Inside the Journal:

Calendar 2 Mishnayos Ba’al Peh 71 Letter 4 Song Book 77 Head Staff Letter 5 Diary 85 Bunk Pages 8 Birthdays 89 Campers Write 57 Yellow Pages 97 Learning Program 63 Thank Yous 101 ב"ה CGI C ALENDAR – M ONTH 1 תמוז - אב תשס"ז / J UNE - J ULY 2007

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SHABBOS י "ד פ' בלק 30 י "ג 29 י "ב' 28 י "א י ' 27 26 Staff Arrive Leave Campers Arrive N.Y. @ 11am Leave NY @ 11am

כ "א פ' כ' פנחס 7 6 י "ט 5 י "ח 4 י "ז 3 ט "ז 2 ט "ו 1 First trip Fast day Bowling

כ "ח פ' כמטו ""ז מ 14 13 כ "ו 12 כ "ה 11 כ "ד 10 כ "ג 9 כ "ב 8 Visiting Day Overnight Camp Overnight BMD Grand trip שבת מברכים Masmidim Six Flags

ו' פ' דברים ה21 ' 20ד' 19 ג' 18 ב' 17 א' 16 כ "ט 15

9 Days Bog War Bog War Carnival

י "א 26 י' 25 ט' 24 ח' 23 ז' 22 Change Session תשעה באב Topsey turvey

NY-9am Camp-1pm

ב"ה CGI C ALENDAR – M ONTH 2 אב תשס"ז / A UGUST 2007


י "ג פ' ואתחנן 28 י "ב 27 י "א 26 Change Session NY-9am Camp-1pm

כ' פ' עקב 4 י "ט י3 "ח 2 י "ז 1 ט "ז 31 ט "ו 30 י "ד 29 First trip First Trip Furen Tsum Holiday Puttin Plus Rebben Mountain (older div) From Camp @ 11am

כ "ז פ' ראה כ "ו 11 10 כ "ה 9 כ "ד 8 כ "ג 7 כ "ב 6 כ "א 5 Visiting Day Overnight Camp Overnight BMD שבת מברכים Masmidim

ד' פ' שופטים ג' 18 17 ב' 16 א' 15 ל' 14 כ "ט 13 כ "ח 12 Staff Play Color war Color war

ז' 21 ו' 20 ה' 19

Grand trip Pack/ Goodbye CGI Leave Camp @ 11am Hershey Park Banquet


Letter From The Rebbe

A letter of the Rebbe to a reunion of Camp Gan Yisroel

By the Grace of G-d 17th of Shevat, 5723 , N.Y.

To All Participants in the Reunion of Camp Gan Israel, G-d bless you all, Greeting and Blessing: I trust you know that a few days ago (on the 10th of Shevat), we observed the Yahrzeit of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, my father-in –law of saintly memory. Camp Gan Israel, which you enjoyed so much during the summer, and which you are now gathered to honor, is one of the im- portant activities of the Merkos L”Inyonei Chinuch, which the late Lubavitcher Rebbe has created for your benefit. In this connection, I wish to tell you a story which my father-in-law related. Some of you may have already heard it, but it is worth repeating, for its lessons can never become “out of date”. The story is as follows: The first Lubavitcher Rebbe, known as the “Old Rebbe” (and about three weeks ago, on the 24th of Teveth, we observed the 150th year since he passed away) has a son Dov Ber, who later succeeded his father as the second, or “Mitteler” Rebbe. Rabbi Dov Ber was known for his unusual power of concentration. When he was engaged in a study or prayer, he did not hear or see a thing around him. Once, when Rabbi Dov Ber was engaged in study, his baby sleeping in a nearby cot, fell out of its cradle and began to cry. Rabbi Dov Ber did not hear the baby’s cry and continued to learn. But the infants grandfather, the Old Rebbe, who was in the room on the upper floor and was also learning at that time, did hear the baby’s cries. He interrupted his studies, went downstairs, picked up the infant, soothed it and put it back in its cradle. Still the infants father did not hear or see what went on around him. Later on, the Old Rebbe told his son: “No matter how important the thing is in which a Jew is engaged, one must always hear the cry of a child.” This story was told not only to parents, teachers and grown-ups who have to take care of children, but also to the children them- selves, because this story has an important lesson for children also. You see, everyone has a yetzer tov-which puts good ideas into the head, and a yetzer hora-which tries to put bad ideas into the head. The yetzer hora is the “older” one, for it comes early in the life of every boy and girl to temp them to do things they shouldn’t. The yetzer tov is the “baby”. It sometimes happens that just when a boy or girl has to do something really important, such as to study, do homework, and the like, they suddenly an idea to do something else instead, which may also be good in it’s proper time, but not now. For example, when it is time to do homework, the boy or girl wants to put their room in order, or run an errand. Worst still, when the yetzer hora tempts them to do something they shouldn’t do at any time. When this happens, the yetzer tov “baby” feels pushed out of it’s cra- dle, unhappy, and begins to cry. The story I told you is to remind you to hear the cry of the “baby”-the yetzer tov, and keep it happy by doing the right thing at the right time, and not doing the wrong thing at any time. I will conclude by reminding all of you that this coming shabbos we will read in the about G- d giving us the Torah at Mount Sinai, when all , young and old, boys and girls, declared with one voice: “All that G-d has spoken, we will do!” If you will remember this always-the yetzer tov will have no tears, and you, too, will be happy in every respect. I send you and your teachers and parents greeting and all good wishes,

With Blessing, M Schneerson

PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 5

Letter From Executive Director

שי' Dear colleagues and friends Reunion is always a moving and emotional experience. Yet this reunion is special because the initial re- union was special. In my travels over the years I have, as I am sure you have during your own travels, come to realize the unique and long-lasting deep impact of Gan Israel on the lives of the thousands who have passed through its environment over the four decades of its existence. Today, we reunite not only in remembering the past, but in realizing its impact on our lives up to the present. Generally, summer is seen as a problem to be solved and a challenge to be met, with camp as the solu- always sees challenges and opportunity. And so the Rebbe founded a camp as זי"ע tion. But the Rebbe an island where torah and chassidus can be taught, undisturbed by the outside world, in a wholesome environment, something that is not possible in even the best in the city. The Rebbe sees Camp Gan Israel as a kavadla (mold) where the character of the true chossid can be probably molded. With the establishment of Gan Yisroel, the Rebbe started a revolution. Quantitatively, the Rebbe founded a global network of institutions serving thousands of youth, turning the summer vacation, months free of school, into a recreational and educational opportunity. Qualitatively too, the Rebbe created a program that transcends all barriers, a setting that comfortably serves the entire spectrum of Jewish youth, from the public school students whom Gan Yisroel introduced to Yidishkeit, to the Ben Torah, for whom it of- fered an insight into the light and warmth of Chassidus. Gan Yisroel was entrusted with an enormous task and zechus and we remain dedicated to the continued fulfillment of this unique shlichus. As we are blessed with the unique zechuss to mark the completion of the Yovel – Jubilee (and marking the ground of the new acquisition), we hope and pray אי"ה the beginning of the new “Yovel” with breaking for new insights into the words and wishes of the Rebbe that will be translated into increased efforts that so"הקיצו ורננו שכוני עפר" ,will hasten the Geulah speedily in our time, with the fulfillment of the prophecy that, together with the Rebbe, we will march to the Geulah Sheeimah speedily in our time. With esteem and affection, I remain, Sincerely, Avrohom Y Shemtov Page 6 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Letter From Head Counselors

Tayere campers sheyichyu, As the summer comes to an end and we begin to reflect on the unbelievable times we all had to- gether we want to leave you with a few reminding words until next year when were all back together for another smashing year. Amongst all the activities and trips and exciting carnivals and outdoor barbecues and overnights that we shared together, was a message that camp told us. The pride of being a chossid and excitement of being a yid the chayus in davening and bentching are the daily ideas that we lived with for the last 2 months. But throughout the summer we learned many different lessons that we should think about and live with at home this year as well. Those of you that began to read the album of the Rebbe, should continue to read it and enjoy the valuable information that you can get from it. Neilchah B’orchosov the winning theme of color war teaches us that we as Chassidim have to fol- low in the ways, the album which has so many different details and facts about the Rebbe is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn many of the Rebbe’s ways. Lets not forget the team of Kiyum Ho- roisov, that we follow the the directions that the Rebbe gave us. The beautiful Siyum Harambam and pro- ject of sefer hamitzvos is a great way to fulfill this theme. Those that went to club should continue to learn Chitas at home. Tayere kinder, the point of camp is to continue all this at home. The Rebbe said that Gan Yisroel is a place that makes Chassidim for the whole year. When we get home from camp the first thing our moth- ers do for us is wash off the smell of camp from our clothing. Its our job to make sure that the Chassidishe Ruchniyusdike smell of camp is strong and heavy the whole year. When you walk down the street or play with your friends it should be obvious that there goes a chassidishe child that spent a month or 2 in the Rebbe’s camp. Remember the 3 bog war themes of oilam, shana and nefesh. These are the ways that you can change and affect your stay at home for the next 2 months. Oilam means that through mitzvos you are af- fecting the gashmiyus around you. Each of you has the opportunity to change the space around you, changing the world one piece at a time. Shana means time; you should be a person that never wastes one minute. We learnt especially from the Rebbe how to appreciate every second of our day. Finally Nefesh, that every Jew is special and important and that we too are special as a part of the yiddisher nation. Campers besides all these lessons that you will live thought this year, you may want once in a while to relive camp, to put yourself back in the setting of the dinning room Friday night or the shul by Licho Dodi. We suggest that you take out this journal and find your favorite camp song and sing it with the enthu- siasm of camp. Give your counselor a call to let him know how your doing and see how he’s enjoying his year in yeshiva this way you’ll stay connected to camp the whole year until next year when were all back in camp together for another unimaginable year of Camp Gan Yisroel in Yerushalayim Ir hakodesh Amen.

Leibel Kessleman Shaul Perlstein Isser New Shua Brook

PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 7

Letter From #1 Division Director

Dear campers of the #1 division,

You are probably reading this letter on the bus home from camp or it can be in middle of Chanukah va- cation whatever the case may be it will definitely be after camp which means that you and I are no longer having a blast at CGI. But my memories of you will always remain strong. Do you remember our own spe- cial in the NOD tent or the late-night swims that we had when the rest of camp was sleeping in bed. And that awesome surprise birthday party you guys made me, I’ll tell you I was really shocked when I walked into the room and you were all wide awake. Who could forget the Chof Av fabrengen the night be- fore we went to the and the beautiful singing in 770. Of course you all remember our bonfire in the woods at the end of the first month, and our two amazing beev-o-wack’s in the Rebbe’s forest oh I almost forgot, the time we all went to canteen at night. How’a’bout the fun filled action packed days we had with chayusdike davenings & bentching’s and the awesome sports that we played. The main thing is that when are a little homesick for camp in middle of the year you have all these wonderful memories to look back on and guess what ???????? camp is only 232 days away……

Love you all,

Yosef Kramer

#1 Division Head Page 8 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Aleph

To the greatest campers (most of the time☺ ). in the best bunk Alef, Davening, Bentching, lets keep the N.O.D Ok, its over, now what’s spirit going throughout fun’s over and right into the year and our cheer: school we go. Sad news. “We can do it”… Honestly, which of you actually felt every single minute of this month, ok, half? Its as if it was all in one day. We woke up, got on the buses, came to camp, un- packed and just jumped right over the holiday mountain came back went on a hike, had a runaway, and had enough time to win Shabbos competition, go tubing, and have col- or war, all before night activity (lets just not start)! Guys all in all you were awesome

Keep in Touch

Zevi and Ephraim

What if the staff play would not be pushed off?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 9

Keep in Touch

Zevi Kugel (Co.)

Yaakov Ephraim Stock (Co.) Aryeh Leib Alperowics 658 Montgomery Street APT 4J Brooklyn, NY 11225

Menachem Mendel Azimov 1 Riva Avenue North Brunswick, NJ 08902 Yehuda Chanowitz 15 North Street Monticello, NY 12701 Mottie Dubov 731 Princeton Kingston Rd. Princeton, NJ 08540 Daniel Hassan P. O. Box 1031 Liberal, KS 67905 Menachem Mendel Kaplan 6600 Deancraft Road Baltimore, MD 21209

Mendel Laine PTY 1266, 3537 82nd Ave. Doral, FL 33122 Avrohom Aharon Margoline 723 36th Avenue San Francisco, CA Shtauber 94121 Uziel Minkowitz 483 Brooklyn Ave Brooklyn, NY 11225 Dovid Raitport 637 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Zalman Rubinchik 165 Warren Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 Menachem Mendel 7700 Williams Ave. Sarasota, FL 34231 Steinmetz Menachem Weber 1604 Afton Street Philadelphia, PA 19111

What if...

Z.R. didn’t get mail as a prize D.H. wouldn’t get his RC M.D. didn’t sing nigunim plane M.S. never got his album Y.C. wouldn’t stop smiling D.R. was in the choir M.L. didn’t have his camera A.L.A. was PA manager M.A. didn’t have his Mendy & U.M. didn’t live down the road the Golem magazine Ephraim and Zevi were nor- A.A.M. didn’t have his base- mal… ball glove Then this wouldn’t have been M.K. was loud the best summer ever! M.W. didn’t get his slinky ball Page 10 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Beis

We had an awesome time ing. There was also the .side to campגשמיות this summer, with you amazing campers and the Starting with pesukim in the amazing counselors you had morning, going to davening (I hope that’s not a matter and bentching with a of opinion). Starting from chayus, and learning clas- Bentzi and shaya – the the very beginning with Hol- ses, camp just had so much iday Mountain where we two most amazing counse- to offer. Camp has been re- lors went go-carting and bumper ally fun, and you should boating, to the overnight make sure to take the mem- Unbelievable summer with that huge bonfire and ories of camp with you which we had together marshmallows and those lit- whenever and wherever you sNake - the way our line tle annoying bugs which are. Make sure to use out looked every day by lineup crawl into your sleeping what camp has taught you Kitchen – the place where bag, the delicious hot dogs to its fullest abilities. and the singing, when we we got all our amazing made a birthday party for food from Best time I ever had ב Yosef Kramer, when we woke up in middle of the and hate to say good bye night and went to (shh) to Shop Rite, and when we al- “CGI Year 51, This summer most went on a second run is on the run, so bunk Beis away but it turned out to be lemme hear you say, be- color war, and when we had cause we almost went all that triangular food on our the way” porch one night called pizza, to the extremely amazing Grand Trip, camp was just indescribably fun and excit-

Your Counselors

Bentzi and Shaya

What if supper would be served the same time everyday?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 11

Keep in Touch

Bentzion T Shemtov (Co.)

Shaya Denburg (Co.) 2315 NW 95th Ave. Coral Springs, FL 33065

Menachem Mendel Ehren- 6 Whitefield Road Chestnut Ridge, NY reich 10577 Levi Yitzchok Feller 270 Sherwood Ct. West S. Paul, MN 55118

Mendy Helman 506 Montgomery Brooklyn, NY 11225 Street Mendel Klein 1311 95 th Street Bay Harbor Isl., FL 33154

Meir Kolt 88 Southgate Dr. Spring Valley, NY 10977

Motti Krasnianski 3 Kakiat Lane Spring Valley, NY 10977

Moshe Lew 723 Adams Street, New Orleans, LA 70118 Apt. 102 Menachem Mendel Litz- 17 Grove Street Monsey, NY 10952 man Shlomo Malamud 668 Eastern Pkwy. Brooklyn, NY 11213 Shimon Polter 176 Adar Court Monsey, NY 10952 Alexander Russell 371 Brook Ave. Passaic, NJ 07055 Moshe Stuart 245 Kearsing Pkwy. Monsey, NY 10952

What if...

M.E. Was able to fall asleep at M.Litzman Didn’t always walk Shaya Denburg wouldn’t say night. (With out a story) around with a soccer ball. a story every single night. L.F. Actually made trouble & S.M. Was never good at got punished. sports. M.H. Never stopped smiling. S.P. Wouldn’t farbrang every night until 2 in the morning M.Klein Didn’t bring enough clothes for the whole bunk. A.R. Didn’t Read his books before bedtime every night. M.Kolt wasn’t Really from Monsey. M.S Would have the messiest cubbies in the bunk. M.Krasnijansky Never did his job in the morning. M.Lew wouldn’t roll around on Bentzi T. Shemtov Wouldn’t heales all day. force you into the shower. Page 12 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Gimmel

To mein teire kinderlach and should learn a les- fun bunk gimmmel, son out of everything. keep in אי"ה As camp comes to an We will end we start to remem- touch and have a great ber the day we came to year. camp. The excellent fun time we had together. The shabbos competi- tion trips, how we won bunk competition, the late nights, runaways, pizza parties, popcorn parties, and the fa- brengens Friday nights. The chayus and strength we had this summer should be used for the upcoming year. Everybody should have a successful year and take a lesson from what we did this summer whether it was playing or learning. You can

Goodbye Sweeties

Zalmy & Itchy

What if the canteen would be opened all night?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 13

Keep in Touch

Shneur Zalman Chazan (Co.)

Yitzchok Glassner (Co.)

Yackov Yosef Ackerman Mayer Friedman 701 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11213

Elimelch Simcha Hecht 990 West Broadway Woodmere, NY 11598

Yakov Yehuda Hecht 656 Prospect St New Haven, CT 06511

Mendel Kaplan 713 SE 7th Street Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 Avrohom Kievman 1484 Union Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Avrohom Kopel 1653 President Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Menachem Mendy Levitin 3701 NE 74th Pl. Seattle, WA 98115

Dovie Levy 468 Crown Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Ruvi Lipsker 1558 Carroll Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Eli Shemtov 2110 Leroy Pl. NW Washington, DC 20008

Menachem Mendel Zulauf 565 Crown Street Apt. Brooklyn, NY 11213 4a Shmuel Zuntz 687 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11213

What if...

Yaakov Hecht didn’t have the rest of the summer? home in the middle of an uncle in camp? Dovi Levy didn’t win best camp? Mendy levitin didn’t have a camper? Mendy Zulauf didn’t play personal canteen? Meli Hecht didn’t have vis- psp every night? Avremi Kopel didn’t have iting day every week? the unlimited chayus? Avremi Kievman wouldn’t whole Shmuli Zuntz wouldn’t be be everyone’s lawyer? entire able to smile? bunk Meir Friedman didn’t have didn’t Yanky Akerman had been a brother in canteen? stay with us since the begin- Mendy Kaplan didn’t be- for the ning? nd have? 2 month? Eli Shemtov had stayed Ruvi Lipsker didn’t go Page 14 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Daled

-hike to the gas station, ture of the Rebbe be ד' Dear Bunk the night swims with fore we went to sleep music, sports, pizza and thinking about You were the greatest, party, and much much what we did to make (okay let’s not go too more. The point is the Rebbe happy. far!) these were all lots of Those things you will We had an amazing fun and exciting things, take home with you! time together, like the however we must also As the Rebbe said it time when we went on a remember another rea- will be the children runaway for pizza, came son why we were in that will bring back, got screamed at camp and that is the Moshiach. by Yosef Kramer, and most important, the ba- We wish you all the to use the things ברכות how we burst out laugh- sis on that which the ing when Levi Rosen- Rebbe established the you learned in camp blum made a summer- Gan Israel, and that is and help bring אי"ה I would Moshiach now, and .רוחניות sault. to gain in Or how about the time therefore like to remind next year we’ll be to- when we woke up and you of some of the gether in Gan Israel מקדש with the ירושלים thought that it was late, things our bunk did to in with the coming השלישי -cleaned up the bunk, help us be better Chas and than the p.a. went sidim. Like saying every of Moshiach! שמונה עשרה חת"ת , word in on and reveille had just PS– KEEP IN TOUCH! begun. How about the club, looking at the pic-

With Love From Your Counselors

Chaim Meir and Shimon

What if there wouldn’t be bog war & color war?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 15

Keep in Touch

Shimon L. Gorkin(co.) 1490 Union St. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11213

Chaim Meir Greenberg 6505 West Wind Dr El. Paso, TX 79912 (co.)

