My Girl; My Revenge.



KyuHyun swung his long slender leg off his sleek black motorcycle, tracing off to the front door of Donghae’s apartment.

KyuHyun was one of those “dangerous guys.” You know the kind. In fact, you know all too well the kind.

The kind that gives off a chilling vibe when he walks, the kind that glares at you when you say his name, the kind that always has the stone cold killer stare, the kind that will destroy anything in his path.

KyuHyun looked down, cocking his head to the right, thinking of what to say to Donghae once he sees him face-to-face. He moistened the corner of his mouth with his darting tongue eventually outlining his bottom and top lip slowly.

Countless of things went through his head, “Should I just forgive him?” he questioned himself “Or should I punch him in the face?” A sly smile appeared on his thick lips.

“Nah.” He shook his head jokingly, “I know exactly what to do.”

Finally, KyuHyun reached to the front of the staircase leading to the entrance of the home, he pounded on the fragile wooden door.

Inside; Donghae was dancing around his kitchen with his little French blue apron had got him during their debut year. He pranced to his front door licking the rest of the cookie dough substance off his long fingers.

Fishy swung the door wide open; “Hello~?” Donghae sung before looking into the eyes of the younger one standing before him.

KyuHyun daggered his head up, flicking his half-lidded eyes open.

“Hello. . . Hyung” Kyu said ever so coldly rolling his neck in circular motions as if he was about to kill someone.

“Uh.” Donghae was lost for words, “Hi Kyu. .Is there anything you need?”

KyuHyun beamed into Donghae’s eyes, as if he could see through his soul, and then casually looked him up and down. “No Hyung” he positioned himself straight, tall, upwards and rolled back his shoulders. “I came to speak to you about . . . Someone.”

“Oh!” Fishy yelped with relief, “Okay, you scared me for a second!”

Kyuhyun cursed under his breath before replying

“Yes, Hyung. May I come in?” Like it matter if Donghae wanted him inside or not, Kyu already was leading himself inside.

“S-sure.” Donghae stuttered.

KyuHyun walked in examining the place to make sure no one was in the house with Hae,

“Hyung?” Kyu questioned.

“Yes?” Hae answered immediately with anticipation.

Kyu shifted his eyesbrows together “Is anyone here with you?” he said as he traced his finger along a bookcase shelf, then staring at his index finger seeing if there was any dust particles.

Donghae curled his lips together, shaking his head from side to side then released his cherry red lips; “No Kyu, why?”

Kyu shrugged with a smug look on his face “Just wondering.”

“Oh.. Uh, okay!” Donghae responded as if rocked back and forth on his feet, hands behind his back smiling.

“Hyung, I came to talk to you about JaeKyung. “ he now faced Donghae.

Fishy’s lips parted ever so slightly; giving a blank expression.

“Now Hyung,” Kyu began to say as he slowly paced towards his elder.

“I been fair, haven’t I?” he cocked one eyebrow up. “I… let you and Jae have all the peace you need and not interfere with your lives, hmm?” he questioned ever so slyly.

He let his statements ponder the silence, letting it sink into Donghae’s mind what was to come.

KyuHyun circled around Hae, kicking his feet up every once and a while, stomping when necessary.

“I think..” he muttered “It’s about time I get my share of the prize.” He whispered into Hae’s ear.

Fishy shuddered at Kyu’s sultry voice. How intimidating his voice was. It was husky yet smooth, soft yet violent. Hae closed his eyes, picturing the memories he had with his beloved girlfriend, JaeKyung.

JaeKyung was the girl next door. She has long silky brown hair, that lightly bounced in the wind, soft curls layed around her face, neck, and shoulders. Stunning emerald green eyes that were so full of innocence. Her voice soft but playful, even her body figure was amazing, petite and curved in all the right places. Just thinking about it; made Donghae hungry for more.

Hae was interrupted by the pull of his collar, Kyu had a good grip of it, bringing Hae face-to-face with him. “I think it’s about time you get what you deserve.” The younger man hissed at him before sucker punching Donghae right in his face.

Donghae threw is head back by the forceful power of Kyu’s thrusted fist.

This time KyuHyun grabbed Hae’s shoulders and started shaking him violently screaming and cursing at him in Korean.

