Publication List (25 June 2015)
Prof. Dr. Th. Henning, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg Publication list (25 June 2015) Papers in refereed journals 1. Henning, Th.: The Analytical Calculation of the Second Spherical Exponential In- tegral, Astron. Nachr. 303 (1982), 125-126. 2. Henning, Th.: A Model of the 10 Micrometer Silicate Feature in the Spectra of BN-like IR-Point Sources, Astron. Nachr. 303 (1982), 117-124. 3. Henning, Th., G¨urtler,J., Dorschner, J.: Observationally-Based Infrared Efficiencies and Planck Means for Circumstellar Dust Grains, Astr. Space Sci. 94 (1983), 333- 349. 4. Henning, Th.: The Nature of the 10 and 20 Micrometer Features in Circumstellar Dust Shells, Astr. Space Sci. 97 (1983), 405-419. 5. Henning, Th., Friedemann, C., G¨urtler,J., Dorschner, J.: A Catalogue of Extremely Young Massive and Compact Infrared Objects, Astron. Nachr. 305 (1984), 67-78. 6. Henning, Th.: Parameters of Very Young and Massive Stars with Dust Shells, Astr. Space Sci. 114 (1985), 401-411. 7. G¨urtler,J., Henning, Th., Dorschner, J., Friedemann, C.: On the Properties of Very Young Massive Infrared Sources, Astron. Nachr. 306 (1985), 311-327. 8. Henning, Th., Svatos, J.: Stability of Amorphous Circumstellar Silicate Grains, Astron. Nachr. 307 (1986), 49-52. 9. Henning, Th.: Mass Loss from Very Young Massive Stars, Astron. Nachr. 307 (1986), 119-127. 10. Dorschner, J., Friedemann, C., G¨urtler,J., Henning, Th., Wagner, H.: Amorphous Bronzite { A Silicate of Astronomical Importance, MNRAS 218 (1986), 37-40. 11. Henning, Th., G¨urtler,J.: BN Objects { A Class of Very Young and Massive Stars, Astr. Space Sci.
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