Io Ð November2014 p.1 IO - November 2014 Issue 2014-11 PO Box 7264 Eugene Astronomical Society Annual Club Dues $25 Springfield, OR 97475 President: Sam Pitts - 688-7330 Secretary: Jerry Oltion - 343-4758 Additional Board members: EAS is a proud member of: Jacob Strandlien, Tony Dandurand, John Loper.

Next Meeting Thursday, November 20th What I Want For Christmas by Jerry Oltion, Mel Bartels, Jon Schwartz, and YOU

Our November 20th meeting will be an opportunity to talk about equipment in an informal setting. Jerry, Mel, and Jon will lead the discussion, but everyone is encouraged to join in as we talk about what’s available for amateur astronomers today, what’s essential and what’s just a nice luxury. Have a favorite something you can’t do without? Bring it and tell us why you like it so much. If you’re thinking of buying new gear for Christmas, ei- ther for yourself or for someone else, now’s your chance to talk to people who might already have and use it. Learn whether it’s as good as advertised and find out if it’s what you really want. The meeting is at 7:00 on Thursday, November 20th at the Science Factory planetarium. Come early to visit before the program starts.

Next First Quarter Friday: November 28th

Our October 31st First Quarter Friday wasn’t exactly mobbed with costumed kids seeking the treat of photons older then they were, but on the other hand we did have mostly clear sky for a couple of hours and a dozen or so people to show the sights to. We had six scopes among five club members (Bill B. brought two), so we had plenty of optics to go around. Jerry brought a jack-o-lantern and candy, so we had treats of the more traditional variety as well. First Quarter Fridays are laid-back opportunities to do some observing and promote astronomy at the same time. Mark your calendar and bring your scope to the College Hill Reservoir (24th and Lawrence in Eugene) and share the view with whoever shows up. Here’s the schedule through 2015. November 28 (46% lit) December 26 (31% lit) January 23 (17% lit) February 27 (74% lit) March 27 (58% lit) April 24 (42% lit) May 22 (26% lit) June 26 (75% lit) July 24 (60% lit) August 21 (43% lit) September 18 (28% lit) October 23 (84% lit) November 20 (70% lit) December 18 (55% lit) Io Ð November 2014 p.2 October 16th Meeting Report

Our October 16th meeting was a busy one. We distributed calendars and eclipse glasses before the meeting started, talked about the logistics of our upcoming eclipse party, welcomed Dave Kasnick of the NightSky45 club in Salem, who came down to meet us and propose an exchange of speakers for our meetings in the upcoming , and we held elections for board positions. Jerry Oltion was re-elected and Diane Martin and Mel Bartels were elected to new terms. Diane was not able to attend the meeting, but she had previously volunteered to serve as club president and was hap- pily welcomed in that role by the membership. Jerry will continue to serve as club secretary. We then presented Jon Schwartz with a certificate and pin from the Astronomical League for completing their binocular Messier program. Jon told us how much he enjoyed making the observa- tions for the program and he urged everyone to try one of the many Astronomical League observing programs. They provide structure and motivation for observing sessions and give a person a great opportunity to learn new objects in the night sky. There are dozens of different programs for all skill levels. Congratulations, Jon, for earning your first of many! Mel Bartels then gave a talk on Chinese and lore. It was a fascinating look at a very different system of organizing the . The Chinese sky is arranged into five palaces, four for the cardinal directions and one at the center for the em- peror. Each of the four outer palaces is divided into seven mansions or lunar lodges. The mansions are arranged in a rough circle, but that circle isn’t centered on Polaris as you might expect. Rather, Jon Schwartz receives his Binocular Messier they’re centered on the place where precession of the ’s axis pin and certificate would have put the celestial pole about 15,000 ago. Is it possible that this system for organizing the night sky could be that old? No one knows for sure, but the evidence is compelling. Mel concentrated on the of the white tiger, which is associated with the West and with the season of Autumn. It covers present- An- dromeda, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Orion. Mel taught us how to identify the seven mansions within the ti- ger, and what each mansion signifies. The 28 man- sions correspond to the 28 days of a lunar orbit, so it wasn’t surprising to learn that the Moon also plays a significant role in Chinese star lore. The legend of Chang’e, the goddess of the Moon, and Yutu, her Jade Rabbit companion, are so deep a part of Chi- nese culture that they named their lunar orbiter and lander mission Chang’e and Yutu. Mel’s talk gave us an intriguing glimpse into a The four outer palaces and the twenty-eight mansions of the system of stellar folklore that’s as old as civilization Chinese constellation system itself. Thank you, Mel! Io Ð November2014 p.3 October 8th Lunar Eclipse

