Time For Goodbye.


Direct Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/8767/time-for-goodbye-donghae-eunhae--ky uhyun-kyumin-sungmin-haehyuk


Title: Time For Goodbye

Author: Lainny

Pairing: Kyumin, HaeHyuk

Rating: PG-13

Genre: Angst, Romance

Disclaimer: I do not own (but I wish i did), I do own the story

Summery: Sungmin is dating Kyuhyun but suddenly disappears with his brother Donghae.


“Hyung!” I woke up to my brothers knocks and yells from outside my room door telling me to wake up. “Hyung wake up its late, Hyukjae is almost here, hurry up and get ready!”

“I’m up, I’ll be down in a few.” I usually don’t wake up late, I always have to wake up Donghae, but last night I wasn’t feeling so well. I even threw up.

Today we are accompanying Hyukjae to pick up his cousin at the airport. He just arrived from studying in the US for 4 years. Hyukjae and him care for each other like brothers they are really close.

Heading downstairs I saw Donghae and Hyukjae cuddling on the couch, how I envy them. I wish I had someone with me but I still haven’t met the right guy. Plus I have to worry about my studies right now. “Good morning guys.” they almost jumped when they heard me. Hyukjae doesn’t feel comfortable cuddling with Donghae in front of me.

“Good morning hyung.” Hyukjae showed me his gummy smile.

“Hyung what took you so long? Hyukkie’s cousin will arrive at the airport in half an hour. Hurry!” Donghae hissed at me.

“But I haven’t had breakfast yet.” I said with a pout just too look cute and they can let me at least eat a fast meal, but I know Donghae won’t buy it.

“We’ll eat after we pick Hyukkie’s cousin. Now lets go!” he pulled Hyukjae with him and I followed behind them.

As always I drive and they both seat at the back seat like little children, Hyukjae quiet and Donghae making all the noise. When will he grow up, he’s like a little kid.

25 minutes later we arrived at the airport and we walked to the gate which Hyukjae’s cousin should be coming from. While the people are walking out of the gate Hyukjae is looking for his cousin till he spots him.

“Kyuhyun! Over here!” Hyukjae starts jumping up and down waiving his hands so his cousin can see him. No wonder Donghae like him he’s also like a little kid.

I turned around to look at the direction that Hyukjae is looking at and ‘ wow, that guy is handsome!’ I thought as I watch him approaching us. He’s tall and he is wearing a navy blue suit.

“Cousin Kyu I missed you so much!” Hyukjae hugged his cousin and almost suffocated him so Donghae had to pull him away. “I missed you too Hyukjae.”

“This is Donghae.” Hyukjae pulled Donghae in front of him so Donghae would face Kyuhyun. “Donghae this is my cousin Kyuhyun.”

“So you’re the guy Hyukjae can’t stop talking about, huh?” Kyuhyun smiled at Donghae and then turned to my direction. “And who is this?” he asked Hyukjae.

“Oh, this is Sungmin-ssi, Donghae’s hyung.” he turned to face me again and smiled to me.

“Nice to meet you Sungmin-ssi.”

“Nice to meet you too Kyuhyun-ssi.” I can feel myself blushing. “ Guys lets go eat something now.” I said.

We went to a restaurant near the airport, we ordered and when the waiter brought the food I started feeling sick again.

“What’s wrong hyung?” Donghae asked me and I just smiled at him and shook my head.

“Nothing, I’m fine. Just a little tired.” I lied not wanting him to worry about me. I just need to go home and rest, I feel so tired.

Chapter 1

Sungmin woke up with the sound of his phone ringing. He sleepily answered it. “Hello?”

“Hyung, I’m with Hyukjae and will be home late in the afternoon.”

“Okay just don’t be late for dinner.” “Don’t stay all day in bed again hyung, go out for a while.”

“I will. Bye.” Sungmin closed his phone and covered himself with the cover and tried to go to sleep again but his head was hurting.

He got up and took a quick shower then after he got dressed he went downstairs to eat something. After eating he went into the living room and sat on the couch turning on the television. ‘I should go shopping since there isn’t anything else to do.’ he thought as he was feeling bored.

Sungmin went out of the house locked the door and headed to the bus stop, feeling too tired to drive. He got on the bus and took a seat and started to listen to his mp3 when suddenly Kyuhyun’s face popped in his mind and he blushed. ‘Aish, Sungmin stop thinking about Hyukjae’s cousin! He probably doesn’t even remember you’ he shook and lightly hit his head “Stupid, stupid, stupid.”. Suddenly he remembered he was in a public bus and he looked up seeing all the people looking at him so he smiled awkwardly and turned to look out the window.

He arrived at the mall and went inside.

Sungmin's POV

‘Where should I start?’ I thought to myself. ‘ I need to buy some new jeans’ I kept on thinking, then I walked into a cloths store. I started to try on some cloths and I felt so tired so I just bought 2 pairs of jeans and 3 t-shirts then started to walk around the mall for a bit.

As I was walking I notice a store that had a bunch of stuffed bunnies! And they are PINK!! So I ran to the store but didn’t go inside just stared at the pink bunnies through the glass window. “So cute!”


Someone called me so I turned around and I widened my eyes, it was Kyuhyun. ‘Did he hear me call the stuffed bunnies cute? So embarrassing’. “H-hi Kyuhyun-ssi.” I said.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Oh, well Donghae went out with Hyukjae this morning and said he won’t be back till late in the afternoon.”

“So that’s why he wasn’t at home this morning.” Kyuhyun said, he was thinking out loud. “I’m about to go eat want to join me?” Kyuhyun asked me.

“Sure.” “Let me help you with your bags.” he reached and grabbed my shopping bags. “Where would you like to eat?”

“Anywhere is fine.”

“You like Italian?”

I nodded then he started walking and I followed him outside to his car. Kyuhyun walked to the passengers seat and opened the door for me, I got in and he walked to the drivers seat and started the car. The drive was silent all the way but I can’t stop staring at him, he looks so perfect.

We arrived to the restaurant and walked inside and sat down then he ordered for me.

“How long has Hyukjae and Donghae been dating?” Kyuhyun finally broke the silence.

“About 3 years now, but it seems like they just started dating. They are the perfect couple.” I said. Its true they are so loving to each other.

“And do you have a boyfriend?”


“You don’t like guys?” he asked

“I do, but I don’t have a boyfriend at the moment.” I said. Does he also like guys? “Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?”

“No, I had a boyfriend buy we broke up a few years ago when I went to America to study.” he said and I smile, he likes guys too!

The waiter came with our food and placed it in front of us. We talked for a bit while eating till we finished.

“You didn’t like the food?” Kyuhyun asked me when he saw my plate almost full. I wasn’t really hungry and my stomach just won’t take a lot of food lately.

“Oh no, its really good I’m just not that hungry.”

“You don’t eat much. Are you anorexic?” he asked

“Huh? No I usually eat a lot but I just haven’t been feeling like eating that much lately.” I said truthfully.

“Are you seek?” he asked a little worried.

“No, I’m just probably stressed out or something.” I said and he nodded.

Kyuhyun looked at his watch then turned to look at me. “ I have a meeting in an hour, I’ll take you home.” he said as he paid for both of our meals and then we headed outside back to his car.

We talked a bit on the way. He owns the mall!! Why didn’t Hyukjae tell me that his cousin owns the mall? I bet Donghae knows and he didn’t tell me! “ So what do you do?” Kyuhyun asked me.

“I work in a café.”

“Your not studying?”

“Yea but I had to quit for a bit when our parents died. But I’m going to go back next semester.” I said. Yea our parents died 2 years ago and I had to quit college and get a job to pay Donghae’s school and to be able to eat.

“I’m sorry.” he said.

We arrived and he helped me with my shopping bags and walked me to the door. “Thanks, would you like to come in?” I asked hopping he would say yes.

“I would but the meeting starts in thirty minutes and its important.” Kyuhyun said and I was a bit disappointed. “Maybe next time. Take care.” he said and left. I just smiled at him and waved.

As I opened the door I heard someone fall and someone else running away from the door, I guess Donghae and Hyukjae are home. I saw Donghae on the floor and Hyukjae sitting on the catch , more like lying down in an uncomfortable position.

“Donghae, weren’t you going to come home later today?” I asked him as he stood up.

“Yeah, but monkey wanted to come home and cook something for you since he notice you haven’t been eating well lately.” Donghae said.

“Oh thanks Hyukjae, but I already ate.” I bowed my head a little to Hyukjae.

“You ate with my cousin, didn’t you?” Hyukjae asked and I couldn’t helped but blush.

“Hyung, your blushing!” Donghae pinched my cheeks.

“Donghae stop! It hurts!” I tried pushing Donghae but I don’t have any strength.

He let go and I rubbed my abused cheeks. “I went to the mall looking at some stuffed bunnies and he came up to me and asked me if I wanted to have lunch with him.” I said. And why was I mad at them again? Oh yea… “Why didn’t you guys tell me that Hyukjae’s cousin is the owner of the mall?!”

“Because you would ask Hyukjae to tell Kyuhyun to give you a discount and buy all the stuffed animals in the shops or every single pink think you see at the mall.” Donghae said and went to sit beside Hyukjae.

“I wanted to tell you but Donghae always made me forget it when I was about to tell you. Plus I didn’t think it was important.” Hyukjae said.

“So how was the date?” Donghae asked and again I blushed.

“It wasn’t a date… we just had lunch together.” I said truthfully, but I wish it was a date.

“Kyuhyun asked about you the other day after you dropped us off.” Hyukjae said.

“Really?” I ran and sat beside him. “What did he ask?” I asked Hyukjae, with a hint of excitement.

“Well he was worried because he said you looked pale and you didn’t eat much at the restaurant. He asked if you were sick. He just stroked me with a bunch of questions about you and Donghae.” Hyukjae answered.

Omo! Kyuhyun asked about me!

Chapter 2

Nobody's POV

“All set Mr. lee, next month you can start your classes here at Sapphire University.” the attendance lady told Sungmin as she handed him his schedule for his college classes.

“Thank you Mrs. Oh.” Sungmin bowed and left with a smile on his lips.

As soon as Sungmin was outside the university he looked at his watch and realized he was going to be late for work, so he started to run towards the café.

He arrived at the café a few minutes later and hurriedly entered it hoping the manager wasn’t there. He rested his hands on his knees and closed his eyes panting hardly. Sungmin was still trying to catch his breath when he felt a someone approached him, slowly opening his eyes hopping it wasn’t his manager.

“Lee Sungmin! This is the 4th time your late this month!” To Sungmin’s luck, Youngwoon, the manager was standing in front of him with his arms crossed.

“S-sorry, I h-had an in…terview at the University.” Sungmin said still panting.

“You can’t keep being late!”

, let him just get to work.” Jungsu, the boss of Shining Star Café came in.

“But Teukie, he’s late at least twice a week. The other workers are complaining.” Kangin said.

“I’m the boss here, now get to work!” Jungsu ordered.

Kangin walked away murmuring something beneath his breath. Jungsu looked at Sungmin and smiled. “Did you get accepted?” he asked Sungmin and the latter just nodded. “Good.”

“But I will have to work part time now.”

“Don’t worry, you can work on weekends and if you need more hours you can work 2 or 3 days during the week after your classes. But I don’t want you to tire yourself, ok? Jungsu said and gave Sungmin a warm smile.

“Thanks hyung.” Sungmin bowed to his boss.

Park Jungsu had known the Lee’s for years and was the one that helped Sungmin and Donghae when their parents passed away. He even gave Sungmin a job at his café. Jungsu was the one that encouraged Sungmin to go back to college. He saw them as his brothers.

Sungmin was cleaning a table, he hadn’t done much but he was feeling really tired again. Kibum another employer saw Sungmin closing his eyes and massaging his nape so he walked up to him.

“Sungmin-ssi, are you okay?” he asked startling Sungmin.

“Huh? Oh yeah I’m fine Kibum. And you’ve been working here for 3 weeks, stop with the Sungmin-ssi. Just call me Sungmin.” Sungmin gave him a weak smile.

“Ok, Sungmin. But are you sure your alright? You seem tired.” Kibum asked worriedly.

“I’m fine, really. And I’m am tired, but just because I was studying all week to take the entrance exam for college. But I’m fine.” Sungmin assured him.

“Ok, but try to eat more your loosing a lot of weight.” Kibum’s smiles and walks toward the kitchen.

Sungmin looked at his body to see if he was really loosing weight, but soon he ignored it and went back to cleaning the table.


After work Sungmin was walking home exhausted, all he was thinking about was to get home take a quick shower and go to sleep. Maybe eat something since today he was actually feeling a little hungry and not nauseated. His thoughts were cut off when he received text. He grabbed his cell phone and opened it.

‘From: Donghae

Hyung, Hyukkie wants you to come and have dinner with us tonight.

Can you come?’

Sungmin frowned, he didn’t feel like going to have dinner with them, especially go into the house that brought back memories. ‘I guess I have to go since Hyukjae has been worrying about me.’ Sungmin sent Donghae a message back.

From: Sungmin

Yeah I’ll be there in a bit. I’ll just go home to change.

After he sent the message he turned off his phone without realizing it and started his way back home.

Didn’t take him long till he arrived to his house. He walked inside and went straight to his bedroom and picked out some cloths and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Sungmin walked out of the shower and got dressed, then decided to rest a while and laid on his bed. ‘Will I be able to go? I haven’t been to Hyukjae’s house since he left… that was 2 years ago.’ Sungmin thought. But without realizing it he closed his eyes and dozed off into deep sleep.


“He’s not coming.” said Kyuhyun a bit disappointed.

They were at Hyukjae’s house waiting on Sungmin. It had been 2 hours since he told them he was only going to go home and change. Donghae tried calling him but Sungmin’s phone was off and he wasn’t answering the house phone.

“He’ll come, he said he did and he never breaks his promises.” Donghae said feeling a little worried.

“Hae, maybe he’s sick. You know he hasn’t been feeling well.” Hyukjae said.

“Or maybe he still isn’t ready to come here. Maybe he’s still hurting.” Donghae said getting Kyuhyun’s attention.

“Still hurting? Did something happened to him?” Kyuhyun asked worriedly.

Donghae and Hyukjae exchanged looks. “ No, nothing happened. Lets just start eating. Maybe he’ll be a little late.” Donghae said.

They all seated at the table and started eating the food that Kyuhyun prepared. Yeah Kyuhyun made the food especially for Sungmin, and was a bit disappointed that Sungmin didn’t show up.

“So Kyuhyun-ssi, how old are you?” Donghae asked.

“I’m 22.” Kyuhyun answered.

“Oh so your 2 years younger than my hyung. I thought you were older since you seem more mature then Sungmin hyung.” “And you.” Hyukjae murmured to himself but the other two were able to hear him. Kyuhyun started giggling and Donghae glared at him.

“The food tastes great Kyuhyun-ah. Right Donghae.” Hyukjae tried to get them to talk about something else to save himself.

“Yeah, Kyuhyun you cook pretty well. Mind teaching Sungmin hyung. He isn’t a really good cook.” Donghae asked and Kyuhyun chuckled.

“If he lets me, then I’ll be glad to teach him.” Kyuhyun answered.

Kyuhyun’s POV

Sungmin didn’t show up for dinner. What could have happened to Sungmin here at Hyukjae’s house? It must have been something unforgettable, but what? Or maybe he didn’t come because he’s feeling sick again.

“What school you graduated from? What college you went to? Are you independent or do you still live with your parents? Can you support a family with your wage?” ‘WTH’ I said in my mind.

‘Why is he asking me these questions? I thought he was with Hyukjae. What is wrong with him.’ I saw Hyukjae hid his face in his palms.

“Excuse me?” I asked.

“Don’t mind him. He thinks you want something else with his brother because you two had lunch the other day. He is just an over possessive brother.” Hyukjae said.

“And boyfriend.” Donghae added with a smirk and Hyukjae rolled his eyes. Ha this two are amusing.

I’m happy for Hyukjae, he found an amazing guy. Although I still can’t believe it, he was such a playboy back in high school. Who would have thought he would trade all the girls in the world for this guy.

“Well I better get home and see how Sungmin hyung is alright. Thanks for the dinner Kyuhyun-ah.” Donghae bowed to me.

“I hope you enjoyed it.” I said.

“Hyukkie, I’ll come tomorrow. I love you, bye.” Donghae said and gave Hyukjae a kiss on the lips. Do they have to kiss in front of me? I happy for them but they don’t have to kiss in front of me. They make me want to have a lover too.

“I love you too, bye fishy.” Hyukjae said before Donghae walked out. Ha fishy and monkey. That’s an odd couple.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nobody's POV

Sungmin woke up with a headache and realized it was already dark outside. He lazily got off the bed and walked to the kitchen to get some water. He then walked to the living room where he had left his cell phone and grabbed it and turned it on. ‘When did I turn it off?’ he thought as he turned it on.

There were 8 missed calls from Donghae. He then remembered he had to go to Hyukjae’s house for dinner. “I’ll apologize tomorrow.” he said as he put his cell phone on the coffee table.

He was about to walk into the kitchen when his house phone started ringing. He went to pick it up and answered.

“Hello?” he asked.

“Sungmin-ah?” asked a someone on the other line.

“Yes. Who is this?” Sungmin asked him.

"Sungmin, its me..." Sungmin widden his eyes. He knew that voice perfectly



Chapter 3

Sungmin’s OPV

“Hello?” I answered the phone.

“Sungmin-ah?” asked the voice, seemed familiar.

“Yes. Who is this?” I asked trying to remember who that voice belonged to.

“Sungmin, its me…” I widened my eyes. I knew exactly who it was.

“S-Siwon?” I asked hoping he would say he wasn‘t him.

I can’t talk to him yet.

“Yeah. How you been?” he asked. As if he cared.

“Good I guess. You?” without realizing it a tear escaped my eye. It still hurts to remember. “Not so good, I miss you.” he said and my tears rolled down my cheeks.

How can he be doing this after what he did 2 years ago.

“I-I’m sorry, I can’t talk right now.” I said and hanged up.

I started crying as I remembered what happened 2 years ago. How can he say he misses me after he broke my heart the way he did. I let my body fall on the couch and I hugged my knees as I cried.

Who knows how long I cried but after a while I heard the door open and a worried Donghae ran towards me.

“Hyung! What’s wrong? What happened?” He asked worriedly. I just shook my head unable to speak because I was still crying like a baby.

“Sungmin hyung, tell me what happened. If you don’t I’m going to call Leeteuk hyung so he can make you tell us what happened.” He threaten. I can’t let Leeteuk hyung worry about me anymore.

“He c-call… called.” I said as I sobbed.

“Who?” Donghae asked.

“S-Siwon…” I said and buried my face in my knees.