Chaim Alperowitz 175 Pond View Drive Centerville, MA 02632 Yisroel Blesofsky 213-11 28th Ave. Bayside, NY 11360 Isser Brikman 615 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11225

Levi Yitzchok Eisenberg 20 Alexandria Rd. Morristown, NJ 07960

Yossie Fogelman 781 Eastern Pkwy., #1A Brooklyn, NY 11213

Moshe Aaron Geisinsky 4360 Myrtle Ave. Long Beach, CA 90807 Yakov Mangel 26 Acorn Hill Drive Voorhees, NJ 08043 Levi Yitzchok Rosenblum Av.12 Altamiro QTD. Mi Caracas, Reina Menachem Mendel Slavin 754 Eastern Pkwy. Brooklyn, NY 11213

Mendel Wilhelm 421 Sterling Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Levi Zarchi PMB 122 5900 Isla Verde Carolina, PR 00979 Ave. L-2

What if...

Levi Rosenblum was first Chaim owned a drumset in Bunk Daled wasn’t the to line-up? camp? greatest bunk in camp his- Levi Zarchi didn’t behave? Moshe Aharon wasn’t tory? Yisroel wasn’t assistant amazing at sports? counselor? Yaakov wouldn’t be so qui- Mendal Slavin didn’t have et? unlimited chayus? Isser wasn’t in the back of the line? Levi Eizenberg looked out of his ? Mendal Wilhelm didn’t know how to have fun? Yossi didn’t scream “attention”? Our bunk missed a night of showering? Page 16 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Hey

One day two young men 2007. Namely, bunk hay a beevowak. But the good woke up much as they did group of characters each times kept on rolling when on any other ordinary day. one more exciting then the we had a crazy scavenger However on his way to the next. Realizing that all the hunt in Shoprite looking bathroom Chezky Weiss did- campers really wanted was for Amoric Sulphate sodi- n’t have his glasses on and an opportunity to have a fun um. Finally an amazing being vision impaired with- time. The two counselors smashing thrilling stupen- out them he didn’t notice capitalized and decided to dous awesome fantastic Shmuly Schapiro getting out affiliate this need of sponta- grand trip to Hershey of his bed. As you can im- neous amusement and with Park. But at the end of agine the scene that fol- the first rocking marriv the the day we all became a lowed, Chezky tripped over entire bunk won a limited little closer as friends and the leg of Shmuly causing edition C.G.I. picture album. Chassidim as we grew in both of them to crash hardly But the fun didn’t stop there the ways of the Rebbe and on the floor leaving both un- with one amazing davening learned hisTorah we hope conscious. When they were after another they went on you had as much fun in awoken they found them- to win shabbos competition camp as we had and come selves as counselors of bunk followed by an amazing ba- on and join us with the hay in C.G.I. Parksville, N.Y. nana boating trip which we help of Hashem for anoth- as they were examining had an awesome time on. er amazing summer at their bunk during line up Even though the previous C.G.I. and shacharis that day they nights sleep was disturbed a observed a group of individ- crazy birthday party for uals that davened with such Shmuley with so much pop- chayus and listened to every corn we were sweeping for word their counselor told weeks. We enjoyed a great them. But then they woke day at Holiday Mountain and up to the reality of C.G.I. a wonderful night at the

Your Counselors

Chesky and Shmuly

What if the ice cream would be free?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 17

Keep in Touch

Shmuly Schapiro (Co.)

Chezky Weiss (Co.)

Schneur Zalman Eisen- 20 Alexandria Rd. Morristown, NJ 07960 berg Noach Finver 70 Lexington Ave. Edison, NJ 08817 Levi Goldberg 10 Kissol Lane Morristown, NJ 07960 Mendel Grossbaum 61 N. Ashby Ave. Livingston, NJ 07039 Menachem Kessler 37 Ralph PL. Morristown, NJ 07960 Reuven Sinai Korn 9 Woodlawn Drive Morristown, NJ 07960 Shmuel Dovid Raichik 11508 Damestown Road Gaitherburg, MD 20878

Menachem Schapiro 27 Tikvah Way Morristown, NJ 07960 Shnuer Zalman Volfman 10 Tikvah Way Morristown, NJ 07960

Dovid Werde 8 Deborah Drive Morristown, NJ 07960 Sholom Yaffe 2 Old Field Road West Hartford, CT 06117

Menachem Mendel Zeiler 89 Hamem Gimmel Kiryat Malachi, 83033

Tanchom Zeiler Antebi 6 Jerusalem,


Schneur Volfman- Josi be he did to much MBP scream loud he’ll wake up learn Rambam S.Z. Eisenberg- maybe I Tanchum Zeiler- Shalom Yaffe- Who’s didn’t daven hard enough Mendel Zeiler- maybe if we Chezky? Levi Goldberg- forget about cartwheel over him he’ll Dovid Werde- I hope he it, I have to go to the bath- wake didn’t fall on my basketball room up Reuven Korn- it’s good thing my snacks are on top Shmuel Dovid Rauchick- it’s of my bed color war or staff play Noach Finver- I hope he’s Mendy Grossbaum- my un- not that upset at me cle could fix him Menachem Schapiro- may- Mendy Kessler- if we Page 18 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Vov

To the most fantastic bunk and the Chasidim started camp, the exiting activities on this planet. forming a “shvil”, this chosid and trips are just good As we sat in the early am, it attempted to jump into the memories of this great hit us that believe it or not, “shvil”, the Chassidim tried summer, but those points yes the summer is coming to stop him but he just will be no memory, they to a close. jumped in and came face to will be the way we live and face with the rebbe, and act through the year, and As we look back at the 4 or then told the rebbe: “I am a with this we will be zoche 8 weeks that we spent to- chosid from Montreal, and I that where we came, back gether, davening and learn- promised a fellow chosid to gan Israel next year for ing, having exiting activities that I will not return without another fantastic simmer, and trips, winning shabbos a brocha from the rebbe, it will not be in Parkville - competition, the stories and that he should have chil- but in Yerusholayim ir ha- chasidishe farbrengins on dren” and the rebbe gave kodesh. Friday night, and all of the him a him a bracha. fun and exiting things that p.s. even after camp make we did this summer that Dear campers, this chossid sure the davening and should be looked at a few had no children either, but bentchings are not a na- things that we learned this never the less he pushed tional disaster. summer, that should be ap- himself in, to ask for a bro- plied to our day life ever or cha not for himself, but for actually especially after his friend, this is the kind of camp. ahavas Israel that we should walk away from camp with, One simchas torah at this and many other points hakofos by the rebbe, that we lived with is what amongst the large crowd makes camps spirit go on stood a chosid from Montre- through out the year, make al was in the front of 770, sure not to forget tem in as the rebbe was coming in

Your Counselors

Nochum and Berel

What if there was survival?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 19

Keep in Touch

Berel Gurevitch (Co.)

Nochum Schapiro (Co.)

Tzvi Dovber Benjaminson 660 Lefferts Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11203

Shmuel Butler 711 Eastern Pkwy. Brooklyn, NY 11213 Avraham Drizin 1307 Carroll Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Benzion Duchman 595 Lefferts Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11203 Menachem Mendel Feld- 621 E. New York Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11203 man #5LB Shaya Naparstek 657 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11225

Menachem Mendel Polter 1514 President Street Brooklyn, NY 11213

Yisroel Raksin 646 Empire Blvd. Brooklyn, NY 11213

Moshe Schapiro 1365 Carroll Street, #3C Brooklyn, NY 11213

Israel Slonim 420 Murray Hill Road Vestal, NY 13850 Levi Sputz 585 Crown Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Menashe Treitel 4725 Vezina Montreal, Que., H3W- 1B7

What if...

S.R. …was in shul for a full Kramer In camp davening M.S. … wouldn’t have a cousin L.S. …(would hold onto his as the GM baseballs) wouldn’t need nosh B.D . …wouldn’t have his every second brother as his waiter D.B. …wouldn’t get a stomach S.B. …wouldn’t need a dvar ache every Friday night malchus every Sunday M.P. …wouldn’t smile every M.F. … wouldn’t know the time you call him out of the word “no” shul M.T. … wouldn’t change bunks Y.S. … wouldn’t be in camp for 4 years …Things would be a lot differ- ent A.D. …didn’t have a cousin Y. Page 20 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Zayin

Dear Campers of Bunk Zayin splash!!… have the Zechus to bring I am sitting here at everyone is wet!) wow! We Moshiach and will be able to 3:00am and trying to think of had a blast! The Bating Cages, see the Rebbe with us down something to write and this is Bowling, Go-Carting, Miniature here leading us to what I came up with; Golf and so much more!! Yerushalayim the final Geula. But we must not forget the AMEN!!!! The Summer flew by so main point why we had so Don’t forget to keep in fast, all the time that we spent much fun as one Bunk togeth- touch!! together, from the Late Nights er this Summer! is to take all to the Runaways, the trips, the the energy and put it into our parties at night, Shabbos Davening and Learning in or- Comp. which we won 1st der to Daven and Learn well Month and went Banana Boat- and by us doing this we will ing (flying on the banana and…


A-Avremi who “always” davent enjoyed R-Runaway which was Really with camp color war J-Jokes we made together B-Banana Boating for shabbos S-Staff play that finally hap- comp. K-Kitchen that served us the pened food we like C-Chaim that always slept in T-Traveling To chuf av ( flat every day L-Levi M who loved to sleep tier ) D-“Doctor suss!” Get over M-Millions of Moths that we U-Unity and friendship the en- here! killed tire summer E-E.c.a.d. that gave us the N-rabbi Nachman that we sang V-Video of the rebbe every runaway and got busted by lights-out night F-Floor that was never seen O-Overnight where we sang W-“What me?” was the ques- besides for bedside camp songs tion of the summer G-Goldberger who didn't like P-“Peace on you” take a X-Xtra late nights we had to- pic. shower gether in the bunk H-Hike to Mobil Q-grand bbQ we had in the Y-You knew it the whole time! square I-I pod with the stories we all Z-Zirkind cousins in our bunk Your Caring and Loving Counselors

Moshe and Chaim

What if the smids were really masmidim?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 21

Keep in Touch

Moshe Cohen Shmuly Bronstein Mendy Nemanov 4947 Plamondon Ave. 1592 Carol st. 447 Troy Ave. Montreal QC Canada Brooklyn NY USA Brooklyn NY USA H3W-1E9 11213 11203

Chaim Lerman Zalmen Denburg Ari Rosenberg 1548 Carol Ave. 3215 N. W. 95th Ave 5228 Mary Allen Ave. Brooklyn NY USA Coral Springs Sherman CA USA 11213 33065 91401

Avremi Baran Zalmen Siman 6077 Loven tree rd. 1241 Carol st. Columbia MD USA Memachem Goldberger Brooklyn NY USA 21044 1408 Carol st. 11213 Brooklyn NY USA 11213 Ben-Zion Zirkind Yossi Brikman 4975 Plamondon Ave. 615 Montgomery Ave. Levi Mintz Montreal QC Canada Brooklyn NY USA 1359 Carol st. H3W-1E9 11215 Brooklyn NY USA 514-733-3033 11213 Ari Bronstein Mendel Zirkind 410 Crown st. Mendel Mintz 4265 Kent Ave. Brooklyn NY USA 2829 May Ave. Montreal QC Canada 11225 Redondo Beach CA USA H3S-1N5 90278

What if...

LM-would have the entire al- ZD-did not have any brothers bum the first week in camp AB-didn't have any tradition MZ-would know how to de- soups fend himself MN-wouldn't of break his AR-would understand the first teeth time MM-did not get so much mail ABaran-would Daven together a day with camp MG-would wear pajama BZ-wouldn't have a Nintendo “pants” at night DS in camp YB-wasn't the assistant Coun- SB-slept in camp together selor with the bunk ZS-didn't complain about tak- ing a shower


Bun Ches

As I sit here at 3:30am court (what an amazing the rebbe on ‘’chof av’’ with pen in hand (tears game) the hike to Mobil about what a beautiful in my eyes) (that no one knew) sto- summer we had. I have one little problem ryteller’s we had, night- with this we sign our is it me or did the sum- swim while camp was letter with tears wish- mer feel like it flew right fast a sleep zzzzzzzzz. ing you a good and over my head. And all the other thing I successful year and I don’t know where to cant say (the h.c.’s are may we continue giv- begin with this amazing coming) ing the rebbe and par- summer that we had to- But if we stop for a sec- ents true ‘’chasideshe- gether but I ‘’gota’’ start ond and think is this the nachs’’ we hope you at one point so lets see real reason why we had as much fun as we it all begun with the first came to the rebbe’s did and hope to see day rolling of those fan- camp? We are the reb- you back next year in cy coach busses right in be’s children we have to yerushalayim to camp unpacking our follow what the rebbe with heartfelt tears bags and here is what want’s from us ‘’negel- happened, well we just vasser’’ by our bed had a blast but il let you ‘’krias-shmah’’ with in on something’s ‘’hamapil’’ every night b.b.q., overnight where (shahahaha) we sat together singing Davening and benching around that huge fire with chayus (remember thanks to counselor shukel, point, and look m.c. runaway to pizza in side) sefer-hamitsvos after that great boating of the day having ahvas activity (with the crocs) -yisroel with our fellow late-night’s in canteen bunk mates our pan to right of the basketball

Your Loving and Devoted Counselors

Yudi and Zalmy

What if bunk chof daled would not have won bunk competition?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 23

Keep in Touch

Zalmy Cohen (Co.)

Yudi Golowinski (Co.)

Yakov Barber 593 Crown Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Yisroel Batt 1845 52nd Street, #20 Brooklyn, NY 11204 Yehuda Dov Eckhaus 432 Sterling Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Dovber Grossbaum 1129 S Paul Av S Paul, MN 55116 Yitzchok Aleksander Hecht 990 West Broadway Woodmere, NY 11598

Efraim Yonatan Helman 760 Montgomery Street, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Apt. 4a Chaim Hodakov 110 Marvel Rd. New Haven, CT 06515 Mendel Jacobson 535 Crown Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Chaim Eliezer Rapoport 658 Montgomery Street, Brooklyn, NY 11225 #4a Menachem Rubin 17370 North East 7th North Miami Beach, FL Court 33162 Menachem Mendel Sorkin 736 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11213

Shaul Sugar 1334 Carroll Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Avrahom Meir Tsvik 225 Marine Ter. Hillside, NJ 07205


A-Alex who stayed with us for 2nd in one class way B-‘’bbQ’’ we had after light’s out M-Mendel sorkin that gave us V-Video of the rebbe every night (with yud) soda’s shaboss W-What's my job today? C-Chaim l. our candy man N-Night’s out instead of light’s X-Xtra runaway and late night’s D-Dirt we ‘’never’’ had in the out Y-‘’Y’’ me and not him bunk O-Overnight where we sang Z-Zzzzzzzzzzzzz good night! E-E.C.A.D. that gave us those around the fire run-away’s P-Pillow fight with bunk yud oh F-Fershtmen that should have we smashed them stayed with us for 2nd Q-bb’’Q‘’ with whole camp (in the G-Grand trip wow ‘’square’’) H-Hike to Mobil (‘’nod’’ on the R-Runaway early morning way) 123COLAR WAR I-I miss my mommy S-Shua brook who always did J-Just that amazing summer we bedside (so mean….) had together T-Trips which was a blast togeth- K-‘’Kan’’ not believe its all over er L-Learning class our whole bunk U-Unity and friendship in every- Page 24 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Tes

Dearest campers of the Mountain, our ‘runaway; bunk tes! bestest bunk in the whole (colorwar), and the list goes PPS Really really really re- wide world, on and on and on. To try to ally really keeeeeeeeeeeep sum this summer up in one iiiiiiiin touch word would be completely First things first, I really utterly totally impossible. want you all to know that I From amazing to incredible, really enjoyed spending my spectacular to stupendous, summer with you. I can’t wacky to booming. None of imagine something that I them quite captures it would have rather done. properly. I think the best Thinking back trying to re- way to describe it is ……… member some of the things there really is no word. Just we did together so many the thoughts and memories. just come rushing so fast I Remember the lessons feel like the whole world is hachlatas and farbrangens, spinning around me. Whoa keep them with you forever. Im getting dizzy. Ok it The craziest part about it is stopped. So just to mention that it’s over. Who would’ve a few… when we would ran- thought that it would end so domly start silent dancing in fast. I still remember the the middle of the bunk, the first day when your three time we made a goodbye counselors ran up, and then party for someone who was- when… stop me quick before n’t even awake, playing soc- I get on a roll! Just enjoy cer in shoprite, the bunk tes life but don’t drink and strike, bbq in bed, popcorn drive. Booyah!!!! party, playing broken tele- phone outside 770, Holiday PS Don’t mess cause were

Your Counselors

Mendel and Dovid

What if Isser wouldn’t be head counselor?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 25

Keep in Touch

Moonbaz (Co.)

Mendel Deitsch (Co.)

Avi Cunin 15007 Bestor Blvd Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Dovid Cunin 22933 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90268

Zalman Friedman 9401 N. W. 38th Street Coral Springs, FL 33065 Menachem Kolt 88 Southgate Dr. Spring Valley, NY 10977 Dovid Labkowski 105 Mcnamara Rd. Wesley Hills, NY 10977 Reuven Litzman 6 Kakiat Lane Spring Valley, NY 10977 Mendel Pinson 1418 Paloma Street Pasadena, CA 91104

Sholom DovBer Polityko 7538 W. Norton Ave., #1 , CA 90046 Menachem Mendel Rivkin 9700 Broadview Terrace Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154 Mendy Schechter 120 E. Willow Tree Rd. Spring Valley, NY 10977

What if...