We had good weather for the total lunar eclipse in the early morning of October 8th. Several EAS members and a dozen or so people from the general public met at the College Hill Reservoir to watch it, and many others watched it from home or from other sites around the area. The Moon went through the top portion of Earth’s shadow, so it was much darker on the bottom than on the top, but it still turned a nice coppery red during totality. The sky darkened and the Pleiades came out straight overhead, as well as Taurus and Orion high in the east. The solar system provided an added bonus: Uranus was visible just one lunar diameter to the south of the Moon. That’s it to the lower left in Jeff Phillips’s photo. The partially eclipsed Moon looks like a crescent moon at first glance, until you realize that the arc of the crescent is all wrong. Not only is the angle wrong, but so are the start and end points and the amount of curvature. The effect was most pronounced near to- tality when the lit crescent looked nothing like a regu- lar crescent Moon. Several observers also noted how much bigger the lit portion seemed. To the naked eye it looked like a badly assembled Photoshop job, with the bright part sticking out well past the dim part. It had to be

Copyright © 2014 by Jerry Oltion

Copyright © 2014 by Jerry Oltion the effect of lens flare or retinal spillover in our eyes, but it looked very real and decidedly strange. Clouds drifted in during totality, so the Moon’s reemergence was lost, but at 4:30 in the morning most of us were willing to call it a night and go home anyway. Bill Basham made a beautiful time lapse video of it from out near Brothers. Here’s the URL to it: Copyright © 2014 by Jeff Phillips Io Ð November 2014 p.4 October 23rd Solar Eclipse

The weather elementals weren’t as generous on the 23rd as they were on the 8th. The day of the partial solar eclipse dawned wet and gray, and stayed that way all day long. Some of us set up at the Science Factory and at the College Hill Reservoir anyway, just in case, and we were rewarded with about 10 seconds of thinner clouds that let us just make out a dim image of the with a bite taken out of it. Others were more fotunate. Mel Bartels and Barb Bajec had a little better view at their home south of Cottage Grove, and Bill Basham drove out to a site near Sisters and managed to get a decent sequence of photos showing the eclipse as it progressed. Note the monster sunspot group visible near the center. That was big enough to see by naked eye on previous days.

Photos copyright © 2014 by Bill Basham

Thank You Castle Storage

For the last several years, Castle Storage has generously pro- vided EAS a place to store its telescopes and equipment. EAS would like to thank Castle Storage for their generosity and support for our group. Please give them a call if you need a storage space, and tell your friends. They are great people and offer secure and quality storage units. Io Ð November2014 p.5 Music of the Spheres A Cosmic Concert with visuals of deep space performed by members of the Eugene Chapter of the American Guild of Organists

Friday, November 21 First United Methodist Church 1376 Olive Street, Eugene, Oregon

7:00 PM Prof. Bernie Bopp, narrator

Part of the 2014-2015 Concerts at First in collaboration with Eugene Chapter AGO and the Eugene Astronomical Society

Suggested donation $10 Bring canned goods for Food for Lane County

Discounted Magazine Subscriptions

One of the benefits of EAS membership is a club discount on subscriptions to Sky & Telescope and Astronomy magazines. The clubmember rate for Sky & Telescope Magazine is $32.95 for one year or $65.90 for two years. The clubmember rate for Dues are Past Due! Astronomy magazine is $34 for one year or $60 for two years. This is the rate for new subscrip- tions or renewals. New subscriptions have to go EAS membership runs from October thru Sep- through the club secretary (Jerry Oltion) to qualify tember. If you haven’t paid already, please mail for the discounted rate, so contact Jerry if you want your dues to the Eugene Astronomical Society, to start a new subscription. Sky & Telescope al- PO Box 7264, Springfield, OR 97475. Dues are lows you to renew at the club rate on your own, still the same low $25 they’ve been for years. Make but Astronomy requires renewals to go through the your checks payable to Eugene Astronomical So- club secretary as well. For more information, con- ciety, or just EAS if your pen is low on ink. tact Jerry at j.oltion at or 541-343-4758. Io Ð November 2014 p.6 Observing Hightlight: NGC 6826, the Blinking Planetary

