
בס״ד In loving memory of MRS. SARAH

ISSUE 316 (CHARLOTTE) ROHR ַּפ רְ ַׁש ת ַצ ו ַׁשּבָ ת ַהגָ דֹול • ז’ ניסן ה’תשע״ח Parshas Tzav Shabbos Hagadol 7 Nissan 5778

ַּפ רְ ַׁש ת ַצ ו ַׁשּבָ ת ַהגָ דֹול


You’re about to do something very important—a special mitzva, tefillah, mission, chore or favor that must be done now. You’re so excited and motivated to get it done well! And then, all of a sudden, your Yetzer Hora comes to have a little chat with you. You start feeling lazy, not in the mood, and too tired to care. In n troductio Suddenly you remember all the other things you have to take care of that day. You remember that you have something else that’s more exciting to do. Without realizing, your enthusiasm about doing that , mission, favor etc. totally fades.

What do you do? Do you push off doing the right thing for a time when you’re excited about doing it? Should you get down and saddened by how convincing the Yetzer Hora can be? Do you feel upset that it’s so challenging?

Well, guess what, when the Yetzer Hora comes to distract you, what he’s really doing is sending you a secret message. And when you figure out what that hidden message is, it can help you overpower him. This week’s parsha will tell us this secret, and it’ll help us respond to the Yetzer Hora.

פרשת צו פרק ח' פסוק ב' ַ“קח אֶ ַ הֲ רֹןת־א וְאֶת־ּבָ נָיואִ ּתֹו וְאֵ ת ַהּבְ גָדִ ים וְאֵת ׁשֶמֶ ן ַהּמִׁשְחָ ה תוְאֵ ַּפר ַה ַחּטָ את וְאֵת ׁשְ נֵי הָאֵ ילִים וְאֵ ת ַסל ַה ַּמצֹות” “Take Aharon and his sons with him, and the garments, and the anointing oil, and the sin offering bull, and the two rams, and the basket of unleavened bread.”

רש''י: פרשה זו נאמרה שבעת ימים קודם הקמת המשכן here writes: This section was said seven days before the Mishkan was set up.

In this week’s parsha we learn about the “shivas yimei hamiluim”, the seven days of preparation. Hashem tells Moshe many things to do as part of preparing the Mishkon for use.


The explains to us that, in this week’s parsha, the Yidden just finished building the parts of the Mishkon. They brought all the boards, curtains and keilim to Moshe Rabeinu. Now the Days of Rebbe Preparation began. Moshe Rabbeinu himself set up the Mishkon and then brought korbanos on the mizbeach. He also taught Aharon and his children how to do the service of Hashem in the Mishkon. All these final touches made the Mishkon ready so that it could finally be used by the Yidden to serve Hashem.

We can learn an important lesson from the process of finishing to build the Mishkon. Every Jew must realize that we are now at the dawn of golus, we are ready to set up the third Bais Hamikdosh, Lesson which is also referred to as Mishkon. The only thing that remains to be done is to finish up the small final touches.

Every child in , together with all the Jewish people, must finish the fight against the Yetzer. We must overpower every last little fight that the Yetzer Hora stages. We must ignore all the little voices in the back of our heads telling us not to do the right thing.

When every child will complete their mission of learning Torah and doing mitzvos joyously, then there will be an end to the “big” matter of golus. No leftovers will remain. We will have the geula ha’amitis v’hashleima, and there will never again be a golus.

All of us, together with the children who we influenced to join Tzivos Hashem and to fight their Yetzer, will go to our Holy Land, to Yerushalayim, our holy city, where everything will be ready for the building of the third Bais Hamikdosh, speedily in our days.

So, chayolim, realize that we are now in the last moments of golus and we are doing those last few bits to finish setting up the third B’chein Bais Hamikdosh and bringing the geula. What we are doing is so needed and important and makes a huge difference. We are the ones who will complete the final few steps. There’s only so little left to do—we’re almost there! What YOU do will make it happen!!

And what about the Yetzer Hora? He’s only coming to distract you because he knows that what you are doing is so important! When the Yetzer Hora sees how hard you work, he gets scared. He isn’t sure if he can win against strong kavonas during davening and kids who help their parents. The Yetzer Hora is trying to stop you because you are doing something really good—building the Bais Hamikdosh! The stronger 3 you are, the harder the Yetzer Hora fights! Instead of giving up when he comes, realize his hidden message is “you are doing something so powerful that will finish building the Bais Hamikdosh!” So don’t get scared when it gets difficult, just ignore and continue doing what you are doing. When you ignore the Yetzer Hora’s advice to give up, you complete the last steps of building the Bais Hamikdosh. Just finish off that Yetzer Hora, let there be no trace of him, and we’ll have the complete and true geula Hamitas V”Hashleima!