M.P. didn’t know BP B.P. wouldn’t be russian D.C. didn’t have an ipod R.L. was in bunk yud gimmel M.S. still had his glasses M.K. slept with sheets A.C. never got out of the garbage D.L. didn’t bring his cell phone to camp M.R. wasn’t here the first month Z.F. was from Crown Heights Page 26 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Yud

Dear Bunk Yud, popcorn in our noses, or may be little, we may I hope you guys re- fressing hot dogs at be young, but were member the mad crazy night. That is a sneek bunk yud and we get hectic awesome fun peek of all the crazy the job done. filled nutty mind blowing hectic… things we did. summer we had togeth- Guys, one thing we did er (WOW!!). Just to this summer is went have a few crazy hec- “MUCHOLOCO”. Keep it tic… things: winning up throughout the year. shabbos competition Anyway I hope you en- with the hope of going joyed this summer to- banana boating (but we gether with us, cause got the other trip which we definitely enjoyed was 10 times better), this crazy summer with going on a runaway, you. Keep in touch. getting woken up in the See you guys around. middle of the night with Don’t forget that we

Truly Yours

Mendy and Motty

What if Shua didn’t scream?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 27

Keep in Touch

Mendy Dalfin (Co.)

Motty Vilenkin (Co.)

Nissim Benhayon 912 Montgomery Brooklyn, NY 11213 Street,#A Menachem Mendel Bon- 1494 Carroll Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 gart Shloime Eber 675 Empire Blvd., #3F Brooklyn, NY 11213 Avrohom Edery 408 Sterling Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Mendel Fischer 239 Broad Street Augusta, GA 30901 Menachem Mendel 372 Crown Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Futerfas Shmuel Gurary 1320 President Street Brooklyn, NY 11213

Yisroel Eliyahu Lerman 1548 Carroll Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Menachem Mendel Polter 510 Crown Street, #2C Brooklyn, NY 11213 Zeev Sasonkin 280 Waverly Ave. Patchogue, NY 11772 Yehoshua Slapochnik 658 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Yisroel Vogel 627 East New York Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11203 #3L

What if...

S.L. was really a counselor M.Furterfas wasn’t a pet? Futerfas? A.E. was an actor? L.V. was a counselor? S.S. didn’t have a loud voice? M.P. was aloud mouth? S.E. was called SHLOMY? N.B.H. didn’t understand He- brew? M.Fisher was an ohelitorenik? M.B. didn’t always smile? S.G. didn’t laugh all day? Page 28 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Yud Aleph

Dear campers of bunk Yud alef Oy! Aron and Yossi left us with river. Doodz New and Mendel Gold- only nine kids in the bunk! Ah Shoprite was so good and berg sitting together and AAAAAAA…… were not finished, fun especially being woken thinking of how to give our here comes the second month up at 12:15 AM, with every- campers the best summer in full swing, with another 4 body pushing his friend in they’ve ever had!!!!!!!!!!!!! kids which were added to our the shopping carts, and then 1.. 2 ..3 .. here we go with a bunk, which makes it 13, oh with the hot peppers, pickles smashing summer man that’s too much , but and soda which we bought, guess what guys we did sur- just made it amazing. With just a few days into camp vive . we enjoyed our delicious pizza Then with color war and the on our “run away”. Then with everyone unpacked grand trip ending it all off. we had a good soccer game Then with the bowling pins Guys over all, we had a-lot with head counselor Isser New, fun rolling down the lane with a which started us on the right spare “shoots it wasn’t a foot. Bunk Yud alef we really hope strike” that this summer will live And even though the first with you forever, and with And then with the three weeks Shabbos we “didn’t win” but we didn’t give up the fun, with the same enthusiasm you guys we know the truth we re- had by Davening and Bench- leagues in full swing, and es- ally won. pecially because we have the ing, you should go home best bunk in sports! Then with “puttin plus” which with it and you should be a our bus got there the first with true Dugma chaya. The beevo wak with all the out getting lost, which gave us Have a good year in school, songs we sang through the the most time in the park! night, and the fire burning so and iy’’h we will see you hot, which gave us warmth all Then the beevo wak which back in camp next year in through the night. was pushed off five times, and Yerushalayim with the Rebbe we went to take a bunk picture at our head!!!!!!!!! OH we can’t forget Mahapaicha by the river, when Mendy war (bog war) that was a p.s. we really had the best Grossbaum’s crocs floating time with the best counselors blast. away and Doodz new with tre- But then with the grand trip to mendous devotion jumped in pp.s. guys keep in touch six flags “great adventure” with his clothes and saved which ended it all off. them from floating down the

Sincerely your best counselors

Doodz and Mendy

What if Shual wouldn’t act like a general?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 29

Keep in Touch

Doodz New (Co.)

Mendel Goldberg (Co.) Elchonon Bartfield 640 Eastern Pkwy., Apt. Brooklyn, NY 11213 2B Zackery Brazina 8981 N.W. 38th Drive Coral Springs, FL 33065 Yackov Yehuda Deitsch 2096 Iuka Ave. Columbus, OH 43201 Dovi Greenspan 40 Balfour Pl. Brooklyn, NY 11225 Mendy Grossbaum 1037 Golf Ln. Indianapolis, IN 46260 Levi Yosef Harari 9668 NW 36th Street Coral Springs, FL 33065 Dov Ber Hassan P. O. Box 1031 Liberal, KS 67905

Menachem Mendel Litz- 6 Kakiat Lane Spring Valley, NY 10977 man Mendel Rimler 1577 Carroll Street, #1d Brooklyn, NY 11213 Chaim Avraham Simon 109 Elsmere Ave. Delmar, NY 12054 Mendel Simon 958 Queen Anne Rd. Teaneck, NJ 07660 Mendel Zeiler Antebi 6 Jerusalem,

What if...

Levi Harari and Mendel Ziel- the loudest in the bunk? ………………??????????????...... er would be the first ones Chaim Simon wouldn’t get out of bed? up at 6:00 in the morning? Mendy grossbaum wouldn’t Mendel Litzman wouldn’t Then we would have a bor- go the washroom during have a game boy? ing bunk!! Davening? Dov Ber Hassin wouldn’t Elechonon Bartfield and take ‘nash’ in to his bed Zecharya Brazina wouldn’t every night? have spoons to play with during meals? JJ Deitch wouldn’t get pack- ages every single day? Mendel Rimler didn’t go to coco club? Mendel Simon wouldn’t have his star wars (crazy Dovi Greenspan would be bones)? Page 30 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Yud Beis

Dear campers, comes to your mind? Is it the sport in your activities. You WOW!!! What a great summer! davenings and bentchings? Is must utilize these things into Looking back at what we did it the sports and trips? Maybe your daily lives so that you the whole summer I can confi- you’re thinking about the trip can do your part to bring dently say and I think you can to the Ohel? Whatever it is you moshiach closer and to make too, that this was a smashing must take a lesson from each the Rebbe proud. Hope to summer! Seriously, when you and everything that we did the see you next year in Gan Yis- look back at the summer whole summer. Whether it’s roel in Yerushalyim! Adios what’s the first thing that looking and pointing inside Amigos!!! your siddur, or being a good


A - Adios amigos J- Joke of a bunk S- Sleeping, What we’re all gonna do a lot of after the B- Breakout, which we all slept K– Kindness, which we all summer thru showed each other T- Telephone, Which never C- Chaim, all three of them L- Late nights, both of them worked d- Dirty, our bunkhouse every M- ma- ma- ma, ma- ma- ma U- Unforgettable summer!!! morning – ma V- Veraciously- How we ate E- Eli superstein, who unfortu- N- Night activity, ba ba our food nately left us after visiting day O- Out of control, our bunk the W- Waiters, Levi Scharfstein, F- Fadac, why we’re all here whole summer your the best! G- Gan yisroel, the best camp P- Pizza, our amazing runaway X- Xtreme fun ever Q- Questions, so many about Y- Your Amazing counselors H- Haaaaalig!!! color war Z-Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z I- I don’t know what to write R- RATS!!! All over our bunk! Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z here

Your Counselors

Izzy and Chaim

What if laibel wouldn’t use the megaphone?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 31

Keep in Touch

Izzy Rudolph (Co.)

Chaim Simon (Co.)

Yitzchok Abehsera - Bor- 52 Jill Lane Monsey, NY 10952 bely Levi Blesofsky 213-11 28th Ave. Bayside, NY 11360 Dovid Feigenson 599 Empire Blvd. Brooklyn, NY 11213 Yosef Feller 270 Sherwood Ct. West S. Paul, MN 55118 Menachem Mendel Gross- 3301 Robinwood Lane Minnetonka, MN 55305 baum Menachem Harlig 4211 Mountain View Las Vegas, NV 89102 Blvd. Mendel Krasnianski 3 Kakiat Lane Spring Valley, NY 10977 Leibel Pinson 1418 Paloma Street Pasadena, CA 91104 Dovid Rosenfeld 348 Crown Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Chaim Shemtov 1224 Ward Drive Yardley, PA 19067 Chaim Swued 1608 Carroll Street Brooklyn, NY 11213

What if...

Chaim Shemtov got dressed? Leibel Pinson wasn’t our wait- Mendy Harlig wasn’t the coun- er? selor? Dovid Rosenfelds bubby didn’t Mendel Krazanjanski didn’t live in camp? know everything? Levi Blesofsky actually liked Yossi Feller wouldn’t complain? hot peppers? Yitzchok Abehaserah was taller Dovid Feigenson sat with the then both counselors? rest of the bunk on the bench? Chaim Swed Didn’t speak Izzy Rudolph only had one pair Spanish? of shoes? Mendel Grossbaum didn’t get Chaim Simon didn’t clean the up so early? bunk? Page 32 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Yud Gimmel

.in everything הצלחה you) and all the great שי', Dear campers חסידשע Now that the summer is davenings we had (“how Grow up to be in any yeshiva בחורים over we look back and come I didn’t get the try to remember all the picture”). During meals you may be and hope- great times we had. (“can I leave, the food fully we will see each Starting from the very sucks”) and benching other in Eretz Yisroel first day when everyone and canteen (“hey I or- with Moshiach now! was quiet and no one dered money!”) and all knew each other. All the late nights we had, through the regular yet of course the runaways exciting days of camp (color war) and all the from reveille in the exciting trips. Over all morning (not to often) we had a blast! Make till lights out (“quiet!!”) sure that you take eve- and all the activities, rything with you into sports, (“can you put next year. The fun and רוחניות me on”) boating, (“I’m of course the not on Shmuly’s boat”) (chof av, fabrengens…) swimming, (for some of and you all should have

All the Best From Your Counselors

Yoni & Shmuly

What if Boris would be allowed to play his song?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 33

Keep in Touch

Shmuly Levitin (Co.) Yoni Levitin (Co.) Menachem Mendel Alperowitz 175 Pond View Drive Centerville, MA 02632 Menachem Angster 3914 Glengyle Ave. Baltimore, MD 21215 Yaakov Bergstein 1579 Brandywyn Ln, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 11729 Gainsborough Menachem Mendel Cohen Road Potomac, MD 20854 melech Givre 7528 7 mile ln. Baltimore, MA 21208 Eliezer Hashimi 5705 Bartlett St. Pittsburgh, PA 15217 Matan Meloul 414 Sheila Street Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Mendel Raichik 11508 Damestown Road Gaitherburg, MD 20878 Yosef Boruch Rubenstein 555 Crown Street, 3A Brooklyn, NY 11213 Sholom Vogel 10 Eastside Rd. London, NW11 0BA, Yehoshua Werner 6123 Jerrys Drive Columbia, MD 21044

What if...

Mendle Alperawits would minute? any nephews in camp? make trouble? Matan Meloul was good at (he’d be rich) Menachem Angster was sports? Shmuly Levitin would be able to do 70 pushups? Mendle Riecheck wouldn’t athletic? Yanki Bergstien would get drink voult? Bunk a picture? Yossi Rubinstien wouldn’t Yud Mendle Cohen was a coun- complain? Gimmel selor? would Sholom Vogel was Ameri- win Melech Giure wouldn’t can? bunk have a brown belt? Yoshua Werner wouldn’t compe- Eli Hashimiwas able to have an ipod? tition? stand straight for just a Yoni Levitin didn’t have Page 34 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Yud Daled

Dear Bunk Yud Daled last night having a wild As after this amazing popcorn party in the smashing exciting in- middle of the night. credible fantastic sum- The blast we all had! mer that we all spent So take all the chayus together now looking you got in camp and it back starting from a should continue runaway in middle of throughout the year and the night to N.Z.’s birth- through this we should גאולה to theזוכה day party after lights be האמיתית והשלימה תוקף ומיד out (and do you remem- ממש ! ber the pizza party we had for L.K.’s birthday?) keep in touch and I’m sure you re- member winning shab- bos competition and having the whole divi- sion going crazy about it and then going banana boating. Do you re- member the bbq we had (with bunk tes vov) and the runaway at lunch. Oh and how about the

With Love

Peretz and Chaim

What if Zalmy Sandhaus would work for the CIA?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 35

Keep in Touch

Peretz Gorewitz (Co.) Chaim Weiss (Co.)

Mendel Chein 1373 Carroll Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Shlomo Heber 541 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Levi Katz 1442 President Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Gershon Bentzion Krinsky 935 Eastern Pkwy., #3C Brooklyn, NY 11213 Yisroel Malamud 668 Eastern Pkwy. Brooklyn, NY 11213 Menachem Mendel Mara- 470 Malbone Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 sow Menachem Rabinowitz 522 Maple St. Brooklyn, NY 11225 Yossi Rotenstreich 502 Maple Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Shimi Russell 1597 President Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Moishe Sperlin 1437 President Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Shmuel Sputz 1267 President Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Menachem Mendel Vogel 1227 President Street, Brooklyn, NY 11225 #3A Noach Zeiler 95 Hamem Gimmel Kiryat Malachi

What if...

M.S. would not need a dol- L.K. would go one day what he was given? lar every meal for a soda? without buying an ice M.C. would sit on the cream? M.M. would not change his bench during the meals? pajamas every night? S.S. would keep a straight Y.M. would not need to go face for one day? the bathroom every single B.K. would not do his job meal and teffilah? one morning? N.Z. would be with the S.R. would not screech on bunk for more than ¼ of the top of his lungs? the day? M.V. would have been the S.H. would lose his flash- one who started the fight? light? M.R. would appreciate Page 36 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Tes Vov

What a summer it was ball at 6am”? To close starting off with half of out even though Meir bunk yud gimmel and Motti have no voic- switching to our bunk es coming out of camp what power that from containing you brought us. We started guys during meals and off with a bang winning davenings, you guys shabbos competition the were worth the sweat. first week( to bad we To have group of action only went bowling). How packed crazy campers in about motti soaking you three words you guys up at put in plus when “WERE THE BOMB”. Now we finally got the there. that your gone Sruli Gi- Remember the barbe- ro what will keep a que with all the raw smile on your counslers chicken wings and don’t faces!!!!! forget Mendel Brafmans SKIRT STEAKS!! What about that “runaway” when we managed to rock the house in the Pizza Shop also. What a sight it was to watch you guys running out by the color war breakout “Did you really think we were gonna play base- Yours Truly

Motti and Meir

What if shmaryonki was funny?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 37

Keep in Touch

Motty Rivkin (Co.)

Meir New (Co.)

Mendel Brafman 366 Crown Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Mendel Duchman 595 Lefferts Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11203 Zevi Eckhaus 432 Sterling Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Yaacov Chai Fakiro 1751 Union Street, #3D Brooklyn, NY 11213 Levi Gansburg 1490 President Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Yisroel Giro 444 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Menachem Mendel 1301 Carroll Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Gutleizer Shloimie Gutnick 827 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Avrohom Moshe Hanoka 511 Crown Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Yechiel Piekarski 1349 Union Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Mordechai Schusterman 990 St.Charles Ave. Atlanta, GA 30306 Menachem Mendel 935 Eastern Pkwy. Brooklyn, NY 11213 Shloush Elimelech Sufrin 515 Crown Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Menachem Mendel Taich- 1650 President Street, Brooklyn, NY 11213 man #4E

What if...

M Schusterman was on time to N Gutleizer didn’t get a head- Sckuster and Girrafa weren’t anything but food ache by a shacharis best friends S Giro didn’t breakout Bog War L Gansburg would have stayed Meir and Motty didn’t have in his sleep in bunk Yud Gimmel BBQS every night oooohhhh E Sufrin didn’t have so many M Brafman was woken up for a clothes counsler bbq Z Eckhaus wasn’t so quiet M Shloush would’ve ever made it to the championship AM Hanoka didn’t have a hole in his cap M Duchman wouldn’t always laugh when spoken to YC Fakiro didn’t sit in Mottys seat all summer Y Piekarski became a chazzan M Taichman wasn’t so tall S Gutnick didn’t become a great camper second month Page 38 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Tes Zayin

Dear sweet sixteeen there was Chezky Wise on all take with us the spirit guitar for Yankel Sirota’s of everything we did and As we sit here typing late night party. And the learned here in camp. this letter, it hits us for the time Yosef Brook left his With blessings of a Shnas first time that the summer is seat with permission. Then Hatzlocha and a Ksiva almost over. But doesn’t it there was Zevi Sufrin V’chasima Tova! Lets do feel like just yesterday when always borrowing our cell this together now one two you walked off the busses phones, and Shneur three— shlepping nosh and what Marazow shlepping up yyyyyyeeeeeeeeehhaaaww have you, when just WHAM! packages daily. An all time w!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the summer took off so favorite was when Dovid quickly, that “I would have Goldberg beat everyone else you a bet” that tomorrow is in the batting cages. Or Ingredients to the most ballistic summer yet. bog war but no it’s really maybe it’s the time we over. Or at least that’s what caught Eli Shimshoni Ingredients Amount they say. But we all know and Moshe Dubinsky Counselors 2 the mark we made on the shukisiding the whole Campers 13 rest of camp (e.g. bunk yud davening. Oh yeah there Shabbos competitions talooy behergesh were the hot peppers daled), a mark that’s Runaways 2 become part of our blood. Menachem Fogelman Never before in camp history – So flip the frown, and feel loved to share, and the the love as we reminisce on weekly mp3 players Meir eat in bunk move 1 some of our own moments, Chaim Brikman got. B-day parties 3 that definitely stick out in The time Ari Herson won Late nights $$$ our minds. Like Tzvika a league game. with head staff 2 Whateva there’s been Tzwiebel’s DS (that we Popcorn parties 1 counselors so cherished), or many more which I’m how ‘bout Zalmy Kessler’s sure your all thinking of, Bbq’s 1 week late b-day bash. but one things is for Cheers 677 Maybe the time Mendel sure now that we head Crazy neighbors bunk tes vov Stock wanted to switch to back to school, be it in Dimples 1 Seattle, Morisstown or Levi Tietel’s bunk. Oh wait Fun and smiles UNLIMITED the Shchuna, we must Keep in Touch

Leibel and Aryeh

What if the bumper boats actually worked?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 39

Keep in Touch

Leibel Rodman (Co.)

Aryeh Perlstein (Co.)