Donghae sat beside me and hugged me and I returned the hug, hugging him slightly tighter so he also tighten his arms around me. I’m glad I have a brother like Donghae. With him around me everything always seems like its going to be okay.

“What he say?” he asked me. I notice a hint of anger in his voice.

“He just asked how I was doing then I told him I had to go and hanged up.” I said. I wasn’t sobbing anymore but I still felt the tears sliding down slowly.

“Next time tell him you don’t want to talk to him ever again so he should no longer call you.” Donghae told me and I nodded.

“Sorry for not attending the dinner.” I apologized.

“Don’t worry, I’ll tell Hyukjae to just come here. He’ll understand.” I broke the hug and looked at him with a fated smile.

“Thanks. I’m a little tired so I’m going to go to bed.” I said as I stud up to leave.

“Someone wanted to see you tonight.” Donghae said and I turned to face him.

“Who?” I asked.

“Secret…” he said and walked to his room. He sure does know how to make me forget about bad things.

I walked to my room and changed into my pajama’s. After I did I laid on my bed and started thinking about who would had wanted to see me tonight. Could it had been one of Donghae’s friends? Or Hyukjae’s? could it had been Kyuhyun? No I don’t think so.

As I was thinking I fell asleep.


Nobody’s POV

The next day Sungmin woke up feeling so much better. He felt with some energy and he also felt hungry. Last night he forgot to eat dinner, so this morning he was planning on eating breakfast before going to work.

He walked downstairs, which he wished he never did. Donghae was laying on the couch and Hyukjae was on top of him holding Donghae’s arms on top of his head. ‘Can’t they do that in a room?’ Sungmin thought to himself.

Donghae finally notice Sungmin and looked at him with pleading eyes. “Hyung! Help! This monkey is rapping me.” Donghae said. As if Hyukjae was able to rape him.

Hyukjae turned to see Sungmin and quickly let go of Donghae. “Sungmin hyung, good morning.” Hyukjae said a little embarrassed of the position Sungmin had caught him in. “Don’t believe him, I was just trying to get my cell phone back.” he explained.

“Don’t worry, you can do what ever you want to him, just don’t kill him.” Sungmin told Hyukjae. He still remembered Donghae not telling him who wanted to see him last night, so he was punishing him.

“Hyung! Don’t be like that! Hyukjae is very scary when he’s mad! Save me. I’m your younger brother!” Donghae pleaded.

“Have you two ate yet? You want me to make breakfast?” Sungmin asked walking towards the kitchen.

“NO!!” both Donghae and Hyukjae chorused.

Sungmin stopped and turned around with a pout. ‘ why don’t they ever let me cook?’ Sungmin thought.

“Why? I haven’t cook in a long time. I’m going to forget my skills.”

“You don’t have any skills hyung.” Donghae bluntly said and Hyukjae smacked him on the head.

“What?! It’s true! He almost burned the kitchen twice and instead of eating meat we eat carbon.” Donghae said while rubbing his head. Sungmin pouted more and Hyukjae glared at him. “Hyukkie, you can kill him now. Please.” Sungmin gave his permission for Hyukjae to kill Donghae.

“My pleasure.” Hyukjae said with a smirk.

“Wait, Hyukkie lets talk about it first. I promise to keep my mouth shut. Please Hyukkie, I love you. You love me too, right? Hyukkie.” Donghae pleaded but it was no use, Hyukjae tackled him to the floor.

Sungmin just chuckled and walked into the kitchen to get something to eat. He could hear Donghae screaming in pain. But his scream wasn’t that painful, Sungmin knew Hyukjae wouldn’t hurt him much.

Sungmin decided to eat cereal since he had to hurry before he was late again and Kangin would have his head cut off, if Leeteuk let him that is.


Kibum was cleaning the tables when Sungmin arrived.

“Oh, Sungmin hyung. Your early today.” He smiled at Sungmin.

“Hi Kibummie. Yeah, I don’t want Kangin hyung to have my head today.”

“Then it’s a good thing you came early today, Kangin hyung and Leeteuk hyung had a fight moments ago and Kangin hyung is in a bad mood.” Kibum said.

“They fought again? Why?” Sungmin asked.

“A customer came in and asked Leeteuk hyung on a date and Kangin hyung heard. He almost beat the poor guy, but we hold him back. Leeteuk said that if he didn’t stop with his jealousy he would have to find another boyfriend. That’s when they started arguing.”

“Did Leeteuk hyung even say yes to the poor guy?” Sungmin asked in amusement. He can’t believe Kangin can be so childish when it comes to Leeteuk.

“Kangin hyung didn’t give him time to answer, he just threw a punch an the guy.” Kibum answered with a chuckle.

Sungmin couldn’t help but chuckle at Kangin’s childishness.

“NO! I already told you I’m not going to forgive you this time!” Leeteuk came yelling and Kangin was behind him.

“I won’t do it again, I promise.” Kangin said.

“That’s what you said last time. Why do you always have to use violence!” Leeteuk said glaring at Kangin. “He was asking you out!” Kangin defended.

“So what? You’re my boyfriend! I wasn’t going to say yes!”

“Ok, I’ll try to control myself next time!” Kangin lowered his head to face the floor in embarrassment.

Leeteuk walked away and Kangin notice Sungmin and Kibum staring at them and glared at them.

“Good morning Kangin hyung.” Sungmin bowed.

“Your early today. Get to work.” Kangin said before he walked away to do his work.

Later in the afternoon Sungmin was taking some orders then went and gave the orders to , who is in charge of the cooking.

“Here take this to table 4.” Shindong said giving Sungmin a cup of coffee.

Sungmin took the coffee and headed to table 4. He set the cup of coffee on the table, then smiled at the costumer.

“Here you go sir, ho…” Sungmin was shocked at who was sitting there.

“Hi Sungmin-ssi.” Kyuhyun smiled at him.

“Hi Kyuhyun-ssi.” Sungmin bowed.

“Don’t be so formal. How about you call me Kyuhyun from now on and I call you Sungmin?”

“Sure.” Sungmin smile again.

“You work here?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Yeah. What brings you here?”

“I got off work early and this café brought my attention and I decided to stop by.” Kyuhyun put the papers he was reading down.

“I hope you enjoy it. We have the best coffee in .”

“What time do you get off work?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Umm… in an hour.”

“Would you like me to take you home?” Kyuhyun flashed him a smile.

Sungmin blushed.

“But there is still an hour left. You must be tired from work.” “Don’t worry I told you I got off early, so I’m not tired. I’ll just enjoy the coffee and finish this papers while you get off.”

“Ok. Thanks you.” Sungmin bowed and walked off blushing like hell.

He went into the restroom to fan himself so no one else will notice. As he was splashing some water on his face Kibum went in.

“Omo, Sungmin hyung! Who is he? He’s gorgeous!” Kibum cheerily said handing Sungmin some paper towels so he would dry his face.

“He is Hyukjae’s cousin, Cho Kyuhyun.” Sungmin dried his face.

“Cho Kyuhyun? The Cho Kyuhyun?” Kibum widen his eyes and Sungmin just nodded.

“And he is interested in you?! Your so lucky.”

“Of course he’s not, he just offered to take me home because he knows I’m Donghae’s brother and Donghae is Hyukjae’s boyfriend.”

“Are you blind?! I can tell he’s interested in you. Wait! You brought your car today, didn’t you?”

“Yeah I did! What am I going to do?” Sungmin said holding his cheeks.

“I’ll bring it to your house later today! Give me your keys and address!” Kibum said holding his hand out waiting for Sungmin to hand him his keys and address.

“You’ll do that? You won’t steal my car right?” Sungmin jokingly said.

“Of course I won’t steal it, I’ll just take it out to a club and pick up a random guy and we’ll ha…”

“I’ll kill you if you do something to my car.” Sungmin said handing him they keys and writing his address on a piece of paper,

Kibum smiled. He was just joking and Sungmin knows that. He’s only known Kibum for a few weeks and he trusted him.

An angry Kangin walked in.

“What are you two doing here? Get back to work!” Kangin yelled and both Sungmin and Kibum ran out the restroom and started working.

Sungmin would steal glances of Kyuhyun once in a while and Kyuhyun would do the same. When they caught each other staring at each other Sungmin would blush and Kyuhyun would smirk.

Finally it was time to leave. Sungmin walked towards Kyuhyun who was still reading some papers. He took a deep breath before talking.

“Kyuhyun-ssi.” Kyuhyun turned to look at Sungmin. “Just Kyuhyun. Are you ready?” Sungmin nodded.

Kyuhyun stood up and fixed his things before walking outside with Sungmin to his car. Sungmin was amazed at his car. It was a black Audi r8. Kyuhyun walked towards the passengers seat and opened the door for Sungmin.

Meanwhile Kibum told Leeteuk about Kyuhyun and they were both spying them through a window. Kangin walked to them and shook his head, not believing the two.

“What are you two doing? Give the guy some privacy!” they both turned to Kangin with a sorry face. But Leeteuk remembered how Kangin treats Sungmin.

“What do you care? You don’t even care for Sungmin at all.” Leeteuk scoffed.

“I do care, I just don’t like him being late because the others have to do his job till he gets here. I just think its unfair for the others.” Kangin says and Leeteuk hugs him.

“So you do care for everyone! That’s why I love you!”

Kyuhyun helped Sungmin get in the car then he went to the drivers seat and got on. He starts the engine and drives off.

“Where you sick yesterday?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Huh? No I wasn’t. why?”

“You didn’t come for dinner to Hyukjae’s house last night. We were waiting for you.”

“You were there?” Sungmin asked and Kyuhyun nodded.

“Sorry, I was going to go, but I felt tired and I just wanted to rest a while but I fell asleep and didn’t wake up till late at night. I’m really sorry.” Sungmin apologized feeling angry at himself for falling asleep and not going.

“Its ok. Maybe next time you’ll get to taste my cooking.” Kyuhyun smiled at Sungmin.

Kyuhyun’s POV

“You cooked?” Sungmin asked and I nodded.

He looks so cute right now. He is pouting in disappointment. I guess he really wanted to taste my cooking.

“Hyukjae and Donghae told me you still weren’t eating so I decided to cook and maybe you would have eaten. You also didn’t eat when we went to eat the other day and the day I arrived.” I said.

“I wasn’t feeling well, but I feel great today. I actually ate 2 whole meals earlier today and I’m feeling hungry so I’ll also eat dinner. So don’t worry, I probably had a stomach virus or something.” Sungmin said.

He looks a little pale, I hope he is really ok.

We arrived at Sungmin’s house and we notice a car parked outside. Sungmin looked through the window trying to get a better look at the car.

“Who’s car is it?” Sungmin asked to himself.

“Could it be one of your friends?” I asked and he shook his head.

“I don’t know anyone who has that car. Maybe it’s one of Donghae’s friends.” he said.

I parked the car, got out and ran to open the door for Sungmin. He got off and as soon as he did he turned to the other car and so did I. there was a person standing there looking at us. Sungmin had a shocked and scared expression. I guess he does know who he is.

“Sungmin…” the guy called Sungmin.

I felt Sungmin get closer to me for protection. Who is he? And why is Sungmin so shocked to see him?


Comments please♥

Chapter 4

Sungmin’s POV

“Sungmin…” he said.

I got closer to Kyuhyun and tried to hide for protection. I’m still not ready to face him. Why did he have to show up.

“Who are you?” I heard Kyuhyun ask him. He was trying to tug me behind him for protection.

“I’m Sungmin’s friend.” he said.

“Sungmin do you know him?” Kyuhyun asked me and I nodded.

“Sungmin, could we talk?” Siwon asked me.

“Sorry Siwon, we don’t have anything to talk about.” I said holding the tears in. I don’t want him to see me cry again. I don’t want to show him that I still hurt because of him.

“Please Sungmin. I really missed you.” I couldn’t hold the tears after he said he missed me. I let them out even if he saw them. My heart was hurting too much to just hide the tears. I grabbed Kyuhyun’s arm tightly and he got the message.

“Please leave. Sungmin doesn’t want to talk to you.” Kyuhyun said looking at Siwon.

“Are you his boyfriend?” Siwon asked glaring at Kyuhyun.

“What if I am?” Kyuhyun said and Siwon glared at him.

“Sungmin?” Why is he doing this? Can’t he just leave me alone?

“Sungmin, go inside.” I heard Kyuhyun say.

I looked at him but he was still glaring back at Siwon. I nodded and ran inside. As soon as I got inside I started crying remembering that night. Why did he come back? I was starting to forget! I was starting to move on! How can he just show up at my doorstep after 2 years!

I kept crying and sobbing as hard as I could so I could let out the pain, but it doesn’t seem to leave. I want to forget him! But he shows up in my life again. God why are you doing this to me? What have I done wrong? Make him go away!

After a while my thoughts about the past got interrupted with a knock at the door. I panicked thinking it was Siwon. Did Kyuhyun leave and left me here alone with Siwon? He didn’t right? He couldn’t… please don’t.

“Sungmin… its me, Kyuhyun.” I heard Kyuhyun and quickly got up and opened the door just enough to peek outside.

“Kyuhyun…” I said looking past him to see if Siwon had left.

“Don’t worry, he left already.” Kyuhyun said and I opened the door letting him in.

I wiped my tear and I felt his arms hug around me so I returned the hug. I felt safe but I still remembered Siwon and the tears fell again.

“Shh… its ok, he’s gone.” Kyuhyun soothed my back. “I won’t let him do anything to you.” I tightened the hug and cried and buried my face on his chest. “Come on, lets sit down.” he said and pulled me to sit with him on the couch.

I still didn’t let go of him and he didn’t got of me. We just stayed holding each other till my sobbing stopped. I broke the hugged after I felt like I didn’t have anymore tears to cry. But I didn’t look at him, I look horrible right now.

“Are you ok now?” he asked and I just nodded.

“Thanks… and I’m sorry for causing you trouble.” I said almost in a whisper but audible for him to hear.

“ Its ok, you didn’t cause me any trouble. He shouldn’t have come if he caused you so much pain.” “I don’t know why he came back..” I said.

“Is he Hyukjae’s step brother?” Kyuhyun asked. Wait doesn’t he know? He is Hyukjae’s cousin so he must have met him before. Why is he asking me?

“You don’t know him?” I asked wondering if he really didn’t know him. He shook his head.

“Hyukjae’s parents got separated when he was 10 and his father remarried. The woman his father remarried already had a child 3 years older than Hyukjae, Siwon. They treated each other like real blood brothers when Hyukjae went to stay with his father during vacation. But I never got a chance to meet him, because I went to the US a year before Siwon moved in with Hyukjae.” Kyuhyun explained.

So that’s why Hyukjae and Siwon don’t have the same surname. Hyukjae’s is Lee while Siwon’s is Choi. And also explains about the pictures of Hyukjae, his father, Siwon, and a woman who I was sure wasn’t Hyukkie’s mother.

“Yeah, he is Siwon, Hyukjae’s brother.” I whispered. “Also my first love.” I said truthfully.

“Huh?!” yup hard to believe but I wasn’t interested in relationships till I met Siwon. And after Siwon I wasn’t interested in them again.

“I was only interested in school and would reject all the girls and boys who would ask me out. And when I entered college my parents past away, so I had to work and didn’t have time for dating. Then Donghae started dating Hyukjae and that’s when I met Siwon. I fell for him because he was so sweet to me. I didn’t hesitate to say yes when he asked me to be his boyfriend. After we dated for 5 months I was going to his and Hyukjae’s house to visit him because I had finally backed some brownies, which didn’t burn and tasted well.” I felt my eyes burning but no tears would fall.

“I had worked so hard on the brownies just for him. When I got there I just entered because Siwon gave me a . I was happy skipping towards his room, I knew he was studying at that hour. But when I opened the door I saw him in bed with another guy. He turned around to look at me and I just ran. I heard him calling but I just kept running. At the door he catch me and I thought he was going to apologized. But he didn’t, he was mad at me.”


“Why did you just come in my room without knocking? And why didn’t you even call to tell me you were coming over.” Siwon yelled at me.

“I’m your boyfriend! Why do I need to announce when I’m coming over? Your the one that gave me a key so I could just walk in and not disturb your study time!” I fought back.

“Still you should have called before coming so you wouldn’t have to see what you saw!”

“Oh so now it my fault?!” I can’t believe this jerk! “Yes! Its your fault! Next time call before you come in!.” he said and I slapped him and threw the key at him.

“There won’t be a next time!” I said and ran out the house crying. I could still hear him calling my name but I never stopped running.

End flashback

“He left a few days later and I didn’t hear from him till last night when he called and today.” I said as I looked at him with a small smile on my lips but a tear rolled down.

“Sungmin, don’t cry for someone like him. He doesn’t deserve your tears.”

“That’s what Donghae and Hyukjae told me… but I just can’t help it. It hurts so much to remember. Then he just shows up after 2 years saying he missed me. I just couldn’t help but let everything I was holding in for a long time.” I truthfully said.

I saw Kyuhyun was about to hug me again but the door was opened and Donghae walked in worriedly.

Nobody’s POV

Donghae barged in worriedly about who car was out side and why where they here.

“Oh its you. I thought you… what did you do to my hyung?!” Donghae ran to Sungmin. “Hyung! What did that pervert do to you?! Hyung!” Donghae shook Sungmin violently trying to get answers.

“If you stop shaking me I’ll answer!” Donghae quickly stopped shaking Sungmin but didn’t let go of his shoulders. “He didn’t do anything Hae. He just gave me a lift home.” Sungmin said.

“What happened to your car? You took it this morning.” Donghae said and Sungmin embarrassingly looked over to Kyuhyun and saw him chuckling so he quickly looked at Donghae.

“Kibum had an emergency and I let him borrow it. And luckily Kyuhyun stopped by the café and offered me a ride.” Sungmin lied.

“Then why are you crying?”

“He came back…” Sungmin said as he lowered his head and faced the floor.

“Who?” Donghae worriedly asked.

“S-Siwon.” Sungmin said and Donghae stood up slowly. Kyuhyun and Sungmin notice that Donghae’s stare changed. He looked scary in Sungmin’s opinion and Kyuhyun felt like Donghae wanted to kill someone.

“Donghae… what’s wrong? Donghae..” Sungmin called but Donghae just clenched his fist. “Where is he?” Donghae asked with gritted teeth.

“Don’t worry, Kyuhyun told him to leave.” Sungmin tried to calm Donghae down.

“Why was he here? Why did he come see you?!” Donghae asked in an angry tone.

“I don’t know, I didn’t talk to him. He just said he missed me.” Sungmin said and lowered his head. He was so hurt.

“How can he just show up and say he missed you! I don’t care if he is Hyukjae’s cousin, I’m going to kill him.” Donghae said and was about to walk out to look for him when his cell phone rang.

