The National Jewish Post &Opinion Volume 75, Number 24 • August 26, 2009 • 6 Elul 5769 Two Dollars Nefesh B’Nefesh and Hesed Bar/Bat Mitzvah Project Jordan Mussman (L), 13, of Boca Raton, Fla., celebrates when told his Hesed Project was delivered! He was bar mitzvah at B’nai Torah and his Mitzvah/Hesed Project was to collect small, sample size toiletries and personal items for needy children and military personnel in Israel. After asking all of his guests and Kadima friends to bring items, Shown accepting a partial bag of the he solicited from others and eventually had 60 pounds of 60 pounds are United Synagogue of hundreds of items. Conservative ’s Jerome The problem was to the items to Israel. Jordan wanted to take them himself, Epstein (L), chief Israel affairs officer, and but his parents surprised him with a summer camp session at Camp Blue Star, in Rabbi Jim Lebeau, who is director of United North Carolina, so he turned to his grandparents. First, he asked for a two-day Synagogue’s Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center. Judy and Frank Kreutzer (R) are giving the round-trip ticket to take the items himself, either before or after camp. When that items to the Center. Frank, past international did not work, he asked them to take the donation/gift for him. president of United Synagogue, serves as Luckily, his maternal grandparents, Judy and Frank Kreutzer (photo–R), were chair of Israel operations and Fuchsberg. going to Israel, escorting a Nefesh B’Nefesh humanitarian flight taking over 250 new olim (immigrants) on aliyah to Israel, so they agreed. The Hesed Bar/Bat Mitzvah Project is an experimental program being developed JNF and the children of Sderot BY DIRK STIMSON by the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. In the past eight years, literally thousands of rockets have rained down on the Negev desert city of Sderot, Israel populated with over 20,000 Israelis. Due to the constant danger, doctors estimate that over 75% of children between the ages of 4 and 18 suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder. Responding to this the Jewish National Fund, working on an idea from Stanley Chesley, president of JNF America, has built a 21,000-square-foot indoor play- ground in Sderot in an abandoned textile factory. The complex is complete with a multipurpose indoor playing field, a café, a rock-climbing wall and playground equipment, a counseling center and health clinic. In addition, there is an aerobics/ dance studio at one end and a movie theater and teen disco at the other, both of which serve as shelters for when the sirens go off. This way, the children and staff can probably get to these shelters in the 15 to 20 seconds of warning they get before the missiles strike. “We are proud of the part that Central Florida has played in the creation of this safe haven,” commented Bruce Gould, Florida president of JNF. “The needs in Sderot are still great. Operational costs for this playground are obviously high. But, here in Orlando, our kids do not have to listen for sirens and scramble to safety in 15 seconds. JNF is proud to have accomplished this in Sderot.You can see that JNF is about more than trees.” Pictured above at a government reception at the airport for 232 new olim arriving on Nefesh B’Nefesh flight from United States are (L to R) Frank and Judy Kreutzer, Rabbi Paul and Nina Freedman and Laura and Jerry Jacobs. The youngest on the flight was 7 weeks and the oldest was 83. A total of 42 families with 93 children, 7 dogs and 1 cat made aliyah. Additionally, 60 singles made aliyah. Of those making aliyah, 22 would immediately join the IDF doing their military service. This was only one of many flights scheduled during the period prior to the High Holidays. Frank Kreutzer, former international president of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, and Jerry Jacobs, international secretary of United Synagogue, were invited to fly with and help escort the new olim in their departure from the United States and their new citizenship in Israel. Nefesh B’Nefesh, together with the Jewish Agency have partnered in this historic effort to foster aliyah on a worldwide basis. Rabbi Freedman is the director of the Israel Commission of United Synagogue, living in Israel for many years, having made aliyah with his wife Nina. He coordinates aliyah for the Conservative Movement in Israel, together with other Masorti organizations. NAT 2 August 26, 2009 Again, she was surprised: “Who do they with many sins that we may have think they are? They did not pay for this. committed against another person, but Editorial This food was not prepared for them. I am Shabbat Shalom we shouldn’t wait until Yom Kippur to set going to talk to the management.” things right. Elul gives us the chance to Three years ago at this time, I wrote After the lunch break, things calmed BY RABBI JON ADLAND begin that process of healing with those about a beautiful teaching Sylvia down and became quiet once again. August 21, 2009, Shoftim whose lives we touch. It may have been Boorstein had given at Congregation Boorstein returned to a more peaceful (Deuteronomy 16:18–1:9), 1 Elul 5769 an unkind word spoken inadvertently or a Beth-El Zedeck in Indianapolis. She had place, and her thoughts reflected that. missed opportunity to make a difference been the weekend scholar-in-residence She started sorting through her thoughts Today is the first day of the month Elul, in the life of a friend. It may have been a about three years prior, and the teaching about the Bridge game. It was mostly which is the month that precedes Tishrei. small act done in jest or a larger act done was about the mezuzah. Boorstein is a elderly people who would typically have One month from tonight, on Sept. 18, with malice. This world is a complicated practicing Jew and also a Buddhist. If been all alone in their apartments on a Jews around the world will gather to place and human beings are complicated you missed it or would like to read it dreary Monday morning. Wasn’t it nice celebrate Rosh Hashanah, beginning the creatures and often we are unaware of again, it will be on our web site: that instead there was this opportunity period we call the “Ten days of what we’ve done or said or missed. We for them to get together and enjoy some Repentance or the Days of Awe.” As we should take every opportunity to repair Before I published that editorial, I called companionship? all know, the ten days culminate with our relationships, strengthen friendships, and her to make sure that I understood clearly As far as the noisiness, she reasoned holiest day of the year,Yom Kippur, a day bring healing to the broken in our world. what she had said. At that time she was that part of being able to meditate is of fasting, self-reflection, and t’shuvah One rabbi writes, “Once we enter the working on a new book. I mentioned to learning to tune out extraneous noise. (repentance).What makes today significant month of Elul, any time a person writes a her another story she had told that Most people do not live in a situation is that the process of t’shuvah and letter to someone, it is incumbent upon weekend that I really enjoyed. I said if where there are no distractions, so listening reconciliation with our community and the writer to somehow allude to the fact that story was not in any of her previous to the Bridge bids being called out was God begins with the month of Elul. at the beginning of the letter that he books, would she please consider including probably a good experience for the students. The Tanzer Rebbe was once asked, wishes and hopes that the person has a it in the new one. And I noticed recently Then her thoughts turned to the food. “What do you do before you pray?”The good year. The standard blessing is “K’tiva on her web site (www.sylviaboorstein What harm was it that some food was Rebbe replied,“I pray that I may be able to V’chatima Tova,” literally “A good writing .com/index.html) she has written a new taken by people who were not signed up for pray.” The Rebbe reminds us that one and sealing,” meaning that the person book titled, Happiness Is an Inside Job. the class. No one in the class was going to cannot just walk into a synagogue and should be written, so to speak, in the As the month of Elul begins and the go hungry, and if there was too much, the begin praying. One must prepare himself Book of Life, the Book of Good, and be Days of Awe are approaching, I have been excess food might get thrown out. or herself for prayer before the worship sealed in that book as well.” thinking about the story she told. Because She asked herself,“If I was in India and actually begins. On Shabbat we do this by This week’s Torah portion says,“Justice, it has been more than six years since I heard a pregnant woman came up and asked singing a song or two, listening to some Justice, you shall pursue.” The word in it, I will tell it differently than she did, and me for food, wouldn’t I give her every- transitional words, and greeting those Hebrew is “tzedek,”meaning righteousness possibly come up with a different message, thing I had, and possibly go buy more for around us. It helps to set the mood for the as well. We can pursue justice and but hopefully something useful will her? And if it were hungry children, I worship that is going to take place. So, righteousness not only through tikkun emerge.This is how I remember her story. would not stop to think how much of my too, is the case for the High Holy Days. olam repairing the world, but through She was teaching a mindfulness food I would share with them. I would These Days of Awe demand thought healing the relationships in our lives and meditation class in in a give them whatever I had.” and reflection of who we are, what we are in our community. Forgiveness is a building on a floor that had been recently Part of what I got from this story is how doing, where we are going and how we powerful tool and with the beginning of added or remodeled. The surroundings quickly one’s mind can shift from a lofty are going to get there. The month of Elul Elul, we should all be encouraged to seek were very nice. It was a Monday morning, spiritual or Godly place where nothing is helps prepare us for this. Because these forgiveness, put our lives right with those and the rain outside was gently falling. lacking to the ego where no matter how days are filled with so much meaning and around us, and make our lives right My understanding is that one of the much one has it is never quite enough. In potency, they require a special measure of before God. purposes of mindfulness meditation is to Kabbalah, the high place is called “big readiness. We are called upon to enter When you light your Shabbat candles help one become aware of what he or she is mind”and ego is “small mind.” them thoughtfully and to consider what this week, light one for the healing power thinking by simply paying attention to the I have been struggling with that lately. I they mean. As the Maharal of Prague of repentance. Light the other candle as a thoughts as they trickle through the mind. have been wondering why my mind said,“All the month of Elul, before eating reminder that we should begin to prepare As the class was progressing, Boorstein wants to cling to worry like a dog clenches and sleeping, a person should look into ourselves for the coming of the Holy Days was thinking how wonderful everything the bone in its mouth if someone tries to his soul and search his deeds, that he may during this month of Elul. was going. The turnout for her class was take it away. This makes no sense to me make confession.” Rabbi Adland is senior rabbi of good. Whoever constructed the building because I feel so much better in “big On Yom Kippur the liturgy presents us Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation. must have done a tremendous job mind,”but in fact it is very challenging to because the room was very quiet and get there and stay there, and it is so easy The National Jewish peaceful, just what is needed for this to fall back to “small mind.” class. Aroma from a tasty, healthy lunch Like the Sabbath, the High Holidays is for the break between the morning and our time to take a break from all the afternoon class was filling the air. distractions of everyday living and to Post &Opinion During the middle of a meditation, all examine our thoughts and feelings so of a sudden from a room down the hall that we can become aware of our short- she could hear different people calling comings and strive to make the changes out: “two spades,”“three diamonds,”“four that we need to make to become the Editorial and sales offices located at The Jewish Post & Opinion hearts.” Completely distracted from her people that we want to be. Yom Kippur 238 S. Meridian St., Suite 502, Indianapolis, IN 46225 Published biweekly by office: (317) 972-7800 • fax: (317) 972-7807 The Spokesman Co., Inc. meditation, she wondered,“How are my is considered the Sabbath of all Sabbaths (USPS 275-580) (ISSN 0888-0379) students going to meditate with all that so what better time is there to do this? [email protected] Periodicals postage paid at racket? Who in their right mind could Address correspondence to: Indianapolis, IN Jennie Cohen 8-26-09 238 S. Meridian St., Suite 502, Indianapolis, IN 46225 schedule a Bridge class at the same time as All circulation correspondence should be addressed to a meditation class when peace and quiet Publishers Advertising Director Accounting The National Jewish Post & Opinion, are mandatory? Maybe the construction Gabriel Cohen, z”l Barbara LeMaster Vivian Chan Subscription Department, wasn’t as good as I originally thought Jennie Cohen 238 S. Meridian St., Suite 502, Indianapolis, IN 46225. Advertising Sales Editors Postmaster send address changes to: because the walls are too thin.” The National Jewish Post & Opinion, Graphic Design Mary Herring Jennie Cohen After the lunch break, the Bridge game Subscription Department, Charlie Bunes Grechen Throop 238 S. Meridian St., Suite 502, ended, and as some of Bridge players Indianapolis, IN 46225. were leaving, they walked by her room Subscriptions $36.00 per year, back issues $2.25, single copies $2.00. and saw leftover food on the table. All advertisements designed and prepared by The Jewish Post & Opinion are the sole property of the newspaper and may not be Without asking, they came in and helped reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Copyright © 2005 Spokesman Co. Inc. All rights reserved. themselves to the food on the table. August 26, 2009 NAT 3 Judaism in a suitcase – Howie Mandel moved Chassidic Rabbi Rabbinic pair bring by visit to BY RABBI BENZION COHEN Jewish cheer and Treatment Center resources to Indiana Our sages taught us “If you work hard , CALIF. – Howie at learning Torah or doing a mitzvah, you Mandel took time out of his production will eventually find success, even more INDIANAPOLIS, IND. – Two young schedule today to visit the Chabad than anticipated.” I work hard on these Chabad-Lubavitch are currently Residential Treatment in Los Angeles and articles. Here is an encouraging response visiting the State of Indiana from Aug. 9 talk with residents who are recovering from that I received about my last article. until Aug. 28 as part of their summer-long addiction to drugs and alcohol. Benzion, Okay, I see you have reasons for community outreach training. They are Mandel is well known to fans as both not giving up land. Surely, however, you equipped with books, programming ideas an extremely popular comedian who want your children and grandchildren to and lots of optimistic Jewish cheer to performs two hundred nights per year live in peace. So what are you willing to do reinforce Jewish pride and enhance and as the host of the hit show “Deal or to achieve peace? Love, Miriam Jewish education. No Deal,” for which he received a 2008 Ultimately, peace is not in our hands. The pair, Rabbis Sholom Shuchat and Rabbis Sholom Shuchat (L) and Primetime Emmy Award nomination. Wealth, poverty, health, peace, life and Menachem Raskin are hauling suitcases Menachem Raskin (R). During his visit to the Chabad death are all in the hands of Hashem. Of of videos, brochures, books, Shabbat reception has always been warm. Residental Treatment Center, Howie course we also must work on these things. candles, mezuzahs (a religious scroll “Especially in my community [which is a toured the facility with director Donna It’s wrong to smoke, drink and eat junk placed on doorways), and kosher food, very] small community, where there is no Miller. During the tour he took time food, and then ask Hashem for miracles. and will be working closely with local rabbi to conduct Jewish things, it’s unbe- to speak one-on-one with residents, If we want to be healthy, we must first Jewish communities. The pair regularly lievably important for the people that the bringing them inspiration, encouragement realize that health is a blessing from teach classes, including one on Kabbalah, Lubavitch emissaries come here,” said and laughs. Hashem. We try to earn this and all other and host Shabbat dinners in the cities Nissan Anavian, the community organizer Howie later described his feelings blessings by learning Torah and fulfilling they travel to. Shuchat and Raskin will in Kobe, Japan.