"'••iron A 73 B Davie mm emmms-ssms-eesms-smsmm VOLUME 2 NEW WESTMINSTER, a 0., TUESDAY EVENING, .MARCH 8, 1887. NUMBER 56 O. HMDUMOII, St.».,0,M. J, (OlSsgOW). TURNER, BEETON & CO. COME AND SEE! FORSALE. guilj) *f ritiah Oolumbum Maple Ridge conncil. PHYS.CIAN A BURGEOW, mm? LEASE, FIXTURES AND STOCK VV. H. HOLDEN, 1 ot that well-known Variety store Taenia, •vealac, Hank S, IM. lewr Ward Beecher at nm. Oouncil met on the Sth inst Ooun., TTAVINO TAKEN POSSESSION OF next the Holbrook Bouse, Front Siren. Dawson aud Ferguson were absent. dwfeSlto Chtlllwheok, B. C. MERCHANTS, . doclstc Collector reported having collected XI the "Temperance House," fronting •fecial la Ike CaluMaa. on Columblaand Ohurch BtreetH, opposite Canada* Far-Sighted Pane*. 1190 delinquent Lies during the •WOLf SMITH, M.D. the Episcopal Church, ami now known Niw You, Mar. 8, 3:30 p. m.— WUABF STBKKT * VICTOBIA. as the month. Joseph Mighton's application D Safe fto Sale. It ii podtiraly UMttod that defi­ Henry Ward Beecher died at 9:30 OFFIOE—Clarkson Rtreet, opposite rear for the removal of an obstruction from AQIITTS VOB this morning. Kanaka creek road wu referred to ontr.no. of Colonial Hotel. FARMERS' H0MEI . NO. 10 TAYLOR'S SAFE In food nite emngementi have been oom­ A ordert JUB Inches Inside; wlfl be pleted by tht Cunard iteunhip pathmuter, Mr. John MoKenney RESIDENCE-A»n.s St,, oppoilte new North British and Mercantile Will accommodate the traveling public -•»-. Baptist Church. •old cheap. Appl* at thi. offlce. dwfeute compnny to the tnnifer of the wu appointed returning officer for the Insurance Uo. ror Mainland. at Uie following rales: The AlRoma Elections. present year. Audilor'a report for OFFICE HOUns-lO n. m. to 13 noon; 9 Board per day , f 100 Bothnia, Gallia and Soythia to the to 6; and 8:30 to 8 p. m. dnoioto 11 " week .....6 00 1886 wu nad snd adopted. It waa H.'O. BEETON* CO., Single Meals 2ff Second-Hand Organ. Pacific Ocean for service between MMM tmswmm m tin urn. resolved that Couns. Dawaon, Sinclair f M..MAOLMAH, B.A., M.O„O.M. Beds 25 Vancouver, Yokohama and Hong­ Special ta Ike CaliMMsa. and Laity be rosd committee for wsrd 38 Finabury Circus, «ra.Good accommodation for Ladles and London,'E. 0. OR HALE CHEAP. May he seen at kong. Ther «iU be lubaidiiedby MOKTJUUL, Mar. 8.—-The result of No, 2, and Couns. Docksteader, Fer­ OFFICE: MoKensle Street, next door to families. myDto the Store of the contest in Algoma is still in doubt F T. R. PEARSON, the Canadian government, and in guson snd Laity for ward No. 1. On Drill Shed. Both parties claim it. Dawson has a d wJa211o Book., Stationery A Music connection with the Canadian Paci­ motion of Ooun. Sinclair, seconded by RESIDENCE: Agnes Stmt, third bome majority ef about fifty at present with from Mary Street. fic Railway will form a through Ooun. Dockstesder, the road oommit­ aeveral places to hear from. tee wu requested to employ Mr, Pen- OFFICE HOURS: 10 to U; 3 to 5; 8:80 to 8. THE CLARENCE c. MCDONOUGH FOR SALE. route for the trannortaUon of mer- d-d.lSto . berthv to survey and locate roads pro­ Corner Yates* Douglas Streets, HAVING TAKEN . chaiKlise between China and Ameri- posed to be opined up tbe coming IT M.COOPBR.B. A..M.D., NE-HA LF INTEREST IN the LAND- FrleadU Attitude or Prussia VICTORIA, B. C. Lnndbam's Building, Front 81. O leySawandtflanlng Mill; mill In 01,-beeidei canying maiU Marked summer. Finos, swine and dog by­ PHYSICIAN 4 BURGEON. good order. For phrtlcnlnrs .pply on the for that route from the United and lie Vatican. laws received tlieir fint and aecond FRANK 0. RHWMBUk. ? •> v* LE8KE (Formerly occupied by Kyle A Tllton), premises to H. WEST, OFFICE and RESIDENOE-Chnroh St. Or, Mossrs, DRAKE, JACKSON, State» and Europe. The old atory readings. Oflloen' by-laws, regula­ aplSto A HELMCKKN, Victoria. TUMI FMM Mil MU AMD'tVNtHED-AWM- (next door to Farmer.' Home), near mOURlBTS'HEADQUARTERS; FIRST haa been dinned in our ean again DHIH NAMED IY THt MM. tion amendment by-law, and by-law Colnmbia St., New Westminster, R0. A Claai ln every respeot Pall/ >«p> IS NOW READY regulating the time for taking lhe as­ OFFICE HOURS—9to 10a.m.! Itoland •lied with all CMvenleae«> or Modern and again from 1868 to the present 190 to 8 p. m. Calls In town and coun­ ••teb. New and Elegant ln nil ita Ap* to serve hts customers and everybody assail r»x la Is. Aaielet.