Copyrighted Material
Index Note: page numbers of plates and maps are given in italics. 9/11, 291 Ahlen programme, 120 Abgrenzung, 174, 246 air force, in Third Reich, 74 Abitur, 193, 196 air raids Abyssinia, 75 on Britain, 82 academics on Germany, 85, 101 emigration, 64 alienation theory, 186–187, 204 post war issues, 128 Allgemeiner Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund acculturation, 291 (ADGB), 43, 71 Ackermann, Anton Alliance for Germany, 274 (1905–73), 157 Allies, 26, 102, 103, 107, 108, 109, action theory, 231 149, 150, 173, 273–274, 309, 314 Adenauer, Konrad (1876–1967), 120, democratization of Germany, 228, 250, 283, 297, 309, 313 117–122 period of office, 138–139, 147–148, denazification and re-education, 149, 150, 151–157, 163, 163, 122–129, 190 164–165 division of Germany, 136–141 ADGB (Allgemeiner Deutscher economic transformation of Ger- Gewerkschaftsbund), 43, 71 many, 129, 131, 133–136, 154 Adorno, Theodor (1903–69), 33, 229 evacuation of Rhineland, 32 Afghanistan, 291 and political framework, 113–117 Soviet invasion, 181, 224 see also Britain; Soviet Union; agrarian bolshevism,COPYRIGHTED 54 United States MATERIAL of America (USA) agricultural protectionism, 47 Alsace, 232 agriculture, 60, 72, 128–129, 184 Alsace-Lorraine, 26, 92 collectivization, 132, 162 Aly, Götz (1947– ), 101 reorganization, 178 Andersch, Alfred (1914–80), 242 A History of Germany 1918–2014: The Divided Nation, Fourth Edition. Mary Fulbrook. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2015 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 0002216775.INDD 345 9/26/2014 1:32:40 PM 346 Index Anderson, Sascha
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