He fetched his phone from his pocket and quickly answered when he saw the caller id.

“Yah! Did you know he was coming back?!” Donghae asked the caller, which was Hyukjae.

“No. He just showed up here asking to stay a few days.” Hyukjae said over the other line.

“Why is he back?” Donghae was trying to keep calm and not yell at Hyukjae.

“I don’t know he didn’t want to tell me. He just asked if he could stay here till he finds an apartment.”

“Don’t let him stay there!” Donghae warned.

“I’m sorry Donghae, but he is my brother. I can’t turn my back on him, even if he did wrong.” Hyukjae said in a whisper, feeling guilt. He knew he shouldn’t have let Siwon stay there after what he did.

“Then you know I won’t step a foot in your house till he leaves.” Donghae said

“I know, that’s why I called. Lets just meet at your place till he leaves, ok?”

“Ok. But tell him to never show his face around here anymore. Or I won’t hesitate and beat him up like I should have 2 years ago.

“He said he really wanted talk to Sungmin. That he needs to talk to him.”

“Well he can’t. He should have talked to him back then. Its too late now.”

“Ok, then I’ll I see you and Sungmin tomorrow. Tell Sungmin that I’m really sorry, and that I’ll try my best to make Siwon leave again.” and with that Hyukjae hanged up.

Donghae closed his phone and put it back inside his pocket. He turned to Sungmin and Sungmin gave him a small smile to assure him he is alright.

“I’ll take my leave then. Sungmin are you sure you’ll be alright?” Kyuhyun worriedly asked Sungmin and the latter just nodded and smiled. “Ok, if you need anything just give me a call ok.”

Sungmin stood up. “ Thanks Kyuhyun. Thanks for making Siwon leave.”

Kyuhyun gave him a charming smile then turned to Donghae and bowed a little. “Thanks for helping my hyung.” Donghae bowed to Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun then left…


“Why are you here?” Hyukjae asked Siwon once again while Siwon was settling in his room.

“I wanted to see you. You’re my brother and I miss you.” Siwon said as he unpacked some cloths to take a shower.

“Then why did you go see Sungmin first? You shouldn’t have gone.”

“I missed him too. I know that what I did was wrong, but I want to get him back. I love him.”

Hyukjae couldn’t believe what his brother just said. How could he love Sungmin when he just left him heartbroken. “You hurt him… how can you love him?” Hyukjae asked him.

“I now I did… but I regret it. Everyone makes mistakes, but they can fix them.”

“You can’t fix this one, Sungmin isn’t going to forgive you. And you need to hurry and find an apartment because Donghae and I like to spend time here. He said he isn’t going to come till you leave.” Hyukjae said as he walked out.

Siwon felt hurt. How could Hyukjae choose Donghae over him. He was his brother, maybe not blood brother but he still loved him as if he was. Does everyone have to hate him for one stupid mistake he made? He already admitted he did wrong.

He walked into the bathroom to take a shower.


Sungmin went to bed as soon as Kyuhyun left. He cried so much that it left him drained. He also didn’t want to think about Siwon anymore.

Donghae was downstairs watching TV when the doorbell rang. He got up and walked to the door wondering who it could be. He opened the door and saw a handsome guy standing there.

“Hi, is Sungmin home?” the guy asked.

“Yeah, but he is already asleep. May I know who you are?” Donghae asked.

“Oh right. I’m Kim Kibum, I work with Sungmin hyung.” Kibum bowed a little and gave him a charming smile. Donghae stared at him. ‘Wow his teeth are perfect.’ Donghae thought to himself. “You must be new. Never seen you before.” Donghae said and Kibum nodded. “I’m Donghae, Sungmin’s dongsaeng.” Donghae introduced himself.

“Nice to meet you. I’m here to return Sungmin’s car. Here are the keys.” Kibum gave the keys to Donghae. “I have to leave now.” Kibum then ran off to where someone was waiting for him.

Donghae went inside and set the keys on the coffee table.

Chapter 5

Nobody’s POV

“Don’t worry, everything will be fine. No one will care that your 24 and this is going to be your second year in college. You don’t even look old. Just don’t tell them how old you are if it worries you so much.” Donghae tried to calm Sungmin down on their first day.

Sungmin and Donghae were walking through the college corridors looking for there class. Donghae was on his senior year and Sungmin is a returning junior.

It has been 2 weeks since Siwon came back and he kept calling Sungmin, but the latter just ignored the calls. Kyuhyun has been going to the shining star café ever since the night they encounter Siwon, and he always follows Sungmin home to make sure he gets home safely and doesn’t encounter Siwon.

“Sungmin hyung!” Sungmin and Donghae heard someone behind them calling Sungmin so they both turned around.

There they saw Kibum running towards them and waving with a huge smile. He finally arrived trying to catch his breath. “Kibum, you also go here?” Sungmin asked.

“Y-Yea… I.. I’m a… Jun…ior…” Kibum said catching air.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were attending this school?” Sungmin asked Kibum who had finally caught his breath.

“You never asked.” Kibum answered and Sungmin pouted. “Donghae-ssi, you also attend sapphire university?”

“Yeah, I’m a senior.” Donghae said in a depressed tone. “Well I’ll leave you two. I have to go weep somewhere alone.” Donghae said and faked he has about to cry and walked away.

Kibum looked at Sungmin with a confused look, more like ‘wtf is wrong with him?’ look. Sungmin shook his head. “Hyukjae graduated last year and Donghae doesn’t like the idea of spending the whole day at school without seeing him.”

“Hyukjae?” Kibum asked confused again.

“His boyfriend. He can’t go a day without him or he’ll go into his depressed mode.” Sungmin said and Kibum just nodded in understanding. Kibum felt a slight of disappointment when he heard Sungmin say boyfriend.


Sungmin and Kibum were in class. The teacher was talking but Sungmin wasn’t paying attention. He was resting his chin on his palm and his thoughts were about Siwon and Kyuhyun. ‘How can they be so different? Siwon is a jerk while Kyunnie is so sweet.’ Sungmin thought. ‘Omo! Kyunnie sounds so cute!’ Sungmin unconsciously smiled widely and Kibum notice.

“Ya! What are you thinking of?” he asked in a whisper but Sungmin just kept smiling and lost in his thoughts. “Ya! Sungmin hyung, snap out before you get caught.” Kibum says a little more loud.

The teacher hears them. “Pay attention in my class!” Sungmin snapped out of his thoughts and looked around to see what was going on. The teacher went back to giving his lesson.

“What’s wrong with you?” Kibum asked in a low whisper.

“Nothing, I’m perfectly fine.” Sungmin said looking at Kibum with a cute smile on.

“Then why are you smiling like an idiot to yourself?” Kibum asked him.

“I was just thinking about someone.”

“Could it be Kyuhyun-ssi?” Sungmin blushed.


“You better be quiet or you will be out of my class!” the teacher said and both Sungmin and Kibum went back to paying attention. Sungmin of course was thinking about Kyuhyun all period.


During lunch break Sungmin and Kibum headed to the cafeteria to meet up with Donghae. They saw Donghae at a table with his lunch already so they headed to get their lunch. Once they got it they headed towards Donghae. Sungmin sat across Donghae and Kibum sat beside Sungmin.

“What’s wrong with him?” Kibum asked Sungmin when he notice Donghae had a gloomy face and was just playing with his food sighing often.

Sungmin shook his shoulders and looked at Donghae who sighed again. “Donghae, what’s wrong?” he asked his brother.

Donghae looked at him then back at his food. “I sent Hyukkie 5 text messages already and he hasn’t answer any of them.” he said in a soft voice. “I miss him so much.” Sungmin face palmed himself. How could he have such dramatic brother. “Donghae, Hyukjae was with you last night. It hasn’t been 24 hours since you last saw him.”

“Still, I miss him so much. Why did he have to graduate before me?” Donghae said and sighed again.

“Because he is older than you, and your not smart enough to skip grades.” Sungmin said as he rolled his eyes.

“You were also thinking about Kyuhyun during class Sungmin hyung.” Kibum said as he took a bit from his lunch and Sungmin smacked his head.

Kibum started shocking and Donghae looked at Sungmin with a smirk. “If I remember correctly, you just saw Kyuhyun yesterday. You were thinking of him. Ha!”

“Well yeah, but its different. Your dating Hyukjae and have been dating him for years now. I just met Kyuhyun a few weeks ago. And I wasn’t thinking of him.” Sungmin denied it and took a bit of his lunch.

“Don’t believe him, Sungmin had a huge grin on his lips during the lesson. He was even drooling.” Kibum said and Sungmin glared at him.

“Why don’t you tell him you like him?” Donghae asked Sungmin and Sungmin shocked.

“Why would I tell him I like him? I do think he is gorgeous, but I don’t like him. You know I’m still not…” Sungmin couldn’t finish because Donghae interrupted him.

“Siwon is in the past. Or are you planning on forgiving him?”

“Of course not! I’m just not ready for a relationship at the moment.” Sungmin lowered his head and stared at his food like Donghae was. Kibum looked at them unbelievable.

Sungmin started feeling sick he quickly got up and ran to the restroom, Kibum and Donghae followed behind him worriedly. When Sungmin entered the restroom he quickly went into a cubicle and started vomiting.

“Sungmin hyung! What’s wrong?” Donghae asked him but Sungmin couldn’t answer. He kept on vomiting.

After he was finished he opened the door and walked out towards the sink and rinsed his mouth. He then slowly rested his back against the wall.

“Hyung what’s wrong? Are you sick?” Donghae asked again and Sungmin just shook his head.

“You should really go see a doctor, this can’t go on anymore.” Kibum said and Donghae turned to look at him with a questioning look. “He barely eats at work and he threw up the other day just like today.” Kibum said.

“I’m fine, its just a stomach virus. It’ll pass soon.” Sungmin forced a smile. He was feeling really exhausted.

“Even if it’s a stomach virus you need to go to see a doctor. What if its something dangerous?” Donghae grabbed Sungmin’s hand and dragged him out of the restroom.

“Donghae wait! We still have classes, I’ll go after school!” Sungmin said and Donghae stopped.


“I promise. I don’t work today so I’ll got to see a doctor.” Sungmin said and Donghae let go of his hand.

“Ok, lets go to class before we’re late.” Kibum suggested and the two agree and went towards their classrooms.


After school Sungmin bid goodbye to the other two saying he was going to see a doctor. Donghae decided to walk with Kibum to the café since the latter had to work.

“How long have you been working at the café?” Donghae asked since they were silent for a while.

“A bit more than a month.”

“How is Kangin treating you?”

“He treats me like he treats the others, always yelling at us to do this and do that. How can Leeteuk hyung be dating him? Leeteuk is an angel and he is like a devil!” Kibum said and Donghae laughed.

“He is really sweet on the inside. He’ll open up to you soon. But he’ll still treat you the way he is. He scolds me every time I see him, but he is always there for us like Leeteuk hyung.”

“May I ask what happened to Sungmin? Everyone seems to worry about him.” Kibum asked.

Donghae fell silent for a while.

“Well Sungmin hyung was studying in university majoring in the medical field. Our mother had been sick for a while so he decided to go into medical field to help take care of our mother. I started dating Hyukjae and soon introduced him to Sungmin hyung. Hyukjae introduced Siwon to Sungmin later and they started seeing each other. A year after things were still going well till my mom got really sick.” Donghae paused.

“My dad rushed my mom to the hospital but had an accident and both died. Sungmin hyung was going to pay my college and his with the money our parents left us but we found out our uncle took the money. Sungmin hyung had too quit school and work to pay my college. At the same time Siwon cheated on my hyung and blamed it on him then left. Sungmin was already in a depressed mode when our uncle came back. He told us that he took the money because Sungmin was the cause of our parents death.”

“Did he really cause your parents death?” Kibum asked

“Of course he didn’t! it was an accident. Sungmin had used the car earlier that day and he said it was having trouble with the breaks. Dad must have forgotten that Sungmin hyung told him. When he rushed my mother to the hospital the breaks stopped working and they crashed. It wasn’t Sungmin hyung’s fault, but he still blames himself. Everything happened 2 years ago and he isn’t the same Sungmin he used to be. He still smiles and acts cute but not the same way he did before everything happened.”

“Don’t worry so much about Sungmin, he’s strong enough to keep on going. He’ll be alright. And plus he already seems to be moving on, he seems interested in Kyuhyun and Kyuhyun seems interested in your brother.” Kibum said as he gave Donghae a breath taking smile.

‘Kibum is really pretty. Stupid Donghae what are you thinking?! Only Hyukjae is pretty!’ Donghae shook his head to get rid of the thoughts.

“Are you ok?” Kibum asked after he saw Donghae shaking his head.

“Huh? Oh yeah.” Donghae smiled.

“Well we’re here, thanks for walking with me.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow at school.” Donghae waved and took off.

Kibum smiled to himself and waved back. He walked in and Leeteuk was standing there looking at him. Kibum bowed to him. “Hi hyung!” Kibum cheerily said.

“Are you interested in Donghae?” Leeteuk asked Kibum with a serious expression.

“Um… no?” Kibum answered sounding more like trying to answer his own question.

Leeteuk sighed. “Don’t bring troubles to him nor Sungmin.” Leeteuk told Kibum as he rubbed his temples.

“Did Kangin cause trouble again?” Leeteuk nodded and took a seat.

“He is going to chase all the costumers away… why do I even love him?” Leeteuk said as he laid his head down.

“Because I’m the only one for you!” Kangin yelled from inside the kitchen.

“Oh shut up! I can fire you right now!” Leeteuk yelled back.

“But you won’t!” Kibum chuckled at the two. He then walked away to get ready to start his shift.


Donghae got home and entered, he saw Sungmin’s shoes so he hurriedly went to his hyung’s room. When he opened the door he saw Sungmin in his bed sleeping. He was worried, not only because Sungmin didn’t go to see the doctor but because Sungmin broke his promise, Sungmin never broke a promise.

He closed the door and walked to his room. Donghae took his cell phone out and saw a text from Hyukjae. He opened it and frowned.

From: Hyukjae

Hey Hae, I’m so sorry but I was busy all day, and I can’t go see you tonight. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I love you.

Donghae closed his phone and threw it to the bed then threw himself to the bed.

“Hyukkie what’s more important than me?” he said to himself then sighed and drifted off to sleep.


Sorry it took too long to update please comment ♥

Chapter 6

Donghae was walking Kibum to work again like he had for the past week. He had nothing else to do since Hyukjae didn’t visit him and he didn’t dare go to his house since Siwon was staying there. Every day Hyukjae would send him a message saying he was busy and he was really sorry and that he would try to go visit him the next day, which he didn’t.

“What’s wrong? You’ve been down ever since school started.” Kibum asked him and Donghae shrugged his shoulders.

“Its just that I miss Hyukjae, he seems distant lately. He only sends me 1 text at night saying he will come see me the next day and he never comes. I’m the one that always goes to see him, but with Siwon there I can go.” Donghae said.

He didn’t know why, but he felt like he could tell Kibum all his problems. He could easily open up to him. Donghae didn’t even know since when did they become so close. All he knew was that being around Kibum he didn’t feel so depressed when he didn’t see Hyukjae.

“You think he is…”

“NO! don’t even say cheating, coz I know he isn’t. Hyukjae would never cheat on me. I know him too well.” even though Donghae didn’t want to hear it he was really doubting Hyukjae at times. But he has to believe in him. “Sorry.” Kibum apologized. ‘I keep falling even more with him by the minute.’ Kibum thought. “I haven’t seen Kyuhyun-ssi in the past week either. Maybe something is going on. Didn’t you say they are cousin’s?” Kibum said and again Donghae shrugged his shoulders.

“Why don’t we go to the mall tomorrow? It’ll help you forget your problems for a while.” Kibum suggested.

Donghae thought for a while. “I need to go buy some stuff anyway.” Donghae said as they arrived to the café.

“Okay, I’ll go pick you up at noon. Is that alright?” Kibum asked him.

“Yeah. See you tomorrow. Bye~” Donghae waved and walked away.


The next day Donghae was making breakfast while Sungmin was still sleeping. He was flipping a pancake when he heard the doorbell ring. He left the pancake on the stove and walked towards the door to see who it was.

When he opened the door he saw Kyuhyun standing at the door holding a small stuffed bunny. Kyuhyun bowed and Donghae did the same.

“Kyuhyun, what brings you here?” he asked as he stepped aside and signaled Kyuhyun to enter.

Kyuhyun gladly walked in. “Well, I’ve been busy and haven’t been able to visit the café so I came by to see how Sungmin was doing.” Kyuhyun asked and Donghae signaled him to sit down on the couch. “Has Siwon bothered him?”

Donghae took a seat next to Kyuhyun. “Sungmin hyung is fine. School is doing him some good. And Siwon hasn’t bothered him since he came back.” Donghae answered.

“Is he eating?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Not as much as he used to, he used to eat at least 3 meals a day, but he only eats once or twice. But I think its because of all the pressure he’s had.”

“Where is he?” Kyuhyun finally asked.

“He’s still sleeping. He also became so tired lately. Always sleeping because he has a headache or he’s just not feeling well.”

Kyuhyun nodded then smelled something burning. “Are you cooking?” he asked and Donghae widen his eye.

Donghae quickly stood up and ran to the kitchen and Kyuhyun followed. They entered the kitchen and it was filled with smoke. Donghae ran to the stove to turned it off the grabbed the pan and put it on the sink to run water over it. Kyuhyun opened the window to let the smoke out as both were coughing.

They both then went back to the living room. “Make yourself comfortable, I’ll go get Sungmin.” Donghae said before heading upstairs.

Donghae walked in the Sungmin’s room and approached the sleeping figure. “Hyung, wake up.” he shook the latter’s body a little. “Hyung, someone came by to see you.” Donghae said trying to wake the sleeping boy.

“Tell them to come in the morning, let me sleep.” Sungmin said and covered his face with the blankets.

Donghae sighed. “Okay, but Kyuhyun-ssi will be disappointed if you don’t go greet him.” Donghae said and Sungmin quickly uncovered his face and sat up at the mention of Kyuhyun’s name.

“Kyuhyun is here?!” Sungmin asked and stood up the bed. “OMO! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?! Look at me! I’m a mess!” Sungmin started to panic as he ran all over his room getting cloths and what ever he needed and rushed into the bathroom.

“Ya! Lee Donghae why didn’t you tell me sooner! Now I have to make him wait a bit longer! You’re a great brother!” Sungmin yelled from inside the restroom and Donghae face palmed himself and walked out of Sungmin’s room heading downstairs.

Kyuhyun on the other hand had heard Sungmin yelling and chuckled to himself.

