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The BG News February 26, 1971

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News February 26, 1971" (1971). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2567.

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That deceptively choices lie ahead in Indochina and that WHILE REPLEDGING a U.S. with- the determination of the South Viet- smooth road of the new isolationism is heavy U.S. help may be needed for drawal policy and continued efforts for a namese people and to the courage and surely the road to war." operations in Laos and Cambodia. But be negotiated peace, Nixon added: sacrifice of America's fighting men." Nixon's 65.000-word annual report, his said, "In Southeast Asia today, "If winding down the war Is my He said "our eventual goal is total second since taking office, found bright aggression is failing." greatest satisfaction in foreign policy, withdrawal of all outside forces" but U.S. and dark spots as it ranged over world In a lengthy "State of the World" the failure to end It Is my deepest troops will remain In South Vietnam as affairs. report to Congress and in a nationwide disappointment." long as North Vietnam holds U.S. war MEANWHILE, the Soviet Union radio broadcast, Nixon blamed Hanoi for At the Paris peace talks the North prisoners. called the incursion into Laos "another the spread of fighting outside Vietnam Vietnamese promptly disputed Nixon's Overall, Nixon defended his doctrine criminal act by the United States" and and spoke of enemy troops massed in thesis. Hanoi's chief negotiator, Xuan of reducing U.S. activities abroad but warned Thursday against resumption of neighboring Laos and Cambodia. Thuy, said it is "contrary to the truth" said this should not go too far. large-scale American bombing of North Enemy intentions "will cause some that his country widened the conflict. "We have learned in recent years the Vietnam. hard choices about the deployments of "It is Nixon who has broadened the dangers of over-involvement," he said. "The Soviet Union cannot remain allied troops as we pursue our own with- war," the North Vietnamese envoy said. "The other danger - a grave risk we are indifferent to the escalation of the drawals," his report said. In his broadcast, Nixon tended toward equally determined to avoid - is un- American aggression," said an official "North Vietnamese actions could an optimistic assessment despite some of der Involvement. statement published in the government require high levels of American the problems detailed In the 180-page newspaper Izvestia and distributed by assistance and air operations in order to document he and White House aides "AFTER A LONG and unpopular Tass, the Soviet news agency. further Vietnamizatlon and our with- prepared for Congress. war, there Is temptation to turn inward - In a separate dispatch, Tass said President Nixon's State of the World message showed the United States "remains on its old position of Imposing imperialist terms on the people of M.w^K.» k, J.D. F i~ll.. I Vietnam" at the Paris peace talks. Greeks pick site IT SAID the President's speech in- dicated future U.S. policy In Laos and Cambodia will continue on "the Little relief seen established course...aimed at sup- pressing by force of arms the national for new village liberation movement in Southeast Asia." The Izvestia statement, headlined in street repairs By Chris Flowers Trustees. former President Jerome combined to "Statement of the Soviet Government," Staff Reporter The corporation had been beset with a delay the progress considerably. was the harshest official reaction so far The Board of Trustees' go-ahead for By Damon Beck number of other difficulties during its to the operations In Laos and to greek housing units to follow the ex- Iune Editor The Greek Village Corp. last night two-year existence. An unsuccessful President's Nixon's statement Feb. 17. decided to proceed with negotiations for attempt to purchase a single 40-acre periment of Beta Theta PI and move off Nixon said he would not limit the use of campus Individually also cast some Although Bowling Green streets are in a general state of disrepair, purchase of a site for the proposed tract for the location of all greek housing U.S. air power anywhere in Indochina City Service Director Walter Zink says "nothing permanent" can be done village. units, and the search for a successor to doubt over the situation. except to bar employment of nuclear about it now. According to Ray Clarke, president, weapons. Ihe streets, especially in the southeastern part of town, have the site is located behind the United developed cavern-like pot boles from the spring weathering process. Methodist Church on East Wooster St., Zink said when the spring thaw comes the expansion of the street and borders Clough St. and Mercer Rd". surface and the rains combine to create the holey streets. He anticipates a general meeting with all interested greek groups - both LIFE'S Vicki Evans "The problem will continue until someone gives us the money to put in new streets with a good storm drainage system.'' Zink said. members of the corporation and non- members - by April 1 for final approval WILLIAM LEEDY, street commissioner, said that the same "hole in of the location. the road" might be patched as many as four or five times a year. THE SITE, owned by Richard transfers to U of M Leedy has five men patching streets and expects to keep them busy until summer. Heymann, Is on a 14-acre tract. The "Sometimes they go out and patch a hole and a couple of days later we corporation will have an option of pur- By James Gullf ord Toledo Edison and the Cleveland well-developed ecology program," she have to go out and patch it again," Leedy said. chasing 10 additional acres, Clarke said. Electric Illuminating Company were said, "our (BGSU's) curriculum wasn't Although the corporation does not Vickl Evans, Junior (A & S) Is leaving going to meet my needs." City Council appropriates 1120,000 a year to the street department, Bowling Green State University at the applying for a construction permit to but according to Zink only $2,500 goes for street repairs and the rest for foresee construction for at least five build a nuclear power plant. Miss Evans years, Clarke indicated that each end of this quarter. "Another reason I'm going to Ann the construction of new streets. For nearly a year her name has been and LIFE felt the nuclear plant housing unit will be responsible for threatened ecology and human health Arbor is that the Bowling Green attitude designing their unit, and selecting a almost synonymous with LIFE, the for learning is Just zilch," Miss Evans LEEDY SAID the street department gets five per cent of the city in- ecology action organization of which she and safety. come tax, as well as portions of taxes on state license plates and state contractor to build it. She made it her business to fight the said. "The kids are here for a Clarke said the Greek Village Corp. is is co-founder and presently co-chairman. diploma...they Just don't seem to be gasoline sales. But next Wednesday LIFE holds its plant, and concentrated her efforts The department could have derived more funds from a proposed in- "extremely disappointed and upset" that against Davis-Besse to the point where Interested in learnings." the Board of Trustees reversed their 1968 organizational elections and Miss Evans crease in the license tax from $10 to $15 but the voters turned it down, he Is stepping down. she became the most visible spokesman said. decision which permitted sophomores to for LIFE. THOUGH SHE IS leaving LIFE in live in the village." LIFE began last April following Earth "People want the streets repaired but they dont tell you where to get Day. A group of students who were in- She had planned to transfer from going to Ann Arbor, Miss Evans says she the money," Leedy said. volved in the activities organized to Bowling Green last quarter, but it would will stay Involved in the ecology "THE MAIN PROBLEM facing the have hurt I.lFE's intervention action. movement. She plans to Join the en- corporation is the decision un- continue their work for ecological im- THE TEMPORARY PATCHING process will continue until new provement. vironmental group that is already well- streets are put in, but "that cant be done until more money Is ap- dergraduates will have to make as to WITH THE DAVIS-BESSE power organized on the Michigan campus and propriated," be added. whether they will live In present housing plant hearings now closed, Miss Evans pursue a career In the field of ecology. or build new houses in the Greek MISS EVANS served the loosely- The "cold patch" process doesn't last, Leedy said, but more per- organized group as secretary, and helped feels she can transfer to a school that The co-chairman feels LIFE will manent patching materials arent made in the winter and "we have to get Village," Clarke explained. offers what she needs. She plans to go to survive without her. "I Just hope that Plans for the complex had been lead the paper and can drives LIFE what we can." sponsored last spring. But over the the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. they dont get really frustrated because stalled for several months pending ap- "I'm trying to go to a school that has a of the apathy," Miss Evans said. proval of site and price by the Board of summer her involvement deepened. Hair VI Let it fly in the breeze and catch in the trees