Most planetary nebulae are interesting for what they are. This one is interesting for what it does. The Blinking Planetary actually does blink...if all the right conditions are met. First off, you need a small to medium scope. (3" to 8" is about right.) It won’t blink in a big scope, although observing from town might give you an extra couple inches of aperture tolerance due to the general dimming of the from light pollution. Then you need to find the object. It’s easy to mistake for a star at first glance, so you can go right past it several times before you realize it was in the field of view all along. Look for it with averted vision. If you star-hop to it or use a go-to scope, try a medium- to high-power eyepiece once you know you’re in the right area. It’s a relatively small nebula, so more magnification will help it stand out a little. Once you’ve found it, you have to provide the switch to make it blink. That’s as easy as using your averted vision: look away and the nebula blinks on, look back and it goes out. If it doesn’t work at the magnification you’re using, crank up the power. What’s happening? The Blinking Planetary is one of the few planetary nebulae with a bright cen- tral star. When you look straight at that star, you’re using the least sensitive part of your eye, so the bright- ness of the star knocks out the nebula glow around it. When you look away, you’re using a more sensi- tive patch of retina and the nebula glow stands out again. The Blinking Planetary is relatively easy to find. It lives in the northwest wing of the swan, very near 6th-magnitude . It’s half a degree straight east of 16 Cygni, which is in turn about one degree east of 4.5-mag Theta Cygni, so you should be able to find it in a medium-power eyepiece. Its R.A. is 19h 44m 48s and its Dec. is +50° 31' 33". 16 Cygni Blinking Note that the star visible to the right of the Planetary θ Cygni nebula in the photo is not 16 Cygni. 16 Cygni is way out of the frame at this scale. The star in the photo is an 11.2-magnutude star, dimmer than the nebula’s 10.6-magnitude central star. The nebula itself has a visual mag- nitude of 8.9. It appears 2.1 arc-minutes across. At its estimated 4,200 light-year Vega distance, it has a true diameter of 2.6 light-years. Cygnus Give it a try next time you’re out. Cygnus will be flying westward as the season progresses, so this will probably be your last good month for it this year. Io Ð November2014 p.7 Mutual Occultations of the Satellites of

Every few years the orbital plane of Jupiter’s moons lines up with Earth, so we see occultations and eclipses of the moons as they move in front of one another. The British Astronomical Association’s Com- puting Section has calculated the times for these events, which we have culled for events that are visible during nighttime from Oregon. Occultations are not eclipses. Occultations mean one brightly lit moon will cross in front of another brightly lit moon, so we’ll see them merge and move apart, but we won’t see one blink out. There will be a few eclipses visible next month, and we’ll have a chart for those then. Times are given in Pacific Daylight Time until November 2 and Pacific Standard Time thereafter. 1o2 means that satellite 1 occults satellite 2, etc. 1=Io 2=Europa 3=Ganymede 4=Callisto Column “Magn.” gives the magnitude of the occultation in %, that is, the fraction of the diameter of the second satellite that is occulted by the first satellite at maximum phase. “T” means that the satellite is totally occulted, while “A” means an annular occultation. In the latter case, the first satellite transits di- rectly over the second, larger satellite. Column “Dur.” gives the duration of the total or annular phase, in seconds.

Date Start End 2014 Satel. h m s h m s Magn.% Dur. s Pacific time Nov 1 3o1 01 11 41 01 15 09 27 See note 1 Jupiter rises at 00:58 1 4o1 04 49 07 04 54 22 31 2 4o1 05 36 06 05 51 45 T 123 Jupiter rises at 23:51 3 4o3 04 51 43 05 06 17 36 See note 2 4 2o3 01 04 19 01 14 31 A 59 128 Jupiter rises at 23:44 5 1o3 02 19 04 02 24 21 34 8 3o1 02 57 45 03 02 48 62 9 3o4 01 27 44 01 33 40 19 Jupiter rises at 23:27 Begin Standard Time StandardBegin 10 2o4 06 40 26 06 46 01 44 Sunrise 07:01 11 2o3 04 37 13 04 48 11 A 59 125 12 1o3 05 09 02 05 14 48 56 15 3o1 05 44 18 05 50 16 94 28 3o4 06 50 59 07 08 50 74 Sunrise 07:24 29 3o2 22 29 06 22 33 28 48 See note 3 Jupiter rises at 22:14 Dec 5 4o2 23 00 36 23 50 10 37 Jupiter rises at 21:51 16 2o1 02 36 34 03 05 30 33 16 2o1 07 47 34 08 16 19 A 86 42 Sunrise 07:41 27 2o1 00 21 10 00 35 00 63 Jupiter rises at 20:17 27 3o1 23 38 36 23 56 38 86 Jupiter rises at 20:21 27 3o1 07 12 19 07 38 14 T 286 Sunrise 07:47

Note 1: Ganymede’s shadow is in transit across Jupiter during occultation. Note 2: Europa’s shadow is just beginning transit during occultation. Note 3:Satellite 2 itself is eclipsed in Jupiter's shadow (so we won’t see anything special). Io Ð November 2014 p.8 ObservingObserving inin NovemberNovember