“Sorry, he’s always cranky when someone wakes him up.” Donghae told Kyuhyun as he entered the living room.

Sungmin took a quick shower and changed quickly and fixed his hair then looked in the mirror. He was quite satisfied so he ran downstairs to see Kyuhyun. He has been dieing to see him since Kyuhyun didn’t go to the café for a whole week. Sungmin almost fell as he entered the living room but caught his balance.

Donghae and Kyuhyun looked at him and Sungmin smiled at Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun stood up and greeted Sungmin.

“Here” Kyuhyun handed Sungmin the stuffed bunny he brought him. “Its to make up for the week I didn’t go to the café. Hope you forgive me.” Kyuhyun said and Sungmin nodded blushing 3 shades of red.

Donghae giggled at his brother then walked into the kitchen to give them privacy. He didn’t think he would need to be an overprotective brother if Kyuhyun was around, he trusted the guy.

“Thanks. And don’t worry I wasn’t mad, you must have other stuff to do then to go to the café.” Sungmin shyly said.

Donghae stuck his head out the door. “Would you like to stay for breakfast? Sungmin would love you too.” Sungmin blushed even more.


“I’d love to.” Kyuhyun said and smiled at Sungmin.

They sat for on the couch and chatted till Donghae finished making breakfast. He called the both into the kitchen so they could eat breakfast.

It was around 9:55 am when they finished and the door bell was heard. Donghae quickly stood up and ran to open it. There was Kibum standing with a smile that showed his perfect white and shiny teeth.


“Hi~ you ready?” he asked Donghae as the latter let him in.

“Just a few minutes. We just ate breakfast.” Donghae said.

Sungmin and Kyuhyun walked out the kitchen and saw Kibum. “Kibummie!!” Sungmin ran towards Kibum and hugged him. “What are you doing here?”

“Donghae and I are going to the mall.” Kibum answered and returned the hug.

“Oh right! Hyung I’m going to the mall with Kibum. Wanna come?” Donghae asked.

“Kyuhyun, you want to go?” Sungmin asked Kyuhyun and Kyuhyun just nodded and smiled. “Okay, will go!” Sungmin said and jumped.


The four entered the mall and strolled around entering some stores and coming empty handed since they didn’t seem to like anything. Except Kibum who had bout a few shirts. They had been walking around for a few hours now.

“So should we eat next?” Kyuhyun asked them and the others nodded in agreement. “Where do you guys want to eat?” both Donghae and Kibum shrugged their shoulders.

The three then looked at Sungmin who had his eyes widen and jaw dropped.

“Sungmin? Sungmin, what’s wrong?” Kyuhyun shook his shoulder to get his attention but what he got was a huge grin from Sungmin.

“BUNNIES!!!!” Sungmin screamed and ran into the pet shop across from where they were.

Kyuhyun looked at Kibum and Donghae and then ran after Sungmin. He entered the pet shop and saw Sungmin looking at the bunnies with amazed eyes.

“Look Kyu~ they are so cute!” Sungmin said and Kyuhyun froze at what Sungmin had called him. ‘Kyu! He called me Kyu!’ Kyuhyun said in his mind. He was so happy. “You want one?” Kyuhyun asked Sungmin.

Sungmin widen his eyes in happiness. “Really? You’ll buy me one?” Sungmin asked and Kyuhyun nodded.

“Which one you want?” Sungmin looked at all the bunnies then smiled.

“That one!” Sungmin said and pointed to the smallest bunny.

Kyuhyun called the clerk and asked her to give him the small bunny. When the worker got the bunny and handed it to Sungmin, Kyuhyun gave his credit card and told her to charge the bunny, a cage and some food on it.

“What are you going to name it?” Kyuhyun asked.

Sungmin thought for a moment. “Hmm… BUNNYHONEY!!!!” Sungmin screamed for the 100th time that day. Kyuhyun was loving this cute side of Sungmin.


Mean while Donghae and Kibum where waiting for them in the same place.

“How are things with Hyukjae?” Kibum asked Donghae to break the silence.

“The same they were yesterday.” Donghae said as a sigh escaped.

“Donghae, maybe things aren’t meant to be between you two. There might be someone else for you.” Kibum said and Donghae looked at him in confusion.

“What do you mean?” Donghae asked.

“I like you… could you give me a chance?” Kibum asked and Donghae was lost in words. He didn’t see this coming. Did he also like Kibum? What about Hyukjae? Did Hyukjae still like him?

All those questions were going on in his mind. “Kibum… I…” Donghae was caught off guard when Kibum kissed on the lips. He was shocked but soon responded to the kiss unaware of a pair of eyes that were looking at them ready to spill tears.


Sorry if its short but I am on semi hiatus so I just decided to do write a short update today...

And please don't hate Kibum... he's just following what his heart is telling him to do... wouldn't you kiss Donghae too if you were in front of him? I know hime24 would lol comment Chapter 7

Hyukjae had just finished a meeting he had with his uncle, Kyuhyun’s father, and his own mother so he was feeling exhausted since he has been spending everyday at the office. He finally had some free time and was thinking of going to see Donghae since he hasn’t seen him for a week.

He was walking care free and looking around as he did. Everything that was in his mind that was making him stressed out was slowly disappearing with the thought that he’ll see Donghae today. But he suddenly spotted something he couldn’t believe.

Donghae was with some guy and they were really close. He was going to make his way towards them when he saw them kiss. He felt hurt and his eyes burned with tears and soon the tears fell but he wiped them away.

Hyukjae made his way towards them trying to hold in his tears. Donghae who was shocked by Kibum’s sudden move just stayed there no able to move, he didn’t even see Hyukjae approaching them.

“Donghae…” Hyukjae called out and Donghae snapped out of it and pushed Kibum. “Hae…” Hyukjae could still not believe it.

“Hyukkie its not what you think! I-I…” Donghae felt a stingy pain. Hyukjae had just slapped him and was now walking away tears flowing down.

“Hyukjae wait!” Donghae was going to go after him but Kibum grabbed his arm. He turned around to look at him with sorry eyes. “I’m sorry Kibum, but I love Hyukjae and you can’t replace him.”

Kibum felt hurt and slowly lessen his grip on Donghae’s arm. Donghae didn’t wait for Kibum to completely let go of him and took off running after Hyukjae. Kibum felt tears ready to spill but he just smiled to prevent them from falling. He had really liked Donghae since the first time they met. He didn’t really expect Donghae to have falling for him in a short time.

Hyukjae had barely walked out of the mall’s entrance, so many emotions running through him. How could Donghae do that to him.

Donghae caught up with him, he grabbed Hyukjae’s arm and turned him around to face him. “Hyukkie listen…”

“No! just leave me alone!” Hyukjae tried to walk away but Donghae didn’t let him. He didn’t want to let Hyukjae go until they both explained. Donghae about the kiss and Hyukjae about his one week absence.

“Please listen, he was the one that kissed me… you know I would never cheat on you.” Donghae said.

“But you allowed him to kiss you, its the same thing.” Hyukjae said as he lowered his face and wiped his tears with back of his palm.

“He caught me off guard! What did you want me to do? You’ve been busy doing I don’t know what for a week!”

Hyukjae shot his head up to look at Donghae. “So this is my fault?!” he couldn’t believe Donghae was blaming him.

“What have you been doing this whole week?! You don’t even answer my text till late at night and only tell me goodnight and that you’ll go see me the next day and you don’t!”

“I was busy with family things!” Hyukjae answered almost yelling and when he realized he did he bowed to people who were staring at them. “Just go back to your other guy…” Hyukjae turned around and started to leave while Donghae was just standing there not able to go after him.

He wanted to go after Hyukjae but he couldn’t he couldn’t even talk to tell him to stop.


Sungmin and Kyuhyun walked out of the pet store and saw an almost crying Kibum standing alone. Sungmin walked towards him.

“Kibummie what’s wrong?” he worriedly asked the younger boy but Kibum just shook his head and smiled widely showing his perfect white teeth.

“I just need to go home. I’ll leave first and I’ll see you tomorrow at work.” Kibum said and walked away leaving a confused Sungmin behind.

“What happened?” Kyuhyun asked when he approached Sungmin.

Sungmin shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, he looked like he was about to cry.” Sungmin pouted. “And Donghae is missing.”

“Sungmin!” Sungmin and Kyuhyun turned around to see who had called Sungmin.

Kyuhyun stood in front of Sungmin shielding him from Siwon who had just approached them. Siwon bowed to both of them.

“I told you last time to stay away from Sungmin.” Kyuhyun said in a warning tone.

“I’m not here to cause trouble. I just came to apologize.” Siwon said in a hurt tone. “Sungmin, please forgive me. I know I was wrong.” Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin and Sungmin nodded with a small smile on his lips.

Siwon smiled brightly at the fact that Sungmin had finally forgiven him. “Please give me one more chance.” Siwon said and Kyuhyun quickly grabbed Sungmin’s hand and intertwined their fingers together. “He can’t, he’s with me now.” both Siwon and Sungmin widen their eyes.

“Really?” Sungmin asked hopeful that Kyuhyun wasn’t just doing it to make Siwon back away.

Kyuhyun smiled at Sungmin. “That is if you want to be with me.”

“Of course I do!” Sungmin squealed.

“Sungmin you can’t be serious.” Siwon said as he tried to grave a hold of Sungmin but Kyuhyun pulled Sungmin towards him.

“Why can’t he? You had your chance and now its mine.”

“I forgave you, but can’t give you another chance. I’m sorry.” Sungmin pulled Kyuhyun with him as he passed by Siwon.


Donghae decided to take a walk to think things through. He doesn’t want to break up with Hyukjae but maybe they needed some time apart from each other. Donghae shook his head not wanting to think about that. He can’t live without his monkey.

He took out his cell phone to dial Hyukjae’s number but he saw a text from Hyukjae. Quickly opening it and reading he frowned at what the text said.

*From: Hyukjae

Hae I don’t know why you kissed another guy but I’ll trust that you didn’t do it on purpose… but lets just take some time off*

Donghae close his cell phone and sat on a bench that was near him. He rested his head in his palms. How could he survive for some time without Hyukjae by his side? The week Hyukjae was away from him was hell for Donghae. How much time will Hyukjae need?


Kyuhyun and Sungmin were driving back home after they looked around for Donghae and also called him, but Donghae didn’t answer and he was nowhere to be seen at the mall. Sungmin was now feeling a little shy since they were alone in Kyuhyun’s car, but he just had to ask to make sure.

“Kyu, are we a couple now?” Sungmin asked and felt embarrassed when he saw Kyuhyun smirk and he even blushed when Kyuhyun turned to look at him for a moment.

“Unless you don’t want me to be your boyfriend.” Kyuhyun said in a teasing tone.

Sungmin widen his eyes. “Of course I do!” Sungmin said afraid that Kyuhyun will really think he doesn’t want to be his boyfriend. “Its just that…” Sungmin bit his bottom lip. “Just that what?”

“Nothing” Sungmin said and smiled as he rested his head on the seat since he was feeling a little pain on joints.

“If your tired you can sleep, I’ll wake you up when we get there.” Kyuhyun suggested and Sungmin nodded.

He tried to fall asleep but he was feeling drowsy and the pain wouldn’t go away so he decided to just keep his eyes close till they got to Sungmin’s house.

When they finally arrived Kyuhyun opened the door for Sungmin then helped him with BunnyHoney and the other stuff. They walked inside and placed BunnyHoney on a side table, in the cage, and the other stuff on the floor beside the table.

Kyuhyun notice that Sungmin was tired so he decided to cook for him to celebrate they are together now. “Min go sleep a bit, I’ll make dinner.”

“Oh no that’s okay I’ll make it.” Sungmin said.

Kyuhyun remembered Donghae and Hyukjae said that Sungmin isn’t good in the kitchen. “You didn’t get to eat what I prepared last time, so I’ll cook again today so you can see what a great cook I am.” Sungmin pouted. ‘Did Donghae and Hyukjae told him about my skills in the kitchen?’ he asked himself as he nodded.

Kyuhyun walked to the kitchen and Sungmin walked upstairs to his room. Sungmin was feeling horrible again. How would he eat what Kyuhyun prepared him if he has an upset stomach?

He sat on his bed and rested his back on the headboard, closing his eyes. He still can’t believe Kyuhyun is his boyfriend. They haven’t know each other for too long, yet Kyuhyun made him feel safe and happy all the time. He can’t even remember when he forgot about what Siwon did to him since he didn’t feel anything for Siwon anymore. Kyuhyun was now the only thing he thought about.

Sungmin min dozed off smiling weakly.


Donghae was walking around absent minded thinking about Hyukjae. He has been walking for hours and somehow his feet brought him to Hyukjae’s house. He didn’t want to be away from Hyukjae too long, he can’t. Hyukjae might get mad at him but he doesn’t care, he needs to talk to him.

Slowly walking towards the door, Donghae hesitated for a bit if he should knock or not, but he still did. Hyukjae opened the door and got shocked when he saw Donghae there.

“Didn’t you get my message?” Hyukjae asked. “I did, and I am giving you the time you need after you tell me what is going on. I know there is something bothering you. Please tell me what it is.” Hyukjae sighed and stepped aside to let Donghae in.

Hyukjae closed the door when Donghae was in and they both walked over to the couch and took a seat. Hyukjae didn’t know where to start.

“Hyukkie you can tell me anything.” Donghae said as he caressed Hyukjae’s face.

Hyukjae took a deep breath. “I might be moving to Japan.” Hyukjae said and Donghae widened his eyes.

“What? But…”

“My mom and Kyuhyun’s father want me to take over the mall she opened in Japan a few months ago. It was supposed to be Kyuhyun’s job, but he said he wants to manage the one here.” Hyukjae lowered his head.

“Hyukkie you can’t, you can’t go to Japan… what will happen to us if you do?”

“I don’t want to. Siwon and I are trying to convince my mom to let Siwon take over for me. I trust Siwon. But my mom doesn’t want to coz Siwon isn’t even my fathers real son. She can’t trust Siwon with the share my father left her. She wants me to take over.” Donghae embraced Hyukjae.

Donghae wouldn’t let Hyukjae go to Japan. He needs Hyukjae by his side. “Then lets show your mother that she can trust Siwon. You two grew up like brothers so if she trusts you then she should trust Siwon.”

As if on cue Siwon walked in. He looked at the couple and bowed and the two stood up. “So for interrupting.” Siwon was about to walk to his room.

“Ya! We need to talk.” Donghae said.

Siwon turned around to look at Donghae. “I won’t bother Sungmin again now that he has a boyfriend.”

“Sungmin got a …BOYFRIEND?!” Donghae yelled the last word. His brother has a boyfriend? Since when?

“Why didn’t Kyuhyun tell me he was already going to ask Sungmin out?” Hyukjae pouted.

“Kyuhyun what?” Donghae asked still confused.

“Oh I forgot to tell you. Kyuhyun likes Sungmin and was planning on asking him out. I just didn’t think they would get together so soon.” Hyukjae smiled sheepishly.

“Hyung finally is dating someone.” Donghae was happy it was Kyuhyun who his brother was dating. He couldn’t trust anyone else but him for some reason. “But we still need to talk. Not about Sungmin but about you gaining Hyukkie’s mom trust.”

Siwon nodded and walked towards where Hyukjae and Donghae were and all three of them took a seat. They discussed on how Siwon will get Hyukjae’s mom trust for an hour. Donghae really wanted to help Siwon if it mean he’ll get to keep Hyukjae by his side.

Chapter 8

“So what happened between you and Kibum yesterday?” Sungmin asked his brother as the had lunch in the canteen.

“What you mean? Nothing happened.” Donghae replied.

“You two went separate ways after Kyuhyun and I went to the pet shop. Kibum seemed hurt and he didn’t want to hang out with us today. Something must have happened.”

“He confessed and I rejected him.” Donghae said simply but Sungmin choked on his food.

“He what?!” Sungmin asked when he was able to swallow his food.

Donghae took a sip of his milk before he answered. “Well when you went running into the pet shop and Kyuhyun went after you, Kibum confessed and kissed me. Hyukjae saw us and he was hurt so I rejected Kibum and went after my Hyukkie.”

“Hyukjae what?! How could you?! He must be so hurt!”

“He was but I think he forgave me. Now I need to help him convince his mom to let Siwon take over the company branch in Japan so my Hyukkie doesn’t have to go.”

Sungmin choke again. How many things happened while he was at the pet shop? “Siwon is going to Japan?” “Only if we can convince Hyukjae’s mom to let him, because she wants to send my Hyukkie to Japan. I’m not going to let that happened. If we can’t then I’ll have to move to Japan with him.” Donghae said.

“Sungmin ssi” Sungmin turned around to where he heard his named being called. Standing next to him was his classmate Kim Jongwoon, better known as .

“Oh Jongwoon ssi” Sungmin stood up. “Do you need something?”

“Umm… well… I wanted to ask you if you would go out with me.”

Sungmin wasn’t expecting that and he didn’t really know how to reject Jongwoon. “You’re a little late Yesung.” Donghae said when he saw Sungmin was having a hard time speaking. Sungmin was opening his mouth but no sound came out so he shut it again.

“Are you seeing someone already?” Yesung asked Sungmin and the latter looked at the floor.

Sungmin nodded his head. “Ye, I’m already seeing someone at the moment. I’m really sorry.”

Yesung smiled. “It’s alright, it’s my fault. I should have asked you out earlier. Could we be friends?” Yesung asked and Sungmin raised his head looking at Yesung with a smile plastered on his lips.

“Of course we can!” Sungmin said.

“Okay, I’ll see you around Min!” and with that Yesung left.

Sungmin sat back down with a sad expression on his face. “What’s wrong?” Donghae asked his hyung. “I felt bad for rejecting him…” Sungmin truthfully said.

“Then you shouldn’t have.”

“Ya! I’m dating Kyu now.” Sungmin pouted.

“Well you can date both” Donghae joked and Sungmin widen his eyes and his jaw dropped.

“Are you even my brother?! How can you tell me to two-time?! I can’t do that to Kyu nor Jongwoon ssi.” Sungmin snapped at Donghae, who started laughing at his hyung’s reaction.

Of course Donghae didn’t really mean it, but he knew Sungmin like Yesung a little. Sungmin never admitted it, but Donghae knew he did.


Hyukjae was working on some papers alongside Kyuhyun, but his mind was wondering to some other place. As he wrote something on the papers he passed them to Kyuhyun to go over them then went back to thinking. He had his elbows on the table and his chin resting on his hands, eyes looking at nothing in particular but air. He dropped the pen he was holding in his hand without noticing it and Kyuhyun turned around to look at his cousin.