Meir Chaim Brikman 535 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Yosef Brook 1335 Carroll Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Moshe Dubinsky 23 Tikvah Way Morristown, NJ 07960 Menachem Mendel Fogel- 781 Eastern Pkwy., #1A Brooklyn, NY 11213 man Dovid Goldberg 10 Kissol Lane Morristown, NJ 07960 Ari Herson 3054 Valley Rd. Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 Zalmy Kessler 37 Ralph PL. Morristown, NJ 07960 Schneur Zalman Marasow 7201 40th Ave., NE Seattle, WA 98115 Shaul Shimshoni 431 Brooklyn Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11225 Yakov Sirota 140 Sussex Ave. Morristown, NJ 07960 Mendel Stock 596 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Zevi Sufrin 658 Montgomery Street, Brooklyn, NY 11225 #3C


A “attention Leibel Rodman, J Jiro (ohalei torah chai) V vollvovsky Modeh ani lifanecha” K shmyunKee W “what about Yud Daled” B basketball’s taken away from L late night basketball games we X XOXOXO Ari so well messed up Y C care and devotion from Shmu- M Morristown, New Jersey yyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeee- lie Perlstein N new bunkhouse hhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaawwwwwww D Dovid screaming his head off O oatmeal Z Ze- E early morning awakenings from P popcorn party worth thirteen, vi, next bunk Tes Vov three eighths and a quarter points year’s F fourteen campers we almost Q ‘qauke, we must all pray for the best had second month shluchem in Peru camper G golf , the counselors trip for R Rostov, half our bedtime stories shabbos competition S sweet sixteen H hatred, what the head counse- T telephone scams to the head lors had for us staff (that never happened) I independent, our bunk by sha- U underwear dumped in our room charis by bedside Page 40 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Yud Zayin

To the campers of bunk six flags we had a blast Hay don’t forget uh yud zayin we went on all the rides were bunk yud zayin and then all the first uh like a lion uh out of month campers left are way uh have a nice Wow I cant believe its ohhhhhhh. But don’t day !! all over , do you re- worry because bunk yud member the first time zayin jumped right back we went bowling ,and into it, and last but not what about the over least lets not forget night that was fun ,and about our grate daven- from there too bag war ings and benching , we wow that was really fun- should take all the ny skits well my team chayus which we got really won , hay lets not through the summer forget about the two and bring it into the shabbos competition year with us, and I that we won wow that guess will see you next golfing was grate I hit it year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so far , lets not forget about the grand bunk competition trip , which we could not get the boat moving until we made numbers that was fun , hay what about

Your Counselor

Levi Trietel

What if the lifeguards really didn’t care?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 41

Keep in Touch

Levi Treitel (Co.) 4725 Vezina Montreal, Que., H3W-1B7

Shmueli Bronstein 410 Crown Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Shmuel Chanowitz 15 North Street Monticello, NY 12701 Levi Yitzchok Cunin 637 N. Lucerne Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90004 Mendel Cunin 22933 Pacific Coast Hwy. Malibu, CA 90268 Tzemach Tzedek Cunin 637 N. Lucerne Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90004 Menachem Mendel Deitsch 787 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Levi Goorevitch 21462 Ocean Vista Drive S. Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Eli Gross 109 South Formosa Ave. Los Angelels, CA 90036

Mendel Gurkov 3654 Carrel Blvd. Oceanside, NY 11572 Schneur Hertz 1929 81st Street Brooklyn, NY 11214 Mendel Raksin 646 Empire Blvd. Brooklyn, NY 11213 Sholom Ber Scheinfeld 473 Empire Blvd. Brooklyn, NY 11225 Moshe Spalter SJO 1075, PO Box 025240 Miami, FL 33102

What if...

L.g had a personel bath room m.g whould not be our story E.g a complaining mechin teller m.c a privet e.m.t s.c hes own minyin m.d whould make trobel m.s a daily schedule s.b whould be in our bunk z.h whould use hes shampoo m.r won a champinchip sb.s hes own chair l.c a hike t.c the hole album Page 42 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Yud Ches

Dear Yossi, Berry, Naftoli, our runaway to the Pizza ing you to make sure Shloimy, Chezkel, Nissi, shop, how we showed the you’re keeping it up). Tani, Hershy, Mendy, entire place how we bentch These are really the things Mendy, Mendy, and Mendel, in Gan Yisroel. And how can that we’ve tried to instill all the Tayere campers of we forget the chips and sal- within you, and that’s the Bunk Yud Ches. sa, the grilled cheese, the real message of Gan Yis- I just cannot believe weekly raffles, the bunk roel. To end off with a bra- how this summer has flown war, the trip to New York on chah, that each and every by. It seems like we just Chof Av, and all the great one of you should carry met yesterday, and it’s al- stuff we had on Shabbos the Chayos and spirit of ready time to say good bye. (Making all the other bunks camp in all that you do, But like we know, Chassidim jealous). With all of the ex- and you should all bring never really say good bye, citing activities in between. the Rebbe a lot of Nachas because we are all one fami- But as we leave, what we until we are all reunited ly. Plus, you will always really want to remind you of together with the Rebbe, have the memories of the is that all these things are Bimheira B’Yomeinu!! great times we had togeth- only secondary. The most er. Starting with the first important things to remem- Shabbos of this month when ber is the way we used to we showed the entire camp Farbreng Friday night, about P.S. Please don’t forget to what we’re made of by win- connecting to the Rebbe, keep in touch!! ning Shabbos competition. and choosing life. Also to re-

Do you remember how we member the Hachlotos we were supposed to go banana made together, in order to “ And remember boating twice, but instead become true Chayalim of Chasidim Zegenen zich went bowling (oh yeah, and the Rebbe, like Mikvah, Chi- nisht, Chasidim Ayn Mish- had a Friday afternoon tas, and Sefer Hamitzvos pachah” BBQ). And you remember (by the way, we will be call-

Forever Your Devoted and Loving Counselors

Yaakov and Sholom

What if the mishnayos baal peh board was updated?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 43

Keep in Touch

Sholom Dov Ber Katz 713 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 (Co.) Yaakov Backman (Co.) 196 Sycamore Street Albany, NY 12209 Menachem Mendel Barber 712 Empire Blvd. Brooklyn, NY 11213 Menachem Mendel Benja- 660 Lefferts Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11203

Yossi Bogomilsky 120 Parker Ave. Maplewood, NJ 07040 Sholom Dov Ber Cohen 762 Empire Blvd., #3F Brooklyn, NY 11213 Menachem Mendel Heber 472 Malbone Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Naftali Junik 606 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Yehoshua Krasnianski 816 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Mendy Lebovic 299 Crown Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Nisson Minsky 633 East New York Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11203 #2LF Shlomie Sirota 1381 Union Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Tzvi Hersh Weinstein 386 New York Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11213 Yechezkal Yerushalmi 640 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11213 #4C

What if... Mendy Heber didn't have a Yaakov Backman siren on his flashlight wasn't always with the bunk Berry Cohen didn't have a Naftoli Junik didn't finish his fridge We didn't have blue benchers album Nissi Minsky didn't have an We had the same table for Tani Krasnianski didn't daven aunt in camp more than a week beautifully every day Shloimy Sirota didn't have his We Mendy Lebovic came to camp chips by his bed didn't without his noodle soups. totally Hershy Weinstein didn't try to rock Mendy Barber didn't complain make trouble after lights out the when he didn't get a picture Yechezkal Yerushalmi always house Mendel Binyominson didn't showed up on time bounce his basketball before Sholom Katz was the shortest lights out counselor in camp Yossi Bogomilsky learnt in Page 44 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Yud Tes

Dear camper’s friends and (that rhymes by the way!) were, ummmm…… friends, Hopefully it will be enter- Makin jokes after lights The summer has been really taining and funny, out was our frontier, great, And you will reread it again (ask shaul perlstein for the We want more, and some lyin’ on your tummy, definition, I just used it some more, and smores, (that also rhymed by the cause it rhymes, haha ha- In fact we are officially nam- way!!) ha wattta waaa weee waaaa hee hee) ing this summer smores, The summer started with a Because we honestly want bang!, Bunk Yud Tes keep up the good work, lots more, Bim…bam….bum..yata yata (OOO and the original yata went shauls tongue, In saying chitas everyday your brains should lurk, smores we are officially (that didn’t….ummmm………I changing the name to mean rhyme) (I love these It really is a must, snoozles) (Just wanted to parenthesis thingys by the That’s why I make such a make it official kinda like way, you can write anything fuss….. being the officially best bunk totally irrelevant right in the in camp and other stuff) Give the Rebbe nachas middle of everything, kinda in all you do, that is the Ummm…..Uhhhh….Yaaaaa…. reminds of our davenings pencil point of bunk .lets get to the point a lil, ahem ahem………….. to all yud tes!!!!!!! We were thinking about the those who were worried summer gone bye, about the price of tea in chi- na during davening) We want to leave you with The summer went by and a parting word, we had lots of fun, So on the bus back home you don’t get bored, The best in everythin we

Your Counselors

Shloimy and Shloimy

What if arts and crafts had glue?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 45

Keep in Touch

Shloimy Newman (Co.) Shlomo Hecht (Co.) Yisroel Dovid Benjamin 2849 W. Coyle Chicago, IL 60645 Mendy Giter 7033 N. Kenzie Ave., Chicago, IL 60645

Yaakov Gurkov 194 Ratzer Road Wayne, NJ 07470 Laibel Hanoka 165 N. Mar Vista Ave. Pasadena, CA 91106 Shlomo Hassan 21 Deerwood Road Spring Valley, NY 10977 Yisroel Lehrer 1397 Carroll Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Mendel Raskin 1416 Carroll Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Mendy Ruder 298 High Street Passaic, NJ 07065 Mendel Sabol 7 Woodwind Lane Spring Valley, NY 10977 Menachem Mendel Soffer 1217 President Street Brooklyn, NY 11225

What if...

Mendel Supol didn’t collect camper on his right? ers and there was enough so much barch? time to shower? Yaakov Gurkov didn’t clean Mendel Soffer- people still the whole bunk everyday? We were quiet after lights thought tomatoes were poi- out? Yisroel Dovid Benjamin did- sonous? n’t master the game of Yacht-tea-tie was a good Mendel Ruder didn’t wake tetherball? cheer? up so early? Leibiel Hunaka didn’t do the The bunk Mendel Raskin didn’t put uh uh? really said his blanket in the funny Hashem’s Shlomie Hassan wore the looking thing with buttons? name in nachman yarmulke all day? Hamapil Mendel Gitter never broke Asher Steinmitz wasn’t when I his nose? chilled? would say Srollik Lehrer was the one We had more than 3 show- Hashem that did it and not the Page 46 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Chof

Dear campers of bunk Chof: The point is what did we come the most tired person, just go- You rock, out of this summer which had ing over it again and again and Keep in touch such a great effect on us that we `never sleeping; now that p.s. all grew on including ourselves? would be awesome!!! Well may- Before the summer began we The first thing I definitely learned be that would cause some bad did not know what to expect; be- is that camp like the Rebbe al- side effects, and of course I ing that this was our first time ways said, is the best time for a would get the blame, so let’s working as counselors at an over- camper to grow spiritually and just scratch that brainstorm. night camp. Fortunately all those physically. The only difference is So come, let’s walk down pains and stomach cramps (which that I got to see this with my own memory lane with a box of we thought were being caused by eyes with a bochur’s point of Kleenex in our hands and cry Yeshivah’s old food) came to a view. You may have not realized together from true happiness: stop once camp began. Everything it but things always seem differ- Bowling was first, that felt like a began to flow very smoothly as ent from the outsider’s perspec- freiliche wedding. Oh, of course, soon as the buses pulled into tive. Uvachain(therefore), I am the beevowak where we had camp and we finally met up with telling you that you did not real- that crazy water fight, gosh that you guys. ize, but we did. So don’t give up was fun. The biggest fun was The first day of camp started off on yourselves you guys are doing Six Flags where one of our great even though it may have with a bang. Unfortunately that campers went on his first roller bang was caused by all the thun- not looked like it at times. coaster. The crazy thing is that der and stormy winds, but that did Since you are all getting close that first roller coaster was ni- not kill our spirit. to your Bar Mitzvah I think it was tro, yah! That takes a lot of Besides for all the fun and en- a good experience that you all got guts, “thumbs up”. joyment of campers tackling their a sense of hiskashrus to the Reb- Remember those farbrengens be and understanding more about counselor, possibly damaging his we had together. Well if you brain, we enjoyed many other what responsibilities are to be had too much mashke and don’t taken on in the next stage in life. times together including the remember then all I have to say amazing and unforgettable chayos That was just from the heart was that it was so inspiring that of bunk chof during davening and and we are sure that all you guys my neshama was just jumping other fun stuff. I mean, where feel the same. out of my body. would we be without all that Therefore I really hope you shouting and yelling during daven- But wow I can’t believe summer guys had a great summer and ing and benching; and no I don’t is over, it feels as if yesterday we continue to take this fun and mean the yelling of me at you. all came to camp and it was the enjoyment in Yiddishkeit and Anyways, I remember our first first day. Gee if only school flew stretch it throughout the school runaway to the pizza store, now by just as fast. But after deep year, thus having a great year. that was some great pizza! contemplation I figured it out and So keep in touch, technology Mmmmm!( That was for you na- its very simple, this summer flew allows that to happen in many chi)….. by because we were having such ways including email, cell an amazing, fun, and exciting phones… time together. Just imagine if you Moshiach Now!!! were able to have this summer recorded on video, you would be

Sincerely Your Counselors

Yossi and Levi PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 47

Keep in Touch

Levi Mentz (Co.) 10421 Summer Holly Cir- Los Angeles, CA 90077 cle Yosef Nassy (Co.) 640 N. Poinsetta Place Los Angeles, CA 90036 Menachem Mendel Astolin 684 Crown Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Menachem Greenbaum 455 Crown Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Eli Gross 555 Crown Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Lazer Tov Introlegator 9319 Tyne Lane Inver Grove Heights, MN

Menachem Mendel Kohn 558 East 5th Street Brooklyn, NY 11218 Shlomie Raitport 637 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Naftali Reinetz 1577 Carroll Street, apt. Brooklyn, NY 11213

Yehuda Rendler 778 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Mendy Rosenfeld 555 Crown Street, #2A Brooklyn, NY 11213 Menachem Mendel Sme- 1352 Carroll Street Brooklyn, NY 11213

Menachem Wudowsky 781 Eastern Pkwy., #2A Brooklyn, NY 11213 Mendel Zuntz 687 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11213

What if...

Mr. $2 bill Astolin: Would give footlocker under his bed. Suma Gross: Picked on people me a $2 bill for every time he his own size. Chayus Kohn: Actually fin- didn’t daven. ished his maamar. Baker Greenbaum: Brought to Sleepy Zuntz: Would be the camp his dough rolling pin The Introlegator: Actually first one by Cocoa club every and his baking oven. knew how to speak and write morning. in Russian. Competition Wudowsky: Pizza man Smetana: Ordered Would win at least one shab- pizza with his illegal cell- bos competition. phone to camp every day. Hungry Raitport: Would only Athlete Rosenfeld: Didn’t have eat half a table. a natural tendency to day- Wrestling Reinetz: would start dream off to the bathroom up with people his own size. during davening and bentching. Sporty Rendler: Didn’t have a Page 48 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Chof Aleph

To our dear campers: food was always gone I would first like to say that thanks to our triple portion eater. With parties every we truly enjoyed spending this past summer together. night we were still well Coming into the first month awake in the morning for a rocking Shacharis and espe- with 10 out of 12 M.M. we were convinced it would be cially those who had the hard, but thankfully each Koach to wake up early to go to Mikvah and by lunch one of you stood out in his owns special way. For ex- when we received emails in ample M. Raskin with your 4 different languages, nev- interesting pants and ertheless we still worked to- P.S. for a small Hachlatah M.Kugel with your smart gether make a great bunk. let’s continue to look at a lines etc. We started off with Capture the flags, pop corn picture of the Rebbe every wining the first Shabbos parties and hikes were just night and remember if you competition and finishing off some of the main exciting think about the Rebbe the with wining the last Shabbos things we did and let’s not Rebbe will think of you. competition and of course forget the Farbreingen on unofficially bunk competi- Chof Av where you all said tion. The second month we such wonderful things and started off with lots of seeing everyone’s talent Ahavas Yisroel and welcom- during bunk war. Coming ing the new campers. Now into the New Year let’s keep with 13 campers it became in touch and take with us interesting because the the Chayas, warmth and ex- citement in Torah and Mitz- bench was always full and the table was always empty, vos and bring Moshiach but yet nevertheless the now!

Best Counselors Ever

Shmuly and Nosson

What if the mikvah would be opened all day?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 49

Keep in Touch

Nosson Deitsch (Co.) Shmuly Telsner (Co.) Yisroel Edery 408 Sterling Street Brooklyn, NY 11225

Levi Yitzchok Goldfarb 20 Grasser Ln. Monsey, NY 10952 Menachem Mendel Heber 541 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Moshe Kalmenson 1374 Union Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Menachem Mendel Korn 9 Woodlawn Drive Morristown, NJ 07960 Mendel Kugel 648 Eastern Pkwy. Brooklyn, NY 11213 Menachem Mendel Mintz 1359 Carroll Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Yechaskel Dovid Tzvi 481 Crown Street, apt. Brooklyn, NY 11225 Nesher #A14 Nachman Oberlander Wesseleny, V.4 Budepest, 1075, Menachem Mendel Raskin 349 Crown Street, #2J Brooklyn, NY 11225 Reuben Dovid Reines Avenida Winston Church- capt. 11A Paitilla, ill, Edificio Camino Real Avinoam Slotnick 9101 24th Ave. Tacoma, WA 98445 Mendy Zakon 586 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11225

What if...

N.O. Did his job. A.S. Would not like learning S.E. Team was good at classes. sports. R.R. Would sing along Reu- M.K. Yarmuka would be tied ven. on his clothing. Y.N. Would lose his hat. M.R. All his pants would reach M.M. Would really lose the his shoes. staff play. M.H. Would really be a waiter M.K. Would not like his bed. – Would be general by bunk M.Z. Would have a brother war. buying him stuff from can- L.G. Would be a nudnik. teen.


Bun Chof Beis

To my most dearest er. Just one final re- just remember the bunk Chof-Beis: quest, take whatever good times we had camp has taught you and think, “I’ll be back and cherish it, keep with next year”. Until then When you are you for use in difficult Goodbye Gan Yisrael reading this letter you times. Those far- Goodbye. will possibly be on the brengins Friday night, or P.S. Chassidim buses back home, or the late night parties two weeks into the never really say good- with popcorn all over bye school year, bored and our beds, the overnight, looking for something to color war and so much read, or it could be by more. It’s all this that Chanukah vacation as makes camp exciting, you were remembering but there is much more something about camp to camp that you don’t and you decided to pull remember until after out the Journal. One the summer. Like your thing though is definite, funny learning teacher, it will certainly be after who made learning fun, camp. So I write you or the night when your these words, words of counselor sat with you farewell and saying on the porch and talked. goodbye yet through Remember it all and this we are never truly when your feeling sad parted one from anoth-

Your Counselors

Shloimy and Hershey

What if there wasn’t a schedule for the infirmary?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 51

Keep in Touch

Hirshi Sputz (Co.)