“They bring light to people about the visit. “I knew about Chabad’s mitzvahs. Then we must be also careful to reach out to unaffiliated Jews to help sometimes completely in darkness.” work. I knew they do great things. That’s eat, exercise and rest properly. In most cases, them rediscover their heritage and will be But they don’t necessarily travel abroad. why I always participate in the Chabad this is a recipe for a long and healthy life, spending much of their time on house- They also visit locations closer to their Telethon.” He was clearly moved as he but there are exceptions. Recently a dear to-house visitation. home base of New York, like Montana, continued, “But to see the work that’s friend passed away after a long illness. He Lafayette is the 1st stop on the young Wyoming, and Saskatchewan. While the done here makes it all the more real. This had been very careful to watch his health, rabbis’ 70-stop trip to the State this communities they help are not necessarily reminds me of the first episode of ‘Deal or and also careful to fulfill the mitzvahs. summer. Other stops include: Ft. Wayne, lacking in I-pods or microwaves, many No Deal.’ I had spent weeks obsessing May he rest in peace, and may his Kokomo, Columbus, Marion, Portland, are lacking in Jewish activities – both about how I could make the show memory be a blessing for us. We have to Anderson, Alexandria, Muncie, Terre social and religious. interesting and about my performance. do our part, but ultimately our health, and Haute, and Dunkirk. Jews all over the Chosen for their rabbinic proficiency and Then, when the very first contestant came our very life, is in the hands of Hashem. State of Indiana will be studying Torah their people skills, a pair travels to each out, I saw her face and how much this These same principles apply to peace. and exploring their Jewish heritage, many place to meet with Jewish communal meant to her. I still remember her name. Peace is a blessing from Hashem, and a for the first time due to the pair’s efforts. leaders and educators as well as individuals. She needed this money. This was a very important one. Our sages said that Rabbis Shuchat and Raskin are part of a Sometimes the only way to locate the human being in an honest moment – and one may have health and wealth, but if he worldwide program sometimes referred Jews is by guesswork in the local telephone suddenly I realized that the show isn’t doesn’t have peace, he has nothing. If he to as “the Lubavitch Summer Peace book. Despite proficiency in many types about me, it’s about the people who doesn’t have peace of mind, he can’t Corps,”in which some 1,000 young rabbis of community outreach, “the most come on it. That is what I felt today. It’s enjoy his health and wealth, so what and senior rabbinical students visit meaningful time for me is that spent in one thing to hear about people being good are they to him? thousands of locations worldwide, personal, one-on-one conversations with helped, but it’s quite another to see them How do we achieve peace? Like all including countries like Bolivia, Bosnia, families and individuals,” said Raskin. first hand.” blessings from Hashem, we achieve peace Cambodia, Croatia, Fiji, Guadeloupe, “Many people approach us seeking A mini-documentary of Howie’s visit first and foremost by living a life of Torah Ireland, Portugal, Sri Lanka and Uruguay. advice on how to maintain or bolster their by director Kevin Bright (“Friends”) will and mitzvahs. We have seen this many The program was conceived and Jewish identity, especially where the air on the upcoming Chabad “To Life” times, especially here, in the Holy Land. developed by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Jewish infrastructure is small.” Telethon. The 29th Annual Chabad The Jewish people have lived here for Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of In Stockholm, where emissaries went Telethon will air on Sun., Sept. 13 from over 3,800 years. When we lived a life of righteous memory, more than 50 years in the past, this was certainly true. Mr. 5-11 p.m. (PDT) on KTLA 5 in Los Torah, we had peace. When we strayed ago and has been responsible for Adam Rafman, outgoing chairman of Angeles, WLNY in the Tri-State area, from the Torah, one or more of our bolstering Jewish communities and religious affairs for his community, said KTSF in San Francisco, and nationwide neighbors decided to make war with us. individuals worldwide. that because of the students’ hard work, on DirecTV’s JLTV Ch. 366. For more Then eventually we got the message. We In years and locations past the “the young people become more interested information and to view the telethon returned to Hashem and His Torah and in Jewish life and everything Jewish.” streamed live online visit found peace. j i “We all look forward to their visits because This is especially true now. Sixty years The good news is that more and more they touch so many lives when they ago the modern state of Israel was founded. people here and all over the world are come,” said Tommy Rybar, vice president Many of the founding fathers believed getting the message. Communism is of the Guatemalan Jewish community. only in communism, socialism and work. pretty much dead. Hundreds of millions “[Then] they go home, but leave behind a Most of the kibbutzim didn’t even have who once believed in this false G-d are fire that will burn for a long time.” a shul. They established hundreds of coming to believe in Hashem. People here Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, the secular schools that educated millions of and everywhere are waking up. They’re educational arm of the Chabad- children to live secular lives. asking questions. Lubavitch movement, sponsors the Sixty years ago seven neighboring “What is the meaning of life? My outreach program. nations declared war against the newly marriages failed twice. I feel empty. To reach rabbis Shuchat and Raskin founded state. Baruch Hashem, we won Maybe there is a better alternative to the please email them at RabbiShuchat@ that war, and the next seven wars that way that I’ve been living my life? I or call 248-247-4900. To speak followed, but we haven’t had any real desperately need a little peace. Peace of with people at the Lubavitch World peace. As soon as our enemies were mind. Peace with my wife. Peace with my Headquarters, please email Rabbi Rabbi Chaim Cunin (R) putting Tefillin on defeated, they began to prepare them- siblings. Peace with my parents. Peace with Mordechai Seligson at mseligson@ Howie Mandel (L) during his visit to the selves for the next round. (see Chassidic Rabbi, page NAT 15) Chabad Drug Treatment Center. NAT 4 August 26, 2009 surprised if you find that you are brought that are at stake. But because awareness is into contact with people you have not not the only side of the coin in this Kabbalah seen for a while. You are now given an Focus II struggle, she searched for and found opportunity to heal and complete the the inspiration she needed to fight her of the Month relationship in a way that was not possible destructive illness. before. Historically, Elul is the time period She keeps herself from “binging and BY MELINDA RIBNER during which Moses returned to Mount BY RABBI SHEA HECHT purging” by changing her point of Sinai to plead for forgiveness for the sin view about food altogether. The Rambam Elul Teachings of the Golden Calf. Consequently, Elul is Eating disorders: states that the health of the body is the time that we work on forgiveness of essential for Avodas Hashem. Taking this (August 20th – September 18th) ourselves and others that will then allow The secret war to heart, she views her daily meals as part us to receive a new and deeper revelation (part 3 of 3) of a spiritual medicine that enables her to Imagine that you had only one day or during the High Holiday period. fulfill her role as a Jewish woman. Her one month to live? This may not be a Though forgiveness is a great gift we medicine, in this case, is a commitment to pleasant thing to consider, we really do can give to another, it is primarily an act Many years ago, I had the opportunity routine and modest meals that keep her not want to confront our mortality, it is of compassion toward ourselves. Anger to meet with a young woman who struggled in good physical health and able to serve too intense, but indulge yourself or and resentment keep us bound to limiting with an eating disorder. For a variety of Hashem. In other words, her desire to feel pretend for just a moment. What would ideas of who we are – we feel like a reasons she was searching for a refuge. spiritually whole helps her to fight you do if you had a day or a month to victim, we feel stuck, and so on. When we That refuge turned out to be food. It was physical inclinations. This young woman live? How do you feel? Who do you want are angry, we are generally disconnected not long before her “comfort eating”had has a long way to go in her struggle with to be with? How would you relate to from ourselves and God. Forgiveness and her weight spiraling out of control. bulimia, but she does have a new resolve others? What would you need to do or compassion purify, heal and liberate us, She had a keen awareness of the as an invaluable resource to help her in say to feel at peace with yourself and we feel free and whole. We become health risks involved, and of the way that this fight. accepting of your life? closer to God. Forgiveness is complete it affected her opinion of herself. Reflect on what would make you feel when we gain insight into how the Nonetheless, both conventional and like you had lived a meaningful fulfilled life. challenges and difficulties we have faced “fad” diets failed time after time, leaving Rather than deal with This visualization is actually a powerful in this last year supported our growth. her feeling broken (further fueling the spiritual practice suggested in the Talmud. problem). She was very hard-pressed to her issue as a private Somehow, when we reflect on our control her impulses at all, let alone to mortality we are provided with a sense of In Elul, we receive actually lose any weight. Yet, almost by personal conflict, she urgency to imbue our current lives with accident, she found the means to reinvent meaning, gratitude and love. As we never the wake-up call of herself and find the perspective necessary instead dealt with it as know when our last day on earth will be, to deal with her personal issues and beat the Talmud recommends that each day we the shofar that is her chronic overeating. Avodas Hashem. a religious battle to do teshuva.Teshuva refers to Jewish spiritual Rather than deal with her issue as a practices that help restore us to living our blown every day in private personal conflict, she instead dealt refine herself and her most authentic selves so we will be better with it as a religious battle to refine able to receive the deepest revelation of synagogue this month. herself and her place in the world – place in the world. God’s light and love.The headquarters for what Chassidic philosophy calls avodas teshuva is the month of Elul. habirurim. The pillar of her relationship to There are very few of our life’s battles In Elul, we receive the wake-up call of The Torah portion Shoftim introduces the Almighty and her mission as a Jew that can be won without invoking the the shofar that is blown every day in the month of Elul with a command to was iskafiya (restraint), and she considered best of our spirit and determination. If we synagogue this month. The call of the appoint judges and officers to execute any food that was unnecessary for her see ourselves as isolated and without shofar asks us to find ourselves and God justice objectively with impartiality. The health and well-being to be trayf. Years direction, even the simplest test can seem in a deeper way. The first letters of the truth is that we are always judging later, she looks and behaves like an hopeless. But if we understand our Hebrew verse Ani Ledodi vidodi li, “I am ourselves and others. We are projecting entirely different person. By all accounts troubles in way that challenges us to my beloved and my beloved is mine” our judgments onto others all the time, she has beaten her self-destructive fulfill our purpose in this world, we spells out Elul. Take a few moments to but the most important question that we relationship with food. can tap into a wealth of energy and repeat or even sing these words over and must be mindful of is are we objective I was reminded of this story because of inspiration that will help us overcome over and allow your heart to open to and impartial? Do we see ourselves and a teen whom I recently spoke with who is our challenges. God’s love. We have so many different others clearly? Do we make false grappling with bulimia nervosa, the Without a doubt, victory over an eating relationships and experiences of God and assumptions that create separation when “binge and purge” disorder. I am very disorder comes with the guidance of other people, but that of lover and we so much desire love and unity? How impressed by the approach she had professionals, the support of loved ones beloved is the most exquisite. can we see ourselves and others as we adopted, which bears some remarkable and years of work. No one should It is said that there is a very intimate really are so we can live from that place of similarities. This youngster is likewise presume otherwise. On the other hand, loving closeness with God and people authenticity and integrity more fully? fully aware of the potential long-term as Jews we have an inheritance of this month. Through the unique spiritual In the month of Elul, we look to find health risks and the damage to her body thousands of years of wisdom that has grace of Elul, it is easier to get in touch the inner witness of the soul. It is very guided us through even the darkest with what is pure and constant within us. hard to be objective with ourselves and to j i moments. In caring for the material body, Even though the heat may still be strong even trust our objectivity. We cannot the day, reflect on whether you lived we cannot ignore the need for a fulfilling this month, there is a subtle change in the know what we do not know. Therefore, today purposefully with intention and spiritual life. It is through this alone that quality of light in Elul, and we sense that calling on a friend, family member or a open-heartedness. Did you offer kindness we can lay a foundation from which we fall will soon be upon us. In many places therapist who is a spiritual guide can help to another person today. Were you kind rise to meet our challenges. in the world, the days will become shorter, us to see past our blind spots to connect to yourself? Rabbi Hecht serves as chairman of the the air cooler, and the leaves will once the dots in our lives. The people who are Melinda (Mindy) Ribner (Miriam board at the National Committee for the again turn into beautiful colors before in our intimate lives may have guidance Shulamit), L.C.S.W. is a spiritual Furtherance of Jewish Education, where he they gracefully fall to the ground. Some of on what we can do to improve and be a psychotherapist and healer in private has continued the tradition of social services us will greet these changes with joy, others better person. practice ( management and outreach that began with with regret, nevertheless the natural In conclusion, I suggest the following She is a teacher of Jewish meditation and his father, the late Rabbi Jacob J. Hecht. He changes will occur. Nature turns inward writing meditation. Kabbalah for over 25 years. Author of is dean of Hadar Hatorah School for College and so do we. If you can, take time to journal your Kabbalah Month by Month, New Age Youth and a lecturer at the Ivy League Torah As Elul is the last day of the Jewish year, stream of consciousness on,“Today was a Judaism, and Everyday Kabbalah, she is Study Program. He is a cofounder of the Ari Elul is a time of spiritual accounting. Elul day when I ______.”Just write without also the founder and director of Beit Miriam Program, an innovative school for at-risk is when we try to complete unfinished thinking too much. What did you do ( She can be reached by kids. He can be reached at 718-735-0200 or business as much as we can. Do not be today? As you review your writing for email at [email protected]. at [email protected]. August 26, 2009 NAT 5 racist. Dr. Henry Louis Gates, who is For starters, we have now rediscovered P.S. Several alert readers pointed out Jewish presently concerned with how sincere a federal agency that is both helpful and that Stephen G. Breyer is Jewish and Abraham Lincoln was about the abolition efficient, the Congressional Budget Justice David H. Souter is not. Thank of slavery, would have a field day with the Office, which has demonstrated its ability you all. And someone suggested that I tell America early feminists and their support of the to accurately determine what the finan- all of you that Supreme Court Justice “right to abortion.” cial figures are. The head of this office is a Sonia Sotomayor is not the first Hispanic BY HOWARD W.KARSH I am not speaking for any of you, but the political appointment of the House of Justice on the Court, it was Justice idea that a doctor is trained and qualified Representative, but there is no reason to Benjamin Nathan Cardozo, who was The health to help families make “end of life”decisions believe from its practice, that it takes appointed by President Herbert Hoover, is unacceptable. Where were they trained liberty with its findings. Speaker of and served from 1932 to 1938. He insurance debate: to do this? What doctors take course work the House, Nancy Pelosi, made the followed Jewish Justice Louis Brandeis muddied waters to determine the cultural differences in appointment, which has not yet been and was followed by Jewish Justice Felix the people asking the question? confirmed by the entire House of Frankfurter. Both Justice Breyer and The citizens of the United States Medical euthanasia is, in