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Fault Manb* Brtfttooob SECOND SECTION SECOND SECTION fault Manb* Brtfttooob WEDNESDAY, MAY 25. 1988 • B1 Carnival has Coffee benefit will games, food for everyone offset licensing cost A coffeehouse benefit has been Sigurgeirson's residence. Visitors to Salt Spring Elemen• planned to help offset licensing The school caters to 10 children tary School's annual carnival will costs of the Under the Rainbow between the ages of three and have the opportunity to feast on Nursery School. five years. The children attend barbecued food, travel through a The May 27 event at St. the program for two and a half haunted house and participate in George's Church Hall will be hours twice weekly. a number of games and sales. followed by an open house at the The carnival, organized by the 124 Westcott Road pre-school on Unlike the Ganges pre-school, school's Parents' Group, will be Sunday, May 29. run from the Community Centre, held throughout the Salt Spring Under the Rainbow is not a Elementary building, beginning Under the Rainbow co• parent-participation program. Si• after school on Friday, May 27. ordinator Lisa Sigurgeirson says gurgeirson feels some parents Unlike previous years, greater the coffee benefit will help cover can't afford that amount of time. family participation will be en• the expense of licensing the However, parents do take part in couraged with the availability of school — something she has been one or two fund-raisers every year dinner. working towards since the estab• — such as a trike-a-thon last year Two of the organizers, Anne lishment of a play group there two — plus a spring and fall work McKerricher and Cherry Jensen, years ago. party. said the dinner — a choice of The licensing process has in• Sunday's open house will allow barbecued halibut, salad and roll volved a gradual build-up of toys parents and interested communi• ($4), hamburgers ($2) and hot and equipment, plus steps taken ty members to view the facility. A dogs ($1) — will prevent the to meet Capital Regional District cake-cutting ceremony is sche• typical 4:30 end to festivities. (CRD) health standards. The duled for 2 pm; there will be wet Adults will also find lots to do main expense, Sigurgeirson says, and dry refreshments, plus bal• before the meal. While many of was the installation of running loons and party hats for the the games (such as the sponge water to the nursery school children. throw, cakewalks and floor hock• building. The open house will run from 9 ey) will entertain the children, The building, distinguished by am to 3 pm. Further information activities such as the silent auc• a multi-coloured rainbow painted can be obtained by contacting tion will be geared towards older across its front, is located beside Sigurgeirson at 537-2830. participants. Face painting, guessing games and the Grade Seven French Immersion class's haunted house TWO BARBERS should keep everybody occupied. 537-9817 The carnival will feature de• monstrations by the RCMP, fire department, the ambulance team DON'S and karate club; clowns will circulate on the school premises, BARBER SHOP and a tea room will offer a Mardi Gras atmosphere with students OPEN MONDAY-SATURDAY, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM providing decorations and music. Stalls, located outside if the 125 McPhillips Ave., Ganges Next to Library weather is good and inside should it rain, will offer a variety of wares, including plants, books, toys, baked goods, fresh fruit, and white elephant items. A baby-sitting service will also be available. The Salt Spring Elementary Ian H. Clement Parents' Group raised $1,600 at barrister & solicitor / notary public last year's carnival. This year, they hope to double the amount General legal practice raised. The group helps fund a except criminal law variety of school-related activities such as the popular visiting 537-5505 artists program, where local art• ists provide classroom instruction 105 B Rainbow Rd. Mon.-Fri. 8:30-4:00 in their area of specialty. Last year the parents' group helped purchase school uniforms, Josie Ball plays on outdoor equipment at Under the Rainbow Nursery and during the Easter break this School. The recently licensed nursery school will hold a coffee benefit, year, it installed more than $700 featuring local musicians and comics, this Friday at St. George's Church. THIS WEEK IN RECREATION worth of full-spectrum lighting. LITTLE LEAGUE (11-13): Thursday, May 26: Brown's vs GVM; Jensen says there are a number Tuesday, May 31: NRS vs Brown's. Little League Field, Ganges. of activities — plus equipment LITTLE LEAGUE (8-10): Monday, May 30: Brown's vs Butcher Shop; which needs upgrading — that Driftwood vs NRS. Wednesday, June 1: NRS vs Driftwood; Butcher the group would like to contribute Shop vs Brown's. LITTLE LEAGUE (8-10): Monday, May 30: Brown's vs Butcher Shop, towards. Ross R. McKinnon B. Comm. Little League; Driftwood vs NRS, Hydro. Wednesday, June 1: NRS vs Anyone interested in donating Driftwood, Little League; Butcher Shop vs Brown's, Hydro. carnival sale items can drop the COACH PITCH: Monday, May 30: G.I. Trucking vs Brown's; goods off at the school any time CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Wednesday, June 1, G.I. Trucking vs Patterson's. Field 2, S.S. Elem. between today (Wednesday) and T-BALL: Monday, May 30: Windsor vs Brown's; Wednesday, June 1: Friday. The games are a "nickel Windsor vs Miller S Toynbee. Field 1, S.S. Elem. school arounds. 