Shloime Denburg (Co.) 2315 NW 95th Ave. Coral Springs, FL 33065 Yaakov Chaim Baron 6077 Loventree Rd. Columbia, MD 21044 Shlomo Finver 70 Lexington Ave. Edison, NJ 08817 Yeshaya Itkin 831 Madison Ave. Scranton, PA 18510

Menachem Mendel Keller 426 Sterling Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 Yisroel David Lakshin Novosushev Skaya 14 Moscow, 127055 Apt. 5 Nechemia Lazarus 2800 Huber Height Las Vegas, NV 89128 joseph Levieddin 7929 Lakenheath Way Potomac, MD 20854 Yisroel Luchins 910 Quincy Ave. Scranton, PA 18510 Yossi Miller 2255 Wightman Street Pittsburgh, PA 15217 Menachem Mendel Ros- Av.12 Altamiro QTD. Mi Caracas, enblum Reina Levi Yitzchok Yaffe 2 Old Field Road West Hartford, CT 06117 Rueben Zulauf 565 Crown Street Apt. 4a Brooklyn, NY 11213

If I got a nickel every time

Yossi miller: mentioned to Sholom Lazar. Shloime Finver: com- something about Pitts- Levy Yaffe: blamed a fight plained that Shloime is the burgh. on someone else. worst counselor ever. Yoseph Levidan: said “guys Shaya Itkin: complained he Then I would be a this time we can win it”. just wants to do nothing. millionaire! Yankee Baron: sang like he Yisrael Luchins: followed was a star . shaya itkins opinion. Chemi Lazarus: said C’mon Mendel Rosenblum: did a guys in his S.A. accent. full hour of silence. Mendel Keller: went crazy Reuven Zuluaf: told the and cried counselors to shut up and Hiiiirrssshhhyyyyyy. that they’re mean. Dovid Lokshin: went to talk Page 52 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Chof Gimmel

and as he was about to Negel vasser, mikvah טייערע חברה אפ באנק כ"ג: I’m not gonna write about leave the Rebbe called him (even if it means breaking all those fun times we had back and looked at him and ice), things the Rebbe did together which of course asked him “did you get my by davening, watching a you’ll never forget, like all letter?”. video of the Rebbe before those regular letters. Ra- This story really brings out you go to sleep, and all ther let me tell you one last everything we fabrenged the other things we spoke story. about this summer. Who about. Don’t just keep it we are to the Rebbe and for yourself but rather tell Late one night in 770 the it to your friends until the bochurim were having an how much the Rebbe cares about every single one of whole world becomes Gan argument. “You know, be- Israel. fore we get married the us. as Iטייערע קעמפער'ס So Rebbe sends every one of So when you go back home אי"ה ,finish off this letter us a letter, each one has the and you’re having a fun exact same words on it, now time running around your when you receive your let- is it just that they bring a house 20 times acting the ter from the Rebbe, hold it pile of papers in front of the way a child of the Rebbe is proudly, look at it and say Rebbe and the Rebbe just supposed to act, and then to yourself “this is my per- signs on them or is it that after a long day lying in sonal letter”. and remember toלחיים -the Rebbe is really writing to your comfortable bed look me a letter for my ing at the picture of the keep in touch until we chasuna?” A few weeks Rebbe hanging in your meet again together with went by and the chassan room, of course thinking בקרוב ממש! the Rebbe that said that the Rebbe about the davenings you doesn’t really mean me davened, benching you went for dollars. When he benched, fun you funned… pasted by the Rebbe the remember all those things Rebbe gave him a dollar, we spoke about by night.

Your Counselor


What if it never rained in camp?* PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 53

Keep in Touch

Dovid Kotlarsky (Co.)

Menachem Mendel Berg- 1579 Brandywyn Ln, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 stein Menachem Caroline 211 Greenwood Drive Key Biscayne, FL 33149 Matisyahu Gross 679 West 239 Street Bronx, NY 10463 Apt 1F Gavriel Hashimi 5705 Bartlett St. Pittsburgh, PA 15217 Sholom Hazan Viale Regina Giovanna 20129, Milano, Sholom Lazar Tichvinsky Periulok #9 Moscow, 127018 Apt. 16 Menachem Mendel 4221 Lime Ave. Long Beach, CA 90807 Rapoport Mendy Rapoport 78 Montrose W. Street Vineland, NJ 08360 Yaakov Rosenblum 26 Carleton Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15243 Mendy Rudolph 1440 Wightman Street Pittsburgh, PA 15217 Shmulie Shollar 1132 Waterview Street Far Rockaway, NY 11691 Shlomo Yaakov Stark 446 N. Orange Drive Los Angeles, CA 90036 Nissi Yomtov 792 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11213

Last Will & Testament

Menachem Caroline: first in ture of the Rebbe on the fridge line Gavriel Hashmi: ipod every Dovid Kotlarsky: another Mendel Bergstein: dvar night night to fabreng malchus Shmuly Shaler: gray paja- Mattisayhu Gross: game- ma & yellow crocs boy Shalom Chazan: able to Shlomo Stark: siddur that laugh the whole day moves with my eyes Yankel Rosenblum: more Nissi Yomtov: flute time for lights out Mendy Rudolph: going into Menach Rappaport: anoth- canteen 24/7 er surprise birthday party Shalom Lazar: another pic- Mendy Rappaport: a lock Page 54 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Bun Chof Daled

Wow it seems like the sum- them, like all the food we mer just started but it’s leave open, and the sticky allready over, well boys I candy stuff on are beds es- guess you could say that’s a pecially m.t…. good thing it means we had How about the questions by a great time with all the fun lights out with m.w. creative and games. answers, like tishah b’av Now thinking back I wonder mixing it up with tu beshvat, what the summer would I think we should write a have been like if we weren’t book called the world’s the oldest bunk or if we greatest answers! Now for would not have “broken out” the positive all the things the bevowak? (Whatever you boys learnt all the min- that word means). And how hagim and halochos… about the kid from Alabama Wow the printer is going yea! I mean we had so to stop workin in a mi- many great experiences I nute so I better hurry could just go on and on but up. you know that the journal guys don’t let me take up So getting to the point more than one page so we (TOYCHEN COME IN) I am p.s. Srulli Freidman from will cut it short kinda thing. sure that all that we did gave nachas to the rebbe Alabama! Lets talk a little about the and through all are actions bunkhouse now we got we defiantly brought loads of friends like binky moshiach closer and iy”h the skunk and two little next year gan izzy 50++ in mice, they just love the yerushalaim with moshiach! warm hospitality we give

Your Counselor


*then it just wouldn’t be GAN YISROEL (the best summer of your lives) PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 55

Keep in Touch

Dani Chitrik (Co.)

Leibel Bendet 1810 Montreal Ave. S. Paul, MN 55116 Menachem Dahan 47 Cedarhurst Ave. Cedarhurst, NY 11516 Michael Dahan 47 Cedarhurst Ave. Cedarhurst, NY 11516 Chaim Grossbaum 1129 S Paul Av S Paul, MN 55116 Yaakov Kievman 1484 Union Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Zev Krainer 762 Empire Blvd., #5D Brooklyn, NY 11213 Nisan Levitin 6519 49th Ave. NE Seattle, WA 98115 Yanason Stein 661 Lefferts Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11203 Zevi Stern 1486 Union Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Isaac Sufrin 515 Crown Street Brooklyn, NY 11213 Mendel Tenenbaum 8 Winterbranch Irvine, CA 92604 Chaim Wachtel 140 Esther Cres. Thornhill, ONT., L4J-3L4 Mendy Whitman 618 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11225

What if...

c.w.-was american clothes c.g.-was in our bunk the 1st y.k.-was not a heacht month m.t.-knew how to be an ac- m.w.-was not so funny crobat z.s.-would be a counsler i.s.-would leave go of his miki.d.-was not a twin hockey stick! m.d.-was louder z.k.-was not allways with friends y.s.-was not so gigly n.l.-did not loose all his



Hey everybody, according to me us we’re all going to go on a runa- camp is the greatest so far. From way in the morning to the park. reveille in the morning to lights out Well, my whole bunk fell for it and at night. Basically what happened they even brought their back- Beis a few days ago was that as Shua packs. Now it’s color war, gotta Introlgater

announced that there wouldn’t be go.

Bunk color war. My bunk was real mad so my counselor told us after lights Lazer out that he was real mad so he told

I’m from Livingston, N.J. and Well this is my first year in I’m ten years old. I love Gan camp and I think that it was

Israel and the activities and very energizing for my trips are lots of fun. IY”H I neshamah. I liked best the Hey


will be coming back next year. singing. Dancing and fa- Feller

Grossbaum brenging on shabbos was Bunk Bunk

great. Levi


My name is Shmuly B. Dear campers and staff, Thank you Rabbi Futerfas,

I don’t understand why camp my counselors, and Camp flies by so quickly. From the Gan Israel for giving me head staffs speech to winning Gimmel Zayin

such a great summer. Bronstein

shabbos competition. I heard the Chanowitz

speech and then it was already Yud

Bunk bogwar and then the grand trip. Today I feel upset to leave but I Shmuly Bunk know that I had an amazing year. Shmuel PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 59

What If… Color war wouldn’t be broken out Shaul Perlstien wouldn’t be the at 6:00 a.m.?

shoomama? Camp would sponsor water bottles Boris would actually do night activi- again? Vov ty himself? Ronald Perlman came to camp this Sputz The p.a. actually worked? summer? The canteen would be open to Levi Shapiro would not have a fan Bunk Levi campers? club directed by M. Liberow? Moshe Liberow would actually do Yossi Perlstien would use a micro- something? phone when he screamed?

Well… um… okay well it all stated WAR”! when we came up to the bunk

house. Our counselor told us we’re going tomorrow morning on a runa-

Zayin way to Shoprite. So in the morning


we lined up in our bunk (as always) and when the van beeped we ran Bunk out to get together and then we Yossi heard the staff scream out “COLOR

I want to say, camp is a very good

place. It is very fun and I think camp should continue. Learning


classes, activities are fun and trips, overnights everything in Yud Feigenson camp is amazing.


Camp was great. The trips were the forest. The winners of bunk

awesome. The bunks were great. competition would get to go raft- In the learning classes we had an ing. All in all camp is the extra su- Beis

excellent time. This year they had per place to spend your summer. something new called excel cards. Yud Krasnjanski

At the end of the week the learning class with the most cards in each

Bunk division would get to play sports during learning class and a hike in Mendel

Camp was so much fun. I learned

a lot and I learned who I really am. The summer was packed with fun Tov shabbos competition was a blast, ‐ Beis bogwar was outstanding, grand

trips, beevvowak were all amazing. Yud Shem

One think that really touched me was going to the Rebbe on chof av. I hope to come back. Bunk Chaim

I had a great time in camp. I still re- in the morning my counselor woke me

member when I came to camp. Time up. Then my counselor told me and flew by so fast that I didn’t have my bunkmates that we are going on a time to change my shoes. I also re- runaway, but on the other hand all member when we went on our first the other counselors told their kids Beis Litzman

trip, this trip took place in that they are going on a runaway. “HOLIDAY MOUNTAIN” we had so There were two vans coming up on

Bunk much fun there, we went minature the hill, so when the van drivers golfing, bumper boating, and much honked their horns all of us burset Mendel more. Then we had “COLOR WAR”, it threw our bunk doors and scram color was a pretty strong breakout, early war and that’s how we broke it out. PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 61

Camp was so much fun and I had a Perlman didn’t come. See you really great time. Form watching next year. Rebbe videos every night to the ground trip. Oh, and don’t forget Gimmel the color war breakout when they Rudolph said there would be a runaway at Chof

6:00 a.m. and then beep beep “COLOR WAR”! Anyway this sum- mer was one of the best summers Mendy Bunk in my life. Even though Ronald

This year camp was so much fun. to be back next year but next time

The breakouts were excellent and in Yerushalyim with Moshiach! the runaways were excellent and so were the trips. It was probably the Gimmel best summer of all the years that I Shemtov

was here. I’d like to thank all the Chof

staff and especially my counselor, waiter, and learning teacher for Nissin making this year enjoyable. I hope Bunk

I was sitting in the dining room wait- engers, cheers etc. We came back ing for Rabbi Shemtov to come in in the dining room and they broke

for his birthday when somebody out bunk war. Everybody was hav- pulls me out of the dining room that ing fun. We had plays, scavengers,

I am going to be a general in bunk halacha skits, and songs, we had a Beis war. I was really blown away. First great time. That day they broke

of all that there was bunk war and out the beevowak and the night of Yud Feigenson even more that I was general. They the beevowak we had a mini grand also told me the team names were sing. The next day they announced ani ldodi and dodi le and my team the winners of bunk war and lucky Bunk name was dodi le. Then me and the for me I won! Dovid lt. general worked on the play, scav- Page 62 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

What ifs of bunk war: Dodi Lei didn’t make the backdrops

we where good and ‘chayosdik’ by for Ani Ledodi the birthday party they would announce the winners Ches

the captains would find out before by the bonfire Yud

they were announced Zalmy Sandhouse would allow Krazniansky they gave us more time for the Ha- everybody into the pool area

Bunk lacha skits we wouldn’t have such devoted Tani the second play was a little longer staff

WHAT IF… Grand Sing There really was no color war this I was really kicked out of camp year L.D.Y.P. had a heart won bunk competition firstכ"א there was no brochos channel bunk Beis H.C.I.N. lost his voice again month Keller Yossi Perlstein had settled in Mon- camp had started on a sunny day Chof treal there was a choir this visiting day H.C.S.B. was not a gost Peretz Kaizen knew how to use the

Moshy Liberow didn’t come back new video machine Mendel Bunk there was no news board there was no Rabbi Zaklos experi- camp didn’t get bleachers by the ence

Dear fellow campers, boom the worst bunk in camp wins

Hello there my name is Mendel Ku- bunk competition it hits just like gel you may have heard of me or color war, but we weren’t giving

Aleph not, I’m what many of you would up just then and besides we never

Kugel call an average kid, not too smart won first month anyway. So with and not absent minded either, if new strength we shot up like a Chof you know what I mean. Anyhow rocket but never came down and here is my story: I’m sure that this month we will Mendel

Bunk I came to camp like every any oth- “prevail” er expecting quick victory in bunk Sincerely your fellow camper, competition as every year, and Learning Program 5767


Learning Directors

A letter from your Learn- that you placed in what was will come to mind, spend ing Directors learnt, whether it was the some time to think of the Dear campers, interesting Gemaras or the message behind all that beautiful Halacha Booklet or we did. It’s an opportune All of us know the reason even the Hiskashrus, left time to begin or continue why we came to camp, to you when learning class was what we or you’re learning have a fun time and to… over still glued to your seat, teacher asked from you, learn. What none of us ex- and if it weren’t for the oth- like Chitas and Sefer Ham- pected was that the fun er parts of the learning pro- itzvot you can begin or would be in the learning. gram you most probably continue, although you Yup, there were some quite would not have gotten up. might not be receiving a exotic ideas, like growing 5 We know the many times freeze pop every day you squash plants, 13 tomatoes, you went to just look at the are still, and be part of the hot peppers, and some cu- talented crafted Kailim in club that joins thousands cumbers in order that we the lobby just trying to get a around the world in learn- should learn our Brochos. really clear piture of the real ing daily the same thing, But overall we agree on the Kailim. You read the even if its making sure fact that we all looked for- Shmooze and all the rest of you have Neigal Vasser by ward to the excitement the news until you could say your bed before you tuck around the Learning Pro- it all by heart and feel like away for the night, or gram-(especially your turn you are living the adventure even just being ore careful for doughnut making or the of Feivel & Shepsel. You re- on the Brochos you make, Barras Experience)! peatedly watched the cur- or really any other thing. For in such an auspicious Lets us also mention the rent series of the Brochos Channel for there was al- time you want to make great excitement that was sure the upcoming year on your faces when you ways more that you missed and weren’t satisfied until it ’68 is going to be done heard us on the PA “120 right, and there is no bet- seconds to Learning Clas- was blasting out of your ears. Don’t get me wrong ter way of doing that then ses”, when you all eagerly keeping in mind those pre- ran to spend some precious hours on end were spent by your learning teachers to cious times of the learning time with the best learning Program 5767! teacher around. The interest make it all happen, and you can thank them for that. K’sivah V’chasimah Tova- Although the summer flew all the best for the upcom- by as a result of all the fun ing year, we shared together and it’s Rabbi Barras, Yossi Perl- a shame it’s all over being stein, & Chaim Zaklos that we stand in the month of Elul it’s a great time to think back at the summer we just spent, besides for the great memories which PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 65

Teach- Message

Tayere campers: walking down Kingston ave. wants from him, and After teaching you for in crown heights. The Reb- not what he thinks and a full month, I don’t really be’s personal secretary, convinces himself the have much left to say… but Rabbi Hadakov, confronted Rebbe wants from him. after all, I can’t just not him, asking him, “how is it Big diffirence. This is one write anything. So let me that you’re here?” to which of the things that we could just tell you a simple but he replied, “I just came to learn from that year’s Yud great thing that happened buy fish for Pesach…”. Head Alef Nissan. about 25 years ago. Shliach of the Rebbe to So kinderlach, you On many years, the France, Rabbi Muleh should have an amazing Rebbe would ‘farbreng’ with Azimov, for some reason year, hatzlocho in every- all the Chassidim on his decided to make his son’s thing that you do, and birthday. The year was Bar-Mitzvah in New York, make sure from time to 5742. The day was Yud Alef rather than in France. time to make the Rebbe Nissan, The Rebbe’s 80th I’m sure the Rebbe smile, giving him lots of birthday. All the Shluchim would love to have had all nachas, by doing what we waited anxiously for the day his shluchim together, espe- know he wants us to do. to come, for it was expected cially on a day like Yud Alef This is what’s going to to be an extra special far- Nissan, but for some rea- bring the day when you’ll brengen, for the Rebbe was son, the Rebbe told every- be able to say L’chaim to turning 80. As the day came one to stay where they were the Rebbe, and the Rebbe closer, the excitement grew. and not to come. And I back to you. But on that year, to the could imagine how much L’chaim L’chaim. Shluchim’s dismay, the Reb- every single shliach would be let all shluchim know that love to come in and would Your overtired learn- they should stay in their cit- surely do so if not for the ing teacher, ies doing their shlichus ra- Rebbe’s request that every- Levi Shemtov ther than coming into New one stay. But they didn’t (Uruguay). York for the birthday. Head come. Because a Chossid Shliach of the Rebbe to Tex- is supposed to do what as, Shiminke Lazaroff, was he knows the Rebbe Page 66 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Feive And Shepsel

