Grepiabbr 1Version Mai2020
GrEpiAbbr Version 01 mai 2020 1 LISTE DES ABRÉVIATIONS DES ÉDITIONS ET OUVRAGES DE RÉFÉRENCE POUR L’ÉPIGRAPHIE GRECQUE ALPHABÉTIQUE (GrEpiAbbr – VERSION 01, MAI 2020) AE L’Année épigraphique (Paris 1888 –) Ager, Arbitrations S.L. Ager, Interstate Arbitrations in the Greek World, 337-90 B.C. (Berkeley 1996) Agora III The Athenian Agora, III. R.E. Wycherley, Literary and Epigraphical Testimonia (Princeton 1957) Agora XV The Athenian Agora, XV. B.D. Meritt, J.S. Traill, Inscriptions. The Athenian Councillors (Princeton 1974) Agora XVI The Athenian Agora, XVI. A.G. Woodhead, Inscriptions. The Decrees (Princeton 1997) Agora XVII The Athenian Agora, XVII. D.W. Bradeen, Inscriptions. The Funerary Monuments (Princeton 1974) Agora XVIII The Athenian Agora, XVIII. D.J. Geagan, The Dedicatory Monuments (Princeton 2011) Agora XIX The Athenian Agora, XIX. G.V. Lalonde, M.K. Langdon, M.B. Walbank, Inscriptions. Horoi, Poletai Records, Leases of Public Lands (Princeton 1991) Agora XXI The Athenian Agora, XXI. M. Lang, Graffiti and Dipinti (Princeton 1976) Agora XXV The Athenian Agora, XXV. M. Lang, Ostraka (Princeton 1990) Aleshire, Ath. Asklepieion S.B. Aleshire, The Athenian Asklepieion. The People, their Dedications, and the Inventories (Amsterdam 1989) Aneziri, Techniten S. Aneziri, Die Vereine der dionysischen Techniten im Kontext der hellenistischen Gesellschaft. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte, Organisation und Wirkung der hellenistischen Technitenvereine (Stuttgart 2003) Arena, Iscrizioni I-V R. Arena, Iscrizioni greche arcaiche di Sicilia e Magna Grecia vol. I-V (Milano 1989-1998). Second editions of vol. I and II appeared in 1996 and 2002, respectively ATL B.D. Meritt, H.T. Wade-Gery, M.F. MacGregor, The Athenian Tribute Lists, I- IV (Cambridge Mass.
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