Croatian Journal of Philosophy

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Croatian Journal of Philosophy CROATIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY Articles Introduction DUNJA JUTRONIĆ Beyond Speaker’s Meaning DAN SPERBER, DEIRDRE WILSON Cognitive Environments and Conversational Tailoring ANNE BEZUIDENHOUT Inferring Content: Metaphor and Malapropism ZSÓFIA ZVOLENSZKY Pragmatics and Epistemic Vigilance: The Deployment of Sophisticated Interpretative Strategies DIANA MAZZARELLA Pejoratives and Relevance: Synchronic and Diachronic Issues NENAD MIŠEVIĆ Argumentation as a Means for Extending Knowledge NENAD SMOKROVIĆ Cognitive Pragmatics and Variational Pragmatics: Possible Interaction? DUNJA JUTRONIĆ Book Review Vol. XV · No. 44 · 2015 Croatian Journal of Philosophy 1333-1108 (Print) 1847-6139 (Online) Editor: Nenad Mišević (University of Maribor) Advisory Editor: Dunja Jutronić (University of Maribor) Managing Editor: Tvrtko Jolić (Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb) Editorial board: Stipe Kutleša (Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb), Davor Pećnjak (Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb), Predrag Šustar (University of Rijeka) Advisory Board: Elvio Baccarini (Rijeka), Carla Bagnoli (Milwaukee), Boran Berić (Rijeka), István M. Bodnár (Budapest), Vanda Božiević (New York), Sergio Cremaschi (Vercelli), Michael Devitt (New York), Peter Gärdenfors (Lund), János Kis (Budapest), Friderik Klampfer (Maribor), Željko Loparić (Sao Paolo), Miomir Matulović (Rijeka), Snježana Prijić-Samaržija (Rijeka), Igor Primorac (Mel- bourne), Howard Robinson (Budapest), Nenad Smokrović (Rijeka), Danilo Šuster (Maribor) Co-published by “Kruzak d.o.o.” Naserov trg 6, 10020 Zagreb, Croatia fax: + 385 1 65 90 416, e-mail: [email protected] and Institute of Philosophy Ulica grada Vukovara 54/IV, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia fax: + 385 1 61 50 338, e-mail: fi [email protected] Available online at and © Copyright by “Kruzak d.o.o.” 2002 unless otherwise stated CROATIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY Vol. XV · No. 44 · 2015 Articles Introduction DUNJA JUTRONIĆ 115 Beyond Speaker’s Meaning DAN SPERBER, DEIRDRE WILSON 117 Cognitive Environments and Conversational Tailoring ANNE BEZUIDENHOUT 151 Inferring Content: Metaphor and Malapropism ZSÓFIA ZVOLENSZKY 163 Pragmatics and Epistemic Vigilance: The Deployment of Sophisticated Interpretative Strategies DIANA MAZZARELLA 183 Pejoratives and Relevance: Synchronic and Diachronic Issues NENAD MIŠEVIĆ 201 Argumentation as a Means for Extending Knowledge NENAD SMOKROVIĆ 223 Cognitive Pragmatics and Variational Pragmatics: Possible Interaction? DUNJA JUTRONIĆ 233 Book Review Philip Kitcher and Gillian Barker, Philosophy of Science: A New Introduction SMILJA CUKROV 247 Introduction A day of the conference on the Philosophy of Language and Linguistics held at the Interuniversity center (IUC) in Dubrovnik, September 7th to 11th, 2014, was dedicated to Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson’s work. This issue of the Croatian Journal of Philosophy publishes most of the papers given at this conference. Sperber and Wilson presented an introductory paper on their work which here bears the title “Beyond Speaker’s Meaning” in which, after considering some of the diffi culties raised by Grice’s three-clause defi ni- tion of speaker’s meaning, they argue that constructing an adequate the- ory of communication involves going beyond Grice’s notion of speaker’s meaning. Thus they argue that the characterisation of ostensive com- munication introduced in relevance theory can provide a conceptually unifi ed explanation of a much wider range of communicative acts than Grice was concerned with. Anne Bezuidenhout in her contribution entitled “Cognitive Environ- ments and Conversational Tailoring” explores the psychological notion of context as cognitive environment (CE) that is part of the Relevance Theory (RT) framework and describes the way in which such CEs are constrained during the course of conversation as the conversational partners engage in “conversional tailoring”. Zsófi a Zvolenszky in her paper “Inferring Content: Metaphor and Malaproprism” looks into Sperber and Wilson’s reasons for holding the view that metaphorical utterances occupy one end of a continuum that includes literal, loose and hyperbolic utterances with no sharp bounda- ries in between them. She labels this the continuum argument about interpreting metaphors. Zvolenszky aims to show that this continuum argument doesn’t work. For if it were to work, it would have an unwant- ed consequence: it could be converted into a continuum argument about interpreting linguistic errors, including slips of the tongue, of which malaprops are a special case. Diana Mazzarella in her paper “Pragmatics and Epistemic Vigi- lance: The Deployment of Sophisticated Interpretative Strategies” looks into Sperber and Wilson’s suggestion that competent hearers can deploy sophisticated interpretative strategies in order to cope with deliberate deception or to avoid misunderstandings due to speaker’s incompetence. She investigates the cognitive underpinnings of sophisticated interpre- tative strategies and suggests that they emerge from the interaction be- tween a relevance-guided comprehension procedure and epistemic vigi- lance mechanisms. 