By Glenn Waggoner had it In Rome, and that's the kind oi speople are finding out that what a long- Managing Editor treatment some male students receive haired person wants isn't really that here-if they have long hair. much different from what they want." Setting: 1967, Bowling Green, Ohio But a general opinion among mem- Patty said girls in the "freak scene" bers of the 1971 "freak" scene is that never had it as rough as the guys. Most Scene 1: You're walking down main things are looking up. have long hair anyway, and beards? street. A middle-aged man comes out of "Long hair doesn't signify you're a Well... a store, glances up at you, then looks freak anymore," said one moderately down again at the cement, grumbling hairy student. "So many people wear it something uncomplimentary as he long now that it doesn't signify much of "TWO YEARS AGO, I wouldnt have i by. anything." set foot in the Dixie Lunch," said Mark Patty Kane, a former student who is Scherer, lounging in the Union. "For Scene I: In a store. You're heading long haired kids, it was the complete for the cash register with a can of ap- Easy Rider' scene. Now I go there all plesauce. The saleslady looks up and Town - Gown: IV the time." begins to smile. The smile freezes into a "I guess the greater acceptance of grimace. She grabs your money and now involved with the "Food for long hair Is due to familiarity, and the stuffs the applesauce Into a bag. Thought" co-op food store, agreed with attitude that it's here to stay," be said. that analysis. You can learn a lot, sometimes, by Scene 3: Trying to lease an apart- taking a walk. ment. You call up the landlord. "Yeah, "IF YOU MEET another person with "I visited a number of stores uptown we're trying to rent the place," the long hair and some wild domes, it no recently," Scherer said, "and I noticed landlord says. "Well meet you there at 3 longer means you've got anything else in how polite the clerks in the stores were. H«»i»b«« by J.D.Fl.dl.r o'clock tomorrow." The next day, you common," she said. It's really getting better." "I definitely felt more hassled being introduce yourself and friends to your LOVe my , _ h« getting a diffvrmt reception in thoir mean- prospective landlord. "Er, uh, we leased with long-haired guys a few years ago," SOME SAY relations with the local Loea| ona tM|irs claim t0 the place late last night," the landlord she continued. "But if you're not on dope cops are anything but amiable. One • ■ • derings around town than thay ware accustomed to expect several years says. And what can you say to that? and arent shouting revolution, what can student believes a kind of informal neigfiDor ago. That sounds like the way the lepers anybody really say? I think the town- • to page 3 «»oae 2 'The BG News, FrWoy, Februory 26, 1971 opinion• • epiTGRiaLS selling of the pentagon score one - cbs Harry Hooker allowed to try their hand at using the described it. The Pentagon demon- subsidization of Lockheed Aircraft Corp. Student Columnist small-arms weapons, although CBS was strated violence as being glamorous, to the tune of over 12000 million dollars not allowed to film this activity. displays weaponry as if it could be because of the cost-overruns created by On Tuesday evening, February 23, The executives were proud of the vast bought and sold the same way one would their gigantic public works program, the If we were handing out |ournalism awards, CBS News CBS News presented a shocking com- display of firepower shown, and one even purchase an automobile dispatches C5A. would deserve some high honor for its sterling research mentary on the distorted sense of commented lie was not even "brain- Generals and other high-ranking One wonders what Senators and reporting Monday night in its special, "The Selling of priorities that has permitted the free flow washed" like George Romney was when members of the armed services around McGovern, Hatfield, Fullbright, Cooper, the Pentagon." Pay attention to this: of pro-military propaganda to become as he went to Vietnam in 1968, and another the country to make speeches defending Church, or any number of responsible In the hour-long program, CBS struck home with ex- ubiquitous in our society as the was glad that he was so well "protected" America's role in Vietnam and promotes American citizens can do to counter this automobile or air pollution. against whoever the Army is protecting further expansion of the military budget poses on the flagrant use of funds spent by the Pentagon spewing forth of military solutions for The Pentagon Propaganda Machine us from. so that the ABM can be built. any problem which has no place in a for the perpetuation of a war machine, and the high-paid exists in all forms of media such as in All in all, the program demonstrated More boondoggles can also be created democratic society in any way, shape, or double-talkers who supposedly "inform" newsmen and the movies propared by the Denfense that the Pentagon is a "bureacracy run such as the TFX-lii fighter bomber that form. public about military programs and operations. Department which claim that the in- wild," as commentator Roger Mudd wouldn't even fly all the time, and the Yes, one wonders. What Is the public to think when former military in- formation given is unbiased fact. It is formation officers, now civilians, ipeak candidly to really only propaganda that "brain- reporters about how the Pentagon ordered staged battle washes" the viewer that the Communist Monolith is an ever present danger, action for the purpose of getting "good film footage" only? claiming the only way to prevent its Or how about rigging interviews so that most spreading into our society is to support mllitarymen news teams talk with have been programmed the military's point of view and not to in advance to respond mechanically to questions. This, so question any requests for new and bigger the news media can't show whatever dissension exists in weapons because they must surely be military ranks. needed or they would not ask for them. Or maybe you were taken aback, mostly by the Press releases generated by their own printing machines that appear mostly in tremendous expenditure of funds spent by the Pentagon on local hometown newspapers present the public relations programs-programs that involve giving "unbiased" military point of view on Special Forces lessons in killing to elementary schoolers, peace demonstrators and others who as CBS showed. would question the military point of And, how about the "war games" the military puts on view; and on television and radio as for the people it calls "major taxpayers"? They roll out advertisements defending American tons of equipment and hundreds of men to show a gallery intervention in the affairs of the world as a "peace keeper" and a protector of of fans the military preparedness of the Armed Forces, individual freedom around the world. then turn the session into a salesmanship forum, ex- In one segment of the program, plaining the kill power of various weapons. members of banking and financial in- Personally, we liked it best when CBS reporter Roger sitiutions, presidents and chairmen of Mudd recited the Pentagon's standing orders about how large corporations, and executives of the mllitarymen aren't to comment on the foreign policy of the news media were taken to a military country, and then quickly switched to five or six banquet base where displays of America's vast arsenal of "peace keeping" weapons scenes where a band called the "Roving Colonels" earn were displayed, from tanks to Jet- their money doing just the contrary. fighters, and the executives were even 'IS THERE A POLITE WAY TO KICK A LADY?'

