Three from One = 4000 Magazi N A V AS MAGAzi totzsin Three from One = 4000 iiiiiiimmommhill111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111miniiiimnum 11 •_„,,• Siebe Gorman present a now air compressor and cylinder charging decanting set, with an integrated control panel, which can be used for three distinct operations:— To charge large high pressure air storage cylinders to 40001b./ To decant air from storage cylinders into breathing apparatus or aqualung cylinders. To charge breathing apparatus cylin- ders direct from the compressor. filter and,control panel is mounted In a tubujik.Steel carrying frame and Neptune 4000 weighs-aiiiiroximately 400 lb. It can be Siebe Gorman's new high pressure used independently or incorporated compressor set is designed to provide in a static installation. a versatile unit for charging breathing apparatus or aqualung cylinders with clean, dry air to pressures between ;14,44, 1800 and 4000 p.s.i. Driven by either a `1AN Marineland—see page 9 Ut`, 4 stroke petrol engine or electric 01 ENGLAND -t motor, the air-cooled compressor has For further information, nii, write to 111111111111111141111 1111„i an output of 4.5 cu. ft. of nominal free Siebe Gorman & Co. Ltd., """"""1111111111IM11111111111111111111111 iiiiiiiiiimilimill111191111111111111111111111111111111111111111411 „1040 Neptune Works, Davis Road, F 0,40 air per minute. The complete appara- Chessington, Surrey. -.0.4640 tus, consisting of motor, compressor, Telephone: Lower Hook 8171/8 Printed by Coasby & Co. Ltd., St. James's Road, Southsea, Hai is Vol. 11 No. 1 2/- We specialise in EVERYTHING FOR THE UNDERWATER SPORTSMAN including the latest designs and all the better makes of LUNGS DIVING SUITS SWIMMING GEAR & EQUIPMENT Stainless steel Roles- Oyster, f37.
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