Full Last Q New 1st Q

Nov. 6, 2:23 PM Nov. 14, 7:15 AM Nov. 22, 4:32 AM Nov. 29, 2:06 AM Mercury Rise: 5:20 AM Mercury Rise: 5:53 AM Mercury Rise: 6:30 AM Mercury Rise: 7:02 AM Venus Set: 5:06 PM Venus Set: 5:03 PM Venus Set: 5:02 PM Venus Set: 5:05 PM Mars Set: 8:04 PM Mars Set: 8:02 PM Mars Set: 8:01 PM Mars Set: 8:01 PM Jupiter Rise: 11:37 PM Jupiter Rise: 11:10 PM Jupiter Rise: 10:41 PM Jupiter Rise: 10:14 PM Saturn Set: 5:33 PM Saturn Lost in Sun Saturn Lost in Sun Saturn Rise: 6:29 AM Uranus Set: 4:21 AM Uranus Set: 3:49 AM Uranus Set: 3:16 AM Uranus Set: 2:48 AM Neptune Set: 1:00 AM Neptune Set: 12:29 AM Neptune Set: 11:54 PM Neptune Set: 11:26 PM Pluto Set: 8:34 PM Pluto Set: 8:04 PM Pluto Set: 7:33 PM Pluto Set: 7:07 PM

All times Pacific Daylight Time (March 9 Ð November 1, 2014 = UT -7 hours) or Pacific Standard Time (November 2, 2014 Ð March 7, 2015 = UT -8 hours)

Date Moonrise Moonset Sunrise Sunset Twilight Twilight Begin End Items of Interest This Month ------11/1/2014 15:11 01:38 07:49 18:02 06:11 19:40 Many Jupter satellite occultations this month. 11/2/2014 14:45 01:49 06:50 17:01 05:12 18:39 See p.7 for details. 11/3/2014 15:19 03:01 06:52 17:00 05:14 18:38 11/4/2014 15:53 04:12 06:53 16:58 05:15 18:37 Taurid meteors visible all month. High propor- 11/5/2014 16:29 05:23 06:54 16:57 05:16 18:35 tion of fireballs with this shower. 11/6/2014 17:08 06:33 06:56 16:56 05:17 18:34 11/6 Io shadow transit 11:50 pm Ð 2:07 am. 11/7/2014 17:51 07:39 06:57 16:55 05:18 18:33 11/17 Callisto shadow transit from Jupiter rise 11/8/2014 18:38 08:42 06:58 16:53 05:19 18:32 (11:00) to midnight. Begin Standard Time StandardBegin 11/9/2014 19:29 09:38 07:00 16:52 05:21 18:31 11/10/2014 20:23 10:29 07:01 16:51 05:22 18:30 11/17 Ð 11/18 Leonid meteor shower near peak 11/11/2014 21:19 11:13 07:02 16:50 05:23 18:30 in early morning both days. 11/12/2014 22:16 11:51 07:04 16:49 05:24 18:29 11/20 Europa shadow transit 11:01 pm Ð 1:55 11/13/2014 23:13 12:25 07:05 16:48 05:25 18:28 am. 11/14/2014 12:56 07:06 16:47 05:26 18:27 11/22 Io shadow transit from Jupiter rise 11/15/2014 00:10 13:24 07:08 16:46 05:27 18:26 11/16/2014 01:08 13:52 07:09 16:45 05:28 18:25 (10:41) to 12:22 am. 11/17/2014 02:07 14:19 07:10 16:44 05:30 18:25 11/25 Europa and Callisto near miss (may be 11/18/2014 03:07 14:48 07:12 16:43 05:31 18:24 cooler than an occultation) just before 11/19/2014 04:08 15:19 07:13 16:42 05:32 18:23 midnight. 11/20/2014 05:10 15:53 07:14 16:42 05:33 18:23 11/28 First Quarter Friday Star Party. 11/21/2014 06:14 16:32 07:15 16:41 05:34 18:22 11/22/2014 07:17 17:17 07:17 16:40 05:35 18:22 11/29 Io shadow transit 11:57 pm. Ð 2:15 a.m 11/23/2014 08:19 18:08 07:18 16:39 05:36 18:21 11/24/2014 09:17 19:07 07:19 16:39 05:37 18:21 For ongoing discussion of astronomi- 11/25/2014 10:09 20:11 07:20 16:38 05:38 18:20 11/26/2014 10:55 21:19 07:22 16:38 05:39 18:20 cal topics and impromptu planning of 11/27/2014 11:36 22:29 07:23 16:37 05:40 18:20 telescope outings, join the EAS mail 11/28/2014 12:13 23:40 07:24 16:37 05:41 18:19 list at 11/29/2014 12:48 07:25 16:36 05:42 18:19 11/30/2014 13:21 00:50 07:26 16:36 05:43 18:19 listinfo/

All times are for Eugene, Oregon, Latitude 44¼ 3' Longitude 123¼ 06' for listed date