Kyuhyun called Hyukjae's name but the older male didn’t respond to his cousin, so Kyuhyun waved a hand in front of Hyukjae's eyes and still got no response. With a smirk, Kyuhyun decide to smack Hyukjae on the forehead to get his attention, causing Hyukjae to drop his head in surprise and hit his forehead on the table making him groan in pain. The evil cousin started laughing as Hyukjae glared at him.

“Why did you do that?!” Hyukjae asked in an angry tone making Kyuhyun stop laughing but still chuckling a bit. “You weren’t paying attention to work.” Kyuhyun replied. “What were you thinking of? Donghae?”

“Who would want to think of that stupid fish!” Hyukjae said as he rubbed his now red forehead. “I was thinking about going to Japan.”

Kyuhyun eyed him weirdly. “Well isn’t Donghae the reason why you don’t want to go to Japan?”

“No! I don’t want to go because… because…” Hyukjae started to think of a good reason why he didn’t want to go to Japan. The main reason was for Donghae, but he didn’t want to admit it since he was still mad at his boyfriend. “Because I want to stay here and make sure you don’t hurt Sungmin hyung!”

Kyuhyun had to laugh at his cousin stupid reply. Who was he trying to kid? Donghae was the only reason why Hyukjae wanted to stay in Korea. “You know I won’t hurt Min, so you can go to Japan if you want.”

“I still don’t trust you.” Hyukjae said.

Kyuhyun smirked. “Well only in a good way.” Hyukjae rolled his eyes.

Again Hyukjae got in deep thought as Kyuhyun continued to work. “What if He came back?” Hyukjae asked and Kyuhyun stopped working but kept his face down looking at the papers he was working on. Hyukjae regretted bringing up the subject Kyuhyun had been trying to ignore for the past 4 years.

“I-I’m s-sorry.” Hyukjae apologized feeling guilty. “I thought you were over that since you are with Sungmin.”

Kyuhyun shook his head slightly but Hyukjae was able to notice him. “I really like Sungmin… HE is just part of the past that won’t come back.” Kyuhyun lifted up his head and looked at his cousin. “I’m trusting Sungmin with my heart because I know he won’t leave me like…”

Before Kyuhyun was able to finish his words there was a knock on the door followed by the sound of it being open. Both of them looked at who had just entered and saw Siwon walking in. Kyuhyun glared at him then turned back to his work completely ignoring Siwon.

“What is it Siwon-ah?” Hyukjae asked his brother. He could still feel the tension between his brother and his cousin.

Siwon walked towards his hyung and handed him a folder. “I’m not going to Japan, hyung.”

Hyukjae and Kyuhyun widen their eyes as they heard Siwon speak. “What?!” they both chorused.

“I’m sorry hyung, but I’m not giving up on Sungmin. I love him and I know I can still win his heart.” Kyuhyun stood up and punched Siwon hard enough to send him flying a few steps and land on the floor.

“Sungmin is mine! I told you to stay away from him!” Kyuhyun said and was going towards Siwon again but Hyukjae stopped him.

“Kyuhyun-ah, calm down.” Hyukjae tried to calm his cousin but Siwon marched towards Kyuhyun and punched him back.

“He was mine first and I want him back!” Siwon demanded.

“He doesn’t want to be with you anymore!” Hyukjae said helping Kyuhyun getting up.

“You have no right over Sungmin after what you did!” Kyuhyun angrily said. He couldn’t believe Siwon still wanted Sungmin back after everything that happened. He wasn’t going to let go of Sungmin. “Sungmin will never go to you!”

Siwon smirked and then chuckled lightly glaring at Kyuhyun. “If you don’t take me as a threat in your relationship with Sungmin, then why are you acting this way? If you’re so confident Sungmin won’t come to me, then why are you so afraid that I’m going to stay here and fight for Sungmin?”

“I’m not afraid of you taking Sungmin away.” Kyuhyun said and calmed down a bit. “I just don’t want you around Sungmin because you already hurt him enough. And I don’t want him to suffer anymore because of someone as worthless as you.”

“I made my mind.” Siwon walked towards the door. “I’m wining back Sungmin’s heart.” He said and left the room.

Kyuhyun hit the table with a fist and Hyukjae fell to his chair with teary eyes. No way was he going to Japan.


Hyukjae opened the door lazily when he heard someone knocking. He had been working all day even after he went home he was working, at least he should have been. Not one paper had he completed since he kept thinking about earlier. How was he going to convince his mom to let him stay in Seoul?

Donghae hugged Hyukjae as soon as the door opened and then picked him up and turned him around like a little child. “Ya! Hae put me down!” Hyukjae ordered but was ignored by his boyfriend. “I said put me down! NOW!”

Donghae did as told but his wide smile never left his lips as he tried to claim Hyukjae's lips. The older male pushed him away making Donghae pout. “Wae?” the younger one asked. “I’m still mad at you!” Hyukjae walked over to the couch and took a seat followed by his boyfriend who was still pouting cutely.

“I already apologized. And I promised I won’t do it again.” Donghae said but Hyukjae paid him no attention. “Hyukkie, please forgive me. I love only you.”

“I’m busy.” Hyukjae replied coldly.

“But I missed you all day…”

“Sorry but I have to finish this before I leave.” Donghae widen his eyes. Was his Hyukkie going somewhere?

“Where are you going?” he asked.

Hyukjae sighed before answering Donghae. “I’m going to Japan…”

“WHAT?!” Donghae jumped from the couch. “Wasn’t Siwon going to take your place? We even had a plan to make your mom let him go instead of you!”

“He doesn’t want to go.” Hyukjae said finally putting the papers down and putting all his attention on Donghae. “He wants to win your brother’s heart again…”

“WHAT?!!” the younger one yelled again irritating Hyukjae.

“Will you stop with the yelling? I have a headache as it is.”

“Hyung won’t go back with him! I won’t let him!” Donghae stated in a lower voice but anger was notable in his tone. Hyukjae lowered his head. He felt angry at his brother and at himself for letting him come back into their lives. “I can’t obligate Siwon to go to Japan if he doesn’t want to go.”

Donghae sat beside Hyukjae and held his left hand with both of his hands. “But what about us?”

“We can break up…”

“NO!” the older one felt like crying but held the tears back.

“I can’t trust you anymore. This time was just a kiss but next time can be more than that.”

The brunet shook his head violently. “No! I won’t ever do it again! I told you his was the one who kissed me.”

“Doesn’t matter anymore, I’m going to Japan…”

“I’ll go with you!”

Hyukjae shook his head. “You have to stay with Sungmin hyung and help him to get away from Siwon.”

Donghae shot up again and walked to the door.

“Where are you going?” Hyukjae asked.

“To tell your mom that you’re not going.” Donghae said firmly and ignored when Hyukjae was calling him and telling him not to go.

Hyukjae sighed loudly and rested his head in his palms, he knew this wasn’t going to end nicely.

Chapter 9

“Come in.” Mrs. Lee said when someone knocked on her office door. She was going over some papers for the new branch she will be opening in Japan.

Her secretary walked in and bowed. “Mrs. Lee, there is a young man with the name of Lee Donghae.” Mrs. Lee stopped writing as soon as she heard the name her secretary said. “He said he needs to speak to you about your son.”

Mrs. Lee smiled and instructed her secretary to let Donghae in. She already expected her son’s boyfriend would come and talk to her. She didn’t really like the fact that her only son was gay but she wasn’t against it either. It wasn’t her intention to separate the two; she only wanted what was best for her son. Sending Hyukjae to Japan was to insure his future.

Donghae walked in and bowed to Mrs. Lee. “What may I do for you, Mr. Lee Donghae?”

“Ma’am I came to talk about your son.” Donghae said in a firm voice.

Mrs. Lee nodded and offered the brunette to take a seat. Donghae took a seat in front of Mrs. Lee’s desk. “So what do you need to say?”

“Please don’t send Hyukjae to Japan.” Donghae said. “I know you don’t approve of us dating, but I love your son and I can’t be without him.”

Hyukjae’s mother smiled at Donghae’s words. It was true that she didn’t want to accept the fact that her only son was gay, but seeing how much Donghae cared for him, she accepted Donghae as Hyukjae’s boyfriend. It wasn’t her intention to separate them only to insure Hyukjae’s future. This was good for both Hyukjae and Donghae. “Donghae, I know you love my son and I know how much Hyukjae loves you. I don’t want to keep you two away from each other. I don’t like the fact that my son is dating another guy but I accept you.” Mrs. Lee said and smiled at Donghae the sweetest smile she could manage. “All I want is for Hyukjae to take responsibility. I only want him to go to Japan to establish the new branch and then he can come back to Seoul.”

The brunette’s eyes sparkled when he heard that Hyukjae’s mother was approving on them being together. They had been trying to make her accept their relationship since they started dating. “You really mean it?”

“Yes Donghae. I promise Hyukjae can come back to Seoul in a couple of months. If you like you could transfer to a college in Japan, I’ll pay for everything.” Mrs. Lee offered.

Donghae couldn’t be any happier. He had a chance to go to Japan with his Hyukkie and not have to leave school. “Thanks, but I can probably pay for college Mrs. Lee.”

“Call me mom, I don’t think Hyukjae will be leaving you or you will be leaving him, so let’s just start addressing each other as family.” Hyukjae’s mom said and Donghae nodded. “I’ll pay since I don’t want Hyukjae to have to worry about anything else. And please don’t disturb him so much when he is working.”

Donghae stood up and bowed. “Thanks m-mom. And don’t worry; I won’t be a bother to Hyukkie.”

Mrs. Lee shook her head lightly and chuckled. “I don’t even know how I’m able to accept you two dating, but I guess I have no other choice. Please take care of my son.”

“I will!”

“Oh and how is your brother?” “Oh he’s alright.” Donghae simply replied.

“How is Kyuhyun treating him?”

“Huh?” Donghae had no clue what Mrs. Lee was talking about.

“Aren’t Kyuhyun and your brother Sungmin dating?”

Donghae looked dumb folded. He really didn’t know what Mrs. Lee was talking about. He thought for a while then his eyes went wide. Finally he remembered his brother was dating Kyuhyun. “Oh well Sungmin seems really happy with Kyuhyun.” Donghae face palmed mentally, how he could forget his brother dating Kyuhyun?

“I’m glad he is with Kyuhyun, I trust Kyuhyun more than Siwon. Siwon is just like his mother and like Hyukjae’s father.” Donghae could tell there was some hurt in the tone Mrs. Lee had used. “Please tell your brother to care for Kyuhyun as much as Kyuhyun cares for him.”

Donghae nodded and thanked her once more before leaving.


Sungmin was running all over the place getting ready for work; he had woken up late and if he was late again, he was sure he would get a scolding from Kangin. He tripped in the living room and cried out in pain as he hit his shoulder on the coffee table. When he looked at his should he saw a little cut and he pouted, he really didn’t like marks on his skin.

He grabbed the keys and headed to the door as quickly as he could, but unfortunately he didn’t see the person in front of his door who was about to knock and he ran right into him knocking both down to the ground. Sungmin heard a groan from underneath him and quickly looked to see who it was. “Nice way of greeting your boyfriend. Did you miss me that much?” Sungmin blushed as soon as he realized who he had run into.

“Kyu, I’m so sorry! I’m late and I…” Sungmin got back to his feet and helped Kyuhyun up. “I have to go! See you later!” Sungmin said and ran off.

Before Sungmin could completely leave Kyuhyun stopped him. “I came to give you a lift.” Sungmin stopped and turned around to smile at Kyuhyun.

“But you probably have work.”

Kyuhyun shook his head and walked over to Sungmin; he cupped his face and gave him a peck on the lips. “I only have a meeting in 3 hours so I have enough time to take you to work.”

“Ok let’s go before Kangin kills me!” Sungmin pulled Kyuhyun’s hand and dragged him towards his car. “I only have 10 minutes to get there, hurry.”

Kyuhyun chuckled. “How were you going to get there then?”

“I was going to run and pray to god that I would make it on time.” The younger helped his boyfriend to get in the front passenger seat then closed the door and walked over to the driver’s seat.

“Donghae told me you haven’t been using your car. Is something wrong with it?” Kyuhyun said as he pulled out of the driveway.

“It’s fine; just that I haven’t been feeling like driving lately. I sometimes feel so tired so I don’t want to risk getting in an accident.” Sungmin said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Kyuhyun notice how Sungmin looked tired and pale. “Have you seen a doctor?” Sungmin looked at his boyfriend thinking of what to say. Should he tell him the truth that he doesn’t want to go see a doctor or should he lie and tell him that he already went… “I-I a-already went t-to see a doctor.” Sungmin decided to lie.

“What did the doctor say?” the younger one was a little suspicious about the way the older had answered.

“Umm… well he said it was just a l-little s-stress…” Sungmin lied again.

Kyuhyun wasn’t sure if he should believe his boyfriend or not, but decided to just keep quiet and make Sungmin see a doctor later on. Sungmin rested his head on the seat and closed his eyes, feeling tired he dozed off to sleep without realizing it. Kyuhyun turned around to see his sleeping lover and notice he is even thinner now. ‘Has he been starving himself?’ Kyuhyun mentally asked himself. Sungmin seemed to have lost about 2 sizes in 3 weeks and he looked paler than he did last time. Kyuhyun mentally wrote a note to cook for Sungmin more often to make sure his boyfriend eats well.

“Baby, wake up.” Sungmin groaned when he felt someone taping his shoulder, which was still sore from earlier when he hit it and was left with a cute.

Sungmin slowly opened his eyes and was met with Kyuhyun’s face. “What is it?’ Sungmin asked still half asleep.

“You’re going to be late for work if you don’t wake up.” Sungmin wide eye jumped from his sitting position and hit Kyuhyun in the head with his own head making the latter groan in pain for the second time that day. “Do you love me that much to hurt me?’

“Sorry Kyu, but I really can’t be late!” Sungmin ran inside the café where Kangin was, standing in front of the door looking at his watch counting every second.

“5… 4… 3… 2” Kangin was counting as he saw Sungmin run inside. “You’re almost late! You know I don’t like it when you’re late!”

“You said almost! I’m not late so don’t scold me!” Sungmin said with a pout and walked towards the changing room to put on his uniform.

Kangin stopped him before the latter could disappear in the room. “You need to train the new employee who starts today.” Sungmin frowned and nodded before walking in the changing room.

Sungmin put on his uniform and walked back out to start his work. He walked towards a table and started cleaning it while he waited for the new employee.

“Sungmin~” Sungmin jumped when he unexpectedly heard his name being called in a whisper from behind him. When he turned around to see who it was he saw Yesung standing behind a little too close. He put his hand on his heart as if it was going to burst out from feeling so scared a few seconds ago. Yesung sure was a creepy guy sometimes. “Are you okay?”

“Of course I’m not! Why did you do that for? You could have given me a heart attack!” Sungmin said as he stopped trembling. Yesung looked at him with an apologetic look and Sungmin couldn’t help but think just how cute Yesung looked at the moment. “What are you doing here?”

“I start work today. I didn’t know you worked here till the manager told me you would be training me. It’s great we will be working together, right?” Sungmin hesitated a little before nodding.

‘Is it really a good idea to work in the same place with Yesung? What about Kyu? Yesung confessed to me and he will feel hurt if he sees me with Kyuhyun…” Sungmin’s train of thoughts was cut off by two guys walking in bickering.

“It wasn’t my fault! The other guy ran into me which caused me to get caught off the lane and run into you!” Sungmin heard Kibum say to another person. “Your car was the one that made those marks on my car so you have to pay!” Sungmin widen his eyes when he saw who the other guy was.

“And who is going to pay for my car damages?! The guy just drove off!” Kibum said.

“What is going on here?!” Kangin came to see what all the commotion was. “Why are you late Kibum?! You know I don’t like any of the employees being late!”

“It’s his entire fault! He won’t leave me alone!” Kibum pointed a finger at them man who he just a few minutes ago, crashed into.

Kangin glared at the man standing in front of them and waited for the later to explain himself. Siwon, who was the man who Kibum crashed into, took a deep breath before explaining himself. “You see, I was driving peacefully when out of nowhere this guy clashes into me and then just left. I had to follow him and when I caught him he said he wasn’t going to pay for the damage.” Siwon said and Kangin just rolled his eyes.

“That’s all? Do you even have proof that he was the one who crashed into you?” Kangin asked.

“Well no, but…”

“But nothing! Leave now if you’re not going to buy anything! Kibum, get to work before I fire you!” Kangin said and walked away.

Kibum glared at Siwon who kept standing there. “You heard him, LEAVE!”

“Not before you PAY!” Siwon insisted.

Sungmin walked over to them to see if he could help them in something so the other costumers won’t get annoyed and leave. “Kibum, what’s going on?!” “SUNGMIN!!” Siwon tried to hug Sungmin but Yesung who had followed Sungmin, was faster and pulled Sungmin out of the way. “You work here?”

“Y-Yes, don’t you remember? I’ve been working here for a long time now, even before you…”

“You forget things so there is no proof I was the one who crashed into you!” Kibum said.

Siwon rolled his eyes. “Your car is the proof! It’s all scratched up!”

“Couldn’t you let it go just this once?” Sungmin said with his puppy eyes.

Siwon soften up to Sungmin’s eyes that seemed about to cry. He couldn’t take making Sungmin cry again. “Okay, just this once. But you better not get in my way ever again or Minnie won’t be able to help you next time! And Minnie, I’ll come more often to see you here.” Siwon said and turned around.

Sungmin lost the puppy eyes and rolled his eyes. “Come often to see me? My ass!” Sungmin said once Siwon was out of the café.

Kibum chuckled. “Thanks Min hyung!”

“You owe me more than thanks!” Sungmin said and turned around to walk back to what he was doing.

Kibum looked at Yesung with a questioning stare but Yesung just shrugged his shoulders and followed Sungmin. Okay guys this will be the last update till January 15

I promise to come back with at least 2 chapters for this fic and maybe 1 chapter for PMB

I’ll also come back with another story but you guys need to tell me which one you want…

On Love Hiatus – HaeMin or To Be Continued – HaeHyuk but it might be Eunhyuk

And please let me know if you guys want it to be PG-13 or NC-17

Well I hope everyone has a wonderful New Years and please comment

I’m really sorry I don’t have time for replies but I’m not done packing

Will reply when I return ^-^

♥ for all my reader!


Chapter 10

Kyuhyun was finishing up his work as quickly as he could so he could go pick up Sungmin from work. He didn’t want to be one second late since Sungmin told him that Siwon said that he would be visiting him at the café from now on. Kyuhyun didn’t want to Sungmin to meet up with Siwon alone. He was almost done when his phone started ringing and an unknown number appeared on the screen. Since he didn’t know who it was he decided to ignore it but his phone started to ring again so sighing he decided to answer it.

“Hello?” he answered.

