Print Page 1 of 10 Mail in Folder: Subject The British Car Network - December 1, 2008 From
[email protected] To Rick Feibusch <
[email protected]> CC BCC Sent on 11/30/2008 10:55 PM Size 7 MB Priority Normal "Christmas is weird. What other time of the year do you sit in front of a dead tree and eat candy out of your socks?" - - George Carlin ******************************************************************** British Car Network ******************************************************************** Compiled by Rick Feibusch
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 310-392-6605 - cell 310-977-1087 Venice, California ********************************************************************* C O N T E N T S: o Letters o More on the death of the British car industry o Jaguar asks for bailout money from the British Government o Mini fun for everyone! o Kjell Qvale - The man who brought the west coast British Cars o Commentary on the British car industry from Jeff Savage o Humour ********************************************************************* E D I T O R I A L --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Readers, Welcome to the British Car Network. Again, I would like to salute you readers for all that you send back to the network. Although the network was created to publicize the British Car Meets that we were coordinating in the SF Bay Area and Los Angeles, it has taken on a life of its own. Maybe it is because all British car themed publications in the US seem to have fallen away or been absorbed by other automotive publications. Even the British home market publications have become more "international" and cover cars made in Europe or, gasp, the US! Not that I have anything against Fiats, Alfas, or big block Mustangs for that matter, but my brain has only so much memory left...............