Dear journal reader, do remember saying some- built a tunnel to connect thing like that. You know, our bunkhouses when we It’s me; a distressed and we had such a fun time this couldn’t be together (and distraught Feivel, writing a summer I would really like ended up saving the whole goodbye letter for the jour- to help you write the good- camp). This doesn’t mean nal. bye letter” that we don’t have our dif- ferences. For example: “Hey Feivel! Don’t forget “Okay, but now I’ll have to Shepsel, who’s right now about me.” start over…” spacing out, always com- plains that I ask too many “Don’t’ worry Shepsel; I This is a goodbye letter from questions. wouldn’t forget about you in Shepsel and Feivel Yovelsh- a billion years. I know that nook. As camp is coming to “Right Shepsel?” you also want to write this a close we would like to say letter, but you’re not dis- goodbye to all of our “Shepsel I saw my coun- tressed and distraught. friends, especially to those selor saying Kapital Chof Even though camp is coming of you that read our daily yesterday I was in middle to a close you’re still are adventures in the ‘Shmooz’ of figuring out how old able to laugh and smile” on the Learning Program that make him. You’re al- Daily News Board. ways asking me so many “Of course; don’t you know questions.” my motto: Don’t cry be- You may be wondering, how cause it’s over; smile, be- did the Shmooz come about. See what I mean? Howev- cause it happened?” It’s actually a long story, er, even though we have but I think now would be our differences, we re- “I thought your motto was: the best time to say it. mained best of friends. In ‘crocs on the front and fact, all of my bunkmates heelys on the back keep If you read about our ad- are a little different - and I your feet moving on track’” ventures you’ll see that think that’s exactly what Shepsel and I are best of makes us such a perfect “Now that you mention it, I friends. In fact, we even

Shepsel PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 67

bunk, you know, everyone adventure. Finally the Learning Pro- offers their own little thing gram agreed to publish my to benefit the whole bunk. Don’t get me wrong, I think adventures on the condi- I’m really going to miss all these things are great, tion that learning teacher them. In fact I’m going to awesome, and fantastic. In Chezky Akerman will miss the whole camp we fact camp wouldn’t be the slightly alter the adven- had such a fun time togeth- same without them. Can tures, adjusting them with er even though at the end of you imagine camp without content worthy of the the day, I think that I spent breakfast lunch and supper? Learning Program. Now the most time with Shepsel. - that would be a very hun- you know why I first start- gry camp. Or a camp with- ed publishing my stories Shepsel and I did all kinds out learning classes, that on the leaning board. of crazy things together. would my whole summer Once they posted the first From spying on the staff af- unproductive - do you know issue of the Shmooz, the ter lights out and ending up how much I learned in demands for more sky- in the Beis Hamikdash, to learning classes that I never rocketed, I had no choice, getting a free ride from knew before? but to share with the staff Shaul Perlstien. From un- at the Learning Program earthing the GM’s tool and All I’m trying to say is that more & more of our ad- building tunnels, to running for some reason I went on ventures. away from camp to save his more adventures than the counselor. average camper which There, now you know how makes me, um, unique. Alt- the Shmooz came into be- We did so many wacky hough my propeller hat does ing. things sometimes I feel that a fine job at making me we aren’t regular campers. unique, I realized that the “Hey Feivel, I figured it You know, those campers average camper wanted to out; my counselor is nine- that wake up in the morning hear about my uniqueness teen!” do cleanup, lineup, snacks, which resulted from my Shacharis, breakfast, learn- many adventures, so I start- ing classes, break, learning ed to write down the stories, classes, wash up, lunch, you but I couldn’t find anyone to get the point - the campers fund the publishing. who see six flags as a great


Learning Program

Learning and More…in But that’s only the be- played in the window were CGI NY, 5767 ginning, for this year models of “Kailim” from learning has taken us the beis Hamikdosh, hand past the Seforim and made by the learning The learning Program in basic classes, in a most teachers, and filled with Gan Israel this year was exciting hands-on way!! talent and creativity. The not just about learning, it following Kalim stood was about Exploring!!! Hands-on means practi- cally learning! The walk proudly on display, the This summer we all have “Aron” with its “Keruvim”, excelled greatly as a result down the hill had exitment on the right hand side as the outer “Mizbaich” with of the amazing curriculum its fire places, the which was put together by you bumped into a home- made vegetable garden, the “Shulchan” filled with its our Learning Directors of breads, the inner 5767. We learnt different “Ha’adamah Garden”. Plant- ed and taken care of daily “Mizbaich” and the Gemaras that discuss the “Menorah”, and they are Beis Hamikdosh and its Ves- the Ha’adamah garden brought plants and vegeta- all in full detail, giving us a sels, as well as Moshiach, clear picture of the Kalim who will be here speedily in bles to reality, so that we will never need to question of the Beis Hamikdash in a our days. We learnt in Hla- fascinating way! cha “Birchas Hanenin” from if a food is a veggie or a a text book (compiled by fruit! Covering the wall in the learning director Chaim The lobby this year was lobby was no plain empty Zaklos) from the Alter Reb- surrounded by loads of in- wall, but rather a wall bes “Seder Birchas formation given over in a loaded with information Hanenin”, which guided us fun and exciting way! Dis- that was updated daily on through the many details the that regard the Brochos we make. In the evening we leant various Chassidishe Inyonim. PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 69

“Learning Program Daily their hands to make some teacher says over the days News Board”, which reminds “Brochos” themselves. We Chitas and we received a me, there were the “Top each received some dough freeze pop or a can of so- stories”, “Question of the which we saw being made da for attendance. For the day”, “Halachah of the day”, and began to shape our records Chitas Club ‘67 “Pigam of the day”, “Minhag very own “Doughnut”. We has broken the record by of the day”, “Picture of the then watched it being placed recruiting over 50% of day”, the daily Sefer Ham- into a deep fryer. As the camp to Chitas Club on itzvot & (in Yid- doughnuts fried, we got our various occasions. dish and English), and the very own tour of the All that didn’t just hap- “Shmooz” which us on ad- “Ha’adamah Garden” and pen overnight, thank you venture with “Shepsel” and “Kailim”. Then we returned to the dedicated Learning “Feivel Yankelshnook” to pick up our chocolate Directors and the devoted through tunnels and the glazed doughnuts. A real learning teachers who beis hamikdosh were shep- tasty way to learn some spent hours daily putting sel was almost lost, bringing brochos! all this together, learning out the Gemarah being Then there was the in Parksville, NY 5767 is learnt!!! “Barras Experience”; follow- going to be a memory for- Leaving no corner or even ing Rabbi Barras through ever! sound of the lobby empty, camps forest. While showing Take it all with you!!! playing in the lobby was the us the beauty of the forest, “Brochos Channel” on he filled us with stories and Truly yours, “WGIN” (World of Gan Isra- facts new even to the oldest The Learning Program el News). One of the biggest of classes, returning us to ‘67 hits to Gan Israel something camp filled with adventure we all enjoyed together; we and “Yiras Shamaim”! watched how to make That’s all besides for the This article was written breads with Bainish, Schnit- recently established “Excel in a form of tribute to Ha- zel with Ti’harah, Falafel Card competition”, which shem for Ti’harah and with Yarom, Gefilta fish with awarded the best learning Bainish finding their return Hymi and Frankie, and all classes weekly, bringing route to Parksville! the general brochos we learning to greater heights! make on the lost in the woods one. That was one If you thought three thing none of us will forget learning classes was that quickly! enough, well there was almost a fourth! That af- Hands-on activates ternoon freeze pop, that changed our Learning time every day after lunch Classes also!!! Every so when we flooded th BMD often, groups of learning Dining Room where we an- classes made their way to ticipated the daily “Chitas the kitchen and washed Club”. Where a learning Page 70 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Brochos Sudo-

(A Sudoku puzzle, but instead of numbers there are Brochos)

הגפן האדמה שהחיינו


העץ בשמים מזונות הגומל

מזונות שהכל העץ

האדמה העץ

הגפן מזונות

הגומל האדמה בשמים המוציא שהכל

שהחיינו האדמה

המוציא Mishnayos Ba’al Peh


COCOA CLUB 5767 Top 3 Mendy Hebber Mendel Shlush Mendy Levitin

10,000 cups were used 5,000 campers 650 bottles of milk 50 v.i.p.’s 103 campers every day 1 assistant 200 pounds of cocoa

PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 73

Nights, Whacks, and Sleep Walking It was rumoured that Gan yisroel was to be whacked two nights ago by a giant ‘Bevo’. We personally arrived at Gan Israel to obtain the complete story of the whacking, but were disappointed to find the camp deserted with just the BMD & Masmidim sections of camp remaining. Apparently the rest of camp departed on some sort of Overnight. The truth hit us hard; our sources of a bevo-wak were misinformed. Fortunately however, at that precise moment, news reporter Fanader-Klieber on a per- sonal vacation down at Neversink camp grounds. By a mere coincidence, Camp Gan Israel were also having their overnight at Neversink campgrounds, Fanander-Kleiber used this opportunity to interview several campers. One camper, Ari H. aged eleven years old, claimed not only to roast hot dogs and marshmallows, but to roast his own pants. He has a gaping hole in his pants to prove his story to any non-believers. Another camper claimed to diligently stay up the whole night assiduously assuring the bonfire’s continuity throughout the night. His counsellor however, had different plans. Fighting against boo’s and no’s he put himself to the task of extinguishing the fire. At the end however, the campers were the ones who got their way; they reignited the fire from one lone spark. We however, being unfortunately stuck in camp, decided to sleep over for the night. Originally planning to leave early the next morning, we only woke up from the rumble of yellow school busses pulling into camp with loads of excited campers. We then de- cided to stay another day so our trip wouldn’t go to waste, and don’t worry we weren’t sorry. Thursday in camp was real fun. The best part of the whole day was to watch a quarterback throw a long pass that was never caught, because the wide receiver had either fallen asleep while running, or was in fact never up, but was sleep walking. We were planning to stay over another night; the reason being that we heard from a group of campers that there was a “staff play” scheduled that night. It saddened us however, when we find out that we were forced to leave due to an imminent thunder storm, at the end we were contented to learn that there was in fact on staff play was – that was the second time this week that our sources were misinformed. Page 74 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Ready to enjoy the best staff play so far this year, we sat down and tried to relax, but couldn`t, because our seating grounds were in reality rock-solid standing grounds; it`s a good thing we needed the bathroom about 3 and a half times otherwise our feet would have permanently fell asleep (Not to mention all the attention we got every time we stood up, from people shouting things like ``sit down! `` ``out of our way``) The plot was fairly simple. It started off in a two story house with a ladder for front steps; there is, however, a secret behind these steps, if you go down to the `basement` you can somehow go through the walls and knock down the staircase! Don`t ask me how it`s done, ask the governors henchmen; they did it. This however, was only the beginning of the fun. During the play we got to observe a full range circus. With monkeys from Mongolia (a country `s in the city of North Korea – just joking, I don`t know where it is) and jumping jacks from Jamaica; men that could jump through legs, and fire jugglers renowned throughout the world for their extraordinary talent of dropping their torches. While all the Ladies and gentleman gave a hand for the Moscow theatre, there was one lone Shumama (Shumama Shumama) who rebuked them for their clumsiness. Obviously the actors would have, in normal circumstances, put on a most impressive performance; they just made mistakes on purpose, because that`s what they were suppose to do in the play (Right.) The lone Shumama was actually quite an ``exciting guy`` (so said Isser for lack of a better de- scription) he ripped a deer`s head off of its post on the wall, and his favors consisted of pulling a pitchfork out of his friend`s stomach, he even kicked a guy through bars about which he said ``if I knew what they were made out of I would have escaped earlier`` one of his biggest feats was staying in solitary confinement for all his whole prison term minus two days which was either a few weeks or a few months depending who was talking and when. An even bigger feat was get- ting to know Misha (Misha`s the guy who used a Verizon telephone book for ten years thinking it was a Siddur) so well in just two days, that upon his death he cried for the first time in his life. On a parenthetic note, it has been suggested that Shumama had some black ancestry the cause for this rumour was his excessive use of the interjection Mmhhmm. At the end of the play Isser (who was a dummy) was carried to some soft ground in a secluded spot in the forest where we were told that ``no one would find us here`` not even the bloodthirsty gypsy. Both the Gypsy and the Jew boy’s son got to eulogise him. The Shumama told us how he was a holy Jew that spoke to g-d. Alones told us how his father gave eve- rything for him (funny that he can`t remember anything besides for Shma) ``he gave up his life and gave up his religion for me. `` He then died happily ever after; the end. Smile they almost won J PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 75

התקשרות א מלחמה?

דעם מיטוואך האבען אלע זיך פרי געוועקט. מען גייט אנטלויפען פון קעמפ. ווען אבער מיט אמאל האט זיך געהערט א גערויש, אלע סטעף האבען גענומען שרייען "לא ישא גוי אל גוי חרב" מען העט געמיינט אז משיח איז דא. אבער דערנאך ווען אלע זיינען געקומען אין שול (דאהרט איז דער בעסטען אהרט ווא זיך טרעפען מיט משיח) האט מען אויסגערופען אז מען גייט גאהר ווערען מקושר. אלע זינען איבער א נאכט געווארען חסידים. נאר די וואס זיינען שוין מקושר וויא התמימים איסר נוי און שאול פערלשטיין צוזאמעו מיט התמימים שמואל קליין, יואל ניו, דניאל חיטריק, נתן דייטש, זלמי פוטערפאס און מענדי וואלף, זיי האבען געטראגען ספיציעלע העמדער אז אלע זאהלען זען אז זיי זיינען די ריכטיגע מקושרים. זיי האבען גענומען דעם אויפגאבע צו אויס לערנען די אנדערע סטעף און קעמפערס וויא א מקושר דארף זיך אויס פירעהן. נאהר זיי האבען אנגעטהן פארשידינע קאליעהרען העמדער, ווען איך האב זיי אנגעמרקט האבען זיי געזאגט אז דאס איז וייל מען קריגט זיך. יעהצט זיינען אלע קעמפערס און סטעף אינגאנצען פארמישט, מען קריגט זיך און דאס הייסט התקשרות ? מיר האבען צוערשט געקלעהרט אז עס האנדעלט זיך א משיחיסטיקער מעשה , נאר ווען מען האט אנגעזעהן פארנאכט וויא עס רעהט זיך געהר א געשיכטע מיט א געגאנבעטע בילד זיינען מיר שוין צוטומעלט און מען האט נישט געוואסט צי לאכען צי וויינען מיר האבען נישט געגלויבט אז עס קומט פאהר פאר אונזער אויגען. ערשט גייט מען אנטלויפע דערנאך איז משיח געקומען שפעטער וועט מען לערנען וויא זיין מקושר דערנאך קריגט מען זיך ווער איז מער מקושר משחיסטן אנטי משחיסטן און יעהצט גאהר אן אנדער מעשה איינער האט געגאנבעט זיין טאטענ'ס א בילד?!? נו, יעצט קען מען שוין מיינען אז עס איז א גערעכטיגע קריג איינער האט צו געגאבעט זיין טאטענס בילד פון הונדערט דורות מוז מען זיך קעגען שטעלען,אבער וויא קומט עס צו דער טעלעוויזיע מיט אמאהל אלע מישען זיך אריין פונקט אין זיין טאטענ'ס געשעפטען? גוט, מען וואלט געקענט פאקוקען אבער ווען מען האט שוין גענדיקט און געגאנגען דאווענען און עסען איז מען שוין געווען צופרידען ער האט שוין באקומען דעם בילד און "שלום על ישראל" אבער ניין. נישט געדוערט א האלבע שעה און מין מאכט א לויה, שרעקלעך! וועמען, ווא, ווען, מען האט נישט צייט צו פארקייען און אט קומט אן א שיפ מיט פיראטען, וואס ווילען זיי?, זיי שלעפען אריין א אכטצען יאריקע אינגעל אוון מען לאכט, א רחמנות צו קוקען. אבער כאטש עס ווערט אביסעל פרייליכער ווען ער ווערט וואהר אז דער הויבט פיראט איז גאהר זיין טאטע, וויא פארוואס, קיינער ווייס ניט נאהר כאטש ער איז פעהיג און שלעפט זיין מאמען ארויס פון קעלער טורמע, וויא זי איז דאהרט אהנגעקומען ווייס קיינער.גאהר אינטרעסאנט איז געווען אז געצען דאהרט זיינען זעקס שופטים און קיין איינער האט זיך קעגען שטעלט, מען שיסט מען הארגעט און "אין פוצה פה ומצפצף". יעצט איז שוין געווען גאהר שפעט די קינדער (נעבעך צעטרייסעלטע) זענעהן געגאנגען שלאפען און איך זיץ זיך און טראכט וואס דא האט זיך פאהרגעקומען. גיי איך צו צו איינע וואס דרייט זיך אין "לאבי" גאר שפעט באנאכט, ער מאכט זיכער אז אלץ איז אין ארדענונג און אז די קינדער טראגען יארמלוקעס מיט ציצית, פרעג איך בא עם וואס דא האט זיך געטאהן, גיט ער מיר א קוק און לאכט, דערנאך שרריט ער אויף מיר אין גואיש " יו אמעריקענס אר סו סלאו" ווייס איך ניט וואס ער זאגט אבער ער רעדט ניט קיין אידיש, ביז איך האב זיך מיט עם דורכגערעט אויף לשון הקודש און ער האט מיר ערקלעהרט די פאלגענד: אז עס האדדעלט זיך וועגען א מלחמה טאקע פון התקשרות נאר די צוויי קאלירען רעפעזענטירען צווי סארטען פון התקשרות, קיום הוראותו און נלכה באורחותיו יערער דארף פראבירען ארויס בריינגען זיין תוכן צום בעסטען, יעצט איז אלץ כמעט קלאהר געווארען, די איינצגע זאך איז געבליבען וואס האט עס מיט פיראטען?.


איסר ניו געווינט דעם העפטיגען מלחמה? גן ישראל איז צוטרייסעלט געווארען היינט מיטאג הערענדיק אז איסער האט געונען די מלחמה, ווא איז יושר?, האבען אלע געשריען, אבער אויף טויבע אויערן, עס פאסט אבער זייער מיט היינטיגען פרשה פון "לא תקח שוחד". עס וויסט אבער אויס אז די שופטים האבען נישט געלערענט חת"ת יענעם טאג.