-~ani.al sf sessment snd return of the roll were try promptly attended to. feSto polntment*. Price* Moderate. with as good a stook na a man wants to Span of Hares I day. Had we, fifteen yean ago, Iks Wew Secretary si ••Hia. read their third readings and pasaed. Thii magnlfloont Hotel Is now open for select from. posseised sufficient foresight and pt.BBt.IIW * MeOBU, the reception of Guests. Dry Goods. Groceries. ProvMom, FOR 8ALE CHEAP. broad public spirit to do what the Bjr Associated Pre... Craekery, Glassware, Boots* Ae, Ooun. Docksteader complained of WNo palm will be spared by the man­ Canadian government is now doing, WAKIJINU KUIWIA, BARRISTBBS, agement to make this Hotel pleasant and Come and see the now plnee, and let us ELL BROKEN TO DOUBLE AND the unfairness of the Dominion gov­ attractive., docotc know what you thick of it. Single ~Harnessan d Saddle. Api a subsidised English marine would BERLIN, Har. 7.—Much anxiety is ernment in dealing with eqoatten,and IOUOITORS, ETO W dwooiMo c. MCDONOUGH. at this Offlce. dwJalH not have swept our vessels from the felt here sa to whether or not Russia suggested that the oounoil iheuM rep­ Office. Mokenslegli^XewWestalnster, seas; we should not to-day be will allow thc elocution of the Bulga­ resent the true state of sffsin to the snd Vancouver, B.C. )y8ldwto rian conspiraton to pasa unnoticed. THOS. OVENS, FORJIALE. obliged to rely upon foreigners for minister of the interior. All timber E. HUTCHERSON, The deficit that will be caused in the of supposed or imaginary value is re­ fB C. ATBUBBOB, MANUFACTURE!! OF NURSERYMAN A DEALER IN 160 Acres or Good Farming the transportation of our commodi­ budget by the operation of the sep* served, snd, worse, sny grass plot is Land ties; our product! would not reach tennate law will be covered by a fresh also reserved. The squstter, attar a BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Ao. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, other dimes in foreign bottoms; our loan. All projects for fresh taxation penal service ot three or mon yean in 8 mile, below the City, with a good House an postponed and the session of the LADNERS LANDING, B, O, on It. Applyto trade with South America would grabbing stumps, ate., preparing a few McKensle Street, reichstag will probably terminate in C. HUNTER, not be by the roundabout way of seres of comparatively sterile land for Buggies, Carriages, FITflB SUBSCRIBER WISHES TO IN- dfellml Agnes St., Now Wert. two months. Julinueke Zextuug warns crop, is then uked one dollar sn son dWfelOto ifew Westminster, B.C. 1 form tho people of British Columbia London and Liverpool; our iron ship Russia that even German patience for tbe land whioh without his hard that he has established a Nursery at Lad­ yards could not be counted on the toward her neighbor has limits and nr BOHHAM BOLB. ner's Landing, and Is prepared to fill work would not be worth anything. all orders for Fruit Trees, Ornamental fingers of one hand—to-day a woe­ says if Russia compels Germsny to Trees*. Shrubbery, Vines, Small Fruits, ForSale! take into account the Franco-Russian On motion of Coun. Sinclair, sec­ '• BARRISTER-AT-LAW. 4c. Trees Imported or home grown ac­ 1 SPAN DAHK BAY MARES, i and 6 ful possibility; the plant for the onded by Coun. Laity, it wu resolved Blacksmith and Machinist cording to the wishes of customers. The 1 years old; good travellers; wort single agreement let her beware lest she may Und Attn*. MonijtoLoan. subscriber has had a thorough practical or double. building of ships of war would not herself hate to cousder a hostile Ger­ that the hardships endured by uttlen training in the biufnom-i, und having a l Bi.yHorM'.8yenreold; works single or be an uncertain chance of the fu­ on government land on account of the Colombia StreM, iermanent stake In tho country it is his double; nice ladles' or gents' saddle hone; many. All Kinds of Machinery, Patent Locks, nteresttodeal fairly with the public, He very gentle. ture; and the American sailor might reservation ot everything on the land f of auy value be brought to the notice Hito NewW..tml».ter,aC. Safes, Hewing Maoltines, ke., ke., will wait upon tho various towns nnd set­ 18>sealed BNggri 4 springs; nearlLy ner. still hold that commanding position THI IHPtBOH AMD THE POPE. Kopnired. tlements shortly, and atl orders will havo S5 toiiIonMs of TtmulbTlnivlby Hay o'—n Nort"~*h Arm"", of the minister ot the interior, and to /-I W. ORABT, his personal attention. Prnser river, which was his fifty yean ago, when BiauK, Mar. 8,—The Emperor aulSto K. HUTCHERSON. 95 bbls. Halt Salmon. 8 balf-bbU. fait William yeaterday received Herr We- advise him that the placing of an em­ BLACKSMITHINC Salmon Bellies* the stan and stripes might be found bargo on tho land of one dollar an ARCHITECT.
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