4 English Sicha

The Jewish people finished building the parts of the Mishkon. They brought all the boards, curtains and keilim to Moshe Rabeinu. Now the “Days of Preparation” began. Moshe Rabeinu himself erected the Mishkon and then brought karbanos on the mizbeach. He also taught Aharon and his children how to do the service of Hashem in the Mishkon. All these final touches readied the Mishkon so that it could finally be used by the Yidden to serve Hashem.

We can learn an important lesson from the process of finishing to build the Mishkon. Every Jew must realize that we are now at the dawn of golus; we are ready to erect the third Bais Hamikdosh, which is also referred to as Mishkon. The only thing that remains to be done is to finish up the small final touches. Every child in Tzivos Hashem, together with all the Jewish people, must finish the fight against the Yetzer. They must triumph in every last little fight that the Yetzer Hora stages. They must ignore all the little voices in the back of their heads telling them to do the wrong thing.

When every child will complete the small matters in his mission of learning Torah and doing mitzvos joyously, then there will be an end to the “big” matter of golus. No “leftovers” will remain. We will have the geula ha’amitis v’hashleima, and there will never again be golus.

All of us, together with the children who we influenced to join Tzivos Hashem and to fight their own Yetzer, will go to our Holy Land, and our holy city of Yerushalayim, where everything will be ready for the building of the third Bais Hamikdosh, speedily in our days.

5 Yiddish Sicha um ehbsgr mu rgsy rch sgr

hnh vnhkutho hnh hi vhhbyhegr prav uugry sgrmhhky uugdi sgo Tbvuhc sgo uugdi sgrmhhky uugry prav vhhbyhegr hi ' sh ygd pui mudrhhyi zhl/ sTx zhl/ mudrhhyi pui ygd sh ' 1 vnhkuthoW Whnh sh pui t nhhby: bTl sgo uuh nwthz pRryhe dguuTri mu nRfi sgo nafi sgo nRfi mu dguuTri pRryhe nwthz uuh sgo bTl nhhby: )sh eraho tui hrhgu,( nhy Rkg zhhbg fkho vTy nav rchbu nav vTy fkho zhhbg Rkg nhy hrhgu,( tui eraho )sh tuhpdgaygky sgo nafi tui vTy thi tho nerhc dguugi nerhc tho thi vTy tui nafi sgo tuhpdgaygky ercbu, tui njbl dguugi tvri tui zhhbg ehbsgr' sh fvbho' uuh fvbho' sh ehbsgr' zhhbg tui tvri dguugi njbl tui ercbu, ngi sRr; yTi sh gcusv thi nafi/ thi gcusv sh yTi sRr; ngi _ 2 turW W,urv pui _ vurtv khfyheg R ngi vTy sgrpui tuh; Rkg ygd pui hTr: pui ygd Rkg tuh; hgsgr ths sRr; uuhxi' Rz nhr dgphbgi zhl thi sgo xu; pui xu; sgo thi zhl dgphbgi nhr Rz uuhxi' sRr; ths hgsgr sgr WbRfyW pui dku, tui Rk. thz pRryhe tui drhhy tz nwzTk tz drhhy tui pRryhe thz Rk. tui dku, pui WbRfyW sgr egbgi tuhpaygki sgo ch, vnesa vakhah )uuTx uugry )uuTx vakhah vnesa ch, sgo tuhpaygki egbgi nesa W tz zTdi 3 jzWk sh uuh WnafiW' Tbdgrupi W' sgr nesa uugry Tbdgrupi uugry nesa sgr W' nafi therh thi zhl dgphbgi nhr WnafiW(/ sgr pui xu; sgo sh thhbmheg zRl uuTx thz dgckhci thz mu thz dgckhci thz uuTx zRl thhbmheg sh tui dku, pui "bRfy" _ Rz hgsgr ehbs hgsgr Rz _ *3 WekhhbhehhyiW sh pRrgbshei Rz drhhy thz Rk. pui Wmctu, vaoW' muzRngi nhy Rkg thsi' Rkg nhy muzRngi vaoW' Wmctu, pui egbgi nwzTk zTki pRrgbshei sh nkjn, vhmr tui ncyk zhhi ncyk tui vhmr nkjn, sh pRrgbshei zTki ch, sgo tuhpaygki Rkg WekhhbhbegW zRfi pui sh akgfyg gmu, pui gmu, akgfyg sh pui zRfi WekhhbhbegW Rkg vakhah vnesa sgo hmr vrg/ hmr sgo tui surl sgo uuTx hgsgr thhbgr pRrgbshey zhhi gcusv zhhi pRrgbshey thhbgr hgsgr uuTx sgo surl tui pui kgrbgi ,urv tui nehho zhhi nmuu, nhy anjv' uugry R uugry anjv' nhy nmuu, zhhi nehho tui ,urv kgrbgi pui xu; mu sgr dRbmgr zRl pui dku, tui gx ckhhcy pui thr bhy thr pui ckhhcy gx tui dku, pui zRl dRbmgr sgr mu xu; ehhbg WahrhhoW ucnhkt vTy ngi R dtukv tnh,h, athi tjrhw athi tnh,h, dtukv R ngi vTy ucnhkt WahrhhoW ehhbg dku,/