fact, practiced Representatives. This office has existed Justice Ginsburg were appointed by deserved the right to debate health in every state in the United States on a since 1974, but until recently, no one President Clinton. Now you know. insurance, universal coverage, and access daily basis. It happens in nursing homes seemed to check with them before they Howard W. Karsh lives and writes to medical services. By the very act of where, with the families consent, food made promises. in Milwaukee, Wisc. His e-mail is adding to the mix, payments to doctors and water is withheld. It happens when In all of the recent financial stumbling, [email protected]. for discussing “end of life” issues, the families agree not to make “heroic we are hearing that members of Congress whole debate has been muddied and efforts.” These are very complicated are making announcements without the j i distorted. Between the radicals on the decisions that deserve more than a “paid benefit of hard substantiated facts. It left and the reactionaries on the right, the medical consultation.” In most states, would be helpful if before we went World Federation of real discussion will never find the place hospitals, nursing homes and hospices any further, someone would help us Jewish Child Survivors it deserves. are required to persistently revisit these understand what we have already done. I do not believe that any sizable number issues with families. The battle is about We, the American people, now own a of the Holocaust of people want to deny anyone healthcare. making it a “policy.” large share of GM and Chrysler, both of At present everyone does have some type which went into bankruptcy, permanently The 21st annual conference of the of access, in emergencies through emer- laid off thousands of workers, shut World Federation of Jewish Child gency rooms, and in non-emergencies The right-wing rhetoric distributors, and whose future is in doubt. Survivors of the Holocaust will take place through the emergency room. We need If we were to throw in the expense of in the Boston suburb of Newton, Mass, at this debate because too many people are explodes against the new “clunker”program, exactly how the Marriott Hotel. The dates of the not getting the right kind of service, and much did the fall of the two auto giants conference are Friday (evening), Oct. 30, the service they are getting is overtaxing the left-wing cost the American people, and what did 2009 – Nov. 2, 2009 (noon). All child one part of the system, usually the most we get for it. survivors, their spouses, and members of expensive part. feigned innocence… We lent billions to banks. Many of them the second and third generation are What most people wanted was a have already paid us back, and that is welcome to attend. systematic look at the entire system, and Lord, Lord, give us rest… good. But if they made money on the The conference will highlight prominent some effort made to determine how best to money that we lent them, and they did, speakers, Holocaust-related seminars, meet the needs of the population, and what We need to declare why didn’t we get a fair share of the panel discussions, small workshops and it would cost to do it. The entry in to the profits? And what about AIG, our largest films. In addition, there will be dancing, fray of the pharmaceutical industry, dressed a “state of peace.” national commercial asset? What exactly singing and Klezmer music for entertain- up like the wolf in Little-Red-Riding-Hood, happened to all of that money? And what ment. Optional post conference tours are was only the first sign that this whole We are faced presently, and will be do we own of what is left? available to visit Jewish Boston, The New issue was going to become so complex, faced in the future, with the sheer Do you agree, that under all these England Holocaust Memorial and/or the that it would be beyond comprehension. economics of these decisions. President “clouds” of government, deeds-already- Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, Mass. We routinely do not let the parties to Obama was faced with making these done, that even without the radical left For more information, please contact the conflict determine the rules, and the decisions in the recent death of his and the reactionary right sounding co-chairwomen Marriane Kronenberg at pharmaceutical industry is a party to the grandmother, and elected to do righteous, we would have very little 1-781-444-6262 and/or Eva Paddock at issue. Into the mix came the “end of life” everything medically that, against clarity, and who shall we trust? 1-617-491-4894. counseling, which, at least for the medical odds, would extend her life. Our young president is in a hurry. He is moment, so roiled the waters, that Sadly, it did not work. I would have surrounded by an astounding group of Call/Write for Free Books progress is stalled, and the hope of some made the same decision. advisors, but they have served him very resolve is dimmed. I do not know of any thinking senior poorly. Hurrying now means that many of We are 100% Judaism; not The right-wing rhetoric explodes against who is not aware that there is already the animals who are no longer on the disguised of any other science the left-wing feigned innocence. Many of “medical rationing,” and although there endangered list and live in the U.S. you might not remember that much of is no formality about it, it has a “language National Parks will now be confronted the concern that led to the opening of of compassion” for both the living and with tourists, legally packing guns. Lord, Jack Botwin mass abortions came in response to the the dying. Lord, give us rest. Books by Morris Lichtenstein unfortunate lot of women who were We are now discussing this compre- We have no crystal ball, no economic forced to use “back alley” medicine hensive issue in the face of financial crisis. prophets, no clear philosophy of how to FREE BOOK by because they felt they had no choices. We realize that at some point we cannot move forward in this economic whirl- Rabbi Morris Lichtenstein Women died, and that was regrettable, solve every problem facing us by printing wind, but racing through hurricane force but the present debate, in part, is argued money, and that we are going to have to winds lacks common sense, at a time Applied Judaism in front of the image of abortion as a decide on some equitable program of when common sense is not that common. method of birth control. what we want and what we are willing to What to do? We need to declare a “state Jewish Science For those of you who might be interested, pay for it, including those who “can’t of peace.”No new proposals for 90 days. 11 AM Sunday • 109 E. 39 NYC the very beginnings of the abortion participate in the discussion because they No news conferences. Demand that Wolf All Welcome/Friendly/Free movement were formed on the basis that are in the increasing body of the “needy.” Blitzer not work in the “Situation Room.” abortion would control the births of the And then there is the discussion about No national polls. No coverage of lower classes. It was not secret, they said Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. political pundits. No special consultants 12301 San Fernando Rd. #406 it out loud. The rich always had access Rhetoric will not accomplish anything. on CNN, FOX and MSNBC. Let Sarah Sylmar, CA 91342 to trained doctors who performed The president would be well advised to Palin fish. Let Vice President Biden spend (818) 367-4532 (24 Hr.) medical abortions. It was the poor who stop making promises that the nation quality time with his family. Make sure had no access. This discussion in today’s cannot fulfill. It makes the discussion that Hillary Clinton gets some time off. environment would be considered openly more difficult. We need some time to chill. NAT 6 August 26, 2009 The High Holidays afford us the oppor- it isn’t, it stops feeling shabbosdik. That’s Wiener’s tunity to be thankful while we are reliving Funsmith how shabbosdik checkers variations like what was and contemplating what will Susan’s Lazy Checkers get invented. be. Now we are at a juncture in the road How to play Lazy Susan(Kf) Checkers: Wisdom of our journey that allows us to consider So the 5 or 7 or maybe 3 players gather the gratitude we need to speak not only around a checker board. On your turn, BY RABBI IRWIN WIENER, D.D. to God but to our family and friends. BY BERNIE DEKOVEN you take turns turning, as it were, rotating There are times when we feel that we are the board Lazy-Susan-ikly so you who The agony of life alone. There are times when we seem to Fun of Shabbos were black are now not, and vice versa, forget that with an outstretched hand we and on and on, each player playing a How time flies! It is as if we were are able to touch another hand. Dear Funsmith, different color, everyone, ultimately, standing on this spot at this time just a So here we are at this time in our lives. So, can we even make Shabbos fun? playing on the same side. short time ago. As we get older time A time set aside by design to enable us to Sincerely, One could easily extend the Lazy- seems to pass even quicker. In one instant reconnoiter, to stop time and remind Shabbos Dick Susan(Kf) line of games to include we were learning to walk and talk and in ourselves that we are part of a sacred Chinese Shabbosdik Checkers, so that as the next we are finding it difficult to even undertaking: A pilgrimage in search of Dear Mr. or Mrs. Dick, few as 2 players could take turns turning, understand what was, let alone anticipate completion. Though we cannot fully ...wait a minute, this couldn’t be a real or even turn together, but with many what will be. comprehend the essence of our being we question? There couldn’t really be anyone more colors to be and not. The High Holidays will soon be here still accept life as a gift from God. who calls him- or herself Shabbos Dick In fact, one might even suppose that and with them thoughts of reconciliation and still wants people to take him or her one could make many games more and introspection. At this time we begin to seriously.This has got to be another of the shabbosdik were one to apply the understand the need for us to reevaluate Funsmith’s playful ploys, just so he can Lazy-Susan(Kf) approach to them. Even our lives; the deeds and misdeeds of the The High Holidays can think about, write about, share with you Gin Rummy or Ping Pong even. past year. At this time we begin to under- his personal explorations of the And when board turning and turn stand that fulfillment is achieved by and should be a time for fun/Shabbos relationship. turning turn out to be too tiring already, believing that our destiny is determined us to consider that we Because, as we all know so well, you maybe a different kind of game altogether. by our comprehension of the value of life. can’t make Shabbos itself more fun. A physically all-together game exactly At this time we begin to understand that are not alone in the Because Shabbos is probably as fun as it like “The Sound and Fury.” loneliness can be overcome with love; gets, ever, especially a Good Shabbos, the So you stand in a circle. Some, randomly that offense is overcome by forgiveness; struggle of life. kind we really wish each other even assigned body (it might as well be you) that the joys we experience should be before Shabbos starts. Taking time to eat makes a gesture (the “fury”part of the game) accompanied by gratitude. together, slowly, one delicious course and a sound (the, um,“sound”part). The High Holidays can and should be a Our lives are filled with so many after another, to listen to, to love each time for us to consider that we are not occasions. There is birth, marriage, other, one delicious person after another. alone in the struggle of life. We have a sickness, health, weakness, strength, Taking time to appreciate the gift of Taking time to appreciate partner. God is our partner. Sometimes in victory and defeat. There is death, but Shabbos, the one day we turn away from our despair we think that no one cares, there is also eternal life. All these make up the week, the one day we have time to the gift of Shabbos, the especially God and we question the very what we refer to as the journey of life. We celebrate the gift of life, the gift, the existence of our Creator because of our celebrate and we mourn, we laugh and we miracle, the deep fun of our, well, one day we turn away pain. We cry out for answers never truly cry. And through all of these encounters Shabbos together. understanding that God is right here, right we should still remember to thank God So we can’t make Shabbos more fun. from the week, the one by our side, and at times even carrying us for allowing us the opportunity to make What we can do, however, is make in His arms to rest our weary feet from this journey, to experience the agonies ourselves more, so to speak, shabbosdik. day we have time to the sad parts of our journey. and the ecstasies. Some of us can do this just by resting, Margaret Fishback Powers wrote an Perhaps the true meaning of the High hanging out, staying loose for whole time, celebrate the gift of… essay titled “Footprints.”In it she writes of Holiday season can best be summed up all Shabbos. Some also like to get dressed a dream she had. She was walking along by something a friend of mine wrote, one nicely, take an extra shower, get a hair our Shabbos together. the beach with her God. As she walked of many of his writings and is a translation trim, maybe even, before Shabbos. Some scenes of her life flashed in front of her. from the Book of Proverbs. His name is of us make the house cleaner, make the The gesture should be a whole body And with each step she took she saw two Danny Siegel. A man of virtue and under- dinner bigger, prepare every meal ahead kind of gesture. And the sound some sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging standing, of charity and compassion, who of time, set the tables, wash the kids. accompanying oral reflection of the to her and the other belonging to God. I am privileged to know and respect: Some of us sing more, pray more, dance significance (or lack thereof) of the sound. Then as the last scene of her life flashed, more, and each thing we do makes us feel And then everybody, simultaneously, she noticed only one set of footprints. She If you will always assume more shabbosdik. does exactly the same thing. thought of this as the lowest and saddest the person sitting next to you is the messiah So of course we can play more on And then the next player goes. And then time of her life. waiting for some human kindness. Shabbos. We have the time. The question everybody repeats the movement-with- She was so troubled and began to You will soon learn to weigh your words is can we play more, to coin a word, sound. And then the next player goes. On question God by reminding Him that He and watch your hands. shabbosdikly on Shabbos? Can our and on, for at least several rounds. had promised to be with her all the way, all And if he so chooses not to reveal himself playing together feel more, well, It’s amusing, at least, to see your gesture during her journey of life. She continued in your time, shabbosdik? Are some games more repeated in such grand and unanimous to question as to whether God had it will not matter. shabbosdik than others? manifestation. Taking a few steps forward remembered His promise and that during Yes.Yes. And again, I say, yes. makes everybody else take a few steps her most troublesome time she noticed Rabbi Irwin Wiener is spiritual leader of We’d probably have the most luck with forward. Turning around, snorting and only one set of footprints in the sand. Her the Sun Lakes Jewish Congregation near the games that don’t make us fight. Or kicking likewise. It’s also amusing to create faith seemed to be shattered and she Phoenix, Ariz. He welcomes comments at cry. Or feel bored or stupid or wrong. For a gesture and noise that will look silly when questioned even more by asking why [email protected]. some of us, it’s too hard to feel or even act everybody else does it. As it is amusing for during her moist difficult time was God shabbosdik when we feel like we’re everybody else to see you making the silly not beside her, walking with her. losing. But, knowing us, first thing we’d gesture and noise. Especially amusing to Then she continues her story by think of, given the chance, is that we can the young in body and mind. explaining what all of us should know but play almost any game more shabbosdikly. And so the game goes, on, and actually tend to forget: That there is only one set Checkers even. Chinese Checkers even. on, each person taking a turn, everybody of footprints because at the time of our So, if it’s Shabbos, and everyone wants simultaneously mirroring back the exact suffering, the time of great despair, it is to play a game, whatever it is, we play it motion and sound. And somehow in the then that God carries us. This is why we only as long as it is fun for everyone, it’s process there’s a bridge that gets built may see only one set of footprints. probably shabbosdik. Because as soon as (see DeKoven, page NAT 15) August 26, 2009 NAT 7 children and their children’s children.” responsibility…If such reciprocal And, certainly, the halakhah (rabbinic responsibility extends to all Israelites Parsha Perspective law) mandates us to do so. sharing misfortune on account of the sins The Roads The circumstances that Moses imagined committed by the few, how much more so from Babel BY MAGIDAH might come to pass were realized in will it apply to the reciprocal entitlement Ezekiel’s time. The prophet