tur man hoppe- all us pigs are equal

By Arthur Hoppe Her husband, George, was a Typical are a slave' Follow me and get yourself news Lerrers National Columnist American Male. He worked too hard and liberated." drank too much and didn't spend enough So Gwendolyn went to a WAMM! time with the kids and often chased the meeting. She learned that she was no Once upon a time there was a Typical ladies and sometimes pushed people more than an unpaid charwoman, cook American Housewife named Gwendolyn around and things like that. and baby sitter. Which didn't sound fair. Gwen, who worried. But they thought they were happy She learned she didn't have equal foreign students and placement Like most women for a million years with their lot. rights under the law. Which didn't sound or to, she worried about raising her Then, one day, Gwendolyn ran into an fair. Wouldn't have an equal shot at the children and feeding her husband and old high school chum named Lavona top-Jobs in any profession. Which didn't The article by my friend and per year, lessening rather than doubling proximately 92 per cent of our student fixing up her home and things like that. Laganape. Lavona was Sergeant at sound fair. And couldn't get equal pay colleague, Mr. Jim Galloway, Director of the time required to complete their body from the State of Ohio our foreign Like most women for a million years Arms of the Women Against Male for equal work. Which sounded Placement, which appeared in Thur- undergraduate degree, for example. students make a major and in- or so, whe believed in peace and sobriety Mastery, better known as WAMM! outrageous. sday's BG News (February 11), with I think it is time that University ad- dispensable contribution to this and constancy and gentleness and things Lavona took one look at Gwendolyn, So Gwendolyn Joined WAMM!, read respect to foreign student visa holders ministrators acknowledge the in- University. In return and as they earn like that. sniffed and said loudly, "Gwendolyn, you every word Betty Freidan ever wrote, i K-l and J-l visas) and their reception by dispensable contribution made by per- their degrees from BGSU, they certainly took an eight-week course in karate, went our Placement Office needs a bit of sons of "exotic" cultural background to deserve to be treated on a basis of 'Well V/haddaya Know- Those Clowns At NORAD home and told George to make his own clarification. any institution identifying itself as a equality with their degree-holding peers. Goofed Again!' breakfast because she was now As evidenced by a previous letter University. A university is not or should liberated. written to you be Sevlnder Singh, a senior not be- either socially-or academically- When George, in typical male fashion, student from India, foreign students have speaking-a continuation of the secon- L. Edward Shuck, Jr. sneered, Gwendolyn called him a "male been generally upset about being denied dary school experience. With ap- Office of International Programs chauvinist pig!" and gave him a karate the ususal services of the Placement chop to the brisket. George, who didn't Office, which services are presumably even know judo, decided to take this lying available to all B.G. graduates on a basis down. of equality. if you're eligible, Gwendolyn put the kids in a day care I think that Mr. Galloway's center, got a Job that paid as much as statement that employers "will not in- George's and spent her free hours terview foreign students with F-l visas" marching militantly around, shouting, is far too flat and exclusive. As American "Male chauvinist pigs!" business interests proliferate throughout register to vote Of course, society changes slowly. It the world there are many American took years before men grudgingly gave companies and institutions anxious to women equal right. make contacts with foreigners who have On behalf of the Bowling Green possible to register by mall. All Bowling League of Women Voters, I would like to And during those years, Gwendolyn, been educated in the United States. Green and Wood County residents to show she was the equal of any man, either for employment in the country or urge all those who will be 21 by May 4 to register at the Board of Elections, 500 register at your County Board of Elections took up smoking cigars and drinking her area of origin or for employment and Lehmann Ave., Bowling Green. Hours whiskey neat and cussing and having an selective training for work in this by March 24. To register you must have are 8:30a.m. to 12 and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. lived in Ohio six months, in your county affair with her male secretary and things country-on a gamble that the student If you have any questions about like that. will turn out to be superior and, of course, and precinct for 40 days, be a citizen of registration you may call 353-2061. Naturally, she didn't have much time be able to secure a permanent visa. the U.S. and 21 years of age. for the kids any more. And, naturally, To be more precise, however, the Under the existing laws in Ohio, Mrs. Allen N. Kepke she didn't talk much about peace or point which bothers foreign students is the students must register and vote in their home county and precinct. It is not League of Women Voters gentleness. But sacrifices have to be desire on the part of the foreign student made for a worthy cause. And at last to be treated on a basis of equality with victory was theirs. other Bowling Green degree holders. At last, women had equal rights, equal After all, whether the individual com- pay and equal opportunities. Lavona pany wants the individual student, or THe BG news gave a party to celebrate. whether or not the individual student is Unfortunately, George caught able to secure a permanent visa is a « Gwendolyn, who'd had a few too many, matter among the company, the An Independent Student Voice pinching the bartender. They had an student's conscience and the U.S. Im- awful fight - ten rounds, no holds barred. migration Service. It ended in a draw. With regard to Mr. Galloway's editot |ames b. smith "At last I can say truthfully," cried suggestion that foreign students who feel managing editot glenn d. waggoner Gwendolyn triumphantly, scattering upset by Placement Office policy might news editor tichatdc bergenan cigar ashes on the rug as she wooxtly transfer to the University of Cincinnati, poured herself another belt, "that I'm editoiial editor Barbara i. lacola there are two points. Firstly, I at least issue editor Steven I. brash the bleeping equal of any bleeqing male would like to express in print the sports editor.....' harold a. brown chauvinist pig in the room!" profound and positive contribution the Moral: The trouble with women foreign students-with few exceptions- photo editor twian I. steffens becoming our equals, gentlemen, is that niake to this campus and my firm belief contributing editot James p. marino then they'll be no better than we are. that we need more, not fewer, such copy editor richard w. price students for the improving of the business manager richard a. reiter educational experience of all BGSU advertising manager philip a. stickney Creedence had it good rolling down students. Secondly, the Cincinnati program is the river — but we think skates work Congratulations To very complex, available only in selected Editorial and Business Offices 106 University Hall better! fields (Engineering, Business Ad- Phone 372 2710 or 372 2819 ministration, Design and Art), and still The New requires that the foreign student secure Thn IC H.-» ll •uali.ha. Mondo, ■ thru Friday! d-rlna tha MfaatJ Thanx Sig Eps special permission for the extension of tcKaol yaar, nod anca • <-••!> aurtng tha awm«af laanont. vnaaf avthar- ity •( lha •»al>ca*iano Cammillna o* Bowl mg Graan Stata Unlvarorty. his off-campus employment beyond the Oain.oni o-p'Ottod in • dttario! cortOMi a* »»ho, col„mn» In tha N»W« Alpha Xi Delta present limitation of the three month d. KM nacaaaaiily faflact ••<• a»iniam ol lk« Un,«ati,ty AaWlniatratiaa for a great timel summer vacation. Normally the foreign (acuity •• •■•'• °' •*" *■*** *' O*"*- On.niana aaaraaaa. »r calanmiata da student is anxious to finish his degree as IW nniiiailr rallact tha nalm.nt ol ,1.. BO Now.. E«,i..,ol. In >h. IC soon as possible. Subject to financial Na*ti raflact iho aainiano af tha maianty af manhati •( tha BG HI-I Edi- Alpha Chis Officers need, it is the unvarying pattern for tafial Banfd. foreign students to go to school 4 quarters Tht BG News, Friday, February 26, 1971/Poge 3

Disrupter bar is 'nightmare' Nixon to end loan restriction WASHINGTON (AP) Th« White House aide. "But into effect three years ago. federal aid to an additional White House is quietly seeking there's no such list." Smith said there should be one million low income college to eliminate legal restrictions The chief congressional "some kind of list" of campus students. which bar persons convicted advocate of the restriction disrupters. The administration at- of campus disruption from said, however, that hell fight Government figures show tempt to eliminate the campus receiving federal student to keep it in new ap- that during 1970, 40 students revision was not trumpeted loans and loan guarantees. propriations bills. from 12 colleges or univer- as part of that message, The administration calls Rep. Neal Smith (D-Iowa) sities had their federal aid however. the restriction an ad- also said he plans to quiz terminated because of the It shows up only ii the form ministrative nightmare. "It officials from the Department legislation. About 1.7 million of telltale brackets ai ound the assumes there's a good list of Health Education and students had federal loans or existing language as spelled and a bad list, and any student Welfare at appropriations loan guarantees that year. out in the telephone-book-eized who gets on the bad list, the hearings next month on how In his higher education appendix to the federal budget computer says 'bingo' and he well they're enforcing the message Monday, President released by the White House doesn't get anything," said a restriction, which first went Nixon proposed expansion of Jan. 29. PhD cites info DAYTONA BEACH on war opinions Summitt Motor Inn Dr. Howard Schuman, of on the protests. Cameras Ocean Front . the University of Michigan focus on the people, not on the Md a sociology colloquium reasons, he explained. Rooms and Apartments Wednesday that college The campus demon- students are not the strongest strations may have prolonged opposers of the Vietnam War. the war, he feared, by this James Bianchi will portray the lead In the University Theater's Dr. Schuman, head of the focusing on the protesters and 'To be or production of "Hamlet," to be presented March 3 through 6 at 8 p.m. dept. of sociology, at U of M, not on the protest. in the Main Auditorium, University Hall. Ticket sales begin Mon- has been gathering in- Why is there public op- 1 day. formation since November, position to the war? Dr. not to be 1969, on national public Schuman said that he didn't FROM S53/WEEK opinion on Vietnam. know, since the reasons have The strongest opposers of not been studied. the war are the low in He offered some ideas as Olympio Pool education, and the disin- the reasons behind opposition: Central Location terested, regardless of age, he some believe that the war is said. immoral, some think that Asia CALL: Everything's getting 'hairy' To gather his conclusions, and Asians are not worth 869-0322 Dr. Schuman used two American lives, and some I'scape International sources: the number and believe that we are fighting a * per person war that can't be won. • from page 1 And some of their reasons deposit before us," Golden- shelter may be available. scope of campus protests, and for not renting housing that's berg said. "The four-in-a- polls taken of public sen- Americans have been tiring of a war for some time, surveillance network exists, supposedly for lease aren't trailer part didn t make sense, REPORTED INCIDENTS timent, such as the Gallup If Interested Call exactly air-tight in logic, because a lady lived with of strife between townspeople poll. he said, and want a directed at individuals like "reasonable, moderate, and himself whose political ac- students have found. three daughters in a trailer and long-haired students are "Open protests are not well regarded by the majority of patriotic" settlement. 353-6163 After 6:00 tivities on campus and in the Michael Goldenberg rented right across from ours." practically nil in recent times. community have made them a trailer in a trailer court with "The landlord tried to be Your money la still green, people," he stated. Massive unpopular with the "establish- three other students-and was nice about it, but you could tell regardless of the length of demonstrations may increase ment." evicted 12 hours after they he wanted us out." your locks. 'And the hairy the antipathy towards them, Despite internal problems moved in. Some long-haired students threat to our community's Dr. Schuman said. plaguing the city's police try to shop for housing almost morals, so widely for- Often, he added, the media department, he said They "THE GUY with the exclusively by phone, and shadowed and feared , simply is the cause for negative views can always get it together to shortest hair of the four of us finalize the deal with a hasn't come about. bust a freak." had finalized the meeting between the room- He said, and other students arrangements" he said. "But mate with the shortest hair agreed, that the police then the landlord saw us later and the landlord. CONGRATS TO OUR NEW department gets names of and told us we had to get out." Low funds and frustration, people with "suspicious "His reason was that four however, cause some freaks to ALPHA CHI ACTIVES! characters" from local couldn't lire in one trailer, and give up the search and crash newspapers, informants and aiseald somebody else paid a with friends', taking whatever Connie Corky Campus Security. Kim Candy PROBLEMS STILL Joanie FACING the freak in off- There ore now 2 Lynne campus housing are more EIlM Betty Jane difficult to pin down, with even Jlonq'i CLeanex\ Kene Ce De the crew-cut crowd scram- Kothy Karin bling to grab up scarce Sue apartment space while it Jan fo $t>rve you.' peggy lasts. Downtown: Betty Jo Landlords can be very 228 N. Moln Fran Mary Jo choosey about deciding who Shirt a booutifully loundorod Janice Peggy they will entrust with their Now plonl. 110 E. Nopoloon Rd. 32, In Leana Barb private gold mines. 34f on hongon (Noat to Croonviow) 'Tiny' The Toledo IS TECHNOCRACY PUTTING University Theatre and THE SQUEEZE ON LIFE? the Toledo Dancers' Workshop will present a dance-drama, 'Tom- my", by The Who. ALTERNATIVES TO DARKNESS The show will be staged at Doermann Theatre, University Hall, Toledo University, 24 HOUR FESTIVAL March J-7. Admission is by free 6 p.m. Saturday to 6 p.m. Sunday at UCF Center tickets which may be obtained by calling &31- I FILM FESTIVAL I GROWTH ROOM »SOUL FESTIVAL .SEXUALITY ROOM • MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS 5711. Tickets COME AND CO AS YOU WISH will also be available at the table in U. Hall, here, from 1-5 pjn. FOOD MUSIC ART