115 116 Introduction Nenad Mišević in his contribution “Pejorative and Relevance: Syn- chronic and Diachronic Issues” considers a possible relevantist treat- ment, in the spirit of Wilson and Sperber’s work, of pejoratives and argues for several claims concerning them: 1. The negative content of pejorative is the normal part of their lexical meaning. 2. He argues for an evaluative-content approach for the relevantist, in contrast to its neutral-content alternative. 3. He sees an interesting parallel between the echoing-cum-reversal processes Wilson and Sperber propose for iro- ny and the repeating-and-reversing process typical of appropriation of pejoratives. 4. A brief application of the relevantist understanding of metaphor is proposed as a tool for understanding the genealogy of pejo- ratives of fi gurative origin. Nenad Smokrović in his paper under the title “Argumentation as a means for Extending Knowledge” bases his claim on two focal points: 1. Reasoning is designed for argumentation, and 2. Argumentation pro- cess is an exceptionally successful media that provokes usage of methods reliable for the extension of knowledge. He relies on Sperber and Merci- er’s evolutionary psychological approach to argumentation. Taking this ground as a departing point, the goal of the paper is to broaden that particular approach with epistemological insights based on William- son’s safety theory of knowledge. The last paper by DunJa Jutronić is a contribution of a sociolinguist based on her own fi eld research. Her paper under the title of “Cognitive Pragmatics and Variational Pragmatics: Possible Interaction?” looks into a possible way in which cognitive pragmatics can help out vari- ational studies in explaining the processes of language change. After broadly setting the scene this article proceeds by giving basic informa- tion about variational pragmatics and then concentrates on Sperber and Wilson’s relevance theory and its possible interaction with social sciences, namely its application in sociolinguistics. The hope is that such discussions can bring closer cognitivists, i. e. relevantists, to socio- linguists, i. e. variationists. The last two papers by Nenad Smokrović and Dunja Jutronić were not presented at the above mentioned conference but were given at Dan Sperber’s symposium held in March 18th 2013 in Rijeka. The sympo- sium was organized by the Philosophy Department in Rijeka together with the Croatian Society for Analytic Philosophy. We thought it ap- propriate to include it in this selection since they also discuss Sperber and Wilson’s work. We are grateful for Dan Sperber’s presence at Rijeka symposium and both Sperber and Wilson’s presence at Dubrovnik con- ference. This issue is dedicated to them both. Rijeka, September 2015. Dunja Jutronić Croatian Journal of Philosophy Vol. XV, No. 44, 2015 Beyond Speaker’s Meaning DAN SPERBER Central European University, Budapest, Hungary Centre National de la Recherche Scientifi que, Paris, France DEIRDRE WILSON University College London, London, United Kingdom Centre for the Study of Mind in Nature, Oslo, Norway Our main aim in this paper is to show that constructing an adequate theory of communication involves going beyond Grice’s notion of speak- er’s meaning. After considering some of the diffi culties raised by Grice’s three-clause defi nition of speaker’s meaning, we argue that the charac- terisation of ostensive communication introduced in relevance theory can provide a conceptually unifi ed explanation of a much wider range of communicative acts than Grice was concerned with, including cases of both ‘showing that’ and ‘telling that’, and with both determinate and indeterminate import Keywords: Communication, showing vs telling, paraphrasability, manifestness, ostension. 1. Introduction In Relevance: Communication and Cognition (Sperber and Wilson 1986; revised edition 1995) we put forward a number of novel ideas, several of which have been infl uential and others more controversial. HoWever, there is one idea that we feel did not get the discussion it deserved. We proposed a characterisation of communication which, although inspired by Grice’s defi nition of speaker’s meaning, implied that speaker’s mean- ing does not have the degree of unity or autonomy needed to make it the proper object of a philosophical defi nition or a scientifi c theory. Commu- nication, on the other hand, or rather the kind of ‘ostensive’
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