lived during to enjoyment…One single individual KHULDA BAT the Babylonian exile when the people whose lifestyle is beyond reproach may BY SETH BEN-MORDECAI SARAH AND challenged the legitimacy of the Torah’s save all his peers from impending doom.” RABBI MOSHE commandments.They regarded themselves And most of us have had the experience Mountain of God BEN ASHER, PH.D. as having been sold by God into exile, so of witnessing the extraordinary effect one they felt themselves no longer bound by individual of great character, courage, and A generic Hebrew word for “god” is Shared responsibility God’s commandments (Ezekiel 20: 3, 32). commitment can have on the lives of others. “eloah,” whose plural form “gods,” is The prophet, not surprisingly, had a far Akeidat Yitzhak (Rabbi Yitzchak ben “elohim.” Both words can refer to God, for teshuvah different viewpoint. From his perspective, Moshe Arama, 1420–1494) teaches us although paradoxically, the singular form the bond between God and the Jewish that the message of this parasha is that “eloah” is rare while the plural “elohim” The opening verse of parasha Nitzavim people would always be renewed, thus teshuvah “…has to begin due to one’s is common. always brings home to us that we’re on was eternal. So far, history has not contra- feeling afflicted.” However, by this com- Despite the plural form “elohim” the verge of High Holy Days. It tells us: dicted his prophetic acuity. Moreover, mentator’s lights, the larger message is behaves as a singular noun: The Tanakh’s “You are standing today, all of you before Ezekiel made it clear that severing their that,“…leadership can accomplish for the first verse is “bereishit bara elohim …” God, your God – your heads, your tribes, covenantal bond would lead to the nation what virtues accomplish for the meaning “In the beginning, God created your elders, and your officers, every man complete elimination of the “rebels,” as individual…” (Original emphasized.) So [singular],” and not “bar’u elohim” [and woman] of Israel”(Deuteronomy 29:9). the scripture reads: Uvaroti mikem when estrangement from Torah and meaning “gods created [plural].” Moses is addressing himself here to those hamordim – “And I will purge out from congregational life becomes widespread, When the Tanakh uses “elohim” in a he imagines may increasingly distance you the rebels…”(Ezekiel 20:38). And our the need for teshuvah applies to the non-Jewish place name, one cannot tell themselves from God, until they become expectation to this day is that those whole community, and more than whether “elohim”means “gods”or “God.” totally estranged by generational increments. Jews who sever their covenantal bond individual virtue is required – leadership Thus, Exodus 3:2 states that while The people are assembled in the with God are effectively eliminating is essential. tending sheep, Moses came to “Har wilderness of Moab. They’re expectantly themselves from the Jewish people, Akeidat Yitzhak, in his commentary on Ha’Elohim,” which can be translated awaiting the renewal of the covenant, typically within two generations. Deuteronomy 29:9, also explains that in either as “The Mountain of God”or “The which they had made on Mount Sinai our verse, “heads” is a reference to the Mountain of the Gods.” 40 years earlier. The renewal was intellectual leaders,“elders”is a reference Interestingly, a mountain in the southern required because they had abandoned We’re reminded in this to those who have mastered their Israel desert is littered with shrines to the first covenant at the incident of the yetzer hara (evil inclination), and “officers” pre-Israelite gods. This mountain of gods golden calf. regard that the essence is a reference to those who keep their had been a major place of pilgrimage Moses, however, extends the covenant composure even when provoked. in the Bronze Age, but had long been beyond those who are present in the of what we’re to pass The tradition teaches us that anyone abandoned by the time of the Exodus.The wilderness of Moab. He says: “And not who has the wherewithal to protest mountain lies near a caravan route from with you alone do I make this covenant on to our children is wrongdoing committed by another Jew, the Bitter Lakes at the edge of Goshen in and this oath, but with him that is here and who does not, is considered complic- Egypt to Edom. Italian Jewish archaeologist with us standing before God our God this not obligation and it in the commission of that wrongdoing. Emmanuel Anati, who has excavated at day, and with him that is not here with us The reach of our authority to protest the site for decades, is convinced that this this day” (Deuteronomy 29:13–14). Or constraint, but the wrongdoing varies – for some it’s limited mountain of gods is the Mountain of God Hachayim (Rabbi Chaim ben Attar, to our homes, for others it extends to the referred to in Exodus. Linguistically, his 1696–1744) tells us that, “…the whole privilege of living a congregation, and for yet others it view is certainly plausible. For more, see intention of these verses is to obligate encompasses the activity of Jews in the Feel free to send the people present…to commit their godly life according to larger, non-Jewish community. And so any questions or comments to me! offspring to observe the Torah, forever.” Torah’s vision and path. the Talmud cautions us: “Whoever can An attorney and Semitic linguist with The unasked but nonetheless inescapable forbid his household [from wrongdoing] degrees from Brandeis, Stanford and Univ. question: How can unborn generations of but does not, is seized for [the wrong- of Calif., Seth Watkins (pen name, Ben- Jews be obligated to live by a code that According to Or Hachayim, Moses had doing of] his household; [if he can forbid] Mordecai) merges linguistic analysis with legal they haven’t accepted for themselves? a particular objective in mind for this his fellow citizens, he is seized for [the sleuthing to uncover lost meanings of ancient The Talmud says: “One may act for a covenant: “It appears that what Moses wrongdoing of] his fellow citizens; if the texts. His Exodus Haggadah uniquely person in his absence to his advantage, wanted with this new covenant was to whole world, he is seized for the whole includes the full story of the Exodus in an but one cannot act for a person in his make the Israelites responsible for one world”(Shabbat 54b). accessible format. When not lawyering or absence to his disadvantage!” (Ketubot another in their mitzvah performance. Our tradition teaches that our writing, he tends his 20-year-old ocicat. 11a). And the next Torah verse offers Each Jew has to see to it that his fellow responsibility for our communal teshuvah Email: [email protected]. another, more compelling rationale in Jew does not stumble and commit is necessarily shared: Each of us is answering the question of how it’s possible sins…Naturally, the degree to which we responsible for the teshuvah of others in to obligate unborn generations: “For you have to carry out this responsibility varies the arena where we are able to enforce know how we dwelt in the land of with our position in the community.” our will for the sake of maintaining On this date in Egypt…” (Deuteronomy 29:15). Moses is The opening verse of the parasha refers the covenant and the Jewish people’s saying, you know how bad life was before to ish Yisrael, thereby including every man commitment to it. Jewish history we received the Torah. of Israel. Our Sages teach that every man But ultimately it’s up to each of us how We’re reminded in this regard that the of Israel – and, of course, nowadays we we will use our b’chirah chafshit – our free On August 26, 1903 essence of what we’re to pass on to our have the same expectations for women – choice: We can ignore the tradition’s children is not obligation and constraint, shares responsibility for the sin of every teaching of our shared responsibility for The infamous forgery but the privilege of living a godly life other Israelite (Tanchuma Nitzavim 1). each other’s teshuvah, or we can learn according to Torah’s vision and path. As And to the extent that we ignore this how to live up to that teaching. The Protocols of the Elders Or Hachayim says,“…to avoid the pitfalls responsibility, the Torah says, V’chashlu © 2009 Moshe ben Asher & Khulda bat Sarah of Zion was published of the abominations and detestable idols ish-b’achiv – “And they shall stumble one Rabbi Moshe ben Asher and Magidah the Egyptians were captive to. Moses tells over the other…”(Leviticus 26:37). Khulda bat Sarah are the codirectors of (serially) for the first time. the people present that inasmuch as they Rabbeinu Bachya (Rabbi Bachya ben Gather the People, a nonprofit organization know all about this, they also know that Asher, 1255–1340) tells us in his that provides Internet-based resources for ~ From The Jewish Book of Days published by what is being asked of them is to confer commentary on Deuteronomy 29:9: congregational community development Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, Inc., New York. benefits rather than restrictions on their “This teaches the principle of reciprocal and organizing ( NAT 8 August 26, 2009 and invective to his self-declared “ditto It did not cause American Jews to heads,” we’ve got problems right here in wince. In fact, most, being secular/liberal, Shipley River City. Opinion disagree with Miller wholeheartedly. Mr. Rush Limbaugh throws the word Nazi Obama is their Messiah, by most Speaks around with a broad red paintbrush. Sorry BY ARI J.KAUFMAN accounts garnering over 75% of the my friends, that is one of those pejorative Jewish vote, while President Bush, in his BY JIM SHIPLEY terms that is not, repeat not, acceptable in Obama first dominating 2004 win over John Kerry, any discussion or disagreement. received just 25% of the Jewish vote. Myths, lies and Nazis Supposedly the use of the word started U.S. president Rick Baehr, chief correspondent for the in discussions of the so called death panels. not “pro-Israel” American Thinker website, explains that, We are living in a time of pressure, fear Now let’s start with this, there are not, “No American president has ever been and uncertainty. It’s not the first time and never have been any so called death panels Since the state of Israel’s creation, viewed in Israel this way...Israelis understand we will get through it – if we don’t lose called for in any bill before congress. every U.S. president sans Jimmy Carter the new reality in U.S.-Israeli relations: our bearings. At times like these, the There was an amendment proposed by has been considered “pro-Israel.” There The special friendship between the two desire to find enemies and scapegoats a Republican senator from Georgia, to are varying definitions of such a term, but countries has ended, at least at the level of gains momentum. The fear mongers convene a group of so-called experts to most Americans of all political stripes the U.S. president and his administration.” come out and play on these emotions. offer advice and counsel on end-of-life consider our support for Israel to be Indeed it amazingly took only one The attacks are those of words, misinfor- decisions. It has been withdrawn. But the “bedrock,”even in San Francisco, Detroit, speech riddled with platitudes in a Florida mation and labels. As Jews, we know the crazies still show up at the town hall or other locales where Zionism is too synagogue and a photo-op at the Western danger in this. meetings with signs that show a picture often treated with hostility. Wall for American Jews to reconcile The debate over health care in this of the President of the U.S. with a Hitler Many consider George W. Bush to be voting for Obama and a Democratic party country dates back to the time of Harry mustache. There are signs showing the most pro-Israel president of our time. increasingly hostile to Israel. Truman. He recognized that with millions swastikas.There are crazies showing up at Indeed 88% of Israelis felt our 43rd of Americans coming out of military rallies with loaded guns because it is president, even with his endorsement of service after WWII, there was a host of “their right.” a “Palestinian State” unequivocally Even Aluf Benn, editor problems. Education was one. The GI Okay, a couple of points: Some years supported the Jewish State. As for the Bill solved that one. Housing was ago, as my mother approached the end current president, according to a June of… Haaretz, recently another. FHA and the veterans’mortgage of life I needed advice. Living wills, poll in the Jerusalem Post, a paltry 6% programs solved that one.These men and nonresuscitation, no extraordinary of Israelis believe he is pro-Israel. penned… “Israelis find women had been totally covered by attempts to extend life – on all of these Meanwhile, 86% find President Obama military health care. It seemed logical and things, we needed advice. Advice was either pro-Palestinian or neutral. Perhaps themselves increasingly a good time to move that to the civilian available from attorneys, some counselors his associations with Israel’s greatest foes, arena as well. at Hospice. Most of it cost money out of or naive speeches to Muslim audiences suspicious of Mr. Obama.” Republicans, who had sought to keep pocket and was confusing. drawing moral equivalence of the self- the U.S. isolated before Pearl Harbor drew Believe me, we would have welcomed imposed “suffering”of the Palestinians to They ignored his 20-year relationship the line at universal health care. They the opportunity for informed discussion the Holocaust aid that conviction. with the anti-Semitic pastor Jeremiah ranted, raved, rallied, used expressions as a part of medical planning for my There is no debate that Obama began Wright. They ignored his relationship like “Socialism” and “Communism” mother. But a few wing nuts like Sarah his term on an unnecessary “world apology with the pernicious anti-Zionist Rashid (a magic word in the late 1940s and 50s) Palin and other “spokespersons”as well as tour” in some of the most anti-liberal, Khalidi. They ignored his statement that and universal health care went on the ash some well-placed web ads and the rabble rogue nations on Earth. Polls show these “no one has suffered more than the heap of good ideas. takes off, frothing at the mouth. quixotic endeavors found little success. Palestinian people.” They ignored anti- As Jews, we understand the concept. In So, they want to talk “Nazi”? Okay, let’s When the young president asked us to Israel policy experts like Samantha Power, its simplest form, it is called tikkun olam – talk “Nazi.”In the late 1920s, the National “renew our respect toward the Muslim Susan Rice and General James Jones, to heal the world. It is a tenant of our Socialist Party of Germany (NAZI) world” on Arab TV just after his election, who formulate Obama’s Middle East faith. We care for those who cannot care gathered hoodlums and outcasts and, this prompted criticism from Jewish approach. And they ignored his awarding for themselves. To gather as a community taking advantage of bad economic times, journalists like the Washington Post’s the Presidential Medal of Freedom to and make sure that everyone has a way to sought to impress themselves on the Charles Krauthammer. In a Jan. 30 Mary Robinson, a woman responsible for be cared for. German political process. They had radio editorial, the veteran reporter chronicled the “Durban Conference against Racism” Truman’s universal health care plan programs spewing filth against Jews.They America’s unending support of the a notorious anti-Israel propaganda forum went in the dumpster of history with little sent bullyboys to town hall and political Muslim people, thereby exposing the U.S. boycotted in 2009. fanfare. In the late 1960s when Lyndon meetings to shout and disrupt. Obama’s historical ignorance: Seemingly though, only 20% of Johnson approached the same problem, Shortly thereafter, the U.S. had a radio “In these most recent 20 years... American Jews are interested in Zionism. he persevered and the result was priest by the name of Father Coughlin America did not just respect Muslims, it The problem, as conservative Jewish Medicare and Medicaid. Lyndon knew who had a large syndicated audience bled for them. It engaged in five military commentator Dennis Prager once opined, how to handle a recalcitrant congress. listening to his rantings against blacks campaigns, every one of which involved “is that their religion is rarely Judaism; For everyone else, the under 65 and the and Jews. It was the depression. — and resulted in — the liberation of a rather it is every “ism”of the Left. These slightly better off, there was no solution. Any time things get tough, the crazies Muslim people: Bosnia, Kosovo, Kuwait, include liberalism, socialism, feminism, Hillary made a stab at it in the 1990s. But she come out of the corners where they Afghanistan and Iraq.” Marxism and environmentalism.” ignored the Congress and paid that price. normally hide and become part of the Even Aluf Benn, editor of the left-leaning When challenged, most I know This time around, it is more necessary national discourse. They are the last thing Israeli newspaper Haaretz, recently demand, I “don’t question their support of than ever, the debate more heated than we need now. penned a NY Times editorial asking “Why Israel.” There is, however, rarely action ever and less understood than ever. We Jim Shipley has had careers in broadcasting, won’t Obama talk to Israel?”Included were behind that rhetoric. I’ve found it’s usually are in the 24-hour news cycle. We have an distribution, advertising, and telecommuni- lines such as “Israelis find themselves