Feudics Misla
feudics m Isla A Collection of Essays, 15 V W. H. ABDULLAH QUILLIAM, Shcikh-ul-hlam o f the British Idea, Author of “The Faith of Islam,” “The Religion of the Sword,” and other Works. LIVERPOOL: T he Crescent P rinting and P ublishing Comtany 32, E lizabeth Street. 1 8 9 0. Digitised by The British Library on behalf of Abdullah Quilliam Heritage Centre ~ www.abdullahquilliam.org Digitised by The British Library on behalf of Abdullah Quilliam Heritage Centre ~ www.abdullahquilliam.org 1?ird<Msi, Persian Post F Abdul Kasim Firdausi, tho great Persian poet, and tho § author of the grand opie poem, tho Slidli Ndmeh or Hook of Kings, but comparatively littlo is satisfactorily known. IIo is boliovod to have boon born at Tus, a city of Khornssan, about tlio year 950 (Christian era). In Daulot Shah’s account o f tho Porsian poets, his proper namo is stated to havo boon Ilussan, and that ho was tho son of Ishak Shorif Shah, ono of tho gardenors on tho domain of tho governor of Tus. Tho preface to a copy of tho Shah Nameh, which was collatod in tho 829th year of tho Hejira (about d82 years ago), by ordor of Bayisunghnr Bahador Khan, contains, howovor, a longor and moro interesting skotcli of tho life and achievements of tho poot. It is theroin stated that Yozdjird, tho last King of tho Sassanian raco, took considerable pains in collecting all tho chroniclos, historios, and traditions connected with Porsia and tho sovereigns of that country, from tho timo o f Kaiumors, a monarch who dwelt among tho mountains, and clothod himsolf in tho skins of boasts, to tho accession of tho Khosraus, which, by his direction, wero transcribed imo a book known as tho Bastan-Namoh.
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