowed in the shape of a shal­ Admission, no cents; Children,25 ct.. My answering love without a fear! C.P.Mills, for lumber, (7.10, referred low cup, aud had keen used for the mAKE NOTIOE THAT EDMUND J. J. jdmMtd thing and Gents' Fur­ We care not how the storm may beat,' to board of works; from COLUMBIAN, X Kelly and William H. Kelly, trading We who have entered love', retreat; purdose, apparently, of. eompouhiing (31.78, referred to finance oommittee; as Kelly Bros., at the city of New West ESTABLISHED 1875. We need not part while life Is ours, medicine. -At one side of the'cup from Guardian, (18.50, referred to minster, have this day assigned all their We need not need Us passing showers. real and personal estate to Messrs. 8, J. projected the figure of a bird, the finance committee: from T. J. Trapp, Pitts, John Wilson nnd K. a. Simpson, in features resembling those of a parrot,. nishing House on All thot I read within thine eyes for hardware, (2.75, ordered paid; T. trust for the creditors of the said Kelly Comfort and Joy and rest supplies; and on the outside of the cup were Bios. Creditors are requested to send All thnt thy gaze may read In mine, J. Trapp, auctioneer's commission, their olaims to Mr. S. J. Pitts, Victoria, The West Shore Wedded ns music Into rhymo! represented the bird's wings, The "(3.35, ordered paid; from N. Martin, forthwith. Hand clasped In hand we wander treo, other side of the cup was' -carved into for street work, (7.35, ordered paid; Dated March sth, 1887. the Mainland. Have the sweet bond 'twixt tiie. nud mc! the shape of a wizard* head, and there from J. MoRac, street work, (13.75, 8. PERRY MILLS, of Victoria, FSEE All of life's Joy Is summed ln this-- was also tho face of an Indian. This Ann For the balance of 1886, Including lhe All of Its sweetly tender bilas! ordered paid; from J. Jenson, work on CORBOULD A McCOLL,, mammoth holiday number, to nll who Miriam Lester. curious stone was probably used by street, (16, ordered paid; from F. Of New Westminster, subscribe now for 1887. the medioine man, and has been lost dmh7ml Solicitors for Trustees. With the January issue THE WEST Forrest, work on street, (30.36, or­ SHORE will begin Its twelfth year. Every C. E. C. Brown, dentist, will be in while some of the aborigines had been dered paid; from J. Downing, assist­ number contains original illustrations of encamped in that region. scenery, townt. and Industries In the Pa­ tlm city nfter to-day. mli2dtc ing at land sale, (2, ordered paid; cifio Northwest, equaling In excellence the The Banff mines are turning out , .—•.* . Mr. Jackson's bills for keep of pris­ best productions of Eastern magaxlnes. oners were ordered paid, as well as gas The contributed articles, general litera­ 500 tons qf coal per day. Hard and soft corns cannot withstand ture and stories are entertalningund care­ bill of the gas company.' unpin. fully edited, making the magaslne a JAMES ELLARD & CO. A large number of Ohinese left thia Holloway s Corn Cure; it Is effectual Ths reports of the finance committee Wholesale and Retail chaste family visitor. The comments on city yeBterday for Vnncouver. every time. Get a bottle at once nnd be events of Interest to this region and the ; happy. -i . of thi receipts and expenditure for large amount of Information ttoiieernlrig Fifty anthracite conl miners aro January and February were read. our various resources nnd the progress of wanted nt Banff. Wages 25 ctB. an development given ln every number ren­ Coun. Jaques asked to postpone the der Itextremeiy valuable. Nofamflj can '..••"' ^ *-'•.. . • ''• hour. Personal. •second reading of his 'amended fire- afford to do without It, aud every one fi­ The Yosemite brought over 5 tan. limit by-law. nancially Interested In the Pnclfle North­ ISmrvr "t^Teetnaliister, B. C W. H. Rowling, of Vancouver, waa west or desirous of lenrnlng Us resources of freight for the city nnd 104 ton. for Moved by Coun. Shiles and seconded will find it Invaluable. ... d«rja4tc the railway. in the city to-day. by Oban. Raid, and resolved, that the If the subscription price (82 per year) Is J. Jolly, ox-reeve of Langley, came sent In now yon will be entered tor lm, Now that the political agony is over police inagistrate get an order and the rcmnlnder of 1880 will be sent an in Victoria, wo hope tho Colonist and into the city yesterday. from .the. mayor to instruct the a