Sunday — TaWriatoy 4 00 P.M. - 2 00 A.M. Friday - Saturday NO COVER PIZZA IS 4 00 PJL - 3 00 AM. PKLIAlS Phort. 332-7371 FfM Oolrrary on anylnmf CHARGE $1 10 PLUS EARLY BIRD SPECIAL BIG on CANVAS ia • 11 « 14 ana $1.10 *I.»S $200 That's the look this Spring . . . canvas! His battle Onion 1.20 1 45 2.10 jacket and button-fly flairs, for example. Her canvas Saxaago 140 l.«0 2 15 Every Fri. & •opporonl 1JO ISO 215 flairs are topped by a string knit tunic, all from College Artchovtoa 140 1.40 2.15 Moahroom I.*0 I.M 225 Town. Be sure to see our entire Spring collection Oraon 'appart ISO 1.40 2i5 Oroon Oil.. 140 1.40 145 aW >-»0 140 1M Sat. Nite Canadian taton IJ§ '-40 215 Ham 1.10 1.40 2 15 SaHtnl 1*0 140 225 Shrimp 1-40 1.70 2.50 Combination of any lwa> . . . ISO MM 2.70 Chaoia, Han, Salirm Crazy Ooorgo'a Spatial .... 1 50 1 15 l.M IOHIKO, picfcol, froon papport latnMa. nraaa Hit! I . Oaiao ulhr UmitprmUi &luiji Fafdal'a Spatial 1*0 2.SS 315 onion and tomato aatro »■■■■»»■ Oatwk rippiiMl. ta.ifcrnai. tnwa Pafpw "*• GIGOLO S.bmatlno Sandwlchot .... -of. 1.00 Kin* 2.7S ~- fin It t— r*~ " 12 aa Mb (took . . . . ».♦§ STORE HOURS: 9:00 A.M.- 5:30 P.M. MON. thru SAT. Nar.1l . . . . 3.*5 Remember Student Charge Accounts Welcomed 532 E. Wooster Dionora - Cfckkon Skrim. DM Fapar Oranf Every Thurs is 11.00 S2 25 $I.7S 7*11 Coffoo SaUd " Mat U. $ •■» Oorfii iraad 15 r.p~ .. s.2* Cfc*h Salad ...... 1 25 2 for 1 Nite _^ Pog. 4/The BG News. Friday, February 26, 1971

Ii7 Means' nisii- 12 Young HOW. 42 Abandon PUZZLE tiers? IS What —? a jet. DOWN 19 Takes 44 Air. By Ronald C. Hlrschfeld 1 Open. testimony. 47 Author of 2 Hnwiiiiun 21 liieek "The Hairy. LIFE submits brief to A EC ACROSS 52 hncli. *ea|M>rl. letters. Ape." 1 Jcicbel'a .K> l)i*erei i. 24 Sculptor. 10 Interfere. IHISIIUIUI. old num. By Jamei GuUford 4 Summon 25 Amatory 51 Bollards. For that reason, LIFE'S irreversible committments of Vicki Evans. AEC document. 5 Whiner. MThenrv thai brief states, "a constuction .resources Involved In the LIFE'S statement says the i% s|nn;il 5 Artistic nrrher. 52 Semite. In the conclusion to LIFE'S 10 Sturm. hodgc|)odge. Ml Helpful. 53 Small punch, Despite the conclusion of permit must not be granted to project. AEC did file a document under 14 Swing. or general, brief, the ecology organization Ii r.miMimei's. 27 Automaton. 54 Mother of Atomic Energy Commission the Toledo Edison Company In Its brief, LIFE charges the title,"Detailed En- 15 Stage lil litli Cent. 7 llonuin 28 Borstal ho\. states, "A construction permit romnrk. date, II lllUs hearings on • construction and the Cleveland Electric "The construction permit vironmental Statement," to historian. 2tt Penned. anil Beuius. should not be Issued to Toledo Hi l-eaf angle 112 Related. 8 Dulih .Ml Moth. permit for the Davts-Besse Illuminating Company." hearing in which no reference comply with NEPA, but that it 17 With "k". 55 Tower Edison Company and ■ its Rrgiateni eoimmme. :ti \iiisu-.ii town. Nuclear Power Station, LIFE NEPA requires that to environmental con- Is invalid. smiirl man. In «lorkI. Cleveland Electric t Depict, in intervals. 54i Steera. is still busy. Federal agencies file a report siderations is permitted was "The purported 'Detailed 18 Larky 114 Time of (Ml. painting. 114 Irrituteil. 57 (iarruloiis Illuminating Company for the I'M I'alernostcr LIFE'S latest action was to on the environmental impact in direct violation of the Environmental Statement' III New Haven, 37 "— Initl. Davis-Besse Nuclear Power topogrnpli>. pert, onee. 1'rejudicc". 58 Kggs. submit to the AEC a brief their projects will have, any (NEPA)...and any permit merely paraphrases the ap- 2(1 GQOMM'S Station because the hearings IM) Minimum. II Curt ii.n-1 :i!l Activator. (ill Strive. claiming that requirements of damage to the environment issued on the basis of such a plicant's Environmental •|H'riiilty. the National Environmental which cannot be avoided, hearing is unlawful." Report," claims LIFE, upon which a construction 12 kxpunge. 2.1 who 2 n Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, alternatives to the project, the A similar charge against permit decision Is based "which contains summaries of violated NEPA." wait up. ' !_l ■' ' ' * * 1 W" •* ■* have not been fulfilled in the long and short-term users of the AEC was filed by the summaries and vague self- 24 Thing n- |„ gl0 ■ hearings. the environment and any Calvert Cliffs Coordinating serving assurances of future LIFE says, "The con- lirollglll Ul> _ (with "llic"i. Committee In Washington, studies and conslusions." struction permit stage is the 2."> Wine region. Dots Yoir Typewriter Need A Ribbon DC, and Is now on appeal in The AEC report was not first opportunity for major 28 "Neither » -Jt- ii" - m,, the District Court of Appeals. offered in evidence for the federal committment to the a —... " Or Dots Yoir Ribooa Nood A LIFE Is considering hearings, but was marked for project. It should also be an .12 llenilless horHi'iiiiin. Typewriter? carrying its action to the Ohio identification, another factor opportunity to consider en- 15IIHI J£L -Mm District Court of Appeals, Coll BBM Co. 352-7780 Sot. till S P.M. LIFE said invalidated the vironmental consequences." 33 Recoiled. " "I ■» it TT 77 227 $. Main Si. Mo.esllc Pom! Bid,. according to LIFE Chairman .'I.~> Shrivcr. for shorl. I" ■<- -*'i Kind of RELAX IN "ROCKING CHAIR" COMFORT" ,-tTawwn-— McGovern launches magazine. [ _■ H»| ■'" .'18 Individual morals. ^aaf' J^y.s LCmcw.a-2, 411 Hnseitjiv campaign in N.H. 11 Krrnrh Bo-lino Croon Tol 3S2.026S ri ver. r \\ \m* 43One of two ■ m" NOW PLAYING CONCORD, N.H. (AP) - campaigns In 8 to 10 states. Soo. Sen. George McGovern of He Is the first formally 4 Eve. at 7:40 4.*i Asian P» " > J" 56 »7 91 South Dakota formally declared candidate for the holiday. BOWLING f.REEN - TEL 3S2-026S Sat & Sun Mat 2:30 launched his campaign Democratic nomination. Ml Jeroboani'M r | cotttlti, ■ EXCLUSIVE. EXTENDED AREA RUN toward the 1972 New Hamp- McGovern previously had 48 Hockei shire presidential primary said he didn't expect to win the ollU-iiilv GEORGE C. yesterday, declaring he would New Hampshire primary 50 Refuse. - 1M g.■' HELD OVER - 3rd WEEK "go the whole way" with because of the state's .'il Siirpler. primary campaigns in several proximity to Maine, home of ' Field Enterprises, Inc., 1971 >/ 2«/T1 Eve. - 7:30.9:30 - Sol. & Son. Mm. 2, 3:40 5:30 scon other states. Sen. Edmund Muskie, ■ At a news conference In the possible contender for the Solution of Yesterday's Puiile New Hampshire State House, party's nomination. CRYI'TOCRAM — By Archibald V. McLeea Academy award McGovern said he probably However, McGovern said ta would follow his bid In the yesterday he did not concede 7 nation's earliest primary with the state toMusUe although "I WTAII.A FRY A Y I! A nominations! a nticipate he will be strong In this state." He declined to set FOR 1970 a goal for himself in the New v\ ITH Kill HI' A I. : Dill) Of A I. 11 •Best Picture Hampshire March 14, 1972, •Besl Aclor P race. *Besl Actress "We have got to nominate a I. A CO I" IP A IMF. "I'lll 1(111"? " 'Best supporting candidate who will address Actor himself to the areas where the •Best Director A Nixon administration has had Yesterday's cryptogram: chie rhlrks Iry to *Besl Screenplay of Dimes its failures," McGovern said, ■tlracl the cocky rooster, "Best Musical predicting the Democrats Direction could beat Nixon but not with T "just any candidate." Spring WIZARD OF ID T by Brant parkar and Johnny hart formal 0 favors FROM THE ncbuHunr perms warns N Ali MacGraw • Ryan O'Neal 10 Acadony REN Award Staples ii Suck Nominations Call 352-5265

