"ffOm to Fair. To- k L TOf IVeM f/ofW cont^u^T^fomght. ^ and f/^ .. A. . W U morrow increasing f ^ ^ ff 17 Tl Within the Hoar hours for Illij^k SiTfl ill il^ ^^StTTMK* ^4 HMtf^>^BkB P-m- V > B WW I H I Hill r / ^ | 1 I 22. at 7 a.m. today. ,. . today: lowest. # I J^ky ^ / , . B .VM^L.B.^^^7y^JB B^^Bron ^^Wr ^W w^#' ^^WW^Wr ^pr^Wr ^ T I1Mf r / " ' ^ iwm Ret rimuttea. Meats « yTl ,,1*> D,IIt " * ' tXOSI.YU SEW YORK STOCKS FACE 15. ^ ^ ATm«* h»*0' M4IK '«» Xo '20.242. WASHINGTON,. D. C., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1916.-EIGHTEEN PAGES. ONE CENT. * WILL NOT PijSTPONE {ORGANIZED LABOR GERMANSTAKEAIfflLE i ! WILL NOTSUBMIT J^§l SUBMARINIE POLICY, TOBORLANDPLAN OF FRENCH[TRENCHES GERMAN]HELLS U.S. Is Now Leading Fight to Prevent INCHAMPjAGNEREGION Increase of Work I Can Conceive of No Reason for of U. S. Clerks. Latest Break in Line Brings Danqrimanf ITS LEGISLATIVE AGENTS SmashWithin 1C UllGUlChangtn Offensive to Hundred ing Plans, Sta 1/Gfiai ARE SENT TO CAPITOL ing Is Infcirmed. Parliamentary Tacticians May Use Miles of Paris. Question of Mileage to Defeat Longer Hours' Scheme. Ambassai[lor BernstorfF to Secretary terrific Drive Against Vetrdun Continues, but French Note Presented By FRANK WALSH IN THE FIGHT l ancino Rpilprafps Pledges Given in the Resistance Appears to Be Stiffening.Hard Fighting Kansas City Editor Aroused as Well at Other Points in West Lusitanici Case. as Unions There and Here.Mr. Gompers Positive Against the Proposal. DAY'S DEVELOPS1ENTS IN GREAT A note presented to Secretar;y Lansing today by Count von German ambassador, says can conceive of BATTLE ON THE: WESTERN FRONT Bernstorff, the t labor ha? the new instructions to her Irganized practically no reason for changing or postpoiling taken charge of the light to defeat GERMAN REPORT. commanders to treat as enemy merchant ships in the House of Representatives canture 1.600 meters of trenches and take more armed "defensively," and that speirial precautions have been taken Nhe Borland rider to the legisla| 1 from attacked, the. executive and than 1,000 prisoners and nine machine guns at the Navarin to prevent ships that are not armec being judicial farm in the the United £itates that it has no intention of priation bill which seeks to Champagne. Germany assures appro; French Reserves exhausteii in fruitless attacks on Fort crease the hours of work of the pledges given in the 's case. gov]in! Douaumont at . revoking ernment employes from seven to The note at the outset reiterates the previous pledges, which were Germans advance lines further toward Bras and Vach- t for of eight hours without additional , gi"en September i and October 5, last year, the safety erauville, and make fresh gain:i in the Woevre. on the German does compensation. listing liners, and then goes to governmentunresay It became known todav that the All French troops driven from the peninsula, f ha've been modified the new not bplieve these assurances by * T- i , r t memorandum. \mencan i eaeratiou 01 Lauor has sent its legislative ^ FRENCH KLfUK 1. Cited. Tradition Rather Than Law." Previous Assurances to Congress to callrepresentativeson Germans, by a surprise iittack, enter certain advanced the The German government takes the During1 the negotiations over near arin was made position that the arming of merchant of the House and Senate,memberspoll French trenches the Navi farm, in the Champagne, it says, no mention Lusitania. of armed merchantmen, and that the ships for defense is a tradition rather them, ascertain their views, and Violent bombardment coritinues in the region north of the in one of its notes on iman a ruie 01 international law. the to PRACTICING THE MAKE-t'p. Verdun. Lusitania mentioned unarmed nier- | officials contend they find nowhereuernanprotest against attempt chantmen. Attention then is called to j n the international code any specific the hours of work of theincrease German forces make several efforts to capture the village in the assurances previously given, ;authority for arming ships and that at Newcastle in 1908. She was 250 fee of Douaumont, but are repulised. Fort Douaumont closely which it is stated that liners will not ^the practice is from custom rather than government employes. Aiuirninm Aiuiruin long. 43 feet beam and 22 feet deep. Th vessel was owned the Empress Trans; ] of by encircled French be sunk without warning, provided rule. Samuel Gompcrs, president portation Company of Midland, Ltd. by troops. they do not offer resistance. Attention Germany is represented as taking: the the , announced HIVOIUHI1 HlllUNu SPEAK INPRAISE Germans increase in the Woevre district. The that there are on the today activity also is called to the statement of the 1position ships Tried to Ground His Ship. to seas which, in theory, are armed only to at after hands several American in its notice por defensive but "'We will not tamely submit ^ The left railroad station Eix, changing times, government of purposes, that for all j Maloja Tilbury only yester port authorities, that the presence }practical purposes such armament is the Borland \ day for Bombay, with mails, 119 pas : remains in of the F"rench. All efforts of the < attempt." nr idmv

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