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Spectrum | Maxplanckresearch 2/2012: New Energy Through SPECTRUM Mine, Mine, Mine! A lack of impulse control prevents children from sharing fairly – even though they understand the benefits of sharing If children do not share fairly with each other, it may not nec- er, according to researchers at the Max Planck Institute for essarily be due to a lack of insight. They understand very ear- Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, it takes some ly on that fairness and generosity can be beneficial. Howev- time before they possess the neuronal requirements to act in accordance with this understanding. Researchers tested children between the ages of 6 and 13 in var- ious game situations in which the children were ex- pected to share with another child. Most of the old- er children, like adults, made fairer offers if there was a chance that their counterpart could refuse the offer. If this happened, in this particular game, both parties left empty-handed. The younger children, on the other hand, did not behave more fairly in this game, running the risk that their partner would not accept an unfair offer and they would both end up with nothing. Measurements taken with a mag- netic resonance scanner showed that the lateral pre- frontal cortex – an area of the brain that, among other things, is necessary for controlling a person’s own behavior – was less active in younger children than in older subjects. (Neuron, March 8, 2012) Sharing fairly at elementary school age – easier said than done: A region of the brain that holds the key to behavior control develops gradually in children. Catalyst for Cleaner Air The atmosphere has a robust capacity to clean itself, thanks duced mainly in tropical rainforests. Until now, it was to the consistent recycling of its cleaning agents – hydrox- known only for consuming hydroxyl radicals during its yl radicals. These are generated in the atmosphere by UV chemical cleaning. This is also the case when there are high light, from water and ozone, and break down organic com- concentrations of hydroxyls in the air. At low concentra- pounds in the air. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for tions, however, isoprene is broken down through a chem- Chemistry in Mainz have now clarified exactly how the ical mechanism in which more of the atmospheric clean- radicals are recycled. According to their findings, the reac- ing agents are produced than are removed. Isoprene thus tive molecules can be produced when isoprene is broken acts as a buffer that can diminish the increase in green- down. As a key component of essential oils, isoprene is house gases and other air pollutants. (Nature Geoscience on- emitted into the atmosphere by plants, and is thus pro- line, February 26, 2012) OH recycling during the day (%) OH recycling at night (%) 110 80°N 80°N 100 90 40°N 40°N 80 The world maps show how 70 efficiently hydroxyl radicals 60 are recycled during the day 0°N 0°N 50 and at night. During the day, 40 they are formed mainly over forests, while at night, effi- 40°S 40°S 30 20 ciency is generally high over 10 continental regions. 80 80 °S °S 0 100° W 0° 100° E 100° W 0° 100° E Photo: MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences; graphics: Chemistry – Domenico Taraborrelli 42 MaxPlanckResearch 2 | 12 Direct Genetic Exchange Plants transfer the genetic material in their chloroplasts to contact zones Grafting is a popular agricultural meth- passed on to the next generation. In od for combining plant characteristics. their experiments, the researchers graft- But it is not only humans who enhance ed two species of wild tobacco onto a fruit trees and garden plants in this way cultivated species. Their analyses showed – plants themselves also grow together that the cultivated species transferred its naturally if they touch. Scientists at the chloroplast genome unchanged to the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant two wild species. Like bacteria, plants Physiology in Potsdam discovered that can also exchange genes without repro- the plants can exchange their chloro- ducing. Researchers do not yet know plasts together with their genes for pho- how the chloroplasts leave their original tosynthesis. The genetic material in the habitat and seek out a new cell. transferred chloroplasts can even be (PNAS, January 30, 2012, published online) A natural graft between a birch (left) and an oak. At the point of contact, the two species, which cannot be hybridized, can exchange genes. Wandering Powerhouse in the Crab Nebula Thoughts Pulsars are some of the most exotic ob- line of sight, the star flashes for a mo- While reading this article, it is highly jects in outer space. They are the rem- ment, just like a signal from a light- likely that your thoughts will wander nants of burnt-out stars – extremely house. The pulsar in the center of the briefly, again and again. Despite this, dense