as hard to shake a liberal Jew’s belief in electorate that is frightened, exercised cations. He began his working life in radio increasingly suspicious of Mr. Obama.” the Democrat Party as it is to shake an and passionate. in Philadelphia. He has written his JPO Dr. Abe Miller, professor at the Univ. of Atheist’s belief in the nonexistence of G-d. Start with this. The two-party system in column for 20 years and is director of Cincinnati, wrote in July, “Since the Polling info: this nation has prevailed fairly successfully Trading Wise, an international trade and election, Obama’s policies toward Israel servlet/Satellite?cid=1245184872947&pa for over two centuries. But now, one of marketing company in Orlando, Fla. have been treacherous...and the reaction gename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull the parties is leaderless. Therefore, as it of the liberal Jewish community can only A former California schoolteacher, Ari did in France after the revolution, the rab- be described as inconceivable...Obama’s Kaufman is a military historian for the ble takes charge. That is dangerous. unwillingness to do what first-world Indiana War Memorials Commission. He is When a self-described “entertainer” nation states traditionally do – honor the also an Associate Fellow at the Sagamore becomes the voice of one of the major commitments and obligations of a prior Institute in Indianapolis, and the author of political parties because he has a syndicated administration – should have generated Reclamation: Saving Our Schools Starts radio program to spew his misinformation outrage from the Jewish community.” from Within, available on August 26, 2009 NAT 9 soldiers remained back home, many of income who have difficulty accessing it from the them too ill to journey anywhere. through conventional channels through Notes On their return to Israel, one wrote back, Financial temporary loans as a hand-up and speaking for all of them. He said before not a hand-out. Many values-based Antipodes leaving that while they knew why they Reporting investors earmark a certain percentage had put their lives on the line, they were of their portfolios to community BY RODNEY GOUTTMAN not sure that others abroad would. Their BY ALLAN MOSKOWITZ, CFP,AIF development financial institutions impression came from the international (CDFIs) that work to alleviate poverty, The malady press, much of which was intent on Responsible create jobs, provide affordable housing, lambasting Israel and the IDF no matter and finance small business development lingers the circumstances or effort made to avoid investing in disadvantaged communities. harming civilians. Their journey to the Examples of CDFIs are Jewish Fund for Western societies often cope with the other end of the world showed them that Civil rights leader Rabbi Abraham Justice, the Grameen Bank of human costs of war by translating it into there were people who cared about their Joshua Heschel observed, “Words create Bangladesh that was started by a bunch of antiseptic statistics or masking country and about them. They felt this worlds.” Confusion over the terminology Mohammed Yunus,winner of the Nobel it by medical language little understood message gave them the emotional strength, describing an investment approach that Peace Prize in Economics for his work by the public. Moreover, human tragedy in some cases previously doubted, that considers environmental, social, and gov- with development of microfinance or tends to be submerged by discussions of they could now undergo further-needed ernance (ESG) factors obscures the point micro loans to small business owners, the justification for involvement, causes, medical treatment. of the work linking investing and encour- usually women to support their families strategies, tactics, and geopolitical Of course we well know about the hostile aging corporate behavioral change. with better food and education, the consequences. In this verbal avalanche, attitude toward Israel in the culture There is a battle of semantics going on Calvert Foundation, which we use as a it is left to families and the relevant industry, especially where the secular Left within the industry to change or shift convenient funding source for these instrumentalities to care for those prevails. There, it has become der rigueur from socially responsible investing (SRI) other worthy organizations. suffering the inevitable consequences of to bag the Jewish State as a matter of to the concept of “sustainability.” war – physical, psychological, and faith. It is where the movement to boycott However, some companies who have emotional trauma, which in many cases all things Israeli is fecund. While this poor ESG performance records but tout Another concept… is life long if not life threatening. phenomenon is no stranger in Australia, the mantra of sustainability are using it as It is a situation that is certainly known in recent times some visiting Brits have a marketing ploy, or what we call “green- is that of “stewardship,” in Australia and the United States as each been doing their bit for the anti-Israel washing.”So, Amy Domini, of the Domini engages in deadly regional conflicts.Their cause. Indeed, Great Britain is one home Social Funds, prefers to continue to use which is also a biblical populations have also had members of the boycott movement. SRI or just responsible investing. killed and maimed by terrorism. One I and other leaders in the field particu- concept and denotes country, however, where war threatens larly like the concept of restorative invest- at any moment is Israel. And yet, most Their journey to the ing (RI) or transformative investing (TI), responsibility in visitors to the Jewish State, however, tend due to my belief in the concept of G!d as to be quarantined from this reality. Most other end of the world being the transformative power of the managing resources official missions from abroad may be universe to bring our greatest potential addressed by a range of experts, but few showed them that there into being. Another concept that I believe in a responsible and are taken to hospitals where soldiers is important to include is that of “steward- sustainable way. recuperate from their wounds. were people who cared ship,”which is also a biblical concept and This aspect was somewhat reversed a denotes responsibility in managing few weeks ago when a group of wounded about their country resources in a responsible and sustainable 4.Charitable Giving – Tzedakah (charity) Israeli soldiers visited two Australian way. Whatever you want to call this con- with tzedek (justice) supporting causes cities. In a combined exercise, the South and about them. cept of investing, whether it be SRI, SI, TI, that we believe in and love, such as Caulfield Hebrew Congregation in values or mission-based investing – they our synagogues, mosques, churches, Melbourne and the South Head Synagogue The first example was that of film all equal wisdom and common sense or ashrams, Habitat for Humanity, in hosted ten such Israeli soldiers maker Ken Loach, who in a toddler cents, pun intended, and they are all UNICEF, NAACP, human and animal and their helpers for a stint of R&R. The tantrum withdrew his latest production based in biblical and Talmudic wisdom. rights organizations, and numerous men were all survivors of Israel’s recent from the annual International Melbourne The four pillars of this type of investing, other charitable organizations in our fighting in southern Lebanon and the Film Festival. This well-known pro- are as follows: communities and abroad. Gaza Strip or victims of border terrorism. Palestinian toiler was greatly irritated by 1. Investment Screening If all investing incorporated these Most were still receiving medical treatment, the organizer’s refusal to accede to his A) Exclusionary – to rule out companies, concepts, I believe that we could have and there were a few whose health was so demand to veto any Israeli financial industries, practices, such as tobacco, prevented the current financial crisis, and poor that it was doubtful whether they support for the event. The amount weapons, gambling, alcohol, labor if properly utilized, could be used to get would be able to take the 30 hour long involved was miniscule. practices, excessive executive compen- us out of it as well. Plus, SRI could also and arduous trip Down-Under. Much to Loach’s mortification, the sky sation, and such. help prevent the next looming climate The venture was only the second of its didn’t fall. His hysterical protest was very B) Inclusionary – to support companies change crisis preventing the destruction kind, the first having taken place in the soon lost in the shadows of a diplomatic row in industries such as renewable energy, of our planet and annihilation of many snowy reaches of Aspen, Colo. Given the instigated by the Peoples Republic of China. innovations in health, food, water, species including our own. soldiers’ condition, the tour was frenetic. This was fired by a film showing the life of conservation, “green” building, and Doesn’t it make perfect sense to invest It included visits to famed tourist sites, Rebiya Kadeer, accused of engineering so forth. in and support in a world that you want enjoying quintessentially Australian from afar the recent revolt of the Moslem 2.Shareholder Advocacy – Including to create, instead of things that you don’t activities, and attending Shabbatons with Uighur people in its Xinjiang province. efforts of dialog with companies to really believe in or want to support? the congregations. Loach’s anti-Israel behavior alas, was not improve their environmental, social, Or let me ask the question this way: Those who met with the soldiers were an alone incident. A few weeks earlier in and governance performance, and What will our children and grandchildren struck by a self-effacement that belied the Melbourne there was the spectacle of using proxy voting and other actions to say? “Thank you for acting when you had usual, the common upfront stereotype of internationally acclaimed British Jewish positively influence their corporate the chance,” or will they instead ask us: the Israeli.They were humbled by the way actress of stage film, and television, citizenship to enhance the long-term “Why didn’t you act when you could have each in his own way, and whatever his Miriam Margolyes, barking the Palestinian well-being of all stakeholders, including prevented all of this?” What kind of disability or medication, took care that his cause. In her usual aggressive anti-Zionist the company, customers, employees, world do we want to leave for them and fellow soldier enjoyed the new experiences pose, she declared “Israel is not an vendors, communities, and the natural what legacy do we want to create for the to the full. None of this band of brothers had honorable state.”Whilst in town, she took environment, and stockholders following generations? met each other before the trip. Every one part in a public play reading of “Seven 3.Community Investment – To support Many of the concepts such as excessive of them was grateful for this opportunity, Jewish Children – A Play for Gaza,”which our communities locally, and particularly executive compensation, ethical lapses, if only because many other wounded (see Gouttman, page NAT 15) to direct capital to people of lower (see Moskowitz, page NAT 15) NAT 10 August 26, 2009 of the hard hearing butler is especially As I The Theater important in the unraveling of the plot. In Ways and Means the animation comes from the plight of an upper class Heard It BY HAROLD JACOBSON English couple discussing their financial insolvency as they loll about a bed in a REVIEWED BY MORTON GOLD Six Noel Coward luxurious hotel on the Riviera. Half of their conversation has to do with seeking Jewish nursery works at Shaw solutions to their money problems while Festival in the other half deals with gossip relating to rhymes, lullabies their friends and relatives. The dialogue and songs Niagara-on-the- is, as we expect from Coward, delicious, spirited and full of wit. Lake Ontario To save them from their odious Songs from the Garden of Eden is the misfortune (brought about by over- unusual name of the CD released by The Noel Coward, the preeminent English consumption), Coward introduces a deus Secret Mountain (www.thesecretmountain playwright and musician, has, in a sense, ex machina – literally god out of a box, .com).The contents include a compilation children sing is charming and wonderful. invaded The Shaw Festival, one of that is to say, a solution to their dilemma of Jewish Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes. But, this is supposed to be a professional Canada’s top theaters dedicated to the in the form of a burglar who enters their On the back cover it is stated that “28 CD, not a fundraiser for the sisterhood! works of Bernard Shaw. This season room demanding jewels and money. How Jewish nursery rhymes, lullabies and While the female soloists were all Coward, who wrote 50 plays in his 74- a burglar fits into the salvation scheme is songs originating from the Ashkenaze good, especially in the Yiddish selections, year career, has six works on display, and the kind of creative thinking in which (sic), Sephardic, and Yemenite communities the male soloist (bass) was… less so. Is this reviewer has been privileged to see Coward specialized. The solution is [are] performed in Hebrew, Judeo- it thought that people prefer to hear three of them. manufactured, but suspending one’s Spanish,Yiddish and Arabic.” untrained voices or even recognize the Coward, whose alchemy with the disbelief is necessary to enjoy this little I want my readers to know that I difference between trained and untrained English language, delighted theater-goers bagatelle Coward offers us. listened to this disc several times before voices? The instrumentalists were all for half a century, was best known for writing this column. In my view this is an very good, and especially distinguished plays such as Blithe Spirit, Present unusual mixture of songs from various were Ms. Hoarau’s solos on the guitar Laughter, Private Lives and Hay Fever.In sources and traditions. and mandolin. Niagara-on-the-Lake, however, director First some general observations. Not Since I was not around, I do not know Jackie Maxwell has chosen to mount six one composer is credited even when what songs (if any) were sung in the of Coward’s lesser known but equally they should be well known (e.g. “Dona, “Garden of Eden”and thus I am puzzled delightful and provocative works. Dona” is by Sholom Secunda). The by the title of Songs from the Garden of The Astonished Heart, the longest of the instrumentalists are listed as “musicians.” Eden.There is a decided cultural dichotomy three plays, pivots on the fortune of a From this should one then assume in the music performed and I am not psychiatrist who succumbs, despite his that the “singers” are not musicians? always comfortable with the juxtaposition initial apparently cool demeanor, to the (Okay, sometimes the shoe does fit!) of the two (or three) cultures represented seductive wiles of his wife’s best friend. Also, there is a listing of a diverse variety here. Even so, the tent of Jewish music is Their tryst is a fairly prolonged and of instruments (e.g., Pandiro, guimbarde) a wide and inclusive one, and this CD passionate one, but the woman, having as if everyone ought to know what these should fit in it. conquered her prey, decides to end the affair. instruments are, look or sound like as Dr. Gold is a composer, conductor, pianist The psychiatrist, madly in love with his opposed to a clarinet or violin. and retired educator and may be reached at: paramour, cannot so easily terminate this Reference is made to “notes” by 6 Webster Street, Springvale, Maine 04083 relationship and urges her to continue the Noel Coward, the preeminent English Nathalie Soussana.“Lyrics reproduced in or by email at [email protected]. liaison. Bitter exchanges and even physical playwright and musician. the original alphabet, transcribed into violence ensue, but the psychiatrist, real- Roman characters and translated into izing that he has been duped, agrees to Travel Note: The streets of flower- English, with illustrations and additional SUBSCRIBE TO end the fling. The dénouement of this bedecked Niagara-on-the-Lake are notes on the origin and cultural context of play cannot be revealed, but one can say packed with wall-to-wall patrons this each song also on the CD as a printable The Jewish that it is not the heart that is astonished summer and they come from every PDF file.” here but the audience in the Court House continent. This reviewer heard ten Unfortunately, this material was not Post & Opinion Theatre. This is a deep psychological different languages spoken on those included with the CD that I had! The portrayal of human nature and the dominion streets within 20 minutes during a musical arrangements were by Paul Send to: that passion can have over the vulnerable. pleasant stroll. Reservations for the Mindy and Jean-Christophe Hoarau. Jewish Post & Opinion Astonishment is also found in Family theater should be made in advance There was a decided difference in 238 S. Meridian St., Suite 502 Affair, a delightful parody of mourners because some shows are sold out early. approach and treatment between the Indianapolis, IN 46225 who assemble to reconstruct the life of Jewish visitors should take note of the Yiddish songs and the Sephardic, Hebrew the deceased patriarch of the family. fact that synagogues and kosher food are and Arabic songs. While most of the Or Online at: Initially all the thoughts, remarks and available in Niagara Falls, Ontario, a Yiddish songs received tender, loving gestures are respectful of the late father, 20-minute drive from Niagara-on-the- care, there also appeared some klezmer- whose picture stares down on the brothers Lake on the Niagara Parkway, arguably style flourishes for the clarinet that I did and sisters (and in-laws) gathered the most beautiful highway in Canada. 