“Kyu…” that voice was so familiar to Kyuhyun but he couldn’t put a finger on who it was.

“Yes, and you are?”

There was a silence on the other line. “It’s me kyu… Don’t you recognize my voice?” the other asked and Kyuhyun felt his heart beating so fast. He had finally recognized the voice. The voice he thought was like a lovely melody, the voice he wanted to hear years ago, the voice he never wanted to hear since he lost hope of ever hearing it again. Once again he was hearing the voice that broke his heart 4 years again. The pain that Sungmin was helping him forget was coming back.

“Kyu are you there?”

“Y-yes… I’m still here.” Kyuhyun replied but it was almost in a whisper.

“Are you busy?”

Kyuhyun couldn’t talk to the one who left him heart broken. “Yes I’m really busy, bye.” Kyuhyun said and hung up before the other could say anything.

He felt his eyes burning and soon he felt the tears falling. He needed to get out of the office so he quickly stood up and headed towards the door, completely forgetting his phone on his desk. His mind was so full of the memories bad and good. ‘Why did he have to call now’ Kyuhyun thought.

Kyuhyun left his office and drove to who knows where; all he knew was that he was feeling hurt again.

He didn’t know where he was driving to and he didn’t care either. He just wanted to get away from everything that reminded him of the one who hurt. Holding back the tears wasn’t easy but he managed to, even if his eyes were blurry. He didn’t want to cry for him anymore.

Without realizing it he stopped in front of a house that was so familiar. This place was where he had been happy and was also the place where he had cried endless nights. Kyuhyun opened the door of his car and slowly walked towards the house. When he reached the door he reached into his pockets and took out a key. He opened the door and hesitated to walk in but decided it was the best to be able to let go. As he walked through the living room he saw that everything was still the same as it was 4 years ago, the only thing that changed was that it was really dusty and the furniture was covered in white sheets. He doesn’t remember a day when this house was dirty; every time he came here everything was sparkling clean. He wandered through the rooms and flashbacks of those days that he was so happy with his special someone came rushing through his mind and without a warning a tear fell and rolled down his right eye followed by another from his left eye. He walked down the hallway and into the last room; the room that used to be filled with smiles and laughter. He walked towards the dresser and saw pictures of himself and of the one he had missed so much. The tears started to flow like rivers and more memories came running through his mind. He raised the picture and threw it towards the wall; making the frame and glass break into pieces.

“Kyuhyun.” Kyuhyun heard that same familiar voice and looked up at the mirror that was in front of him and facing the door.

A familiar figure that he had missed so much stood at the door with tears in his eyes. Kyuhyun couldn’t take it anymore; seeing him was hurting him so much. He clenched his fist and raised it throwing a punch at the mirror. The mirror broke into a thousand small pieces and scattered all over the space where Kyuhyun was standing.

“Kyuhyun!” the other ran towards Kyuhyun and grabbed a hold of his hand which was bleeding.

Kyuhyun retrieved his hand and pushed the other away slightly. “What are you doing here?” he asked the other looking inside his eyes.

“I knew you would come here. I really wanted to see you.”

“I thought you would never come back to Korea.” Kyuhyun said with hurt noticeable in his voice. “You were the one who left, why would you miss me?”

“I’m sorry. I never wanted to leave but…” “But what?!” Kyuhyun interrupted. “Your career was more important?”

“I’m sorry, I was wrong.”

Kyuhyun wiped his tears away and started walking towards the door wanting to leave the place and the person who the place belonged to. When he was about to reach the door of the room to walk out a hand grabbed him, preventing him from leaving.

“Please Kyuhyun, don’t leave.” The other begged.

“I’m sorry Ryeowook; you made your choice years ago. I have someone else now.”

Ryeowook got weak when he heard that Kyuhyun had someone else. He let go of Kyuhyun’s hand and watched him leave with tears rolling.


Sungmin was waiting for his shift too ends; only a couple more minutes and it would end. The other’s had already left, it was only him and Yesung who had insisted on staying to learn more of what he had to do. The last costumer stood up and waved at Sungmin.

Sungmin waved back with a smile. “Come again sir.” He said then bowed.

He turned back to look at the clock and happily smiled when he saw that it was time to close. He walked towards the door and changed the sing that said open to the said closed. Sungmin turned around to walk to the changing room to change and wait for Kyuhyun to pick him up; but thunder was heard outside and the lights went out. He quickly turned around outside and saw that it had started to rain hard. He started shaking, he was always afraid of being alone when it was raining and with the light of he was terrified. “Sungmin~” Sungmin stiffen when he heard a whisper behind him.

He wanted to run away, but his feet seemed to be stuck on the ground and his body wasn’t responding to what his brain was ordering it to do. He tried to open his mouth to scream but nothing came out.

“Sungmin~” Sungmin heard once again and this time it was closer to his ear. He turned around to look at who ever was behind him.

“AHH!” Sungmin screamed when he saw the face of a reptile.

“Sungmin what’s wrong?” Yesung asked.

Sungmin took a better look at the one who had scared him and he saw that it was Yesung holding a turtle. “What is that?!”

“What? This?” Yesung showed him the turtle. “This is Ddangkoma. I couldn’t find anyone to babysit so I could come to work, so I decided to bring him with me.”

“YOU BROUGHT A TURTLE TO WORK?!” Sungmin snapped.

Yesung quickly covered Ddangkoma’s ears. Shh, he doesn’t know he is a turtle. He thinks he is human like us. His therapist suggested that we keep it a secret till he figures he is a turtle by himself.”

“Let me guess his therapist is Dr. Turtist.”

“How did you know?” Yesung surprisingly asked and Sungmin palm faced himself. “Just go change.” Sungmin suggested and Yesung nodded.

Yesung did as Sungmin said and started walking towards the changing room leaving Sungmin behind. Thunder was heard and Sungmin started to run towards the changing room.

“Yesung hyung wait for me!”

While they were changing Sungmin tried to call Kyuhyun, but his calls where sent to voicemail. After the 4th call he closed his phone and put it in his jean’s pocket. Yesung walked turned around to face Sungmin.

“Is he not picking up?”

Sungmin faced Yesung and smiled. “He’s probably on his way and can’t answer because it’s raining and he’s driving.” Sungmin hoped that was really what was happening.

“I would still answer if it was my boyfriend calling.” Yesung said and Sungmin smile.

“I bet you would be the perfect boyfriend. I hope you find that special someone soon.”

Yesung smiled but in the inside he was hurting, he really liked Sungmin. “I hope I find him too.” He said. “We should go.”

“You go on first; I’ll have to wait for Kyuhyun.”

“I can give you a ride.” Yesung offered.

Sungmin shook his head. “I know Kyuhyun will be here soon.” “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow at school then.” Yesung said and left after receiving a nod and another smile from Sungmin.

Sungmin walked out of the changing room and sighed after he saw Yesung’s car leaving. ‘Is Kyuhyun really coming?’ he asked himself.

After 45 minutes of waiting and trying to reach Kyuhyun, he gave up. ‘I guess you’re not coming.’ He said to himself and decided to walk home since he hadn’t seen a single taxi pass by. He hesitated to open the door and walk out but there really wasn’t any other option since he also hadn’t brought any money with him so what use would a taxi be. And paying once he got home never crossed his mind.

He slowly walked under the rain towards his house. He hadn’t brought a jacket either, he was freezing and the worst was that he wasn’t feeling so good, he had a headache and he wanted to throw up. He felt like crying and since it was raining he decided to cry. Just then a car pulled up in front of him.

Confused at the car that looked familiar, he approached it trying to look inside while he wiped his tears that were now rain drops since the rain had washed them away. The window rolled down revealing Yesung.

“Do you want the ride now?” Yesung asked and Sungmin pouted.

“Why are you still here?” Sungmin asked with still the pout on his face.

“Ddang wanted to keep ridding before we went home.” Yesung lied. “Get in before you get sick.”

Sungmin’s pout faded and a smile appeared on his lips. He was so thankful Yesung was around to offer the rid again. He happily opened the door and stepped in the car. “Thanks Yesung hyung.”

“Where do you live?” Sungmin gladly gave him directions. “He should have called you to tell you he wasn’t coming.” Yesung said after he took note of the directions in his head.

Sungmin lowered his head knowing Yesung was right. Kyuhyun should have called. “He probably had something more important to do.”

“He still should had called, and if he couldn’t he should have asked someone to do it for him.”

Sungmin kept quiet since he knew Yesung was right in everything but he wasn’t going to get mad at Kyuhyun because he was sure that Kyuhyun had an emergency. At least that’s what he wanted to believe.


I want to apologize for not posting this on the 15

I wrote the two chapters I promised but I accidently forgot to save them T^T

So I had to write them again... I haven't wrote chapter 11 yet since my friend's mother is in the hospital and I'm trying to help him in everything I can...

I'll try to write chatper 11 by friday since I have a full schedule on Wed and Thur.

Comment ♥

Chapter 11

Hyukjae just finished taking a shower and was just about to get dressed when he heard the doorbell followed with loud bangs coming from the front door. Without drying himself he ran down the stairs towards the front door almost falling from the water he was dripping. He quickly opened the door and was shocked when someone tightly hugged him and picked him up, spinning him around.

“Ya! Donghae put me down.” Hyukjae yelled once he recognized the familiar warmth of the other. Donghae did as he was told but never let go of his lover. “Hyukkie aren’t you happy?!” the fish boy asked gaining a confused look from his monkey lover.

“I guess… wait why should I be happy?” the monkey boy asked confusingly.

Donghae goofily smiled at his lover and kissed the other’s lips before saying what he had come to say. “I’M GOING TO JAPAN WITH YOU!”

Hyukjae eyes went wide open and his mouth fell open. “Say what?”

“I went to see you mother this morning and she finally approved of our relationship! She said I could go with you and she would even pay for my studies.” Donghae excitedly said and Hyukjae’s eyes got wider and his mouth got wider almost touching the floor if it was possible. “Aren’t you happy?”

Hyukjae tried to speak but he couldn’t find his voice and he felt like fainting. Could it be true? Or was his boyfriend lying? His mother had always said she wouldn’t accept her son being gay… why was she finally accepting it and she was even paying for Donghae’s college so he can go to Japan with him?

“You don’t want me to go to Japan with you?” Donghae’s happy face turned into a frown. He couldn’t believe that Hyukjae was still mad at him. “Hyukkie I already said I was sorry, I won’t ever do it again. I don’t even talk to Kibum anymore…”

“I-I… I am happy… I just… can’t believe it. Are you sure it was my mom? Maybe you got into the wrong office or you probably were dreaming…”

“No, I really did talk to your mother and she really approved of us!”

“B-but…” Hyukjae still couldn’t believe it. “You’re really going?” he decided to believe in his lover. Donghae nodded furiously. “You’re going to live with me in Japan?”

Donghae nodded again. Hyukjae smiled widely. “YOUR GOING TO JAPAN WITH ME!” he happily yelled and hugged the slightly younger boy.

“Yes I’m going with you, baby.”

The older boy stopped smiling and then looked at Donghae. “But… what about Sungmin hyung?”

“Sungmin hyung has Kyuhyun now. I’m sure your cousin will take good care of him for the few months we are in Japan.” Donghae said making his lover smile. He was worried about his hyung, but it was only going to be for a few months and he was sure he could trust Kyuhyun to take care of Sungmin.

Hyukjae’s phone and the monkey boy answered knowing it was his mother. “Umma, is it true?! Are you really going to let Donghae and I be together?” Hyukjae asked his mother just to make sure Donghae wasn’t hallucinating. His smile grew wider when his mother replied but then frowned after his mother said something else. “But Donghae won’t have everything ready by then. Can’t it wait one more week?” Donghae notice his lover’s disappointed in his voice so he got closer to try and listen what they were talking about.

“Okay mom, I’ll tell Donghae about it. Love you too, bye.”

Donghae gave Hyukjae a ‘Hurry-up-and-tell-me-what-she-said’ look. The older one sighed and proceeded on telling his boyfriend what his mother had just told him. “My mom said that there is a meeting next week that I have to attend.”

“But I still have to transfer my credits to a school in Japan and my passport isn’t ready.” Donghae whined.

“I know, my mom said I should leave this weekend and she will help you prepare everything and then you can catch up with me in two weeks.”

“TWO WEEKS?!” Donghae exclaimed. “That’s too long; I need to see you every day!” the fish boy said as he dramatically hugged his monkey lover.

Hyukjae tried to pry off from his boyfriends hold but the other was too persistent. “Hae, let go! It’s only going to be two weeks and then we will be living together! I… c-can’t…bre…athe…” Donghae let go of his lover after the older said he couldn’t breathe.

“But what if you find some Japanese guy that seduces you!”

“Unlike you, I am faithful.” Hyukjae said and Donghae frowned. He knew Hyukjae was talking about Kibum.

“Please let that go Hyukkie, how many times do I have to apologize?”

Hyukjae saw the hurt in Donghae’s eyes and he felt bad. He knew Donghae would turn back time if he could to prevent himself from kissing Kibum; plus he believed Donghae that Kibum was the one who had kissed him since he witnessed it. “Okay, I’m sorry. I won’t ever bring it up again.”

Donghae smiled and kissed Hyukjae. “I love you Hyukkie.”


The next morning Kyuhyun walked in his office and sat at his desk leaning back on the chair. He was really tired since he didn’t get any sleep, thinking about Ryeowook kept him up all night. All that he wanted when Ryeowook left was to forget everything and start anew. Sungmin had made him forget about the past but the past had made him forget about Sungmin. He saw his cellphone in front of him and stared at it for a while before reaching for it.

“How many times did Sungmin try to reach me?” Kyuhyun said after he tried to turn on his cellphone but realized it was out of battery. ‘I should go see him.’ Kyuhyun thought.

“What happened to you?” Kyuhyun got snapped from his thoughts when he heard his cousin speak. He looked up to him and shook his head. “You don’t look alright.”

Kyuhyun sighed. “I’m fine, just didn’t sleep well last night.” Kyuhyun replied massaging his temples. “Why are you here so early?”

Hyukjae’s expression changed to an excited one. “Mom approved of Hae and me dating! She even let Hae go to Japan with me and she will pay his studies.” Hyukjae jumped.

“What? But what about Sungmin? Is Donghae taking him away from me?!” Kyuhyun jumped from his seat. No way was he going to let Sungmin go.

Hyukjae rolled his eyes and pointed to the seat instructing Kyuhyun to take a seat, and the latter did as told. “That what I wanted to talk about. Sungmin and Donghae only had each other, but they can’t always be together. Donghae has me now and Sungmin has you. Donghae and I trust that you’ll take care of him well.” Kyuhyun felt relieved. “You know

Sungmin has gone through a lot and you’re the only one who can give him comfort from now on.”

Ryeowook’s face appeared in Kyuhyun’s mind. “I don’t think I’ll be a good comfort.” He confessed.

“Why? You love him don’t you?” Kyuhyun nodded. “Then why can’t you be there for him? You’re his boyfriend. I’m sure you won’t let him feel lonely.”

“Ryeowook is back.” Hyukjae’s eyes went wide. He never thought that the one who hurt his cousin would come back. Every time he asked Kyuhyun what would he do if Ryeowook came back were just what ifs. He thought that now that Ryeowook was living his dream he wouldn’t come back into their lives again. Guess he was wrong.

“Why?” Hyukjae could only ask. He new his cousin wasn’t over Ryeowook and he would hurt again.

“He said he missed me…”

“And you believed him so you got back together with him?!” Hyukjae snapped at the other.

“Of course not; I left. I’m with Sungmin now.”

“So what are you going to do about Ryeowook?”

Kyuhyun stood up and walked towards the window. “Nothing, he made his choice… now I’m making mine to stay by Sungmin’s side.” Hyukjae was so relieved.

Back in high school, Hyukjae was the one who always helped Kyuhyun and Ryeowook meet without Kyuhyun’s dad knowing since he didn’t approve of Ryeowook. Hyukjae even had admiration for the boy who always worked hard to archive his dream even though he had financial problems. Ryeowook wouldn’t even let Kyuhyun help with the financial problem he had; for that reason Hyukjae approved of his cousin dating Ryeowook. But when Ryeowook left Kyuhyun, Hyukjae was disappointed.

“Could you please take over my office for today? Last night I forgot to pick up Sungmin and I want to apologize personally to him.” Kyuhyun asked his cousin who seemed like he was out to another world. “Hyukjae?” he waved his hand in front of Hyukjae’s face when the other didn’t respond.

“Huh?” Hyukjae snapped out of his thoughts about the past. He hated Ryeowook for causing pain to his cousin, but he owed Ryeowook because thanks to him Hyukjae went back to school on the night Ryeowook left to look for him and met Donghae.

4 years ago

That night Kyuhyun was going crazy looking for Ryeowook so Hyukjae decided to help look for him. He decided to go check at school even though it was late at night and the school would probably be empty by now. He walked through the dark corridors and heard some desks being moved around in a dark room. Even though his heart was pounding really fast right now he decided to take a look to see if it was Ryeowook. When he opened the door he saw a figure standing in the middle of the room. Beside the figure were about 10 desks stacked up like if it’s a ladder. Hyukjae wanted to get out of there as soon as possible because who ever that was, wasn’t Ryeowook. He turned around to leave but he shivered when he felt someone breathing behind him. He stood there frozen until he heard someone speak from behind him.

“Turtle?” the voice was deep and soothing but for Hyukjae it was frightening.

As soon as he heard ‘turtle’ he let out a scream and took off like as fast as he could. With the fright he just had, Hyukjae didn’t pay attention to were he was heading. He was running but looking back just to make sure the weird figure didn’t go after him, that he didn’t see someone running towards his direction. The other wasn’t paying attention as he ran and soon they bumped into each other. Hyukjae lost his balance and was going to fall backwards, but the other caught him in time losing his balance. Not wanting to let Hyukjae fall the other turned their position making himself fall, never letting go of Hyukjae. Hyukjae fell on top of the other. The other groan of the pain and Hyukjae opened his eyes which he had closed when he was expecting the fall.

“Are you okay?” the monkey asked worriedly. But in reality the only thing Hyukjae wanted to know was who was this handsome guy who took the fall for him?

The other just nodded and whispered a ‘yeah’ which Hyukjae notice was full of pain. He stood up and helped the handsome guy up.

“Are you okay?” the other asked Hyukjae. Hyukjae nodded shyly and bowed. “Thanks, but are you sure you di…”

He was cut of. “Yeah I didn’t get hurt… maybe just a small bruise tomorrow.” the other said as he massaged his back. “I’m Donghae.”


Donghae smiled and Hyukjae felt like he would faint from how handsome Donghae was.

“Why were you running?” Donghae asked.