spheres of neutrons with a mass Crab Nebula is particularly strong. you will still recall most of what you similar to that of the Sun, but with a This was confirmed by an internation- have read immediately afterwards. diameter of just 20 kilometers. These al team of researchers that included According to researchers at the Max neutron stars rotate on their axes for scientists from the Max Planck Insti- Planck Institute for Human Cognitive a period of between one millisecond tute of Physics, using two MAGIC tele- and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, short- and ten seconds, emitting charged scopes in La Palma in the Canary Is- term memory allows humans to per- particles. They move along magnetic lands. They observed the cosmic bun- form routine tasks while allowing field lines and emit radiation in al- dle of energy in the gamma-ray region their minds to wander. As the re- most the entire electromagnetic spec- from 25 to 400 gigaelectronvolts (GeV), searchers determined in memory trum. If one of these beams crosses the a region that was previously difficult tests, there is a correlation between to access, and discovered that the pul- the mental working memory capaci- sar emits pulses lasting approximately ty and an unhindered stream of one millisecond with a maximum thoughts: participants in the study measurable energy of up to 400 GeV – who had a greater short-term memo- at least 50 times more than theorists ry capacity allowed their minds to thought possible. “In the final analy- wander more frequently during rou- sis, there must be processes behind this tine tasks, yet still managed to per- that are as yet unknown,” says Razmik form the tasks without any problems. Mirzoyan from the Max Planck Insti- However, we are not completely at the tute of Physics. (Astronomy & Astrophysics, mercy of the capacity of our short- March 30, 2012) term memory: by paying more atten- tion to a task, we can compensate for Cosmic lighthouse: The Crab Pulsar emits a lower working memory capacity. gamma-ray pulses measuring up to 400 (Psychological Science, March 14, 2012, pub- gigaelectronvolts (GeV) – at least 50 times lished online) higher than theorists thought possible. Photos: MPI for Molecular Biomedicine (top), MAGIC collaboration (bottom) 2 | 12 MaxPlanckResearch 43 SPECTRUM Fossil Planets Astronomers discover a solar system from the universe’s early days A glimpse into alien worlds: An artist’s impression of the star HIP 11952 in the Cetus (“whale”) constellation and its two Jupiter-like planets. The two celestial bodies orbit their parent star in 7 and 290 days. came into existence just one billion years after the Big Bang. “The planets probably formed when our galaxy itself was still a baby,” says Johny Setiawan from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy. Conse- quently, the star contains essentially only hydrogen and helium, which were by far the most abundant elements in the early universe. All heavy elements – which as- tronomers call “metals” – were produced only over the course of billions of years in- side stars, and then flung into space as su- pernova explosions. This, in turn, should favor the formation of planets, since, ac- cording to traditional models, planets emerge in metal-rich clouds around stars. This means that the formation of planets around metal-poor stars should be an ex- tremely rare occurrence. However, astron- The discovery of planets that orbit distant suns is part and omers discovered another solar system of a similar age just parcel of everyday astronomical life. So the discovery of the two years ago. They conclude from this that new planets are new system around HIP 11952, a star with two planets locat- obviously formed during all periods of cosmic history. Why ed some 375 light-years away, is itself nothing special. How- and how? The researchers want to conduct further observa- ever, HIP 11952 is 12.8 billion years old – in other words, it tions to find out. (Astronomy & Astrophysics, March 5, 2012) Molecules as Radio Stations Radio communication is now possible at an elemental lev- el: Scientists at the ETH Zurich and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen used two molecules as antennas and transmitted signals between them in the form of individual photons, or light particles. Since a single pho- ton usually interacts very little with a molecule, the scien- tists had to use some experimental tricks to ensure that the recipient molecule registered the light signal. This includ- ed, for example, directing the transmitted photon to the re- cipient molecule using powerful lenses. They also matched the color of the emitted photon very closely with the color that the other molecule can receive. A radio connection communicated through individual photons would be suit- able for various applications of quantum communication, such as quantum encryption, or in a quantum computer.
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