premium. It, SAMUEL, Times will return to reason. Wm. Morrison, of Langley, was in eity clerk to pay interpreter's fees ,'adUb) 122 Front Street. Portland Or. Some boats wero out on the river the city this afternoon. when an interpreter is required in the laat night, bnt the salmon are making Fred. H. Robson, of Kamloops, is police court. "I tnke only one English weekly paper, The Spectator, and one CAnadltinJ' J*nl! themselves exceedingly scarce. • " spending a few days in the eity. He • Mr. Jackson's laid over bill, for SPRING CLEARING SALE Week, and as a rule I shoultl bo puiEXlM to reports prospects excellent at the in­ keep bf prisoners was ordered paid and sny which I should miss most.»--Prom a No eastern mail. It is expocted, same put into the hands of city barris­ letter by Thomas Hughes, author of "Tom however, that it will arrive to-morrow, terior metropolis. Brown's School DayB," To make, Room for our Spring and -» 1—~_ ter for collection from warden of the although nothing positive iB known. Presbyterian minuter, nre to be Victoria Elections. The clerk wai instructed to notify Summer Stock, shortly to arrive. supplied immediately for Richmond the assessor to prepare the roll at DRUGGISTS! nud Ladners, Chilliwhack and Kam­ UKED MD 8HHK8KME COME OUT ON TOP I once, Hew Westminster, B. 0. The Week: loops. ' Moved by Ooun. Curtis and seconded mlilOto A tanadlan Jtwrnsl of Politics, Society Marcus R. Mayer will marry Miss The election in Victoria took place by Cotin. Shiles, niid resolved, that aid Lltcrat-srr. Fortescue, the actress. Marcus Mayer yesterday, lt was a bitterly fought the clerk petition the speaker and local PmiLISHED EVERY THUnSnAV, ATflt.00 is a Bon of M. Mayer, merchant of contest, reminding one of the unseem- legislature for a grant of the park and PER ANNUM. Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, lp strife whieh makes eastern politics jail site and that a copy of this resolu­ Independent tn politics, THE WEEK Nanaimo. appealB by a comprehensive Table of Con­ id distasteful to many ef the best men. tion be forwarded Mr. Bole. Rural Canadian! The Vaucouveritea" are trying to AND THC . tents to tne different tastes which exist starve tho "specials" out. They Tbe voting resulted in the re-election The revenue .by-law Wia ordered within the circle of a cultured home. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, submitted to'"citJ,Toarriiter to test its An average of fifteen short, crisp Editor­ charge them 25 cts. a pound for beef. of the former representatives, Messrs. CANADA PRESBYTERIAN. ials ls given tn ench number upon CANA­ Not a bad plan! legality. DIAN, AMERIOAN, and ENGLISH POL­ Baker snd Shakespeare, by considera­ The clork was instructed to wait ou SS FOI BOTH PAPERS FOR HIT. ITICS and LITERATURE. Carpets, Oil Cloths and House The \V. U. wires wont down south ble majorities. Tho vote stood as fol­ Mr. Ewen cencorning a renewal of his Amongst tho regular contributors Pro­ : This Remarkable OlTur In «ood to 01.11 nn fessor Qoldwln Smith; and adlstlngutshed of Port Susan, W. T., thia afternoon, lows: : ... fV . lease. well as NKW Subficrlbera. public man ln London hits kindly under­ consequently wo nre without tho great­ Baker 032 Moved by Coun. Curtis and second­ taken to supply regularly an English Furnishings. er part of our press telegrams. Letter. Paris and Washington Letters ed by Ooun. Jaques, and resolved, tliat Tim CANADA PIIIWHVTKRIAN IB pro­ nounced to be the "li.adliiK denomina­ will appear at regular Intervals. In addition to our uew atock of spring Humphries tke clerk applyto eity barrister as to tional pnper tn Cnnadii," m now In IIN In addition there aro special contribu­ We wiil offer our entire Stock for the : cods we liave opened mi invoice of tions from some of the ablest writers In Fell .