אזוי האט אויס געזען דער "גרענד סינג" דורך די אויגען פון משה באגרייפער




Winning Team Of SOLO: you- do can make a Shanah Now I realize, change. That time is in my TTTO: k’ayol tarog hands, Chorus…. (Efrayim Mendelson) To-use for good, and do whats right. Young-Dovid turns his Every minute every gaze, hour Towards the holy city. In the rebbe’s ways I’ll He-sees the torches lift- strive ed, To-make every moment On the mountain tops. important in my life

The-new moon is born, Every-second one-is- granted in-this world, The- world anticipates, He-has-a -mission to For- us to do our task, fulfill, he-has a goal To sanctify this day. So-cherish every- mo- Chorus: ment of your days ‘Cause-everything that Page 79 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Color War

Winning theme song of because its now clear A lebidiker Chossid be team Nelcha B’orchoisov The Rebbe’s our guidaince proud as a Jew To change me and you Any place your life may T.T.T.O. Father please tell This we’ll try to do, this we’ll take you me (journeys) try to do, This we’ll try to do, to con- The people around every Father please tell me, I’m nect to you camper of mine asking of you, Wonder how it happens I’ve not seen the Rebbe each time I’ve not heard him too. Alma Matter winning Come home from the sum- I want to relate, to those team of Nelcha B’orchoi- mer with a passion so times you lived. sov strong Father please help me, to be Thats why I’ve been here a chossid. ttto venikaysi avrohom fried so long

Listen my child, you can feel I wait all alone for that time I watch with a smile close, of the year My campers of old days By doing and acting as the For laughter and fun in the Now send their young chil- Rebbe shows. air dren to me Follow and listen, I’m quiet and dormant you For they know for certain To all of his ways, may not take notice in my loving care That’s how Chassidim all of I’ts time that my story I This lesson with them I us became. share will share

The way that He davened, Fifty years and counting I’ve The way that He learned. been observing To every yid’s problem Generations have come and We saw that He turned. gone by Devotion to Mitzvos, to eve- Families have grown up that ry detail. bring me such nachas This I’ll try to do, this I’ll try Listen up and let me tell you to do. why

A video I see, or a story I It’s here on my grounds that hear we’ve taught them so well Neilcha biorchosov Only in Gan Yisroel PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 80

The Theme song of The A-good-word you’ll say, with showed me, team of Kiyum Hoiraoisav a Bunkmate together let’s The love that you gave play. me, (T.T.T.O The Ma’amer No matter where life-leads Nigun) Just as a body can’t run on me, I will always think-of its own, you. The sun-is-setting down, in It must have a head, from- the outskirts of Tzfas, which to-be controlled, Do-you remember the The students-are preparing, As-Chasidim we all, must time, to welcome the ‘Shabbos- follow our head, When you took-me-out at queen’, Oy Re-bbe, night, What you told me I still ראש בני יש ר אל The-Ariza”l is there, he beckons to them, remember, and forever it- To-spend-Shabbos in will remain. Yerushalayim. The Alma matter of The The-last day on the bus, His Talmidim reply, ‘We’re team of Kiyum Hoiraoisav You promised we’d keep-in ready to follow, -touch But-we-must ask our (T.T.T.O Hinei Yamim Ba’im I hugged you with emotion wives, and seek their ad- A. Rosenblum) … ‘MY COUNSLER YOU’LL vice’, ALWAYS BE!’ The Ariza”l stands up, his Dear Counselor: students-he-does-face, It’s the first day of school, ‘A chance for Moshiach you I decided to write to you, Chorus: did waste’. Thinking of-the-summer, Thank you for caring, and how-much it meant to And thank you for devot- Chorus: me, ing, To follow the Rebbe, the di- Each-minute that I-spent rectives he gives us, From line up to lights-out, with you, growing in-every Going-on Mivtzoim, fulfilling The excitement that-roamed -way. his Shlichus, -about, The warmth that you Putting-Tefiilin on Yiden, I-write to-you this letter to- showed me, candles for Shabbos, convey my thankfulness. The love that you gave me, Chorus: No matter where life-leads Thank you for caring, me, I will always think-of And thank you for devoting, you Each-minute that I-spent with you, growing in-every- Thank you for caring… way. The warmth that you Love, Your camper Page 81 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Classic Songs

Amongst Majestic Moun- them day by day tains The Rebbe, our Moshe, stands “Your children are yearning to (Tune of Acheinu (Abie Rotten- and proudly leads the way be with You — berg, Lev V’Nefesh) How long can this golus con- B’nei Yisroel, hear our cry — tinue! Amongst majestic mountains, a thundering voices, “Ad Mosai” Bring the geulah, fulfilling nation stands alone And join the million forces, as Your vow An ending to their exile, a we’re marching side by side To bring Moshiach right now” promise of a home The Rebbe lighting up the way, Pondering their destiny, gazing the geulah we will have today Repeat: Oh Rebbe… at the setting sun The promise of redemption in Standing Side By Side ִנ ְפ ָל ֹאות Moshe stands so strong, B’nei this year of Tune of Kanei LeShimcha ֹרו ֶעה ֶנ ֱא ָמן Yisroel’s With a Teehllim () He sees Eretz Yisroel, a splen- (Tune of Ani Maamin (jep vol. Standing side by side did golden view III) Tears well up in their eyes Listening intensely to HaKo- Each unaware that the other dosh Boruch Hu With a Tehillim he sat through is there “My dear servant Moshe, for the night Whispering a silent prayer you to enter this great land Pondering deeply into his (from redemption plight (Staff ֹדור ַה ִמּ ְד ָבּר The forever will be banned” The Rebbe’s image in front of “Dear Rebbe, I want you to his eyes see “Hashem, please take my life “Oh, where is Moshiach,” he The children you entrusted to from me sighs me — My people, they must live to Each one a jewel so precious see Three times a day, we would and rare The coming of Moshiach, and have the great zechus You have placed into my the Mikdash HaShlishi The Nossi HaDor would come care… Please pass them down daven with us through the doros “How can I live when a Shab- “To live with you every mo- And give a Nossi my kochos bos goes by ment To lead them to geulah in this Without a ,” he Is the message I’ve tried to cries impart ִנ ְפ ָל ֹאות” year of

(Tune without words) “Oh Rebbe, oh Rebbe, we need you — Standing at the Ohel, so faith- Hashem, Hashem, Keil Rachum ful and so strong — Pleading for a nation that has We’re sick of this golus, can’t waited much too long bear any more Filling with courage, caring for Why don’t You open the door… PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 82

To bring you lematah, together (All) raised with us As the crowd in the Ohel does Owned by the Nossi HaDor Each of us doing our part… grow With devotion and care to Mendele turns to go young children “Now Rebbe, the summer is As he leaves, he sees a famil- With his love, in the ma- over — iar face — chaneh they grow Now that my shlichus is Camper and counselor em- through — brace “How lucky I am, that I I ask that the spirit of Gan Yis- chose to be here roel “Goodbye, Gan Yisroel In the Rebbe’s camp, never Continue in all that they do!” Farewell to those wonderful elsewhere times With pride I stand, as the (Campers) Your memories will always be Rebbe guides me “Dear Rebbe, I’d like you to part of me In his chinuch I’ll grow, his see Oh Gan Yisroel, goodbye” chossid I’ll be… How much Gan Yisroel’s changed me —I’m closer to Wake up Yidden “In Gan Yisroel, he’s instilled you than ever before Wake up, Yidden, from the in my heart Connected forevermore… dream of golus A connection that never can Get ready to meet Moshiach part “My counselor, your shliach, Tzidkeinu In Gan Yisroel, he’s instilled inspired me Geulah is coming swiftly to- in my heart With true dedication and love wards us A connection that never can — Hinei Zeh Omeid Achar part” His friendship I’ll treasure for- Kosleinu ever There will be no more wars, no As He Sits Upon the Hill How can I thank him enough… more will lions roar (Tune of Ke’ayal Taarog (Tzlil Umol’oh Ho’oretz Dei’oh V’Zemer) “Oy Rebbe, your Gan Yisroel In a Mikdash built of flame, Will always find place in my we’ll give thanks to His Name As he sits upon the hill, the heart And march to Geulah with the camper’s mind roams free Its chayus and warmth will re- Rebbe Shlita To thoughts of a summer main with me filled with fun Its lessons I’ll treasure and A Small Tree Grows A summer, a summer yet to guard!” (Tune of Nachamu (Tzlil V’Ze- be mer) As he rises to greet the day, together with the sun A small tree grows, it’s imma- His wandering mind travels ture back, and camp has just be- Yet raised with so much care gun For these young years will set the way “I’ll play, I’ll laugh, I’ll learn, The fate of its life does lie here such fun will fill my day Friendships forged, and A group of trees are specially friends anew I’ll meet along the way Page 83 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

My counselor teaching me, the play you’ve answered my dreams Rebbe’s at my side every moment in the rebbe’s Now I know what a Jew real- Guiding every Jew domain ly means Ad Mosai we shout out loud, living yidishkeit through out giving us strength anew” the day I’m laughed at because of my Kippah My friends make me feel like מבפנים a Yeshivaמבחוץ His counselor’s voice beckons a camp him from thoughts so far away Fulfilling the rebbe’s dream a fool “The bus is full, go take your One by one we’ll take the They don’t understand why I seat world by storm wear it all day We’re going home, we’re going As another chossid is born Why I don’t take it off after home today” school As the camper looks with tears, Oh Dovid his ticket in his hand Oh Dovid, I send you this let- At home, I make sure we “What could have happened to ter keep Kosher my dream, I do not understand… Expressing my pain and des- But few of my friends do the “The flag waves against the pair same sky, surrounded by the clouds To thank you for teaching me They hide their religion The bunk stands so cold and how to survive where no one can see bare, and the lake makes no All the troubles I meet every- How I wish they could hear sound where you explain— But I can smile as we leave, as hard as it may seem My parents don’t want me to Repeat: Chazak ve’ematz… Knowing that I’ll be back next daven year, and relive my dream” They tell me to do something But so many are lost in a instead world of confusion On the Anvil That’s when I tell them the Their faith isn’t real, it’s just t.t.t.o. Ekra leilokim things that I’ve learned an illusion (shalsheles) Those wonderful things that I cry for them all, I pity them you’ve said so on the anvil lies a metal sheet For the beautiful things they awaiting to be formed Chazak ve’ematz, always re- don’t know glowing red hot shooting member sparks of heat Be strong in your trust, not a It is true that they’re lost, in from the fire it was warmed pretender a world of confusion You cannot just take, you also Their faith isn’t real, it’s just the blacksmith stands hammer must give an illusion in hand Only then, have you learned Don’t cry for them all, but as he begins to end how to live the metal slowly assumes its form But my parents don’t see that as another vessel is born I’m filled with emotion And serving Hashem with a to- gan yisroel’s the anvil on which tal devotion chassidim ae made You’ve cleared all my doubts, even when they eat and they PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 84

teach them to do “I’ve come to the Rebbe’s door The beautiful laws of the Jew His berachah I need once A small cup of wine he holds more…” in his hand A Tear Runs Down His Unanswered, he lifts his eyes, Young Mendele at a Far- Cheek and desperately does cry brengen does stand (Tune of Niggun Shabbos VeY- Repeat: Where is that hand… Thousands of men, standing omtov (Sefer HaNiggunim, en- Boruch I Write to You in awe try #96) (Tune of Eishes Chayil) Their attention to the Rebbe is drawn A tear runs down from his Boruch, I write to you this let- cheek ter Though Mendel stood there, “Oh Hashem, it’s another week In answer to your question his mind was elsewhere — when we were together To hear the Farbrengen he Shabbos is passing, the Rebbe “How is it that I am not did not care did not speak…” ashamed He just could not wait until it My Yiddishkeit to openly pro- was done Days, weeks, then months go claim” So he could go home and by have fun How long must your children On a busy street corner to cry stand He’d walk down the street, Beseeching, demanding, “Ad Asking every Yid to lay tefillin his friends he would meet Mosai, it’s enough!” on his hand They’d teach him to lie, and My tzitzis hanging proudly in they’d teach him to cheat Where is that hand to which sight He’d look to all sides to be millions do come Never shy to do what is right sure no one saw Where is the voice that unites Then, Mendel would break us all as one? Knowing that I am a chossid every law Our hearts pouring out as we Connected to the Rebbe I live cry to Hashem with It occured to him, at a Far- “The Rebbe zol zein gezunt, A feeling of pride within me brengen one week and be with us again!” Lifting me, helping me, wher- “After all, it’s to me that the ever I may be Rebbe does speak On Sunday a man arrives His words, to my heart I With hope in his troubled eyes I’m a chossid in the Rebbe’s must take “Excuse me, please tell me, the army What a difference in me, Rebbe’s help I seek — Fulfilling my mission proudly they will make… Boruch, this letter is not done A chossid you must become “How can I stand every week, and ignore Repeat: Knowing that I am a The words being said by the chossid… Nossi Hador!” He decides, with tears in his eyes

“Enough of my cheating and A Small Cup of Wine lies” (Tune of Niggun Shabbos VeY- omtov (Nichoach 5/1/6) Diary




B”H right then. But before I was able to start crying *information deleted to protect the privacy of 11 Tammuz the head counselor got up and made a whole the camper long, scary speech about camp (I was shaking I’m so nervous and excited ok let me explain. with fear, I thought camp was supposed to be It’s my first day in camp ever. Right before I fun?). Next we were all split into bunks. I was boarded the plane from home my father ex- put in bunk * with counselors * and *. We all plained to me what a zuches it is to be in the marched up the hill to our new house for the next Rebbe’s camp. When I got to Parksville we two months. After I got my bags I started to were right away directed to the shul. Just imag- meet my summer family (you know my bunk and ine I was with 300 kids who I didn’t know with counselors). What lights out already? O.k. I out my parents and so far from home (at least I guess we’ll pick it up from hear tomorrow. Good have my diary for comfort). I wanted to leave night! PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 87

B”H B”H B”H 12 Tammuz 14 Tammuz 23 Menachem Av The most unbelievable thing happened to- I’ll make this quick because I only have ten I didn’t get a chance to write my thoughts yes- day. Right when learning classes began one minutes before learning class resumes. This terday. My days are just so packed with fun and of my favorite staff members, Rabbi Barras never knew davaning games. I can’t believe its erev shabbos already showed up by my class. Now I thought it was) שחרית morning after could be so loud and have so many songs) and and I don’t know why I was thinking of leaving. just one of Rabbi Barras typical visits breakfast we were called back to the shul. That (Or should I say I just wasn’t thinking when I said (although none of his visits are really typical was my first introduction to the learning direc- that earlier this week?) I mean where else in there really more amazing story telling, les- tors (maybe I could have done without meeting the entire world can you have fun while learning son learning, so cool yet understandable them). That Yossi Pearlstein knows how to and I don’t mean only by learning class cause a learning classes). But this one was just out of scream (but he does not know how to smile). whole day I learn about yiddishkeit even while I this eruv (pun intended). Hold on; hold your Well either way I was sent to kuvetzah * with play just from the way we all have to and of horses I’ll explain. He took us during learning learning teacher * and right when we got to our course do act here. Like the fact that picking up class time on a nature hike thru the woods. location we heard more rules and then started a fallen yarmulke goes before scoring the open Now I was thinking the same thing you’re learning (am I in school or camp?). Now I offi- shot that can win the game. Or how about how probably thinking now what does learning cially decided that after lunch I’m calling home you can earn late nights from davening marriv class have to do with a hike? I found out pret- and leaving camp, it’s just not for me. Oh there good. Now I realize what this camp is all about. ty quickly (and I mean quickly because boy goes the p.a. 10, 9, 8. Wow look at the time I have to do my job for bed- did we run). First we were shown the whale * Information deleted to protect the privacy of side and call home and write a letter and like a rock. Yep rumor has it that the giant un- the camper billion other things. armous fish who ate Yonah decided to park himself in the Rebbe’s forest. Next we got to see the Baal Shem Tov’s shul and mikvah and even got to stick our feed in the water (now I realized our mikvah isn’t so cold). We then went on to see the yetzar tov/yetzer raah tree and we all made it to the other side ים של where we jumped all the way into the while singing the 12 pesukim. As weתורה were approaching camp I heard the familiar siren “learning never ends learning never ends” how upsetting (that’s right I said that siren was upsetting). Now as I looked at the forest behind my bunk house right before Page 88 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

lights out I realized what my teacher meant B”H B”H when he said the Baal Shem Tov said we can 29 Menachem Av 5767 4 Elul learn from everything in the world. Oh, I got to go Mully just walked in and I can’t let him catch Imagine my shock when right before davening No way it’s over already? It feels like it just me. today learning director Yossi Pearlstein walked begun. After all the exciting things from mak- into the shul to make an announcement. He said ing new friends to the staff play and all the that the campers who head exceeded in there trips and activities to color war and the list learning classes would receive a special trip just goes on. I really don’t want it to end. I today. When my name was called out I followed don’t like admitting this but I feel tears rolling Yossi out of the shul to the BMD dining room down my cheeks as I write this. I’ll miss Gan where we finished shacrais and then had a Israel until I’ll come back. But there is one quick breakfast. We were told to go up the hill comforting feeling and that is how I can bring and prepare ourselves for an amazing trip to… Gan Israel home with me by living the lessons banana boating! I quickly got my bating suit and I learned and keeping in touch with all the robe and boarded the bus of camp driver Lazar friends I made. Still I can’t picture leaving I’ll Raksin who drove us to the lake where we were miss it too much. I remember how on the first going to enjoy our day. Let me tell you did we day the only one I could express my feelings enjoy our day. We went flipping and flying and to was you but now I have so many people my zooming and speeding and yep we got drenched. age and older then me who I know care about Wow it was exciting. We returned to camp with me and I can always feel comfortable around in hard times and even better and IY”H much חיית and slightly drained ofחיית ( renewed from all the energy involved in the morning) and much more often happy times. Everyday by right in time for my favorite activity baseball. lineup we would sing that song with that line Have a good night I have to rest up now from my “Gan Yisroel has instilled in my heart a con- super day. nection that never can part” and I never thought about how true it was until this morn- ing. I’ll really miss Gan Israel. * Information deleted to protect the privacy of the camper Birthdays


ב׳ Bunk א׳ Bunk יט סיון Menachem Mendel Ehrenreich ט שבט Menachem Mendel Azimov כט ניסן Levi Yitzchok Feller ו ניסן Yehuda Chanowitz כה חשון Mendy Helman כ שבט Mottie Dubov ל תמוז Mendel Klein כח מנחם אב Daniel Hassan ג אדר Meir Kolt ג אייר Menachem Mendel Kaplan יב אדר Motti Krasnianski כד חשון Mendel Laine כח סיון Moshe Lew Avrohom Aharon Margoline כ ניסן Menachem Mendel Litzman יב תמוז Shtauber כד אלול Shlomo Malamud טו כסלו Uziel Minkowitz יא אייר Shimon Polter י ניסן Dovid Raitport כז אלול Alexander Russell ו אייר Zalman Rubinchik טו אדר Moshe Stuart יד כסלו Menachem Mendel Steinmetz ז אלול Menachem Weber כט אייר Aryeh Lieb Alporavitch

ד׳ Bunk ג׳ Bunk א שבט Chaim Alperowitz ל מנחם אב yackov yosef Ackerman יא ניסן Yisroel Blesofsky ט אלול Mayer Friedman טז שבט Isser Brikman טז תשרי Elimelch Simcha Hecht כא טבת Levi Yitzchok Eisenberg ג ניסן Yakov Yehuda Hecht טו סיון Yossie Fogelman כט סיון Mendel Kaplan ח תשרי Moshe Aaron Geisinsky יד סיון Avrohom Kievman א תמוז Yakov Mangel כ אדר שני Avrohom Kopel כ מנחם אב Levi Yitzchok Rosenblum טז כסלו Menachem Mendy Levitin כב אלול Menachem Mendel Slavin כד ניסן Dovie Levy כז תשרי Mendel Wilhelm כא מנחם אב Ruvi Lipsker כו סיון Levi Zarchi א חשון Eli Shemtov כז חשון Menachem Mendel Zulauf יב תשרי Shmuel Zuntz PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 91