Including: Best piclu.e Best Actor A HOWRO 6 HINSKY ARTHURhiUER Production Best Director CLaSSIFIED John Mariey & Ray Milland ERKHSEGAI MTHWIH THE DEN A*a«aw»i lm+*h**m OaHkMfll II mm Kathl and Sue all the hap- PLAZA LAUNDROMAT (1 Female roommate needed HOWARD GMINSKY DAVID 60L0EN FRANCIS LAI «mtuum rcm Now Thru CAMPUS CAIENDAR piness you save ma on my doore from Luma) Do your for Spring Call 354-1383 birthday. 1-ove. Carol I sows) momma »uueu cm ruAKOuw Mconos ! W-Jsn-TtS-oa- cleaning In our new non- Tues March 2 Friday as, 1971 detergent, eniyme free Newly built 2 bedroom aprt- Kappa Slgs: we're ready (or machines Boat deal In town- menta near university Year "Saa Gull "115 EducaUonBulldliuiat7and 030p.m. another rally! Alpha Chli 12 washers 29 cents 8 dry lease starting June 15 com- cleaners 0.75 pletely furnished for 4 The Side Door'' opens again with John Selbert and Sam l'ilti-1've been thinking about studenta at SB per student Ph. Wenger performing. Sett start at 8 pm-11:30 pm Friday you (or a year now and It's Undecided' Uptight' Con- 351-7311 Feb. 2*«Saturday Feb. 27 Cardinal Room. FREE been the beat year of my life. tuaed? Resolution Coun- All my love-Bob seling Center 920 Student Male roommate needed- Saturday 27. 1971 Services Spring Winthrop South 352- COOP-THANKS ALOT! Rick NH "Ban the Can" Meet in the news at the Union at 10:00 am Hockey Banquet Tonlte. Anyone interested In circulating "Ban the Can" petitions Vaughn Rockhold: Menu Irish Stew Needed 1 or 2 F to sub-lent STUDENT HOUSING la welcome. CELEBRATE-CELEBRATE- Apart, spring and or summer RAIJ..Y on your 21st. Gat Would you believe...armolrea Call 2-15*0 Unlveralty Lutheran Chapel. 1124 E. Wooster St. 800-Sat High for flamln' on tonight at in "The Lobby" 4 7:00Sun Waiting (or Oodot a play In 2 acts by Samuel 24 with ION. Heidi. Marie. Winthrop Terrace now taking AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 1,1971 Beckett Admission FREE aadNanc Betas-Were ready (or Sat reservations for summer march to the shrine on high rental 1 and 2 bedroom apts "Ruing of the Moon" 115Education Bldg 7*» JOpm Monk and Candy Mother of Men. we're ready to rurnlahed Air Conditioning « Congratulations on your Alpha do it again-Get high for the Pool Jtl-SlJS 120 FOUR-MAN APARTMENTS Sunday 2S. 1*7! Slg, AX Uvabering Tea-The Mn's For Rant: 1 bedroom Apt (or Sailing Club. Important meeting concerning Regatta. Tad Congrats Hoban and Wendy on HAPPY HOUR-3 00-7 00 at 3 persona, available Spring Union 7 pm. Sunday yaur APOIavaliering- Sue* Ye Ole Puta Pub. Pitcher of qtr. take over lease, call 352- Two Bedroom Apartments $65 month/per person Big Jim Bear only 11.00: Mugs at 15 0352 Christian Science Organisation Prout Chapel. 10:30 am cents each Sunday. All studenta are welcome. On Return of KII All Need Male Roommate for Deserted females call J-777*. FOR SA1J5 OR RENT Spring and or summer .Green- BGSU Sparta Car Club, at the Ice Arena. RegistraUon view Apt 354-7355 RENT INCLUDES 12:30 am. Trophies to be awarded. Name of Event Lit* EUat-Your shiny new Need Male Roommate for "Roadrunner Rally II" pin and honor guard look Spring and Summer Call Pete 3 bedroom house 4 Large beautiful. Congrats AX love, or Steve 352-4137 garage between downtown ■ BigDebbl 15. Eath separate kitchen & dining room Rugby Club, Preaeasonal Meeting in 102 Hanna Hall at campus 1170 available March •:30 pm Apt for Spring, I bedrooms 15 Married couple NO PETS year round swimming pool Congratulations on your Alpha North Grove Apt J52-77al Ph. tSMiss gas air conditioning Kappa Phi WiUmeet in UCF Building atlOOpm. Event is Stg DZ lavalierlng Dave k cablevision the Degree uf the Pine Chris Needed 1 female for 4 man U Liberty Trailer completely gas self-cleaning range act to sublease either spring lurniahed. 352-0H4 attar 5 laundry facilities in each bldg. The MAGICAL MYSTERY or summer Newlove Apia. TOUR OF 2 years ago Is in- Call Lynn 3514732 For Sale tW lt» Rambler 4 security lock intercom system gas heating REWARD-for Loat Wallet terested In finding out who dr automatic call Bob 35+47(2 Ride Needed: ToTenn. Doug, Black Leather. Call Rich 353- The Fake Tsar is' Im- Greenview apt for commercial stores to service complex gas charcoal grill — outside 2-5456 58*1 mttatlona are a Bummer sublease. Interested Call For Sale: Underwood 352-7144 (Portable) and Smith-Corona 3 girls need ride to F la over BUSINESS services of recreation center gas lite parking lot Wanted: 2 wealthy, non- I upright) typewriters k Goya break Call 372-5400 OPPORTUNITIES collage men want dales with MEN-March Jane * Sent guitar 3534*15 after 5:15 attractive open-minded girls 3534241 2 riders needed for Florida Custom-made crocheted Answer: by placing 'M Road Runner, (Set roof over break, preferably to bikinis: fully-lined Call 354- cqieapondlngad in this paper Female needed _ 3*3-4 spd rood whls. peat. V. Tampa area but will go to taet listing address, phone number Untv. Court apt Call Clndi or raooOMbaj Ph. 2-212* or 257- East Coast Call 352-7311 etc. Damon: 2-2*19 (or Info. 3072 after 5 pm PERSONALS Ride needed to Toledo every Vaughn: Wishing you peace New 2 bedroom apt for 4 girls CL 3M cc lor Sale or Trade lor Thura. neit qtr. Call SS2-O0U Paula. CongratalaUoM on and happtnaaa, but moat of all near campus No car required. smaller MTR Cycle 35M*51 pledging Angel FUght". DZ km on your 21st Heidi Furnished Available June. Cherry Hill Village Ride needed to N.Y.C. over Love, Yoar Sisters Ph 3*2-73*5 M VW Faatback G. condition spring break. Can leave CJ. Dale, available for Tata •rl Within wolklftf 4l.t«nc« ft** CM*UB anytime Man. pm. March 15th Happy Birthday Kan. Hope NW Corntt of S. C.ll.f Dr. & Napoloon Rd. 304-71*5 GREENVIEW APTS. BOW Will Pay Call Barb 2-1 IN you have a super Slat! Leva, renting for SUMMER * FALL |*aaa Ceatraceptives. Olfico 0p.. Marty Help "Ban the Can"Orculale one * two Pool, aatm tail aad beat American LOST* FOUND PeuBom around BG-Salurday Uundry, Rac ream Special •rasats Detausrree. Samples Save It (The News, that ■) Feb. n-etoet In Union at It am summer rates. Inquire at aad catalogue »1. POP LOST-REWARD-Brown 8-5 Daily PIEDMONT CORP 352-9378 Office 214 Napoleon Rd. Jpm- SERVE. Baa U**-gP Wallet Loat Sunday Nile at Wlaking Cat*. Cart. Doml. Meet BGSU Hostaas, "SAM" •pm . ton Sat. CHAPEL H1U, NC 27514 Coacert J71-12e7-Sleve Dureen. Jaaa. Jean. Karea. after 4 pm today at STAIXUM The BG News, Fridoy, February 26, 1971/«»oge 5 Program features 'silent1 dance i • Dancers plan concert