“Why Hae? Why?!” he slapped him across the face; “Why did you do this to me? You know she was mine, why?!” he slapped him in the other direction, this time Hae’s began to bleed slightly, soon it pooling out of his structured nose.

“After all I done for you.” Kyuhyun screeched, tears rolling down his puffy cheeks. “You go and do this behind my back?”

Kyu then threw Donghae on the hard wood floors; face first.

Donghae tried to curl up into a ball for protection, groaning in pain; covering his smashed face.

Kyu breathed in and out heavily, nostrils flaring, wanting to do so much more damage to his hyung.

He bite his lip and pulled Donghae off the ground by the collar once more, “Do it again, Hyung. .” he paused. “And you’re dead.” He released Hae, dropping him hard on the floor.

Hae whimped as he couldn’t move on the floor. KyuHyun wiped his bloody hands off with Fishy’s apron and tranced out the door before any of the other SUJU members arrived.

Donghae layed there, helpless of action, eyes lightly closed and barely breathing.

20 minutes pass until a familiar voice comes along, “Ah, Eunmi~ are you hungry?”

Donghae could hear a conversation happening right outside his house, being that, his walls were paper thin.

“Nae oppa~ let’s eat some ramen!” a high girly voice sang inside Donghae’s head.

Even though they were moments away from the door, the voices echoed in Hae’s head like Hells chorus.

A gasp filled the stall room when Leader Teuk saw Donghae lying on the floor, covered in blood, even a small pool around his head. “Donghae! Donghae!! Wake up!” Leeteuk exclaimed as he lightly patted his dongsaengs cheeks, soon tears filling his eyes “Hae! Please answer me!!” He whimpered as he tried to position Donghae into his arms.

Only small almost non audible mumbles and moans escaped Donghae’s busted lips.

“Eunmi-ah! Call 911, NOW!” He screamed at the top of his lungs. She did exactly what she was commanded.

Leeteuk held Donghae’s face in his chest crying over him, running his fingers through his hair “It’s okay, Hae, it’s okay, I’m here for you.” He mumbled through his cryful voice.

Eunmi came by his side with a wet toilette to sponge off some of the blood on Hae’s eyes and mouth.

Donghae could only coughed in response.

Teukie sniffled hard, and continued to sob over his beloved Dongsaeng, “Who could ever do this?” he questioned

Yesung and Minnie soon joined with 911 into the house, frantic in all disbelief. “Hyung!” Sungmin yelped running next to Leeteuk, “What happened to Hae?!” Yesung followed in the same steps. “Yah!! Hae! Babo-yah, wake up!” he slightly shook Donghae’s body.

The ambulance men told them all to step away as they tried to carry Donghae’s lifeless body away, Leeteuk holding on for dear life “No! Hae please!!” he pleaded through his teeth “Hae!”

They carried him away, Leeteuk panicking, delusional of everything.

Eunmi ran to his side hugging him, “Oppa, it’s okay~ let them help him.” Leeteuk’s lips trembled in a melodic way ever so slightly parting.

Yesung & Sungmin once again rushed to their side to comfort, “Hyung” Yesung said as he pulled Leeteuk to face him “Let’s take my car, to the hospital.” “No wait!” Sungmin exclaimed, “We need to find out who done this, and why.” Everyone’s eyes scanned each other’s, wondering who could possibly be the insane psycho path.

Obviously it wasn’t Teuk or Eunmi, since they were on a date at the Busan Museum of Arts.

Yesung and Sungmin went to a recording session, so it couldn’t have been them.

“Hmm,” Sungmin puttered, “Siwon is in France fimling his drama, EunHyuk and are at StarKing, And Ryeowook is home sick…” Everyone’s face was full of confusion. Who was it? Leeteuk’s eyes flew open, gasping, “Oh no. .” His dongsaengs and girlfriend looked at him “What is it?” they all said in harmony.

“KyuHyun-ah..” he said then threw his head back. Yesungs eyes grew wide, Minnies jaw hit the floor, and Eunmi shook her head in disbelief.

“It has to be Kyu, it has to be. . He’s the only one who-“ Teuk stopped himself from uttering another word.

“Who?” Sungmin asked curling his mouth to the right.

Teukie shook his head, “Nevermind, let’s just go find him.”

They all raced into the car and headed down to where, no other could be, KyuHyun’s apartment.