6 sgr rch rgsy mu ehbsgr mu rgsy rch sgr um

tui Rkg muzRngi _ Rrhhbdgrgfby sh Rkg ehbsgr tuh; ehbsgr Rkg sh Rrhhbdgrgfby _ muzRngi Rkg tui uugkfg nwvTy naphg dguugi mu Rrhhbakhxi zhl thi Wmctu, thi zhl Rrhhbakhxi mu dguugi naphg nwvTy uugkfg vaoW tui pRrgbshei zhhgr jke thi nkjn, vhmr _ dhhgi mu dhhgi _ vhmr nkjn, thi jke zhhgr pRrgbshei tui vaoW trmbu vesuav' tui sTry dupt _ mu hruakho ghr veusa tui veusa ghr hruakho mu _ dupt sTry tui vesuav' trmbu muo Wvr vch,W' uuTx sTryi thz Rk. drhhy pRr sgo cbhi sgo pRr drhhy Rk. thz sTryi uuTx vch,W' Wvr muo vnafi uvnesa' sgo ch, vnesa vakhah' cnvrv chnhbu cnvrv vakhah' vnesa ch, sgo uvnesa' vnafi nna/

)huWs tsr abh ,asWn( abh tsr )huWs

1( rtv pra"h mu j' c/ 2( nakh u' fd/ 3( ghruchi c' t/ *3( rtv ahj, anj, ,urv ,rp"j/ ,urv anj, ahj, rtv *3( t/ c' ghruchi 3( fd/ u' nakh 2( c/ j' mu pra"h rtv 1(

7 Parshafier the

קַהִתְ ׁשְ ר ּו ת I shared a sicha of the Rebbe Yitzy: YAY! Time to celebrate! at my ּצַת ּׁ ְ ר ַּ פ Shabbos table Chany: Why’s Yitzy so excited? ORDERS FROM Sruly: Because in Parshas Tzav the Yidden brought the parts OUR GENERAL for the Mishkon to Moshe Rabbeinu, and then shivas yemei Vol. 4, pgs. 147-148 miluyim, days of inaugurating the Mishkon, began. Yitzy: And then Moshe put the Mishkon together! Hooray! STARRING Chany: Moshe Rabbeinu is amazing. He taught the Kohanim everything they needed to know about the Mishkon. I hope The Weiss Family he’s our Parshafier tour guide this week.

Rivky: Of all people, he would know how to build the Beis Hamikdosh. You think he can give us some tips?

Yitzy: Okay, let’s see if he’s a tour guide option this week... huh? Nothing is showing up. Ugh! Why isn’t anything Chany Rivky happening when I press this button?

Chany: Is the Parshafier broken? Parshafier, we need you!

Reb Einlosheim: Don't worry... Everything is going to be okay.

Rivky: Wait, who are you? And how did you get here?

Sruly Yitzy Reb Einlosheim: I'm Reb Einlosheim. Let’s just say that when Moshe Rabbeinu saw the Parshafier wouldn’t let you come to him, he sent me to you. I can't tell you all my secrets... GUEST STARRING Sruly: Why isn’t our machine working?