Hyukjae didn’t want to tell Donghae afraid that the other would laugh at him, but he decided to tell him. “Someone creepy said turtle behind me… I think it was a ghost.”

“Weird… I was running because I saw a turtle…”

Hyukjae’s jaw dropped. ‘Donghae got scared of a turtle?… Oh well he is still hot’ he thought.

They both headed to the entrance of the school and since Hyukjae hadn’t brought his car with him Donghae offered to take him home. Donghae explained the reason why he was at the college, that he was looking for his brother, who attended college. They became friends but do to Donghae still being in high school, they couldn’t see much of each other. A year later Donghae entered the same college as Hyukjae and that’s when their relationship started to blossom.

Chapter 12

Kyuhyun was driving towards Sungmin’s house when his phone started to ring. Thinking it was Sungmin he quickly answered not bothered to look at the caller id. “Sungmin!?” There was silence on the other line but Kyuhyun could here someone breading. “Minnie what’s wrong??”

“It’s Ryeowook…” it was Kyuhyun’s turn to be silent. “Sorry if I wasn’t who you were expecting… but could we meet?” Ryeowook whispered the last part.

“I’m sorry but I’m going to go see the most important person in my life right now.” Ryeowook knew Kyuhyun would reject his request but he never knew he would say those words. It hurt him so much since he was still madly in love with Kyuhyun. “Maybe after I see my boyfriend I’ll have a few minutes to spare… I’ll call you if I do.” with that Kyuhyun hung up.

Ryeowook hide his face in between his knee’s and started sobbing. Kyuhyun would always have time for him and even if he didn’t he would make time. How he regretted leaving Kyuhyun behind. Kyuhyun arrived at Sungmin’s house right on time when Sungmin was locking his door. “Sungmin!” Kyuhyun called for his boyfriend after he got off his car.

Sungmin turned around shocked by hearing Kyuhyun’s voice. “Kyuhyun? What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Min, I’m so sorry about last night… I-I…”

“It’s alright, you probably had better things to do.” Sungmin said and smiled the sweetest smile which melted Kyuhyun’s heart and it made him feel even worse then he already did.

“Really I’m so sorry for not going to pick you up.” Kyuhyun apologized again.

“Instead of apologizing do you have time?” Sungmin asked.

Kyuhyun nodded and Sungmin smiled widely. “Then come with me to the mall. I want to buy honey bunny some accessories for his cage.”

Kyuhyun smiled to the fact that Sungmin wasn’t mad at him. He happily let Sungmin cling to his arm and they both walked towards Kyuhyun’s car.

Both were walking around the mall, Sungmin running inside a store and Kyuhyun following after him carrying what ever Sungmin was buying. Seriously, Sungmin was buying things for the bunny like if it was his real son.

“Kyu! Look!” Kyuhyun looked at what Sungmin was pointing. It was a pink hoody with bunny ears. “You want it?” Kyuhyun asked and Sungmin nodded furiously. “Then lets go buy it.”

Sungmin smiled widely. “Really? You won’t be embarrassed if I wear it?”

Kyuhyun shook his head and gave Sungmin a peck on the lips. “I’ll never be embarrassed about you.” the younger said and the older one blushed.

Sungmin felt so happy to find someone like Kyuhyun. When he was with Siwon things were different. Siwon would always feel embarrassed of Sungmin when the older would wear something pink and childish.

Sungmin happily grabbed the pink hoodie and went to pay for it, but when he was going to hand the money to the cashier Kyuhyun stopped him. Instead Kyuhyun gave his credit card to pay for it.

“What are you doing?” Sungmin asked.

“You’ve paid for everything you bought, I want to buy something for you.” Kyuhyun said and Sungmin smiled.

Sungmin then ran towards where he got the hoodie and grabbed a navy blue hoodie that had cat ears. He paid for it and handed it to Kyuhyun.

“What’s this?” the younger asked.

“Since you bought me a hoodie, I wanted to buy you one and I know its not your style but I still want you to have it.”

Kyuhyun smiled warmly at his lover, but flashes of Ryeowook came into his mind. He has to admit that he still had feelings for Ryeowook but what he was feeling for Sungmin was stronger.

“Should we wear them now?” Sungmin’s eyes sparkled after Kyuhyun’s suggestion.

“Really?” Kyuhyun nodded.

After they both paid for the stuff they headed back to look around more, both wearing the hoodies. They were both holding hands and Kyuhyun didn’t care what his employees would say about him.

Once again Sungmin ran off to enter a store but as he was going to walk in someone walked out and sent Sungmin to the ground. Kyuhyun ran to Sungmin and helped him up.

“Min are you okay?” he worriedly asked.

“Yeah I’m fine.” Sungmin said but he pouted as he cleaned himself.

“Will you be more careful!” Kyuhyun said towards the one who had sent Sungmin to the floor, but soon regretted it.

“I’m sorry sir. Kyuhyun I really didn’t see him.” the other apologized and both Sungmin and Kyuhyun noticed that he was about to cry.

“Ahh, don’t cry. It wasn’t your fault. I was the one who was careless.” Sungmin tried to calm the other. “Wait do you know Kyu?”

“He is an old classmate of mine. We really don’t know each other.” Kyuhyun coldly said. That did it for the other. The tears came flowing like a river. He bowed and apologized once more and quickly left.

“Is he alright?” Sungmin asked.

“Yeah he is just a crybaby. Let keep shopping.” Kyuhyun said and started walking.

Sungmin was about to follow when they heard someone screaming for help and another telling someone to call an ambulance. Kyuhyun stopped dead on his tracks and he stopped breathing. He feared that the one that needed help was Ryeowook. Without second thought he started running towards the place where everyone was pilling up. Totally forgetting about Sungmin who ran after him and was calling him.


Ok I feel bad cause I finished this story already but I forgot to post it here...

I'll be posting the remaining 3 chapters right after smtown in LA... I was on Hiatus for almost a year but now i'm back and I'll continue writing... and I added a new couple to my list.. DaeJae... does anyonw like that couple??

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Chapter 13


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“Sungmin!” Sungmin stood up from the seat in the waiting area. When Kyuhyun got into the ambulance with the other guy he followed in Kyuhyun’s car to see what was going on. “What happened?” Hyukjae asked.

“I-I don’t know. Kyuhyun and I were at the mall and we bumped into one of Kyu’s old classmate and Kyu acted a little cold towards his classmate so his classmate left.” Sungmin said and then he let himself fall back on the seat he was before.

Donghae and Hyukjae sat beside him. “And what happened after that?” Hyukjae asked.

Sungmin shook his head. “I don’t know… we just heard someone calling for an ambulance so we ran outside to see what had happen. Kyuhyun’s cl-classmate was on the middle of the street u-unconscious and h-he had blood a-ll ov…er.” Sungmin said almost panicking.

“Calm down hyung, everything will be fine.” Donghae tried to calm his brother when he saw Sungmin shaking. “Why are you like this anyway? Kyuhyun didn’t get hurt and neither did you.”

“I know but, but I feel like it was my fault!”

“Its not your fault. Just calm down and you’ll se that when Kyuhyun comes back he’ll say that everything is fine.” Hyukjae said.

“Where’s Kyuhyun anyway?” Donghae asked when he took notice of Kyuhyun’s absence.

“I don’t know… he followed inside I guess… He‘s probably waiting in the other waiting room.” Sungmin lean into his brother’s arms looking for confort which the other gladly gave him.

The three waited for 2 hours till Hyukjae sent a text message to Kyuhyun.

From: Hyukjae

To: Kyuhyun

Where are? Sungmin is so worried. It took Kyuhyun about 20 minutes to text back.

From Kyuhyun

To: Hyukjae

I’m taking care of Wook we’re in room 474

When Hyukjae got the text he let the brothers know and Sungmin quickly walked towards the direction which the room was located. He wanted to know what had happen to Kyuhyun’s ‘classmate’ and he hoped that it was nothing serious. Sungmin opened the door as soon as he reached his destination and wished he had knocked first.

Inside the other guy was laying on bed sleeping and Kyuhyun was holding his hand as if he would never let go, while caressing the other’s cheek so lovingly. Sungmin froze and tears slowly fell.

“Sungmin what’s wrong?” Donghae asked when he saw his brother. He turned to the direction Sungmin was looking and felt anger rising but Hyukjae quickly pulled him out of the room.

“What the hell Hyukjae? Why is your cousin like that with that guy?!” Donghae angrily asked.

“Its not what it seems. He is just a friend.” Hyukjae said.

“That didn’t look like they are just friends!”

“Lower your voice! We are in a hospital.” Hyukjae tried to calm Donghae down and when he did Hyukjae continued. “Do you remember the story I told you before? The reason why Kyuhyun left?” Donghae nodded. “Well that’s Ryeowook… Kyuhyun’s ex.”

Sungmin who had just walked out of the room since he didn’t want to see the scene anymore and Kyuhyun didn’t even take notice of him, widen his eyes when he heard what Hyukjae had said. He didn’t know if he felt hurt because Kyuhyun lied to him or because Kyuhyun seemed to still have feelings for the other. Either one he felt so broken and just wanted to be alone. He wanted to run but his body felt numb.

“Sungmin hyung… I-I” Hyukjae tried to explain.

The older of the three slightly shook his head signaling Hyukjae not to continue.

“Hyung! Your nose.” Donghae said and quickly got closer to his brother when he noticed something red on Sungmin’s nose.

Sungmin quickly touched under his nose with his fingers and felt a warm liquid; he looked at his fingers and saw that it was blood. He quickly wiped it away. Donghae and Hyukjae got worried but Sungmin just smiled.

“Its nothing, maybe just a little stress but that’s it.” he said.

“Since we’re here at the hospital you should go get a check up. You look a little pale.” Hyukjae offered.

Sungmin shook his head. “Its really not necessary. I’m fine.” Sungmin said and kept the smile even though he was feeling as if he would faint.

Hyukjae and Donghae were about to protest but they didn’t have time since Kyuhyun came out.

“Oh you guys are here?” he asked. He had been oblivious of their presence since he could only think of Ryeowook. “Min what’s wrong?” he asked his boyfriend when he notice the blood that Sungmin had missed when he wiped it away. Sungmin widen his eyes. He didn’t want to worry Kyuhyun anymore than he already was so a little lie won’t hurt, right?

“I ran into a door, you know I’m clumsy.”

“Tell him the truth.” Hyukjae demanded. Sungmin glared at Hyukjae.

Kyuhyun worriedly looked at Sungmin and waited till for the older to tell him what really happened; but the other didn’t say anything.

“Tell me what happened Sungmin.” he said softly.

The older still kept quiet. He didn’t want to say anything because he also didn’t know what was wrong.

“Sungmin…” Kyuhyun was going to grab Sungmin’s cheek but his hand got swatted away by Sungmin.

“I’m fine, its just a little blood. Don’t make a big deal out of it.” Sungmin said and walked away. He didn’t know why he felt so frustrated all of a sudden.

“Will you watch Ryeowook for a while so I can go talk to Sungmin?” Kyuhyun asked his cousin and Hyukjae nodded.

The youngest ran after his boyfriend to see what was going on with him. He managed to catch up with him before the elevator door opened.

“Sungmin what’s wrong?” “Its nothing, I’m just tired.”

“I’ll take you home.” Kyuhyun offered but Sungmin shook his head.

“Stay with your friend. He needs you.” Sungmin bitterly said. He didn’t want to get jealous but he liked Kyuhyun so much.

“Your more important. Come on I’ll drive.” Kyuhyun grabbed Sungmin’s hand and walked into the elevator.

The elevator stopped at the parking lot of the hospital and the doors opened allowing Kyuhyun and Sungmin to walk out. Kyuhyun lead the way still having Sungmin’s hand in his, but soon he stopped on his tracks.

“What’s wrong?” Sungmin asked worriedly.

“Where did you the car?” Kyuhyun asked.

Sungmin looked around and realized he forgot. “Uhh… somewhere around here.”

Kyuhyun chuckled. “Give me the keys.” he said and extended his hand.

Sungmin started to look for the keys inside his pants and when he found them he gave them to Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun pressed a button on the keys and the lights of his car where seen on the 3rd row.

As the drove towards Sungmin’s house Kyuhyun glanced at Sungmin. The other was looking out the window and looked really down. “What wrong?” Kyuhyun asked worriedly.

Sungmin shook his head but never took his sight from outside. Kyuhyun sighed and concentrated back on driving. Sungmin glanced at Kyuhyun this time.

“Kyu?” Sungmin had to ask even though he already knew the answer.


“Was that really just your classmate?” the older asked

Kyuhyun sighed again and shook his head. Sungmin felt better now that Kyuhyun hadn’t lied but it also broke his heart thinking that Kyuhyun still had feelings for the other.

“He’s my ex… my first love. We dated a few years while in high school, but my father didn’t approve of it. I did everything to be with him but one day he disappeared.”

“D-Do you still love him?” Sungmin just had to ask.

Kyuhyun was silent for a while then answered. “No, I love you now.” he said and Sungmin smiled.

Kyuhyun grabbed Sungmin’s hand and held it tight. The rest of the way.

“How about a date tomorrow?” Kyuhyun asked when they were at Sungmin’s doorstep.

“But Hyukjae leaves tomorrow.” “After we drop him off at the airport.” Sungmin nodded and gave Kyuhyun a kiss on the cheek.

Kyuhyun like the kiss but he wanted more. Before Sungmin could go inside Kyuhyun pull him into a tight hug and crashed his lips on Sungmin’s.


“Do you really have to go tomorrow?” Donghae asked his lover.

They were currently sitting on a couch in Ryeowook’s room. Hyukjae had his head on Donghae’s should while Donghae had his arms wrapped around the older.

“We’ll only be separated for two weeks, then no one will get in our way ever.” Hyukjae said and raised his head to look at the younger.

“I love you too much to be apart from you. But if that will make your mother let us be together then I’ll have to survive those two weeks without you.” Donghae gave Hyukjae a kiss on the lips.

“Promise me you’ll really go… that you won’t forget me.” Hyukjae asked. He had a feeling that Donghae wasn’t going to go to Japan.

“I promise. Your everything to me.”


I'm so sorry I promised to update as soon as I came back from SMTOWN LA but because I took two weeks off both my jobs they decided to not give me time for me... I still don't have time but since this fic is finished I'll post a chapter every day... well two more hehe it only has 15 chapters... I also promise to update my other fics soon... I'll be taking a vacation to mexico in two weeks so I promise to write none stop... and yes I'll keep my promises this time! please leave your love so I can get inspired n.n

Chapter 14

“HYUKKIE!” Donghae was holding Hyukjae in a tight hug and there were tears visible in his eyes. They were currently at the airport saying their goodbyes. “Don’t leave me!”

The Kyumin couple rolled their eyes seeing Donghae act like a little.

“Hae stop the drama. You’ll follow behind in two weeks, right.” Hyukjae asked. He still had a feeling deep inside him that scared him.

Donghae nodded furiously. “Of course! I’ll try to do everything I can to go sooner!” Donghae was still clinging to his Hyukjae. “And even if I can’t and have to be without you then I’ll only be thinking of you!” Donghae’s hold became tighter and Hyukjae was feeling the need to breath.

Sungmin pulled his brother away from the suffocating monkey. “Back off already, you’ll be seeing him in 2 weeks. As for me I won’t see him anymore.” Sungmin said. He meant to say that he wasn’t going to see Hyukjae in a while but his words got twisted as he spoke.

“Hyung, what are you saying?” Hyukjae worriedly said.

“Mian! I meant I won’t see you in a while.” Sungmin clarified. “Please take care Hyukjae. And I wanted to say thank you for being a great friend. Also thank you for choosing my brother, even though he gives you a hard time sometime. He loves you very much and he will make you happy.” Sungmin said as his tears fell.

“Hyung, why are you talking like I’m getting married to Donghae or as if this was goodbye?” Hyukjae said. The feeling inside him was growing stronger.

“Ani… I just want you to know how I feel. Your like a brother to me.” Hyukjae hugged the older and unconsciously his tears were falling. He didn’t want to let go of Sungmin. He felt as if he owes him so much and he will never be able to repay him. When Hyukjae fought with his mother, Sungmin was always the one who opened the door of his house no matter how late it was and would always lend his shoulder when Donghae wasn’t around.

“I’ll miss you hyung.” Hyukjae said.

They finally broke apart and wiped their tears. They both turned to face Kyuhyun and Donghae and found the fish in deep thought.

“Don’t even think about it.” Hyukjae said, breaking Donghae’s trance.

“But why? Marriage is something couples do when they are in love… we are a couple and we are in love.” Donghae pouted. Marrying Hyukjae wasn’t a bad idea.

“Okay will get married if you wear the dress.”

“But I’m top!” Donghae wined.

Hyukjae shook his head. His boyfriend would never change.

“Ya! Cho Kyuhyun, don’t you dare hurt Sungmin hyung. Take good care of him.” Hyukjae told his cousin.

“Always. I love him.” Sungmin blushed.

They heard the call for the flight going to Japan and instantly Donghae hugged Hyukjae tightly. “Hae! What are you doing? I need to go!” Hyukjae tried to pry off Donghae but the latter was way too strong. “Hae, let go!”

“Please don’t leave me hyukkie!”

Sungmin and Kyuhyun once again rolled their eyes and decided to help the poor monkey boy. They grabbed a hold of the fish and started pulling him away from the other till they finally succeeded.

“I’ll be leaving now.” Hyukjae said and waved goodbye before running off.

“NOOO!! HYUKKIE!!!!!!” the fish boy yelled as his lover was leaving.

Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin. “Are you sure Donghae is top?” he asked.

“I ask myself the same question every time I see them together” Sungmin said as he looked at his brother who was crying on the floor.


“I promise to come pick you up tonight.” Kyuhyun said as he helped Sungmin get off of his care.

They were currently outside of the university. “You better not forget cause I don’t think Yesung hyung will be here to take me home like last time.”

Kyuhyun frowned. He didn’t like to here Yesung. Even though he was thankful to the guy for taking Sungmin home, he still disliked the guy since Donghae and Hyukjae told him what feeling Sungmin used to have for the guy. And disliked the guy even more when they told him that Yesung actually confessed to Sungmin. “I’ll be here, I promise. I’ll pick you up in 2 hours okay?”

Sungmin nodded and tiptoed to give Kyuhyun a sweet and soft kiss. A kiss that felt like goodbye. A kiss that made Kyuhyun look inside Sungmin’s eyes and made him hold the older one tight not wanting to let go. He felt as if he was losing the older and he wanted to grab him tighter by the second.

“Kyuhyun… what’s wrong?” Sungmin asked when he noticed the younger didn’t want to let go.

“I don’t want to let you go…” Kyuhyun whispered.