ו׳ Bunk ה׳ Bunk יב אייר Tzvi Dovber Benjaminson ד תמוז Schneur Zalman Eisenberg ה טבת Shmuel Butler טז סיון Noach Finver יד תמוז Avraham Drizin י אלול Levi Goldberg ד חשון Benzion Duchman כז שבט Mendel Grossbaum כ תשרי Menachem Mendel Feldman טז טבת Menachem Kessler יא אלול Shaya Naparstek כט תשרי Reuven Sinai Korn א כסלו Menachem Mendel Polter י אייר Shmuel Dovid Raichik כב ניסן Yisroel Raksin יא ניסן Menachem Schapiro כה חשון Moshe Schapiro כא טבת Shnuer Zalman Volfman ח אייר Israel Slonim ד אדר א Dovid Werde יז אב Levi Sputz כ חשון Sholom Yaffe ח טבת Menashe Treitel כג תמוז Menachem Mendel Zeiler כא חשון Tanchom Zeiler

ח׳ Bunk ז׳ Bunk יג אדר א Yakov Barber טו אדר Avraham Levi Yitzchok Baron יג תמוז Yisroel Batt כא כסלו Yossie Brikman כ סיון Yehuda Dov Eckhaus יג אייר Shmuel Bronchtain ו תשרי Dovber Grossbaum כ תמוז Ari Bronstein יא שבט Yitzchok Aleksander Hecht כט חשון Zalman Denburg כג אדר א Efraim Yonatan Helman יג אדר א Menachem Mendel Goldberger כא אלול Chaim Hodakov יא שבט Levi Mintz ו שבט Mendel Jacobson כו אדר Menachem Mendel Mintz ז ניסן Chaim Eliezer Rapoport ג אדר Menachem Mendel Nemanov ו ניסן Menachem Rubin כ אדר Ari Rosenberg כ תשרי Menachem Mendel Sorkin טז אלול Zalman Simon ו תשרי Shaul Sugar כג אייר Benzion Zirkind ג חשון Avrahom Meir Tsvik ו כסלו Mendel Zirkind Page 92 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

י׳ Bunk ט׳ Bunk ל ניסן Nissim Benhayon טו ניסן Avi Cunin כג סיון Menachem Mendel Bongart י סיון Dovid Cunin י טבת Shloime Eber ב טבת Zalman Friedman א שבט Avrohom Edery כה שבט Menachem Kolt טז אלול Mendel Fischer ה אייר Dovid Labkowski כח שבט Menachem Mendel Futerfas יב תשרי Reuven Litzman כד אלול Shmuel Gurary ד תמוז Mendel Pinson טז שבט Yisroel Eliyahu Lerman ח אלול Sholom DovBer Polityko יג סיון Menachem Mendel Polter ג אדר Menachem Mendel Rivkin ו טבת Zeev Sasonkin ח אייר Mendy Schechter טז אלול Yehoshua Slapochnik ח מנחם אב Yisroel Vogel

י״ב Bunk י״א Bunk יב חשון Yitzchok Abehsera - Borbely טו ניסן Elchonon Bartfield יג תמוז Levi Blesofsky כא אלול Zackery Brazina כו שבט Dovid Feigenson כ תשרי Yackov Yehuda Deitsch כ אדר שני Yosef Feller טז תשרי Dovi Greenspan ה אדר Menachem Mendel Grossbaum כה כסלו Mendy Grossbaum י חשון Menachem Harlig יא שבט Levi Yosef Harari י תשרי Mendel Krasnianski כח מנחם אב Dov Ber Hassan כ שבט Leibel Pinson ט תמוז Menachem Mendel Litzman כב אדר Dovid Rosenfeld כד אדר Mendel Rimler ו טבת Chaim Shemtov יג חשון Chaim Avraham Simon יט תשרי Chaim Swued ד תשרי Mendel Simon א אלול Mendel Zeiler PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 93

י״ד Bunk י״ג Bunk כד שבט Mendel Chein כד תשרי Menachem Mendel Alperowitz ח אייר Shlomo Heber יח תמוז Menachem Angster כז תמוז Levi Katz כו כסלו Yaakov Bergstein י כסלו Gershon Bentzion Krinsky יד אדר Menachem Mendel Cohen טו טבת Yisroel Malamud כ אב melech Givre Eliezer Hashimi כט טבת Menachem Mendel Marasow ו חשון יב אייר Menachem Rabinowitz טו שבט Matan Meloul יב חשון Yossi Rotenstreich ב אדר Mendel Raichik כז שבט Shimi Russell יז סיון Yosef Boruch Rubenstein כד שבט Moishe Sperlin כח אייר Sholom Vogel כג אדר Shmuel Sputz יד ניסן Yehoshua Werner חי שבט Menachem Mendel Vogel יז תמוז Noach Zeiler

ט״ז Bunk ט״ו Bunk כו תשרי Meir Chaim Brikman כא טבת Mendel Brafman כ סיון Mendel Duchman Yosef Brook יג חשון Moshe Dubinsky ה אדר Zevi Eckhaus א תמוז Menachem Mendel Fogelman כו שבט Yaacov Chai Fakiro כה טבת Dovid Goldberg ג כסלו Levi Gansburg ז אלול Ari Herson כג סיון Yisroel Giro כב מנחם ז אלול Menachem Mendel Gutleizer אב Zalmy Kessler יג אלול Shloimie Gutnick כב טבת Schneur Zalman Marasow כד טבת Avrohom Moshe Hanoka טו שבט Shaul Shimshoni י תמוז Yechiel Piekarski כג תמוז Yakov Sirota כג סיון Mordechai Schusterman כב תשרי Mendel Stock ב חשון Menachem Mendel Shloush כח מנחם אב Zevi Sufrin ט סיון Elimelech Sufrin כ שבט Menachem Mendel Taichman Page 94 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

י״ח Bunk י״ז Bunk יב שבט Menachem Mendel Barber ו חשון Shmueli Bronstein יז אדר Menachem Mendel Benjaminson יט תשרי Shmuel Chanowitz י סיון Yossi Bogomilsky יא טבת Levi Yitzchok Cunin ט שבט Berry / Sholom Dov Ber Cohen כח אדר ב Mendel Cunin כט תמוז Menachem Mendel Heber יא טבת Tzemach Tzedek Cunin ו אייר Naftali Junik כא אב Menachem Mendel Deitsch ד סיון Yehoshua Krasnianski יט שבט Levi Goorevitch יז כסלו Mendy Lebovic כט טבת Eli Gross יב טבת Nisson Minsky יא ניסן Mendel Gurkov כו אדר Shlomie Sirota כח אלול Schneur Hertz יז כסלו Tzvi Hersh Weinstein כד אדר ב Mendel Raksin כז ניסן Yechezkal Yerushalmi ד שבט Sholom Ber Scheinfeld כד כסלו Moshe Spalter

כ׳ Bunk י״ט Bunk כ כסלו Menachem Mendel Astolin יז אלול Yisroel Dovid Benjamin Menachem Greenbaum כד ניסן Mendy Giter ה תשרי Eli Gross כד שבט Yaakov Gurkov א תמוז Lazer Tov Introlegator ה ניסן Laibel Hanoka כה טבת Menachem Mendel Kohn יז תמוז Shlomo Hassan ח חשון Shlomie Raitport ד תשרי Yisroel Lehrer כב אדר ב Naftali Reinetz יג סיון Mendel Raskin טז כסלו Yehuda Rendler ז כסלו Mendy Ruder יב אדר ב Mendy Rosenfeld ד אדר Mendel Sabol חי ניסן Menachem Mendel Smetana ו שבט Menachem Mendel Soffer טז אייר Menachem Wudowsky כ ניסן Mendel Zuntz PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 95

כ״ב Bunk כ״א Bunk כא ניסן Yaakov Chaim Baron יא מנחם אב Yisroel Edery א אדר Shlomo Finver טז אדר Levi Yitzchok Goldfarb כב חשון Yeshaya Itkin כט אדר Menachem Mendel Heber ז אדר Menachem Mendel Keller כא סיון Moshe Kalmenson ל אדר א Yisroel David Lakshin יא ניסן Menachem Mendel Korn א תמוז Nechemia Lazarus יב אדר ב Mendel Kugel ז טבת Joseph Levieddin כט תמוז Menachem Mendel Mintz יז תשרי Yisroel Luchins יב חשון Yechaskel Dovid Tzvi Nesher כד טבת Yossi Miller יב שבט Nachman Oberlander ז אדר Menachem Mendel Rosenblum כו אדר ב Menachem Mendel Raskin כה מנחם ח תשרי Reuben Dovid Reines אב Levi Yitzchok Yaffe ז אלול Avinoam Slotnick ד אלול Rueben Zulauf כט תמוז Mendy Zakon

כ״ד Bunk כ״ג Bunk י אדר ב Leibel Bendet כג שבט Menachem Mendel Bergstein טו כסלו Menachem Dahan ב טבת Menachem Caroline טו כסלו Michael Dahan כו כסלו Matisyahu Gross כג אייר Chaim Grossbaum יד שבט Gavriel Hashimi כח שבט Yaakov Kievman יד מנחם אב Sholom Hazan ד טבת Zev Krainer טו אדר א Sholom Lazar ב טבת Nisan Levitin ג מנחם אב Menachem Mendel Rapoport טז טבת Yanason Stein חי תשרי Mendy Rapoport ו אדר Zevi Stern כא אדר א Yaakov Rosenblum כב ניסן Isaac Sufrin ו סיון Mendy Rudolph ח אב Mendel Tenenbaum חי מנחם אב Shmulie Shollar ג שבט Chaim Wachtel יד חשון Shlomo Yaakov Stark ז תמוז Mendy Whitman יב תשרי Nissi Yomtov Page 96 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

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R A W C O O K E 1 7. 9 9 O K E R P E R S O N A N O T F U N N Y R Q O R G R A I N H A H A N W F I V E G R A U Y H S M R I G O A R A T P L I K C O O K E D A R M E Y A I N S H O L S C O K R G N I F N B R Q Z P B Y C W L L L L S T L R O O L F U F F S P O T L B A O L L F E L L Y O A T D O U R I R N G M E A K A H S H S V O G V P L R T Y I E Z M N O P U W T A F E V P S O U E G D S U R I S S M A Y E O L R U O S B G R I A H C H T F F O O T J U S C G L F S J D G W E W B S L R O U C I T M R O E R U O U U R R H A P Y E A H P K A E O W L O L U S R A E E R R E E P T F F A F Y V V U L L P T I L I A L Y L F S F R O Y T C R A H S E P U O S M A I N E T H L O T A A F L E S H P R S R O U N C H A F F F H B R E R E E U S P H L E R Q Q W F H E T A V P O H I U Y R E Y E L R A B W F Q A S D F R G H W L C V N M S E R P E Q P R T S G A L F X I S D F G L V B O O L L L F W H E A C O O K V G T O A J U S T L L A G A N I S R A E L D R B A R H W A E H W Y R O U O P P C H A F O L L U F C M E Y A I N S S E E Y O U N E X T Y E A R S

Cooked Grain Chaff Ground Wheat WGIN Full Barley StaffPlay Soup Spelt BorisHere GanIsrael Rye SixFlags Flagpole Oat Seeyounextyear Yellow Pages


Position First Name Last Name Phone Number Email Address Head Counselor Isser New 404‐668‐0241 [email protected] Head Counselor Shaul Perlstein 773‐960‐0363 [email protected] Head Counselor Leibel Kesselman 248‐224‐4150 [email protected] Head Counselor Shua Brook 347‐721‐8657 [email protected] ECAD Levi Schapiro ECAD Assistant Eli Lipskar 305‐534‐7425 [email protected] N.O.D. Yosef Kramer 718‐778‐0015 [email protected] ?!?!?!?!?! Moshele Liberow 503‐335‐9878 [email protected] Head Counselor Assis‐ Benzion Shemtov 520‐881‐7956 [email protected] tant Counselor Yosef Bergovoy 347‐419‐4177 [email protected] Counselor Mendy Cohen Learning Director Chaim Zaklos 248‐548‐2827 [email protected] Learning Director Yossi Perlstein 347‐407‐0740 [email protected] Learning Teacher Nissen Moscowitz 773‐338‐3595 Learning Teacher Shimon Galperin 718‐773‐6674 Learning Teacher Chaim Yisroel Klein 347‐243‐8776 Learning Teacher Zevy Geisinsky 516‐423‐6510 [email protected] Learning Teacher Mendy Simpson 347‐410‐3010 Learning Teacher Shmuly Karp 718‐774‐1511 Learning Teacher Nissan Kornfeld 206‐232‐1797 [email protected] Learning Teacher / Shmaya Futerfas 718‐664‐2058 Canteen Staff Learning Teacher Avrohom Abba Wolosow 718‐493‐3156 [email protected] Learning Teacher Levi Yitzchok Sputz 718‐493‐3156 Learning Teacher Levi Abelsky 718‐953‐7040 Learning Teacher Leibel Greenbaum 347‐404‐3235 [email protected] Learning Teacher Shimon Dubinsky 973‐984‐3987 [email protected] Learning Teacher Dani Loigman 732‐539‐1631 [email protected] Learning Teacher Aharon M. Kupfer 718‐633‐2902 Learning Teacher Shmuel Perlstein 473‐338‐9317 [email protected] Learning Teacher Leibel Bronstein 718‐953‐5856 [email protected] Learning Teacher Peretz Kazen 718‐773‐2005 Learning Teacher Yosef Blau 718‐408‐0236 yose[email protected] Learning Teacher Mendy Tzfasman 718‐774‐0179 Learning Teacher/ Yaakov Feldman 718‐467‐6146 [email protected] Lifeguard Learning Teacher Schneur Zalman Perman 305‐677‐6884 [email protected] Learning Teacher Boruch Losh 718‐756‐4242 Learning Teacher Shmuel Nadler 347‐228‐2895 [email protected] Learning Teacher Yechezkel Akerman 718‐756‐0781 [email protected] Learning Teacher Levi Shemtov 718‐360‐0845 [email protected] PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 99

Position First Name Last Name Phone Number Email Address Learning Teacher Yekusiel Goldstein 718‐453‐1313 [email protected] Learning Teacher Levi Diskin 718‐715‐0592 Learning Teacher Levi Freedman 248‐336‐9636 [email protected] Learning Teacher Dovid Slavin 718‐773‐4003 Head Lifeguard Zalman Sandhaus Lifeguard Yossi Raskin 718‐774‐8412 [email protected] Lifeguard Naphtali Zakon 347‐423‐5057 Lifeguard Shmuel Vishedsky 917‐783‐2352 [email protected] Lifeguard David M. Hassan 845‐356‐2723 [email protected] Lifeguard Gavriel Vainer 416‐512‐6394 [email protected] Lifeguard Zalmy Schreiber 718‐774‐3503 [email protected] Kitchen Staff Ori Gez 05‐4645‐4849 [email protected] Kitchen Staff Sholom Ber Keselman Kitchen Staff Moshe Y. Lewis 718‐771‐6886 [email protected] Kitchen Staff Nissi Kitchen Staff Avremi Metal 718‐774‐6559 [email protected] Kitchen Staff Yosef Deray 412‐422‐6727 [email protected] Kitchen Staff Yosef Hellinger 305‐778‐1137 [email protected] Arts & Crafts Levi Teitlebaum 347‐528‐9460 [email protected] Arts & Crafts Shneur Zalman Goldbloom [email protected] General Manager Tzvi Shuchat 905‐886‐5985 [email protected] General Manager Yosef Schapiro Assistant GM Heshie Goldfein Assistant GM Avrume Goldfein 610‐209‐7369 [email protected] Van Driver Akiva Camissar 972‐545‐87703 [email protected] Van Driver Shmuly Klein 718‐773‐2626 [email protected] Ofice Manager Simcha Raskin 718‐756‐9270 [email protected] Ofice Manager Sroly Goldstein [email protected] NAD Boruch Sholom Blesofsky 718‐493‐1304 [email protected] MBP Shmuel D. Wilhelm 416‐789‐9075 rostovnadanu@yahoo MBP Assistant Boruch Sholom Greenberg O.D. Yisroel Leiv Rubenstein [email protected] Menachem Photo Lab Mendel Simon 347‐601‐6797 [email protected] Program Director Shimon New 9179715433 [email protected] P.D. Assistant Shneur Zalman Naparstek 718‐953‐2597 [email protected] Video Moshe Raskin 718‐685‐6880 [email protected] EMT Berel Hassan 845‐641‐3481 [email protected] EMT Yisroel D. Goldstein Canteen Manager Hendel Futerfas 718‐604‐2058 Canteen Manager Moishy Lew [email protected] Canteen Staff Mendy Friedman 347‐419‐3941 [email protected] Page 100 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY

Position First Name Last Name Phone Number Email Address Computer Room Ari Oppenheimer 27114852745 [email protected] Librarian & Lost & Found Shloimi Minkowicz 347‐407‐1102 [email protected] Laundry Shimon Korolitzky 347‐276‐2713 [email protected] Tutor Yisroel Tzivin 718‐756‐6721 [email protected] Tutor Mendel Shemtov 267‐229‐5845 [email protected] Tutor Eliezer Avtzon 718‐902‐7022 [email protected] Head Shliach Sholom Zarchi 718‐756‐1542 [email protected] Administrator Zalmen Zarchi Maggid Shiur Shlomo Horowitz 347‐482‐5865 [email protected] Waiter LT Yale New 404‐840‐7617 [email protected] Head Waiter Zalman Futerfas therebbescamp@yahoo Waiter Dovber Lewis 718‐771‐6886 deebster190@gmail Waiter Sharshi Borisute 718‐453‐4084 [email protected] Waiter Zevi Zeiler 203‐672‐4813 [email protected] Waiter Sruly Duchman 718‐773‐1688 [email protected] Waiter Levi Sharfstein 718‐953‐2866 [email protected] Waiter Zalmy Raksin 347‐749‐4525 [email protected] Waiter Shmuli Slonim 607‐237‐6667 [email protected] Waiter Yossi Rubashkin 718‐771‐4464 Waiter Mendel Kalmenson 718‐363‐9504 [email protected] Waiter Dovi Gross 718‐756‐8347 [email protected] Waiter Yisroel Hurwitz 718‐771‐2414 [email protected] Waiter Sholom Ber Lew 404‐255‐3297 [email protected] Waiter Mendy Goorevitch 949‐463‐3550 Waiter Yankel Sabol 323‐770‐2277 [email protected] PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 101

On behalf of the entire Gan Israel Staff & campers we wish to express our sincerest and warmest

“Thank You”


Rabbi & Mrs. Yo s s i Fu t e r fa s And Family

We extened a hearty thanks of appereciation for your boundless devotion to the staff and campers.

With best wishes for continued Hatzlocha and a K’sivah V’chasimah Tova!

Camp Gan Israel-summer 5767 Page 102 KIRYAT GAN ISRAEL NY On behalf of all the campers & staff of Camp Gan Israel 50+ we would like to extend a warm,

“Thank You”

To our Executive Director

Rabbi & Rebbetzin Shemtov

For reminding us what a true Chosid is all about!

PARKSVILLE, NY 5767 Page 103

On behalf of the campers & staff of Gan Israel-50+ years we herby extend our most sincere gratitude to,

Mr. Ronald o. Perelman

For his continues supporting Rabbi A. Shemtov Rabbi Y. Futerfas Executive Director Director