Yitzy: It says “ERROR: 404 – Not Found!” Oh boy. Looks like Reb the Parshafier got a virus. That means somebody knows all Einlosheim about our machine and is trying to break it. Who would want to break the Parshafier?!

Reb Einlosheim: What's a virus? NOW IT’S YOUR TURN Yitzy: I guess they don't use that term where you come from. Read this at your Shabbos table, acting out It's when something attacks a machine and makes it act the different characters with your family. Then, discuss the question of the week and wrong. apply the Parshafier’s lesson to your lives. Reb Einlosheim: Who would want to do that to the Parshafier?8 It's a great machine...takes you on adventures, teaches you 2 Hachayol 316

316 Tzav.indd 2 2/26/2018 8:53:01 PM the parsha, helps you grow... Oh, I know who would him, and you’ll have the complete and true geula— ! ְג אֻ לָ ה אֲהָ מִ ּתִ י ת ְו הַ ְשׁ ֵ ל מָ ה !be after it

Chany: Ugh, the Yetzer Hora. He’s so mean! Yitzy, Rivky: We were right! The Yetzer Hora was trying do you know how to work with computer coding? to stop us because we were doing something really Yitzy: Yeah, I’m trying to figure this thing out. I good—building the Beis Hamikdosh. think—oh hey! Look at what this screen says: “Dear Reb Einlosheim: When the Yetzer Hora sees how Parshafier Squad, you really shouldn’t be working hard you work, he gets scared. He isn’t sure if he so hard. Sincerely, the Yetzer Hora.” can win against strong kavonas during davening Rivky: No way. If the Yetzer Hora’s trying so hard and kids who help their parents. to stop us, it must be we’re doing something really good. Chany: Is that why he makes those things hard to do? Reb Einlosheim: I think you are on to something. Yeah, the stronger you are, the Sruly: Moshe isn't here, but maybe you can answer Reb Einlosheim: our questions instead of him? We have some time harder the Yetzer Hora fights. while Yitzy works on the machine. Sruly: But we’re not gonna let him win! We’re gonna Chany: Yeah, were you there when Moshe put the get all the Yiddishe kids to join Tzivos Hashem and Mishkon together? Can you tell us how we can get fight the Yetzer Hora. Then we’re all going to march the Beis Hamikdosh built? on to Yerushalayim and bring korbanos in the Reb Einlosheim: I don’t need to tell you how. You perfect, Yetzer Hora-free Beis Hamikdosh. kids are doing it perfectly. When you ignored the Blipblipblip…. Yetzer Hora’s advice to give up, you were completing the last steps of building the Beis Hamikdosh. Just Yitzy: Finally, the machine is working again. Reb finish off that Yetzer Hora, let there be no trace of Einlosheim, want a ride home?

How can you build the beis hamikdosh?

9 3 ּצ תַ ּׁ ְ ר ַּ פ

316 Tzav.indd 3 2/26/2018 8:53:03 PM `

Transcript Follow along with the transcript as you listen to the Rebbe saying the Sicha in the recording.

ַ זא סְ'אִ יז גֶעקּומֶען דִ י ַציְיט ווֶעגְן ווֶעלְכֶ ע ,During the time about which we are talking about טסְ'רֶעדְ זִ יְך - אָ נְהֹויּבֶ ענְדִיקפּון רְ בִיעִ יפּון ַּפרְ ַׁשת ַצו - ,starting from the fourth aliya in parshas Tzav

אִיז דָ אס גֶעווֶען ווִ י ַרׁשִ"י עֶרְקְ לֶערְ ט, .Rashi provides an explanation

דֶעם עֶרְׁשְטְן טָ אג ווֶען מְ'הָ אט ,On the day that the Mishkon was set up אֹויפְ גֶעׁשְטֶ עלְטדֶעם מִׁשְ ּכָ ן, אִ ינְ ַג ןאנְצְ ַצּוזאמֶ ען-גֶעּבְ ַ אכְר טצּו מֹׁשֶ ה it was brought all together to Moshe Rabeinu ַרּבֵ ינּו אּון אֹויפְ גֶעׁשְטֶ עלְט דִימִׁשְ ּכָ ן, ,and set up