Sungmin rolled. “Guess the Hae Syndrome is contagious.” the older said.

“It’s not that… I just feel like…” Kyuhyun couldn’t finish his words.

“Hi Sungmin!” they both turned to see Yesung arriving.

“What are you doing here?” Kyuhyun asked not so pleasant to see the older boy.

“I came to get some papers so that next year I can start where I left off.”

“Your not going to finish the semester?” Sungmin asked with great disappointment. Yesung had been one of the few ones he hangs out with between classes.

Yesung shook his head. “I have to take care of some business now that my stepfather passed away.”

“What?! When?! How?! WHY?!” Sungmin dramatically said. “My stepfather passed away 2 days ago because the cancer finally destroyed his insides and I guess it was his time.” The older of the three said trying to answer all of what Sungmin had asked.

“I’m so sorry.” the feminine guy said and hugged the oldest which caused the younger one to glare.

Sungmin knew Yesung didn’t get along with the man his mother married but he still was worried about his friend. “Will you come back?” Sungmin asked.

The older nodded. “I’ll only be gone for the rest of the semester and come back when the new year starts.”

Sungmin pouted. He’ll miss the older at school and at work.

“I have to get going. I’ll come pick you up in two hours.” Kyuhyun said and gave Sungmin one last kiss on the lips. “Call if you get out early.”

“Okay, bye” Sungmin waved as the younger left.

Both Sungmin and Yesung walked inside the building while Kyuhyun was watching them. His heart felt like it was being dig into as he watched his lover leaving.

Time went by fast as Sungmin finished the test he had missed a week ago, 45 minutes earlier than expected. He made his way out of the building hoping to see his lover waiting for him. He wanted to go home as soon as he could and lay down. Everything was spinning and he had a headache that was killing him. Not to mention that he had woken up in the morning with bone and joint pain that had increased over the last few hours. He walked to a shaded bench when he started to fill chills and started to sweat. As he sat down he reached for his phone to call Kyuhyun. Sungmin dialed Kyuhyun’s number when he found it. He hoped that the younger would answer quickly as everything started to blur. On the 4th ring the younger finally answered.

“Sungmin! I’m sorry I’ll be…” Kyuhyun’s words were cut off by a whisper.

“K-kyu… I-I…” was everything Kyuhyun heard.

“Sungmin? Sungmin! Are you okay? Answer me!” he kept saying in the phone.

Sungmin dropped the phone as everything went black and he fell to the ground.

Kyuhyun desperately hung up and rushed out of the hospital were he currently was helping Ryeowook. He knew something was wrong when he left Sungmin at school and he regretted it.

Yesung who had just walked out of the building saw as Sungmin fell and ran towards him.


I'm so sorry for the late update!!!! I havent had a single day off and I alway go straight to take a shower and sleep!!! But here is ch 14 and the next one will be the last!!! hope you guys like it and please comment... I have subscribers but no comments T.T

But I still love you all :p

Chapter 15

“Sungmin?!” Kyuhyun had been knocking at Sungmin’s front door for over 20 minutes and still no one answered. He knew Donghae wasn’t home because his car wasn’t parked outside. It had been 2 hours since he last heard of Sungmin and that was when Sungmin called him. He was so worried and he needed to find the older boy.

“Sungmin!” he kept knocking hoping that Sungmin was asleep and would soon open the door, but there was no sound coming from inside. He had looked everywhere even in every hospital that was around the area and they didn’t have a patient named Lee Sungmin.

Once again he took out his phone and dialed Sungmin’s number again but as before there was no answer. Kyuhyun was beginning to panic, he needed to see Sungmin and know that he was ok. After knocking for 10 more minutes he gave up and got in his car.

He was going over the speed limit but he didn’t care. Finding Sungmin was the only thing that was in his mind at the moment. There was one last place Sungmin could be at. He hoped that his lover would be there waiting for him with a smile but he knew deep down that Sungmin wasn’t going to be there.

When he arrived at Leeteuk’s café he didn’t even bother to park properly. He just got off the car and ran inside the café.

“Ya! Go park you car the right way!” Kangin said as soon as Kyuhyun was inside the café.

“Where’s Sungmin?!” Kyuhyun asked ignoring what Kangin had told him.

A worried Leeteuk came running to the scene. “What’s going on?” He asked.

“Leeteuk, please tell me Sungmin is here.” Kyuhyun said desperately.

“Actually I just got off the phone with Donghae saying that they were going on vacation.” Leeteuk said.

“What? Where?” Kyuhyun asked. There was no way Sungmin was going on vacation after what happened earlier.

Kyuhyun knew Sungmin was sick since long time ago but he didn’t think it was serious but after that afternoon he knew Sungmin was terribly sick and it scared him to death. He didn’t want to lose Sungmin like he lost Ryeowook… Sungmin was more important than Ryeowook.

“He didn’t say, he just said that it was going to be a really long vacation.” The oldest said.

“Did Donghae give you any clues to something? Where they were staying or why they left?” Kyuhyun asked once again. He had to find them.

“Leeteuk already told you everything that Donghae said! Now go out there and park your car the right way!” Kangin yelled at the younger boy once again.

“You shut up! Go help the others attend the café and leave me alone with Kyuhyun!” Leeteuk scolded and kangin just nodded before he walked to were Ryeowook was. “Kyuhyun you need to calm down so we can both figure out where they went. I’m also worried about Sungmin.” the older said and soothed Kyuhyun which made him break into tears.


Kyuhyun was sitting in his office reading some papers he would have to sign by the end of the day, but his mind would wonder to Sungmin. He would think of Sungmin every day since the day he disappeared.

“May I come in?” a low sweet voice said but Kyuhyun mad an annoyed face.

“Your already halfway in. What do you want now?” Kyuhyun asked in a not so pleasant tone.

The other boy’s heart was in so much pain by the way Kyuhyun had been treating him. Kyuhyun had been blaming Ryeowook for what happened.

“I just wanted to see how your doing… see if your better…” the smaller boy said. “Well you see I’m not doing better, you can leave now.” Kyuhyun coldly said.

Ryeowook’s tears fell as he walked closer to Kyuhyun. “Kyuhyun you need to get over him! He left you 7 months ago and he won’t ever come back!”

Kyuhyun stood up and glared at Ryeowook. “He left because of you! If you hadn’t came back he would still be here!”

Ryeowook just stood there with his tears rolling freely down his cheeks. Every word Kyuhyun said pierced his heart a thousand times but he couldn’t do anything. If he hadn’t asked Kyuhyun to stay a little longer with him the day Sungmin disappeared then Kyuhyun would still be smiling.

Kyuhyun walked out the office leaving Ryeowook there. It hurt him to see the other crying but he couldn’t help hating him. He still felt something for Ryeowook but Sungmin was more to him now. Even if it was a short time they were together he learned to love the older boy more than Ryeowook.

He had been walking for several minutes now and he didn’t know where he was. He looked up and tried to register the street he was at but something caught his eye. There was a thin boy standing on the other side of the street, wearing baggie jeans, a pink shirt that look too familiar to Kyuhyun and a red cap. The figure looked too familiar to Kyuhyun and his eyes widen as soon as the other turned around to his direction.

‘Sungmin…’ Kyuhyun whispered. He couldn’t believe his. “Sungmin!” he yelled and made a run towards him but the other started to run away.

He followed behind the running boy as fast as he could trying to catch the other. The other seemed to be trying to get away but Kyuhyun was catching up quickly. Kyuhyun saw the boy crossing the street without looking either way and he panicked. The only thing that crossed his mind was that he had to pick up his paste and hold the other in his arms. He heard a car beeping and saw a white car heading straight to the boy he was sure was Sungmin… his Sungmin. As fast as he could he ran and pushed the other out of the way. Everything was so fast that he didn’t even feel the pain that was caused when the car slammed into him. All he was able to see was Sungmin running towards him.

“Su-Sungmin…” was the only thing he said before passing out.

The other ran towards him and kneeled beside him. “No! Kyuhyun! Stay awake! Kyuhyun!” Sungmin tried to wake up Kyuhyun but it was no use.


Kyuhyun woke up in a room with a bitter smell and he knew exactly where he was. “Sungmin” he said but it was more in a whisper.

“Kyu!” he heard a small voice call him but it wasn’t the voice he expected or wanted to hear.

He looked over to the person who was holding his hand and saw a beautiful face but it wasn’t his Sungmin. “Where’s Sungmin?” he asked weakly.

Ryeowook who was the one by his side, turned around uneasy.

“Ryeowook, please tell me where he is. I know he’s the one who brought me here.” Kyuhyun begged.

“He… I don’t know. When I came here he wasn’t here.” The slightly older one lied and Kyuhyun knew it. Ryeowook was never a good liar.

“Tell me where he is! Or you’ll never see me again!” the younger one warned and Ryeowook knew he wasn’t lying. “I’m sorry Kyuhyun… I also don’t know where he is. As soon as I got here he tried to run away but I stopped him. I tried to get answers from him because it hurts me to see you like you don’t have a soul. But he didn’t talk…” Ryeowook quieted for a bit, biting his lips deciding if he should continue. He knew he should or Kyuhyun would never speak to him again. “he only said that he didn’t want you to keep looking for him because he found someone else.”

Kyuhyun felt his heart ache more than his body. He tried to get up from the bed but a sharp pain in his hip prevented him from doing it.

Ryeowook pushed him back to lay down. “Don’t! you dislocated your hip bone! Luckily it wasn’t so bad so the doctor was able to put it back in place but you have to rest for a long time for it to heal.” he explained.

“I don’t care! Just help me get out of here. I need to go find him!” Kyuhyun said desperately.

The older boy shook his head. “I’ve helped you over the past 7 months hoping you will forget about him and come to me. But not this time…” Ryeowook’s tears were flowing now. “You’ll never come back to me no matter what I do. I’m doing this for your own good.” he said and turned around to leave.

“You should move on already… even if you don’t help me I’ll find him and you will never have a chance with me.” the younger said dryly.

Ryeowook wiped his tears and smiled as he turned to look at the other. “I will soon.” He said and took his leave.

Kyuhyun sight and put his arm over his eyes as the tears rolled down. ‘Sungmin’ he whispered. “I’ll find you again Sungmin and I won’t let you get away this time.”

~○~ “Where are you going?” The blond boy asked his cousin who had just gotten out of the hospital.

“I’m going to find him.” Kyuhyun said. “When are you going back to Japan?”

“As soon as your fully recovered.” Hyukjae replied.

“Then you can go now.” the younger said. He watched as Hyukjae walked towards the window and stared blankly.

“Maybe I should stay a little longer in case…”

“In case he comes looking for you?” Kyuhyun said. He could see the pain expression on his cousin’s face. “He’s not coming back for the same reason Sungmin isn’t coming back.”

“Then why are you still holding on to him?”

Kyuhyun smiled. “Because I’m going to find him and bring him back. I’ll bring Donghae with me too and I’ll make him go find you.”

Hyukjae smiled but it was a bitter smile. He didn’t know why Donghae didn’t keep his promise and he didn’t care anymore. He knew Donghae had his reason’s but he wasn’t going to forgive him. It had been 10 months already and he still didn’t know anything of him. Maybe the other didn’t trust him or loved him enough to keep in the relationship.

“I’m not waiting for him…” Hyukjae said.

“You’re really weak.” Kyuhyun told him and the other frowned but then smiled knowing it was true. The only times he could be strong was when he was with Donghae.

“You’re also weak… I regret making you meet Sungmin.”

“Don’t! I’m thankful to you because of it. I’ve move on from the past and from Ryeowook.”

Hyukjae walked up to his cousin and sighed. “Are you sure about that?” the younger nodded. “Then why haven’t you moved on with Sungmin?”

“Because Sungmin isn’t in the past…”

“He’s in the past just like Donghae! Forgive Ryeowook and start over with him. He truly love’s you.” the older said and walked out of the room.

Kyuhyun fetched his cellphone out of his pocket and dialed the detective he had hired.

“Found out anything yet?” he asked the other on the phone.

‘I’m the best aren’t I?’ The other said.

“Just tell me what you found Zhou Mi!” Kyuhyun yelled on the phone.

‘Chill will you, I found where he’s staying.’

“Text me the address now!” Kyuhyun ordered and quickly hanged up not even bothered to say thanks to Zhou Mi. He ran out the door and down the stairs towards his car. Nothing was going to stop him this time from seeing Sungmin once again and have him in his arms. He was sure of his feelings for Sungmin and he was also sure about Sungmin’s feelings towards him so he was sure they were meant to be together.

The address Zhou Mi gave him wasn’t very far… it was about 2 hours away from Seoul. A little town with not too many people around in the streets. ‘Sungmin’s kind of place.’ Kyuhyun thought. He drove all over town looking for the place he would find Sungmin but there wasn’t any house with the address he had. So he stopped at a gas station to ask for direction and he did he felt so stupid. There was a road that lead to the house which was in solitude away from the town.

As fast as he could he got in his car and drove to his destination. A smile was playing on his lips. The house was really hidden and Kyuhyun hated that. He needed to see Sungmin as fast as he could. And his wish was almost granted when he arrived…

With a deep breath he walked out of the care and started walking to the door that was holding him from seeing Sungmin at the moment. His steps were fast just like his heartbeat. And without a second thought he knocked on the door.

A man opened the door and had a shocked impression on his face as soon as he saw who was at the door.

“Kyuhyun?” he whispered.

The end….

[not really ^.^ ] Kyuhyun looked at the person who opened the door and was happy to see Donghae there. “Hi Donghae.”

“Kyuhyun-ssi, what are you doing here?” Donghae asked still in a panic way.

“I came to see Sungmin.” Kyuhyun said and it was his turn to panic when Donghae’s eye’s got teary. “Donghae, what’s wrong?”

The teary eye boy lowered his head and his tears flowed freely. “S-Sungmin hyung… h-he…”

“What’s wrong with Sungmin?!” Kyuhyun was afraid of Donghae’s answer but he had to hear it.

“He passed away a week ago…” Donghae said and started to cry.

Kyuhyun stopped breathing for a few seconds and his heart felt like it would explode any second. Donghae’s words were still ringing in his ears. He grabbed a hold of the older boy and made him look straight at him in the eye. “Don’t joke like that! Just let me see Sungmin!” the younger demanded.

The boy just kept crying and Kyuhyun knew that the latter was a good actor but this was real. His Sungmin is really gone. He lost him because he was too stupid. His tears slowly fell and he found himself on his knees. He had cried when Ryeowook left… but this was a different kind of pain. He wanted to jump off a mountain, but he knew Sungmin would hate him if he did.

He felt someone touch his shoulder and so he turned around to see who it was, hoping Donghae was really acting but was disappointed to see Yesung there. He stood up and glared at him.

“You took him away!” Kyuhyun said. He was holding himself from punching the other. Sungmin hated violence. “It was his wish. You weren’t supposed to find out yet.” The oldest said. “His funeral was yesterday.”

“Why?! Why didn’t he tell me?!” Kyuhyun grabbed a hold of Yesung this time. “Why did he leave me?” he demanded to know.

“Because he knew you would get hurt. He didn’t want to see you like this. Sungmin wanted to leave with your smiling face.”

Donghae approached them. “He left with a smile thanks to you.” The fish boy said as soon as he was able to calm his tears a bit. But he was still in so much pain.


“Come in.” Hyukjae said when someone knocked on the door. He was too busy to look up. After Kyuhyun went back to Seoul and told him what had happened the boy decided to do his cousin’s work for a while till the latter was ready. It would also help him keep his mind busy and not think about the fish boy who Kyuhyun said didn’t find.

“If you’re the new assistant then leave the papers on my desk and bring me a cup of coffee. If not then just leave.” The monkey boy said.

“Coffee is bad for you…” the other said making Hyukjae look up with wide eyes.

“Donghae…” he pushed his chair up and got up and started walking towards the latter.

“Miss me?” Donghae asked. ‘SLAP’

Donghae’s cheek was burning due to the force of Hyukjae had used. The boy knew he deserved that so he just rubbed his abused cheek and looked at the other with sorrow eyes.

“I’m sor…”


Hyukjae slapped Donghae’s other cheek.

“I deserved that one too…” the fish boy said now holding both cheeks.

“I can forgive you if you cheat on me because I love you so much! But I can’t forgive you not telling me and just leaving like that! I can’t forgive that you can’t trust me!” Hyukjae said with tears falling down his eyes. He started to hit Donghae’s chest with his fists and Donghae just let him do whatever the boy wanted to. “I wanted to be with you in a time like that! I should had been there by your side and Sungmin hyung!!”

Donghae hugged the other and rubbed his back. “I’m sorry, but it was Sungmin Hyung who wanted it this way.” He said and soothed the other.

“But I had to be there!” The other kept repeating.

“Please forgive me…”

Hyukjae looked at Donghae. “Pabo! Of course I forgive you. But please don’t ever leave me again like that!” “I promise.”


Kyuhyun rolled on his bed as light shown on his face. His head was throbbing after all the soju he had the night before. He growled as the covers were pulled off.

“What the…” he said.

“Get up! Its already 12 and your still in bed!” a voice said and Kyuhyun widen his eyes when he knew who the voice belonged to.

“Sungmin!” he hurriedly sat on the bed.

The other looked down. “I’m sorry Kyuhyun… but I’m not Sungmin.” The boy said.

“What are you doing here?” Kyuhyun asked as he let himself fall back to the bed when he saw Ryeowook’s face. The alcohol must still be having an effect to his senses.

“I came to to get you back to your senses! It’s been 3 weeks. Everyone is moving on… you’re the only one.” The boy said and Kyuhyun just growled in annoyance.

“Who has moved on?” he asked as he looked for the covers.

Ryeowook pulled the covers away from Kyuhyun. “Sungmin’s brother just came back and right now is getting back with Hyukjae hyung… Siwon is coming from Japan next week because he said that he met a guy named Kibum…” “Kim Kibum?” Kyuhyun asked in amusement.

The other thought for a minute then nodded. “Yeah I think that was the name.”

“Those two are meant to be together… Hey! I got an idea. Why don’t I introduce you to someone I met so you can bother him for a while.” Kyuhyun said.

The other frowned, even after Sungmin is gone Kyuhyun doesn’t want him back. “Will you just get up and take a shower! I will make you something to eat.” Ryeowook said and walked to the exit so he could cook something.

“Ryeowook… I’m just not ready to take you back.” Kyuhyun said before the other left.

“I can wait.” Ryeowook said and smiled. This was a good start even if they couldn’t be a couple again.


Wahh finally i posted the last chpater pls don't kill me for taking so long. I really hope you guys enjoyed this fic and yes I know I shouldn't have ended it that way but I promise to make it up on my next fic... i won't make it so sad okay :p

Love you all and pls