3 years – $91 (SAVE $17) not think were always appropriate. While I together for this solemn assembly. Two synagogues, Beth Tikvah (5328 Ferry many of the Sephardic songs were I 2 years – $63 (SAVE $9) It is not long, however, before wine St., Phone 905-354-39340) and The elegantly arranged, some along with I 1 year – #36 loosens the tongues, the spirits and Chabad Center (4434 Queen St., Phone the Hebrew and Arabic were of similar (Outside USA, payment must be in U.S. bodies of the family, as the members 905-356-7200) have services on a regular stylistic cloth that evoked an Arabic dance, sing and recite truths about the basis. Kosher food may be obtained from funds and you must add US$10.) market place. man in the portrait. The eldest daughter, King David Pizza on Center St., in While the singers were all identified as Name she who stands for propriety in referring to Niagara Falls as well. the chorus, none of the soloists were Address the deceased, becomes especially animated listed. The choral group sounded like a as she reveals long-hidden secrets about City State Zip group of volunteers (sorry) and the her father’s sexual peccadilloes and other children’s voices were unfocused. The E-mail us at: assorted vices. The atmosphere in the children’s soloist(s) had a breathy and [email protected] room, once morbidly silent, becomes nasal sound. Yes, I agree that having animated, joyful and celebratory. The role August 26, 2009 NAT 11 Generally, however, Grace and her the previous line. fellow officers discuss Jews and Judaism Also, viewers wonder in the end Media among themselves, ostensibly because whether there is a custom that one must be Grace has gotten a book on the subject. buried with one’s prayer book, or whether Watch They do not get everything right all the the murderer was inventing such a custom time (and this obviously reflects on to cover his tracks, whether the writers BY RABBI ELLIOT B.GERTEL writers Elle Johnson and Annie Brunner), concocted the custom or had a character but the characters (and, I suppose, the concoct it. Perhaps unintentionally, yet Hasidic man writers) try. still amusingly and effectively, the writers Sometimes, there are issues raised have the police staff rejoicing over the murdered on gratuitously without being meaningfully “best barbecue in the city,”even as Grace Saving Grace addressed. In one segment, a cop turns Leon Rippy as Earl (L) is Grace’s last- quips that a lot of Jewish rules “have to do electric lights on and off and asks,“Is this chance angel and Holly Hunter as Grace with food.” Who killed several cows, over $40,000 work?”In another, Grace puts a “yarmulke” Hanadarko (R) is a police detective in The episode does suggest that not worth of USDA prime beef? This is the on her dog for some reason (to keep Saving Grace. everyone rejoices in the commandments – opening question of a recent episode of the crime in mind?), yet at another point at least not all the time. Grace notes a Saving Grace, a series starring Holly she explains well the significance of the began. He had the blood of the cows on tattoo on the deceased’s daughter, and Hunter as a police investigator in a small head covering as expressing reverence his shirt, as well as his own blood. gathers that she felt she had to escape the Oklahoma town who has a guiding angel for God. For frivolous reasons, Grace The same bullet killed him and the cows. life for a while. Bialik’s character responds named Earl. The angel, by the way, does reenacts Jewish ritual slaughtering on a Was it a murder-suicide? that she “left”Judaism from age 18 to age not solve murders; he leaves that to Grace stuffed animal, and suggests that the In the end, we learn that Weinstein shot 22, but that now she has a husband and and to her colleagues. His role is more meat inspector tastes the blood to decide the cows at the time when he knew them seven children. Grace responds with an“oy.” that of a wise ancient avatar or guiding whether the animal is “kosher.”Of course, to be delivered from a local ranch to the Not surprisingly, and indeed almost to spirit, of the New Age variety. biblical law prohibits the tasting of any kosher plant, just before sundown. be expected in television writing over the What happened to the cows remains blood out of reverence for life. There is (Orthodox Jews would not allow such past 20 years or so, no episode about the prime question even after the body of even a circumcision joke linked to the a delivery so close to the Sabbath, even Jewish religion would let the theme stand an elderly Hasidic man is found the (unexplained) custom of cutting off to holding pens.) The murderer, who without making references to other following morning, a mile down the road. a child’s payos (side-curls), which is struggled to take away Weinstein’s gun religions and indeed to all religions. The man had been shot to death, and had unrelated to anything in the plot. and killed him unintentionally, is Apparently finding Hasidic customs a bloody shirt and a broken thumb. identified by his prayer book. (Without rather risible, the forensic examiner jokes Grace gets to investigate the murder of an eruv, a wired-off enclosure, no with Grace that they, two Catholic girls, the man rather than of the cows, and she …Grace and her fellow Orthodox Jew would carry a prayer book ought to consider the fun that outsiders runs into Dr. Henry, the medical examiner, on the Sabbath. Since the writers don’t make of Catholics, of the pope-mobile, a Jewish colleague, who starts to tell her, officers discuss Jews have any of the officers mocking that for example. Grace retorts that the very “If he’s Hasidic” there are rules for custom, I assume that they may be office of the pope may be laughable to handling the body.“If he’s Hasidic,”Grace and Judaism among unaware of it.) many. Yet she does reference Catholic interrupts.“What else could he be?” There is some good theological discussion “guilt”for worthy use at the end. Henry speaks of rules regarding the themselves… They do in this episode between Grace and her The episode begins with a woman losing “touching”of the body. It would have been angel. Grace questions why God would her ability to speak English and offering more precise for him to have referred to not get everything allow the murder of six million Jews and a mysterious prayer in Portuguese. In concerns about immediate burial and of a million Africans. The angel responds the end, the angel brings Grace to a limited autopsy, which are mentioned a right all the time…, that God created people so that they Portuguese prayer shrine, where models little later. The doctor is conflicted about would come to Him on their own, that of body parts inspire prayers for healing. performing any procedures on the body, but the characters people must choose to pray in order to Grace has a vision of all the prayers of the but this is not explained. find God rather than to kill. He reminds world uttered simultaneously, even by the Grace asks Henry so many questions (and,…the writers) try. her that questioning is no less a prayer repentant Hasid in his jail cell. (The latter about Judaism that he inquires,“Am I the than “screaming, cussing, questioning.” recites the words of the Kaddish prayer only Jew you know?” She and, later, Ritual slaughter and meat inspection It seems that Weinstein was killed by for the friend he has unintentionally other colleagues prove to be under the enter the picture because the small someone seeking to maintain “peace.”We killed, a strange sight to knowledgeable misconception that Hasidic Jews spend Hasidic community works mainly for a never learn why Weinstein shot the cows Jews who know that the Kaddish is a all of Friday evening “in temple.” kosher meat plant nearby. This is, I while singing something with the word communal prayer only.) (Orthodox Jews generally refer to the believe, the first episode of a TV series to “Barukh” (“Blessed is God”). Indeed, the Is the final message here that although synagogue as “shul”rather than “temple,” deal with recent scandals at a kosher episode comes up with three different every ritual is laughable to somebody, the name traditionally reserved for slaughtering plant in Iowa, where it is explanations for Weinstein’s behavior – they are all meaningful because each the Jerusalem Temple and hopes of its alleged that workers were exploited and that he did not like the way the cows were religion has rituals of some kind with messianic restoration.) Grace and the animals abused. We learn that the to be slaughtered, that he regarded the which its adherents identify, that to laugh staff do learn about Shabbat dinner at deceased, Benjamin Weinstein, was the meat as substandard, and that he was nuts, at one religion is to laugh at them all? home, following services. retired meat inspector at the plant, and or any combination of these reasons. So But isn’t this also a way of saying that The writers add a new twist to TV (and that he had not been happy with his the writers chose some vague way to all religions are alike and that all big screen) depiction of Jewish beliefs and successor, or with the owner of the pander to Hollywood’s animal rights prayer serves the same function – and practices. They limit the comments of plant, one Tovi Edelstein, who prayed at contingent without getting into the a psychological, rather than theological, their Jewish characters about Judaism. his synagogue. question of illegal and exploited workers function at that? What kind of message Henry explains these things only a few Since Grace and a colleague suspect who may be found in Hollywood, as well. is this for an “angel”to bring? times at the beginning. (The writers have that the murderer might be in the Certain strange impressions are left by Rabbi Gertel has been spiritual leader of him explain that a Hasidic rabbi is called synagogue, or at least known to someone this hour. One of the officers observes Conservative Congregation Rodfei Zedek “rebbe,”but, actually, that is only the term there, they dress for “going to shul.” that “Hasidims (sic!) don’t work with since 1988. A native of Springfield, Mass., for the of the sect, and would When Grace’s angel tells her that he goyim (Gentiles), don’t fraternize with he attended Columbia University and not be true of the rabbi of a small hopes she gets something out of it, Grace goyim, unless they have to,” but, of Jewish Theological Seminary. He is the enclave.) Also, Grace asks the deceased’s replies,“Me, too. Like a murderer.” course, there is no rule in any form of author of two books, What Jews Know daughter, played by Mayim Bialik, about Not everyone in the shul is kosher. Judaism against working with Gentiles. About Salvation and Over the Top why there are two stoves and two Edelstein had once been arrested for Instead of correcting this comment, the Judaism: Precedents and Trends in the refrigerators in her home. The daughter drunk driving, but his fingerprints are same officer jokes, “Jews follow 613 Depiction of Jewish Beliefs and cites the biblical injunction against nowhere to be found. Even the deceased commandments. I can ‘t even follow Observances in Film and Television. He mixing milk and meat,“Do not boil a kid left the synagogue early, barely a quarter 10.” It’s a cute line, but it serves to has been media critic for The National in its mother’s milk”(Exodus 34:26). of an hour after the hour-long services preserve the misconception presented in Jewish Post & Opinion since 1979. NAT 12 August 26, 2009 games. In his first year with the 49ers, woman to land a triple salchow-triple in Barton was named to the NFL’s All-Rookie loop-double toe-loop combination. And, Jews Sports team by the UPI, Pro Football Writers of she invented the double Biellman spin Book America, and Pro Football Weekly. with foot change. 49ers’ Harris Barton Between 1984 and 2005, American Rugby’s Joel Stransky Review show horse champion had 22 caps (international and Russia’s Irina Margie Goldstein-Engle appearances) for South REVIEWD BY RABBI ISRAEL ZOBERMAN Slutskaya Elected recorded six World Cup Africa, between July 1993 and 20 Nations Cup and August 1996. The Holocaust to Int’l Jewish victories. The Federation Springbok “fly-half”earned Equestre Internationale a place in rugby immor- themed novel Sports Hall of Fame (FEI) ranks her #8 all-time tality for his performance in the epic 1995 with most starts (166). World Cup final versus New Zealand, To the Land of the Reeds by Aharon NFL All-Pro offensive lineman Harris Her highest FEI ranking reached #6 in when he scored all South Africa’s points, Appelfeld. Kinnert Zmora–Bitan, Dvir– Barton and Russian world figure skating 1998. Jumping for the U.S. team at the including a dramatic drop goal that sealed Publishing House. 2009. Pp.222. In Hebrew. champion Irina Slutskaya are among nine 2000 Olympics, Goldstein-Engel helped the victory. In the opening match of that At summer’s end of 1939, the gathering athletes and sport figures elected to the the American equestrian team to a 6th same ’95 World Cup versus Australia, storm of World War II and the Shoah International Jewish Sports Hall of Fame place overall finish. Goldstein-Engel is Stransky became the first Springbok in is about to erupt with its furious and for 2009. the American Grand Prix Association’s history to score all four possible ways in shattering impact. San Francisco 49ers’ Barton anchored (AGA) only nine-time Rider of the Year – one test match: a try, a conversion, a Beautiful and emotional Tony, the main the storied offensive line for 49ers’ Super 1989, 1991, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999/2000, penalty goal, and a drop goal. Stransky protagonist of Appelfeld’s totally absorbing Bowl victories in 1989, 1990 and 1995. 2000/2001, 2003 and 2005. She has set joined England’s Leicester Tigers in 1997, and irresistible drama, chose at age 17 to Slutskaya won gold medals at the 2002 numerous records including: career scoring 100 points by his eighth game. He run away from her Jewish parents and and 2005 World Figure Skating earnings over $3 million dollars; most scored a club record 459 points in 1998, born identity with August, a handsome Championships, and an Olympic silver AGA wins with the same horse in the and finished his Leicester career with 896 calculated Gentile Austrian and a city medal in 2002, bronze in 2006. same season (five wins on Saluut II in career points in 73 matches. engineer. He would soon enough abuse Elected with Barton and Slutskaya are: 1991); most Grand Prix wins in a single Eliot Teltscher ranked among the her while pregnant with their son Rudy. American equestrian champion Margie season (11); and two Grand Prix wins in World’s Top 10 tennis Following serial relationships, mostly Goldstein-Engle who recorded six World two days. She is the first rider to place six players three times unsuccessful, she flees to the false security Cup and 20 Nations Cup victories horses in ribbons in a single Grand Prix, between 1980 and 1984, of her parents’ existence deep in the between 1984 and 2005, and Ukraine’s and the first rider to ever place first and the World’s Top 15 countryside, in “the land of the reeds” Zhanna Pintusevich-Block, the World through fifth in a single Grand Prix. each of those years. He (The books’title). Track & Field 200-meter champion in Zhanna Pintusevich-Block stunned was ranked among the Tony uproots her bright 16-year-old son 1997,100-meter gold medalist in 2001, the sports world at the 1997 World Track USAs’ Top Ten Singles from his high school studies, to finally and 60-meter (indoor) champion in 2003. and Field Championships players for seven of eight years between reconcile with her parents and her Also, South African rugby star Joel when she won the 1980 and 1988 – his top spot No. 8 in tormenting guilt for abandoning them, Stransky, who registered all South Africa’s 200-meter gold medal, 1984. As a professional, Teltscher won ten after they had already lost her promising points in the epic 1995 World Cup final and silver medal in the Grand Prix championships, including the older sister to illness. victory over New Zealand; and, American 100-meter event. The San Francisco, Atlanta, Johannesburg and Ironically and tragically, the eventful Eliot Teltscher, ranked among the tennis startled response was Japan Open titles. In Doubles, he was flight of mother and son back to their world’s top ten singles players during prompted by her 200- U.S. No. 6 in 1979 (with Francisco Jewish roots to find solace from a the 1980s. meter victory (22.32) over USA superstar Gonzalez); No. 4 in 1980 (with Terry fragmented life, though Tony had at last Israeli basketball player-coach icon sprinter Marion Jones, and runner-up Moor); and No. 8 in 1981 (Moor). In 1983, come into money from an elderly lover, and women’s sports advocate Orna photo-finish to Jones in the 100-meter. he won the French Open Mixed Doubles leads them to an awaiting trap. Ostfeld, veteran New York Post baseball Four years later, at the 2001 World (with Barbara Jordan). Teltscher was a For the insatiable Nazi beast, even journalist-author Maury Allen, and Championships, Block again faced Jones UCLA All-American in 1977 and 1978. unsuspecting Jews of all social strata in author Harold U. Ribalow (The Jew in in the 100-meter. But this time the remote corners were a prized catch, and American Sports), are elected to the Ukrainian captured the gold medal Pillar of Achievement the unstoppable death train will ultimately IJSHOF’s Pillar of Achievement. (10.82), defeating Jones in a victory Maury Allen an author, pick them all up, including Tony and All honorees were formally inducted in considered one of the greatest upsets in reporter and columnist for (see Zoberman, page NAT 15) July 2009 at the IJSHOF Museum, on the international track and field history. 