דִיקְרָׁשִים, מִיט ידִ יְרִ יעֹות, ,the beams, the curtains

אּון ַמקְרִ יב גֶעווֶען קָרְ ּבָ נֹות וכו' .and korbonos were brought

אּון ווֶער אִ יז גֶעווֶען דִ י ַמקְרִ יבֵ י These korbonos were brought ַהּקָרְ ּבָ נֹות, הָ אט מֹשֶ ׁה ַ ּבֵ רינּו גֶערּופְ ן ַאהֲ רֹן ּובָ נָ יו ,by Aharon and his sons

אּון עֶ ר ַאלֵיין אֹויכֶ עט, as well as by Moshe himself

אּון עֶר הָאט אֹויפְ גֶעׁשְטֶ עלְט דִימִׁשְ ּכָ ן .in addition to him setting up the Mishkon

אּון זֵ יי ַ לֶעא הָאּבְן דעֹובֵ גֶעווֶען עֲבֹודָתָ ם, ,They all did their avoda

ַמקְרִ יב גֶעווֶען דִיקָרְ ּבָ נֹות ,bringing the korbonos

ווִי דֶערְ צֵ יילְטאִין דֶער ּתֹורָ ה ,like the Torah says

אָ נְהֹויּבְ נְדִיקפּון דֶעם ׁשִ יעּור אִין רְ בִיעִ י, .starting from the fourth aliya

ווָאס דָאס אִ יז אֹויכֶ עט ַ א ה"ּתֹורָ אֹור" - "This is also a "Torah Ohr

ַא לִיכְטִיקֶ ע אָ נְ ַוויְיזּונְ ג ַפאר יֶעדֶ ער פּון a shining lesson for each one of us אּונְ ז, 10 אּון ַפאר ַאלֶעמֶ ען, ווָאס מְ 'לֶערְ נְט ּבְ כָ ל ,and for everyone to learn every year ַה ָּ ׁש ָ נ ה , אּון סְּפֶעצִיעֶל דֶעם טָ אג ווָאס דָאס אִ יז especially on the day that it is the (of ) of that day. דֶערׁשִיעּור פּון טָ אג, ַאז יֶעדֶער אִ יד ַדארְ ף ווִיסְ ן, ,Every Yid must know

ַאז סְ'אִ יז ַאלְץ צּוגֶעגְרֵ ייט, ,that everything is prepared

ַ זמְ א'זָאל צּוׁשְטֶ עלְן דִי"מִׁשְ ּכָן דְאִיקְרִ י [to set up our Mishkon [which is also called a Mikdosh מִקְּדָ ׁש", דֶ עם ּבֵ ית ַהּמִקְּדָ ׁש ַהׁשְּ לִיׁשִ י, .the third Bais Hamikdosh

ווָארּום מְ'אִיזׁשֹוין דּורְ כְגֶ ַעגאנְגֶען דִ י ,Since we already went through the night of golus ַנ אכְטפּון גָ לּות, מֶ ען ַדארְף מֶ ער נִיט ווִ י ַפארְעֶ ןנְדִיקְ נָ אְך all we need to do is finish the small things דִי קְ לֵיינִ ַיקיְיטְ ן, דּורְְך דֶ ערֹויף ווָאס יֶעדֶ ער פּון ַאיְיְך ווֶ עט ,by each one of you ending the fight ַפארְעֶ נְדִיקְן דֶ עם ַ"פאיט", ּבָטֵ ל ַמ אכְן דִיעֵצֹות פּון דֶ עם יֵצֶר הָ ַרע doing away with the advice of the Yetzer Hora ַה ּזֶ ה , אּון דֶעם חֹוׁשֶ ְך וְ ַ תׁשֹוא פּון יֵצֶר הָ ַרע ַהּזֶ ה, ,and the darkness made by the Yetzer Hora

אּון דֶעם סֵבֶל פּון דֶ עם יֵצֶר הָ ַרע ַהּזֶ ה, ,and the suffering caused by the Yetzer Hora

דִי קְ לֵיינִ ַיק ןיְיטְ ווָאס אִ יז נָ אְך ַ ארְפ ּבְ לִיּבְ ן, .and all the small things that remain

. . דּורְ ְך ַפארְעֶ נְדִיקְן דִ י ַזאכְ ן This is done by completing

ווָאס עֶ ר ַ ארְף דנָאְך צּולֶערְ נֶען אִין ּתֹורָ ה, that which one still needs to learn in Torah