03B Lancer Building MEN'S FASTPITCH LEAGUE: Thurs., May 26, 6:30: Vesuvius Vs and dime affair,'' and most of the Lower Ganges Road (bus.) 537-5646 Fulford, Portlock; ump. Patterson's. Sunday, May 29,1 pm: Vesuvius vs profit will be obtained from the Patterson's, Fulford, ump. Fulford; 3 pm: Patterson's vs Vesuvius, stalls and food sales. Mail to Box 575 Fulford, ump. Fulford. Tuesday, May 31, 6 pm: Patterson's vs Fulford, "We would like to invite Ganges, BC VOS 1E0 .,537-4159 Fulford; ump. Vesuvius. everyone, not just the parents," .22 RIFLE TARGET SHOOTING Monday nights at S.S.I. Rod & Gun McKerricher says. The amazing Subaru 4x4 Wagon Trans-Canada Hwy. Duncan, B.C. Test drive one today at PACIFIC SUBARU 748 5228 EE Page B2 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Wednesday, May 25, 1988 IODE rewards deserving students For the Salt Spring Island several selections for the pleasure chapter of IODE, May is awards of all present. month. His Honour took great care to Each year the IODE presents pose for photographs with each books to individual students and student receiving an award — a to the four schools on Salt Spring. precious souvenir. Following the On May 5, the chapter presented ceremony a social hour was hosted library books to Fernwood by the school. Elementary School. Members On May 20 the IODE awards were treated to songs by the day was held at Salt Spring kindergarten class, and a Elementary School. Dorrie Cherry demonstration of the school's new presented the books to the school. program of self-expression Much to the delight of members, through dance. the choir sang several selections. On May 10, the members The next presentation will be at donned hats and white gloves to Fulford Elementary School on greet His Honour, the Lieutenant- May 27. Governor, and Mrs. Rogers, at The book awards program is co• Gulf Islands Secondary School. ordinated by Dorrie Cherry and Regent Joyce Parsons introduced financed by such projects as the the Lieutenant-Governor and his recent fashion show and the party to the students, who received forthcoming coffee party to be him with much enthusiasm. The held this year in July. Lt. Gov. Robert Rogers (centre) presents music presented the awards on behalf of the Imperial Order of school band played our national The next general meeting is June anthem God Save The Queen and students Malindi Curtis (left) and Malcolm Johnstone Daughters of the Empire (HMS Ganges Chapter). 10. with awards at Gulf Islands Secondary School. Rogers MEL COUVELIER MLA Mermaids and fishermen TERRY HUBERTS MLA to staff Sea Capers float Collect calls accepted The Fulford and Ganges "Court" whist tournaments va• 656-6232 branches of the Old Age Pension• ry from other types of whist Saanich and the Islands Constitute )flic ers Organization (OAPO) recently tournaments in that they intro• 2388 Beacon Ave., Sidney. B.C. Vai 1X3 held a combined meeting to duce an element of novelty into discuss their participation in Sea each segment. Usually, five seg• Capers. ments are played at each tourney. After 90 minutes of fierce The May 9 meeting decided competition, Ed Allan posted the that a float would be entered in top men's score and Joyce Par• Dashwood Construction Ltd. the grand parade in an attempt to sons the top ladies score. Ed match the group's 1987 win in the "custom building Thorson and Florence Carnan "best overall" category — some• at competitive rates" were awarded booby prizes. thing that has apparently never been done before. This year's OAPO float, titled 537-5050 A Senior's Sea Fantasy, will have Input urged «" R.R. 2, Price Rd., Ganges a nautical theme. Further details will be kept secret until the day of the parade, but it is known that in for seniors' addition to fishermen, it will feature at least four 70-year-old You can be free to make your own mermaids. Capers float decisions — Read John 8:36. Wendy Ann Severn In previous years, OAPO floats have been built on trucks which, The most recent regular Is your freedom of choice being owing to the nature of their monthly meeting of the Fulford construction, were inclined to OAPO was held in the Fulford restricted by tradition? Local woman impede visibility.
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