By Joan Grml leotards will hold a dance Trio from the music depart- with music and the theatre. concert In the Joe E. Brown ment. Because both men and women "Silent" dance may not be Theatre on Keb. 26-27 at Mrs. Margit Heskett, a dance, it is considered a your Idea of a very swinging 8 p.m. professional dancer and the performing art." way to communicate but the The program consists group's advisor, has been The Dancers have done University Performing mostly of ballet and modern working with the dance group various programs throughout Dancers think it's one of the contemporary dance and the for three years and chooses it* Ohio and have performed for best. musical accompaniment, members from auditions thai the Ohio Dance Selection With the help of ladders, including a few Bach selec- are held about twice a year twice. They also appear for flashlights and mirrors, the tions, will be provided by Dr. and opened to anyone in- clubs and assist at dance 14 performers clad in bright William Pepper's Baroque terested. workshops. "Students are required to The concert this Friday perform a routine that they and Saturday is split into two Extension sought choreographed themselves parts. Some of the pieces that and the dancers are selected will be performed are on the quality of the per- "Heather", choreographed by for vote-18 law formance and their ability to CLEVELAND (AP) - Early permitting young voters to Mrs. Heskett; "Who, What, dance well" she said. and Where", a modern-day witnesses before a Joint Ohio cast ballots in state and local Mrs. Heskett, born in legislative committee hearing races would cause the county comedy dance routine using Czechoslovakia, danced mirrors and ladders, and "I in Cleveland yesterday urged no extra expense. Am I". that 16-year-olds be permitted But he said printing apecial professionally in both Europe and the United States. She Admission is $1 for adults to vote in state and local ballots for use by young Received her master's degree and 35 cents for children. elections as well as races for persons in natioeal elections from Columbia University and national office. would cost $120,000 a year. Saul StiUnian, Cuyahoga has taught,dance at the County Republican Cipolone said a con- University of Graz In Austria cochairman, said failure to stitutional amendment and at the International In- stitute. permit young persons to vote granting 18-year-olds local Fnttriity Nvwiphot* by Oov. Elbrocht "Modern dance is an art in state and local elections voting rights could add 90,000 form," said Mrs. Heskett. "In while they are permitted to new voters in Cuyahoga A guerrilla theater type demonstration was staged Wednesday night in the County, but he estimated that different universities it falls aid Union as a group of "concerned women" protested the bridal fashion show vote in national races would cause "insuperable" only 60 per cent of that under various departments Right on! sponsored by Prout Hall. The women were objecting to the commercial problems for poll workers. number would register. but it is usually connected Sorority emphasis placed upon marriage by the bridal fair planners. Joseph Cipolone, Cuyahoga County elections director, said Tit Kappa Epsiloa Presents sportswear Bring this ad and got a Berlii authorities aid Number 9 20% discount SMl tUMll BOlth, The Fifth Dimension football block •scape plai We ringed 'em in and bailed 'em out on anything in the store At The —for Charities it was worth it! jerseys BERLIN (AP) - A tunnel University of Toledo leading under the Berlin wall to the eastern sector of the city Thanks ATOs and AEPis was uncovered yesterday Field House shortly before 17 refugees NOW— from the Communist regime for all the fun! Friday Feb. 26, 1971 were scheduled to flee to the West. at 8:30 p.m. AT THE Authorities said the tunnel, Alpha (his Vatan's 194 S. Main nearly four feet high and Wall Hanging TapoHrlot Iron. Around Tho World Tickets $5:00, running at least 360 feet from This Ad Good thru Morch 2 Ara Available at the Door DEN the cellar of a West Berlin WMgWg MCMC OCHNO BCCOMCS AN CVENTI house, was discovered i PINES ROLLER MW.TiTHnNKT ag -^■* r^=ai lUUSTBKIWHD Wednesday night by Western *K«tiNFA«i * TOUKrt WHIST »MB Yesterday, East German ■XKMGOUtt SUTt \ v<>-->'^ MMI.CO^TWIM*™5 soldiers began digging the This coupon good for I GUM WMI 10 WMI KHBB '-' * NT* CONHPT Of lUWHY MBItWMM, tunnel out from their side of free admission with' one ISM 11(04 no A*.<..i I. KnifoU 1»i||l-| In • 411 7141 tOllDO O. the wall. FILM CRITICS AWARD It would have been the paid admission BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR" biggest mass escape past the "FIVE EASY PIECES" wall since 1964 when 57 Good thru Mar 14 JACK NICHOLSON refugees tunneled through to rauwamia West Berlin. THE 2 BIGGEST BONOS OF ALL SEAN CONNERY AS .007 "THUNDERBALL" COMING NEXT WEEK "YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE" Wed. Thur. Sot. 3rd RECORD MONTH "LOVE STORY" RYAN O'NEAL - ALI MocGRAW RATED "GP" HAMLET UNLIMITED Main Auditorium RUGBY CLUB BOX OFFICE OPENS MONDAY PRE SEASON UAO Fine Film MEETING Sea Gull Rising of the Moon Friday 7 & Friday 9:30 & Sondoy 28 February Saturday 9:30 p.m. Saturday 7 p.m. Admission free with 6:30 102 Haaaa Hall ID cards; guests 25* All interested men invited 115 Education Bldg.

Now Showing IVf.II Thunderball at 7 You Only Live Twice at 9:15 How Does It Feel Sat. & Sun Tr»md.«fcoll .1 2 ond 7 You Only Livo Twko at 4: IS ond 1: 15 THE 2 BIGGEST BONDS OF ALL SEAN SEAN CONNERY CONNERY we invite comparison!! No one in This area will show you as many IS JAMES IS JAMES Jeans as the Cen !! Hot "ants — BOND BOND Cold Dants no one has as many Pants !!! THUNDERBALL 'N "YOU ONLY inunut \k LIVE TWICE PMUWtM* To hear Great Folk, See John Seibert ond Sam wenger In the "Side Door" Cardinal Room Friday Feb. 26 & ^^Wtttt. Soturdary Feb. 27 8-11:30 P.M. Free U.A.Q UfjeBtn "age 6/The BG News, Fridoy, Februory 26, 1971 It's back to work for BeeGees Irish could be hard pill to swallow