53 years, mostly covered campus of the Wingate Institute, Israel’s Block’s triumph marked the first time in baseball for the New York National Sport Center, in Netanya. four years – and 42 consecutive races – Post (1962–1989), Sports Since 1979, 337 athletes and sportsmen/ that Jones had lost a 100-meter race. In Illustrated magazine, and women, representing 24 countries, have 2003, Block won the 60-meter World the Gannett Journal News. been elected to the International Jewish Indoor Championship (7.09). In July He authored 40 sport-themed books, Sports Hall of Fame. For more information 2003, she was ranked the World’s #2 in including best sellers on Joe DiMaggio visit the 100-meter, behind Jones. (Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio?), Irina Slutskaya won Casey Stengel and Billy Martin. Allen has Bios – 2009 IJSHOF Honorees World Figure Skating written hundreds of magazine articles San Francisco 49ers Championships twice, in and made frequent appearances on radio offensive tackle Harris 2002 and 2005, following and television as a baseball authority, Barton was an NFL All- silver medal finishes in including ESPN classic programs. Pro selection four consec- 1998, 2000 and 2001. The Orna Ostfeld was recipient of the utive years: second team Moscow-born skater was International Olympic Committee’s 2005 in 1990, and first team in a silver medalist at the 2002 Winter European Women and 1991, 1992 and 1993. The Olympics and bronze medalist at the Sport Award: “As a player, 1986 University of North Carolina All- 2006 Games. In 1996, Slutskaya became administrator and coach,” American was the 49ers’#1 draft choice in the first Russian woman to win a recognizing her dedication 1987. During his ten-year pro career, European title. Ten years later, in 2006, to and advancement of 1987–1996, Barton anchored the storied she was the first woman to register seven women’s sports in Israel. offensive line that provided the foundation European Figure Skating Championships. Since 1998, Ostfeld coached for three 49er Super Bowl victories – In 2000, Slutskaya was the first woman to the Anda Ramat Hasharon team to four 1989, 1990, 1995. He played 138 career land a triple lutz, triple loop combination championships and State Cup basketball NFL games, including 89 consecutive in competition. In 2001, she was the first (see Sports, page NAT 15) August 26, 2009 NAT 13 and four. In the Maryland suburbs, where about Franco’s revolt against the elected Book Reviews they lived when Scott was in Washington, government.This put Franklin right in the D.C., they took the children to Jewish middle of Hemingway’s affair with activities, replicating Buckholtz’s experience Martha Gelhorn during the murderous REVIEWED BY MORTON I. TEICHER as a child in going to synagogue, a Jewish Spanish civil war. Franklin’s association with Community Center, and a Jewish camp. Pauline, Hemingway’s wife, complicated Life of a Jewish In 2006, the family moved to Anacortes, his relationships with her, Gelhorn, and Wash.,when Scott became the commanding Hemingway. Issues arising from these military wife officer of a Prowler jet squadron at nearby entanglements are confusedly described. Naval Air Station Whidbey Island.There is The action skips ahead to July 1945, when Standing By. By Alison Buckholtz. New no synagogue in Anacortes and practically Franklin participated in the milestone York: Tarcher/Penguin, 2009. 287 Pages. no Jews. The chaplain’s office referred her ceremony known as the alternativita, $23.95. to a group of Messianic Jews who maintain which took him from the status of a Christian worldview; she succeeded in apprentice to that of full-fledged matador. getting this group removed from the Unfortunately, by this time, Franklin “was reference list. She and Scott agreed to forced by age and circumstance to accept serve as Jewish lay leaders and she the role of elder statesman.” offered Rosh Hashanah dinner and Yom The story meanders on with somewhat Kippur break-the-fast to “other exiles”but disjointed accounts about making no one came. Moreover, Scott was movies, Franklin’s school for would-be assigned for training on an off-shore matadors, issues in the relationship aircraft carrier on Yom Kippur. Eventually, between Hemingway and Franklin, and they organized a tiny group of Jewish new friend Barnaby Conrad. Finally, the friends who celebrated the Jewish narrative arrives at April 1976, when holidays together. She is determined to Franklin died after seven years in a New foster in her children a sense of their York nursing home. Jewish identification. Author Bart Paul has rendered a useful This life history is marred by the A good part of the book is devoted to service in reminding readers about a author’s frequent use of untranslated what happened to the family when Scott colorful personality who died in 1976 and Spanish words and his overwhelming was away for six months during the early whose name is no longer familiar to many inability to omit any fact he unearthed in part of the Iraq war. It was almost a Americans. Fans of Ernest Hemingway the course of his research. For example, rehearsal for the year of separation they may recognize Franklin since the two he devotes most of a dull chapter to a now face while Scott is in Baghdad and men were friends for a time. Hemingway detailed history of bullfighting back to Buckholtz is back in Potomac, Md., with relied heavily on Franklin for informed prehistoric times. Similarly, Paul’s lengthy their children, close to where her parents guidance when he wrote Death in the description of Hemingway’s complicated live. The problems of being apart and of Afternoon. This nonfiction book, female entanglements only confuses raising the children without their father published in 1932, pays tribute to the story. A good illustration of Paul’s are candidly and eloquently described. Franklin by calling him “one of the most predilection for useless trivia is his telling As author Alison Buckholtz tells us at Also portrayed is the significant support skillful, graceful, and slow manipulators us that Wallace Neff was the architect of the beginning of this remarkable autobio- given to each other by navy wives. of a cape fighting today.” the house in which Fredric March and graphical memoir, the pattern for Buckholtz vividly and frankly writes In 1903, Franklin was born in Florence Eldridge raised money for the American military wives supporting about the poignant feelings of loneliness to Orthodox Jewish parents who came Spanish Loyalists. their husbands goes back to Martha and love experienced by a military wife as from Russia. His birth name was Sidney Despite these failings, Bart Paul, a writer Washington. Before her husband, George, she struggles to cope with her children Frumpkin. Abram, Sidney’s father, was a of documentaries and an anthologized became our first president, he was a and her own sense of the void in her life. New York policeman who was “a tyrant author of short fiction, has brought to life general and she set the pattern of She hopes that her account will help and a bully.” He oppressed his son an interesting celebrity whose star has supportive conduct that has been scrupu- military wives to feel less isolated. especially when Sidney dropped out of faded too soon. lously followed by the generations of Mingling her presentation with good school and developed a commercial silk- officers’ wives who followed her. A few humor, she chronicles the special screen poster business. Abram’s harsh of these women, listed by Buckholtz in a responsibility she has as the C.O.W. – the treatment intensified when it became Novel about Jews helpful bibliography, have written books commanding officer’s wife. apparent that Sidney was a homosexual. and the Civil War about their experiences. Her contribution Her effective rendition of what it means After a particularly violent explosion, Sidney to this sparse body of literature may well to be a military wife offers special lessons left home and headed for Mexico, giving All Other Nights. By Dara Horn. New be the only one written by a Jew. for the general population who have himself a new name, Sidney Franklin. In York: W.W. Norton, 2009. 383 Pages. Buckholtz’s parents are federal govern- not known compulsory military service Mexico City, he set up a successful printing $24.95. ment civil servants in the Washington, for more than 35 years. Although we and poster business, emphasizing Historical characters and events are D.C. area where she lived and worked as are involved in two wars, we rely on bullfighting. Challenged by his friends, he neatly blended with fiction in this exciting free-lance journalist, a communications volunteers to fill the ranks of the armed took personal instruction in the art novel about Jews and the Civil War. Judah consultant, and a public relations specialist. forces so that most people know very of bullfighting and soon established a Benjamin, the Confederacy’s secretary of She studied English literature for her B.A. little about the pains and the plight of our reputation that led him to Spain where state, plays a key role. More significant is degree at the University of Massachusetts soldiers, sailors, aviators, and their he continued to demonstrate his skills. the infamous General Order #11 in which and her master’s degree at the University families. This book competently and Starting in 1929, Franklin began to General Ulysses S. Grant expelled Jews of Virginia. As an undergraduate, she capably fills that void. It deserves to be distinguish himself as an American who from the area under his command as war spent a year at Trinity College, Dublin widely read. could compete as a competent bullfighter. profiteers who violated “every regulation and, in 1997–98, she lived in Jerusalem on Ernest Hemingway sought him out and of trade established by the Treasury a postgraduate fellowship. the two quickly became fast friends. In Department.”President Abraham Lincoln In late 2001, with no knowledge about A Jewish bullfighter 1931, Sidney almost died when a bull’s revoked the order three weeks after it the military, Buckholtz married Scott, a from Brooklyn horn stabbed him through the rectum. He was issued. career naval aviator with 15 years of expe- had nine operations to repair the damage The protagonist in the story is Jacob rience in military service. She refused to Double-Edged Sword. By Bart Paul. during the next 15 years. However, he Rappaport, son of a wealthy Jewish import- heed his warnings about the pitfalls of Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, returned to the bull ring after a few export merchant in New York. In 1861, becoming a navy wife. During the early 2009. 304 Pages. $29.95. months and then moved back to Mexico Jacob’s father is making an advantageous years of their marriage, Scott was stationed This biography of Sidney Franklin where he resumed his career. business deal with David Jonas that is at the Pentagon and in Japan. They had describes the unusual life of a Jew from In 1936, Franklin accepted Hemingway’s conditioned on Jacob, who is 18, marrying two children, Ethan and Esther, now six Brooklyn who became a famous bullfighter. invitation to join him in Spain to write (see Teicher, page NAT 15) NAT 14 August 26, 2009 and proportion. We couldn’t hear one of the singers. It may have helped if he had Kosher Musings lowered his mic so his mouth rather than eyes would reach. The guitars – at least Kuisine one – was much too loud. For someone of my generation, who BY SYBIL KAPLAN BY BATYA MEDAD remembers vividly when those songs were new, when they were released, it Sangria for Contrasting was especially difficult to call this performance acceptable. summer parties images We heard lots of Russian around us and some Hebrew. Ages were mixed. I think As an Israeli mother The most popular drink I serve when I I’m always surprised by what I see that I was the only one of my age and There are Jews all over the world who entertain in the summer is sangria, when wandering about. The other day, I background, so maybe others enjoyed it rationalize, excuse their not moving to Spanish for “bloody” and originating in had to go through downtown Jerusalem more than I did. Israel, because they’re worried about their Spain and Portugal. to get a ride to a wedding. I walked up One thing for sure is that the park in children, especially their sons. They’re Ben Yehuda Street and was amazed at the Ariel, where the concert took place, is afraid of army service in the IDF, Tzahal, Classic Sangria (8 servings) carnival atmosphere. gorgeous. Mayor Ron Nachman certainly the Israeli Defense Forces. 1 thinly sliced lemon knows how to build. My sons served in combat units, front- 1 thinly sliced nectarine or peach Next we went off to Tapuach, which line of course, in the army. I was proud 2 cups sliced strawberries or cherries advertises Saturday Night Concerts and and scared, but I’ve also been afraid of 3 1/4 cups dry red wine promised a spectacular one for last night. other dangers. There are dangers our kids 3 cups orange juice Apparently the plan was to “concert”all face, no matter where they’re living. As 1/4 cup sugar night, and according to Yekutiel Ben Ya’akov hard as we try, we can’t protect our 2 cups club soda drive out first thing in the morning to children from illnesses, accidents or their 1/4 cup brandy (optional) Har HaBayit, the Temple Mount. own foolishness. We left after midnight, during the When my sons were growing up, I was Place lemon, nectarine or peach, straw- performance of their first “star.” I’m no stranger to the emergency room. I berries or cherries in a bowl. In a pitcher, not sure of his name, but he was more even had to take my daughters there on add wine, orange juice, and sugar. Add professional than the faux Beatles. There occasion. The most seriously ill was my fruit and refrigerate for several hours. wasn’t much of a crowd, at least in the youngest at the age of two weeks. That Before serving, add club soda and brandy. “Women’s Section.”Things seemed to be was one of those “nobody’s fault” life- Add ice cubes to each glass. Spoon some livelier on the men’s side. threatening situations that could happen fruit into each glass also. I got a peek at the rebuilt synagogue in any place to anyone. My Shiloh neighbors the hilltop neighborhood of Tapuach helped enormously for the six weeks we Peach Sangria (12 servings) That’s right. I didn’t have time to stop where it took place. were in Shaare Tzedek Hospital. I can’t 8 cups dry white wine and record the music, but I think the picture It seemed like most people were prepared imagine any community any place in the 1/2 cup peach brandy says it all. to stay much later than we were. world doing more for a young family with peel of 2 oranges There were books, t-shirts and nosherei four other kids. 4 cups club soda A bissel (little) culture for sale, too. Then a few years later, my other son 3 sliced peaches Last night was “motzei Shabbat I know that I sound terribly critical, but was hit by a small truck when on his Nachamu,” a traditional time to attend I did have a good time away from the bike, and we had four weeks total in Place wine and brandy in a pitcher. Add musical events, after the first Shabbat after computer. If one doesn’t experience life, Hadassah Ein Kerem and Alyn Children’s orange peel and refrigerate for several hours. the Three Weeks. So I didn’t blog and I what’s there to blog about? Orthopedic Hospital. Until my son was To serve, add ice cubes and club soda. skipped seeing C.S.I. I went off with some back on two feet sans crutches a few Spoon some orange peel and peaches young neighbors for a cultural adventure. Local Bar Mitzvah months later, my neighbors were great. into each glass. Pour sangria into glasses. First stop was the nearby city of Ariel, A local family celebrated their son’s bar Those things can happen any place to the Moscow of the Shomron. How could mitzvah here in Shiloh last night and this anybody. According to statistics, most White Sangria (6–8 servings) I resist the chance to hear the “Beatles” morning. There’s really no need to travel accidents happen at home or nearby. 1 1/2 cups brandy so close to my home town Shiloh? when we live in such a beautiful, spiritual For two years simultaneously (of the 1 can frozen lemonade concentrate Okay,“Beatles music,” but even that was and historic place. three years each), my two sons were both 1 thinly sliced lemon stretching it. Think about it. No doubt that Shmuel serving in the army. I can’t say that I 2 cups ice cubes HaNavi, Samuel the Prophet must have didn’t worry, because I always worry. 