• 387 the best means of collecting the taxes. HIXTRKNTM year of publication, uml tn all the Dominion and the United States. ritugonals, Weat of £ngluml Broadcloth, ItH df-i-urtiiieiit* will be better than ever next two weeks at a reduction of 10 to 20 McCallum 248 Moved by Coun. Elliott, and sec­ during the coming year. and French Cassimeres. — WALSH'S Robertson 183 onded by Couu. Shiles, and resolved, THE RUHAI, CANADIAN, nbout to enter has now entered upon Its third yeur with per cent, leas than regular prices. A few TAii.or.iNa EMPORIUM. dnoSOtc After the result had I been made that if any amendment be made to on lis TENTH YEAII, IH styled the " Agricul­ most encouraging prospects, and with What are the people of tliis city tural authority of tbe Dominion," In a many new features, fines under oost to olose them out. Call and known, the successful, candidates tho municipal act during this session large 82 pp. paper,with department* io going to do about ttie Queen's ? were serenaded. that the city member insert a clause Butt the varied tauten and IntereMa to be C. BLACKETT ROBINSON. examine our Goods to give us an opportu­ Is the memento of the jubilee year to found ln every home. 5 Jordan St., Toronto, Ont. to the effeot that interest be added to Sample copies free oh application. nity to quote prioes and convince you that be a city hall to bo christened with Building Items. delinquent taxes. KnlMcrlbe Ur bath Papen MW nnd appropriate ceremony "VieUria Hnll I" Ooun. Jaques gave notice of motion nave tl* THR WEEK Is one of the most Influen­ we are offering Qoods at astonishingly low Address: zal Journals In Canada—Truth, London, The bark Viola, which drifted ashore A SPIENDID NEW NOTEl TO BE ERECTED. to amend the sidewalk by-law. O. BLACKETT ROBINSON, England, felS prices. in Esnuiiiiuult harbor on Saturday Counoil then adjourned. d-de7Hdllb 5 Jordnn Street, Toronto. OGLE, CAMPBELL & CO. morning, was floated during tho fol­ Tha outlook at preseut for this sea­ Next Door to Bank of B. C. lowing night. Tt is thouuht thnt she son's business in all branches promise lnu uot sustained nuy sorimts damage. that it shall be one of unprecedented 1887. P. 8.«8peclal Attention to Orders by Mall. "Vote for Baker and Shakespeare activity. No better guarantee of the Per str Yosemite, from Victoria, March To the Electors! dwmtllinl 8-Mrs Miller, Miss Woods, J McKensle, and secure tho terminus of the C.l'.Tt. city's steady growth and prosperity JWB Alltrauu,8Tingley, W MeKee.Per- steamers nt Victoria or Esquimau," can be found, than building improve­ gluvMoMyn, W H London, I Youdnll.I' Youdall, L Guichon,O Hunter,.! Holland, Harper's Bazar. AHO TNE PUBLIC IN GENUAL This was one of the Colonist's eleotion ments. Lost season witnessed a very Gates, J Brown, Moriimer, G <>rccn, Alex paragraphs. Do thu people of Vio­ large addition to the city in the erec­ Dempster. ILLU8TRATEJ. torin really dream tliat it is possible to tion of private residences. The ap­ Of the District of stop the C. P. II. steamers from coin­ pearances are that more than double IlARPBU'aBAKAiteoinbhH's Ibe choices Bargains! Bargains! lltoruhiienml tbe flnert nrt Illustrations ing tu the mainland] the number will be erected during the with the latest fashions and the most use­ ful fnmlly n.nding. Its stories, poems, Our readers ahould not forget the coming summer: Among the many Per atr Yosemite, from Victoria, March and ewnysai-R by the best writers, and Its magic lantern entertainment in the contemplated improvements G. W. S-AgtlmmRx. FE, JK A Oo, J KJ.Mrs liumorotM HltftU'lii-i. nn- unMiiinistn-d, Ita EJH,BS,TIfW,MH. papers oirwielal eiloueit*', decorative art, 'JI Skating Rink to-morrow night under Grant, architect, is now preparing house-keeptDg in nil Its branches, cookery the auspices of tho Y.M.C.A. We be­ plans and estimates for a large brick etc. matte IMiKllspensuble In every house­ lieve the exhibition will be very inter­ hotel for W. A. Duncan, to be erected The Great French Remedy, Dr. Le* hold Its beautiful fashion-plates and Kilt tern-sheet supplement** enable ladles Or any other District. esting and inrtruotire. One dellar onthe eornerof Coluhbia and Cle­ Duo's Periodical Pills. These Pills are compounded from the purest drugs, and > save mnny limes the cost of subscrip­ (jolil & Silyer Watcbes, Diamonfl Rings. will purchase a ticket for this and the ment streets and for whieh tonders tion by being tbelr own dressmakers. Not following seven entertainments. from thoae only which are known to aet a line Is admitted to lis column that could will shortly be invited. This hotel upon the Generative Oraniia In Females. shook the most fnstldions taste. Feeling tliat whethor we have the BRACELETS, PINS, LOCKETS, CHAINS, AC. It ii stated tliat the Uiar of Russia will have a frontage of 00 ft. on Col­ They are first enclosed in an air-tight secretly visited Paris and had a per­ umbia street by a depth of 70 ft. on capsule, and by thia mcana made to re­ HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Also a large assortment of SILVER PLATED WARE sonal interview with President Grevy. Clement st. The. main entrance will tain their full strength for years in any PER YEAR l KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, &c. a few weeks ago. He traveled in dis­ be from Columbia st., to Ish, right of climate. Ask us for private circular. A. M. HESHISO It p. 8. CDB-IS ft Co., IIAItl'ER'S BAZAR U 00 §3P All Goods guaranteed to be as represented. guise, accompanied by two attendants which entrance will be the Office and UAtU-KR'-J MAOAZINK 4 00 and a big dog, .and during his stay in New Westminster! T. McNeeley, Lad* DEEPENED reading rooms. Beyond the stairway ner's Landing! H. McDowell * Co., Van­ HARPER'S WERKI.Y 4 00 Paris lived iu a retired private house hall will be the dining rooms, and in couver; Pimbnry * Co., Nanaimo; T. IIARPRR'S YOUNO PK0PMS 2 00 Or not, we muat have Boots ud Show, oeeupied by the Grand Duke Nicholas. the rear the kitchens and culinary de­ Pickard, Denman Island; A. K. Johnson HARPER'S WANK LIN SQUARE LIBRARY, C. Nl. McNaughten, Tha people of Vancouver are apply­ partments. Fronting Colnmbia at. on ft Co., Chemainus; R. B. Richardson One Year (62 Numbers) 10 00 THKRKFOBE, Cowichan; W. E. McCartney, ftBro. , dw-jai9tc COLONIAL BLOCK, New Westminster, B. C. ing (or lorne nmendments to their city the lift of the entrance will HARPER'S HANDY SERIES, One Vancouver and Kamloopai Hsstlngs Nnw Yenr (f-2 Numbers).... 16 00 charter. One of these amendments BE TWO STORED Mill Co., Vancouver; The Vanoouver providas that all reta'l liquor dealers Posing*. Free to sll siitwrlbcn In lhs United GEO. H. GRANT & CO. and in the rear of these stores will be Drug Co., Vancouver! J, B. Lovell, Yaloj StAtM XT ClllMllfl, ahall be disqualified for eleotion as the billiard parlors. &o. A wide, W,TR. Megaw, Priert Valley; H. Clark Tliu Volumes of the BAIAI begin with lbs tint Take advantage of till, opportunity to Houses to Let members of the city council, Isn't ft Co., Kamloops; LAMOLEY ft Co,, Number f..r Jnmwry of each yesr. When no time ARCH BUSS, let tho rudtrs of tlila paragraph know easy staircase will lead to the 2nd whole-.!. M-enta, Victoria. dwte28yl la M«itl<-Heri. subscriptions Will begin with •HOLD thii making things rather select ? A the Number current at time of reoclptof whore Boota and Shooa of various do- DF.AU.R IN I liqiwr dealer is good enough fer dis­ floor,' whero the. parlors, .suitei of order. B. rooms will be pleasantly situated over­ Bound volumes of Harper's Baiar, fnr aorlptiona and of all sir.es may he hod. trict rapmentative in the commons, three years baok, In neat cloth binding, and all the Vancouver papers support looking the river. Besides halls and will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by We liavo taken th. Store on Columbia TESTED WOOD ft COAL closets the remainder ot, thia'floor.will expreu. free of expense (provided the him, but he isn't good enough for a Farm for Sale. freight does not exceed one dollar per vol­ Street lately occupied by Mr. N. A. Vanoouver alderman 1 be occupied by 30 bed-rooms. The ume), for 17,00 per volume. Whit., and are In a position to entertain RELIABEL third floor will contain 30 bed-room, Oloth Oue* for etch volume, lultsble fur bind­ ing, will be sent by mail, poetpsld. on receipt of cti.tom.iii, to whom we extend a cordial .General teaming all roomy and well lighted. The halls, j-tQMBIHTING OK TWO LOTH OF IM \J and IW new. (whieh will be .old to* $1,00 etch. luvitttion io c.11 and examine our Condensed Desimtches. . ettiit, and corridors are eu urrangod getter or BenaraHly); * milea from New Remittance* ihould be miwlu by P-Mt-Offlce ta.t-.it n mil, MT TOV, turn* ALL KINDS DONE PROMPTLY Westminster; nimt-elaj. land; about sr, Money Order or Draft, to iivuW clinnce nt low. Htock. Mist NHontbi. ntM. • TJTtE^--' ' that acoess and" egress will bo mado Newepepern sre not tn copy thin wlve-lleement TBBI.B BROS * CO., or easy. The hotel will be lighted with without Ihe eipreu order of flsrpcr k Brother*. OEO. H. GRANT It CO., ttr Order, any be left at W. H. BarnX HariW yesterctay signed articles for 1 -rowiiTo, out » no* wm9mA>p*> «» Nepean gas and contain all modern improve* mMtMctr UARPRfl * BHO*, New Tnrk. dwmliDto CflLUiimi 8mi-r. River, Attitmlln, ori November fM. Applyto 0.0. MAJOR. , I ilwmhMe New Westminster,