By Fred R. OrUip home game of the season then Blyth's white line or move up hard-hitting, young and top. Asristant Sports Editor travel to South Bend, Ind., for little Bobby Schmidt from the persistent club with plenty to The BG coach doesn't feel the series finale tomorrow. green line. look forward to in the near there is any added pressure on It's back to work for Despite playing 20 games future-like a national his skaters from the U-game Bowling Green's Icemen. The primary concern of with teams from the Western championship. winning streak. "That just After toying with such coach Jack Vivian is his co- Conference-the best in the "We Just hope they'll come serves as a confidence- lackluster nobodies such as captain Bruce Blyth, the nation that features teams like in here feeling they'll fatten builder," he said. "We've got Ohio U, St. ("lair. Guclph, team's sixth leading scorer Denver, Michigan State, their averages," Vivian a chance to rebuild some of Western Michigan and the like and an invaluable man to have Minnesota-the Irish are 11-12- pointed out. "It'll depend on the prestige we lost in the for the last month and a half, on the ice, who was hit in the 2 on the season. how much their coach can get early part of the season. the Falcons will be thrust back ankle by a puck last weekend The South Bend club, who them up." Vivian noted that he hasn't into the national scene against against Ohio. will be playing in the WCHA had a team that hasn't Last season the Irish Notre Dame in a home and "Bruce isn't responding to next season, boasts of wins finished strong since he's been home series this weekend. over MSU, North Dakota, dished out the worst defeat to coaching at Bowling Green, treatment," advised Vivian, the Falcons, 9-3, during And they'll need a top- "and only time will tell if he'll Wisconsin and Denver this primarily because he's always flight, Clarkson-type per- be ready for this weekend." year. Christinas breik, after which had young teams. formance against the Irish to Should Blyth not be able to Vivian's crew, who are 13-2 the Birds went to SouthBend "It always takes the young keep their U-game win streak play, Vivian would either at home (including a string of and came from behind to tie, guys some time to adjust and going. The Birds will host ND switch Mike Root from the eight in a row) and 16-11 4-4. by looking at our record you tonight at 7:30 p.m. In the final blue line to the center spot on overall, are going to see a "You can throw out that can see they've pretty well series completely," declared adjusted," he admitted. Vivian. There were some ICE CHIPS: Tonight's wierd circumstances that home finale will be the last happened in that series-like appearance as Falcons for students refereeing in one seniors Rich Badone, Mike period-that isn't going to Root, Bruce Blyth, Bill happen this time. Koniewich and Tom Hendrix. At home the Falcons have Notre Dame scores quite a drawn 37,777 fans for an few goals but they give up average of 2,511 per outing. their share too. More than Mike Bartley and Pete anything else they like toknock Badour lead the team in the stuffings out of their op- game-winning goals with ponents and Vivian feels his three apiece. Gerry Brad- men will have to cope with bury, Jack Hoogeveen and . by N.ll OI«.n ND's checking to pull out on Bob Watson each have two. ft II fOICe BOB WATSON (10) gets plenty of pats on the back from his teammates after scoring a goal. pllii dropplnis= teatYl W OriV From left are Tom Sheehan, Mike Root, Watson, Nawiphoto by L.O. Fullarton Bill Koniewich and Mike Bartley. THE SCOREBOARD SAID we beat Kent Coach to be announced Closer Wednesday but there was plenty of doubt ex- pressed by the Flashes. They scored what looked to be the winning goal at the buzzer but it end of season than this was disallowed. Froshcrvengeloss By Harold Brown Sports Editor By Joe Burchick breathing room as they men outside. They made Kent Bowling Green Athletic Director Bob Bell has decided to wait Sports Writer carried a 41-35 lead into the shoot from the outside and until after the end of the basketball season to name a successor locker room at halftime. when Kent missed our big men OSU Invitational just a to coach Bob Conibear. Conibear submitted his 'resignation ten A strong second half In the second half the were able to come up with the days ago, effective at the end of the season. scoring surge which saw the Falcons looked like the fresh- rebound. Steve Haughn also Bell had originally planned to announce Conibear's successor freshmen outscore visiting men of old as they began did well defensively while he within a week of the resignation. Kent State 58-35 enabled the hitting their shots and running was in there." 'primary' for BG runners "We want to get the best possible person we can to replace Falcons to take a 99-69 well. In the first four minutes "The team had two goals in Bob and it won't be a two-year chance. We would like someone decision over the Kent State of the second half the Falcons mind for the Kent game," we can give a commitment to over an extended period of time," each would then be running In frosh. outscored Kent State 8-2 in Piper added. "The first was to By ViiiMuiinix qualifying "fever" with a two Bell said. his better event. The win was especially a increasing the advantage to hold them to 65 points which Assistant Sports Editor mile sufficient for national Actually three coaches will be named in connection with the "It's always nice to have a sweet one for coach John 49-37 forcing a Kent time out we almost did. The second standards, Brodt will then be basketball program. The new coach will have to name an Piper and his charges as they with 17:29 left in the game. was to hold down our tur- able to perform a little choice," he added. ' assistant and a new freshman coach. Before that choice can be more than got revenge for an From then on it was just novers to 15. We had 16." For several members of juggling act two weeks from earlier 79-76 loss to the Golden how much BG could score as The Falcons displayed Bowling Green's indoor track made two weeks from now up now. Bell left for the west coast yesterday. His family is still living Flashes at Kent. they usually hit two baskets to excellent balanced scoring in train,tins weekend'sOhioState "With both Sid and Steve in Detroit at the NCAA's in Los Angeles and his home was severly damaged in the recent however, the chances will A touch of cold shooting hit every one that Kent scored. the win Wednesday night. Invitational Championship qualified for the two races, I .os Angeles earthquake. It is also thought that Bell will talk both squads in the first half as With 10:00 left in the game, the Wissman topped all scorers will be more of a shakedown we'd probably put Sid in the have to be taken this weekend with a couple of coaches about the basketball coaching job, while in Columbus at the Ohio State it seemed as though Falcons had opened a 19 point, with 21 points. Bob Hotaling, run for the NCAA's in two two and Steve in the two," on the coast, nothing that was shot up would 72-53 lead which increased to Brian Scanlan, and Kendle weeks. Brodt said, explaining that Invitational Championships. Kent State Coach Frank Truitt was very upset that his teams' fall through the Anderson 23 points four minutes later,83- came next with 18 points. First of all, the distance Arena hoops. After the first 60 as Piper began clearing his medley crew will take a crack "basket" at the end of Wednesday's game did not count. Breitigam was the other "I heard the buzzer after the ball hit the glass, so I'm figuring ten minutes of the encounter, bench. Falcon in double figures with at qualifying for the nationals the Falcons held a scant 23-14 by speeding up its best time in Tankers host Oakland its a victory-that's what I'm figuring," Truitt said. Piper was quite 11 points. Jaksic paced the "The official is supposed to ask the timer if the ball was in the lead. pleased with the defensive Kent State scoring with 18 the relay event (9:57) by By Jim Altmon Kent started moving in the twelve seconds or better. events. air before the buzzer went off, not if the basket was or was not play of his players, and the points with Ted Freeman and Sports Writer closing minutes of the first Leading off will be Rich Parker is unique in the fact good," Truitt said. team's overall play in the Floyd Jefferson close behind half as they got to within four second half. with 15 points each. Breeze in the 880, followed by that very few divers ever "I asked the official if the basket was good but he said he had It has been a long hard compete in actual swimming to ask the timer and the timer Just shook his head no." points of the Falcons. Down "Steve Breitigam and Jim The freshmen do not have Ted Farver in the quarter, 38-27 with 2:07 left in the half Steve Danforth in the three February not only for us but events. He does the diving for Meanwhile, Conibear said there was no doubt in his mind that Kendle did excellent jobs on another game until next also the BG swim team. Oakland along with doing a the final shot came after the buzzer. the Flashes on baskets by Joe defense," Piper commented. Wednesday when they host quarter mile, and in the an- Jaksic and Grant Wyborne chor mile, Sid Sink. However, they expect to end fine job in the 50 yd. freestyle "Our manager started counting at ten seconds. When he got "Breitigam put pressure on Aquinas in their next to last closed the gap to four points "They'll have to run their the month and season on a event. down to one second he threw a towel on the floor in front of Pat their man well at the start of home game of the season. The positive note when they host 39-35. Jack Wissman's bucket the game and Kendle did a best times to qualify in this "They are strong in sprints (Haley) and I, and we knew the game was over. The time was game Wednesday night will one," said coach Mel Brudt. Oakland University tonight at and compared to us they are up and the ball had not left Mike Foote's hand, Conibear said. gave the Falcons a little extra fine job in pressuring their begin at 5:45. 7:30. as good as us in the distance "This towel idea is something we had planned earlier in the Coming off his best per- The Falcon tankers are events," said assistant coach season to give us an idea of whether or not a basket should forriance in the 880 (1:54.5) still searching for their first Bill Zeeb. count," Conibear concluded. last week, Breeze will be faced win this month after dropping There will be a family Conibear plans to start the same lineup that he has used in with another challenge this four contests in the last three reunion of the Zeeb brothers weekend in addition to helping weeks. the last two games at Detroit tommorrow night. "These five when Oakland invades the people are doing the Job and they are going to continue to play," the distance medley team Oakland is a small natatorium tonight BUI is the qualify. university of 8,500 students Falcons' assistant coach and Conibear said. He praised the play of forward Dalynn Badenhop who went And Other Seat Covers Rich will go in the thousand located in Rochester, Mich., his brother, Tom, is a Jackets °osters yard run chancing that he whose athletic teams compete into the game midway through the second half when Jeff Booms swimmer on the Oakland was having problems. "He went in and did a good Job, but we'll is now open Shirts might compete in the NCAA's as independents. squad. Belts start the same guys," he said. too in this race. Their swimming team has As a freshman, young Zeeb Flares 11 -10:00 daily Vests Sink is qualified in the mile done well this season but most is Oakland's number one man Center Jim Connally should become the 11th man in BG Bells Incense and the two mile, while of its competition has been of in the 500 yd. and 1000 yd. basketball history to break the 1,000 point mark. He needs nine Leatheis at Blouses Danforth is qualified in the low quality. freestyle events. These are more points to top the mark. Rich Walker accomplished the feat mile only, but that isn't gonna "Oakland isn't as strong as the same events his brother, a couple of weeks ago. stop him from trying to match the MAC teams we compete Bill, established records in Coupon exchange for the Marquette game begins Monday Stadium Plaza Sid's pair too. against and we should come up when he swam for BG. morning. Reserved seat tickets for the game have been sold out "Steve's best is8:58so he'll with a win," said coach Tom If everything goes by plan, for three weeks. If you're interested in seeing the game it might have to get down in the low Subbs. the Falcon tankers' spirits be worth the sacrifice of getting out of the sack early Monday Girls and Guys 8:40s, "said Brodt. "It'll take Oakland's top performers shouldn't be dampened. morning to assure yourself of a seat. a good race but he can do it." are Mike Campbell and Jack If Steve comes through Parker. Campbell swims the these final throes of NCCA 100 yd. and 200 yd. freestyle Big Barney Car Wash 1000 South Main St. Your Car Is GENTLY BRUSHED, FOR AN INTERVIEW RINSED And DRIED $1.00 WITH SEAR! A Sears representative WITH THE PURCHASE OF WITH THE PURCHASE OF WITH THlf PURCHAiE OF will visit your campus GASOLINE 15 GAL. OF GAS 10 GAL. OF GAS 5 GlL. OF GA5 placement office on Scars WASH FREE WASH 50* «*ASH 75< MARCH 2 Mon. Thru Thurs... 8 am to 8 pm Fri. and Sat... 8 am to 9 pm Sunday... 8 am to 6 pm March first thru The March seventh reen heet EVENTS AND INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS, FACULTY, STAFF announcements