2 cups dry white wine had his bar mitzvah here, too. His family I worry about them crossing the street. I 2 cups club soda and friends may have eaten the seudat worried the most when my elder son took 1 cup sliced strawberries mitzvah, the special “command meal”in a post-army trek to South America. Then mint sprigs the very same spot, not far from the I was worried sick. And now, a young Mishkan, the Holy Tabernacle. man from Maale Levona is missing in Combine brandy and lemonade with Here in modern Shiloh, we have a India. Search parties have been sent from lemon slices in a pitcher and refrigerate 4 synagogue modeled, designed according Israel. Please pray for the safe return of hours. Add ice cubes, wine, club soda and to the Biblical description of the Mishkan. Amichai ben Dvora. strawberries. Stir then pour into glasses. We Jews are here, because this is our And accidents are a serious danger, too. Garnish glasses with mint sprigs. Land, based on our long and well- There was one the other day in Shiloh to Unfortunately, I have a very good audial documented history. a young teen. Please pray for a refuah Lemon-Lime Sangria (4 servings) memory, and the Israeli band’s version of shleimah, complete recovery for Yisrael Or 1 bottle red or white fruit flavored wine the Beatles was far from the sounds and ben Tova. Thank you! 1/2 cup lemon-lime soda arrangements permanently burned in my Batya Medad is a American olah, immigrant 3 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice brain. It wasn’t even the lead singer’s in Israel since 1970. Besides her articles and 1 sliced orange: 1 sliced lemon; ice cubes atrocious Hebrew accent that totally photographs, Batya is very involved in the damaged the lyrics. The drummer’s drum international cyber community as a Jewish In a pitcher, combine wine wit lemon- set was inadequate to even give him a blogger. She has two active blogs, http://shiloh lime soda and lemon juice. Add orange chance to reproduce Ringo Starr. and http://me-ander and lemon. To serve, place ice cubes in Probably the most blame could be, besides having established glasses and pour sangria. humped on the guy controlling the the Kosher Cooking Carnival. You can Sybil Kaplan lives in Jerusalem. sound. The mix was totally out of whack contact her at [email protected]. August 26, 2009 NAT 15 CHASSIDIC RABBI School of Historical Studies at Monash co-written with his son, Meir. He was also (continued from page NAT 3) University. He can be reached at rmgout@ a contributing writer on the subject of Jews in sports to the Encyclopaedia my children. Peace with our neighbors. Judaica. The elder Ribalow was an inter- I know I’m not perfect. Maybe I’m doing j i nationally influential literary anthologist something wrong?” MOSKOWITZ of Jewish literature, and authored, in This is the first step of the journey back (continued from page NAT 9) addition to his volumes on sports, 15 to Hashem. Baruch Hashem, millions are other books on various Jewish subjects. making this journey, here and everywhere fraud, deceit, lack of full disclosure, Hadassah’s annual literary award is in the world. They are finding Hashem. discrimination, predatory lending, named The Harold U. Ribalow Prize. They are finding His Torah.They are finding abusive labor practices, gender and racial eternal truth. They then show their family inequality, are all issues the SRI world has j i and friends a good example of how life been dealing with for decades and are ZOBERMAN can be so much better. Very soon the now on everyone’s radar screen. (continued from page NAT 12) entire world will be blessed with eternal Is our economic system truly sustainable peace. It’s up to us. Each of us has to or do we need to change it now, strike Rudy, in a colossal conspiracy of deception make this journey. To come closer to while the iron is hot and before it’s too and destruction. Following a traumatic Hashem, and bring Moshiach by doing late? Let’s use this crisis as an opportunity separation from his mother while on the more mitzvahs. We want Moshiach now! to bring about the change we believe in demanding as well as transforming journey Rabbi Cohen lives in K’far Chabad, Israel. and not just use it as a campaign slogan. home, Rudy discovers his Jewish connection He can be reached by email at bzcohen1@ We need to be “responsible”and hold our through the supportive and nourishing He and his wife Malka leaders to a higher standard that benefits love of Erma, who too was seeking her now have 10 children and 26 grandchildren. everyone, not just the few; Democracy for lost mother. They were all destined to be the common good. Isn’t this what G-d reunited through shared Jewish faith and j i and our higher selves really wants for us fate, though all so cruelly victimized. DEKOVEN to do? Your money and your investments Even with the world collapsing around determine the accuracy of the suspicions. (continued from page NAT 6) have power for meaningful and positive them and on top of them, the Jews are Again, regardless of conflicts of change if you make the choice. Be part of portrayed, particularly the assimilated conscience, Jacob fulfills his orders. After between each of us and Shabbos itself, and the solution! urban ones, to already have lost their a harrowing series of adventures, he we laugh together and become shabbosdik. Allan Moskowitz, is a certified financial inner Jewish core to the point of self-hate. eventually returns to the Union army In truth, now that we think about it, so planner (CFP), licensee. He specializes Consequently, they would become far too where he is congratulated for having many are the games and so many the in fee-based responsible investment for weak to face the physical onslaught. The broken up the spy ring. However, any ways to make them, and us, more individuals and organizations that want to envious and frustrated Gentiles look satisfaction he might have felt disappears shabbosdik, and so impossible would it align their investments with their values. down upon the relatively well-off Jews for when he learns that Jeannie, whom he be for me to think up enough of them by He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and lacking the solid faith of their ancestors, has come to love, was taken prisoner and myself that I find myself having said can be contacted at amoskowitz@protected replaced by attachment to Communism’s supposedly died in jail. enough already. Advisory services and enticing ideals and financial craving. Promoted to sergeant for his achieve- (Kf) – fun that’s certified Kosher. investments offered through Protected We are once more beholden to the genius ments, Jacob is transferred to the Department DeKoven calls himself a “funsmith” Investors of America, an independent of Appelfeld, the most prolific Holocaust of Tennessee where Grant is conducting because it’s the easiest way he can define the broker-dealer and federally registered author and survivor, for so artfully weaving the Western Campaign. He meets and last 40-plus years of his career. In brief, investment advisor with the SEC. this great tale of madness and magic, with falls in love with Abigail Solomon before he helps people make things more fun: his own autobiographical golden threads he is severely wounded in battle. Heart- work, school, games (of course), marriage, j i of powerful yet subtle rendition. How rending events pile up in rapid sequence parenthood, exercise, healing, toys, recovery, SPORTS faithful is his commitment to remain furthering Jacob’s maturation. Judah retirement, life. He does this by helping people (continued from page NAT 12) connected to dear ones in face of the Benjamin plays an important role in what look at things from a fun perspective, which threatening forgetfulness of time’s ensues, contributing to Jacob’s awareness usually turns out to be something people titles (in seven years). As a player for inevitable passage. of his individuality. The richness of the under stress would never think of. And he Israel’s Ramat Khen, she once scored a Rabbi Israel Zoberman, spiritual leader of background painted so ably by Dara Horn happens to know a lot about this particular record 108 points, and is listed in the Congregation Beth Chaverim in Virginia makes what is a coming-of-age saga a perspective. Which is what he hopes you Guinness Book of Records for most Beach, Va., is the son of Polish Holocaust compelling account of one man’s devel- will conclude from reading more about him points scored in a single game. In 2004, survivors. He grew up in Haifa, Israel. opment through the horrors of the Civil War. on Ostfeld’s passionate advocacy for This spy novel cuts deeply into increased funding and meaningful media j i complicated issues of family faithfulness, j i coverage of women’s sports resulted in TEICHER particularly affecting Jews who were on GOUTTMAN Israel’s High Court of Justice order that (continued from page NAT 13) both sides during the Civil War. Dara (continued from page NAT 9) funding of women’s sports associations Horn’s skill as a writer and depth of be a rate of 1.5 times the sum allowed to Jonas’s daughter, an “utterly homely” comprehension is fully realized in this previously aroused controversy when equivalent men’s sport associations. 17-year-old who “suffered from some sort remarkable novel. Her third book, All staged in both London and New York. Its Ostfeld is one of the founders of the of mental deficiency.”On the night before Other Nights provides indisputable purpose was to raise funds and promote Ramat Hasharon Sports Association. the wedding, Jacob flees and joins the evidence of why she was selected by the anti-Zionist messages of its sponsors, A sports columnist for the Jewish Union army. Granta magazine as one of the Best “Australians for Palestine” and “Women Telegraphic Agency and the National Jacob does well as a soldier and is given Young American Novelists. Her two for Palestine.” Not unexpectedly, it won Jewish Post during the 1940s thru early a special assignment to disguise himself as previous books, In the Image and The applause from the more radical of the 1950s, Harold U. Ribalow authored a Confederate. He is to go to New Orleans World to Come, both received National Jewish Left. three books that sparked awareness of the where he is expected to assassinate his Jewish Book Awards. A Harvard Ph.D. in In a moment of reflection, a little space subject of Jews in sports uncle who is plotting to kill President comparative literature, Horn has taught might be commandeered to contemplate following World War II. Lincoln. Although conflicted by issues of at Harvard and at Sarah Lawrence a Jewish future should the Jewish State no His The Jew In American family loyalty, Jacob carries out this College and has lectured at universities longer exist. For this is the nightmare that Sports, first published in mission successfully. He is then ordered throughout the United States and some Jews, let alone others, are calling for. 1948, was accorded six to go to New Babylon, Va., home of the Canada.We eagerly await her fourth novel. Dr. Gouttman is a former senior academic editions through 1985, Levy family. Philip Levy had been a Dr. Morton I. Teicher is the Founding at the University of South Australia, including four printings business partner of Jacob’s father. He and Dean, Wurzweiler School of Social Work, current senior political analyst with the between 1948 and 1952. Ribalow also his four daughters are suspected of being Yeshiva University and Dean Emeritus, B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission penned Jewish Baseball Stars (1984) and Confederate spies. Jacob’s task is to marry School of Social Work, University of North (Australia’s ADL), and associate of the Great Jewish Chess Champions (1986), Jeannie, one of the girls, in order to Carolina at Chapel Hill. NAT 16 August 26, 2009 Seen on the Israel Scene

BY SYBIL KAPLAN Binyamina Winery Midway between Netanya and Haifa, inland off the coastal highway sits Garden area with grapes and flowers. Binyamina. It has a large visitors’ center, The flowers are more susceptible to sales room and restaurant with wood disease, therefore they are able to protect tables, wicker and wood chairs.The menu the grapes. offers classic food – salads with a special bread, chicken, steaks, fish, baked the fourth largest wine maker after potatoes, vegetables, and desserts. Carmel, Barkan, and Golan Heights, Laurie, our guide lives in Zichron, bottling three million bottles a year. They which she calls the “sardine box,”but she export about 25% to Europe, Australia, works here at the winery in Binyamina, New Zealand, the Far East and the U.S. “the match box,”for the past year. Now Binyamina is expanding. Until a She explains that in 1922 the first year ago, they had a staff of less than 40; settlers came to the Rothschild vineyards today they have a staff of 100. and to work in the Carmel Mizrachi Because of the many tours that visit, they Making the desert bloom winery. They built houses and grew created a small vineyard with five rows to grapes but didn’t have enough to do. show how grapes grow.These will be ready Rabbi/Dr. Zvi Leshem (right) is planting an olive tree together with his farmer son The land was similar to the Rothschild in three to four weeks to show to visitors. Zion (left), while his grandson Yehuda Gur-Aryeh “supervises.” chateau land, and they had a preference Grapes for eating are seedless and Zion had just planted ten dunams of organic olive trees on his own land in Chalutza for flowers. So they started growing large, but the winery does not care how where residents from his temporary settlement are starting to move. His current home jasmine and built a building for a wine grapes look; they need flavor with in Yevul includes many who were expelled from the Gush Katif area. perfumery. From 1922 to 1925 they seeds and hard skin because they have Yevul and Chalutza are located just below the southern tip of the Gaza strip, at the created “jasmine from Palestine”perfume. more sugar than eating grapes. The vines corner of Israel, Egypt and Gaza.“In the midst of total desert, nothing but sand, sev- are almost never watered and the sun eral new towns are being built, and the desert is, once again, being made to bloom by provides the sugar. Nearby are rose bushes, pioneers of great faith and self-sacrifice,”reports Rabbi Leshem.“It is very emotional which are detectors for insects and dis- and inspiring,”he adds. eases that may attack the vines. Zvi Leshem is the son of Sylvia and Michael Blain of Indianapolis, Ind. Grapes come the end of July to mid- October from all over the country and are processed inside the plant at night, from j i j i the reception pit to the elevator and Binyamina produces 29 wines, which separator. They then go through pipes, to range from 20 NIS ($5.26) to 135 NIS prevent fermentation, to the fermentation ($35.52), as well as brandy and six tanks. The color of the wine comes from liqueurs. the skins. Red wine is fermented with We sampled a dry white Jasper; a Yekev Binyamina winery facility. skins; white wine is without skins of combined Chardonnay and Sauvignon They realized they didn’t have enough green grapes. blanc, aged in oak, dark yellow, almost people, so they decided to bring a After this, they go through fermentation vinegar; a semi-dry Gewurtztraminer, community from Georgia, Russia, in stainless steel tanks so one can control eight years grown in Israel, almost because families there had many children. the temperature. Wine fermentation takes perfumed; Yogev, Merlot and Cabernet The first settlers had built houses on the 5 – 22 days at 15 – 20 degrees C for white Sauvignon; a Muscat dessert wine with east side of town and the Georgians built on and 2 – -25 degrees C for red wine. Dry brandy overtones; and grape juice. the west side; they never mingled socially. wine takes full fermentation; sweet wine As Daniel Rogov, Israel’s most influential The perfumery lasted only 12 years. takes five days fermentation. The aging barrels. All four photos by and preeminent wine critic reports in his They had a large building, and it couldn’t Barry A. Kaplan. 2009 Rogov’s Guide to Israel Wines, stand empty. Binyamina is a solid and reliable producer The Haganah (Israel’s army before the There is a wine cellar but visitors are not with at least some good wines. He grades State) used the cellar as a hiding place for allowed to go there without the mashgiach 55 wines: six recommended without weapons because there were three (religious supervisor) because all the enthusiasm; 42 are very good to excellent surrounding British camps. (The hiding wines are kosher. In fact, Binyamina is and highly recommended; and seven are place was not found until 1948.) one of the few places in the world that exceptional in every way. In 1951 Yosef Zeltzer, a vintner from makes kosher brandy. Sybil Kaplan is a journalist, book reviewer, Hungary, bought land here and the Eliaz In the wine cellar, the filled oak wood food columnist and feature writer who moved winery began. But he needed grapes, so barrels are from France and California. from Overland Park, Kan., to Jerusalem. they made what was called “yayin All the workers are Jewish and although patishim,” hammer wine, which was the vintners are not religious, only the bought by the army. mashgiach is allowed to touch the wine. In 1980 the winery was shut down. Holding Vats contain 20,000 – 40,000 Barrels remain in the cellar from three In the 1990s, two Israelis who owned a liters of wine or grape juice. months to three years. Wine is then taken film company decided to buy the winery and through pipes to the bottling plant. bring Eliaz wines to Binyamina. They put It stays several months to clarify then The two vintners taste the wines, but in equipment from California but decided the wine goes to bottling. one learned the French way and one to buy grapes rather than grow them. The seeds are made into grape seed oil; learned the California way. They know The grapes they bought were high- the skins go to pharmaceuticals for when to bottle or how long to leave wine quality grapes, and today Binyamina is creams, shampoos and beauty products. in the bottles before selling.