אּון צּוגֶעּבְן אִין קִ יּום ַהּמִ צְוֹות מִ יט .and by adding in doing mitzvos with simcha ׂשִ מְ חָ ה , ווָאס דֶעמָ אלְט ווֶערְ ט ַפארְעֶ נְדִיקְט דֶ ער ,Then the golus will be over גָ לּות אּון עֶ ר ווֶערְ ט ַפארְעֶ נְדִיקְ ט אִ ין ַ ןא אֹופֶ ן and will be finished in a way that ַאז סְ'ּבְ ַל יְיּבְטפּון אִים קֵיין "ׁשִ ַיריִם" נִ יט, ,nothing remains of it at all

ַ א"גְאּולָה ׁשֶ אֵ ין ַא חֲרֶי׳הָ גָ לּות" - ,a geula without any golus afterward

ַ ןא ראֶמֶת'עֶ גְאּולָ ה, .a true geula

אּון אָט דֶעמָ אלְט גֵייט מֶ ען גְ ַליְיְך ,Then we will go immediately

11 "ּבִנְעָרֵ ינּו ּובִזְקֵ נֵנּו ּבְבָ נֵינּו ּובִבְנֹותֵ ינּו", -with our children and our elderly, our sons and our daugh ters, יֶעדֶערֶ ער פּון ַאיְיְך נֶעמְט מִ יט ,each one of you taking with you

ַא לֶעאִידִיׁשֶע קִ ינְדֶ ער צּו ווֶעלְכֶע עֶ ר ,all the Jewish children to whom you can reach קָאן דֶערְ גְרֵ ייכְ ן, דּורְְך דֶ ערֹויף ווָאס רעֶ טווִירְקְ אֹויף זֵ יי through affecting them ַאיְ ין דּורְ ְך "וְאָ ַ בְּתָ הלְרֵעֲ ָךּכָ מֹוָך", ,with Ahavas Yisroel

ַ אאִ עינְגֶעלֶ אֹויף ַ אאִ עינְגֶעלֶ אּון ַא ,a boy influencing a boy and a girl influencing a girl מֵיידֶ עעלֶ אֹויף ַא מֵיידֶ עלֶ ע, ַ ז איֶעדֶ ער פּון זֵיי זָ אל ןווֶערְ אִין "צִבְ אֹות ,so that each one of them will join Tzivos Hashem ה'", אּון ַפארְעֶ נְדִיקְ ן ַזיְין טֵייל אִ ין ַמאכְ ן and finish their portion of lighting up לִ י כְ טִ י ג דִ י לֶעצְטֶע רְ גָעִ ים פּון גָ לּות. .the last moments of golus

12 בס״ד In loving memory of MRS. SARAH ISSUE 316 (CHARLOTTE) ROHR ַּפ רְ ַׁש ת ַצ ו ַׁשּבָ ת ַהגָ דֹול • ז’ ניסן ה’תשע״ח Parshas Tzav Shabbos Hagadol 7 Nissan 5778

PARSHA WORKSHEETName: ______The Yetzer Harah tries to distract us from putting on the last bricks to the Beis Hamikdash Can you help the Chayol stay focused on the right path to complete his most important job?

What's it for I'm not in the It's Learn Torah I'm so tired It's so hard I give up anyways mood impossible

Go on Help my Study for my I'm not It's not even I don't have It's not fun Mivtzoim mother test interested so important to

Everyone Visit my Say a Say a I want to will make so Why should Do things friend who's Bracha out Brachos in play instead much fun of I? with a smile sick loud the morning me

Help my Bring Negal Do my Dress like a Go to Shul friend with I'm too lazy Vaser to It's so silly missions Chayol homework your bed

Look inside Daven No one It'snot my Give Speak I'll do it the with extra cares job Tzedaka respectfuly tomorrow when you Kavana anyways daven

Say Tehillim Share your Someone Memorize I'm too upset Learn about Shabbos snack with a Go to a else can do now Moshiach Mevarcghim friend it instead Teacher’s Resources Credits: Chanie Brod, Chaya Cadaner, Toba’le Simon, Rivky Franklin, Mushka Greene, Chaya Kalmenson, Mussi Kaplan, Shterna Karp, Rochelle Katzman, Rechyl Korf, Rivka Namirovski, Mirel Reizes, Zelda Weinbaum, Esther Zucker, Chava Leiba Witkes, Mendel Groner, Rabbi Shmuel Rabin, Rabbi Shimmy Weinbaum