MUNICH CHAMBER OR- in Chicago, it was called a "totally HAMLET CHESTRA personal film that makes com- Tickets go on sale today One of the world's finest, the mercial 'personal' films like (March 1) for the University Munich Orchestra will perform in 'Easy Rider' seem evasive." Theatre production of William concert Sunday (March 7) at t Mr. Myers will visit a film Shakespeare's "Hamlet," one of p.m. in the Main Auditorium of appreciation class earlier in the the most famous plays in the University Hall. Tickets for the day to evaluate the work of English language. Its familiar Artist Series concert are $1.50 for Bowling Green student film- story of the young prince, en- adults; $1.25for students; and will makers. Students interested in meshed in the agonies occasioned be available at the door. having their work critiqued should by his need to avenge the murder The orchestra's repertoire contact Dr. Edgar Daniels in the of his father, receives new includes old masters, baroque, English department richness of meaning with each classical and contemporary retelling. works. An unusual feature of its BILLIARDS DEMONSTRATION Curtain time is 8 p.m. for the concerts is use of authentic in- Internationally known pocket play which will run Wednesday strumentation for the baroque billard player and trick shot through Saturday (March 3-6) at music-instead of the customary artist Jack White will be on the Joe E. Brown Theatre in piano, a harpsichord is employed campus Friday (March 5) to University Hall. Because of the and violinist Berthold Goetschel present two demonstrations. nature of the opening scenes, the switches to a guitar. The first will be held at noon in play's director Dr. F. Lee Miesle, the Dogwood Suite and the second urges patrons come by curtain FILM-MAKER AND HIS FILM will be held at 8 p.m. in the time, because late-comers cannot Buckeye Room at the Union. Both be admitted for several scenes. The English department will demonstrations are being spon- Tickets, $1.50 adults; 50 cents present "Akran", the highest sored by the Union Activities for high school students; and 25 award winner at the 1969 Ann Organization. cents for University students; are Arbor Film Festival, Tuesday Born in the New York City in on sale at the theatre box office in (March 2) at 8:30 p.m. in 115 1931, Mr. White was first in- University Hall from 11:30 a.m.- Education Building. The film is troduced to pocket billiards at the 3:30 p.m. daily, and at 7 p.m. on free and open to the public. age of eight. His highest run in nights of performance. Its maker, Richard Myers, pocket billiards: a 226 run in professor of art at Kent Slate Salem, Ohio. CANDY SALE University, will be on hand to The demonstrations are free Gamma Theta Upsilon, introduce the film and, following and open to the public. national professional geography its showing, discuss its production fraternity, will sponsor a candy with the audience. ANNOUNCEMENT DEADLINES sale on campus March 3-4, from 7- "Akran" involves a young man The next edition of the Green 9 p.m. in all university housing who lives in Akron, Ohio, and Sheet will include events for the units. A table will also be set up in illustrates the preoccupations of final two weeks of the quarter, University Hall during the day this generation: fears, dreams March 8-20. Deadline for an- time. Profits from the sale are to and dreads about the state of life. nouncements is noon Wednesday, be used to support the adoption of In review of its world premiere March 3. a Papago Indian girl in Arizona.

The Green Sheet is published weekly by the Bowling Green State University News and Photography Service. Deadline for notices in the Green Sheet is noon Wed- nesday, for the following week's calendar Monday through Sunday. Notices should be submitted to the editor, Teri Sharp, in care of News Service, 80e Ad- ministration Building, or phone 372-2616,- 372-2117. Special Green Sheet announcement forms are available upon request. I

Bowling Green State University March first thru The green sheet March Seventh

by UAO. Free and open to the public. monday Buckeye Room, University Union. 8-12 p.m. UAO Coffeebouse- Two foDtsinger acts. Steve Bittle. Bruce 4 p.m. Psnhellenic Council Meeting- Mattey. Free and open to the public. Alumni Room, University Union. Cardinal Room, University Union.

5:38 p.m. Kappa Phi- 8:38 p.m. UAO Campos Saowcase- m "Who's Afraid of Virginia WooH?" 11 p.m. UAO Campus Showcase— Cabinet meeting. UCF Center. starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard I p.m. Kappa Phi-Business meeting. All Burton. Admission 31. 210 Math Science members urged to attend. UCF Bldg. Burton. Admission 31. 210 Math Science Bldg. Center. 11 p.m. UAO Campus Showcase- 8:38 p.m. WHPE Basketball- "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wootf?" Major-Minor class. North Gym, starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Women's HPE Bldg. Burton. Admission 31. 210 Math Science Bldg. Sunday 7 p.m. Monster Movies- "Phantom from the Rue Morgue." Sponsored by the Popular Culture 8:45 a.m. Lutheran Worship for Center. Admission free. 115 Education Saturday Stadeats- Bldg. St. Mark's Lutheran Church. 1 p.m. Women's Iatercalleglate 7-7:J8 p.m. Prayer Meeting- Basketball- 8:38 a.m. Bible Study for Students- Inter-Varslty Christian Fellowship. Bowling Green meets Ohio State Village View Church of Christ. Seventh Prout Chapel. University. North Gym, Women's HPE Day Advenust Building. Enterprise & Bldg. Lehmann. 7:38 p.m. Zero PopulatiM Growth- General business meeting Open to the 1 p.m. Groove Tube Entertainment- public. Wayne Room. University Union. One and a half hour closed circuit satire

S p.m. Theatre Prodoctioa- "Hamlet," directed by Dr. F. Lee Miesle. Admission $1.50 for adults; 50 cents for high school students; 25 cents for Program Highlights university students. Main Auditorium, wbcu-f m 88.1 University Hall.

MONDAY ACTION--BGSU vs. SATUBDAY Marquette; 11:00 p.m. friday 9a.m. FREE FORM; 5:30 SHOWGRAM-A-Go

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